What is the English transcription. How to read and pronounce English transcription. Examples for English vowels

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English transcription

Pronunciation of English sounds.

Pronunciation of English vowels.

The pronunciation of English sounds is represented by Russian letters, you should understand what to convey the correct English pronunciation using the Russian alphabet is not possible.

  • ɑː long, deep a
  • ʌ short vowel a, as in the Russian word to run.
  • ɒ = ɔ - short, open about
  • ɔː - long o
  • зː - long vowel ё, as in the Russian word hedgehog.
  • æ - open e
  • e - like e in the word these
  • ə - unclear unstressed sound, similar to e
  • iː - long and
  • ɪ - short, open and
  • ʊ \u003d u - short u, pronounced with a slight rounding of the lips.
  • uː - long y pronounced without much rounding of the lips.

Two-vowel sounds

Pronunciation of English consonants.

  • p - p
  • b - b
  • m - m
  • f - f
  • v - in
  • s - with
  • z - z
  • t - resembles a Russian sound tpronounced with the tongue positioned at the gums.
  • d - resembles a Russian sound dpronounced with the tongue positioned at the gums.
  • n - resembles a Russian sound npronounced with the tongue positioned at the gums.
  • l - resembles a Russian sound l, pronounced with the tongue positioned at the gums.
  • r is a very hard sound pronounced without vibration of the tongue. Corresponds to the sound p in the word lot
  • ʃ - soft Russian sh
  • ʒ - soft Russian zh, as in the word yeast.
  • - h
  • ʤ - similar to the Russian sound j (voiced h)
  • k - k
  • h - breath, reminiscent of a weakly pronounced sound x
  • ju - long yu in the word southern
  • je - the sound e in the word spruce
  • jɔ - sound ё in the word Christmas tree
  • jʌ - sound i in the word pit
  • j - resembles the Russian sound й before vowels. Occurs in combination with vowels.

English consonants that do not have approximate equivalents in Russianː

  • w - formed with rounded lips (as in a whistle). It looks like a sound delivered with only lips. In translation, it is denoted by letters in or y ː W illiams - Williams, Williams.
  • ƞ - Open your mouth and say n without closing your mouth.
  • ɵ - Move the slightly flattened tip of the tongue between the teeth and pronounce Russian with
  • ð - Push the slightly flattened tip of the tongue between the teeth and say Russian

Transcription- this is the transfer in writing of the elements of oral speech using a certain set of written characters. Phonetic transcription- this is the most accurate transmission of oral speech by graphic means (special transcription signs).

Each individual sound and its variants have their own designations. For recording, special characters are used, called transcription marks, which are enclosed in square brackets. Some of these signs repeat the letters of the English alphabet, the designations of others may differ significantly. However, letter and sound are completely different things. Letter- these are the designations of sound in writing, while the sound can be regarded as an independent unit. We write and read letters, we hear and pronounce sounds. The transcription mark indicates the sound and features of its pronunciation. In a letter, one letter can convey several sounds at once, and each transcription mark can convey only one sound.

What is transcription used for?

The spelling of a word and its actual pronunciation can vary significantly. Therefore, for correct pronunciation, only knowing the rules of reading is not enough, because there are always exceptions to the rules. The same letters/letter combinations under the same conditions can be read differently. Thanks to transcription, if necessary, you can correctly read an unfamiliar word. At the initial stage of learning the language, it is possible to use Russian transcription, but in English there are sounds that are absent in Russian, so Russian transcription conveys only the approximate sound of the word, which is why you can pronounce the word written in Russian transcription incorrectly. In addition, the quality of pronunciation of the same sounds may differ.

Perfect knowledge of transcription marks is not mandatory, because you are unlikely to need to convey the sound of a word using these marks. But you may need to look up the correct pronunciation of a word in a dictionary. And for this it is important to be able to correctly read the transcription in the dictionary. In addition, most transcription marks are found in other European languages.

Factors affecting pronunciation

word stress

The correct pronunciation of vowels in stressed syllables, where the vowels are pronounced clearly, and the meaning of the word will depend on the correctness of their sound, can cause difficulties. In an unstressed syllable, vowels are not clearly articulated, they can fall out (not pronounced), therefore special difficulties do not represent during pronunciation. Unlike Russian, where the stress is placed over the stressed syllable, in English the stress is indicated by a vertical stroke. before percussive syllable. Monosyllabic words have one stress, long ones can have two. In this case, the main emphasis is placed at the top, the secondary - at the bottom.

English sounds

Consonant sounds and their approximate Russian counterparts:

  • [b] - [b]
  • [d] - [d]
  • [f] - [f]
  • [g] - [g]
  • [k] - [k]
  • [l] - [l]
  • [m] - [m]
  • [n] - [n]
  • [p] - [p]
  • [s] - [s]
  • [t] - [t]
  • [v] - [in]
  • [z] - [z]
  • [ʃ] - [w]
  • [ʒ] - soft [zh]
  • - [h]
  • - absent in Russian (represents a very quickly pronounced sound [j]);
  • [r] - the tip of the tongue is not tense, does not vibrate, is motionless, raised to the arch of the oral cavity, but does not touch the alveoli (reminiscent of the Russian sound [r], but not so clear);
  • [j] - [th];
  • [ŋ] - nasal [n];
  • [θ] - absent in Russian, interdental (to pronounce it, say [s], sticking the tip of your tongue between your teeth);
  • [ð] - absent in Russian, interdental (to pronounce it, say [з], sticking out the tip of the tongue between the teeth).

The articulation of a number of English sounds practically does not differ from the articulation of Russian sounds, however, there are some features:

  • From Russian analogues [t], [p], [k] English [t], [p], [k] are distinguished by their pronunciation with aspiration (aspiration);
  • When pronouncing sounds [d], [l], [n], [t], the tip of the tongue is on the alveoli (tubercles just above the upper teeth);
  • [ʃ] [ʒ] - softer than Russian counterparts, for this you need to slightly raise the back of the tongue;
  • [h] - a sound slightly louder than exhalation;
  • [w] - lips are rounded and tense, the lower lip should not touch the teeth (quickly say [wee]).

Vowel pronunciation

In English, vowel length is very important because it affects the meaning of a word. This means that words with the same vowel of different lengths will differ in meaning, for example: sheep [ʃi: p] - sheep, ship [ʃɪp] - ship, live live - leave - leave, leave.

The longitude of a vowel in a letter is indicated two dots after it. With the help of 6 vowels, you can form a wide variety of sounds:

  • - long sound [a];
  • [æ] - the middle between [a] and [e], the mouth is wide open, the jaw is lowered down;
  • - long [and];
  • [i] - short [and];
  • [e] - the average between [e] and [e], the corners of the lips are stretched to the sides;
  • [ɔ] - short [o];
  • [ɔ:] - long [o];
  • [ə] - an obscure, unstressed sound, reminiscent of [e];
  • [ʌ] - short [a];
  • [h] - resembles the sound [e];
  • [u] - short [y];
  • - lingering [y].


diphthongs- these are two vowel sounds pronounced together, where the first is stressed, articulated more clearly and distinctly, and the second is weaker:

  • - [ai];
  • - [hey];
  • [ɔi] - [oh];
  • - [ay];
  • [əu] - [oh];
  • - [ie];
  • - [ue];
  • [ɛə] - remotely similar to [ea].


Triphthong- this is a combination of three vowel sounds that are pronounced together and are part of one syllable.

- pronounced like [aye]. The longest of the three sounds is "a". The sounds "y" and "e" are pronounced almost together.
It is expressed in writing using the letter combinations “ire”, “yre”, “iar”, less often “ier” and “ie + t”:

ire - fire [‘faɪə] (fire)
yre - tire [‘taɪə] (tire)
iar - liar [‘laɪə] (liar)
ier - tier [‘taɪə] (connective)
iet - quiet [‘kwaɪət] (quiet)

- pronounced like [aue]. At the same time, the sound "y" is exactly the sound that is transmitted by the letter "w".
The letter is transmitted using the letter combinations "our", "ower":

our - sour [‘sauə] (sour)
ower - power [‘pauə] (strength)

- pronounced like [yue]. The longest of the three sounds in this triphthong is "y".
The letter is transmitted using the letter combinations "eur", "ure":

eur - European [ˌjuərə'piːən] (European)
ure - pure (pure).

Words in speech flow

In addition to the main stress, with which the emphasis is placed on the syllable, there is the concept of phrasal stress. Phrase stress- this is the selection in the flow of speech of words on the importance of which the speaker wants to emphasize. The location of the phrasal stress does not significantly change the essence of the sentence. Let's compare on the example of a simple short sentence (stressed words are in bold:) She has gone to the shop just now. She just went to the store (it was her, not someone else). She has gone to the shop just now. She has just gone to the store (went, not used another vehicle). She has gone to the shop just now. She just went to the store (namely, the store, and not anywhere else). She has gone to the shop just now. She just went to the store (just now).

Accordingly, the stressed word will be pronounced as clearly as possible. As a rule, function words are prepositions, conjunctions, particles, pronouns, etc. are in an awkward position. It should also be noted that colloquial speech tends to be minimized: it is characterized by the use of abbreviated forms, less clear articulation, in some places intentional mispronunciation of words, dropping vowels, etc.

How much time to devote to practice?

The answer is obvious. The more practice in the language, the better. The more time you take to practice pronunciation, the more authentic (more natural, as similar as possible to English speech) your speech will sound. Listening to English speech, its imitation, reading aloud will help you with this. Record your speech on a voice recorder, which will help to identify your own mistakes, because your perception of your own speech differs from its perception by others. And remember that when learning a foreign language, the regularity of classes is extremely important. With shorter, but regular sessions, you will achieve greater results than with long sessions of "jerks". We wish you success!

English alphabet with transcription
Reading rules in English

The sounds that represent are 44 English phonemes, which are divided into two categories: consonants and vowels. Since sounds cannot be written down, graphemes (letters or combinations of letters) are used to convey sounds in writing.

English alphabet

There are 26 letters in English. The standard one starts with the letter a and ends with the letter z.

When classifying alphabetic characters, they distinguish:

  • 5 pure vowels: a, e, i, o, u;
  • 19 pure consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, z;
  • 2 semivowels: y, w.

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Features of English consonants

A consonant combination is a set of two or three consonant letters that retain their original sound when pronounced. Such sets occur either at the beginning or at the end of a word. For example, the word brave, in which both "b" and "r" are pronounced, is the initial combination. In the word bank "-nk" is the final combination.


  1. Initial combinations are classified into sets with "l", "r", and "s". In "l" the combination ends with "l". An example would be the letters "bl" in the word blind. Similarly, the final sound in "r" in combination with "r" when "br" and "cr", for example, in the words bridge, crane. On the contrary, in "s" it starts with s, "st" and "sn" - stap, snail.
  2. The final combinations are grouped into sets with "s", "l" and "n": -st, -sk, -ld, -nd, -nk. Examples, first, desk, gold, sand, sink.


Consonant digraphs refer to a set of consonants that form one sound. Some digraphs are both at the beginning and at the end of the word - "sh", "ch" and "th". There are also strict initial and final digraphs - "kn-" and "-ck".

Examples of digraphs:

Ch- -ch
Kn- — ck
Ph- -sh
Sh- -ss
Th- -th
wh- -tch

Features of digraphs:

Table of pronunciation of English consonants

b b bag, band, cab bag, band, cab
d d dad, did, lady, odd [ɒd] dead, did, lady, od
f f, ph, sometimes gh fable , fact , if [ɪf], off [ɒf], photo , glyph fable, fact, if, of, foutow, glyph
g give , flag givew, flag
h hold, ham hold, ham
j usually represented by y, but sometimes by other vowels yellow, yes, young, neuron, cube Yelow, ies, yang, n (b) yueron, k (b) yu: b - the sound j is similar to the vowel sound i:.
k k, c, q, que, ck, sometimes ch cat, kill, queen, skin, thick [θɪk], chaos kat, kil, qui:n, sik, keyos
l l lane, clip, bell, milk, sould lane, clip, bel, milk, sould - has two sound options: pure /l/ before a vowel, “darkened” /ɫ/ before a consonant or at the end of a word
m m man, them [ðem], moon man, zem, mu:n
n n nest, sun nest, san
ŋ ng ring, sing, finger

[ŋ] is sometimes followed by the sound [g]. [ŋ] if "ng" is at the end of a word or a related word (sing, singer, thing), to "-ing", which translates verbs into participles or gerunds. [ŋg], if "ng" is not at the end of a word or in related words, also in comparative degrees (longer, longest).

/ring/, /sing/, /finge/
p p pen, spin, tip, happy pen, spin, type, happy
r r rat, reply, rainbow, rat, ripple, rainbow -

movement of the tongue close to the alveolar ridge, but without touching it

s s, sometimes c see, city, pass, lesson si:, pa: s, forest
ʃ sh, si, ti, sometimes s she [ʃi:], crash , sheep [ʃi:p], sure [ʃʊə], session , emotion [ɪməʊʃn], leash shi:, crash, shi:p, shue, session, imashn, li:sh
t t taste, sting test, sting
ch, sometimes t chair [ʧɛə], nature teach beach t che e, ney t che, ti: t h, bi: t h
θ th thing [θɪŋ], teeth, Athens [æθɪnz[ t sing, ti: t s, et sinz - voiceless fricative
ð th this [ðɪs], mother d sis, ma d ze - voiced fricative
v v, sometimes f voice, five, of [ɔv] voice, five, ov
w w, sometimes u wet, window, queen y in em, y in indeu, ku in i: n - [w] is similar to
z z zoo, lazy zu: lazy
ʒ g, si, z, sometimes s genre [ʒɑːŋr], pleasure, beige, seizure, vision genre e, plezhe, beizh, b:zhe, vision
j, sometimes g, dg, d gin [ʤɪn], joy [ʤɔɪ], edge gin, joy, edge

English vowels

Each English vowel is pronounced in three ways:

  1. like a long sound;
  2. how short sound;
  3. as a neutral vowel (schwa).

In the English alphabet, there are 5 vowels, but sometimes y becomes a vowel and is pronounced like i, and w replaces u, for example, in the digraph ow.

Rules for reading vowels

Short vowels, which are characterized by a "short" sound, appear when there is one vowel in a word, either at the beginning of a word or between two consonants. For example, if, elk, hop, fan. A typical short vowel pattern is consonant+vowel+consonant (CHS).

Words are taught as families that represent groups of words with a common pattern, such as in the pattern "-ag" - bag, wag, tag or "-at" - cat, bat, hat.


Sound Letter Examples
[æ] a rag, sag, ram, jam, gap, sap mat
[ɛ] e hen, pen, wet, bet, let
[ɪ] i pig, wig, dig, pin, win, tin, tin, bit
[ɒ] o hop, pop, top, hot, pot, lot
[ʌ] u bug, lug, tug, hut, but, cut


Sound Writing Examples
A ai, ay, a+consonant+e name, mail, gray, ace
E e, ee, ea, y, ie ,ei, i+consonant+e he, deep, beast, dandy, thief, receive, elite
I i, i+gn, igh, y, i+ld, i+nd mine, sign, high, sky, wild, kind
O o+consonant +e, oa, ow, o+ll, ld tone, road, note, know, roll, bold
U ew, ue, u+consonant+e few, due, tune

The vowel sound in unstressed syllables is expressed by the abbreviated neutral sound ("schwa"), the phonemic symbol /ə/, especially if syllabic consonants are not used.

For example:

  • a in about, around, approve, above [ə bʌv];
  • e in accident, mother, taken, camera ;
  • i c, family, lentil, officer pencil ;
  • o in memory, common, freedom, purpose, London;
  • u in supply, industry, suggest, difficult, succeed, minimum ;
  • and even y in sibyl;
  • schwa appears in function words: to, from, are.

Features of vowel sounds in English

Vowels are divided into monophthongs, diphthongs or triphthongs. A monophthong is when there is one vowel in a syllable, a diphthong is when there are two vowels in a syllable.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. Monophthongs are pure and stable vowels., whose acoustic characteristics (timbre) do not change during the time they are pronounced.
  2. - a sound formed by a combination of two adjacent vowels in one syllable. Technically, the tongue (or other parts of the speech apparatus) moves when a vowel is pronounced - the first position is stronger than the second. In the transcription of a diphthong, the first character is the starting point of the body of the language, the second character is the direction of movement. For example, you should know that in /aj/ the body of the tongue is in the bottom center position represented by /a/ and immediately starts moving up and forward to the position for /i/.
  3. Diphthongs are often formed when separate vowels work together in rapid conversation.. Usually (in the speaker's speech) the body of the tongue does not have time to get to the position /i/. Therefore, the diphthong often ends closer to /ɪ/ or even to /e/. In the diphthong /aw/, the body of the tongue moves from the lower center position /a/, then moves up and back to the position /u/. Although single diphthongs are also distinguished, which are heard as separate vowel sounds (phonemes).
  4. English also has triphthongs.(combinations of three adjacent vowels), including three sound types, for example, fire /fʌɪə/, flower /flaʊər/. But in any case, all diphthongs and triphthongs are formed from monophthongs.

Table of pronunciation of simple English vowels

All vowels are formed from only 12 monophthongs. Each, regardless of spelling, is pronounced using some combination of these sounds.

The table shows examples of simple English vowels with Russian pronunciation:

[ɪ] pit, kiss, busy pete, kitty, beezy
[e] egg, let, red eg, years, red
[æ] apple, travel, mad apple, travel, mead
[ɒ] not, rock, copy music, rock, copy
[ʌ] cup, son, money cap, san, mani
[ʊ] look, foot, could bow, foot, cool
[ə] away, away hey, hey
be, meet, read bi:, mi:t, ri:d
[ɑ:] arm, car, father a:m, ka:, fa:dze
[ɔ:] door, saw, pause to:, from:, to: from
[ɜ:] turn, girl, learn cho:n, gyo:l, le:n
blue, food, too blu:, foo:d, tu:

Diphthong pronunciation table

day, pain, rein dei, pein, rein
cow, know kou, know
wise, island visa, island
now, trout naw, trout
[ɔɪ] noise, coins noiz, coin
[ɪə] near, hear nee, hie
[ɛə] where, air uh uh uh
[ʊə] pure, tourist p (b) yue, tu e rist

Learn the transcription of English words

Consider some features of English transcription:

There are a large number of videos online on the Internet to listen to, and you can also practice using exercises.

Even if you have just started learning English, you probably already know that the word is not always pronounced the way it is spelled. But it is the correct pronunciation that will bring you as close as possible to the advanced level and will help you not only communicate freely, but also easily understand people with different accents.

For those who do not remember by heart all the rules of reading in English, there is a great alternative - transcription. However, not everyone can correctly decipher this mysterious, at first glance, character set. In fact, everything is quite easy, and today we will prove it.

In this article, we will figure out how to read transcription in English correctly and why you need to study reading English transcription at all.

Sounds in English

To begin with, despite the fact thatthere are only 26 letters, there are much more sounds - 44. Some of them are difficult for foreigners because of the peculiarities of the speech apparatus, and simply out of habit. Sometimes more active articulation and long training are required to pronounce complex sounds without errors.

Each of the sounds in the English language has its own graphic expression and designation in phonetic transcription. Without it, it is not always possible to understand exactly how a word is pronounced: a syllable closed there or open, how long a vowel lasts and which consonants are not pronounced. Therefore, reading transcription in English is a skill that needs to be developed in parallel with learning words.

An open syllable is one that ends in a vowel (take, nose, cute), while a closed syllable, the most common in English, ends in one or more consonants, and the vowel in it will be read briefly (hat, red, pin).

In addition to these two main variants, there are many pronunciation rules, such as when the letter r comes after a vowel, or the syllables re and le.

Vowels, in turn, are divided into: single, diphthongs (a combination of two vowels) and triphthongs (a combination of three vowels). In transcription, they are also denoted differently.

The number of sounds in a word does not always coincide with the number of letters. So, an interesting example is the word daughter (daughter), the transcription of which looks like [ˈdɔ:tə ] and consists of four sounds.

One of the most difficult sounds for us is the combination th, which is denoted phonetically as [ð].

So all the same, how is the English transcription read? Let's figure it out together.


The first thing you need to know is that in writing, transcription is indicated by square brackets, as in the examples above. Second: the same word can have a different transcription depending on the pronunciation (British or American).

There are two types of stress in English transcription: primary and secondary.

‘ is the main stress. It is placed before the stressed vowel in whatever place of the word it is.

This is secondary stress. It is placed before a vowel in long words where necessary.

There is also one important sign that will indicate the length of the vowel sound. It can be placed either in the middle or at the end of a word:

: - vowel length

Signs in transcription can repeat themselves English letters, or they may be the very “squiggles” that scare beginners so much. Below we will give examples of sounds and phonetic signs with a rough description of how they will sound, so that you can understand how to read the transcription in English.

These consonant sounds are similar to Russian ones and are given to us more or less easily:

  • [f] - f (vigorously, lightly bite the lower lip) - forest
  • [v] - in (lightly bite the lower lip) - vocal
  • [s] - with (muffled sound, press not the tip of the tongue, but a little more of it) - sofa
  • [z] - h (similarly, press the tongue not with the tip, but with the “back”) - zone
  • [h] - x (pronounce on a light exhalation) - hall
  • [p] - p (sharp exhalation with aspiration) - pen
  • [b] - b (sharp exhalation with aspiration) - ball
  • [d] - d (put the tip of the tongue just behind the front teeth, on the tubercles of the gums) - drink
  • [k] - to (sharp exhalation with aspiration) - kite
  • [g] - g (as in Russian, but not as energetic) - green
  • [m] - m (as in Russian) - mother
  • [n] - n (as in Russian) - note
  • [l] - l (as in Russian, but a little softer) - let
  • [r] - p (softer sound, tip of the tongue on the tubercles of the gums) - rose
  • [t] - t (softer, the tip of the tongue is not to the teeth, but to the tubercles of the gums above them) - tree
  • [w] - in (lips folded into a tube and sharply unclenched) - what

Consonant sounds resembling combinations of Russian letters:

  • [ʃ] - sh (something between sh and sh, but not whistling) - ship
  • [ʒ] - f (soft, almost zh, but not whistling) - pleasure
  • - tch (soft combination, pronounced together) - catch
  • - j (soft, almost j, pronounced as a single sound) - jump
  • [j] - yi (something in between these letters) - yet

Consonant sounds that are not in Russian:

  • [θ] - with (as if "blow" on the tip of the tongue between the teeth) - thin
  • [ð] - z (again blow on the tip of the tongue between the teeth, pronouncing the Russian letter "z")
  • [ŋ] - n (pronounced "on the nose") - long

Russian-like vowels:

  • [ʌ] - a (short and sonorous) - sun
  • [ɑː] - a (deep and long sound, as if you are showing your throat to a doctor) - car
  • [i] - and (short sound, something between "and" and "s") - fit
  • - and (long sound and) - sea
  • [u] - y (pronounced a little more relaxed) - cook
  • - y (long light "y") - true
  • [e] - e (soft sound, something between "e" and "e") - get
  • [ə] - e (weak, something between "e" and "a") - sister
  • [ɔː] - about (long sound, as if you are surprised by something) - more
  • [ɒ] - about (something between "o" and "a") - hot

Vowel sounds that are not in Russian:

  • [ɜː] - yo (as if you were preparing to say "yo", but say "o") - her
  • [æ] - ae (pronounce, relaxing lower jaw and slightly stretching his lips) - cat


  • - ai (with emphasis on "a" and at the end exactly "and", not "th") - like
  • - ay (short, with emphasis on "a") - cow
  • [ɪə] - ie (with emphasis on "and") - hear
  • - ei (pronounced short, with emphasis on "e") - take
  • - ea (with emphasis on "e") - hair
  • [əu] - ow (short, with an emphasis on "o", and "y" practically does not sound) - go
  • - ue (softly, with emphasis on "u") - cure
  • [ɔɪ] - oi (pronounced short, with an emphasis on "o") - boy

And finally, there are triple combinations of sounds:

  • - aie (with an emphasis on "a", quickly and smoothly) - fire
  • - aue (with accent on "a", quickly and smoothly) - our

Tricky transcription and compound words

Always check the transcription of words you don't understand. For example, it would seem that it can be difficult to pronounce such a simple preposition of? But at the end, not “f”, but “v” is pronounced, and its transcription looks like [ɔv].

But the word halt (stop) in the British version of the transcription will be, and in the American version -. In both cases, "o" is pronounced, but not "a" in the German manner.

Often consonants are completely omitted during pronunciation. For example, in the word doubt (doubt), the letter “b” is not pronounced, and the transcription in both versions is as follows:. Similarly, in the word comb (comb), there will be no “b” at the end, although the temptation to pronounce it is very great. His transcription is as follows:

As for long vowels, they are not always pronounced as you think, regardless of the fact that the vowel in the word is double. Good examples of such catch words are good [ɡʊd] (good), book (book) and look (look).

Always pay attention to where the stress is in the transcription. Here is an interesting example: the word valet (valet, servant). In the Russian manner, we want to pronounce it with an accent on "e", but we definitely should not do this, because according to its English transcription [ˈvæleɪ], the stress is placed on the first vowel "a".

And where do you put the stress in the word applicable (suitable)? The correct answer is the second syllable (the vowel "and"), because its transcription looks like [əˈplɪkəbəl].

By the way, even native speakers themselves have problems with pronunciation. So, according to the study, the British are most difficult to give words in which the letters m and n, t and s, and the combination th stand next to each other.

One of the most popular The Daily Telegraphpolled people in the UK and identified the 20 most difficult words to pronounce in English. Interestingly, one of these words is the very “pronunciation” or pronunciation, which is not even easy to write. We give examples of all twenty below with transcription:

  1. Phenomenon - phenomenon
  2. Anaesthetist [əˈniːsθətɪst] - an anesthesiologist
  3. Remuneration - reward
  4. statistics - statistics
  5. Ethnicity - ethnicity
  6. Philosophical [ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkəl] - philosophical
  7. Provocatively - defiantly
  8. Anonymous [əˈnɒnɪməs] - anonymous
  9. Thesaurus [θɪˈsɔːrəs] - thesaurus
  10. Aluminum [ˌæljəˈmɪniəm] - aluminum
  11. Regularly [ˈreɡjələli] - regularly
  12. February [ˈfebruəri] - February
  13. Particularly - in particular
  14. Hereditary - hereditary
  15. Prioritising - prioritization
  16. pronunciation - pronunciation
  17. Prejudice [ˈpredʒədɪs] - prejudice
  18. Facilitate - facilitate
  19. Hospitable - hospitable
  20. Onomatopoeia [ˌɒnəˌmætəˈpiːə] - onomatopoeia, onomatopoeia

Common mistakes in pronunciation

If the British themselves have difficulty pronouncing sounds, then what about all those who are just starting to learn English? And what to hide, even those who have been studying and practicing the language for many years may pronounce sounds incorrectly or have problems with certain combinations of letters. This is quite normal, and the main thing here is regular practice and training.

Interestingly, the inhabitants different countries have different problems with English sounds. This is how the “typical accent” is formed, by which foreigners can easily determine where you come from. Even if you do not want to tell them this - they will understand what country you come from. Let's see what typical mistakes are found in the speech of Russians, so that we not only know how to read the transcription in English, but also be able to do it like a native.

So, Russians most often:

  • Mute voiced consonants at the end of a word

At mispronunciation the word bed (bed) can easily turn into bat ( bat). Therefore, pronounce the sounds to the end and do not eat the endings.

  • Pronounce short and long vowels the same way

If you do not pay attention to how long the vowel sound is pronounced, then you can easily get a ship (ship) from a sheep (sheep).

  • Pronounce [w] and [v] like the Russian sound "in"

The main problem is that in our language there is only one such sound, and in English it has several pronunciations.

  • Pronounce [r] like the Russian "r"

This English sound is not as sonorous and sharp as ours. Practice not "croaking" when you say the word car.

  • Pronounce [ŋ] like the Russian "n"

Learning to speak this sound “into the nose” can be quite difficult, but once you understand how to do it correctly, you will quickly get used to it and rebuild your speech apparatus.

    Phonetics is the branch that studies sounds. Its main goal is to teach you how to pronounce English sounds and words correctly, as well as to develop your ability to perceive the speech of native speakers. Therefore, in order to learn how to speak and read English competently, you need to know the English alphabet and learn the pronunciation of individual phonemes and the words in which they are used. English phonetics The English language is built on the Latin alphabet, has only 26 letters (instead of the usual 33), but almost twice as many sounds are superimposed on these familiar letters, namely 46 different phonemes. English sounds are very important for learners of this language, so you need to understand how they are used in speech and for what.

    As mentioned above, the distinguishing feature of English language- this is a huge number of sounds that do not correspond to the number of letters available. That is, one letter can convey several phonemes, depending on the letters that are nearby. Based on this, it is necessary to speak very carefully and accurately. Incorrect use of this or that sound leads to misunderstanding.

    For example, the word "bed" (bed) and the word "bad" (bad) They are pronounced and spelled almost the same, so it's easy to get confused. At this stage of learning English, many begin to transcribe the pronunciation in Russian in order to facilitate the memorization process.

    However, this "relief" is very misleading, as it often leads to even more confusion between words with similar pronunciations. After all, both words "bed" and "bad" in Russian can be transcribed exclusively as "bad", without displaying the duality of sound. Therefore, it is better to learn sounds separately.

    Learning the phonetics of the English language will undoubtedly bring some clarity to the pronunciation and development of all the phrases and words that will come your way during training.

    First of all, you should have a dictionary in which you will designate all sounds in traditional transcription, and after that, next to them, their sound in your native language.
    It is also worth pointing out special cases of pronunciation, indicating that this word needs to be pronounced somehow in a special way or written down, that it is impossible to give an analogy to the Russian sound. London - London For convenience, phonemes are best divided into groups. For example, consonants, vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs. You also need to constantly practice and perform exercises of this type:

    The main city of Great Britain is London. London- 6 letters, 6 sounds. Let's find it on the map of England. Where is it? Then, let's check with our friend: How do you write it? How do you spell it? Now spell this name - Spell this name for us:

    - London - [Landen]

    Thus, you will practice not only the pronunciation of sounds, but also learn useful words and phrases in a foreign language.

    Now let's move on to their spelling and pronunciation.

    Sounds of English

    Let's get acquainted with brief description all sounds using this table




    [ı] short [and], as in "outside and»
    [e]similar to [e] - "w e st"
    [ɒ] short [o] - "in about t"
    [ʊ] short, close to [y]
    [ʌ] similar to Russian [a]
    [ə] unstressed, close to [e]
    looks like a long [and]
    [ɑ:] deep and long [a] - “g a lka"
    [ə:] = [ɜ:] long [ё] in "sv yo cla"
    long [y], like "b at lka"
    [ᴐ:] deep and long [o] - "d about lgo"
    [æ] Russian [e]

    Diphtogi (two tones)

    [hey] - same
    [ʊə] [ue] - poor
    [əʊ] [oh] - tone
    [ᴐı] [oops] - join
    [ah] - kite
    [ea] - hair
    [ıə] [ie] - fear

    Tripthongs (three tones)

    [aue] - power
    [yue] - European
    [ae] - fire


    [b]Russian [b]
    [v]analogue [c]
    [j]weak Russian [th]
    [d]like [d]
    [w]short [y]
    [k][k] breathy
    [ɡ] like [r]
    [z]like [h]
    [ʤ] [d] and [g] together
    [ʒ] how [f]
    [l]soft [l]
    [m]as M]
    [n]like [n]
    [ŋ] [n] "on the nose"
    [p][p] aspirated
    [r]weak [r]
    [t][t] aspirated
    [f]like [f]
    [h]just exhale
    [ʧ] like [h]
    [ʃ] middle between [w] and [w]
    [s]like [c]
    [ð] voiced [θ] with voice
    [θ] tip of tongue between upper and lower teeth, no voice
    • Double vowels are read as one sound: moon - - [mun] or bitter - ["bitǝ] - [bit]
    • Voiced consonants in English, unlike Russian, do not become voiceless: in a word good [gud] sound [d] is pronounced clearly, just like [g] in dog [dog] etc.

    The meaning of correct pronunciation

    As I have already said, it is very important and absolutely necessary to improve English pronunciation, because a large number of words in this language differ by only one or two sounds. But sometimes, even such a small difference is critical for correct and accurate contact with primary native speakers.

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