Acidanthera cultivation and care in the open. Acidanthera, or Gladiolus Muriel. Growing. Care. Reproduction. Rules for planting Acidanthera flowers in open ground

Landscape design 24.10.2023
Landscape design

One of the most spectacular flowers in a summer cottage is Acidanthera from the genus Iris (Casatiaceae family). It is difficult to immediately say which other flower it is more similar to. There is something of narcissus, gladiolus and orchid in it. Ethiopia and nearby African countries are considered to be the birthplace of this plant. In total, there are about 40 varieties in the world, but only one is predominantly cultivated (due to its wide distribution) - the two-color acidanthera.

Externally, acidanthera is a tall plant (height up to 120 cm) with long, erect, pointed leaves and an elegant, thin stem. Large flowers (about 10 cm in diameter) with wide, pointed petals are shaped like a star. Their color is predominantly white or purple; in the middle of the flower there is always a dark contrasting spot.

Despite the fact that the plant has African roots, it grows quite well in the Russian climate (the bulbs need to be dug up for the winter). The location on the site should be windless and as sunny as possible. With a lack of light, flowering can be either inexpressive or absent altogether.

For cultivation, beds with good drainage are better suited, since acidanthera does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of water (the bulbs may begin to rot). The soil should have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction.

To speed up the flowering of acidanthera, it should be planted in pots in early March (placed on windowsills). In May, the plant can be planted in open ground in a permanent place.

Acidanthera can be propagated in 3 main ways: seeds, bulbs, children.

The first method is used very rarely, as it takes the longest. Seeds for seedlings should be planted in the second watering of February or early March. Grown up shoots with several true leaves dive into separate pots. The optimal temperature for growing should be about +20 C. Expect the first flowering with this method no earlier than the 3rd year.

When growing acidanthera from corms, planting is done in the spring. The bulbs, depending on their size, should be buried 8-12 cm into the soil. The distance between adjacent holes should be about 12-20 cm (large bulbs are planted further apart).

Children (daughter bulbs) on the mother corm are collected in the fall, after digging up the acidanthera for the winter. In the spring, the children are planted in beds, just like ordinary corms, but not so deep and closer to each other. Be immediately prepared for the fact that in this case you may have to wait for the first flowers, although some gardeners assure that good care sometimes works wonders.

When caring for acidanthera, pay special attention to periodic loosening and weeding of the soil, regular watering, application of mineral fertilizers, and timely removal of faded flowers.

The main pests of acidanthera are scale insects, bulb mites and slugs. Control measures here are generally standard, as for other plants (onion root mite: description and control methods; how to get rid of slugs; fufanon: instructions for use).

After the acidanthera has faded, they completely stop applying any fertilizers and make watering less abundant. All flower stalks should be removed, leaving only the lower leaves, which are necessary for feeding the tubers.

Before the first frost, the tubers are dug out of the ground. Almost the entire stem of the corms is removed, leaving a small part about 2 cm long. After cleaning the soil and roots, you need to carefully separate the children. After this, the tubers are allowed to dry naturally in a dry room at a constant temperature of about +20...+22 C for a month. Next, they are carefully cleaned of scales, roots and leaf residues, which should be easily separated with the slightest effort (no need to cut anything off). It is advisable to additionally wrap each bulb in a dry paper napkin, place it in a ventilated container and put it away for long-term storage in a dry, dark room with a temperature of at least +15 C. In the spring, 2 weeks before planting, the bulbs will need to be warmed up by moving them to a room with a temperature of about +22 C.

Acidantheras are very suitable for decorating flower beds. They can be used in alpine slides. These plants will also look good around artificial ponds. Acidantheras should definitely be planted in close proximity to benches and gazebos. The pleasant fragrant aroma of these flowers will allow you to relax and have a good rest.

Landscape designers often plant acidanthera in compositions with perennials in red and purple shades. Sage, aconite or asters can make good company for them.

Acidanthera (in common parlance – fragrant gladiolus) is an incredibly beautiful flower that can be found in almost every summer cottage. Its name comes from the words “acidos” - sharp, and “anthos” - flower.

Let's look at its main characteristics, look at what types of it exist, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and also talk about how to properly grow this wonderful flower.

Description and characteristics of the Acidanthera flower

The genus of this flower family includes almost 40 species, which are mostly found in the African tropics. Externally, this flower resembles a gladiolus, which is why it received its second name.

It has straight stems and linear leaves. The flowers themselves are large - 7-9 cm in diameter. They are elegant and emit a delicate aroma. They come in pink, white, yellow or purple shades.

The flower tube is long and bent. The segments are uniform, collected in an inflorescence of 3-6 spikelets. The bulb has a round shape, approximately 5 cm in diameter, which is covered on top with a light brown shell. The fruit grows in the form of an elongated capsule.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like other flowers, fragrant gladiolus has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the main ones.

  • Wonderful appearance;
  • Easy to plant;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Low cost of seeds.
  • Difficulty in accessing seeds in our region
  • Quite a high cost
  • The need to protect the plant from frost

Types of Acidanthera variety

The acidanthera variety has about a dozen different species. But, let’s consider only those that are most often found in our country and tolerate the Russian climate well.


Occurs most often. Brought to Russia from Ethiopia. The flowers strongly resemble gladiolus, but they are not pressed against the stem, but are located on long stalks.

Muriela (Muriel)

Originally from the Cape Peninsula of South Africa. It has white flowers with purple veins and a greenish spot in the throat.

Two-color white

It was discovered near the South African river Dory. It has white flowers of a crimson hue with a spot in the throat.

Rules for planting Acidanthera flowers in open ground

Acidanthera bulbs should be planted in the spring. Their seeds are placed in the ground to a depth of 7-13 cm, with a distance of 11-20 cm from each other, depending on the size of the flower.

In order for the acidanthera to bloom as early as possible, it should be grown in small pots, starting in March. The diameter of the container should be 12-15 cm, and a maximum of 5 bulbs can be planted in one such pot.

Flowers grow in greenhouse conditions, or in a bright place in the apartment. At the end of May, the plants can be transplanted into the garden. By adhering to this scheme, you can grow more powerful, abundantly flowering acidanthera.

Acidanthera is a plant that loves warmth. Therefore, it should be grown in open ground only in southern latitudes. If the climate is cool (like ours), then the best option is a greenhouse.

Rules of care

Each plant (and acidanthera is no exception) requires constant self-care and systematic inspection. Without this, the plant will simply wither or fail to meet the expected results. How to care for acidanthera.

Regular watering

As soon as the soil in a pot or garden begins to dry out, it needs to be moistened. But it is important to avoid overwatering.


Once a week, the soil around the plant needs to be loosened.

Weeds need to be weeded as they grow around the plant.

Top dressing

Produced weekly using mineral fertilizers.


Acidanthera flower, similar to gladiolus, can reproduce by seeds, bulbs (children from corms). Let's look at each of the methods in more detail.


This method is rarely used, since it will take a very long time for the plant to bloom. Its scheme is as follows - at the end of March, the seeds must be planted in fertilized, loose soil rich in minerals, and sent to a room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Of course, seedlings must be constantly monitored.


Many babies are formed on the bulbs. In spring they need to be planted in furrows or containers with loose soil. You will have to systematically do weeding, add water, and loosen the soil. After a couple of years, nodules will grow that can be transplanted to a permanent location.

Possible diseases and pests and methods of combating them

Acidanthera in a suburban area can be eaten by pests such as snails and slugs. Therefore, before planting the plant, the bulbs must be carefully treated with fungicides, which will also protect the plant from dry and soft rot in the future.

The first sign of rotting is dark spots, close to the color of rust, which are most often located on the leaves of the flower. Having discovered such a stain, the affected leaf must be removed.

In addition to pests, a flower can become infected with a variety of viral infections. Therefore, the soil must be systematically fertilized with special fertilizers that protect it from microbes, and the leaves must also be treated with antiseptic agents.

To get a good harvest, you need to use high-quality seeds. The most productive varieties can be ordered on the official website "Gardens of Russia". Large selection of varieties for every taste.

Preparing for winter

When the flower has completely faded, you need to stop fertilizing it and minimize watering. The peduncles are cut off, and the leaves are left at the bottom - they are necessary for feeding the tubers.

With the onset of winter, the tubers and leaves must be dug up together. Then the stems are separated from the bulbs (about 2 cm are left). The tuber is cleared from the ground, and the children are carefully separated from it.

How to store acidanthera at home in winter

After the tubers have dried, they need to be placed in a warm room with a temperature of 20-22 degrees, and kept there for a month. Then they need to be cleaned of scales, remaining leaves and roots.

Then each bulb is wrapped in a paper napkin, placed in a paper bag with holes (for air circulation), and stored in a dark place with a temperature of about 15 degrees.

Helpful advice!

Before planting the bulbs again, they should be heated in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees for a week.

Acidanthera in landscape design

Acidanthera is an incredibly beautiful plant. Therefore, it is often used in landscape design. Acidanthera is used to decorate flower beds and artificial ponds, alpine slides, etc.

Moreover, a “bonus” of this design can be called a very pleasant, sophisticated aroma of flowers, which will accompany homeowners in the gazebo, in the yard, near a bench, etc.

Acidanthera looks most impressive when planted in groups, or in combination with other plants: sage, perennial, aconite, aster, and all others whose flowers have a red or purple hue.

And it is no coincidence that the cidanthera, or gladiolus Muriel (Gladiolus murielae), was included in the genus Gladiolus. The rules for growing acidanthera and gladiolus are in many ways similar, which means they are familiar to many and not burdensome. (You are reading the continuation of the article about Acidanthera, or Gladiolus Muriel. See the beginning of the article)

Growing acidanthera.

In the acidanthera garden, it is better to have a sunny place, or at least light partial shade. In the shade, the flowering of acidanthera is weak, sometimes completely absent. Although the peduncle of acidanthera is strong and rarely needs tying up, it is better to plant it in places protected from the wind. Acidanthera is not picky about soils. In addition to heavy clay soils, it can grow on almost any soil, including shallow soils. Therefore, acidanthera is well suited for planting in containers, and can be grown as a houseplant. Acidanthera grows well in moist, well-drained soils. The top layer of soil where the plant grows should never dry out. But overfilling acidanthera is just as harmful as not overfilling it, and moderation must be observed here. Stagnation of water in the soil is especially dangerous for acidanthera; this can cause its corm to rot. The best flowering of acidanthera in the garden can be obtained by growing it in light, fertile, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Therefore, before planting, the soil is dug up and well seasoned with organic and mineral fertilizers. Acidanthera corms are planted in open ground after the threat of frost. However, when planting this heat-loving plant in late May - early June, it is not always possible to achieve full flowering. In a cold and rainy summer, acidanthera may not bloom at all.

Growing acidanthera.

Acidanthera is often planted in the ground in a mature state. In this case, it manages to bloom magnificently and for a long time during August and early September, and the corms have time to store enough nutrients for flowering next year. In March, acidanthera corms are taken out of storage and placed in the light at room temperature so that they begin to grow and shoot. After this, the corms are planted in pots with soil and grown on the windowsill until April. In mid-April, pots of acidanthera can be transferred to a loggia or greenhouse, and in May they can be planted in heated soil or in containers along with a lump of earth from the container so as not to disturb the roots.

Acidanthera. Planting and care.

Acidanthera is planted in the ground to a depth of up to 8 cm, depending on the size of the corm, leaving a distance of 12 cm between plants. Acidanthera loves moisture, so in summer, especially in hot weather, it needs watering. From the moment flowering begins, watering is slightly reduced. Once every 10-14 days, the acidanthera is fed with instant complex fertilizers, combining feeding with watering. To prevent moisture evaporation, the soil where acidanthera grows is mulched in the usual ways: peat, humus, grass clippings, etc. Mulching also helps prevent the appearance of weeds. During the growing season, monitor for diseases (rust, powdery mildew, root rot, wilt, mosaic) and pests (thrips, aphids, spider mites, slugs) that may affect plants. In case of these problems and for their prevention, drugs from the store are used. After flowering, the flower stalks are cut off so that the acidanthera corm can ripen. Indeed, if the seeds ripen, the acidanthera will not store nutrients in the underground organ, and the seeds will produce flowering plants only after a few years. To extend the growing season of acidanthera and protect it from spring or autumn frosts, during these periods the acidanthera is covered with lutrasil (or other material) or the containers are transferred to a warm place.

Storing acidanthera corms.

In the fall, acidanthera corms are dug up for storage, usually at the end of September. The upper leaves of the plant are cut off, leaving the lower ones, and dried for 2-4 weeks in the shade in a ventilated room at a temperature of +18-20 °C, for example in the attic. Before drying, it is recommended to soak the corms in any fungicide for plants according to the instructions. When the corms are dry, the dried above-ground part of the acidanthera can be easily removed by unscrewing. The roots of the dried corm are cut off and stored. Acidanthera corms are stored, like gladioli, in a dry, ventilated room at a temperature of +10-15 °C, wrapped in thin paper such as newspaper. You can place the corms in a box with peat, perlite, or vermiculite. When corms are stored at lower temperatures, flowering is delayed or absent altogether. It is not always possible to preserve corms. Often they do not have time to accumulate nutrients during the growing season and become unviable. Therefore, lovers of these plants buy new acidanthera corms every year.

Reproduction of acidanthera.

Acidanthera can be propagated by corms, children and seeds. Seed propagation is rarely used in amateur floriculture, since after it you have to wait a long time for the acidanthera to bloom. More often, acidanthera is propagated by children, of which a lot is formed on the corm. They are planted in growing beds and carefully looked after: watered, fed, loosened the soil, weeded, dug up for winter storage. Only after 2-3 years do such corms reach a size capable of forming flowers. With good care, the acidanthera corm can live up to 5 years or more.

Once you become more familiar with Acidanthera, or Gladiolus Muriel, you should not have any difficulty growing these flowers. Therefore, we wish you to fully enjoy the grace and strength of acidanthera, wherever you grow it, in the garden or on the loggia. Good luck to you!

In the photo: Acidanthera. She is also Gladiolus Murielae (Gladiolus murielae), Acidanthera bicolor (Acidanthera bicolor), Acidanthera Muriel (Acidanthera murielae), beautiful-flowered gladiolus (or gladiolus callanthus) (Gladiolus callianthus), Muriel sword (Gladiolus murielae) and simply fragrant gladiolus.

Read more about bulbous plants:

Acidanthera, also known as fragrant gladiolus, in its appearance really resembles this very popular flower in our country. At the same time, its flowers look more elegant, but the main difference is the delicate aroma that the acidanthera exudes. Despite the rather tall stems, which in some cases reach a height of up to 120 cm, the flower does not need support and successfully withstands even strong gusts of wind.

A few words about proper landing

The conditions for growing acidanthera largely depend on the climatic characteristics of the region. In the south of the country, it will successfully take root in open ground, but in areas with a more severe climate, the only place for its cultivation is considered to be a greenhouse. Acidanthera prefers fertile soil with an acidic pH.

It is quite possible to prepare a suitable soil yourself if you mix two parts of humus and leaf soil with a mixture of sand and turf, taken one part at a time. Acidanthera is also a light-loving plant; planting and caring for it should accordingly take this circumstance into account. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it in a well-lit and heated area that has a drainage system that prevents stagnation of water in the soil.

At the same time, the acidanthera needs to be protected from direct sun, the rays of which can burn its leaves and flowers. The best option would be to plant it in a well-lit place that receives only diffuse sunlight. This place is also suitable for growing blueberries.

Acidanthera can be grown either from seeds or tubers.

Acidanthera - planting with tubers

Most gardeners prefer the latter method, since it allows you to grow stronger specimens that have a long flowering period.

In March, several bulbs are placed in a small container at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. Until the end of spring, the seedlings can be kept at home, and then planted in a permanent place. The planting depth in the garden should be at least 12 cm, and it is advisable to place a little sand at the bottom of the hole. The same distance is considered optimal for growing individual specimens.

Acidanthera - planting with seeds

Caring for and planting acidanthera with seeds involves sowing them at the end of winter. Loose, fertile soil in which the seeds are placed at a shallow depth is well suited for this purpose.

By summer, the young plants will already be strong enough to be transplanted into open ground, but during this procedure it is very important not to damage the root system of the young acidanthera. Acidanthera grown from seeds begins to bloom only after a few years.

Acidanthera - care instructions

The plant is demanding regarding watering, especially during the period of growth and flowering. In addition, for a flower such as acidanthera, planting and care during the flowering period must necessarily include fertilizing with mineral fertilizers at least once every 7-10 days. When the plant has already faded and is in a dormant state, its watering should be limited and fertilizing should be stopped altogether. The soil near the base of the acidanthera stems must be constantly loosened and cleared of weeds. If you prefer indoor flowers, pay attention to the features of planting and caring for alocasia.

Before the onset of winter, you need to carefully dig up the acidanthera, cut off the stem, leaving no more than ten centimeters, and clean the bulb from soil and children and let it dry for a month in a warm room. After this, the bulb must be wrapped in paper and placed until spring in a dry and fairly warm place with a temperature of up to 15 degrees. In the spring, the tubers are transferred to a room where they are warmed up for two weeks and in May they are planted in open ground.

Many gardeners were captivated by the tropical beauty of the perennial acidanthera. Planting and caring for this heat-loving plant requires creating favorable conditions for it in the garden. However, the efforts spent will pay off not only with the luxurious decorative appearance of the flower, but will also fill the atmosphere with a pleasant, delicate aroma of exotic flowers.

Acidanthera: varieties and varieties

Acidanthera is known to flower growers under other names. These perennial flowers are also called Muriel's gladiolus or swordweed. In nature, the flower is widespread in tropical regions of Africa and Asian countries.

Acidanthera alba

Acidanthera belongs to the Iris family. These are corm-like herbaceous plants, varieties of which, when grown in open ground, reach a height of approximately 1 m. They have long narrow sword-shaped leaves. The stem can be decorated with from one to ten buds. The flowers are medium in size, about 5-6 cm in diameter, with a pleasant aroma.

Flower growers are engaged in growing acidanthera not only in the garden, but also indoors. The following varieties are propagated in open ground:

  • Acidanthera bicolor is the most common variety. Its varieties form up to a dozen buds on one plant. The petals are white with a bright purple base, creating the effect of a colored center.
  • Tropical acidanthera is a tall perennial plant, the stem is up to 130 cm long. The flower combines pure white petals with large pink spots.
  • Acidanthera white - stands out among other varieties with its pure snow-white petals.

Planting acidanthera

The technology for planting acidanthera is not at all complicated. But it is very important to choose the right place for growing this tropical guest. When breeding in open ground, it needs to be provided with access to the sun. In addition, these are heat-loving perennial flowers, and planting will be successful only in regions with a mild climate.

Acidanthera bicolor

The soil should have a slightly acidic reaction. To ensure such conditions, you can add a little peat to the planting site.

The landing itself is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. In spring, the bulbs are placed in pots to a depth of about 5 cm for germination.
  2. The pots are left in a warm place, caring for them involves watering.
  3. With the arrival of stable warm days, holes are prepared in the flowerbed for sprouted bulbs.
  4. Depending on the variety, holes are dug at a distance of 10 to 20 cm from each other.
  5. In open ground, planting material is placed to a depth of 10-12 cm.

Plant care

Acidanthera is undemanding in care. But it should be borne in mind that this is a moisture-loving crop, so the flowerbed needs to be moistened abundantly. At the same time, stagnation of water in the soil should not be allowed. This phenomenon is often observed on heavy soils. It is recommended to arrange drainage so that the bulbs and roots do not suffer from excess moisture.

Advice. It is useful to combine watering with loosening the beds and mulching the soil.

The perennial is a heat-loving plant and it is not advisable to leave the bulbs in open ground during the winter. With the arrival of persistent cold weather, they are taken out of the ground.

Acidanthera tropicalis

Before sending for storage, planting material is allowed to dry thoroughly at room temperature. This process takes 3-4 weeks. After this, the bulbs are placed in paper bags and kept at a temperature of +15°C until spring planting.

Fertilizer and fertilizing of acidanthera

Caring for perennial flowers to maintain the decorative appearance of the plant requires fertilizing.

  • The first time fertilizer is applied to acidanthera 2 weeks after the shoots appear on the soil surface. To do this, use a complex mineral fertilizer with a high proportion of nitrogen or a urea solution.
  • The next feeding will be required during flowering. During this period, phosphorus-potassium mixtures are used.

Reproduction of acidanthera

The perennial is propagated by seeds and bulbs of an adult plant. To grow exotic from seeds, they adhere to the following technology:

  1. Sowing into containers begins in February.
  2. Seed germination occurs at a temperature of +20°C.
  3. Seedlings dive into pots or open ground.
  4. In the fall, the bulbs formed from seedlings are dug up to be sent for winter storage.
  5. In spring, planting material is germinated and then planted in a flower bed.

Reproduction by children is carried out as replacement bulbs form. They are separated during the autumn harvest of planting material from the garden bed, and in the spring they are planted in a permanent place in the usual way.

Diseases and pests

Improper watering of the flower provokes the development of rot. This can also occur in the absence of drainage on heavy soils. Caring for affected flowers consists of treating them with fungicides.

Acidanthera is a noticeable flower that becomes a bright accent in landscape design. The combination with other inhabitants of the garden should not compete with it. Therefore, it is better to choose low-growing flowering perennials as flowerbed partners, such as alyssum, begonia, and lilies of the valley.

Advice. As medium-sized neighbors, you can use decorative foliage flowers - hostas, heucheras, brunners.

Acidanthera in landscape design

In landscape design, acidanthera stands out beautifully against the background of other, less colorful plants. With its help, it is easy to give a more attractive look to artificial ponds, rockeries and alpine slides in combination with ground cover perennials. Plantings along fences and other fences make them an organic decorative element in landscape design.

Combination of acidanthera with other plants

Thanks to its tall stems, Acidanthera will perfectly decorate benches and benches installed in the garden, forming a row of plant railings. It would be appropriate to plant flowers near the gazebo, porch or veranda.

Once a sophisticated gardener sees a photo of acidanthera, it is difficult to resist planting it on his plot. The delicate beauty of the flower will decorate any garden, and thanks to the plant’s ability to form planting material, your favorite variety can be grown an infinite number of times.

Acidanthera: planting and care (video)

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