How to learn Italian on your own. How to learn Italian from scratch. Language practice in Italy

Pipes 19.11.2023

We live in an age of highways, instant messaging, and microwave cooking. Advertisements for various language courses promise that you will be able to learn Italian during the week! To keep up with the times, I suggest you familiarize yourself with ten effective ways to learn Italian quickly language.

    Visit places where Italian is spoken.

    Have you always wanted to visit the ancient city of Rome? And the description in the tourist guide of the ruins of Pompeii is breathtaking. The fastest way to learn Speak Italian - go on a trip to Italy and immerse yourself in the Italian language. If you travel to Italy, not only will you be able to see ancient Roman ruins, Renaissance masterpieces, paintings by Raphael and much more, but you will also learn how to correctly pronounce the peculiar Italian "rrr"!

    Look around you.
    Find Italian-speaking people in your hometown and start practicing Italian with them. Many large cities have centers of Italian culture.

    Listen to the radio and watch TV
    One of the key skills to master Italian is understanding oral speech. Nowadays, many cable broadcasting companies offer a choice of foreign channels. In addition, there are many Italian radio stations that can be accessed via the Internet.

    Cinema on Italian- another great one way to learn this beautiful language. You'll hear them say in Italian various attori while training your hearing. Subtitles or dubbing are not advisable - they will only distract you. It's best to watch a movie you know (that you've already seen).

    Check your home library
    Italian novels, guidebooks and books describing Italy, newspapers are a great way to enrich your experience. Read books with parallel text (one side in Italian and the other in Russian): “The Divine Comedy” (La Divina Commedia) or The Prince (Il Principe), or try reading books by modern Italian authors such as Enzo Biagi, Umberto Eco, or Oriana Fallaci.

  1. Sing Italian songs
    If you already know a little Italian, you can sing out loud Italian songs. Buy CDs of Italian songs and find the lyrics online. Try singing a traditional canzone napoletana or a classic libretto from Italian opera.
  2. Games and entertainment
    Learning a foreign language doesn't have to be boring. Learn jokes, puns, or riddles in Italian, impress your friends. Solve a cruciverba (Italian crossword) or try your hand at La Routa della Fortuna. If you're feeling confident, improve your Italian skills with il Motore Anagrammatico (anagram generator).

    Use stickers.
    Learning a foreign language requires creativity, so why not try something that will amuse you and your family and friends! Feel free to take a notebook with self-adhesive multi-colored stickers, write on them the Italian names of everything that is in your home. Place your word stickers everywhere: in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom. Whenever you see a sticker, say the word out loud until you remember it. This is a great way to increase your vocabulary.

    Say it again, Samuele
    Do you have a favorite Italian expression? Do you respond “mille grazie” when someone does something for you? Every time you learn another important Italian phrase, you expand your vocabulary. Use the phrases in your everyday life and you'll soon speak Italian like your own.

See also video

There was a great desire to learn Italian language? Do you want to listen to Luciano Pavarotti and understand him in high tones? Or order at an Italian restaurant with confidence that you are ordering correctly? Statistics show that Italian is the fifth most studied language. Currently, more than 70 million people speak Italian. Another 150 million speak it as a foreign language. Therefore, Lingust simply could not ignore him. And this is what he offers you.

On the lesson pages of this section of the site you will find a specially created for beginners from scratch version of the tutorial from Celeste Zawadska & Maria Majdecka () by learning Italian. Its task is to familiarize students with Italian pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary to such an extent that, having mastered the self-instruction material, they can speak spoken language and independently read journalistic and literary works of average difficulty. For this purpose, the tutorial contains both dialogues on everyday topics and adapted excerpts from works of fiction. The self-teacher's dictionary covers about 3,300 words from various areas of everyday, socio-political and cultural life. Well consists of 52 lessons + phonetics lesson. The keys to the lessons contain translations of Italian texts and assignment solutions. The key is activated when you drag the mouse over it: .

  1. First, we get acquainted with the meaning of words and idiomatic phrases and expressions (it is not recommended to memorize words and phrases taken out of context);
  2. Having become familiar with the vocabulary, we begin to read the text and try to understand its content. If there is audio for the text, a mini-player appears on the page, listen to it several times and carefully monitor the pronunciation (if you don’t see the player, then your browser does not have flash player installed, install it, or some browser add-on is blocking flash, or you have a very old browser.);
  3. We master grammatical material and perform oral and written exercises; then we check the correctness of their execution using the keys and eliminate the mistakes made;
  4. Having become familiar with the vocabulary and mastered new grammatical forms, we proceed to independent oral and then written translation of the Italian text into Russian. The translated text must be checked using the translation placed in the keys and errors made must be eliminated. The Russian translation can then be used to “back” translate from Russian into Italian;
  5. The final stage of the work is re-reading the text, reproducing its contents aloud and recording the reproduced text on a voice recorder to compare it with the textbook text. In the case of collective learning of the Italian language, the authors advise playing dialogues several times by role, changing roles each time, and also using descriptive texts to conduct conversations.

Go to -› list of lessons ‹- (Click)

Reasons to learn Italian

  • Why do you think Mozart composed his operas in Italian and not German?
  • Many people consider Italian to be the most beautiful language. You can check this opinion and compare it with the French language.
  • Italian has the largest number of words to describe food - they love it so much.
  • Watch films by Fellini, Visconti, Pasolini without subtitles.
  • You can read “The Divine Comedy” (La Divina Commedia) as Dante wrote it.
  • According to UNESCO, more than 60% of the world's artistic treasures are in Italy.
  • Italy is a real magnet for tourists. In 2004, Italy topped the list of favorite holiday destinations in Europe, increasing the number of tourists by 339% over the year!
  • Italians are a quirky people, very sociable and will happily show you around their country as long as you (try) to speak Italian to them!
  • The Italian language is closest to the Latin language, the common ancestor of all Romance languages. There are a huge number of words of Latin origin in the English language; this will make it easier to learn the vocabulary of both languages.
  • The Italian language has the most accurate correspondence between letters and sounds (Russian language does not count, of course). A little further from it is Spanish.
  • Increasing business integration with suppliers and customers from Italy requires knowledge of the Italian language, because... they have difficulty or are reluctant to speak English.
  • Art, fashion, design, opera, cooking, etc. If you are planning a career in these areas, knowledge of Italian is a must!

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Learning Italian


Is it possible to study Italian on your own? Grammar lectures and online lessons will help you learn Italian for free. Free online course for beginners.Each online lesson includes grammar with examples, grammar exercises, texts and dialogues in Italian and vocabulary development.

concept of article, definite and indefinite article singular, regular verbs, conjugation of verbs of the first, second and third conjugation.

letter combinations chi, che. Articles in the plural. Irregular verbs dare, stare, andare. Verbs ending -CARE, -GARE

agreement of adjectives and nouns in gender and number. Verbs dare and are. Question words. Prepositions a, per, da.

Special cases of pronunciation. Auxiliary verbs ESSERE, AVERE. Turns c"è / ci sono. Ordinal and cardinal numbers. Arithmetic operations and numbers in Italian. Count in Italian.

Personal pronouns. Combined forms of preposition and article (preposition + article). Using the prepositions a and di with verbs and nouns.

Acquaintance. Greeting and parting formulas. Truncating verbs, nouns, adjectives.

Verbs of the second and third conjugation. Ordinal and cardinal numbers (tens, hundreds, thousands). Dates. Merging of prepositions di, su with articles.

Word hyphenation rules. Irregular verbs of the second conjugation. Modal verbs dovere, potere, volere, sapere. Indefinite adjectives and pronouns ogni, qualche, alcuno, qualcuno, qualcosa. Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns mio, tuo, suo, nostro, vostro, loro. Rules for using the article. Adverb, adjective and pronoun molto, poco.

Irregular verbs of the second conjugation: venire, tenere, salire, rimanere, bere, uscire. Stressed and unstressed personal pronouns (me, te, mi, ti, lo, la, le, li, ci, vi). Reflexive verbs. Formation of the plural of adjectives and nouns ending in -co, -go, -ca, -ga (-che, -ghe, -chi, -ghi).

Indefinite adjective tutto. What time is it now. Stressed and unstressed forms of the verb piacere. Adverbs anche, neanche, nemmeno.

Regular verbs in difficult tenses. Past tense (nearest past) passato prossimo. Transitive and intransitive verbs. Unstressed forms of personal pronouns in the past tense. Reflexive past tense verbs. Choosing an auxiliary verb in passato prossimo. Article meanings. Basic meanings of the definite article.

You will need

  • - Italian language textbook (self-instruction manual),
  • - audio CDs,
  • - notebook,
  • - pen,
  • technical means - optional.


Give yourself time every day for an hour to an hour and a half. Plan your class schedule for the week ahead and correlate all other things with it. In order not to forget about your classes in a series of household chores, use reminders, a planner on your computer, organize your schedule so that by the time of class you have all your work done. Prepare yourself a comfortable workspace where you will not be distracted.

Buy any textbook or Italian. The difference between them will only be in the form of presentation of the material - in some textbooks it is more interesting or more modern, in others the material will be drier. Beforehand, if possible, familiarize yourself with it, in what form the information is given, and what explanations and exercises are used. But, by and large, with any textbook you will have to do the same repetitive actions - study the rules, grammar, do exercises to consolidate them and words. So don't waste a lot of time on this. Use the Internet to read tutorials and reviews about them.

Set yourself short-term goals. For example, learn 50 - 100 lexical units per week. This will help you track small successes and maintain motivation, a sense of self-satisfaction, and will allow you not to depend on the brightness of book illustrations.

Buy discs so that you can listen and repeat the material after the announcers. It is advisable that they come from the same set as the textbook. You can also use the Internet for this; there are many educational audio recordings available for review.

Alternate learning the rules with practice - do exercises, watch Italian channels, listen and translate songs, memorize and sing songs yourself. Getting emotional pleasure from classes is very important; it significantly contributes to memorizing new material.

As you progress in your skills, read literature in Italian. Start with simple and short fairy tales. First use bilingual with parallel Russian. Gradually, by practicing reading and memorizing words, you will stop paying attention to translation, and the need for it will disappear.

Use online lessons on the Internet. Meet Italians with similar interests. Visit Italian Internet resources, take an interest in what is happening in the country, read the news. By receiving information in the target language from all sides, the brain adapts to the language faster and more easily; this imitates the situation of “immersion”, when mastery occurs faster.

Helpful advice

For additional studies and consolidation of knowledge, use the time on the road, and, if possible, the time before bed.


  • Italian language tutorials.
  • learn Italian

There are several recipes for quickly and effectively learning Italian language. But in order to learn quickly, you need to immerse yourself in the language environment: read, listen, communicate and not be afraid to make mistakes.


Teacher or partner People who are more comfortable studying in a group should look for language courses or an individual teacher. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a session, jimail, msn, or language classes. The main thing is the support of an experienced teacher, or even better, a native speaker. Of course it costs money. Therefore, an alternative, or rather a free option, is to find an Italian who is interested in learning Russian or any other language that a “student” can teach. The language partner can check written texts and correct pronunciation. Most importantly, it helps remove the psychological block. This means that the speed will increase several times.

A clear program The educational material must be structured and systematized. You shouldn’t grab ten programs at the same time, even if they are free and on the Internet. It is better to focus on two or at most four textbooks, since each textbook has its own internal logic. One pays more attention to Italian grammar, the other is essentially a phrasebook with a crash course for tourists. Therefore, advanced polyglots create their own lesson structure for the week ahead. And they know for sure that on Monday they pay attention to reading and irregular verbs from one book, and on Tuesday they study phonetics in the textbook. They also keep a special notebook (file) in order to record their successes and difficulties. A systematic approach is the key to meaningful, and therefore quick, learning of the Italian language.

Regular reading You can read an ordinary paper book, underlining unfamiliar words with a pencil, and then writing them down in a notebook. You can read an electronic book using an electronic translator. Can I have language educational networks that help you study. Italian is one of the most popular. It is important to remember: language educational networks have both paid and free services. If saving money is important, then it is better to “hang” on two or three online training sites. For example, allows you to read texts and “link” new words in Italian. These expressions can be added to a special program to be listened to and read several times on your mobile phone. You can study every free minute, and playfully. You can also receive these same words in your mailbox. Another popular network,, provides 4 free Italian courses, which is about fifty lessons with written and oral exercises that are viewed by native speakers, and for free.

Listening It is important to listen not only to Italian music or audio books, but also to live dialogues, news texts, podcasts (thematic programs, author's monologues, dialogues, conversations and interviews posted on the Internet). They can be on a variety of topics: from recipes for making real Italian pizza to discussions of Italian grammar, history, economics and politics.
Large database of podcasts on various topics:
Italian phonetics classes:
Children's stories, songs


It is important to pay attention to whether knowledge of the Italian language is offered for free or for money.

Helpful advice

It’s worth creating a special folder with useful links to resources for learning Italian.


  • Reminders on Italian grammar and phonetics.
  • Italian language quickly

lingua italiana is one of those amazing languages, which people teach for the most irrational reasons. For example, you like the sound of Italian speech or the memories of Venetian gondolas gliding along the smooth surface of canals are fresh in your memory. If the Italian language were a dish, then love for it would be the main ingredient, and pedagogical techniques, like spices, would be added to taste.


Before you start studying, you need to learn more about it. This will allow you to see the difference between your native language and Italian, tune your mind and make mastering the educational material more comfortable. The Italian language is derived from vernacular Latin and belongs to the Romance group. This means that it will be easy for a person familiar with Spanish, French, Portuguese, as well as Moldavian and Romanian. It has clear grammar: there are masculine and feminine genders, three. Alphabet based on Latin. Although Italian belongs to a different group than , it seems logical, musical and even easy to represent the Slavic group of languages.

The most serious problem for students who want to learn Italian is the abundance of educational literature, cheat sheets, and Italian CD courses. How not to drown in the abundance of teaching aids? After all, quantity is not quality, especially when it comes to modern textbooks. The easiest way is to buy or borrow from the library a certified textbook intended for universities. This will help you avoid picking up errors in phonetics and grammar. Italian is too beautiful a language to be messed with.

In parallel with the theory, you should master practical language skills. Independent and conscious learning of a language presupposes that a person will follow the CSGP rule: read, listen, speak, write. While reading, it is advisable to use a dictionary, an electronic translator, or read texts on There you can select even entry-level text, presented in the form of tooltips. The site allows you to read and listen to text at the same time or find links to interesting podcasts in Italian. There you can also “link” new words, which are automatically added to your personal set of cards. You can read live speech and communicate with native Italian speakers on other language networks - and

Video on the topic


  • Learn Italian online

Learning a foreign language on your own is not such an impossible task. The main thing is to be patient and find free time. But you need to repeat classes regularly. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to achieve success.


To learn Italian on your own, stock up on teaching literature. You will need phrasebooks, bilingual dictionaries: Russian-Italian and Italian-Russian, audio and video courses. Phrase books will help you learn the most common phrases, polite addresses, and stable language structures. With the help of audio and video courses, you will be able to understand how speech sounds, what intonation shades it has, where logical stress should be placed, etc. Dictionaries will give you the opportunity to study vocabulary. But in order for you to master Italian, you need to set aside a certain time for yourself and set a schedule. For example, according to research by scientists, it is advisable to spend 1.5 hours a day and at least 3 days a week on learning new things. Divide this time so that on one day you work with a phrasebook, on another with a dictionary, on the third with visual and audio lessons.

Books written in the original language are another way to learn the language. Take for study a work that you know well. Read the original in English and try to translate it, writing down unfamiliar words. Don't be alarmed if at first almost everything seems completely new to you.

Movies with subtitles will also help you learn the language. They will teach you how to match the original sound with the spelling of a word. This way you can quickly expand your vocabulary.

Find yourself a conversation partner who is a native speaker. This can be done through Skype, through social networks, communities of foreigners. Just post an ad explaining why you need a chat and pen pal. The answer will not be long in coming. Moreover, you can, in turn, teach a foreigner.

To study Italian, you can also contact cultural centers or departments established at the embassy or consulate. Some of the employees there are probably Russian-speaking, which means that they will be happy to help you master a new language and tell you in which direction you need to move.

To memorize words, you can also use special student cards. Sign every item in your house, write down the transcription (i.e. this word) and stick such notes on the item. This will make it easier for you to learn the simplest words that are often found in everyday life.

Helpful advice

If everything doesn’t work out for you right away, don’t despair. Hours of training will do the trick. And after Italian, you will want to learn another language.


  • How to learn a foreign language on your own

If you dream of visiting Italy, the birthplace of Celentano and Leonardo da Vinci, but not only seeing all the sights, but also communicating with the inhabitants of this beautiful country in their native language, you simply need to learn Italian. With patience and a few hours in your daily routine, you can learn Italian on your own.

You will need

  • - phrasebooks;
  • - dictionaries;
  • - audio and video recordings;
  • - free time.


Make yourself a study schedule. It is best to devote 3 to 4 days a week for Italian, studying for at least 1.5 hours every day. You will never get tired of learning if you change the form of classes - learn words one day, work with a phrasebook on another, and with audio recordings on the third. It is very important not to give yourself any concessions and strictly adhere to the schedule.

Lots of air,” and for the word BURRO (oil) choose the phrase “burenka gives oil.” Italian

There are different ways to learn a foreign language - you can sign up for courses or find a tutor. However, not everyone has this opportunity: the Italian language is not as widespread as, for example, English, so in small towns it is not so easy to find a specialist in it. In addition, a person simply may not have the time or funds for language courses or individual lessons.

In this case, you can study on your own. If you have motivation, independent language learning will become quite effective. For your classes to be successful, you need to choose a good teaching aid.

Is there a definitively best textbook?

When choosing an Italian language textbook or self-instruction manual, it is very important not to make a mistake, because the book should become a complete one for the teacher. Such textbooks as “Italian without a teacher” by G.P. were highly appreciated among lovers of the Italian language. Kiseleva and “Self-teacher of the Italian language” N.A. Ryzhak and E.A. Ryzhak. However, it is quite difficult to argue that these textbooks are the best.

Any qualified teacher will tell you that there is no better textbook. One book may have excellent text selections, another may well explain grammar, a third may offer effective exercises, etc. Therefore, experienced teachers select materials for their students using several teaching aids at once.

Criteria for choosing a textbook

If you have to choose an Italian textbook on your own, it is best to go to a bookstore, where there is a good selection and the opportunity to look through each book. There are certain criteria for choosing a manual for effective classes. First of all, the book must be written in Russian. The fact is that bookstores often sell manuals published in Italy itself. They, it seems, are also considered self-instruction books, but it is very difficult for a person starting to learn a language to understand them.

The textbook must contain exercises and keys to them so that you can test yourself. The most important criterion for choosing a textbook is the presence of an audio application voiced by a native speaker. Even the most intelligent Italian language textbook will not be effective if it is not accompanied by an audio recording. At best, it can be used to form passive knowledge.

Based on the proposed criteria, everyone who wants to learn Italian will be able to choose a textbook that will help him succeed in achieving his goal.

Philologist, Italian language teacher

Work experience: 6 years.


From the author

Ciao, a fan of Italian language and culture!
Have you been dreaming of learning Italian for a long time, watching comedies with Adriano Celentano, adore pasta, pizza, and an incredible desire to learn to speak Italian does not leave you?

You dream of waking up in the morning from the pleasant aroma of Italian “espresso”, at the sight of Italian ice cream “gelato” your mouth simply waters, you are delighted by Italian music, architecture, and most importantly the Italian attitude to life and the world famous: “il dolce far niente” - Is this sweet idleness and doing nothing?

Then start learning Italian right now! Learn Italian with us!

Friends, do you have a rich imagination?
Then let's compare learning Italian to growing flowers in the garden.
Now, you have decided to grow a beautiful and well-kept garden, you have bought everything you need, planted the seeds, and what next?
If you are a patient gardener, you will end up with the most beautiful and well-kept garden, but if you are not, your flowers will wither.

Think about it for a minute! Flowers will not be able to grow the next day after you plant the seeds, even if you really want them to.
Some flowers are very capricious, and you need to take a special approach and maximum patience with them.
The same thing happens with learning a foreign language.

It will be hard for you in the beginning! This is a normal process, don’t give up and think that this is not for you!
Just as you need to water flowers every day and take care of them, you need to devote time to a foreign language, day after day, and only then will you be able to achieve incredible success and achieve results!

Why do you need Italian?

  1. For the soul! Italian is the language of passion, love, it is the language of emotions. Start learning this language and you won't be able to stop.
  2. Italy is a fabulous country. As N.V. said Gogol: “Whoever has been to Italy will say “forgive” to other countries. Whoever was in heaven will not want to come to earth.” See for yourself!
  3. Knowing how to pronounce your favorite Italian dishes is incredibly satisfying.
  4. Why not make a new acquaintance with a passionate Italian man or woman? New acquaintances are always pleasant.
  5. Italian can become your new hobby. You can’t stop in life, you need to develop and strive for more.

Friends, have you decided?
This is the right choice!
Live the Italian way: passionately, emotionally, beautifully, deliciously, with pleasure. Speak Italian.
We wish you happy studying!

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