Dark amethyst. Types and methods of mining amethysts. Properties and deposits of the mineral

For plumbing and installation work 29.10.2023
For plumbing and installation work

Amethyst is a quartz mineral with a deep purple-pink color. It belongs to the semi-precious crystals, but due to its beauty it can be compared in popularity with any precious stone. This is the most expensive quartz mineral existing in the world.

Characteristics and location of production

What does untreated amethyst look like? These are crystals of different sizes, having an elongated shape with six sides. The most common mineral is purple, the shade of which can be completely different. The stones can be slightly blue, or they can sparkle with a deep dark, almost black color. Whatever the color of amethyst, it is distinguished by a special brilliance that appears in sunlight; in this regard, a quartz crystal can compete even with a diamond.

Scientists to this day argue about where the mineral gets its unique color. Some believe that this is the result of the presence of elements such as iron, cobalt and manganese. Others argue that the color is due to the presence of organic pigments.

Quartz minerals change color depending on environmental conditions. Amethyst crystal does not like high temperatures. At temperatures above 200°C it changes color to a lighter color. The stone can turn yellow, green, or even white (colorless). It is worth noting that after cooling, the jewel, although not fully, still restores its original shade.

The mineral also burns out when exposed to the sun for a long time. So, over the course of a century it can fade by as much as 80%. It is worth remembering that the lavender pebble should be stored in a box protected from light, this is the key to the durability of the jewelry.

The amethyst gemstone is mined from rocks. The most extensive deposits of the mineral are located in South America, Asia, Russia and the African continent.

The depth of the mineral is always different. The deeper the deposit is located, the higher the quality of the gem. The most expensive and most amazingly beautiful specimens are mined in the Urals. They were called “Siberian amethyst”. There are high quality gems in Asia, but samples from Brazil are of the least quality, and, as a result, have a low price compared to other types.

Varieties of mineral

The variety of colors and purity of the stone (without foreign inclusions) is the reason for such a high popularity of the mineral among jewelers. Semi-precious stones of such high quality are rarely found in nature.

Despite the fact that purple is the most common color, there are gems of other colors in nature, for example, green amethyst. These jewelry are very rare and are used mainly for making collectibles. When making jewelry, the cut of the stone is important; the correct choice of material makes the finished product truly fabulous; as a rule, white and yellow gold are used. Green amethyst has a delicate, but at the same time deep color, thanks to which the stone was called proselyte.

Gold ring with amethyst and cubic zirconia (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

An equally rare shade is pink amethyst color. It may or may not be transparent. Pink stone is rarely monochromatic, but admixtures of other shades do not make it less valuable. On the contrary, they give the finished product a special charm. The pink gem is collected only with the most precious metals (gold and platinum).

It takes several million years for a new deposit of black stone to form. This is the rarest of all gem varieties. For its uniqueness, black amethyst was nicknamed royal. Expensive jewelry is made from it, including many items cut in silver. As a rule, these are amulets and talismans, since it is silver that fully reveals the healing and magical properties of amethyst.

Gold earrings with amethyst and cubic zirconia (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Stone of the Gods

The mineral appeared on earth a long time ago; an interesting legend was written about it back in ancient Greece. She talked about how the god of wine Dionysus fell in love with a nymph named Amethyst. But the girl already had a lover, so the goddess Artemis gave her a stone of an unusual purple color, which was supposed to protect the nymph from intoxication with wine.

In those days, wine cups were decorated with amethyst, and jewelry with stones was worn at festivals. People believed that this way they could protect themselves from excessive alcohol consumption and the consequences of feasting. It’s not for nothing that the name of the gem means “not drunk” when translated from ancient Greek.

This mineral was revered not only in Greece, but also in other ancient states. In China, it was used to make containers for aromatic oils; in Rome, it was used to decorate things belonging to the nobility; in Egypt, amethyst was considered one of the strongest amulets.

In Rus', archbishops and princes owned the stone; it could often be seen on the crowns of queens. The special shine and unique color, reminiscent of lilac, could not leave a single person indifferent.

Magic crystal

Of course, many different powers were attributed to the gem, which was considered a gift from the gods. The main property of the stone is protection against the effects of alcohol. Amethyst not only reduces cravings for alcohol, but also alleviates hangover symptoms.

However, the magical properties of the stone are much broader. It helps you achieve success in business, sports and love.

Gold ring with amethyst (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Amethyst imparts energy to its owner. Churchmen revere the mineral for its ability to purify thoughts, bestow prudence and direct thoughts in the right direction. The talisman promotes spiritual development and self-knowledge.

A talisman that can engender love is a pink pebble. If you present such a decoration to your loved one, then soon he (she) will reciprocate the love. The impact of the mineral is so strong that it can break previous attachments. However, when destroying someone else's love with the help of an amethyst talisman, the giver must be prepared for the fact that he will never be completely happy again. The object of desire, although he will love and be near, will forever remain a stranger.

Gold pendant with black diamonds, amethyst and diamonds (go to SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Sometimes they say that amethyst is a stone of loneliness. The fact is that, having generated true love, the talisman will nourish it forever. Therefore, even after the death of one of the lovers, the feelings will not disappear, the person will not be able to give his heart to someone else and will remain lonely for the rest of his life. It’s not for nothing that the stone is called the keeper of eternal love.

You can give amethyst not only to your loved one. A talisman can reconcile people, putting an end to even a very long feud. If you need to improve relations with a business partner, it is recommended to give him a stone in the shade of blooming lavender.

Gold jewelry SL with amethyst and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Black, purple or green amethyst can protect its owner from the anger and anger of others. Of all the jewelry, it is best to choose rings with this gem. Such rings are worn exclusively on the ring finger: women's rings are on the left hand, and men's rings are on the right.

After the stone has been processed, it is set with metal. Amulets with gold bring success in business. But amethyst in silver promotes family happiness. It has long been believed that such a talisman helps a woman become pregnant. Magicians and healers believe that the magical and healing properties of the stone are so great that it cures female infertility.

Use in alternative medicine

The healing properties of amethyst are extensive. According to lithotherapists, the stone promotes the production of hormones and normalizes the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. In addition, the mineral saturates the blood with oxygen.

It is simply impossible to overestimate the importance of amethyst. It helps treat disorders such as:

  • stress;
  • depression;
  • headache;
  • skin diseases;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insomnia.

Green amethyst is a stone that strengthens the immune system. In addition, it relieves chronic fatigue. It is used for facial massage, it helps get rid of wrinkles and restore the natural shade of the skin.

Treatment with the mineral is also suitable for those who want to cleanse the liver, kidneys and vascular system. To do this, just put the stone in a carafe with water overnight.

Amethyst talisman will help overcome tissue swelling and remove bruises. Jewelry with the mineral is recommended to be worn if you have joint disease.

The importance of the amethyst stone is confirmed by the fact that its ability to relieve nervous tension is used in the treatment of psychological disorders.

Amethyst in astrology

Of course, the mesmerizing amethyst color attracts the eye, but it is worth remembering that beauty is not the main thing. The zodiac sign should not conflict with the amulet. Otherwise, all his positive qualities will be useless. And perhaps they will even cause harm.

This stone suits almost all zodiac signs. The exceptions are Leo, Pisces and Capricorn. If for Leo and Pisces the talisman does not pose a threat and will only be a beautiful decoration, then for Capricorn it is dangerous. People born under this sign are prone to self-destruction; wearing amethyst enhances this character trait.

Other zodiac signs receive only positive effects when wearing amethyst. For example, an amulet pacifies the impulsiveness of Aries, which often interferes with completing a planned task.

The stone will support Taurus in difficult situations, and will also contribute to the development of his personality. Cancer will be able to achieve success in love; the amulet has a particularly strong effect on girls of this sign. Such talismans will become suitable companions for those born under the sign of Virgo. It enhances analytical abilities and helps to make friends with people around you.

Any negative impact directed at Scorpio will be neutralized by a talisman made of blue or purple amethyst. Sagittarius will be able to improve family relationships.

MASKOM gold earrings with amethyst and cubic zirconia (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Among all the signs, the stone highlights several favorites who can receive support and protection in any area of ​​life. The mineral favors the signs of the air element: Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. The stone helps the owner focus on specific goals, fills him with energy, and clears thoughts and emotions from doubt and chaos. In addition, the stone, which by its nature brings people together, will help air signs to weed out unnecessary acquaintances, leaving surrounded only by those people who are able to help, support or teach.

Artificial gem

With the development of science, people have learned to create various materials. Stones were no exception. Artificial amethyst is grown in special laboratories; the stone has the same physical properties, and the color of the mineral is determined in advance. Interesting fact: artificially created amethysts are not inferior in price to real ones.

The differences between natural and grown specimens are size, shape and color. The fact is that the amethyst color of natural crystals cannot be uniform. Some parts of the stone are always lighter or darker than the main mass. In the case of an artificial mineral, the color is always bright, rich and uniform.

Despite the fact that synthetic crystals were not created by nature, they do not belong to ornamental stones. In addition to similar chemical and physical properties, artificial amethyst has the same healing capabilities as a real stone.

Formally considered a second-tier gem, this gem entered the first line. All thanks to the luxurious purple color. He is loved by crowned persons, church hierarchs, rich people and ordinary citizens. Amethyst is believed to be a sober stone, a love talisman and an attribute of spiritual enlightenment.

History and origin

Science has established that the properties of amethyst were studied by the Sumerians. In Egypt, the stone was considered blessed; the Romans used it as decoration for small items, gems, and seals. The Chinese still make bowls and vessels from amethyst for storing valuable aromatic oils.


The generally accepted name for the stone was given by the ancient Greeks. It means “not drunk”, “sober”.

The Greeks came up with an instructive myth on this topic. Their god of wine and fun, Dionysus, fell passionately in love with the nymph Ametis. But she preferred the shepherd, which God could not accept. The nymph asked the goddess Artemis for help, who turned the beauty into a transparent stone. To revive it, Dionysus tipped a cup of wine onto the faded statue. This is how people got the most beautiful type of quartz, named in memory of the nymph.

Rings with amethyst are worn at feasts (corporate parties) so as not to get drunk and not say too much.

The mineral is also known as “lilac stone nobility”, “stone violet”, apostolic or bishop’s stone.

This is one of the 12 gems on the robe of the high priest of Ancient Judea. The Pope presents an amethyst ring to incoming cardinals. In Rus', this stone was especially revered by archbishops.

Amethyst adorns the crown of the British Empire and the crowns of Russian autocrats.

Only from the 18th century did the mineral become available to everyone who could afford it.

Physicochemical characteristics

Description of the classic amethyst: a type of quartz, an oblong translucent crystal of a deep purple hue.

Amethyst Crystals

The stone changes color when fired (320–750 °C). Thanks to this feature, plain quartz turns into yellow citrine. This is how rare citrine geodes are produced. Irradiation produces brown or green crystals.

Under different lighting, amethyst changes hue, and under ultraviolet light it quickly fades to white. It recovers slowly on its own, immediately under X-rays.

The color saturation of amethyst decreases by a percentage every year.

ColorViolet to pale reddish-violet.
ShineGlass, mother-of-pearl.
KinkConchoidal; quite fragile.
Density2.63-2.65 g/cm³

Place of extraction

Significant deposits of stone are concentrated in Russia, Asia, Africa (one of the largest deposits is in Zimbabwe), and South America. The richest vein is being developed in Austria.

The Ural stones are recognized as the most beautiful and expensive. Amethyst from a deep deposit is called “deep Siberian”.

Blue amethyst

However, most Russian deposits are not developed, mothballed or abandoned.

Varieties and colors

In nature, a purple mineral on a grayish base is common. However, the gem is distinguished by a variety of shades of the main color and others. There is no single point of view on the reasons for this.

Dark purple, delicate rose and rich red are rare.


The color of amethysts ranges from young lilac to deep violet, with bluishness, purple, lavender, and even almost black.

Prasiolite is synthesized, it is cheap, and has almost ousted its improved “competitor” from the market. When buying green amethysts, they carefully study the certificate - the countries of origin of the crystals can only be Brazil or the USA.


Interesting types of stone are ametrine and amethyst quartz. The first is a hybrid of amethyst and citrine, combining violet with yellowness. The second is a violet agglomerate with white stripes, which are created by interspersed ribbons of milky quartz.

Used as jewelry or decorative material.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists have studied the healing capabilities of the mineral. In addition to its main function - preventing you from getting drunk, the stone is endowed with other healing properties. Crystals, jewelry with them, or water infused with amethyst are used.

How does an amethyst crystal work (alone or in jewelry):

  • facial massage with a pebble improves color, removes freckles, fine wrinkles, age spots, papillomas or rashes;
  • the stone is warmed in the palms, then placed on the forehead or temples to relieve headaches or insomnia;
  • To ensure a sound sleep, place it under the pillow.

Purple Amethyst

If there is no time for procedures, water in which the amethyst was left overnight may be suitable. It is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for the purpose of:

  • remove toxins from blood vessels, liver and kidneys;
  • neutralize colds;
  • improve the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • remove swelling;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • cure mental disorders;
  • improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract and heart.

The healing properties of any amethyst are maximized if the crystal (preferably in silver) comes into contact with the skin. A silver pendant in the solar plexus area heals drug addiction.

A ring, beads or earrings with amethyst, worn constantly, prolong youth.

To nullify stress or the effects of radiation, healers recommend a black pebble.

Magic properties

Amethyst exhibits magical properties in different areas. Some are inherent in a mineral of any color, others are determined by its color.

General qualities

The main purpose of purple quartz is to prevent drunkenness or hangover.

The magic of amethyst in other colors helps to be alert in the morning, replenish energy or concentrate.

Violet is a stone of spirituality, virtues, promotes good people.

Wearing amethyst jewelry drives away torment or heavy thoughts, eliminates aggression, replacing it with prudence and nobility.


In controversial situations, the meaning of a stone for a person is ambiguous:

  • Amethyst is well suited for protecting the owner from the inadequacy of the environment. But it attracts negativity, so during quarrels, jewelry is removed to be cleaned later under running water.
  • Amethyst as a gift makes a person fall in love with the giver. Such gifts are appropriate between husband and wife. An offering of a stone from an outsider to one of the spouses will cause discord or break up the family. But the destroyer will not get happiness.
  • Amethyst will help you survive the loss of your “other half,” but a ring with it means that a person is not yet ready for new love.

The last quality is associated with the stereotype of amethyst as a stone of loneliness.

Amethyst bracelet

Color "specialization"

The magical properties of colored amethyst of the desired shade are effective for various purposes:

  • black - a talisman against external negativity (anger, rage or malice);
  • purple is an amulet against drunkenness. In addition, it is violet that is the mystical stone of the “third eye”, activating the superpowers of the owner; introduces to the Universal Mind and is used in meditation;
  • pink - emotional or love sphere, such an amethyst is ideal as a gift to the object of love;
  • green - the significance of this stone in establishing business relationships and business development;

In order for magical capabilities to manifest themselves stably and fully, the stone is constantly worn as a talisman and amulet. The untreated specimen is especially strong.

Talismans and amulets

The magical properties of the stone appear more clearly in jewelry:

  • a ring with an amethyst on the left ring finger for ladies, on the right - for gentlemen;
  • a ring with a black stone is the number one talisman for men;
  • the gold frame serves as an energy store and regulates the energy balance, the silver frame is responsible for external contacts and brings the desired changes.

Talisman with amethyst

The owner of the amulet jewelry is guaranteed the favor of management, respect from colleagues, well-being in the home, mental protection and luck.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Amethyst suits almost everyone's zodiac sign, but its favorites are Aquarius and Aries.

Zodiac signCompatibility (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - strictly contraindicated)
a lion-

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

Amethyst is a stone of Air. Gems of this element are translucent, with impurities or haze. The most famous: sapphire, hyacinth, rock crystal, smoky and rose quartz, peridot, chrysoprase, chrysoberyl, tourmaline, topaz, citrine, carnelian, lapis lazuli. Amethyst harmonizes with them energetically.

Pendant with amethyst

Astrology is against the duet of air minerals with water ones: they create uncomfortable vibrations.

As Pavel Globa found out, amethyst is incompatible with emerald according to the horoscope.

Application area

The only area of ​​use of amethyst is in the sphere of beauty.

Jewelry value scale

The evaluation characteristics of the stone differ from most gems, where the weight of the stone is first taken into account. The price of amethyst crystals depends on several characteristics, which are located in the following hierarchy:

  1. Color. Has the greatest influence on the price of the stone. The most expensive specimens are dark purple with a bluish or pink tint.
  2. Transparency. Compared to other “brothers”, with amethyst, on the contrary, the more transparent the stone, the cheaper. The most expensive ones are translucent. Crystals of absolute transparency are considered semi-precious.
  3. Cut. Elite stones have a mixed or stepped cut.
  4. Weight. Has little effect on the price of the stone.

Only the best varieties are cut, others become cabochons or are used for small decorative items.

Premium quality material - deep dark “Siberians”, then “Uruguay” and “Bahia” stones.


A transparent, medium-density purple specimen sells for $11–27 per carat.


On the Russian jewelry market, a rich violet-colored pebble costs 2.4–2.6 thousand rubles. per gram.

Prices for collectible samples (especially from depleted deposits) start from 1000 rubles. a piece.

Who is suitable for jewelry with amethyst?

This is a stone beyond age, type of appearance or level of event.

The richness of color makes it possible to choose an option for any occasion.

The younger the owner, the lighter the stone. For young girls, amethyst jewelry in delicate tones makes it look modest and luxurious at the same time. For an older woman - an exquisite purple brooch or necklace.

Jewelry in gold is suitable for dark-eyed brunettes, and in silver - for blue-eyed blondes. Dark stones form the men's range.

Artificial amethyst

The gem is synthesized in laboratories. Parameters (size, color and degree of transparency) are set in advance.

Gold pendant with amethyst

Artificial cultivation copies the natural process, using quartz as a basis, like natural stones. Therefore, artificial material is not considered a fake. Externally and physically they differ little. The origin is taken into account by people who cannot tolerate synthetics or use gems as a magical and healing attribute.

The affordable price of laboratory material has devalued natural stone - the cost of both is approximately the same.

How to spot a fake

Amethyst is the most valuable variety of quartz and is counterfeited.

Glass, plastic, artificial crystals or natural cheap stones, such as fluorite, are passed off as minerals.

You can distinguish a natural stone from a fake by yourself:

  • A real amethyst with a dull shade, it has uneven coloring and incomplete transparency.
  • Air bubbles, water bubbles or microcracks are common in natural stone. Synthetics are homogeneous: it is easier to obtain a perfect crystal that imitates natural flaws. But inside, traces of crystal growth are visible, which the natural mineral lacks.
  • The sample is evaluated in the shade and in the light. If the shade remains the same, the gem is real.
  • Amethyst scratches glass, but it cannot be damaged with a needle or knife. This is how glass or plastic is identified, but not grown stones.
  • The natural mineral in your hands heats up gradually.
  • The sample is immersed in water. With natural stone, after a couple of minutes the edges will turn slightly pale. This is inaccessible to artificial ones.
  • Under ultraviolet light or in the sun, a natural crystal will fade completely and equally, while synthetics will fade partially.
  • X-ray spectrum and structure analysis. It is expensive, carried out in a laboratory, but provides a guarantee.

A stone in a setting is assessed by shining a light on it. If the frame is solid, it is impossible to conduct such an experiment.

How to wear and care

The mineral is strong, but vulnerable.

Bracelet watch with amethyst

It requires special storage conditions and needs to be carefully looked after:

  1. The stone is damaged by falling or strong impacts.
  2. Gems are not worn to the beach or a summer walk. Jewelry looks better in the evening.
  3. Before doing housework, going to the shower or swimming pool, jewelry is removed.
  4. Clean the stone with soapy water, rub gently with a soft brush, rinse with running water, and dry with a napkin. Acids, alkalis or abrasives are excluded.
  5. Mental negativity is removed by washing the stone or jewelry with water for ten minutes every month.

Favorable time to buy

Amethyst products are bought on the 12th lunar day.

Store in a tightly closed box, taking it out from time to time. Worn for the first time on the 26th day of the lunar cycle.

Until the middle of the 18th century, only crowned heads and church hierarchs could wear it. Its properties and significance as a love talisman and a powerful amulet against intoxication are recognized. All this is an amethyst stone.

In ancient Greek the word means “not drunk.” According to myth, the god of wine and fun, Dionysus, was inflamed with passion for the beautiful Amethys. But she loved the shepherd. Dionysus did not retreat, then Artemis intervened. The goddess turned the nymph into a magnificent violet stone, protecting her from intoxication. Rings with amethyst were worn at feasts.

Amethyst and the magical properties of the stone were valued by the rulers of Sumer, the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, and the Chinese even today store precious aromatic oils in vessels made from it. The crowns of the British Empire and Russian Tsars are decorated with it.

This is one of the 12 stones on the breastplate of the high priest of Judah. Every new cardinal receives a ring with this stone upon his ordination from the Pope.


Amethyst and the description of its properties have been studied thoroughly for a long time. In fact, it is silica, the most expensive of quartz. In nature it is represented by diamond-shaped crystals of varying degrees of transparency.

The main advantage of the stone is its bright purple hue, which can be seen in the photo. The full color range - from pale pink to black - is determined by the following factors:

  • impurities of manganese, iron or cobalt;
  • organic pigments;
  • defects in the crystal structure plus iron ions.

Looks most impressive in natural light.

However, intense ultraviolet radiation is destructive: no matter what color the amethyst was originally, it fades and turns pale. It may discolor when exposed to strong heat, but will return to its original color as it cools. Regardless of storage conditions, a percentage of color intensity is lost annually. Solid mineral: characteristic on the Mohs scale 7 units out of 10 possible.

The gem is not considered rare; deposits are found all over the world. The most valuable stones in the Urals are supplied by tons from Brazil, but they are of low quality.

A precious mineral of the second order, amethyst acquired the significance of a first-class stone thanks to the luxury of its violet hue.

Green crystals (prasiolites) are prized; they are a true rarity, a black mineral with a deep, opaque color. Pink is even less common. Although the classic description of the stone by color is a deep purple crystal.

Therapeutic effect

The property of a stone to prevent a person from getting drunk is well known. However, stone treatment specialists - lithotherapists - recognize the importance of amethyst for solving many health problems.

The water in which the amethyst lay all night, drunk before breakfast, helps:

  • cleanse blood vessels, liver, kidneys, defeat colds;
  • debug the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • relieve swelling, remove bruises, reduce joint pain, normalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen the nervous system, reducing tension and stress; it helps cure mental disorders (except paranoia or schizophrenia);
  • for diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart;
  • for gout;
  • to saturate the blood with oxygen.

Amethyst is a semi-precious variety of quartz. The stone is indeed very beautiful, it is possible to find large specimens. In addition to the stones themselves, gemologists are also attracted by their configuration in the ground, so sometimes amethysts are cut out as whole druses of bizarre shapes up to 50 centimeters in size. How amethyst is mined and where it can be purchased are questions that interest fans and collectors of this mineral.

The stone is a full-fledged crystal, so it has been growing in the ground for centuries. For its formation, not only the SiO2 substance in the soil is necessary, but also special temperature conditions. You also need to maintain a certain pressure. During crystal growth, impurities of manganese and other substances enter it, which form a purple tint.

Amethyst mining

Amethyst can be found near volcanic rocks, for example, as part of rock crystal, and sometimes specimens are found in sedimentary rocks. The durability of its color will depend on where the amethyst was mined: if it is among volcanic rocks, such a stone is more protected from high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

When the stone is heated, it becomes either yellow or colorless. This is how citrine is obtained. But with uncontrolled overheating, the crystal becomes very fragile and can crumble in your hands.

Methods for extracting stone

Stone mining is carried out both at the amateur and industrial levels. To do this as a hobby does not require any special skill or training. Amethyst mining happens:

  • Using underground quarries or workings. The rock is raised to the surface by people or machines. This type of deposit is called geodes. These are large cavities in which the walls are chalcedony, and the insides contain amethyst. The shape of the deposits is called drusen, which means the accretion of thousands of small crystals. The method is the most expensive from a material point of view, since equipment is needed to lift drusen from geodes to the surface. The sizes can be quite large, druses are sawed and citrine is found. Sometimes such finds are used for interior decoration in an unchanged form. But due to the financial costs, this method is used less often than others.
  • Normal collection of stones from the ground. This is how stones were mined a hundred years ago. But minerals do not always lie free on the ground. Most often, amethyst has to be chipped from rocks or stones using a pickaxe, hammer or other tool, sometimes by blasting the rock. This method is the most cost-effective, since it is quite easy to notice the stone. The main thing is to look for amethysts near deposits. The shape of such stones will be less beautiful than that of geodes, but if the material is processed and cut, then the extraction method does not matter.
  • Extraction of material from placers. There are especially many placers on the shores of the White Sea. There is a high probability of finding amethyst near the surf or in the crevices of coastal rocks. Sometimes you can just pick it up, but it's best to carry a pickaxe or hammer with you.
  • Artificial extraction, produced in a laboratory. The idea is to quickly grow quartz crystals. They are more durable in color and can be given any shade during the procedure. Such crystals have no defects, and their cost is much lower than natural specimens.

Amethyst druse, amethyst brush

Where are amethysts found?

Most semi-precious amethysts are mined in countries such as:

  1. Uruguay.
  2. Brazil.
  3. Russia (Ural).
  4. Mexico.
  5. Namibia.

But if you want to not only find out where amethyst is mined, but also extract the stone yourself, it is best to go to Finland. There is a famous mine called "Lampivaara" in the city of Luosto in Lapland. This is the only operating mine in Europe with a centuries-old history and manual extraction of stone. Each tourist can find his own copy and even take it with him. Such deposits, which are open to tourists, can be found in the USA. There, the stone mined by tourists will be immediately processed and can even be inserted into some product of the client’s choice.

Different deposits had different conditions for the formation of stone. Therefore, amethysts will also differ from each other. At a minimum, gemologists identify several shades, which determine the cost of the stone.

The most expensive shade is considered to be Deep Siberian (deep Siberian), which is mined in large quantities in Russia. It amazes with its brightness and saturation. And the most popular and frequently used color in sales is the “Rose of France” color. It is forbidden to heat the stones; it is better to store them away from sunlight and not wear them in the summer. When buying an amethyst, do not forget to inquire about the documents of the stone, its origin and authenticity.

Mining amethyst is not a difficult matter from a mineralogy point of view. The popularity of the stone is still great; you don’t even have to process the found mineral, but simply use sections. The stones are truly diverse, so mining will remain profitable for a long time.

Amethyst is one of the most famous stones. Probably everyone can imagine what he looks like. However, collectors and lovers of mineralogy will be interested in learning everything about the mineral amethyst - its application and properties, all information useful for stone lovers - in this article.

The name of the stone comes from the ancient Greek word "methystos", which means "to be intoxicated", and the prefix "a" - negation. The gem received this name because there was a belief: it can protect its owner from cravings for alcohol. Well, in English they call it “amethyst”. Crystals can be 10-45 centimeters in size.

Classification (colors, varieties, types)

Varieties differ in color and number of inclusions. They are like this:

  1. Brandberg. The mineral is a combination of amethyst and smoky quartz crystals. This rarity is found only in Africa (Namibia), according to the legends of the local population, it is capable of healing.
  2. Chevron. The shape of such a stone is in the form of the letter “V”; it is a combination of amethyst and quartz, but white. It is almost never used in jewelry, but esotericists value it. Mined in Mexico.
  3. Ametrine. Amethyst plus citrine - the result is a gem of a purple-golden hue.
  4. Rutile amethyst. Contains natural inclusions of rutile quartz and goethite. Many believe that it can even make a wish come true.

Transparent amethysts are considered semi-precious stones, while opaque amethysts are considered ornamental.

Chemical composition

Is silicon dioxide. Its chemical formula is: SiO2. Often contains iron (Fe) impurities.

Physical properties

The stone has the following characteristics:

  • Hardness on the Moss scale - 7;
  • Specific gravity - 2.65 grams per cubic centimeter;
  • Density is 2.63 - 2.65 grams per cubic centimeter;
  • Refractive index - ne = 1.553; no = 1.544; ne – no = 0.01;
  • Maximum birefringence - δ = 0.009.

The color of the line is white, the luster is glassy or pearlescent, and is transparent. Quite fragile, the fracture is conchoidal, the system is trigonal. The most common forms of discharge are crystals, brushes, and druses.

Amethyst has a weak ability to luminescent in green shades, slightly pleochroic in lilac-brown tones. If the mineral is heated to high temperatures, it changes color: 500 degrees gives it a yellow color, 575 gives it an orange color.

Production (fields)

Deposits are found in the following regions:

  • Germany (Idar-Oberstein, Birkenfeld, Chemnitz);
  • Austria (Zillertal);
  • Russia (Middle Urals, Murzinka);
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Brazil;
  • North America;
  • Madagascar;
  • Uruguay;
  • Armenia.

Among Russian deposits, since the 16th century, stone has been mined on the Kola Peninsula. In the Murmansk region there is even the area “Amethysts of Cape Korabl”, which is a geological monument.

History (mythology)

Amethyst has been known since ancient Egyptian civilization. The ancient Romans considered it very valuable, and then they began to believe that it was able to protect the owner from intoxication. Not everyone, however, believed in it: the famous writer Pliny the Elder laughed at those who attributed such a wonderful property.

Theologians of the Middle Ages called the mineral “apostle’s stone.” The first followers of Christianity made rings with amethyst for themselves, then they began to be worn by the highest ranks of the clergy.

With the advent of modern means of extracting deposits from the bowels of the Earth, amethyst began to be found on a large scale. Now the main methods are quarries or underground workings. Sometimes a gem is broken off directly from the earth's surface. And when it comes to placers, washing is used.

Scope and scope

Zodiac sign

Astrologers recommend wearing it primarily to those whose zodiac sign belongs to the water element. The aura of the stone suits Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios:

  1. It will help Pisces in literally everything: family relationships, career, peace of mind. This is perfect compatibility.
  2. Nervous Cancers will be most helped to maintain peace of mind. That is, amethyst in this case allows you to establish relationships with yourself, your personality.
  3. Scorpio will be able to better concentrate on important matters if he wears amethyst jewelry. And all sorts of little things will be erased from the owner’s consciousness.

However, representatives of other zodiac signs can also wear items with amethyst or store it on a shelf at home; it can bring something to them - for everyone:

  1. It will give Aries prudence, restraint, and pacify their hot-tempered temperament; in addition, it is very suitable for expectant mothers born under this sign.
  2. For Taurus whose birthday falls before May 1, the gem will remove all negativity and, in addition, sharpen their mind. Business Taurus will bring good luck in business.
  3. For Gemini, it is suitable for cases of increased anxiety and insomnia. It will also bring success on the love front.
  4. Cancers should be worn if they were born before July 1st. Then the stone will bring harmony and peace into life - including with other people.

Who is not suitable for amethyst? There are also such signs:

  1. Leos need to beware of the gem. He is too calm for the stormy energy of this sign, however, he will not cause harm.
  2. Virgos are already pragmatic, so there will be no benefit or harm.

Medicinal properties


Actively used by jewelers. Natural stone is inserted into necklaces, rings, and pendants. Thus, among the museum exhibits there are amulets that were made in Ancient Egypt 6 centuries BC. This continued much later, in the New Time a tradition arose of using the mineral to make mourning jewelry.

The traditional cut is circle or oval. The fancy, rare type includes the “cabochon”. In general, the mineral can be modified into any shape; for example, there are products in the shape of a heart. As for heat treatment, it is usually not used unless there is a purpose to change color.

The cost of amethyst several centuries ago was much higher than today - after all, some deposits were discovered quite recently. Now jewelry with it is available not only to elite circles. Prices vary depending on the color of the mineral: the more saturated, the more expensive. Additionally, purer amethysts also cost more.

Now you can buy a stone at approximately the cost:

  • 3 carats (30x15 millimeters) - 3100 rubles;
  • 14 carats (20x10 millimeters) - 3,700 rubles;
  • 51 carats (40x33 millimeters) - 6500 rubles.

If we talk about eye color, it is best suited for owners of brown eyes, as well as women of the “Winter” color type. Where to wear rings? On the ring finger of the left hand.

As for clothing, it is better to combine such jewelry with comfortable things in calm colors; amethyst “does not like overly flashy” ones.

Stone and name


However, there are a couple of household methods:

  1. It has high hardness and is therefore very difficult to scratch. If damage appears easily, it is most likely a fake made of glass. True, synthetic stone cannot be distinguished that way.
  2. The color and clarity of real amethyst are not completely even and saturated to the same degree. Nature “gives” errors. You can examine the gem through a magnifying glass and thus note if there are any inclusions.
  3. You can put it in water for half a minute. If you then look at its edges, they will look discolored; if the shade does not change, the amethyst is not real.

Stone care

If the decoration has become dull or lost its brightness, alas, it is impossible to return the properties back. Therefore, it is better to take care of the products in a timely manner.

So, if grease stains or dust appear, it is worth cleaning. It is best to leave it in the hands of professionals - they can do it using ultrasound. This “gentle” method will not harm, and the dirt will come off completely.

However, it is also worth caring for at home. You should not use caustic household chemicals; it is better to simply prepare a soap solution and soak the stone or product for half an hour. For severe dirt, you can use a brush with soft bristles. Having finished cleaning, you need to wipe the jewelry again with a damp cloth, then with a dry soft cloth - everything will shine!

You should not expose amethyst to direct sunlight; it is better to choose a dark and dry place, even a jewelry box. High temperatures are also contraindicated for stone. Finally, do not store it in the bathroom - household chemicals are harmful to it.

The beautiful mineral amethyst is one of the most popular. Almost any fashionista will be able to use jewelry with it to complement her style, and a collector cannot do without such a stone on the shelf.

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