When can toys be hung over the crib of a newborn. Toys over the crib. Why does a newborn need a mobile? What is a mobile for newborns

Astringent compounds 22.09.2021
Astringent compounds

The children's goods industry presents a wide range of waving toys. The bright rotating mobile is one of the most popular accessories. Many parents are in a hurry to decorate their room in anticipation of the baby. Fortunately, in the shops you can find a carousel for every taste and color. However, the difficulty lies in the fact that the child may not like this toy. How to choose the right one so as not to be mistaken, we will tell you in the article.

Do you need it or not?

Ancient amulets are the prototype of modern musical carousels.- carved from wood and stone figurines that adorned the cradles of babies. Today a mobile is a funny toy, consisting of an arc and rotating elements, fixed on one of the sides of the newborn's crib. It is designed to keep the child busy for a while and often acts as an expressive accent in the decor of a nursery.

Such a device, undoubtedly, is not a basic necessity for a newborn. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to buy an interesting mobile for a kid to start its development from the very first days. Indeed, at first, the baby is not able to hold even the smallest rattle in his hands, and the carousel will attract his visual and auditory attention.

Harm or benefit

Rotating hanging toys have a lot of positive properties:

Negative factors of mobile use are also present... First of all, they are associated with the purchase of a low-quality product or improper operation:

  1. Too saturated unnatural colors adversely affect the organs of vision and the mental state of the child.
  2. Loud and unpleasant music can cause irritability and excitement.
  3. Using the carousel too often during the day will tire the newborn.
  4. A baby may lack maternal attention if left alone with a toy for a long time.
  5. Mobiles from unverified manufacturers pose a danger to the health of the child if they have small parts, unreliable fasteners, etc.

When to hang up?

Manufacturers of the vast majority of hanging toys advise parents to use them from the first days of a child's life. When offering a mobile to the baby's attention, it is worth considering its age characteristics.

For newborns:

For children aged 2-4 months:

  • You can buy a brighter mobile or update toys on an existing one - the child begins to distinguish colors and react to them.
  • It is permissible to include various melodies - the baby will happily recognize them.
  • It is better not to use the mobile at night, and also not to use the projector, since at this age children's sleep is not stable.

For babies aged 4-6 months:

  • You can replace the mobile with a more interesting one, buy new pendants or make them yourself - the same figures will have time to bore the kid.
  • It is worth paying special attention to the device for fastening the mobile, since during this period the child is actively trying to touch and pull on objects of interest.
  • It is allowed to briefly turn on the projection of pictures on the ceiling and soothing lullabies for the night.
  • Do not leave your baby unattended with a toy, even for a short time.

Mobiles for babies from 6 months:

  • It will be interesting for the child to operate the mobile himself if it is equipped with a special block with large colored buttons.
  • The toy must be very securely attached to the crib; at the same time, the pendants must be removable so that they can be played separately.
  • The use of small parts, beads and buttons on the figures is strictly prohibited, as the child can reach them.

When a baby appears in the house, parents try to do everything possible to make him comfortable and cozy.

And from the very first days they think about which toy will be the most suitable for him or her. And today we want to talk about a mobile for a crib for newborns, because such fun can rightfully be called the first in a baby's life, we will consider at what age it can be used, and find out the rating of the best manufacturers.

Use of the mobile

What is a mobile? It is a hanging carousel, equipped with brightly different objects made from a variety of materials, which hangs above the baby's crib. In a newborn who has come to this world, many systems are underdeveloped and continue to actively develop in the first year of life. Including vision, because in the first months it is rather weak in a child: he sees vague blurred pictures.

Nevertheless, he not only likes to look at everything around him, but it is also a kind of form of communication. By the age of 3 months, the shapes of objects become clearer, and the baby begins to show special interest in various objects, and one of them is a mobile. Yes, this is not just a beautiful thing, but also useful.

  • By placing it over the baby's bed from the first days of life, you will not only interest the baby, but also contribute to the development of his vision. The newborn will learn to focus his gaze on certain elements of the mobile, examine them from different angles and thereby develop coordination of the movement of the eyeballs.
  • If the mobile is equipped with soft, pleasant and soothing music, it will contribute to the development of hearing and the nervous system.
  • A little more time will pass, and the baby will not only look at the rotating elements, but will also begin to make the first attempts to get them, i.e. the mobile also contributes to motor development. If in the first month the baby's fists are clenched and he still does not know how to control them, then later, as the cerebral cortex and nervous system develop, he will want to touch what he sees.
  • In addition, such a toy interests the baby, and the mother has a few extra minutes to relax, because often the children love to be carried in their arms, and in this case, you can put the baby in the crib and leave it for a while.

How to choose a mobile for a newborn

Today the market offers us a huge selection of mobiles for a crib for newborns, you can also make a unique and special version of an educational toy for your baby with your own hands. When buying, you should pay attention to the following characteristics.

Review of the best models

These tips will help you choose not only a high-quality, but also a useful product for your baby.

  • The fastening of the base of the mobile should be of high quality and should be well fixed to the crib.
  • Hanging toys should be secured in such a way that they do not fall during rotation. This is very important, otherwise it can injure the newborn or at least frighten.
  • Too bright colors can irritate children, therefore, it is better to buy a toy in which the elements are painted in natural rather than acidic colors, which have a positive effect on vision and are pleasing to the eyes.
  • It is known that in the first months children have black and white vision, and some manufacturers even produce black and white mobiles for newborns. But my personal opinion is that it is better to buy a color version, because just a little more and the baby will see all the colors around him.
  • Of course, it's worth talking about the music block as well. The ideal option is when there are several pleasant, high-quality and quiet melodies in such a block. A loud melody negatively affects the nervous system and can even irritate the baby instead of calming it down. Therefore, when buying, be sure to check the melody.

Baby crib mobile - video

I invite you to watch the video, which describes in sufficient detail how to choose a mobile, at what age it is better to use it and what selection criteria should be taken into account when buying.

In addition to toys, parents are often interested in how to choose which they will need, especially in the first year of life, and what they should be like. You can read this information in detail here.

When the baby grows up, you may be interested in

Parents should remember that no toy can replace parental attention for a child, so communicate with your children when every opportunity arises, play various games and look for opportunities to build real friendships with him.

We hope this information was helpful to you. Write your feedback and leave comments.

Toys for babies under three months old must meet certain requirements. They should be light and quiet, in the simplest forms. Bright colors are welcome, but abundance should be avoided. In the first year of life, a child has enough toys in four colors: blue, red, yellow, green. A two-month-old child already perceives them, which can be determined by his revival, the movement of his legs and arms at the sight of a bright toy. But you should not buy soft toys for your baby at this age: they accumulate dust, and small parts can be torn off and swallowed.

Toys for the development of vision and hearing

Examination toys can be hung over a baby's crib as early as the first month of life.

Your toddler can focus on large and bright objects from 3-5 weeks of age. During this period, his first toys may be large solid balls or rings of bright colors. A child does not need toys with many details. They are hung over a crib, periodically changing colors. The toy is hung over the breast of the child. In order not to develop strabismus, the distance from the baby's eyes to the object in question should be at least 50 cm. The diameter of the toy should be in the range from 6 to 10 cm. Do not hang more than one object. The frequent change of toys and the abundance of colors will make it difficult for your baby to concentrate. There should be moderation in everything.

To develop hearing and the ability to establish the direction of sound, the child needs rattles. For the same purpose, a musical carousel is purchased. It is important to make sure that the sound is soft and not too loud. Music should be calm, not oversaturated with tonalities. When the baby is put to bed, the carousel is removed from the crib: nothing should interfere with normal sleep. If the child sleeps in the stroller in the fresh air, you should not hang toys in it.

Toys for the development of coordination of movements

Coordination of movements develops in children between the ages of three months and six months. The little ones try to pick up and hold the rattle. During this time, appropriate toys must be purchased. The rattle shouldn't be heavy. The kid should hold it with ease. In addition, the lighter the toy, the less traumatic it is. You should not choose very noisy rattles: the child may be frightened by harsh sounds.

Gripping toys are hung on special racks. As the child develops, their height changes. A three-month-old baby is already exploring the toys by touch and trying to grab them. Figures should be at arm's length, comfortable to hold and have a variety of shapes. To develop tactile sensations, you need to offer your child toys from different materials.

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