Born under the sign of Cancer-Snake: characteristics and horoscope. Cancer – Snake Combined horoscope Snake Cancer

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Eastern Zodiac– Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs



Frankly speaking, the sensitive and at the same time dexterous sign of the Snake does not fit too well with the glass image of the Knight. It is difficult for a snake to fixate itself and gain knightly steadfastness, to feel strength, to demonstrate the degree of confidence and stability that others will believe in. However, the Snake’s kindness is its own, not borrowed from anywhere. So show how kind and caring you are. It is not forbidden to admire yourself less, to put yourself at the center of the universe.

Pyotr Shcherbakov (21.7.1929). Master of episodic roles. He is always some kind of uncle, friend, helper. Alas, this horoscope is not for leading roles in films. But in life, people with such a confident image are much more in demand, including for the role of bosses. I remember him for his role as a saxophonist in the film “We Are From Jazz”.


For different peoples, the dream of him (her) has lived, lives and will live. He will come, he will warm everyone, he will feed everyone, he will take pity on them, he will press them to his heart, he will protect them from the cold, enemies, injustice and all kinds of hardships. Enemies can sneer, laugh, compare the Knight with Mother Teresa, Pope Carlo, Robin Hood, Don Quixote, Joan of Arc or Blessed Xenia, and still the embodied image of kindness will remain the most sought after and beloved.

And all because in childhood people did not receive the warmth of their grandparents, mother's affection and nanny's care. In a word, we are people like people, only nurseries and kindergartens have spoiled us.

Thus, the Knight is called upon to bring pristine kindness to the world of cold calculation and commercial grin and make up for the lack of warmth. How to depict this kindness and is it permissible to depict kindness? Well, I think there is no problem here. A huge number of overly benign doctrines call on all people to become kind, keep a smile, love everyone, and so on. Therefore, there will be no trouble if we call upon one of the seven signs to be an active bearer of goodness and affection, no matter what devils sit inside him.

Give people affection, a smile, feed them pies, give them tea, wrap them in warm scarves, because your image is a nanny, a kind grandmother. Protect people, protect them from rash actions, for your image is bodyguard, guardian of order and peace.

A certain obsessiveness and importunity are included in the range of the image, although they do not always evoke proper appreciation from people. There is also the Knight’s love for small details and details, which sometimes gives rise to pettiness of guardianship.

And one more thing: endless smiles, non-stop love cannot but lead the Knight to exhaustion. And then monstrous breakdowns are possible, an abyss opens up, and our eternal good-natured man shows the reverse side of the image - a terrible grin of equally eternal evil.


Called himself a Knight, be different from everyone else, separate yourself from the people, from the crowd. Knights cannot move in a herd; loneliness is their lot. Thus, the contradiction is obvious: on the one hand, you need to go to people to warm them up, on the other hand, you need to be alone. However, the problem can be easily eliminated if the Knight is not afraid to actively violate social rules, to separate himself from the crowd with strange actions, a strange appearance, and unusual manners.

Thus, the Knight is simply obliged to put on something like this, unlike anything else. Everyone will find an example to follow (Don Quixote, Lancelot, Rumata...). It won’t hurt to say some strange words and behave on the border between normality and pathology. Sometimes strangeness is born from the glassiness of the Knight, the famous knightly call of eternity.

A knight is not an Aristocrat; he doesn’t really need people’s love. Here the game is reversed: the Knight bears love for the people, but does not collect tribute of love from the people.

Emphasis on loneliness for the Knight it happens precisely because he himself is not too happy about loneliness and seems to suffer from it. This is the game of this image - to do everything to achieve loneliness and then complain about your own loneliness. The immortal Mac Laud suffers from loneliness, the kindest Rumata remains lonely, flies away on the sheets without knowing the love of Remedios the Beautiful.

The desire for loneliness inevitably gives rise to certain communication problems. Sometimes knightly nobility is replaced by its opposite, a love of gossip, a thirst for complete control over the person being supervised. The craving for voyeurism is precisely combined with a love for small details and detailed detailing.


There is always a place for heroic deeds in life. The great Knights, real or book, do not allow us to doubt this. Most often we are talking about a feat of self-sacrifice. For the sake of the family, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of children, for the sake of the people or humanity, noble representatives of the noble horoscope sacrifice their well-being, wealth and life itself. These are the rules of the game and you shouldn’t expose these feats too seriously, you shouldn’t laugh at the Knights’ attempts to accomplish these feats. Let them... However, ridicule of the Knight is also included in the conditions of the game, helping the Knight to establish himself in his loneliness, indirectly facilitating the path to self-sacrifice.

One of the main feats in the history of mankind is the feat of love. This feat is prescribed to the Knight as the most miraculous balm. Let the Knight fall in love with someone, and he will become the happiest person on earth.

They love, put love above other matters, think about the meaning of love. It is no coincidence that, being fairly average artists, many Knights became very strong directors, the main theme of whose work was love.


A Knight cannot be evil or aggressive (like Vector), cannot be dry and rational (like a Professor), cannot be sophisticated (like an Aristocrat), or noisy and fussy (like a Leader or a Jester).

In fact, the list of prohibitions is so long that it actually leaves the Knight no freedom of action. Maybe that’s why they’re not great actors, there’s nothing special to play.

And yet the main prohibitions are not those from other people’s images, but their own family, knightly ones. You need to hide outbursts of negativism from the right people, you need to hide openly pathological deviations in the psyche, somehow restrain your obsession and try not to be too petty in your actions. The list is long. Well, those who came into the world to do good did not receive the most favorable image.


Trapped in the grip of figurative prohibitions, the Knight takes revenge in real affairs. This modest, thorough and obliging sign is an excellent performer, a wonderful boss and a very good teacher. Therefore, despite the modesty of the image, the sign has excellent career prospects. The apparent lack of talent is easily compensated by stability and reliability. The boss shouldn’t be the smartest, he should be the most fair, balanced and caring, in a word, “a father.” |

For many representatives of the sign Cancer 2019 will be a period of relative stability. This is more likely a time of reflection, dreaming and setting new goals rather than active steps, which is quite consistent with your internal motto: “Hasten slowly.” Mid-spring and early autumn will be important stages when you can finally decide to make changes at work and in your personal life. Summer will be filled with household chores, communication with friends and relatives. And in December, expect pleasant surprises from Fortune...

Monthly horoscope for Cancers

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On Monday, Cancer, whose work is related to creativity or the generation of creative ideas, may experience a lack of inspiration. Don’t despair, this is a temporary lull - most likely, the situation will change in the coming days. On Monday, waiting for the capricious muse of Cancer is as useless as waiting for the weather by the sea. Instead, it is much more effective for him to roll up his sleeves and get busy with current affairs that do not require any creative sparks for their implementation.

On Tuesday, Cancer will be in an elevated, positive state of mind, thanks to which his affairs can move forward as if by themselves. He can handle both monotonous work and projects that require analysis or a creative approach with equal ease. Both friends and colleagues of Cancer can safely close any opening for them on Tuesday: in a state of internal harmony, he is able to do much more in a day than usual. And much less tired.

On Wednesday, Cancer's plans can change dramatically during the day. Perhaps this will happen for reasons beyond his control, or perhaps he himself will be to blame for this. One way or another, the situation will require him to adapt to changing circumstances and think on his feet. If Cancer succeeds in this on Wednesday, he will be able to turn any changes to his advantage! The main thing is not to fall into a stupor from surprise when planned, almost decided things suddenly begin to fail.

On Thursday, the horoscope stars advise Cancer not to reinvent the wheel: after all, it was invented a long time ago! Is there some problem? Before offering his own option, Cancer should look at how others solved the same issue before him. By taking advantage of other people's ideas, Cancer will save a lot of time and effort on Thursday. After all, the main thing is not to have information on any issue, but to know where to find it at the right time.

On Friday, Cancer is unlikely to miss its benefits, no matter in what unexpected form it floats into his hands! They say that money does not smell, but Cancer will literally smell its approach and will be able to use the slightest chance to replenish his wallet. That's why Friday is a great day for making deals, buying and selling, discussing financial ideas or getting a job. And also for talking with your boss about raising your salary - if, of course, Cancer has strong arguments in favor.

On Saturday, Cancer will be like Julius Caesar, who brilliantly managed to do several things at once! The day gives Cancer such qualities as energy, a sharp mind and, most importantly, speed - thanks to them, he is able to break all records on Saturday! Those around you can only envy: on Saturday, even if Cancer takes on three tasks at once, he will be able to get an excellent result!

On Sunday, Cancer may experience an unprecedented uplift of spirit and enthusiasm - alas, not always appropriate. The horoscope stars incline that Cancer will be inspired every now and then to perform various feats, but the implementation of these feats will leave much to be desired. If Cancer does not want to repeat the fate of that poor fellow who broke his forehead during fervent prayer, it will be useful for him to limit his indomitable thirst for activity on this day.

The horoscope for 2018 according to the zodiac signs is strongly influenced by the planets responsible for harmony, but the destructive influence of Mars and Jupiter will lead to sudden bursts of adventurism and relaxation. That is why the entire 2018 for Cancer will pass under the sign of freedom and independence, and this will affect all areas of his life and affect the state of affairs next year.

It cannot be said that Cancer will live an easy and fun 2018, but, in any case, this year will be more successful for him than the previous 2017. Most representatives of the sign are awaiting a test of strength, which will not be easy to pass.

In the year of the Dog, the horoscope warns Cancers from rash actions, as well as from excessive concentration on themselves and their problems. Life will force them to crawl out of a secluded corner and begin to act, or, at least, not hide from everyone and everything.

This will be largely facilitated by the special location of the Lunar nodes, which will awaken the desire to achieve, fight and win. In the first half of the year, Cancers will work hard, and in the second half they will be overcome by a thirst for adventure, so the likelihood of going on a trip will be very high.

As the horoscope for 2018 for Cancer from Pavel Globa promises, long-standing fears of remaining misunderstood, rejected by others and loved ones will turn out to be groundless, but only if representatives of the sign make due efforts. You should not rush from side to side or cling to what has long passed.

Last year was quite difficult and unconstructive, so the 2018 horoscope advises you to start working on your mistakes:

  • and is worth devoting to planning. Set realistic goals that can be achieved during the first half of the year.
  • You can begin to establish relationships with your “soul mate”; the special position of Venus in the sky will help Cancers in this. Representatives of the sign will be so charming in their spontaneity that they will find a common language even with old enemies.
  • and will be favorable for health concerns. Cancers should change their views on nutrition, spend more time outdoors, and take a couple of trips to nature in the company of friends.
  • The summer and autumn will be spent in work; new projects will literally fall on Rakov. Despite the lack of free time, they will have to improve their skills, and perhaps change their field of activity for the sake of new prospects.
  • Winter will bring a lot of troubles, but most of them will be related to your personal life. During this period, financial difficulties are not expected, but you should not waste money.

Star forecast for men

The best vacation time for women is Rakov, not summer, but autumn. When choosing a vacation spot, you should be guided by common sense and the thickness of your wallet. The year will be rich in acquaintances, chance encounters and unexpected trips; some representatives of the sign, whose work involves business trips, will literally have to sit on a suitcase.

Love and relationships

The love horoscope for 2018 for family representatives of the sign promises difficulties in communicating with loved ones, because most Cancers will focus only on work. The stars warn that you need to pay more attention to children and loved ones, otherwise major scandals and quarrels are possible by the end of the year.

Until June, no troubles are expected, but in the fall the first disagreements will arise, try to resolve them before winter. Many family Cancers decide to have children; this decision will strengthen even those relationships that have cracked.

Throughout 2018, the horoscope of lonely Cancers will be influenced not only by Venus, but also by the Moon, which will go through several key phases. Cancer women at the first lunar node will experience incredible luck in love; the main thing is to choose the right object of attention.

Don’t rush to make a decision, because fate has prepared another gift: a chance meeting in July will bring unexpected happiness, and therefore will force you to choose between an already established relationship and a new passion. The stars warn that you should not focus too much on work, you should try to maintain a balance between work and rest.

Cancer men will not be so lucky in love; most likely, this year they will prefer new relationships to old ones, and they will have to pay dearly for this. This especially applies to family Cancers, who will decide on a new relationship, but will not find happiness in them. It will take Cancer a long time to reconcile with his wife; reunification is possible only by the end of the year. In general, the year will be generous with temptations, but the stars advise you not to forget what is really important to you.

Cancer bachelors will be in favor: they will be guaranteed female adoration, but they will not be able to start a serious relationship. Unfortunately, the Moon will play a cruel joke: all potential partners will perceive the Cancer man as an object for a frivolous relationship.

In the fall, there will be a lull on the love front for Cancers, mainly due to the fact that the influence of Venus will be minimal. In winter, fateful meetings are possible that can greatly change the life of Cancers for the better.

The abundance of temptations will lead to the fact that Cancers will begin to scatter themselves over trifles, instead of focusing on one single goal. This year, the star chart advises Cancers to concentrate on their inner “I” and try to decide on their desires and plans. Representatives of this sign must begin to think about the feelings of others and let go of the past, then fate will definitely smile on them.

Finance and work

Cancers will not have any difficulties with finances, but at the beginning of the year they will still have to tighten their belts a little. The horoscope for Cancer for 2018 from Tamara Globa says that you will have to work a lot, travel on business trips, and negotiate with incredibly picky partners.

Luck will help representatives of the Cancer sign in any endeavor, but to do this they will have to prove that they are worthy of it. At the beginning of the year, Cancers will have to start new projects, which will bear generous fruits closer to September.

As the horoscope promises, Cancer will not spend 2018 in vain working, because the well-being of the next year, 2019, depends precisely on the successes it achieves in the current period. Cancers should not rely too much on intuition, since in the year of the Earth Dog she will decide to rest and decisions will have to be made based on common sense.

The year is not suitable for loans and credits. Cancers will have to make do with their own funds and under no circumstances lend money, because the money may not be returned. Cancers should be wary of risky proposals, not neglect calculations and not be afraid of long thoughts, because otherwise Mercury can play a cruel joke on them.

The most difficult period will be the end of winter: the unfavorable position of the planets will force Cancers to look for a way out of a very difficult situation. Problems may also arise with money, since not all new endeavors will bear worthy fruits.

When planning a vacation, resort to a trick: try to save money, or better yet, move your vacation from summer to autumn. Cancer women will not have any financial problems throughout the year, and their fans will shower them with expensive gifts.

From a career point of view, Cancers have a very high chance of getting the desired position, but they will have to fight for it. Intrigue and envy will not in the least prevent you from achieving your goal; the main thing in the fight against competitors is not to use their own methods. Difficulties will begin in September - October, when Mercury will be in opposition to Mars.

Cancers' inability to keep their mouth shut will lead to difficulties in relationships with colleagues, quarrels with superiors or a change of job, so it is worth learning self-control. At the end of the year, Cancers may doubt whether they are doing the right thing, so the stars advise them to take a few days of rest and think about everything carefully before making a final decision.


As the horoscope promises, Cancer will experience periodic health problems throughout 2018, and may also become a victim of an accident. In the first third of the year, Cancers should pay special attention to the nervous system, because excessive fatigue at work can lead to headaches, pressure surges or general malaise.

Try to avoid vitamin deficiency and consult a doctor at the slightest ailment, walk more, eat right. Spring colds do not escape Cancers, so they will have to rest at home for a couple of days, in a warm and cozy bed, under the caring supervision of relatives.

The horoscope for the 18th year states that the second third of the year will be very active for Cancers, parties with friends, gatherings in cafes, new meetings and dates await them. The stars advise Cancers to avoid heavy libations, because large amounts of alcohol and smoking will not bring any good.

There may be problems with the stomach, liver or kidneys, food poisoning or simply feeling unwell for no reason, so start taking care of your health. Energetically, Cancers will also be weakened, which will lead to some apathy and fatigue from everything, and therefore it is worth taking at least a couple of days off.

The last part of the year will be relatively calm for Cancers, except for overload at work. The combination of Uranus and Neptune will give Cancers an inexhaustible supply of energy, and Mercury will allow them to become simply invulnerable. During this period, the likelihood of catching a cold will increase, however, unlike at the beginning of the year, the malaise will pass almost unnoticed for Cancers.

For Cancer women who will soon become mothers, the stars have prepared a pleasant surprise, because childbirth will be easy. Ladies in this position are in no danger; even colds will bypass them. The only advice that all astrologers give to Cancers is: try not to be nervous, especially since there will be no serious reasons for this. Author: Natalya Ivanova

Today the stars will want to test your endurance. The good news is that there will be plenty of strength and enthusiasm. You meet any adversity of fate with your head held high and perceived with a dose of irony. However, beware of envious people and quarrelsome colleagues. They will try to upset you, so stay calm and don't show your true emotions.

Love horoscope

The day is suitable for reflecting and evaluating relationships. Think about how you can change the situation to improve your personal life. To answer this question, talk to your significant other. Maybe she (he) has been lacking attention or care lately.

If you are not in a love relationship, today you will have a chance to meet a wonderful person who will captivate you with his originality at first sight.

Financial horoscope

On this day, unexpected difficulties will arise at work. To solve them, you should seek help from older or more experienced people. You can take on cases that require analyzing a large amount of information or forecasting events. But rash steps will lead to loss of money.

Health horoscope

There should be no serious health problems: you are full of strength, energy and a positive attitude. If you feel slightly tired, rest for a few minutes, breathe in some fresh air, and then return to your usual duties. In the afternoon, avoid intense eye strain.

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