What types of boiler houses are there by type of fuel? Boilers and boiler installations; classification of boilers. Need help studying a topic?

Leaking 03.11.2023

Boiler room is a structure in which heating of working fuel (mainly water) for heating, steam supply and hot water supply systems is carried out, located in one technical room. Consumers are connected to the boiler room using steam pipelines and a heating main. The most important device of a boiler room is a steam and/or hot water boiler. The boiler room is used for centralized heat supply and steam supply or for local use, if this boiler room is for local use (one house or a nearby group of houses).

Classification of boiler houses

By type of placement:

Built-in (in a building for another purpose, in a specially equipped place);

Separately located (in a separate building);

Roof (on the roof of a building in a specially equipped structure);

Frame (large subassembly without structure);

B local (modular) design(container, in a transportable structure, etc.);

Attached (a specially equipped structure attached to another building).

By type of fuel used:

Liquid fuel (diesel fuel, waste oil, fuel oil);

Solid fuel (wood, peat, coal);



By type of boilers used:


Fire tube;

Hot water;


By type of thermal load:

Industrial (hot process water, industrial steam);

Heating (Ventilation, heating, hot water supply);


Boiler houses can operate on various fuels, for example, natural or liquefied gas, coal, wood, fuel oil, diesel fuel and various industrial wastes. Therefore, in this regard, all boiler houses are divided by type of working fuel: gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel and combined. Gas boiler houses are one of the most popular types of boiler houses. Gas is one of the most environmentally friendly and cheapest types of fuel. But when installing this equipment, the only problem that may arise in a complex process is obtaining permission to use gas for heating and hot water supply. Gas boiler rooms are also classified and can be: built-in, attached, free-standing, and roof-mounted. The thermal power of a boiler room depends on the power of the boiler (boiler unit), which is selected depending on the area of ​​the heated object: the larger the heated object, the more powerful the boiler should be.

Liquid fuel boilers mostly run on diesel fuel, but are more expensive than natural gas. But in exceptional cases, this type of boiler installation is preferable to using natural gas. In addition to diesel fuel, fuel oil, petroleum and waste oil can be used. No special permissions are required to install them.

Solid fuel boilers, on the other hand, operate on solid fuels such as coal, compressed wood and wood waste. One of the most important advantages of these boiler houses is the complete absence of the use of both gas and electricity, while if you use wood waste, the boiler house pays for itself very quickly, despite the fact that its cost is much higher than others.

The operation of combined types of equipment is based on the use of two types of fuel: one is the main one, and the other is used as a backup or emergency. In this case, there must be at least two boilers, which are equipped with combined gas-diesel burners operating on both gas and diesel fuel. The main type of fuel is most often natural gas. In the event that the supply of the main fuel is interrupted, the boiler room automatically begins to use the reserve one, which means that hot water supply and heating will be supplied uninterruptedly to all consumers.

Each individual situation and the choice of one or another type of boiler room is considered individually, according to which the most optimal option is selected.

This article will look at a boiler room in a private house. Namely, we will analyze: the types of boiler rooms used in a private house, the requirements for a boiler room in a house, general issues of constructing a boiler room, and other issues.

Depending on the energy carrier used:

  • gas (natural or liquefied gas);
  • liquid fuel (diesel fuel, waste oil, fuel oil);
  • solid fuel (coal, firewood, peat, coke);
  • combined (both gas and liquid fuels);
  • electrical (electrical energy).

Depending on the location of the boiler room relative to the house:

  • detached, stationary (located in a separate building from a private house);
  • built-in (located in a separate room of a private house);
  • attached (made as an extension directly to a private house);
  • block-modular (the power plant is located in a separate mobile container block);
  • roof (located in the attic of a private house).

Boiler room design.

Design and installation of boiler room equipment is the most important stage in the process of its construction.

To avoid mistakes that could result in financial losses for you, the right decision would be to contact a specialized design and installation organization (hereinafter referred to as the contractor) of this profile. It must be remembered that the contractor must have all permits to carry out design and installation work on the construction of the boiler room. Together with the contractor, you will draw up a so-called “technical specification” - a list of your wishes for the installation of a boiler room.

Based on the technical specifications, specialists can offer engineering solutions for the construction of a boiler house, draw up a feasibility study, help in drawing up technical specifications, develop a project, calculate heating loads, hot water supply (DHW), etc.

The same contractor organization can coordinate and register the project with the relevant government agencies.

Subsequently, if you wish, the contractor can provide the boiler room with equipment, installation, commissioning, commissioning and service.

Depending on your capabilities, qualifications and concept of the issue, the scope of work performed by the contractor can be ordered from “zero” to “turnkey” delivery, or at the design stage and approval of the necessary documents with the supervisory authorities. At the same time, you reserve the right to carry out the construction of the boiler room (if it is a free-standing or attached boiler room), installation of equipment and commissioning work. You can consider other options with the volume of contract work from these organizations. That is, a differentiated approach to attracting qualified specialists.

In general, the design of boiler houses is divided into stages:

  • receiving technical specifications;
  • calculation and selection of main equipment;
  • execution of working drawings of the boiler room;
  • execution of an explanatory note;
  • approval and delivery of the project.

A standard boiler room project consists of the following parts:

  • explanatory note (EP);
  • heat engineering part (TM);
  • electrics and lighting of the boiler room (EO);
  • safety automation, regulation and instrumentation (instrumentation);
  • internal gas supply of the boiler room (GSV)
  • water supply and sewerage of the boiler room (BC);
  • heating and ventilation of the boiler room (OB);
  • list of activities for environmental impact assessment (EM EIA);
  • Thermal energy metering units (UTM);
  • fire and security alarm systems (ACS).

Selecting the type of boiler room.

When choosing the type of boiler room, the developer needs to solve several basic issues, which will determine the space-planning scheme and the design solution of the boiler room.

Question 1. What type of energy will be used for the boiler room?

  • Gas. It is relatively cheap, it does not need to be constantly transported to the place of consumption, its combustion products are the most environmentally friendly, during combustion there is little soot left (the chimney and boiler need to be cleaned less often), etc. A significant complication is the gas pipeline supply to the house. The fact that there is some kind of “gas” pipe running near your site does not mean that you can connect to it. If connection is, in principle, possible, then you will have to closely communicate with representatives of the local gas industry, draw up many documents, permits, agreements, and, of course, pay a certain amount. On average, according to our observations, the cost of gas supply fluctuates around 3-4 thousand US dollars, and it can take up to 1-2 years. More information about gasification at home can be found in the article “Gasification at home. Gasification plan for private scrap".

  • Liquid fuel. Heating with liquid fuel does not require approval from any organizations. The main task is the timely delivery of diesel fuel. It must be remembered that when planning a site, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of a tanker approaching fuel tanks, as well as to provide space for tanks on the site or the possibility of delivering them to the premises. The larger the tanks, the less often you fill them. It is a misconception that diesel fuel combustion products are harmful; with a well-adjusted boiler burner, you will see virtually no smoke. But still, once a year you will have to clean the soot from the chimney and the boiler itself. Fuel consumption is approximately 1 liter per 10 kW of thermal power. We must remember that for the smooth functioning of a diesel boiler, the quality of the fuel is of great importance.

  • Heating by electricity. All that is required is to obtain permission to connect from the district power grid office. In the case of a single-phase network, everything is very simple; in the case of a three-phase network, the documents will take a long time to complete. Electricity prices are known to everyone. If there is an opportunity for private consumers to use a “double” tariff, i.e. The daily cost of electricity differs from the night price (cheaper at night). This will no doubt encourage the use of multiple fuels, for example diesel during the day and electricity at night. Do not also forget about reliable electrical protection of the equipment. More information about the supply of electricity to a private home can be found in the articles “Power supply at home. House power supply diagram"
  • Heating with solid fuel is the cheapest, but at the same time the most problematic. The boiler needs to be heated more or less constantly and manually; in addition, it is more difficult to maintain temperature parameters; fuel reserves need to be stored somewhere and constantly replenished. Remember that you will not be able to ensure the operation of the boiler in your absence; at night, you will also have to get up from time to time and add firewood. The frequency of laying firewood, by the way, depends on the operation of the boiler automation, if any. The boiler and chimney will have to be cleaned frequently. This type of fuel is suitable, in our opinion, as a spare, or in combination with other fuel, for example, electricity.

    In any case, the choice of fuel type is dictated by the conditions of a given area; in some places it is cheaper to heat with gas, in others the only fuel is firewood.

Question 2. Home heating mode.

If you are building a house for occasional visits with inexpensive finishing, then you can use solid fuel and heat the boiler only during visits. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of draining water from the water supply and sewerage systems. Constant temperature changes and the resulting condensation can seriously spoil the appearance of ceilings and walls (therefore, it is better not to use expensive finishing for occasional homes).

In the case of liquid fuel, gas and electricity, in order to save money, you can use programmable heating modes, for example, the temperature in the house is maintained at +5-10C all week; upon your arrival, the boiler warms up the house to + 20C or any temperature you set.

Remember that choosing the right heating method in advance will significantly save your money and effort.

Question 3. Where will the boiler room be located?

As mentioned above, the boiler room can be located both in a residential building and outside it. Which option should you prefer?

  • If you are building a new house. In this case, it is advisable in the project to provide for the placement of the boiler room in a separate room of the house in compliance with all the rules and regulations regarding the organization of heating.
  • If your house already exists. But now there is a need to organize (or modernize) the heating system, and the layout does not allow placing the boiler room inside the house, then it is advisable to place the boiler room in a separate room attached to the house or in a block-modular design.

When choosing this option, additional costs will be required, but this eliminates the inconvenience associated with living under the same roof as the boiler, frees up useful living space, and also solves the problem of fire and explosion safety.

Regulatory requirements for the boiler room.

And now you have decided what kind of heating system you need (for occasional or year-round living in the house). Then, you selected a boiler.

It should be noted that the choice of boiler mainly depends on the availability of utility networks near the development site, the characteristics of the site and the house, as well as the financial capabilities of the developer.

But it is quite difficult to find an answer to one of the most important questions when building a boiler room - what requirements are imposed on the room in which the boiler will be installed.

Attention! When designing and installing heating equipment, it is necessary to strictly follow the requirements of building codes and regulations for boiler rooms.

Let's look at the area and size of the boiler room in a private house, which these norms and rules require, depending on the types of energy used in the heating system.

A. For gas heating equipment (based on materials DBN V.2.5-20-2001 Gas supply).

Boilers can be placed:

  1. in the kitchen with a heating unit power of up to 30 kW inclusive, regardless of the presence of a gas stove and gas water heater;
  2. in a separate room on any floor (including the ground floor or basement), as well as premises attached to residential buildings with a total power for heating and hot water supply systems of more than 30 kW up to 200 kW inclusive;
  3. in a separate room on the first, ground or basement floor, as well as in premises attached to a residential building or separate ones, with their total power for the heating and hot water supply system up to 500 kW inclusive.

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for gas boiler houses:

When placed in a kitchen, the room must meet the following requirements:

  • the height of the room must be at least 2.5 meters;
  • the volume of the room is at least 15 m3, plus 0.2 m3 per kW of power of the thermal unit for heating;
  • In the kitchen, ventilation should be provided at the rate of: exhaust in the volume of 3 times the air exchange of the room per hour, inflow in the volume of the exhaust plus the amount of air for gas combustion.

The extraction power is calculated using the formula:

M = (SxHx12) + 30%, where:

M - exhaust power;

S - kitchen area;

H - ceiling height in the kitchen;

12 - every hour (according to SES standards) the air in the room where the gas boiler is located must be renewed up to 12 times;

30% is the minimum power reserve required for effective air purification.

Example of hood power calculation:

In the room where the gas boiler is installed, the area is 7 sq.m., the ceiling height is 2.5 m. The exhaust power required for such a room is:

M = (7x2.5x12) + 30% = 273 cubic meters/hour.

Note: it is necessary to take into account the fact that 30% of the power reserve is only sufficient if the hood is located directly above the boiler. In other cases, when calculating the exhaust power, you should add another 15% for each turn of the air duct pipe and another 10% for each meter of the air duct.

The ventilation duct, in order to ensure 3-fold air exchange, must be brought to the height of the chimney. It is advisable to equip the exhaust hole in the boiler room with a decorative grille at a height of the bottom of the hole no lower than 0.3 m from the ceiling.

When placed in separate built-in and attached rooms (total thermal power from 30 to 200 kW), the following requirements must be met:

  • the height of the room is at least 2.5 meters;
  • volume and area of ​​the room from the conditions for convenient maintenance of thermal units and auxiliary equipment, but not less than 15 cubic meters.
  • the room must be separated from adjacent rooms by enclosing walls with a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, and the limit of fire spread throughout the structure is zero. The walls can be made of brick, cinder block, concrete.
  • natural lighting at the rate of 0.03 m2 (windows) per 1 m3 of room;

Note: with a boiler power of up to 30 kW, the height of the room can be 2.2 meters

When placed in a separate room on the ground floor, in the basement or basement of a residential building with a total power of up to 500 kW, the room must meet the following requirements:

When placed in an extension to residential buildings with a total thermal power of up to 500 kW, the extension room must meet the following requirements:

  • The fire resistance of the building must be at least IV degree. These include buildings with load-bearing and enclosing structures made of solid or laminated wood and other combustible or low-combustible materials, protected from fire and high temperatures by plaster or other sheet or slab materials. There are no requirements for fire resistance limits and fire spread limits for coating elements, while attic wood roofing elements are subject to fire retardant treatment.
  • the extension must be located near the blank part of the building wall with a horizontal and vertical distance from window and door openings of at least 1 m;
  • the extension wall should not be connected to the wall of the residential building; these walls should have different foundations.
  • the enclosing walls and structures of the extension must have a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, and the limit of fire spread throughout the structure is zero;
  • The height of the room must be at least 2.5 meters. If the boiler is installed on an elevation, then the height is calculated from the top point of this elevation to the ceiling;
  • the volume and area of ​​the room is selected from the conditions for convenient maintenance of heat generators and auxiliary equipment;
  • natural lighting at the rate of glazing 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume;
  • ventilation in the room must be provided at the rate of: exhaust in the volume of 3 times the room's air exchange per hour, inflow in the exhaust volume plus the amount of air for gas combustion;
  • The walls separating attached boiler rooms from the main building must be vapor-gas tight.
  • When placing heat generators in a separate room on the first, ground or basement floors, it must have direct access to the outside (the doors must open outward). It is allowed to provide a second exit to the utility room; the door must be fireproof type 3. Doors must be at least 80 cm wide in the clear (opening).
  • It is STRICTLY not allowed to place gas appliances in the basements and ground floors of a house when using liquefied gas.

B. For heating equipment operating on solid or liquid fuels.

The above requirements for the boiler room for gas boilers also apply to the furnace room for boilers operating on solid and liquid fuels.

However, there are a number of features that must be taken into account when designing and building a boiler room, namely:

B. For electric heating equipment.

Electric boilers designed to operate in heating systems have many advantages. The main advantage of these boilers is that a separate room for the boiler room is not required. No chimneys are required and these boilers are relatively inexpensive. Everything would be fine if it were not for the high cost of electricity, especially in comparison with other types of fuel. Because of this drawback, such boilers are expensive to operate, so it is advisable to use them for heating small rooms, in which it is ineffective to carry out expensive work to connect other types of heating equipment, or as a backup boiler in systems with a gas boiler, as an alternative heat source for for a short time.

The installation of electric boilers is similar to the installation of gas wall-mounted boilers.

When installing an electric boiler, it is necessary to have safety circuit breakers and, most likely, to lay a separate power line.

The power of wall-mounted electric boilers ranges from 5 to 60 kW, the area they heat is from 50 to 600 sq.m., which should be quite enough for a country house or cottage.

Low-power boilers are powered from a single-phase 220 V or three-phase 380 V electrical network. To operate boilers with a power of more than 12 kW, a three-phase network is used. This circumstance requires the registration of permits with the relevant authorities for the use of this voltage.

Construction of a boiler room. General recommendations.

It is not so easy to equip a built-in room in a finished private house that fully meets all the requirements.

If there is free space on the site, it is advisable to move the boiler room outside the house; this will be easier and will allow solving a number of problematic issues.

Do not forget that the boiler house design will have to be agreed upon with the district architect, sanitary and epidemiological authorities and the fire inspectorate.

If you decide to build a separate or attached boiler room on your own, then you should use the articles posted on the site and devoted to this problem.

  1. The choice of the type of foundation for a boiler house building, as well as the base, is very similar to the choice and construction of a foundation for a bathhouse. This process is very well described in the articles, “Strip foundation. Construction and calculation of a strip foundation",
  2. What building materials will the walls and roof of the boiler room be built from?

    Of course, non-combustible materials should be used here as much as possible. To resolve these issues, the article “Garage. Construction of a garage on the site." The ideal option would be to decorate the walls of the boiler room and the floor with ceramic tiles, which will allow you to keep the room properly clean (which is a prerequisite for trouble-free operation of boiler equipment and will increase the fire safety of the room).

  3. Foundation for the boiler.

    It is advisable to lay the foundation for the boiler separately from the general foundation of the room. This is due to the fact that the boiler, depending on its performance, the material from which it is made, and also taking into account its fittings (boiler piping), is a rather bulky design in terms of weight.

    You can begin building the foundation for the boiler after constructing the foundation of the boiler room.

    It is necessary to take into account the requirements of regulatory documents that the boiler must be installed relative to the boiler room floor at a height of 15-20 cm.

    According to the passport data for the boiler and the design documentation for the boiler room, you will know the mass of the boiler with fittings. Based on this value, you can use the technology of constructing a foundation for a stove, which is described in great detail and well in the article “Building a bathhouse with your own hands. Foundation for a bathhouse." The article presents two types of foundations for light and heavy structures of heating units (up to 150 kg and from 480 kg).

  4. Boiler room floor installation. The floor is best made of concrete or a cement-sand mixture, since these materials are not flammable, which is required for the class of fire hazardous premises. The technology of these works is well described in the article

Boiler installations, depending on the type of consumer, are divided into energy, production and heating and heating. Based on the type of coolant produced, they are divided into steam (for generating steam) and hot water (for producing hot water).

Energy boiler plants generate steam for steam turbines in thermal power plants. Such boiler houses are usually equipped with high- and medium-power boiler units that produce steam with increased parameters.

Industrial heating boiler installations(usually steam) produce steam not only for industrial needs, but also for heating, ventilation and hot water supply.

Heating boiler systems(mainly hot water, but they can also be steam) are designed to service heating systems, hot water supply and ventilation of industrial and residential premises.

Depending on the scale of heat supply, heating boiler houses are divided into local (individual), group and district.

Local heating boiler houses usually equipped with hot water boilers with water heating to a temperature of no more than or steam boilers with a working pressure of up to. Such boiler houses are designed to supply heat to one or several buildings.

Group heating boiler houses provide warmth to groups of buildings, residential areas or small neighborhoods. Such boiler houses are equipped with both steam and hot water boilers, which, as a rule, have a higher heating capacity than boilers for local boiler houses. These boiler rooms are usually located in special buildings.

District heating boiler houses designed for heat supply to large residential areas; they are equipped with relatively powerful hot water and steam boilers.

Rice. 1.1

In Fig. 1.1. a diagram of a district heating boiler house with hot water boilers is shown 1 type PTVM-50 with a heating capacity of 58 MW. Boilers can operate on liquid and gaseous fuel, so they are equipped with burners and nozzles 3 . The air required for combustion is supplied to the furnace by blower fans 4 driven by electric motors. Each boiler has 12 burners and the same number of fans.

Water is supplied to the boiler by pumps 5 driven by electric motors. Having passed through the heating surface, the water is heated and supplied to consumers, where it gives off some of the heat and returns to the boiler at a lower temperature. Flue gases from the boiler are removed into the atmosphere through a pipe 2.

This boiler room has a semi-open type layout: the lower part of the boilers (up to approximately a height of 6 m) is located in the building, and their upper part is in the open air. Inside the boiler room there are blower fans, pumps, and a control panel. A deaerator is installed on the ceiling of the boiler room 6 to remove oxygen from water.

In boiler systems with steam boilers(Fig. 1.2) steam boiler 4 has two drums - upper and lower. The drums are connected to each other by three bundles of pipes that form the heating surface of the boiler. When the boiler is operating, the lower drum is filled with water, the upper drum is filled with water in the lower part, and saturated water vapor in the upper part. At the bottom of the boiler there is a firebox 2 with a mechanical grate for burning solid fuel. When burning liquid and gaseous fuels, instead of a grate, nozzles or burners are installed, through which the fuel together with air is supplied to the firebox. The boiler is limited by brick walls - lining.

The work process in the boiler room proceeds as follows. Fuel from the fuel storage is supplied by a conveyor to the bunker, from where it goes to the firebox grate, where it burns. As a result of fuel combustion, flue gases are formed - combustion products burn.

Flue gases from the furnace enter the boiler flues, formed by lining and special partitions installed in the pipe bundles. As they move, the gases wash the tube bundles of the superheater boiler 3, pass through the economizer 5 and the air heater, where they are cooled due to the supply of heat to the water entering the boiler and the air supplied to the furnace.

The cooled flue gases are removed through the chimney 7 into the atmosphere using a smoke exhauster 8. Flue gases from the boiler can be removed without a smoke exhauster under the influence of natural draft with a built-in chimney.

Water from the water supply source to the supply pipeline is pumped 1 into the water economizer, from where, after heating, it enters the upper drum of the boiler. The filling of the boiler drum with water is controlled by a water indicator glass installed on the drum.

Rice. 1.2

From the upper drum of the boiler, water descends through pipes into the lower drum, from where it rises again through the left bundle of pipes into the upper drum. In this case, the water evaporates, and the resulting steam is collected in the upper part of the upper drum. Then the steam enters superheater 3, where it is completely dried by the heat of the flue gases, as a result of which its temperature rises.

From the superheater, steam enters the main steam line and from there to the consumer, and after use it is condensed and returned to the boiler room in the form of hot water (condensate). Condensate losses from the consumer are replenished with water from the water supply or other water supply sources. Before entering the boiler, water is subjected to appropriate treatment.

The air required for fuel combustion is taken, as a rule, from the top of the boiler room and supplied by fan 9 to the air heater, where it is heated and then sent to the firebox. In boiler houses of small capacity, there are usually no air heaters, and cold air is supplied to the firebox either by a fan or due to the vacuum in the firebox created by the chimney.

A boiler plant with steam boilers has a closed type layout, when all the main equipment of the boiler room is located in the building.

Boiler installations are equipped with water treatment devices (not shown in the diagram), control and measuring instruments and appropriate automation equipment, which ensures their uninterrupted and reliable operation.

Hot water boiler houses installations are designed to produce hot water used for heating, hot water supply and other purposes.

Rice. 1.1 Boiler room with cast iron hot water boilers 1-hopper for collecting ash and slag; 2-scraper; 3-scraper drive winch; 4-ash collectors of cyclone type; 5-smoke exhauster; 6-brick chimney; 7-boiler; 8-blow fan; 9-installation of chemical water purification (filter); 10-scraper channel for removing slag and ash

A hot water boiler house has one coolant - water, in contrast to a steam boiler house, which has two coolants - water and steam. In this regard, the steam boiler room must have separate pipelines for steam and water, as well as a tank for collecting condensate.

Hot water and steam boiler houses differ depending on the type of fuel used, the design of boilers, furnaces, etc. Both a steam and water heating boiler installation usually includes several boiler units, but no less than two and no more than four or five. All of them are connected by common communications - pipelines, gas pipelines, etc.

Plants operating on nuclear fuel, the feedstock of which is uranium ore, are becoming increasingly widespread.

  • burners

  • water treatment plants

  • boiler pipes, shut-off valves

  • heat generators

  • water level indicators

  • sensors and controllers

  • and much more
  • Boiler equipment is selected based on operating conditions and the required technical characteristics for a given boiler installation.

    Gas boiler houses

    Gas boiler rooms are the most common type of boiler installations today. Obvious advantages are their low construction and operating costs compared to other types of boiler installations. The country's extensive gas pipeline network, which is constantly developing, allows gas to be supplied to almost any point. This leads to a reduction in the cost of delivering working fuel by conventional transport. In addition, gas has a higher heat capacity and heat transfer compared to other types of fuel; it leaves fewer harmful substances after combustion.

    At industrial enterprises, gas boiler houses are the main source of heat supply for technological processes and for providing heat to working personnel. At the same time, gas boiler houses have also begun to appear more often in private residential buildings. People appreciated the benefits of such installations.

    Gas boiler houses are an irreplaceable source of energy, cheaper than electricity.

    Modular boiler rooms

    Modular boiler rooms are ready-made engineering systems that can be easily transported and installed anywhere. Using modular boiler rooms, you can significantly save on design and installation, since these systems are usually installed ready-made in a container and equipped with all the necessary equipment for operation and automation of the process.

    Modular boiler rooms include the following equipment:

    • hot water boilers

    • technological equipment

    • automation systems

    • water treatment systems

    • and much more
    The composition of the equipment included in modular boiler rooms depends on the required power of the boiler plants. The obvious advantage that modular boiler rooms have is their mobility and lower cost of installation and operation.

    A boiler is a heat exchange device in which heat from the hot combustion products of fuel is transferred to water. As a result, water is converted into steam in steam boilers, and heated to the required temperature in hot water boilers.

    The combustion device is used to burn fuel and convert its chemical energy into heat of heated gases.

    Feeding devices (pumps, injectors) are designed to supply water to the boiler.

    The draft device consists of blower fans, a gas-air duct system, smoke exhausters and a chimney, which ensure the supply of the required amount of air to the firebox and the movement of combustion products through the boiler flues, as well as their removal into the atmosphere. The combustion products, moving through the flues and coming into contact with the heating surface, transfer heat to the water.

    To ensure more economical operation, modern boiler systems have auxiliary elements: a water economizer and an air heater, which serve to heat water and air, respectively; devices for fuel supply and ash removal, for cleaning flue gases and feed water; thermal control devices and automation equipment that ensure normal and uninterrupted operation of all parts of the boiler room.

    Block modular boiler houses with power from 200 kW to 10,000 kW (model range)

    There are individually designed boiler rooms of different types:

    • Roof boiler rooms

    • Freestanding boiler rooms

    • Block and modular boiler rooms

    • Built-in boiler rooms

    • Attached boiler rooms

    • Transportable and mobile boiler rooms
    Each boiler house is designed on the basis of SNiP II-35-76 “Boiler installations”. The calculation and design of the boiler room is carried out by certified specialists who have been trained at boiler equipment manufacturing plants.

    All operating parameters are controlled by automated control systems without human presence.

    Compound boiler rooms in basic version:

    • Water heating boilers
      The reliability of heat supply is guaranteed by the presence in the composition boiler rooms at least two boiler units, represented by steel fire-tube boilers from reliable and successfully proven German companies on the Russian market Buderus, Viessmann.

    • Weishaupt burners
      In boiler houses they are used burners from the German company Weishaupt. Used to burn natural gas LN burners, ensuring a low content of harmful impurities in combustion products.

    • Domestic gas supply
      Gas supply system equipment boiler rooms regulates gas flow and controls the levels of minimum and maximum gas pressure. In case of emergency situations, the flow of gas into boiler room stops automatically.

    • Regulating the temperature of the network water
      Microprocessor programmable controllers are used that automatically control the system for regulating the temperature of network water depending on the outside temperature and the needs of the Consumer.

    • Pump equipment
      Boiler circuit pumps ensure independent operation boilers. Twin circulation pumps in the network circuit guarantee 100% redundancy.

    • Water treatment and pressure maintenance in the heating system
      The water treatment unit reduces the hardness of boiler water and prevents the formation of scale on the heat exchange surfaces of the equipment. The pressure maintenance device automatically refills the boiler and network circuits with water, ensuring the required level of pressure in the heating system.

    • Hydraulic separator
      Equipment for hydraulic decoupling of the boiler and network circuits allows for stable operation of the boiler house in systems with a large volume of water under intense dynamics of changes in flow rates, temperature and pressure.

    • Signaling
      Fire alarm systems and gas alarm systems for methane and carbon monoxide are installed in the boiler rooms.

    • Metering devices
      Instrumentation and measuring instruments registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments are used, allowing for:
      – accounting of supplied thermal energy
      – accounting of cold water consumption
      – gas consumption metering
      – metering of consumed electricity
      – control of operating parameters of boiler room equipment.

    • Comprehensive automation
      The integrated automation system ensures stable operation of boiler rooms without the constant presence of maintenance personnel. Remote control of the operation of the main equipment of the boiler room is carried out using a remote alarm control panel (included in the scope of supply).

    • Modem communication for remote dispatching
      Boiler rooms at the time of installation or any period of further operation, they can be connected to modern remote dispatch systems. The complex automation system has a built-in modem unit for transmitting data on the operation of boiler room equipment via telephone communication channels or the Internet.

    • Smoke pipes
      The outer and inner walls of the chimneys are made of stainless steel and insulated with rigid mineral wool insulation. The chimneys used have a certificate of compliance with fire safety standards. A separate pipe is installed for each heating boiler. Chimneys with a height of 6 meters are included in the scope of supply for boiler houses from 200 kW to 10 MW. If desired, the Buyer can refuse the chimney, and also has the opportunity to install chimneys of a different height.
    Constructive decisions
    Boiler rooms, depending on sizes and quantities boilers, consist of one or more blocks. Depending on climatic conditions, the metal frame of the modules is insulated with rigid three-layer sandwich panels with mineral wool insulation with a thickness of 80 to 150 mm. The characteristics of the module enclosing structures comply with regulatory requirements for fire resistance and fire safety.

    Low-power boiler houses (individual and small group) usually consist of boilers, circulation and feed pumps and draft devices. Depending on this equipment, the dimensions of the boiler room are mainly determined.

    Boiler houses of medium and high power - 3.5 MW and above - differ in the complexity of the equipment and the composition of service and utility premises. The space-planning solutions of these boiler houses must meet the requirements of the Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises (SI 245-71), SNiP P-M.2-72 and 11-35-76.

    Classification of boiler installations
    Boiler installations, depending on the nature of consumers, are divided into energy, production and heating and heating. Based on the type of coolant produced, they are divided into steam (for generating steam) and hot water (for producing hot water).

    Power boiler plants produce steam for steam turbines in thermal power plants. Such boiler houses are usually equipped with high- and medium-power boiler units that produce steam with increased parameters.

    Industrial heating boiler systems (usually steam) produce steam not only for industrial needs, but also for heating, ventilation and hot water supply.

    Heating boiler systems (mainly hot water, but they can also be steam) are designed to service heating systems for industrial and residential premises.

    Depending on the scale of heat supply, heating boiler houses are divided into local (individual), group and district.

    Local boiler houses are usually equipped with hot water boilers that heat water to a temperature of no more than 115°C or steam boilers with a working pressure of up to 70 kPa. Such boiler houses are designed to supply heat to one or more buildings.

    Group boiler systems provide heat to groups of buildings, residential areas or small neighborhoods. Such boiler houses are equipped with both steam and hot water boilers, which, as a rule, have a higher heating capacity than boilers for local boiler houses. These boiler rooms are usually located in specially constructed separate buildings.

    District heating boiler houses are used to supply heat to large residential areas: they are equipped with relatively powerful hot water or steam boilers.

    boiler plant with steam boilers. The installation consists of a steam boiler, which has two drums - upper and lower. The drums are connected to each other by three bundles of pipes that form the heating surface of the boiler. When the boiler is operating, the lower drum is filled with water, the upper drum is filled with water in the lower part, and saturated water vapor in the upper part. At the bottom of the boiler there is a firebox with a mechanical grate for burning solid fuel. When burning liquid or gaseous fuel, instead of a grate, nozzles or burners are installed, through which the fuel together with air is supplied to the firebox. The boiler is limited by brick walls - lining.

    Boiler installations located in specially designated areas where outsiders have no access. And heating mains and heat pipelines connect boiler houses and consumers.

    Classification of boiler houses.

    Modern boiler systems have different classifications. Each of them is based on a certain principle or certain values. Today there are several main distinctions:


    Depending on where the installation is located, the following are distinguished:

    • Roof;

    • Built into the building;

    • Block-modular;

    • Frame.
    In every heating system, its main element is the boiler. It performs the main function - heating. Depending on the basis on which the entire system and the boiler in particular operate, there are the following boiler types:

    • Steam boilers

    • Hot water;

    • Mixed;

    • Boilers using diathermic oil.
    Any heating system works, as previously noted, from one or another type raw materials fuel or natural resource. Depending on this, boilers are divided into:

    • Solid fuel. For this, firewood, coal and other types of solid fuel are used.

    • Liquid fuels - oil, gasoline, fuel oil and others.

    • Gas.

    • Mixed or combined. It is assumed that various types and types of fuel will be used.
    Classification of boiler units
    Boilers as technical devices for the production of steam or hot water are distinguished by a variety of design forms, principles of operation, types of fuel used and production indicators. At the same time, according to the method of organizing the movement of water and steam-water mixture, all boilers can be divided into the following two groups:

    Boilers with natural circulation;

    Boilers with forced movement of coolant (water, steam-water mixture).

    In modern heating and heating-industrial boiler houses, boilers with natural circulation are mainly used to produce steam, and boilers with forced movement of coolant operating on the direct-flow principle are used to produce hot water.

    Modern steam boilers with natural circulation are made of vertical pipes located between two collectors (drums). One part of the pipes, called heated "rising pipes", is heated by the torch and combustion products, and the other, usually unheated part of the pipes, is located outside the boiler unit and is called "fall pipes". In heated lifting pipes, water is heated to a boil, partially evaporates and enters the boiler drum in the form of a steam-water mixture, where it is separated into steam and water. Through lowering unheated pipes, water from the upper drum enters the lower collector (drum).

    The movement of the coolant in boilers with natural circulation is carried out due to the driving pressure created by the difference in the weights of the water column in the lowering pipes and the column of steam-water mixture in the rising pipes.

    In steam boilers with multiple forced circulation, the heating surfaces are made in the form of coils that form circulation circuits. The movement of water and steam-water mixture in such circuits is carried out using a circulation pump.

    In direct-flow steam boilers, the circulation ratio is unity, i.e. The feed water, when heated, successively turns into a steam-water mixture, saturated and superheated steam. In hot water boilers, water moving along the circulation circuit is heated in one revolution from the initial to the final temperature.

    Based on the type of coolant, boilers are divided into hot water and steam boilers. The main indicators of a hot water boiler are thermal power, i.e. heating capacity and water temperature; The main indicators of a steam boiler are steam output, pressure and temperature.

    Hot water boilers, the purpose of which is to obtain hot water of specified parameters, are used to supply heat to heating and ventilation systems, household and technological consumers. Hot water boilers, usually operating on the direct-flow principle with a constant flow of water, are installed not only at thermal power plants, but also in district heating, as well as heating and industrial boiler houses as the main source of heat supply.

    Steam boiler is an installation designed to generate saturated or superheated steam, as well as to heat water (heating boiler).

    Based on the relative movement of heat-exchanging media (flue gases, water and steam), steam boilers (steam generators) can be divided into two groups: water-tube boilers and fire-tube boilers. In water-tube steam generators, water and a steam-water mixture move inside the pipes, and flue gases wash the outside of the pipes. In Russia in the 20th century, Shukhov water-tube boilers were mainly used. In fire tubes, on the contrary, flue gases move inside the pipes, and water washes the pipes outside.

    Based on the principle of movement of water and steam-water mixture, steam generators are divided into units with natural circulation and with forced circulation. The latter are divided into direct-flow and multiple-forced circulation.

    As a rule, a three-plunger high-pressure pump of the P21/23-130D or P30/43-130D series is used as a feed pump.

    Boilers above critical pressure (SCP) - steam pressure above 22.4 MPa.

    Main elements of steam and hot water boilers
    Furnaces for burning gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. When burning gas and fuel oil, as well as solid pulverized coal fuels, chamber furnaces are usually used. The firebox is limited by the front, rear, side walls, as well as the bottom and arch. Along the walls of the furnace there are evaporative heating surfaces (boiling pipes) with a diameter of 50...80 mm, which receive radiated heat from the torch and combustion products. When burning gaseous or liquid fuels, there is usually no screening under the chamber furnace, and in the case of coal dust, a “cold” funnel is made in the lower part of the combustion chamber to remove ash falling from the burning torch.

    The upper ends of the pipes are rolled into the drum, and the lower ends are connected to the collectors by rolling or welding. For a number of boilers, the boiling pipes of the rear screen, before connecting them to the drum, are placed in the upper part of the firebox in several rows, staggered and forming a festoon.

    To service the furnace and gas ducts in the boiler unit, the following equipment is used: manholes, lockable doors, peepholes, explosion valves, gate valves, rotary dampers, blowers, shot blasters.

    Closable doors and openings in the lining are intended for inspection and repair work when the boiler is shut down. Peepers are used to monitor the process of fuel combustion in the firebox and the state of convective flues. Explosion safety valves are used to protect the lining from destruction during pops in the furnace and boiler flues and are installed in the upper parts of the furnace, the last flue of the unit, the economizer and in the vault.

    Cast iron smoke dampers or rotary dampers are used to regulate draft and shut off the hog.

    When working on gaseous fuel, in order to prevent the accumulation of flammable gases in the furnaces, chimneys and hogs of the boiler installation during a break in work, a small draft must always be maintained in them; To do this, each individual boiler hog must have its own gate with a hole in the upper part with a diameter of at least 50 mm for the prefabricated hog.

    Blowers and shot blasters are designed to clean heating surfaces from ash and soot.

    Steam boiler drums. It should be noted the multi-purpose purpose of steam boiler drums, in particular, the following processes are carried out in them:

    Separation of the steam-water mixture coming from heated lifting pipes into steam and water and collection of steam;

    Reception of feed water from a water economizer or directly from the feed line;

    In-boiler water treatment (thermal and chemical water softening);

    Continuous blowing;

    Drying steam from boiler water droplets;

    Washing steam from salts dissolved in it;

    Protection against excess steam pressure.

    Boiler drums are made of boiler steel with stamped bottoms and manholes. The internal part of the drum volume, filled to a certain level with water, is called the water volume, and the part filled with steam during boiler operation is called the steam volume. The surface of boiling water in the drum, separating the water volume from the steam volume, is called the evaporation mirror. In a steam boiler, only that part of the drum that is cooled by water on the inside is washed with hot gases. The line separating the surface heated by gases from the unheated one is called the fire line.

    The steam-water mixture flows through rising boiling pipes rolled into the bottom of the drum. From the drum, water is supplied through lower pipes to the lower collectors.

    Emissions, ridges and even fountains appear on the surface of the evaporation surface, and a significant number of droplets of boiler water can enter the steam, which reduces the quality of the steam as a result of an increase in its salt content. Drops of boiler water evaporate, and the salts contained in them are deposited on the inner surface of the superheater, worsening heat transfer, as a result of which the temperature of its walls increases, which can lead to their burnout. Salts can also be deposited in steam pipe fittings and lead to a loss of tightness.

    To ensure uniform flow of steam into the steam space of the drum and reduce its humidity, various separation devices are used.

    To reduce the possibility of scale deposits on evaporative heating surfaces, intra-boiler water treatment is used: phosphating, alkalization, and the use of complexones.

    Phosphating is intended to create conditions in boiler water under which scale formers are released in the form of non-stick sludge. To achieve this, it is necessary to maintain a certain alkalinity of the boiler water.

    Unlike phosphating, water treatment with complexones can provide scale-free and sludge-free boiler water conditions. It is recommended to use Trilon B sodium salt as a complexone.

    Maintaining the acceptable salt content in the boiler water is carried out by purging the boiler, i.e. by removing from it some part of the boiler water, which always has a higher concentration of salts than the feed water.

    To carry out stepwise evaporation of water, the boiler drum is divided by a partition into several compartments that have independent circulation circuits. One of the compartments, called the “clean” compartment, receives feed water. Passing through the circulation circuit, the water evaporates, and the salt content of the boiler water in the clean compartment rises to a certain level. To maintain the salt content in this compartment, part of the boiler water from the clean compartment is directed by gravity through a special hole - a diffuser in the lower part of the partition into another compartment, called “salt”, since the salt content in it is significantly higher than in the clean compartment.

    Continuous blowing of water is carried out from the place with the highest concentration of salts, i.e. from the salt compartment. The steam generated in both evaporation stages is mixed in the steam space and exits the drum through a series of pipes located in its upper part.

    With increasing pressure, steam is able to dissolve some impurities in boiler water (silicic acid, metal oxides).

    To reduce the salt content of steam, some boilers use steam flushing with feed water.

    Boiler superheaters. The production of superheated steam from dry saturated steam is carried out in a superheater. The superheater is one of the most critical elements of the boiler unit, since of all heating surfaces it operates under the most severe temperature conditions (overheating temperature up to 425 °C). Superheater coils and collectors are made of carbon steel.

    Based on the method of heat absorption, superheaters are divided into convective, radiation-convective and radiation. Low and medium pressure boiler units use convective steam superheaters with vertical or horizontal pipe arrangement. To produce steam with a superheat temperature of more than 500 °C, combined steam superheaters are used, i.e. in them, one part of the surface (radiative) perceives heat due to radiation, and the other part - by convection. The radiation part of the heating surface of the superheater is located in the form of screens directly in the upper part of the combustion chamber.

    Depending on the directions of movement of gases and steam, there are three main schemes for connecting the superheater to the gas flow: direct flow, in which gases and steam move in the same direction; countercurrent, where gases and steam move in opposite directions; mixed, in which in one part of the superheater coils gases and steam move straight through, and in the other - in opposite directions.

    Optimal in terms of operational reliability is a mixed superheater switching scheme, in which the first part of the superheater along the steam flow is countercurrent, and the completion of steam superheating occurs in its second part with direct flow of coolants. In this case, in some of the coils located in the area of ​​the highest thermal load of the superheater, at the beginning of the gas duct there will be a moderate steam temperature, and the completion of steam superheating occurs at a lower thermal load.

    The steam temperature in boilers with pressures up to 2.4 MPa is not regulated. At a pressure of 3.9 MPa and above, the temperature is regulated by the following methods: injection of condensate into steam; using surface desuperheaters; using gas regulation by changing the flow of combustion products through the superheater or moving the position of the torch in the furnace using rotary burners.

    The superheater must have a pressure gauge, a safety valve, a shut-off valve to disconnect the superheater from the steam main, and a device for measuring the temperature of superheated steam.

    Water economizers. In an economizer, feedwater is heated by flue gases before being supplied to the boiler by using the heat of fuel combustion products. Along with preheating, partial evaporation of the feed water entering the boiler drum is possible. Depending on the temperature to which the water is heated, economizers are divided into two types - non-boiling and boiling. In non-boiling economizers, according to the conditions for the reliability of their operation, water is heated to a temperature 20 ° C below the temperature of saturated steam in a steam boiler or the boiling temperature of water at the existing operating pressure in a hot-water boiler. In boiling economizers, not only the water is heated, but also its partial (up to 15% %) evaporation.

    Depending on the metal from which economizers are made, they are divided into cast iron and steel. Cast iron economizers are used at a pressure in the boiler drum of no more than 2.4 MPa, while steel ones can be used at any pressure. In cast iron economizers, water boiling is unacceptable, as this leads to water hammer and destruction of the economizer. To clean the heating surface, water economizers have blowing devices.

    Air heaters. In modern boiler units, the air heater plays a very significant role, receiving heat from the exhaust gases and transferring it to the air, it reduces the most noticeable item of heat loss with the exhaust gases. When using heated air, the combustion temperature of the fuel increases, the combustion process intensifies, and the efficiency of the boiler unit increases. At the same time, when installing an air heater, the aerodynamic resistance of the air and smoke paths increases, which is overcome by creating artificial draft, i.e. by installing a smoke exhauster and a fan.

    The air heating temperature is selected depending on the combustion method and type of fuel. For natural gas and fuel oil burned in chamber furnaces, the hot air temperature is 200...250 °C, and for pulverized coal combustion of solid fuel - 300...420 °C.

    If there is an economizer and an air heater in the boiler unit, the economizer is installed first along the gas flow, and the air heater is installed second, which allows the combustion products to be cooled more deeply, since the temperature of the cold air is lower than the temperature of the feed water at the inlet to the economizer.

    Based on their operating principle, air heaters are divided into recuperative and regenerative. In a recuperative air heater, heat transfer from combustion products to air occurs continuously through a dividing wall, on one side of which combustion products move, and on the other - heated air.

    In regenerative air heaters, heat is transferred from combustion products to heated air by alternately heating and cooling the same heating surface.

    Gas piston installations. The gas piston unit (GPU) is designed to supply electricity to consumers of three-phase (380/220 V, 50 Hz) alternating current. Gas power plants are used as a source of constant and guaranteed power supply to hospitals, banks, shopping malls, airports, manufacturing and oil and gas production enterprises. The engine life of a gas engine is higher than that of gasoline generators and diesel power plants, which leads to a shorter payback period. The use of gas electric generators allows the owner to be independent from planned and emergency power outages, and often completely refuse the services of electricity suppliers.

    The operation of gas piston engines (hereinafter referred to as GPA) is based on the operating principle of an internal combustion engine. An internal combustion engine is a type of engine, a heat engine, in which the chemical energy of fuel (usually liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon fuel) burning in the working area is converted into mechanical work.

    At the moment, two types of piston engines running on gas are produced in industry: gas engines - with electric (spark) ignition, and gas diesel engines - with ignition of the gas-air mixture by injection of pilot (liquid) fuel. Gas engines have become widely used in the energy sector due to the widespread trend of using gas as a cheaper fuel (both natural and alternative) and relatively more environmentally friendly in terms of exhaust emissions.

    From the GPU with heat exchangers, everything is basically the same, but a heat recovery system is additionally used.

    The unit operates on several types of fuel, has a relatively low initial investment per 1 kW and has a wide range of power outputs.

    Fuel for gas piston units. One of the most important points when choosing the type of gas turbine is to study the composition of the fuel. Manufacturers of gas engines have their own requirements for the quality and composition of fuel for each model.

    Currently, many manufacturers are adapting their engines for the appropriate fuel, which in most cases does not take much time and does not require large financial costs.

    In addition to natural gas, gas piston units can use as fuel: propane, butane, associated petroleum gas, chemical industry gases, coke oven gas, wood gas, pyrolysis gas, landfill gas, waste water gas, etc.

    The use of these specific gases as fuel makes an important contribution to preserving the environment and also allows the use of regenerative energy sources.

    Gas control point. Gas control point is a system of devices for automatically reducing and maintaining constant gas pressure in gas distribution pipelines. The gas control point includes a pressure regulator to maintain gas pressure, a filter to capture mechanical impurities, safety valves that prevent gas from entering gas distribution pipelines in the event of an emergency gas pressure in excess of permissible parameters, and instrumentation for recording the amount of gas passing, temperature, pressure and telemetric measurements these parameters.

    Gas control points are constructed on city gas distribution pipelines, as well as on the territory of industrial and municipal enterprises with an extensive network of gas pipelines. Points installed directly at consumers and designed to supply gas to boilers, furnaces and other units are usually called gas control devices. Depending on the gas pressure at the inlet, gas control points are: medium (from 0.05 to 3 kgf/cm 2 ) and high (up to 12 kgf/cm 2 ) pressure (1 kgf/cm 2 =0.1 Mn/m 2 ).

    Safety devices and instrumentation. For hot water boilers, bypass lines with check valves (Fig.), which pass water in the direction from the boiler to the heating system pipeline, can serve as a protective device against increasing pressure in them. With such a simple device, if the valves installed at the boiler are closed for some reason, then the connection with the atmosphere through the expansion vessel will not be disrupted.

    If the pipeline between the boilers and the expansion vessel, in addition to the specified valves, has any other shut-off valves, then lever safety valves must be installed.

    Steam boilers up to 70 kPa are equipped with a safety device in the form of a hydraulic shutter

    For safe and proper operation, steam boilers, in addition to safety devices, are equipped with water indicating devices, plug valves and pressure gauges.

    To measure the flow of feed water supplied to a steam boiler or water circulating in a water heating system, a water meter or diaphragms are installed. To measure the temperature of the water entering the water heating system and returning to the boiler, thermometers are provided in special cases.

    A boiler room is a specialized structure, building or room designed to produce thermal energy. Thermal energy is transported to consumers via trunk networks - heating mains and steam pipelines. Boiler houses can be used both for centralized heat and steam supply, and for supplying local facilities.

    The general operating principle of boiler houses is to heat the coolant to high temperatures for subsequent use in steam supply and heating systems.

    Using the example of the operation of a steam and hot water boiler house, the generation of thermal energy begins with the mandatory process of preparing the working fluid (water). For this purpose, special ones are used to purify water from impurities and protect boiler equipment from the formation of scale and mineral deposits. Next, the prepared water flows through a pipe system into the main element of the boiler installation - the boiler, where, as a result of heating, the water turns into steam, and into hot water boilers– heats up to the required temperature.

    Depending on the type of coolant, boiler rooms are divided into:

    • Industrial boiler rooms– produce steam used to carry out technological processes in industrial enterprises;
    • Heating boiler rooms– water heated to +95° +115° is used for heating, ventilation and hot water supply of residential and industrial facilities;
    • Combined boiler rooms– the simultaneous use of steam and hot water boilers allows the generation of thermal energy in the form of steam and hot water;
    • Boiler rooms using diathermic oil– unlike steam and hot water boiler houses, mineral or synthetic diathermic oil is used as a coolant. They are mainly used in highly responsible industrial enterprises, the work process of which depends on maintaining a constant coolant temperature.

    Based on the type of fuel used, the following types of boiler houses are distinguished:

    • Gas boiler houses– currently, most boiler houses operate on natural gas, since blue fuel is the most economically and environmentally beneficial. widely used as sources of heating and supply of hot water to civil and industrial facilities;
    • Solid fuel boiler houses– depending on the equipment used, the following fuels can be used: coal, peat, firewood, compressed waste from the logging and agricultural industries. The obvious disadvantage of such boiler houses is the need to install fuel supply and ash removal systems. The most common boiler rooms of this type are and;
    • Liquid fuel boiler houses– are the most common independent heat supply sources. Various types of petroleum products are used as fuel: gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricants (including waste);
    • Electric boiler rooms– boiler houses of this type are the most expensive to operate. The positive side of such boiler houses is safety, environmental friendliness, and accessibility.

    Based on the type of placement, the following types of boiler houses are distinguished:

    • Roof boiler rooms– are used in the construction and reconstruction of facilities in cramped urban conditions in the absence of the possibility of placing a boiler room on a land plot or in the event of a shortage or impossibility of using centralized heat supply capacities. Improving technological equipment and increasing fire safety standards make it possible to place practically on any building;
    • Block-modular boiler rooms– due to the high degree of factory readiness, the use of this type of boiler house allows for installation and commissioning of the boiler house in the shortest possible time. Increased power is achieved by adding an additional unit. Depending on the location, boiler rooms can be free-standing, attached, built-in, or roof-mounted;
    • Frame boiler rooms– boiler equipment is placed on a supporting frame in the form of separate blocks for subsequent installation in an existing room;
    • Stationary boiler rooms– are used when the required power exceeds 30 MW. They are a permanent structure that involves the installation of foundations, load-bearing structures, partitions and roofing.

    Based on the degree of automation of processes, the following types of boiler houses are distinguished:

    • Manual boiler rooms– are small boiler houses in which fuel supply and ash and slag removal are carried out manually by maintenance personnel;
    • Mechanized boiler houses– boiler houses are equipped with mechanical means of fuel supply (conveyors or skip lifts), preliminary fuel preparation (coal crushers, metal and wood chip catchers, etc.), and ash and slag removal;
    • Automated boiler rooms– this type includes boiler houses with a high level of process automation. These boiler houses include:

    Contact our specialists using one of the telephone numbers presented on the website. They will advise you and also help you choose equipment to suit your needs. , you can also get a free estimate of the cost of your future boiler room.

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