The DPR announced the creation of a new state of Little Russia. "Malorossiya" is a controversial project that goes against the agreements

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A Russian political scientist explained why Kyiv and Europe reacted so painfully to the proposal to create Little Russia, although they consider such a project impossible.

The day before, July 18, the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, called for the creation of Little Russia - a new state that should replace Ukraine. This proposal caused a strong reaction from the Kyiv authorities and Western politicians. Thus, Petro Poroshenko promised to restore control over Donetsk and Crimea as soon as possible. His position was shared by many “patriotic” officials. In Europe, they again preferred to blame everything on Russia and called on Moscow to “influence” Zakharchenko. iReactor correspondents turned to Russian political scientist David Giberman with a request to tell how realistic the creation of a new federation is.

“Zakharchenko’s statement was more of a political nature than a declaration. It does not mean at all that the construction of a new state will begin any day now. The DPR simply showed that the situation has reached a dead end and new decisive changes are needed. In addition, the leadership of Donetsk declared to the whole world that their goal is not to join Russia, but to save Ukraine. This does not fit into the fictional world of European politics, where the militias are presented as the destroyers of the country, because now they have directly declared their desire to save Ukraine from destruction.

The reaction of the Ukrainian authorities to the “Young Russia” project only proves that Zakharchenko hit the target. Note that the president of the largest European country and his team are beginning to criticize the leader of the “separatists,” whom they don’t give a damn about, according to their own statements. This is an obvious inconsistency, which suggests that they consider the “Little Russian” method of breaking the deadlock to be quite real and extremely dangerous for themselves.

In this case, the position of the US State Department is indicative. Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert noted that she did not intend to comment on the DPR call, but emphasized that she calls the militia “so-called separatists.” , Zakharchenko’s statement was aimed precisely at changing the West’s attitude towards the conflict – in Donbass there is a fight for Ukraine, not Russia.

Remarkable. That the new position was announced only in the USA. It is likely that this is a direct consequence of the negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Hamburg, especially since representatives of both leaders confirmed the information that the discussion at the closed meeting was about Ukraine. The problem was the position of Washington, which tried to “involve” the Kremlin in the Ukrainian war, but now they are ready to accept a more realistic view of events, where Russia is only a guarantor of the safety of civilians.”

The head of the self-proclaimed DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, announced the creation of a new state - Little Russia. It should be established within the borders of Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea. Donetsk was chosen as the capital, and Kyiv will become the historical and cultural center of the country.

The creation of Little Russia is possible only with international support, said the head of the self-proclaimed DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko: “We offer all residents of the former Ukraine a way out of the war through the re-establishment of the country. This is a peaceful way out. It can only take place under several conditions. Firstly, the residents of the former Ukraine themselves must support us. Secondly, this way out will only be possible if the international community, that part of it that is involved in our conflict, supports our idea and acts as a mediator. This is Donbass’ proposal for residents of the former Ukraine, as well as for politicians in Europe and the United States of America. “I want to say that this is our first and last proposal, supported not only by our armed forces, but also by the will to win.”

Alexander Zakharchenko also announced that representatives of “former regions of Ukraine” were working on the Little Russia project. He did not specify which ones exactly. The self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic has already denied its participation in the discussion of the plan.

In Donbass itself, they doubt the feasibility of creating Little Russia. Even if all parties agree, the implementation of the plan will be delayed due to legal difficulties, notes the former head of the Supreme Council of the so-called DPR, Boris Litvinov: “Alexander Vladimirovich’s statement is still declarative in nature. We have a constitution of the DPR, which states: changes in the territorial and state structure require discussion by parliament. He is currently on vacation. This issue was not discussed in the deputy corps. Alexander Vladimirovich proposes, for example, to establish a state of emergency for three years, during which elections do not take place. And in a year, the powers of the head of state will end.”

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has already stated that Ukraine will restore its sovereignty in Donbass and Crimea.

Igor Strelkov said in an interview with Kommersant FM.

The idea of ​​creating Little Russia is an attempt to influence the implementation of the Minsk agreements and the process of peace negotiations, says Kiev political scientist Alexei Kurpas: “Zakharchenko’s move is absolutely clear: Little Russia is the second attempt to create a federal state. If this happens, all previous agreements will have to be reviewed. This delay will play into Russia’s hands, because now the advantage in the negotiation process is on the side of France, Germany and the United States.”

According to representatives of the DPR, Little Russia will be a federal state with broad autonomy; its creation will be carried out by a constitutional assembly, which will consist of representatives of all regions of Ukraine.

The leader of the DPR A. Zakharchenko suddenly, out of the blue, announced the creation of Little Russia. "We believe that the state of Ukraine in the form that it was cannot be restored. We, representatives of the regions of the former Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea, declare the establishment of a new state, which is the successor to Ukraine. We agree that the new state will be called Little Russia, since the very name Ukraine has discredited itself,” said A. Zakharchenko. And he confused the minds of literally everyone, because no one understood what the leader of the DPR actually meant. what kind of Little Russia is it, within what borders, and most importantly - what kind of people will live there (are they really Little Russians?). And away we go: the patriots of Russia are shouting that we have been betrayed, the patriots of Ukraine are shouting the same thing.

But what really? In fact, Little Russia is not Ukraine. What is Ukraine? Ukraine is a small empire created during the years of the USSR. An empire is a conglomerate of several peoples and states united by a single political and military center (like Ancient Rome or our Russian Federation). That is, initially Ukraine was not and could not exist as a unitary state, so it is now falling apart.

The problem for understanding affairs in Ukraine (including for us) is a lack of understanding of ethnic terms. The fact is that the word “rus” or “ros” is not a monopoly of the Russian people. All peoples who previously lived in the medieval state of Rus' (simply Rus', without any historiographical additions, such as “Ancient” or “Kievan”) have equal rights to this name. Let me remind you that the proud name “Romans” is still borne by the descendants of the population of the province of Dacia - the Romanians, but they have nothing to do with the real Romans. In the same way, a person who has the prefix “rus” or “ros” in his self-name does not need to be seen as Russian. They are not Russians, although they are close relatives. The trouble for Ukrainians is that they did not understand this. More precisely, Western Ukrainians understood this, starting the aggressive assimilation of all other peoples of Ukraine, which naturally led to a civil war and the collapse of Ukraine.

In fact, several peoples live in Ukraine. If everything is clear with the Russians, Hungarians and other peoples who are aware of their ethnic self-identification, then an incident arose with the Ukrainians. In fact, there are not one, but two peoples that we know as “Ukrainians”. These peoples are completely different, differing from each other in language, culture, mentality and historical destiny. One can be conditionally called “Eastern Ukrainians” or “Little Russians” (in this case the name does not matter much). This people was formed on the territory of the central principalities of Rus' and the Polovtsian field, that is, of Slavic-Turkic origin (the Little Russian language has up to 4,000 Turkic words and many surnames of eastern Ukrainians are of Turkic (Polovtsian) origin). Some researchers also add Circassians, that is, the peoples of the North Caucasus, to the ancestors of eastern Ukrainians, which we can also agree with - the suffix -en in Ukrainian surnames is truly Circassian. Eastern Ukrainians are Orthodox people and sympathizers with Russians. Western Ukrainians are already a people formed on the basis of the Slavicized Thracians, Illyrians, Volokhs (Moldavians), Hungarians, the Slavs of Rus' itself, as well as the Poles. This people, even as part of Rus', did not consider the Russians to be their own and always sought to secede. The language of Western Ukrainians contains many Polonisms and words borrowed from their neighbors. They gravitate toward Catholicism, that is, an ideology hostile to Russians. Already here there is a watershed between the two nations. It is worth noting that the Carpathian Rusyns are the descendants of the Slavicized Illyrians, that is, they are far from Russian, although they are distant relatives.

The division between the two Ukrainian peoples (let's call them that) took place at the very beginning of their state creation. Instead of creating one Ukrainian state, they created two - the UPR and the WUNR, and it could not have been otherwise, because these were two different peoples who were deceived by narrow-minded pan-Ukrainian ideologists, mixing two peoples under one name. Under Soviet rule, leaders and ideologists generally had a poor understanding of ethnic problems (they considered it only a superstructure, and not particularly important). But trouble crept up unnoticed: Western Ukrainians emerged as the ideological leaders of Ukraine, after which the assimilation of Eastern Ukrainians by Westerners began. To begin with, an artificial “read language” was concocted on the basis of Western Ukrainian dialects, which in every possible way emphasized its alienness to the Russian language. The language of the Eastern Ukrainians was very close to the Russian language (this is not difficult to verify by reading the notes of ethnographers). In response to the alien language, Eastern Ukrainians switched to Russian en masse, giving rise to such a phenomenon as the “Russian-speaking Ukrainian.” As a result, two Ukrainian languages ​​died: Western Ukrainians switched to a linguistic surrogate of “read language”, eastern Ukrainians began to speak the Russian language, which is closer to them and more cultural.

So, in Ukraine there live two peoples under the same name, and the least cultured and hostile to Russia people of Western Ukrainians have been trying to assimilate the neighboring people of Eastern Ukrainians for a century.

In this light, A. Zakharchenko’s statement (hardly without the consent of Moscow - the leaders of the LPR, it seems, do not enjoy much trust from the Russian leadership) says only one thing - the plan for the division of Ukraine is already ready. Western Ukrainians will get their own state, and eastern Ukrainians will get theirs. It will be fair. Alas, the Ukrainians were unable to support the Ukrainian empire they inherited from the USSR. Therefore, the best way out, first of all for the Ukrainians themselves, so as not to force themselves in one state, would be the division of Ukraine into two states for two different peoples. The Novorossiya plan failed - this should be admitted. First of all, apart from the population of the DPR and LPR, no one in Ukraine supported this plan. When this will happen is anyone's guess. However, it is worth remembering that the current Russian leadership consists of tough, pragmatic politicians who know how to wait, choose the place and time, and do not hesitate to use military force. So the checkmate of Bandera’s Ukraine will be quick and tough, like with Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014.

All patriots of “conciliar Ukraine” should remember that Russia in the 21st century. Ukraine as a state of the Ukrainian empire is not needed in any form. For a quarter of a century, Ukraine existed according to the principle “for Russia it is neither a friend nor an enemy, but so,” with a tendency to move to the enemy camp in order to engage in political and economic blackmail of Russia. Russia does not need such neighbors. Russia also has neither money nor time left to babysit a foreign state of a foreign people - the problems of the great-power Ukrainian natives do not concern the Russian sheriff. The Novorossiya plan is dead. The Little Russia plan has emerged - this is a historic chance for eastern Ukrainians. Neither history nor Russia will give you, Eastern Ukrainians, another chance. If you screw up Little Russia like Novorossiya, you will no longer have a state. Believe me, you either take fate into your own hands or remain a people of historical losers and “great power” whiners, confident that everyone around them owes and is obliged to them. The division of Ukraine will not be something hostile and violent - the division will occur according to the good will of the population, or it will not happen. No one will decide for the Ukrainians themselves (Eastern and Western). If you want your own state, you will have it, and if you remain great-power Ukrainians, that is your choice and your destiny, but without Russia. This is the last chance that the fraternal Russian people are giving you. There will be no other way - Mars is waiting for us.

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      • Edition 07/19/2017
      • Ukrainian political scientist Mikhail Pogrebinsky on the proclamation of Little Russia:
        “The proclamation of Little Russia is a raising of the stakes and a toughening of the position”...
        According to Pogrebinsky, the proclamation of Little Russia is not yet a final decision, but evidence of a toughening of the position of Donbass representatives, as well as an attempt to “raise the stakes” and send several signals at once.
        One of them is addressed to Kyiv, which has already “crossed all red lines” with various laws on reintegration and violations of the Minsk agreements. Representatives of the DPR directly say that the current Ukrainian government is illegitimate, which means it is pointless to conduct further negotiations with it. The Kyiv elite “with all sorts of Poroshenkos, Turchinovs and Yatsenyuks” are simply being taken out of the legal field, the political strategist explained in an interview with the newspaper Vzglyad.
        Another signal could be sent to the United States, which is now showing stubbornness in the situation surrounding the diplomatic property of the Russian Federation. Here Pogrebinsky sees the role of Moscow, which thus makes it clear that if it refuses to lift the arrest, it will not restrain the collapse of Ukraine.
        The political scientist also noted that formally the DPR will not even violate the Minsk agreements, which presuppose the integrity of Independence Square. Representatives of Donbass do not propose dividing the country, but want to turn it into Little Russia - a new state in which there will be no place for “Banderaism” and corruption.

        So, finally, what so many have been waiting for so long, both in Russia and in Ukraine, has happened. A fresh, constructive idea has been proposed to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, which has long been at a dead end in its current format.
        And, which is symptomatic, it was proposed not by the “pocket” opposition in Kyiv and not by the stupid Ukrainian emigration in Moscow, but by a person who in Donbass and the entire South-East personifies the struggle for the ideas of justice and peace. Alexander Zakharchenko.

        “We believe that the state of Ukraine in the form it was cannot be restored. We, representatives of the regions of the former Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea, declare the establishment of a new state, which is the successor to Ukraine,” DPR head Alexander Zakharchenko told reporters.
        According to him, the capital of Little Russia will now become the city of Donetsk, and the city of Kyiv remains a historical and cultural center without the status of a capital city.
        It is unlikely that anyone would argue that Zakharchenko would have decided to voice such bold, even revolutionary statements without the consent of Moscow. This means that the Kremlin approved these ideas – and, most likely, even generated them.
        A bad signal for the current criminal authorities in Kyiv - from now on in Russia they will gradually begin to rely not only (and not so much) on the long-rotten Minsk agreements, but on the concept of building a new Ukraine - Little Russia.
        And not in the format of a rabidly Bandera Russophobic Ukraine, but in the format of a state friendly to Russia (and other neighbors). This was emphasized by Zakharchenko himself.

        “We agree that the new state will be called Little Russia, since the very name “Ukraine” has discredited itself,” added the head of the DPR.
        The idea “Ukraine is not Russia,” promoted by Kuchma, and previously voiced by Dontsov in his “integral nationalism,” led to civil war, loss of territory and a growing split within the state and society.
        Most of the Ukrainian politicians who fled to Russia, who dare to call themselves “political emigrants,” did not dare to openly voice the thesis: Ukraine outside the Russian World is not viable! Only in a close union with Russia (or as part of it) can Ukraine-Little Russia live in peace and develop. Europe, by and large, does not need these lands, and the EU will never recognize Ukrainians as equals and will not accept them into its membership.
        What today's Ukrainians are convinced of every day. In a country that is rapidly turning into Ruin, threatening to suck part of its neighbors in Europe into this deadly whirlpool.
        In contrast to the insane initiatives of Poroshenko and his entourage, which are destroying the country and leading to impoverishment and extinction of the population, the head of the DPR (I hope soon - and the whole of Little Russia) proposed real measures to get out of the tailspin into which Ukraine fell after the Maidan.
        “In order to avoid chaos, we propose to introduce a state of emergency for three years, during which time the activities of any parties are prohibited, during the same period investigations begin with the involvement of the international community into crimes in Odessa, on the Maidan, in the Donbass. This decision has been ripe for a long time, but everything has its time, and today we are offering the option that will stop the war,” Zakharchenko said.
        We have yet to assess the effectiveness and realism of these measures, but Alexander Zakharchenko said that consultations are already being held with both ordinary citizens and representatives of government and business in various regions of what is still “Ukraine.”
        But personally, I am sure that the idea of ​​Little Russia is to exist! since Ukraine and its current ideology have already completely exhausted themselves and pose a threat both to Europe and Russia, and to their own citizens.
        Zakharchenko shares a similar view of things.

        So, the first emotions have subsided, opinions have been expressed, it’s time to sort things out. Why does Russia actually need the Little Russia project?

        Actually, there is nothing fundamentally new in the idea of ​​Little Russia. It can be considered as the next stage in the development of the Novorossiya project, shelved back in 2014. But why today? And for what purpose did Moscow remember him?
        Actually, there is nothing fundamentally new in logic. Is that the geography has become somewhat larger. Now we are talking about the whole of Ukraine, which must be liberated, relying on the resources of Donbass and Russia. But from whom and when? Is it really from the Poroshenko regime, whose legitimacy Russia recognized back in the spring of 2014?

        No. Everything is much more complicated and simpler at the same time. The Little Russia project is not being created to fight the Poroshenko regime, which currently suits Moscow quite well. But for the same reason it does not suit Washington in its current form, and since it still has every opportunity to destroy it, the likelihood of such a development of the situation is clearly too high to be neglected.
        What should Russia do if the United States, having fully understood the situation and realizing that the Poroshenko regime in the foreseeable future is leading to the destruction of the “Ukraine is not Russia” project and will break their plans globally, tries to destroy it and bring outright Nazis to power?

        This is exactly why the Little Russia project is being created. With this development of events, Moscow will immediately recognize this government, which by then should (if it can, which is not yet obvious) develop a program based on a new idea (reassembling Ukraine on new principles, which has already been announced). In this case, the war in Ukraine will flare up again, and even then no one will stop the corps until Lvov, which either they or the Poles will take. In any case, no one will leave an anti-Russian gasket.
        By the way, by this time PMCs in Syria will be freed (Private military companies (PMCs; English Private military company) about which everyone prefers to remain silent in the media (but they exist, although they are called differently) and they can form the backbone for the formation of two more corps Moreover, they were fired upon and inspired by victory. And at this time, internal strife within Ukraine will cause ferment within the army of the split junta, and it is still unknown how this will all end in the presence of two illegitimate governments on its territory.

        Also, the “Little Russia” project will be in demand if, during the legitimate transfer of power after Poroshenko, the new president somehow does not suit Washington and he follows the scenario of the third Maidan. Probably, in this case too, Moscow will not recognize the legitimacy of the new coup and will prefer to officially work with Donetsk, especially since by this moment it will be completely ready to return to Ukraine.
        In general, the Malorossiya project, like the previous Novorossiya project, is an alternative to Minsk
        If the United States does not agree to its implementation and tries to start an escalation within Ukraine, then the new project will allow Moscow to destroy these plans and deprive Washington of the opportunity to disrupt its game.

        The unification of the two “people’s republics” will allow the project operators to carry out personnel rotations in the leadership of the Donbass republics, get rid of characters that are no longer relevant and bring new figures to the forefront

        Athanor's Birthday 812

        Prostakov Ivan 07/19/2017 07:15:20 Prostakov Ivan 07/19/2017 07:15:20

        Potroshenko, Turchinov and co - on the pillars of the Ukro-Appian)))) road. Although this is not easy to do! Rosenbaum comes to mind: Two bullets hit him between the eyes during a romp in the Crimea - hit by a blue-eyed guy!)))). Eh, ma, damned geopolitics.))))

        Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:52:18 in response to: Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:52:18

        "Potroshenko, Turchinov and co - to the pillars.."

        But Serdyukov... Vasilyeva... Zakharchenko (local... from whom a carload of money was seized) and other “heroes of labor”? Where are they going? Or are there no pillars for them?

        Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:53:30 in response to: Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:53:30

        Pro-Kremlin... that's the same...
        What about the “Kremlin” ones?

        Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:54:52 in response to: Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:54:52

        "Trump is tied hand and foot by Congress and impeachment."
        - shed a tear... for Trump... impeachment... blasphemy... a serious thing...

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 08:04:23 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 08:04:23

        What a bloodthirsty tyrant! Hang on poles? This is MEDIEVAL cruelty. In China they have already stopped shooting people. Officials are imprisoned for 12 years.

        Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 08:05:01 in response to: Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 08:05:01

        “If the conditions are right, then both Ukrainian youth and Ukrainian society will be cured of misanthropic (what else is Russophobia?) ideology.”

        Regarding “Ukraine” - you are simplifying everything...
        There is no special “Russophobia” there.
        It’s just that the “crests” believe that in this very “Novorossiya - Little Russia” there are some “separatists”, of whom 80 percent are citizens of the Russian Federation.... “vacationers”, “those fired yesterday” and “lost”... who took with them and personal weapons and heavy weapons and armored vehicles and ammunition and fuel oil and field kitchens and communications equipment and field training and much more in endless quantities, put together in illegal armed groups and operating on the territory of “Ukraine” ...

        In the “corps”, the mood is mixed... One of the strong “stabs in the back”, after which the corps members are still in bewilderment, is the recognition by the Russian authorities of the legitimacy of the “best choice of the Ukrainian people”...

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 08:08:04 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 08:08:04

        In the “corps”, the mood is ambiguous... One of the strong “stabs in the back”, after which the corps members are still in bewilderment, is the recognition by the Russian authorities of the legitimacy of the “best choice of the Ukrainian people”...>>>>>

        “The centuries-old existence of feudal society has left a deep imprint on the hearts of the Chinese regarding their idea of ​​​​exclusive powers. The results of a survey conducted by the People's Forum in 2012 show that 50% of respondents clearly understand the injustice of special privileges, but at the same time they themselves would not refuse from their use." (With)

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 08:32:11 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 08:32:11

        In general, in China, data on the use of the death penalty is a state secret and, no matter what they say, all this is not entirely true. And the fact that there were almost no executions - yes - they switched to injections. Somewhere in the mountains they are still shooting, but along the east coast they are using needles.

        atanor812 07/19/2017 08:40:45 atanor812 07/19/2017 08:40:45

        Trump is going to appoint former Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, a Mormon (= polygamist, libertine, sectarian) and a billionaire by right of inheritance, as the new US Ambassador to the Russian Federation.

        Huntsman was forced to resign as ambassador to China amid scandal after his participation in the “Jasmine Revolution”

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 08:41:19 Vova Second 07/19/2017 08:41:19

        Leckmich wrote on 07/17/2017: “Everything is fine here, but without you, Russians! I mean, without your politicians! You screwed up Ukraine! It will not return to the sphere of Russian interests.
        The country is pro-Western and in six months we can see changes for the better - in our direction.
        Put your house in order, and only then teach your neighbors how to live! And help if asked. You can close the “Ukraine” topic on the site. The country is not yours.
        But when you want to remember “Where the Russian Land came from”, then you should go to Kyiv - it’s engraved on a stone there. The stone is already many years old...”
        But you are still itching, you don’t want to close the topic.
        Then I'll relax a little. Zakhar Prilepin writes about his friend who does business in Ukraine: “I’ve been going to Kyiv for three years, stretching out the remaining threads of the business. I sit down with the taxi driver and say, Hello. He answers - Are you from Moscow, Muscovite? He sits, is silent for a minute, and then says: “When will Putin arrive?” I'm tired of it already. First one, then the second, then the fifth said it. And five taxi drivers, two managers and four janitors are already statistics. And three years ago, all the people of Kiev were sitting there with such faces: we will tear you apart, cut you into pieces. People are gradually rebooting, and time is on our side.” So who to believe – Prilepin’s acquaintance, or Mr. leckmich? Or the latter does not want to reboot. In general, who is this?

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 08:49:02 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 08:49:02

        >Wrote leckmich
        >Then I'll have a little fun too

        My neighbor is 80 years old, and he says that he can do 2 times a day...
        - And you say that too.

        atanor812 07/19/2017 08:52:28 in response to: atanor812 07/19/2017 08:52:28

        In Domodedovo, sit next to the taxi driver on the left by simply raising your hand. He will tell you something else. And then he will announce 50 grand for a trip to the center of Moscow.

        Well, there is probably no such clear-cut taxi service in Kyiv. Or the familiar podlepina is a clumsy sucker. By the way, whose acquaintances of the gentleman are doing business in Ukraine, he didn’t explain? And even in Kyiv, in the den of Banderaism.
        Mr. Podlepin works with his statements for money, but Mr. Leckmich, whoever he is, does not.

        Prostakov Ivan 07/19/2017 09:20:28 in response to: Prostakov Ivan 07/19/2017 09:20:28

        Prilepin works for money (ts), brilliantly pointed out!)) and Leddchik works for sex or for kisses in the ass? I don’t understand why Prilepin is to blame before you, Vladyka!?))).

        Naum Kaufman 07/19/2017 09:30:15 Naum Kaufman 07/19/2017 09:30:15

        Here you are discussing Little Russia. Does the Constitution of this Little Russia provide for the development of democracy?

        Naum Kaufman 07/19/2017 09:30:45 Naum Kaufman 07/19/2017 09:30:45

        This Zakharchenko didn’t say a word about democracy!

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 09:45:37 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 09:45:37

        Hardly. It was announced that the state religion is Orthodoxy. What kind of democracy is this? But don't worry. This is all a provocation. Policy.

        Piyavkin 07/19/2017 09:46:14 in response to: Piyavkin 07/19/2017 09:46:14

        Shove your democracy up your ass.....pu

        Bzdulin 07/19/2017 09:50:19 Bzdulin 07/19/2017 09:50:19

        Vladimir Putin signed a law depriving military personnel of benefits who could not pass a test for the presence of drugs in the body and were fired

        In Afghanistan, almost everyone smoked ////
        and what now?

        Bzdulin 07/19/2017 09:51:44 Bzdulin 07/19/2017 09:51:44

        This "Law" was written by those who never smelled gunpowder
        go fight without...!

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 10:19:00 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 10:19:00

        In any case, vodka was always given during hostilities. And in the Napoleonic era it was generally obligatory. And nothing.

        Vova Second 19-07-2017 10:36:08 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 10:36:08

        Will there be a change of power there?

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 10:41:41 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 10:41:41

        I think both work for money. And a little for the idea

        Naum Kaufman 07/19/2017 11:18:10 Naum Kaufman 07/19/2017 11:18:10

        I'm afraid you misunderstood me here.

        mig29 07/19/2017 11:21:31 in response to: mig29 07/19/2017 11:21:31

        The idea is to distinguish our own from strangers. It is shameful to rob “our own people,” but one can rob “strangers” without a twinge of conscience.
        So the idea is always to rob one or another in one way or another - that’s the whole idea.

        renicold forte 07/19/2017 11:32:05 in response to: renicold-forte 07/19/2017 11:32:05

        They rob their own people. Because there is no one to complain to and nowhere to run.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:32:17 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:32:17

        Good idea

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:32:44 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:32:44

        How else can we understand you?

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:34:05 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:34:05

        So, has Prilepin already robbed someone?

        mig29 07/19/2017 11:45:58 in response to: mig29 07/19/2017 11:45:58

        I think that Mr. Warrior-Writer believes that they are trying to rob him. Therefore, he went to fight along with those who think the same way (Ivan Starikov, for example, also believes that Russians and Ukrainians are one people, and, therefore, those who want to divide this people, and have already divided them, are doing it with the goal of first quarreling these people with themselves, and then, when they weaken, to rob).
        Civil strife has never made anyone stronger, and has always been to the benefit of the conquerors.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:51:45 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:51:45

        I still don’t understand: from your point of view, is he a positive hero or a negative one? And is he a hero?

        renicold forte 07/19/2017 11:52:51 in response to: renicold-forte 07/19/2017 11:52:51

        In my opinion, Prilepin’s pride leapt up. Lef Tolstoy and Sevastopol, Lermontov and the Caucasus.

        mig29 07/19/2017 11:56:23 in response to: mig29 07/19/2017 11:56:23

        Dear Naum. You are talking about your democracy again. But democracy is not an idea. This is simply one way of managing property. The democratic way involves hiring an effective manager for a managerial position. If he does not cope well with his responsibilities to manage the property, then the owners replace him with a more efficient one.
        Other management methods do not imply replacing an ineffective manager, but replacing ineffective owners with effective ones. That's all Pupkin's arithmetic with pictures.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:11:21 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:11:21

        "Replacing ineffective owners with efficient ones."
        So this is a revolution. Or a simple robbery.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:12:23 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:12:23

        Good directions. But I don't think Tolstoy and Lermontov were volunteers

        mig29 07/19/2017 12:19:22 in response to: mig29 07/19/2017 12:19:22

        How can I tell you...
        Two days ago there was an interesting discussion here about patriotism. (I read it with pleasure).
        A few of my cents into this discussion....
        The word patriotism is derived from the word Father. Just like Fatherland is also derived from the word Father. So it turns out that the basis of patriotism is respect for one’s Fathers (ancestors) and their deeds. Moreover, one must treat with respect and honor both their “glorious” deeds and those mistakes and miscalculations - “unglorious” deeds. The historical experience of our predecessors - the patrians, both positive and negative - is the basis of patriotism. And if someone takes something selectively from this experience (for example, from the Soviet past, or from the tsarist past, or the princely past, or the pan-Slavic past), and accepts something and denies something, then such a person is in understanding the meaning of this word cannot be considered a patriot.
        If forces have appeared in Ukraine trying to destroy the memory of the deeds of our ancestors, to take one thing from this past into today, and erase another as a shameful page of their ancestors, then these forces are clearly anti-patriotic - aimed at destroying their people. Prilepin is fighting these forces. Doesn't sit out in the bushes. This means that this is how he understands his patriotic duty. This gives me respect. But those who are now trying to fight their Soviet, royal, princely and pan-Slavic ancestors do not inspire respect in me.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:27:07 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:27:07

        Fight with your ancestors? So they are no longer there, this is not a fight, but a dance. But it is necessary to be critical of one’s past (not to spit on one’s history, not to insult the memory of the “patrii”), otherwise it will be marking time

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 12:31:16 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 12:31:16

        >The word patriotism is derived from the word Father

        Patriot from Greek - πατριώτης - fellow countryman

        Perdasov 07/19/2017 12:33:25 in response to: Perdasov 07/19/2017 12:33:25

        You can use the neologism matriatism

        mig29 07/19/2017 12:33:58 in response to: mig29 07/19/2017 12:33:58

        "Or a simple robbery."

        Well, let’s still proceed from the fact that the so-called “robbery” was, is and will always be, both under “democracies” (with effective managers periodically replaced) and under unitary methods of management. There are always quite a lot of people who believe that they are “underpaid” for the work they do, they are “underestimated”. And there is always a smaller number of people, but those who own the main property, who believe that for the money they pay, they are “underpaid,” and these “underpaid” people “overestimate” themselves.
        The so-called conflict of interest. Thanks to the conflict of interests (contradiction), development occurs. If there were no conflict, there would be no development. Degradation and subsequent extinction would occur.

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 12:35:56 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 12:35:56

        Without patriotism, it is impossible for the country to move forward. Her development. Patriots must lead the country. There are either patriots or traitors.

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 12:36:31 Count Svinin 07/19/2017 12:36:31

        The so-called citizens of the world or indifferents are also traitors.

        mig29 07/19/2017 12:41:45 in response to: mig29 07/19/2017 12:41:45

        The other day I got into an argument with a stubborn former political officer. Under Soviet power, he was a stubborn communist, and now he has become an equally stubborn anti-Soviet - he sees everything that happened under Soviet power only in black.
        I ask him: “Why don’t you love your father, grandfather, great-grandfather so much?”
        And he told me:
        - What do my father, grandfather and great-grandfather have to do with it? They were worthy people.
        And people just can’t understand that the history of a country is not something so abstract. This is the story of hundreds of thousands of families. And his family too. By denigrating the history of his country, he denigrates the history of these hundreds of thousands of families, including the history of his own family.

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 12:42:49 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 12:42:49

        And what side are they on?

        Sayapin 07/19/2017 12:44:57 in response to: Sayapin 07/19/2017 12:44:57

        A very familiar picture. My parents' neighbor in the dacha is the former third secretary of the district committee of the CPSU. He doesn’t talk about the Soviet regime without swearing.

        Perdasov 07/19/2017 12:48:59 in response to: Perdasov 07/19/2017 12:48:59

        Matriatism comes from the word mother. Motherland.
        Patriotism comes from the word fatherland.

        Kamatsu Caterpillar 07/19/2017 12:51:38 Kamatsu Caterpillar 19-07-2017 12:51:38

        Somehow our newborn hero of the day is not visible. He's just getting drunk.

        atanor812 07/19/2017 12:54:08 in response to: atanor812 07/19/2017 12:54:08

        Nothing gets drunk. I'm preparing fish. Goltsov. Two beaches...

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:54:48 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:54:48

        So development through weaning is still a revolution. Or robbery, which can hardly be called development, because this way the conflict of interests will not be resolved.

        mig29 07/19/2017 12:54:50 in response to: mig29 07/19/2017 12:54:50

        The main thing is that he doesn’t do outrageous things.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:56:02 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:56:02

        But Fidel Castro - is he a patriot or a traitor? Somehow you only have two colors in your palette

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:59:24 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:59:24

        Traitors like Brodsky, Neizvestny, Rostropovich?

        mig29 07/19/2017 13:05:13 in response to: mig29 07/19/2017 13:05:13

        We can't stop scientific and technological progress, can we? Therefore, scientific and technical breakthrough discoveries - revolutions - occur periodically.
        And after them, social revolutions occur. This inevitably happens.
        Was there the first bourgeois revolution in Holland? Was. And in France the Great Revolution. And in England. And in Russia. These were all revolutions, because following the scientific and technical progress of the method of production, the main owners also changed.
        And in 1991 we had a revolution.
        But Maidan (and other “color revolutions”) is not a revolution, no matter what you call it, because a change of owners did not occur due to scientific and technological progress. This is a palace coup between the same main owners.

        I forgot to subscribe, asel 07/19/2017 13:09:24 in response to: I forgot to subscribe, asel 19-07-2017 13:09:24

        >Patriotism comes from the word fatherland

        No, it comes from a different word. Look at the "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" by A. Preobrazhensky, vol. 2, M.: 1914.

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:10:58 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:10:58

        Yes, everything is already in my mind.

        Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:21:42 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:21:42

        In 1991 we had a bourgeois revolution?

        Count Svinin 19-07-2017 13:24:36 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 13:24:36

        I can name a hundred more names.

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 13:25:41 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 13:25:41

        It was a coup d'etat to seize the country's property by a handful of scoundrels.

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:33:42 in response to: Kraskopult 19-07-2017 13:33:42

        Scoundrels are only a tool in the hands of world capital. Bourgeois revolution, yes, only external, export. What was done was not in our interests. Capital has returned what was once lost.

        Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:35:57 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:35:57

        And MiG claims that the revolution

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:39:30 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:39:30

        “Undoubtedly - a revolution, because it led to radical changes in the country and the world. Obviously - a people's one, because without people's energy nothing would have happened: tens of thousands of people would not have gathered and there would be no need to bring in tanks; - the decaying regime could well have crawled through a couple more decades, but it will not end so peacefully. And, of course, the anti-communist - communist ideology, which at one time destroyed the Russian Empire and suppressed people, after 1991 ceased to dominate society and the individual."
        Victor Aksyuchits

        Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:41:19 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:41:19

        You can name a hundred. So who are they - traitors or patriots?

        Yurka_stsobako 07/19/2017 13:45:27 Yurka_stsobako 07/19/2017 13:45:27

        The State Duma adopted a law on resort fees
        The document provides for an experiment to introduce fees for the use of resort infrastructure in the Crimea, Altai, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories

        Piyavkin 19-07-2017 13:45:29 in response to: Piyavkin 07/19/2017 13:45:29

        The Maidan of 2013 is also called the Coup d’Etat

        Yurka_stsobako 07/19/2017 13:47:33 Yurka_stsobako 07/19/2017 13:47:33

        The experiment will last until the end of 2022. At the same time, the subjects must pass laws on the introduction of a resort fee no later than December 1, 2017, and its collection must begin no earlier than May 2018.
        But why? why an EXPERIMENT????
        how so? Calculate the consequences (both negative and positive) or maybe you don’t have any brains? they've done a lot of drainage departments.....
        Those who stirred this up, I don’t think they have much of a clue about reality.
        a sharp minus.

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:48:54 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:48:54

        On the one hand, of course, it is a global practice. On the other hand, only biased people can call it infrastructure. Krasnodyr is all right, but what the hell is the infrastructure in Altai?

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:49:37 in response to: Kraskopult 19-07-2017 13:49:37

        Conceptual example of a pre-production prototype.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:50:43 in response to: Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:50:43

        Count, is the architect Vasily Fedorovich Svinin, by any chance, your ancestor?

        Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:52:14 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:52:14

        They'll steal it anyway. And the money is small - a hundred rubles each.

        atanor812 07/19/2017 13:55:32 atanor812 07/19/2017 13:55:32 Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:06:10 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:06:10

        No, he is from the peasants. Not our kind.

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:09:01 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:09:01

        After the “catastrophe” of 1861, many peasants were given passports where their surnames were written according to the surname of their master.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:11:01 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 14:11:01

        According to the approved list

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:13:15 Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:13:15

        No, this Svinin lived later. The building of the Ethnographic Museum was built wonderfully. True, various pigs put a spoke in his wheels and did not allow him to complete his plans.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:15:44 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 14:15:44

        Why the disaster? Are you for the slave system?

        Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:18:23 in response to: Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:18:23

        You weren’t here yesterday, but Navalny posted photos of girls on the subway yesterday - look at yesterday’s comments (material Wedding according to Putin) there are 6 photos in the middle of the comments

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:25:28 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:25:28

        Actually, it doesn’t matter to me anymore, especially since there are no more peasants left as such.
        But I remember how my eighty-nine-year-old grandfather Boris Petrovich Svinin said “life before the disaster of 1861” and “life after the disaster of 1861.” He never said the name of Emperor Alexander II and stomped his feet when he was remembered.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:27:25 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 14:27:25

        I was in Moscow and returned at night, but I looked at Navalny’s work. Then I couldn’t sleep for a long time. Did you make a hole in your backpack for a camera?

        Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:32:12 in response to: Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:32:12

        My camera has a retractable rotating monitor. If you switch the viewfinder to the monitor, you can put the camera on your lap, as if you were looking at old photographs taken earlier, and you yourself can quietly click on Navalny’s girls - and you can turn the camera with the lens back and forth, and you yourself can look down on your knees at the screen. Girls don't notice ANYTHING

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:36:04 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 14:36:04

        How come there are no peasants left? And this one?

        “Otherwise, many people sit and work as lackeys - lawyers or, excuse me, journalists... Give up all these stupid occupations and organize your own, at least small, peasant farm!”
        German Sterligov.

        Vova Second 19-07-2017 14:37:07 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 14:37:07

        Is it like a rifle with a crooked barrel? Or like a periscope?

        Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:43:16 in response to: Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:43:16

        Something like that! In general - sometimes (sometimes) - I feel like a “spy”

MOSCOW, July 18 – RIA Novosti. The authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic announced the need to create a new state - Little Russia. According to the draft constitutional document, the country will become a federation with broad powers for the regions, while issues of the budget, army and intelligence services will remain under the jurisdiction of the central authorities.

The authors of the initiative expect that Little Russia will include not only the territories of the DPR and LPR, but also other regions. The development of the future constitution will be carried out by a special meeting in which all subjects of the future federation will be represented.

"Failed State"

According to the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, the creation of Little Russia will help stop the civil war in Ukraine and will help bring the country out of the deadlock. He emphasized that the new state will be formed for three years, which in the republic is called a transition period.

“To stop the civil war, we discussed the situation and came to the conclusion that Ukraine has shown itself to be a failed state. The Kiev regime is not able to stop the civil war,” Zakharchenko told reporters.

“Residents of the regions must support us. This solution is possible only if the international community supports the idea. We propose to establish the state of Little Russia,” he added.

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According to Zakharchenko, a state of emergency should be introduced in the country during the transition period. The head of the DPR is confident that this time will be enough to adopt a new constitution and restore order.

According to DPR officials, the flag of Bogdan Khmelnitsky may become the state flag of Little Russia.

Timofeev noted that the idea of ​​​​creating a new state does not contradict the Minsk agreements.

“This is the implementation of “Minsk”. In “Minsk” there is no definition of what or how it should be called, there is the integrity of the borders, sovereignty. So, we proclaimed the sovereignty and integrity of the borders,” explained the representative of the self-proclaimed republic.

Position of the LPR

Chairman of the People's Council of the self-proclaimed LPR Vladimir Degtyarenko told reporters that the republic did not send its representatives to the meeting in Donetsk. According to the official, the idea of ​​​​creating Little Russia came as a surprise to Lugansk.

“Moreover, we were not even aware of the intention to hold this event; this issue was not agreed upon with us,” the Luhansk Information Center quotes Degtyarenko as saying.

According to him, now the idea of ​​​​creating a new state raises “great doubts.”

“After all, such decisions can only be made taking into account the opinion of the people themselves. In addition, today we comply with the Minsk agreements, to which there is no alternative. We are ready to discuss this issue if proposals are received,” the LPR representative emphasized.

Later, the DPR noted that there are no regulations regarding the creation of a new state yet.

“The parliaments of the DPR and LPR do not have political tasks in this direction. When such tasks are set by the leadership, we are ready for discussion. However, at the moment this is only an idea, which is still perceived very ambiguously in the LPR, the DPR, and the Russian Federation.” “said Denis Pushilin, Speaker of the DPR Parliament.

Poroshenko's reaction

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko responded to the DPR proposal to create a new state.

“The Novorossiya project was buried. Ukraine will restore sovereignty over Donbass and Crimea,” Poroshenko’s press secretary Svyatoslav Tsegolko quotes Poroshenko as saying on his page on

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