Why do you dream about an old iron? Iron in a dream - interpretation Why do you dream of an iron and ironing board?

Bearing structures 24.11.2023
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Dream interpretation iron

An iron is an integral part of everyday life. It is necessary for every person who wants to look neat and tidy. Why do you dream about an iron? Many dreamers ask this question, but not everyone can find the answer on their own.

What do dream books talk about?

A traditional household appliance that remains familiar to many, has a large number of interpretations and corresponding features. If a new iron indicates that the dreamer is constantly trying to change his traditional and measured life, then a red-hot one means shame and unfair criticism.

Miller's Dream Book

As the dream book writes, an iron ironing clothes symbolizes changes in the family circle.

Ironing clothes in a dream

Everyone should prepare for them in advance so that later they pass painlessly. Buying an ironing device means good luck in your planned activities.

If the dreamer gets burned in a dream, it means his image is incorrectly perceived by the people around him. To solve such a problem, it is necessary to determine the nature of its occurrence and begin targeted action.


Seeing a faulty device is a sign of internal experiences that are associated with the problem of aimlessly lived years.

When a spouse sees such a dream, then he should increase the amount of time spent with his wife. Any conflict can be prevented at the stage of its inception.

Quite often, a representative of the fair sex identifies herself with Cinderella, who constantly forgets about her interests. Sooner or later she will want to change her boring lifestyle, and we must try to help her with this.

Brand new household appliance

If a new iron is seen in night dreams, the dream book interprets this sign as the beginning of a new stage in the development of family relationships . The main thing is to listen to the opinions of each family member, without focusing on only one of them.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing an iron in a dream means a new love relationship. If it is red-hot, it means the dreamer will undeservedly insult the person. Before you speak out in any way in someone else’s direction, you need to analyze the available information in detail.


A heated iron foretells the dreamer a stream of uncontrollable emotions that can play a cruel joke in real life. Ultimately, there will be serious conflict and separation.


If there was a cold everyday element in the dream, then in real life one can expect misunderstandings and insincerity on the part of loved ones. To avoid this problem, you need to devote more time to them.

I dreamed about a modern complex device

Modern dream book

The ironing device is interpreted in different ways, and it is important to know the distinguishing features.


Buying a steam unit indicates that in real life the dreamer is not satisfied with his life. In order for desires to grow into something more, it is necessary to make appropriate efforts.

Receive as a gift

Most likely, the dreamer will be able to restore a long-lost relationship. The main thing is to find the right excuse, and then everything will be done quickly.


If in your dreams you dream that you are giving away a steam device, then in real life you will have a long trip with an unpleasant person.

Possible curiosities

The scenarios of some dreams may seem comical, but this does not diminish their importance. Getting a burn is a sign:

  • dissatisfaction with one's own appearance;
  • lack of self-confidence, etc.

If something is burned in a dream, then a temporary crisis may occur in a love relationship.

A burnt household item means big and senseless troubles, the solution of which will leave an unpleasant feeling. If in a dream you dreamed of a device that was not turned off, then in real life the sleeping person is tormented by anxiety and fear that his actions will be perceived incorrectly.

If a steam device is used as a weapon, then the dreamer is tormented by negative manifestations of his own character.

Even everyday objects that are familiar to us do not appear in our dreams just like that. The most ordinary objects that appear in dreams are the result of the work of our subconscious, and therefore they have their own symbolic meaning and are able to predict future events, helping the dreamer influence the surrounding reality. To understand why you dream of an iron, it is worth recalling in your memory all the details of the dream you had at night.

If a housewife observed a night vision in which a broken or old iron appeared, in real life she is tormented and tormented by experiences caused by self-pity. They came from wasted years, unfulfilled expectations. The dreamer is thinking about how to change her life so that it sparkles with new colors, and how she can make herself happy. Don’t be discouraged, as there will definitely be a way.

A dream in which you see a new iron burnt out portends failures in the family circle or the work and production sphere. The coming troubles will also negatively affect your interaction with people around you.

Night vision, in which you not only saw the iron, but also repaired it, warns the sleeping person that a situation will soon arise in which he will have to show prudence so as not to get himself into trouble.

A dream in which the dreamer is holding this piece of household appliance in his hands and suddenly drops it on the floor is a warning for people in a romantic relationship. Their essence is that emotions, released out of control, can destroy relationships, frightening the partner and pushing him away. Control yourself, because later even attempts to get closer again will lead to failure.

Interpretation based on the dreamer's actions

The correct interpretation of a dream, which helps to predict future events individually for each dreamer, also depends on what actions he performed while observing the iron in a dream.

  • A dream in which a sleeping person purchased a new steam iron in a store personifies his dissatisfaction with his own life - his dreams did not come true, his plans did not come true, and his hopes were destroyed.
  • Buying an iron without steam indicates that in reality the dreamer seeks to organize his thoughts and muffle his feelings. Perhaps sober reasoning will be useful to him when making an important decision or contemplating a serious deal.
  • Ironing linen or other clothes with an iron and getting burned while doing this - the dream personifies the dreamer’s lack of confidence in himself and his own attractiveness, which results in an emotion such as jealousy.
  • A night vision in which you were ironing things and in the process burned one of them with an iron, warns you of the appearance of a rival with whom you will have to fight for your lover.
  • A dream in which a sleeping person beat someone with an iron indicates that the dreamer does not have the most pleasant character, the negative manifestations of which he cannot cope with. However, the fact that it bothers him is already a good sign.

Interpretation based on other details

A night vision that showed an iron that burned out while ironing is not the most favorable sign. It foreshadows many household chores that will not bring any benefit or satisfaction, but will take a lot of strength and energy, greatly tiring the sleeping person.

A dream in which a sleeping person sees an iron that is not turned off symbolizes heavy thoughts and doubts about how best to act in some situation in real life. In this case, the dream book recommends making decisions as quickly as possible and getting rid of doubts, no matter whether it is correct.

Everyone can make mistakes, and if you make a mistake now, there will be no serious consequences, and you will gain invaluable experience. You should only take care not to harm other people with your actions.

A dream that featured an iron engulfed in a bright flame has a favorable interpretation. It foreshadows the fulfillment of the dreamer’s cherished dream and the realization of his wildest ideas.

Iron things

Those dreams in which you happened to iron something with an iron also have their own interpretation.

  • A dream in which the dreamer ironed bed linen promises a rich feast and noisy guests in the near future. The time spent on this holiday will bring many positive emotions.
  • Running an iron over your own clothes is a favorable omen, which promises the dreamer a sudden receipt of a large sum of money. This could be a prize, winning a competition, or winning a lottery.
  • Ironing underwear is a sign of an unexpected but powerful outbreak of passion between romantic partners. A new stage will begin in their bed life, in which they will discover a lot of new and interesting things, become bolder and liberate.
  • Running an iron over a shirt or evening dress is a double symbol. It can foreshadow either a quick date with a potential partner or a radical change in professional activity or place of work.

Freud's Dream Book

If you rely on the interpretation that a famous psychoanalyst included in his dream book, an iron, if you get burned by it, symbolizes a dishonest act. The dreamer committed it in relation to an unfamiliar person, for whom he had a groundless antipathy, and now he is tormented and tormented by remorse.

An unfavorable sign is a dream in which you dropped an iron on the floor. It foreshadows a serious offense that will entail a major scandal and the likely destruction of a romantic relationship. You should not trust rumors and gossip and keep your emotions in check.

Loff's Dream Book

If in a night vision you are ironing not your own things, but someone else’s, then in real life you will have to make a choice between going into conflict and defending your honor, or submitting to a person you dislike. However, more often than not, the iron does not foretell anything to the dreamer, being only the personification of excessive preoccupation with household matters. If you dreamed of this symbol, think about the last time you allowed yourself to unwind and relax. It is worth bringing more colors into life.

Miller's Dream Book

An iron in night vision foreshadows a quiet life in a cozy and comfortable home. If a woman was burned by an iron in a dream, she should take better care of her health. If she happened to accidentally burn a thing while ironing, she should be wary of the appearance of a dangerous rival who would seriously lay claim to her husband.

Find out from the online dream book why the Iron is dreamed of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

What does an iron mean in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of an Iron and what does it mean:

Iron - to win, profit, hot iron - to good events, cold - to failure. Ironing things or clothes in a dream means news. Ironing bed linen in a dream is a sign that you have finally come to the firm intention of finishing the job you started.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Iron - Improving things.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Iron - Win, profit.

Modern dream book

What do irons mean to the dreamer?

Iron - Trouble at work.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Irons from your dream

Iron - Husband, man; arrangement of affairs.

Astrological dream book

Iron see what does it mean?

Iron - To discord in the house. Square to the Moon.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Iron

A hot warm iron is something good. Cold - failure.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Interpretation of the Irons

I dreamed of an iron blazing with fire - A good deed will end successfully.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about an iron?

Iron means improvement of affairs; hot - new love; stroke them - cheerful guests.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Irons?

Ironing something with an iron means cheerful guests. Iron hot - new love, love.

Children's dream book

Iron in a dream, what does it mean

Iron - You will soon be subjected to harsh but fair criticism, which will make you blush with shame.

Idiomatic dream book

Iron in a dream - what does it symbolize

“Iron” - criticize, scold, press, beat; “iron” is about a stupid person. “iron”, iron, smooth – put things in order.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Iron - home comfort. Getting burned with an iron means showing jealousy. Burn a thing with an iron - a rival will appear. The iron does not heat up - a lack of warm relationships in the house.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Iron by day of the week?

Iron - Ironing a shirt - making concessions for the sake of reconciliation with your enemies. Ironing trousers means showing persistence and intransigence in unimportant matters.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about an iron?

Seeing an iron in a dream most often reflects everyday worries. Sometimes it acts as a symbol of conflict and submission if you are ironing not for yourself, but for another person.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about the Iron?

Seeing an iron in a dream means a major quarrel with a close friend or loved one. Imagine that you unplug the iron from the outlet, it quickly cools down, you put it out of sight. Or throw it away altogether.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why an iron is in a dream?

Iron - family relationships. Stroking - resolving a conflict; getting burned is a violation of mental balance; jealousy; cold iron - insincere atmosphere in the house; burning a thing with an iron is a loss of self-esteem; ironing other people's things is a conflict; subordination.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Electric Iron was dreamed

Iron - A device for smoothing, giving a socially acceptable shape, and also an object that can burn and cause damage. A symbol of the negative impact of the superego, submission to other people's demands and the desire to appear in a better light.

Great modern dream book

Iron - why does the dreamer dream?

Iron - You see an iron in a dream - your affairs, which still leave much to be desired, will improve; everything that bothered you will go away and be forgotten. It’s as if you bought an iron - you have desires that are difficult to satisfy. It’s as if you dropped the iron - you will have to do painstaking work that requires a lot of concentration.

English dream book

Why see an Iron in a dream

The iron smooths out unsightly wrinkles and turns wrinkled hair into a smooth and neat one. Perhaps you need to smooth out the “folds” and “wrinkles” in your life? If you are “wearing a mask,” could your subconscious mind be telling you that it has become wrinkled and other people can see behind it? Or is it time to “even out” your relationships with others? See also Clothing.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about an ironing device?

The iron is an everyday object and the sworn enemy of housewives. Comparing yourself to Cinderella, you're probably asking: Is there ever a change in my life? An iron is a symbol of conflict and submission if you iron not for yourself, but for another person. But, as a rule, an iron appears in a dream simply as a reflection of everyday worries. Therefore, think about how gray your life has become - maybe it’s time to add some variety to it?

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about an Iron

If you bought an iron in a dream, this indicates dissatisfaction with your sexual desires. Ironing something with an iron means that you have accumulated too much unspent passion and love. Burning clothes with an iron indicates your impatience, reaching the point of despair. Probably, recently you have had to resort to self-satisfaction, which led to the formation of mental complexes, into whose dependence you will fall.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about the Iron?

In a dream, you burn yourself on an iron - you have committed some dishonest act towards a person you do not know very well, but he did not do anything bad to you, so your antipathy is completely groundless. Dropping an iron on the floor means that in a fit of anger or from severe frustration you may say too much to your loved one, and this, naturally, can lead to a quarrel, and quite a serious one at that. Neither you nor your partner will want to be the first to reconcile.

Everyday dream book

Everyday interpretation of a dream about an iron

If you dreamed of an iron that you accidentally burned yourself on, then your good intentions may be misinterpreted by others, which will serve as a subject for gossip and gossip. Also, such a dream can be evidence that in reality your own biased attitude towards some person is absolutely groundless, he is not guilty of anything, and you are simply mistaken about him and do not want to admit it.

Seeing an iron in a dream with which you iron bed linen can mean both peace and tranquility in the family and troubles at work. In addition, such a dream often indicates that you are tired of the dullness and routine of everyday life, you need fresh emotions, entertainment and new impressions.

If you dreamed of an iron with steam coming out of it, then soon you will have a bright love adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime. Seeing an iron ironing something by itself in a dream predicts the appearance of cheerful guests, long celebrations and feasts.

If you dropped an iron on the floor in a dream, then a quarrel with your partner may await you ahead, which will turn out to be so serious that it can lead to a breakup - neither you nor your loved one will be the first to agree to reconciliation.

Iron - you have committed some dishonest act towards a person whom you do not know very well, but he did not do anything bad to you, so your antipathy is completely groundless.

Drop the iron on the floor- in a fit of anger or from severe frustration, you can say too much to your loved one, and this, naturally, can lead to a quarrel, and quite a serious one at that. Neither you nor your partner will want to be the first to reconcile.

Iron- is a symbol of the penis, and ironing linen or other clothing symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Plugging in the iron or warming up the iron- symbolize your strong sexual aspirations.

Broken or burnt out iron- symbolizes failure in sexual relationships.

Cold iron- symbolizes your disappointment in your regular sexual partner and cooling towards him.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Iron- an everyday object and the sworn enemy of housewives. Comparing yourself to Cinderella, you're probably asking: Is there ever a change in my life?

Iron- a symbol of conflict and submission, if you are ironing not for yourself, but for another person. But, as a rule, one dreams of an iron simply as a reflection of everyday worries. Therefore, think about how gray your life has become, maybe it’s time to add some variety to it?

Dream book for a bitch

If the iron is burnt out- you will show excessive vulnerability or helplessness.

Italian dream book

Iron- a device for smoothing, giving a socially acceptable shape, as well as an object that can burn and cause damage. A symbol of the negative impact of the superego, submission to other people's demands and the desire to appear in a better light.

Chinese dream book

Iron blazing with fire- a good deed will end successfully.

Iron the dress- foreshadows a move. Great happiness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Iron- husband, man; arrangement of affairs.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Iron- improvement of affairs; hot- new love; stroke them- cheerful guests.

Danilova's erotic dream book

If in a dream you bought an iron- this indicates dissatisfaction with your sexual desires.

Iron something- means that you have accumulated too much unspent passion and love.

Burn clothes with an iron- indicates your impatience, reaching the point of despair. Probably, recently you have had to resort to self-satisfaction, which led to the formation of mental complexes in which

The iron is an important household item. It helps a person look neat and tidy. But it is also fraught with danger if you do not follow the rules for using it. You can drop it, get hurt, get burned. But why do you dream about an iron? Does his appearance in a dream promise trouble or, on the contrary, signal some kind of joy?

A variety of dream books gives a varied number of interpretations of dreams involving an iron. Seeing an iron means meeting a person who does not shine with intelligence, or a desire to diversify your life.

Seeing a hot, red-hot iron - expect shame and criticism. If you used it in a dream, then most dream books predict not very favorable sleep outcomes:

  1. To criticism, moralizing, assault.
  2. The desire to get rid of chaos in life, work and head.
  3. The desire to create a better impression than it is.

Seeing a broken iron for a woman means a complaint to herself, a desire to change everything, to get rid of the monotony of days. A dream where a new working unit burned out promises failure in family or work affairs, which will change relationships with the environment.

Intentions to repair it call for prudence in reality.

Modern dream book

The modern dream book speaks of the sleeper’s dissatisfaction and unfulfilled dreams. Buying a device calls for bringing your thoughts into proper form; you will have to carefully prepare for a decisive action.

  • The dream book interprets ironing clothes with an iron as dependence on a person. Worry about him.
  • Receiving a unit as a gift promises an improvement in relations with the giver. Giving a steam iron as a gift means a difficult journey with a dangerous person is approaching.
  • Why does a woman dream about an iron? The dream book’s explanations include impending troubles at home or at work.

Children's dream book

A child sees an iron in his dreams - wait for an explanation from adults. You'll have to blush and be ashamed.

Miller's Dream Book

Ironing things is perceived in the dream book as a sign of changes in relationships with family. Buying an iron portends successful ideas. Have time to grab hold of them and take advantage of them.

Iron burns have three interpretations:

  • the environment perceives the dreamer incorrectly;
  • jealousy of the sleeper;
  • doubts about the dreamer's attractiveness. Don't worry, love is nearby.

Beating a person with a metal assistant means the dreamer’s anxiety, worries about his difficult character, and the impossibility of correcting bad traits.

Vanga's Dream Book

  1. The dream book interprets the resulting burn while ironing as the dreamer having strong envy. There will be trouble, you need to deal with all-consuming envy.
  2. A forgotten, switched-on burnt-out iron indicates that the dreamer is overly emotional. Don't exaggerate, no big problems are expected.
  3. A dream with a broken iron portends financial difficulties and minor troubles.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

Psychologist Freud claims that a woman who has such a dream needs more rest. The steam iron is a harbinger of new love.

  • Ironing is interpreted as the need for positive emotions in life.
  • A burn with an iron portends the dreamer a bad deed against an innocent person.
  • Drop the device - be afraid of your negative emotions towards your loved one. Trying to fix the conflict will lead to separation.
  • A hot iron speaks of the dreamer’s intense search for a sexual partner, or a strong need for sexual life.
  • A cold iron promises cold relationships with relatives.

Should we expect an alarm?

Different dream books interpret the iron from different angles. Most agree that the iron warns of a woman’s fatigue or an overly emotional life. But there are dream books where an iron in a dream is interpreted as a good sign. Hasse's dream book promises the dreamer a big jackpot when he sees an iron in a dream. Tsvetkov's dream book and Velesov's small dream book promise improvement in business at the sight of an iron.

Why dream of ironing clothes with an iron?

Have you done any ironing? You need to remember the details: what thing. For example, if it was underwear, then it means you need to “straighten out” your life and improve relationships.

  1. Ironing a shirt portends giving in to an argument for the sake of family peace. Ironing trousers means the dreamer's intransigence.
  2. An ironed skirt promises the dreamer a reconsideration of the relationship with a loved one, an analysis of past relationships and mistakes in them. It is necessary to put things in order in your personal life.
  3. Ironing a dress in a dream advises you to take a closer look at your husband, the appearance of a rival on the horizon.

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