Flexible eyeliner for water 6 meters. Types of flexible connections and service life. How to choose a flexible water hose based on the manufacturer

Beautification 05.10.2021

To connect water heating equipment, a toilet bowl, a mixer and other plumbing devices, you need an eyeliner that will connect them to the water supply. This element can be of flexible or rigid construction.

Most users prefer the first option. This choice is made for a reason - the flexible connection for the mixer is compact, practical and easy to install. Are you planning to purchase and install such a device, but doubt your own abilities?

We will help you with this task. The article describes the features of different types of flexible hoses, specifies the specifics of their application and provides practical advice on choosing the right option. In addition, we have prepared detailed instructions for the installation of the mixer hose.

In contrast, the liner, equipped with a movable structure, can be easily installed in hard-to-reach places with limited space.

The main advantages of the products

In the process of laborious installation, steel pipes are bent and fastened with clamps, resulting in a bulky metal structure. Installation of the flexible product is much easier, while the overall quality and reliability of the entire system remains at its best.

The device is a durable elastic hose with a length of 0.3 to 5 meters. Fasteners with rubber O-rings are inserted at the ends on both sides.

Flexible eyeliner is often used in interior design solutions. When connected to built-in faucets, it is hidden in a separate block located inside the wall

Usually, well-known manufacturers of mixers complete their equipment with this type of connectors, which is justified by a huge number of advantages.

The main advantages of the products:

  • convenient and safe operation;
  • sealed construction made of high quality materials;
  • a simple assembly / disassembly process for an inexperienced user, which does not require specific knowledge, skills and professional equipment;
  • resistance to vibrations, the consequences of hydraulic shocks that periodically occur in the pipeline;
  • a long period of good service provided that the correct operating conditions are observed;
  • maintaining normal performance in a wide temperature range.

If necessary, bendable liners move freely relative to the mixer and other plumbing fixtures, which cannot be said about their counterparts.

If you perform such manipulations carefully, you can not be afraid of accidental damage to the structure.

Reliable products with appropriate certificates and proper labeling are sold in specialized stores. All characteristics are described in detail in the accompanying passport. The declared service life should not be less than 5 years

Of course, the listed advantages apply only to high-quality products. To purchase a hose with good technical characteristics, you should pay attention to the goods of reliable brands.

For example, Tucai, Mateu, Uni-Fitt... These manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products and have sanitary approvals for contact of devices with drinking water. Companies are popular among domestic manufacturers Monolith, Flexiline, Aquatechnics.

Negative sides of the device

Elastic hoses, although they are the best way to supply water, are not without drawbacks.

Based on the results of the analysis of consumer reviews taken from thematic forums and social networks, the following negative nuances were highlighted:

  • products are afraid of excessive twists, tensions, bends, which provoke irreversible deformation of the structure and greatly reduce the service life;
  • if there is an open source of fire near the intended installation site, the installation of a flexible hose is prohibited;
  • with the simultaneous supply of water to several rooms, vibrations occur in the bellows tubes, causing a characteristic hum.

The metal elements present in the device oxidize over time, which leads to the onset of corrosive processes.

When purchasing a product, you need to clarify what kind of plumbing it will be used to connect. The connection method depends on this. The sales assistant will show the types of liners that are suitable for faucets

It should also be borne in mind that certain types of flexible liners are sensitive to critical temperatures. Too hot water with a temperature close to boiling can damage the device, causing unwanted leaks and flooding.

Types of eyeliner: characteristics and specificity of application

Flexible hoses for faucets are divided into two categories: braided hose and bellows tubing. Let's look at the features of each type of product in more detail.

Reinforced Braided Flexible Hoses

The first type of liner is a soft hose with high elastic properties, reinforced with a special braid.

The ends of the tube are equipped with fittings, with which the structure is attached to the mixer: on one side there is a fitting, on the other - a union nut with a certain diameter of the external thread. Reinforced devices are distinguished by an affordable price, therefore they are most in demand among buyers.

Despite the simple production technology, the structure of the hoses is rather complex. The base is made of rubber, rubber or cross-linked polyethylene (PEX).

Experts say that in systems in which drinking water is supplied, the use of rubber liners is undesirable. Along the entire length, the product is braided with a wire thread. Various materials are used for the manufacture of the braid.

Stainless steel... The most common type of wrapping for reinforced hose. It is characterized by optimal working parameters of the middle level: the device functions perfectly within 10 atm. pressure and + 95 ° С of the liquid passing through it. Stainless steel devices work stably up to 10 years.

Galvanized wire is a budget option both in terms of price and technical characteristics. Liners made of this material have good flexibility, but they are not strong enough and quickly fail.

Nylon... The material has improved performance characteristics. Liners with nylon braid are as functional as possible: they can withstand up to + 110 ° C and up to 20 atm. pressure. Their service life significantly exceeds their counterparts and is usually at least 15 years.

Aluminum braid suitable only for those systems where the water temperature does not exceed + 80 ° C, and the operating pressure is not more than 5 atm. Such material is susceptible to corrosion, so it is better to use it in rooms with low humidity. Flexible hoses, reinforced with an aluminum braid, do not require replacement for about 5 years.

Bellows tubes for water

The second type of connection is represented by bellows hoses. The durability and reliability of these models is much higher than the reinforced products. The devices are distinguished by their unusual design, which gives them excellent flexibility.

It consists of stainless steel assembled in alternating rings of different diameters. In the initial stages of production, the hose blank is selectively crimped, resulting in a flexible corrugation.

Bellows for water supply can be foldable or have a fixed length. The first option is stretched within the range established by the manufacturer: from 200 to 355 mm, from 140 to 250 mm, etc.

Care must be taken when handling foldable hoses as excessive stretching will shorten the service life. Fixed length liner cannot be stretched. It is produced in a specifically designated size: from 20 to 80 cm (in 10 cm increments).

The devices are highly resistant to low and high temperature parameters. They work great in the range from -50 to +250 degrees. Bellows tubing has a service life of up to 25 years

Bellows hoses are united by a common drawback - noise when water is supplied to several consumers at once. The problem is relevant when, for example, water is supplied to the boiler, toilet and mixer at the same time.

The main criteria for choosing a product

A few simple recommendations will help you to choose an eyeliner for the mixer that is suitable for all parameters, which will last for more than one year without problems.

Before buying a product directly, experts advise:

  1. Verify compliance with actual operating temperature parameters, or with the technical specifications of the connection indicated on the label and in the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Consider future operating conditions in the selection of the braid material. For humid rooms with a poor ventilation system, do not purchase products with a metal braid. Condensation that will settle on its surface will quickly lead to corrosion and damage the device.
  3. Estimate the weight of the product. There is a high probability that too light hoses made of aluminum and low-grade metals, which quickly deteriorate during operation.
  4. Make sure that there are no strong chemical odors. They indicate the use of technical rubber hazardous to health in the product.
  5. Test the liner for elasticity. Insufficiently flexible, "oak" pipes will quickly crack and burst shortly after installation.

One of the main components of the hose is the fittings. They must be examined carefully. It is important that they are well crimped and free from visible defects.

The pressure parameters in centralized water supply systems are about 4 atm., But they are characterized by frequent fluctuations. For safety reasons, you need to choose hoses with a margin of values ​​of 20-25%

Optimum nut materials are nickel-plated brass, stainless steel. Aluminum is absolutely not suitable for water supply. Also, do not take eyeliners with flimsy plastic fittings.

When choosing a device, they are guided by the type of connection to the water supply and mixer, the type / size of the threaded connection, the length of the sleeve.

Threads can be internal or external in sizes from 0.5 to 1.5 inches. This parameter is consistent with the holes in the pipe and the device to which the hose will be connected.

For a sink, shower stall and sink, it is better to consider liners with a diameter of at least 10 mm. The required length is determined based on the distance between the plumbing fixture and the pipe outlet.

It is believed to be ideal if, after connection, unnecessary stress is not created on the hose and additional bends are not formed.

Reinforced and bellows products from cheap components and low-grade raw materials are seriously limited in terms of service life

Connection instructions

It is not at all necessary to attract specialists to install flexible eyeliner. You can cope with this simple process on your own, spending a few minutes. The hose is installed not only for new, but also used mixers.

Replacing the device is extremely necessary in two cases:

  • the eyeliner is badly deformed or burst;
  • leaks appeared in the area of ​​connection with the mixer and the pipeline due to wear or damage to the gasket and union nut.

The installation procedure for connecting bellows and armored connections is identical. The first step is to check whether the integrity of the product and the fittings of the reinforcement has been compromised during transportation and storage.

Then you should take precautions by completely shutting off the hot and cold water valves in the water supply system. To drain the remaining liquid, you need to open the tap.

For installation / dismantling, you will need a wrench or an adjustable wrench, which is selected for the diameter of the union nut. Using a wrench, a part of the old hose connected to the water supply is removed. Water may spill from it, so containers are placed under the attachment points in advance.

If it is difficult to unscrew, it is most likely that the connection area is rusted. The formed plaque is easily removed by surface treatment with a solvent or technical lubricating spray WD-40

Having disconnected the hose from the water pipe, it is necessary to remove the mixer by loosening the fixing nuts. Further, using the same key, you should disconnect the connection from the mixer.

Connect the new device in reverse order. At first, the nut is baited by hand, then tightened with a wrench.

If the hose and mixer connectors do not mate, additional adapters can be used. The tightness of such joints is ensured by linen thread or FUM tape.

When installing the product, you should adhere to several rules:

  • straighten the hose before installation, avoiding kinks;
  • screw the flexible tube to the outlet and mixer without applying excessive force;
  • perform fastening so that it is easy to get to the installation site for the purpose of a routine inspection (the recommended inspection frequency is once every 6-12 months);
  • connect pairs of parts made of similar materials to prevent the development of electrochemical corrosion; brass + copper is also suitable.

The final stage of installation includes mandatory testing of the connected structure. To check the tightness and throughput of the hose, the water supply is connected, after which the functionality of the device is evaluated for half an hour.

Having found collecting drops in the attachment points, you need to tighten the nuts again with a wrench. If everything is in order, then the hose is ready for full operation.

Any line connected to the water supply is constantly exposed to stress. Because of this, there is always the possibility that the flexible tube may burst, failing to withstand the stress in the system.

In order not to have to correct the serious consequences of flooding, it is advisable to turn off the water supply taps when leaving the house for a long time. A good solution is to use an anti-flood system

Convenient and practical flexible devices stubbornly push their competitors in the form of rigid metal pipes into the background. They are easy to install, quick to replace, and do not need special care.

However, you should not try to save money on such an acquisition: products of dubious quality can entail significant financial losses in the future.

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The flexible water supply hose is used to connect the toilet bowl and faucet to the water pipes. Experts recommend choosing eyeliner according to certain parameters, each of which has its own meaning. How to choose and install the right hose, read on.

How to choose a hose

  • type of hose;
  • the purpose of the eyeliner;
  • eyeliner sizes;
  • hose connection methods.

Types of flexible water hoses

The main types of hoses used to connect water are:

  • reinforced liner. The device is a rubber hose reinforced with metal threads for extra strength. As threads for braiding can be used: stainless steel, nylon, aluminum;

The most durable liners are reinforced with nylon and stainless steel. The devices can be used to supply water with a maximum temperature of 95 ° C at a pressure of up to 20 atm.

  • bellows liner. The flexible corrugated hose is made entirely of stainless steel. The bellows line is designed for the passage of water with a temperature of up to 250 ° C. Due to the operating parameters, the hose can be used not only in the plumbing system, but also in.

The types of water supply hoses differ not only in performance, but also in cost. Reinforced eyeliner can be purchased at a price of 150 - 250 rubles, and bellows for 400 - 500 rubles.

Separation of connections according to purpose

By designation, all water supply pipes are divided into devices designed for:

  • cold water connections;
  • hot water connection.

The hot water hose is distinguished by the presence of a red thread in the braid, and the cold water hose is marked with a blue thread.

Most often, there is a universal cold and hot water hose on sale. You can visually identify the device by the presence of both red and blue threads in the braid.

In the public water supply system, cold water often gets into the hot water pipes and vice versa. To avoid problems with connecting plumbing and extend the life of the hose, experts recommend using exclusively universal hoses.

Sizing flexible hose

The next step in choosing a water supply hose is to determine its overall dimensions. To find out the dimensions of the hose, you need to calculate:

  • diameter of the liner;
  • the length of the eyeliner.

The hose diameter is determined based on the capacity. The thin water hose is intended for plumbing fixtures that do not require quick filling, and vice versa. In order not to calculate the parameter yourself, you can use the average data presented in the table.

The length of the metal braided hose is determined by the following parameters:

  • the distance between and the connected plumbing product (determined using a tape measure);
  • the rules for installing hoses, which must be observed to increase the service life of the product.

Basic criteria for determining the length of the hose

Determining Connection Methods

The water inlet hose can be produced with different connection methods. The following are used as connecting elements:

  • a nut designed to be connected to an external thread;
  • a thread that connects to an internal thread;
  • fitting, mainly used for connection to a mixer.

To determine which connection methods are used in the system, it is necessary to inspect the plumbing product and the outlet from the water pipe.

In addition to determining the connection method, it is also necessary to clarify the size of the thread or fitting.

How to install a flexible hose with your own hands

Basic connection rules

Before proceeding with the installation of flexible connections, you need to know the basic rules for connecting the device, which are as follows:

  • it is not recommended to use eyeliner, the braid of which is broken;
  • do not install a hose, the connecting sleeve of which is not subject to visual inspection;
  • no tension on the hose during installation. The liner should be installed freely, but also without unnecessary kinks;
  • if it is necessary to connect the hose from the side, watch out for the kinked area. Twisting the liner along the longitudinal axis is prohibited;
  • to reduce bends, special adapters can be used to reduce the radius;
  • if during installation it is necessary to equip the hose bend, then a minimum radius of 70 mm should be observed;
  • do not increase the length of the flexible hose by connecting it to another hose.

DIY installation

To connect the water supply hose, you will need:

  • wrench or adjustable wrench;
  • FUM-tape (tow), allowing to seal the connection.

To replace the water supply hose for the mixer, you must:

  1. turn off the water supply to the plumbing device;
  2. remove the eyeliner that has become unusable. For this, a wrench (adjustable) of a certain diameter is used;
  3. a sealing material is wound around the new liner. Each liner must be equipped with rubber gaskets, but in most cases it is not possible to achieve complete sealing solely with the O-rings included in the kit;
  4. the hose connects to (toilet);

  1. the liner is connected to the outlet of the water pipe.

It is not recommended to overtighten the threads as the connector may burst and require a new hose to be purchased. It is considered optimal if the thread is tightened by hand and tightened with a wrench ¼ a full turn.

The way to connect the line to the kitchen faucet is shown in the video.

The correct choice of the water supply hose and adherence to all standards for connecting the device are the key to a long service life of the product. If at least one factor does not meet the established standards, then the line can go out of operation at any time, even with a minimum pressure in the system.

Until recently, most of the plumbing systems in apartments and private houses were made according to the same scheme. Initially, the routing of steel or plastic pipes was carried out to the kitchen, bathroom and toilet to the installation site of the end users. At the second stage, all consumers - a washbasin, a sink, a washing machine, a shower and a cistern - were connected using a flexible water line, or, in common parlance, a water supply hose.

The main types of hoses for flexible hoses

The use of flexible adapter hoses is a compulsory measure. Twenty years ago, all taps and tanks were connected directly to a steel water pipe using a clever system of squeegees and couplings. As a result, the bath and kitchen, in terms of the number of pipes, often acquired a similarity to the insides of a submarine. But this is not the worst thing.

Due to periodic vibrations and hydraulic shocks, the connections and seals of the water supply system regularly failed, delicate rubber gaskets and valves on the drain tanks collapsed within a few months. The problem was solved by using a flexible nut-nut water line. Due to the high technical characteristics of the flexible water line, the service life of the shut-off valves was extended from several months to 10-15 years.

Today, households use three types of flexible hoses for water supply:

  • Steel-braided rubber tubes. It is easily distinguished by its barbed outer surface, which consists of dozens of intertwined thin wires;
  • Special rubber hoses with braided plastic sheath. They are mainly used for supplying water to washing and washing machines;
  • Bellows flexible stainless steel water supply. It is made by pressing and welding under high pressure of hundreds of steel rings, recruited on a core mold. It turns out a relatively flexible and very durable stainless steel supply.

Important! All water supply hoses are designed for high pressure, therefore the outer sheath is always made of either a reinforced steel-plastic braid or stainless steel.

A stainless steel bellows hose for water must be distinguished from a similar extension or hose for a manual shower head that is not designed for high pressure. It is quite simple to distinguish an extension cord from a bellows - all flexible hoses for water supply, no matter in a steel or plastic braid, are equipped with hex nuts or wrench fittings. In the extension for a hand shower, round union nuts with a grooved surface are installed at the ends. They are designed for light pressure, so they are twisted by hand, without using a wrench.

The exception is some models of flexible hoses in nylon braid for supplying water to washing machines. Such devices are used as a flexible supply for hot water, are designed for high pressure in the hot water supply system and are completed with plastic nuts not on a turnkey basis, but with hand-tightened thumbs.

Materials for flexible hoses

Water circulates in pipes and utilities that are distributed throughout the apartment under relatively high pressure. For example, for water pipes, the water pressure can reach 5-6 atm, hot water in the heat exchanger and pipes of the individual heating system is under a pressure of 1.5-2 atm, in centralized hot water supply systems, the pressure reaches 3-4 atm. Therefore, the strength and durability of flexible liners primarily depends on several conditions:

  • The quality of the rubber or metal from which the central channel of the hose is made;
  • The material used for the reinforcing braid;
  • The metal used to make fittings and nuts.

How important the correct selection of the braiding material is, can be assessed by the technical characteristics given in the table.

The central part of the flexible hose is made of special types of rubber with a minimum content of water-soluble components. The material must comply with GOST 5496 for flexible water supply. Most often, hose manufacturers use EPDM grade rubber.

For your information! The most common defect is damage to the outer braid of the flexible hose and the crimping ring or sleeve that secures the nut to the end of the rubber hose.

If you need to make a decision on the question of which flexible water hose is better, choose a hose with braided stainless steel AISI 304 or GOST 5632. For fittings or nuts, the best material is CW614N brass, nickel plated. In this case, the service life of the flexible water line will be at least 10 years. Hoses with aluminum or steel-aluminum fittings are half - three times less.

Flexible water hose designs

Almost all flexible hoses used to connect water consumers in the house can be divided into two groups:

  • Extension cords used to supply water to remotely standing plumbing fixtures, washbasins, bathtubs, shower stalls. Typically, these are long hoses, from 90 cm to 500 cm, a standard set of flexible water pipes, a ¾ inch fitting and nut;
  • Adapter hoses, usually small in length, up to 50-60 cm, are used to directly connect the consumer to the water supply system.

When selecting extension cords or flexible leads, pay attention to the markings applied to the outer braid in the form of colored stripes. Cold water hoses are marked with blue stripes, hot water hoses with red markers. Extension cords similar in appearance with yellow stripes are used only for connecting gas, they cannot be used for water.

Features of the device of flexible rubber hoses in steel braid

Most often, flexible braided hoses are used to connect plumbing fixtures, kitchen and shower faucets. The advantage of rubber-reinforced extensions is the low cost and relatively high flexibility of the hose material. It can be freely bent with a ring, but it cannot be doubled, stretched, or tried to tie in a knot, such handling invariably leads to damage to the crimping sleeve and braid.

Shower water heaters and cisterns are usually connected with a 1/2-inch flexible water line.

Most often, a hose with a union and a nut at the ends is used, but manufacturers also produce models in the "nut-nut" and "union-union" versions.

Flexible hoses of a special configuration are used for mixers and kitchen taps. They are smaller in diameter than a conventional extension, and the inner channel is only 6 mm in cross section. An M10 fitting is pressed into the hose at one end; it is screwed into the body of the joystick or mixer on the sink. A rubber gasket must be placed under the thread of the fitting, so the fitting can be screwed into the mixer hole without any sealing tape.

At the second end of the line there is a half-inch nut, with which the tap is connected to the fitting on the pipe of the water supply system. A silicone gasket is laid inside the nut, but this, as a rule, is not enough to ensure tightness, therefore, before installation, the threads are wound with a fum.

Most faucet manufacturers complete their products with a set of two hoses 50-60 cm long. As a rule, when buying a faucet of good quality, you automatically receive excellent connecting flexible hoses as a bonus. Each must be marked: under cold water - in blue, under hot water - with a red or blue-red marker.

Today you can buy flexible eyeliner manufactured by Aqualine, Monolit, Italian VALTEC, Spanish TUCAI or IndustriasMateu are famous for their good quality.

In order for the flexible liner to serve the period promised by the manufacturer, it is extremely important to adhere to the recommendations set out in the passport for the product:

  • Do not install a flexible hose with a bend with a radius of less than 50 mm; cracks and fistulas invariably form on a rubber surface in this state, even under ideal operating conditions;
  • The connected supply must have slack or slack. Most often, when connecting, use hoses of increased length, which are rolled up in an arc or a ring of a relatively large radius, 15-20 cm;
  • When winding the sealing tape around the water outlet, it is important not to exceed the recommended sealing thickness. Otherwise, the thin-walled brass part may crack when tightening the nut.

Subject to the rules, a high-quality rubber hose can withstand a maximum pressure of up to 20 atm. To facilitate the connection of extension cords and mixing hoses, a large number of adapters and nozzles are produced, if desired, you can assemble the entire household water supply system from extension cords and adapters. True, it will have to be changed every 7-10 years.

Water supply with a stainless steel hose

Most often, stainless steel hoses are used for remote distribution of water, instead of the usual steel or plastic pipes. With a 1 ”flexible water extension, you can bring water into your apartment from a central plumbing. Often, additional radiators of the heating system are connected with stainless steel bellows. Due to the corrugated surface, the resistance to water flow is higher, but this can be easily compensated by using oversized hoses.

A corrugated pipe is also used to connect boilers or hydraulic accumulators, pumps, filters, any equipment that requires increased strength and at the same time is capable of damping the resulting vibrations.

Union nuts are made of brass, branded models are always nickel-plated and branded by the manufacturer. An important distinguishing feature of bellows is their high resistance to water quality. A corrugated surface can accumulate rust or organic matter, but stainless steel almost never corrodes, even with strong water saturation with carbonate salts. Rubber connections quickly fail in very hard water conditions.


The most significant problem with flexible hoses is the huge number of fakes sold on the market and in showrooms under the guise of well-known brands. Such hoses are made on semi-industrial equipment using cheap materials, so rubber can emit a characteristic chemical odor, stratify and dissolve in water. Metal parts oxidize quickly, nickel plating peels off and stainless steel bellows are thickly corroded. Therefore, the masters say that it is easier to put a flexible eyeliner than to choose an inexpensive and high-quality copy at the same time.

The hoses are made of non-toxic EPDM rubber, which is corrosion and high temperature resistant. Steel thread is used for braiding. It provides high mechanical strength, including bending and breaking, and protects against water hammer. Such a hose is designed for a working pressure of up to 20 atmospheres. It is used in drinking water supply systems, for organizing heating and hot water supply.

Manufacturers offer products with different bore sizes. To select the correct diameter, it is important to know the predicted water flow. Most water and heating systems use hoses with an inner diameter of 8 mm.

Bellows liner

Products are made from a corrugated metal sleeve. The connecting sleeves are welded directly onto the liner end sleeve itself. Such products have a long service life (up to 25 years). The corrugated hose is pressure-resistant and resistant to water hammer. However, when used in systems with variable loads, microcracks appear on the corrugation. For harsh operating conditions, manufacturers offer the option of corrugated pipes protected by a steel braid.

Bellows are most in demand for transporting liquids at temperatures from +50 to +250 ° C. In everyday life, flexible corrugated pipes have not found application due to the fact that when a large flow of water is passed, they hum and vibrate strongly.

Why is a poor-quality mixer line dangerous?

Choosing plumbing products from dubious manufacturers, you run the risk of wasting money.

The main problems of low-quality products:

  • leak at the attachment point of the connecting nut;
  • the formation of condensation;
  • breakage of the hose at the point of attachment of the sleeve.

The company "Mir Santekhniki" offers a huge selection of products from domestic and foreign manufacturers. You can buy them with delivery in Moscow, Moscow region, as well as other regions of the Russian Federation. When ordering, refer to the diameter, type of connection nuts and the length of the hoses.

In some cases, water supply through pipes is not convenient enough. This is especially true for connecting various plumbing equipment to the water supply system. Reinforced flexible liner helps to significantly simplify the task. You can buy such hoses in Moscow at the most affordable price in the VODAZONE plumbing store.

Design features

The main distinguishing feature of such a liner is flexibility, which is ensured through the use of an elastic hose equipped with connecting elements - threaded fittings. The material of manufacture can be rubber or EPDM rubber. To increase the service life and protect against mechanical damage, a special braid consisting of stainless wire is used. A flexible water line reinforced in this way can serve for a long time without replacement. Another option for the protective braid of the hose is a bellows - a corrugated stainless steel pipe.

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