Features of growing and caring for alstroemeria. Alstroemeria: the best varieties and subtleties of growing Alstroemeria at home

Ceilings 24.10.2023

Alstroemeria is a delightful “Lily of the Incas” and an exotic perennial plant that can be cultivated indoors.

The beautiful alstroemeria is not at all difficult to grow from seeds, and even a novice gardener can care for it.

Alstroemeria in Latin it is called Alstroemeria, and is also popularly called the “Peruvian lily”. South America is considered the birthplace of this spectacular plant.

When grown from seeds Alstroemeria blooms for the first time in late spring or early summer in the second or third year of life. Flowering lasts throughout the summer.

Another dignity These graceful lilies - when cut, they retain an attractive appearance for up to two weeks.

Alstroemeria flowers decorated with bright specks and stripes and resemble exotic butterflies that are about to take flight and fly to distant lands. On each peduncle there are 10 or 15 flowers with a diameter of about 6 cm, which have no aroma.

Flower coloring page Alstroemeria can be white, yellow, orange, red, burgundy, soft lilac, pink, crimson or violet. The narrow leaves of alstroemeria complement the beauty of the plant, and the bush itself reaches a height of 1.5 meters.

Alstroemeria can decorate a room, garden or balcony. However, it should be remembered that the juice of this plant poisonous. It is very important to keep alstroemeria out of the reach of children and pets. Let's take a closer look at the answer to the question: how can you grow alstroemeria?

Growing alstroemeria from seeds

How to grow alstroemeria from seeds so that it pleases you with its future flowering? There are two strategies for growing alstroemeria from seeds: immediately sowing them in priming in April-May or seedlings in February or March.

If you plant seeds immediately into a pot with soil, you will need to fuss less with the seedlings, but they will bloom only in the third year of life. And if you have patience and grow seedlings, you can expect alstroemeria to bloom in the second year.

  1. To grow seedlings, you need to prepare the soil, 2 parts of which will be leaf soil, and 1 part will be turf. You can add perlite or clean sand to the mixture to loosen it.
  2. The soil must be thoroughly mixed and frozen in the cold or spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Next, you need to take a container with drainage holes in the bottom, pour a layer of expanded clay 2 or 3 cm high into it, and then fill the container with earth, not reaching a few centimeters to the edge.
  4. You should lightly compact the soil and distribute the seeds on its surface, pressing them slightly into the ground and sprinkling soil on top.
  5. Then you need to place the container with the seedlings in a bag and send them to the refrigerator, on the vegetable shelf for cold scarification. The seeds must spend a whole month there at a temperature of +2 to +5 °C.
  6. Every day you need to ventilate the seeds 2 times a day, remove condensation from the bag and moderately moisten the soil.
  7. When the seeds are removed from the cold and placed in a sunny place with a temperature of +20 to +25 ° C, you can expect them to germinate in 10 or 20 days, and possibly even a month. It is very important all this time to ventilate the seeds 2 times a day for an hour and lightly moisten the soil as it dries.
  8. When the alstroemeria has grown from 2 to 4 true leaves after the cotyledon leaves, you need to pick it, that is, you need to plant the plants. Each seedling should receive a separate “housing” - a glass with a volume of 100 - 200 ml with drainage holes, expanded clay and soil for adult plants.
  9. When the root system fills the entire glass, you can transplant the seedling into a flowerpot for an adult plant.

Choosing a location and lighting

Alstroemeria is very loves the light. In summer, a south-facing window will need shading, and in winter you don’t have to worry about sunburn. Alstroemeria requires about 14 hours of daylight for abundant flowering.

In the summer, alstroemeria will feel great with room temperature, and in winter - from +8 or +15 °C. Summer temperature above +28 °C will cause growth to stop and buds to drop. If it is too warm in winter, flower buds will not be able to develop and the plant will not bloom in summer.

Watering and humidity

In spring and summer water alstroemeria should be grown sparingly, waiting for the soil to dry out between waterings. in winter Watering must be limited - the cooler the content, the less moisture the plant requires.

Waterlogging and drought are equally dangerous for alstroemeria. It is necessary to spray alstroemeria only in hot weather.

remember, that water for irrigation and spraying should be soft and at room temperature.


For prevention diseases, you need to remove all wilted flowers and dried leaves, as well as old stems, leaving them 10 cm long. When the plant stops blooming, you need to cut its shoots to a height of 7 cm above the ground.


Landing alstroemeria and caring for it requires an annual transplant in the spring.

For a very powerful and rapidly developing root system of the plant, a large pot with a deep bottom is required. Quarter pot should occupy drainage in the form of pebbles or expanded clay.

Perfect soil mixture for adult alstroemeria it is:

  • 2 shares of leaf soil;
  • 1 share of humus soil;
  • 1 share of peat land;
  • 1 share of pine bark;
  • 1 share of perlite or vermiculite.

You can also use ready-made soil for azaleas.

Top dressing

Recommended several times a year feed plant with mineral fertilizer. During flowering, it is useful to pamper alstroemeria by watering it with an ash solution. It is prepared like this: 1 tablespoon of ash per 3 liters of water.


Alstroemeria is capable multiply not only by seeds, but also by dividing the rhizome or bush.

Diseases and pests

Due to its susceptibility to many diseases, alstroemeria needs preventive treatment“Fundazol” several times a year.

Of the pests, alstroemeria can be favored by the following representatives:,.

As we see, alstroemeria is a not too capricious plant that can be grown indoors.

Even a novice gardener can grow alstroemeria from seeds, and caring for it will not be difficult. You just need to treat the plant with love and attention - and alstroemeria will answer you with a scattering of wonderful “Peruvian lilies”, bringing wealth and happiness to your home.

And for the most curious, we invite you to watch a video about alstroemeria

Alstroemeria are flowers that, due to their external similarity, are called the Peruvian lily or the lily of the Incas. This is a perennial herbaceous plant that is distinguished by its bright flowering and unusual leaf color. Alstroemeria is added to bouquets and is most often grown in large quantities in greenhouses. This plant requires special conditions of care and maintenance, but if desired, it can be grown at home.

Description and types of plants

Before growing this flower at home, you should read the description and photo of alstroemeria and choose the appropriate variety. These are tall plants that can grow up to 80-150 cm or more. All varieties differ in the color of the petals, but have a characteristic leaf shape. Individual leaves rotate around their axis during growth and can be directed upward with the lower plate.

Among the most popular varieties of alstroemeria flowers are:

There are other varieties, many of which were artificially bred by breeders. For example, the Cosmo variety is distinguished by its snow-white petals. Virginia is another variety with white flowers, but the edges of its petals are wavy.
Varieties Beauty (with lilac or purple flowers), Harmony (bronze flowers with black stripes) and Canaria (flowers with a canary shade and black splashes) can bloom twice per season.

To grow alstroemeria in the garden, you should choose only those varieties that tolerate frost.

Features of growing at home

Alstroemeria is an exotic plant, so it will need to be created as comfortable as possible. It can be grown in the garden, in or in pots on windowsills. With proper planting and care, alstroemeria will delight you with large flowers and become a bright decoration of the garden.

Alstroemeria propagation methods

The plant can reproduce in two main ways: by seeds and by dividing the rhizome. The first method is only suitable for species varieties, since hybrids can lose the properties of the mother plants. You can collect seeds from those flowers that are already growing on the site, but you need to keep in mind that the fruits are very fragile. At the slightest touch, their peel cracks and the seeds scatter in all directions from the flower. Before collecting seeds, the plant should be covered with gauze. Next, the seeds must go through several stages:

  • stratification - seeds are sent to the refrigerator for 2-3 months;
  • at the end of winter and beginning of spring, seeds can be germinated;
  • upon completion of stratification, they are placed in small containers in the ground to a depth of 1 cm.

Seeds germinate at a temperature of 18°C. These will produce seedlings, which can then be transplanted into open ground. When growing alstroemeria flowers from seeds, they will only be able to bloom in the third year after planting.

The second method is to propagate alstroemeria by dividing the rhizome. It is also suitable for hybrids, since the new plants retain all the properties of the mother plants. The rhizome should be divided in the fall, at the end of the flowering period. The plant is carefully dug up, trying not to damage the roots, and then divided into 2-3 parts. Each of them must have a fully formed root system. The cuts are treated with disinfectants, and the bushes are placed back in the ground.

Growing in open ground

Planting alstroemeria in open ground and caring for it require time and attention. The plant needs to create the most comfortable conditions in which it can grow and reproduce:

  • watering frequency - 1 time per week, in drought conditions you can water 2 times every 7 days;
  • after each watering the soil is loosened;
  • fertilizers - compost during planting, then organic or mineral fertilizers three times a month;
  • Before the start of the cold season, the green part of the plant is cut off, and the rhizome is covered with leaves, peat or covering material.

If further seed collection is not planned, it is recommended to cut off the buds at the end of flowering. This way, new flowers form faster in their place.

Growing in a greenhouse

It is convenient to grow alstroemeria in a greenhouse on an industrial scale. Here you can create the most comfortable climate even in the absence of suitable weather conditions. The soil should consist of sand, leaves, and humus. It needs to be constantly watered, but not allowed to stagnate. Fertilizers are applied twice a month using nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.
In winter, alstroemeria also blooms in the greenhouse, but it will need additional lighting. The temperature is about 15 degrees during daylight hours, and 13 at night. During intensive flowering it is increased to 18-20 degrees.

Alstroemeria can also grow at home in pots. Be sure to make a hole in the center of the container to prevent moisture from stagnating. It is not necessary to feed and fertilize the plant. It is enough to water it once every 3 days, and the pot is placed in the most illuminated place.

Alstroemeria is a large number of different varieties that differ from each other in size, color and shape. This is an exotic flower, but it is possible to grow it in average climates. Most often it is planted in greenhouses, which allows you to regulate the light and temperature conditions. In open ground, large, bright flowers can be difficult to obtain due to changes in temperature and soil moisture. Alstroemeria will feel comfortable at home in a pot, but it is better to choose low varieties.

Growing alstroemeria in pots - video

Most likely, many people have seen the alstroemeria flower, but they didn’t even know about such an interesting name. In appearance, the flowers resemble small lilies and can be of different, bright, incredible shades. On one stem there are up to 15 small delicate flowers, which are only five centimeters in diameter.

Each petal has traced specks and dashes, which makes the appearance of alstroemeria very graphic. These flowers always come in bright shades: pinkish, orange, red and crimson, burgundy and purple. The leaves of each bud are narrow and medium in size, the height of the course reaches about one and a half meters.

Important information on growing alstroemeria

The flower was named after the Swedish botanist Claes Alströmer. It was he who first brought the seeds of this beautiful plant to Europe. The flower also has another name, more romantic - Peruvian lily.

A pleasant fact about growing alstroemeria yourself is that it blooms throughout the summer. Active color begins already in June. Very often, these flowers are used to make bouquets, so greenhouse growth of cut plants is established.

Important! Alstroemeria can last up to two weeks in a vase, which is extremely long for cut plants.

In general, the plant is a perennial species and can decorate gardens, balconies, and rooms for many years. It can be grown perfectly in a pot. The relative unpretentiousness of these flowers attracts. But when growing it yourself, especially at home, you need to know that the sap of the plant is poisonous. Children and pets should not be allowed near the flower.

Interesting! Starch is made from the roots of the described flower. It is used in medicine and also for the production of glue.

Secrets of successfully growing alstroemeria

The plant should be planted in neutral or slightly acidic soil. Be sure to have a small amount of sand in the soil. It is also necessary to provide drainage to the flower, and promptly clear the soil of weeds and loosen it to allow the maximum amount of air to enter.

To grow alstroemeria yourself, it is not necessary to maintain a specific temperature in the room. But during the period when the buds are set, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 16-18 degrees Celsius.

Place the pots with the plant in a bright place, but away from direct sunlight. If the plant overheats in the sun, it will stop its growth cycle and will not develop further. The flower must be watered well, especially during dry periods. The soil should never be dry. Mulch will help retain moisture.

Before planting in a hole or pot, it is recommended to add a little fertilizer. Afterwards, the soil should be fertilized every year in spring and summer. Without feeding, the leaves and, especially, the flowers will lose their bright, rich color. A healthy plant has dark green leaves.

What to grow alstroemeria from

If you want to grow a flower from a seed, then first the seeds are kept for a month in a humid environment at a temperature of 2-5 degrees Celsius. Then you can sow the seeds in pots, lightly sprinkle with soil. Send the pots to a fairly cool place, but cover with a plastic bag. The first sunrises will appear in a few weeks. You can plant sprouts in open ground in May or early June on a sunny, fine day.

Important! The plant can be propagated by dividing the rhizomes of adult alstroemeria. But after dividing, it is necessary to disinfect the cut site.

Before planting, the hole must be fertilized with compost, and the root must be planted to a depth of 20 centimeters. The bush will bloom in the second year after planting.

Proper care of alstroemeria

When the flowers begin to fade and the leaves turn yellow, they should be cut off without waiting for them to fall off. Old stems are cut to the base, leaving only ten centimeters. Such care will improve the appearance of the flower, and will also be an excellent prevention against the development of certain diseases.

Every spring, the area around the flower should be mulched using organic compost. The layer should be up to seven centimeters. This must be done so that in the summer heat and very hot temperatures the roots do not overheat (otherwise the alstroemeria will simply stop growing). For the winter, you need to cover the plant with spruce branches and straw, and wrap it with film on top. If winters are very strong, then you should not leave the plant to overwinter in the soil. You need to dig up the roots with an earthen bank and dry them. In this form they can be stored in a cool cellar until spring.

  • It blooms in late spring and early summer, but with proper care the flowering period can last throughout the summer;
  • The plant is distinguished by the rich color of its buds and is perfect for enlivening the garden with bright colors;
  • Modern plant hybrids are reproduced only in laboratories;
    Over time, when botanists brought seeds to Europe, many hybrids were obtained. Today, up to 190 plant varieties are known, which differ in markings and color;
  • Alstroemerias do not smell or emit any aroma at all;
    Not all petals have black stripes;
  • Alstroemerias are a symbol of wealth and prosperity and bring good luck. Also, some sources claim that this is the international flower of friendship.

Very often, when buying bouquets, we choose one of them only because our eyes are attracted by small but bright flowers that are similar to lilies. This is the alstroemeria flower. It is a herbaceous plant native to South America, namely its tropical part.

Appearance Features

This flower is a herbaceous perennial. The roots are tuberous and have spindle-shaped projections. Alstroemeria stems are erect and bush-like. On one branch there can be about 10-15 flowers, which reach 5 cm in diameter. Each of them has specks and lines. This is their varietal feature.

The color of the petals is completely different. In flower beds you can find yellow, pink, white, burgundy and even purple alstroemeri flowers.

The leaves of this plant are narrow and medium in size.

The height of an adult bush can reach 1.5 m, subject to proper care and comfortable conditions.

They are usually grown in open ground. However, some gardeners keep it in a pot at home.

Variety of varieties

For use at home, it is better to opt for hybrid representatives, since they are less demanding to care for. In addition, only hybrid varieties have such a variety of petal colors that you can create whole pictures.

The following varieties have gained particular popularity:

  • alstroemeria "golden" is characterized by yellow-orange flowers and a bush height of about 95 cm;
  • "Peruvian" is resistant to low temperatures, which means it is ideal for growing in open ground;
  • "Brazilian lily" The bush of representatives of the variety, with proper care, can reach a height of two meters;
  • "blood-flowered" Unlike other varieties, it has lush flowers, which are united in inflorescences of 15 pieces, as well as a rather fleshy rhizome;
  • "parrot lily" is characterized by rapid growth.

Knowing the characteristics of each variety, you can easily select plants that are suitable for making your idea a reality.


The alstroemeria flower, which is easy to care for, is a tropical plant, but likes moderate temperatures. When growing a flower indoors in the summer, it is necessary to maintain room temperature, with 22 degrees considered optimal. In winter, it can be lowered to a level of 15 degrees, the minimum permissible temperature is 8 degrees above zero. When growing species varieties, it is possible to choose ones that can withstand light frosts. There are no such hybrids. However, it is still worth experimenting with the room temperature.

Excessive temperatures should also be avoided. For example, if it rises above 28 degrees, the plant risks stunting, quickly dropping its flowers, and then withering. If the temperature rises in winter, this threatens to prevent new buds from forming, which means the plant will not bloom in the new season.

Rules for organizing lighting

The alstroemeria flower is not a shade-loving plant, so it needs a lot of light. However, there are still some peculiarities. In autumn and winter, flower pots can be placed on southern windows; in spring and summer, bright but diffused light must be provided. This effect is achieved by slight shading at midday.

Alstroemeria is a flower (photo can be seen in the article) that pleases with its beauty only if a certain length of daylight hours is ensured. It must be at least 13 hours. Therefore, if necessary, it is necessary to provide additional artificial lighting, for which only fluorescent lamps are suitable.

How to water correctly?

Watering should be plentiful, especially if the summer does not offer moisture. However, it is necessary to allow the soil to dry out a little in order to avoid rotting of the rhizome. In winter, watering depends on the air temperature: the lower it is, the less water needs to be added to the soil. The alstroemeria flower does not tolerate both stagnation of water and excessive drying of the soil.

During the growing season, the plant needs a special watering regime: the soil should be constantly slightly moist.

Ideally, water for irrigation should be soft. To do this, you need to leave it for about a day.

Feeding alstroemeria

Like any other plant, especially one that grows in a pot on a windowsill, alstroemeria flowers (photo above) require a certain amount of fertilizer. However, you can only use those compositions in which the amount of nitrogen is minimal. Ready-made fertilizers intended for ornamental flowering or bulbous plants are suitable for this.

Transfer rules

This process needs to be carried out every year, but better in the spring. This is due to the fact that the root system of alstroemeria is quite powerful, which means it consumes a large amount of minerals from the soil and develops quickly.

The following soil composition is suitable for replanting:

  • leaf soil (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • humus (1 part);
  • perlite (1 part);
  • pine bark (1 part).

In addition, it is necessary to check the acidity level of the prepared soil. The pH value should be 5 or 5.5, that is, the alstroemeria flower, which requires attention to care for, loves slightly acidic or acidic soil.

If you decide to purchase ready-made soil at a flower shop, compositions for azaleas and rhododendrons will be ideal. And don't forget about drainage.

How does alstroemeria reproduce?

This plant reproduces in two ways:

  1. Growing from seed. Moreover, the seed can be planted directly in the ground, or seedlings can be prepared first. Having chosen this method of reproduction, be prepared to see the first fruits of your labor no earlier than three years later. For seedlings, seeds need to be planted in the soil already in February, and in open ground only in stable warm weather.
  2. By dividing the rhizome.

Possible problems

Most often, alstroemeria flowers, photos of which are presented in the article, are susceptible to attack by thrips, and if the plant is kept in conditions of elevated temperature, then by ticks.

Thrips usually find refuge in buds and flowers, hiding under the petals. Since the color of alstroemeria is variegated, it is almost impossible to detect these pests. Leaves help in diagnosis. You can see punctures, stains and streaks on them that are brightly highlighted. Systemic insecticides, such as actara, will help get rid of these pests.

If we talk about diseases, then most often the alstroemeria flower becomes infected with root rot, late blight and fusarium. The main reason is excess moisture in the soil.

Between an orchid and a lily called alstroemeria. It is only given away by the miniature size of the inflorescence. It grows in the garden and is grown in pots.

Description and features of alstroemeria

Alstroemeria is a herbaceous perennial. In the wild they grow up to 60 cm, then cultivated varieties and hybrids can boast a height of 2 meters.

The shoots are straight - false and real. The false stem is framed by large wavy leaves of light green color. The leaves are twisted so that the lower surface looks up and the upper surface looks down. Which makes it very original and special. The true stem ends in buds.

Each peduncle collects from 10 to 20 buds in an umbrella. Buds with different colors are arranged in 2 tiers, three petals each. Its beauty can be judged by photo of alstroemeria. Giant varieties are tied to a trellis.

Planting and propagation of alstroemeria

Alstroemeria grows well in neutral or slightly acidic, but well-drained soil. Select a place for planting that is bright, but with daytime shading from the bright sun. when overheated, shoot growth is stopped. Favorable conditions for growing alstroemeria 18-20 degrees N.

Alstroemeria can be propagated:

    By dividing the rhizomes. The procedure can be carried out after each flowering. The bush is dug up and divided into sections, so that each part should have up to 6 renewal buds. To do this, use a knife. Sprinkle the cuttings with coal and ash and plant them in prepared beds. Depth alstroemeria planting depends on the soil. Compress 10-12 cm into heavy soil, 15-18 cm into light soil. The step between flowers is 30 cm. Cover the plantings with a layer of mulch to retain moisture. Delenki planted in the fall will bloom the next year. Separate alstroemeria tubers You can do it in early spring without digging it out completely, just dig it up.

    Propagation by seeds. Seed germination lasts for 3 years. Before spring planting, planting material undergoes stratification for a month. To do this, sow alstroemeria seeds into the substrate and send it to the cold with a temperature of 2-5 degrees C. In April, plant the seeds in open ground. Flowering in this case should be expected in the 3rd year.

    Reproduction. To do this, the seeds are sown a little earlier, at the end of winter. Prepare a container with leaf and turf soil (2:1). Planting material is sown in the substrate and the temperature is maintained at 18-20 degrees C under the film. planted in open ground after a constant frost-free temperature has been established. Budding with this propagation method is expected in the 2nd year.

Alstroemeria care

To make you happy with flowers, alstroemeria care next:

    In regions with temperatures of 18-20 degrees C in summer alstroemeria bush feels great. But higher temperatures are undesirable for tubers. Although, on the contrary, they are developing intensively, but the paradox is that they generally do not bloom. To protect them from overheating, mulching should be used during extreme heat. Use organic compost 8 cm thick or peat or sawdust as mulch. Mulching will also help get rid of weeds and retain moisture.

    The plant likes moderate but regular watering. Monitor the soil; it should always be moist, but not dry. Doesn't like stagnant water - the roots can rot.

    Add as organic matter when planting. With further cultivation, the bush needs complex mineral fertilizers before each budding. Timely nutrition affects flowering. Lack of nutrients leads to loss of petal color.

    Suitable for cutting. Alstroemeria bouquet It will last up to 30 days if you cut it off by 1/3 of the open buds and free the bottom of the stems from leaves.

    For the winter, the bushes are covered with scrap mulch and non-woven material. In the northern regions, where there is severe frost, it is better to dig up the bushes and store them in the cellar along with a lump of earth.

    Remove faded inflorescences and yellowed leaves in time. The peduncle is cut to the base of the soil by 7 cm. Discharge the shoots monthly by 1/3 of the bush.

    Remove weeds.

Types and varieties of alstroemeria

Peruvian or Parrot (Alstroemeria pulchella). The inflorescences are so similar to a real lily, only very miniature buds. The bushes are unpretentious and grow rapidly.

On tall peduncles, which allows them to be used for creating bouquets. The shrub is heat-loving and is not frost-resistant, but gardeners successfully grow it in the garden. For the winter, they are covered with spruce branches, mulched or stored with a lump of earth in the cellar.

Alstroemeria peruviana(Alstroemeria aurantiaca). Cold-resistant, winters without shelter, at minus 20 degrees C. Has all shades of buds. Only blue ones were not found.

Alstroemeria ligtu(Alstroemeria ligtu). Grows in the mountainous regions of Chile. Frost-resistant variety. It is distinguished by its decorativeness. The buds are collected in an umbrella; at the top of the peduncle there can be up to 20 buds.

A peculiarity of the variety is its death after rapid flowering. In a bouquet of one bud, two petals stand out, painted yellow with bright veins. Moreover, the size is slightly narrower than the main petals.

Alstroemeria golden(Alstroemeria aurea). Amazing beauty. Stretches up to 100 cm in length along with buds.

Brazil lily (Alstroemeria caryophyllacea). The buds are scarlet in color with white and yellow speckled petals in the center and white stamens. the giant stretches up to 2 meters in height and requires support.

How original it looks alstroemeria in wedding bouquets. It's no coincidence that they are popular. Suitable for all girls without exception, as they have no scent. Therefore, allergy sufferers have no reason to worry.

If you look at the photo of alstroemeria, they look very organic. The big plus is that they last up to 30 days when cut. And they will survive the ceremony with interest. And the most interesting thing is Alstroemeria meaning in the language of flowers.

They symbolize luck and prosperity.

The groom who presented them to the bride emphasizes his tender feelings.

Rich red alstroemeria color, speaks of a partner’s falling in love.

White buds - spiritual intimacy.

Alstroemeria in a pot is a partner with serious intentions.

Buy Alstroemeria You can go to a flower shop or order through an online store. Wherein alstroemeria price a seedling costs from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles .

Diseases and pests of alstroemeria

Root rot. The disease is caused by pathogenic fungi due to poor agricultural practices - waterlogging. The root part becomes infected, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and the base of the stem rots.

Late blight is a type of root rot disease when growth slows down. The leaves become pale and limp. Only then does the rhizome rot. At first glance, the bush does not have enough water, but after watering, recovery does not occur - this is the first signal that the flower is sick.

In both cases, restore proper care. At home, use coarse sand and treat the soil in the oven. Disinfect seeds before planting.

At the first symptoms in the garden or at home, dig up the bush and try to save the rhizome. Remove rotten areas, dry, treat with fungicides and plant again.

Fusarium. The disease mainly affects young or weak specimens. The root collar and root rot. The top of the shoots begins to wither, then the entire bush. It can be saved at the initial stage with fungicides; in case of more severe infection, it is uprooted and burned.

Gray rot. Favorable conditions for the development of the disease are rainy summers, for domestic alstroemeria– increased humidity in the house. Treatment several times with fungicides at intervals of 7 days.

Spider mite. Symptoms: the leaves are covered with dots, and the bush is wrapped in cobwebs. Pests should be controlled using insecticides. Carry out the treatment up to three times with an interval of 10 days. Appears in dry summers.

Thrips. Symptoms: leaves are pierced through, as if with a needle. The appearance of silvery spots and streaks. In some cases, the buds are affected, which is why they may fall off without opening or acquire an ugly shape during flowering.

They suffer greatly alstroemeria white. Treat the plants with Ankara, Confidor. Indoor specimens should be isolated from healthy flowers. Place the pot in a plastic bag and treat with the preparation. Close the bag and do not open it for 2 hours.

Slugs. The fight against these pests should begin long before they appear. Make a trench around the plantings and lay down lime and egg husks. All substances that can prevent pests from approaching. Place gravel around bushes or row spacing.

Treat the bushes with dry mineral fertilizers at the moment the slugs appear in several passes. To do this, divide the required dose into 2 parts. The interval between applying fertilizer is 40 minutes.

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