Spheres of the economy. Determining the industry affiliation of the organization The essence and forms of entrepreneurship

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"...An industrial sector is a set of enterprises and productions that have common products and technologies, and therefore the workers of these enterprises and productions work in the same working conditions in terms of the degree of adverse effects on the human body. persons employed in hazardous industries organized at enterprises of other industries, may vary in the degree of adverse effects on the human body depending on the volume of such production..."


Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2010 N GKPI10-46<Об отказе в удовлетворении заявления о признании недействующими подраздела "А" (в части), подраздела "Б" раздела VIII "Химическое производство" Списка N 1 производств, работ, профессий, должностей и показателей на подземных работах, на работах с особо вредными и особо тяжелыми условиями труда, занятость в которых дает право на пенсию по возрасту (по старости) на льготных условиях, утв. Постановлением Кабинета Министров СССР от 26.01.1991 N 10>

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

See what "Industry" is in other dictionaries:

    industry- A structural division of industry, covering enterprises that produce the same type of product or provide the same type of service... Dictionary of Geography

    industry)- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN branchBR ...

    industry- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN industr/y ... Technical Translator's Guide

    INDUSTRY- an objectively isolated part of it, uniting enterprises producing homogeneous, specific products, having the same type of technology and a wide, but still limited circle of consumers... Large economic dictionary

    Industry- (economic sector) Category describing the main activities of the company. This category, as a rule, is determined by the largest portion of income... Investment Dictionary

    an industry whose enterprises are characterized by high levels of emissions of air pollutants- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics: energy sector in general EN emitting sector ... Technical Translator's Guide

    industry related to environmental protection- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics: energy in general EN environmental industry ... Technical Translator's Guide

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    branch of industry and (or) economy- a group of suppliers whose offers satisfy the corresponding needs of consumers and (or) whose consumers closely interact in the market. (See: ISO 9000 1 94. General quality management and quality assurance standards. Part 1.… … Construction dictionary

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Four spheres of the economy P.R.O.P.

Sphere 1 "P." - production

The development of the production sector is determined by the need to permanently satisfy the needs of society and each of its members individually in the creation of various goods. The relationship between supply and demand is directly proportional. Production can involve not only domestic economic resources, but also foreign investment.

This area is very extensive and is the initial link in the economic chain. If no goods are produced, no services are provided, then such an economic situation will lead to the complete collapse of the entire system.

Production itself consists of 2 blocks:

  • the creation of material goods (i.e., in the general understanding, the result is certain goods - for example, bread, wood, machines, knitwear, etc.);
  • intangible production (the result is the provision of services, for example, educational, medical, etc.).
The first block includes all types of industry from electrical power to food, agriculture, construction, etc. Each of the production areas, in turn, can be divided into industries.

The second block, intangible production, should include the service sector, cultural and entertainment, educational, housing and communal services, passenger transport, etc.

In each area there is not only a division into specific areas, but also intersectoral complexes. Both material and intangible production are based on organizations and enterprises that function mainly thanks to hired labor: these are factories, agricultural corporations, government agencies, schools, theaters, etc.

Sphere 2 "R." - distribution

This is the second link in the chain. All production products, i.e. The goods and services produced must be distributed among all members of society. Some goods are exported, others are imported. When distributing, the principle of social justice must be taken into account. The state must take care of those members of society who are not able to work due to old age, incapacity, etc.

The distribution process itself is ensured by:

  • the volume of goods that producers created;
  • participation in the process of government institutions (for example, tax authorities or social protection of the population).

Sphere 3 "O." - exchange

Since ancient times, until banknotes appeared as such, barter was carried out - i.e. a service changed for a product, a product for a product, or a service for a service (for example, a sable coat for a pound of salt). In the modern economy, the essence of exchange comes down to the process of buying and selling goods, i.e. a product/service is exchanged for money (rubles, currency). Each member of society has the right to exchange the resources he has (including labor) for the desired benefits. An example would be hired labor, for which the employee will receive a salary - there is an exchange of a person’s knowledge, skills and time for monetary reward. The salary is then exchanged for needed goods, such as clothing and food.

To maintain parity of the parties in such a transaction, an equivalent equivalent is used. In some states, national banknotes are used as the equivalent, but the world equivalent is gold. The value of a state’s currency directly depends on its backing in gold, i.e. on the level of the country's gold reserves.

Sphere 4 "P." — consumption

The last link in the chain of all spheres of the economy is consumption. Those benefits - goods and services - produced through production must ultimately satisfy the needs of members of society, citizens of the state or buyers from other countries (if during distribution the goods were sold abroad).

Goods that enter the consumer sphere can move from the economic sphere to the household or social sphere (for example, consumer goods), or again be used in the production sphere.

Production forces tend to develop, which determines the further division of labor and the formation of sectors of the national economy and their groups. In the context of studying national economic processes, it is important to answer the question: “What is an industry?”

National economy of the country

The multi-structural nature of the national economy is explained by the presence of a large number of different production processes and methods of appropriating produced goods.

The entire system of subsystems and links is reflected by its structure. Its change may be caused by the introduction of scientific and technological progress in production processes, socio-economic changes in society and other global processes. New industries and sub-industries are emerging against the backdrop of the disappearance of old ones, and the range of products is changing. An industry is the average level of functioning of the macroeconomic category of the national economy. And its study will allow us to more clearly understand the complex processes occurring in the global economy.

Structure of the national economic complex

The structure of the national economy can be divided according to the following characteristics:

  1. Sectoral (a sector is a separate direction in the economy): industry, transport, etc.
  2. Functional (according to the functions performed): fuel and energy, construction, machine-building and other complexes.
  3. Regional (according to the territorial location within a certain state).

What is an industry?

The study of the economic structure of a country is inextricably linked with the concept we are considering. Thus, all metal producers make up the metallurgical industry, all farmers make up the agricultural industry, etc. Thus, an industry is a set of producers of one good selling it on one market (in the global sense).

In practice, many manufacturers simultaneously produce several types of products, so the following definition would be more correct. An industry is a collection of subjects of economic relations, producers of goods of a certain kind, conducting their activities using one type of equipment. Products can be sold in different markets. To simplify economic analysis, it is generally accepted that each individual manufacturer produces one good, selling it on one market.

How to determine the consumer of a certain product? A synonym for the word “industry” is a branch, direction, therefore, the target audience will consume its products. If you produce a consumer good, the population of the country will buy it. The product in the form of an intermediate good is of interest to representatives of other areas of the economy. Thus, enterprises that process animal skins sell fully processed semi-finished leather products to, say, shoe factories. An important point in the functioning of a market economy is maintaining a balance of supply and demand in various industry markets.


An industry is an important economic concept, therefore the study of its structure, which means the composition, correlation and interrelationships of individual industries, is very important for understanding the essence of national economic processes.

The structure of a large industry is influenced by many factors, the most significant of which are:

  • introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress;
  • growth of the cultural level and welfare of the population;
  • cooperation, concentration and specialization of production processes;
  • planned growth indicators for the industry and all its sub-sectors;
  • division of labor;
  • socio-political factors of the surrounding world;
  • position of the state in world markets.

The industry structure is the most progressive if its operation ensures the use of scientific and technological progress, and also introduces effective methods and forms of production organization and the use of labor and material resources.


The concept of industry is closely related to the processes of grouping and generalization. Various areas of the economy are combined into groups according to certain characteristics, which can be the properties of a resource/product or the similarity of a technological process. A group of industries is often called an industry.

Everyone involved in baking (buns, bread, bagels, etc.) should be grouped into the bakery industry. It would be advisable to unite producers of sweets (ice cream, sweets, cakes) into a confectionery shop. All “dairymen” (producers of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream) - to the Plant growers who are engaged in growing fruit trees (pears, plums, apple trees) - to the horticultural department.

For the purpose of greater generalization of economic processes, it is possible to unite all of the listed producers on the basis of food production into the food industry. It is by this principle that industries are grouped in the modern economy.

Sectors of the national economy

By acting in this way, it is possible to obtain several large unified economic directions. Understanding what an industry is in the economy will help by considering such enlarged entities. Thus, each of these sectors is formed on the basis of the common nature of production. Today the following main ones are distinguished:

  1. Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing.
  2. Extractive industry.
  3. Construction.
  4. Electricity, water supply and gas.
  5. Trade: wholesale and retail.
  6. Transport and logistic.
  7. Medicine.
  8. Education.
  9. Hotels and restaurants.
  10. Finance.
  11. Public service.

It is economically feasible to combine these sectors into larger areas:

  1. The material production sector - from agriculture to construction.
  2. Segment of services (intangible relations) - from trade to civil service.

The unification of these two global sectors will make it possible to cover absolutely all production and economic processes occurring in the state.

Classification of industries according to OKONH

The diversity of national economic enterprises creates the need for their classification and ordering. The all-Russian classifier “Branches of the National Economy” is a way of grouping activities into areas, taking into account the nature of their functions and structural features. This classification was abolished in 2003, but it is advisable to start studying the industry structure with it. Types of sectors of the national economy, according to OKONH grouping, were divided into two groups. Their composition is presented in the table.

Manufacturing sectors




Transport and communications


Trade and catering

Logistics and sales


Information and computing services

Real estate transactions

General commercial activities to ensure the functioning of the market

Geology and subsoil exploration, geodetic service

Other areas of material production

Non-production sectors

Department of Housing and Utilities

Non-production types of consumer services for the population

Health, physical education and social security

Public education

Culture and art

Science and scientific service

Finance, credit, insurance and pensions


Public associations

Classification according to OKVED

Today in Russia, the classification of sectors of the national economy occurs by type of economic activity (OKVED), which involves division into the following groups:

Grouping of OKVED codes by sections

Agriculture, hunting and forestry

Fishing, fish farming


Manufacturing industries

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


Trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles, their maintenance and repair. Wholesale

Wholesale trade (continued)

Retail. Repair of household products and personal items

Transport and communications

Financial activities

Real estate transactions, rental and provision of services

Public administration and military security; compulsory social security


Health and social service provision

Provision of other utility, social and personal services

Providing housekeeping services

Activities of extraterritorial organizations

Employment structure

Any of the branches of the economy, their groups or sectors of the economy is characterized by the number of workers attracted to the industry (work in the mining industry, for example, is carried out by 5% of the total labor force of the economy). The ratio of employment in different sectors of the national economy is called the employment structure and depends on the productivity of workers and the demand for various goods.

So how does this system redistribute in national economies? The structure of employment is inextricably linked with changes in the national economy. It reflects economic, social, demographic and other features of the functioning of society.

The employment structure of the population includes several components:

1. Public-private:

  • those employed in the public sector of the economy;
  • employed in the private sector.

2. Social - is a reflection of the class structure of society, the ratio of the population with different standards of living.

3. Sectoral - reflects the degree of development of sectors of the national economy of the state.

4. Regional - affects the following indicators of the regional economy:

  • degree of use of labor resources;
  • level of development of natural resources of the territory;
  • level of economic activity;
  • share of the employed population.

5. Professional qualification - provides information about the quantity and professionalism of the region’s labor resources.

6. Sex and age.

7. Family - characterized by the following features:

  • displays the general economic condition of the country;
  • Demographic indicators, namely mortality and fertility, directly depend on the level of family income;
  • economic reform should take place in order to increase the economic level of working families.

8. National - analyzes the composition of labor resources on a national basis.

All links are closely interconnected in the national economy and cannot exist separately.

Enterprise and industry.doc

Economics of the industry

Section No. 1. Economic fundamentals of enterprise functioning in market conditions.

Topic 1. Enterprises and entrepreneurship in a market economy.

  1. Industry concept.
  2. The enterprise as the main subject of RE, goals, objectives, functions of the enterprise.
  3. Legal forms of enterprises and business activities.

Seminar 1.

  1. Enterprises, its features.
  2. Comparative characteristics of organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity.

3. + and - small and large-scale businesses.


  1. Enterprise economy. M. 2003. Ed. S.G. Falco. Chapter 1.
  2. Economics of the company. M. 2003. Ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, V.A. Shvandara. Ch. 2.2.

1. Industry concept.

The modern economy is a collection of many industries and industries that are interconnected.

Industry- part of the economy, an area of ​​production and economic activity, which includes objects characterized by the unity of purpose of the products produced, the commonality of the technical base and technological processes, and a special professional composition of personnel. It should be noted that this division is quite arbitrary, therefore the composition of objects and activities included in a certain industry may change.

The social division of labor is carried out in various forms. The general form of division of labor is associated with the formation of large sectors of the national economy - industry, transport, construction, etc. The particular form is associated with the separation of independent branches of production within each sphere of the national economy. For example, metallurgical, machine-building, light industry and other industries stood out in industry. Under the influence of private division in mechanical engineering, new industries are constantly being created.

Production is separated into an industry when there are a number of enterprises specifically engaged in the manufacture of a certain type of product.

Industries that include several specialized industries are called complex industries. Specialized industries include various sub-industries and productions, which are characterized by the same characteristics as the industry, but are more highly specialized. They produce more homogeneous products compared to the industry and have fewer enterprises. When structuring the economy by industry, it should be borne in mind that the concept of “industry” can have three meanings:

♦ “pure” industry - the totality of all production of one
type of product - monoproduct (coal, oil, gas);

♦ economic sector - a set of enterprises that
of which the production of the industry product is
most of their output;

♦ administrative branch - a set of enterprises,
under the jurisdiction of one ministry (or another
administrative body).

Complex industries include: heavy, transport and power engineering; electrical industry, chemical and petroleum engineering; machine tool and tool industry; instrument making; agricultural engineering; Automotive industry; mechanical engineering for light and food industries; aviation industry; shipbuilding industry; other branches of mechanical engineering.

Complex industries, in turn, include a number of specialtiessocialized primary industries. For example, the machine tool, construction and tool industry includes: the production of metal-cutting machines, woodworking equipment, forging and pressing equipment, foundry equipment, as well as tool equipment, etc.

The quantitative relationships between the industries and productions that make up mechanical engineering are called industry structure. It reflects the degree of social division of labor, differentiation and specialization of industries. The sectoral structure makes it possible to judge the proportions and interrelations of sectors, the distribution of social labor between sectors and industries, and also makes it possible to determine their role in industrial production.

To characterize the industry structure mechanical engineering and its changes, the following are used indicators:

the share of output of a particular industry in the total output of mechanical engineering products;

the share of the number of workers employed in a particular industry in the total number of workers in mechanical engineering;

the share of the cost of fixed production assets of the industry in the total cost of fixed production assets of mechanical engineering;

industry lead coefficient (the ratio of the growth rate of production of each industry to the growth rate of production of mechanical engineering or industry as a whole).

Along with the industry, there is also regional(territorial) structuring the country's economy into parts on a territorial basis.

Increasing production efficiency is associated with improving the territorial distribution of production forces. Therefore, the location of engineering enterprises, as well as industry in general, is carried out on the basis of certain principles.

The most important principles of industrial location include: bringing industrial production closer to sources of raw materials and areas of consumption of products, rational division of labor between economic regions and integrated development of the economy in economic regions, bringing the levels of development of economic regions closer together.

2. The enterprise is the main subject of the marketeconomy.

Any person can engage in economic activity. In cases where economic activity becomes widespread, if it is carried out in public conditions, it must comply with the forms of organization and management structures established by law and the norms of economic law. These factors make it possible for a person (team) to acquire the official legal status of an economic entity.

In conditions where work activity is systematictechnical in nature, entails the receipt of income and profit-eh, it's called entrepreneurial and you can engage in it from the moment of state registration as an individual entrepreneur. Upon registration, a citizen receives a Certificate of Registration as an Entrepreneur. It specifies the types of activities that the owner of this document is allowed to perform when serving a wide range of consumers.

Entrepreneurship means activities carried out by individuals, enterprises or organizations for the production of goods, provision of services or the acquisition and sale of goods in exchange for other goods or money for the mutual benefit of interested parties or enterprises, organizations.

Subjects Entrepreneurship can be either individual individuals or associations of partners. Private individuals usually act as representatives of an individual or family enterprise. Such entrepreneurs may limit themselves to spending their own labor or use hired labor.

Entrepreneurship is always about innovation.

A more sustainable, large-scale form of economic organizationeconomic activity is an enterprise. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (RF), an enterprise is independent economic entity createdin the manner prescribed by law, for the production of pro- production, performance of work and provision of services in order to meet public needs and make a profit. An enterprise most often forms a legal entity.

In economic practice and literature, two similar concepts are widely used: enterprise and firm.

Manufacturing enterprise- this is a separate specialized unit, the basis of which is a professionally organized labor collective, capable, with the help of the means of production at its disposal, to produce the products needed by the consumer (perform work, provide services) of the appropriate purpose, profile, assortment.

Enterprises are the main producers of goods and services. Enterprises are separate production and economic entities, which allows us to consider them the primary links of all sectors of the national economy. In technical and economic terms, an enterprise is primarily a system of equipment, machines, vehicles, with the help of which interrelated production processes are carried out. In socio-economic terms, an enterprise is a community of people united by common motives for action.

Organizational and legal forms of enterprises and entrepreneurial activities in general, significantly depend on the forms of ownership of the enterprise’s property complex. On this basis, enterprises can be divided into state, using state ownership, and private based on individual, private property. Close to government and municipalpalms enterprises subordinate not to the state itself, but to municipal authorities. It is right to talk about collective enterprises.

It must be emphasized that there is no absolute separation of forms of ownership; mixed forms of ownership are inevitable, including transitional forms from one to another. For example, if ownership of labor is individual, ownership of the means of production is collective, land is state-owned, and all these factors of production are combined in one enterprise, then the property of the enterprise obviously becomes mixed.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, introduced in 1995, determines that state and municipal enterprises should be created in the form of unitary enterprises. Unitary enterprise is a commercial organization that is not vested with the right of ownership of the property assigned to it. The concept of “unitary” refers to the property of a unitary enterprise, which is considered indivisible and, being under the economic control or operational management of the enterprise, is at the same time state or municipal property, respectively, and cannot be divided (for example, between employees of the enterprise).

Private enterprises include enterprises in which the owner of fixed assets and property complex is a private person.

Enterprises using collective forms of ownership of the means of production are represented either laugh-public-private enterprises, or enterprises in which private owners have collected their capital into a single property complex, i.e. collective-private. A joint-stock enterprise can be classified as a collective-private enterprise.tie, which in a property sense belongs to all shareholders, and in the form of a separate share - to its private owner. But a variant of purely collective ownership of fixed assets of an enterprise is also possible, when shares are not issued and the private share of property ownership of an individual member of the collective is not explicitly established. Such enterprises are usually called national enterprises.

As a legal entity, an enterprise is responsible for its obligations, can receive bank loans, and enter into contracts for the supply of necessary materials and for the sale of products. Structural divisions of an enterprise, as a rule, do not have such rights. A legal entity is subject to state registration and acts on the basis of a charter, or a constituent agreement, or a constituent agreement and charter.

Main document- charter of the enterprise. It defines its legal status, sets out the objectives, rationale and principles of creation, indicates the founders and their addresses, establishes the terms and forms of the enterprise’s activities, his rights and obligations as a legal entity. The charter designates the size of the authorized capital and the sources of its formation, indicates the type and scope of activity, provides guarantees for the protection of the environment and human health, establishes the form of management of the enterprise and its branches, indicates the accounting and reporting system, and the address of the new enterprise , its name, as well as the terms of reorganization and liquidation.

Authorized capital or authorized capital is a fixed amount of fixed and working capital with which an enterprise begins to operate. In the course of its activities, the authorized capital may increase with the investment of additional funds in the development of production. The minimum size of the authorized capital of an enterprise is established, as a rule, by the state.

The charter is adopted exclusively by the founder. If a group of persons acts as a founder, then the charter is adopted by all founders at a general meeting (conference). This is reflected in the constituent agreement, which is signed by all its participants. In the agreement, they undertake to create a legal entity, determine the procedure for joint activities to create it, determine the conditions for transferring their property to it and participating in its activities. The agreement establishes the conditions and procedure for distributing profits and losses between participants, forms of management of activities, and conditions for the founders to leave the legal entity.

The goals and objectives of the company, its functions and structure (itself).

Social Target - meeting social needs. Is it possible today, in a market economy, to discard and exclude this goal and consider the only possible goal to be obtaining maximum profit? We believe that no, it is not possible.

Really, main the purpose of entrepreneurship is semi-profit value, but not at any cost. Civilized market relations presuppose a reasonable combination of both goals.

3. Legal forms of enterprise

Entrepreneurial activity- this is the activity of citizens and their associations aimed at making a profit, which is carried out under the property responsibility of the entrepreneur.

not only forms of ownership, but also a number of other factors, such as scale, profile of activity, nature of management, degree of responsibility.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows for the existence of the following organizational and legal forms of enterprises: business partnerships, business societies, production cooperatives, state and municipal unitary enterprises, non-profit enterprises. At the same time, outdated organizational and legal forms continue to operate: individual and private enterprises, as well as limited liability partnerships.

Enterprises have the right, on a contractual basis, to voluntarily unite into concerns, consortiums, corporations, business associations and other types of integration structures.

Individual private enterprise- a citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity from the moment of state registration as an individual entrepreneur. An individual enterprise is the property of one person who bears full and indivisible responsibility both for the process of conducting business and for the consequences associated with this activity. This kind of enterprise can be formed both on the basis of new ones and through the acquisition or privatization of existing state, municipal and other enterprises.

Entrepreneurship in this form can be carried out both on the basis of an enterprise that is not a legal entity, and on the basis of an enterprise that has the status of a legal entity.

When carrying out entrepreneurial activities by an enterprise without the status of a legal entity, it is necessary to have a license to engage in fishing. In Russia, according to current legislation, entrepreneurial activity without registration is prohibited.

An individual enterprise is assigned its own name indicating the legal form and surname of the owner.

Business partnership and society- these are such forms of organizing business activities when both the organization of production activities and the formation of authorized capital are carried out by the joint efforts of two or more persons (individuals or legal entities). Moreover, each of them has certain rights and certain responsibilities depending on the share in the authorized capital and the place occupied in the management structure of such a partnership.

Business partnerships are created in the form of a general partnership and a limited partnership (limited partnership).

Participants in general partnerships and general partners in a partnership can be individual entrepreneurs and commercial organizations. Investors in limited partnerships can be citizens and legal entities.

Business societies are created in the form of a limited liability company (LLC), an additional liability company (ALC) or a joint stock company (JSC). Participants in business companies can be citizens and legal entities.

Business partnerships and companies can be founders (participants) of other business partnerships and companies.

Contributions to the property of a partnership or company can be money, securities, things, or property rights. The monetary assessment of the participant's contribution is made by agreement between the founders (participants).

Participants in a business partnership or company have the right to: participate in the management of affairs, receive information about its activities, get acquainted with the accounting books, take part in the distribution of profits, receive part of the property or its value (after settlement with creditors) upon its liquidation.

Business partnerships and societies of one type can be transformed into others or into production cooperatives.

General partnership is an association whose participants (general partners) are engaged in entrepreneurial activities in accordance with an agreement between them and on behalf of the partnership (Article 69 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) are liable for the obligations of the partnership with the property belonging to them. A general partnership is a legal entity, i.e., an independent object of law.

The name of a general partnership must contain the names of all its participants and the words “full partnership” or the name (title) of one or more participants with the addition of the words “and company”.

A general partnership is created and operates on the basis of a constituent agreement. The constituent agreement specifies: the name of the legal entity, its location, the size and composition of the share capital, the size and procedure for changing the shares of the partnership participants, the timing and procedure for making contributions, liability for violation of obligations to make contributions.

Management in a general partnership is carried out by general agreement of the participants. Each participant can act on behalf of the partnership. Profits and losses are distributed in proportion to shares in the share capital, unless otherwise provided by the constituent agreement.

A participant in a general partnership has the right to leave it. The retiring participant is paid the value of the partnership's property in accordance with his share in the share capital. When one of the participants leaves, the shares of those remaining in the share capital increase accordingly. A participant in a general partnership may, with the consent of the others, transfer his share or part thereof to another participant or a third party. Each participant is given a certificate of contribution of a share, which does not have the status of a security.

Fellowship but faith(limited partnership) is a partnership in which, along with the participants who carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of the partnership with their property (full partners), there is one or more participant-investors (command partners) who bear the risk losses within the limits of their contributions and do not take part in the business activities of the partnership.

An investor in a limited partnership has the right: to receive part of the profit due to his share in the share capital; leave the partnership at the end of the financial year; transfer the share or part thereof to another investor or a third party. When a limited partnership is liquidated, including bankruptcy, investors have a priority right to receive contributions from the property (after satisfying the creditors' claims) over general partners.

The disadvantage is the fact that each full member of the partnership is liable for the obligations of the partnership itself with all of its property without limitation. Due to unlimited liability, this legal form is used mainly among small owners.

Limited Liability Company(OOO) - This is a company established by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of certain sizes. Participants 000 are liable to the extent of the value of the deposits. The name of the company must contain the words “limited liability”.

The founding foundation of an LLC is the founding agreement and charter. If a company is founded by one person, then the charter is the constituent document. In addition to the usual information, constituent documents must also contain the following data: on the size of the authorized capital and shares of participants; on the size, composition, timing and procedure for making contributions; on liability for violation of obligations to make deposits; on the composition and competence of the company’s management bodies and the procedure for making decisions; on issues on which decisions are made unanimously or by a qualified majority.

The authorized capital 000 is made up of the value of the contributions of its participants. The size of the authorized capital cannot be less than the amount determined by the law on 000,

The supreme body of the company is the general meeting of its participants. For the current management, an executive body (collegial or individual) is created, reporting to the general meeting.

Participant 000 has the right to sell his share in the authorized capital at any time and leave the company, regardless of the consent of other participants.

Additional liability company(ODO) is a society, established by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of sizes determined by the constituent documents.

Participants in an ODO jointly and severally bear subsidiary liability for its obligations with their property in a multiple of the value of their contributions. The main debtor in this case will be the company itself. But if its assets turn out to be insufficient to pay creditors, the remaining debt is assumed by the founders. The multiplicity is determined by the constituent agreement.

A business company in any form is a legal entity. If the participants include legal entities, they retain their independence and the rights of legal entities.

Joint Stock Company (JSC) is a company whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. An enterprise is registered as a joint-stock company in the case when the number of participants exceeds the limit established by law for a limited liability company.

The participants of the joint-stock company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses within the limits of the value of the shares they own.

Joint stock companies can be open or closed. An open joint-stock company conducts an open subscription for its shares and their free sale. It must annually publish an annual report, balance sheet, and profit and loss account. Participants in an open joint-stock company can alienate shares owned by them without the consent of other shareholders. A closed joint-stock company is a company whose shares are distributed among its founders or among another, predetermined circle of persons. There is no open subscription for shares.

The property of such a business company is the collective shared property of its participants. Participation in the property of a closed joint stock company and the amount of the founding contribution (ownership of shares) can be certified by certificates that are not securities.

The formation of a joint-stock company begins with the conclusion of an agreement between the founders, which determines the procedure for their joint activities to create a company, the size of the authorized capital, categories of shares, the procedure for their placement and other conditions.

The constituent document of a joint-stock company is the charter, which must contain conditions on the categories of shares, their nominal value and quantity, the size of the authorized capital, the rights of shareholders, the composition and competence of management bodies and the procedure for making decisions, etc.

The authorized capital of a joint-stock company is made up of the nominal value of shares acquired by shareholders. Open subscription to shares of a joint-stock company is not allowed until the authorized capital is paid in full. When establishing a JSC, all its shares must be distributed among the founders. The share of preferred shares in the total authorized capital of the joint-stock company should not exceed 25%.

The supreme management body of a joint-stock company is the general meeting of shareholders. The executive competence of the general meeting includes changing the charter and authorized capital, electing members of the board of directors (supervisory board) and the audit commission, forming executive bodies (if the charter does not fall within the competence of the board of directors), approving annual reports and balance sheets , profit and loss accounts, reorganization or liquidation of joint stock companies.

The executive body that carries out the day-to-day management of the joint-stock company can be a collective body - the board, directorate or an individual body - a director, general director. The joint-stock form of ownership allows for functional interaction of independent joint-stock companies without their direct merger. The purpose of such interaction is the desire to optimize the profitability of all structural entities through general management, control and distribution of centralized assistance from a single center. The role of such a center is performed by holding companies.

A joint stock company is the only full-power owner of the property complex belonging to it, i.e. material, informational, and intellectual values. Shareholders are the owners only of securities that give them the right to receive a certain share of the JSC's income in the form of dividends. In the event of termination of the company's activities, they also have the right to count on the liquidation quota, i.e., on part of the cost of the property being sold.

Thus, the objects of property rights of shareholders and a joint-stock company do not coincide. For shareholders, such objects are the value of the company's capital, the monetary value of its share, while the joint-stock company has the right of ownership to the physical, material essence of all values ​​belonging to the company. A shareholder has the right to dispose of his own shares only as a security. The property is managed only by the joint-stock company represented by its representative management bodies.

The composition of members of open joint-stock companies may change as a result of the free sale and purchase of shares. In closed joint-stock companies, the transfer by the founding participants of their share of shareholder ownership to participants of the same company or to third parties is carried out only with the consent of the remaining participants. The number of participants in a closed joint-stock company should not exceed the norm established by law. Otherwise, it is subject to transformation within a year into an open joint-stock company.

A type of closed joint-stock company can be the so-called people's enterprises. In accordance with established practice, the main features of a national enterprise in Russian conditions come down to the following. An enterprise can be created by transforming any commercial organization based on private capital. Employees of a national enterprise must own at least 75% of the authorized capital. Only a limited number of employees can be non-shareholders, usually up to 10% of their total number in the enterprise. Newly hired employees are usually given shares depending on their labor contribution. One employee can own a limited number of shares. Upon dismissal, he is obliged to sell his shares to the national enterprise, the latter is obliged to buy them. In the management of an enterprise, when making decisions, voting is allowed on the principle of “one shareholder - one vote”, regardless of the number of shares owned by the shareholder. The remuneration of managers is strictly limited. At the same time, the elected director of the enterprise is vested with broad powers.

Experts believe that the creation of people's enterprises leads to a change in the social climate at enterprises. The relationship between hired labor and capital is replaced by partnership. Instead of paying tariff rates and salaries, employees receive a percentage of the enterprise's income depending on the number of shares they own and their labor contribution.

Production cooperative (PC) or artel- an association of citizens for joint production or other economic activities, based on their personal labor participation and the pooling of property contributions. The number of members of a production cooperative must be at least five. The founding document of the PC is the charter, which is approved by its general meeting.

The property owned by the PC is divided into shares of its members in accordance with the charter. Part of the property may constitute an indivisible fund for the purposes determined by the charter of the association.

The production cooperative does not issue shares. Profit is distributed in accordance with labor participation, unless otherwise provided by the charter. Property is also distributed after the liquidation of the cooperative. The highest governing body of the PC is the general meeting. The executive body is the board or chairman. The competence of PC management bodies is determined by law and charter. Management of a production cooperative is carried out according to the principle of “one person - one vote”, i.e. the influence of a member of the cooperative does not depend on the size of his property contribution.

A PC member can leave it. In this case, he must be paid the value of the share or given the property corresponding to his share. The transfer of a share to a citizen - not a member of the PC - is made only with the consent of the cooperative.

StateAndmunicipal unitaryenterprises

Unitary An enterprise is recognized as a commercial organization that is not endowed with the right of ownership of the property assigned to it, which is indivisible and cannot be distributed among deposits, shares and shares. Only state and municipal enterprises can be created in the form of unitary enterprises. The property of a unitary enterprise is respectively in state or municipal ownership and belongs to the enterprise with the right of economic management or operational management.

A unitary enterprise based on the right of economic management is created by a decision of an authorized state body or local government body, which approves the constituent document - the charter. The size of the authorized capital cannot be less than the amount determined by the law on state and municipal unitary enterprises.

Issues of creating an enterprise under economic management, determining the subject and purpose of activity, reorganization and liquidation, appointing a manager, and monitoring the use of property are decided by the owner. He has the right to receive part of the profit from the use of property under economic management. An enterprise cannot sell property owned by it under the right of economic management, rent it out, pledge it, or contribute it as a contribution without the consent of the owner. The rest of the property owned by the enterprise is managed independently.

A unitary enterprise based on the right of economic management can create another unitary enterprise as a legal entity by transferring part of its property to it for economic management. A unitary enterprise is liable for its obligations with all its property, but is not liable for the obligations of the owner of its property. The owner of the property of an enterprise based on the right of economic management is not liable for the obligations of the enterprise.

By decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, on the basis of property in federal ownership, a unitary enterprise based on the right of operational management - a federal state enterprise - can be formed. These enterprises exercise the rights of ownership, use and disposal of property in accordance with the tasks of the owner, the goals of their activities and the purpose of the property. The founding document of a state-owned enterprise is its charter, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, which bears subsidiary liability for the obligations of the state-owned enterprise if its property is insufficient.

Subsidiaries and dependent companies

The system of relationships between entrepreneurs can be established through education subsidiaries(2nd level) or even grandson (3rd level) companies by any firm (enterprise), which in such a situation is called the parent company (1st level).

The second and third levels of companies are not branches of the first level, since they are independent legal entities that have a certain freedom of action.

On the other hand, since a second-level company is established at the expense of capital owned by a first-level company, we have to talk not about the complete independence of second-level (third) companies, but about a certain system of interdependencies that are not regulated by contractual terms, and property rights.

Thus, a business company is recognized as a subsidiary if the main business company or partnership, due to its predominant participation in its authorized capital or in accordance with the agreement, has the opportunity to determine the decisions made by the subsidiary company.

The main company (partnership), which has the right to give instructions to its subsidiary, is jointly and severally liable with the subsidiary for transactions concluded by this company in pursuance of such instructions. The subsidiary company is not liable for the debts of the parent company. In the event of insolvency (bankruptcy) of a subsidiary due to the fault of the parent company, the latter bears subsidiary liability for its debts.

A business company is recognized as dependent if another, dominant company has more than 20% of the voting shares of the joint-stock company or 20% of the authorized capital of the LLC.

Associations of large capital

Currently, the practice of capital consolidation is becoming widespread. An active economic policy of the country without direct government intervention is possible only if there are large industrial and financial structures that are capable of independently ensuring a balanced economy and bringing production to a new technological level of development. The main benefit of creating large integrated structures lies in the advantages of pooling capital in the field of technological development, marketing, advertising, promoting goods to consumers, and reducing business costs.

The Soviet economy relied mainly on large enterprises and associations. Therefore, when creating new associations in countries that emerged on the territory of the former USSR, it was practically necessary to restore broken ties between cooperation partners. At the same time, the participants changed, their legal relationships were adjusted, tasks were revised, and the management mechanism changed.

In the modern Russian economy, such forms of corporate relations as holding companies, financial and industrial groups, associations, consortiums, syndicates, and trusts arise.

holding company is formed when a one-joint-stock company takes control of the shares of other joint-stock companies in order to financially control their work and generate income on the capital invested in the shares. There are two types of holdings: pure holding, when the company receives income through a system of participation in the share capital of other companies, and mixed holding, when the holding company is engaged in independent business activities and at the same time, in order to expand its sphere of influence, organizes new dependent companies.

Pure holdings are usually headed by large banks. A mixed holding can be headed by any large association, primarily related to production.

This classification is quite arbitrary. Diversified modern associations can be holdings in relation to their subsidiaries and at the same time they themselves can be part of other, larger holdings as subsidiaries.

Part financial and industrial groups(FIG) along with material production enterprises (industry, transport, etc.) include financial organizations, primarily banks. When forming them, the main task is to combine banking capital and production potential. At the same time, the main income of a bank included in a financial industrial group should be dividends as a result of the effective operation of the enterprise, and not interest on loans.

Banks and enterprises have the right to be members of an unlimited number of other associations. They are responsible for the results of the activities of the financial industrial group, which includes a given enterprise or bank, only within the limits of their specific contributions.

Association - This is a voluntary association (union) of independent production enterprises, scientific, design and other organizations. Associations are created on a contractual basis to coordinate business activities, as well as for the purpose of representing and protecting common interests, implementing joint expensive projects, etc.

A significant place in the functioning of various economic associations is occupied by the development of a general development policy, personnel training, and the organization of conferences and competitions. At the request of participants, business associations can represent their interests in relations with state and local bodies, other organizations and institutions.

An association is a body, as a rule, with limited, and in some cases with purely nominal liability. Association members are independent legal entities and are responsible for their obligations to the law and partners. They are responsible for the results of the association’s activities only to the extent of the property that was voluntarily transferred by them for collective use. The Association is not responsible for the results of the activities of the enterprises and individuals included in it, unless this is specifically stipulated in the charter.

Consortium - This is, as a rule, a temporary voluntary association formed to solve specific problems over a certain period of time. Enterprises and organizations can unite into consortia, regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership. Participants in the consortium retain economic independence and can simultaneously be members of other associations and consortia. After completing specific tasks, the consortium ceases to exist.

Syndicate- a form of contractual association of enterprises, which involves the centralization of supplies to member organizations of the syndicate and sales of manufactured products. To carry out management functions, a special body is created as the directorate of the syndicate. This is the body that carries out sales and procurement, collects all orders for the products of the syndicate enterprises and distributes them in accordance with the quotas fixed in the contract. The commercial independence of the syndicate members is completely lost, and the production independence is partially lost. The main goal of the syndicate is to expand and maintain sales markets, regulate production volumes within the syndicate and prices on external markets for products.

Trusts- a form of association of enterprises in which they completely lose their legal, commercial and production independence and are subject to a single management.

The procedure for creating and liquidating enterprises

The creation of a new enterprise begins with making an appropriate decision. The decision to create an enterprise is made by the owner of the capital. If the capital of one person is insufficient, a search for business partners is carried out. From the moment the decision to create an enterprise is made, it becomes necessary to fulfill a number of conditions determined by law.

The first step is a meeting of founders, at which the circle of legal entities and individuals included in their composition is determined.

The meeting of founders approves the charter of the enterprise, which indicates the name, legal address of the enterprise, determines the organizational and legal form, the main goals of the activity, indicates the amount of the authorized capital, the rights and obligations of the founders, the structure of the company and the procedure for managing its activities, the procedure for liquidation.

Registration of an enterprise is carried out by the district or city administration at the place of establishment of the enterprise within a month. To register an enterprise, you must submit an application from the founder, the charter of the enterprise, a decision to create an enterprise or a founders' agreement, and a certificate of payment of the state duty. A registered enterprise is included in the unified state register of legal entities. The enterprise receives a temporary certificate of registration.

A newly created enterprise must go through the stage of registration of statistics codes in the State Committee on Statistics. In accordance with the current classifiers, the registration certificate of a commercial enterprise indicates the following codes:

· OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations);

· KOPF (Classifier of organizational and legal forms of economic entities);

· KFS (Classifier of forms of ownership);

· OKOGU (All-Russian Classifier of Authorities and Public Administration);

· OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division);

· OKONKH (All-Russian Classifier of Sectors of the National Economy);

· OKDP (All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services);

· OKP (All-Russian Product Classifier).

The company must register with the state tax service and open a bank account. In cases established by law, licenses are issued for the right to carry out certain types of activities

Rice. The procedure for organizing an enterprise

A created enterprise can operate indefinitely, except in cases where the enterprise is created to achieve a specific goal and is liquidated after achieving it within the period specified in the charter.

In all other cases, termination of activity occurs by the voluntary consent of its owners, or by decision of the judicial authorities.

A notice about the liquidation of an enterprise is published in the press. Creditors are given a period to make claims.

During liquidation, a certain procedure is followed. First of all, all claims of personnel regarding payment for labor are satisfied, then the enterprise’s obligations to the tax authorities, property and monetary claims of creditors.

A special case of liquidation is bankruptcy. An enterprise that is unable to satisfy the property and monetary claims of creditors is recognized as bankrupt. Liquidation of an enterprise is carried out by decision of an arbitration court. The liquidation of a legal entity is considered completed, and the legal entity has ceased to exist after making an entry to this effect in the unified state peecmp of legal entities.

Created April 18, 2011

In contrast to the theory of consumption, the theory of production does not consider consumers, but subjects of production and economic management. They conduct economic activities, i.e. use resources, produce products or provide services. The terms “enterprise”, “manufacturer”, “company” are used for them. It is necessary to distinguish what meaning is given to the term “enterprise” in each specific case. In the narrow sense, we mean a separate plant, factory, agricultural organization or service organization that has a completed production cycle and access to the market. An enterprise in a broad sense is a company consisting of one or more factories or other units, the owner or owners of which are organizations of economic activity, independent market entities subordinate to a single goal. An industry is a collection of firms or enterprises that produce similar products (mechanical engineering, electronics, food industry, retail, banking, etc.)

Business entities are divided into commercial and non-commercial. The first work for profit; their activities are associated with commercial risk and self-sufficiency, freedom of enterprise and private property. The latter are created to satisfy public needs and are often non-profitable, financed from the state budget or some funds.

Types of enterprises can be classified according to different criteria.

By type of ownership distinguished: private, state, foreign.

By field of activity There are enterprises: industrial, agricultural, trade, transport, construction, etc.

Depending on size are divided into small, medium and large. Each type of enterprise has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of large enterprises is relatively low costs per unit of production, the ability to coordinate communications with suppliers, intermediaries, banks, and consumers. Large enterprises are more stable, enjoy government support, and have the means to finance modernization. But at the same time, large enterprises have increased organizational difficulties in opening a company; they are characterized by bureaucracy in management, the desire to avoid innovation, and insufficient flexibility in responding to market changes. The advantages of small firms are a flexible response to changes in needs, resource prices and other market parameters, they are easier to open and close, they are practically devoid of conservatism and bureaucratic management difficulties. The disadvantages of small business are the relatively high cost of resources per unit of product, insufficient funds for financing, and instability. In a modern market economy, small businesses are often short-lived; four out of five rarely survive more than five years

An enterprise can carry out various types of activities, make any decisions, unless prohibited by law: it independently solves problems of the scale of production, methods of its organization, methods of financing, choice of forms and systems of wages, organizational management structure, methods and places of sales of products

The company performs the following functions:

1. Production of products and provision of services that satisfy individual and social needs.

2. Maximization of profit - based on the search for effective solutions for the rational combination of production factors, improving the quality characteristics of manufactured products and services provided. Profit maximization is the long-term goal of the enterprise.

Characteristic features of the enterprise:

1. Organizational and technical and economic unity, conditioned by the division and cooperation of labor.

2. Economic isolation and independence, which are manifested in:

a) isolation of the enterprise’s resources;

b) responsibility for production results;

c) reimbursement of costs for carrying out business activities at the expense of own funds;

d) localization of the business purpose.

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