Cadastral work on the formation of a land plot. Cadastral work: concept, types of activities and other features. Free consultation with a cadastral engineer

Carpet 14.11.2020

The main goal of land management activities is to collect accurate data regarding property (land ownership, real estate) for entering them into the state register and obtaining ownership of these objects.

Documenting the basic parameters of a plot or home ownership will become the basis for making any transactions with them in the future. Land cadastral work is carried out by qualified engineers of specialized organizations.

Types of cadastral activities

Land management activities are carried out in relation to any objects for effective property management.

Important! The information obtained as a result of land management is used by a variety of government agencies, including tax authorities.

The most important function of the data collected during land management is to obtain the opportunity to register objects and confirm property rights. All activities can be divided into the following types of cadastral work:

  • works on land plots;
  • work on real estate objects;
  • complex cadastral works.

All land cadastral work requires certain procedures, the procedure for compliance with which is strictly defined.

Cadastral works on land plots

The initiators of organizing land management can be both landowners and some government bodies who need to receive updated information about individual areas. Cadastral works regarding land plots may be carried out in the following cases:

  • when providing land for use;
  • when seizing a plot;
  • when redistributing land plots;
  • when combining individual areas;
  • if necessary, clarify the boundaries of the allotment;
  • when identifying lands disturbed as a result of human activity or under the influence of natural factors;
  • if necessary, land reclamation or conservation.

The most popular territorial land management activity is land surveying. Clarification of the boundaries of land plots is carried out with the existing division of plots into objects in order to put the general territory in order.

The need for land management procedures arises in the event of disputes about the boundaries of land ownership, the organization of driveways and passages to adjacent plots, as well as when allocating a share in the inheritance. Complex cadastral works by default include land surveying.

Important! Land surveying makes it possible to defend the rights to the site in case of any disputes that arise legally.

To unite or divide territories, they also resort to the services of cadastral organizations. Primary surveying involves determining the boundaries of a site intended for rental or for the construction of structures. Land management procedures are also carried out in relation to contaminated or damaged areas that are subject to reclamation or conservation.

In this case, complex cadastral work is carried out, because in such areas there are often structures (buildings of former military units, agricultural buildings).

Land management objects include individual plots and territorial zones in respect of which cadastral work is carried out.

When carrying out land cadastral work, it is necessary to comply with some requirements for the areas being formed:

  • The area of ​​the territory must comply with urban planning regulations.
  • Land ownership boundaries cannot intersect with the boundaries of other areas ( settlements, municipal).
  • Providing a site is unacceptable if such an action would make it impossible to operate other facilities.
  • The site should not wedge into neighboring sites and interfere with their use.

All these nuances can only be taken into account by an experienced specialist, so cadastral work must be carried out by a competent engineer.

Stages in carrying out cadastral work

All activities regarding land plots are carried out in a certain order. They can be divided into several stages:

  • organizational;
  • planned;
  • field;
  • desk.

Carrying out cadastral work at the organizational stage involves preparing for land management procedures: preliminary collection of data about the site, identification of available documentation, visiting the site, identifying land users, coordinating the project with the owners of neighboring sites.

At the stage of land management planning, a task for territorial design is formulated, the basis for which is the material collected during organizational activities. The task is approved by the customer of the work, and a contract for its implementation is drawn up.

Carrying out cadastral work at the field stage includes topographic and geodetic activities using specialized equipment. At this stage, the coordinates of characteristic points of objects and site boundaries are determined, and the contours of structures located within the land are described.

During territorial land management, passage and travel routes to the surveyed site and its neighbors are established. At the same stage, the points for defining boundaries and their connection to the terrain are fixed.

The procedure for carrying out the desk stage of territorial land management includes processing the received data and drawing up a boundary plan, which contains all the information about adjacent land holdings and reflects the results of geodetic research.

Having carried out cadastral work, specialists draw up acts of territorial research carried out in the prescribed manner; All documents are collected for registration in the state register. All types of cadastral work involve issuing to the customer copies of documents and diagrams in the required quantity.

Important! The survey plan must be agreed upon and approved by all participants shared ownership and owners of neighboring plots.

The law provides for a certain procedure for coordinating the plan with the rights holders of neighboring plots, if they own them by right of ownership, perpetual use, lease (for a period of more than five years), and also if it is a lifelong inheritable possession.

Cadastral work on real estate

The collection of information and preparation of documents about real estate objects for the purpose of their further registration in the state register is defined as cadastral activity in relation to real estate. The result of land management activities is the preparation of a cadastral plan and technical passport for the following objects:

  • multi-apartment, separate residential, country house or non-residential building(warehouses);
  • engineering networks and structures (roads, overpasses, underground and surface communication lines, electrical substations);
  • individual premises (rooms, apartments, common areas);
  • unfinished construction projects;
  • planned real estate objects.

Land management and cadastral work is carried out if there is a need to rebuild a structure, redesign it, make changes to the design, or destroy it due to various circumstances. They are necessary to obtain a technical passport for any real estate object in order to formalize the right to property in the manner prescribed by law and gain the opportunity to carry out purchase, exchange or sale transactions.

Technical inventory is carried out to obtain accounting data about the object through examination and survey (primary inventory of real estate). During the current inventory, changes that occurred after repairs, redevelopment or after demolition of the building are recorded.

When carrying out activities on real estate, as well as on land, it is necessary that all stages of cadastral work be observed, among which are organizational, planning, field and office. The examination procedure is determined by the norms and rules for conducting activities. At the beginning of the work, it is planned to collect technical documentation and make requests to the relevant services to clarify the initial status of the real estate.

Then the procedure for carrying out the technical part is planned, the action plan is agreed upon with the customer and the cost is approved. The rules for conducting the field stage of territorial land management include geodetic survey and linking the object to nature; at the office stage, the received data is processed and technical documentation is drawn up.

Complex cadastral works

The procedure for carrying out complex cadastral work includes land management and inventory of real estate located on the surveyed site. The same work is carried out when allocating areas for further development.

Complex cadastral work includes the same number of stages as during other types of land management. Only events are held simultaneously for land plot and real estate property.

Cadastral documents

The result of land management is the documents issued to the customer:

  • cadastral passport;
  • cadastral extract.

From the moment the owner of the site receives the documents, it becomes possible to register ownership within the framework of existing legislation, taking into account changes made to the parameters of the site. The cadastral passport issued after land management contains the following information:

  • schematic drawing of the site;
  • personal cadastral number assigned to the plot;
  • specified area;
  • address or location;
  • cadastral value;
  • purpose and permitted uses of land;
  • date of registration in the cadastre;
  • information on compliance of land boundaries with the provisions of the law.

The certificate must reflect information on individual sectors of the site, exact coordinates and definition of land boundary lines. Only after completion of all work and receipt of the necessary registration documents, the owner has the right to legally conduct any transactions with the land plot, as well as real estate.

Carrying out surveys and other cadastral and land management work requires contacting specialized organizations and considerable experience, therefore, to obtain a high-quality result, it is better to resort to the services of engineers who will carry out professional cadastral work.

When registering any plot (with or without a building), cadastral work is required.

These land management activities are aimed at collecting data on property in the form of an allotment of land, establishing the basic parameters of the site, and performing land surveying work.

After professional cadastral engineers and surveyors perform activities in relation to land plots, data on real estate is transferred to the State Register, and the owner can receive a certificate confirming ownership rights.

Documents drawn up by specialists during their work will be required for any transaction on the site (its sale, exchange, lease). Cadastral work is carried out in relation to land plots at the request of the owner, he pays for the service.

Land owners who intend to conduct a transaction on their property or want to properly register ownership should know about the features of cadastral work, the legal grounds for execution, what a cadastral passport is, a plan.

Basic Concepts

ATTENTION! All cadastral services are performed only by qualified engineers.

Cadastral work is carried out by specialists various measurements, calculations that are carried out both in the field and in office conditions. These calculations form the basis of the cadastral documentation necessary for the customer to further manipulate his property.

After comprehensive cadastral work has been carried out on the land plot, it will be registered, and the area will also be assigned a cadastral number. You can also use such a definition of cadastral work as a list of activities using geodetic instruments and a special permit for this type of activity.

At the first stage of the service, the engineer inspects the object, determines its features, and collects information. He will need all the collected data to draw up land management documentation.

Cadastral works

Eat different kinds and categories of cadastral work, and most of them are necessary for registering an allotment of property and registering it. The list of works includes land surveying, provision of a cadastral number, and preparation of a cadastral passport.

ATTENTION! All data in the cadastral passport and boundary plan must be accurate and reliable.

Cadastral passports of real estate objects contain a large amount of important information:

  • Cadastral number assigned to the site upon registration.
  • Drawing of the site, it is created in the form of a drawing.
  • The area has been put on. It must be determined with great accuracy.
  • Location of the allotment on the ground. But it is better if a specific address is indicated. If there is no address, you should describe the location of the property as accurately as possible so that it can be distinguished from others.
  • The price of the allotment is indicated according to the cadastre.
  • Date of registration with the cadastral service.

The design and content of the passport are an important factor Accurate information will be needed for any transactions - sale, merger of plots, inheritance.

If the documents drawn up during the cadastre work are drawn up incorrectly, containing unreliable and incomplete information, the owner may not receive a certificate of title to the property.

In case of sale or transfer of land free of charge, division of a land plot, for example, the transaction will not be registered.

One of the main characteristics of a piece of land is its category and types of permitted use (VUR).

Issued to the owner, along with the cadastral passport, is an extract containing data on the presence of encumbrances on individual pieces of the plot, on the coordinate points on the site (these are turning points on the boundary line).

The purpose of the work is to provide all necessary real estate data for registration in the State Register.


This activity can be performed for several purposes:

  1. The formation of new plots during the division and redistribution of existing ones.
  2. Privatization of land that was previously municipal or state property.
  3. The establishment of an easement, private or public, that restricts the use of another's land.
  4. Isolation of a share (several shares).

Inaccurate information

A complex of cadastral works is carried out by specialists who have a diploma of appropriate education and are proficient in special tools, devices, and technologies. And this is completely justified.

  • Land surveying during the creation of cadastral registration, drawing up a passport, a boundary plan - important processes on which the fate of the customer’s real estate depends.
  • Incomplete data in the cadastral passport will become an obstacle when registering the sale of a plot or exchange. Not only the completeness of the data matters, but also its relevance.
  • Even after information about land is entered into the State Cadastre, it can be eliminated if inaccuracies or errors are discovered. There will be a need to repeat cadastral work, which will now make it possible to clarify the necessary data about the object.

If the boundaries are determined incorrectly or there are other violations according to the data on the plot, the owner will have problems when operating his plot and when conducting transactions with it.

Cadastral services are necessary in order to legally fix the boundaries of the site and fix them on the ground. Therefore, the scope of work carried out by a geodetic organization is so important, and the responsibility for competent, accurate collection of information about the object is so great.


Geodetic work, land surveying, and preparation of cadastral documents can be carried out by several organizations. But it is more practical to contact a public or private company that will undertake the entire complex of cadastral work. What will the cadastral engineer do on the application?

  1. The first stage is to identify the owners of the plot. There may even be several of them; it is important to identify each one and obtain data about them.
  2. A scheme is being developed for a site within the compulsory medical insurance structure.
  3. Several types of territorial survey are carried out, it can be cadastral, contour.
  4. If there are buildings on the site, their outline is described.
  5. The specialist must carry out all actions according to the boundary plan. If the site has not been formalized before and does not have clearly established boundaries, land surveying is mandatory.

The list of responsible work is large and may take some time. If various transactions on a plot of land are envisaged, for example its sale, you need to order all the services of a cadastral engineer in advance.

IMPORTANT! The plot must be registered with the regional cadastral service. After completing the entire list of geodetic and cadastral services, the plot receives its number. Now the cadastral service can begin to create a plot passport.


Cadastral services are a complex set of activities. To complete all work efficiently and professionally, engineers act in stages, in a certain order. There are several stages - organizational, planning, there is also a field and desk stage.

  • Organizational activities - preparation for land management work, collecting information, visiting the site and agreeing on the project with the client.
  • The planning stage involves the formulation of the task and its approval by the client.
  • The field stage involves topographical and geodetic activities. Professional equipment must be used to establish the points of objects and the boundaries of the allotment.

What is the desk stage of cadastre work? This is the processing of data obtained earlier, drawing up a boundary plan reflecting the result obtained during geodetic work.

Call a specialist

To carry out a complex of cadastral works, a specialist with the appropriate education is invited; he must also have a license to perform services.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with a specialist, which specifies the list of works and the conditions for their implementation, payment. A cadastral engineer can work as an individual entrepreneur.

Legal entities (organizations) also perform all geodetic and cadastral services. Legal entities, based on the results of their research, draw up documentation and transfer it to their customer. It is the client’s responsibility to accept the documents (if drawn up in accordance with the law) and pay for the services.

Land survey plan

A survey plan is drawn up at the end of all cadastral work. The planning justification for such a document is a territorial cadastral plan; it presents a block diagram within the boundaries of the thematic area.

The boundary plan consists of two parts - a graphical and test structure. The graphic structure contains information from the territorial plan, which indicates the boundaries of the site and the availability of access to it (this can be a driveway, passage).

The test part contains information about the land that will be needed for the State Cadastre. This information characterizes the area.

The preparation of the plan is regulated by a special Order of the Ministry of Economic Development dated November 24, 2008, number 412 “On approval of the form of the boundary plan.”

Both the owners and the state are interested in clarifying or establishing the exact boundaries of land plots. The owner cannot conduct any transactions with a plot that is unregistered and does not have a cadastral passport. And it is difficult for the state to profitably manage the land fund without data on individual plots.

It is also possible that taxes may not be received due to incorrect determination of the area and boundaries of land areas. Cadastral works are aimed at eliminating this problem.

Anyone who owns a piece of land has to face the need to carry out land surveying. Land surveying is the main cadastral work associated with establishing the boundaries of your site. You will need to issue an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which will indicate the size of the plot, its boundaries and area. To obtain an extract from the Unified State Register, you need to complete a number of works.

The main stages of land surveying.

Land surveying contains several stages that follow one after another:

1. Collection of necessary documentation.
2. Measuring a piece of land.
3. Marking boundaries on site (if necessary).
4. Notification of interested parties.
5. Development of a boundary plan.
6. Drawing of the boundary plan.
7. Creation of a document on land cadastral registration.

At the first stage, you need to visit the state real estate cadastre. Make extracts for your plot and the plots of your neighbors. Check legal documents for possible mistakes (inaccurate address, mismatch of number for the site). Find out whether there is a cadastral number at all.

The second stage is measuring the land. To do this you need to carry out a geodetic survey. Set the coordinates for placing boundary signs and the dimensions of the boundaries. Having measured the land plot, the engineer will see how the boundaries align on the cadastral map.

The third stage is the restoration of the boundaries of the site, that is, the installation of boundaries on the surface of the earth. This must be done if they are not located on the site (there are no fences or poles).
The fourth stage occurs provided that there are people interested in setting boundaries correctly. These could be neighbors or representatives of local administration. If the site is located on the territory of a dacha cooperative, then all its members must be informed. It can be done different ways: announce orally, by registered mail, announce through a local newspaper.

At the fifth stage, an act is signed, which is signed by all interested parties who appear at the specified time and place to agree on the boundaries of the allocated area
The sixth stage - the drawing of the boundary plan is carried out after all the previous steps have been carried out. The engineer, based on preliminary calculations, draws a boundary plan containing information about the geodetic survey, the exact coordinates of the site, and an act on the approval of the established boundaries of the land.

The seventh and final stage will be obtaining a document confirming the registration of the site for cadastral registration. The boundary distribution plan is submitted to the Cadastral Chamber. There it is tested and adjusted in accordance with pre-set goals.

Pros and cons of land surveying.

Land surveying has its pros and cons. The need for land surveying appears when merging plots, dividing a plot into parts, or redistributing it. The first thing to do is clarify the boundaries. To do this, they must be marked and secured in place using geodetic methods. By marking the boundaries of the plot, you can subsequently sell it. When purchasing a plot, you also need to check the survey with the entries in the cadastre passport. In these cases, land surveying will be a plus.

The disadvantage of land surveying is that you have to pay for this service and spend time. If you want to carry out land surveying, then you will need to hire a cadastral engineer.

The result of cadastral actions.

Cadastral work - collecting and processing all data about a land plot. Without these works, a plot of land cannot be purchased or accepted as a gift. Land plot is real estate, which is characterized by the following characteristics:

Location and boundaries.
. Mailing address.
. Market price.
. Special purpose.
. Type of use.

When obtaining ownership rights to a plot, it is necessary to carry out all the necessary cadastral work. After their execution, the site is entered into the state real estate cadastre. He is provided with an individual cadastral number and, as a result, a cadastral passport.

Services of cadastral engineers.

To carry out cadastral work, it is necessary to find people who have both experience and the necessary knowledge. Such people are cadastre engineers. A cadastral engineer is a person who provides land surveying and cadastre services. He goes to the work site, takes all the necessary measurements, prepares documents, and provides free consultations on all issues.

He can do the following:

Set the boundaries of the site and register it.
. Make a geodetic survey of the area.
. Correct previous mistakes.
. Draw up a boundary plan.
. Draw a topographic map.
. Perform land surveying around the house.
. Set the boundaries of the site and put up the necessary signs.

As a result of the work carried out by the cadastral engineer, you will receive the following documents: a boundary plan of the land, its cadastral map, cadastral number and passport.

Prices for cadastral works.

Cadastral works include a large list of services. Different companies provide services individually and as a package, and you can choose the most convenient and affordable option for yourself.

4) submission of a map-plan of the territory to the rights registration authority.

ConsultantPlus: note.

To relations related to the implementation of complex cadastral works under contracts concluded before September 16, 2019, including the presentation and consideration of a map-plan of the territory, the version of this document that was in force before the specified date (Federal Law dated June 17, 2019 N 150-FZ) applies.

2. When performing complex cadastral works, the performer of complex cadastral works:

1) receives or collects documents containing the initial data necessary to carry out complex cadastral work;

2) notifies the copyright holders of real estate objects that are, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 42.1 of this Federal Law objects of complex cadastral works, on the beginning of such work;

3) submits to the rights registration authority an application for entering address information into the Unified State Register of Real Estate Email and (or) about the postal address at which communication is carried out with the person whose right to the property is registered, as well as with the person in whose favor the restriction of the right or encumbrance of the property is registered (hereinafter referred to as the address of the copyright holder and (or) the email address of the copyright holder ), if these persons are the copyright holders of real estate objects in respect of which complex cadastral works are being carried out, and applications for entering into the Unified State Register of Real Estate information about previously registered real estate objects located within the boundaries of the territory where complex cadastral works are being carried out, in accordance with the rights holders of these objects provided and certified in the manner established by parts 1 and 9 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate", copies of documents establishing or confirming the rights to these real estate objects, which in accordance with Part 4 of Article 69 Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate" are considered previously taken into account, but information about which is not available in the Unified State Register of Real Estate or the rights to which arose before the entry into force of Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 122 -FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it” and have not been terminated and state cadastral registration of which has not been carried out;

(see text in the previous edition)

4) prepares a draft map-plan of the territory;

5) submits to the customer of complex cadastral works a draft map-plan of the territory, including in the form of a paper document, for its consideration and approval, as well as information about the identified objects specified in Part 4.1 of Article 42.1 of this Federal Law, located within the boundaries of the territory of execution complex cadastral works, information on the possibility of forming land plots on the territory of complex cadastral works, provided for in Part 4 of Article 42.8 of this Federal Law, if such information and (or) information is available;

(see text in the previous edition)

6) participates in the manner established by this Federal Law in the work of the conciliation commission and draws up a draft map-plan of the territory in the final version;

(see text in the previous edition)

3. To determine the location of the boundaries of land plots when performing complex cadastral work, materials from land management documentation contained in the state data fund obtained as a result of land management, materials and spatial data from the federal spatial data fund, departmental spatial data funds, spatial data funds of subjects can be used Russian Federation, situation plans contained in technical passports of real estate located on land plots, stored as of January 1, 2013 in bodies and organizations for state technical accounting and (or) technical inventory as part of accounting and technical documentation about objects of state technical accounting and technical inventories, planning and cartographic materials available in local government bodies of municipal districts, local government bodies of urban and rural settlements, local government bodies of urban districts, documents on land rights and other documents containing information about the location of the boundaries of land plots. To determine the location of the boundaries of forest areas when performing complex cadastral work, information from the state forest register is used.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. Materials available to the customer for complex cadastral works and information necessary for the implementation of complex cadastral works, including information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (in electronic form), state address register (in electronic form), information from the information system for supporting urban planning activities and others systems and (or) archives of local government bodies are provided to the individual entrepreneur specified in Article 32 of this Federal Law, or legal entity specified in Article 33 of this Federal Law, after concluding a state or municipal contract for the implementation of complex cadastral works. The performer of complex cadastral works obtains other materials necessary for performing the work independently. Owners of land plots, buildings, structures, unfinished construction projects have the right to provide the executor of complex cadastral works with the materials and documents they have in relation to these real estate objects, as well as those certified in the manner established by parts 1 and 9 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate", copies of documents establishing or confirming the rights to the specified real estate objects, which are considered in accordance with Part 4 of Article 69 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate" previously taken into account , but information about which is not available in the Unified State Register of Real Estate or the rights to which arose before the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 122-FZ “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It” and the state cadastral registration of which has not been carried out, in order to enter information about these real estate objects into the Unified State Register of Real Estate in the manner established by parts 5 - 9 of Article 69 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate". In confirmation of receipt of the specified documents, the complex cadastral work performer issues a receipt to the legal owner of the land plot, building, structure, unfinished construction object indicating the list of documents and the date of their receipt by the complex cadastral work performer.

(see text in the previous edition)

4.1. If there is no information in the Unified State Register of Real Estate about land plots located in the cadastral quarter, within the boundaries of which complex cadastral work is carried out, with the exception of land plots that are forest plots, about buildings, structures, and unfinished construction objects, which are considered in accordance with Part 4 of Article 69 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate” previously recorded, as well as land plots, buildings, structures, unfinished construction projects, the rights to which arose before the date of entry into force of the Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 N 122-FZ "On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it" and the state cadastral registration of which has not been terminated, the local government body of the settlement, urban district or municipal district, the executive body of the federal city of Moscow, St. Petersburg or Sevastopol at the location of such real estate objects if they have a document (a copy of the document certified in the manner established by parts 1 and 9 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218- Federal Law "On State Registration of Real Estate"), establishing or confirming the right to a property, including the document specified in paragraph 9 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of October 25, 2001 N 137-FZ "On the entry into force of the Land Code of the Russian Federation", send an application for entering into the Unified State Register of Real Estate information about such land plots, buildings, structures, objects of unfinished construction according to the rules provided for in parts 5 - 9 of Article 69 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate". After information about such land plots, buildings, structures, and unfinished construction objects is entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate, such real estate objects are included in the list of objects in respect of which complex cadastral work is carried out.

Cadastral works- this is work on the collection and reproduction in documentary form of information about real estate objects, or about their parts, necessary for their further cadastral registration with subsequent state registration of rights to the real estate object for the purpose of creating, changing or terminating real estate objects.

Technical plan

It should be remembered that a technical plan will be needed if:

1. the object has been reconstructed, the structure or part of the building has been redeveloped to make adjustments and changes;

2. there was a need to make changes to the cadastral passport when errors made at an early date were discovered;

3. The property title has not been registered and it is not registered in the state cadastre.

When amendments are made to the information contained in the cadastral passport, the content of the technical plan changes accordingly. It should be remembered that it is an important document when putting a facility into operation. The presence of a technical plan simplifies the procedure for obtaining important documents for cadastral registration of housing. Its novelty is that the object is attached to the land plot and thus determines the exact coordinates of the location of the property.

Work on creating a technical plan has the right to carry out cadastral engineer only who is certified to engage in this type of activity. To the staff employees of the ZENIT-GEO company includes specialists with many years of experience work in the field of cadastre and technical inventory, which have been certified and received qualification certificates of cadastral engineers.

What is a technical plan?

According to Article 41 of Federal Law No. 221-FZ of April 24, 2007 “On the State Real Estate Cadastre,” a technical plan is a document that reproduces certain information included in the state real estate cadastre and indicates information about a building, structure, premises or object of unfinished construction, necessary for registration of such a real estate object, or information about part or parts of such a real estate object, or new information about such a real estate object, which is assigned a cadastral number, necessary for entering into the state real estate cadastre.

The graphic part of the technical plan of a building, structure or unfinished construction project reproduces information from the cadastral plan of the corresponding territory or cadastral extract about the corresponding land plot, and also indicates the location of such a building, structure or unfinished construction project on the land plot.

The graphic part of the technical plan of the premises is a floor plan or part of a floor of a building or structure, indicating on this plan the location of such premises, and if the building or structure does not have a number of storeys, the plan of the building or structure or the plan of the corresponding part of the building or structure, indicating on this plan the location of such premises. The technical plan is certified by the signature and seal of the cadastral engineer.

Land survey plan

Cadastral work on the formation of a boundary plan is carried out by a cadastral engineer in the following cases:

  1. In connection with the formation of a land plot (land plot) during the consolidation of land; plots.
  2. In connection with the formation of land plots (land plots) during the division of a land plot;
  3. In connection with the formation of land plots (land plots) during the redistribution of land;
  4. In connection with the formation of land plots (the required number of land plots is indicated) during the redistribution of land plots from lands in state ownership or municipal ownership;
  5. In connection with the formation of a land plot (land plot, plots) when allocating a land share or shares;
  6. In connection with the formation of a land plot (land plot, plots) from a single land use;
  7. In connection with the formation of a land plot (land plot) from lands in state or municipal ownership;
  8. In connection with clarifying the location of the border of the land plot (land plot) and (or) its area.

What is a boundary plan?

Law on the real estate cadastre in the Russian Federation 221-FZ dated July 24, 2007. the concept of a boundary plan is defined.

A boundary plan is a document drawn up on the basis of a cadastral plan and which corresponds to the territory or cadastral extract of the corresponding land plot. The boundary plan must reproduce the information available in the state real estate cadastre, indicate information about the land plot or plots being formed, about part or parts of the land plot, including new information necessary for inclusion in the state real estate cadastre. If, in accordance with 221-FZ “On the Real Estate Cadastre in the Russian Federation,” the boundaries of the land plot being demarcated are subject to mandatory approval, then the boundary plan must also contain information about such approval.

A boundary plan is a complex technical document consisting of both text and graphic parts. According to the Law on the Real Estate Cadastre, namely clause 2 of part 1 of article 22 221-FZ, the boundary plan is mandatory and necessary document in the general composition of documents required for cadastral registration of documents.

Land surveying

Land surveying is a whole complex of land management, cadastral, engineering and geodetic work to establish, restore and secure land use boundaries on the ground. When conducting land surveying, the location of the boundaries and the area of ​​the land plot are determined, the corresponding cadastral work is legally formalized and formed in the form of a boundary plan.

When carrying out any operations with land plots: purchase and sale, exchange, inheritance, privatization, it is necessary to carry out boundary work, which includes, among other things,

  • coordination of land boundaries.
  • creation of a planned shooting justification.
  • determining the coordinates of boundary signs and fixing them on the ground.
  • determination of the area of ​​the land plot based on the obtained coordinates of boundary markers.
  • compilation of a package of documents and subsequent submission of the land management file (land survey plan) to the Rosreestr authorities.

The delineation of land plots is drawn up in the form of a boundary plan of the property.

The determining fact for carrying out land surveying for the purpose of cadastral registration is that when registering a land plot with cadastral registration with an unambiguous interpretation of the boundaries on the basis of a boundary plan formed during the surveying of the land plot, the land user insures himself against possible squatting and disputes with the rights holders of adjacent land plots. land plots, since the boundaries are determined with standard accuracy and even if boundary markers are lost (the fence is skewed or completely absent), according to the information provided from the cadastral registration authority of the registered land plot or building, it can always be taken out in kind and determined on the area where exactly it passes the border of a particular land plot. Moreover, the Law “On Dacha Amnesty” allows you to register free of charge an additional area upon use to that specified in the title or title document for the land plot.

Survey reports

What is an inspection report?

According to Article 42 of Federal Law No. 221-FZ of April 24, 2007 “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”, the survey report is a document in which the cadastral engineer, as a result of inspecting the location of a building, structure, premises or unfinished construction site, taking into account available cadastral information confirms about such a property termination of the existence of a building, structure or object of unfinished construction in connection with the death or destruction of such a piece of real estate or the termination of the existence of the premises in connection with the death or destruction of the building or structure in which it was located, the death or destruction of part of the building or structure within which such premises were located. The survey report is certified by the signature and seal of the cadastral engineer.

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