A 4-year-old child does not pronounce the letter l. The child does not pronounce the letter l. Variants of incorrect sound pronunciation

landscape design 16.08.2020
landscape design

A fairly large percentage of parents are faced with a problem when their growing baby does not pronounce words and certain letters. For some, this can go away on its own, as they say, the child pronounces. And other children need to work to learn how to pronounce this or that sound correctly.

A clear pronunciation of sounds is very important, since school performance, and self-confidence and self-confidence, largely depend on this. Speech defects can play a negative role already in adulthood and prevent self-fulfillment and success.

Among all the letters in the alphabet, there are those that are difficult for most children to pronounce - this is the sound "r", for example.

If we talk about the letter “l”, then it is considered easy to pronounce, and children can be taught how to pronounce it correctly in a few lessons. In this article we will tell you how to teach your baby to pronounce the letter "l".

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Why speech defects occur

Before teaching children to pronounce the sound "l", it is important to understand what led to the development of just such a speech defect. There are several main reasons.

  • Oddly enough, one of the reasons why there are problems with pronunciation is the habit of lisping with your child. If you notice that the baby has begun to pronounce sounds poorly, then analyze your speech when you address the child.

If you pronounce a letter incorrectly, then most likely your baby will speak exactly the same way. Since he simply did not hear another and considers it normal. Try to speak clearly pronouncing all the sounds.

  • The second reason why the sound “l” was underdeveloped is the anatomical features of the development of the child. They are considered too short bridle, soft palate, cleft lip. All these developmental anomalies prevent the tongue and uvula from moving correctly, which makes it impossible to pronounce the sound in words containing this letter.
  • Another reason that may affect the fact that the child begins to speak incorrectly is a developmental disorder of the hearing aid. In this case, he simply hears the letter incorrectly, which leads to the formation of a defect.

A speech therapist will be able to determine the true reason that led to the formation of an incorrect pronunciation. This specialist should be contacted if defects in a child are observed after 4.5 years.

Until this age, the sound "l" can form itself. It is believed that after 4.5 years the baby's speech apparatus is fully formed, and any incorrect pronunciation should be corrected in time. The sooner you try to teach how to do it right, the better for the child.

How should the articulatory organs be located when pronouncing "l"

Incorrect pronunciation of words containing the letter “l”, children can also notice different things:

  • skipping a consonant when pronouncing a word (horse - horse);
  • replacing the sound “l” with “y” (shovel - uopata) or with the sound “y” (spoon - yozhka);

Incorrect pronunciation can only be noticed when speaking words containing the letter "l" in a soft or only hard form.

The sound "l" is pronounced by resting the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth, the air being pushed out is quite strong and passes along the sides of the tongue. However, they do not rest against the lateral dentition.

Interestingly, numerous studies have shown that for every adult who knows how to correctly pronounce words with “l”, the position of the articulatory organs may change slightly, but the principle of their location is the same.

Teaching a child to say the letter "l" does not cause much difficulty. This can be done easily and at home by spending several sessions with the baby, using the right speech therapy exercises.

A set of exercises for setting the correct pronunciation of the sound "l"

Before any speech therapy session, it is necessary to warm up the organs of the articulatory apparatus. This is the same warm-up gymnastics.

For children, such classes are held in game form and like it very much. Ask your baby to show you his tongue, smile, twist his lips, folded into a tube, open and close his mouth wide.

Spend a few breathing exercises. This will be enough to set up the child's speech apparatus for further work and teach children to pronounce words correctly.

  • Smile. This exercise is very fun for kids. Ask the baby, without opening his lips, smile with his whole mouth and freeze in this position for up to ten seconds. You can do this up to 8 times.
  • Delicious honey. With your mouth slightly open, use the tip of your tongue to ask your child to lick their lips, as after tasting delicious honey. The exercise should be done for at least one minute.
  • Breeze. Blow air through a slightly open mouth, while biting the tip of the tongue. The exercise is performed for about three minutes.
  • The clatter of a horse. Show pictures. Ask the baby what kind of animal it is and ask only to click with your tongue, as a horse does. First, speed up the pronunciation of the sound, and then muffle it.
  • Show me your tongue. This exercise is also very entertaining for children, as adults allow him to do what was previously forbidden. Ask the child to push the tongue forward as much as possible and try to reach it to the chin. The next step is to reach the tip of the nose.

If parents are faced with the task of teaching a child to pronounce "l", then it must be remembered that the learning process should be interesting for children. To do this, use bright pictures, for example, horses for the exercise of the same name.

The classes themselves should last no more than 5 minutes, as this is exactly the time when a 4-year-old kid can focus on completing one task.

Children who have problems pronouncing a word containing the letter “l” should do more drawing, applications, that is, fine motor skills exercises. This helps not only to develop speech and teach how to pronounce words correctly, but also contributes to better intellectual development.

With the main organs involved in the creation of sounds. This can be done with the help of articulatory fairy tale gymnastics, which will interest the child and imperceptibly warm up the lips, cheeks, and tongue.

Work on speech breathing. Since speech is exhaled, the incorrect distribution of air during exhalation can greatly distort the sound pronunciation. The most famous games that help in the development of breathing are games with soap bubbles, blowing out imaginary or real candles, and launching boats on the water. So in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, he learns to control the air stream released. Make sure that he does not inflate his cheeks at the same time, but draws into his lungs.

Perform a set of exercises to develop the correct pronunciation of the sound “l” in front of a mirror. Slowly at first, if some movements do not work out, help with a spoon (handle). Sit in front of him so that he can clearly see your movements of the lips and tongue. Do exercises with him. The purpose of all corrective exercises for the sound “l” is to develop the mobility of the entire tongue and its parts, to adjust the correct air flow.
“The horse is the well-known sound of clattering hooves. Ask the child to smile, showing his teeth and opening his mouth. In this position, let him click the tip of his tongue like a horse. Do it with him, slowly at first, then faster. And make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw remains motionless.
“The horse rides quietly - this is a mandatory variant of the previous exercise. Invite the child to do the same with the tongue, but only without sound, like a horse on reconnaissance. The rules remain the same - do not stick out the tongue and do not move lower jaw.
“The wind is blowing. Smile, open your mouth, bite the tip of your tongue with your front teeth and blow. You should get two air jets from the corners of your mouth. Teach your child this and control the movement of air with a fluffy piece of cotton wool.
« delicious jam. Together with the child, slightly open your mouth and lick it with the wide front edge of the tongue. upper lip, making the movement of the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Do not move your lower jaw while doing this. If the child does not succeed, first practice holding a relaxed wide tongue on the lower lip (the tongue must be stuck out and placed on the lower lip without tucking it over the teeth). Then offer to lift the tongue and touch the upper lip.
“The ship is humming. Invite the child to open his mouth and pronounce the sound “s” for a long time (like a steamer is buzzing). Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and is in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised to the sky.

Usually this sound "L" is put easily and quickly, but on condition that the exercises are performed very accurately and correctly, for example, according to our method. All exercises are performed in front of a mirror in order to be able to control the position of the child's lips and tongue.

So, first things first. In order to correctly pronounce the sound “L”, the lips must be in a smile, the teeth are not closed, the distance between the lower and upper teeth is about 1 centimeter. The tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth. Children usually either skip this sound or replace it with sounds - S, Y, L, or V. If the back of the tongue is raised, and the tip of the tongue is lowered and moved away from the teeth, then the sound "L" is replaced by the sounds "S" or "Y". If the tip of the tongue is at the top, but moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is obtained. If the child raises the lower lip to the upper teeth, then instead of the sound “L”, the sound “V” is heard.

And now let's start performing articulation exercises of the tongue to correct the soft sound "L" to hard.

Lip exercises:

Fence - Teeth closed, lips in a wide smile. Upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

TV - The teeth are closed and visible, the upper and lower lips are raised, the corners of the lips are shifted to the center. The lips form a wide square, as in the sound "sh". Two upper and 4 lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Smile - The lips are closed and stretched in a wide smile. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Proboscis - The lips are closed, the corners of the lips are shifted to the center. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Rabbit - Lips closed and stretched in a wide smile. Lower the lower lip so that only the lower teeth are visible, and the upper ones are covered by the upper lip. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 4-5 times.

Then you need to alternate exercises in pairs:

Fence - TV, Smile - Proboscis, Smile - Rabbit. First, alternate at a slow pace, repeat everything 5-6 times, hold each position of the lips motionless for 2-3 seconds. Then alternate at a fast pace 5-6 times.

Setting the sound "L"

Donkey song - The mouth is slightly open, the lips are in a wide smile, the upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Pull the sound "Y-Y-Y". (Possible errors - the sound “Y-Y” is pronounced “on the nose.” To check the correct sound, put the back of your hand on the child’s neck and feel a slight vibration). Then open your mouth wide and add the sound "A-A-A". Pronounce the syllable -YA- together, pull both sounds. (Possible errors - replacing the sound -А- with the sound -Я-).

Repeat the syllable "YA" several times and make sure that both sounds are pronounced correctly. Then hold the tip of the tongue with your teeth (do not change the position of the lips) and say the syllable -YA-, pull both sounds, at the sound -a- mouth open wide. If both sounds are pronounced correctly, then the syllable "LA" will be heard. Pay special attention to the fact that the lower lip does not rise, otherwise, instead of "LA", the syllable "VA" will turn out. If instead of “LA” the syllable “LA” is heard, then the syllable “YA” should be repeated several times, without clamping the tip of the tongue with your teeth, make sure that the sound “A” is not replaced by the sound “I”.

Very often, a child, having heard the resulting syllable “LA”, involuntarily tries to say the syllable “LA” instead of “YA”, and he gets a habitually distorted sound “L”. Therefore, at first, when doing the exercise, it is advisable that you suggest that the child say “YA”, and not “LA”.

The resulting syllable "LA" must be repeated many times to consolidate the correct pronunciation. To repeat it was interesting, play the game "Tir". Shooting game - draw 10 target circles on a piece of paper. Repeat the syllable "La". If the syllable is spoken correctly, then they hit the target - cross out 1 circle, if the syllable "LA" is pronounced incorrectly, then put a dot next to the target circle to indicate a miss. Agree in advance with the child that after how many “misses” you will move on to the next target. When finished, count the number of hits and misses. Repeat the game 3-5 times and compare the results. First repeat the syllable "LA" one at a time, and then in groups of 2-3 syllables. You can draw targets from 2-3 circles.

Having achieved the absolutely correct pronunciation of the syllable "LA", proceed to practicing the correct pronunciation of the syllables "LO, LU, LE, LY". Make sure that the tip of the tongue is clamped between the teeth. Most often, the correct pronunciation of the syllable "LU" is difficult, since it is necessary to change the position of the lips.

When the child learns to pronounce all these syllables, you can proceed to the pronunciation of words with the sound "L". First, you should repeat the words beginning with the sound "L". In these words, it is easier to correctly pronounce the sound “L” correctly, since the child clamps the tip of the tongue with his teeth, pronounces this sound, and only then the whole word. It is more difficult to pronounce the word after the preposition, because in this case it is necessary that immediately after pronouncing the previous sound, the lips and tongue quickly take the correct position for the sound L. So it's better to repeat individual words with an "L" sound. Choose 10-15 words that begin with the syllable "LA" and repeat them like this (pull the sound "L", achieve a clear solid "L"):

- 1st time - sound - syllable - word (LL - LLA - LLAk, LL - LLA - LLApa, LL - LLA - LLampa and so on);

- 2nd time - syllable-word (LLA - LLAk, LLA - LLApa, LLA - LLampa and so on.);

- 3rd time - one word at a time, pull the sound "L";

- 4th time - the game "correct the adult" - you repeat the words, alternating, correct and distorted "L". The child must determine whether the word is said correctly and repeat it correctly;

- 5th time - in groups of 3 words (1st, 2nd, 3rd word, 2nd, 3rd, 4th word, 3rd, 4th, 5th word and etc.). This task is the most difficult, as the child is old.

If the child is easily given the correct pronunciation of the sound “L”, then you can start with the second task (syllable - word).

Here is an approximate set of words for practicing the sound "L"

At the first stage, repeating syllables and words, pinch the tip of the tongue at the sound "L". But this position of the tongue is preparatory. In the correct position, the tip of the tongue is behind the teeth and rests against the upper front teeth. Therefore, gradually try to translate the tongue by the teeth and try to achieve a clear solid sound "L" with the correct position of the tongue.

Very good, consistently selected and varied speech material can be found in the book by Yu.B. Norkina "Home notebook for speech therapy classes with children" issue 1, sound "L". In addition to words, sentences, poems and stories, the book contains many exercises for the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech, as well as tasks for the development of a child's coherent speech.

It is better, of course, to contact a speech therapist, but you can try to fix it with the help of articulatory gymnastics. It helps to develop and improve the tone of the muscles of the tongue, lips, as well as improve speech hearing. It should be carried out in the form of funny games, fairy tales, so that children can quietly master the correct sounds. 1 Introduce your child to the main organs involved in the creation of sounds. This can be done with the help of articulatory fairy tale gymnastics, which will interest the child and imperceptibly warm up the lips, cheeks, and tongue. 2 Work on speech breathing. Since speech occurs on exhalation, the incorrect distribution of air during exhalation can greatly distort the sound pronunciation. The most famous games that help in the development of breathing are games with soap bubbles, blowing out imaginary or real candles, and launching boats on the water. So in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, the child learns to control the air flow released. Make sure that he does not puff out his cheeks at the same time, but takes air into his lungs. 3 Perform a set of exercises to develop the correct pronunciation of the sound "l" in front of the mirror. Slowly at first, if some movements do not work out, help the child with a spoon (handle). Sit in front of him so that he can clearly see your movements of the lips and tongue. Do exercises with him. The goal of all corrective exercises for the sound "l" is to develop the mobility of the entire tongue and its parts, to adjust the correct air flow. "Horse" - the well-known sound of clattering hooves. Ask the child to smile, showing his teeth and opening his mouth. In this position, let him click the tip of his tongue like a horse. Do it with him, slowly at first, then faster. And make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw remains motionless. “The horse rides quietly” is a mandatory version of the previous exercise. Invite the child to do the same with the tongue, but only without sound, like a horse on reconnaissance. The rules remain the same - do not stick out the tongue and do not move the lower jaw. "The wind is blowing." Smile, open your mouth, bite the tip of your tongue with your front teeth and blow. You should get two air jets from the corners of your mouth. Teach your child this and control the movement of air with a fluffy piece of cotton wool. "Delicious jam" Together with the child, open your mouth slightly and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Do not move your lower jaw while doing this. If the child does not succeed, first practice holding a relaxed wide tongue on the lower lip (the tongue must be stuck out and placed on the lower lip without tucking it over the teeth). Then offer to lift the tongue and touch the upper lip. "Steamboat hums." Invite the child to open his mouth and pronounce the sound “y” for a long time (like a steamer is buzzing). Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and is in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised to the sky. 4 Develop at the same time fine motor skills of the child, because it stimulates speech development. Play finger games, draw, sculpt with a child.

When learning language skills, children often distort words. They experience difficulties in the pronunciation of individual sounds. The notorious “rrrr” is known to many, but what if the child changes the letter “l”? The defect is easy to fix. Parents should show the child to a speech therapist - the specialist will establish the cause of the defect and determine the methodology of classes that will help eliminate it.

If there are speech disorders, it is better to show the child to a specialist if possible: he will determine the degree of deviation and help the family cope with it

What causes a defect?

Most of the sounds are perfectly mastered by a child by 4-4.5 years. If you notice that your baby is having difficulty pronouncing a few letters or a single “l” sound, look for reasons. One of the factors may be a speech defect in an adult who is constantly in contact with the baby. The child imitates the speech of mom or dad. Problems in pronunciation have also been observed in children growing up in bilingual families. It is difficult for a child to learn two languages ​​at once, he gets confused, replaces the sounds of one language with the sounds of another. Among physiological reasons note the following:

  • violations that have arisen during the development of speech hearing (the child hears sounds incorrectly);
  • pathology of the auditory apparatus and speech breathing;
  • changes in the structure of the articular apparatus (in the case of the sound “l”, this may be a shortened frenulum).

All anatomical changes are determined by a specialist. Self-diagnosis often leads to incorrect treatment and aggravation of the defect.

If a child has a shortened frenulum, do not worry. For a long time the defect was corrected with an incision, and today it has been developed new technique, in which the bridle is stretched to the required size with the help of special exercises.

Variants of pronunciation of the distorted sound "l"

Trying to pronounce "l", the child can replace it with other sounds. There is no definite dependence on the cause that caused the defect - the baby speaks in a way that is easier for him. The sound might be:

  • the child skips the letter "l" (shovel - opata);
  • replaces "l" with "y" (horse - walk);
  • pronounces the sound “y” instead of the sound “l” (milk - moyoko, spoon - yoshka);
  • speaks a hard "l" well and replaces a soft letter with another.

Correct articulation

To fix something, you need to know how it looks right. It's the same with the sounds we make. It is unlikely that you will be able to pronounce the letter "p" without connecting your lips. In order to get the sound "l", you need:

  • rest the tip of the tongue against the base of the upper teeth or into the gap formed between the upper and lower teeth;
  • pronouncing the letter, strongly release the air along the sides of the tongue;
  • the edges of the tongue should not touch the upper and lower teeth located on the sides of the jaw.

If the speech therapist did not find serious problems with the articulatory apparatus in your baby, the correct pronunciation of “l” can be easily put at home. A few lessons with the baby are enough to teach him how to reproduce sound well. A few special exercises will make your task easier and give pleasure to the child. They will improve the mobility of the muscles of the larynx, tongue and lips.

In order for the child to understand where he makes a mistake, it is necessary to put him in front of a mirror and work out the correct setting of the tongue and lips.

Learning to pronounce the sound "l"

Classes at home are comfortable for both the child and the parents. Specialists have developed various exercises that you can do with your baby, turning them into a fun game. Children love to make faces, but our exercises are also beneficial. Through a fun and exciting action, we teach the baby, we give the opportunity to train his tongue for the correct pronunciation of "l". List of exercises:

  1. Smile . Ask the baby to smile widely without parting his lips. Let him hold a smile for 8-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 7-8 times a day.
  2. Breeze. Open your mouth a little, stick the tip of your tongue between your lips, and “bite” it slightly, squeezing your lips. Leaving the tongue in this position, it is necessary to blow strongly for three minutes.
  3. clatter. The kid should click like a horse, changing the intensity of the sound. Ask the child not to move the lower jaw, only the tongue and upper jaw click. The first part of the exercise is done with acceleration, in the second part the clatter should be quiet, as if the horse is sneaking.
  4. Delicious jam. Invite the child to lick his lips with his tongue as if he had eaten something very tasty. Movements should be wide, circular.
  5. Long tongue . Favorite exercise for kids. Children stick out their tongue to its full length and try to get it to the nose or chin.
  6. tubule. Ask your child to roll their tongue several times a day.
  7. Long "s". The tip of the tongue is retracted deep into the mouth, the back of the tongue rises to the sky, the child pulls the sound "s". The exercise is difficult, but it improves the flexibility of the tongue.
  8. Breath. Accompany the lessons with the improvement of breathing skills. Let the baby blow bubbles more often, encourage his desire to sing. In summer, the baby can blow off ripe dandelions.
  9. Fine motor skills. Fine motor skills exercises stimulate the nerve endings. Sculpting, drawing, cutting and gluing applications have a positive effect on the development of speech skills and enhance the intellectual development of a small person.

It will also be useful to pronounce tongue twisters and combinations of letters in which “l” is adjacent to different vowels.

How to conduct classes correctly?

Before you begin, remember that before you Small child. The best way to teach him something is a game. Speech therapy exercises carried out under pressure quickly bother babies, so you can’t force a child to repeat them for a long time. Start with 1-2 times a day for 3-4 repetitions. Use your own example. Sit with the baby near the mirror so that he can see how he is doing. Children love to imitate the actions of adults, use their interest for educational purposes. Accompany praise for each success of the crumbs, explain to him what you are learning and why.

In what situations do you need the help of a speech therapist?

Despite the ease of adjusting the sound, it may turn out that practicing at home will not lead to success. The reasons may be different:

  • Russian is not your native language for your family, and its adult members speak with an accent;
  • one of the adults already has speech defects and it is difficult for him to conduct classes;
  • long classes could not help the baby learn to pronounce the letter "l".

In such situations, you need to contact a specialist. A speech therapist will help you adjust the exercises, suggest other ways to correct them.

You will need considerable patience and the ability to lure a child. The slightest progress should be noticed and marked with praise. If something doesn’t work out for the baby, do not scold him, so as not to discourage the desire to learn.

Difficulties in pronouncing the letter "r" become a frequent problem (for more details, see the article:). We recommend that you refer to one of our materials that tells how to deal with this problem. The principle is almost the same: it is necessary to stimulate children so that they speak words with this sound more often. Learn the articulation when pronouncing "r", show it to your baby. Use in the classroom pictures of animals with a “r” in their name, learn poetry and tongue twisters with it.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

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