Why do you dream about a wedding ring? Why do you dream about a wedding ring on your hand? What does the dream mean?

Floors 04.02.2024

A ring seen in a dream can carry a variety of information. If you want to connect a dream with a ring with real life, then you need to remember all the details of the plot. But at the same time, you can find quite contradictory information in different dream books. Therefore, when deciphering the dream in which you saw the ring, you need not only to compare interpretations from various sources, but also to analyze the events of real life and listen to your inner voice.

Dreaming of a wedding ring

In real life, a wedding ring is considered a symbol of eternal love and a sign of fidelity between two people who have united their destinies. Therefore, many people are interested in why they dream of an engagement ring. Such a dream is interpreted depending on the plot of the dream. But in most cases, if you woke up in a good mood, then a dream with a wedding ring is good. In addition, this accessory is very often dreamed of on the eve of a wedding and indicates a strong, trusting relationship between partners.

What kind of ring did you dream about?

We can highlight the main interpretations of a wedding ring seen in a dream:
  • If you dreamed of a traditional wedding ring, with which no actions are performed, then this dream foreshadows the renewal of passion between the spouses;
  • A shiny wedding ring in a dream indicates that the marriage is reliably protected from betrayal;
  • If you dreamed of a silver ring, then some troubles are coming in your personal life.
  • When you saw a gold ring on another person’s hand in a dream, this is a warning that you may lose authority in the eyes of others due to your own rash actions.
  • If you dream that you are removing a ring from your own finger, this means that ideal family relationships can be destroyed by external circumstances.

Wedding ring size

It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the wedding ring seen in the dream:
  • A large ring indicates that in reality there will be many obstacles on the way to your goal. Most likely, they will arise due to the fact that you have taken on a lot of responsibilities, so in real life you need to unload yourself as soon as possible.
  • A small ring foretells that in reality you will begin a streak of bad luck, which, however, will not last long.

Seeing a broken ring in a dream

A very common question is why you dream about a broken ring. This is a prophecy that serious problems will arise in business or at work, which will lead to a deterioration in material well-being.

Considering that a ring seen in a dream is generally considered a favorable sign, you must definitely pay attention if certain, not the most desirable, actions are associated with it. For example, this could be a breakdown, loss, or removal of this accessory from your hand.

Losing the ring

Almost all dream books interpret the loss of a ring in a dream as an unfavorable sign. If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then perhaps in real life her reputation may suffer. Moreover, quite often this is not due to her behavior, but to the slander of ill-wishers. To avoid this you need to lead a correct lifestyle. Only with this approach will it be possible to prevent gossip from occurring.

If in the plot of your dream you not only lose a ring, but clearly see it slipping from your finger, then in real life you should expect complete misunderstanding on the part of relatives and close people. Thus, losing a ring in a dream is bad, so in reality you need to avoid unpleasant actions that could cause condemnation from your immediate environment.

If a married woman dreamed of losing a ring and, moreover, she woke up with the confidence that, according to the plot of the dream, it was stolen, then in real life they will try to take her husband away. On the other hand, this is a sign that the spouse requires more attention.

Trying on a ring - interpretation of dreams

Many people are interested in why they dream about trying on a ring? Such actions in a dream are not bad in general. In most cases, such an action in a dream foreshadows a measured and happy life. But depending on the plot, the interpretation of dreams can be more precise.

So, if you try on rings in a store, this means that in real life you are faced with a certain choice on which your future depends. If the rings being tried on are without a stone, then the dream can hardly be considered a hint; most likely, it is a statement of fact. But if you choose rings with stones in a dream, then you should definitely look in the dream books for the interpretation regarding specific stones.

If you dream that all the rings you try on are small, this means that the choice in reality will not be easy. Moreover, this may indicate that some external circumstances may interfere with the right choice. If you choose a ring in a dream and at the same time see that it is difficult to put it on during fitting, and at the same time it squeezes your finger, leaving a blue mark, then this warns that in reality you should not make hasty decisions.

Why do you dream of finding a ring in a dream?

If you find a ring in a dream, then in most cases in real life you can expect pleasant events. But at the same time, the material from which the ring is made is of great importance in such a plot.

So, the most common interpretations are as follows:
  • When a gold ring is found on the road, it portends success at work and promotion. And if you find a ring on the table in a dream, then you will have influential patrons, which will contribute to career growth. According to Freud's dream book, finding a gold ring indicates that you are striving to change your life.
  • If you dreamed that you found a silver ring, then in the near future your health will improve significantly. Such a dream is especially important for sick people, as it indicates recovery. In addition, a dream in which a silver ring is found can be interpreted as an improvement in the condition of all areas of life.
  • After you find a metal ring in a dream, you should be prepared for the fact that all your decisions will not be approved and supported by your immediate circle. If such a ring has flaws, then in the near future you may lose someone close to you.
  • If the plot of the dream is connected with the discovery of a diamond ring, then this foreshadows new acquaintances and romantic adventures in real life.

Ring in the water - dream book

Very often, according to dreamers, a ring is found in water in a dream. The interpretation of such a dream is different for men and women. If a ring is found by a woman in clean and clear water, then this portends pregnancy, and if the water is cloudy, then the dream indicates the emergence of serious disagreements in the family. For a man, finding a ring in the water means that if he does not make any efforts in reality, his measured and stable life will soon end.

Gifted ring - interpretation of a dream

If you dream of a ring presented by someone as a gift, then you need to take a closer look at the person who gives it. If this is a familiar person, then he can become your reliable friend in life. Being given a ring by a stranger in a dream indicates that you will soon meet your betrothed.

If you are given a ring in a dream just before the wedding, then this indicates that the ceremony will be magnificent and festive. A gift ring with small stones, seen in a dream just before the wedding, indicates that family life will not be simple. It will bring a lot of grief, resentment and tears. After such a dream, you should think about whether you need to marry your chosen one.

For a married woman, a gift of a chic ring with stones, seen in a dream, becomes a harbinger of a new addition to the family. If in a dream you get the feeling that the ring given by your husband is constantly slipping off your finger, then in reality serious disagreements are emerging in the family, which can even lead to a break in the relationship.

If in a dream you are given an old ring, then in reality you can expect a significant improvement in your well-being. And if the ring given in a dream has one large stone, then significant changes will occur in life. An ancient ring in a dream can also foreshadow a significant meeting with an influential person.

A very good sign is a story in which you were given a beautiful silver ring. And it doesn’t matter at all who did it in your night dreams. Such a dream clearly indicates that you will live a long and happy life.

But at the same time, a dream in which the donated ring is covered with stains should definitely alert you. This is a sign of poor health. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination as soon as possible. Perhaps such a dream is evidence of excessive fatigue due to overexertion at work. In this case, you need to put everything aside and fully relax, preferably away from home.

Dreams are a kind of window into the mystical world, when we can see the development of new events, the embodiment of our unfulfilled plans and plunge into unforgettable adventures. In most cases, dreams symbolize our thoughts and desires, but sometimes they can predict and warn about significant changes in our personal lives, as well as suggest the best way out of difficult situations.

Why do you dream of a gold ring?

We dream of jewelry and other valuables quite often, but usually we do not pay attention to such moments. However, a wedding ring, even if it is not the basis of a dream, always carries a certain meaning. This fact is especially worth paying attention to for those who are not currently married, because most often the engagement ring is a symbol of the upcoming engagement and wedding.

The first point in determining an omen is the condition of the ring. If you see a clean, beautiful ring, this is a good sign. Such an item can be a symbol of prosperity and fidelity; it can also indicate good luck in love affairs and the emergence of new romantic relationships. If you dreamed of a ring that was cracked or broken in half, or if it was dirty or cloudy, this is a sign of troubles in family life, quarrels and misunderstandings between spouses. It can also mean a partner’s infidelity, deception or betrayal on his part.

If you give someone a ring in a dream, it means that you are showing interest in this person, but depending on his attitude towards your gift, you can judge his attitude towards you. When you receive a ring, it can be a symbol of the giver's affection for you. If your loved one gives you a ring, it means he is determined to strengthen your union and propose to you; a gift from an unknown man may mark a new romantic acquaintance.

It is worth remembering: a vivid and memorable dream most often marks a change in life, however, in order to find out the interpretation, it is better to start interpreting it right away, because within a few minutes you will forget the significant details of the dream.

In different dream books, a wedding ring symbolizes radically different meanings; the correct interpretation can only be determined by comparing and contrasting other nuances of the dream.

Depending on the specific dream book, the interpretation of a wedding ring may have the following meanings:

As you can see, different dream books give radically different definitions of the same subject, so you can figure out the correct interpretation only by comparing all the details of the dream. Advice: in addition to the basic interpretations, be sure to take into account your feelings in the morning. If you like the dream, then most likely this is a sign of an idle and happy family life, but if you receive negative impressions from the dream, try to be more careful about all issues related to romance and marriage.

In addition to standard wedding rings, you may also dream of other variations of jewelry, but such elements will have a slightly different meaning.

  • Ring with a stone or ring- This is a symbol of sadness, wasted experiences or unrealistic dreams. The specific meaning of such jewelry will help determine the stone with which the ring is decorated. Usually, if the stone is light and shining, it is a sign of joy and happiness, on the contrary, dark and dull stones mark a streak of failures and obstacles.
  • Copper ring- to joy and pleasure, and iron jewelry portends hard work, fatigue and malaise.
  • Ring with animal symbols indicates further development of relations with a partner. The snake is a sign of wisdom and longevity of relationships; a dog indicates that your partner is your best and most devoted friend; cat - to troubles in the personal sphere; dove - harmony and happiness; fish – consent of partners and mutual understanding.
  • broken ring- always a harbinger of trouble. This could be infidelity, quarrels and omissions, a break in relationships. If you are trying to fix a deformed piece of jewelry on your own, this means that you are making efforts to save the marriage or couple, but this is a sign of one-sided desire. If someone else takes part in the process of repairing the jewelry, it means that you are not alone and your efforts will be successful.

Quote from LediLana's message Signs associated with rings

Rings First of all, it is a symbol of energy closed in a circle - inextricable unity, dominance, obedience.
What are the benefits of rings? What magical powers do rings have? What could the rings mean?

What is the Ring?

The ring is associated with the solar symbolism of the circle - a symbol of the supreme power of the solar deity and the divine power of pharaohs, kings, and church ministers. Dominion, mental and material, as well as spiritual superiority, is embodied by the circle. The strongest is the energy of the circle. The circle has the most powerful protective force. Rings are the conductor of our powers. By putting on a ring we come into contact with it. Therefore, a big role is played by what metal the ring is made of and what finger we put it on. This determines what force we come into contact with, its nature and influence on a person. By putting on another person’s ring, we transfer his energy, preserved in the ring, to ourselves.

More precisely, three connected rings in Christianity act as a symbol of the Trinity. The ring has always been seen as a symbol of rapprochement, perfection and immortality, since it is a vicious circle. The origin of the rings most likely goes back to the Chinese harem: since a silver ring was worn on the finger of the courtesan's left hand when she approached the emperor's bed. After completing her duties, the woman put the ring on her right hand. In Chinese tradition, the ring was intended for women in the last month of pregnancy. In a metaphysical sense, the ring is a symbol of the endless cycle, corresponding to fire, the sun and the Li trigram.
In ancient culture, a ring, bracelet, ring or necklace played the role of stabilizers, cementing the connection between the human soul and the physical body. They were worn to be kept in a biological shell, so to speak, and removed after death during the burial ceremony.
The ring is close in meaning to magic circles, which have a negative nature and the ability to have a detrimental effect. It is not for nothing that a dreamed ring is associated with the symbolism of a circle and reveals a thirst for power and domination, achieved in both righteous and tyrannical ways. But on the other hand, the ring, as the embodiment of a circle, has protective properties.

Signs associated with rings

  • The ring, inherited from the mother, is a powerful amulet and a lucky talisman, not only protecting the owner, but also helping in various situations. It contains all the power of the magic of maternal love, which can ward off any troubles and misfortunes. This is an opportunity to take advantage of maternal help and communicate with the mother, regardless of whether she is alive or not. You can contact him and ask for help. This ring should not be given into the wrong hands, it should not be allowed to be tried on, much less worn by girlfriends, a friend, or given as collateral: in this case, it loses its power. The rings that are passed down in the family from generation to generation carry the most power. The ring helps not only to preserve marriage, but also to find it.
  • A family ring (passed on by inheritance) cannot be passed on to anyone except children and relatives.
  • Rings of the dead must be blessed in church before being worn. If the ring came from a deceased person, it must be cleansed both physically and energetically, and then consecrated in the church. And only after that you can wear it. If the deceased wore a ring on his finger until the last minute, then the rituals will have to be performed several times. Remember an important point: no objects or personal belongings of the deceased, including rings, should be touched until 40 days have passed from the date of death, so as not to incur the wrath of the deceased. A family ring, given before death by a close relative or specified by him in a will, only needs to be cleaned and consecrated once.
  • Found someone else's ring. Under no circumstances should rings found be immediately tried on and worn. But if you nevertheless took it (you liked it so much), you also need to consecrate it, or at least resort to the help of magical cleansing. But under no circumstances should you do this yourself, unless, of course, you yourself are a magician. But it’s better to sell it anyway, in short, out of harm’s way.
  • When handing over a ring, even if you just want to try on a friend’s ring, it must be placed on the table first. It is advisable to give him the opportunity to rest for a while so that the failures and misfortunes of the owner of the ring cannot pass on to you.
  • A ring hidden under a loved one’s pillow, especially on the night from Thursday to Friday, will lead to an early wedding. Friday is the day of remembrance of Saint Paraskeva, who replaced the ancient goddess of love and marriage Lada.
  • The ring prevents a woman from relieving herself of her burden. Since ancient times, grandmothers and mothers have been telling their daughters that under no circumstances should they go to give birth if they have rings on their fingers or a chain around their neck. The fact is that any closed object helps to safely carry a child and protects against miscarriage, but during childbirth such an object will only interfere with the birth. Today, many young women do not know about this sign, which is why the number of difficult births has recently increased significantly compared to old times.
  • To ward off illness from the newborn, he was bathed in water with a silver ring; When putting the child to bed, the ring was placed under his pillow.
  • It was also believed that it was possible to return a spouse leaving the family by looking at him through the wedding ring.
  • You cannot give a widow's ring to the newlyweds. If a woman was married and buried her husband, then under no circumstances should she give her ring to her daughter for the wedding. It needs to be hidden and stored like a family heirloom. If you neglect this rule, then you can pass on your widow’s destiny to your daughter.
  • Wanting to see the groom in a dream, the girls put the ring under the pillow.
  • Anyone who allows another person to take a ring off his finger shortens his life. And if it is also an engagement party, then you may lose your happiness. Therefore, you should not be afraid to reprimand your friends who, without any ceremony, are trying to steal this jewelry from your finger.

There are several signs that future newlyweds need to know:

  • The wedding ring should consist of one metal and not have any engraved design.
  • If you bought wedding rings and are returning home, then, without entering the house, say the following words: “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen".
  • You can’t put a wedding ring on a glove - it means a quick breakup.
  • If on the eve of the wedding you put a pair of wedding rings in a glass of spring water, and on the wedding day the bride and groom drink from this glass, they will live together to a ripe old age.
  • Under no circumstances should the wedding ring be dropped during the wedding ceremony - this means an unsuccessful family life.
  • Losing a wedding ring, both during a wedding and at any other time, portends serious problems with your health and indicates the impending danger of divorce.
  • You can’t let your sister or girlfriend try on your wedding ring - you’re giving away your family happiness.
  • If a family gets divorced, the wedding rings are removed and not worn even as regular jewelry. Such rings no longer participate in the wedding ritual.

Dependency of the ring and family ties

Australian psychologist Tim Wanley studied the ins and outs of 1.5 thousand married couples and identified interesting patterns: wedding rings and the manner of wearing them clearly correlated with how these people’s married lives developed. And what’s even more interesting is with the thoughts and aspirations of their owners, which they told the scientist about. - The topic of the study was family psychology, and not rings at all. But unexpectedly, I discovered certain patterns,” says Wenley. - Often people could not explain why they wore this or that ring, but in 80 percent of cases there was a connection between their story about very personal things and the type of ring they wore. Perhaps there is ground for serious research here...

What do you wear on your ring finger?

Here are a few options from Tim Wanley's "collection".
A thin “classic” ring (2-5 mm wide) means satisfaction with the partner, the owner is not inclined to seek sexual relations on the side, the marriage can be long. But in the future, relationships may become routine. A thick, weighted ring (more than 5 mm) means uncertainty about the strength of the relationship, the reliability of the partner, an intuitive desire to prevent a future breakup.

An engagement ring with “delights” (risks, notches, small diamonds) - the owner subconsciously strives for a more “bright”, passionate relationship than he currently has in union with his partner. Or he fears that the “fire-breathing lava of passions” will not last long and in the near future everything will be shrouded in a veil of boredom.

The ring is missing altogether. Only a small percentage of such people are secret erotomaniacs who do not want to show that they are married. Most of those who do not wear a wedding ring subconsciously resist “family oppression”, although in general they live a normal married life.

If you dreamed of a ring

If you dreamed of a ring, it is usually not associated in a dream with events related to fidelity, vows, and love. If you dreamed that you were wearing a ring, then all your endeavors will end successfully. It is also a symbol of imminent marriage. If the rings were worn by your friends, then expect new acquaintances. A dream about an iron ring foreshadows the attention of a person whom you will have great difficulty in achieving.

For a girl, a dream in which she is given a ring suggests that she does not have to worry about the relationship with her beloved, because now he will devote all his time to her.

When you see a broken ring in a dream, it means for a girl the loss of her friend. If a ring decorated with a diamond is put on your finger, the person you like will soon notice you;

wedding ring - your personal life will improve in the near future. In a dream, putting a ring on your friend’s finger yourself means that you are true to your feelings. And if you lost a ring in a dream, then your personal life may upset you, and separation from your loved one is possible. A dream in which you cannot choose the right ring can be interpreted to mean that you don’t like anyone at the moment.

In a dream, a ring fell off your finger - you broke some kind of oath that you made to your loved one. A gold ring signifies a long relationship with your loved one. Silver ring - you can quietly gain power over your lover, while calling yourself his slave.

Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means you will be confused, you will have to distinguish true love from simple flirting. If you had a dream in which a snake wrapped itself around you and let its tongue out of its mouth with a hiss, in real life you will fall in love with a very dangerous person.

Gymnastic rings foreshadow a situation in which you can stand up for yourself and get rid of wrong accusations from your partner. Hanging on gymnastic rings in a dream - you will not believe your friend’s next lie and you will be absolutely right.

Finger Seeing the thumb on your hand - there is a possible danger that you will become a victim of dodgers and dubious luck; experiencing pain in the thumb is a sign of failure in business; absence of a thumb - need, loneliness;

the thumb seems unnaturally small to you - fleeting joy;

Unnatural thumb - Your success will be rapid and brilliant;

The thumb is dirty - you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions;

Too long a nail on the thumb - the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin;

Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched means sorrow;

Beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers - your sincere feeling will be appreciated, your goodwill and generosity will make you famous;

There are no fingers on your hands - big material losses.

Interpretation of the dream from: Miller's Dream Book

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make commitments to ourselves or to receive assurances that others will make commitments to us or a particular enterprise. Magic rings can indicate the acquisition of supernatural POWERS. Rings or “wheat circles” drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a boundary that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the circumstances inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor. Do you make your own ring or find it? Do you feel like you are able to exercise control over it? This ring is used by someone to gain power over you.

Rings and circles. Rings and circles are archetype symbols. We may dream of round rooms, the magic circles of a shaman, oracle or other predictor, a circus arena, or even round roads - all these are round objects. In general, a circle represents a positive image, but when interpreting dreams, other objects should be taken into account, as well as experiences associated with the appearance of circles in a dream. Did you yourself or someone else collide with a round-shaped object? Was the circle interrupted or closed?

from here: http://astro-germes.com

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    Dream Interpretation- To a friend dreamed. You described it very poorly dream.burdensome to you (inconvenient ring), perhaps he will deliver before choice (you are leaving a beautiful house). Pregnancy in dream this is a heavy burden in reality, it means that at the moment you have...Read more

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    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation- To a friend dreamed.Pregnancy Gemini Christmas Dream At Christmas. Dream Interpretation- Engagement ring.dream before choice. pregnancy in dream Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation- To a friend dreamed. You described it very poorly dream.burdensome to you (inconvenient ring), perhaps he will deliver before choice (you are leaving a beautiful house). Pregnancy in dream this is a heavy burden in reality, it means that at the moment you have...Read more

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    Pregnancy Gemini Christmas Dream At Christmas. Dream Interpretation- Engagement ring.This dream dream reflects exactly what you wrote at the beginning, that you are before choice. pregnancy in dream in dream Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation- To a friend dreamed. You described it very poorly dream.burdensome to you (inconvenient ring), perhaps he will deliver before choice (you are leaving a beautiful house). Pregnancy in dream this is a heavy burden in reality, it means that at the moment you have...Read more

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    Pregnancy Birth Child Dream Birth of a child.Black cat Pregnancy. Dream Interpretation- To a friend dreamed.But the thought is to have something in common again (symbolize - rings) will seem burdensome to you (inconvenient ring), perhaps he will deliver before...Read completely

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    Pregnancy Birth Child Dream Birth of a child. Dream Interpretation- Black cat. Yes, cats dream to diseases. But in your situation, such dreams Not unusual. You feel anxious and very worried before the future birth of a baby. Pregnancy Gemini Christmas Dream At Christmas. Dream Interpretation- Engagement ring. A beautiful home means prosperity in life. Childbirth or anticipation of an imminent birth - changes in life, a new beginning, a symbol of rebirth. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation- To a friend dreamed.Pregnancy Gemini Christmas Dream At Christmas. Dream Interpretation- Engagement ring.dream reflects exactly what you wrote at the beginning, that you are before choice. pregnancy in dream this is a burden, that is, you are burdened by choice and...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Yours dreams reflect your fears before pregnancy. Deal with it. Get rid of fear as such. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Ring girlfriends in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Pregnancy Gemini Christmas Dream At Christmas. Dream Interpretation- Engagement ring.This dream from the field of encrypted psychology. i.e. yours dream reflects exactly what you wrote at the beginning, that you are before choice. pregnancy in dream this is a burden, that is, you are burdened by the choice and it has taken a little longer, but I must tell you that very soon you will make a choice (you are driving in dream), but in favor of which of the young people, for this reason. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Pregnancy Gemini Christmas Dream At Christmas. Dream Interpretation- Engagement ring.This dream from the field of encrypted psychology. i.e. yours dream reflects exactly what you wrote at the beginning, that you are before choice. pregnancy in dream this is a burden, that is, you are burdened by the choice and it has taken a little longer, but I must tell you that very soon you will make a choice (you are driving in dream), but in favor of which of the young people, for this reason. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation- Engagement ring. A beautiful house means prosperity in life. This dream from the field of encrypted psychology. i.e. yours dream reflects exactly what you wrote at the beginning, that you are before choice. pregnancy in dream this is a burden, that is, you are burdened by the choice and it has taken a little longer, but I must tell you that very soon you will make a choice (you are driving in dream), but in favor of which of the young people, for this reason. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Such dream could dream pregnancy sleep before how these changes will fit into your life. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming If dreaming ring in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Rings in dream Usually these are the events that foreshadow. Interpretation dreams from Dream Interpretation Houses of the Sun. Engagement ring.Such dream could dream a girl who is falling in love. Or.. pregnancy.. By studying symbolism, we get the same result as the psychological aspect sleep- pleasure, desire to enjoy change. And fear before how these changes will fit into your life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Pregnancy Gemini Christmas Dream At Christmas. Dream Interpretation- Engagement ring.This dream from the field of encrypted psychology. i.e. yours dream reflects exactly what you wrote at the beginning, that you are before choice. pregnancy in dream this is a burden, that is, you are burdened by the choice and it has taken a little longer, but I must tell you that very soon you will make a choice (you are driving in dream), but in favor of which of the young people, for this reason. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "mamapluspapa"

    Yes, prophetic dreams were. Before first pregnancy to me dreamed about it cabbage, I read that this is a problem, it’s bad, only in one dream book I found that cabbage is pregnancy, and soon I found out that I was pregnant. Yes, I also heard that watermelon and fish in dream foreshadow pregnancy.. I don't have anything like that dreamed.. But not long before pregnancy me several times dreamed about dream, I see a blond girl, very small, as if I know that this is my daughter..

Dream interpretation of a wedding ring on your hand

A wedding ring is not a simple decoration... So say the words of a famous song. Probably no one doubts the special sacred meaning of this item. But what does it mean if you recently dreamed of an engagement ring? What to expect from the near future in this case?

Fate gives you an excellent chance to improve both your relationship and your financial situation if you dreamed of an engagement ring. Seeing it shiny and beautiful means your desires will come true. And if you dreamed of two rings interlocked with each other, expect an imminent wedding.

This is a very strong and important symbol, which, as a rule, is dreamed of in very serious cases. If you dreamed of an engagement ring on the eve of the wedding, when you are looking for or choosing this accessory, you should not take both positive and negative interpretations of the dream to heart. Most likely, the subconscious is simply reflecting your reality.

In order to understand where such night dreams come from, you should analyze the following moments of what you saw:

What does the dream mean?

In order to explain the meaning of such a dream, you need to not just analyze the points described above. You need to metaphorically transfer all this information to your own life and the current situation. It is also important to analyze the feelings and sensations from the dream. After all, they will also influence the overall symbolic meaning of what is seen in a dream.

Who had a ring on his hand

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be as deep as possible, it is important to remember exactly on whose hand the wedding ring was in the dream. The meaning of the dream will depend on whether it was a man, a woman, or a girl who only still dreams of marriage and such a gift.

For a man

For a young man, seeing a wedding ring on his finger can mean new responsibilities. If he has just changed his job, it means that a career takeoff awaits him. But buying a couple of rings or holding two rings in your fist is for your own wedding. If you see them in someone else’s hand, you will be an honored guest at the wedding of the one who held these accessories in a dream.

For woman

If a married woman dreams of an engagement ring, then this is already a reason to think about family relationships. In your dream, a familiar accessory that you never part with for a moment is too bright and shiny - a good sign. You can be confident in your spouse's fidelity and devotion to you.

  • Putting it on your finger is a reminder that your husband needs no less attention than the children, says the family dream book.
  • Your own ring (such as in real life) is so small that you can't wear it - a bad sign. Most likely, your spouse has become distant from you, but this is entirely your fault.
  • He puts you on a new, bright, shiny wedding ring - a new round of feelings, time spent alone will have a beneficial effect on your relationship.
  • Seeing a ring that is too large fall off your finger is a bad sign. You missed the right moment in the relationship, and your husband is now ready to leave for his rival.
  • Losing oneself in troubled waters is a disease of one’s spouse.
  • You spend your whole dream looking for a ring, but never find it - financial difficulties will be a serious test for your family. If you can endure them with honor, then you will live a very long and happy life with your spouse.
  • Gold means material wealth, says the ancient Slavic dream book.
  • Silver is a strong feeling, but you have to live modestly.
  • Wooden - you will have to fulfill the promise made by your ancestor many years ago.

To an unmarried girl

Many young people dream of a wedding. Of course, the ring is also present in girls' dreams. If a young girl dreams of it, you can expect to meet a young man who is pleasant in all respects. Seeing it on your right hand means you are ready to consciously choose your life partner. And on the left - you act solely at the behest of your heart.

If you chose a ring in a store

  • If you see many identical rings on your hand, you are one of those girls who is accompanied by a large number of suitors. Unfortunately, you only admire yourself, but don’t want to notice your real feelings. Whatever you strive for, be vigilant; if you trample on the feelings of an innocent person, you will lose the opportunity to experience him yourself.
  • Choosing in a store, trying on one after another - colossal opportunities will open up before you, promises the esoteric dream book. You have every chance to become rich and famous. But if you choose a career, you will have to sacrifice your family. Dedicating all your time to work, you will be able to meet true love only in adulthood.
  • If you dreamed about a wedding ring that was too small, your suitor will turn out to be cowardly. In a difficult situation, you will be left completely alone.
  • To dream that there are rings on both the right and left hands is a very rare dream, says the dream book from A to Z. It means that you are a strong and strong-willed person. With hard work, you can get everything you want from life.

Appearance and material

What a ring looks like in a dream directly determines its meaning. Because more expensive metals mean what is dear to us. And cheap ones are everyday relationships with colleagues or friends. There are even more serious dreams in which we see unique rings made of unusual materials - wood or stone.

Whole and cute

For a more detailed analysis of what a wedding ring means in dreams, it is important to pay attention to its integrity and general condition. If in the dream it was new (or at least looked like new), intact, bright and shiny - this is a good sign. Most likely, everything in your life is going well, and whatever you strive for, you can get it with some effort.

What the ring looked like

The material from which it was made also matters for interpretation. The more expensive it is, the higher status you can gain in society. If the ring evoked warm, pleasant feelings, then this symbol may relate to emotional and love experiences.

A slightly cold perception of an accessory - like, for example, a man admiring an expensive watch - indicates serious success in a leadership position.


It is not a very good sign if you dream of a damaged or damaged ring. Broken - speaks of persistent problems in relationships that cannot be resolved. And eternal compromises will only delay separation without leading to anything good.

  • A cracked hand in a dream means treason, warns the family dream book.
  • Rusty - you will have to open your soul to your chosen one, otherwise the relationship will not lead to anything good.
  • Simply tasteless - when faced with a low and two-faced person, you should not believe his promises. He gave them many times, and not only to you. Delaying the end of a relationship, as a rule, does not lead to anything positive.
  • Completely broken, consists of two separate parts - difficulties, depression, apathy, says the psychological dream book.

Importance of materials

Admiring a beautiful gold ring on your hand means your wish will come true. And it doesn’t matter whether you want material wealth or just getting married - your wish will most likely come true in the shortest possible time.

  • Platinum - knowledge that is not available to everyone will be revealed to you, says the esoteric dream book.
  • Silver – cordiality. You are ready to follow your feelings. They are serious and deep. And whatever you strive for, the decision will be correct. Even if it involves a complete departure from the bustle of the world.
  • Copper - meeting an unusual person, says Vanga’s dream book.
  • Tin - you will find yourself in a serious situation that will change your life forever. Facing real danger to life. If you definitely saw it on your finger, a complete stranger will help you.
  • Made of wood - you need to improve yourself.
  • A wedding ring made of stone - only strength of character will help you get what you have been striving for for so long.
  • Strewn with colorful stones - a pleasant time spent in the company of friends.

Actions with the ring

In order to explain what such night dreams come from, you need to remember well whether any actions were performed with the ring. A contemplative dream is usually understandable. It speaks of internal emotions and a situation that is beyond the dreamer’s control. But the directed force on the accessory, the actions performed with it, will help to correct the behavior so that the negative interpretation also becomes positive.

If it was strewn with stones

  • Trying on and seeing a shiny accessory on your left hand means that soon that person will burst into your life who will completely occupy your thoughts.
  • To put it on your hand yourself means to take on additional responsibilities, says Freud’s dream book.
  • To withdraw is to make concessions on fundamental issues.
  • If you break it while putting it on, a serious conflict of interests will arise, warns the dream book from A to Z. If you dreamed of a gold ring, then there will be a conflict in the family, and a silver one will mean resolving disputes in the workplace.
  • The finger is being squeezed more and more, trying to remove it, but it’s not working - severe depression, from which only a specialist can help you get out.

General symbolic meaning

You should not dismiss the interpretation of such night dreams. You dreamed of a wedding ring to draw your attention to what is dear to you. If for one it is a relationship, then for another it is a social status. Therefore, if you dreamed of a wedding ring, be doubly attentive to yourself and to those around you.

The general meaning of this symbol is infinity. It is a unique, regular form that has neither end nor beginning. She speaks of the eternity of existence and the depth of the human soul.

Seeing such a ring on your hand means entering the ministry. A person has to serve all his life. But some serve money, some serve family, and some serve the evil one.

Such a night dream indicates that you are ready to receive your destiny. But you just have to open your eyes and be ready to see. Nothing in the Universe can force a decision on you - free will always remains with a person. But if you choose the path of service that is destined for you, you will gain eternity.

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