Dream interpretation: what is the dream of childbirth for. An infant on the eve of childbirth What does a child dream about before childbirth

Heating 22.09.2021

Pregnancy gets into your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its certain content.

Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this opportunity is not limited by either sexual or age-related obstacles.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of getting pregnant, such a dream may indicate your being in the stage of the initial transition to a new stage of introspection.

One of the ARCHETYPES for YUNG is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the clan.

Seeing yourself involved in activities in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question.

Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

Sleep acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything: from the most violent to ridiculous.

This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy is the source of a whole spectrum of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, partner DEATH, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a baby, twins, triplets, etc., and increased fertility, where conception and bearing of a fetus occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative PERFORMANCE WILL, and it is also a result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly handle the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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As you know, all people have dreams. In night dreams, whimsical and confused, the events, impressions, anxieties and aspirations of daytime life are reflected. It is not enough for people to see only a reflection of the past and present in their dreams; for a long time they tried to discern the future in them. How much this is possible is a moot point. Oneurocriticism - the art of interpreting dreams - has existed for more than one millennium, antiquity alone testifies in its favor - for such a long time, mankind has not been disappointed in this occupation. However, let us leave alone the visionary, prophetic dreams that can predict the future: I do not question the very possibility of their existence, but they are rare enough not to say unique; however, the analysis and interpretation of our ordinary, nightly dreams is no less interesting and useful. With their help, it is also possible to envision the future to some extent - insofar as the future depends on the person himself. Attention to seemingly ordinary dreams will allow you to understand what really excites a person, bring to the level of consciousness those emotions that a person for some reason displaces into the subconscious, and will help to highlight those moments that need correction: it is easier to treat when you know the disease, and it is easier to help when you understand what the matter is.

Sofia Onishchenko

Dreams of pregnant women

Let me try to illustrate how these points apply to the dreams of pregnant women. It is known that during pregnancy, dreams become brighter, richer, more emotional. Consider what events become the subjects of these dreams and what feelings are reflected in them.

Pregnancy news. There are many testimonies of dreams that women see in early pregnancy, still unaware of their condition. Moreover, the message about the onset of pregnancy is rarely direct (a woman sees herself as pregnant), more often a woman sees / picks up a baby, some small creature (a fish, a bird, a kitten, etc.), she may dream of some other pregnancy women, discovery of a small valuable object (ring in a box, etc.). From the point of view of psychology, all these "prophetic" dreams are quite understandable: in a woman's body, with the onset of pregnancy, a huge restructuring begins, all these processes are not initially fixed by consciousness, and now the subconscious "gives us a sign." It is characteristic that dreams of this kind are more often seen by women for whom pregnancy is, if not planned, then desired.

Erotic experiences. Many pregnant women experience an increase in the number and intensity of erotic dreams. I will not go into a description of examples, I will only try to satisfy the legitimate curiosity (and sometimes anxiety) of dreamers trying to find an explanation for this phenomenon. In most cases, it is based on the compensatory function of dreams - pregnancy usually imposes certain sexual restrictions, and in a dream a person can receive what he lacks in reality. In addition, increased attention to the sexual sphere during this period is generally absolutely natural - after all, both pregnancy and erotic experiences are part of the sexual experience, and the need to comprehend the birth of a new person as a result of sexual intimacy is experienced not only by each individual person - this stage has passed in its development and all of humanity (this may seem incredible, but primitive man for a long time did not associate the onset of pregnancy with sexual relations, explaining it by other - supernatural - reasons).

Child. However, the child takes the greatest place in the dreams of pregnant women. Expectant mothers place special hopes on sleep: they would very much like to perceive a dream as a kind of means of communication - communication between two creatures that still live in the same body, but have already become different people. It is difficult to say how much this approach corresponds to reality - after all, dreams are still an insufficiently studied phenomenon, so let's turn better to what a child is like in a dream. The expectant mother usually wants to know the sex of the child - and these desires are fulfilled by the corresponding dreams. It is difficult to call them things, because they usually reflect not reality, but the expectations of a pregnant woman. In addition, quite often women who passionately want to predict the external features and the name of the unborn child have dreams in which a boy or girl has a memorable appearance, they say their name. A woman, waking up, can confidently describe the child from her dream ("She is such a white girl, and her eyes are dark, small, the bow in a pigtail is so white, I call her:" Olga, Olga! "- and she just laughs").

But all these, so to speak, private expectations give way to the global need of a woman to make sure that the child she carries in herself is alive, healthy, that everything will be fine with him - here both fear for the child and impatient expectation are intertwined. and doubts about yourself - whether you are ready for such responsibility, whether you can become a good mother. Most often, it is this need that is satisfied by dreams about future children - both those where an incredibly beautiful child appears, and those where the child turns out to be ugly, where he gets lost, he is abducted, etc. In the latter, maternal fears are expressed to a greater extent, but such dreams are useful - they seem to reduce conscious and unconscious fears, acting as a kind of protective mechanism. And, by the way, the phenomenon that children often dream not as newborns, but as grown-ups, is also quite interesting - it reflects women's fear of childbirth, a subconscious desire to bypass ("sleep") everything that seems scary and painful.

Childbirth. However, women themselves dream of childbirth quite often, and as this event approaches, the frequency of such dreams increases. Among such dreams, there are quite a few, so to speak, realistic, similar to how childbirth actually takes place. Dreams are generally characterized by a craving for extremes - incredibly beautiful and infinitely terrible dreams are dreamed more often than something ordinary. Of the positive dreams of such a topic, a fairly common plot can be noted. easy labor... A woman sees in a dream the birth of a child, but does not feel pain. Often enough dreams and the birth of a beautiful, healthy child (sometimes twins)... However, much more often a dream about childbirth in women turns into a nightmare: childbirth takes place with intolerable pain, ends with the birth of an ugly child, the child may die, the woman is persecuted, etc. premature birth: a woman dreams that she is giving birth right now, at the time of the dream, before the due date, and the child is born prematurely. Often a woman sees childbirth in so-called symbolic dreams - she may dream that she is being swallowed by the open earth or sucked in a whirlpool (by the way, the water element in culture - and dreams - of humanity is traditionally associated with childbirth), dream of a volcanic eruption, etc. testify to such disturbing dreams and how to relate to them? This will be discussed below.

Scary dreams and bad omens

Anxiety in dreams increases with the duration of pregnancy, and this is due, among other things, to purely physiological reasons - the enlarged uterus presses harder on all internal organs. It is also necessary to take into account the psychological factor: the state of emotional elation that a woman had with the news of pregnancy became habitual in a few months, the joyful acuteness of this sensation dulled, and with the approach of childbirth, the fear of them also grows. (By the way, some psychologists note the following pattern: the more nightmares a woman has about childbirth, the easier it is for her to give birth - while experiencing these dreams, she tunes in to something much more painful and scary than what actually happens. )

In this case, as in many others, both good and bad dreams speak about the same thing: we hope for the best and fear the worst, these feelings are inseparable, their combination is absolutely natural for a normal person. And if you have terrible dreams, this suggests that, experiencing your fears (including those that you do not even suspect) in a dream, you get rid of them, you win. The dreamed nightmare is not evidence that you have a reason for worry (by the way, absolutely everyone always has such reasons, as well as reasons for hope), but evidence of getting rid of subconscious fear.

In this regard, a quote from the ancient dream book of Artemidor will be very instructive:

Midwife means revealing a secret; misfortune and death for those who are sick; for forcibly detained midwives means release; to a woman, if she is not pregnant, a dreamed midwife often portends a disease, and for pregnant women, nothing but childbirth, she does not portend (emphasis mine. - S. O.).

The ancient author (many of our contemporaries will agree with him) in the interpretation of a dream proceeds from who and what had a dream: the same dream to different people can portend different things, but if a person dreams of the subject of his constant thoughts and worries, it is meaningless to interpret such a dream. it's just a nocturnal continuation of daytime reflections. So, if you are pregnant and you are dreaming of giving birth (no matter what is more in your dream - hope or fear), this first of all means that you will soon give birth. Do not give in to your fears, everything will be fine!

It is difficult to interpret a dream about childbirth unequivocally. The meaning of sleep will depend on numerous nuances that need to be remembered for a complete interpretation of sleep.

Childbirth dreaming

If you had a dream about a childbirth that went well, this means that soon you will have a business, the success of which, you will not be completely sure, but in the end everything will go very well. If you dreamed of childbirth that ended in complications, or the dream seemed to you a nightmare - the things that you planned to start or complete in the near future should be postponed, since they may not end in success for you.

Dream about giving birth to a pregnant woman

A dream about your childbirth means that in reality the childbirth will pass without complications and you will quickly recover from childbirth. It is worth noting that sometimes dreams about childbirth for pregnant women are only your experiences and thoughts about the upcoming process transferred to a dream. Most likely, you think too much about your condition and this is reflected in your dreams.

To give birth in a dream - what does it mean

If you take birth in a dream, it means in reality, you are in for a business that you pay too little attention to, but it can further affect your life. The childbirth that you took in a dream was successful - this is a good sign. Soon you will have a person to whom you can entrust your affairs, and be calm that he will cope with them. If the woman in labor who gave birth to you died, this may mean that you will not be able to reconcile with loved ones, or you will have a quarrel.

If you dreamed that you were giving birth to a woman you do not know, this dream will lead you to new acquaintances.
The dream where you give birth to a man is unfavorable. Your plans may turn out to be unsuccessful or ruined.

A dream about giving birth to a boy

A woman who dreams of giving birth to a boy should expect replenishment in the family. This can apply to both your family and relatives. This is the interpretation of sleep for a woman who is not pregnant.

But if you are pregnant and you are dreaming about the birth of a boy, then this may mean that you will have a girl. However, there are many disagreements and inconsistencies regarding the interpretation of this dream. Another option for the meaning of this dream may be a large financial profit in the near future.

If you film giving birth to a girl

This dream, for a woman who is not pregnant, means that she will soon make a new acquaintance, which can grow into a long-term relationship.
A dream about the birth of a girl for a pregnant woman may mean the birth of a boy.

It is also believed that if you see the birth of a girl in a dream, then this is surprising.

Dreams about the birth of children for a woman who is not pregnant are also interpreted as futile attempts to solve something in reality. Perhaps you should radically change your attitude towards the things that you currently have.

Why dream of own birth

If in a dream you saw how you are giving birth, this dream promises you a change in your life. And most likely, the changes will be global. Perhaps you will change your place of work, or you will find a new occupation for yourself that will radically change your life. Definitely a dream in which you give birth can be considered a good one.

What dreams before childbirth

While expecting a baby, women become superstitious and especially sensitive. Before giving birth, a woman tries to understand how the birth of a child will go, and looks for answers in her dreams. And often dreams about childbirth in a pregnant woman are only transferred experiences into your dreams.

Do not take the interpretation of a dream as an accurate interpretation of your reality.

Many young women, preparing for the main event in their life, the birth of a child, face many challenges. One of these problems was insomnia before childbirth.

While expecting a baby, a woman is often prone to insomnia before childbirth. Several major causes of sleep disturbance in pregnant women are recognized and can be divided into two groups.

Psychological reasons:

  • stress, fatigue, not only physical, but also emotional
  • poor sleep, in most cases nightmares
  • household disagreements and conflicts
  • worries about the future

Physiological reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the body (increased progesterone and, as a result, increased sweating)
  • bowel disorder, heartburn, this is possibly associated with fetal pressure on the digestive tract or with
  • toxicosis
  • frequent urge to use the toilet "small"
  • itchy areas of the skin (the skin stretches as the body gains weight and becomes round)
  • hypersensitivity of the skin to external stimuli (bedding, blankets, etc.)
  • uncomfortable sleeping position (due to the increasing volume of the abdomen)
  • constant and sometimes painful movement of the baby
  • breathing problems (shortness of breath), due to pressure on organs, an enlarged uterus

Another is sleep disturbance. Most pregnant women feel constant drowsiness during the day and, succumbing to the promises of the body, the woman gets enough sleep during the day and therefore at night the rested body does not want to sleep.

All of these reasons can cause insomnia. Moreover, the signs are both singly and in aggregate. Insomnia before childbirth is a very unpleasant and exhausting ailment that can manifest itself at different stages of pregnancy and for various reasons.

Insomnia in early pregnancy

The first period of pregnancy, or trimester, as doctors call it, is considered the most dangerous. Since the fetus is just beginning to develop, it has not yet sufficiently strengthened and in some cases there may be a threat of loss of the fetus. To avoid negative fetal development, you need to get more rest and sleep at the right time.

All this can be disrupted if insomnia occurs.

Most often, in the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal changes and emotional outbursts can serve as the cause of pregnancy before childbirth, early toxicosis is often observed, which also interferes with restful sleep.

Hormonal changes occur in the early stages of pregnancy, the body prepares to "grow" the fetus, processing and giving the child the elements necessary for its development. The female hormone of the menstrual cycle - estrogen, decreases in quantity, giving way to progesterone - the hormone responsible for pregnancy (bearing the fetus depends on the amount of progesterone in the blood). An increase in progesterone is the cause of sleep disturbance, since it is this hormone that sets the body up for bearing a child.

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The expectant mother has not yet fully realized her position and is only psychologically adjusting herself. Emotional outbursts can be due to the limitation of the usual way of life. If a young mother was involved in active sports or abused harmful substances, food, drinks, then when learning about pregnancy, the use is limited or prohibited altogether. Therefore, irritability or psychosis may occur, which will lead to sleep disturbance.

Usually, all household and household problems, as well as problems with the future father (if any) occur at the beginning of pregnancy. Excessive experiences also disturb sleep.

Insomnia before childbirth

Most of the gestation has passed and the dates are coming to an end, that is, to the immediate resolution of the burden. But insomnia still torments me. What's the matter?

Approaching childbirth is a very exciting moment, a woman begins to get nervous, especially if she gives birth for the first time. Another reason for nervousness for a woman may be doctors. For example, if the child is with disabilities or a cesarean section is due. The expectant mother is worried not only about her baby, but also because of the childbirth process. As it will be? Will it hurt? Will the baby be born healthy? All these questions torment the future woman in labor, forcing her to worry and worry, and as a result, sleep disturbance comes.

From the physiological side, in the last stages of pregnancy, a noticeably grown tummy and the activity of the baby interfere. The inability to adopt a comfortable position is very unnerving and upsetting for the woman, and the movement of the child only aggravates the problem. Constant pain in the lumbar region.

Sleep in the last trimester can be divided into several stages:

  • initial insomnia (starting) is the inability to calmly and soundly fall asleep for some time
  • intermittent sleep, that is, after falling asleep, sleep is constantly interrupted, preventing the body from going into a deep sleep phase
  • early awakening, when the body wakes up too early, before the elapsed time, thereby dooming a woman to lack of sleep

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Another type of insomnia can be direct labor, that is, the first contractions, albeit infrequent, but palpable. Again, the psychological attitude of a woman does not let sleep. Against the hormonal background, "reverse" changes also occur, progesterone becomes less, and estrogen increases. Especially the amount of the hormone multiplies just before childbirth, this causes the uterus to contract and contractions occur.

What to do if you have insomnia

Women who have gone through the entire period of gestation and childbirth can tell you many ways to avoid insomnia during pregnancy. But it is worth remembering that such "hints" must be chosen individually, since organisms are different and methods are also different.

Popular ways:

  • the easiest and most effective way is to drink warm milk with milk before bedtime (if you have an intolerance to milk or don't like its taste, you can limit yourself to warm water with honey), a soothing tea made from herbs allowed for pregnant women will help
  • having sex (if there are no contraindications and you want to, do not deny yourself)
  • in the early stages, you need to develop a kind of diet and sleep
  • spending more time outdoors (walking is very beneficial for a pregnant woman)
  • very useful for sleep disorders mild sports such as yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women
  • if the cause of insomnia is itchy skin, then you can smear the areas with a soothing lotion, maybe even with a cooling effect
  • be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed, fresh air will help you fall asleep
  • before going to bed, you can dream about pleasant topics

If insomnia occurs:

  • do not overexert yourself because general fatigue may not always lead to sound sleep
  • you should not eat heavy food at night, this will only make the body work in an enhanced mode
  • no need to work physically or mentally, in the evening
  • watching films with aggressive content or experiences should also be completely excluded at least before bedtime

When choosing one or another method of dealing with insomnia, you should not overdo it. A normal night's sleep in pregnant women should not exceed seven to eight hours. This amount of time is enough for the body to come in and fully relax.

If all else fails

If none of the methods and advice helps, then you should seek the help of a specialist. The first doctor to visit is a psychologist. Each antenatal clinic has this specialist who works specifically with pregnant women.

Psychologists' advice:

  • during the day you should not be nervous, especially over trifles
  • if there are reasons for stress, then it is worth developing a technique for dealing with stress, visualization of pleasant moments or thoughts can help here
  • many psychologists recommend listening to pleasant music before bed or sounds of nature
  • breathing right can often help. In schools, mothers are taught this technique.
  • a psychologist may advise you to purchase a special pillow or mattress for pregnant women.

For a stronger effect, the tips should be combined.

For example: turn on the singing of birds, relax, taking the most comfortable position and dream, you can just do breathing exercises. In the aggregate, the psychologist's appointments work much better than individually.


  • the most common remedy is Glycine. It is an herbal preparation that has a calming effect.
  • collections of sleeping herbs are also very popular. Melissa, thyme, motherwort, mint or valerian are great for sleeping, you can combine them and add a little honey for sweetness
  • another reason is a lack of blood sugar, so doctors often recommend eating a sweet dish before bedtime, as long as it is not heavy

Treatment of insomnia with medication is an extreme measure, usually with more gentle means and advice. Before prescribing any treatment, the expectant mother completely, finding out the cause of insomnia, and after that, complex treatment is already prescribed.

A calm and sound sleep is useful not only for the expectant mother, but not for the newborn baby. In no case should you self-medicate or try dubious advice, it is better to consult a doctor. Try to find out what exactly is the cause of insomnia.

Sep 28, 2016 Violetta the Doctor

If the child sleeps soundly, you are very squeezed, you are afraid of everything, be more courageous.

If a child is crawling, a number of important decisions will soon have to be made.

If the baby is crying, expect minor troubles.

If the baby is breastfeeding, trust only the closest people.

If you dream of a sleeping baby or small child, you are naturally shy and gullible.

Baby crawling - you need to think quickly and make decisions.

Crying baby - you have to solve many small problems.

Breastfeeding a baby or watching a baby breastfeed - you should be wary of trusting people who are not your close friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Dream interpretation - Baby

Seeing in a dream a baby just brought from the hospital - in reality you will receive an unexpected and pleasant gift.

If the baby is a boy, then in your desire to achieve well-being, you must rely on your own strength, and if a girl, a successful marriage can make you happy.

If you see twin babies, then this is a sign of stability in business, as well as peace and harmony in the family. Finding a foundling baby in a dream portends profit, success and prosperity that will come to you soon.

Bathing a baby in a dream portends a happy way out of a predicament. Kissing a baby means keeping your charm well into old age.

If you dream of a baby with a deep ulcer reaching the bone, this portends that unexpected and unfortunate incidents will break your plans, and your children are at risk of infectious diseases.

Hearing the babbling of a nursing baby in a dream means that you will soon get to know a man of amazing fate and become a faithful companion of his life.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a baby means that in reality you will be accused of perjury and perjury in favor of your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from

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