Fortune telling on whatman paper. Fortune telling on a saucer with an alphabet circle: rules and precautions. Searching for a person using a saucer

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Fortune telling on a saucer is a very common and popular ritual, since it not only allows you to get a clear answer to any question, but also makes it possible to come into contact with supernatural forces. After all, to obtain the necessary information you will need the help of some spirit.

Fortune telling on whatman paper with a saucer - calling on the spirit

Today, many methods are known that will help you get answers to really all your questions. This is divination, and so on.

What do we know about fortune telling on whatman paper with a saucer? This is a very ancient ritual of divination, during which the sorcerer has to resort to summoning the spirit. The tools used in the ritual are a tablet or Whatman paper on which the alphabet is written, and a triangular pointer, which is controlled by the coming entity. In this case, the pointer is replaced by a saucer.

Also, the ritual is very similar to divination using a needle and thread or a ritual with a pendulum. If you decided on a fortune telling with a saucer, then place the plate on whatman paper, draw the alphabet in a circle, in the center you can write numbers, the words “yes” and “no”. Some methods indicate that it is also worth writing the words “Hello” and “Goodbye”.

Remember, the ceremony is not performed alone, but in the company of other people. If you are not experienced enough and are afraid that some outside spirit will come to your call, protect yourself in advance. This can be done using rituals or.

In order to carry out the ritual correctly, it is worth observing all the little things. First, buy a new ritual plate. It should be completely white, without any patterns. Turn the attribute over so that it slides easily on the Whatman paper; be sure to draw an arrow on one edge.

It is with its help that the spirit will show the necessary letters and numbers. During the ritual, everyone is forbidden to talk to each other, joke, or film the process on video or photo. Among all the participants there must be a person who will ask absolutely all questions. It is also advisable to have a participant who can quickly write down answers.

When you are ready, each participant in the action should place their fingertips on the plate. In addition, write down all the questions that will be asked in advance, since it is better not to invent them on the fly.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the leader should say loudly:

We call the spirit (name).

This part of the ritual can be replaced if you have chosen one of the rituals for summoning a specific soul. If you have not chosen a specific magical assistant, then repeat the words of the call three times. After this, you should find out whether the magical assistant has appeared. To do this, the presenter asks:

Spirit, are you there?

If everything is done correctly, the plate will point to the word “Yes”. You need to say hello to the magical entity, after which it will answer you in kind. If there is no response, there is no point in performing the ceremony.

If you try to summon the entity a couple more times, it will eventually get angry and manage to cause damage to you. When you say hello to the evil spirits, you can begin the divination itself. Now the presenter needs to start asking questions according to the list. The second is asked only after the answer to the first is heard.

You can’t rush your spirit. During manipulations, it is forbidden to take your hands off the saucer or deliberately move it. Do not immediately start discussing the answers (if the questions are not related to each other); if you believe the reviews, it is better to devote time to this after the ceremony.

If you have chosen fortune telling with a plate and the alphabet, then be sure to adhere to all the canons that are necessary for the correct performance of the ritual. First, open the window or at least the window completely. This will ensure the appearance of a spirit in the room.

Do not use lamps to illuminate the room. It is best to light wax candles. Paraffin candles are not used in rituals. When asking questions, make sure that each question is asked only once. They should be constructed simply and concisely. You cannot ask questions that can be answered in two ways.

If the arriving assistant refused to give advice, then asking questions or demanding answers again is prohibited. By inappropriate behavior you will anger the spirit. When the information is received, be sure to say goodbye to the magical assistant.

In the event that he does not want to urgently leave, say the text “Our Father” three times in chorus and ask the Higher powers to drive away the magical assistant. The ritual is considered completed only at the moment when the spirit has stopped responding to various questions.

If you are conducting a spiritualistic session for the first time, it is recommended to involve a more experienced comrade in it. It is advisable that among the participants in the ritual there should be at least one person who has previously dealt with such magic.

This is important, because even if you protect yourself and use the ritual of summoning a good spirit, there is a possibility that an evil entity will appear. An experienced sorcerer will be able to identify it and send it to another world. Remember, the stronger the helper from another world is, the harder it will be to send him back.

Remember, under no circumstances should you ask the entity to show its face. At best, he will simply scare you, at worst, he will penetrate this world and it will be really difficult to expel him.

In this article:

Fortune telling on a plate is an ancient magical ritual of predicting the future, which was used in Rus' during the Christmas season. According to popular beliefs, on the night from the sixth to the seventh of January, the invisible line between the human world and the other world is greatly depleted, which is why various entities easily penetrate the earth.

Yuletide fortune telling

Christmas Eve is a completely unique, mysterious time, a time of magic, mysticism and magic. During this period, from time immemorial, it was customary to carry out all sorts of witchcraft rituals, including fortune telling, various love spells, and conspiracies of all stripes and directions.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve can only be carried out taking into account the rules common to any ritual. First of all, before fortune telling, you must let your hair down and take off all your jewelry (rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants), the same rule applies to crosses on your body.

All these objects in ancient times served as amulets, closed the energy of their owner and significantly complicated the process of performing magical rituals. In addition, even before the start of fortune telling, the performer must completely decide on the question or questions to which he wants to receive answers.

Christmas Eve is the best time for fortune telling

You need to write in advance on a piece of paper all the topics that interest you and, based on them, formulate questions in such a way that they do not allow inaccurate answers. Another important point is the day of the ritual. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the period from January 13th to 18th is most suitable for these purposes. Since with the onset of Vasiliev's Evening the power of evil spirits begins to weaken, therefore after that it will be much more difficult to get truthful answers to your questions.

Fortune telling on a plate

This is a technique for predicting the future and getting answers to any questions. In no case should such fortune-telling be taken lightly, since it is based on interaction with otherworldly entities that, under certain circumstances, can cause a person a lot of trouble.

An important feature of such a ritual is that at least three people must participate in its implementation in order to simplify and secure the process; it is better that four take part in the ritual.

To perform this technique, you will need a special witchcraft board, on which all the letters of the alphabet, numbers and some special words should be written, in particular: “Yes”, “No”, “Hello” and “Goodbye”. If you don’t have such a board, then its analogue is quite easy to make at home. To do this, you will need a large blank sheet of paper (preferably Whatman paper). On this sheet you need to draw an even circle, on the outside of which is the alphabet, and on the inside - the numbers from 0 to 9.

You can use any new, white plate that has not been used for its intended purpose as a pointer.

The plate is placed inside the circle, bottom up, and an arrow is drawn on its edge with a marker or felt-tip pen, which will point to the letters.

When everything is ready, all the people participating in the ritual sit around the plate and place their fingertips on its edges.

It is very important that no one present puts any pressure on the plate at all; there is no need to hold it or try to push it; if everything is done correctly, it will move without your help.

If you are in a serious mood, this fortune telling will surprise you with the results.

Before the ceremony, all participants must collectively decide which spirit or entity they will turn to with their questions. In addition, at the same time, the ritual participants must decide which of them will play the role of leader - communicate with the spirit and ask him questions. It is important that only one person speaks, this will make it much easier to establish contact with the entity and control it.

When all preparations are completed and the participants have placed their fingers on the plate, the leader should say the words: “Calling the spirit (name).” This formula must be repeated at least three times, after which direct communication with the spirit begins.

The first question to ask is “Spirit (name), are you here?” If there is no affirmative answer to this question, there is no point in continuing the ritual. When an affirmative answer is nevertheless received, you need to greet the spirit, and then proceed directly to the prepared questions.

It is very important that the ritual participants keep up with the movement of the plate, do not push it or tear off their fingers.

It will be helpful if, in addition to the participants themselves, a person will participate in the ceremony, who will write down all the questions uttered and the answers received, this will make it much easier to keep track of the plate and understand the information received from the spirit.

This method of fortune telling has a number of important rules that performers must remember. First of all, you need to know that fortune telling is carried out only in dim lighting created by candles made of natural wax. In addition, to make it easier for the spirit to enter the room, you need to leave a window or vent open. Throughout the ritual, those present must maintain complete silence; only the leader should speak to the spirit. And the most important rule is that at the end of the ritual you need to send the spirit home and forbid it to return. If this is not done, the entity may remain in our world, which will definitely not bring any positive consequences.

In this article:

Fortune telling on a witch's board and saucer is an ancient method of predicting the future by invoking a spirit. Many people are skeptical about this method, however, among those who have tried it there are many witnesses that the technique really works and shows excellent results.

How to guess correctly with a saucer

There are many similar techniques in which the performer works with a magic board and saucer, with an arrow drawn on it. All these methods operate according to the same scheme: first, a spirit is summoned, who will be asked questions, and then they receive answers formed from letters or words, which are pointed to by an arrow on the saucer.

A simple method of fortune telling

This is one of the simplest options for fortune telling, in which a saucer is used. The first step is to prepare all the items and attributes necessary for this ritual.

A small plate can be found in every home, but not everyone can find a witch’s board in their attic. Fortunately, you can quickly make a replica of this ancient item with your own hands and at home. To do this you will need a large sheet of paper (Whatman paper) and a black felt-tip pen.

A sheet of paper must be mentally divided in half with a horizontal line. At the top, write all the letters of the alphabet and the words “Yes” and “No” in a semicircle, and at the bottom – the numbers from o to 9, as well as the words “Hello” and “Goodbye”. All letters, numbers and words must be written clearly and in the correct order, do not make mistakes that could negatively affect the effectiveness of the ritual. When this attribute is ready, you can proceed to choosing a suitable saucer.

It is best to use a porcelain plate, as this material glides on any surface much better than others. Take only a white saucer without ornaments or any images. When a suitable object is found, turn it upside down and draw an arrow on one side, which will be our pointer.

Do not turn the session into a joke, this method can help you make a decision or get an answer to an important question

An important element of any fortune telling with such an indicator is that such rituals must be performed by at least two people. If you do not have at least one suitable partner who shares your belief and interest in predicting the future, you should use another method, or use a pendulum as a guide.

When the board and plate are fully prepared for the ceremony, sit with your partner at the table, lay out the board, place a saucer in its center and light two or three natural wax candles. Before the ceremony, you need to slightly open the window or window in the room, this will greatly simplify fortune telling. After this, all other light sources are extinguished, all electrical appliances are turned off, and the process of summoning the spirit begins.

You need to choose a leader in advance - a person who will work with the spirit and ask all the questions; these actions should be performed by only one person so that there is no confusion and misunderstanding. The leader should take the saucer in his palm and hold it in his hands for a while. And then he turns to the spirit with an appeal. The easiest way to summon the spirit of a person who has recently died. This could be one of the relatives of the leader or someone else present during the ritual.

After saying the phrase: “Spirit (name) come.” The dish is placed in the center of the drawn witchcraft board, and everyone present lightly touches it with their fingertips. Now you need to ask the question: “Spirit (name), are you here?” The question is asked until the plate begins to move and the arrow moves to the word “Yes.” Only after this happens can you start asking all the questions that interest you.

There are several important rules in this fortune telling that must be taken into account:

  • all questions must be prepared in advance and written on paper, it is important that they are all correctly formulated;
  • Only one person should speak to the spirits - the leader;
  • In no case should there be electric light sources in the room, they scare away spirits;
  • when asking a question, fortune tellers must fully concentrate on it, and on the desire to receive a truthful answer;
  • under no circumstances should you let go of the saucer;
  • remember that the entity that may come is completely different from the one you addressed, so first of all you need to ask about the number of entities that came and their names;
  • if there is something in the name of the entity that appears that seems alarming to you, the session should be stopped immediately, ordering the spirit to go back to where it came from and never return;
  • be confident and persistent, some entities do not want to leave the human world and, if you are unsure, may remain in the apartment;
  • if the saucer starts to move sharply and quickly, then try to grab it firmly and hold it in place, remember - the initiative should always remain in your hands;
  • if while working with spirits the saucer breaks, this is a bad omen, due to which many unpleasant events can subsequently happen.

In conclusion, I would like to note that any method of fortune telling on a silver platter is associated with a certain risk. If you are not confident in your abilities and in the actions that may need to be taken in an unforeseen situation, it is better to choose a simpler and safer method in which you do not have to deal so closely with paranormal entities.

Fortune telling on a saucer should start from 12 o'clock at night and ending at 4 o'clock in the morning, since during this period the spirits are most active. Basically, they are held on Christmas evening and Epiphany night (January 6 and 19, respectively). It is not advisable to make fortunes during the period from January 14 to 18, but most fortune tellers choose these days to summon the spirit, since they give the most accurate predictions. For fortune telling, you need the presence of at least people - this will give the spirit more strength to appear in the material world. Animals must be removed from the room.

In the room where fortune telling occurs, there should be no open mirrors or icons, and the door or window should be open.

On the saucer you need to draw an arrow and an alphabetical circle, into which you need to write all the letters clockwise. Inside this circle, another circle is drawn, around which you need to write the numbers from 0 to 9, as well as the words “Yes” or “No” - above and below. It is advisable to choose a light and porcelain saucer so that it slides well on the table surface. Fortune tellers should not wear crosses, chains, rings or other metal parts, and it is also forbidden to drink alcohol before fortune telling. The room should be quiet, questions should be asked only in a whisper. Instead of electric light, you need to light several ordinary, non-church candles.

Fortune telling on a saucer

Fortune tellers should sit around a table with a saucer pre-heated over a candle flame, rub their palms and place two fingers on its upside down side. Then one of the fortunetellers says “Spirit (name), come to us.” When the saucer starts moving, you need to ask the spirit if he is here - if the arrow indicates “Yes,” you need to ask if he came with good intentions. If yes, then you can start asking questions. If the answer is no, the spirit must be driven away immediately.

You need to communicate with spirits politely and correctly, otherwise they will either refuse to answer or give an incorrect prediction.

After the end of the fortune telling session on a saucer, the spirit should definitely be thanked and released, saying “Goodbye” to it. Otherwise, he may stay and do minor mischief, scaring the inhabitants of the apartment. You should also ask “Spirit, are you still here?” to ensure that the entity has left the house. At the end of the fortune telling, you must remember to turn the saucer over to complete

Everyone has heard about this method of divination. Fortune telling on a saucer originates from ancient rituals to summon spirit helpers, which were used by the shamans of ancient tribes. The modern version of fortune telling with the calling of spirits was formed in the 19th century in Europe, from where it quickly spread throughout the world.

If you do everything right, the spirit will be able to reveal to you the answer to any question, since they know the past, present and future.

In order to carry out fortune telling to summon the spirit on a saucer, take a sheet of paper on which you need to write all the letters and numbers and the words “Yes” and “No”. Write large and legibly so that all symbols can be seen in dim candlelight.

An example of the arrangement of symbols on a saucer for fortune telling.

It is more convenient to place the letters of the alphabet in a circle; leave large enough gaps between them so that later there is no doubt about what exactly the saucer points to.

Ideally, the circle should be at least one and a half meters in diameter. Therefore, in order to fit all the inscriptions, it is better to take a sheet of A3 or larger paper. A piece of Whatman paper works well.

You definitely need to buy a new saucer for fortune telling. It should be white, without any pattern, not even a golden border. Porcelain is best suited; it is the lightest material; such a saucer will slide well on whatman paper.

Turn the saucer over and draw an arrow on the back of it, with the help of which the spirit will point you to the symbols. It is better to use durable acrylic paint for ceramics for this, so that the arrow is not accidentally rubbed off by your fingers, which will sweat from excitement.

And be sure to invite your friends to visit. Traditionally, Christmas time fortune telling on a saucer is carried out in a large company; there must be at least five of you.

Summoning a spirit is a rather serious action; one person, especially one inexperienced in magic, may not have enough strength to do it. And when several people sit in a circle, join hands and concentrate on one goal, their energy shells close, forming a single circuit.

The call of a large company is more likely to be heard by an otherworldly entity. And in case something goes wrong, the company is more likely to deal with the guest's antics, quickly forcing the spirit to leave.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Security measures

Sometimes it happens that instead of a helping spirit, an unkind entity appears to inexperienced magicians and begins to play pranks. At best, you will receive incorrect answers to questions and become skeptical about such fortune-telling.

But the evil spirits may become more noticeable, for example, a light bulb will explode, strange sounds will be heard, or a feeling of fear will appear in all participants in the call. In this case, read a prayer from your religion, and also ask the spirit of a deceased relative with whom you had a good relationship to come to the aid.

You cannot ask a spirit to appear in visible form. He may agree, and you will receive a vision that will scare you.

An unprepared person should not see entities from the other world, even if these spirits are friendly towards you.

For the same reason, close all the mirrors in the room before starting fortune telling; the spirit may be reflected in them by accident or to deliberately scare you.

During fortune-telling on a saucer, any unprepared person may be afraid that it moves on its own and gives clear answers, so among the participants in the circle there should not be children under 13 years of age, people with heart problems and pregnant women.

Politeness with Spirits

When you gather guests for a saucer reading on Christmas Day or any other day, explain a few simple rules to them before you begin to call upon the spirits.

The result of your fortune telling depends on following these rules. Spirits, like people, find it unpleasant to be disrespected. Having noticed such an attitude towards itself, the spirit will not help you.

So, the rules of politeness with spirits that you need to remember:

  • Choose one leader to ask questions of the spirit. The task of the rest is to hold the circle and concentrate on the intention to call the spirit and receive truthful answers from it. If you are calling someone's relative, let this person be the leader, otherwise let the most experienced person in magic be the medium.
  • You can talk in a circle only in a whisper, and if it is really necessary. Postpone sharing your impressions until the fortune telling is completed. Of course, you cannot shout, interrupt the presenter or disturb him in any other way. The spirit must understand who is in charge and whose orders it must obey.
  • There should not be people in your circle who came to you to laugh at fortune tellers. Of course, you can’t get into everyone’s head, but ideally everyone sitting in a circle should only think about getting answers to questions. Then the energy of the circle will be as high as possible. Otherwise, the spirit may sense the frivolous attitude of some people and refuse to answer you.
  • There should be no people in the room who do not participate in fortune-telling, as well as animals;
  • You cannot photograph the ceremony or film it with a video camera. Mobile phones also need to be turned off. It is necessary to carry out fortune telling on a saucer with a candle; electric lighting is prohibited.
  • Don't try to move the saucer in the direction you want to adjust the result. Otherwise, why do you call on the spirit if you yourself know everything?
  • Before you start, write down a list of all the questions the host will ask, as well as questions to verify the guest's identity. You shouldn’t make them up as you go along; this inevitably causes discussion, which confuses the thoughts of the circle participants.
  • All participants must remove metal jewelry and any crosses or body icons. These objects are unpleasant to the spirits and cause them irritation.
  • All participants in the ceremony must be sober. Alcohol clouds the mind and interferes with concentration. And the spirit has a desire to play a trick on you.
  • Speak to the spirit politely, as if you were a respected guest, but if he starts joking, do not be afraid, but sternly order him to leave.

How to do fortune telling on a saucer

When performing any ritual, the main thing is not to be afraid

Start fortune telling on a saucer with an alphabet circle only when you are sure that all the tools are completely ready for work, the list of questions has been finalized and no one wants to add to it, and all participants understand how to behave during the ritual.


Decide what kind of spirit you will call upon. You can call a person you know who has recently died and not yet 40 days have passed. In this case, it will be polite to call the spirit who has come to you by name.

Or you can call an abstract benevolent spirit, then the first one who hears it will come to your call. A random spirit can be asked for its name during a divination, and it will introduce itself if it wishes.

And of course, it is useless to try to summon the spirit of a living person. If you want to talk to someone alive, but there is no such opportunity, it is better to call this person into your dream.

Open the window slightly so that the spirit can freely enter the room and then leave it. Turn off the lights, spirits don't like electricity. To make it brighter, you can put not one, but several candles; their number does not matter here. The candles chosen for the ceremony must be made of natural wax and not consecrated in the church.

Of course, this fortune telling can only be done in the evening or at night, but it is better to start it at midnight. Spirits are most active from twelve o'clock at night to four in the morning; at this time it is easiest to establish contact with them.

Rub your palms so that they are hot, this will activate the flow of energy in your hands. Heat the saucer over a candle flame and place it in the center of a piece of whatman paper. All together, touch the back of the saucer with the fingers of both hands, just do not cover the arrow.

Carrying out the ritual

And now it’s time to start the fortune telling on a saucer, calling the spirit and establishing contact with it. Say three times in a row at the same time:

“We call on the spirit.”

Then ask three times in a row simultaneously:

“Spirit, are you here?”

  • If you succeed, the saucer will move and the arrow will point to the answer “Yes”. Greet the guest.
  • If the saucer has not moved at all, no one has responded to your call, and there is no point in trying to ask anything else. Don't be discouraged and try inviting another spirit.

After greeting the spirit, the leader should immediately begin asking him according to the plan you have drawn up. Everyone else must constantly touch the saucer with their fingertips to transfer their energy to it. You can only let go of the saucer at the moment of saying goodbye to the spirit. As an exception, one person can write down the answers on another paper, but this person must remain focused on the fortune telling, remaining energetically united with the group.

When calling the spirit of a deceased relative, start with those questions to which only that person can know the answers. For example: “Grandfather, what did you call me as a child?” Questions like these will help you immediately understand if another spirit has come instead of the one you called.

But in this case, do not rush to break contact. Ask the spirit to identify itself and watch for its further responses. Not all unwanted spirits come to you with malicious intent; your guest could come to the call by accident. If you specifically need a grandfather, ask the guest to leave, take a break and start the ceremony again.

Very often the saucer begins to move so quickly that you need to watch the arrow very carefully. The presenter should not repeat a question if the answer could not be understood or the spirit refused to answer at all. Do not ask the spirit to repeat the answer or ask the same question with a different sequence of words - all this can anger the spirit.

Ending a session

If the spirit stops responding, ask it what's wrong. Sometimes the spirit sets a condition, for example, promising to give an answer if a certain member of the circle leaves the room and does not know the answer. In this case, you can fulfill his condition and repeat the question. And if the spirit says that it does not want to talk to you anymore, thank it and immediately release it.

If in the middle of fortune telling the spirit begins to write bad words, order him to leave. It is useless to try to continue fortune telling if the spirit has begun to play pranks; subsequent answers may not be true.

When the questions are over, thank the spirit for its help and ask it to go into its world. If you understand that the spirit does not want to leave, read any prayer of your religion.

Fortune telling with a saucer and alphabet is considered completed only when you realize that it has stopped moving, and the spirit no longer responds to your words and does not manifest its presence in the room.

It is advisable that a spiritualistic session last no longer than one hour, since this is a very energy-consuming activity, especially for unprepared people.

If the circle participants have the desire and strength, you can conduct several sessions in one night, calling on different spirits. But before you invite the next guest, be sure to make sure that the previous one has left. Begin the calling ritual anew, by rubbing your hands and warming the saucer over a candle flame. Of course, you need to take breaks and rest between sessions.

What to do after

After completion, wrap the saucer in natural fabric and store it in a secluded place with other witchcraft paraphernalia until you have the desire to repeat the session, asking new questions to the spirits. Roll whatman paper into a tube for next time. It is better to repeat fortune telling with those objects that have already been used for magic. Things also have memory; over time, they will accumulate energy and become your magical helpers. In addition, you will save time and money on preparing for the ceremony.

If you decide not to repeat the fortune-telling to summon the spirit on a saucer, you cannot throw away this saucer, break it, or use it in the kitchen. Take him to a pedestrian crossroads and leave him there, let the spirits themselves decide his future fate. In this case, burn whatman paper and throw the ashes to the wind.


The desire to know his future sometimes pushes a person to do something that he has not done before. If you have never tried communicating with spirits, you can try it with a group of friends.

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