How is height measured? How is height and height measured? What anthropometric indicators are used to determine the size of clothes and shoes, how to measure them correctly

Sewerage 23.10.2023

Information to help you take measurements and select sizes.

International standardization will probably never reach clothing sizes. But this factor is very important when choosing it, especially if you have to buy it in online stores. We will explain to you how to take measurements to determine your clothing size.

You know, in our opinion, the Russian size designation system is universal. It is based on the international system of units, that is, the base unit of measurement is the centimeter. However, in many countries, pounds, inches and other unusual units of length are still in use today.

We'll show you how to properly measure all your convex and concave shapes. But before that we would like to remind...

Why is it important to choose your size carefully?

According to consumer rights law, the store will accept the return of clothing or shoes that are the wrong size. But if you made the wrong choice, that is, you made a mistake, you will have to pay:

  • shipping costs to and from you;
  • commission fee for forming, packaging, documenting the order.

In addition, it will be very disappointing to receive a long-awaited order and find out that the suit, trousers or blouse are too small or too big for you.

How to take measurements to determine size

So, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, we will dance from our understandable and logical Russian sizes. The design of clothing that is sewn in Belarus is standardized by Russian standards: GOST 31399-2009 and GOST 31396-2009. All this is based on measurements of typical, that is, the most common, female figures.

To determine your size, take a measuring tape, or better yet, ask someone else to do it.

How to measure breast volume. Stand straight, don't slouch, don't bend back. Chest girth is measured horizontally at the most protruding points of the chest in front, the lower corner of the armpit and along the lower edge of the shoulder blades at the back. In the picture it is a “ribbon” with the number 16.

How to measure your waist. Waist circumference is measured horizontally at the narrowest point of the figure. Dear girls! There is no need to pull in your stomach with all your might. You don’t have to report the results to your friends or MCH. However, to determine women's size, as a rule, it is enough to measure the circumference of the chest and hips.

How to measure your hips. The circumference of the hips is also measured horizontally at a distance of approximately 20 cm from the waist line along the protruding points of the buttocks, taking into account the protrusion of the abdomen. To measure correctly, take some kind of flexible, flat thing. For example, Whatman paper. Wrap it around your hips vertically in front like an apron. And take the measurement as shown in the picture.

How to measure your leg length (pants length). Stand up straight and give the measuring tape to your assistant. He should measure the distance from the waist to the floor.

To measure the inseam length, stand so that the distance between your feet is approximately 10 cm, distribute your weight evenly on both legs. An assistant should measure the distance from the groin to the floor along the leg.

How to determine your clothing size

Sizing for blouses, sweaters and other clothing other than shirts is based on chest circumference. The size of suits, trousers, and skirts is also determined by this value. We explain how to determine your clothing size using your fingers.

Divide the resulting hip circumference by 2, you can take a calculator to be sure. For example, a centimeter showed 96 cm. Divide by 2: 96/2 = 48. The final figure is your Russian size.

What if the chest circumference is 98 and after dividing by 2 we get an intermediate value? That is, 98/2 = 49. Pay attention to the difference in chest, hip and waist circumferences of adjacent sizes. Everything that falls between adjacent numbers is an interval of indifference, that is, in this interval a person will not feel much of a difference if his volumes do not meet the “standards.” This means that if you measured 97, 98, 99 cm, and after dividing by 2 you have a size of 48.5-49-49.5, then you can buy the 48th. However, we advise you to follow the rules of mathematics and round to the nearest side. If the chest circumference is 99 cm, that is, the “size” is 49.5, you can purchase the 50th.

The size range of women's clothing made in Belarus is as follows:

Size 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74
Bust 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 148
Waist circumference 55 59 63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 99 103 107 111 115 119 123 127
Hip girth 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 148 152 156

But note that there are 4 complete groups. Therefore, if you find that your chest circumference does not match your hip circumference, do not worry. Most likely, you have a different complete group:

  • in the first full group, the difference between chest circumference and hip circumference is 4 cm. For example, chest volume is 88 cm, hip volume is 92 cm;
  • in the second complete group - 8 cm;
  • in the third full group - 12 cm;
  • in the fourth complete group - 16 cm.

Regional educational and research conference for schoolchildren

"First steps"

Section: physics, mathematics

Subject: "Determining the height of a tree in various physical ways"

Work completed by: Igor Dmitriev, 7th grade student

Head: Smirnova Svetlana Nikolaevna, physics teacher

Hill 2014

C contention

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………3 – 4 pages.

Main part

1. Experimental plan……………………………………………………5 p.

2. Description of the experiment…………………………………………………………….5 p.

2.1. Finding different ways to determine the height of a tree,

without cutting it down and without climbing on it……………………………………......6-13 pp.

2.2. Choosing the optimal methods for determining the height of a tree..........13 p.

2.3. Making instruments and collecting available materials

to carry out the experiment………………………………………………………..13 p.

2.4. Carrying out the experiment…………………………………………13-16 pages.

2.5. Analysis of the results, their justification,

formulation of conclusions……………………………………………………………16-18 pp.

Conclusion……………………………………………………………19 p.

List of used literature…………………………………20 pages.


The use of various devices, mechanisms and devices in our time greatly simplifies the life of modern people. But sometimes situations arise when it is not possible to use technical means. For example: tourists often need to determine distances on the ground, estimate the size of objects in order to quickly turn a coastal tree into a bridge over a fast river (unless, of course, we are talking about a protected area or someone’s property). As a rule, they do not put altimeters in their backpacks. Although, it would seem, they really need these devices.

But this is the essence of extreme hobbies, that they allow you to enjoy your own victories - over laziness, routine, intellectual dependence on technical devices invented by someone. Anyone can feel like an experienced tracker or scout. You just have to want it and try to abstract yourself from stereotypes. In particular, you can determine whether a tree is tall enough to block a river if it falls, using objects that are always at hand.

Measuring the width of a river, the height of an object and determining the distance to any object is often applicable in our everyday life. The chosen topic is relevant because it becomes possible to learn how, without any complex technical devices, you can determine the distance to inaccessible points. For example, measure the height of a pole, a tree on a hike, a church, buildings, the width of a river, a ravine, the depth of rivers, etc. The practical significance of the topic is visible.

Problem:How can you determine the height of a tree without cutting it down or climbing it?

Hypothesis: C There are various ways to measure objects without special measuring instruments.

Purpose of the experiment: determine the height of a tree using various physical methods without special instruments.

Object of study: tree (spruce) and school building.

Subject of study– tree height and ways to measure it.


1. Find all possible ways to determine the height of a tree without measuring instruments, without climbing on it or cutting it down.

2. Select the most appropriate and simple methods for determining the height of trees.

3. Experimentally test the use of various methods for determining the height of an object.

4. Compare the research results and find the most accurate way to determine the height of an object.

Research methods:

1. Study of literature and Internet resources

2. Experiment

3.Use of technical means

4. Comparative analysis.

Main part

    Experimental plan.

Experimental plan


Using various literary and Internet sources, find different ways to measure the height of a tree without cutting it down.

Choose the best ways to determine the height of a tree, discuss their accuracy and feasibility.

Making instruments and collecting available materials for conducting the experiment.

Conducting an experiment using 2 - 3 different methods (for accuracy of results) - excursion.

Perform calculations of the obtained measurements.

Comparative analysis of the results, their justification, formulation of conclusions.

Checking measurement data (determining the height of a school building using the same methods)

Comparative data analysis, determination of a more accurate method for calculating the height of objects

Project design.

2. Description of the experiment

2.1. Finding different ways to determine the height of a tree without cutting it down or climbing it.

Various sources were analyzed: encyclopedias, the Internet, history books, textbooks of geometry, geography, astronomy, physics, magazines and newspapers on mathematics, and the main ways to measure the height of a tree without cutting it down or climbing it were determined.

1. Measuring the height of a tree using an altimeter

You need a pin device for measuring heights - an “altimeter”.

Using the altimeter: Moving away from the tree being measured, hold the device so that one of the legs of the triangle is directed vertically, for which you can use a thread with a weight tied to the top pin. When approaching or moving away from a tree, you need to find a place from which you can look at the pins. A And with need see them covering the top of the tree WITH: this means that the extension of the hypotenuse ac passes through a point WITH. Then obviously the distance aB equals NE, because angle = 45 0 . Therefore, by measuring the distance aB and adding ВD, i.e. elevation aA above the ground, we get the required height of the tree.

2. Measuring the height of a tree using a pole (two different ways).

2.1. It is necessary to stick this pole vertically into the ground so that the protruding part is equal to our height. Then you need to lie on the ground so that, resting your feet on the pole, you can see the top of the tree in one straight line with the top point of the stake. The height of the tree will be equal to the distance from the observer's head to the base of the tree.

2.2. The second way is as follows.

Take a pole taller than you are and stick it vertically into the ground at some distance from the tree being measured. Move back from the pole, continuing Dd to that place A, from which, looking at the top of the tree, you will see the top point on the same line with it b pole Then, without changing the position of your head, look in the direction of the horizontal line аС, noticing the points s and s, in which the line of sight meets the pole and the trunk. Then you need to ask the assistant to make notes in these places, and the observation is over. Remains only on the basis of similarity of triangles abc And ABC calculate Sun from proportion

BC: bc = aC: ac,


BC = sun(aC/ac).

Distances bc. аС And ac easy to measure directly. To the obtained value Sun need to add distance CD(which is also measured directly) to find out the desired height of the tree.

3. Measuring the height of a tree using an arborist's "altimeter".

Arborist altimeter . (very convenient if for some reason it is impossible to approach the tree)

4. Measuring the height of the tree using a mirror.

5. Measuring the height of a tree using its shadow.

It is necessary on a sunny day to choose an hour when the length of his own shadow will be equal to his height. To use a shadow to solve a problem, you need to know some geometric properties of a triangle, namely the following two:

1) The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal, and vice versa - that the sides lying opposite the equal angles of the triangle are equal to each other;
2) the sum of the angles of any triangle is equal to 180 0 (i.e. two right angles)

On a sunny day, you can use any shade. By measuring the length of the pole (av) and the length of its shadow (vs). Then the required height is calculated from the proportion: AB: av = BC: sun.

6. Measuring the height of a tree using an isosceles triangle.

When approaching an object (for example, a tree) or moving away from it, place a triangle near the eye so that one of its legs is directed vertically, and the other coincides with the line of sight to the top of the tree. The height of the tree will be equal to the distance to the tree (in steps) plus the height to the observer's eyes.

7. Measuring the height of a tree using a puddle.

If there is a puddle not far from the tree, you need to position yourself so that it fits between you and the object, and then use a horizontally placed mirror to find the reflection of the top of the tree in the water (Fig. 4). The height of the tree will be as many times greater than the height of a person, how many times the distance from it to the puddle is greater than the distance from the puddle to the observer.

8. Measuring the height of a tree using a photograph.

Let's take a photograph that shows the object being measured and the measure. Let's find the ratio of the real length of the measurement to the length of the measurement from the photograph, then multiply the resulting result by the length of the measured object from the photograph? Maybe we'll get a more accurate result.

9. Measuring the height of a tree by eye (by eye).

Visually - this is the easiest and fastest way. The main thing in it is the training of visual memory and the ability to mentally lay down on the ground a well-imagined constant measure (50, 100, 200, 500 meters). Having fixed these standards in memory, it is not difficult to compare with them and estimate distances on the ground.

gist: invite as many people as possible to estimate the height of the tree by eye by placing a meter ruler vertically next to the tree.

10. Using a balloon

The point: compare the height of the tree with the length of a suitable thread.

Equipment: balloon filled with helium; long light rope (thread); tape measure or the like meter.


1) tie a long thread to the ball and push it gradually upward until the ball reaches the top of the tree
2) make a mark on the thread (for example, a knot).

3) return the ball down, measure the length of the released part of the thread.

11. Pencil method

Equipment: pencil (or pen, or any stick), assistant, tape measure.


1) stand at such a distance from the tree that you can see it entirely - from the base to the top. Place an assistant near the trunk.

2) extend your hand in front of you with a pencil clenched in your fist. Squint one eye and bring the tip of the stylus to the top of the tree. Now move your thumbnail so that it is under the base of the trunk.

3) rotate your fist 90 degrees so that the pencil is parallel to the ground. In this case, your nail should still remain at the base of the trunk.

4) shout to your assistant to move away from the tree. When he reaches the point where the pencil point is pointing, signal him to stop.

5) measure the distance from the trunk to the place where the assistant froze. It will

equal to the height of the tree.

2.2. Choosing the optimal methods for determining the height of a tree.

We discussed all 11 methods for determining the height of a tree. Among them there are both physical and geometric methods. Selected physical methods applicable to autumn weather conditions:

using a pole (method No. 2.1.), an isosceles triangle (No. 6), a photograph (No. 8), by eye (No. 9), using the “pencil” method (No. 11).

2.3. Making instruments and collecting available materials for conducting the experiment.

To carry out the experiment you will need: a pole taller than our height, a tape measure, an isosceles triangle made of plastic, a digital camera, a printer.

2.4. Conducting an experiment.

2.4.1. We determined the height of the spruce tree by eye.

4 people participated in the experiment.

Equipment: meter ruler.


1) place a ruler next to the tree vertically;

2) invite a person to determine the height of the tree by eye;
3) write the resulting value into the table;
4) to obtain the average value, divide the sum of measurements by the number of measurements.


12.5 m.

13.0 m.

12.0 m.

14.0 m.


12.88 m.

4.4.2. Determining height using a pole.

We measured the distance from Zhenya’s head, lying on the ground, to the base of the tree. It became equal 12.5 meters.

Result: the height of the tree is 12.5 meters.

4.4.3. Definition using an isosceles triangle.

They took an isosceles triangle and placed it on the eye so that one side of it was parallel to the ground, and the other coincided with the top point of the tree. Wemeasured the distance from the student’s feet to the base of the tree (it is equal to11.06 meters ), added height to the eyes of this student (1.40 meters ). It turned out to be equal12.46 meters.

Result: the height of the tree is also equal 12.46 meters.

4.4.4. Measuring the height of a Christmas tree using its photograph.

To measure the height of the tree from its photograph, we took a photograph of Zhenya Babalov against the background of the tree. Next, we measured his real height, it is 1.5 meters, and the height of the measurement in the photo is 1.7 cm. The height of the tree in the photo is 14.5 cm. We found the ratio of the height to the height of the measurement in the photo, we got: 150/1.7 = 88.24 cm (by 1 cm – photographs).

The height of the spruce in the photograph is 14.5 cm, which means that the real height of the tree is found as the product of the ratio of height to the height of the measurement in the photograph and the height of the tree in the photograph, that is 88,24 * 145 = 12.80 m

Result: the height of the spruce is approximately equal 12,80 meters.

4.4.5. Pencil method

We measured the distance from the spruce trunk to the place where the assistant stood. It became equal to the height of the tree.

Result: height=12.6 m.

4.5. Analysis of the results, their justification, formulation of conclusions.

Various methods for determining the height of a tree are considered. Implemented in practice 5methods: by eye, measuring height using a pole, an isosceles triangle, from a photograph, using a pencil.

All the methods used seemed to be the simplest and most convenient, since they took little time, a minimum of equipment to solve the problem, and even bad weather conditions did not prevent the research.

The results were different.


Method of measurement

Tree height

Arithmetic mean


12.88 m.

Using a pole

12.5 m.

12.46 m.

Using a photograph

12.80 m.

Pencil method

12.60 m

Average arithm. zn.

12.65 m

It can be seen that the difference between the smallest and largest tree height is only 0.38 meters. Even taking into account the fact that we do not have sufficient experience and have carried out such work for the first time, we can say that the accuracy of our measurements is high.

4.6. Determining a more accurate way to determine the height of an object

We received pleasure from the work, but not satisfaction, since we did not know which result was more accurate and valid. In this regard, we chose another object - a school building, the height of which we knew exactly from the school’s technical passport.

To determine the height of the school, the same physical methods were used as to determine the height of the spruce.

During the experiment, the following results were obtained:


Method of measurement

School building height

Measurement error


10.00 m.

1.4 m.

Using a pole

9.10 m.

0.5 m.

Using an isosceles triangle

9.46 m.

0.86 m.

Using a photograph

10.60 m.

2 m.

Pencil method

8.80 m.

0.2 m.

Average arithm. zn.

9.60 m.

Actual height of the central wall of the building – 8.60 m.

We analyzed the results, calculated the measurement error, compared them with the original data and came to the conclusion that the most accurate and effective method for determining the height of a school building and, accordingly, the height of a tree is the “pencil” method. We consider the most inaccurate method to be using photography.

After all the calculations, we came to the conclusion that the height of our Christmas tree is 12.60 m.


Of course, it is more convenient to measure the height of a distant object when special measuring equipment is available. But not every time it is possible to predict the situation that may arise during a walk or on a hiking trip. That’s when such simple knowledge will come in handy and even help you get out of a difficult situation.

During the work, we used various methods for measuring the distances of inaccessible points. The choice of these methods was not made by chance; the calculations in them are available.

While studying theoretical material on this problem, we became acquainted with other methods of determining inaccessible distances, for example, using a mirror, shadow, and others. Unfortunately, we do not yet have the geometric knowledge to measure distance in this way. And, in this regard, there are plans for future experiments: to consider other ways to measure inaccessible heights and perform calculations using geometric methods.

Those who want to try to determine the height of an inaccessible object can use our instructions.

We consider the pencil method to be the most accessible and accurate method. It requires a minimum of equipment and only one measurement.

We are satisfied with our work, we are very interested, there are plans for future research, the main thing is that we have completed our tasks and the goal of the work has been achieved.

List of used literature

    newspaper: Gumerov I. Measuring height // Mathematics No. 3, 2007.

    newspaper: Kameneva T. Measuring the height of the Permenergo building // Physics at school No. 9, 2008.

    newspaper: Legends of the history of mathematics // Mathematics No. 18, 2006.

    Zlatsen Determination of the height of objects [Electronic resource] // (1 file). - /.

    Obushchak A. How to measure the height of the main building [Electronic resource] // (1 file). -


It happens that there is a tree in your backyard or in the forest nearby that is quite suitable for harvesting, or you are simply interested in its height. And many in this case will ask the question: how to determine the height of a tree, but at the same time not perform any manipulations with the tree, and, among other things, not climb on it. In fact, there are several methods that work equally well to measure the height of a tree, and with reasonable accuracy.

The first method is to compare the sizes of the shadows and calculate the proportion. To do this, you need to stand next to a tree in sunny weather in order to see the shadow of the tree and your shadow, and thus measure the size of the shadows. Knowing your height, you can easily calculate the height of the tree.

For example, your height is 170 centimeters. Your shadow will be approximately 120 centimeters. The shadow of a tree, for example, will be 320 centimeters. This means that you need to solve the following proportion: divide the length of your shadow by your height and equate it to the ratio of dividing the shadow of a tree by an unknown value. Thus, it turns out: 120:170=320:x. In this case, x = 170*320:120 = 453 centimeters. This will be an approximate value, but it is enough for us.

The second method of obtaining the height of a tree can be to measure it by relative size. So, if your friend or relative stands next to a tree, and you take a pencil and move away a certain distance, then look at the pencil at arm’s length. In this case, the pencil should appear the same size as the tree. Then position the pencil in front of your friend. After that, measure your friend's height from a distance using a pencil. Thus, if a pencil is 22 centimeters long and a tree of the same size in the distance, then your friend's height, for example, will be seven centimeters, and his real height will be 168 centimeters. In this case we also get the proportion: 7:168=22:x. Having solved it, we find that the height of the tree is 528 centimeters, which is a little more than five meters.

In addition to these two methods, there are other ways to measure height. Some methods, for example, require knowledge of trigonometry and the use of an angle meter. For example, if you stand a friend at a certain distance from a tree and look from the side, you can mentally draw lines from the ground to the top of the tree through the friend's head. By measuring the resulting angle, you can calculate the height of the tree.

As you can see, calculating the height of a tree does not take much time and does not require complex or dangerous manipulations. To do this, you just need to know how to solve a proportion, as well as how to measure relative values. And the methods used can be used not only to measure the height of trees, but also any other tall objects, for example, buildings, mountains, pillars and so on.

How are heights measured?

This question is followed by related ones. What are absolute and relative heights? Why are there triangulation signs on the peaks? When was height first determined? What does "above sea level" mean? Does this level fluctuate? How is altitude measured from airplanes? What are command points?

Displaying the area in a reduced form on diagrams and maps, people have always paid attention to the mountains. They were noticeable and necessary landmarks. The geographical map did not appear immediately: it survived its development from clay, parchment, and birch bark samples to perfect cartographic models. At first, much depended on the draftsman, his sense of space, and his ability to mentally view the Earth from above. The mathematical reliability of the relief, of course, was absent.

Over time, the profession of renter appeared. We used a measuring cord, a measuring wheel, and a compass. In the 16th century, prototypes of measuring geodetic instruments were invented - scales, theodolite, then range finders and levels. Physicists helped measure the height of the mountain, or, as topographers say, “take vertical marks.”

Blaise Pascal asked his acquaintances in Clermont to climb Mount Puy de Dome with a mercury tube. The scientist’s assumption was confirmed at altitude: the mercury column dropped. Since then, it has become common to measure the height of the area using a mercury barometer. Instruments appeared for determining altitude by the temperature of boiling water vapor: hypsometer, thermobarometer, hypsothermometer. The principle of operation is this: as you rise, the air pressure decreases. At the same time, the boiling point of water also decreases - approximately 0 degree per 0.27 mm of mercury. According to the tables, atmospheric pressure is indicated, and the altitude of the area is determined from it.

This is, one might say, a “field” method. But not every peak is so easy to climb to take measurements. And in the 17th century, the Dutch astronomer Snellius proposed a triangulation method, when heights are determined “from the side,” using reference points. This method is also used for topographic surveys from aircraft and artificial satellites.

The heights of the peaks began to be distinguished: absolute - from sea level and relative - from the foot of the mountain, from the underlying plain. It is clear that the absolute heights of mountains are always greater than the relative ones. For the unity of the measurement system in geographical science, it is customary to count these measurements from the level of the World Ocean. So, after indicating the height, a noticeable prefix “above sea level” appeared, or if it is not there, then it is simply implied. But the ebbs and flows are known. Sea levels are not constant: they began to be distinguished: instantaneous, tidal, average daily, average annual, average long-term. This latter, according to international agreements, has become the most stable in order to “link” the height of the mountains to it.

It is clear that many peaks and ridges in the oceans that do not reach the surface are measured differently. This highest seamount was discovered in 1953 near the Tonga Trench off New Zealand. It rises from the seabed to 8690 m, and its peak is 365 m below the surface of the water. And if we start not from sea level, but measure the height from the underwater base, then the tallest mountain in the world turns out to be Mauna Kea (“White Mountain”) on the Hawaiian Islands. Its total height is 10,203 m, of which only 4,205 m are above sea level.

in memory. More about memory cha

How to get readings

1. In order to

Altimeter from Current mode
any measurement mode, using
"WITH". At the same time I will automatically start
height measurements.

The watch will automatically start measuring
displaying readings on the screen.

Before the first altitude readings
screen, four or five seconds will pass
2. If you want to get on screen

heights and a graph whose contents
updated regularly, please leave

found every day

every two minutes

relative height based on the installation made. Altimeter function also
turn on

called the base height.

The clock measures the atmospheric pressure at a point

ISA table of values ​​(international standard
atmosphere), convert the measured value into

Relative height


tion, relatively

building height,

carry out installation

height measurements (eg

height, without

records this value

"Saving data

time or

press the button

will appear on

doesn't matter

clock in mode


azone from –700

to another mode.

Types of data records

will be updated regularly and these changes will be included in the schedule

you, located at the top of the screen.


This section provides a procedure for simply displaying the current

includes recording data into memory and sound signals - warning

to the curved height.


Your watch estimates altitude based on atmospheric pressure. This

read the owls section

means that altitude readings for the same location may vary,
if the atmospheric pressure changes.
The watch has built-in semiconductor pressure sensors that react
temperature change. When measuring, be sure to

I'm tall

set the watch to

provide conditions under which the clock is not subject to sudden changes

To avoid sudden changes in temperature, wear your watch so
so that when measuring they are on your wrist in direct
contact with skin.

sty in sports competitions

Do not use the watch while studying
there is a sudden change in height, for example, when exercising
exercises: parachute jumping, hang gliding, flying
single-seat helicopters, etc.

Do not use the watch for measurements that require professional or
industrial level precision.

Remember that the air inside the aircraft is under pressure, so
readings obtained on the plane may not be accurate.

How is height measured?

The altimeter determines the altitude using its own built-in table or based on

the value you set in advance


e transition to

first three minutes after

altimeter on screen

kator AST and measurements about

is declared, and measurements are taken

Absolute altitude

your location and using the built-in

equivalent height.

After you install
altitude, the clock converts
at this height in value

In order to determine in

set the base height to 0 m on the ground floor. However,

you have the basic


pay attention

that you will not get accurate readings if the building is equipped
air conditioning.

When climbing to the top of a mountain, you can
reference height using other sources
signage or map). After you do this, the readings
altitude given by the watch will be more accurate than the reading obtained without
setting the base height.

Altitude readings

to get altitude readings you can use the procedure

anna in this section. If you leave the watch in Altimeter mode, the

Any time
measurements again
3. In order to



Usually indications

You can press the "C" button to start

Tan measure the altitude and take the clock out of mode

on the "D" button.

calculated using built-in tables

you can optionally enter a base height. (cm.

ate "How to set the base height").

The display information changes in 5 meter (20 ft) increments per range.

to 0.000 meters (–2,300 to 32,800 feet).
If the measured value is outside the permissible range,
eq will not display "---- m". As soon as the height is in range
acceptable values, the normal display will be restored on the screen.
Under certain atmospheric conditions and also in case of installation

be negative

certain reference height, the measured height can

You can change the units of height readings between meters and
feet. Read about this in the section “How to choose units of measurement”
atmospheric pressure, temperature and altitude."

Altimeter memory

This section describes how height measurement data is recorded into memory.

wa their hours. When you start a recording session, measurements continue to be taken

indicator flashes on the screen R.E.C.), even if the clock has passed


A recording session creates three types of altitude data in memory: periodic recordings (up to
40 pcs.), current saving session, and history recording.

Periodic entries

We recommend reading
