Why not how not to get pregnant. Why does pregnancy not occur? Or the reasons for infertility. Anovulatory female cycle

Corrugated board 05.10.2021
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The desire to have a baby is very correct and organic for the family. But there are times when trying to get pregnant is futile. This situation affects the psychological state of both husband and wife. In this regard, the desire for pregnancy sometimes becomes an obsession for spouses or even a cause of disagreement in the family. Therefore, it is very important to determine the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant and act depending on the result. Of course, the factors causing infertility will help to determine, but let's try to highlight some of them.

According to experts, the probability of getting pregnant in women gradually decreases over the years. So, at the age of 20-25 years, 95% of the beautiful half of humanity can become pregnant, but in the period of 25-35 years, the number of those who manage to conceive a child decreases by 15%. After 35 years, there is a sharp drop in the indicator to 60%. At the same time, not all girls in their prime of life manage to get pregnant right away. Therefore, doctors do not recommend panicking too much. It is worth seeking help only after two years, if you are under thirty, after a year in the period from 30 to 35 years old, and at a later age after six months of trying to conceive a child. In men, however, the “fertile” function may not dull until old age.

All actions for the occurrence of pregnancy, of course, must be accompanied by the correct attitude towards a positive result. This will create a favorable climate for conception.

It is obvious that both the husband and the wife can be “guilty” of infertility. Among the "female" factors are gynecological, hormonal problems, or both, stress, hypertension. The problem with weight can also have a negative effect (both its excess and lack of it are harmful), bad habits (smoking, consumption, drug addiction).

In men, these are reasons of a hormonal or genetic nature, a lack of active sperm cells or the presence of antibodies against their own spermatozoa, poor patency of the vas deferens, surgical or traumatic effects on the genitals, the same bad habits.

It is also possible that a woman who has already given birth cannot become pregnant. This is extremely surprising for her, especially when the first pregnancy and childbirth passed without complications, and her health was normal. In this case, think about the fact that, despite the pleasant sensations, the appearance of a child in the family also caused difficulties, changed the usual rhythm of your life. Sleepless nights spent at the baby's crib, incessant caring for him and fatigue have caused some stress in your body. Namely, he, as previously indicated, can cause infertility. At the same time, unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant further deepen depression, increase stress. After all, it happens that after vain attempts to conceive a baby, a couple resigns themselves to the situation, decides to adopt a child, and suddenly the woman becomes pregnant. This is excellent proof of how important morale and a calm state of mind are.

To restore psychological balance, relieve stress and eliminate depression, depression associated with the inability to become pregnant, contact a specialist, for example, a family psychologist.

But more serious causes of infertility are also possible. To exclude or detect them, contact an antenatal clinic. After the examination, it will become clear what prevents you from becoming a mother. A number of tests performed will show the state of the body and tell you what kind of treatment you need.

Doctors recommend constantly monitoring the ovulation schedule, especially for older women. After all, conception occurs most often in the period two days before and after. For most, ovulation occurs at 12-14 days of the cycle, but possibly a little earlier. You can determine it using tests or on your own. To do this, carefully monitor the changes in mucous secretions.

Also check the regularity of your periods. Deviations from month to month may indicate that you are not ovulating. This is easy to fix, so get a consultation. A regular cycle is an important indicator of normal ovarian function and ovarian productivity.

Keep a basal temperature chart as well. It will help you learn a lot about the possibility of conception, namely, whether ovulation is occurring. If so, the graph will show a rise in temperature. He will also determine the level of progesterone. For a woman to become pregnant, it is important that he be quite tall. This is evidenced by the increased temperature level after ovulation.

At the reception, the doctor will offer you to undergo a series of examinations and tests. Don't be surprised if the doctor asks about your "female" background. Tell us about any operations, infectious diseases, serious alcohol or drug addiction. Past pregnancies are also important, how the process of maturation of the fetus and the birth itself proceeded. Feel free to talk frankly about your sex life - how often you have sex, how you do it. It is imperative that the healthcare provider receives a complete, and most importantly, truthful picture of you and your partner.

You will also be sent for tests to check if you have enough progesterone, which is responsible for conception and pregnancy.

In addition, the examination includes a post-coital test. It is performed 6-10 hours after intercourse. Vaginal mucus is examined to see if it contains antibodies that kill sperm.

If simple tests are not enough, you will have to undergo a more thorough examination in the hospital.

Among the procedures that are required are a blood clotting test, an examination of the thyroid gland (ultrasound and a blood test, examination by an endocrinologist), and a karyotype test. The latter will help determine possible abnormalities at the chromosomal level.

Undergo an immunological study to exclude individual incompatibility (a woman has antibodies to her husband's sperm). It is also worth excluding adhesions in the fallopian tubes by passing.

A man is recommended to see an andrologist, to undergo a spermogram. It is this analysis that will help to find out if there are any disorders in sperm motility, their number, morphology. In addition, too much sperm count (polyspermia) is also considered a pathology.

If you have ruled out all factors interfering with conception, then seek the advice of another doctor. Let him give you a fresh look. But choose a specialist who has successfully established himself in the field of gynecology.

If you and your husband have no serious problems, then your chances are great. Practice natural family planning methods. This will bring you closer to achieving your goal. Monitor your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Include foods high in zinc in your diet. Get rid of bad habits. Also, ask your partner not to wear tight pants or overheat, as this will reduce active sperm count.

Let lovemaking become regular, not only in. It has been noticed that there is a direct relationship: an increase in the amount of sex leads to an improvement in the quality of your partner's sperm.

Most importantly, do not lose hope! Less stress and more positive!

Specially for- Maria Bilykovskaya

Many couples have been seen by different doctors for years, but they never get pregnant. This problem is familiar to many, although the reasons are different for each. Why it is not possible to conceive a child, what to do in a similar situation and which specialist to contact. Why do some spouses conceive without problems, while others cannot get the desired result for a long time.

During planning, you need to eat right, eliminate alcohol, quit smoking

In order to conceive a child, it is necessary that an egg cell meets sperm inside the female genital tract. As a result, sperm penetrates into the egg cell, where an embryo is formed, which is implanted into the uterine wall and continues to develop as a fetus. But this is only in theory so simple, in practice the process is much more complicated. In a man, with each orgasm, part of the sperm is ejected, which are formed in the testicles continuously. That is, representatives of the strong half are always ready to conceive.

In women, maturation occurs once a cycle, and only one cell is formed, in rare cases several. This cell lives for only 1-1.5 days. If fertilization does not occur during this time, the cell dies. The next chance of conception will be in about a month, when the next ovulation occurs. It is such a short fertile period that explains why fertilization is so rare the first time. Therefore, if you cannot conceive a child, it is recommended to have sex at least every other day, in order to surely get on ovulation.

But there are also reverse situations, when a woman keeps basal schedules and knows exactly on which days the probability of pregnancy is the highest, it is on these days that the spouses have sex, but something still interferes with conceiving a child, because it is not possible to get pregnant.

The reasons for the long absence of conception

If for a long time the spouses did not manage to acquire offspring in any way, then it is necessary to identify the cause of the childlessness. For this, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination for both partners.

  • Quite often, a failure or pathology of the hormonal sphere can interfere with fertilization. For example, it is not surprising if conception does not occur against the background of such hormonal sores as fibroids or endometriosis. But only a specialist can identify such a factor. For fibroids, surgical treatment is usually prescribed, and for endometriosis, hormonal drugs are used to correct the background.
  • Also, the reasons for the childlessness of spouses may lie in the presence of unhealthy habits such as nicotine addiction, the use of drugs or alcohol. These addictions lead to pituitary disorders, which provoke disruptions in the activity of the whole organism. The endometrial layer of a potential mother becomes thinner, a man develops erectile problems and the quality of seed material decreases, the production and maturation of germ cells in both partners is disrupted.
  • Adhesions in the low-basal area can also interfere with conception. It's just that the cell cannot get to the sperm due to the presence of obstacles in the form of adhesive cords.
  • Menstrual irregularities are also sometimes a significant factor that interferes with fertilization. If the patient's female cycle is irregular, then it is imperative to establish menstruation. To do this, doctors may recommend certain medications, or you can use the recommendations of phytotherapists.
  • Also, the reasons for the absence of children can be due to male pathologies, which is why, in the absence of children, it is recommended that both spouses be examined. Moreover, it is advisable to start with a man, because it is quite simple to detect or exclude the likelihood of male pathology, while a woman can be examined for a long time. If a pathology is found in a potential father, it is necessary to consult a specialist in the field of andrology. Maybe a man just does not have enough vitamins or he needs serious therapy. In any case, after the necessary treatment, the man's fertility returns to normal.
  • Stress is considered one of the leading factors preventing a woman from getting pregnant. Therefore, a potential mother needs to learn how to relax with the help of auto trainings, aromatherapy and massage, aromatherapy, etc. Soothing herbs help to avoid stressful conditions. Even a slight nervous tension can adversely affect fertilization. Especially if loved ones constantly remind you when you will have children, etc. The human psyche is arranged unusually, therefore, in the presence of such pressure from relatives, it is better for spouses to go for a week, about 4-5 days before ovulation, somewhere to rest.
  • Weight for conception is also important. Overweight girls, as well as overly thin ones, may face problems during fertilization. Husbands also need to think about body weight, because with fluctuations in weight in men, spermatogenesis is disturbed.

If, after eliminating such factors, conception did not occur, then there is a high probability that the couple is faced with infertility. But today such a problem is being successfully treated, and in case of incurability, you can use the help of reproductive specialists and alternative methods of ICSI or IVF.

Regular periods are a great indicator.

If a woman thinks that she is healthy, but due to repeated attempts she has not become pregnant, then it is still necessary to turn to specialists. If conception does not occur, then there are still some health problems. Moreover, the health of both parents matters, and not just the potential mother. Because the reproductive cells of both spouses take part in the fertilization process. That is why, having made a decision on the heir, it is necessary first of all to check the condition of the reproductive and other important organs.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures. Typically, diagnostic tests include blood tests for HIV and hepatitis, syphilis, smears and urine tests for genital infections, including those transmitted during sexual intercourse. Both spouses need to do these tests. It is also necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination of low-viscosity organs. If the tests are normal, you can start conceiving, and if abnormalities are detected, you will need to undergo treatment.

What to do to improve the success of conception? Of course, calculate the favorable period in the cycle when the egg matures and leaves the follicle. The simplest method is considered to be the calendar method for determining ovulation. This method is ideal for patients with a regular female cycle. To do this, you need to subtract 14 days from the first day of your period, as a result, you get the day of ovulation. It is necessary to count from the first day of menstruation. You should start trying to conceive about 5 days before the maturation of the egg and a couple of days after it. It is on these days that the highest fertility is observed. Just a sperm can live in the genital tract for about 5 days. In general, to be sure to get pregnant, you need to make love every day at 10-18 days.

The quality of the sperm is no less important, because it is the sperm that fertilize the egg, and if they are of inadequate quality, they will not have enough strength to get to the destination. Male sperm is completely renewed in two months. That is how much a man needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle before conception, do not drink alcohol or smoke, and walk every day. Also, the strong half will have to give up gatherings with friends in the bath.

The frequency of sexual intercourse is also an important point. Previously, there was a myth that it would be possible to become pregnant only with prolonged, almost monthly abstinence. Scientists have successfully debunked this statement, proving that the most correct decision would be to have sex every 2-3 days. This frequency of PA will be most optimal if their target is children.

How to treat infertility

But what can help if the problem is infertility. This is already a serious obstacle to successful conception. You need to see a doctor, today infertility is being successfully treated. Most often, factors such as menstrual irregularities, tubal obstruction, endometriosis, etc. are the cause of infertility. If ovulatory failure occurs, the girl is prescribed hormones and stimulating medications. In difficult cases, the possibility of getting pregnant is realized with the help of artificial insemination, which is carried out in several ways:

  1. Artificial insemination with sperm from a donor or spouse;
  2. Fertilization through a test tube, when a female cell is surgically removed, and after successful fertilization, it is implanted into the uterine cavity (IVF);
  3. A cocktail of sperm and eggs is placed in the fallopian tubes, and then fertilization occurs;
  4. Already fertilized cells are placed in the tubes.

Often, infertility is provoked by the removal of tonsils, which are the body's defense against various infections. Usually, with severe inflammation, they are removed. Doctors believe that such an operation will protect the patient from articular pathologies, kidney or heart disease. But after removal, a natural weakening of the immune barrier occurs, the production of immunoglobulin substances that protect the body from viral and bacterial attacks decreases. There is also a decrease in the production of substances necessary for the maturation of eggs and sperm, which leads to infertility.

If the cause is hypothyroidism

A blood test will help identify pathology

In some couples, problems with the onset of conception may occur against the background of pathologies of the thyroid gland. This organ is located at the bottom of the front of the neck, on both sides of the larynx, is small in size and weighs only about 40 grams. Under the influence of iodine, which enters the body as part of food, iron produces thyroxine and other hormonal components necessary for the regulation of material exchange processes, mental and sexual, digestive and cardiovascular activity.

The activity of the thyroid gland itself is regulated by the pituitary gland and its hormones. With hypothyroidism, the patient has insufficient thyroid function, menstrual irregularities and infertility, and if pregnancy does happen, it can be complicated by miscarriage, placental exfoliation or postpartum hemorrhage. If hypothyroidism has a pronounced form, then due to hormonal insufficiency, there is a violation of ovulatory processes, transportation, synthesis and metabolism of eggs, as a result of which infertility develops.

Usually, this pathology is manifested by frequent colds and constipation, lack of appetite, anemic pathologies, etc. Serious changes occur in the patient's appearance, her nail plates begin to exfoliate, her hair grows dull and becomes brittle, the skin turns pale. The patient is constantly chilly, she wants to sleep, is disturbed by hearing and heart rhythm disorders, the weight begins to grow. Residents of iodine-deficient areas are at risk of facing hypothyroidism.

Vitamins and trace elements for a successful flight

To avoid difficulties with pregnancy, it is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins. How to conceive a child if it doesn’t work?

  • Experts say that first of all, you need to supply the body with a sufficient amount of zinc, which normalizes reproductive functions in both parents. And in men, this trace element is extremely important for full-fledged spermatogenesis, because it provides uninterrupted production of testosterone hormone.
  • It is important for male reproduction and selenium, which also normalizes cholesterol and prevents liver pathologies.
  • It is important for women to provide a sufficient level of potassium, with a deficiency of which erosive processes in the uterine cervix, infertility and miscarriage often develop. Lack of potassium can be caused by bowel and kidney pathologies, endocrine system disorders, uncontrolled intake of hormones, diuretics or laxatives, as well as excessive consumption of food rich in sodium.
  • It is necessary for full fertility and gold, especially for women, in whom the element improves ovarian function and the production of sex hormones. Gold preparations are even recommended for gestation and GV.
  • Copper, which takes an active part in the synthesis of sex hormonal substances, will also help you get pregnant quickly.

Vitamin components are also necessary for successful fertilization. For the sex glands to function smoothly, they need retinol. With a deficiency of vitamin A in men, infertility is formed, and in women, cycle disorders. Tocopherol deficiency also becomes a common cause of infertility in both spouses and causes menstrual irregularities. Vitamin E is needed for the normal functionality of the male reproductive system. Also, parents need to provide the full content of vitamin B12, which is necessary for material exchange processes. Deficiency of cyanocobalamin is terrible with anemia and other hematopoietic disorders. If a woman has been taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time, then she runs the risk of earning a similar deficiency.

There are many recipes for traditional medicine that facilitate the onset of conception. Herbalists recommend drinking a decoction of plantain seeds, infusion of sage (they drink it after menstruation and before ovulation) and sorrel, lime blossom and ginger. But you need to be extremely careful about such methods of increasing fertility. Therefore, you first need to consult a herbalist.

If pregnancy does not come the first time, then there is no point in despairing. There are a lot of happy parents who have tried to conceive a child for a long time without success. Everything has its time. And if irreversible infertility is revealed, then the possibilities of modern reproductive medicine are incredible. Even couples doomed to childlessness were able to become parents with the help of artificial insemination, and more than once.

Perhaps you are planning to conceive a child for a rather long period of time, while you do not have any infectious diseases, ovulation and hormones are in order, and the long-awaited pregnancy still does not come? If this situation is close to you, then most likely you need to carefully check your body. It's time to be examined by other specialists, not just a gynecologist. Here you can find for yourself 10 topical tips that will help you understand the question: why does pregnancy not occur?

1. Be sure to send your partner to an andrologist. He will take a spermogram, and then discuss the results of the examination with a doctor. Along with impaired motility of spermatozoa, their insufficient number for conception and poor morphology, sometimes there is a disease such as polyspermia. A high concentration of sperm is also a pathology that can affect conception.

2. Check your thyroid function. To do this, you will need to pass a special blood test and visit an endocrinologist who will make you an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

3. Take an analysis for the karyotype, which will help to identify abnormalities at the chromosome level. In order to decipher it, you need to turn to geneticists.

4. Pass a blood clotting test. Very high blood clotting can lead to the formation of thrombosis at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus. Another consequence of high clotting is a malnutrition of the embryo, which often leads to miscarriages, and sometimes even before menstruation is delayed.

5. It is very important to do a post-coital test., which will reveal the interaction of cervical mucus and sperm. It is most likely that the nature of your cervical fluid is preventing semen from entering your uterus and tubes.

6. Immunological examination will exclude the individual incompatibility of partners. In rare cases, women are found to have antibodies to the man's seminal fluid.

7. Laparoscopy will help you learn about adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which interfere with the normal fertilization of the egg. This is the most common cause of infertility, which is caused by previous inflammatory processes or surgery.

8. Anomalies in the structure of the uterus lead to the impossibility of conception such as fibroids or septa. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, they may not be visible during ultrasound examination. In this case, a hysteroscopy procedure is prescribed.

9. It is likely that you are not confident in your gynecologist. Please note that local doctors do not specialize in infertility treatment. In this case, the most optimal solution would be to contact another physician, more qualified. Moreover, now there are a large number of clinics specializing in the treatment of infertility, reviews of which can be read on the Internet or inquired about them from friends whose treatment ended in a long-awaited pregnancy.

10. Very often the reason for infertility in women is precisely their psychological attitude. In this case, there are no ready-made tips. It would be best to turn to a psychotherapist who will help you understand yourself and bring the long-awaited moment of conception closer.

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jane crystal 16.06 00:53

Sometimes it happens that a married couple seems to be healthy, but pregnancy does not occur. I had just such a situation. I wanted a child so much that I couldn't think of anything else. In my head every now and then the thoughts about "favorable" days were spinning, in general, I was busy with calculations. So month after month passed, and pregnancy still did not come. I started thinking about the worst. I went to the doctor so that she prescribed me an examination. In the field of conversation with her, I heard good advice, they say, you shouldn't bother, and you need to stop counting, but just enjoy the process. It was hard, but I was able to get distracted and as soon as I did it, the pregnancy came instantly.

Ekaterina Sergeeva 24.08 16:00

You know, my husband and I had just "psychological infertility." And this, literally, is a sign of our time. We did not have children for 7 years, we were just examined up and down, sorry for such words. Everything that was possible with us was checked and examined: we both turned out to be healthy. And imagine, as soon as I quit my emotionally difficult job, where I could not even take a vacation, then a month later the long-awaited pregnancy came. This is real happiness! Now the child is already 2, 5 years old!
Learn to relax, tune in to the positive, wait for a miracle - it works very well! And let children's laughter sound in your house!

Eva 10.09 14:52

If a healthy couple cannot get pregnant, I can personally advise the methods I have tried, the result is a boy of ten and a girl for a year or three. Try to diversify sex, engage in places where you have not been before, you can go travel. And yet, there are frequent exceptions to the rules when pregnancy occurs, when intercourse occurs during menstruation. There is another way, but I do not recommend it - changing your partner. After changing a partner (cheating on her husband), pregnancy can occur quite quickly.

Unfortunately, in recent years, infertility has deprived many women of the happiness of motherhood. It was with the request: "We cannot get pregnant, help!" most of the patients of the Centers for Reproductive Medicine turn to specialists. Of course, everyone knows that the cost of such services is hundreds and thousands, and often tens of thousands of dollars, so many are looking for alternative methods that are more accessible to ordinary people.

The main causes of infertility

According to experts, the pathology of the female reproductive system is to blame for the childlessness of a married couple in 70% of cases. There are many reasons that lead to infertility. At the same time, when the spouses say to the doctor: "We cannot get pregnant," the specialist recommends that both partners undergo a comprehensive examination. If the woman is still “to blame” in the absence of children, the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology and make an accurate diagnosis. With primary infertility, the first pregnancy is also impossible, and with secondary infertility, problems arise with subsequent conceptions. Doctors identify the following main reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant:

The pathological structure of the female genital organs. In this case, deviations from the norm are most often observed in the uterus (it can be small, curved, two-horned).

Changes in hormonal levels due to various endocrine diseases.

Inflammatory processes of the genital organs (especially chronic). As a result of such troubles, adhesions are often formed, leading to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which prevents conception.

Postponed infectious diseases that affect the change in the functioning and structure of the female reproductive system.

In recent years, an increasing number of women prefer a successful career to motherhood, and because of the age of a potential mother, many difficulties arise with natural fertilization. So, skipping often, many ladies can get pregnant only with the help of artificial methods. The chances of getting pregnant after 30 years are rapidly decreasing, so doctors do not recommend delaying the birth of a child for too long. With secondary infertility, the following activities can be carried out:

Hormone therapy that normalizes and stabilizes the endocrine system.

Removal of adhesions in the fallopian tubes by surgery.

Conducting Eco.

Today there are several methods of artificial insemination. One of the most popular and affordable is intrauterine insemination. Many women turn to doctors with the words: "I want to get pregnant as soon as possible." At the same time, they do not understand that such a procedure takes quite a long time and does not give a 100% guarantee of a positive result from the first attempt. What is the essence of intrauterine insemination? This method of fertilization is based on the introduction of specially prepared sperm of the spouse or donor (in case of infertility of the husband) into the uterus. After such a procedure, conception proceeds almost naturally. In this case, the sperm penetrate from the uterine cavity into the tubes, where the fertilization of the egg takes place. During normal intercourse, mucus in the cervical canal can interfere with conception, as sperm can stop at this stage. To increase the likelihood of fertilization, sperm is injected as deep as possible into the uterine cavity (close to the tubes). As a rule, intrauterine insemination is used in the vast majority of cases of artificial insemination. This procedure is not too expensive, so it is available to almost every woman.

Indications for intrauterine insemination

There are the following indications for carrying out the mentioned procedure:

Insufficient or no sperm count in a man.

High probability of transmission of dangerous hereditary diseases.


Problems of an ejaculatory-sexual nature.

The absence of a partner in a woman.

Vaginismus and "cervical factor".


Despite the high level of development of reproductive medicine, the effectiveness of this method of artificial insemination is from 5 to 35%. What is the chance of getting pregnant this way? According to statistics, it is only 15%. At the same time, artificial insemination shows the best results when carrying out the procedure in young women. With age, the likelihood of conception decreases, which is due to a deterioration in the quality of the eggs. In the case when 4-6 fertilization attempts have been carried out, and the pregnancy has not occurred, doctors recommend turning to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

ZIFT and GIFT methods

Those couples who have undergone several procedures of artificial insemination, but have not received a positive result, turn to the medical center with the following request: "We cannot get pregnant, help us in any way." In this case, specialists can recommend two intratubaturation fertilization methods:

1. Zygote transfer (ZIPT), in which a fertilized cell is introduced into the fallopian tubes.

2. Gamete transfer (GIFT), when eggs (one or more) are mixed with sperm and inserted into the tubes.

During this procedure, all operations are monitored by means of ultrasound or laparoscopy. There are two different ways to introduce seed. With ultrasound, eggs or zygotes are inserted through the cervix, and with laparoscopy from the side of the abdominal wall.

Indications for ZIFT and GIFT

These options for artificial insemination are used for infertility, the cause of which has not been established, as well as for endometriosis. ZIFT and GIFT are effective with good patency of the fallopian tubes. The greatest probability of conception exists with the introduction of a zygote (ZIFT). The average result is 30%. If a couple, after such a procedure, again turns to the doctor with the question: "We cannot get pregnant, what should we do?", Experts recommend turning to in vitro fertilization.

IVF benefits

What does it take to get pregnant this way? Patients are required only healthy eggs of the woman and the sperm of the husband (donor). During this procedure (after special processing of the seed), they are mixed in a specially made glass cup at a temperature of 37 ° C. After receiving the embryos (2-4 pieces), the most viable ones are selected and, using a special catheter, they are introduced into the uterine cavity. The rest of the fertilized cells are frozen. A week after the procedure, a pregnancy test is done.

The whole Eco procedure includes the following steps:

  • Ovarian hyperstimulation to produce multiple follicles.
  • Semen collection and oocyte retrieval.
  • in a test tube for 2-5 days.
  • The introduction of several embryos into the uterine cavity.
  • Monitoring pregnancy for 10-12 weeks.

Indications for in vitro fertilization

This method of artificial insemination is used for both female and male infertility. It is also prescribed for women with obstruction of the tubes and in the case when other methods of medical intervention have not brought any result. IVF efficiency is very high (30-50%). The end result largely depends on the cause of infertility, the woman's age, and body weight. At the same time, at the request of parents, specialists can introduce an embryo of a certain sex into the uterine cavity (to prevent possible hereditary diseases).

Despite the fact that in most cases the drug treatment prescribed by gynecologists does not bring the desired results, many women believe that with the help of some kind of miraculous medicine they will be able to quickly conceive a child. Many ladies directly turn to specialists: they say, prescribe me pills to get pregnant ...

However, even an experienced doctor will not give a 100% guarantee of the effectiveness of commercially available products. At the same time, the cost of such medicines is very high, and the probability of conception is quite low. It is almost impossible to answer the question of how long it will take to get pregnant after taking special medications. Although such therapy can greatly increase the chance of conception (especially in combination with other types of fertility treatment).

All such funds are divided into 3 main groups:

1. FSH (follicle-stimulating drugs) and LH (luteinizing hormone), which stimulate ovulation. These include such medicines as Puregon, Klostilbegit, Menogon.

2. helping a large follicle to release an egg. These include: "Pregnil", "Profazi", "Horagon", "Gonacor".

3. Medicines containing progesterone. They prepare the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) to anchor the zygote (embryo) in it and help carry the fetus. These include the following drugs: "Duphaston", "Utrozhestan".

The use of all of the above drugs is allowed only as directed by the attending physician.

What it takes to get pregnant without medication

Many women, after several unsuccessful attempts, still manage to get pregnant on their own thanks to observing their monthly cycle and drawing up a temperature schedule. Some young girls know little about their body and the physiology of the reproductive system. So, from them you can often hear the question: "Can I get pregnant the day before menstruation?" Yes, this happens, but extremely rarely (with deviations in the normal functioning of the reproductive system). Knowing the features of female physiology, you can choose the most favorable moment for conception, which often increases the chances of getting pregnant several times. Fertilization of the egg takes place on strictly defined days of the menstrual cycle. They are called ovulation. Thus, the most successful time for conceiving a child is only 1-3 days. Some experts argue that even in a completely healthy woman, 2-3 cycles per year can be infertile (there is no ovulation).

At the beginning of the cycle, in a healthy woman, an egg cell begins to grow and develop rapidly in the ovary. In the middle (about 14 days after the onset of menstruation), ovulation occurs, during which the egg leaves the ovary and passes through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. There she is met by a sperm. As a result of fertilization, a child is conceived. A fertilized egg, called a zygote, moves along the tube into the uterine cavity, where it is "implanted" into its inner layer (endometrium). The probability of conception at the time of ovulation is very high, therefore, a woman who wants to become pregnant should regularly measure her basal temperature in the morning. Normally, its indicators in the first phase of the cycle are below 37 ° C. A rise of 0.4 ° C and above indicates that ovulation has occurred. And already 1-2 days before menstruation, there is a strong decrease in basal temperature. When the graph looks like a monotonous curve with slight fluctuations around 36.9 ° C, ovulation does not occur, and therefore the chances of conception are very small.

Little feminine tricks

There are other ways to get pregnant. Poses during sex also increase the chance of conception. If a woman wants to get pregnant, she should choose those positions in which the penetration of the penis is maximum. The optimal positions are those in which the partner's hips are raised. In this case, the sperm reaches the uterus faster, which allows more sperm to penetrate into its depths. Also, you should not immediately wash thoroughly after intercourse, since most of the male reproductive cells simply flow out of the cervix and are washed out with water. Some women resort to douching with baking soda, which reduces the acidity of the mucus. Thus, sperm have a better chance of entering the uterus. This procedure is carried out 20-25 minutes before intercourse.

How to get pregnant (folk methods)

Many women who do not want to turn to artificial insemination or do not have the funds for such procedures turn to folk recipes. Before engaging in such self-medication, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice, since the use of many folk remedies often leads to a deterioration in a woman's health. Most often, traditional medicine recipes help in the diagnosis of secondary infertility. With the primary, unfortunately, such methods show an extremely low result. Alder is considered to be very effective in the treatment of infertility. Below are the recipes with this ingredient.

Alder root infusion

This ingredient can be purchased at a pharmacy. The root is ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery state. 3 tbsp are poured into a thermos. tablespoons of raw materials and pour it with 1 liter of boiling water. The infusion should be sealed for at least 10 hours. The cooled liquid is filtered and used for douching. This procedure is best done before going to bed. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. After a 7-day break, therapy can be repeated. In the presence of adhesions, it may take up to 5-6 courses. With this procedure, you can significantly increase the likelihood of getting pregnant. Days on which douching is treated are contraindicated for intimate relationships.

Alder powder

Many women who complain: "I can't get pregnant for a long time, tell me an effective folk remedy," do not understand that such self-medication cannot guarantee a 100% result. For those who still want to try out traditional medicine recipes, we can recommend taking alder powder inside. Due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, this natural product has a very beneficial effect on the overall health of a woman. Take the powder as follows: add 1 teaspoon of alder and 2 tbsp to a glass of warm boiled water. spoons of honey. After thorough mixing, the contents are drunk in small sips. This medicine is taken twice a day (on an empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime). At the same time, one should not forget that the best result can be achieved only with complex therapy of infertility. For this, in addition to taking the powder, it is necessary to do douching according to the above method.

Drink vitamins to get pregnant

All specialists in reproductive medicine claim that the likelihood of fertilization increases significantly due to the improvement in the general condition of the organism of the future mother. To stimulate fertility (the ability to produce normal offspring), a whole complex of vitamins is prescribed. They increase the general tone of the entire reproductive system and improve the general health of the patient. In most cases, their reception is also indicated for men.

Vitamins to get pregnant:

E is a natural natural stimulator of the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Every woman who plans to become a mother should include in her diet the maximum amount of tocopherol-rich foods. These include: pumpkin pulp, berries and sea buckthorn juice. If the amount of such foods in the diet is minimal, you need to take vitamin E, which is sold at the pharmacy. As a rule, it is drunk three times a day. Even after conception, doctors recommend continuing to use it.

B9 (folic acid) - found in vegetables (cabbage, green onions, broccoli, peas, asparagus, beans) and greens (parsley, spinach). It is found in citrus fruits, peaches, walnuts, cod and cattle liver, cottage cheese, caviar, cheese. This vitamin is a prerequisite for successful conception, therefore, if it is lacking, pharmacy folic acid should be taken.

Vitamins of group A, B2, B1, C, D are also important for the stimulation and normalization of reproductive function.

It is difficult to say what the likelihood of getting pregnant will be after using the above methods to combat infertility, but only those who fight this problem comprehensively will be able to win and give birth to a healthy child. The road will be mastered by the walking one. Good luck and health!

Some people manage to get pregnant on the first try, while others try for years, but everything turns out to be unsuccessful. What is the reason?

If you want to improve your chances of having a baby, don't make the common mistakes that we will tell you about.

1. To worry too often

Stress is one of the main factors that reduce the likelihood of conception. If a woman's body has high levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, this can negatively affect her fertility. American scientists watched 400 couples trying to become parents, and came to the following conclusions: if a woman has a high level of alpha-amylase (stress indicator), her chances of getting pregnant are reduced by 29% compared to those who have this indicator within the normal range. Experts believe that under the influence of chronic stress, the production of hormones that ensure a stable cycle is reduced.

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, try to relax and let go of the situation for a while. Try meditation, yoga - it has asanas that improve blood flow to the pelvis and thus stimulate the synthesis of necessary hormones. This has a positive effect on the ability to conceive. Stop constantly planning a pregnancy. Instead, just remind yourself daily that this is a miracle that happens very often.

2. Don't do too much or too little.

A large number of couples are convinced that the chances of conceiving a baby will greatly increase if you do not have sex for a week, "saving" sperm. It's a delusion. After a week of abstinence, sperm become much less mobile. Therefore, doctors advise to have sex every day or every other day for a week before ovulation and on the day it occurs. More frequent intimacy can negatively affect the ability of sperm to fertilize, and less often creates the risk of missing the window of conception.

It has been scientifically proven that regular sex helps stabilize the cycle: the male body releases hormones that affect the female reproductive system. Therefore, with regular sex, more estrogen is produced.

3. Use questionable techniques

Although we live in the 21st century, many women continue to practice douching, believing in the miraculous effectiveness of this method. It seems that there is logic in this: from infections, malnutrition, bad habits, the environment in the vagina becomes acidic, and the sperm in it dies and cannot fertilize the egg. Therefore, many begin to introduce a weak soda solution so that the environment becomes alkaline and conducive to conception.

Doctors do not support douching: together with harmful microorganisms, soda destroys useful ones, disrupting the natural pH of the vagina. There is also a risk of exacerbation of inflammatory processes, due to which damage, erosion of the cervix can develop, which can often only be detected during examination by a gynecologist.

4. Make mistakes in calculations

The most common mistake is incorrect determination of the day of ovulation. For most women, it occurs in the middle of the cycle, but this applies to women with a 28-32 day cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before your period starts. Therefore, if you have a 24-day cycle, then ovulation will occur on day 10. If your cycle is noticeably longer, say 42 days, then it can be assumed that you ovulate less often, not in every cycle. In this case, as well as if you have an irregular cycle (in this case, ovulation can be either on day 6 or on day 21), or you do not remember the last time you had your period, forget these rules. Here you can not do without an ovulation test, with which you can easily find out when you have a conception window.

Often women make another mistake - they do not count the beginning of the cycle from the first day of menstruation. The day of the onset of menstruation is the one on which blood begins to be secreted, not the day before and not the day after that. It is very important to know the exact day of the beginning of the cycle, because for a successful conception, the account goes literally for hours.

5. Blame yourself

With unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant, infertility on the part of the woman is usually assumed. Only in reality both partners have the same degree of responsibility. According to statistics, in 40% of cases men are infertile, in another 40% - women, and in the remaining 20% ​​unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are due to problems of partner compatibility. Therefore, do not panic ahead of time: on average, healthy couples need 6 months to 1 year to conceive.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! After giving birth, I gained 11 kilograms and could not get rid of them in any way. I tried to limit myself in food, but the diets did not bring much results. I had to look for another solution. And I found it: (-15kg) I hope the information will be useful for you!

6. Trying to keep everything on schedule

Pregnancy planning cannot be accurately planned. Although healthy couples usually need from 6 months to a year to conceive, sometimes the first six months are spent for a woman only to normalize the cycle, which has gone astray due to the use of contraceptives. Until the cycle becomes regular, ovulation will not occur. So, if after 6 months the menstrual cycle has not returned to normal or you are not sure that you are ovulating, be sure to go to the gynecologist.

7. Hurry

Many people find it sarcastic to say that after sex, a woman needs to lie on her back for about 20 minutes with her buttocks raised. But, according to doctors, it increases the chances of getting pregnant by 80%. So don't neglect this method.

8. Ignore the worries for which there is reason

Seeing a doctor is not paranoia. There are situations when you should not ignore what bothers you, because we are talking not only about you, but also about the future baby. It is possible that your cycle has always been irregular, and this is the reason why you cannot get pregnant. Or maybe you have some kind of illness, and you want to make sure that this does not threaten the health of the unborn baby.

If you are worried about something or are not sure about something, go to see a specialist. He will explain to you what surprises and difficulties you may face. If you have difficulty trying to get pregnant later, you will know what to do.

9. Can't give up bad habits

You should quit bad habits at least a year before the planned pregnancy. Doctors around the world warn: the first trimester is the most important stage in the formation of the future baby's body. Even a minuscule dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to him.

Some women drink alcohol in early pregnancy without realizing their interesting situation. So, if you are not using protection, either give up alcohol and cigarettes, or keep them to a minimum.

10. Do not monitor your partner's health

Anything that harms your fertility can also negatively affect a man's fertility. Tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diets impair the quality and decrease the number of sperm. Studies have shown that smoking and alcohol damage sperm at the chromosome level. Considering that the complete renewal of sperm takes 3 months, at least for this period, your partner should give up bad habits. Make sure his diet is balanced, including selenium, vitamins C and E - they are very beneficial for men's health.

The effect of temperature on a man's ability to conceive has not been proven. American experts believe that it is not essential for the work of the male genital organs. However, some doctors advise against taking hot baths often, even if the man has no sperm quality issues.

A number of studies indicate that the temperature of the scrotum rises when a person holds a laptop on their lap for a long time. Other experts have found that radiation from mobile phones can reduce a man's ability to conceive, especially if the gadget is in his pants pocket. Yet a clear relationship between warmth and male fertility has not been established.

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