Describe South Africa from a country description plan. South Africa (South Africa): history, geography and economics. Resorts (cities) of South Africa and their description

Children 13.10.2021

Presentation on the topic: Republic of South Africa. Economic and geographical characteristics

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South Africa A state of South Africa with an area of ​​1223 thousand sq. km The capital is Pretoria. The seat of parliament is located in Cape Town. Administrative divisions: 9 provinces. The head of state is the president. The legislature is a bicameral parliament (Senate and National Assembly). The monetary unit is the South African rand.

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The original population is the Bushmen and Hottentots, as well as the Bantu. In 1652, the Dutch East India Company founded the Cape Colony on the territory of modern South Africa, in which the Dutch colonists - the Boers - occupied a dominant position. After the capture of the Cape Colony by Great Britain (finally in 1806), most of the Boers left it, establishing the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State on the lands captured from the African population. As a result of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902, the Boer republics were captured by Great Britain. In 1910, the British colony and the former Boer republics were united into the dominion of the Union of South Africa (SAS). The country established a regime of racial discrimination and segregation of the non-European population. In 1959, the creation of bantustans began. In 1960-90. the African National Congress (ANC; founded in 1912) was in an illegal position.

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History of South Africa In 1961, the South African government announced the withdrawal of South Africa from the Commonwealth and proclaimed the country the Republic of South Africa (South Africa). In the 1980s. protests against apartheid intensified. The government of the ruling Nationalist Party has gone to abolish racist legislation; political parties were legalized, including the ANC and the South African Communist Party (founded in 1921). In 1991, parliament abolished segregation by residence and land ownership, and in 1993 the government took steps to desegregate education. In April 1994, an interim constitution entered into force. The first multiracial elections for the National Assembly were held in April 1994; in June, South Africa's membership in the Commonwealth was restored. ANC (parliamentary majority party) leader N. Mandela was elected President of South Africa.

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Geographical position The country is located in the south of the African continent. South Africa occupies the southern edge of the South African Plateau, raised along the edges (Drakensberg Mountains in the east, individual peaks over 3000 m) and bounded by the steep slopes of the B. Ledge. In the south - the Cape Mountains. South Africa is the only economically developed state on the continent. It borders with developing countries: Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland. The enclave of Lesotho is located on the territory of South Africa. South Africa is washed by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and is located at the intersection of sea routes from Asia, Australia to Europe and America, which is extremely beneficial.

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Natural conditions In the east - savannah, south of 30 ° S lat. - subtropical forests and stiff-leaved evergreen shrubs, on the mountain slopes - subtropical and monsoon forests; in the interior there are deserted savannahs, steppes, shrub semi-deserts and the Karoo Desert. Relief: Kansk and Drakensky mountains, in the north - plains. The climate is tropical and subtropical. The average temperature in January is + 18-27 ° С, in July + 7-10 ° С. Precipitation is 1000-100 mm. The main rivers are Orange, Limpopo, Vaal. Soils are brown, gray-brown, yellow soils, red soils, reddish-brown.

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Mineral resources are very rich and diverse - reserves of coal, copper ore, gold, diamonds, uranium, manganese, chromium ores, platinum. The climatic resources are favorable for the cultivation of cotton, corn, tobacco, grapes, sugar cane. Water resources: unevenly distributed, abundance resources of the total river runoff per capita are small - 0.5-2.5 thousand cubic meters per year. Land resources: most of the land is occupied by pastures, only in the south and east of the country is arable land. Forest resources: forests occupy a very small area and are heavily cut down, i.e. the country is poorly provided for.

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Population - 44 million people (2007); Population density - average 36 people / sq. km (in the south - up to 100) people / sq. km; Reproduction type - II; fertility - 30-35, mortality - 5-10, natural growth - 25 people per 1000 inhabitants; A large number of mature (middle) ages, but a large proportion of children; There are more women than men; Ethnic composition - Africans (79%; Zulu , scythe, etc.), mulattoes and mestizos (11.2%), immigrants from Europe (14.6%), mainly Afrikaners (Boers) and the British. Urban population 55.4% (1996). Official languages ​​- Afrikaans and English Religions - Protestant, adherents of local traditional beliefs; Urbanization rate - up to 60%; Skill level of labor resources - high (among the white population) and low (among the indigenous people).

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South Africa takes one of the first places in the world for the extraction of gold, platinum, chromite, manganese ore, antimony, and diamonds. Uranium, iron ore, copper, asbestos, etc. are mined. Electricity production is 240 billion kWh (2005). The economic image of the country is determined by: the mining industry, whose products are intensively exported to the world market; 4th place in the world in the production of non-fuel minerals, the first place in the world in gold production (295 tons per year); ferrous metallurgy, operating on its own raw materials; mechanical engineering - production of mining equipment, transport and agricultural machinery; chemical industry.

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In agriculture, marketable products are provided by large farms. The basis of agriculture is animal husbandry; sheep (30 million) and goats, cattle (12 million), pigs about 1.5 million Main crops: corn (9.9 million tons), wheat (2.5 million tons), sugar cane (2 million tons of raw sugar per year). Peanuts (100 thousand tons), sunflower (600 thousand tons), tobacco, sorghum, citrus fruits, etc. are also cultivated.

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External economic relations Since 1994, South Africa is a member of the OAU (Organization of African Unity). The country actively cooperates not only with developing countries in Africa, but also has strong contacts with the states of Europe, Asia and America. South Africa supplies the world market: gold, diamonds , platinum, agricultural and food products, non-ferrous metal ores, ferrous metallurgy products. The foreign trade turnover in 2007 amounted to 148.11 billion US dollars. The composition of exports is gold - 20%, minerals and minerals - 20-25%, food - 5%, chemical products - 3%. Imports are dominated by machinery and equipment, petroleum products, finished industrial products. The main export trade partners are Japan, the USA and the UK, and the FRG, the USA and China are imports.

South Africa is located on mainland Africa, in its southern part. In the northeast it borders on Mozambique and Swaziland, in the north - with Botswana and Zimbabwe, in the northwest - with Namibia. Lesotho is an enclave. The length of the sea borders is 3 thousand km (Atlantic and Indian Oceans).

In a country with a complex racial and ethnic composition of the population, the policy of "separate development" of different racial groups (the policy of apartheid) continued for many years, which actually boiled down to the oppression of people with a different skin color by the white minority. This led to the destabilization of the internal political structure of the state. This changed with the adoption of constitutions in 1993 and 1996 and the first general elections, which were won by the long-fought for black majority rights, the African National Congress (ANC).

Natural conditions and resources.

Most of the country is occupied by flat plateaus and the Cape Mountains. Low-lying areas run in a narrow strip along coastal areas.

The country is rich in a variety of minerals. At the same time, there are no oil and gas deposits in the country.

South Africa is located within the tropical and subtropical zones.

Domestic water supply is insufficient.

More than 1% of the territory is covered with forests. A significant share of industrial forest plantations.

Population - 45.3 million people. (2003). The population growth rate is 1.9%. (in 2015 - 2.5%: 49.3 million people). More than 3/4 of the population of South Africa accounts for the multinational composition of the indigenous inhabitants of Africa - the Zulu (38.5%), Sotho (27.5%), Spit (11.6%), etc. 13.6% are descendants of immigrants from Europe, predominantly (57.5%) Afrikaners (Boers) and the British, who fiercely fought among themselves during the Anglo-Boer War at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Today they own about 80% of the national wealth. The rest are mulattoes and mestizos (who in South Africa are called colored, or clearing) (3.4 million), as well as numerous immigrants from Hindustan (about 1 million people). The rest of the ethnic groups are relatively small. Religious composition: 68% of the population are Protestant Christians, 18% - practice traditional cults, more than 2% - Muslims, Buddhists - 1.5%. There are 11 official languages, but the main ones are English and Afrikaans. The country has three capitals. Pretoria is administrative, Cape Town is legislative, Bloemfontein is the judicial and legal capital. Urbanization rate - 60%.

The population on the territory of the country is distributed extremely unevenly.

Located in the extreme south of the continent, the territory of the Republic of South Africa in the XVII-XVIII centuries. was mastered by the Dutch, then the British, from 1910 to 1961 it was called the Union of South Africa and was part of the British Commonwealth as a dominion. Modern South Africa is a presidential unitary republic with elements of federalism (9 provinces).

South Africa's economy is twofold. Along with the features typical for developed countries (a large share of hired labor, a relatively high weight in the manufacturing economy, etc.), South Africa is characterized by many features inherent in developing countries: the economic and technical backwardness of agriculture in the African sector (in contrast to highly productive European), the low standard of living of the indigenous people (50% of the population lives below the poverty line), the large influence of foreign capital in the economy, the dependence of the economy on the external market, etc. The rate of economic growth is 2.6%.

South Africa, as the most economically developed industrial and agricultural country in Africa, occupies a leading place in the economy of the entire continent. It accounts for 27% of GDP, 40% of industrial and 30% of agricultural products. It ranks first in terms of the cost of mined mineral raw materials, electricity generation, and steel production. South Africa ranks 1st in the foreign world in terms of reserves and production of gold, magnesium, chromium, manganese, vanadium ores, platinum group metals, one of the leading in the production of diamonds, uranium ores, asbestos, coal, iron ore, etc.

The commercial sector of agriculture in South Africa (5% of GDP) provides a large amount of export products (almost exclusively from farms of the European population) - wool, fruits, sugar; however, in general, the country's food needs are not met by domestic production, and South Africa imports it.

In terms of industrial production, South Africa is one of the twenty leading countries in the world.

The basis for the development of the country's economy is the mining industry. It gives about 12% of GDP, along with 2/3 of the value of exports. Mineral raw materials are exported to more than 80 countries of the world.

The most important mining area is the Witwatersrand (Rand) in the small province of Gauteng (part of the former historical Transvaal region), where gold (more than 20% of world production) and uranium are mined. Here is the largest city and industrial center of the country Johannesburg. Not far from the official capital of South Africa, Pretoria, diamonds are mined (in the same province). They are mined in some other areas as well (Kimberley). De Beers, the largest transnational diamond mining concern in South Africa, controls the world's diamond market.

The manufacturing industry in South Africa accounts for about 19% of GDP - more. It employs 16% of the economically active population. The main industries are the chemical, food, machine-building and metallurgical industries. In recent decades, the growth rates of these industries have been quite high. The light industry and the electric power industry are well developed. The country produces almost half of the region's electricity. The most powerful thermal power plants in the world are built in South Africa (85% are coal-fired). There is a nuclear power plant in Kuberg. Science-intensive industries also appeared - the military industry, the production of nuclear reactors, electronics - the "white elephants" of the South African industry.

The development of water resources of the Orange River, calculated for several decades, is under way. It provides for the solution of energy, irrigation and water supply problems (which is very relevant for a country with a developed industry and a significant area of ​​arid and semi-arid regions). Electricity in South Africa is used mainly in industry, while its consumption in the domestic sphere is small on a national scale. Suffice it to say that significantly more than half of the dwellings are not electrified, and this is one of the socio-economic paradoxes of South Africa. Electricity production is highly monopolized - more than 90% of it is in the hands of the Eskom company.

South Africa has a highly commodity agriculture. The country provides itself with all basic foodstuffs. Both irrigated and (mainly) non-irrigated agriculture are represented in the country. In European farms, the most important grain crop is corn, in African farms, sorghum. Sugar cane is grown in the southeast (in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces). Wheat, potatoes, peanuts, and fruits play an important role in agricultural production. Among African countries, South Africa takes 1st place in the production of marine fish.

Livestock products account for about 40% of agricultural production. The industry is characterized by a high livestock of cattle, meat and dairy breeds, sheep and goats, pigs.

The country's transport network is one of the most developed and ramified in the region. All traditional modes of transport are represented. The share (50%) of electrified roads is high. In the wind farm, the leading place belongs to sea and air transport. Cape Town and Durban have both major seaports and airports.

WPP. The country is pursuing a protectionist policy aimed at protecting its producers. The volume of exports in 2003 amounted to $ 36.5 billion, and imports - $ 38.1 billion. The main export items are gold, diamonds, chromium, platinum, machinery and equipment. Imports include machinery and equipment, oil products, chemical products, food. The main trading partners of South Africa are the G7 countries. The country trades with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia.

The country is attracting foreign capital. The country has great potential for the development of tourism.

South Africa

South Africa (South Africa) - a state in the southern part of the African continent, washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Small independent states of Lesotho and Swaziland are located on its territory, in the north it borders on Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia.

The name of the country is due to the geographical location of the country.





46000 thousand people

Administrative division

The state is divided into 9 provinces.

Form of government


Head of state

The president.

Supreme Legislature

Bicameral Parliament - National Assembly and National Council of Provinces.

Supreme executive body


Big cities

Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Benoni, Bloemfontein.

Official language

English, Afrikaans.


80% are Christians, 10% are Hindu, 8% are Islam.

Ethnic composition

77% are Africans, 12% are Europeans and their descendants, 11% are from Asian countries.


Rand = 100 cents.


There are 20 climatic zones on the territory of the state. The area of ​​the Natal province is characterized by high humidity, which is inherent in a hot tropical climate. The Cape Town area has a Mediterranean climate with dry, hot summers and mild winters. The rest of the state is characterized by a tropical climate. The climate in South Africa is more moderate than in other countries located at the same latitudes - this is due to the sufficient height above sea level and the proximity of ocean currents. Most of the precipitation falls in the east (1000-2000 mm per year), least of all - on the Atlantic coast (less than 100 mm).


The flora of South Africa is rich - at least 20,000 plant species grow here. Many flowers that are now common in Europe were once taken from here - among them geranium, gladiolus, daffodil. The Cape Town area is home to over 5,000 plant species that no longer grow in any country in the world. A silvery tree has survived, the flower of which is the national symbol of South Africa. The main part of the country is savannah.


Among the representatives of the animal world of South Africa - elephant, rhino, zebra, lion, giraffe, cheetah, aardvark, antelope, hyena, golden eagle, tarsier, various species of birds.

Rivers and lakes

The largest rivers are Orange and Limpopo.


In Cape Town, there is the Castle of Good Hope, the South African Museum, which displays finds of archaeological excavations in the vicinity and samples of rock art of the Bushmen.

Useful information for tourists

Gratuities in the restaurant are 10-12% of the total order value (including drinks), porter service is from 2 to 5 rand per piece of luggage, guide-driver is 15-20 rand per person per day of work.
No vaccinations are required unless you are planning a trip to the northeastern areas (areas where the anopheles mosquito is spread). Long-sleeved clothing and insecticides are recommended as well as taking antimalarial drugs. Malaria mosquitoes are most active at dusk. Air conditioners and fans also reduce the risk of mosquito bites.

Geographical position

Official name - South Africa.

The state is located in southern Africa. In the north-east it borders on Mozambique, in the north- with Zimbabwe and Botswana.In North-west border with Namibia.

The total area of ​​the territory of South Africa is more than 1.2 million sq. km. The country is washed by waters Atlantic and Indian oceans.

Landscapes of natural zones prevail on the territory of the country savannah and woodlands, semi-desert and deserts... In the east there is a coastal lowland, and in the south there is a depression. This location of the country predetermines the presence of various natural landscapes.

Most of the country is occupied by high flat plateaus "Karoo" and mountains, the height of which does not exceed 2500 m. Only along the coast there is a narrow strip of plains.

It is separated from the highlands the Draconic Ridge (Great Ledge) and Cape Mountains.The highest point in the country is an Mount Mont-aux-Surs... Its height is 3299 meters.

On the territory of South Africa there are two small enclave states - mountain kingdoms of lesotho and Swaziland.

South Africa has several climatic zones and climatic zones- from desert zones to Mediterranean climates and subtropics . Dominated in the country tropical and subtropical climate. Average January temperature here it is from +18 C to +27 C. Average temperature in July- from +7 C to +10 C.

Need to know that the seasons in South Africa are opposite to the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter here it lasts from June to August, and summer- from October to March. Spring and autumn in South Africa are quite short.

There is usually little precipitation. On the coast, it falls from 60 mm, on the plateau - 650 mm, on the eastern slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains - up to 2000 mm.

In general, we can say that the climate in the country smooth and soft throughout the year, a large number of sunny days.

Sea water temperature differs depending on the area. In the Atlantic Ocean, it is quite cool. Her average temperature is 12 ° C-17 ° C. But on the coast of the Indian Ocean, it usually warms up to 21 ° C-26 ° C.

Visas, entry regulations, customs regulations

For entry into the territory of South Africa for Russian citizens necessary apply for a visa. A visa can be obtained from the consular section of the South African Embassy located in Moscow.

Duty free to the country allowed bring in a small amount of alcoholic beverages, cigars and cigarettes, as well as gifts and souvenirs, the value of which does not exceed RR 500. Mandatory customs control when imported into the country, weapons are subject to, as well as antiques and art. If goods worth more than R10,000 are imported into South Africa, then necessary pay the fee. The fee is 20% of the total.

To the country it is forbidden import automatic and military weapons, explosives, ammunition, drugs and narcotic drugs in any form.

Population, political status

Total population South Africa is 43.7 million people. Various nationalities and ethnic groups coexist in the country.

Black people Bantu makes up 77.6% of the total population of South Africa. They also live here mestizo, that are descendants of Malagasy, Indians and Malays - 8,7%. White population is about 10.3%, Indians - 2.5%.

In the Republic of South Africa currently three capitals: Pretoria, Cape Town and Bloemfontein. Town Pretoria is the administrative capital and seat of the President of the country.Cape Town represents the legislative capital of South Africa... It is home to about 2 million people. The parliament of the country sits here. Town Bloemfontein is an the judicial capital of South Africa... It is home to about 180 thousand people.

Largest cities in the country: Johannesburg(1.8 million people), Durban(1 million people), Port Elizabeth(400 thousand people) and Germiston(200 thousand people).

Administratively, the territory of the country is divided into 9 provinces: Western Cape, KwaZulu Natal, Northwest Province, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, Free State, Hauteng, Northern Cape and Limpopo.

South Africa is a republic with a presidential form of government... The country is an independent member of the British Commonwealth.

Legislature - bicameral parliament, consisting of Senate and National Assembly... Each of the 9 provinces of South Africa has its own parliament, legislature and government reporting to the country's prime minister.

South Africa has 11 state languages belonging to major populations. The most widespread was zulu. English also widely used in the daily life of the country's population.

What to see

Kalahari represents one of the most unusual places in the world... This famous desert is located on the ocean, but is considered one of the driest places on our planet. Fantastic landscapes and unique animals can be observed here.

In the Kalahari there are many attractions. Here is located Augrabis National Park with the famous two-stage waterfall. Tourists can also visit the magnificent Kalahari-Gemsbok National Park, the area of ​​which is about 2 million hectares.

In the Eastern Cape a large number of national parks and reserves are located: Tsitsikamma, Nature Valley, Donkin, Mkambati, national park " Zebra Mountain"and the national park of elephants" Addo", lying on the border with the Cape province. In the area of ​​the Algoa Bay are gorgeous beaches more than 40 km long. Untouched " Wild Coast"interesting for huge sand dunes, oyster shoals and a beautiful valley Happy Valley.

South of the Orange River located semi-desert Karoo plateau... On it lies Karoo National Park... The largest South African river port - East London.

In East London can be visited City Aquarium with many different types of marine and freshwater fish. Interesting and East London Museum with the rarest exhibits. Popular among tourists are also " capital of ostriches" Oudshoorn, reserves Hamka Mountain.

Famous Kruger National Park located in the Eastern Transvaal... He is the hallmark of South Africa. This unique reserve features over 50 species of fish, 114 species of reptiles, 507 species of birds and 147 species of mammals. Interesting nurseries are spread around the park - Sabi Sand, Skukuza, Manieleti Game and etc.

In the city of Port Elizabeth you can visit wonderful Oceanarium, Elephant Park and Museum Complex Port Elizabeth... The Victorian quarters of the old part of the city are quite interesting.

Grahamstown is considered the most English city in South Africa. Are worthy of attention here Ecological Reserve of Cape Recife and the reserve Shamwari... The latter contains the only true traditional Kaya Lendaba village in South Africa. Is widely known Eddo Elephant National Park (Addo). The city is also home to the famous Cathedral of St. Michel and George.

Cape Town was founded in 1652. This city is the seat of the country's parliament and the capital of the Western Cape. The city is very attractive for tourists. It is spread over a peninsula that separates two oceans. The peninsula ends with the famous Cape of Good Hope... Near the city is Table mountain, the height of which is 1086 m.

This city has a large number of attractions. Interesting residence of the President of South Africa,one of the world's best botanical gardens - Kirstenbosch... You can also visit the longest shopping street on the continent - Furtrecker Road. South African Museum of Culture and History located at Slave Lodge, which is one of the oldest buildings in the city. Jewish Museum situated in the building of the oldest synagogue in South Africa.

Durban is one of the largest ports in Africa and center of the province of KwaZulu-Natal... It is a very wealthy city and a popular resort. Durban " Golden mile" ("Marine-Perejd") is famous for the fact that it moored here Vasco da Gama... Today it is the best vacation spot. Here come for spearfishing, diving, swimming, recreation and entertainment.

It is worth seeing here St. Paul's Church, the biggest mosque southern hemisphere Juma located in the Indian quarter. Traditionally, they are very popular with tourists National Museum of Natural History, Museum of Natural Sciences, Museum of old buildings and Center for African Art... Must visit Reptile parkFitzsimmons, Dolphinarium Sea World and Durban Botanical Garden. In Ulundi situated residence of the Zulu king Goodwin Zvelithini. In Dundee interesting enough Talan Museum. In Pietermaritzburg there is Natal Provincial Museum, Queen elizabeth park, and Vortrekker Museum and National Botanical Garden Natal.

Amlanga Rocks is one of the most luxurious resorts in South Africa. Here it is Shark Research Institute and African Art Gallery... You can see Hauan Forest Reserve and river bird park Umgeni.

In Tongat quite picturesque Hindu temples Jaggernaf Puri and Vishwarup. Stanger (Dukuza) represents The ancient capital of the Zulu kingdom... The city has an interesting North Coast Museum and big East market.

Unique Dragon mountains and Veld are considered natural monuments. Mountain resorts are located here. These places are notable for their picturesque landscapes.

The historical center of South Africa is the northwest of the country. Here it is provinces Gothang (Hauteng) and lie arid Transvaal plateau... It was from here that the colonization of these lands began. In this place are concentrated the most significant cities in the country - Johannesburg and Pretoria... These cities are the country's financial, industrial and commercial centers.

Johannesburg locals are used to calling Joburg (Yozi). This city was founded in 1886. Then gold digger George Garrison from Australia found a gold mine here. Since then, the city began to grow very rapidly. Today it is one of the richest cities in the world. It looks quite industrial. There are quite interesting buildings in the city center. The most beautiful building in the city is considered skyscraper "Diamond", interesting enough for tourists Museum of Medicine Adler, Paleontological Museum... You can also visit Rock art museum on the territory of the zoological park. In Johannesburg, numerous tourists are always attracted by the famous diamond factory... Here you can not only see but also buy diamonds right after cutting. The city has the largest multi-storey shopping center in Africa called Sandton. "Market square"represents one of the most ambitious markets on the African continent.

The former suburbs surrounding the metropolis are also attractive for tourists. Worth seeing here Museum of Africa in newtown and Nelson Mandela House Museum. In Soweto is the best on the African continent zoo... Are very popular Lesedi Cultural Village in Swartkops Hills and Zulu Historical Village Sibaya-Zulu-Boma... Located nearby Wadderbil Park- real bird sanctuary. "Gold Mine" situated in Randfontein.

60 km. north of Johannesburg lies Tswane city (Pretoria). It is one of the capitals of South Africa and the administrative center of the Transvaal province. In this city it is recommended to see Kerkplats Square with the old Town Hall, as well Cathedral Square with the buildings of the Old Raadsaal and the Palace of Justice. In Brightyrion Park is the official residence of the President of South Africa. At the Kruger Museum expositions dedicated to the first President of the Transvaal Paulus Kruger and the history of the Anglo-Boer War are presented.

Such sights of this city are quite interesting, such as: Monument to the First Settlers, South African Reserve Bank building, which is the tallest building in the city, National Zoo of South Africa and Radcliffe Observatory... Here you can also visit Municipal Art Gallery and numerous museums.

The Drakensberg Mountains form a natural border with Eastern Lesotho. Highest point is an Tkabana-Ntlenyana mountain... Its height is 3482 m. The length of this basalt wall is about 250 km. This area is great for outdoor enthusiasts. The nature here is notable for its beauty and variety. In the Zululand and North Shore areas tourists have an amazing opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of the Zulu peoples.

Most of the mountainous areas are occupied by national parks. The most famous and interesting of them is Royal Natal National Park... The southern border of this park is formed by the so-called " Amphitheater"It is a very unusual cliff. Its length is 8 km.

Not far from here is the famous Tugela waterfall 948 meters high. This waterfall has five cascades. Lake Santa Lucia and the adjacent territory, which occupies 275 thousand hectares, were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lake Sibaya is the largest natural freshwater lake in South Africa. Its area is 77 sq. km. In the vicinity of this lake there is a large number of nature reserves: Loteni, Highville, Swamp, Giant Castle, Itala, Valley, Ndumo, Mkuzi, Wilderness, Royal National Park etc. In the eastern part of the country there are magnificent nature reserves Umfolozi and Hluhluwe, which stretch for many kilometers.

Maputaland represents the land of nations tsonga... It is one of the most remote and wilderness areas in the country. These lands are famous for their sand dunes, which are considered the highest in the world. There are large areas with absolutely untouched nature. In these places, there is a collision of tropical and subtropical climatic zones. This fact explains the diversity of the local flora and fauna.

In Maputaland almost all existing species of wild animals of South Africa and more than four hundred species of birds are found. Numerous fans of outdoor activities come here. Coral reefs v Sodwana Bay National Park great for exciting diving and sea fishing. There are excellent beaches for sunbathers. Unique area Cozy Bay famous for its ecosystem of salt lakes.

Northwest Province attracts with its unique natural conditions for active recreation. The local fauna is striking in its wealth. It will be interesting to visit the many caves. Moreover, many of them are of very great interest from the point of view of studying the origin of man. In this area there are lakes and streams with clear water.

Here tourists are recommended to visit pilanesberg national park, and nature reserves of Medicwe, Botsalano and Faan Mainjies... Very interesting Wildlife Reproduction Center in Lichtenburg. Also popular are: Reptile and Animal Parkin Hartbeesport, amusement park "Golden Reef", Vaal river... Attracts visitors and places that are associated with the Boer War. There is also an entertainment city called Sun City... It is analogous to American Las Vegas.

In the extreme south of South Africa lies the famous Cape Peninsula... There is a wide variety of historical and cultural attractions here.

The famous " Garden Route". This is one of the most magnificent excursion routes in the world. From here tourists also have the opportunity to visit Needle Cape and reserves of the Cape of Good Hope, and Fernkloof... From Cape Town you can go to Hermanus resort famous for its whale festivals.

The magnificent endless Kleinmond, Camps Bay, Clifton, Lianduno, Sandy Bay, Whitsends, Scarborough, Falls Bay, Mulzenburg, Fish Hook beaches... Interesting enough Dulker Seal Island.In Hout Bay can see giant bird colony.

In the Bolend vineyard area famous winemaking centers Stellenbosch, Parl, Franschhoek and Constants.

Northern cape is the largest province in South Africa. This area of ​​the great desert is interesting, first of all, for its unique fauna. It has very beautiful nature and a large number of minerals.

Kimberly is the diamond capital of the country. This city appeared around diamond mines. In the city center, you can still see the famous Big Hole ("Great Hole"). It represents the world's largest open pit mine... This mine is famous for the fact that it began with it " diamond rush"at the beginning of the last century. Here tourists for a small fee have the opportunity to try to find a diamond on their own.

Today Kimberley is a modern city. Here you can see wide streets, wonderful parks and gardens. Tourists who come to Kimberley have the opportunity to comfortably settle in modern hotels. The city has its own tourist tram... Worth a visit here is magnificent William Humphreys Museum of Fine Arts... Interesting enough and Mining Museum which is on the edge of Big Hole.

5 km. from Kimberley there is a still operating diamond mine called Bultfontein... Numerous tourists are taken here on excursions.

Interesting Thunder-Ellie rapids and Egerton Rapids on the Orange River... Most of the routes to the great Kalahari desert begin from here.

Mosselbay and Richards Bay are major ports and resort cities of the country. A large number of the most luxurious hotels and beaches in the country stretch along the coast between them.

In ancient times, in the territory of modern South Africa lived bushmen, hottentots and Bantu peoples... In 1488 portuguese sailors discovered the southern tip of the African continent. After that, the colonization of the country began.

In 1652 the Dutch East India Company founded the first European settlement here. In the history of South Africa there are many wars between England and the descendants of the Dutch settlers. The descendants of the Dutch made up a special ethnic community - boers... A particularly fierce struggle was fought here after diamond deposits were discovered on the territory of the country. As a result Boer War 1899 - 1902 The Boer republics were captured by Great Britain.

May 31, 1910 was formed Union of South Africa... Massive anti-apartheid struggle has been spearheaded African National Congress(ANC), founded in 1912. On May 31, 1961, the Union was transformed into South Africa(South Africa) as part of the British Commonwealth.

This union includes self-governing English colonies(Cape, Natal) and Boer republics (Orange Free State and Transvaal). After that, political parties were legalized in the country. In 1993, the state government began to take steps to desegregate education. On April 27, 1994, democracy came to South Africa, and an interim constitution came into force. At the same time, the first multiracial elections to the National Assembly took place. In June of the same year, South Africa restored its membership in the Commonwealth. The President the country was elected the Leader of the ANC N. Mandela.

International trade

Foreign trade is very important in the economic life of the country. South Africa is one of the 25 largest world exporters... Foreign trade revenues account for about 50% of GDP. The volume of exports even slightly exceeds the volume of imports.

Main trading partners of the country: America, Germany, Japan, UK, France, Italy and Canada... An increase in the turnover of foreign trade with these states is noticeable.

The main import products are cars, food, oil,vehicles and chemical goods. Major import partners: Germany, USA, China, Japan, UK, France, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

The main export commodities areequipment, mineral raw materials (diamonds, gold and platinum), machinery, automobiles, food products and beverages. Major export partners:USA, UK, Japan, Germany and Netherlands.

South Africa plays a major role in the activities South African Customs Union (SACU), which was created in 1969.

The shops

South African cities have the shops and shopping centers where you can buy anything you want.

Souvenir shops offer a huge number of different ethnic souvenirs.

Convenience stores located at gas stations, car service stations. Need to know that beer and spirits are not sold in supermarkets, you can only buy wines there. For spirits, there are specialized shops.

The shops and malls of the country are usually open from Monday to Friday until 18:00 hours. On Saturday they work until 15:00. Shopping malls are open on Sundays, and some clothing stores are open until 13:00. Groceries on Sunday can be purchased in shopping centers until 15:00.


The demographic situation in the country is rather complicated. First of all, this is due to the problem widespread AIDS on the territory of South Africa. Because of this disease, the mortality rate here for a long time exceeded the birth rate. Currently, this problem has already been resolved. So, last year, there was a small population growth, amounting to 0.8%. White population in South Africa steadily declines... This is due to their emigration to America and European countries. In addition, there is also influx of black population from the neighboring state of Zimbabwe.


The main industries in South Africa are: mining industry, energetics,mechanical engineering, metallurgy and telecommunications.Mining industry played a large role in the formation of the South African economy. However, in recent years, its importance has dropped significantly. Currently, its products account for only about 7% of GDP. It employs about 500 thousand people today.

Energy share in the country's economy is large enough and amounts to 15% of GDP. South Africa ranks 16th in terms of energy consumption. Currently, about 250 thousand people work at the country's energy enterprises. The rate of energy production is growing every year. There are many energy-intensive enterprises in the country.

The increase in energy production is achieved through the use of new technologies and new raw materials. But until now, the main component of the country's energy sector is coal... There is a lot of coal in South Africa and it is readily available for mining and processing. For this reason, energy in the country is quite cheap.

Recently, several are being built on the territory of South Africa hydropower complexes and enterprises that use nuclear energy.

Mechanical engineering is also very important in the country's economy. It is based on automotive and machine tool enterprises. The centers of the automotive industry in South Africa are such cities as: Port Elizabeth, Eitenhah, Cape Town, East London, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria.

South Africa today has the largest number of cars on the entire continent. In terms of the number of cars per capita, the country is in the top twenty. Here there is 1 car for 12 people.

South Africa also has many businesses that produce marine and riverships, aircraft, railway carriages and locomotives, component parts and a number of special devices.

Flora and fauna

Animal world the country is quite diverse. About 6% of all animals on our planet live in South Africa. Only in one Kruger National Park lives about 33 types amphibians, 114 kinds reptiles, 147 species animals and 507 species birds.

In South Africa, there are often antelopes, zebras, giraffes, jackals, hyenas, crocodiles, hippos and cheetahs... It is also inhabited by black and white rhinos, lions, leopards, elephants and buffalo... South Africa is one of the few countries that managed to avoid the complete extermination of rhinos. Restored to South Africa and population wild dog... Marine inhabitants of South Africa are represented whales, sharks and extensive colonies of seals.

South Africa is home to 7% of the world's birds. There are about 900 species of them in the country. Live here ostriches, king eagles, penguin colonies, flocks of seabirds... It is found here and very rare blue crane.

Flora South Africa is also very rich. The country is home to 8% of all world plants. About 80% of them are not found anywhere else on the planet. " Path of gardens"in the Western Cape is one of the finest sights in the world. Protea is the flower symbol of the country.

In the semi-desert North Cape province, a type of vegetation called " punishment". It is a low grass cover, low shrubs and succulent plants.

Thickets of shrubs with sparse trees and an abundance of grass are called bushveld... This type of vegetation is common in the northwestern part of the Central Plateau and further to the east of the country. The main components of bushveld are shrub and woody forms acacias, giant baobabs and mopane... The arid Northwest Province is covered with thorny bushes, grasses and freestanding trees. Shrub vegetation prevails in the Cape region finbos or macchia.

In the southern and southeastern coastal areas, remnants of indigenous forests have been preserved in places. At low altitudes, thickets of bushes predominate. They grow at high altitudes grass stands from tall grains. Dense forests of stunted trees line the coast. There is also palms, bananas and mimuzops obovate... At the mouths of the rivers grow mangroves.

Banks and money

The most convenient mode of transport for movement around the country it is considered Personal car... The total length of the country's highways is more than 206 thousand km. About 60 thousand km of them have a hard surface.

In South Africa, tourists can take car for rent... It’s very simple. The driver must be at least 23 years old for this. With me necessary have a valid international driving license with a photo.

In South Africa there are two types of taxis... In big cities they drive regular metered taxis... They are quite expensive. You can't catch a taxi on the street, a car necessary order by phone. You can also wait for a taxi at special taxi ranks, but there are not many of them. Exist in the country and route taxis... They cost less, but are less secure and comfortable. Vote in cities and on the road not accepted.

In South Africa absent well developed public transport system. In all cities there are municipal buses... Until a certain hour they run according to the approved schedule. The schedule of these buses is rather irregular. It is especially problematic to wait for them on weekends and holidays. There are no such buses in small towns. The total length of railways in South Africa is about 31.7 thousand km.

The country has 9 major airports. International airports are located in cities such as: Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town.The biggest- in Johannesburg. All airports are connected to the center and major hotels by bus lines. International transportation is handled by five major companies

The basis of agriculture country is agriculture... Only about 22% of the territory can potentially be used for the cultivation of agricultural crops. In South Africa, there are problems with the supply of fresh water. Its resources are small, but the need for fresh water is growing every year. Despite all this, agriculture in South Africa continues to develop.

The main crops in southern Africa arecereals (corn, wheat), different species are also grown here fruit, grapes and sugarcane.

In animal husbandry most developed meat and dairy production... It is practiced in the north and east of the Free State province, in the interior regions of Hoteng province, and it is also common in the southern part of Mpumalanga province. Meat breeds prevail in the Northern and Eastern Cape. The drylands of the Northern and Eastern Cape, the Free State and Mpumalanga are actively bredsheep... The country is active exports karakul.

Large numbers in South Africa are bred and angora goats... The country accounts for 50% of the world production of mohair... Distributed here also Boer goat, her bred for meat.

Poultry and pig breeding in South Africa, they are common on farms near large cities: Pretoria, Johannesburg, Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth.

In the province of the Free State in recent years, the beginning of the development ostrich breeding... South Africa continues to gradually increase export of meat, leather and feathers of this bird.

In a restaurant, the tip is usually 10-12% of the total order value. This amount includes drinks. For porters accepted give from 2 to 5 rand per piece of baggage. The guide and driver usually leave 15-20 rand per day per person.

National characteristics

There is some differencein the rules of greeting between white and black South Africans... In white culture accepted for the younger to greet the elder first. In black culture, the opposite is true - the younger has to wait for the older to greet him.

South Africans of English descent and black South Africans in conversation don't look point-blank at the interlocutor. it counts indecent and perceived as aggressive. But the Afrikaners accepted constantly look the other person in the eye. If the interlocutor often looks away, then this may be perceived as a manifestation of insincerity or dishonesty.

Never it is forbidden give your left hand when dealing with blacks and Muslims (Indians or Colored). The left hand is considered impure in African and Muslim culture.

Black South Africans present and accept gifts with two hands... This is how they show their special respect and show gratitude.

Afrikaners are generally more conservative than Anglophone South Africans. This is especially true for issues of racial relations and family relations. Younger people quite often can use the words “ aunt" and " uncle". This applies not only to appeals to relatives, but also to strangers who are older than the speaker.

South Africans during a conversation try not to allow long pauses. These pauses usually make them uncomfortable. But excessive assertiveness in business negotiations with South Africans is also not needed.

In public places, black South Africans speak quite loudly, which is unusual for the white population. This is due to the traditions that have developed in their culture. They believe that they speak quietly when they speak badly about someone.

South Africans have some typical gestures that are incomprehensible to us. Waving in front of your face with crossed palms turned inward means “ complete lack of understanding».

A slightly raised hand with a downward palm, which moves from side to side, means “ got into a mess, got it wrong».

White South Africans have a large punctuality... Here, the date and time of the visit are usually negotiated several days in advance. If you need an urgent meeting, then you need to call and explain the reason for it.

For business or just friendly meetings accepted arrive on time. Even a slight delay of 10 minutes can ruin your relationship with South Africans. This is due to the fact that white South Africans associate being late for meetings and breaking an agreement with black behavior.


Tap water in almost all major cities and most of the country's reserves has been purified and safe for drinking.

The country has developed system of medical control and service... However, a unified health insurance system absent.

First aid is provided is free... All further treatment is already will be paid and it will be very expensive.

A very big problem in South Africa is the massive spread of HIV infection... Mostly representatives of the black population are sick.

Political and geographical location. The Republic of South Africa (RSA) is located in the southern part of the African continent, washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The small independent states of Swaziland and Lesotho are located on the territory of South Africa. South Africa is a republic. The head of state is the president. The legislature is a bicameral parliament (Senate and National Assembly). Administrative divisions of the country: 9 provinces: Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Northern Cape, Free State, Northwest Province, Northern Province, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Goteng. The administrative capital is Pretoria (1,000,000 people), the seat of parliament is Cape Town (2,000,000 people), and the center of the judicial system is Bloemfontein. Natural conditions and resources. South Africa has a variety of natural resources, primarily mineral resources. The surface of the country resembles a huge amphitheater: its high part is formed in the east and south by the Dragon and Cape Mountains, and in the north the plateau descends into the Kalahari Desert. Most of the territory is elevated above sea level by 1000 m or more. The country is characterized by a tropical climate in the north, subtropical in the south. On the plateaus, the average temperatures in summer months are +18 ° ... +27 ° С, in winter - from +7 ° to +10 ° С. In the southwest, frosts are possible for 5-6 months, and droughts are also encountered. Most precipitation falls in the east (1000-2000 mm per year), minimum - on the Atlantic coast (less than 100 mm per year). The dry period is in winter (May - September). Water resources South Africa is negligible. Most of the permanent rivers belong to the Indian Ocean basins (Limpopo, Ulyphants, Tugela, Great Fish, etc.). The Atlantic Ocean basin covers the longest river in the country, rapids and variable in terms of water flow rates, on which large hydrotechnical stations are built. Mineral resources... The bowels of the country are rich in various minerals. There are unique deposits of manganese (12.2 billion tons - 82% of the world), platinum (30 thousand tons - 82%), chromium (3 billion tons - 58%), gold (33.7 thousand tons - 53%) , vanadium (13.9 million tons - 50%), as well as fluorite (47 million tons), some varieties of asbestos, the reserves of which South Africa ranks first in the world. In addition, South Africa is the leader in Africa in terms of reserves of coal, uranium, iron ore, titanium, antimony, lead, etc. There are huge deposits of diamonds, especially jewelry (the world's largest deposits of Kimberley, Finch, Premier, etc.) ... There are rich deposits of pyrite, rare and rare earth metals, gypsum, cement raw materials, clay, etc. Plant and animal resources... There are 16 thousand plant species in the country. The flora is unique in the southwest (Cape Town region). In some places, a silvery tree has been preserved, the flower of which is the national symbol of the country. Forests cover only 3% of the territory of South Africa. On the southern and eastern coasts, small areas with the Cape boxwood, red and iron trees, as well as podocarpuses, etc. have been preserved. Savannahs occupy a significant territory. European colonization changed the animal world, many species of animals were almost exterminated and survived only in reserves, and some of them were pushed to the north (elephants, white rhinos, zebras, antelopes, giraffes, lions, ostriches). However, there are many baboons, hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, and the bird fauna is diverse. Recreational resources... The natural and recreational potential of South Africa is powerful: a favorable climate, beautiful scenic landscapes, an abundance of national parks and reserves. Population. The population of South Africa is 43 million people. Blacks make up about 76% of the population and belong to many tribes of several language groups. Among whites in South Africa (13%), two groups can be distinguished: Afrikaans-speaking Afrikaans and English-speaking whites. Afrikaners make up 60% of the white population of South Africa and are of Dutch, German, French or British origin. South Africa's English speakers are mostly from the UK, Portugal and Greece. Another 9% of the South African population are mestizos, the descendants of white colonists and slaves exported from Malaysia and India. In 1860, another group joined the population of the country - these are Indians brought from Madras to grow sugar cane, most of them live in the province of Natal (2-2.6%).

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