Divorced Capricorn woman annual horoscope

Sewerage 18.11.2023

2017 will turn out well for Capricorn, as it will bring him spiritual harmony, an optimistic approach to life and uniform energy. The desire to achieve goals, peace of mind and the desire to succeed can bring wonderful results to Capricorn.

The stars recommend that Capricorn not take drastic steps in both the business and personal spheres in the first half of the year. Success will accompany him if he adheres to the previously chosen and thought-out line of behavior.

Proven methods will bring guaranteed success in any direction, be it career, personal relationships, competition or broadening your horizons.

But in the second half of the year the situation will be exactly the opposite: the creative potential of this zodiac sign will simply go off scale. Entrepreneurship, non-standardism and originality of the chosen ways to solve problems will provide Capricorn with every chance for successful advancement.

In other words, in 2017 there will be no tasks that are too difficult for Capricorn; he will be able to achieve all his goals. The stars give the only advice to Capricorn: in December you should not take on important tasks, but rather devote this time to quality, complete rest.

Love horoscope for 2017 Capricorn

2017 will give the reserved and balanced Capricorn a sea of ​​romantic experiences. If he is in search of a soul mate, then the opportunity to easily fall in love and experience serious and deep feelings will amaze Capricorn himself.

However, in this situation, Capricorn should be on guard, because falling in love together with serious feelings can lead to long and painful experiences if suddenly, instead of meeting his soulmate, he has to go through love disappointment.

However, this zodiac sign will still be able to avoid disappointments in personal relationships if it does not recklessly, headlong, rush towards untested relationships and new feelings. It’s enough just to think about everything judiciously and carefully before you start building your next romantic relationship.

For those Capricorns who have already found their partner, 2017 will present many opportunities to strengthen their relationships. In an existing couple, violent emotions and sensuality will only benefit both Capricorn himself and his significant other, bringing passion into the relationship and giving unforgettable moments.

Career 2017 Capricorn

Capricorn's career in 2017 will slowly and gradually move forward. From the very first days of the Year of the Rooster, Capricorn’s confident and serious approach to work will significantly contrast with the lack of concentration and fussiness of his environment, and will also provide him with a significant advantage over his rivals. Management and employees will see Capricorn as a model of stability during this period of time, as he will take a responsible approach to completing the tasks entrusted to him. Capricorn will be able to live up to expectations because he will act using tried and true methods.

However, starting from mid-summer, the situation will begin to change: inspiration and a surge of creativity will give Capricorn the opportunity to act actively and energetically. The second half of the year will provide an opportunity for this zodiac sign to express itself in unconventional ways in solving problems, using innovative techniques and methods. This period is great for realizing your potential, expanding your horizons, opening new opportunities, as well as launching a promising project and actively promoting everyday affairs.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Capricorn

A role model in terms of handling money in 2017 can be the majority of Capricorns, who will approach each investment competently and responsibly and will not spend money in vain. Adhering to the criterion that every penny spent should be returned threefold, Capricorns will think about profitable investments in joint-stock companies or precious metals.

Here it is important not to rely only on yourself, but to have a financial analyst nearby who can give practical advice in a timely manner.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Capricorn

Capricorn will be one of the most disciplined in terms of caring for his own health in 2017, since this person will prefer to do everything so that the disease does not occur and bypasses him. To achieve this, Capricorn will spend a lot of time and money on prevention and strengthening of his body. He can visit health resorts and, at the same time, throughout the year he will improve his diet, eliminating everything unnecessary and choosing only the best food for his body. The stars advise these people to have less contact with sick people and avoid injury.

Horoscope 2017 Capricorn man

Career growth for Capricorn men is just around the corner; all you have to do is take the last decisive step. Business success should be expected towards the end of spring. True, in love affairs, for which this representative of the stronger sex will also have a passion, Capricorn will be disappointed. The partner will begin to show her mercantile interests, and Capricorn will not feel any return from these people, and therefore the couple will be expected to separate in the fall.

Horoscope 2017 Capricorn woman

The life of representatives of the Capricorn sign will also be decorated with positive changes. These women will finally be able to fulfill their dream and move abroad or find the job and profession they have been striving for all their lives. But the most positive moment of this year is expected in the summer months, when Capricorn women find out that they are expecting a child. From this moment on, their life will be painted with new colors and will no longer be the same.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


This year, Capricorns should be considerate and very gallant with their loved ones, since it is not at all impossible that in the pair of these people a third person will appear who will become a dangerous rival to Capricorn and will aim at his happiness.


For those Capricorns who were born in the year of the Ox, it is important to monitor their words throughout the year and pick and choose people who can be trusted with secret information. Otherwise, there is a risk of betrayal by your partner.


For individuals of this intersection of signs, it is very important to limit the energy expended throughout the entire year, since if Capricorns take up work too zealously, they may already feel unwell halfway through the journey and suffer from illness.


A careless attitude towards money in 2017 may lead to Capricorn taking out too many loans for the sake of his whims, which he will have nothing to repay. In this regard, even a trial and long-term dependence of such a Capricorn on the people who vouched for him are possible.


Harmonious love relationships will simply inspire the representatives of the Capricorn sign, and these people will carry out their work with great inspiration and inspire others to achieve accomplishments, which will make them such spiritual leaders.


Throughout the Year of the Rooster, life will set various kinds of traps for these individuals, from temptations and financial excesses to betrayal of loved ones. It is important to withstand all the tests and then Capricorn will feel happiness.


Capricorns have a chance to significantly strengthen their positions at work, but to do this, from the first days of the year they need to give up mandatory vacations and push their love experiences into the background. The main thing is not to forget about your health.


With the arrival of spring, relationships within the family will become strained for these individuals; perhaps unpleasant details of Capricorn’s infidelities will come to light, which is why this person risks being left without his soulmate and spending the rest of the year in disputes and litigation.


A great year for meeting a person who will become close and dear awaits Capricorn. Moreover, if this person is sincere in his desires, he will have time to register a relationship and even have a child.


In order not to be fired from your favorite job and not to fall into disgrace with the management of Capricorn, born in the year of the Rooster, it is important to work with the soul, that is, selflessly. If these people are lazy and start squabbles, nothing good should be expected this year.


Relationships with loved ones this year will be supported only by common interests. If Capricorn does not find a unifying hobby for himself and his partner, separation and even divorce are not at all ruled out.


With the advent of 2017, these individuals should learn to understand people. The fact is that a successful Capricorn will be surrounded by many people who dream of living at his expense or who want to take possession of his property by deception.

At the beginning of the year, Capricorn women will be full of energy. Everything will work out, no matter what you undertake. People around you will not ignore your success and will even envy it.

The horoscope for 2017 advises the Capricorn woman to reconsider her social circle. Perhaps those who smile in your face will turn out to be real enemies. Just cut off all ties with such people and you will feel relief.

In the Year of the Rooster, everything planned will work out, and things will go smoothly. Perhaps you are planning a joint project with your close friend or boyfriend. The stars foretell that he will be successful.

Friendship at work will have a beneficial effect on your work life. Joint projects will bring benefits to the company and, accordingly, to you, in monetary terms.
Astrologers predict a flow of useful information for the fair sex during this period. But don’t let this scare you, it will be absorbed and perceived very easily, and will definitely come in handy in the future.

Love horoscope

Your charm and attractiveness will literally knock you off your feet. The 2017 love horoscope for women born under the sign of Capricorn promises that life during this period will be filled with romanticism. Men will want to give you flowers and gifts, even just like that, for no reason and without demanding anything in return. For those who have long dreamed of meeting their soulmate, this is a very favorable time, the main thing is not to miss out on your prince.

The Capricorn love horoscope advises a married woman not to test her husband’s strength. Attacks of jealousy will not lead to anything good. Try not to give reasons. In turn, take the initiative into your own hands and organize a romantic dinner by candlelight or a walk under the moonlight. This will strengthen your family even more and breathe freshness, and maybe even passion, into your relationship.

There is a possibility that at the end of the year you will be drawn to love affairs on the side, but you should always remember the consequences.

Family horoscope

Everything will be smooth in relations with relatives. You will understand each other without words. Married women with children also have nothing to worry about. Children will delight you and complete mutual understanding will reign in the family.

You should not show your child your importance and authority; try to be on an equal footing with him. This is the only way you can become a true friend to your child. In the warm season, try to organize “outings” into nature.

The main condition is the presence of all family members. In the fall, it's time to start arranging your home. If it is not possible to change the furniture or carry out repairs, at least make a rearrangement.

Financial horoscope

The first half of the year for the Capricorn woman will be stable financially, without any special jumps. You should not plan large expenses. In the second half of the year the situation will change slightly. There is a possibility of receiving a bonus or a significant amount of money.
No additional income is expected. Therefore, try to be more economical and avoid pointless sales. Don’t get involved in adventures; the pursuit of “easy money” will not lead to anything good. You will only lose more.
Stability will come at the moment when, as strange as it may sound, you stop taking risks. There will be expenses in 2017, but they will go mainly to family needs and will only bring joy to your household.


Career for a Capricorn woman in 2017 will come first. You will begin to realize that frequently changing jobs only brings disappointment and losses. Moreover, your family does not approve of this. You will look at your work with different eyes and begin to appreciate it.

Moreover, during the period of 2017, you and your actions will be closely watched by your superiors. Show your best side and you will definitely receive a reward in the form of a bonus or a new position. There is a possibility that your colleagues will let you down by not completing some very important task. Therefore, astrologers advise, if possible, to do all the work yourself, and not shift it to others.

In 2017, the Capricorn girl will have to think about her self-education. Read more books, and perhaps you will want to take advanced training courses or a second degree. The Year of the Rooster is very favorable for learning.

Health horoscope

No deviations in health are predicted. But you shouldn't rely on it. Be sure to carry out prevention. Walking in the fresh air and eating right will further strengthen our immunity.

You should not buy vitamins at the pharmacy; it is better to eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products. Try to limit yourself to alcohol, fatty and salty foods.

Horoscope by month

Thus, for the Capricorn woman, the year of the Rooster will be quite successful.

Already With January you will leave full of strength and energy.

February will pass in troubles with children.

March will bring a new acquaintance.

In April If you want to change, don’t deny yourself this pleasure, go to a beauty salon.

May And June great time for a vacation.

In July It will be a big waste.

AugustSeptember will go through the work.

A in October cash reward awaits.

In November wait for guests.

December A business trip or short trip is possible.

2017 will be a very stormy year for representatives of this sign. Capricorns will be full of new ideas and beginnings, life will begin as if anew. A huge number of ideas will arise in you and you will want to bring them all to life. But such activity and determination may not be to everyone’s liking. It is likely that there will be envious people and ill-wishers who may begin to spread gossip and weave intrigues behind your back. But a positive attitude and the stars will be on your side, so you simply won’t pay attention to such little things and will get through everything with ease.

This year, Capricorns should take a closer look at the people who surround them. There is a possibility that your rivals may be hiding among them. You should listen to your intuition and try to figure out who is a friend and who is just pretending to be one. In the year of the Rooster, it will be quite easy for representatives of the Capricorn sign to accept a different point of view and change their long-established opinion about a person. Your instinct will tell you the right decision - the main thing is to listen to it carefully, and then all ill-wishers will disappear by themselves.

Try to spend as much time as possible with your friends, because now you will understand how valuable they are.

In a work environment, there is also a high probability of making new friends.

Collective pastime, joint holidays and trips to nature will just contribute to this. Such friendship will have very good chances of achieving success professionally. And, in general, 2017 provides Capricorns with many opportunities to achieve significant success in almost all areas: both in career and business activity, and in relationships with the opposite sex. It is important not to miss anything and remember that everything that happens to you is not accidental.

This year, Capricorns should pay a little attention to travel, because during this period they will bring unforgettable impressions and bring a lot of pleasure.

Also, the beginning of 2017 will be favorable for obtaining additional education or attending courses that you have long dreamed of taking.

The main thing for you now is to believe in your own strength and that there is nothing impossible. The stars are completely on your side. In 2017, Capricorns can safely begin to implement those plans that they could only think about before.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for 2017

In 2017, representatives of the Capricorn sign should pay more attention to their soulmate. You have probably been hinted at this for a long time, and further neglect can lead to scandals, quarrels and a number of other problems. This year, your loved one can give you really good advice and guide you on the right path. You should listen more carefully and perceive what they are trying to convey to you, and soon you will understand that this was the right decision.

Single Capricorns will have a great chance to meet someone in the year of the Rooster. There will be many people around you who want to build relationships. And if there is already someone next to you, then now is the time to add variety to your life together.

The most favorable period will be the end of the year. At this time, you will find yourself in the very center of love adventures. A lot of new, vivid impressions will appear, so you should devote more time to your personal life. 2017 gives Capricorns many opportunities to strengthen relationships and trust between partners.

It is also worth noting that relations with parents and close relatives will be quite calm and smooth. Don’t try to avoid communicating with them, because right now they need your point of view and support.

Money and career horoscope for Capricorns

Career will play one of the most important roles for Capricorn this year. Now is the time when you can significantly climb the career ladder. The Year of the Rooster will provide Capricorn with superiority over its rivals. Employees and management will see you as a qualified and irreplaceable employee. Your boss will pose serious tasks that you can handle with the necessary time and effort.

Don’t be lazy and don’t miss this opportunity, because the boss paid attention to you for a reason.

New projects and ideas will be implemented quickly enough and bear fruit. In the end, you will be able to fully appreciate what your persistence and sharp mind have brought you.

You should be more attentive to your business partners. They are the ones who are capable of letting Capricorns down at the most inopportune moment. But don't focus too much on it, just stay alert.

Financially, the year of the Rooster will be more than successful for Capricorn. You will approach every ruble you earn competently and responsibly. Large profits will be a reward for the hard work you have put in throughout the year. The money you earn will bring even more income if you use it as an investment in future projects. It is very important not to waste all your funds, because such gifts from fate do not happen every time. You should listen to your intuition and not engage in various kinds of adventures.

Of course, you won’t be able to completely avoid spending, but this time it will be thoughtful and necessary. A good option would be to invest a certain amount into improving your home - this will bring you only positive emotions and benefits. Close relatives may also need financial support. You shouldn’t refuse them, because they will always be by your side and lend their shoulder.

The general financial condition of Capricorns will be very enviable.

Health horoscope for Capricorns

It is Capricorn who in the year of the Rooster will be a sign who is very concerned about his health. This period is the best time for the overall health of the body and raising the immune system - and then you will definitely not be in danger of any diseases or illnesses. It is worth taking a course of vitamins, you can attend certain preventive programs. This year, Capricorns can visit various sanatoriums aimed at maintaining health. It is important to approach the choice of procedures wisely and without hesitation, discard everything that you do not need. After all, there is always the possibility that it will simply be money and the influence of advertising thrown away.

Visiting water treatments and swimming pools will be extremely useful. Even if you are a small swimming enthusiast, try to reconsider your point of view.

In 2017, there is a possibility of adverse manifestations from the digestive system, so you should monitor your diet very carefully and remember that the consequences of poor nutrition can make themselves felt much later.

In the autumn-winter period, it is important to dress according to the weather. There is no high probability of catching something serious, but still, getting sick with a simple flu will not be the most pleasant. Try to have less contact with sick people.

The Red Fire Rooster will get down to business right away: already at the end of January, Capricorns will feel its influence on their lives - unexpected meetings, interesting proposals, and many surprising things will happen to the wards of Saturn.

In February 2017, Capricorns will finally be able to say goodbye to their boring work - even with your modesty, it will be difficult to refuse the tempting offers that will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia.

Also read: Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn

The Rooster will help you forget your favorite excuse: I won’t succeed. On the contrary, Capricorns will be full of determination and will become unusually self-confident. Also with your personal life, everyone will finally find out that your coldness is just a mask, but in fact Capricorns are very sweet and sociable creatures and it is a pleasure to love you. Cupid and Venus will start hunting Capricorns at the beginning of spring - fans will appear like snowdrops, there will be so many of them that you will want to urgently change your appearance or buy an invisibility cloak.

For mid-spring, the Cockerel has saved a few surprises for the charming Capricorns. The financial situation will be especially surprising - you will be in demand more than ever, you will finally show your talents, and your work will be appreciated.

If Capricorns want to prove themselves in writing, then the world will recognize a new Tolstoy or Bulgakov. Those earth signs who decide to try their hand at drawing can now negotiate with the owner of the Louvre or the Tretyakov Gallery - real fights without rules will begin for your masterpieces.

In May, Capricorns are waiting for their beloved relatives in the village, who, despite your victories and honors, will hand you shovels and force you to dig carrot beds. Physical labor will be beneficial - after all, you can’t constantly think, sometimes the brain needs to relax.

Capricorns can plan their vacation for the middle of summer - there will be no important things to do, money is a nice burden on their pockets, so study geography in order to choose a resort without the help of the ubiquitous Internet.

The best vacation spot for earth signs will be a secluded island in the middle of the ocean, but if this is too much for you, then go somewhere where there are few people - you will be able to relax and, perhaps, please the world with another brilliant creation. In the fall, Capricorns will want to shine and go out into the world - the Cockerel will be happy to keep you company. In September, and in October too, Capricorns will be extremely charming - you will have more fans, so flirt, have affairs and just enjoy life.

But if you have a soulmate, then she will not forgive even light affairs. Therefore, Rooster strongly advises family Capricorns to spend their evenings not in fashionable clubs, but on their favorite sofa at the kitchen table, eating pies and watching ancient films. In November 2017, Capricorns will discover their organizational skills - you will be able to assemble a team of like-minded people. If you have business ideas, then act without delay. It is advisable to choose partners among friends - Cockerel, if necessary, will conduct a casting among friends.

With all these pleasant troubles, the year will fly by unnoticed, and in December Capricorns realize that they do not want to part with the Cockerel, whom they fell in love with. The owner of 2017 also became attached to the lovely Capricorns and before the New Year he decided to please you with another surprise. Check your bank card - you will be pleasantly surprised by the New Year's gift from the Fire Cockerel.

Love horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

In love matters, Capricorns will be better informed than anyone else - you can even create your own dating site. Suddenly you will like working as a matchmaker and helping lonely people.

In the year of the Rooster, you will no longer like Slava’s song “Loneliness”. You will be surrounded by crowds of loving suitors, among whom you will definitely find your chosen one. The Rooster is ready to be a witness at a wedding, but with a condition - if you find him a prettier witness.

Stop being self-critical - you are too picky about your shortcomings, mostly far-fetched, and this scares off potential admirers. Right now, smile at your reflection - because you are charming, and that is undeniable. Hurry outside - the most faithful fan is already frozen to the bench, waiting for you with the same bouquet of daisies.

Long-term courtship in the year of the Rooster is not for you - some fans will like your impetuosity, so do not be surprised when your chosen one perceives an ordinary invitation to a cafe as a marriage proposal. The stars advise Capricorns to try themselves in family life - there is nothing terrible there, so go for it. Moreover, in the year of the Rooster there is a chance to become parents.

Business horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Many will associate your sign with wealth, so don’t be surprised if you see your name on the list of successful people - hurry up and buy dark glasses, as there will be many people willing to borrow money from you for an indefinite period.

In 2017, you will become an example for many: your entrepreneurial talent will surprise even your closest friends who believed that Capricorns were not capable of trading. Keep up the good work, the Rooster has already come up with several original names for your stores and is ready to become a general director or manager.

Capricorns 2 decades (1.01-10.01). You will learn how to make money out of nothing - just don’t take this phrase literally and don’t buy paint brushes for drawing banknotes. It’s just that people will begin to perceive all your ideas as brilliant, so keep quiet and don’t share your plans for free. In your case, the saying: silence is golden may not work, so evaluate for yourself how much one of your words, expressed on the merits, is worth.

Mental work will bring you much more capital than physical work. Therefore, learn languages, read more and try yourself in a new business - you have already worked enough for someone else’s uncle. Remember that quantity almost always develops into quality, and don’t stop in case of minor setbacks - the Cockerel is always ready and ready to point you in the right direction.

Family horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

The Rooster promises Capricorns that family life will be calm and happy, and with the help of your household, you will be able to realize all your long-standing dreams and innermost desires.

Capricorns 1st decade (12/22-12/31). Get ready for pleasant changes in your family life - Cockerel has already written the script. In 2017, you might think about moving, or simply improving your living conditions - at least, re-painting the wallpaper definitely won't hurt you. Working together will improve relationships with household members - just don’t grumble at the kids when they wrap themselves in wallpaper and pretend to be mummies.

Capricorns 2 decades (1.01-10.01). The Year of the Rooster is good for traveling with the whole family - just take into account the wishes of each member of the household, in case your other half hates Rio de Janeiro and prefers to plant tomatoes in the country. In general, the stars promise: wherever you go, you will have a great time communicating with family members and gaining new and vivid impressions.

Capricorns 3rd decade (11.01-20.01). There will be peace in the family, communication with household members will become almost ideal. Minor disagreements await Capricorns with older relatives - but be prudent and do not enter into discussions, if only because of what movie to play on the computer. Trust your granny’s choice - you yourself will be happy to watch “Athos” or “The Diamond Arm” for the hundredth time.

Health horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, resistance to disease will be high, but this does not mean that you should not take care of your well-being. Ask Cockerel for help - he will tell you how to deal with bad habits.

Capricorns 1st decade (12/22-12/31). In 2017, you will forget about depression and, in general, about any blues - your mood will be wonderful. And all because you stopped being lazy and took up sports. In the Year of the Rooster, active recreation is useful - go hunting, and if you feel sorry for the animals, then take a camera instead of a gun.

Capricorns 2 decades (1.01-10.01). You are the hardest worker among other Capricorns, so in the year of the Rooster, frequent overwork is possible. Learn to relax, and the Cockerel will tell you a couple of effective techniques, for example, you can shout loudly or crow - you will feel no more tired, and your mood will noticeably improve.

Capricorns 3rd decade (11.01-20.01). You are unusually sensitive to doctors' orders and are ready to follow every recommendation of your doctor. This, of course, is commendable, but it is not at all necessary to follow the advice of “experts” from your classmates - even if you come across one real doctor, it is unlikely that he will sit on the site for days and write comments.

Children's horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Capricorn kids in the year of the Rooster will really need the approval of adults. Therefore, try to punish your children less and do not compare them with the neighbor’s brats.

Baby Capricorns 1st decade (22.12-31.12). Your little ones will be inquisitive and active in 2017. Don’t stop your baby from exploring the world on his own - be nearby and don’t panic if your baby acts contrary to your rules. If your little angel, instead of playing with cars, reaches for a vacuum cleaner, teach him how to use this complex object. In a month, the apartment will be shining, and the little neat guy will quickly teach you to be in order.

Naughty Capricorns 2 decades (1.01-10.01). Your children will show their character in the year of the Rooster. Any neighbor's fidget will seem quiet next to your restless little devil. But be careful - punishments are excluded, because the baby will be too touchy. It is also undesirable to spoil your beloved child - keep a neutral position and believe me, the little one will figure out what’s what and, having learned to write, scribbles rules for the whole family on whatman paper.

Little Capricorns 3rd decade (11.01-20.01). In 2017, you are unlikely to keep your child at home - the baby will constantly ask to go outside, regardless of the weather. Together with your child, you will explore all the shops in your city, especially pastry shops - in the year of the Rooster, Capricorn will become an extraordinary sweet tooth. Try to communicate with the cute fidget as with an equal - the baby cannot stand baby talk.

Horoscope for Capricorn 2017 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Rat

The range of interests in the year of the Rooster will be extremely wide, but you will lack time, so you will have to give up some activities, or ask the Rooster to make the days longer. Good part-time jobs will allow you to forget about the global crisis, and you will perceive the conversations of your co-workers about how they don’t have enough to pay until their salary as fantastic stories.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Ox

Victory in 2017 will be yours, so keep your tail up and, if necessary, scare away trouble with your horns. Happiness will be your companion, because the Cockerel agreed with fortune on cooperation and signed an agreement for the whole year. This year you will be ideal parents - so the children of Bull-Capricorns will be extremely lucky. But don’t let your offspring get on your neck, just become exemplary family men, and at the same time please your chosen one.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Tiger

You are simply nobility itself, so don't be surprised if one evening, while scrolling through social media posts, you come across praise dedicated to you. You will have to change your phone number in the year of the Rooster - your fans won’t leave you alone. But at work, your popularity will come in handy - your superiors will not understand why you are shining so much, and couriers are constantly coming to you with gorgeous bouquets. The boss will decide that you are aiming for his place, so he will become extremely kind.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit)

Your motto for the year of the Rooster is patience, and more patience. You abandoned many promising projects halfway through, but in 2017 this number will not work - the Cockerel will follow you. The thirst for travel will not allow you to sit still, so your bosses will meet you halfway and overwhelm you with endless business trips. In matters of love, difficulties are possible, but you will figure out who is more important - an admirer who strokes against the grain, but is ready to accept you with all the shortcomings, or a flattering suitor who likes only your beautiful wrapper.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Dragon

Your home in the year of the Rooster will become a source of pride, but it is up to you whether the home will be cozy or will look like a museum of abstract art. Don't chase fashion - if you want floral wallpaper that reminds you of your childhood room, you don't have to listen to your friends and paint the walls with bright orange stripes. This also applies to work - many people like your conservatism, because things are moving forward, and everything is going exactly according to plan, and let management deal with any innovations.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Snake

In the year of the Rooster, collecting may become your favorite hobby. But don't limit yourself to postcards and candy wrappers - continue collecting antiques. Pretty soon you will be able to get rich by selling some fanatic an old samovar for crazy money. So go ahead, and the Cockerel will tell you where to find an interesting “trinket” cheaper. But in pursuit of a rarity, do not forget about service - competitors in the year of the Rooster will be too annoying.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Horse

In the year of the Rooster, try to visit beauty salons more often: your mane should shine and your horseshoes should sparkle in the sun - let your partners immediately understand who they are dealing with. You will easily achieve success in social work, because your organizational skills will be at their best. It is advisable not to put off your plans in 2017 - there will be many chances to make your dreams come true, but you need to try and not miss them.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Goat (Sheep)

The cockerel will watch with delight your attempts to gore your competitors - do not retreat, because success is on your side. Use your imagination and wow everyone with your brilliant ideas - those who know you at least a little will definitely appreciate your talents and see their promise. In 2017, you will receive support from long-time fans - don’t be afraid, there will be no declarations of love, but it won’t hurt to maintain friendly relations.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Monkey

Your ability to get along with people in the year of the Rooster will help you achieve a lot - you can charm anyone, from the janitor in your area to the head of the administration. The right people will always come in handy, so keep in touch with everyone, regardless of status. In your personal life, the Cockerel promises a lot of good things - your relatives will spoil you with gifts, and even the endless visits of your aunties and uncles will not annoy you too much.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Rooster

The cockerel will happily take custody of you, so don’t let the owner of 2017 down. If you decide to change your profession, then the cards are in your hands - everything will work out, you will achieve even greater success than at your current place of work. Any boss will hire you without a probationary period, without even looking at your recommendations and resume - after all, you will be unusually charming and eloquent. Everything is also fine with finances - you don’t have to count the money, you’ll still get lost.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Dog

Your ability to work knows no bounds - even the technicians will start swinging rags at you, if only you could go home faster. Don’t exhaust yourself with work - the Cockerel will still help you, so hurry to your beloved family. Moreover, a lot of pleasant news awaits you at home - some Dogs will receive surprises from your chosen one, and for many of you the Cockerel has prepared a more interesting gift - expect a new addition to the family.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn-Pig (Boar)

Your opinion that success is only the result of hard work will be questioned in the year of the Rooster - fortune will spoil you for nothing. And you can enjoy life and not worry that the money will suddenly disappear, and the carriage will accidentally become a pumpkin. Besides, in 2017 you can get into high society, the only question is, do you need such happiness?! Consult with your chosen one, maybe quiet family evenings will suit you better than endless parties in trendy restaurants.

Horoscope for each month of 2017 for Capricorns

Outwardly modest and compliant, upon close acquaintance demonstrating indestructible strength of character and strong will - this is how they often describe Capricorn their relatives and friends. What does the horoscope for 2017 have in store for Capricorn? More on this later. Below is the characteristics of the zodiac sign.

Capricorn people are endowed with extraordinary tenacity and always achieve their goals, although they act not as warriors, but as diplomats.

The character of the sign ruled by the planet Saturn leaves an imprint on its appearance. Capricorn is good-natured, soft and pliable; he does not strive to enter into a bloody struggle for first place and hastily rush forward. Come on, the sign will not violate its karma by “going over their heads.” He will achieve his goal systematically, and time will be his best assistant.

Capricorns show confidence and calmness in all areas of life. These are non-conflict people; they will avoid quarrels and altercations. If it is not possible to avoid conflict, they show composure.

Conservative and practical Capricorn is not characterized by impulsive decisions and unjustified risks. Before making a decision, the sign will weigh the pros and cons. He is able to make operational decisions, regardless of the outcome, and takes responsibility for what is happening.

Capricorn's tenacity also has a downside - it is excessive stubbornness. Pride and pride do not allow the sign to admit defeat. He will defend his point of view to the last, without admitting to himself that he is wrong.

Capricorns are ambitious, they firmly believe that life is about moving forward and upward. Imagining their future, they see themselves standing 2 steps higher than now.

The sign is hardworking, knows how to concentrate on a problem, is capable of painstaking work, and is excellent at subordinating and obeying.

In personal relationships, Capricorn is always cautious. But if he understands that he is safe and can trust his partner, his coldness immediately disappears. Being a true friend, he will lend a shoulder in difficult times.

Earth, the element of the sign, is responsible for firmness and self-confidence, and the planet Saturn forces you to treat everything with seriousness and responsibility.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorns

From the first days of the year, the Fire Rooster advises you to take a closer look at everyone who is part of your circle of acquaintances. Unfortunately, your closest friends will be caught in envy and selfishness. Capricorn’s inherent ability to delve into the very essence of things will help distinguish loyalty from falsehood.

In the spring, when your enemies move away from you, a surge of positive energy and vitality will encourage you to achieve new heights. If the hypocrites cannot be seen in time, they will show their true colors in the fall.

During the summer, try to spend as much time as possible with your family. Don’t forget about your friends - attend parties, organize trips out of town, get together in a cozy bar on Fridays.

Getting closer to one or more work colleagues portends mutually beneficial cooperation.

If Capricorn works hard in the first half of the year, he will be able to relax in the fall, and things will continue to go on their own. Even while on vacation, analyze the flow of incoming information; in the future, this information will be useful for fruitful work.

By the end of autumn, be ready for new pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. The stars are favorable to those representatives of the sign who are ripe for serious relationships.

In 2017, you will be especially successful in playing the role of a lightning rod - you will nullify any conflicts in the team and home circle. The role of a peacemaker will only bring satisfaction.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn man

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the strong half of the Capricorn sign will have a real chance to open a successful business. Increasing competition may lead to irreparable mistakes.

Love experiences will reveal character traits that are not characteristic of you. Hobby will distract you from pressing matters. Therefore, before you plunge headlong into the pool, think about whether you are ready to sacrifice part of the profit or career well-being.

To achieve success, a man must clearly distinguish between work and love; those who chase two hares will not catch either.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn woman

This year, the fair half of the sign will be categorical and especially demanding. Character traits that are difficult to cope with can play a cruel joke on you. This will lead to conflicts with family members already in mid-spring. To maintain harmony and well-being with your family, show tenderness, tolerance and love to your loved ones.

When planning to make an expensive purchase, think 10 times whether you need it. A rash step will cause significant financial difficulties.

Single women will get a real chance to meet their other half, new acquaintances will have a serious continuation.

In order not to get hung up on housework, the stars recommend married Capricorn ladies to find an active hobby.

Love horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster advises representatives of the sign to show as much attention and love to their loved ones as possible. Your significant other has been waiting for a romantic step from you for a long time; ignoring this fact can lead to scandals and quarrels. Do not skimp on tenderness and affection, this way you will show gratitude for the timely moral support provided.

If you have thoughts of experiencing new sensations in love behind your other half’s back, drive them away. Everything secret will soon become apparent, and a fleeting hobby will only cause pain and disappointment.

Single Capricorns will have the opportunity to build a family nest. As summer approaches, a worthy person will appear in your life.

2017 does not foretell any difficulties for couples with children either. Children will delight their Capricorn parent with achievements in school and sports. Do not “put pressure” on children with your authority; this will not give a positive result, but it will bring coldness into the relationship and significantly distance you from each other.

Finance horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

For selfless work in the first half of the year, Capricorns will receive monetary compensation in the fall. Use these funds rationally, do not spend it all at once: set aside some, if possible, invest, buy furniture, make repairs.

Financial injections in 2017 will be related to your work and business activity; you should not count on gifts of fate.

Do not strive to receive “easy” money earned through the labor of others. Do not get involved in financial adventures - you will lose more than you gain.

Be wary of people who offer profitable investments with minimal risks; if your intuition tells you that you shouldn’t trust them, listen to it.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Capricorns will be more inclined to accumulate than to waste.

If friends ask for a loan, do not refuse. Approach such expenses philosophically - today you helped them, and tomorrow they will support you.

Career horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Having carefully thought about setting priorities in 2017, Capricorns will once again come to the conclusion that work should be given paramount importance. It is possible that you will be very busy; working on weekends and holidays will elevate you in the eyes of your superiors.

Management will set Capricorns tasks that will rightfully be considered a professional challenge. To positively resolve such problems, remember everything you have ever known or been able to do. If you put in enough effort, any task, even one that seems insurmountable at first, will yield to your sharp mind.

New projects started in the year of the Fire Rooster will be successful, but their implementation will not be too fast. Be patient, and a long wait will not bring you nervous experiences and shocks.

Health horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

2017 should be a year of health for Capricorns. Already at the beginning of the year, there is a risk of contracting a serious illness that requires long-term treatment. With proper therapy, you will be able to “get back on your feet” closer to autumn, but even now, monitor your well-being and do not stop prevention.

The well-being of a sign is directly proportional to its lifestyle. Stop abusing alcoholic beverages, get more rest, sleep, and eat well.

Pay special attention to the nervous system - stress and overwork at work will not have the best effect on it. At the beginning of autumn, organize a vacation at sea or in a pine forest.

Capricorns - famous personalities

Isaac Newton, Eduard Ouspensky, Stephenie Meyer, Ricky Martin, Dima Bilan, Conrad Hilton, Armin van Buuren, Mikhail Boyarsky, Jared Leto, Mao Zedong, Marlene Dietrich, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Gerard Depardieu, Denzel Washington, Rudyard Kipling, Anthony Hopkins , Oleg Deripaska, Mel Gibson, Marilyn Manson, Adriano Celentano.

Eastern horoscope for 2017

Other horoscopes for 2017

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