Jesus Christ was at the time of Moses. The vision of Moses and the vision of Jesus. Jesus Christ. His birth, life and death

Roof 26.12.2023

29. The emergence of Christianity

Christianity- one of the most widespread world religions. Christianity was one of the reasons for the collapse of the great Roman Empire. When this religion appeared, Rome was going through difficult times. One of the main reasons for this was the cooling of the citizens of Rome towards their gods; many simply stopped believing in them. The second reason was that there were many slaves in Rome. “Many slaves - many enemies,” said a Roman proverb.
Christianity claims that God is one in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. The meaning lies in the philosophical understanding of this unity, and it can be expressed as follows:
1) God is the Father. Our God is the Creator, it was He who created the Universe and all life in it;
2) God is the Son. Jesus Christ in the Bible states: “I and the Father are one.” From this we can conclude that God the Father is inseparable from God the Son;
3) God - Holy Spirit means the eternal existence of God. He never appeared, since He exists forever, it is He who is the root cause of all living things.
It is known that man was created in the image and likeness of God. But few people know that before Eve, the first man, Adam, had another wife. Her name was Lilith. This name dates back to Sumerian times and sounds nothing less than Lilleyk. Scientists learned about this when they discovered ancient tablets with the inscription: “May the Lord bless you and protect you from Lilith!”
In literature one can find two different beginnings of the legend about Adam and his first wife Lilith. In general, the word “adam” is translated as “man”. According to first version which is contained in the Bible, the first people were created in the image and likeness of God from dust (“adam” can also be translated as “dust”). And Eve was created later from Adam’s rib. But more on that later. Agreed second version, Only Adam was created in the image and likeness of God, and Lilith was created as his helper.
Christianity regulates human moral life. This regulation is carried out using a kind of “mechanism”.
This “mechanism” consists of ten biblical commandments that were given by God to people through the prophet Moses:
1) do not worship or create other gods for yourself;
2) do not make yourself an idol;
3) do not take the name of the Lord in vain;
4) keep the Sabbath;
5) honor your father and your mother;
6) do not kill;
7) do not commit adultery;
8) don't steal;
9) do not bear false witness against your neighbor;
10) You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.

30. Jesus Christ. His birth, life and death

According to the Bible, Jesus was born about 2 thousand years ago. It is from his birth that modern chronology comes. An angel appeared to his mother Mary at night and told her that she would have a son. The birth of a boy was predicted before his birth. Joseph, Mary's husband, and Mary herself were very happy about this. They learned from an angel that their future son was the Son of God. It is he who will have to save humanity.
At this time, King Herod learned that the King of the Jews had been born. Herod was a greedy, evil man; he thought that a baby had been born who would in the future take the throne. Herod decided to take an unprecedented step - he ordered the death of all newborn babies. But an angel who appeared ordered Joseph and Mary to urgently flee to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.
Numerous wise men came to the baby: the shepherds saw a new unusually bright star in the sky and followed it. This star pointed them to the door behind which was a newborn baby. The Magi brought their gifts to the baby Jesus, because they knew that before them was the true King of the Jews.
Years passed. Jesus grew up and began to preach faith in his Father.
He performed many miracles:
1) turned water into wine;
2) fed 5 thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Moreover, there were 12 boxes of food left;
3) Jesus healed the sick;
4) Jesus raised the dead. For example, there is a well-known legend according to which Christ raised Lazarus.
A few years later, Jesus recruited 12 disciples, who are called apostles in the Bible. All of them sacredly believed in the Divine origin of Christ, their Teacher. But there was also a traitor among them - Judas. He sold his Teacher for 30 pieces of silver. At that time, almost a manhunt began for Jesus. The high priests of that time did not like the instructions of Christ, since they went against the policy of the church. They managed to bribe Judas, who promised to give them Christ. He said that Christ is the man he will kiss.
And indeed, after the Last Supper, Judas committed his betrayal. Jesus was not at all angry with Judas - He knew about his fate. At the Last Supper, Jesus told his disciples that one of them was a traitor. Then Peter, one of his disciples, said that he would never betray or renounce his Teacher. But before the roosters could crow three times, Peter denied Christ three times. Peter realized what he had done and began to preach his faith in Christ even more zealously. According to the Bible, the Apostle Peter stands at the gates that lead to heaven. Most likely, Peter is not allowed to continue because of his renunciation of Christ. But he did not go to hell either, because he realized his mistake and did everything possible to spread Christianity.
Jesus Christ was captured and crucified on the cross.
Having killed the body of Christ, the executioners did not kill his soul. 3 days after the crucifixion, Jesus resurrected, and another 40 days later he ascended on a cloud to his Father, that is, to heaven.

31. Pentateuch of the Prophet Moses

The great prophet Moses was entrusted with an unusually difficult, but extremely necessary mission.
In addition to this mission, Moses also wrote the Pentateuch.
First book. The first book has an extremely important role. It was completed around 1448 BC. e. and is called "Genesis". It tells about the Great Flood and the Tower of Babel, as well as about Abraham and the people who descended from him.
Second book. The second book of Moses (“Exodus”) tells how the descendants of the twelve tribes of the fathers of Israel were enslaved and driven to Egypt. Moses grew up, was brought up and lived in the palace of Pharaoh for forty years. It was to him that the Lord entrusted the mission to save the Jews.
Also in the second book it talks about how the Lord commanded to build a tabernacle so that the Jews could communicate with him.
Third book. The third book is called Leviticus. It was written by Moses in 1448 BC. e. in the Sinai desert. It describes how God, at the very beginning of this tabernacle, gave Moses the 5 most important sacrifices of the Jewish people.
The Lord also said that not everyone should make these sacrifices: they should only be made by special persons - priests. Aaron (Moses' brother) and his sons became priests. The Lord gave laws of worship.
This book establishes a holiday - the Great Day of Purification. On this holiday, priests, in addition to their daily duties, had to perform a number of special duties. In addition, the third book mentions some other important aspects of Jewish life.
The fourth book. The fourth book tells how the people of Israel lived in the desert. The Israelites received the law (i.e., commandments) at Mount Sinai.
Also in the fourth book it says that the Israelites were divided into clans, according to the twelve tribes of Israel. At the same time, Levites were singled out and given special duties to serve in the tabernacle. This was followed by many laws: the law of purification, the law of sanctification, the law of the Nazarite. For the first time, Easter was celebrated in the desert.
Fifth book. The fifth book (Deuteronomy) is distinguished in that it contains mainly the speeches of Moses in which he explains to the Israelites the meaning of the Ten Commandments. In the same book, Moses predicts the birth of Jesus Christ and gives the corresponding law.
Moses also predicts that the people of Israel will fall away from the Law, but God will still show mercy to His people when Israel is scattered among all the nations of the world. Moses said that the children of all the tribes of Israel would be gathered and returned to the glorified Promised Land.
After the fifth book of Moses comes an appendix to it. This addition describes the death of the great prophet Moses.

32. Origin of Islam

Islam is a fairly young religion. It arose a little more than 16 centuries ago - approximately in the 7th century. Islam has Christian roots, which explains why the Koran contains a norm called “dhimma”. Dhimma is even more of a status. It provides for a more respectful attitude towards adherents of Christianity and Jews.
Islam is the second religion in the world after Christianity in terms of the number of adherents. The word “Islam” itself, translated from Arabic, means surrendering oneself to God. Islam is a theistic religion, that is, based on the understanding of one God.
Islam regulates all aspects of personal and public life. This was also the case in Christianity, but modern Christian norms are simply guided by the teachings of the church.
Islam still plays a very important role in the life of every Muslim. This religion predominates in about 36 countries with a total population of approximately 900 million people. Two thirds of these 900 million (i.e. approximately 650 million inhabitants) are Muslims, so Islam is widespread in such countries. In these countries, although it is said that the rights of adherents of other religions are not greatly infringed, they are made quite clear that they differ from adherents of Islam.
The Koran prohibits the forced conversion of infidels to Islam. Who are the infidels? Muslims claim that their religion is the only true one, and they call themselves true believers. Therefore, all the others are incorrect. The Koran allows only voluntary acceptance of Islam.
It is simply impossible to leave Islam: according to the Koran, this act is punishable by death.
To accept Islam, a person must complete a number of formalities:
1) cleanse yourself by washing, i.e. take a shower;
2) pronounce the Shahada, that is, a sincere speech that should express loyalty to Islam.
In Muslim countries, laws established in accordance with the Koran apply not only to Muslims, but also to all other people living in these countries (for example, in Muslim countries, a “prohibition law” is established that prohibits the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages). Also, the great importance of Islam is emphasized by the fact that it is prohibited to perform religious rites in private homes or premises not intended for the performance of these rites.
The connection between Islam and Christianity lies in the fact that the Bible and the Koran talk about the Son of God Jesus. However, Jesus seems to play a secondary role in Islam. Jesus, according to Muslim faith, is not a Divine person, but only a chosen prophet and messenger of God. The primary importance in the Koran is given to the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

33. Prophet Muhammad

Muhammad loved solitude very much, he was quite educated and knew the basics of Christianity and Judaism. One day, having retired to the mountains to meditate alone, Muhammad heard a voice from outside and was very frightened. At that time, Muhammad was 40 years old. Only after some time did he realize that the deity had chosen him as his messenger. From now on, his mission was that he had to preach faith in the one and only god Allah.
For this purpose, the prophet went to the city of Mecca, where his preaching was ridiculed. But Muhammad still found his supporters, who were subsequently persecuted. The authorities did not dare to act against Muhammad himself, since he was under the protection of his clan, which was headed by Abu Talib.
But several years passed, and Muhammad’s wife died, and Abu Talib also died. Thus, Muhammad is deprived of protection. He begins to zealously look for new supporters.
Muhammad settles near the oasis. This settlement was called Yathrib. From that moment on, Muslims began a new calendar, and the settlement itself was renamed Mazhinat an-nabi (“City of the Prophet”) or simply al-Madina (or Medina).
Muhammad became not only a religious preacher, but also a political figure. He hoped for help from the Arab tribes inhabiting Yathrib, but they openly ridiculed him and preferred to go over to the side of Mecca. Along with the Arabs, Muhammad was also betrayed by some other pagan tribes. The position of the prophet is strengthened. The first mosque is being built - the House of Muhammad. In his sermons, the great prophet establishes norms and rules governing civil and family law. Bans were imposed on pork, wine and gambling.
The special position of Muhammad was emphasized by the fact that some prohibitions did not apply to him.
Islam is spreading in those territories of Arabia that border with Byzantium, as well as in Yemen and a number of other states.
At the end of his life, the Prophet Muhammad decided to begin the spread of Islam in the north. Around 632, he unexpectedly dies. There is a point of view according to which Muhammad was poisoned.
With the death of Muhammad, the direct connection of Muslims with Allah also ceased. After his death, the community began to be governed by caliphs - the Prophet's deputies in implementing the laws and rules commanded by Muhammad and set out in the Koran. Muhammad was buried in the main mosque of Medina, the Prophet's Mosque.

34. Principles of Islam

Like many other religions, Islam has its own principles. The most important of these is the principle of obedience. It lies in the fact that a Muslim is obliged to strictly observe the word of Allah, that is, to obey the covenants contained in the Koran.
The Qur'an is said to have been given to Muhammad. This book was given to him by the Archangel Gabriel. And this reveals another relationship between Christianity and Islam. Another archangel is also mentioned in the Koran - Archangel Michael, but the range of his powers is not described. The Koran regulates all spheres of life of a devout Muslim. This book even establishes civil and criminal laws.
Muslims believe that the true interpretation of the Koran is the interpretation given by the Prophet Muhammad with his life. The explanation of these interpretations is contained in the so-called hadiths, i.e. additional texts.
God's revelation is not only found in the Qur'an, it is also found in:
1) “the leaves of Abraham.” Unfortunately, today traces of these books have been lost;
2) the “sheets” of Moses, i.e. in the Pentateuch of the Prophet Moses;
3) Psalms of David.
Although in Islam the main role is given to the prophet Muhammad, other prophets are also spoken of. In particular, about Adam, Enoch, Father Methuselah, Abraham, David, Jacob, Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ. Moreover, Jesus is assigned the role of judge during the Last Judgment. Muslims believe in the divine origin of Jesus Christ.
Over the centuries, there have been conflicts in which political and religious factors have been mixed and mixed. The most serious of them are religious, since it is they who leave a deep imprint on the souls of people.
There are 3 groups of trends in Islam:
1) Sunnism;
2) Shiism;
3) Kharijism.
Adherents of the first group make up the majority (approximately 90% of the total number of Muslims).
The remaining ten percent are Shiites, and there are no representatives of Kharijism today. Kharid-jism was characteristic of the birth of Islam, when Islam was not yet a separate religion, but rather a sect.
The main difference between the supporters of these directions is their attitude towards the caliphate. Sunnis claim that Muhammad's successors were his supporters, who were appointed in a wide variety of ways (up to and including a hereditary caliphate). The Shiites linked the legitimacy of the existence of the caliphate with the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad or the descendants of his son-in-law Ali. And the Kharijats believed that any devout Muslim with the quality of virtue could lead the caliphate.

35. Buddhism

Buddhism- the oldest world religion. It arose around the 6th century. BC e. in northeast India. Its founder, Buddha, was Prince Siddhartha Gautama (later he received the name Buddha). Buddhism became most widespread at the end of the 1st millennium BC. e. At the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. e. Buddhism had a great influence on Hinduism, but was supplanted by it by the 12th century. n. e. practically disappeared from India due to the opposition of the ideas of Buddhism to the caste system. At the beginning of the 3rd century. BC e., it covered Southeast and Central Asia and partly Central Asia and Siberia. Buddhism then divided into 18 sects, the differences between which led to the convening of councils at Ra-jagriha in 447 BC. e., in Vaishavi in ​​367 BC. e., in Patalirutra in the 3rd century. BC e. and led at the beginning of our era to the division of Buddhism into two branches: Hinayana and Mahayana.
Buddhism is based on four noble truths:
1) full awareness of suffering;
2) complete elimination of the cause of suffering;
3) full awareness of the need to end suffering;
4) full realization of the path that leads to the cessation of suffering.
Buddhism states that the main cause of our suffering is our own ignorance. Eliminating this cause of suffering will inevitably lead to what every person strives for - peace, happiness, fullness of life.
Buddhism preaches peaceful coexistence.
This religion denies violence for the following reasons:
1) a person is a living being, and if this is so, then it means that he does not want suffering for himself;
2) suffering has its own causes and conditions of occurrence.
Major work of early Buddhism- this is Trip Ithaca (“triple basket”). It describes the principles of the structure of the world and the Universe, as well as the doctrine of the human soul. The universe in Buddhism has many layers, you can count 31 layers of existence. All these layers are divided into 3 groups:
1) carmolok;
2) rupaloka;
3) Arupaloka.
First group carmoloka, includes the first eleven layers. This is the lowest region of existence. Only karma operates here. At higher levels, peculiar higher stages begin to appear.
Second group (rupaloka) includes layers from twelfth to twenty-seventh. Here it is really no longer direct, crude contemplation, but imagination, but it is still connected with the bodily world, with the forms of things.
Third level (arupaloka)- this is the highest level, it is detached from the bodily and material principles.

36. Buddha

The founder of Buddhism was Prince Siddhartha Gau-tama. According to data that has survived to this day, Siddhartha Gautama grew up in the palace and did not need anything, he had everything that a person could want.
His mother's name was Maya. According to Buddhist legend, in a dream she saw a white elephant enter her side. Some time later, she gave birth to a son, who was also born in an unusual way - through the armpit. The boy was given the name Siddhartha, which means “one who has fulfilled his purpose.” A few days after giving birth, Siddhartha Maya's mother died. His father, the Raja, could not recover from grief for a long time.
The father, although he knew about the origin of his son, did not want him to have a religious career. Therefore, he provided his son with everything he could, even marrying him to a good girl, who soon gave birth to a son, Siddhartha. But Siddhartha was thoughtful from early childhood. Some descriptions of the Buddha have survived to this day. To see the image of Buddha, just look at any of his statues.
One day the prince was hunting and saw: birds were eating worms. He was very amazed that some living beings eat other living beings. After some time, Prince Siddhartha Gautama, along with his servant-driver Channa, was walking around the city. On this day, they accidentally met an old man who was covered with countless ulcers and abscesses, a funeral procession and an ascetic immersed in some kind of thoughts. The prince was interested in this. He began to ask his servant about what he had seen, and this driver told Siddhartha everything.
Prince Siddhartha Gautama was not only surprised by what he saw and heard, but became very angry and, without hesitating a day, ran away from home that same night and began to lead an ascetic lifestyle. He studied many philosophical systems and developed his own system based on them.
The god of death Mara wanted Buddha to give up his ideas, he intimidated him with terrible storms, his formidable army, and sent his beautiful daughters to seduce him with the joys of life. However, Buddha overcame all obstacles and soon delivered his first sermon in the “Deer Park”, located near Varanasi - the basis of the doctrine of Buddhism, which reflected the main provisions of this religion. 5 of his future students and 2 deer listened to her. After proclaiming the “four noble truths”, surrounded by disciples-followers, whose number was constantly increasing, Buddha walked for 40 years through the cities and villages of the Ganges Valley, performing miracles and preaching his teachings.
Buddha died when he was about 80 years old. Buddhists say that Buddha lay down on his right side, put his right hand under his head, and extended his left along his straightened legs (this is the so-called “lion pose”). The passing of the Buddha is called the “great transition to nirvana” (mahaparinirvana). This date, the date of the physical death of the Buddha, is celebrated along with two other important dates in Buddhism:
1) the date of birth of Buddha;
2) the moment when Buddha received his sight.


Moses was raised at the court of Pharaoh and, by all accounts, received a good education. There is nothing unusual in this story of his. The Egyptian rulers widely practiced such education of the children of the vassal kings of Canaan, an Egyptian colony. The heirs of these kings became Egyptians in spirit, alien to their future subject fellow tribesmen. That is, they were the support of the pharaoh in the conquered countries.

In the case of Moses there was a glitch. The Jews lived in Egypt, not Canaan, and eventually became government slaves of the Pharaoh. The role of the leaders of the Jewish people was reduced to helping the Egyptian overseers keep their fellow slaves in obedience. According to the Bible, Moses refused to fulfill this role, he killed the Egyptian overseer and was forced to go into hiding.

Moses' father-in-law, the Midian high priest Jethro, also gave him a lot of cult and beliefs. So Moses turned out to be a well-educated prophet who was tongue-tied, but knew how to express his thoughts well in writing. Subsequently, all this came in handy when he led his people (or part of it) out of Egyptian slavery. Moses expounded to the people the Teaching (Torah), laws, including the Ten Commandments, or ethical code.

Thanks to Jesus, nicknamed the Messiah (Christ), the teachings of Moses, together with the part of the Bible created after Moses, were intercepted by Christians. They distributed the Bible throughout the vast Roman Empire, and then carried it further to the barbarians, then overseas, to America, then to Africa, to the European colonies. This is how the largest denomination of humanity arose, Christianity, which is guided by the laws of Moses.

This was possible because Christians included the Old Testament in their slightly expanded Bible. The Jews continued to develop the teachings of Moses, as they understood it, created the Talmud, and then abandoned it all, created Marxism and other “isms,” became atheists, and quietly forgot Moses. And they died in the fire of the Holocaust.

Along the way, one merchant from Mecca, whose name was Muhammad, created his own version of the Mosaic religion. In the Koran, Muhammad repeatedly repeats the story of Moses, mentions other biblical characters, prophets, patriarchs, kings David and Solomon, etc. And he also adds legendary Arab characters. To all this he adds his own reasoning and teachings.

Muhammad expounded his new religion in classical Arabic, in beautiful poetic form. However, when his contemporaries called him a poet, he was terribly offended. It would seem, why? They wanted to praise him, but he... And the secret is that Muhammad announced to everyone that the Koran was created not by him, Muhammad, but by Allah himself! He, Muhammad, is only a “messenger”, a man whom Allah commissioned to convey to people the new Scripture, which replaced and abolished all the old scriptures: the Torah of Moses and the gospels of the Christians.

“How can a person create such beautiful verses! Only Allah can do this!” As we see, Muhammad did not suffer from excessive modesty.

Everything would be fine, but, unfortunately, Muhammad forgot to borrow from Moses his moral code, or the Ten Commandments. Or maybe “that man you say read the Bible to me” missed this short passage in the Book of Exodus. Or Muhammad did not understand the Aramaic language in which the Bible was written.

At that time, the Bible had not yet been translated into Arabic. It’s just that the vast majority of Arabs, including Muhammad, were still illiterate at that time. Muhammad considers it his merit that he gave the Arabs the Teaching in Arabic. Most likely, “that man” was reading the Bible in Aramaic. Muhammad learned Aramaic when he visited Syria as a merchant, or caravan driver, for his future wife, Khadija.

To explain the discrepancies between the Bible and the Koran, Muhammad declared that the evil Jews had “rearranged the leaves” of the Torah of Moses. Here he, Muhammad, has the correct text, which was dictated by Allah.As a result, the Koran was left without the normal human morality generally accepted since the time of Moses. This morality was replaced by panic fear of the terrible Allah. And the behavior of Muhammad himself as a role model.

Neither pagans, nor Jews, nor Christians wanted to voluntarily accept the faith of Muhammad. And then he began to instill his faith through violence, subjugation, conquest, cunning politics, and even bribery. Yes, one of the reasons Muhammad explained for the need to pay a tax in favor of the Prophet was bribery in order to attract supporters of his faith.

And in order to ensure that there were no witnesses to his forgery with plagiarism, Muhammad carried out a cleansing of Arabia from Jews. Muhammad treated Christians less harshly, because half of the world that surrounded pagan Arabia was the Christian world. Having just created his state, Muhammad was afraid of provoking the intervention of the Christian superpower, Byzantium. It was the heirs of Muhammad, the caliphs, who challenged both Byzantium and pagan Iran.

The creation of the Koran was completed with the death of Muhammad. The second largest denomination of mankind received a guide to action, the Koran, which abolished the moral code of Moses, and at the same time did not provide a replacement for it.

Now both Muslims and the rest of humanity are faced with the most difficult problem: how to explain to one and a half billion Muslims that their religion is not better than everyone else in everything. That Muslims are obliged to respect freedom of conscience, including the freedom to profess other religions, as well as atheism, and not impose Islam on the whole world through jihad. Perhaps Muhammad, the prophet of Allah, misunderstood the Hidden Tablet, which is kept only by Allah himself. That jihad, as exemplified by Muhammad, is bad and immoral. And that the World Caliphate will become the very End of the World that Moses, Jesus and Muhammad warned about. After all, there is no Universal Caliphate in the Koran.

    He himself said that his fellow militants ordered him to create a “jihad” surah. =====
    Nobody ordered. On the contrary, the Koran clearly states that you - the Muslims surrounding the prophet - do not really want to fight, etc.

    All 10 commandments are reflected in Islam. So far, no concrete example has been given.
    The example of “thou shalt not kill” shows that Muhammad did not strongly contradict what Musa (Moses) came with.

    1. In fact, there is both. That is, Muhammad reproached those who “evaded” military service, but at the same time created the “Spoils” sura for those who did not evade, but were just eager to fight in order to rob their neighbors. Apparently, these were Ansars. Muhammad punished the “evaders” by not receiving their share of the “trophies.” As for the quote about Surah Jihad, I'll have to look it up. In general, I have already discussed these issues in the article “Jihad”, and there I cited relevant quotes from the Koran. I plan to continue this work and understand jihad better.

      Moreover, I believe that Muslims are justified in accusing non-Muslims of violating basic moral standards. I think that the main way to stop jihad and the Global Caliphate is to return to the observance of moral and ethical standards, and it does not matter who wrote down these standards and when. Atheism should also not become a reason for immorality. Muslims follow moral standards as laid down by Muhammad and his followers because they fear the all-knowing Allah and the punishment of hell. Atheists are obliged to observe morality because they understand that this is necessary for themselves, the people close to them, their people and all humanity. All normal people have an innate conscience. Conscience dictates the moral standards that Moses and Jesus set forth. Muhammad, judging by his deeds and the contents of the Koran, did not often awaken his conscience, or he did not believe that people can behave correctly if they do not have an overseer, that is, two angels who write down a person’s deeds and thoughts and then present them to the judgment of God. A similar idea was also expressed by Jews and Christians. Unfortunately, there are few people whose conscience you can count on. Most people need God and his prophet to show them the right behavior.
      Unfortunately, the “messengers” often sin themselves. You pointed out the sins of Moses, I described in my article “The Main Miracle of Jesus” the possible sins of Jesus. In addition, over time, generally accepted ideas about morality change. Today we cannot be guided blindly by the requirements set forth by Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, each in his own time. To some extent, the laws of the state must reflect the concepts of moral standards accepted today. This applies to both the Charter of Human Rights and the UN Charter. I do not claim that all this is the ultimate truth. Laws need to be discussed and changed as needed. But the same applies to norms developed in the distant past. Those who declare that they alone possess the truth, and even impose their opinions and power through jihad, are dangerous criminals who must be resisted by all available means.

      Here is the opinion of a French researcher named Saleh ben Amar:

      To eradicate the Muslim danger, the Koran should be banned.
      Perhaps I am wrong that I do not believe in the peacefulness of Islam, but I am looking for these encouraging and pacifying words in the vocabulary of the Koran, but, alas, I have not found anything.
      The image that some of us have revived from the Islamic source itself is merely a faithful translation of the militant vocabulary and racist, anti-Semitic, intolerant, ethnocentric, suprematist, ultra-hateful, inhuman thought of the Qur'an.
      What is the humanistic and pacifist message of the Quran?
      This is Surah Fatiha (the first chapter of the Qur'an - a prayer for the guidance, supremacy and mercy of God) - an introduction that first sets out the colors of faith or Surah Korowa [the longest chapter of the Qur'an. The main theme is guidance: calling on the pagans (Al-Mushrikin) and the Jews of Medina to accept Islam and warning them and the hypocrites of their punishment], which is the most important theme in terms of volume in the Qur'an. One of two things: either Muslims admit that the Koran is an arch-violent manifesto and abandon it for their own good and ours, or we will have to ban the Koran at any cost. The true cause of terrorism is the Koran itself.
      There is no religious radicalism, but only the fulfillment of the Koranic commandments by believers who understand the true meaning of the word “Muslim”. There can be no Islam without strict adherence to the Koran or a Muslim who compromises his teachings. A radical Muslim is simply a Muslim who is inspired by the reading of the Qur'an and wants to put it into practice. He must not understand or interpret it. He is a good soldier who must carry out, for a given occasion or circumstances, his so-called divine orders.

      1. Those. you propose to listen to some Frenchman (and why not an Algerian) listed on an Israeli website, about whom nothing is known, who writes outright lies, but at the same time you are convinced that the prophet Moses, who was chosen by G-d, was mistaken and violated the commandments, with whom he came to his people?!

        1. 1. "French" is actually of Algerian origin. He expressed his opinion after reading the Quran. Every person has the right to their opinion.
          2. Yes, I argue that the prophets and great people of the past were right in some ways, but they could have been wrong in others. More precisely, in attempts to impose their innovations, to use unfair methods. You yourself gave an example of how Moses dealt with those who disagreed with him. And Jesus “performed miracles” and called himself the son of God. And Muhammad waged wars and at the same time violated moral standards. Politics is always immoral, and the great prophets were also politicians. Therefore, we are obliged to separate the moral heritage of the prophets from their policies, and not repeat their policies in new conditions. It's just dangerous.
          Yes, all of this applies to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. These people have made a significant contribution to the treasury of human thought and deserve respect. But we cannot blindly follow everything they said and did. Followers of prophets and thinkers are obliged to reconsider their intellectual heritage from time to time and, as necessary, correct and “adjust” it to new conditions.
          Muslims want to behave in the World Village the way Muhammad behaved in Arabia fourteen hundred years ago. But people have changed, and the means of warfare have also changed. An attempt to seize world domination (to create a World Caliphate) could lead to a nuclear war and the death of all humanity, including Muslims.
          At the same time, it is not at all proven that Muhammad’s ideology was initially better than the ideology of his predecessors. There are things, and first of all jihad, that contradict universal human morality and are dangerous for all people, including Muslims. Jihad is, first and foremost, injustice. Forcing people to have an opinion they don’t believe in is unfair.
          I can agree that in the past and today, non-Muslims have violated their own moral standards more than Muslims. Apparently, fear of Allah and other Muslims keeps Muslim offenders from behaving badly.
          I believe that eminent Muslims, together with eminent non-Muslims, should discuss and revise both Islamic moral standards and "modern" moral norms, and publish a code that will meet the needs of today and people of different beliefs. This equally applies to laws: Sharia, international and state laws. We need to come to a common opinion about what is good and what is bad. In the conditions of the global village, when we all live together, this is mandatory and necessary.
          In any case, the imposition of Islam through jihad is immoral and unjust.

    But what did he offer to Muslims, what moral code? ====
    Can you be more specific, which moral principles are missing among Muslims? You don’t need the example of your Muslim neighbors or YouTube’s Georoyev. Specifically, what is missing from Islam in terms of morality?

    1. The Koran does not contain the main commandment of Moses: “Thou shalt not kill.” More precisely, it is forbidden to kill only Muslims. Jihadists cut off the heads of “infidels,” citing the Koran. “Normal” Muslims have a responsibility to make up for what Muhammad missed and stop teaching children about jihad. Stopping jihad in all its forms is not a right, but a duty of all Muslims.

      1. The Koran does not contain the main commandment of Moses: “Thou shalt not kill.”

        “And Moses said to the judges of Israel, Every man kill his men that cling to Baalpeor” (Numbers 25:5).

        1. Today, neither Jews nor Christians claim that they will do the same as Moses. But Muslims want to imitate Muhammad in everything. Yes, in this case Moses broke his own commandment. The Bible contains stories about how the great King David violated God’s commandments “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not commit adultery.” The Bible does not call believers to repeat these crimes just because great men committed them. And Islam calls! Instead of condemning Muhammad's crimes and continuing to honor him as a prophet, Muslims declared Muhammad to be infallible. And this is the main problem of Islam.

          1. So maybe the commandment “thou shalt not kill” has its own characteristics and exceptions. Which is natural. Because “thou shalt not kill” is utopian in the absolute sense. The attacker is not going to kill you? Islam also limits the case of permissible killing and basically makes killing prohibited.

            Yes, the Bible and the Koran can be interpreted in different ways. And yet I believe that it was no accident that Muhammad missed the moral principles that prevented him from imposing Islam through jihad. He himself said that his fellow militants ordered him to create a “jihad” surah. It is true that Muhammad did not create a sura with this title; instead, he outlined the rules of war and policies towards the “infidels,” which included the seizure of “spoils,” violation of peace treaties, calls to “cut off the heads of the infidels,” and other features of jihad. Muhammad did not call for peace with his opponents. And this jihadist code replaced the Ten Commandments of Moses.

            Today neither Jews nor Christians claim that they will do the same as Moses ====
            So this is the main complaint: not to follow the messengers of God.

    "who abolished the moral code of Moses, and at the same time did not give him a replacement"
    The Koran did not cancel anything that the early prophets came with, except by giving something better.

    The main complaint against the Jews in practice comes down to the fact that, having the primary sources in their hands, they did not follow the instructions.

    To Christians, on the contrary, the main complaint in practice comes down to the fact that they are doing something that was not ordered to them in the Bible.

    In religious belief, the complaint against Christians is that they ascribed a son to God. The Qur'an clearly voices an invitation to Christians and Jews to dialogue on the foundation of Monotheism.

    "That Muslims are obliged to respect freedom of conscience, including the freedom to practice other religions, as well as atheism"
    Let's look at the Bible:
    “...and that prophet or that dreamer shall be put to death, because he persuaded you to depart from the Lord your God...” (Deuteronomy 13:5).
    2.5 Jews do not spare their relatives if they are carried away by someone else’s faith:
    “If your relatives encourage you to worship other gods...then kill them...stone them to death” (Deuteronomy 13:6-10).
    2.6 “And Moses said to the judges of Israel, Every man slay his men that cling to Baalpeor” (Numbers 25:5).
    2.7 “If there is among you... a man or a woman who... goes and serves other gods and worships them, or the sun, or the moon, or all the host of heaven... then stone them to death” (Deuteronomy 17:2-5) .

    1. Muhammad does invite Jews to study and observe the Torah, and Christians to study and observe the Gospel. But what did he offer to Muslims, what moral code? The Syrian Nusayris study the gospel to fill this omission of Muhammad. It would be nice for other Muslims to start respecting and even studying the Scriptures of Jews and Christians.
      As for the spread of their religion, Jews not only do not impose it on others, but even limit the transition to Judaism, putting forward strict requirements for those who want to “become Jewish.” And not from today, but for more than two thousand years.
      Christians in the past imposed their religion, but for two centuries now they have only been sending missionaries. And only Muslims continue jihad in various ways, from money to terror. If Muslims themselves do not stop this practice, then there will be no choice but to wage war against those Muslims who want to return humanity to the times of Muhammad. Simply put, fight against jihadists.
      I repeat, it would be better if Muslims themselves took on the task of formulating the correct approach to jihad as a crime. I believe that Türkiye was in vain to abandon Ataturk’s ideas. It is a pity that Gülen failed in his attempt to introduce “Islam with a human face.” Today, moral Muslims must support Al Sissi's call for Islamic reform. After all, both Jews and Christians have already turned their faces to modernity, and only Muslims (not all, but the majority) look back to the past.

The words of the Lord spoken to Moses, intended for Israel: “I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brothers, and I will put My Words in His mouth, and He will speak to them everything that I command Him” Deuteronomy, ch. 18-18

The Lord told the Jews through Moses that He would give them a prophet who would be like Moses. Why exactly like Moses? After all, after Moses until the coming of the Son of God Jesus Christ, the Jews had many prophets, and the last prophet before Jesus Christ was John the Baptist, about whom the Lord said (John 7:28):
“For I say to you, among those born of women there is not one prophet greater than John the Baptist.”

There is a very important, very important thing that is unique to Moses and Jesus Christ - they are the deliverers of people from slavery, but a slavery that is different in its essence. And if Moses, under the leadership of God, delivered the Jews from physical slavery, then Jesus Christ came to deliver not only the Jews, but all people from spiritual slavery.

To be with God, it is not enough to free yourself from physical slavery, the main thing is to free yourself from spiritual slavery. Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John, ch. 14-6, shows the way for this: “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” So, having outlined the main thing, what is most important in Moses, the prototype of Jesus Christ, we can also show other features of Moses that bring him closer to the Lord.

  1. Both Moses and the Lord were mediators between God and people. In the book of Exodus, Moses' father-in-law Jethro says to Moses:
    “Be a mediator for the people before God and present their affairs to God.” Ch. 19.19
    “And Moses listened to the words of his father-in-law, and did everything that he said.” Ch. 19, 24
    The Apostle Paul in his letter to Timothy says: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Ch. 2, 5
  2. Moses and the Lord are characterized by humility: “Moses was the meekest man of all the people on earth.” (Numbers 12:3) The Lord told people about Himself (Matthew 11:29): “For I am meek and lowly in heart...”
  3. Moses was the first king of Israel, but the final King of Israel is Jesus Christ. “Moses gave us the law... And he was the king of Israel” Deuteronomy 33, 4-5. The angel Gabriel told Mary the Mother of the Lord this about the birth of Jesus Christ: “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” Luke 1, 32-33.
  4. Moses took Zipporah as his wife, who was not from the descendants of the sons of Israel (Jacob). She was the daughter of the priest Raguel of Midian, who was not a Jew. The Lord came to save not only Jews, but all people, including pagans, who found faith in Him, and from whom His true church is composed. Therefore, the wife of Moses is a type of the Bride of the Lord, who is His true church, which for the most part consists not of Jews, but of former Gentiles, and together they are all those: “whom He called not only from the Jews, but also from the Gentiles” Romans 9 , 24
  5. Moses, when born, had to be killed, according to the decree of Pharaoh. But God was pleased to save him to fulfill God’s will to save the Jews from slavery in Egypt. Jesus Christ, when he was born, could also have been killed by the envoys of the procurator of Judea, Herod. But the Angel of the Lord warned Joseph in a dream so that he, along with the Child and His Mother, would flee to Egypt. Having done this, they were saved in Egypt.
  6. When Moses wanted to know the name of God, “God said to Moses: I am who I am” Ex. 3, 14. The word “Is” or Lord (translated from the Hebrew word Jehovah) is the concept of the eternally abiding God, revealing the many-sided relationships of God with people since the time of their creation. With these words of God, “I am who I am,” and with signs from God, Moses came to the Jews to save his people. And the people believed Moses and followed him. The people of Israel acted completely differently during the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. When the Jews asked Jesus Christ who He was (John 8:25) “Jesus said to them, “He is from the beginning.”
  7. The name of Jesus Christ and the name of Moses are also closely connected by an amazing event in the life of the people of Israel - Passover. When the Lord wanted to carry out the final punishment for the Egyptians, in order to save the Jews, the Lord told Moses that the Jews should sacrifice a lamb (Exodus, chapter 12, verses 7,12,13).
    “And they shall take some of its blood and put it on both the doorposts and on the lintel of the doors of the houses where they will eat it. And I will walk through the land of Egypt this very night, and I will smite every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man to beast... And the blood will be a sign among you on the houses where you are, and I will see the blood, and I will pass by you, and there will not be any between you will cause a destructive plague when I strike the land of Egypt.”
    This is a reminder to us and a prediction of the future judgment for all people who will not be marked with the Blood of the Lamb, which means whoever does not accept the Blood of Jesus Christ for their salvation will be doomed to a “destructive plague” - to hell after the end of life on earth. And if the blood of an animal meant salvation from physical slavery for Jews, then the blood of the Son of God means salvation from spiritual slavery and gaining life in eternity with God. John the Baptist says this about Jesus Christ (John 1:29 and 34): “behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world... And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”
    And the Bible with all its content reminds people that “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 9:22). What can be said about all this, but that the first Passover was held by the Lord through Moses, and the final, last Passover was the Lord for us. The Apostle Paul speaks about this in First Epistle to the Corinthians 5:7. “For our Passover, Christ, was sacrificed for us.”
  8. Moses is a prototype of Jesus in that he wanted to shield Israel from the Lord’s intention to destroy Israel because Israel had done an abomination to God. This happened while Moses was on Mount Sinai and had fellowship with God. And at this time the Jews made a golden calf and began to worship it and say (Exodus 32, verses 8-10): “Behold your God, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!” And the Lord said to Moses: “I see this people, and behold, they are a stiff-necked people; Let my anger be kindled against them, and I will destroy them, and make you a great nation.” But Moses began to beg the Lord and said to Him: “Forgive them their sin. And if not, then blot me out from Your book, in which You wrote." Exodus 32, 32 "And the Lord abolished the evil which He said He would bring upon His people." Exodus 32, 14. The Savior of all people on earth Jesus Christ , “In whom we have redemption through His blood and the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:14 Unlike Moses, the Lord shielded with Himself the people of the whole earth who believe in Him from eternal destruction.
  9. Moses and Jesus Christ were previously in Egypt and only by the intention of God left Egypt. The Gospel of Matthew says this: “Out of Egypt I called My Son” (chapter 2-15) see also Hosea, ch. 11-1
  10. An amazing connection exists between Jesus Christ and His prototype Moses also in that they are involved in the law that God gave to the Jews through Moses. The law begins with Moses, and ends with Jesus Christ. “For the end of the law is Christ for righteousness to everyone who believes.” Rom 10:4. The Lord, having atoned for all the sins of believing people with His Blood on Calvary, says to them (Rom 6:14): “Sin must not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law, but under grace.”

The Bible tells us many amazing things, and the Truth is revealed to everyone who reads it with love for Jesus Christ, line by line: the Lord and His words about love for people and about eternal life for those who believe in Him. “Jesus Christ was rejected by His people not because he turned out to be inaccessible and incomprehensible to someone, but because the Jews, in their formal piety, no longer believed in Moses. “If they had believed Moses, they would have believed Me,” Christ convicted them (John 5:46). Moses lived by faith in Jesus Christ and warned His people that Christ would come and deal severely with those who do not listen to His words (Deut. 18:18-19).”


Jesus (Yehoshua, which means Jehovah the Savior) is a type of Jesus Christ, “the Captain of our salvation” Heb. 2:10-12. This can be considered in terms of obtaining the Canaanite (Heavenly) Land after the people left the desert and performed the rite of circumcision by Joshua, necessary to obtain the Canaanite land. All this was similar to the spiritual cleansing of the people necessary to obtain the land of Canaan. All this is similar to the beginning of the ministry in Israel of Jesus Christ, who with His First Coming hoped to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, but first to cleanse the people through their repentance.

And now the Lord reminds the Jews of Himself for the second time (after the meeting with Moses, see Exodus, chapter 3), we read Joshua, chapter 5:

“Jesus, being near Jericho, looked and saw, and behold, a man stood before him, and in his hand was a naked sword. Jesus came to him and said to him, “Are you one of ours, or one of our enemies?” He said: no; I am the captain of the army of the Lord, now I have come [here]. Jesus fell with his face to the ground, and bowed down, and said to him, “What will my lord say to his servant?” The captain of the Lord's army said to Jesus, “Take off your sandals from off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” Jesus did just that.” Both Moses and Joshua are revealed in these episodes by Jesus Christ Himself, who confirms by His declaration (John 8:25) that He is God.

Theodoret said: “As far as is known, the words “my lord” serve as a rendering of the Hebrew word “adoni” in its current form. In the oldest Greek copies and later ones, as well as editions of the Greek translation, it reads here: Despota, which in the Old Slavic translation was rendered by the word “Lord Lord” or Lord, as in the current Slavic Bible. The Greek translation shows the corresponding Hebrew word in the same way as in other places where it is used in the sense of the divine name (Gen. XV: 2; XVIII: 30, 31, etc.) “Adonai.” All this is confirmed by the text of the Bible:

1) Verse 15 repeats the meeting of the Lord with Moses at the burning bush and says that only that which relates to the Lord can be a holy place (set apart).

2) The host of heaven belongs to the Lord: See 1 Kings 22:19 “And [Micah] said, Hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven stood by Him, on His right hand and on His left. " As I understand from this chapter, the army is the believers of Israel at that time, who were (verse 17) scattered, but despite this, they represented the force that could decide the outcome of the battle. Micah spoke about this as desirable and “good” for the king of Israel (verses 17, 18).

3) According to Eph. 6:17 God's sword symbolizes the Word of God. And then read the Book of Revelation (19:13-15,21): “He was clothed in a robe stained with blood. His name is: “The Word of God.” And the armies of heaven followed Him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, with which to smite the nations. He shepherds them with a rod of iron; He tramples the winepress of the wrath and wrath of God Almighty….. and the rest are killed by the sword of Him who sits on the horse, which proceeds from His mouth, and all the birds are fed on their carcasses.”

Fulfillment of the prophecy about Elijah's visit to people on earth

Behold, I will send Elijah the prophet to you before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that when I come I will not smite the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4, 5-6
Verse five tells us that the Day of the Lord is the day of the Second Coming of the Lord to earth. The sixth verse talks about the First Coming, which came true and became a great lesson in preparing people for the Second Coming.

For the people of the Old Testament, these two comings were symbolically one event, as if inseparably connected by the main thing in its essence by God’s visit to the earth. And, of course, Elijah had to visit the people before the First Coming. Indeed, before the Lord’s ministry to people, which began after baptism in the Jordan River, a man with the signs of Elijah appeared in Judea, who began to tell people about their sins and call them to repentance. This man was the prophet John, who baptized people and from whom Jesus Christ was baptized. Who was the prophet John? The Bible says this:
“There was a man sent from God; his name is John. He came as a witness, to testify of the Light (Jesus Christ), so that through him all might believe.” John 1, 6-7

John's parents were righteous before God, and their story is similar to the story of Abraham and Sarah, since "they had no children, for Elizabeth (John's mother) was barren, and both were already advanced in years" (see Luke, 1- I'm the head). And they also had a son, to whom God gave the name John. Unlike all people, John received the Holy Spirit while in his mother's womb (see Luke 1:15). The fact that he did not drink wine and led his life away from worldly life, where, as is known, the devil rules, all this suggests that as an adult and doing all this, John was purer before God and before people in his human sinful life.

Another interesting fact characterizes John - this is that he was 6 months older than Jesus Christ; and he united in himself, as it were, two Testaments from God: the Old and New Testaments, since the New Testament, and here we are talking about the time of their action, begins with the Birth of Jesus Christ. Consequently, six months of John's life belong to the period of operation of the Old Testament. John was the prophet who passed from the Old Testament as the last prophet of the people of the whole earth, and appeared before God Jesus Christ as a connecting link from the distant past, as a representative of all the prophets who predicted the visit of the Messiah to people by our Lord Jesus Christ.

This was the prophet who helped people find a direct path to the Lord through condemnation of sin, repentance and baptism. John was not Elijah as a man, but John had the image of Elijah and performed all the necessary actions intended for him by God, which were predicted by the prophets Isaiah and Malachi. The Bible tells us about this all this way: “And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him: who are you? ...are you Elijah? He said no." (John 1:19 and 21) But the Angel of the Lord explained to John’s father the purpose of his son’s life, who: “will go before Him (the Lord) in the spirit and power of Elijah, to return the hearts of the fathers to the children and to the disobedient to the way of thinking of the righteous, in order to present to the Lord a prepared people " Luke 1.17

John, confirming his appointment, told the people: “I have been sent before Him.” John 3, 28
Jesus Christ also told his disciples when they asked Him about Elijah:
“But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him as they wanted; so the Son of Man will suffer from them. Then the disciples understood that He was speaking to them about John the Baptist.” Matthew 17, 12-13

And if the Lord said that “Elijah has already come,” then we should consider and understand that the prediction about the coming of Elijah before the Coming of the Lord was fulfilled and will no longer be fulfilled before the Second Coming of the Lord. Therefore, anyone who claims otherwise is making a mistake. In addition, the Bible additionally tells us that Elijah really came, and this happened; when Jesus Christ took His disciples: Peter, James and John and led them to a high mountain

“And He was transfigured before them: and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. At this Peter said to Jesus: Lord! It’s good for us to be here; If you want, we will make three tabernacles here: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold, a voice from the cloud said: This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to him." Matthew, chapter 17. This means that Elijah was present along with the Lord and Moses on earth, but all his functions were performed by John the Baptist, about whom Isaiah and Malachi prophesied in the Old Testament.

After the death of Patriarch Joseph, the situation of the Jews changed dramatically. The new king, who did not know Joseph, began to fear that the Jews, having become a numerous and strong people, would go over to the enemy’s side in the event of war. He appointed commanders over them to wear them out with hard work. Pharaoh also ordered the killing of newborn Israeli boys. The very existence of the chosen people is under threat. However, God's Providence did not allow this plan to be carried out. God saved the future leader of the people, Moses, from death. This greatest Old Testament prophet came from the tribe of Levi. His parents were Amram and Jochebed (Exodus 6:20). The future prophet was younger than his brother Aaron and sister Mariam. The baby was born when Pharaoh's order to drown newborn Jewish boys in the Nile was in force. The mother hid her child for three months, but then was forced to hide him in a basket in the reeds on the river bank. Pharaoh's daughter saw him and took him into her house.. Moses' sister, who was watching from afar, offered to bring a nurse. According to God's will, it was arranged so that his own mother became his nurse, raising him in her home. When the boy grew up, his mother brought him to the pharaoh's daughter. While living in the king's palace as an adopted son, Moses was taught all the wisdom of Egypt, and was mighty in words and deeds (Acts 7:22).

When should he turned forty years old, he went out to his brothers. Seeing that the Egyptian was beating the Jew, he, defending his brother, killed the Egyptian. Fearing persecution, Moses fled to the land of Midian and was received in the house of the local priest Raguel (aka Jethro), who married his daughter Zipporah to Moses.

Moses lived in the land of Midian Fourty years. Over these decades, he gained that inner maturity that made him capable of accomplishing a great feat - with God's help free the people from slavery. This event was perceived by Old Testament people as central in the history of the people. It is mentioned more than sixty times in the Holy Scriptures. In memory of this event, the main Old Testament holiday was established - Easter. The outcome has spiritual and educational significance. The Egyptian captivity is an Old Testament symbol of the slavish subordination of humanity to the devil until the redemptive feat of Jesus Christ. The Exodus from Egypt marks spiritual liberation through the New Testament Sacrament of Baptism.

The exodus was preceded by one of the most important events in the history of the chosen people. epiphanies. Moses tended his father-in-law's sheep in the desert. He reached Mount Horeb and saw that The thorn bush is engulfed in flames, but does not burn. Moses began to approach him. But God called to him from the midst of the bush: don't come here; take off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground. And he said: I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.(Exodus 3:5-6).

The outer side of the vision - a burning but not consumed thorn bush - depicted the plight of the Jews in Egypt. Fire, as a destroying force, indicated the severity of suffering. Just as the bush burned and was not consumed, so the Jewish people were not destroyed, but were only purified in the crucible of disasters. This is a prototype of the Incarnation. The Holy Church adopted the symbol of the Burning Bush of the Mother of God. The miracle lies in the fact that this thorn bush, in which the Lord appeared to Moses, has survived to this day. It is located in the fence of the Sinai monastery of St. Catherine the Great Martyr.

The Lord who appeared to Moses said that scream the children of Israel suffering from the Egyptians reached Him.

God sends Moses on a great mission: bring my people the children of Israel out of Egypt(Exodus 3:10). Moses humbly speaks of his weakness. God responds to this hesitation with clear and overpowering words: I'll be with you(Exodus 3:12). Moses, having accepted high obedience from the Lord, asks the name of the Sender. God said to Moses: I Am That I Am (Exodus 3:14). In a word Existing in the Synodal Bible the sacred name of God is conveyed, inscribed in the Hebrew text with four consonants ( tetragram): YHWH. The above passage shows that the prohibition to pronounce this secret name appeared much later than the time of the Exodus (perhaps after the Babylonian captivity).

During the reading aloud of sacred texts in the tabernacle, temple, and later in synagogues, instead of the tetragram, another name of God was pronounced - Adonai. In Slavic and Russian texts the tetragram is conveyed by the name Lord. In biblical language Existing expresses the personal beginning of absolute self-sufficient being, on which the existence of the entire created world depends.

The Lord strengthened the spirit of Moses two miraculous actions. The rod turned into a snake, and Moses' hand, which was covered with leprosy, was healed. The miracle with the rod testified that the Lord was giving Moses the authority of the leader of the people. The sudden defeat of the hand of Moses by leprosy and its healing meant that God had endowed His chosen one with the power of miracles to fulfill his mission.

Moses said he was tongue-tied. The Lord strengthened him: I will be at your mouth and teach you what to say.(Exodus 4:12). God gives the future leader his elder brother as an assistant Aaron.

Coming to Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron, on behalf of the Lord, demanded that the people be released into the desert to celebrate the holiday. Pharaoh was a pagan. He declared that he did not know the Lord and that the people of Israel would not let them go. Pharaoh became bitter against the Jewish people. Jews did hard work at this time - they made bricks. Pharaoh ordered their work to be made more difficult. God again sends Moses and Aaron to declare His will to Pharaoh. At the same time, the Lord commanded to perform signs and wonders.

Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. The wise men and sorcerers of the king and the magicians of Egypt did the same with their spells: they threw down their wands, and they became snakes, but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods.

The next day the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron to perform another miracle. When Pharaoh went to the river, Aaron struck the water with his rod in front of the king's face and water turned to blood. All the reservoirs in the country were filled with blood. Among the Egyptians, Nile was one of the gods of their pantheon. What happened with the water was supposed to enlighten them and show the power of the God of Israel. But this one first of the ten plagues of Egypt only hardened Pharaoh's heart even more.

Second execution took place seven days later. Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and went out frogs covered the ground. The disaster prompted Pharaoh to ask Moses to pray to the Lord to remove all the frogs. The Lord fulfilled the requests of His saint. Toads are extinct. As soon as the king felt relief, he again fell into bitterness.

Therefore I followed third plague. Aaron struck the ground with his rod, and they appeared midges and began to bite people and livestock. In the original Hebrew these insects are called kinnim, in Greek and Slavic texts - sketches. According to the 1st century Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria and Origen, these were mosquitoes - a common scourge of Egypt during the flood period. But this time all the dust of the earth became midges throughout the whole land of Egypt(Exodus 8:17). The Magi were unable to repeat this miracle. They told the king: this is the finger of God(Exodus 8:19). But he didn't listen to them. The Lord sends Moses to Pharaoh to tell him on behalf of the Lord to let the people go. If he does not comply, they will be sent throughout the country dog flies. It was fourth plague. Her tools were flies. They are named canine, apparently because they had a strong bite. Philo of Alexandria writes that they were distinguished by their fierceness and persistence. The fourth plague has two features. Firstly, The Lord performs a miracle without the mediation of Moses and Aaron. Secondly, the land of Goshen, in which the Jews lived, was freed from disaster so that Pharaoh could clearly see absolute power of God. The punishment worked. Pharaoh promised to release the Jews into the desert and make a sacrifice to the Lord God. He asked to pray for him and not to go far. Through the prayer of Moses, the Lord removed all the dog flies from Pharaoh and the people. Pharaoh did not let the Jews go into the desert.

followed fifth plague - pestilence which struck all the livestock of Egypt. The Jewish cattle are no longer in trouble. God also carried out this execution directly, and not through Moses and Aaron. Pharaoh's tenacity remained the same.

Sixth plague was accomplished by the Lord only through Moses (in the first three, Aaron was the mediator). Moses took a handful of ashes and threw them towards the sky. People and livestock were covered boils. This time the Lord Himself hardened Pharaoh's heart. He did this, apparently, in order to further reveal His all-conquering power to the king and all the Egyptians. God says to Pharaoh: I will send tomorrow, at this very time, a very strong hailstorm, the like of which has not been seen in Egypt since the day of its foundation until now.(Exodus 9:18). The sacred writer notes that those servants of Pharaoh who feared the words of the Lord hastily gathered their servants and flocks into houses. The hail was accompanied by thunder, which can be explained as voice of God from heaven. Psalm 77 gives additional details of this execution: they beat down their grapes with hail, and their sycamores with ice; gave up their cattle to hail and their flocks to lightning(47-48). Blessed Theodoret explains: “The Lord brought upon them hail and thunder, showing that He is the Lord of all the elements." God carried out this execution through Moses. The land of Goshen was not damaged. It was seventh plague. Pharaoh repented: this time I have sinned; The Lord is righteous, but I and my people are guilty; pray to the Lord: let the thunders of God and the hail cease, and I will let you go and will no longer hold you back(Exodus 9:27-28). But the repentance was short-lived. Soon the pharaoh again fell into a state bitterness.

Eighth Plague was very scary. After Moses stretched out the rod over the land of Egypt, The Lord brought a wind from the east, which lasted day and night. Locusts attacked all the land of Egypt and ate all the grass and all the greenery on the trees.. Pharaoh repents again, but, apparently, as before, his repentance is superficial. The Lord hardens his heart.

Peculiarity ninth plague in that it was caused by the symbolic action of Moses stretching out his hands to heaven. Installed for three days thick darkness. By punishing the Egyptians with darkness, God showed the insignificance of their idol Ra, the sun god. Pharaoh yielded again.

Tenth Plague was the worst. The month of Abib has arrived. Before the exodus began, God commanded that Passover be celebrated. This holiday became the main one in the Old Testament sacred calendar.

The Lord told Moses and Aaron that every family on the tenth day of Abib (after the Babylonian captivity this month began to be called Nissan) took one lamb and kept him apart until the fourteenth day of this month, and then slaughtered him. When the lamb is slain, they shall take some of its blood and They will anoint it on both doorposts and on the lintel of the doors in the houses where they will eat it..

At midnight on the 15th of Aviva the Lord struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, as well as all the firstborn of livestock. The firstborn Jews were not harmed. Because the doorposts and lintels of their houses were anointed with the blood of the sacrificial lamb, The angel who smote the firstborn of Egypt, passed by. The holiday established in memory of this event was called Easter (Heb. Passover; from a verb meaning jump over something, pass by).

The blood of the lamb was a prototype of the atoning Blood of the Savior, the Blood of cleansing and reconciliation. Unleavened bread (unleavened bread), which Jews were supposed to eat on Easter days, also had a symbolic meaning: in Egypt, Jews were in danger of becoming infected with pagan wickedness. However, God brought the Jewish people out of the land of enslavement and made them a spiritually pure people, called to holiness: And you will be holy people to Me(Exodus 22, 31). He must reject the previous leaven of moral corruption and start a clean life. Unleavened bread that cooks quickly symbolized that speed, with which the Lord led His people out of the land of enslavement.

Easter meal expressed general unity of its participants with God and among themselves. The fact that the lamb was cooked whole, including the head, also had a symbolic meaning. The bone shouldn't have been crushed.

Food for thought
Andrey "NachaloV". The last update of the online magazine was 03/29/2019.

From time immemorial:
The Old Testament says: prepare way of the Lord ( Isaiah 40:3).
And the New Testament: fix it way of the Lord ( John 1:23).

If you think about it carefully, both of these phrases are complete absurdity. If, of course, they are studied separately, i.e. without a single thinking and understanding (without the One God), splitting peoples with this: “Divide and Conquer!” above them. This is how the male clergy has lived for 2000 years.

The synagogue, for example, claims that it worships one G-d, but “I don’t recognize the New Testament, I have a negative attitude towards Jesus Christ” - Berl Lazar.
Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church:
Link: Canonite on the Orthodox Church: Rules on the shining apostles.
70. “If anyone, a bishop, presbyter, deacon, or even from the list of clergy, fasts with the Jews or celebrates with them, or accepts from them the gifts of their holidays, such as unleavened bread, or something similar: let him be cast out. If he is a layman, let him be excommunicated.”
Wed. Ap. 70; 6 All eleven; Antiochus. 1; Laod. 37.
“You cannot celebrate Easter at the same time as the Jews, for the triumph of Christians must be separate from them, in no way merging with those who are alien to the Savior.” Etc.

What happens then?
This is inciting interreligious hatred, which is what the clergy is fighting against. Therefore, what kind of One God (of unified thinking and understanding) can we talk about? It turns out that all the religions of the world welcome polytheism: everyone for their own God, and only a male one, giving him a lot of names. What can be called not monotheism, but God’s chaos in the heads of the clergy.

If God ( I am the Lord your God) created man, then how can this still fragile creature prepare the way for the one who created him? And which way is this? Where?, if God himself has plenty of ways. It is the Creator himself who must prepare the way for the one He created, and not vice versa. All this relates to the first phrase with which this page began.

At first glance, this still fragile creation of God has not even seen its Creator, not to mention His deeds: how does He do/create all this? After all, this must be learned from the Creator. But according to the church, it turns out that this is not at all necessary. We must prepare the Church path for the Creator so that He does not stumble on His paths.

This means that the church has long been putting itself on a level with God, while demonstrating itself to be smarter than Him, if it has already begun to say: “correct the path of the Lord.” As if God had done such a thing that everything would have to be redone for Him. What the church and synagogue themselves are not obligated to do. Their servants of God are obligated.

The first option will be correct if it is attributed to the school of God the Mother, i.e. to the Matriarchy, which flourished throughout the centuries before our era, teaching its children about creating on earth the same paths as in heaven, so that with the advent of Patriarchy, God the Father would look and appreciate how we came to know these paths and what we learned.
What happened in the end?
Nothing good. Matriarchy is destroyed by the newly created and spiritually illiterate men's church (bearded cave men). And the Bible is not God’s book, because... does not contain in itself either the Testament of God the Mother or the Law of God the Father. It was concocted from the wreckage of the teachings of the Mother of God. There were no other teachings on earth and there still aren’t (all of us have not yet been baptized by the male Holy Spirit, therefore we cannot know the Law of God the Father).
If the Apostle John says: correct the way of the Lord, then correct everything that the male church has done, because... her earthly path does not coincide with the heavenly path. For the earthly path of God the Mother is a reflection of the heavenly path of God the Father. And with the advent of the men's church, the people have lost this earthly path, and therefore cannot know the heavenly one. But despite this, the Testament of God the Mother (Mother Rus') must live in the souls of the people, and with it the understanding that our God is not a man, but still a woman. For the real Patriarchy has not yet begun.

Therefore, the Catholic priest Father John Michael O'Neill from Massachusetts is right, who was in a state of clinical death for 48 minutes, after which the resuscitation team brought him back to life. O'Neill himself says that he saw a woman in God's heaven. That is, our God is not a Father, but a Mother. Therefore, he began to carry the word “Heavenly Mother”.

The holy book about the “Acts of St. Jude Thomas the Apostle” says:

“Come, O She who announces mysteries and explains the inexplicable, holy dove... Come, secret Mother... Come and turn to us through holy communion.”

As in Syria in the 3rd century AD, the Holy Spirit was addressed in the feminine gender. And Saint Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury in the 11th century, prayed to “Christ my Mother,” calling God “the great Mother.” In the 14th century, the recluse Juliana of Norich wrote about the Holy Trinity in her book “Revelations of Divine Love”:

“Our Father wills, our Mother acts, and our good Lord, the Holy Spirit affirms.”

What is the heavenly family? Therefore, as in heaven, so it must be on earth. That is, there should not be a church flock/flock on earth that has neither a Father nor a Mother, but a single understanding of God the Mother and God the Father (God the One) should live among the people. And not the dominance of church male priests living according to the concepts of the animal world.

In general, the concept of God in the image of the Mother began to collapse during the time of Moses, i.e. at the end of the Aries era. But Moses is not to blame for this. He brought to people the concept that we are leaving the House/world of God the Mother, beginning to enter the House/world of God the Father. As a result, the October Revolution took place in Kemi. Power, according to history, was seized by six people.
The female "Kingdom of Whom" fell to become a male kingdom: Egypt. A male warrior pharaoh ascended the throne. But ancient Egypt did not last long and collapsed. Just as the USSR did not last long, loving to depict a woman (drawing or sculpture) not with a child in her arms, but with a jackhammer or with a shell of a military weapon. What you won’t find in Israel, created at the end of the Pisces era. But there you will meet a Jewish woman with a machine gun in her hands, who is simply obliged to serve in the army of this country.

If a person destroys something that is in the blood of a Jew, while creating a new one from scratch ( Old Testament). This new thing is quickly destroyed without any foundation, as Jesus Christ said: do not build a house on sand ( New Testament). Ancient Egypt became an example of what the destruction of the Covenant of God the Mother leads to, from which comes the Law of God the Father. That is, if there is no woman, no man will be born. This is what we see: there is neither the Testament of God the Mother, nor the Law of God the Father. As a result, we all began to degrade, starting with the saints who had already died out. Now it's our turn.

St. Gregory the Wonderworker: “One person out of a thousand can be pure, a woman never.”

St. Bernard: “Woman is the organ of the devil.”

St. Cyprian: “A woman is an instrument that the devil uses to take possession of our souls.”

St. Bonanventure: “A woman is a Scorpio.”

St. John of Damascus: “Woman is the daughter of lies, the guardian of hell, the enemy of the world.”

St. John Chrysostom: “Of all wild animals, the most dangerous is a woman.”

St. Gregory the Great: “A woman has the venom of a cobra and the malice of a dragon.”

Early Christian theological writer C. Tertullian:
"You [ women] – the gates of the devil, you are the discoverers of the forbidden tree, the first violators of the divine law. You have seduced someone whom the devil himself did not dare to attack. You have destroyed the image of God – man.”

Preacher of the “Holy Scripture” Clement of Alexandria:
“It becomes embarrassing when you think about what the nature of a woman is.”

This is what a woman means for the male clergy. By the way, the Russian writer (doctor by profession) A.P. Chekhov very correctly noted:

“Men become stupid without female company.”

And Arthur Conan Doyle says that:

"Women's eyes speak louder than words."

And he's right. After all, the priests say: “In the beginning was the word,” which proves their spiritual illiteracy in the beginning and complete failure in the end, i.e. Nowadays. This is what Vanga is talking about:

“All religions in the world will disappear, and they will be replaced by a new teaching based on the old ones.”

That is, based on the primary, on the Testament of God the Mother, faith is born in a person with the hope of creating a secondary one: the Law of God the Father. And with his appearance, i.e. on these two supports, true love for each other is born: the Law of the One God. That in 2000 years neither a synagogue nor a church has been created, and thus they have signed their complete insolvency.

What do writers, public figures and religious leaders say?

Indian religious figure Yogi Bhajan (Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, Siri Singh Sahib):

“A woman is a sculptor, a sculptor of time, space and man: tomorrow’s man, child; today's man, husband; and yesterday's man, ancestors";
“A noble woman is a goddess who is worshiped by Almighty God. This is the altar before which God bows. It is grace that creates the divine soul. This is the ultimate infinity of all virtues. It is the energy of all good deeds and blessing, the noble woman is the essence of all prayers.”

English writer J.K. Jerome:

“The hands of a kind woman wrapped around a man’s neck are a life preserver thrown to him by fate from the sky.”

French public figure Nicolas de Chamfort Sebastian-Roch:

“If it were not for women, then in the first hours of our life we ​​would be deprived of help, in the middle - of pleasure, and in the end - of consolation.”

English writer John Ruskin:

“No man has lived a true life unless he has been purified by the love of a woman, strengthened by her courage and guided by her modest prudence.”

Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen:

“A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it is up to her to guide a man where the Lord God wants to lead him.”

We can talk about this for a long time. Let's move directly to Egypt, to Moses.

I think you know the Jewish story, how Moses was born, how his mother saved him, and how he became the son of Pharaoh. If you look at the ancient painting ( left), then the landscape in this picture is far from Egyptian. We'll skip that. Let's start with something else, also with the main thing from the life of Moses.
We must not forget that there is a big difference between Russian fairy tales and Jewish ones. Russian fairy tales are taken from life, and Jewish ones - which don't exist at all, – from their desires. For example, a Slav writes an intelligent “fairy tale”, which the brain of an intelligent Jew does not possess. Who, using his mind, removes the author, rewriting this “fairy tale” into Hebrew, because Jews do not have the same history that Slavs have.

The Jewish story, for example, says that Moses kills the overseer for attempting to rape Pharaoh's slave. Therefore, he was forced to flee from the pharaoh. That is, Moses was angry with the overseer, and Moses’ father was angry with Moses. As a result, Moses was forced to hide from his father for forty years.

In those days there were a lot of wars, violence, murders... just like now. Would a pharaoh who had been waiting a long time for a son to be born to him to prolong his family, begin to bring down all his anger on his son because of the death of some overseer? Will the children of a high-ranking person be involved in saving their slaves, or commoners? As it was before, the same is happening now.

Tell me, dear readers, will V. Putin or D. Medvedev imprison or kill their child who has committed something similar? I think no one will know about this, everything will be quickly washed away, powdered... That is, it will be immediately erased from history. Fabulously replacing this empty space (for the media) with something else. This is how history was written before, as it is written today, on the basis of which Time creates a scenario for the future. What we all (whether you like it or not) will have to face in reality. Not understanding ourselves because of this.

Or, a real-life example: Moscow. The armored 600th Mercedes of Alexy II rammed a passenger car. Security guard Alexy gets out of the Mercedes and takes ( women) crashed car, documents - calmly gets into the Mercedes and disappears with Alexy. Alexy II, you see, is in a hurry to an important meeting, and he doesn’t really care what state this woman is in. After all, he is the patriarch of all Rus'! Which has been gone for a long time.

If you look into the Bible, but not as the church tells us, but as into history. There are a lot of inconsistencies in it, which are put together into one general verse from scraps taken from the lives of different people. Therefore, the Bible has no pattern and no cyclicity in Time. And if we look at our world without the Bible, then we will see everything in reality. Let's remember the history of past events, comparing it with current history:

"At the Council of Nicaea ( in the city of Nicaea. Now Iznik, Türkiye) Roman Emperor Constantine strengthens the Christian Church. He turns it into a single hierarchy, which he himself heads. Constantine and his chosen Bishops determine which Gospels are considered holy and which are prohibited. He legitimizes Christianity by establishing basic doctrines ( dogma)».

"Rivals of Jesus" (2007), National Geographic Channel

Now look carefully at the icon on the right, i.e. what kind of army did the emperor gather for himself? This means he is very afraid of someone. Who? And against whom was such an army assembled? I mean not only militarized, but also canonized.

Now compare the emperor of yesteryear with emperor of our time (photo on the left). And why did Mr. Putin suddenly decide to defend Christians (screenshot on the right)?, i.e. something that was once created by Constantine, who gathered for this purpose a huge, at that time, army. Nowadays, Russian TV constantly shows not only military exercises and their parades, but also a growing canonized army. In Moscow alone, this army has increased by as many as 200 churches

What exactly is this canonized army?
Andrey Kuraev at the Orthodox Press Congress:

“The first and necessary part of church service is to narrow the horizon of a person’s spiritual experience, not to expand, but to narrow it. And in this sense, the task of the church, paradoxical as it may sound, is akin to the task of the police. The task of the police is also to narrow the experience of a person’s life.”

If you look at Moses and his biblical story, it does not fit at all with other sources: in some, Moses is simply an Egyptian, in others he created his own religion, in others he is an Egyptian priest, etc. If all the sources describe the image of this person so scatteredly, it means that this is not the specific personality of the leader in those days, but also not the personality of a commoner. This is a person who nevertheless participated in the then events of mass perestroika, which, according to the Law of Time, was repeated in our Time (M. Gorbachev’s perestroika). And since this person participated, it means that she was very suitable for the creators of the Bible personally for their purposes. For example, the book of Noah cannot be called a book at all, because... too meager. But so that no one would notice this, like the paucity of other biblical “books,” it was shoved into a general book that needed the name of the leader. That's why it was called the book of Moses. Which seemed to be present when God created our world. As he was present at all subsequent events. Which doesn’t fit at all with the true history of the world.

If in those days there was a strong spiritual personality, then, according to the Law of Time, there must be a second personality opposite to him, moreover, very influential and more famous than Moses.
Let's analyze the history of the Second World War, which could not do without the intelligence department and intelligence officers. We know what historical films were produced after it. How and who installed them? For example: “Creative Association of Writers and Film Workers.” As they themselves said, the names of the characters are fictitious, and in the films several intelligence officers appear as one person.

Here is the biblical image of Moses, who knew Jesus. Jesus himself said that Moses even wrote about Him ( John 5:46). This means that Moses is younger than Jesus, since he wrote about Jesus. How his brother Jacob wrote a book about the teachings of Jesus.
It turns out that Moses is also a disciple of Jesus. What is not in the book of Moses. Although according to the Bible, Jesus lived after Moses. And in the apocrypha, the Nativity of Jesus Christ took place not 2000 years ago (as the MP of the Russian Orthodox Church tells us), but in the time of Adam and Eve. Hence, it turns out that the Jews really wanted their false leader to be older than all the true personalities of the world, making their world the most ancient on our land. Which cannot be confirmed by any excavations or anything else stored in all museums in the world.

But you can continue to inspire everyone with something that never happened. This is what the “Lady of Lies” (politics) of Israel lives by. What the emigrant from Israel, Ravid Gor, confirmed to the whole world, May 10, 2010:

“Even then, I began to understand something, but I still did not see the scale of the campaign that was unfolding against Russia in the world... This was when the most popular radio presenter in Israel, Nava Cohen, spoke to the whole country at 8 a.m. on state radio.” Voice of Israel", discussing the parade in honor of the 65th anniversary of the victory over fascism on Red Square:

You and I know very well that Medvedev’s attempts to rewrite history by inviting representatives of allied countries to the parade are doomed to failure. You and I know who actually made the greatest contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany. And it wasn't Russia" For more details see:

Then, many sources say that there were no Jews at all during the time of Moses. Just as the history of Egypt itself says nothing about them, there is nothing about the Jews in their manuscripts.
But the Jews themselves claim that they were slaves in Egypt for 400 years ( Old Testament of the Jews). Although, with all this, they claim that they have never been slaves ( John 8:33). But even then, the Jews managed to declare how disgustingly they were treated: “The Egyptians cannot eat bread with the Jews; because it is an abomination to the Egyptians" ( Life 43:32). This is what they convey to the whole world to this day: how unhappy they are.

In addition, Jews claim that millions of Jews managed to wander in the desert for 40 years. But they didn’t leave any traces there at all, even small ones. This is confirmed by the 2006 National Geographic documentary “Riddles of the Bible. Exodus Unraveled”, banned on Youtube ( even dinosaurs, and those, left behind traces on the ground and bones).

Any dynasty of slaves, having received complete freedom, will never prolong their fate in the desert. There it will quickly disintegrate. Or, having received freedom, she can seize something by force, creating her own dynasty in this place, which would go down in history.
And also, what kind of pharaoh, king or king, will give all his slaves freedom, rewarding them with: livestock, from small to large, carts, food, clothing, silver, gold, etc. ( Ref. 12:32-38)?

Only a crazy ruler could think of something like this. But if, say, this happened, then why would the Jews go into the desert for 40 years if they received freedom, plus a lot of wealth?
The easiest thing is to throw this crazy ruler overboard, and build your own kingdom in his place. And to get, say, freedom and heaps of wealth, and at the same time go into the desert for 40 years with this wealth, can only be crazy like the one who gave everything to these crazy slaves.

The easiest option is to look at the stories of different people in Time. If there was Moses, then his image should appear in the next cycle of Time (with the advent of the next era), repeating the history of the previous cycle/era (Law of Time). Moreover, when he appears, the events of Moses himself took place at exactly the same time.

Who ever, after Moses, led millions of people out of slavery?
Yes, I did. Which is M. Gorbachev, who appeared on the world stage during the transition period from the era of Pisces to the era of Aquarius, leading the peoples of the world out of communist slavery: the USSR and other socialist countries of the world. Here's Moses-Mikhail and Egypt-USSR. Here you have, first the country of Kem, then, after perestroika, renamed Egypt, and the USSR - then, after the same perestroika, renamed Russia.
At what time Michael the Marked appeared, at exactly the same time Moses appeared, only during the transition from the era of Aries to the era of Pisces. This is the Law of Time, not the desire of the Jews. Which does not coincide at all with the true events in Time, and, therefore, does not coincide with their Bible.

After Moses, all that remained from Great Egypt were historical monuments that have survived to this day, and no science. Everything was simply looted. What remains of the USSR? The same historical monuments, and completely extinct: culture, education, science, production...

If the people fled from Egypt, the outcome is according to the Bible. It’s the same in today’s Russia: flight to the West. Jews began to flee the USSR back in the 70s. And then, during “Perestroika,” other peoples of the country fled. Which continues to this day. Today's youth see happiness not with the Putin & Medvedev duo, but in other countries. As they say: “It’s good where we are not.” Therefore, young people asked D. Medvedev questions on this topic. And D. Medvedev himself answers them: run, I allow it:

If history says that we (in life) are just actors. Then let us ask ourselves the question: are we actors of what?
Actors playing a play in the present are secondary. The secondary was prescribed by Time in the past, on the basis of the primary. And in the present, playing a performance from the past, we prescribe for ourselves a performance for the future (tertiary). Do we ourselves think about what kind of performance we are “dancing”, and what kind of performance we are writing for ourselves in the future?

Pay attention to our leaders today: M. Gorbachev, from the former. According to his deeds - a complete copy of Moses ( see above). Boris Yeltsin, also one of the former, is a drunkard according to Nostradamus. But V. Putin and D. Medvedev are not at all the former ones. V. Putin appeared out of nowhere together with D. Medvedev. Moreover, he immediately began to play two roles: in the Kremlin and in the Temple, as president and the most Christian person ( according to Nostradamus). Which did not work out from V. Putin. Just as it didn’t work out from M. Gorbachev. And D. Medvedev? He is like an appendage of V. Putin, to hold the throne for V. Putin. There is nothing else you can say about him.

Now let's return, as it were, to ancient Egypt with the images of modern leaders and their activities. M. Gorbachev gives complete freedom to the people. What D. Medvedev confirmed when speaking to the public: run, I allow it.
Here you have Moses and Pharaoh (D. Medvedev was given the nickname “Vizir” in the Kremlin). As for Boris Yeltsin, this is the return of the MP ROC to the country. And in ancient Egypt, due to problems in the country, the pharaoh returns to the old Gods. But that didn't help him. He did not remain on the throne for long, like Boris Yeltsin.
What role does V. Putin play then? His nickname, at first: “Mole.” Then Uti-Puti and Stasi. Which together means: the necessary “Little Rat” in the everyday life of the special services. This means that he was such in the Time of Moses, when an army personality ascended the throne of Pharaoh. What is a seizure of power - the history of ancient Egypt.

According to the Bible, the Pharaoh of Egypt gives wealth to the Jews on their way out of this country. But in addition, the Jews also managed to rob the Egyptians themselves ( Ref. 12:32-38). What about Russia now? “Russia under the hammer”, “Corruption”, “Pandemics of lies” and etc. - films by Galina Tsareva. What V. Putin accepted and led, while demonstrating his true faith, carrying a Jewish cap in his pocket (even if it was very wrinkled). What he began to officially demonstrate in 2005, visiting Yad Vashem. What do the Jews themselves say?

“Today Jews have such power, money and influence in Russia as never before,” - Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" dated December 15, 2005.

Here are two plots: what was written (in Time) in the past is played out in the present. Only before was ancient Egypt/Who was ruled by women. A man was always after a woman, like a gentleman giving her first place. But at the end of the full cycle of Matriarchy, women automatically began to lose their power (which the Jews took advantage of). Which, due to the cyclical nature of the zero cycle in Time, affected the life of Raisa Maksimovna, who found herself at the peak of past events in our time. Just like M. Gorbachev, he calmly, without fuss, gives up his throne - intuitively repeating the history of the past.

According to the Bible, Moses is a very spiritual person. And Gorbachev does not fit in with such a personality at all, although according to the script he is Moses. This means that in the time of Moses there was still a real spiritual personality. That is, one is political and the other is spiritual, which together were erased from the true history of Egypt for political reasons. Covering up this blind spot of history with a simpler personality, but with the name of a respectable personality.

This is how spiritually immature individuals appear, where each of them wants to be more important, luring more people to their side, feeding them with their unrealistic plans due to a lack of vision of the real picture of the world. What develops in smart people because they do not see the path along which their souls go. Therefore, the prophets and saints called such people: “Blind leaders of the blind,” Matt. 15:14. Who, by their actions, shorten the lives of both themselves and the entire environment.

There is the concept of primary, secondary and tertiary, which - in church terms, – and there is a trinity. Scientifically, this is a three-dimensional dimension in the “Zero cycle/hour” of Time.
In fact, the trinity consists of four parts - the fourth dimension. That is, it consists of two pairs, located with a displacement towards each other in Time. If you put them on top of each other on a plane, then you get: 1, 2, 3. What is Jewish-church life experience. It is also a view of the Universe in the three-dimensional space of the zero cycle of Time (zero man, like the entire animal world, lives according to the zero hour program). Therefore, the eyes of the male church are:

1 2 3 – three/trinity/Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Here the Holy Spirit is God's Law of Life on the male path in Time. Women have their own Holy Spirit, i.e. female. Therefore, they must also have: Mother, Daughter and Holy Spirit. Which is completely absent in the male church understanding.

But in the male understanding it is clearly present: power and murder. For which only the mind, animal instinct and no reason are needed. What all the church advertisements say ( example on the right. Church logo). Where a person is helpless, weak... Therefore, he is lower than the male of the animal world.

In the advertising (brand) of the MP of the Russian Orthodox Church it is even simpler and clearer, which demonstrates only murder: the crucifixion of a person. This means that the MP of the Russian Orthodox Church is the executor of the sentence. And the Vatican (Leo) is the customer. Sheep - retouching. Dove - mail to the people.

In the holy scriptures not included in the Bible, there is a Mother. For example, in the first book of the Essenes, Jesus says:
– Pray like this to your Heavenly Father: “Our Father... (further you know).”
– And then pray to your Earthly Mother:

“Our mother, who is on earth, hallowed be thy name. Let your kingdom come. May your will be done in us as it is in you. Just as you send your angels daily, send them to us too. Forgive us our sins, as we atone for all our sins against you. And do not lead us into illness, but deliver us from all evil. For yours is the earth, and the body, and health. Amen".

Which is not in the Bible at all. Which tells us to what level the priests have lowered the whole world. Dropped below the animal world. How they personally demonstrate their stage of development, or the desire to place the entire people of the world (in the form of slaves of the male church) on this lower stage of development. Therefore, a sane person would want to rewrite this entire Bible. What the church will not do, and it is not necessary. With her Bible, she nailed herself and her entire flock/flock to the zero world in Time, which is not a world, just as the world of God the Mother is not the world of God the Father. He is too young to understand this. Just as it does not fit into the real united world (Eternity). Where in the absence of any half, a screw or a nut, Eternity is not real. Which reflects the incomplete zero hour on the watch dial. Which on the dial of the Universe is 2000 years, which is what we all passed 2000 years. After which something completely different awaits us all, as Vanga predicted: “All religions in the world will disappear,” because we are entering a completely different dimension. For example:

Fourth dimension: double helix in Time, like DNA:

1 + 2 = ? (female way). What the male mind is unable to accept.
1 + 2 = ? (male path) – a complete dead end/crisis for the authorities and the church.

This is the simplest example for understanding the fourth dimension. Why do you need to look at the trinity ( higher) above. Then we will see it. That is, the body, no matter what it is: female or male, still has two flows in Time: female energy and male. For a broader understanding, this is a reversal of the path of God the Father by 90° from the path of God the Mother, which creates the cross. As well as a completely different type of watch dial that is familiar to us.

What does all this mean?
No matter how much you keep the lonely V. Putin in power, the desired result will still not happen. Although a negative result is also a result. Which speaks about another person: D. Medvedev (during his presidency he called V. Putin his 20-year-old friend), who has the same view of the world as V. Putin. What can be called a monocouple on one path, and with Jewish overtones: “In cramped conditions, no offense.” In reality, such a couple is not promising for entering the era of Aquarius, i.e. to the House of God, which has two parallel doors with paired locks. We have already arrived at the door.

By the way, we already had a good example. Which everyone considers bad (which means he lacks intelligence at all). This example is a personality²: Gorbachev and his wife Raisa Maksimovna. This person² gave the USSR material freedom. Just not for profit, robbery and fights for power, but for the liberation of human souls from the shackles of the “Zero Cycle” in Time, in which we have been stewing and steaming for 2000 years ( those. we are born and we die. We are born again, repeating the scenarios of past lives. Which have already been repeated for the third time, the fourth, the fifth... This is how we live for 2000 years in the zero cycle. Therefore, we don’t understand what eternity is? We think that this is just eternal life. But this is not true at all. Eternity is closed in itself, being in the zero hour/cycle, where reason is unnecessary. What is the world of mortals. And there is another: an ever-evolving eternity. Reason is needed here. Here are the two worlds that the saints talk about when they ask the question: whom do you want to serve? Simply put: which world do you prefer?).

If we talk about the Gorbachevs, then who took Mikhail around the Kremlin? Raisa Maksimovna. Which turned out to have more intelligence than M. Gorbachev’s father. Who didn’t even have enough intelligence to bring his son to the “doors of the Kremlin,” leaving Mikhail halfway. What Raisa Maksimovna had to correct. Which, having overdone it, gave it its all: “For myself and for that guy,” where M. Gorbachev needed a completely different personality. A personality outside the Kremlin. Especially not a priest, because the MP is a competitor of the Kremlin, which negatively affects the life of the Russian Orthodox Church. Which contradicts spiritual truth and correct logic of thinking.

For example, we all still cannot visit other worlds. But they can visit us, because... We are still closed from the entire Cosmos, maturing in the womb of the Universe. This is how the ancient monks matured. Like the USSR, whose residents did not have the right to leave the borders of this country. And the country could accept tourists from outside. That's what she was doing. Because of this, she did not see her own possibilities at all, considering and studying the possibilities of others (Obama-Putin-Syria, for example). Which will create the end of both sides fixated on one thing. To which Vanga gave a direct answer: the Arabs will win. Just not where Obama/Trump and Putin decided to fuck. The Arabs will defeat Europe. This is what their saying says: “A house that causes envy will be destroyed.” Which will greatly affect the whole of Eurasia. As a result, leaders of a completely different scale will begin to emerge. Because of which America will suffer, and, accordingly, Israel. Which was destined to happen long before.

Namely, what does the soul of the deceased require for the next birth?
That's right, we need a woman with her Holy Spirit (Testament of the Mother of God). And, accordingly, a man with his Holy Spirit (the Law of God the Father). Without this couple, in the form of the Testament and the Law, Rus'/Russia will not rise from its knees, will not rise again. And if she doesn’t rise again, she will destroy herself and the whole world or help destroy it.

After all, if Rus' has not yet risen from its knees, it means that there has not yet been any resurrection of Jesus Christ. And if it had happened 2000 years ago (which the church advertises), then Mother Rus' would have resurrected along with Christ. But there is a Law of Time that a person cannot change. What the Jews and priests wanted to do by deception, dreaming that this was the only way to enter the House of God. Without seeing and not understanding that they use the laws of the animal world, the mortal world, which is not in the House of the Heavenly Father. Just as there are no zero people, i.e. Jews and priests.

This means that the zero people must perish, along with the animal world. Or they all need to be moved to a virgin planet with zero time, which is what Noah predicted. For the united world of God the Mother and God the Father lives according to the Law of the “Hourly System” of Time (the Law of the “Hourly System” of Time does not recognize zero/zero hour), which the brain of zero people and the entire animal world, living according to the laws of “Zero”, cannot accept. hours" of the Universe: the death of the world - its creation anew, the death of the world - its creation anew, etc. This is what the zero people prescribed for themselves in the Torah and the Bible, programming their brains with this:

"Kill every man his brother, every man his friend, every man his neighbor" Ref. 32:27– which creates a disastrous outcome, i.e. the end of the world (the end of the zero cycle in Time, in order to start everything from scratch again in the same zero cycle, which will forever be rejected by the “Hourly System” of Time).

The most dangerous thing for us is the internal information pressure that we create for ourselves. From which we ourselves die, starting everything from scratch. Dying, a person feels this internal “explosion,” as it were, and realizing his hopelessness, - getting peace of mind, - he dies calmly. Therefore, having been born again, he dreams of inventing this “explosion” as a birth process. That is, a person who still does not know the process of death, but already wants to prove to everyone the process of birth, starting with the Universe, and not with man.

In other words, a person, seeing an explosion in the Universe, thinks that this is the birth of something. When this explosion is death, which is reflected and frozen in the picture of the Universe. What can be observed - like the same painting in a museum, – many centuries, i.e. until the cycle of death itself ends, passing the baton to another cycle - birth. Who will paint something completely different on his canvas: “The Wedding of Christ,” for example. What we will see for the next 2000 years.

Therefore, in order to know the true birth of the Universe, for this you need to visit (on the path) the Time where the death/explosion occurred. And then move on to another path, where this Universe will begin to be reborn (two spirals in Time, like DNA). And if a person is not capable of this, then he needs to know himself, because... even the life and death of a person flows in Time and Space in the same way as the Universe lives, dies and is born. Everything lives and dies according to the same Law of Time for everyone (and not according to the Church). Therefore, the ancient philosophers settled on one concept: “Know yourself and you will know the gods and the Universe.” But this requires great patience, attentiveness and reasonable prudence, and not what all scientists suffer from.

Seeing it from the outside or experimenting on others means a person will never know the truth, remaining zero, i.e. mortals. And we are all entering a world in which a person who has not known this truth, i.e. those who do not know themselves will become unviable, as Islam predicted.
According to the Law of Time, in order to live, you must know both your own death and your own resurrection. On the scale of the Universe, this is the death of Hyperborea, whose inhabitants came to die in Africa, creating Kem/Egypt there. And they will receive their resurrection in the north, again in Hyperborea (Leningrad region, Karelia, Finland, Kola Peninsula, Arkhangelsk region). Which is what Moses predicted, speaking about the northern promised land (not Israel, a meter from Egypt). Where did the surviving inhabitants of ancient Egypt go: the real exodus, leaving this country to the local residents and young Jews who sat on the throne of Egypt. Who, having ruined this country (“We Jews, we are destroyers and will remain destroyers forever” - Maurice Samuel), also left her, taking credit for someone else’s story. With which they dream of entering the House of God.

Moses' Visions of the True Promised Land:

Moses' visions took place during a time of intense internal and external, shall we say, pressure. It’s the same as pushing the soul out of something not outward, but into a completely different dimension. What happens at crossroads in Time, where the soul is forced to change its course, taking a new one. This is what the ancient sign of the Slavs and Aryans says ( sign on the right), where the center of all paths is called Jerusalem. Another sign that A. Hitler used says the same thing: 卐, which specifically speaks of the fourth dimension.

How, say, do normal scientists explain unpredictable discoveries?
To do this you need to be N. Lobachevsky in mathematics. A. Einstein in physics. And Yu. Liebig in chemistry.

But a normal scientist does not understand me, because he is normal. Only a crazy person understands me. By the way, I graduated from chemistry (Leningrad. LTHP on Mokhovaya), without taking any notes on physics, for example (I kept everything in my head). As for mathematics, even in elementary school my teacher sometimes reduced my grades to a B because I left dirty marks on paper. Every Thursday we wrote, either independent or a test in mathematics (school 14, then renamed school 37. Line 14 of VO, St. Petersburg). The teacher was a very strict woman, whom almost everyone was afraid of. I respected her very much because she defended the interests not of the school itself, but of ours. For example, she allowed little schoolchildren to use not ordinary notebooks (12 sheets), but thick ones: 96 sheets (which was prohibited). But even the school principal could not argue with her.
It turns out that as a child I preferred the thickest notebooks, and then I began to refuse all of them.

I am, of course, not Lobachevsky, Einstein or Liebig. I'm just a different, albeit abnormal, person. Who knows that living on the basis of primitive concepts, a person will never reach higher levels of understanding. He prefers fame and orders, which will later be captured on luxurious cemetery monuments erected at great expense during the Putin era. That there is a short way to a point that Russia repeats from ancient Egypt. Therefore, our entire school in the Russian Federation is dying, having no idea what exactly it is dying from, while continuing to demonstrate itself as the best. When it is already 1000 years old, as the worst.

Hieromartyr Cosmas Aitolos:

“The times will come when harmony between the clergy and the flock will disappear. The clergy will become worse and more wicked than others. The rich will become poor and the poor will die. Schools will teach such abominations that you cannot even imagine.”

Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova (Vanga):

“The time of miracles will come, and science will make major discoveries in the field of intangibles. And data about this will be gleaned from the old sacred books. With their help, many ancient mysteries will finally be solved.”

And what are the secrets if God does not have them from the people? Only a spiritually illiterate male church can have the mysteries of God in order to keep itself at a height above the spiritually literate people. For which they need the so-called mysteries of God. But these “secrets” were taken by the men’s church from the Testament of the spiritual Mother of God.
We do not yet have and cannot have other spiritual sources, because... BC. there was Matriarchy, which means that all teachings came to us from the school of the Mother of God, Mother Rus'. Therefore, our God is a woman, as well as things, it turns out, are feminine. Which ones exactly? For example, the weekly cycle is called "Week", which means: no work. Which ones? Male. There are only women's ones. Which were appropriated by illiterate priests, along with the women's hand-made church. Men's church, i.e. not made with hands (as Jesus spoke about), can only be in heaven. Therefore, we do not yet know the real deeds of men, like real men (since we do not know the Covenant of God the Father), but we must know by accepting and undergoing the baptism of the Holy male Spirit. Which is what this illiterate and stingy male church abandoned 2000 years ago, cunningly referring to the Second Coming of Christ.

Look at the picture. What do you see? A tree that God forbade to touch. And the Devil in the form of a Serpent entwining this tree. What is the understanding/desire of the men's church.

The tree itself is the masculine principle, or simply, God the Father. The serpent is the root of this tree, i.e. feminine principle: Mother of God. In Time, the trunk and the snake are spirals: male and female (like DNA). Adam and Eve holding onto a snake and a tree trunk are two hands/branches of God (by the way, in dreams branches symbolize children or close relatives). The foliage and fruits of the tree are the head of God the Father, which, after the baptism with the Holy Spirit, will look at Adam like a snake: the Mother of God will look at Eve, giving her great wisdom from the other world.

Hence, the tree itself is the “Tree of Life”, and its root is the “Tree of Wisdom”. This is about the same as Augur and Haruspex. The Augur receives knowledge from the flights of birds (from above, from the future), and the Haruspex - from the insides of birds (the underworld, from the past). In addition, this image is very similar to the Egyptian cross, i.e. with a sacred amulet.

The Bible completely lacks the female developmental cycle, i.e. primacy, the beginning of all beginnings. And this primacy was replaced by the image of the Devil - as the enemy of male priests. Which is what women are. Although the concept of the Devil does not refer to a female image, but to a male one. Ignorance/non-recognition of the Devil is simply ignorance of the Covenant/Law of God the Father during the period of Matriarchy. Therefore, male priests, having adopted female teachings, without understanding, demonstrated to the whole world a complete rejection of male concepts (in the image of the Devil). That there is a male refusal of male knowledge, continuing to use female knowledge, but calling it his own, male.

In ancient times, the priests were mainly women (priestesses of Rus', Egypt, Greece, etc.), who, entering a trance, not only answered any questions, but also predicted the future for a person, because the female cycle in Time goes from the future to the past ( to the underworld), where it takes root to receive information processed there. Which comes out of there, along with the man, thanks to the woman.
What a man doesn't have for him, in Time, everything is the other way around). In addition, the murder of Jesus is a rejection of God the Father and his Law, through failure to accept the baptism of the male Holy Spirit. which Jesus accepted ( female baptism took place during the period of Matriarchy, but we have not accepted male baptism for 2000 years. Therefore, the Second Coming is not Santa Claus with gifts, but the Judgment of God for the non-recognition of the Law of God the Father by the male church and for the rejection of the Covenant of God the Mother).

Look at the life of a tree and compare it with our life. The foliage receives energy from the Sun, feeding it to the roots so that they create adequate nutrition for the branches of the tree. Why then don’t the roots create the same, say, foliage to feed the branches? So that they, in turn, create adequate nutrition for the roots. As a result, the tree could not be powered by the earth (the energy of the dead) and not sit in one place, but move freely anywhere, acquiring intelligence and wings.

Looking at the picture above, one might wonder why the mother (Snake) has no arms or legs? True, there is one leg in the form of a snake's body. And the man has this leg in the shape of a tree trunk. Look at the drawings of Egyptian women wearing skirts that are tight around their body and legs. Which creates the image of a snake for them. All these drawings and concepts belong to the women's school (Daaria, Hyperborea and Rus'), which says that the human body consists of two halves: female and male. The left leg belongs to the female half of the body, and the right leg to the male half. There are no bodies that are 100% male or female. Therefore, in our understanding there is still no correct concept of a full-fledged image of a perfect person.

Inferior male images, for example, are created in the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, which medicine understands very well, calling a man an inferior woman. Which, becoming part of a male church sect, is rejected from women and their Laws of Life, while not understanding and simply not having with them the male God’s Law, which they cannot have due to the lack of true Patriarchy, the time of which comes only with the advent of the era of Aquarius after humanity passes the exam (Judgment of God).

For now, only a sensible couple: woman + man, will be able to achieve complete perfection, which is impossible to achieve separately, because... souls of different sexes move in Time along different paths: “A great abyss has been established between us and you,” Onion. 16:26. That is, each gender has its own path. For example, the male path in Time:

Abraham gave birth to Isaac; Isaac gave birth to Jacob; Jacob begat Judah and his brothers;
Judah fathered Perez and Zerah by Tamar; Perez begat Hezrom; Hezrom begat Aram; Aram gave birth to Abminadab; Amminadab begat Nahshon; Nahshon begat Salmon; etc.

Therefore, to balance, Time counts the number of both men and women.

Let's look at the women's path ( picture above). As for hands, the woman does not have them at all (Snake). But the man seems to have them, in the form of the hands of both children. There is an ancient sculpture of Jesus holding a boy and a girl in his arms, which personifies the Law of God the Father (Law of Eternity). Which is based on the feminine understanding, where a woman, as the root of life, holds on her shoulders both the man and the children she gave birth to (created), i.e. holds the whole family. Therefore, hands are, as it were, not needed here. A woman needs her hands for something completely different.

To do this, let's move directly to the Egyptian drawing on the left. Who is pictured there? That's right, Pharaoh. Cm: Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV); Amenhotep IV. Bas-relief au musée du Caire.
Museum: Pharaoh. Akhetaten (Amenhotep IV)

Science is fooling itself and all of us. She makes a fool for the money that is offered to her for dirty deeds. Take a close look at the figure of this pharaoh. Man? No, in terms of figure, she is 100% female. Or not? Of course a woman. What is in her hands can only be held by a woman. Although I read where scientists around the world explain the shape of this body as a disease of ancient artists. What does this say about the illness of the scientists of our time?

I have listed above how God counts men. The life of a female pharaoh is depicted here, i.e. this drawing represents a woman's path through Time, where God counts women. For example: Nadezhda gave birth to Elena; Helen gave birth to Mary; Maria gave birth to Svetlana and her sisters...

That is, behind the female ruler of Egypt there is a future female ruler, etc. The entire future chain of rulers can be traced in Time, even if they have not yet been born. This is what women did during the period of Matriarchy. What only high-ranking persons could know, thanks to the knowledge of the Testament of the Mother of God. Therefore B.C. Ancient Egypt was ruled by women. In other words, the entire genealogy, both women and men, can be traced only with knowledge of the Testament of the Mother of God. What the then newly founded men’s church began to appropriate for itself through deception and force. Not understanding anything in this Testament and not knowing anything at all about the Law of God the Father, which the male church does not possess to this day. But he dreams of appropriating it at the Second Coming of Christ. And having acquired both teachings, both female and male, the male church wants to sit on the eternal throne of the whole world. That is, to become, as it were, the eternal One God for all peoples, and to make the peoples themselves their slaves.

Although we must not forget that we all and the entire animal world live/reproduce sexually, i.e. we are still tied to feminine concepts of life through the feminine factory of boys and girls. There are no men's factories, and, therefore, there is no business of God the Father at all, except for the supply (male courier) to the women's factory of the raw materials it needs. What is our lack of knowledge of real men's affairs. This means there are no real men yet. For the Matriarchy factory creates real women, where we men, as I said (according to medical theory), are inferior women.

Why am I saying this? Because a male priest cannot be a mediator between a male God and the people. In reality, he can only be a mediator between the Mother of God and the people, and only with the permission of the women themselves (Goddesses, Witches, etc.), having access to all women's teachings. On the basis of which to create the very Law of God the Father. Why does this priest need not only the women themselves, but also Sorcerers, Magi, Mages... and simply scientists of our time who study the Laws of Time. And that’s not at all what these priests are doing, because all their current activities (theatrical) relate to real women’s rites, i.e. to the Testament of the Mother of God. When the direct path (which is the way the men's church follows) a person will never reach the desired goal.

Remember the fairy tale about Ivanushka the Fool, who went looking for a miracle?! And who did he go to for this miracle, a woman or a man? To a man to whom you can go the direct route only to the next world. Therefore, this fool went on a religious procession (in Time), i.e. through a woman, Baba Yaga. Just like a saint cannot directly get to God the Father. A good example of this is reflected in the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called, where both logs (in Time) do not touch each other. Therefore, what the male church shows us is its spiritual illiteracy.

It’s the same as Ivanushka the Fool, - becoming a smart priest, - expelled Baba Yaga from her hut (church). He began to portray Grandfather Yaga in it, telling everyone that only he has a direct connection with God (Kashchei the Immortal, Chernomor). Who has never visited this smart Ivanushka before, because... I couldn’t extract the secret from Baba Yaga: how to get to the throne of this fairy-tale God? Therefore, he expelled Baba Yaga (Matriarchy) not only from the hut, but also from the entire history of the world. Having come up with an “Old Tale” for this, and at the same time a “New Tale”.

As mentioned above, the sculpture of Jesus is holding children in his arms. And what does the woman pharaoh hold in her hands ( rice. higher)? She has life in one hand and death in the other. A woman is a spiritual, invisible to us, beginning of life, i.e. The hell with which the men's church scares the whole world. When Heaven is created in Hell. Heaven cannot be created in Paradise, for it creates Hell. Just as a day cannot create a second day. He will create the night. And night is day.
From here, the life expectancy of a born person depends on the world of a woman. The more spiritual a woman is, the longer her child will live, extending the years of life of her parents.
Paradise is the masculine principle: the material world (the world we see), on which the quality of the child’s entire life depends. The more intelligent the father, the better his child will live. Who, having matured, will improve the life of his parents without investing a penny in it. This is exactly what Elder Seraphim of Sarov spoke about.

Now pay attention to the woman's headdress ( rice. higher). Exactly the same one is located on the head of the constellation Aquarius (Egyptian lampshade in the French Museum). This Aquarius holds in exactly the same way, in one hand a vessel with “Dead Water”, and in the other with “Living Water”. Which he pours onto the fish struggling at his feet, i.e. person.
Considering that Aquarius is the patron saint of Russia. And Russia, i.e. Mother Rus', this is the beginning of all beginnings, the mother of all children in the world. This means that Aquarius is a Woman who holds in her hands both life and death, and, therefore, our entire world. And the fact that women also hold up the entire firmament - look at the drawing of the Egyptian ceiling: (rightmost drawing). You will also see Aquarius there, with the same headdress as in the picture above.

Now let's look at these hats ( rice. left). Only a very spiritual woman can wear something like this, because... with their appearance, these headdresses affect two worlds, both Lunar and Solar. Where the Moon means “The Highest Light of God” (in conversation – the prefix “al”), i.e. darkness. And darkness is light in its purest form. The black lines on the headdresses (like horns) represent two spirals in Time (like DNA), two paths in Time, two worlds, two banks of one river, unfolded on a plane in the image of a monoworld (like a clock dial unfolded in one line). On the “Time Calendar” they are also depicted in the form of two “mirrors”, above and below the picture (it is written there). People who experienced clinical death saw this corridor as a tunnel - the path to the light, to the Sun. The priests and priestesses of ancient Egypt/Kem called the two internal paths themselves “Dead Water” and “Living Water.”

What began to lose its meaning during the transition from the era of Aries to the era of Pisces, i.e. with the gradual transition of humanity to the territory of the male Court of God. Where all the outfits began to demonstrate more like material value and wealth. Which was borrowed from women by the then newly minted male clergy. Which they still use to this day.

Now pay attention to this drawing. Here the young lady wears the same headdress as in the picture above (the meaning is the same). Which is completely absent from the man's headdress, displaying a similar image upside down above his head.

This image says that the male spiritual temple can only be in heaven, in contrast to the earthly female temple, as Jesus Christ spoke about ( Mark 14:58). That is, everything that the illiterate men’s church did, capturing all women’s churches and temples, while spoiling all spiritual knowledge and scriptures (despairing everything in its path), will have to be corrected and restored at the Second Coming. And not to Jesus Christ himself, for everyone, but to all the people. This is what he said in his prophecy: “I will repay each of you according to your deeds,” Open 2:23. Which is the Judgment of God.

The clergy of ancient Egypt, living during the time of Matriarchy, could only dream of knowledge of the Law of God the Father. Therefore, in those days a song appeared to God the Father:

“Our Father, unknown but existing,
Hallowed be your name to us,
Let Your Law come, giving light,
To the world of stars, and into our existence,
On this day you feed us bread,
And forgive us mortal debts,
Just as we forgive before Heaven,
Protect from temptation and evil.” See more details:

All this suggests that our world used to be the world of the Mother of God. And we received that other world, the world of God the Father, through visions, dreams... capturing them in the images of predictions, vedas, epics, fairy tales, etc., taking the transitional path from the Kingdom of God the Mother to the State of God the Father. To which we have already come close, having completely lost the teachings from the Testament of God the Mother and having learned nothing at all about the Law of God the Father.

What is the Bible? As I said, this is neither the Testament of God the Mother, nor the Law of God the Father. This is a clever Jewish instruction for the slaves of the animal world of Yahweh, blindly adhering to which you will appear before this Yahweh as the most amazing victim, which He will first eat and then drink with your own blood. I think that people are already 100% ready for such a procedure. Which is what the MP of the Russian Orthodox Church tied him to.

There is another people that was born under the “Morning” before the 2000-year-old “Morning”, when other peoples began to “fall asleep”, for whom the 2000-year-old “Night” began. Seeing this, these young people began to steal from those “asleep” everything that was possible and not possible. Deciding to put yourself in their place. And, through the Bible, lower those who are “sleeping” into their place. To enter the Kingdom of God instead of them, without even going through the school of the Mother of God.
It’s the same as if a child stole all the documents from his tired and asleep dad’s office. Bringing them to the sandbox, where he began to build his office, demonstrating his solidity there in front of everyone present there. What will the awakened dad do then? According to the biblical parable, what will the owner of this house do when he returns home? According to myths, he will eat his children.

If you look at the Law of Time and the real picture of the world, then the path of all “non-Jews” is directed to the House of God the Father. But the path of the “Jews” is directed in a completely different direction, i.e. to the House of the Mother of God. Where they will have to go through her school, the school of mind-mind.
A beautiful mind is: to track, to deceive, to steal... to enjoy. What only the animal world teaches, for life in which a well-developed mind is needed. Reason is not effective here, because... in this world, the inhabitants of this world do not do/build anything at all. Everything is done for them by the Gods. Therefore, the synagogue and the church do not create anything, adhering to the laws of this world, i.e. laws of the Court of God. When the House of God accepts only creators, such as the owners of this House themselves.

Let's remember what was said a long time ago about Ivan Kupala Day?
On this day, water finds something in common with fire. What does a person find? Walking, dancing, etc. And if you look at real Russia: water constantly floods many areas of the country, along with people. And fires burn everything in their path. Here is a common cause for you, both water and fire.

What does Russian TV show us? Putin, oil, currency, holidays, war... What doesn’t it demonstrate? What has long since died out in Russia: school, industry and agriculture. People, villages, towns and cities continue to die at an accelerated pace. This means that Russia has not yet experienced everything and has not experienced everything.

What else should happen?
“Such sorrows await you that you do not know. Without war, everyone will die,” Matrona of Moscow.
So it turns out: “All current races and nations will cease to exist,” Max Handel.
But someone will have to survive?!
“From the line of those who have remained barren for so long, a man will come who will renew the whole church,” Michelle Nostadamus.
And from what kind?
“It is from the Slavs that the new people of the Earth will come,” - Max Handel.
Where will this start to happen?
“In Russia, a sign should happen in the area of ​​​​the city of St. Petersburg. Jesus returns" Giorgio Bongiovanni.

Why here?
Once upon a time, here, where now: Leningrad region, Karelia, Finland, Kola Peninsula and Arkhangelsk region, people lived, calling this land: Hyperborea. But fearing flooding and this part of the earth, people kept leaving and leaving. As history says, the indigenous inhabitants of the city of Kem (Karelia) found a new land for themselves in Africa, creating there their orthodox (Orthodox), say, the world of Kem/Ta-Kem (aka Egypt). But this ancient country did not last long and died out. Leaving behind the ancient architecture of this country and the local inhabitants of Africa. As in the territory of the former Hyperborea, only local residents remained. The great people themselves seemed to have disappeared.

How then can one identify this ancient people?
For example, the pose of the crossed hands of the pharaoh on the throne and in the tomb is a sign of the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called: birth and death. It is also a crossroads in Time: 卐. What is the Law of Time. The same apostle once struck the land of Hyperborea with his staff to stop the advance of water on this land. The water stopped. That's what we see now. As we know, the same apostle planted his rod here: the revival of life on the promised land (the revival of God's Laws of Life) to create a new world. Which is what needs to happen here in our time.

According to the Law of Time, the same thing should happen in Egypt, or more correctly, in modern Israel. Only on the opposite, as they say, side of Time.
Namely, those people who, having returned to the place where they themselves were once born, conceived a new people here, whose mothers were African women who, - according to the Law of Time, - they prescribed the fate of ancient Africa for those born here.
The history of those times and this place cannot give birth to a perfect people. She can give birth to them only the firstborn - wild, firstborn, primordial, primeval, virgin, etc., mixed with the fate of the aliens (Hyperboreans). Whose history, from beginning to end, this young people will have to go through, according to the Law of the “Zero Cycle” and Matriarchy.

This is how new Jews (zero people) appeared/were born in ancient Egypt. And all this so that the people who came here from the north, according to the Law of Time, gave Mother Earth a replacement for themselves, thereby receiving permission from God the Mother and God the Father to themselves rise higher into the new light, going out into open Space. To find there a virgin land with zero time for the zero people born here from them. That is, to save them (along with the animal world), because... our earth will not be able to be reborn into the virgin zero planet (whose time has ended). Therefore, the brain of zero people (like the brain of animals) will not be able to survive in the environment of the “Hourly System”, life in which depends on the knowledge and understanding of God’s Laws of Life, and not on human ones. That is why M. Handel said that a new people can only be one who has gone through a preparatory school for this, i.e. school of Mother Rus'. False historical records of Jews (Old Testament, New Testament, etc.) will not help to survive in new living conditions. A person can be deceived, but Time can never be deceived. This is what the philosopher Thales spoke about.

If you look at all this not from a female perspective and not from the usual view of the MP of the Russian Orthodox Church, but vice versa. Then it turns out:
The appearance of a large amount of water in the territory of Daaria, Hyperborea and Rus' - this means the appearance, as it were, of amniotic fluid in the womb of, say, God the Father (look at the Egyptian drawing above, where a woman’s hand touches a man’s stomach). This is why it is said: Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac gave birth to Jacob; Jacob gave birth to Judas... That is, God the Father began to gradually nurture in his Godly plans a new people, which originated in the head of this Pope (not the Pope) on the territory of Daaria. Which was something he had been carrying on for a very long time. This is the first stage.
And the second stage is the breaking of amniotic fluid, say, before the birth of new ideas from our Pope. What can be traced, for example, in modern Finland through the port city of Pori, the port of which, like this Finnish city itself, has already been moved / rebuilt three times following the water leaving Finland. For the third time, the port was moved 25 km due to severe shallowing of the coast (history of Finland).

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