How to feed catharanthus after transplantation. Catharanthus - care and propagation at home. Growing catharanthus from seeds

Sealing 28.10.2023
5252 07/26/2019 6 min.

Catharanthus is a plant that decorates modern flower beds. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in terms of care and attractive appearance. It can be planted in a flowerbed, placed in a container, or even in pots. The plant's growth is low. It has extensive branches, so it grows quickly and reproduces easily.

In this case, propagation can occur by bush, cuttings and shifts. The simplest and most common propagation option is considered to be seeds. But in order for the catharanthus to please everyone with its attractive appearance, you need to know the features of caring for the plant.

What do the seeds look like?

Catharanthus has erect stems that branch at the tops. The leaves are oblong in shape and dark green in color. The length of the leaves reaches up to 7 cm. During flowering, the bush is strewn with wheel-shaped flowers. You can see the first flowers after 60-70 days. Upon completion of flowering, a double-leafed fruit with elongated seeds is formed.

Catharanthus seeds are available in a wide range on the market. But they all have a common appearance. They are large in size and have a dark brown color. Caring for this plant is similar to.

How and when to plant seeds

Catharanthus develops much more actively and gets sick less if the planting material has been carefully prepared beforehand. Before planting, the seeds must be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The way to disinfect planting material is to place it in gauze and dip it in a prepared solution of potassium permanganate. Keep for 30 minutes. It is worth sowing them for seedlings at the end of February. And for those who want to know about how to plant Thyme with seeds, and how to do it correctly, this will help you figure it out

Catharanthus does not require special soil. When planting planting material in the soil, it is necessary to adhere to similar rules as when growing garden crops for seedlings. For the crop in question, it is better to use loose soil rich in nutrients. First, the seeds should be placed in separate pots. If you are not going to plant seedlings in open ground, but use them as a houseplant, then you should prepare a pot in advance.

This crop does not tolerate transplantation very well. Place one seed into a glass, placing it in the middle. But you should put 3 seeds in a pot. The planting material emerges quickly and smoothly.

But how to transplant Chrysanthemums into open ground from their pots, and how to do it yourself, this will help

As for the soil, you can mix leaf and turf soil, peat, sand and humus in equal proportions. The cups must be placed on the tray of a window that faces the east or west side. The fact is that catharanthus is a light-loving plant. But direct sunlight should not penetrate the leaves.

In the video - growing Catharanthus flowers:

All the same rules apply when planting already grown seedlings in open ground. It is best to make a high flower bed on the east or west side of the house. It is allowed to plant catharanthus in large tubs. Seedlings can be moved outside immediately after the morning frosts have passed.


In order for the plant to bloom profusely and for a long time, you must follow some simple rules.

And for those who want to understand how this happens, this article describes it.

Nutritious and loose soil

It is necessary to use one part of peat, humus, sand, leaf and turf soil. Although any fertile soil can be used to grow catharanthus. At the same time, make sure that there is no large amount of salt in it. To grow plants in pots, you can use geranium soil. The main thing is to remember about drainage when using small expanded clay. But what kind of soil is most suitable for Geranium can be found out from this

Watering and air humidity

Catharanthus loves moisture very much. So you need to irrigate it regularly, but just avoid standing water. This is especially true for growing plants in pots. If there is excess water in the pan, it should be removed.

If a flower grows in a garden, its growth stops in wet and cool summers. If the plant is constantly flooded, it may die due to rotting of the roots. But you shouldn’t let it dry out either. Some varieties of crops begin to curl their leaves due to lack of moisture. They roll up into tubes. But don’t think that the flower is dead. It just needs to be provided with plenty of watering. And you will notice how in an hour the leaves will come to life again.

To prevent catharanthus from suffering from too much water in rainy weather, you should not plant it crowded. Approximately once every 10 days, water with fertilizer. It should contain potassium and phosphorus. As for air humidity, the plant in question loves it when it is high. So it is necessary to spray the flower as often as possible. In winter, this should be done with warm water. Also, do not forget about ventilation. You may also be interested in information about how to use it correctly and by what parameters you should choose it.

Location and temperature

When catharanthus grows in the house, it should be installed in a bright place, as it loves light. If there is not enough lighting, the stems will begin to stretch, their thickness will decrease, and the size of the flowers will become small. An excellent place to grow plants is eastern and western windows.

If you plant catharanthus outside, you should gradually accustom it to the sun's rays. When planting seedlings in the ground, you need to think about whether the selected area will be protected from the cold wind. Otherwise, the plant may die. But you can find out which are the most popular among gardeners by reading the contents of this article and looking at the photos.

A flower cannot overwinter in a flower bed. It begins to die with the onset of frost. So for those who want to see catharanthus in their flowerbed next year, they need to break cuttings and root them. You can collect the seeds and place them on the windowsill to dry slightly.

Pest and disease control measures

Catharanthus can be affected by pests such as scale insects, aphids, whiteflies and mealybugs. It is not difficult to see them, since the leaves of the plant will be damaged. They will develop a white coating and spots. They will also begin to curl and dry out. To combat insects and diseases, it is necessary to use insecticide spraying.

But how to grow Gaillardia perennial from seeds, and when to plant this plant, is described in this

It is not so often that catharanthus is affected by brown rust. Spots - pustules - form on the leaves. The cause of the disease lies in high soil or air humidity in combination with low temperature conditions. Another cause of rust is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. To combat the disease, it is necessary to treat the bush with Bordeaux mixture and use nitrogen fertilizer. But then you should understand that flowers on a trimmed stem will appear only after 2-3 weeks.

And although catharanthus is a perennial crop, it should not be stored at home for more than 3 years. It is better to rejuvenate a flower by cuttings. If you trim the bush by more than 1/3, the flowers and leaves will become too small.

When the flower has been sent to the flowerbed, it must be pinched once every 7 days for 1-1.5 months. Due to this, the flowerbed will have a simply gorgeous look. This is due to the fact that the formation of flowers occurs at the tips of the stems. The more there are, the more abundant the flowering.

Also, do not forget that the plant is poisonous. 80 alkaloids can be found in its composition. Allergies and irritation may occur on the skin, so it is preferable to wear gloves when working in the flowerbed, and pruning the plant with scissors.

Catharanthus is a common flower that summer residents and gardeners often use when decorating a flower bed. It cannot be called particularly whimsical in terms of care, although there are some features without which the plant may simply die. If you monitor the temperature, humidity, choose the right place and fertilize the flower, then for such care it will repay you with beautiful and abundant flowering.

Catharanthus is more often called “Pink periwinkle” or “Cayenne jasmine”. It began its distribution from the islands of Madagascar, but is also common in Indonesian, Chinese, Indian and Philippine countries. In a wild subtropical climate, the plant can reach one and a half meters in height, and when grown at home it barely exceeds half a meter.

Today, catharanthus is often used as an annual plant for garden decoration and can rarely be found in an apartment or house. But flower growers claim that the plant is unpretentious and can decorate the interior with rich colors for years.

, but it grows much lower and its flowers do not have such a pronounced scent. The advantage of catharanthus is its large bright pink flowers, the corollas of which are painted in a purple hue. The inflorescence consists of five separate petals. Over time, breeders developed hybrid plant varieties that added variety to the color scheme of this crop.

Today you can find catharanthus with violet, blue, purple and white flowers, which are concentrated at the tips of the shoots in several pieces.

The shoots of the flower are flexible and covered with thin green bark for young shoots and brown bark for tall stems. The leaves are a rich emerald color, oval-pointed in shape. They are attached to the shoots using short petioles. The leaves of some varieties are decorated with white veins. After flowering, seed leaflets are formed on the catharanthus, in which small seeds ripen.

In home gardening you can find catharanthus of various types and varieties.

  • "Pusillus" or miniature periwinkle is an annual flower with erect shoots growing up to 20 cm. It blooms in July or August with white flowers 7-9 cm in diameter. After flowering, decorative pods with seeds are formed.
  • "Catharanthus roseus" is popular in indoor floriculture. It is a perennial that, with proper care, turns into a lush ornamental bush. The crown is formed by spreading branches covered with smooth glossy leaves. It blooms with simple flowers of all shades of pink. If the plant feels comfortable, it pleases its owner with color from late spring to early autumn.

This species has several hybrid varieties of groups.

"Pacifica" - includes varieties:

  • "Burgundy" - with burgundy-red flowers topped with a white eye.
  • “White” - with snow-white flowers.
  • "Epricot" - blooms with cream flowers with a crimson center.
  • "Ice Pink" has soft pink flowers.

“Cooler” - combines varieties:

  • "Grape" - blooms with lilac flowers with a pink eye.
  • "Peppermint" has snow-white flowers with a red center.
  • "Red" - with bright scarlet flowers.
  • “Fest Kiss” - varieties of this group are distinguished by their large sizes and extraordinary colors, among which the most popular is “Blueberry”, blooming with velvety violet-blue flowers.
  • “Albus” - bushes grow up to 25 cm, whitish veins are clearly visible on large matte leaves. It blooms with white flowers with a yellow center.
  • 'All America Selections' - blooms with blue flowers tinged with purple.
  • “Cascade” - a variety intended for planting in hanging flowerpots. The shoots of this catharanthus can grow up to one and a half meters in length, cascading down to the ground. Blooms with flowers of various shades.

In addition to its decorative qualities, the flower has pronounced healing properties and is widely used in folk medicine in its homeland, including as an antitumor agent.

Catharanthus cannot be called a demanding plant; its cultivation does not take much effort and does not require special skills. It is important to create conditions that are close to natural, and the flower will feel comfortable:

  1. Lighting should be plentiful, but without direct exposure to sunlight. It is optimal to place the catharanthus on the southeast or southwest side. After winter rest, the flower is gradually accustomed to light, otherwise it may get sunburn. And if artificial lighting is provided in winter, it can bloom almost all year round.
  2. The temperature in summer should be in the range from 21 to 28 degrees, and in winter from 16 to 19 degrees. It is important that during wintering the soil in the flowerpot does not get too cold.
  3. Ventilation. Catharanthus will not live in stuffy rooms. Therefore, ventilation should be provided regularly, and in the warm season, the flower should be taken out into the fresh air.
  4. Humidity is an important component of living conditions. The plant needs daily spraying, and in the summer it is advisable to place flowerpots on trays with moistened moss or pebbles.

If flowers are planted in flower beds, then you need to choose a well-lit open place, but protect it from direct sun. The planting area must have good drainage to avoid stagnation of water, which negatively affects the health of the plant.

Even inexperienced gardeners can grow catharanthus. It is enough to follow the rules of propagation and planting, and after a while you can get a young flowering plant. Catharanthus have a fast growth rate and in order for the flowers to develop normally, they need to be planted in spacious clay or ceramic flowerpots.

Plants prefer light, salt-free, nutritious soils, for the preparation of which they take equal parts of turf, humus and leaf soil, peat and sand. When purchasing a soil mixture, you should choose soil for geraniums.

Catharanthus can be propagated in three ways: by dividing the bush, by cuttings, and by sowing seeds.

Bush division. It is used when there are mature, well-developed bushes that need replanting. The procedure is carried out in spring. An adult plant is carefully dug up, the roots are freed from the soil and divided into several parts. The plots take root well and can be planted both in pots and in flower beds.

According to experienced flower growers, catharanthus should not be kept for more than three years. The plant grows quickly, which affects its decorativeness and flowering quality:

  • cuttings are cut from the apical shoots
  • the cut parts are placed in a container of water, to which it is recommended to add a growth stimulator
  • When roots appear, the plant can be planted in prepared soil
  • cuttings also take root well in wet sand
  • to speed up the root formation process, you need to maintain a temperature of at least twenty degrees
  • After planting the cuttings, they need to create greenhouse conditions by covering them with a jar or polyethylene. It is also necessary to ensure regular ventilation

Catharanthus are often grown from seeds; this process is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • sowing can be done all year round
  • purchased or collected seed is treated with a manganese solution to destroy pathogens. After the procedure, the seeds must be dried
  • prepared seed material is deepened into moist soil by 1-1.5 cm
  • the crops are covered with light-proof polyethylene or sent to a dark place
  • the temperature should be maintained at least 23 degrees

If everything is done correctly, the seeds will sprout within a week. The seedlings need to be watered regularly, and after 14-21 days the first fertilizing should be done. When two pairs of leaves form on the seedlings, they are planted in individual containers.
Landing rules:

  1. Catharanthus need to be planted in well-loosened soil. You should also add expanded clay or fine gravel to the soil. Planting holes are pre-prepared, the bottom of which is covered with a drainage layer.
  2. Part of the prepared soil is poured onto the drainage layer. Place seedlings, rooted cuttings or plots in the holes, straighten the roots and cover with the remaining soil. The soil needs to be compacted and watered; a layer of mulch can be laid on top.

When working with catharanthus, remember that this is a poisonous plant. Therefore, you need to protect your hands with gloves. Also, plants should not be placed in a place accessible to children and pets.

For the successful development of catharanthus, it is enough to ensure optimal growing conditions and provide competent care, which consists of standard actions:

  • Irrigation. The flower loves water, but does not tolerate stagnation. Therefore, the plant needs to be watered abundantly all year round. Do not allow the earthen ball to dry out and remove excess liquid from the pan. When growing catharanthus in a flower bed, plantings should not be made dense. This helps plants survive the rainy season, during which they stop growing.
  • Application of fertilizers. The rapid growth of the plant contributes to the rapid depletion of the soil, so fertilizers need to be applied every week and a half. The flowers are fed for the first time at the beginning of flowering. Mineral fertilizing should be alternated with, and humus or humus should also be added to the soil. If catharanthus is grown in an apartment, then fertilizing is carried out throughout the year.
  • Transfer. Due to its rapid growth, catharanthus needs to be regularly replanted into larger containers. Transplants are carried out annually in spring. Before the procedure, you need to trim the shoots by a third of their length.
  • Trimming. Young plants are cut or pinched shoots. This is necessary to stimulate branching and the formation of a fluffy decorative bush. Also, such events increase the number of buds that form on young branches.

When growing catharanthus in pots or flowerpots, plants are planted three in one container. To prevent excessive thickening, you need to cut out damaged branches and those that grow deep into the crown. This method of planting helps to increase decorativeness due to different colors of flowers, if different varieties of catharanthus are planted in one flowerpot.

Catharanthus have strong immunity to diseases and pests. But if not properly cared for, they can be affected by fungal infections, spider mites and scale insects:

  • fungi attack leaves and stems when the plant is overwatered. Appears as brown spots
  • scale insects and mites attack the flower when there is insufficient moisture
  • lack of lighting leads to elongation of shoots
  • lack of microelements slows down flower growth
  • low air humidity leads to drying of leaf tips
  • lack of light leads to shedding of buds

You can fight fungi and harmful insects using special chemicals or spraying with kerosene mash with added oil and alcohol.

Catharanthus is often used by landscape designers. The plant is valued for its decorative appearance and ease of cultivation. In flower beds, the flower grows as an annual, and in apartment conditions it pleases owners for many years. Catharanthus looks impressive in combination with petunias and balsam. To achieve the desired decorative look. You need to care for the plant with love, because it reacts sharply to negative emotions.

More information can be found in the video:

Apr 02 2017

Catharanthus - care and reproduction at home

Anyone who has seen the indoor catharanthus plant will agree that this spectacular bush, strewn with numerous delightful flowers, clearly brings the comfort and warmth of the southern Mediterranean islands into the house. Its name is translated from Greek as “pure, clear or flawless flower.” In this article you will read about growing catharanthus and caring for it at home. Many gardeners consider it the king of indoor flowering bushes, because catharanthus pleases its owners with endless flowering almost all year round, and requires minimal care from them after planting.

The catharanthus flower belongs to the evergreen herbaceous and subshrub plants of the Apocynaceae family. In the wild, it can be found everywhere in tropical countries. This is Cuba, Java, Africa, Indochina, Indonesia - it’s impossible to list everything. It is not possible to accurately determine its homeland, although many scientists are inclined to Madagascar, where it is most often found. There are seven or eight of its species. In the subtropics, catharanthus grows up to one and a half meters in height. At home, this bush does not exceed 60 cm. Catharanthus has been bred as a houseplant since the mid-18th century.

For a long time, catharanthus was considered one of the varieties of another flower - pink periwinkle. These plants are very similar. Both belong to the Kutrov family. Only since 1937, after lengthy debates, botanists began to classify rose catharanthus (Catharanthus roseus), as a species of evergreen perennial subshrubs, to a separate genus Catharanthus.

The indoor catharanthus flower is a perennial plant, often grown as an annual. At home, it grows no higher than 50–60 cm in height. Its erect stems are fleshy, branch at the tops, and become woody over time. The roots are powerful and taprooted. The central root reaches a depth of 20 - 30 cm, there are many lateral adventitious roots that have a strong specific odor. Young roots have no root hairs. Catharanthus leaves have an oblong shape, pointed at both ends, and a length of up to 7 cm. They are glossy, dark green in color, with a white longitudinal vein. During flowering, the bush is completely covered with many wheel-shaped flowers. Catharanthus flowers range from 3 to 5 cm in diameter. They have a regular shape of five petals with a flat corolla, the throat of which is covered with thyroid hairs. In the center of each flower there is an eye, usually in a bright contrasting color. There are hybrids with white, orange, light lilac, blue-violet petals. Catharanthus flowers are very similar to phlox flowers, but they are solitary, while in phlox they are collected in inflorescences. But, during active flowering, from May to October, such a lush cap is formed from individually blooming flowers that the decorative effect of the flower at this time is beyond all praise. Long flowering ends with the onset of cold weather. After flowering, the catharanthus fruit is formed, which is a crescent-shaped bileaflet, inside which about a dozen elongated seeds are formed.

Medicinal properties

The catharanthus plant is valued not only for its spectacular appearance and decorative effect. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times. Healers and healers of Madagascar and Indonesia used catharanthus to treat diabetes, cough and various tumors. The green parts of the plant contain up to 60 biologically active alkaloids. Modern research has shown that this flower actually contains substances that lower blood sugar. And the alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine formed the basis of anticancer drugs that are used in modern medicine. All kinds of infusions and decoctions are prepared from the leaves and shoots of catharanthus, which treat many diseases, such as:

  • poorly healing wounds and trophic ulcers;
  • fibroids, polyps, prostate adenomas;
  • diseases of teeth and gums;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • hypertension and diabetes.

It is important to know that all parts of the catharanthus are poisonous. It is not recommended to prepare any medicine from it yourself! Side effects, allergic reactions, and burns may occur. There are contraindications. You can use drugs from catharanthus only under supervision and on the recommendation of doctors.

Types and varieties

All decorative series of varieties and hybrids of this flower are a variety of pink catharanthus. They differ from it in the size of the bush and different shades of petals. We will introduce you to the most popular of them.

This is a low bush, 50 cm in height. The flowers are relatively large - up to 5 cm in diameter. The color range is varied - from pure white to dark red. A contrasting eye usually sparkles in the middle. This flower is grown not only as a houseplant, but also as a garden plant, decorating borders in flower beds and paths with it.

This is a low compact bush, 25 - 30 cm in height, and 15 - 20 cm in crown diameter. Characterized by early flowering and ease of care. The flowers are large, the characteristic eye in the middle stands out clearly.

Depending on the shade of the petals, the Pacifica variety has its own varieties:

  • Pacifica Burgundy - has flowers of a rich wine color with a white eye;
  • Pacifica White - has white flowers with a red eye;
  • Pacifica Apricot - has apricot-colored flowers with a red center;
  • Pacifica Ice Pink - has soft pink flowers with a red eye.

In the eighties of the last century, a number of new spectacular varieties of catharanthus appeared. Here are some of them that are still popular:

Variety series Cooler. Small, strongly branching bushes, up to 40 cm in height, united here. Their flowers are round, large, up to 5 cm in diameter. With a bright contrasting eye in the center.

The varieties in this series include the following:

  • Grape Cooler - lavender-pink flowers with a red center;
  • Peppermint Cooler - white flowers with a bright red center;
  • Red Cooler - red flowers.

Sortoseries First Kiss (First Kiss, First Kiss). Low, 30 - 40 cm in height, neat bushes, have a beautiful crown and at least 13 shades of flowers. This is the most popular and titled series of catharanthus. At flower growing competitions in North American countries, catharanthus of this variety series won prestigious prizes, in particular, the blue-violet cultivar First Kiss Blueberry won high awards in the USA and Canada.

Variety series Cascade. Here are ampelous catharanthus, up to 15 cm high and with long flexible shoots that either creep or hang down. It blooms with large flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter. The most popular varieties of this variety series:

Catharanthus ampelous Titan. The long lashes hanging down reach 75 cm in length. Numerous bright red flowers glow brightly on the dark green glossy leaves. This variety is great for growing in pots.

  • White - with snow-white flowers;
  • Deep Rose - with pink flowers;
  • Cascade Cherry bark - with cherry flowers;
  • Bark Cascade Shelf Dot – with white flowers;
  • Bark cascade Medgenta - with flowers of lilac and burgundy color.

Home care

When growing catharanthus at home, it is important to follow some simple rules so that you grow a wonderful evergreen bush.

All parts of catharanthus are poisonous and contain alkaloids. Work with it must be carried out with gloves to avoid allergies or poisoning.

Humidity, spraying, watering

Catharanthus is a moisture-loving crop. Abundant flowering directly depends on the sufficiently high humidity of the surrounding air and substrate. Catharanthus prefer high air humidity. If humidity levels drop below 60%, it is necessary to spray the surrounding air and, with caution, the plants themselves. Moreover, the leaves can be sprayed, but the flowers are not advisable! To increase the humidity in the room, place containers of water next to the catharanthus plantings, and place the pots themselves in trays with wet expanded clay or wet pebbles.

Water your flowers regularly. The root system should not be allowed to dry out! You will immediately know about insufficient watering by the curling leaves of the plant. If you notice quickly and water soon, they will straighten out.

But there should be no stagnation of water in the pan and waterlogging of the soil. Try to choose the frequency of watering so that the soil moisture is consistently average. Water no earlier than the top layer of soil dries to a depth of 2 - 3 cm. If you plan to save the plant until next year, significantly reduce watering in the autumn-winter period. Keep the earthen ball slightly moist. If the air in the room is dry, spray the leaves constantly.


The plant prefers diffused light. He will be most comfortable on the windowsills of eastern and western directions. Although, even on the south side, provided the pot is protected from direct sunlight at midday, the catharanthus will feel excellent. It is not necessary to place the flower pot on the windowsill itself. It grows well in slight shade and looks great on a shelf lit by diffused sunlight. If it winters indoors, it will also need good lighting. Otherwise, the stems will stretch upward, and the decorative effect of the flower will suffer. If there is insufficient lighting, use fluorescent lamps.


The ideal temperature for growing catharanthus at home is considered to be 20 - 25 degrees Celsius. This is in the spring-summer period for long-term maintenance of the flower. In winter, you need to find a cooler place for it and maintain the temperature there within 15 degrees, because there is no place for it on the windowsill, next to heating devices. Perhaps you have an insulated loggia. But you need to make sure that the temperature does not drop at all - the catharanthus may not tolerate a prolonged drop below 10 degrees.

If you are not going to save the flower in the winter and plan to throw it away in the fall, after flowering, then the warmer the location, the more abundantly it will bloom. Moreover, the flower feels great in the warm season outdoors. In the spring, as soon as the air outside warms up above 18 degrees, a pot of catharanthus can be placed on a balcony or veranda, preferably under a roof, because flower plantings must be protected from precipitation, drafts and direct sun. With the first cold snap, in August-September, it is better to bring the catharanthus into the living room. Until October, it will still delight you with its magnificent flowering on the windowsill.

Soil and fertilizing

Catharanthus will grow well in loose, light, fertile soil. Purchased soil for flowering indoor plants, for example, geraniums, is suitable for it. It is also not difficult to prepare a soil mixture yourself from leaf and turf soil, adding a little peat and coarse river sand.

In order for the catharanthus to bloom long and abundantly, it needs constant, fairly intense feeding. If your flower is an annual one, feed it once a week by adding liquid fertilizer for flowering indoor plants to the watering water. Liquid fertilizer for indoor roses is suitable. But don’t overdo it, read the doses on the package.

If the catharanthus will remain as a perennial after flowering, its strength must be conserved. Therefore, fertilizing should be done less frequently during flowering, once every 2 weeks, and in a dose reduced by half. After flowering, from October to February, fertilizing should be stopped completely.

Suitable size pot

Catharanthus is a fast-growing flower. If you plant it in a small pot, it will very quickly outgrow it, the roots will not fit in and will block the drainage holes. Therefore, immediately choose a large pot so that it will last for a year of the flower’s life. As we already wrote above, the root system develops well, the roots grow up to 20 - 35 cm in length. Place a good layer of drainage, 3 - 4 cm, at the bottom of the planting container. Use expanded clay, pebbles or other suitable material. And then fill the pot with the prepared soil mixture. Don't forget to add a little humus for nutritional value. During the annual transplantation of perennial catharanthus, each time choose a pot 3–5 cm larger and wider than the previous one.

Pruning and shaping the bush

For such a fast-growing plant as catharanthus, pruning the shoots is a necessary procedure. In a perennial crop, after a period of winter rest, shoots that have elongated during the winter are cut off by a third of their length. Remove damaged and dried branches and give the bush the desired shape. This pruning at the beginning of spring will rejuvenate the flower and give it strength for new growth.

Pinching the ends of the shoots will help to form a compact, beautiful crown of young catharanthus. Their upward growth will stop, and the growth of lateral branches will make the crown thicker and more decorative.

But you will have to constantly monitor the decorative appearance of your pet during flowering. Wilted flowers and yellowed leaves at the bottom of the shoots must be removed regularly - they greatly spoil the appearance of the plant.


If you grow catharanthus as a perennial, then it will need an annual replanting in early spring, in March.

Return the flower to a warm, bright room. Inspect. Make the necessary trimming. Select a pot for replanting that is 3–5 cm larger than before. Place drainage there - it should be at least 4 cm. Replant by transferring the flower along with the soil. Try not to injure the root system. Add soil of the same composition to the pot in which the catharanthus grew last season. If the soil is very different in composition, the flower may not bloom. According to the reaction, neutral or slightly acidic soil is suitable. Remember this and always use one type of soil, for example, for flowering geraniums.

You may need to replant your flower more than once a year. If during the active flowering phase the lower leaves suddenly begin to turn yellow and the flowers fall off, it is possible that the root system no longer has enough space in the pot. You can see the roots poking out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. This is a signal that the catharanthus urgently needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

If the catharanthus is difficult to remove from the pot, try watering it. The plastic pot may need to be cut or broken, but when removing the flower, be careful not to damage its delicate root system. Otherwise, the catharanthus will stop blooming.

If you regularly follow all the rules for good flower care, then the catharanthus will also try and stun you with its fantastic flowering!

We recommend not keeping your perennial for more than three years. Any catharanthus of this age begins to grow, its flowers become small, its shoots become clumsy. The plant loses its attractiveness and decorativeness. It is better to part with him, taking care in advance about his descendants, that is, about reproduction.


After the enchanting flowering, the powers of the catharanthus are depleted, and you need to try to make it bloom again next year. For this reason, flower growers often grow catharanthus as an annual plant, and after it finishes flowering, they simply throw it away. After all, the difficulties of preserving a flower in winter, problems with temperature, humidity, lighting of its wintering place, cannot be compared with the rooting of its shoots or cuttings. By the beginning of the new season, you will have a new flower, full of strength and desire to bloom, without any problems.

Catharanthus is propagated in three ways: by growing from seeds, rooting cuttings and dividing the bush.

Growing from seeds

Buy catharanthus seeds in special stores. Their seeds will not have time to ripen during the summer flowering. Their natural ripening is possible only in tropical conditions. If you still set out to get your seeds, be patient. The bush will have to be grown all autumn and winter indoors, maintaining constant temperature, humidity and good lighting, as in the tropics. Your seeds will probably only ripen in the spring.

Seeds can be sown at any time of the year. Just keep in mind that catharanthus blooms after germination in 60 - 70 days, that is, young bushes will bloom in two to three months. Therefore, it is better, from the point of view of caring for them - in terms of temperature, humidity and lighting, to do this in early spring.

Prepared seeds (treated with potassium permanganate and epin) are sown in containers with nutrient soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The soil is carefully moistened using a spray bottle with warm, settled water, and the container lid is closed. You can use any containers that are convenient for you, but be sure to cover them with something transparent - glass or polyethylene. Germination will be best done in a warm, dark place. In a week or two, shoots will appear. The containers are taken out to a lighted place. The temperature is maintained at 23 – 26 degrees Celsius. Ventilate once a day, preferably in the morning. The sprouts sit at the same level for a long time, about a month, growing roots. When three or four leaves appear on the seedlings, the catharanthus are planted in separate pots. Do not forget about the rapid growth of young plants; immediately take a larger pot than you would like, so that soon, during flowering, you do not have to replant the flower again.

Pay special attention to preparing the soil mixture. An excellent option is a mixture of peat, humus, turf soil and coarse sand in equal parts. If you use ready-made soil, select a substrate suitable for blooming indoor flowers.

Propagation by cuttings

To propagate by cuttings (cuttings), green cuttings are cut from the tops of the shoots of catharanthus. Choose a method for rooting the cuttings - in water or in a substrate.

Water for rooting should be settled or boiled with the addition of some growth stimulant. Place the glass in a bright, warm place. They are waiting for the spine to appear. Add water as needed. The roots will appear very soon. Then the cuttings are planted in a pot with a regular substrate. Care for it like an adult plant.

You can root the cuttings in a container with moist soil under a film. Ventilate the plantings from time to time and water them as the soil dries out. When the cutting shows signs of new growth, the film can be removed. Root cuttings with reserve in case of their death.

It is best to harvest and plant cuttings in the spring, after pruning the old bush. But it is possible in the fall. The optimal temperature for rooting catharanthus cuttings is 22 - 25 degrees Celsius.

Video: how to propagate catharanthus from cuttings.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This propagation method is used when transplanting an adult plant into new pots. Usually this happens in early spring. Depending on the size of the root system, catharanthus can be easily divided into two or three parts. Remove the flower from the pot and try to gently shake off the soil from the roots. Decide where to divide the root system. Use a sharp, well-disinfected tool to divide the bush. Treat the cut areas with crushed activated carbon. Plant each specimen in a separate pot according to all the rules.

Organization of wintering

If you plant your indoor flower in a flowerbed at the dacha for the summer, then you need to think about how to preserve the catharanthus in the winter. After all, your sissy will not survive winter, even a mild one, outside. Carefully dig up the plant in early October. Cut its branches to two-thirds of the length. Place the flower in a spacious pot to accommodate the entire root system. Fill the pot to the top with a mixture of sand and soil. Place in a cool room with a temperature of 15 - 17 degrees. Try to find one for wintering in an apartment. Let it stand there until the onset of spring and warmth. There is no need to water it in winter. When the air outside warms up above 18 degrees, you can plant the catharanthus rhizome again in the flowerbed.

Possible growing problems

You can always tell by the appearance of a plant whether it is healthy or something is wrong with it. Catharanthus itself signals unfavorable conditions of its maintenance by its appearance. You need to monitor the plant and, if necessary, take measures to correct your mistakes.

Let's look at the most common problems in growing catharanthus.


  • Small dark tubercles or spots appeared on the upper surface of the leaves. On the bottom there is something in the form of pustules. These are signs of a disease of many indoor flowers - leaf rust. The reason is frequent waterlogging of the soil at high air humidity. Or when replanting, heavy soil or soil contaminated with rust fungi was used. Treatment is carried out with fungicides (read about). Replant the treated plant in new soil.
  • The leaves on the shoots became limp, turned yellow and fell off. This happens if the pot is on a windowsill unprotected from the sun. Place the flower further into the room or protect it from direct sunlight with blinds or curtains.
  • The tips of the leaves have turned yellow. This happens when the humidity in the room is too low. In winter this is due to central heating. The pot must be placed in a high tray with wet expanded clay and kept away from heating appliances. You can place a wide container of water next to the flower. If there are no flowers on the catharanthus, its leaves should be sprayed with settled water at room temperature. All this should increase the humidity in the room. The tips of the leaves of the catharanthus will stop turning yellow.
  • The lower leaves on the shoots turn yellow and fall off. This is a natural process for catharanthus. Remove them from the plant regularly so that the decorative appearance of the flower does not suffer.
  • There are few flowers on your catharanthus. Poor flowering usually occurs if the catharanthus is cold. Move the flower pot to a warmer, bright place - and it will thank you with abundant flowering.
  • The leaves begin to turn yellow and flowering stops. Examine the flower pot. If it is not large, if catharanthus roots appear from the drainage holes, it means that your pet has become cramped in this pot and it’s time to transplant it into a wider and deeper pot. A little time will pass and the plant will come to life and begin to bloom.
  • Catharanthus began to drop its buds. This occurs when there is insufficient attention to the flower: poor lighting, lack of moisture in the soil or low air humidity.
  • Young leaves are falling from the tops of the shoots. Perhaps you rarely water the flower, it lacks moisture. At the same time, check other nuances of care: is it warm, light, and whether any insects are biting it.

Insects - pests

We introduced you to the indoor catharanthus flower. Believe me, you will spend less time caring for it than reading this article! This is a completely unpretentious plant, but so cute and responsive to any attention to it from the gardener. The good thing about catharanthus is that this small, compact bush blooms profusely with bright acrylic flowers from spring until October. At the same time, it grows quickly and reproduces easily. Knowing the simple rules of caring for it, you will always have a grateful plant in your home, ready to decorate the interior of your home all year round.

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In countries with a tropical climate - in Indonesia, Cuba, the Philippines, and Indochina - the catharanthus flower is found. This plant, which requires virtually no maintenance - catharanthus, does not lose its decorative effect all year round, since it is classified as evergreen.

A little about catharanthus

This flower has been cultivated since the 18th century, and for a very long time it was considered a relative of the periwinkle. Indeed, the plant called catharanthus and the periwinkle flower are very similar, but still they are two completely different species. Although both plants belong to the extensive Kurt family.

Catharanthus can be grown at home, and then the plant will grow by about 50-60 cm. The plant is one of the flowers that can be safely forgotten immediately after planting, because catharanthus is not demanding of care.

The foliage of the flower is very decorative - dark green, glossy, slightly elongated. The flower is very decorative even in a short dormant period. The flowering of catharanthus can last almost the whole year. The flowers of the plant are not too large (up to 5 cm), and in appearance they somewhat resemble a phlox flower. The color of the flowers can be different, and there is white catharanthus, pink catharanthus, blue-violet, lilac, blue...

The plant blooms very profusely and has no aroma at all. When growing this flower, you should take into account that all its parts are poisonous.

Most common varieties

This flower can be grown as a bush or as an hanging plant. But in any case, with the help of formative pruning, the plant can be given the desired shape. The ancestor of all the fairly numerous varieties and hybrids of this plant is catharanthus rosea.

  • Aristocrat

The plant of this variety is a small bush - only about 50 cm in height. When sown in spring, this catharanthus will bloom by mid-summer. The flowers of this variety are quite large - up to 5 cm in diameter. The color range of flowers is very extensive - from soft cream and white to dark red shades. The middle of the flowers usually has a contrasting color. In the garden, this variety can be used to decorate borders very beautifully. In winter, the plant is grown indoors.

  • Pacifica

This variety is characterized by very early and abundant flowering. This catharanthus is easily grown from seeds. The bushes of the variety are very compact, up to 30 cm in height. The flowers are very large, with an eye in the center. The color of the flowers can be either wine red or soft pink.

  • Cooper

Plants of this variety are very branched and can reach up to 40 cm in length. The flowers are quite large, up to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers can be either pink or red with a characteristic eye in the center of a contrasting color.

Before buying catharanthus

This flower can be easily grown from seeds, or you can buy a seedling in a store. If you purchase a seedling, carefully inspect it before purchasing - it must have a lot of buds, but not yet blossomed. If the seedling has yellow leaves at the bottom, it means that flowering is in full swing, and you should not buy such a flower.

Be sure to find out what soil the flower is planted in. If there is transport soil in the pot, then you will have to replant the plant. If the flower is planted in good soil, then it can be left untouched.

Care when growing indoors

This flower, when grown in a room, prefers bright light, but in no case direct sunlight. You should not keep the pot on the north window. South windows should also be avoided. The best windows are eastern and western. Although it is not at all necessary to place the catharanthus on the windowsill. The flower will perfectly tolerate light shade and will feel great on a shelf or stand, on a table where there is diffused light.

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If there is too little light for a flower, you will immediately understand this by the elongated shoots and small flowers. In this case, the pot will need to be moved closer to the window.

Comfortable temperature for the plant is about +20-25 degrees. In winter, the plant stops flowering for a short period. During the dormant period, the catharanthus will need a temperature of +18 degrees. At this time, it is better to place the pot in a cooler place and not keep it on the windowsill next to heating radiators.

Catharanthus, like any tropical plant, loves watering. But it should be remembered that excess moisture is detrimental to this flower. The plant should be watered only when the earthen ball in the pot dries out. The main sign that a flower lacks moisture is curling leaves.

Catharanthus in open ground

In the middle zone, catharanthus is most often grown as a houseplant. But now it can also be found as a garden flower in personal plots. This flower is very unpretentious, and caring for catharanthus will not be difficult even for the most inexperienced gardeners. By following simple care rules, you can easily grow a very beautiful garden plant - an unpretentious catharanthus.

Site selection

Since this flower comes from the tropics, the area for it should be chosen to be warm and light. But immediately keep in mind that the plant will not grow well under the scorching rays of the sun. It is also very important to plant catharanthus in an area protected from wind and drafts.

Under no circumstances should you plant this flower in areas where water stagnates. Due to excessive humidity, catharanthus may even die.

If we talk about preferences for soil composition, this plant loves light, nutritious soil. It is ideal if the soil contains sand, peat, humus and turf soil. If the selected area has acidic soil, then it is worth adding lime or wood ash when digging.

Planting seeds

It is very easy to grow catharanthus from seeds. The seeds of this plant are small, almost black in color. An important condition for sowing seeds is that the soil must be fertile. To sow seeds in boxes, you can use soil for planting flowering indoor plants, for example, geraniums.

But you can also make your own substrate for sowing seeds. To do this, mix sand, humus, leaf and turf soil, and peat, taken in equal parts. The acidity of the soil for sowing seeds should be in the range of 5.5-5.9. Avoid sowing seeds in heavy, clay soil. Catharanthus grows very poorly in acidic and salty soils.

The best time for sowing is the end of February. The seedling boxes can be placed on the windowsill so that the sprouts receive more light. If you sow seeds directly into open ground, it is better to do this at the end of May, when the air and soil have warmed up enough and the threat of spring frosts has passed.

Immediately before sowing, the seeds should be soaked for half an hour in a weak solution of manganese. Then the seeds are dried and sown. Friendly shoots should appear in about 7-10 days. Seeds and sprouts should be watered every 4 days. To create a greenhouse effect and speed up seed germination, the boxes can be covered with transparent film.

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The first couple of weeks the seedlings will grow very slowly. The fact is that young plants will actively grow roots. But when the root system of the sprouts becomes stronger, the above-ground part of the plant will also begin to grow. In order for young plants to grow faster, it is necessary to control soil moisture and constantly spray the plant with a spray bottle. A few weeks after the first shoots appear, the plants need to be fed for the first time.

When the first pair of true leaves appear on the sprouts, they need to be plucked. Once your seedlings reach a height of about 7 cm, they should be transplanted into separate pots. You can plant two or three plants in one container. This way you will immediately get lush bushes in a pot, which in the summer can be put on the veranda, balcony, or placed in the garden.

But, if you want to propagate a plant on your site without hassle, then propagating catharanthus by cuttings is better for you. After spring pruning of the plant, there is no need to throw away the apical shoots - they can be used for cuttings. Cuttings take root very easily in nutritious soil, and in warm regions, catharanthus is most often propagated by cuttings.

When cutting from a plant such as catharanthus, it is important to take non-lignified shoots. Catharanthus flowers grown using cuttings are more adapted to the environment and grow faster. Cuttings take root well in water. Place sufficiently chopped shoots in a jar of water, into which you need to drop a little growth stimulator, and roots will soon appear. You can simply stick the cuttings into damp sand, which should be mixed with fertile soil. When cuttings in the ground, the cuttings must be covered with a jar. Cuttings can be carried out both in the spring, immediately after pruning, and in the fall. For successful rooting of cuttings, the optimal temperature is about +20 degrees.


Planting and caring for catharanthus in open ground is very simple. After the hole is dug, drainage is placed at its bottom. A little soil is poured over the drainage and the plant is planted. Caring for this flower comes down to watering, fertilizing and pruning. Immediately after planting, pull out weeds around the plants. As it grows, the catharanthus itself will suppress the weeds.

Watering and air humidity

This flower loves regular and abundant watering, although at the same time it does not tolerate stagnant water. Under no circumstances should the earthen ball around the bushes be allowed to dry out. You will understand that a flower needs more abundant watering by its leaves - if they begin to curl, it means that the flower does not have enough moisture.

At the same time, catharanthus loves high levels of air humidity. Plants must be sprayed every day, and therefore the bushes must be watered from above with a diffuse stream. During dry, hot periods, you should water the flower in the morning and evening.

Catharanthus really does not like cool, rainy weather. During periods of rain, the bushes look very depressed - due to low temperatures and excessive humidity, the stems begin to droop and the flowers fall off. To prevent this from happening, you can install a rain shelter, for example, an awning.


It is necessary to frequently fertilize catharanthus, since this flower is very responsive to fertilizing. Catharanthus needs nutrients, and it can be fertilized with universal mixtures for flowering plants. The bushes should be fed every two weeks throughout the season. Nutrient solutions are applied at the root.
Catharanthus is very fond of fertilizing with ash, 100 grams of which should be diluted in a bucket of water. You can also fertilize the bushes with Epin-Extra, which is used for foliar feeding. The bushes are fertilized with this preparation once a month. It is very important not to exceed the concentration of fertilizer solutions, so as not to cause burns to the roots.

Catharanthus is one of the most beautiful garden flowers. Outwardly, it is very similar to the well-known periwinkle, however, there are several differences between them. Blooming catharanthus is guaranteed to become the highlight of the garden. That is why it is very popular among professional gardeners and landscape designers. We will tell you further about how to plant and grow catharanthus in your garden plot.

The homeland of this interesting plant is the island of Madagascar. Due to its place of origin, and also because of its resemblance to periwinkle, the catharanthus flower is often called Madagascar periwinkle. In the wild, it can most often be found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Africa, and also in some regions of the Pacific basin.

The catharanthus plant is an evergreen bush with abundant flowering. The trunk of the crop is quite strong, like for a shrub, and branches well. Catharanthus leaves are dark green and regular in shape. In the middle of the leaf you can see a beige vein, which gives it additional elegance. The height of an adult catharanthus bush can reach 0.6 meters. Beautiful five-petal inflorescences form at the ends of young shoots. Their color range ranges from soft white to dark burgundy.

There are two types of catharanthus:

  • Bush.
  • Ampelous.

To create garden compositions, the first of them is most often used. Catharanthus varieties differ mainly in their inflorescences, namely their shape and color. The most popular of them:

  • Ocellatus.
  • Orchid.
  • Grape.
  • Apricot.
  • Parasol.

Planting and propagation of catharanthus

Planting and caring for catharanthus does not present any particular problems even for a novice gardener. The shrub feels great both in an open garden bed and in a pot indoors. In a flowerbed, catharanthus is most often grown as an annual plant, and in pots as a perennial.

One of the most important conditions for successful cultivation of catharanthus is the quality of the soil. The soil must be salt-free. It is quite possible to prepare it yourself. To do this, just mix equal parts of turf, sand, peat and humus. When growing a plant indoors, you can buy specially prepared soil at a flower shop. The most optimal mixture for catharanthus is “Geranium”. When planting a plant in a pot, you should take into account the fact that the roots develop very rapidly, so for normal development it will need a pot with a large volume of soil.

Catharanthus is propagated in three ways:

  • Cuttings. Cuttings for planting are prepared in late March - early April. To do this, cut off the end of a well-formed shoot and dig it into the ground. The roots of the cuttings form quite quickly. The only condition is correct and timely watering, as well as good care. After the formation of a full-fledged root system, the finished seedling can be transplanted to a permanent location.
  • Growing catharanthus from seeds. This is the most popular way among gardeners to grow annual catharanthus in flower beds. Seeds are planted in well-warmed soil. Therefore, in latitudes with cold climates, seedlings are first grown in a greenhouse or hothouse, and then planted in open ground. Catharanthus seeds are quite large and dark brown in color. They are placed in the soil and pressed to a depth of no more than 1-2 cm. After this, the container is covered with film and placed in a place protected from sunlight. Catharanthus seeds have excellent germination, and usually sprouts appear 10 days after planting. Picking is carried out only after the plant has 4 true leaves. Planting of catharanthus in the ground is carried out at a distance of at least half a meter between individuals. A few days after planting, the seedlings are pinched. These manipulations are performed to ensure that the bush is sufficiently branched.
  • Dividing the bush. Similarly, like cuttings, dividing the bush is carried out in early spring. To do this, take a well-formed bush and divide it so that each division has a good root. Delenki are usually accepted very well in a new place, regardless of whether it is a flowerbed or a flowerpot.

Catharanthus care

Rules of care:

  • Since the homeland of catharanthus is tropical forests, this plant loves warmth very much. The most optimal temperature for abundant flowering and rapid growth of the plant is +27⁰С…+29⁰С. A decrease in temperature below +10⁰С can lead to the death of the crop. When growing catharanthus indoors, in the summer it is better to place the pot with it on the balcony or terrace.
  • Catharanthus in open ground must be grown on a club with good lighting, as this plant loves sunlight very much. For growing in pots, window sills oriented to the east or west are best. A houseplant should not be immediately exposed to direct sunlight. It's better to do it gradually. Otherwise, the crop may get leaf burns.
  • The plant must be watered constantly. You need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. However, the soil must be well drained, because stagnant moisture can lead to fungal diseases. It is also worth noting that catharanthus loves moist air. This is where his origin comes into play. Therefore, light spraying of the plant with water can be carried out constantly. Lack of sunlight and excess moisture can cause delays in plant development, so there must be enough space for each of them. If the seedlings grow too densely, they should be thinned out.
  • During the flowering period, the plant requires constant feeding. Fertilizers are applied at intervals of 10 days. To do this, it is best to use balanced fertilizers for flowering plants. In this case, the flowering and development of the plant will be most optimal. When growing catharanthus at home, it is necessary to take into account the rapid growth of its roots. In this case, it is necessary to either select a large container or prepare for periodic transplants. Lack of root space can cause the plant to degrade, slow growth, or die.

Diseases and pests of catharanthus

Like most representatives of flowering plants, catharanthus is susceptible to the harmful effects of diseases and pests. The appearance of both the first and second is mainly associated with improper care of catharanthus.

The most common crop diseases are various fungi. Their activity is primarily associated with improper watering. Poor soil drainage and stagnation of moisture in it provokes the appearance of fungus. During their life activity, the latter release deadly toxins that affect the root system of the plant, as well as the stem and leaves. If not treated in a timely manner, the entire flowerbed may die. Fungal diseases appear in the form of brown or gray spots on the surface of the leaves. A plant infected with fungus must be removed and burned, and the soil treated with antifungal drugs.

The most common pests that cause problems are scale insects, spider mites and aphids. They are controlled with special insecticides. If you plan to move the catharanthus bush indoors, then it must be carefully inspected for the presence of pests. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fight them.

You can also fight aphids using traditional methods. They have several advantages. Firstly, you don’t need to spend money on buying expensive insecticides, and secondly, they are safer for other plants and animals.

The most effective way to combat this pest is regular laundry soap. You only need 300 grams per 10 liters of water. The soap is carefully rubbed on a fine grater and diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution must be thoroughly mixed and filtered before pouring into the sprayer. Small pieces of soap can clog the nozzle.

Infusions of various plants such as:

  • Garlic.
  • Tobacco.
  • Chamomile.
  • Dandelion.
  • Sorrel.
  • Ground pepper.

Despite the fact that these solutions do not contain chemical components, their incorrect concentration can lead to tragic consequences, for example, leaf burns.

Using catharanthus in landscape design

Since this plant is very heat-loving, in places with short and cold summers it is used mainly as an indoor flower. Recently, catharanthus is often used in hanging compositions. For this purpose, ampelous varieties are used. The pendant looks very amazing during flowering. It can decorate the walls of a building, balconies, and lighting poles in the garden.

Annual varieties are mainly grown in flower beds. The beautiful appearance of catharanthus in the garden can be emphasized by its proximity to periwinkle or balsam. Petunia or lobelia are planted in pots with catharanthus. The combination of their colors will make the floral arrangement flawless. Since the plant grows very quickly and forms a dense carpet, it is often used as a ground cover shrub.

Beautiful leaves and amazing flowers have made catharanthus a regular in flower beds and floral arrangements.

Catharanthus: photo

Planting catharanthus in open ground: video

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