New Year according to Feng Shui: where to put the Christmas tree - Irzeis. Where to put a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui

Heating schedule 18.11.2023
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The custom of decorating trees for the New Year goes back to ancient times. Our ancestors believed that spirits of fertility lived in trees, which needed to be appeased with all kinds of gifts: flowers, fruits and baked goods. Each nation had its own “New Year” tree. The Slavs have cherries, which were specially grown in tubs, hoping that the tree would bloom just in time for the holiday. And among the peoples of Western Europe - spruce, a symbol of immortality, longevity and health. If history had turned out a little differently, today we would have gone not to the Christmas tree market, but to the cherry market!

Which Christmas tree to choose

Recently, many people prefer artificial Christmas trees. However, from a Feng Shui point of view, this is not entirely correct. On New Year's Day, the spirit of a living tree must be present in the house - otherwise you will simply have no one to appease! If for some reason you cannot purchase a live Christmas tree, be sure to place at least a few spruce or pine branches in your house. A good alternative for those who feel sorry for cutting down a Christmas tree is a spruce planted in a pot. With the onset of warm days, such a forest beauty can be transplanted into the ground in the courtyard of the house or in the country.

When choosing a Christmas tree by size, do not be greedy, like the hero of the old plasticine cartoon, and do not shout: “It will be too small!” The New Year tree should not rest against the ceiling, so as not to disrupt the proper circulation of Qi energy in the house. And it’s certainly not good if you have to cut off the top of the tree, since it contains the most “sensitive” and energy-intensive part of the tree.

Where to put a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui

As soon as you bring the Christmas tree into your home, it will immediately be filled with the pine aroma and feeling of the holidays. But wait a minute to relax - now you have to find the right place for the tree. Do not push the forest beauty into a corner or place it against the wall in order to save space. There should be enough space around the tree so that you can walk around it or, holding hands with family and friends, walk around the tree in a round dance. Don't laugh - the round dance around the New Year's tree has an important sacred meaning, symbolizing the annual revolution of the Earth around the Sun. The wider and smoother your circle is, the smoother and more fruitful the next year will be.

Another symbol of the holiday - the New Year's wreath - has the same meaning. Tie a circle from spruce or pine branches, attach a bell to it (its sound will not let negative energy into the house) and hang a wreath on the front door. Now luck will know exactly which house to knock on!

But let's return to our New Year tree. If you don't have enough space on the floor to install it, try... hanging it from the ceiling! A Christmas tree hanging upside down, like a large chandelier, is a real hit in recent years. And this is not just a tribute to fashion: an inverted Christmas tree sends a signal to the Universe that you are tired of everyday life and want to completely change it. Therefore, you should decide on such an “experiment” only if you are really ready for change.

Christmas tree toys

The toys that we hang on the Christmas tree are also a kind of “order” from the Universe for the coming year. Decorating a tree with glass balls and nuts in gilded paper, we don’t even think about where this tradition came from. Meanwhile, the balls are “modernized” apples and eggs, which our ancestors hung on the New Year’s tree as a symbol of fertility. And the nuts were supposed to protect the house from evil spirits, since they personified the secret of divine providence.

And today we can use hidden knowledge to attract happiness and good luck to the New Year. For example, if you want to increase your wealth, decorate the Christmas tree with shiny coins (you can use chocolate “coins” in gold foil) and banknotes. Do you dream of meeting your soulmate? Hang red toys on the Christmas tree - preferably in the shape of hearts or birds. Anyone who wants to give birth to a child should decorate the tree with baby booties and rattles. And the abundance of edible decorations promises a well-fed and comfortable life throughout the entire 12 months.

Feng Shui is an entire culture originating from Asia that tells us how to arrange objects in the house to attract all the good things into it. If you buy a Christmas tree in an online store and place it in your home, then, according to Feng Shui, positive energy, an atmosphere of goodness and love will be attracted to your home. It is also claimed that the New Year's tree helps in making wishes come true. However, all these bonuses are available only if you choose the right place for the Christmas tree.

Choosing a place for a spruce tree according to Feng Shui

So, you decided to buy a Christmas tree in an online store. Christmas trees are a great opportunity to improve your health and well-being. At the same time, it is important not only the location of the spruce tree in the house, but also what kind of decor it is decorated with. We bring to your attention several options for the most successful position of the New Year tree in the house to attract various positive things into your life:

  • Most often, Feng Shui experts recommend installing a spruce tree in the southern part of the house. This position allows you to achieve your goals, fame, and material well-being. The southern direction is responsible for the fire element and has a positive effect on any material manifestations of life. It is recommended to use red balloons and candles as decoration - this is guaranteed to attract good luck for the whole next year.
  • After purchasing your own beauty from an artificial Christmas tree store, the location in the southwestern part of the house is responsible for unity with the elements of the Earth. The Christmas tree should be decorated in shades of pink, gold and red. The southwest placement is responsible for improving the state of relationships with family, friends and colleagues. Also, such a Christmas tree will help strengthen love feelings and sympathy with the opposite sex. To bring marriage closer (your own or your children’s), it is recommended to place paired figurines symbolizing men and women next to the Christmas tree.
  • Metal reigns in the north and northwest. Our artificial Christmas tree store has enough trees and decorations in the right color scheme. Cold and steel decorations in blue and white shades are suitable as decor. Getting closer to the element of metal is recommended for people whose activities involve painstaking work and creativity. If you decorate the Christmas tree with angels and bells, there will be no scandals or quarrels in the family for a whole year.
  • Installing a New Year's tree in the eastern part is recommended for people seeking prosperity in family relationships and love. In decorations, you should avoid toys in the shape of icicles, as well as those with sharp corners. Balloons and decorations with a streamlined, round shape are perfect. We recommend buying the “Russian Beauty Premium” Christmas tree, as its smooth shapes are ideal for achieving family harmony.
  • The southeastern part of a house or apartment is responsible for finances. Place the Christmas tree there, decorate it with coins, semi-precious and precious stones, golden tinsel and foil. This will help the owners of the house achieve material well-being.

If you want to have a beneficial effect on all aspects of life, attract good luck and prosperity on all fronts in the coming year, Feng Shui experts recommend doing the following. For example, you can buy a “Russian Beauty Premium” Christmas tree, or any other one you like. Install it in the part of the house that is responsible for the most important component of your life in the coming year. In other parts of the house, you can put fir and pine branches in vases and decorate them in accordance with the rules. The beneficial influence of the elements will help you achieve your goals, improve your standard of living and fulfill your dreams in the coming year.

The New Year of the Yellow Earth Pig 2019 is getting closer and closer, Christmas tree markets have already appeared on the city streets, and many of us have already brought home green beauties that are waiting to be installed in an honorable holiday place in the snowdrifts in the courtyards of private houses, or on the balconies and loggias of apartments. Soon we will be there, but how to choose the right place for the Christmas tree? It would seem that everything is simple, where it is more convenient, where the festive table is, and of course, so that it does not interfere with the passage of guests. However, from ancient eastern sources we have received wonderful universal rules of world harmony - Feng Shui, according to which every little detail in the arrangement of objects in your rooms is important, and to a certain extent affects the energy of your home. Let's take a closer look at this interesting aspect using our New Year's tree as an example. And so - where should you put the New Year tree according to the teachings of Feng Shui, so that in the New Year 2019 all the best will come to your home? This is what our article is about today.

Please note that the tree must stand very firmly, without leaning to the side. A live Christmas tree should be placed in a container filled with sand, which should be moistened regularly.

Where should you put the Christmas tree for New Year 2019?

First, decide what exactly you want for yourself and your family: money, love, career, respect or the well-being of children. We choose the right place for the Christmas tree based on the entrance to the room.

How to attract financial well-being

So, for those who want to attract material well-being in the coming year, you need to choose the far corner on the left side. When choosing Christmas tree decorations, give preference to silver and gold shades. An excellent option would be chocolate coins in golden wrappers. Moreover, the more there are, the better. And tree branches can be wrapped in banknotes of different denominations.

How to attract love and improve your relationship with your loved one

Do you dream of meeting your soul mate? Or maybe you are already a couple, but want your personal and intimate life with your partner to sparkle with new colors? Then place the Christmas tree in the far right corner. Silk ribbons, shiny crystals, hearts, couple toys, in short, everything that personifies love and a happy relationship are suitable as decorations. To decorate the top of the head, use a large ball of New Year's tinsel or a toy plush heart. By the way, use toys and decorations in red and pink shades.

How to attract good luck in moving up the career ladder

If you want to achieve success at work, reach new heights and move up the career ladder, then place a Christmas tree in front of the entrance to the room. In this case, jewelry should be chosen depending on the nature of your work activity. Creative and creative work involves bright and original, shocking decorations. People dealing with serious business should choose a classic and strict style for decorating the Christmas tree.

How to attract the birth of children and their well-being

Let caring and future parents place the Christmas tree in the near right corner. Those couples who only dream of a child should decorate the tree with various sweets and toys. And established parents can entrust this process to their children and not have to redo anything after them. But of course, only adults hang electric garlands, because the safety of children is the concern of parents.

How to surround yourself with true friends

Do you want to find like-minded people, loyal and devoted friends? Then place the Christmas tree in the near left corner. For those who want to strengthen existing connections, it would be a good decision to dress up the forest beauty with toys taken from friends. One from everyone you care about! What should those who only dream of making successful new acquaintances do? Choose items that symbolize the person you want to make friends with. For example, tie pins represent male society, an expensive fountain pen represents a respectable patron, and so on.

How to find harmony in the New Year 2019

Placing a Christmas tree in the middle of the room will enhance all aspects of your life. To do this, you also need to hang certain symbols on the tree branches facing the corners you need. It will be a lot of fun to do a New Year's round dance around such a Christmas tree, which will have a beneficial effect on your life.

Where to put a Christmas tree in a small room

If the area of ​​your room does not allow you to place the Christmas tree in one corner or another, do not worry! In this case, you can place a vase with a beautiful bouquet of fir branches in the place you need. Don't forget to decorate the bouquet with certain symbols, depending on what you want to attract into your life. The effect will be the same.


Here we answer the question of where to put a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui 2019 to attract prosperity and harmony. After the tree is removed, it seems that the holiday and the magic are over. This is not entirely true. There is one effective way to ensure that luck does not leave your home throughout the next year. Place or hang a beautiful and stylish flower in the place where the Christmas tree stood. Don't forget to decorate it with symbols of good luck! Thus, happiness and prosperity will accompany your life all year long! Happy New Year 2019!

According to Feng Shui, all objects in the house should be arranged relative to the cardinal directions. Then the energy is directed in the right direction and ensures the fulfillment of desires. Have you thought about where the green beauty should stand? Ideally, the tree should stand in the most empty corner rooms or apartments. In this case, nothing will interfere with the free movement of positive energy that attracts The tree of Life. But, if you have priority goals and desires, experts recommend using Bagua grid(correspondence between the cardinal directions and zones of the house according to the theory of Feng Shui - Note)

  • Do you want to attract in the New Year financial prosperity? Place the Christmas tree in the southeast part of the room.
  • Dreaming about fame and popularity? Place the Christmas tree in the southern sector.
  • For those who want to improve personal life, it is necessary to place the Christmas tree in the southwestern sector.
  • New addition to the family a spruce tree decorated in the western part of the room can attract.
  • There are many who wish travel and it’s easy to find new friends by putting up a Christmas tree in the northwest.
  • Do you dream of advancing in career ladder? Your tree should be in the north.
  • Would you like to receive new knowledge and experience? The Christmas tree should be located in the northeast.
  • If it's a priority healthy energy in the family, then it is worth putting the Christmas tree in the eastern part of the room.

In the very center? No, not the place!

Where you definitely don’t need to put a Christmas tree is in the center of the apartment. According to the theory of harmonization, a spruce installed in the center of the room will bring with it leapfrog of events, confusion and disorder.

If you just can’t decide where exactly to put the Christmas tree, then choose the most important direction, and “complete” the rest of the moments in life that need improvement with the tree’s paws. It is good to hang a New Year's fir wreath outside the front door - it will attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

Feng Shui in the Year of the Dog

Dog talismans in Feng Shui are usually complex. For example, a dog with a coin in its paws, a gold bar in its paws, a dog on a chest, etc. These talismans protect the family nest and help the owners live in love and prosperity.

Or maybe pine?

The classic spruce with a pronounced triangular shape carries two elements - wood and fire (triangular silhouette). Pine with its soft forms will carry within itself half the fire energy than in the case of spruce.

How to decorate a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui?

The top is usually a star or pointed spire. It originally symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the newborn Jesus. During the Soviet years in our country, the star on the Christmas tree acquired a different meaning and turned red. If you want a “lucky star” to guide you through life, decorate your Christmas tree with a star, and what color it will be is not so important.

For the Tree of Life to bring good luck in all directions, the colors of all magical elements must shine on it - Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth (red, blue, white, green and gold).

  • Fire Symbols - red decorations, as well as candles, a cockerel or the sun help achieve your goal without noticing obstacles.
  • Water Symbols - blue decorations, wavy in shape and “aquatic” in meaning (fish, shell). Such figures will strengthen peace in the family.
  • Metal Element, attracting success in money matters are all kinds of coins, as well as silver, gold and white balls.
  • Tree is responsible for creativity, and can be present on the Christmas tree in the form of wooden toys and green color.
  • Earth element Gives stability and self-confidence. It can be symbolized by ceramic figurines.

It is curious that tinsel, a golden “rain”, which is not given much importance, in the East is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. So don’t forget to generously decorate the Christmas tree and your apartment with “rain”! Feng Shui masters also approve of garlands of light bulbs, candles and sparklers.

There will always be a place in the house for the New Year's beauty! How many good things are connected with her: from children's round dances to family feasts. But it's not that simple. It turns out that according to the ancient art of composition, Feng Shui, if you place the Christmas tree correctly, you can change your life for the better or “program your wishes to come true” in the coming year.

Before you install a real Christmas tree, you need to follow some rules. Then your “green princess” will last a long time to the delight of everyone at home.

Once in a greenhouse home, the beauty, who was born and raised in the forest, and who has just been “wrapped in snow by frost,” turns into a pampered princess.

She will be hot near the radiator, but cold in a draft, and besides, she will be thirsty all the time.

Water the Christmas tree standing in a bucket of sand every other day, like an indoor flower, and spray the branches with a spray bottle.

If you have to install the Christmas tree using a stand, then before doing this, put it in water with glycerin for at least a day, and then make a cut in the trunk and put a woolen rag there (it will need to be moistened with water daily).

Want to strengthen family relationships - place the tree to the left of the entrance to the room, along the wall. But if your thoughts are about how bring joy to children- place it on the right side. Place the Christmas tree in the far right corner and your intimate life will sparkle with new colors. You can suggest a simpler way - make a composition from spruce or pine branches and hang it above the bed: Eros will simply take up residence in your bedroom.

Strive for material well-being– place the tree in the far left corner, decorate it with coins wrapped in gold foil and tie the branches with red ribbons. And if the tree is not on a cross, but in a bucket of sand, then you can also bury a few coins wrapped in red paper in the sand.

If you place the Christmas tree right at the entrance to the room, then this position will help you next year feel like a strong, interesting person. If it is located in the near left corner, then this will help expand your contacts with the outside world and develop your creative and intellectual abilities.

Will you be celebrating the New Year at work, in a team? The Christmas tree should be in front of the front door. This will contribute career advancement to one degree or another, all employees. However, this option can be repeated at home.

This is important: the tree must be well strengthened. Electrical garlands can only be hung if they are in perfect condition. Those who, for one reason or another, prefer an artificial Christmas tree, should remember that it is made of a synthetic, flammable material; therefore, you should discard the candles and check the garlands again. The tree must be well strengthened. Electrical garlands can only be hung if they are in perfect condition. Those who, for one reason or another, prefer an artificial Christmas tree, should remember that it is made of a synthetic, flammable material; therefore, you should discard the candles and check the garlands again.

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