If you don’t comply with the requirements of Russian legislation, say goodbye to your position?! Dedicated to those who praised Serdyukov - Russian fighters fell into Serdyukov’s “dead noose” Award department of the Russian Defense Ministry

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Home Encyclopedia History of the department 95 years of the State Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The personnel bodies of the Russian Ministry of Defense are 95 years old!

Without an effective, well-organized and well-coordinated structure responsible for working with personnel, not a single organization or department is unthinkable. The Russian Ministry of Defense always gives priority to staffing issues. The key role in organizing this activity belongs to the Main Personnel Directorate - a team of true professionals with solid service experience and a large arsenal of knowledge on the entire range of issues in their area of ​​responsibility.

The history of the Main Personnel Directorate is like a copy of the country’s biography, a reflection of the most significant stages in the development and formation of the Armed Forces of the Russian state. Military personnel specialists have always paid attention to the most pressing issues related to the training and recruitment of army and navy personnel. Today, the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense is still at the forefront of major measures aimed at the qualitative transformation of the country’s Armed Forces. Successfully implementing the tasks set by the leadership of the country and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of strengthening the personnel potential of the Russian army and navy, the staff of the Main Personnel Directorate makes a significant contribution to increasing the defense capability of the state.

The head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel General, talks about the origins, stages of formation and the current state of military personnel work Viktor Petrovich Goremykin .

The appearance of the prototype of the future military personnel bodies of the Russian army, which carried out daily work aimed largely at increasing the interest of military professionals in the conscientious performance of official duties, dates back to the 30s of the 17th century. At the same time, structures of this kind arose in the Moscow state, when the army itself was born, originating from individual detachments and princely squads. It was necessary to keep records of soldiers, distribute them among regiments, dismiss them from service, reward them, and punish them for misdeeds, search for fugitive soldiers, and perform other tasks. To perform these duties, clerks were required first, and subsequently, officials with literacy and skills in the rational use of human resources, primarily command staff. The amount of work increased as preparations for the military campaign were carried out.

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible and until the reforms of Peter I, this work was carried out by the Razryadny Prikaz (Razryad), which was in charge of “service people,” that is, persons who were in government, including military, service. The first mention of the Discharge Order dates back to 1531. Orders of the Russian government on annual appointments to military, civil and court service were entered into discharge books. In fact, these books were among the first documents of the Russian state related to personnel policy.

One of the shortcomings of the system that existed at that time was that appointments to military positions were made by clerks - people who were poorly familiar with military affairs and, moreover, were not able to assess the behavior of those appointed in battle. And yet, the Military leadership, despite obvious shortcomings, among which perhaps the most dangerous was the lack of proper control and clear rules for the responsibility of officials, managed to create military administrative institutions, including personnel ones, and laid the basis for their subsequent improvement. It was on this basis that Peter I carried out reforms in the first quarter of the 18th century, which radically changed the organization, structure, functions and powers of military command and control bodies. Along with the creation of a regular army and navy, the leadership of the entire military organization was centralized, which contributed to the streamlining and development of work with military personnel. The orders received different names and began to be subordinated to persons who enjoyed the sovereign’s trust to the greatest extent. Their organizational structure has also changed.

In February 1711, Peter I signed a decree establishing the Governing Senate, and from that moment the orders transferred their powers to the Senate Military Chancellery under the Governing Senate. During the military reforms, Peter I paid special attention to the formation of the officer corps, which constituted a special class of “initial people” in the troops and was the main object for the work of personnel services. The officer corps was staffed primarily by children of the nobility, who, before receiving an officer rank, were required to learn the basics of military service in the guard regiments (Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky) as privates and non-commissioned officers. And only after several years of service in the lower ranks did they receive the opportunity to be promoted to chief officer.

In order to provide the Russian army with a sufficient number of well-trained officers, Peter I, from the first days of building a regular army, paid special attention to the creation of military schools. In a short time, artillery, engineering, naval and other schools were created, in which officers began to be trained. Of course, this was only the beginning of the formation of military educational institutions. During the entire second half of the 18th century, military schools trained only about 3 thousand officers for the troops.

A significant step of Peter I in reforming the central military administration was the creation in 1717 of a system of collegiums, which differed from orders by collective discussion and resolution of issues, uniformity of organizational structure and office work, and more clearly defined competence. Thus, in 1718, instead of the Military Chancellery, the Military Collegium was established as a body of central command and control of troops. She was responsible for the organization and education of troops, was in charge of issues of recruitment, service and inspection of troops, issued patents for military ranks, dealt with the distribution and dismissal of officers, as well as solving other issues of personnel service.

At the same time, a unified system of military ranks of the Western European type and solid fundamentals of service, enshrined in the Table of Ranks, were introduced. Now the basis of service and rank production was not based on birth, but on personal abilities, education, experience and courage. In addition, the possibility of producing officers from lower classes was ensured. Everyone who received a lower officer rank in the service became hereditary nobles.

With the creation of the War Ministry in 1802, the Military Collegium initially became part of it as the main body, and in 1812 personnel work was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Inspectorate Department, which “managed ... the personnel of the army, its recruitment ... and charity (social security) for military ranks and their families." With the reorganization of the War Ministry, carried out in 1832 according to the plan of Emperor Nicholas I, the Inspectorate Department came under the direct subordination of the Minister of War, who, along with other issues, was now responsible for working with personnel, and a report to the emperor was provided for the affairs of the department. This meant that the emperor considered work with military personnel as one of the most significant areas of military administration.

The development of military art during the Napoleonic wars and the creation of mass armies required an increase in the size of the Russian army, which in turn led to the expansion of the network of cadet corps, which was the basis of the system of military educational institutions in Russia. At the same time, the growth of industrial production, the development of transport and communications, required new approaches to solving the problems of organizing military command, mobilization and supply of troops. Russia's defeat in the Crimean War served as a catalyst for the military reforms of 1862-1874. In this regard, changes have occurred in the system of military management, training and education of personnel.

In the course of these reforms, the organizational structure of personnel bodies was also improved. In 1865, the Inspectorate Department was merged with the Main Directorate of the General Staff. The new structure was in charge of the issues of recruiting troops, producing and dismissing officers, monitoring the condition of troops in combat terms, and accounting for personnel, which determined the military strength of the state.

The defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 revealed a number of serious problems in the military organization of the state, including in matters of training the officer corps. The First World War also made its own adjustments to the system of training command personnel. The army needed not only highly professional training of the officer corps, but also a very significant increase in its numerical strength. In general, during the First World War, the system of personnel bodies of the military department coped with the assigned tasks.

The February and then the October revolutions of 1917 essentially led to the destruction of the old military machine. This, in turn, caused certain difficulties in the construction of the Red Army. Personnel issues were resolved for some time in a unique way: commanders were not appointed by the military leadership, but were elected by the Red Army. But already in April 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a decree “On the procedure for filling positions in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army,” which abolished the election of command personnel.

On May 24, 1918, as a result of the reorganization of the structures of the former General Staff of the old army, the Command Staff Directorate of the All-Russian General Staff was formed with a staff of 526 people, the legal successor of which is the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in its current form.

In the late 20s and 30s, during the military transformations, changes also occurred in the military command and control bodies. The main personnel body of the army bore the names: command department of the Red Army; management of the commanding staff of the Red Army under the NPO of the USSR; from 1940 - the Red Army Personnel Directorate, and from the first months of the Great Patriotic War - the Main Directorate of NGO Personnel. Its tasks changed, but the fundamental principles of personnel selection and placement remained unchanged.

The army and navy were equipped with the necessary military equipment and weapons. Accordingly, changes were made to personnel work. It became more specific, focused and fruitful. This is confirmed by the training of qualified officers of all types and branches of the military, the adoption of effective measures to increase the authority of command personnel. As a result of a lot of multifaceted work, all the necessary prerequisites were created, primarily material ones, which allowed the Soviet Union and its army to withstand all the tests of the Great Patriotic War and win victory.

Subsequently, during the years of construction of the Armed Forces, personnel work was carried out in order to improve the organizational structure of the army and navy, as well as the training and education of military personnel. Since the development of weapons and military equipment in the post-war years proceeded at a rapid pace, the requirements for officer personnel increased, and the leadership of the Armed Forces paid great attention to further increasing the level of training, selection and education of the leadership of the army and navy, improving the style of their work, and strengthening unity of command.

In modern conditions, the relevance and need for skillful and rational use of human resources in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continues to remain high. This requires constant maintenance of high professional and moral qualities of the entire staff of the Main Personnel Directorate. The presence of rich service experience and strong business skills allow officers and civilian personnel of the State Administration to quickly and efficiently carry out the tasks assigned to them.

These at the present stage include the following:

  • formation and implementation of personnel policy in the Armed Forces;
  • organization of military service for military personnel under contract;
  • planning, organizing and controlling the recruitment of the Armed Forces with contract military personnel;
  • organizing the entry of citizens into the state civil service, its passage and termination;
  • organization of staffing for filling employee positions;
  • organization of work with citizens who have the military rank of officer and are in the reserves of the Armed Forces;
  • long-term and current planning for the training and accumulation of reserve officers;
  • general management of military training of citizens in military training centers, faculties of military training and military departments at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education;
  • organizing work on rewarding military personnel and civilian personnel and presenting them with state awards of the Russian Federation and departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • organizing staffing for international military and military-technical cooperation activities between the Russian Federation and foreign states and international organizations;
  • organizing the departure of military personnel and civilian personnel from the Russian Federation;
  • organizing the provision of services to foreign states for the training of national military personnel and technical personnel;
  • prevention of corruption and other offenses;
  • organization and maintenance of personal and statistical records of officers undergoing military service under contract and reserve officers, records of military personnel by personal numbers, personal and statistical records of civilian personnel.

Within the framework of the listed tasks, the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense also has many functions. It is difficult to name all of them, so we will limit ourselves to the most important ones, relating, in particular, to the issues of formation and implementation of personnel policy in the Armed Forces:

  • participation in the development and implementation of the Concept and Plan for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • preparation of draft regulatory legal acts on issues of public service, regulation of labor relations with employees of military units and organizations, as well as on the organization of work with citizens who have the military rank of officer and are in the reserves of the Armed Forces;
  • organizing work to consider appeals from citizens and organizations on issues of working with contract military personnel and civilian personnel received by the Main Personnel Directorate;
  • formation of state orders for assigned areas of activity.

It is worth noting that the work of the Main Personnel Directorate is based on rich experience and is built taking into account the changes taking place in the Armed Forces and in the country as a whole. Today, personnel work includes two main components, let’s call them scientific-theoretical and practical. The scientific and theoretical component is the development of concepts, provisions, the formation of a legislative and regulatory framework to ensure military service for officers and other categories of military personnel. In turn, the practical component includes all current tasks of personnel work.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on some aspects of staffing for all categories of military personnel serving under contract as a practical component of personnel work.

From the beginning of measures to form a new image of the Armed Forces (from October 2008) to the present, by directives of the General Staff, the number of officer positions has been reduced by almost half. Currently, the staffing of troops with officers is maintained at a level that ensures that tasks are completed as intended - from 95 to 100 percent.

Since 2009, annual certification of all officers has been introduced, and since 2011, certification of all private and non-commissioned military personnel serving under contract has been introduced. Based on the results of the certification, plans for the implementation of decisions were drawn up, which are currently being implemented.

In 2008-2009, a system of territorial transfer of officers to a new duty station was developed and implemented - rotation of officer personnel. Over the past three years, more than 105.1 thousand people have been transferred to new duty stations.

Since the beginning of 2012, personnel authorities have been entrusted with staffing military personnel serving under contract as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen. For the practical implementation of the new task, a management vertical has been built: the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense - departments for working with military personnel under contract, personnel departments of military districts - selection points for military service under contract. Such points have been created and operate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

For reference:

“Established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2003 No. 165 “On the establishment of military heraldic signs of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”

The small emblem is a gold five-pointed star superimposed on a four-pointed “St. George” star, against the backdrop of stylized crossed shoulder straps of military personnel.

The middle emblem is an image of a small emblem in a red heraldic shield (a quadrangular shield, pointed at the tip, with a wavy point in the middle of the head, beveled upper corners and sides, concave at the top and rounded at the bottom).

The large emblem (coat of arms) is an image of the middle emblem framed by an oval-shaped silver oak wreath; at the top of the wreath is the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military heraldic insignia reflect the features of the functional purpose of the Main Personnel Directorate - management and control over the work of personnel bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, aimed at ensuring the staffing of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with officers, warrant officers, midshipmen in peace and war.

The elements of the emblem symbolize: a cross with ends in the form of golden shoulder straps of senior, senior, junior officers and warrant officers - the areas of activity of the Main Personnel Directorate for the main categories of military personnel; a golden five-pointed star (the oldest symbol of amulet, defense, security, safety - a traditional historical sign reflecting an officer’s rank) - the task of organizing the work of conferring military ranks; golden trousers in the form of a star of the Order of St. George - the task of organizing the awarding of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; the shape of the heraldic shield is the rank of the Main Personnel Directorate as the central body of military command; the red color of the heraldic shield is the color of the cloth of the personnel bodies; the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Main Personnel Directorate belongs to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; oak wreath (a symbol of courage, strength, perseverance and valor) - loyalty to military duty and courage of the personnel of the Main Personnel Directorate.”

It must be emphasized that in personnel work, issues of personnel incentives, including rewards, occupy an important place. And work in this direction is organized so that military personnel are properly appreciated for their services to the Motherland, so that state awards are a source of pride and actively “work” to further increase the prestige of military service and help strengthen the country’s officer corps.

At the end of April 2013, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, visited the Ashuluk military training ground (Astrakhan region), where air force and air defense exercises were held to practice joint actions to combat a potential aggressor. The Minister of Defense highly appreciated the activities of the officers of the units participating in the exercises and personally presented awards to the most distinguished of them.

It is worth noting that in recent years, for the first time in the modern history of Russia, 5 formations and military units were awarded state awards for the successful completion of combat missions. The Order of Kutuzov appeared on the battle banners of the 45th separate guards special purpose regiment of the Airborne Forces and the 393rd Army Aviation Base. The Order of Zhukov was awarded to the 10th separate special forces brigade and the 201st Gatchina twice Red Banner military base. The heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Peter the Great" was awarded the Order of Nakhimov.

All awards to formations and military units were presented personally by the President of the Russian Federation. Also, the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General V.F. Margelov and the 154th Separate Commandant Regiment were awarded Certificates of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The examples given are only a part of those moments when the country's top military leadership was able to see firsthand the quality of work in the selection and placement of command personnel, and really evaluate their combat training, business and moral-psychological qualities.

It should also be noted that recently honorary names have been returned to military units. The Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments were the first to receive this high honor. The 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle Taman Order of the October Revolution Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division and the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirov Order of Lenin Red Banner Division named after Yu.V. Andropov were revived (with the transfer of all honorary titles and awards).

Much is being done in terms of searching for undelivered awards to participants in the Great Patriotic War and other military operations. To date, more than 4.3 thousand veterans or their relatives have been identified, who were awarded (transferred for storage as memory) more than 4.6 thousand orders and medals of the USSR. Currently, the search for this category of citizens continues based on requests from citizens, and the search for front-line soldiers, in addition, is carried out using a publicly accessible electronic bank of award documents “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” It cannot be emphasized enough that when creating this resource during 2010-2011, an examination of more than 17.5 thousand award sheets from the Great Patriotic War was carried out.

In 2011, the process of awarding state awards to participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was largely completed. In total, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, 58 thousand people were awarded in this area.

Returning to the story about the activities of the Main Personnel Directorate at the present stage, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that many changes have occurred in this activity due to the emergence of new tasks and functions. Approaches to solving personnel issues have been revised, new personnel technologies, methods and methods for solving problems are being developed and actively implemented. In this regard, the requirements directly for the officers of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, on whose shoulders the main day-to-day activities of the departments and departments rest, have become higher. Mostly all of them went through a good army or navy school and have extensive experience in military service.

Many, before being appointed to the Main Personnel Directorate, commanded regiments, ships, held responsible positions at headquarters, and served in personnel departments of branches of the Armed Forces, military districts, and fleets. The vast majority of officers have military academies and higher military schools under their belts. Many have been awarded state awards and have academic degrees and titles. An example of high-quality performance of their official duties is shown by such officers as Colonels I.A. Belyavsky, A.S. Kuzmin, A.A. Vorobyov, V.V. Svirida, L.I. Prakopovich, S.V. Chunov, K.I. Ladyka, D.Yu. Beskrovnov, S.N. Kharlamov, A.A. Shepelenko, V.G. Nikiforov, A.A. Kirdey, M.A. Dmitriev, A.V. Rug, O.P. Terentyev, I.S. Naumenko, A.A. Suvernev, A.V. Yarenko, S.V. Chernyshov, V.P. Terentyev, I.I. Mingalev, V.I. Snezhko, V.B. Yorkin, captains 1st rank A.P. Bogdanov, A.V. Kulabukhov, Lieutenant Colonel A.Yu. Isakov.

The accumulated experience and business qualities allow officers of the Main Personnel Directorate to quickly and efficiently carry out assigned tasks and transfer the accumulated experience to officers of subordinate personnel bodies.

We also cannot fail to mention our civilian personnel. Among those who make a worthy contribution to solving the tasks facing the Main Personnel Directorate is I.V. Manuilova, I.O. Rosenblum, V.V. Serebryakov, V.V. Romanov, A.Yu. Morozov, O.N. Kostyuk, A.A. Lvova, L.L. Valeeva, V.E. Sivash, L.N. Karaseva, S.V. Egorova.

The activities of the veteran organization of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense deserve kind words. We always try to listen to the opinions of our respected veterans. In March 2013, a regular meeting of the Council of Veterans of the State Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was held. Despite their age, Army General V.F. Ermakov, Colonel General I.G. are actively involved in the process of improving personnel work in the Armed Forces. Panin, A.K. Mironov, Yu.N. Rodionov, Lieutenant General V.P. Bryukhov, A.G. Sheenkov, A.T.Avilov, N.M.Vasiliev.

Returning to the current activities of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it must be emphasized that the transition of the Russian Armed Forces to a three-level management system caused corresponding changes in the general scheme of personnel work in the troops (forces). Today, personnel bodies are represented at three levels of the overall management system of the Armed Forces:

  • in formations (brigades, divisions and equals);
  • in joint strategic commands (military districts);
  • Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Taking into account the scale of the tasks being solved and the volume of work, a Unified Personnel Authority of the Russian Ministry of Defense was created on the basis of the Main Personnel Directorate in 2012, whose area of ​​responsibility included staffing of all categories of military personnel serving under contract and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces. In this regard, the organizational structure of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which has changed several times over the past years, currently includes nine departments:

  • first control(USC officers);
  • second control(organizational planning and acquisition);
  • third directorate(awards and foreign work);
  • fourth directorate(military personnel performing military service under a contract);
  • fifth directorate(officers of branches, branches of the military);
  • sixth department(military administration bodies subordinate to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and his deputies and universities);
  • public administration civil service;
  • management (regulating labor relations);
  • management (military education).

It is also impossible to consider the activities of the State Administration in isolation from the Military Personnel Registration Directorate (the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), which is not directly part of it.

Main efforts in personnel work 1st Directorate , which is headed by Major General Sergei Anatolyevich Batyushkin, are aimed at ensuring the required level of staffing of associations, formations and military units of military districts with professional personnel undergoing military service under a contract in military positions subject to recruitment by all categories of military personnel. The staffing of troops and forces of military districts with officers, as well as other categories of military personnel serving under contract, was and is maintained at a level that ensures the fulfillment of tasks as intended.

In addition, the 1st Directorate, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2012 No. 1653, is working on the formation of the Federal Personnel Reserve for 2013-2015 and the development of a training system for officials included in it. The selection of candidates for the Federal Personnel Reserve is based on the principle of selecting officers who meet certain qualification requirements and have the necessary professional and personal qualities for appointment to senior military positions to be filled by senior officers, taking into account the current and future need for filling these positions.

Considerable attention is paid to the formation of a departmental personnel reserve. Its basis is candidates for main command and staff positions from battalion commander and above.

As part of the implementation of the anti-corruption program and the prevention of corruption and other offenses, the 1st Directorate collects and posts on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense information on the income, property and property obligations of military personnel and federal civil servants of the military department, whose positions are subject to corruption risks. In addition, a huge amount of work has been done to collect, process and enter into information systems personal data and financially significant information about bonuses and other monetary payments for all military personnel of military districts.

At the heart of the activity 2nd control , led by Major General Yuri Petrovich Bobrov, is to improve the legislative and regulatory framework for military service. Over the past years, activities in this area have been carried out especially actively: drafts of a number of federal constitutional, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation have been prepared, introducing changes and regulating the legal basis of military service under contract. It is the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense that takes part as a co-executor in improving the regulatory legal framework on issues of state guarantees and compensation, social protection of military personnel serving under contract.

The most important component of the work of the 2nd Directorate is the issue of staffing the Armed Forces with officers. The development of plans for staffing officer cadres for the Armed Forces as a whole, as well as types and branches of troops, military districts (fleets) up to and including formations, has been resumed. Plans include the use of all available sources of acquisition. When planning, the experience gained in previous years in the careers of university graduates is fully used. Last year, a complex of measures carried out in advance and intensively made it possible to assign 76 percent of lieutenants to officer positions with graduation orders. Serious attention is paid to long-term planning to meet the needs of troops. When planning the staffing of universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense with a variable composition for 2013, not only the regulatory parameters of recruitment for the regular number of officer positions in the Armed Forces were taken into account, but also the factors determining the additional need.

An integral part of personnel work in the army and navy is awards. Responsible for this section in the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense 3rd Directorate , which is headed by Colonel Anatoly Vitalievich Rug. Since 2008, over 12 thousand people have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation for courage and bravery shown in the performance of military duty, distinctions during exercises, combat duty (service), for services in strengthening the country's defense capability and high performance in service and labor activities. military personnel and civilian personnel. A significant part of them received their awards for courage and heroism shown during the operation to force Georgia to peace, during the conduct of military operations to eliminate illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region, for participation in ship cruises, military and naval exercises. 49 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, including 17 posthumously. 404.7 thousand people were awarded departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense.

Specialists of this department are also responsible for the selection and registration of candidates for work abroad as advisers, teachers, employees of offices, foreign missions and other structures engaged in direct military and military-technical cooperation in host countries. Military personnel are also being selected and trained to participate in international missions and UN peacekeeping operations in accordance with the international obligations assumed by the Russian side. An important place in the activities of the department is occupied by the training of national military personnel and technical personnel of foreign countries. A separate area of ​​work is the provision of services for the training of foreign specialists from the crews and combat crews of ships, submarines, airplanes, helicopters, anti-aircraft missile systems, missiles, artillery and armored vehicles supplied to foreign countries.

4th control The Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, headed by Major General Evgeny Vladimirovich Kuchinsky, has implemented in practice a clear and transparent system of selection, rather than recruitment, of candidates for military service under a contract who meet the requirements for health, physical fitness, motivation for military service, and professional suitability and other parameters. Priority in selection is given to citizens who are in the reserves, who have necessarily served in the Armed Forces, who have the required level of education and the required military specialty. In addition, all contract soldiers are required to be sent for training, which was previously extremely rare. Those who do not meet the requirements and do not justify, due to their own negligence, the opportunities provided during training and further service, are parted with without regret: the entire created control system is aimed at fulfilling this task. At the top of the functional pyramid in this area of ​​activity is the 4th Directorate of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

In the area of ​​attention 5th Directorate , headed by Colonel Alexander Vasilyevich Yarenko, - organizing work on the appointment of officers of branches and branches of the military to military positions, release from military posts, timely dismissal, conclusion of contracts, assignment of military ranks. The department is also responsible for studying candidates for appointment to senior military positions, preparing proposals and materials for them for consideration at meetings of the Central Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The department takes part in forecasting and planning the need for officers, as well as in planning, monitoring the distribution and job assignment of graduates of universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense. It is responsible for preparing prompt and reliable information on the staffing level of military positions being replaced by officers, preparing calculations and proposals for ensuring ongoing organizational and staffing measures regarding the use of released officers.

The department also organizes and controls the planned replacement of officers serving under contract in the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation. The management’s area of ​​focus is the organization and management of the work of certification of officers, the collection, analysis, synthesis and presentation to management of operational data on the personnel situation, as well as the main indicators of the performance of personnel bodies.

On 6th Directorate , headed by Major General Mikhail Mikhailovich Sinyukov, is entrusted with tasks in the field of formation of personnel policy in the Armed Forces and its implementation in the Central bodies of military command and in universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense. It carries out preliminary work on the recruitment and placement of graduates of universities and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In addition, this department organizes the work of the central commission of the Russian Ministry of Defense to consider applications for registration and issuance of certificates of a combat veteran, and also performs a wide range of tasks within the framework of ensuring the functioning of the Unified Settlement Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The rapid development of computer technology and information technology required new approaches to solving accounting automation issues. Today he is responsible for solving the entire range of problems in this area military personnel registration department , led by Colonel Sergei Aleksandrovich Botsvin. It is worth noting that the personnel of the department, together with industrial enterprises and research institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense, are actively involved in carrying out development work to improve automated systems for staffing and personal accounting of officers and warrant officers of the Armed Forces. The development and implementation of these systems made it possible to raise the issues of automation of military personnel registration to a new level, to improve the quality and efficiency of the work of personnel bodies at all levels.

Priority task state civil service department , led by Irina Valentinovna Manuilova, is to form the personnel of the federal state civil service of the Russian Ministry of Defense with highly qualified and competent specialists. This is facilitated by the introduction of new approaches to the organization and performance of the civil service. The personnel composition of the civil service of the department is formed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as a result of organizing and conducting competitions for filling vacant civil service positions, appointments to civil service positions from the personnel reserve, as well as appointments without competitive procedures.

One of the main areas of activity of the department is the creation of conditions for the formation of a personnel reserve for the Russian Ministry of Defense, primarily from among the civil servants of the department in the order of their job growth - one of the factors determining the motivation for the professional work of civil servants. The presence of such a reserve makes it possible to use the potential of civil servants and quickly fill vacant positions, including in the newly created central bodies of military command.

The management's area of ​​focus is the assignment of a class rank in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, increasing the professionalism and competence of personnel through the use of a system of additional professional education. In general, the effective activities of the state civil service department in terms of high-quality selection and rational placement of personnel, taking into account their competence, professionalism, and moral guidelines, is one of the conditions for the successful implementation of the tasks assigned to the department.

Ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of labor relations in the Armed Forces, monitoring compliance with labor legislation, as well as a unified personnel policy in relation to employees of military units and organizations and the introduction of uniform personnel standards in the Armed Forces is carried out labor relations department, led by Igor Olegovich Rozemblyum.

The main task of the department is to select civilian personnel, assess their professional and personal qualities, and organize labor relations with them. In addition, the department carries out work on the normative legal regulation of labor relations of employees of military units and organizations, implementation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating corruption, coordination and control of the activities of personnel bodies of the Armed Forces on issues of regulating labor relations.

The prospects for the development of the Armed Forces largely depend on how well they are staffed with officers - the most professional military personnel who are the basis of the army, its backbone. The state of their professional level and quality of training significantly influence the combat readiness of the army and navy.

Today, troops and naval forces are staffed with officers from various sources, the main of which are still military educational institutions.

A new impetus for the work to improve the military education system is the return of the military education department to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense from May 1, 2013. Currently, Colonel Igor Alekseevich Muravlyannikov is temporarily acting as head of the department - deputy head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The department faces an important and responsible task - to organize the education and training of officers for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, capable of ensuring the defense capability of our country.

Summing up the story about the past and present day of the main personnel body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, I would like to note that working with personnel is, first of all, working with specific people who have individual characteristics that must be taken into account. In this regard, when performing their official duties, officers and civilian personnel of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense strive to exclude formalism, basing their personnel decisions on the requirements of the regulatory framework, service and life experience, and solid knowledge of psychology and pedagogy. The deep knowledge and rich experience of GUK officers allow them to comprehensively study the professional and business opportunities and personal characteristics of candidates for certain military positions. Observation, tact, and the ability to win people over are essential conditions for their successful work.

An alternative approach has become widespread in modern personnel practice, when several candidates are considered for a vacant position. The opinions of a wide range of managers are taken into account. Skillful summarization of feedback about a candidate and preparation of informed proposals for management to make the optimal decision on his appointment help to eliminate protectionism, eradicate appointments and transfers based on the “like it or not like it” principle.

Of course, these reforms are due to the dictates of the times. The geopolitical situation is changing dynamically, the forms and methods of armed struggle are being improved, and, accordingly, optimization and modernization of the Armed Forces is required, including the system of training, accounting and distribution of personnel.

The volume and scale of work of the Main Personnel Directorate is significant. Each of the departments performs many complex specific tasks. However, unity of goals and actions, cohesion and mutual assistance is what allows the team of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense to solve them successfully and with high quality. It is also impossible not to note that military personnel policy today, as a result of the activities of personnel bodies, is an integral part of the state personnel policy, an instrument for its practical implementation in the army and navy. Thus, the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, based on an analysis of modern conditions of social development, using the achievements of the scientific and economic potential of the state and taking into account the accumulated historical experience, acts as a reliable and effective instrument of the state’s military personnel policy.

The officer corps dispersed several years ago has to be assembled throughout the country

Rally of officers against military reform. 2009 (Photo: Vladimir Sayapin/TASS)

It seems like a routine matter - a meeting of employees of the personnel bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. But even there, it turns out, sometimes sensations are born.

Head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry, Colonel General Viktor Goremykin from the podium of the meeting he simply spoke about the inhuman efforts of his subordinates to staff the Armed Forces with officers. Moreover, using methods, to put it mildly, non-standard, simply unprecedented in other armies.

It turned out that, according to the Colonel General, “in general, all sources allowed us to recruit more than 11 thousand officers for military service in 2016, which is almost comparable to a full-fledged graduation from universities of the Ministry of Defense.” From the context it is clear that we are talking about calling into service those who until recently were in the reserves.

But how can this be? After all, relatively recently, on August 22, 2007,Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the complete abolition of conscription into military service of graduates of civilian universities who graduated from the military department with the military rank of “reserve lieutenant”. At that time there was a lot of positive talk about this step. Because it’s no secret to anyone that the so-called “jackets” for the most part were never eager to join the troops even for two years. And they were of little use, completely unmotivated, in battalions, regiments and on ships. What could a half-educated officer forcibly sent into service, who, moreover, quite like a soldier, was counting the days until his own demobilization, could give to his subordinates? It turns out that now the Ministry of Defense is back to their old ways, not caring about the presidential decree?

Not certainly in that way. Colonel General Goremykin’s subordinates are not scraping the bottom of the barrel of two-year-olds. Return to service of those expelled from the army of sad memory by the former Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov career officers are today the main reserve and the main hope of army personnel officers. And they, literally driven out, mercilessly crushed by the caterpillars of our thoughtless military reforms, are neither more nor less - 200 thousand people. The overwhelming majority are captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels. The most energetic and experienced personnel, on whom everything in the army rested.

But then, just some five or six years ago, we were assured that too many officers in Russia were divorced. So much, they say, is useless in the “Armed Forces of a New Look” invented by Serdyukov. For three years under him, the enrollment of cadets in higher educational institutions practically ceased. They cut us alive. The number of military universities was reduced from 64 to 17 in a couple of years. Their personnel composition decreased by 7 times. Now it has been decided to turn everything back.

At the same time, according to Colonel General Goremykin, the Ministry of Defense uses truly “extraordinary” methods. In the local press, next to advertisements for the recruitment of salespeople and cashiers in supermarkets, such notices, for example, appear en masse: “For a vacant officer position (12 tr., senior lieutenant, head of the department (crime prevention) in the military commandant’s office of the city of Lipetsk, a reserve officer with a legal education (dismissed due to the NUK (violation of the terms of the contract - “SP”) is not considered).” Or: “In the Irkutsk region, in a closed military town, the following are required: a platoon commander of a security company, an automation and electronics engineer (senior lieutenant, 16 tariff). Requirements: “A” health without physical problems, dismissed not according to the National Labor Code, age up to 35 years.”

And former minister Serdyukov-Taburetkin again


The development of the military education system is the most important function of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry

In order to improve the system of training specialists for the Armed Forces and optimize the network of military educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2008, 3 military educational and scientific centers (VUNC) were created on the basis of the military academies of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: Ground troops as part of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and 11 branches; Air Force - Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin and 7 branches; Navy - Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov, 6 branches and 3 research institutes. Branches of VUNC became specialized higher military schools and military institutes. It was assumed that in the future the VUNTS would include separate Suvorov military and the Nakhimov Naval School. Integrating into the VUNTS the entire cycle of continuous military education, from pre-university training to the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, professional retraining and advanced training of military personnel, in the opinion of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, would make it possible to achieve continuity in training and education, ensure the effective use of educational resources. material resources and teaching staff.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2009, educational activities were carried out by 16 federal state military educational institutions: 3 VUNTS, 11 military academies, 2 military universities, 41 branches of military universities. Further transformations of the military education system were formulated in the subprogram “Improving professional education and training of military personnel and state civil servants” of the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved on December 3, 2009 at a meeting of a special commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2007, new qualification marks were established for graduation from a military educational institution of vocational education and a medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For excellent completion of a military educational institution of higher professional education” (instead of the desktop gold medal).

During the reform, the subordination of universities changed. Until 2010, military educational institutions were subordinate to those leaders and structures for which they trained specialists: deputy ministers of defense, commanders-in-chief of services, commanders of military branches and heads of specialized central military command bodies. The Department of Military Education provided legal, scientific and methodological support for the educational process, namely the development of draft ministerial orders regulating the conduct of classes and training programs. With the creation in 2010 of the Department of Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, all military educational institutions were subordinated to it. Thus, the military authorities, which were supposed to work with graduates of military universities, were removed from the process of their preparation.

Since the times of the USSR, during the period of service, a serviceman could receive 3 higher educations: at a military school (military institute, military university), at a military academy and at the Military Academy of the General Staff. In addition, when appointed to a senior military position and in other cases, the officer underwent additional training or retraining at training centers, courses, etc.

Since September 2011, the three-level structure of military education was abolished, and now an officer received only one higher education. The former 2-year training at a branch military academy and 2-year training at the Military Academy of the General Staff was replaced by 8–10-month academic courses in the additional education system.

In 2008, attention was drawn to the "overproduction" of officers. As a result of the reform of the Armed Forces, the number of officers was reduced by 60% by 2012. Not all graduates were given primary officer positions. Some of them were appointed to the positions of sergeants or were transferred to the reserve at the same time as their graduation. Therefore, in 2010/11, the enrollment of first-year cadets at military educational institutions practically ceased. Enrollment in military academies has dropped significantly. In 2012, only 2.2 thousand people entered military universities. To retain teaching staff, military universities began to train civilian specialists (students) instead of officers on a paid basis. Faculties (centers) for training contract sergeants appeared in universities. The first to begin training sergeants in secondary vocational education programs in December 2009 was the Ryazan branch of the VUNTS of the Ground Forces. This activity has acquired particular relevance in connection with the liquidation of the institute of warrant officers and midshipmen in 2009. Professionally trained sergeants were to form the basis of the junior command staff. Their training program was designed for 34 months.

The approval and introduction of the third generation Federal State Educational Standards in 2011 put the military education system in a critical situation, because The time budget for subjects of professional activity in relation to the disciplines of the federal component was reduced almost 3 times.

Under these conditions, a number of military universities have attempted to introduce a “module-rating training system” aimed at developing in trainees not knowledge, skills and abilities, but certain specialist competencies for a specific position. Thus, the graduate’s horizons became narrower, and in the future a greater number of retrainings were required.

At the end of 2012, with the change of leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a new stage in reforming the military education system began. Many previously made decisions were reversed. Since March 2013, all educational institutions have been removed from the subordination of the Department of Education and reassigned to the customers of personnel training - deputy ministers of defense, commanders-in-chief of branches, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces, heads of central military command and control bodies, in whose interests personnel training is carried out. Two months later, the Department of Education again became part of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as a structural unit - directorate (military education).

Currently, the military education system is a well-functioning and efficiently working mechanism, the main tasks of which are training, professional retraining and advanced training of military personnel.

To solve these problems, the appearance of the network of higher military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense has been formed. It includes 28 universities and 8 branches. Among them are 3 military educational and scientific centers of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 11 military academies, one military university, 12 military schools and the Military Institute of Physical Culture (see photo 1 on p. 5).

The results of surprise inspections of troops and the experience of their use showed the need to strengthen the practical orientation of training, to introduce a training regime for students and cadets that is as close as possible to the conditions of military service in the troops.

In this regard, approaches to organizing the educational process were adjusted. The planning is based on combat manuals, manuals and instructions, and the results of special tactical exercises. Practices and internships are synchronized with combat training events for troops. Joint interuniversity command post exercises and war games are held in a single theater of military operations with the participation of the relevant commands. The level of knowledge and skills of students and cadets is assessed in accordance with combat training standards.

The educational and methodological materials include experience in the use of troops (forces) in armed conflicts, including outside the Russian Federation (see photo 2).

From September 1, 2016, all educational organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense began using electronic textbooks in the educational process. For these purposes:

  • Universities have developed and digitized more than 12 thousand electronic textbooks and teaching aids of basic educational literature. Electronic textbooks and manuals have interactive visualization of educational material, contain 3D models of real weapons and military equipment and stereo effects of the operation of components, mechanisms, as well as video materials for mastering training courses;
  • 71 basic electronic textbooks have been developed for military professional disciplines that are the same for all universities;
  • an electronic digital educational resource has been created;
  • To increase the availability of electronic educational materials, a unified database of educational resources has been formed; all universities are connected to the electronic resources of the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin and libraries of other universities;
  • listeners and cadets studying in basic educational programs are provided with laptops and flash drives - 8 thousand laptops and more than 102 thousand flash drives were purchased, on which the educational and methodological materials necessary for training, electronic textbooks and manuals, curricula ( programs), class schedules for the entire period of study;
  • Work continues to increase the availability of educational and information resources (see photo 3).

Further development of the electronic information educational environment is aimed at expanding its capabilities and ensuring accessibility to military personnel both during their studies at the university and during military service.

For these purposes, it is envisaged to create closed segments of electronic publications, fill the electronic library with resources from research organizations, and expand interaction between the resources of military educational institutions and specialized civilian universities.

All military units are connected to a unified information educational environment to provide military personnel, regardless of the place of military service, with the opportunity to use educational resources in the interests of increasing the level of professional knowledge, constantly maintaining contact with leading departments and ensuring continuous professional training throughout the entire period of military service.

The measures taken to improve the military education system will improve the quality of training for students and cadets.

The reform also affected pre-university military education. Since 2008, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has opened a new type of educational institution - the Moscow Cadet Corps “Boarding School for Pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”. After 2 years, the formation of a network of presidential cadet schools began (1 in each federal district). They were intended to support talented children focused on public service, both in the military and civilian fields, and were created using funds from liquidated military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense.

Since 2011, all pre-university institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have switched to a 7-year training period. They began to accept boys and girls who had completed the 5th grade of secondary school. In 2008, it was found that only 4–6% of children from military families study in pre-university training institutions. After this, priority in admission was given to children of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces. In 2012, the Russian Ministry of Defense operated 7 Suvorov military schools, the Nakhimov Naval School, 3 presidential cadet schools (Orenburg, Stavropol and Krasnodar), 3 cadet corps (including the Moscow cadet corps "Boarding school for female students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" ) and the Moscow Military Music School. About 7.5 thousand people studied there.

The process of humanization of military education particularly affected the organization of the educational process of Suvorov and Nakhimov students. The positions of educators were replaced by civilian personnel instead of officers, the wearing of uniforms by students at night was canceled, and drill training was replaced by sports. Since 2010, parade squads of Suvorov and Nakhimov students, except for the drummers of the Moscow Military Music School, have not been involved in participation in military parades on Red Square.

Reforms of Russian military education, carried out in 2008–2012 only from the standpoint of economic feasibility and without taking into account military traditions, caused a negative reaction among the majority of military personnel and in society as a whole.

In 2013–2014 In pre-university institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, compliance with the requirements of general military regulations in terms of performing military greetings, performing rise-up rituals, morning inspection and evening verification has resumed. Suvorov, Nakhimov and cadets again began to participate in military parades. The subject “Fundamentals of Military (Naval) Training” was introduced into the curriculum, providing for the study of the fundamentals of drill and fire training, general military regulations, tactics, radiation, chemical and biological protection, etc. In high school, defense sports was introduced as part of additional education profile and military regional studies. In the summer, 2–3-week field classes or maritime practice began. Restrictions on the admission to pre-university institutions of children who are not family members of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were lifted (see photo 4).

The network of pre-university educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2018 includes 10 Suvorov military schools, the Nakhimov Naval School with branches in Sevastopol, Vladivostok and Murmansk, 6 presidential cadet schools, 5 cadet corps and the Moscow Military Music School. . Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov. Since 2015, cadet schools for gifted children (sports, engineering and IT technologies) have been operating in 3 military educational organizations of higher education.

With the opening of the Petrozavodsk Presidential Cadet School in 2017, the implementation of the order of the President of the Russian Federation on the formation of a network of secondary educational institutions covering all federal districts was completed. A branch of the Nakhimov Naval School in Murmansk was put into operation.

Thanks to the modern educational and material base, the implementation of additional educational programs of a “military orientation”, enhanced physical training, and practical training in military educational institutions and training grounds, students of our pre-university educational institutions today are the most prepared and motivated applicants for admission to universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Since 2015, students of pre-university educational organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense, including students of presidential cadet schools, are provided with clothing (new-style uniforms).

90% of graduates of pre-university educational organizations enter military universities.

In 2013, the implementation of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” began, according to which the Ministry of Defense (as a federal government body that trains personnel in the interests of defense) was vested with the authority to establish the characteristics of educational, methodological and scientific activities in higher military educational institutions. New Federal State Educational Standards for higher education have been approved in 12 areas of officer training. Students at military academies were again transferred to 2-year training programs.

In March 2013, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation approved the standard structure of a military educational institution, in accordance with which previously liquidated structural units and individual positions were restored. About 15 thousand people were recruited into military universities for their first courses, which is almost 7.5 times higher than in 2012.

In September 2014, an order was issued by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation “On measures to implement certain provisions of Article 81 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” which introduced the “Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic professional educational programs implemented in the interests of state defense in federal state military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.” The order determines that higher military educational institutions implement basic professional educational programs - educational programs of higher education (bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs, postgraduate programs and residency programs) and educational programs of secondary vocational education (training programs for mid-level specialists, training programs skilled workers, employees).

At military schools and at the Military Institute of Physical Culture, cadets master a specialty program. Their graduates are intended to fill junior officer positions at company and battalion levels. The profile (specific) academy allows you to complete a master's degree. Its graduates can occupy the positions of regiment or brigade commander, deputy division commander. The VAGS master's degree opens the way to even higher military positions.

In pursuance of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation following a meeting on the development of the military education system, approved by the President of the Russian Federation in January 2014 No. Pr-141, the Russian Ministry of Defense carried out the following activities:

The Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation received the right and began training students according to independently established educational standards. This made it possible to solve the problem by expanding the rights of universities in the formation of educational programs, their prompt adjustment taking into account the experience of the troops and strengthening the practical component of the educational process;

  • the formed network of military educational institutions forms the basis of the military education system and meets the quantitative and qualitative needs of the Armed Forces in the training of military personnel;
  • military educational institutions have developed and approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation plans for the development of universities until 2020, the implementation of which is controlled by the department (military education);
  • To reflect the characteristics of the educational activities carried out, military educational institutions have been returned to their historical names, previously assigned honorary titles and state awards. Some branches of military educational and scientific centers and military academies acquired independence - mainly those military educational institutions that fulfilled the personnel order of a specific type or branch of the military. Among them is the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after. Army General V.F. Margelov, Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after. Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov, Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov, Pacific Higher Naval School named after S.O. Makarova and others. The process of disbanding the aviation school of navigators in Chelyabinsk, which became a branch of the Air Force Academy, was stopped.

For the purpose of participation of the scientific and teaching staff of universities in the development of federal state educational standards of higher education, exemplary basic educational programs of higher education, coordination of educational activities of military educational institutions according to basic educational programs, ensuring the quality and development of the content of higher education by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 2 October 2015 No. 593 created the Federal educational and methodological association of military educational organizations of higher education of the Russian Ministry of Defense for an enlarged group of specialties and areas of higher education training “Military Administration”.

Already today, it is actively working to update federal state educational standards, coordinating the educational activities of universities in the interests of ensuring the quality and development of higher education.

In the future, we see the federal UMO as the main platform for shaping the content of training for students and cadets, developing proposals for combining the military-professional component of training at the levels of military command (operational-strategic, operational-tactical and tactical), introducing unified approaches to the methods of teaching disciplines professional cycle and holding interuniversity military games, command post and special tactical exercises (see photo 5).

In 2010–2011, the Russian Ministry of Defense for the first time acted as a developer of draft federal state educational standards for higher education. The list of specialties and areas of higher education training includes an enlarged group of specialties and areas of higher education training 56.00.00 “Military Administration”.

Universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense developed and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved 12 Federal State Educational Standards projects in areas of master's degree preparation and 28 Federal State Educational Standards projects in higher education specialties. Of these, 12 Federal State Educational Standards for master’s degrees and 5 Federal State Educational Standards for specialty programs were included in the enlarged group of specialties and areas of higher education training 56.00.00 “Military Administration”.

In 2015, based on proposals prepared jointly with the FSB of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Coordination Council for the field of education “Defense and State Security. Military Sciences".

The quality of training of cadets of military educational organizations is greatly influenced by competitive events organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense, one of which is the International Olympiad.

In 2017, the III International Olympiad for cadets of educational institutions of higher education in foreign languages, mathematics, computer science, military history and military professional training was held (see photo 6).

Teams from military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense, teams from universities of the CIS member states, teams from civilian universities and teams from scientific companies of the Ministry of Defense take part in them.

For the first time in 2017, one of the organizers of the Olympiad was a foreign military educational institution - the Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan), on the basis of which the mathematics competition was held.

In 2018, for the first time, along with the traditional participants of the International Olympiad, a team of universities from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan is planned to participate in all competitions.

This year, in addition to Russia, three more states will host participants in the final stage of the Olympiad: in foreign language - the Republic of Armenia, in military history - the Republic of Belarus, in mathematics - the Republic of Kazakhstan (see photo 7).

Taking into account the accumulated experience, the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as the main organizer of the International Olympiad, constantly strives to improve the practice of its conduct, to create equal conditions for participating countries, which strengthens the prestige of the Olympiad as a significant event in the educational space of the Commonwealth.

An important personnel task is the preservation and development of scientific potential and scientific schools in military educational institutions and research organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Thanks to the measures taken by the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense over the past years, the scientific potential of military educational institutions remains stable and averages 65% (staffing with teachers with academic degrees), which makes it possible to meet the requirements of federal state educational standards for personnel conditions for the implementation of educational programs.

Scientific schools play an important role in preserving and developing the scientific potential of universities. To solve the issues of evaluating scientific schools, it was necessary to develop a holistic methodological apparatus for identifying and supporting the activities of scientific schools in the Russian Ministry of Defense.

For these purposes, the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2013 organized the implementation of comprehensive research work (hereinafter referred to as KNIR) on this topic. Based on the results of the CSR, on August 4, 2016, the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation approved Methodological Recommendations for organizing the activities of military scientific schools in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations).

Based on the annual submission by universities and research institutes of information on the activities of military scientific schools, the Register of Military Scientific Schools of Military Educational Organizations of Higher Education and Research was first developed and approved on July 13, 2017 by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2017.

Universities and research institutes announced 390 military scientific schools (284 universities, 106 research institutes). Of these, 40 teams were not identified as scientific schools (see photo 8).

The Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense is working to improve the status of a teacher at a military educational institution.

An important component of this work is to stimulate the educational and scientific activities of the teaching staff and students of military educational institutions.

Since 2003, universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense have held a competition for the best scientific works on the problems of military education. Based on the results of the competition, 2 first prizes of 3 thousand rubles each, 4 second prizes of 2.5 thousand rubles each, 6 third prizes of 1.5 thousand rubles each were awarded.

In 2007, the size of the bonuses was increased: the first - up to 50 thousand rubles, the second - up to 40 thousand rubles, the third - up to 30 thousand rubles.

In 2008, instead of the previously held competition, the Regulations on the competition for the best scientific works performed by personnel of military command and control bodies, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as permanent staff, adjuncts and doctoral students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation were approved.

The competition is held in two sections:

  • on scientific work in the field of military science and technology;
  • on scientific works in the field of research of problems of military education, military education and training, as well as textbooks.

For each section, 2 first prizes of 350 thousand rubles each, 4 second prizes of 300 thousand rubles each, 6 third prizes of 250 thousand rubles each are awarded.

In addition, for each section, for the first time, 1 prize was introduced for the implementation of a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in the amount of 350 thousand rubles, 2 prizes for the implementation of a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Science in the amount of 250 thousand rubles.

Also in 2008, a competition was established for the best scientific works of students and cadets of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (previously, a similar competition was held by the Ministry of Education of Russia).

Since 2013, for the first time, insignia “For the best scientific work” have been established, which are awarded to the winners of competitions for the best scientific works who have become prize winners.

Another measure to stimulate teaching activity is the competitive selection of the best teachers at universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense, established in 2000.

In 2007, the number of bonuses awarded to teachers for high results achieved in teaching activities was increased from 15 to 50, and their size was increased from 3 to 37 thousand rubles.

And already in 2008, their number and size increased to 150 awards of 100 thousand rubles. Currently, teachers are awarded 100 prizes of 150 thousand rubles each.

Prizes to the winners of competitions on behalf of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation are presented in a solemn atmosphere at military-scientific conferences, meetings of personnel, and meetings of the academic council of the university.

In order to select specialties for subsequent training of graduates in military universities, modern and promising areas of science and technology are becoming widespread in the educational process of pre-university educational institutions.

To this end, in 2018, two multifunctional educational buildings will be commissioned at the Nakhimov Naval School in St. Petersburg, as well as a physics and mathematics school for gifted children of the Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy in Balashikha.

Subsequently, it is planned to open branches of the Moscow Cadet Corps “Boarding School for Pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” in the cities of St. Petersburg and Khabarovsk, as well as a branch (school for gifted children) of the Krasnodar Higher Military School named after Army General S.M. Shtemenko on the basis of the modern Military Innovation Technopolis "ERA" in Anapa.

The successful organization of scientific and design-research activities of students is the result of the development and widespread use in schools of innovative educational methods based on the use of modern technical means and the use of the base and infrastructure of applied educational and research work, as well as interaction with educational organizations of higher education, including military, and the largest state corporations and industrial associations.

Last year, in pursuance of instructions from the President of the Russian Federation and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.O. Rogozin, in order to in-depth study by Suvorov students the fundamentals and directions of military science using specialized laboratory equipment, scientific classes were created at the Moscow and Tula Suvorov military schools.

The laboratory equipment was provided by the Rosatom State Corporation.

Theoretical and practical training of Suvorov graduates, in addition to classrooms, is conducted on the basis of leading state corporations, industry research and production associations, research institutes and enterprises of the military-industrial complex: NPO Eleron (Rosatom), RSC Energia, VNII "Signal" etc.

Specialists from leading educational organizations of higher education, including Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman and the Institute of High-Precision Systems named after V.P. Gryazev at Tula State University.

Taking into account the profile of training in “scientific classes”, students of schools, together with military personnel of scientific companies of military educational organizations of higher education, participate in the development of technical projects and software products, including military ones.

In October-November 2017, technical projects carried out by Suvorov students using specialized laboratory equipment won prizes at regional scientific and practical exhibitions, departmental competitions, as well as at the XII All-Russian innovative youth scientific and engineering exhibition "Polytechnics", held at the Moscow State Technical University. . N.E. Bauman.

There is confidence that the productive experience of the Moscow and Tula Suvorov Military Schools in creating scientific classes will be in demand and widely implemented in other educational organizations.

Most educational institutions have specialized classes for teaching children robotics (in the Murmansk branch of the Nakhimov Naval School - underwater robotics), aircraft and ship modeling, automotive training, and so on. In schools for gifted children, students gain knowledge and practical skills in the field of engineering, IT technologies, physical education and sports, etc.

Among the students of pre-university educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as schools) of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the All-Army Festival of Innovative Scientific Ideas “Start into Science” is held annually.

Design and research works of students are assessed by expert groups of a competent jury in three sections:

  1. "Mathematics, physics and computer science."
  2. "Natural science disciplines."
  3. "Social and humanitarian disciplines."

The works of the fourth section “Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Applied Creativity” are evaluated by all members of the jury and festival participants.

The goals of the Festival are: development of engineering thinking, technical creativity and intellectual potential of the personality of school students.

Objectives of the Festival:

  • create conditions for the development of the intellectual potential of students, the formation of key educational competencies in them;
  • promote the development of motivation among students for project and research activities;
  • stimulate the cognitive activity of students, their mastery of methods of conducting scientific research, ways of presenting their results;
  • identify gifted students with high creative potential;
  • to promote self-development and self-realization of students through their conscious and active acquisition of new social experience, to form an orientation towards broad education, intellectual and creative development;
  • expand interaction between educational organizations in various fields of scientific and creative activity;
  • promote the development of communication skills among students, facilitate their acquisition of experience in public speaking and a culture of discussion.

Participants of the Festival are students of grades 7–11 of pre-university educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as schools).

In 2017, the third Festival was held at the Orenburg Presidential Cadet School.

All-army Olympiads in mathematics, physics and foreign languages ​​are held annually among students.

The main objectives of the Olympiads are:

  • creating conditions to support gifted students, developing their interest in scientific activities;
  • exchange of experience between school teachers on organizing work with gifted students.

The Olympiads are held among students in grades 8–11.

In March 2018, the full-time stage of the XVIII All-Army Olympiad in Mathematics and the VI All-Army Olympiad in Physics “Physics in Military Affairs” is held on the basis of the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School, the VII All-Army Olympiad in Foreign Language is held on the basis of the Military University.

The Russian Ministry of Defense annually hosts the All-Army Film Festival of amateur short films “Cadet View” among students of pre-university educational organizations.

In 2017, the second film festival was dedicated to the Year of Ecology and was held on the basis of the Orenburg Presidential Cadet School under the motto “We are commanded to protect this world.”

The competition program included feature short films and social videos.

The main information platform for covering issues of the state and development of military education, the use of advanced educational technologies and teaching methods, the role of the individual in education, the history of education and other issues of the development of the military education system is the peer-reviewed popular science magazine “Bulletin of Military Education”, published since 2016 (see photo 9 on p. 15).

The main long-term objectives for the development of the military education system were identified in November 2016 at the educational and methodological gathering “Military Education - in the Service of the Fatherland!” (see photo 10).

Let me remind you that 568 people took part in the gathering, including representatives of the Federation Council and the State Duma, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Public Council under the Russian Ministry of Defense, veteran military leaders, rectors of leading civilian universities, as well as heads of universities of “power” structures. The events were broadcast via video conferencing to 41 educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

During the gathering, unified approaches were developed to promptly update the content and introduce the experience of troops into the educational process, including in the Syrian Arab Republic, improve the methods of training students and cadets, implement new learning technologies taking into account the development of the electronic educational environment of universities and the use of electronic textbooks.

As a result of the plenary meeting, a declaration was adopted, which defined the main directions for the development of military education, outlined positions on improving the content of military personnel training, and bringing military and civilian higher education closer together.

In order to practically implement the proposals developed by the heads of educational organizations subordinate to them, plans for the implementation of the declaration, decisions and tasks based on the results of the collection have been approved for each educational institution.

Organizing the functioning and development of the military education system is one of the most important functions of the Main Personnel Directorate and the Military Education Directorate.

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