The line of the Sun and its full characteristics, marks on it. The influence of the sun line on a person’s destiny Star on the sun line

Concrete 27.12.2023

According to palmistry, the Apollo line on the palm indicates the presence of talent (often in the field of art), which, with due diligence, can result in real success. However, it is wrong to believe that the presence of the Apollo line on the hand alone ensures great achievements in life.

Often people are unable to express their talents due to a lack of perseverance and hard work, the proper level of energy or health. Therefore, palmistry advises considering the Apollo line in conjunction with other lines (especially the line of Fate), hills and signs on your hand.


The Apollo Line begins on the Mount of the Moon and rises straight to the base of the Apollo finger.

It must be said that it may not be on the palm at all, it may be too short, thin or intermittent. However, by drawing an imaginary line from the Mount of the Moon to the base of the ring finger, you can determine the Apollo line, whatever it may be. The ideal option is when it is long, starting from the wrist itself and ending right under the finger. This means that a person will develop and realize his talents throughout his life.

PALMISTRY. ISSUE 6: Success line (talent line, Apollo line)

Palmistry. Apollo Line

Palmistry by Jim Winter (Apollo Line)

Sun Line

Line of Apollo, part 1. General characteristics of the line of Happiness.

Palmistry. Stigmata. Line of the Sun. Signs of a scientist

A line talking about success in life, luck, wealth, recognition. Line of the Sun. Lecture No. 6

line of the SUN (line of APOLLO) / Palmistry / general characteristics / THE STORE OF PALMISTRY

Apollo Line, part 5. The beginning of the line. Money and success in the second half of life.

The Apollo line is also called the line of Talent, Sun, Happiness, and Success. Although, as for happiness and success, it brings it only in combination with other favorable signs, with due effort and spiritual development of a person. Based on the location of this line, many conclusions can be drawn about the character, inclinations and capabilities of its owner. If it connects the Mount of Apollo with large Mars, this indicates the calmness, kindness, confidence and devotion of a person. Such people serve as a good support in life, they are reliable and generous.

If the line of Talent begins on the Mount of Venus, this indicates a person’s self-sufficiency and great discernment (which sometimes ends in loneliness). If it begins at the same point with the Life line, this is a sign of great love for nature, gardening and agriculture. And if it connects with the line of Saturn (Fate), the person is endowed with many talents, but cannot always cope with obstacles without outside help.


It’s great if the Apollo line is smooth and clear - this is a sign of pronounced talent that will be brought to life. The weaker it is, the less pronounced its characteristics are. And if it is interrupted, this means that talents and creative abilities are realized intermediately, from time to time. This happens when a person constantly has other things to do and all sorts of obstacles, or he constantly puts off realizing his talent.

If the Apollo line has a sinuous outline, this indicates refinement of nature, sophistication and many talents.

However, such outlines also indicate a lack of discipline, frequent mood swings and anxiety. Such people need to be able to concentrate and use the time of their lives effectively. In the photo of some hands you can see that the Apollo line is broken, but next to the break there are other vertical lines, as if complementing it. This means that a person is overloaded with problems and should think about his main interests.

With a short line of Apollo, which begins on the Mount of the Moon, but does not reach the Mount of Apollo, a person has talent, but for some reason does not develop it. If it is crossed by many short horizontal lines, this indicates external obstacles that will have to be faced on the path to self-realization. And if it runs parallel to the line of Saturn (Fate), connecting with a short segment, this means that a person is endowed not only with talents in the arts, but also with practicality, which allows him to earn good money.


If there is a branch from the line of Apollo pointing to Mercury, the person has two talents. By paying attention to both, he disperses his energy. Palmistry advises making one of the directions the main one and putting all your strength into it. If at the end point two identical “teeth” create a so-called “fork”, a person cannot figure out which talent is more important, he will have to choose at random. If the fork has three tines (like a chicken foot, a trident, or the Greek letter “Psi”), then a person may indulge in regrets about missed opportunities. He should not regret the past, paying more attention to the present and plans for the future.

If the branch turns to the Mount of Jupiter, the person is distinguished by determination, patience and leadership abilities (his talent is associated with these qualities). And if the branch turns towards the Mount of Saturn, a person knows how to persuade and create the necessary connections, his liveliness goes well with self-discipline. If there is a branch to the great hill of Mars, the owner of such a hand is distinguished by stamina and endurance, he achieves everything on his own. The branch directed downwards to the Mount of the Moon speaks of the ability to think in images, which is of great importance for writers, film directors, musicians and artists.


  1. A star on the Mount of Apollo (like a star on his line) speaks of luck and the ability to influence the opinions and beliefs of other people. A star can also mean high income.
  2. If an island is found on the Apollo line, this is a sign of temporary devastation, illness or depression.
  3. A square in this place of the palm is a sign of protection from unpleasant turns of fate. It protects the owner of the hand from envy, slander and betrayal. The square also limits a person’s own negative traits, allowing him to get out of a crisis or avoid temptations.
  4. A lattice on the palm indicates failures in life. On the hill, under the finger of Apollo, it can indicate a “tarnished” reputation and unflattering fame for a person.
  5. The "ring" under Apollo's finger, formed by a convex line, potentially indicates great talent and significant success in life. This sign is found on the hands of well-known people - prominent figures in the arts, politics, show business, etc.
  6. A triangle on the line of the Sun speaks of stable success in life, bringing satisfaction and good income.
  7. A cross in this place of the hand is an unfavorable sign. Often it indicates unnecessary connections that weaken and interfere with the realization of talent. A person should choose his environment more carefully and not waste time on empty contacts.
  8. Palmistry advises paying attention to moles that appear on the Mount of Apollo or adjacent to it. Such a sign may indicate failure in a career that promised to be successful. In addition, a mole is considered an indicator of karmic debt. If it is located on the left hand, there is negative ancestral karma, and if on the right hand, the person risks aggravating and polluting his karma. Over the course of life, moles often lighten and disappear - this indicates that bad karma has already been worked out.

The line of happiness in the palm of your hand will tell you how much happiness, luck and glory awaits you on your life’s path. Let's consider detailed interpretations of the palmistry sign.

In the article:

Happiness line in the palm - what it means and how to find it

The line of happiness in the palm has several names: line of the Sun, line of Apollo, line of glory,. A stable financial situation is an important component of happiness.

In classical palmistry, the Sun sign is located vertically, extending from the base of the palm and moving towards the ring finger. In humans, the stripe is weakly expressed or absent. There are few truly lucky people. Sometimes the trait is called a sign of good luck, since people associate the absence of problems and the successful achievement of goals with luck. Luck is one of the components of happiness, just like wealth.

The Sun trait speaks of the success of a person’s undertakings. If the stripe is on the passive (right-handed) hand, luck is given from above and has been haunting you since childhood. If a trait appears on the active hand throughout life, happiness is created personally by the person. The presence of a line indicates success and fame. If the trait is combined with the fate line, there will be more happiness. Sometimes the trait of happiness indicates talent: it is often found among actors and child prodigies.

Palmistry of the source of the line of the Sun and its location

Dedicated to art

If the Apollo line on the palm begins from, and the line of the mind descends and is clearly visible on the hand, success in creativity awaits. The thicker and brighter the trait, the greater the potential inherent in the personality. If the stripe reaches the ring finger, success and inspiration will be companions from childhood. Celebrities who became famous due to their talent have traits. If there is no popularity, life is devoted to art.

If you believe people who have devoted their lives to the study of palmistry, the sign of Apollo with the beginning from the Mount of the Moon means dependence on the opinions of others. Success depends on people's assessments. If the thread of fate begins from the Mount of the Moon, someone else's opinion influences life. A person will engage in activities whose profitability depends on reputation, honesty and the need for a service or product. You will have to learn to take other people's opinions into account in order to achieve a lot.

The streak of happiness begins from the middle of the palm - success will come after a series of hardships, in adulthood. They do not stop activities if the activity does not arouse interest and cannot glorify. In a few years the efforts will be rewarded.

The closer the line of luck is to the line of fate, the more fate is filled with luck and success. Refers to a period in which two traits are adjacent. The combination promises success in moving up the career ladder, and will bring good luck in other areas of life.

The line of the Sun starts from the line of the mind - success will be the merit of talent and abilities. A person will achieve fame through personal efforts. You shouldn’t count on help, but you don’t need to refuse sponsors and helpful people: it’s easy to lose wealth or fame.

The Apollo trait, which comes from the heart line, signifies talent and a love of creativity or art. There are no opportunities to create a creative career or gain worldwide fame. If the symbol of Apollo reaches the Mount of Jupiter, dizzying success in the chosen field of activity is possible. Sometimes the line of happiness from the heart stripe speaks of a late vocation: people at retirement age find themselves and gain fame.

What does the line of the Sun on the palm mean?

If there is no line of happiness, but the line of fate is clearly expressed, success in one’s career is implied. Other areas of life are not encouraging. The combination of features in the palm speaks of a careerist who does not waste time on useless chatter. People avoid fame and unnecessary communication that distracts them from work.

The darling of fate has an even, clear and pronounced mark of the Sun. A person is lucky in everything. If there are no breaks or negative signs, the luck will last until death. Rarely seen.

A large number of islands, when the dash looks like a chain, speaks of a love of scandals and showdowns, of a negative reputation. Connection with criminal ways of making money: successful thieves, cunning swindlers, high-ranking leaders of criminal groups.

When there are breaks in the line or the line is entirely made up of small lines, a person should not waste his strength. The owner will not be appreciated if he does not take the time to think through the project before starting work. It is important not to lose interest in the work of life in order to be successful.

A double line is a good sign. Sometimes there is also a triple one. Promises extraordinary talent, fame and wealth. To achieve success, you have to hit the bumps. A person will try many methods, start several projects, experience difficulties and failures. After testing, success is possible.

Signs on the Apollo line on the palm

Star on the Hill of Apollo

Signs often appear on lines and small dashes: figures of different shapes with a specific meaning.

A star on the line or hillock of Apollo speaks of recognition, fame, public life, and wealth. Signs are found among world-class celebrities and politicians, but to determine the future, they combine the interpretation of the star on the line of fame and other symbols indicating wealth, charisma, and good luck.

The star on the symbol of the Sun speaks of the purpose for which man appeared. The destiny of the owner is to create a new direction in art, defeat corruption in the city, and so on. The fulfillment of the goal is monitored by Higher powers, helping in difficult situations.

Squares say that a person is protected by higher powers that are interested in the owner’s happy life and are able to protect him from envious people, gossip and enemies. The latter is a constant problem for famous and successful people.

The islands say that for a specific period Apollo loses his properties. Even popular celebrities are forgotten by the public. For women, the islands on the line mean maternity leave. The desire to hire a manager and live in pleasure for several years. If the strip after the island remains as it was, it will be possible to restore everything that was lost.

Crosses on the line indicate obstacles, financial troubles, and problems. If the sign is not at the end, but continues after the line, difficulties will be overcome. You will have to abandon the unsuccessful project. This is a hindrance that will not have consequences on a life-scale. If the strip ends with a cross, it means the collapse of a business, loss of a job, or end of a career.

The line of luck is also called the line of happiness, talent, art or the line of Apollo, the line of the Sun. The names "line of Apollo" and "line of the Sun" come from the planetary division, since the ring finger is called the finger of the Sun or the finger of Apollo. The name line of happiness is associated with the meaning of the line, which gives a person increased optimism and cheerfulness. This line also shows the degree of calling to some kind of art, artistic talents.

The line of luck rises from the top of the mount of the Moon or from the plain of Mars and goes towards the finger of Apollo (ring). There is a red line in the picture. Only the line that lies under the corresponding finger can be taken as the Apollo line, that is, it is in its place, along the axis of the finger.

No line. Failures and disappointments in life, but the owner of the hand is talented. A monotonous, monotonous life without much success or joy.

Clear and direct. A happy person with a light and cheerful character. A sublime nature, prone to all types of art, striving for beauty. Fame and fortune achieved through art.

Thin, poorly defined, tortuous. Indecisiveness of character, quirkiness of fate, which, however, can be changed if you have the ability.

Consists of parts. He speaks of too great impulses; a person longs to apply his powers in the field of some art, but does not find a way to realize this. This line shows an attraction to art, but it is periodic, and depending on the type of palm, there will always be a reason that creates interference and obstacles in the implementation of plans.

Consists of very small and broken lines. Great passion for the arts, love for effects in clothing and fashion.

It starts on the life line or fate line and ends on the Mount of the Sun. Success is the result of talent and energy. Location of high-ranking persons.

Starts on the line of the head. Success in middle age is the result of one's own efforts.

Starts on the heart line. Warmth, happiness and prosperity in old age. These are, basically, good-natured people who will enjoy a good reputation in life, whose talents will always find their application in the field of activity to which they belong and have abilities.

Starts on the hill of Mars. When achieving success, he will use inner vitality and courage, thus, as it were, defending his place in the sun and resisting bad influences. Worldwide fame.

Starts on the Hill of the Moon. Man o gifted with a powerful power of imagination and paired with a good head line can transform and express his talents as a writer. Strongly attractive to the opposite sex, a person who becomes an idol of the masses.

Starts on the Mount of Venus.Artistically gifted.

Ends with many small lines.Unsettled, has many conflicting interests.

Ends with a fork. Multifaceted talents, scattering between them. A person could achieve greater success if he concentrated in one of the two chosen directions. You need to make a choice of the activity or hobby that will bring you the greatest satisfaction and benefit.

It ends with a trident on the Hill of the Sun. Worldwide fame and recognition, great merit, this is a destiny from above.

Branches to the hills of Mercury and Saturn. To achieve success and wealth, a person uses the qualities inherent in these hills, which will combine wisdom and insight.

Risingbranches. A person will achieve happiness in life through his own efforts.

Descending branches. They mean a periodic need for help for a person to advance, without which he will not be able to achieve great success.

Line cutting the main one. Obstacle and inhibition in the promotion and development of human talents. When is the success line ends with a deep crossbar, indicates that talent and success are stopped by some reason that a person can no longer overcome.

Signs on the line of happiness

Cross. Disappointment; reputational damage caused by others; lack of self-esteem.

Square.Eliminates line “defects”.If the square is at the end of the Apollo line, it indicates protection from above, and protects against any troubles in the field of art throughout the person's life. It is not easy for others to tarnish his reputation.

Island. An opportunity to get rich or significantly improve your financial situation thanks to an illegal relationship.

Star. Great success in the arts, and therefore celebrity and fame. At the end of the line on the hill of the Sun - worldwide fame and recognition, in the beginning of the line is the sign of a prodigy with a well-developed line of health (Mercury).

And in the end I would like to say that one presence of the talent line, the Sun on the hand already speaks of a person’s happiness acquired with the help of his abilities and talents; and it doesn’t matter that he turns out to be not a famous artist, painter or businessman, but a simple gardener growing flowers, or a mother who has given birth to a long-awaited child.

Be talented and happy!

The human palm carries a lot of interesting information. We can learn about character traits, professional suitability, personal life, the present, the past and the future. But there is such a line in palmistry that speaks of our aspirations, success; it indicates the strength of a person’s desire for fame and glory. It is called the line of the sun, the line of success or the line of Apollo.

The Apollo line, the line of luck, is also called the line of the sun in palmistry. The presence of it on the hand indicates that a person has a reliable angel who protects him from dangerous situations, troubles in fate and other bad luck.

The sun line in palmistry is one of the most mysterious and mysterious lines on the hand. It provides its owner with reliable protection and serves as a kind of protective amulet. The Apollo line is able to guide a person in the right direction and pushes him away from a rash act.

The Apollo line helps every person who has it. Its presence in the palm of your hand is not a sign of wealth and luxury. The line of success can be for both a rich and a poor person; it speaks of his fate. Not everyone can find it in the palm of their hand. And if there is no line of wealth in your palm, you need to look for the answer in your past life. The answer to this question lies in your actions and attitude towards others.

How to find and solve the Apollo line on your hand

The sun line on the hand is located at the base of the palm. The Apollo line runs parallel to the line of fate and ends under the ring finger of the hand. This is how the Apollo line (sun line) should ideally be. But most often it is not so long and has a smaller size.

Most often, this trait appears on the palm in adulthood, and not from a young age. But there are exceptions - talented children and child prodigies. From an early age they prove that they are talented and successful in life. You can discern a trait of wealth and good fortune in them from an early age.

A wealth line starting from the heart line indicates late recognition. Such people at a young age were unrecognized geniuses, carried out all sorts of projects, carried out plans. And by the age of fifty they find themselves in life, become happier and more successful.

    • A clear, even line of the sun, without islands, dots or interruptions, speaks of the success of its owner. These people are darlings of fate. They are very successful, there are no defeats or failures in his life. But this happens very rarely. But most often there are various defects on the wealth line.
    • If your Apollo line (sun line) is short, it is interrupted and comes from the line of the mind, and ends under the ring finger - you are a successful person. Your success in your career was quite rapid and your fall will be just as rapid. But don't despair. In palmistry, this sign on the palm only warns you of a possible fall. You must listen to him and do everything in your power to stay afloat and not test your fate to the limit. Sometimes it is enough to change your place of work, change your field of activity, or simply complete your project to the end in order to be appreciated.

  • The Apollo line with islands in palmistry speaks of a scandalous personality and lack of a positive reputation. Criminal personalities may also have such a trait. They can also be quite successful in their field. But most often it is found in positive people, not negative ones, who have a kind heart.
  • If the line of the sun is darkened by a cross, it speaks of disappointments in life and financial losses. A cross in the middle of the wealth line speaks of overcoming obstacles, the incompleteness of a work project, and at the end of the wealth line - the end of a career, loss of business, and so on.
  • Numerous gaps in the wealth line may be a consequence of lack of recognition and lack of appreciation. Such people are not recommended to be scattered around. They need to collect their thoughts and not lose interest in their business or project. Only in this way will real success await him. It is very important to wait out this period.
  • The square in palmistry has always been a sure sign of amulet and protection. The Apollo line and the square on it speaks of a person’s protection from gossip, intrigue and envious people.
  • If the success line intersects with a star, it will bring great success to its owner. They are famous, rich and easily complete projects they have already started.
  • If there is more than one line of the sun (it is triple or double), its effect on a person increases significantly. Such people are very famous, talented in the fields of art and more, and also very rich. But to achieve this fame, such people need to gain experience, go through difficulties, failures and falls. To achieve popularity, they will need to do more than one working project, but the result will not be long in coming.

What does a star on the line of the sun mean?

The Apollo line (line of success) and the star on it in palmistry speaks of a charismatic and extraordinary personality. These people live in harmony with themselves. The star is capable of attracting spiritual energy to its owner and influencing his destiny. The star illuminates people to realize all their dreams, plans, projects and ideas. A star in palmistry is capable of giving people good intuition. Such people make famous personalities: artists, poets, musicians, politicians, and so on.

It is very difficult to find a star among untalented people or those who have achieved popularity through money and influential acquaintances. These are unique people, capable of independently realizing their talents, projects and plans. Most often, a star on the hand speaks of the presence of a divine patron in fate. The star protects and protects its owner in difficult life situations. It has a positive impact on the fate of people who have it.

Palmistry is a unique knowledge with which you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. Unleash your potential by finding out if you have a wealth line and other symbols on your hand that promise monetary success and fame.

What is the wealth line?

As such, there is no separate line of wealth, but there are other lines and signs of wealth on the hand, by which you can judge whether luck awaits you in financial matters.

So, you need to find the life and fate lines on your hand and see if they connect at the wrist. The line of fate and the line of life intersecting at the starting point is the so-called line of wealth.

Such a sign suggests that a person will achieve great financial success if he puts in the effort - he has a good predisposition for this.

Signs of wealth on the hand

Take a close look at your palm to determine if you have other signs of wealth on your hand.

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Signs of money luck

Look at the line of the mind. If her tail, closer to the edge of the palm, has a branch, this is a sign that monetary success is with you!

With age, such people practically attract money to themselves: they receive unexpected winnings, easily get a good job, and successfully start their own business.

A small but noticeable line between the little and ring fingers also indicates good luck.

If a branch extends from the line of the mind to the index finger closer to the inside of the palm, this small “wealth line” indicates financial stability and a comfortable life. Rare sign.

Life Line

Signs of well-being

Look at the life line. How deep is it? If this line is poorly visible due to its shallow depth, you need to try very hard, acquire new knowledge, gain experience in order to get rich. But a deep life line is a sign of material well-being.

Short branches from the life line towards the fingers indicate a person’s ambition. Such people achieve financial success solely through their work; they have every chance to significantly improve their situation.

Line of Fate

A pronounced line of fate, tending to the middle finger, but not reaching its base, indicates a person who is confidently moving towards his goals, capable of reaching financial heights.

Other signs of wealth on the hand

If a trident or fork is visible at the top of the fate line, this indicates an increase in wealth in mature years.

The little finger reaching the first phalanx of the ring finger indicates a predisposition to monetary success and well-being.

If the little finger is not long enough, but is set quite low in relation to the ring finger, this indicates a person’s poor origin, but does not negate the opportunity to get rich through perseverance and determination.

Money triangle

Money triangle on hand

A very lucky sign. If a person has it on his hand, it means great success in the financial sphere, prosperity and material well-being.

You need to look for it at the intersection of the line of mind and the line of fate.

The ideal option is if this triangle is clearly visible and has no breaks. People who have such a sign on their palm are lucky. Wealth and fame seem to fall into their hands.

With the help of palmistry, one can read a person’s character, his actions and important life events. This is only 1% of all knowledge. If you want to know more about the lines on the palm in order to read your destiny and the destiny of others, send us a VKontakte

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