Talking to your daughter in your sleep. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about your Daughter? Hugging and kissing daughter

Frame houses 24.12.2023
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You dream of your own daughter as a reflection of your care and worries, however, some events occurring in the dream, in which a child or daughter appears, can serve to decipher future events.

If you dreamed that your adult daughter became small again, your existing disagreements may worsen, you will receive a reproach for doing something wrong for her or with her in childhood.

Quarreling with your daughter in a dream means dissatisfaction with her behavior in reality.

To experience the death of your daughter or a funeral in a dream means you will have to endure a severe financial crisis.

But if you dreamed that your daughter drowned, the dream warns that she may fall into bad company.

Dreaming of your daughter's pregnancy means problems in her life, which she will not reveal to you right away. Perhaps this is precisely why solving them will be more difficult.

Beating your daughter in a dream means a situation where you will have to sacrifice your well-being for her sake, give up part of your life energy.

Dreaming of a daughter who does not exist - there will be a new acquaintance with a continuation.

Losing your daughter, looking for her and not finding her - such a dream can warn of the danger that threatens your child from the deliberate actions of strangers. Another interpretation of the dream is that later she will live far from you, in another city.

A dream in which a father kills his daughter means that he will have to intercede very thoroughly for her. You may need to involve your influential contacts.

The plot in which the daughter called her dad in a dream has the same interpretation.

If you dreamed that your daughter cut her hair, her plans would be ruined due to your fault.

Crying for a living daughter in a dream means real troubles and hardships in her life.

If you dreamed that your daughter attacked with a knife, she may be dishonored, disgraced, especially if she injured you in the dream.

A sick daughter dreams of a very difficult conversation with her in reality for both of you.

Why do you dream about a daughter, Loff’s dream book

A little daughter, which parents dream of, no matter which of them, symbolizes family ties, their condition and interpersonal dependencies.

Seeing a daughter as small, although in real life she has long since passed this age, is an indication that in the childhood of this child there was an error in upbringing, a gap that at the moment can affect her life, and, if necessary, it should be filled now. Analyze her life, worries and worries, perhaps you will understand what psychological mistakes grow from the past.

She dreams that her daughter has died, burying her is in reality no reason to worry, the dream simply reflects her growing up and moving away from her parents, weakening her close dependence on them.

However, a dream in which you are told that your daughter has died, and then you find her alive (in the case of a fairly old daughter or at least a teenager in reality), indicates an underestimation of this girl’s dependence on her parents. Therein lies the danger, because, considering herself old enough and reasonable, she can make a mess.

If a daughter drowns in a dream, this directly indicates that such a mistake has already happened. Pay attention to the reason why she ended up in the water, whether someone prevented her from getting ashore, how scared you were in the dream. And, of course, it is extremely important how this dream ended.

A daughter in a black dress dreams of her illness, the likelihood of an accident. The exception is dreams in which the dress was of a formal evening cut; this indicates her future considerable fortune and a life of luxury.

A dream in which you saw your daughter’s blood may indicate an illness or other misfortune.

I dreamed that my daughter was dying - she would discover an unexpected talent. Perhaps its development will require additional expenses.

If your daughter died in your dream on Saturday night, in the future you will live very far from each other, perhaps even on different continents.

If you dreamed that your daughter was pregnant, get ready to shoulder her future problems.

Beating your daughter in a dream means you will have to provide her with all possible assistance, either material or physical.

The most detailed description: “dream book of looking for a daughter in a dream” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

what does every dream mean

Looking for a child in a dream and not finding it

Usually, if you have a dream, it means that someone from above wants to say something important. It happens that these signs can help a person not to make serious mistakes. The main thing is to take everything into account. Especially, a dream about a lost child does not at all mean a good future.

As a rule, losing something or someone is always bad. However, it should be taken into account under what circumstances the loss occurred. Of course, if an earring or bag is lost somewhere, then this is a big hassle. But when a person is lost in a dream, especially if it is a child, then you have to prepare yourself for the worst. Wise grandmothers usually say that if a girl loses a child in a dream, it means that he will soon fly to heaven. A terrible and bitter prediction, but it doesn’t always happen as people say. After all, it is important to consider how exactly the child was lost. It is worth noting that if a mother finds her child, then nothing bad will happen. Perhaps the baby will have some serious health problems. Only everything can work out if the child is found in dreams.

It is very important not to think about sleep constantly. As you know, thoughts materialize and it may happen that a dream comes true in a matter of days. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break from last night. It is advisable to go to the cinema to watch a comedy or visit some exhibition so that the brain stops reminding you of a bad dream.

Losing a child in a dream is a very, very bad sign. In general, the modern dream book says that if a woman has lost her own child, then in the near future she will be disappointed. Everything will be difficult, perhaps even dismissal from work. There is also a threat that huge problems will arise with finances. For example, Nostradamus’s dream book explains that the loss of a child means the loss of love. Of course, in different sources the interpretation is completely different. However, there is one similarity: such a dream promises troubles and misfortunes. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth to a child and left it somewhere by accident, then there is a small probability of the baby being born. It also happens that a child simply went home in a dream, and his parents are looking for him. This also suggests that something not entirely good awaits the baby.

Looking for a child in me means that serious problems will soon arise. It would be nice to find him. However, in most cases this does not happen. It is very important to pay attention to how old the child is in real life. If it’s around 5 – 6, then he may get into a stupid situation. Well, if there is no child yet, and in the dream there was precisely the loss of a baby, then in reality he may not exist. Of course, this is just a dream and you should not completely and completely believe in any interpretation. But it is necessary to take it into account. After all, it’s possible to fix something without doing anything stupid. As a rule, a certain dream is dreamed for a reason. This is a sign from a parallel world that lets you know that problems await a person. And the more terrible the dream, the more you need to prepare yourself for the upcoming problems. It's better to find out sooner than to have a surprised face later.

Many people, when they find out why they dream of losing a child, panic. After all, almost everywhere there is a terrible interpretation of such a dream. Therefore, in this case, it is advisable to go to church and ask the icons so that the dream does not come true. Then light candles for the health of the whole family and distribute gifts to homeless children. Perhaps after this the dream will not come true.

In general, you should not believe various interpretations seriously. After all, people write them. And people, as a rule, are capable of making mistakes, regardless of whether they are a magician or a psychic. And dream books are now printed with not entirely reliable information. Therefore, all that remains is to take into account all the interpretations and move on with your life, enjoying every day!

Dream Interpretation looking for a Child

Why dream of looking for a Child in a dream according to a dream book?

Why do you dream of looking for a child? In reality, unsuccessful attempts are made to find inspiration and create a new idea.

Try to get things done in reality, leave behind the desire to cling to the world of illusions. Live in the present without trying to find answers in days gone by.

Dream interpretation of losing a child in a dream

What does it mean to dream about losing a child? Dream interpretation

Losing children in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you lost your child, then get ready for disappointment. Plans that you were confident would fail miserably. For you, this may result in significant financial losses and reputational costs, which will make themselves felt for a long time in the future.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream is usually a reflection of her fears and self-doubt. The main thing in this case is to try to calm yourself down, because such a dream does not contain any bad omens for her.

Dream interpretation of finding a child in a dream

Why do you dream about finding a child? Dream interpretation

Finding a child in a dream is usually a good sign. It symbolizes that a person is in search of his “I”, comprehends his life and wants change. Finding a child means success in all endeavors.

Also, such a dream may mean that a business that was started earlier and failed due to constantly arising obstacles will now be successfully completed. If you dreamed that a found child became a member of the family, this means that dramatic changes will occur in life. For men, this dream is most often a harbinger of an imminent change from their old job to a higher-paying and more prestigious one.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Search for an object that constantly changes its location- may irritate, but the find may be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent.

Searching for him in company with others- may be a hint that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A 48-year-old man tells his dream: “I’m looking for the keys to my car and I can’t find them anywhere. I turn everything in the house upside down, yell at my wife, and generally lose my temper. My daughter is not at home, and I start blaming her for everything. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises her to look in the lock of the front door. That's what I do. My keys are there.

This dream is about searching- is interesting because in his detailed story the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving a car. The feeling of losing control over his daughter's life consumed most of his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that most of the conflicts at home were caused by his own anxiety, and not by actual disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family.

Dream about a search ending unsuccessfully- typically illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common types of dreams about searching for a person include a crying child who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, for example, death of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them.

If you often have dreams like this- perhaps you should check whether your goals and behavior are consistent with each other, or whether they are mutually exclusive.

Dream book for a bitch

Search- the future will bring many disappointments and troubles.

If they're looking for you- aggression and malicious attacks from rivals and ill-wishers.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Search- reflection of the search as such in all areas. The need to look for answers within yourself.

The inner spiritual search is no less important, if not more, than the search in the outer world.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were knocked down searching for a missing child- portends that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam, which can lead you either to big money or to a long prison term.

Take part in the search for missing and distressed people- to losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from your assistants.

If in a dream you turned the whole apartment upside down in search of a missing thing, and even then you couldn’t find it- this means that in reality you will face real losses not only of a material, but also of a moral nature.

A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city- means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal.

If you are looking for one of your relatives- this means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them.

A dream in which your search was crowned with success- means temporary dissatisfaction with the progress of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Internal search- means no less than searching in the outside world.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Search for an unknown thing, some object (emphasis on the unknown and the object)- empty state of yin (content lost) and aimless empty action of yang. A state of uncertainty, emptiness of internal, external loss, doubt. Even if a thing is only a symbol of something, the thing is physically searched for with hands and eyes.

Search for non-physical data (for example, solving a problem)- it is not necessary to express it through external actions: this process takes place inside the person’s self.

Search for an external symbol of forward confidence in inner strengths- there is an error: the prospect of being unable to use what was found arises. If you do not know how to use what you have for your own benefit, then you will not be able to use the additional power you have found.

It is unknown what to look for in a dream- there is a sign of uncertainty in the consequences of one’s decisions and a lack of understanding of the essence of the problem; looking for an unknown object is a lack of confidence in oneself and a desire to avoid responsibility in case of failure (the talisman did not help).

Search by wandering through corridors, streets, desert, forest- see the relevant articles and connect the meanings.

Looking for a very specific object in a dream- in reality, being one of the main symbols of human culture (symbolism outweighs the external form).

Search not for an object, but for an exit/entrance from a dungeon or apartment- means trying to actively solve a problem. Interpretation is given according to the relevant articles.

Collection of dream books

Search- as a rule, it marks a spiritual journey.

I've been dreaming for several nights now that I'm pregnant and losing my baby in different ways (((

Veronica Melnikova

Get a full examination from a gynecologist just in case, you never know. and so, if everything is fine there, then forget it. don't pay attention. if you're a believer, go to church

For a pregnant woman, seeing herself in a dream is a BURDEN, problems and other burdens.


Why do you dream about losing a child?

“It is very important not to think about sleep constantly. As you know, thoughts materialize and it may happen that a dream comes true in a matter of days. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break from last night. It is advisable to go to the cinema to watch a comedy or visit some exhibition so that the brain stops reminding you of a bad dream. ”

Found a child

Dream Interpretation Found a child dreamed about why you dream in a dream Found a child? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Found a child in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

Dream Interpretation – Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Child - dream: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkosh) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation – Child, child

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace. A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result. Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy. A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation – Child

It can remind you of the child who lives inside you and gives you such qualities as playfulness, the ability to rejoice, and openness.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Seeing crying children in a dream means poor health and disappointment.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Crying children in a dream portend deterioration in health and disappointment. A cheerful, cheerful child dreams of mutual love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and contempt for everyday vulgarity. If a woman sees in a dream how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts most. It is a bad sign to take your sick, feverish child in your arms in a dream: such a dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation – Child, baby, boy

if it is an infant, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy who has reached maturity is good news. Seeing a healthy baby in a dream means getting rid of life's problems and happy love. Seeing a sick baby means trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If a person has a child in a dream, then in reality he will have troubles and worries. If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins.

Dream Interpretation – Child

If you feel worried and worried about your own child: in reality, nothing serious threatens your family happiness.


Hello! I dreamed that I and my little son, although now he is already an adult, wanted to get on a ship that I could see from afar! We board some kind of boat to get closer! But suddenly this boat takes off like a plane and flies in the other direction, at that moment I understand that the child is not with me, I start looking for him and am very worried! I woke up from this horror!

Hello Tatiana. I had a dream that in another city where we previously lived, I rode a bicycle with my child to the store. After some time, I noticed that he was not nearby. I was worried, I went looking for him, then I bought green and blue grapes and gave him 100 UAH. bill Then I decided to look for him further and woke up.

I dreamed that I was with a child, walking with him, then for some reason I was going to school, I approached the table where there was either a teacher or a security guard, and somehow this baby disappeared from me and I rushed to look for him with my family, we sat down on what The train was on its way somewhere and then I woke up. But the most interesting thing is that I constantly held this baby in my arms and hugged him tightly, it seemed like this baby was my mother’s, I don’t remember exactly, the dream was surprisingly strange. Please help me understand it. Thank you in advance.

I dreamed that I met the parents (and unplanned) of my friend’s fashionable man. I see his family and sister and they all tell me that they liked me more than my friend. Considering that neither my friend nor I have met his parents and he does not have a younger sister

Hello. I haven’t seen my son for two months now, since I left for another city for work. He is 4 years old. I dreamed that he ran away from home. And so I’ve been looking for him on the streets for two months. By chance I heard him calling me “Mom”. I ran around the yard and found him with some boy. My son was wearing someone else's clothes. I took him in my arms and came home with him. I woke up and started crying.

There was some kind of holiday, there were a lot of people, I got ready and left, leaving my daughter to strangers, I thought they would take her away. But then I found out that they didn’t take her and went home. I ran in a panic looking for my daughter through the dark streets.

Hello, I dreamed that my youngest daughter disappeared and I was in shock and didn’t know what to do or where to look for her.

I had this dream in the morning. My wife and I went out on business, and left our son with his wife's mother. All the time my wife and I walked, we remembered our son. When we came home, it turned out that while my mother-in-law was in the garden, she forgot about him and our little son ran away. We started looking for him. Afterwards, my sleep was interrupted by a call and I woke up, I don’t know what happened next (((, what this was for. In reality, before this, my wife promised to come to me without her son. Maybe this is based on my experiences, because they are different city ​​and she will leave him with her grandmother first.

This is not the first time I have dreamed that my little son is lost, I am looking for him but cannot find him, in the dream my wife is hiding some truth and does not want to look for her son.

I searched for my son in a dream for 3 hours, later he ended up at home with his grandmother (deceased). In the dream, my son was about 7 years old, although he was already 20. I also saw a clock that said 6:30 p.m., in the same dream I cried and fought. And it's all one dream

Hello. I don't usually look for the meaning of dreams, but this dream surprised or disturbed me. I dreamed that I was walking and eating chickens (plucked. I remember that they looked like in the store, without guts and feathers). And I remember that I tear off pieces of meat and eat them. Then I notice that I only have half a chicken in my hands, the second has been eaten (by me) and there are no limbs. And at that moment it occurs to me, “Is this a chicken? and Where is my son? For some reason I'm starting to think that these are the remains of a son, and not a chicken. I spent the rest of the dream running around in terror and trying to find my son to make sure I didn't eat him. Crazy dream. This never happened in life. We are on vacation. We just arrived at a new hotel and on the first night I had such a dream. The next night, I dreamed that I was standing among the barriers and could not remember the code to leave. Because my rights are being taken away. This didn't happen before. I often have dreams, but this happens so often...

Hello! I lost my child in a dream (but I know that he was stolen, because I search, stop cars and look into them) I cry because I can’t find him. then I dreamed of gypsies, first in the apartment then on the street at night

I dreamed that I had my baby in my arms, which in reality was not there, and then he disappeared or was stolen, I don’t remember. And I looked for him.

supposedly I was with my ex-husband and bit his finger for some reason and it started bleeding. Then I left the child with someone and went back to him. Then I remembered that I was late to pick up my son and ran after my son. He was no longer there and I looked for him, but I think I found him later .From Thursday to Friday I had a dream.

I dream that I know that I need to find my daughter, and everything is intermittently, des city, and there seems to be no strong panic, but I don’t remember whether I found her or not.

I dreamed that my child and I urgently flew to St. Petersburg for one day, I don’t even remember why, but we arrived by plane, we were doing something there... We were walking somewhere... We were taking a taxi... And when I got out of the taxi, and it drove away , I realized that I had forgotten my son there, who simply fell asleep in the car, it was very strange for me that I acted so irresponsibly, I was worried that they would not return him to me, on the one hand, I understood that who needs him? , the taxi driver will see him and come back, but he never returned from the other place

Hello! I dreamed that my child stole a car, and I was running after her and couldn’t catch up... Then the whole dream I was looking for my child, I met a lot of people who promised to help in the search, but they disappeared somewhere... Then I met my aunt (the owner of the car ) and mother, they say the car was found, but the daughter was not in it... The action took place in the city of Sevastopol.

I was looking for a child in a dream, seemingly with my ex-man (we broke up recently, the feelings remained, the reason was not the perception of my relatives). I knew he took and hid the child, there were dogs that allegedly helped in the search. We were looking in some forest, trees are all that and in my opinion

our infant rose up to the ceiling, flew up to the sofa where my husband and I sleep, slowly descended, but without descending completely, flew up and evaporated in a white ball.

Hello! I dreamed that a war had started and the whole city had gathered in one place... that’s where I lost my child, I looked for it in a dream, I was worried, but I couldn’t find it... because I woke up

twice I had a dream that I was looking for my 3-year-old son, the first time I looked for him around the city and found him, in the second dream I looked for him in some room and also then found him, I was very worried in the dream, I didn’t dream at night , and in the morning

Several of us were walking, including my youngest son. Two people and a son came to visit a woman (now deceased). I looked for him and didn't find him.

I dreamed that I had another son, about two years old with blond hair. as if I left him in the hospital and never visited him. Now I want to pick him up, hug him, and I feel guilty. I'm trying to find him and I can't

I dreamed that I was looking for my daughter, I was crying and calling her, but I couldn’t find her, then I couldn’t scream, I didn’t have the strength, some other children helped me call her, but I woke up in horror.

My child was playing in the kindergarten with children, then she and the girl did not share the doll and began to pull it towards her and cry, the girl gave her the doll, but my daughter did not stop crying and began to run away, I ran after her, turned the corner, and her it’s not there, and that’s it, I’m in a panic, running through the streets and calling my daughter, throwing myself on the floor and crying, realizing that I can’t find her, then I find her in the store and buy sweets, and she, as if nothing had happened, then I’m in I woke up in horror.

I dreamed that I had my daughter in my arms (at the moment my daughter is now an adult - she is 24 years old), but I dreamed that she was small - that she was about one year old, at most a year and a half.. In the dream it was as if she was small in my arms, I carry her. Then I put her on the floor, turned away for literally a second, and then turned around again, but she was gone.. That my little daughter seemed to have disappeared - she stood still and disappeared. And next to me in a dream, it’s as if my now adult daughter is standing, who in the dream, as in reality, is 24 years old, and says to me: “Mom.” don’t worry about where it might go - it will be found...” But I ran to look for my little daughter and didn’t find her and was horrified that I couldn’t find her. I woke up …. What could this dream mean?

Hello Tatyana! I had a dream that I asked a friend to babysit her baby. When she came to pick up the child, the friend said that she had left him in the forest. And the whole dream I was in a hurry to get to this forest. I got there by bus and then called a taxi. I went to the forest like that and didn’t get it, I woke up... but I was very scared for the child, and I cried a lot in my sleep. That’s the dream...

I dreamed that my husband and daughter and I were walking in a big city; when my daughter saw a store, a daisy pulled out of her hand towards him, her husband lets go of her hand, she runs away, I tell my husband to run after her, he runs away. I ran after her, but when I ran to the store I no longer saw her, I tried to look for her, I ran back and forth but I couldn’t find her, I woke up and still couldn’t find her in my dream.

I supposedly saw my son, but I’m not really a mother yet, and supposedly I lost him and was looking for him.. One girl brings him to me and hands him over, and he’s in my arms and all blue and wet, I put him under the blanket and feed him milk. ,he seemed to come to his senses.

I dreamed that in my own house, on the street in the garden... my husband and I were there, someone came... and my daughter opened the gate and then, screaming, ran downstairs to the bottom gate and behind her were two men...... and more we they didn’t see her, then they looked for her daughter, but everything was in vain.....

In a dream, I am looking for a baby to buy, as if I wanted to buy him for myself. I see them naturally, now one then the other. But I didn’t buy it and woke up.

Hello! I had a dream that my child was lost, I looked for him, screamed and found him. The boy was covered in poop.))

Hello! I dreamed that a war had started in our city and everyone began to hide in all directions, and I could not find my daughter who remained in the car and disappeared somewhere, and in the dream I felt great despair because of my daughter, and my heart was very It was bad! I cried a lot for my daughter! Please tell me what this dream is for! I’m very worried

the child leaves, I call him, he does not respond to my call, the husband follows him and they disappear. I stand and wait

I can't wait for them

I dreamed of a war, how planes were shooting, and I was running with one thought: where is my child, I couldn’t find him, I cried, and then I found him in the forest on a mountain, hugged him tightly, felt our hearts beat as one so strongly!

On the subway, I didn’t have time to jump into the carriage behind my child. Then she ran after the carriages. I can’t say whether I found it or not, but later in the dream he was with me


First I dreamed that I was pregnant.. Then I gave birth, but I don’t remember it... And then that I left the child with my brother for a walk and could not reach him by phone, and then the child appeared in the arms of a completely different person!

I lost my child in the crowd. Then I went by bus, got off the bus and sat down on a bench.

It’s summer outside, and I see children on the playground dressed in carnival costumes as if it’s New Year’s. I’m thinking about where my child is. He comes out of the entrance in a T-shirt. His shirt is unbuttoned, with a bag and without pants, and the thought flashed through my head that a pedophile had stolen him. I took him in my arms and began to call the police.

Hello, my baby is 2 months old. In the dream, I was in the hospital and went to the toilet. I put it on a chair, and when I came out I remembered that there was a child with me. When she returned she was no longer there. I cried throughout my sleep, but never found her, I woke up with anxiety in my soul

I have already dreamed several times that I was running and looking for my son, calling him, crying and realizing that he was somewhere here, but I couldn’t find him. I wake up terrified

My daughter is 19 years old, I dreamed about her, she was little, 1 year old or a little more, I was watching her from the bus, and she went out into the street completely naked and went somewhere, and I lost sight of her. I started searching everywhere and attracted all the people to the search. I was very worried and cried in my dreams. I thought that I would never find her. I had a panic and woke up. What does this dream mean?

I dreamed: I remember that I once became pregnant from my leader (this leader was actually once my leader), I saw myself in a dream with a belly. Then, what happens, I don’t remember anything in the dream. And after some time (2-3 years) I think where is my child? and I start looking for him. I found it quickly. He was raised by an old friend of mine. I decided to take the child, my mother supported me in this. I didn’t see the specific family where the boy was being raised; there was only a young man to whom the child was left; he was like a nanny (in a dream I knew him, but in reality I don’t know him). And he didn’t want to give it away, citing the fact that everyone was very attached to him. I saw in a dream how he played with a child, and that the child loved him. Then a woman appears in a dream who teaches me what needs to be done to return the child. As a result, I explain to this young man about my intention to take the child, that it is easy for me to prove that I am a mother and the law is on my side. In general, I am returning the child. So happy, I buy him books.

hello. I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy and abandoned him and then changed my mind. I started looking for him among other children and didn’t find him

I took my boy to school in 4th grade. old school, not my city. There were many bushes and trees along the road, the leaves were green and yellow. I’ve never seen a child, short-haired blond

I dreamed that I was on the playground and met my friend there, walking with the children. I suddenly began to cry a lot and shout: “Where is my child, I can’t find my child” (I was looking for my own son). Then we went to the police station, where a policeman stood and announced the names of the people who were found. Mine was not there. And I already had this dream.

Hello. The child is always small in dreams (1-1.5 years old), although in reality he is already a teenager. At the moment I lost it in the store and I can’t find it, I spent the whole dream running around the store, looking, but I couldn’t find it - I woke up

Hello Tatiana! This is the second time I have come to you. Today I had a dream, as if at a holiday in the evening (it was already dark) with a large crowd of people, I lost my daughter. For some reason, the holiday took place not far from the hospital. I called my husband and son, and we began to look for the child and found her in the hospital building. She was in the corridor on the second floor and sat on the windowsill looking out the window.

I dreamed that my middle sister took my youngest daughter and went somewhere and no one tells me where they went. In the dream, the daughter is small, but in life she is an adult and married. In the dream, I tried to call my sister and ask where she was with my daughter and her daughter, but she didn’t pick up the phone. Then it turned out that she was visiting her husband’s relatives and simply could not answer the phone and everything was fine. But I was very worried in my dream..

I dreamed several times that my daughter was lost, I was looking for her and couldn’t find her, but today I dreamed that a woman came and said that my daughter was no more. I want to roar, howl, but I can’t

I met a guy, we had a son, and in order not to interfere with my studies and his too, they took him away from us and gave him to his grandmother, and I didn’t see the child for a long time, but this guy and I have not been together for two years now together!

Hello! In a dream, I lost my six-year-old daughter in a large building where there were many people and children. I searched on different floors, but found others. I felt bad and hurt in my sleep. The dream repeats itself a second time! I often have prophetic dreams, but I understand them only when something happens in reality

I cried and looked for my child in a dream, I didn’t see him, but I asked to return my first-born child and what they told me to do to return the baby


Today I had a dream, it seemed like we were on a train, and suddenly a child disappeared somewhere, panic began, I ran, calling him, asking everyone, screaming, crying, asking for help, I got out, ran somewhere. and I wake up in despair. For about six months now, such dreams have been recurring periodically. The meaning is the same - a child has disappeared and I’m looking for him, but the plots are different, in my opinion the dreams are colorful

They trusted me to babysit 2 children (a 5-6 year old girl and a 3 year old boy). I told the girl that she could go home alone and we’ll meet there... She got lost, I ran with another child looking for the girl Camilla

Hello, I had a dream that my ex-husband took his children, a 5-year-old boy and a 1.9-year-old girl, to his home, I came to him and neither he nor the children were there, his mother kept silent about where they were, I ran with my friends to his grandmother, and there, near the entrance, his ex-husband’s mother is sitting with some women and the door to the entrance is littered with trunks, I quickly shoved everything away and run after the children, the children are going up the entrance, but I am shocked without paying attention, I go into the apartment like his grandmother , and there was an apartment full of mothers with small children, they were sleeping on the floor and in the kitchen, in general there were children in one room, I was shocked to see my ex through the eyes, I told him where the children were, and he was standing in the entrance to me, and then I immediately I see Vanyusha, my son, kind of sad, with a black face and some red bumps on his eyes, and I woke up in horror, but I still didn’t see my daughter, why would you tell me this, I rarely have dreams at all, well this it’s just horror, I was running to them, it’s just horror, children for me are the meaning of life, maybe I’m just very worried, worried and stressing myself out, tell me what this dream is for, thank you very much....!

Children very often appear in the dreams of parents. As a rule, this is considered a sign that relatives need help or require additional communication. A daughter is considered more vulnerable in real life. Therefore, the question of why a daughter dreams comes up quite often. As a rule, such a dream is a harbinger of the onset of a hectic period in life. But in order to more accurately decipher the dream with your daughter, you need to remember all the details of the plot.

It is noteworthy that a daughter in a dream does not always indicate that a loved one needs help. According to dreamers, it can be dreamed of by people who, for example, have only sons. A daughter in a dream in such cases is a symbol of support and love. It indicates that there are people around the dreamer who are always reliable and will help at any moment. As a rule, such a dream symbolizes a strong family.

Interpretation of sleep for a man

For a man who does not actually have a daughter, sleeping with her is a very favorable sign. In the real world, after such a dream, a large number of joyful events await him. There is a high probability that fate has prepared new opportunities for him, which it is important not to miss.

For a man, his own daughter in a dream represents the state of his soul. If she was cheerful in her night dreams, then this means that the person is satisfied with his own life and there is confidence and calmness in his soul. But if a man dreamed of his own daughter, then his soul is restless and the reasons for this may be different.

Dreaming about my own daughter

You definitely need to understand why you dream about your own daughter. In this case, interpretations can be very different. If a mother has such a dream, then there is a high probability that during this period of time your own child is experiencing strong emotional experiences. But also such a dream for a woman may indicate that she needs protection in reality. The general interpretation of dreams with a dreamed daughter can be considered to be the explanation that unpleasant events will happen in life that will open the way to harmony and perfection for the dreamer.

Little daughter - the meaning of a dream

If in real life your daughter is still a little girl, but in a dream you saw her grown up and beautiful, then this dream predicts that in the future you will be proud of your own child. But the question of why a little daughter dreams is also interesting. When a little girl in a beautiful dress and very elegant appears in a dream, this dream predicts success in society. At any age you will be charming and beautiful. Your actions and ability to behave in society will always evoke the admiration of others.

If you dream of a little daughter, then in reality you can expect very unexpected turns in life. It will be filled with joyful events and pleasant surprises. In general, such a dream predicts the onset of a prosperous period in life. But if you see a sick daughter, then this symbolizes the fact that in reality your daughter does not have enough of your attention and care.

Give birth to your own daughter

When, according to the plot of the dream, the dreamer again has to give birth to her own daughter, this indicates that brightness and happiness await you in reality. The main thing is to try to open up to everything new and not close yourself off in your own world.

Why do you dream about your daughter’s wedding?

Many people are interested in the question of why they dream about their daughter’s wedding. First of all, seeing your child in a wedding dress in a dream is a very good omen. This indicates that you should not worry about your daughter's future, as everything will turn out very well for her. For the dreamer, such a dream can predict the opening of new life opportunities. Also, such a dream predicts that happy changes will come in real life, which will allow you to get rid of routine everyday hassles.

Dreamed about my daughter's pregnancy

No less interesting to dreamers is why their daughter dreams about her pregnancy. This is a symbol of wealth. After such a dream, you can be sure that you will have new opportunities to earn money in life. There is also a high chance that you may receive a large inheritance.

Daughter gives birth - dream book

When you see in a dream that your daughter is giving birth, this indicates that you will receive good news that will concern your real daughter, but will delight the whole family. If your daughter, according to the plot of her night dreams, gives birth to a boy, then she will have a successful career, and if she gives birth to a girl, she will be happy in her family life.

Giving something to my daughter

If, according to the plot of your night dreams, you have to give something to your own daughter or she herself takes something from you, then this foreshadows unplanned expenses, which, most likely, will turn out to be unreasonable. Maybe in reality you will really have to spend money to satisfy your child’s needs. This needs to be taken philosophically, because every person really wants to pamper themselves sometimes.

Why do you dream about the death of your daughter?

You shouldn't worry when you dream about your daughter's death. At least you can be sure that your loved one is not in danger. Such a dream promises happiness for your daughter and indicates attractive prospects for the future. The funeral of one’s own daughter in a dream has a similar positive interpretation. But in addition, such a dream predicts that your daughter will have good health.

Crying daughter

There is also no need to worry if you dreamed of a crying daughter. This indicates that a joyful event occurred in the life of your loved one and that in real life your daughter experiences joyful feelings. But if your daughter is crying and on the verge of hysterics, according to the plot of the dream, then this dream indicates that you will have to endure severe disappointments.

Hugging and kissing daughter

But a dream in which you hug your daughter and kiss her is considered an unfavorable omen. It is a harbinger of quarrels and conflicts in reality with close relatives. You need to show wisdom and try to find compromise solutions to all existing disagreements that arise when communicating with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of a Daughter according to the dream book:

Seeing a dead daughter in a dream (if she is alive) marks a new stage in the relationship with her. Be prepared for any turn of events in this regard.

A deceased daughter in a dream can also mean that you are too worried about your children. But it’s worth paying attention - what if they have problems that you don’t know about? If you don’t have children, but dream about your dead daughter, it means that you are generally prone to severe anxiety that has no real reason.

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream of a Daughter:

Daughter - Litigation in your favor

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a Daughter according to the dream book:

Daughter - If in a dream your daughter is inattentive to you, in reality she will give you a very pleasant gift.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of a Daughter according to the dream book:

Daughter - Seeing a suffering daughter in a dream means grief. If your daughter neglects you in a dream, this means trouble, as this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream of a Daughter according to the dream book:

Daughter - Seeing your daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will open the way to pleasure and harmony for you. If in a dream you feel her negligence towards you and lack of care, then in reality you will face troubles.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Daughter in a dream:

Daughter - Troubles, worries, grief; born - surprise; dying - pay money.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Daughter:

Interpretation of the dream book: Daughter, daughter - To see oneself dying means being forced by the court to pay all one’s debts; Seeing a newborn daughter portends a loss and disorder, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about your Daughter?

Dream Interpretation: seeing a Daughter in a dream - If you saw your daughter in a dream, do not be afraid of impending troubles. Once completed, they will make you feel like an incredibly happy person and will bring many pleasant surprises. If in a dream you lack care and attention from your daughter, then in reality bigger troubles await you. Why do you dream of a daughter - If your daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream, perhaps you will soon marry her off.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream of a Daughter in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Daughter - If you see a daughter in a dream, existing in reality or suggested by your imagination, this means that you clearly lack attention and support from your partner. If a woman had such a dream, it means that she needs to feel close to her chosen one, as if behind a stone wall. For a man, such a dream symbolizes longing for unfulfilled desires.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does Daughter mean?

Daughter - For the father - a reward of fate, recognition, depending on the daughter’s behavior in a dream; for the mother - hope.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Daughter according to the dream book:

Daughter - Seeing your daughter cheerful means arrival and peace; in tears - to experience; down the aisle - to a short marriage. Seeing a daughter during childbirth means profit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Daughter - For the father - the image of a guardian angel, a signpost of the path: hope, new things, success or failure (depending on appearance and behavior). For the mother - care, excitement, life's hardships, missed opportunities, some negative emotions (envy, jealousy, dissatisfaction); relationship situation with another person. Positive aspect: own active vitality, hope, dream; a daughter for a mother is herself; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing a Daughter in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Daughter - Daughter - always dreams of honors, profit, good society. Marrying your daughter in a dream is a harbinger of frivolous love affairs.

Big dream book Why do you dream about Daughter:

Daughter - Seeing a newborn is a surprise; dying - pay money.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea's Daughter according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Daughter in a dream - A Daughter can reflect a relationship with a real daughter. Symbolize a woman’s need for protection (to be a child). For a man, it is a symbol of his Soul (see Girl). Seeing a healthy, beautiful daughter means the fulfillment of hopes. The daughter is in danger - unsettled life, debts, illness.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of a Daughter:

Daughter - Seeing your daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will open the way to pleasure and harmony for you. If in a dream you feel her negligence towards you and lack of care, then in reality you will face troubles.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing a daughter in a dream

Why do you dream about Daughter - Chagrin

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu. Longo Dream Interpretation: Daughter

Daughter - The daughter who appeared to you in a dream, in any case, symbolizes family ties and relationships. It doesn't matter who saw her - her father or her mother. If in real life you and your daughter are in a long separation (and this is the most powerful motive for a dream) and you dreamed about your daughter, then the dream does not mean anything special. Why do you dream about your daughter - you are bored, thinking about your daughter, worrying about how she is doing without you, that’s why you had such a dream. Perhaps he promises a quick meeting. If you dreamed of your daughter who lives with you and you have the opportunity to see her every day, the dream may warn of a danger that threatens your daughter.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Daughter in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream of a Daughter - Troubles, worries, sorrows

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Daughter:

Daughter (yours) – There are problems in your relationship. We need to figure this out before they take on unpleasant forms.

If you dream of a Daughter (who actually doesn’t exist) - a sad, sick holiday of the soul may not take place. We need to think about the fact that the soul also needs food. Why do you dream of a daughter - Cheerful, beautiful, peace of mind, kindness, consciousness of a job done correctly. Getting married to find new spiritual horizons.

Marrying your daughter or girlfriend - Native is a sign of the death of one of your close relatives; and giving away a stranger foretells to the one who saw this dream the fulfillment of his desires and happy success in the enterprise.

Daughter according to the dream book

If you saw your daughter in a dream, take this omen quite seriously. The dream book can warn about future events. To get the most complete idea of ​​what your daughter is dreaming about, read all the predictions carefully.

Give birth to a daughter

If you gave birth to a little girl in a dream, then soon at the most unexpected moment in your life you will meet a person who will become dear and loved for many years. The modern dream book believes that the dreamed birth of a daughter foreshadows the completion of a rather long and difficult project. Finally, you will be able to find time to relax. Why do you dream of a newborn, Aesop explains. The fortuneteller believes that if the child born is a girl, then you will get into serious trouble due to unwise handling of money. In a dream, seeing your daughter, who is actually an adult, as a little girl means reaching the point of communicating with her. You probably don't often get the chance to be alone and show your love these days. A crying newborn is a sign that difficult times lie ahead. But, Grishina’s dream book is convinced that they will be able to be successfully overcome and even gain some benefit for themselves.

She became a mother herself

I dreamed that she was pregnant - this is a good sign. Very good news awaits you in real life. This news will please not only you personally, but also the whole family. Shereminskaya explains why her father dreams of his daughter’s pregnancy. Shereminskaya's dream book reports that the future young mother will be incredibly happy in reality. Everything will work out in the best way for her in her personal life. If a mother dreamed of a pregnant daughter, then there is no need to worry about her future. There will be a reliable and loving person nearby. If a daughter gives birth in a dream, then serious changes will occur in her destiny. If you dreamed that you gave birth to a girl, you would be happy; if you gave birth to a boy, you would take part in a responsible and profitable business. This business will bring a lot of benefits and benefits. Why we dream that a daughter gave birth to a son is explained by the Women’s Interpreter. If in a dream you gave birth to a male child, then you will be able to achieve your desired career heights; if you give birth to a little baby, you will be happy in your marriage.

Got married

A dream about your daughter's wedding predicts happy changes and relief from already annoying current troubles. Also, the marriage of an adult daughter can be dangerous. The modern dream book advises to exercise maximum caution in reality in matters at work, otherwise you can get into serious trouble. Marrying her in a white dress made of expensive luxurious fabric is a sign of happiness and a rich life. If the daughter’s dreamed groom was poorly dressed and looked sick, then an unhappy marriage and many difficulties await her. Getting married in a dirty and tattered wedding dress means sorrows and misfortunes. Especially if the daughter’s boyfriend did not show signs of love towards her. Hasse's dream book believes that a daughter's matchmaking is a sign of the beginning of a new business. If in a dream a girl got married, then in reality you will accept some lucrative offer.


If you dream of death, then in reality you will live happily and securely for many years. If the deceased spoke, it is worth remembering her words. It is possible that they are prophetic. The modern dream book believes that seeing a dead daughter in a coffin means large financial expenses. If she was killed, then the expenses will be sudden; if she drowned, you should be more attentive to your own expenses. Aesop's Dream Book believes that seeing a dead daughter means trouble. Especially if she died as a result of violent acts. Did you dream about your daughter’s funeral? In reality, you will be able to successfully cope with the difficulties that arise.

Conflict with daughter

In a dream, arguing with your daughter means misunderstanding in communication in reality. Scolding and beating your girl means worries and troubles. If you dream that your daughter is crying because of your words, you should be more tactful in your conversation with her and reduce the pressure, even if it seems that you only want the best for your child.

Lose a child

If you dreamed that a child was drowning, then you have too strong a desire to take care of someone. The modern dream book is convinced that losing a baby in a dream means a loss of life guidelines. Another interpretation of why you dream of losing your daughter is missed opportunities. If it was stolen in your night dreams, then misunderstandings and difficulties will arise in the marriage.

More predictions

Did you dream that your own daughter took a lover and brought him to meet you? The women's dream book believes that such a plot is a sign that the child may have some pretty big secrets from you. But you shouldn’t try to find them out using emotional pressure. Let her tell you herself. Seeing a naked sleeping daughter means that existing secrets will be made public. The interpretation of dreams warns of a threat that hangs over your reputation. If you don’t want shame, guard your secrets more carefully. In a dream, cutting your daughter’s hair means illness. Seeing your own daughter drunk in night visions means that in reality you are not feeling ashamed.

If you dream of a sick daughter, then very soon she will need help. Looking for her in a dream means trying to improve relationships, which are now quite difficult. To dream that one's own blood was raped means that she will have big problems. Aesop's Dream Book advises to help and patronize in every possible way. This will help you overcome the “black streak” as easily as possible.

Why do you dream about a daughter who doesn’t exist: interpretation of subconscious signs

Every mother dreams of a beautiful daughter. And if you wait impatiently for it, it will appear. But it happens that she comes only in a dream. How to interpret a dream about a daughter who does not exist. What does it mean: good or bad? What to expect in the future from such a dream?

This dream book will tell you about this in detail. A daughter who does not exist is dreamed of according to the general interpretation of court cases. But there are other designations. And, of course, everyone will choose what suits them. If you dream of a daughter who in a dream does not care for her mother and does not pay attention to her, then in real life everything will be the other way around - the beloved child will love her parents and give them everything. Seeing your non-existent daughter as an adult in a dream means you will soon be disappointed in your friends and get a knife in the back.

If the daughter is a newborn, then you should expect minor troubles soon, and if the daughter is an adult, then the worries will be more important. If in a dream a woman sees a non-existent daughter on her deathbed, litigation will force the dreamer to pay for his violations of the law. A common family dream book says that seeing an unborn girl means you will soon find love happiness, which will end with the birth of a long-awaited baby.

In the dream, the daughter does not notice her mother - the dreamer will marry off her child early. If, on the contrary, in a dream the daughter does not leave her parents, it means that in the future you need to be prepared for serious material expenses or losses. A sick non-existent daughter means troubles that will end in a positive outcome.

And in general, it is generally accepted that a girl in a dream can only lead to worries and troubles in real life, but everyone will think to the best of their interpretation and symbols, so when analyzing a dream you should take a closer look at small details and memories, they can also suggest a lot. Usually this is where the whole essence of the dream lies.

In general, there are many dream books that analyze in different ways what dreams of a daughter who does not exist yet mean. Some say that this will negatively affect personal love affairs, others, on the contrary, that this will lead to the birth of a new life. Psychologists think differently.

Psychologists say that if a girl has a dream where she sees a daughter who does not yet exist, this can only mean one thing - in a dream she sees her inner self. And the state of her soul depends on how she behaves in her sleep. For example, if in a dream a girl is calm and gentle, it means that everything is smooth and harmonious in the dreamer’s soul. And if alarming signs arise in the subconscious and develop into a dream, then in real life the girl urgently needs to look for a way out of the situation that worries her.

At such moments, it is necessary to very carefully analyze all the elements of the dream, because a clue may be nearby, you just need to think of it, and everything will fall into place. If a young girl had such a dream, in reality she should think about her behavior and character, her views on life are not entirely correct, maybe even childish. It's time to grow up and start living not in fairy tales. Is the girl capricious in the dream? So stop behaving like a princess, in this world you can achieve anything only with your own hands and mind. But if an adult woman sees such a dream, it means that the subconscious expresses her strongest desires, namely to have a child - a daughter.

And she has been going towards this goal for a very long time. If it doesn’t work out in reality, then the answers must be sought in a dream. Each element of a dream can indicate mistakes that are causing things to go wrong. If the girl is calm, you need to go towards the goal with zeal, the girl, on the contrary, is too active in her sleep - there is no need to kill yourself, just wait calmly. After all, everyone has their own body and their own perception of the world. Some people need to grab hold of everything in life, while others just come into their own hands. You just need to choose the right tactics.

Erotic and love dream books interpret the dream of a daughter who does not exist, using their own concepts. If in a dream an imaginary daughter asks for attention, it means that the girl does not have enough sexual attention from her lover. The accumulated energy comes out through the subconscious. But it also happens that men have such a dream. This may mean that his sexual fantasies are not realized, this outcome of the situation makes him depressed, the man thinks that no one needs him, that perhaps he is a pervert.

In general, he comes up with a lot of thoughts. Such individuals need urgent sexual release. But this is what intimacy is about. If we talk about the family dream book, then he claims that a non-existent daughter dreams of an imminent move or change of place of work. If in reality there is no daughter, but in a dream they come more than once, this subconscious may show a model of relationship that needs to be built with the child, or which will be built automatically.

And just looking at the results, you can understand how you should behave with your future child. Most often, women still have such a dream, but it happens that men also have their unreal daughter burst into their subconscious. In this case, his soul comes to him. A daughter is a symbol of a man's soul. After all, they are ready to protect their child from other men all their lives. And such a dream can be interpreted as the appearance of a guardian angel who will guide you on the right path and suggest the best solutions.

Also, such a daughter can mean vitality. The kind of character a child has in a dream is the kind of vitality a man has. And the subconscious usually provides such information in difficult moments for a man.

Thus, we can say that a non-existent daughter in a dream can mean what is currently happening in the dreamer’s life, regardless of his gender. This is a kind of symbol of future fate, hope for something better. If in a dream your daughter is affectionate and gentle, then harmony is guaranteed.

Of course, any dream can be interpreted both positively and negatively. The main thing to remember is that the future depends on the mood of the dreamer himself. All people make their own destiny. And what a person wants to see in this dream is what he will see. Self-analysis is a useful activity.

Dream Interpretation Little daughter

Why do you dream about a little daughter in a dream according to the dream book?

Does mom dream about her little daughter? If it is the same as in reality, expect events that will bring positive emotions. They won't cover you completely, but that doesn't matter.

According to another interpretation, the dream indicates the possibility of problems arising. Getting rid of them will give you pleasure.

Have you seen your little daughter in a dream?

I dreamed of a little daughter who was not there

The interpretation of a dream where a little daughter appears before you, although in reality she is not there, tells you that you will have to endure troubles, gradually overcoming them. Every day problems will arise in different areas, but they do not pose a serious danger.

An adult daughter in the form of a little girl according to the dream book

Did your adult daughter appear in a dream as a little girl? Communication between you and your child fades away. This can lead to a break in the relationship. You need to find time to sit, drink tea with her, and talk alone.

Dream Interpretation Death Daughters

Why do you dream about the death of a Daughter in a dream according to the dream book?

The daughter died in a dream - a symbol meaning that the girl will have a long, happy and prosperous life. Obstacles encountered in everyday life will be successfully overcome.

Did the young lady go to the next world and come back to life after some time in a dream? Old stereotypes and programs will disappear from your head, and new values ​​will replace them.

You need to engage in self-improvement so that the changes are only positive.

Who else died in a dream besides your daughter?

Death of daughter and son in a dream

Why do you dream about the death of your daughter and son? Fear does not allow you to live, but there is no reason for it to arise. You need to work on yourself in order to objectively assess reality. There is no need to be afraid of everything, since there is no danger to health and well-being.

Why do you dream that your daughter is getting married?

Numerous symbols in dreams often replace each other, so quickly that a person does not have time to remember them. At the same time, a vivid dream about a daughter getting married was remembered by a person for a reason, because it carries great significance for the future. It is important to find out exactly how to interpret such a dream and why.

The very sign that a person is marrying off his daughter means that grief or illness awaits the family. Moreover, the disease may be associated not specifically with the daughter, but with any other family member. In this case, a misfortune can happen suddenly, which will cause a storm of emotions among all friends and acquaintances.

If a person sees that his daughter is already married and is happy in a dream, it means that it is almost impossible to prevent future problems. The best way to cope with their consequences is to mentally prepare for the future blow and try to survive it stoically.

It is important not to panic, because even this negative symbol is often interpreted in completely different ways. That is why it is so necessary to remember all the numerous ones that will help prevent or delay a tragedy in the future.

Why dream of marrying off a girl you don’t know, but who looks very much like your daughter? In fact, this is a very bright and joyful symbol, because it means joy and good luck in financial matters. At the same time, good luck in financial matters will overtake not only the owner of the dream, but also all members of his family.

If in a dream a stranger who looks like a daughter has serious doubts before the wedding, but still gets married, the family will face minor difficulties before achieving wealth. However, the goal will definitely be achieved, and its results will please everyone without exception.

There is a lot that can be said about a daughter getting married in a dream. This symbol foreshadows quite different aspects of life, if interpreted correctly. For example, if a person sees his daughter getting married in a red dress, it means that serious failures await her in the future. However, if a person sees a daughter with serious beatings and bruises, it means that he is worried about her, but in vain. At the moment, the girl is absolutely fine.

If a young daughter gets married, she will soon surprise her parents with sudden successes at school or in clubs.

It is important that the dream is interpreted by a variety of dream books. The fact is that the same aspect of a dream, color or symbol can be interpreted in completely different ways. Using several dream books is the way to most accurately unravel the mysteries of the future.

Of course, sometimes the predictions associated with a dream do not come true. However, you should not despair, because the next dream can tell you much more about the future. Thus, by paying attention to one's own dream fantasies, a person can prevent problems or serious mistakes.

Crying daughter

Dream Interpretation Crying Daughter dreamed of why you dream about a crying daughter? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Crying Daughter in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

For a mother to see her daughter in a dream is a sign that she will soon receive news about her or from her, which will ultimately result in grief or trouble for her. Accidentally meeting your daughter in a dream means an unexpected turn of affairs in the family. Giving birth to a daughter in a dream means losses due to careless handling of money. Seeing your daughter dying in a dream means that you will soon have to pay bills based on a court decision. A daughter’s dismissive attitude towards you in a dream means trouble. See interpretation: children.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

The dream in which you see your daughter foreshadows unpleasant events, which, however, will be followed by a streak of success. Seeing your daughter as a newborn in a dream means an unexpected event, near death - you will have to part with a large sum of money.

If in a dream you feel her negligence and insufficient attention to you, it means that in reality troubles await you. So, for example, if you see in a dream that your daughter, without waiting for you to finish eating a dish, takes it away, then in reality you will have to endure an insult inflicted by people whom you know but do not respect.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

The daughter may reflect a relationship with a real daughter.

Symbolize a woman's need for protection.

Being a child For a man is a symbol of his soul.

Seeing a healthy, beautiful daughter means your hopes will come true.

The daughter is in danger - unsettled life, debts, illness.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If her father dreamed of a daughter, then very soon she will meet her future husband. To make everything come true, give your daughter a gold ring.

If the mother dreamed about the daughter, then in reality the daughter experiences emotional discomfort, cannot decide what to do, and does not know who to ask for advice. For the gods to help her, wear a gold ring near your heart all day, then hide it near your daughter’s bed. Everything needs to be done quietly so that she doesn’t find out anything.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If you saw your daughter in a dream, do not be afraid of impending troubles. Once completed, they will make you feel like an incredibly happy person and will bring many pleasant surprises. If in a dream you lack care and attention from your daughter, then in reality bigger troubles await you. If your daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream, perhaps you will soon marry her off.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Seeing your daughter cheerful means arrival and peace; in tears - to experience; down the aisle - to a short marriage. Seeing a daughter during childbirth means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Seeing a suffering daughter in a dream means grief. If your daughter neglects you in a dream, this means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Unpleasant events will interfere with the fulfillment of your plans.

Imagine that this is not your daughter, but, for example, the daughter of your neighbors. You just made a mistake.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If you saw your daughter in a dream, some unpleasant events await you in reality, which will ultimately open the path to pleasure and harmony for you.

If you dreamed that your daughter was not caring enough towards you, expect trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

In any case, it symbolizes family ties and relationships.

It doesn’t matter who saw her as a father or mother.

If in real life you and your daughter are in a long separation (and this is the most powerful motive for a dream) and you dreamed of your daughter: the dream does not mean anything special.

You miss you, think about your daughter, worry about how she is doing without you, that’s why you had such a dream.

Perhaps he promises a quick meeting.

If you dreamed of your daughter who lives with you and you have the opportunity to see her every day: the dream can warn of a danger that threatens your daughter.



please tell me why I had such a dream - I was in some kind of barracks, but it was half empty and all the glass in it was destroyed, howls were broken, but women lived next to my apartment or room and they were not going to move out of it, as it seemed to me, but at the same time it seemed to me that I was at home and in this room where I was there was my daughter, but for some reason I didn’t see her, it seemed to me that she was sleeping at that moment, I wanted to call my sister so that she would pick us up and take us to her place, I left as it seemed to me I called a woman for a couple of minutes and my sister told me that you were left alone without a husband and mother and she didn’t need me like that, I cried with grief, but then I ran to this barracks, I met two little girls, I asked them where my daughter was Katya they answered me, we don’t know, she left, I ran to that apartment, but it was empty and everything was broken and it was terribly cold, but when I ran out onto the stairs and I saw that my daughter was lying frozen and already dead, I cried a lot and right at that moment woke up with a roar why I dreamed I still don’t understand I’m still scared for her


Hello, I dreamed of my little adult daughter, at first I saw her at the age of 3-4 years. Then the plot changed and I saw her at the age of about a year, please tell me what this dream means. By the way, my daughter is now in another city, student, thank you,


my daughter is 21 years old. Last night I dreamed of her as a little girl of about five years old. She and I walked around the supermarket and chose a dress for her. but suddenly she disappeared and I started looking for her. the people who were there also looked for her but could not find her. there was panic. but then we found her strangled at the hands of a priest. he simply could not admit that he had found her, so that no one would think that he had stolen her, he decided to hide the traces of the crime and strangle her. then I thought about the fact that I need to do a funeral, but if I wake up, then none of this will happen (these thoughts came to me in a dream). I woke up.


Hello, I'm Tatyana too. I’m with my adult daughter in some city, in a shopping center. she is with a suitcase and a bag or bags. We were in some store, I don’t remember things, we tried them on, when we left we forgot our suitcase. We met Depardieu on the second floor; my daughter noticed that she had forgotten her suitcase. I ran after him, I tried to communicate with Depardieu, I don’t know the language. but it was very interesting)) My daughter came with a suitcase and gave me her test paper, where there was a free space for an autograph. For the test there were 4 striped sheets. While Deperdieu was conjuring his autograph, a couple with a stroller and 2 babies in the stroller appeared. To make way for them, I had to move the suitcase, but instead of the suitcase I saw a stroller and a daughter in it, about a year old. I was not surprised. but I kind of scolded her a little for such a transformation.. and Depardieu gave me sheets of paper and rolls of words……….. like an autograph…


my daughter is 27 years old.. in a dream I saw her as a little girl.. we slept on mattresses on the floor in an unfamiliar room, then I accompanied her on a plane to Canada, on the plane I stroked her back and asked when you would be back, she said in a month..... I thought how she would be there alone, so small...about 5 years old......For some reason I dream about my children in childhood (I dreamed about them several times over the past years. Thank you


Hello!! my daughter is 19 years old!! I see her in a dream for about 5 years, she lights a match and it catches fire, I quickly put it out in the bathroom, but after that neither she nor I have any anxiety, she smiles and says that everything is fine!!


I’m 78 years old and my daughter is 55 years old. My mother had a dream that my daughter was 3 years old and she was running away somewhere and then disappeared completely.


I dreamed of a little daughter as an adult... I went looking for her everywhere, and it always seemed that there was only evil surrounding me, this was expressed in relation to those around me, and I needed to find her as quickly as possible... but when I found her, her attitude towards me was cold... as if she said: why are you bothering me!!!


My daughter is 30 years old. Today I dreamed of her as a little girl of about five. She walked towards me and said something. I don’t remember anything else.


I dreamed of my little daughter. But in reality, she died before she was 2 years old due to illness, in February on the 22nd of this year. So the dream was that I went to bathe my daughter in the bathroom, poured warm water for her, threw on toys for bathing and walked away with thoughts so as not to forget about her. Why I had these thoughts, I still don’t understand, because I have never left a child unattended and unattended. When I remembered that my daughter was bathing in the bathtub, I quickly ran into the bathtub and saw that there was no water in the bathtub, my daughter was lying naked in the empty bathtub, blue, and my younger sister was crying over her when I asked why she didn’t pump the baby? She screamed at me that I was crawling around in an unknown place and I didn’t care at all about the child, so take it and pump it out. I grabbed the child in my arms and began to pat my daughter on the back so that she began to show at least some signs of life. The first time my daughter cried almost loudly and immediately stopped. The second time, the daughter showed signs of life.


The daughter is already an adult. I dreamed that I was a little girl in a white dress. She climbed up the stairs somewhere. Someone tells her - you might fall. And I say - she definitely won’t fall.


Good afternoon, Tatyana!
I dreamed of a daughter about five years old (she is now 24), she was walking along a long corridor towards me, perfectly combed, in a pink dress with a long train. A very beautiful girl walked behind her. I suggested that my daughter lift the train (after all, the floor is dusty), she did not agree, although in life she is very obedient, or rather, she is very wise and we do not have the slightest disagreement. I walked further along the corridor (like how the dorms used to be long - rooms on both sides of the corridor), my daughter walked further, in my opinion, they sat down with the girl on the floor to play. Both are unusually neat, combed, beautiful, with a deep sense of self-esteem. Thank you.


Hello Tatiana! In general, my wife and I have been divorced for two years - this is reality, but I dreamed that in the evening, just before going to bed, my daughter appeared in the room, climbed onto my bed with some cat and said to her mother, who is on the other bed, i.e. Not even to mom, but to the cat, he says, “Timosha, we’ll sleep with Uncle Dima today, not with dad, but with uncle, that’s what?” I had never dreamed of this before, nor did I think about it. Please explain, Tatyana, what this means. It was very unpleasant, I woke up immediately, and for a long time after that I could not sleep. Here.


I dreamed of a terrible wind, during which the roof of the hospital building was blown off. I was holding the hand of my daughter, who had become small and hid in the ward. I saw how the roof fell and people were hurt. I was very worried in the dream.


I dreamed of myself with my daughter at a real age in our apartment, through the glass door we saw a younger girl, about 4-5 years old, I immediately recognized my child at a younger age. Then we left the room and all went into the hall, my mother was there and said in surprise, who is this?, pointing to my little daughter. No one disappeared anywhere, we all remained together. then I dreamed of one beetle, in the same dream, I was scared of it, and my mother tried to kill it, but it flew, to be honest, she didn’t try very hard to kill it.

[email protected]:

I dream about her at the age of about five years. In dreams, by and large, nothing happens, I just dream about once every six months. We just communicate. This dream repeats itself.)))) And in the present she is 27 years old and we have been together for four months We don’t communicate with each other. I think that she harbored a grudge against me, a childish resentment. Her man told me that he would never forgive her. I asked my daughter what she told him about me, she got angry and now we are at odds. I raised her alone .


I dreamed today that I was in some bright, beautiful establishment with many halls, sunlight everywhere, together with my daughter, but in the dream the daughter was small, she was 7-9 years old, in fact 17. The daughter went for a walk through the halls alone, it was completely safe, I wasn’t worried at all, instead, in one of the halls I met my first teenage great love, we talked, laughed, lying in bed in our sleep, but there was no sex, just like in childhood. Then I had to leave, I started dialing my daughter’s phone number to call her, but I kept getting the wrong number, then he (this very first love) decided to help me and dialed my daughter’s number himself, a dial tone sounded, which actually turned out to be an alarm clock, Well, I woke up. :)


Hello! Today I dreamed of my 18-year-old daughter as a little five-year-old girl. She was very sick (in her sleep), she was vomiting, and had a fever. I washed out her stomach, and with another bout of vomiting, I removed a string of some kind of beads from her mouth. My deceased mother scolded me for my inattention to my daughter. This dream really scares me.


I dreamed of my adult daughter being small and I was constantly looking for her to dress her, she was naked and crap all over herself and I find her and lose her again, it all happened in a large room and there were still small children and in the end I found my daughter.


I dreamed that I was holding a little girl in my arms... in the dream she was my daughter (I don’t have children). I was very sensitive to her in my sleep and constantly tried to wrap her up warmer..


I dreamed about a street and my parents’ house.. Near the house opposite my parents’ house, our friends and children gathered, and my daughter was there. Now she is 26 years old, and in the dream she was 5 years old. We played some games, the children played with us, and I kept looking for my daughter with my eyes so that she wouldn’t get lost.


I dreamed that my adult daughter was a little girl, as if I had returned to the time when she was little. I played with her.


I saw in a dream that I had a daughter, I looked at him, she was sleeping soundly and sweetly. And she looks exactly like my niece, and is the same age, about 3 years old. And I’m surprised how I don’t have children, why, I look at my breasts, but there’s no milk, it’s not coming out. I think how can this be, I press and press in surprise. but at the end there was milk.


Hello!!! I dream in the morning that my little daughter is being knocked down to death, but at the same time she died 3 years ago


She dreamed that her father was playing with her and throwing her in the air. Her age was up to a year. She was having fun, and then he dropped her on the bed and she hit herself, and I started feeling uneasy.


It’s as if she’s crying on the phone, I run to her and we walk together along a difficult road, either snow or mud, we’re in a hurry.


My relatives daughter is already an adult, she is 18 years old, I dreamed of her as a little neat girl in a beautiful dress, hat, white socks. From Saturday to Sunday. what does this mean?


I dreamed of an adult daughter (she is 21 years old) as a little girl. In the dream she is 4-5 years old. I dreamed about being in an unfamiliar kindergarten, where I took her for a trial day. I didn't like the kindergarten. Not cozy. And I didn't like the staff. And they charge a lot of money per month for such bad conditions. 10,000 rub. When I came to pick up my daughter, I told her, let’s leave, we can’t afford that amount. It’s better that we go to the base together for the whole summer. She agreed. And she also added - let you teach me so that I can be an excellent student. Also, when I arrived (they came with my current common-law husband), we went into the bathroom and a pipe flew out of the wall and water was pouring out - my husband fixed it. We are currently renovating the bathroom.


My daughter is 20 years old. In this dream, she is 6 years old. On a strange stove (multi-tiered structure), I looked at what was being cooked in saucepans. Moreover, under the saucepans there were cats (small in size). My daughter came up and said that my grandmother (my stepmother, died at the age of 6 ago) took 50 rubles. and left.


dreamed that I was nursing my little daughter in my arms? I walk with her in a stroller!!! (I’m not married, and I don’t have children yet? But I really want to, I’m 22 years old)


Hello, I dreamed that I was babysitting my little daughter, walking with her in a stroller. (I’m 22 years old, I’m not married, I don’t have children yet, but I really want to)


I don’t have children but I really want to! Yesterday I dreamed that I was holding a little daughter in my hands and I was so glad... that I had her... and I had guests


I saw an adult daughter as a baby, she bit me on the finger and I saw that she was cutting teeth, by the way, molars, white, very beautiful, which surprised me very much


I dreamed of a little daughter in an unfamiliar house, it was cold and there was snow. I tried to clear her crib of snow and cover her, but it was not her mother in the house, but a girl with whom I now have a serious relationship.


I was waiting for my daughter from a trip with other parents. She is now 21, but in a dream she seemed to be 8 years old. I waited for her for a long time until I was left completely alone - all the children arrived but mine was still not there, then I saw some woman with keys and asked her where my daughter is, do you know? and she said They were driving in a German car, he had a broken spine, and she was sitting next to him, I’m very sorry.. and I screamed and woke up


I dreamed that a father (me) and a little daughter were driving a car without driving and suddenly the daughter started talking (6 months) I don’t remember what she said


my mother saw in a dream of my infant a beautiful girl with big eyes, she took her in her arms and pressed her breasts to her, she was in a can, well, there was also my stepfather’s deceased grandmother, they had just set the table at home


Hello! The fact is that I dreamed of a little daughter from a past person whom I loved, even in the dream I felt some kind of anxiety, betrayal towards the current guy!!!


I had a dream where I saw a girl about 8-10 years old. Who called me in English “Daddy! Daddy!” after which I woke up. The dream was disturbing. I woke up from a wild pain in my heart.


Me, my mother, and my daughters (in the dream they were 5-6 years old, but now they are 28-30 years old) are sailing on a boat. I see. that the eldest is standing overboard on a ledge. I grabbed her hand and easily put her next to her.


Good evening! I dreamed that I had a little daughter, she was 9-10 months old in the dream, I was happy. I really want children myself. There is a common-law husband.


my mother and daughter are alive, but my husband died a long time ago in his sleep, the living husband is in the same room and the three of us are in an arc and my mother calls my husband to us and she goes into another room. The husband came into our room but did not come close. I stood near the bed where the little girl was lying, my daughter.


I saw my daughter small, as if a man wanted to take blood from her finger, but she resisted, he took blood from her index finger and she seemed to have turned to stone.


my mother dreamed of an adult daughter, but she looked like a little one. she and her dad dressed her in a red dress and had a big white bow on her head. the daughter cried and her parents kissed her on the cheeks


I dreamed of my adult daughter, but she was a little girl, she looks at me with empty eyes and does not react to my words, her spine was opened right to the meat.


I dreamed that I had a little 5-month-old daughter, but none of my loved ones, including me, remember how I was pregnant. And I don’t remember the birth either, just how they were taken to the maternity hospital. And no one knows who the father is. I mostly dream about me walking with her, feeding her, how my friend and I are looking for a good apartment for her, and the whole dream feels like I love her


I now have an adult daughter, married. I often dream about her as a little girl. The dreams are always good. I can’t understand why


I saw my ex-husband very drunk, lying around all dirty, and then he came to visit me and talked to me and my daughter, but I saw my daughter as a little girl and he came with my mother-in-law and we argued




I dreamed that I was swimming against the current in a river, a big river. But, I came out safely from the water, it all happens against the backdrop of nature.


Good afternoon, Tatyana. I had the following dream: I see my daughter (who is 36 years old) as a child, but she has the voice of her granddaughter (her daughter) and she is playing with her cat, who is 8 years old (and in the dream he looks like a kitten). They play very happily, and there is also a python or a light beige boa constrictor playing with them, it is so big, long and thick and kind. And I woke up and didn’t understand at first that it was just a dream. Thank you, I'll wait for your answer.


Every day I dream about the sea, sand, palm trees, the sun, a colorful dream, my adult daughter is small in the dream, I don’t see my husband in the dream, then a storm begins


Hello! I’m sleeping with my daughter, she’s a little girl, about 5 years old, she felt some lumps on her left leg closer to her buttocks. She picked him up and wanted to look, she screamed like a needle out of him. She pulled on him, pulled out a spider and he ran to meet the big one (mom) and so on for all the other lumps cleaned it up. Everything is calm.
Somewhere in an unfamiliar area: like a station, a village. A handsome young man came up to me and we ended up on the sofa, naked torso, kissing and caressing each other (with kisses and hands) It was very pleasant and beautiful


my daughter is 22 years old. She is currently traveling around India. eldest daughter is 31 years old. she is a flight attendant flying around the world. I dreamed about both daughters. The older one says something about the younger one. I go to another room and the youngest in the dream is about three years old. she has lush brown hair in her dream. highly curled. although in life they are straight. she's cute and silent in a blue summer suit [email protected]


I dreamed that 2 girls and some guy came to my house in May, my mother was at home and Ana Kagbuto knew her husband was not at home and Ana said that these were his friends, but I never knew them in life, and one of them went into the room of our little daughter and was very I really wanted to kill her but I didn’t let her and there was a fight. I didn’t let her get to my daughter, but I don’t remember what happened next.


I dreamed that I hit my four-year-old daughter very hard on the butt and back because she didn’t want to put on her shoes, but she still didn’t listen, and I hit her again, and then I got hysterical.


I don’t have children, of course I really want children. I had a dream that I have a little daughter, she is so beautiful, why this dream?


I saw my 33-year-old daughter at the age of 5 in a dark jacket (light) and long black hair. It was as if we were going to a hairdresser to get a haircut. She was jumping and having fun


Hello. This is not the first time I have dreamed that I have a little daughter, her name is Polina. I don’t have children, I’m not married. I dream about Polina in different situations. And I dreamed about one of them today when I fell asleep in the evening. The thing was that I was in college and making hot sandwiches for my group. And I told my sister, “I need to pick her up, she’s my daughter.” And I spent the whole dream thinking that I do to get her back. Throughout my dream, I was making these sandwiches in the dining room and thinking about Polina. And my last words were those I told my sister, “You have Danya, and I have a daughter, my daughter, I’ll take her,” Danya is my son my sister. I look forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.


in the dream I was preoccupied with feeding, she ate food that was too early for her to eat due to her age. I know that she is not 4 months old, but she eats porridge. At the same time, she looks older and I assume that this food is still suitable.


I have an adult daughter. I dreamed of her as a little girl. In my dream, she ate food that was not suitable for her age. I know that she is less than 4 months old, and she eats porridge. I take a closer look at her, and she looks older - 6.7 months. And I reassure myself - she can eat it. The dream is not disturbing. Concerned about my mother-in-law's reaction to her granddaughter's sleep as a small child


I came to my ex-wife a long time after the divorce. I was joyfully greeted by my daughter, whom I had not seen for as long because she was hidden from me. My wife and I talked and at the same time I played with my daughter. Then my wife and I became closer. She tried to get closer to me as husband and wife. Her parents came, but for some reason they were not particularly surprised. They sat at the table together, then they left. We were left alone again, my daughter fell asleep. And then the alarm clock woke me up.


I dreamed of my adult daughter, but in the dream she was little... and she climbed into an ice bath with clean and transparent water...


I dream about my dead daughter, I call her on the phone and ask her to come home, she says that she doesn’t want to come back... this is not the first time I have dreamed about it...


Me, my husband and daughter were standing near the sea. Then the water went away and our shoes remained in the mud. My husband and I began to pull our shoes out of the mud. I started looking for my daughter’s shoes and looked at her. She was little, about 5 years old (she’s 12 now) and her shoes were on and clean.


My daughter is now 15 years old. But 2 or 3 times in the past two weeks I have dreamed about her being small, like she was 2-3 years old. Either as if she crawled into the mud, then today I dreamed that she was lost in the yard, but then I I called her, and she came out from behind the sandbox, but just like me, I tied her two ponytails, and then I took her by the hand and we walked, and there was some man next to me, I don’t know him, but he was so gentle to me I smiled as if we were family. It’s just that my daughter constantly wants me to meet someone, in terms of a man, she worries that I won’t be alone. I just tell her, I don’t need anyone, but she doesn’t, I want to see you happy. But something like this. Thank you for listening.


I dreamed of a small adult daughter, at first her hands were covered in blood, and then she and I had an eye on our hand


Today I dreamed of my adult daughter, as if she was little in my arms. I hold her tenderly and am afraid to let her go, because it seems to me that if I let her go, something bad might happen to her. I often have this dream, because when she was that age, she ran away from the playground and got lost... since then I have been tormented by fears and this dream.




The dream is as if my wife and I want to sell or give away our little daughter somewhere, we are collecting her and she asks you won’t give me away, I say no and woke up


dreamed of a beautiful girl
as if she were mine, an adult. I only have boys in my life. We walk around the village, the nature is beautiful all around and the daughter is beautiful. My husband is nearby.


I dreamed about my little adult daughter, 3-4 years old, she comes up to her dad, her dad lies down and calls her, she comes up and sits on him, he hugs


I dreamed of a little girl and my daughter, two guys tried to take them away from me, I drove them away. Then they returned again, I called my husband and he talked to them on the phone. And then it turned out that they were imprisoned


My little daughter jumped from the window sill of the apartment from the 3rd or 4th floor in front of my eyes, I was afraid to look down. I'm crying a lot. But suddenly it turns out that she was not broken and I see her in a beautiful fluffy light dress, closer to white. But I still have some kind of disbelief. After all, I saw that she jumped out of the window and could not stay alive.


I dreamed that my father and mother were dead and my father gave me something, some kind of package and it disappeared somewhere, but in our house I was left with my mother and my daughter, an adult, but she’s too small to put her to bed, I see the window is covered with film, but there’s a hole in it I say I need to take good cover and I woke up, my father and mother often get very excited. I never dreamed about my father when my mother was alive. and now often take off. and dreams all take place in our parental home. which was sold long ago after the death of his father.


Hello, I dreamed of a little girl and as it turned out she was my daughter, very small, a baby, I walked with her, held her in my arms, fed her.


Today I had a dream consisting of several episodes: at first I saw myself with a large bald spot in the center of my head, the rest of my hair was black, although in life I am blonde, my face was absolutely without makeup. The mood and perception of myself in this image was not depressing, it was even possible say cheerful.
Then I saw my daughter in my arms, almost a baby, but with a long beautiful braid, just like the one I braid for her in the morning, she was wrapped in my red openwork stole. She smiled, looking at me, and I covered her face. I crossed there are small, clean, transparent streams in the sandals.
With all this, for some reason I remembered my ex-husband.


Hello! My name is Nurlan, 33 years old. The day before yesterday I dreamed that I had a daughter that I didn’t have. I went for a walk with her in my arms... She turned into a snake 20-25 centimeters long... She tried to press herself against my neck and reached for my neck, wrapping herself around her forearm... and I tried to keep her away with the same right hand...


I saw my daughter in a dream with my deceased mother. The daughter is generally an adult, but in the dream she is small. The front door was open when I arrived and there was light from there. I was very surprised. The daughter and grandmother are sorting out toys. The whole ones are put in the wall, and the broken ones are taken out to the pantry.


Hello!! I dreamed of a daughter who is now 9 years old, but I saw her at a young age, about 1.5-2 years. She dreamed well and talked. But I lost it and can't find it


I constantly dream about my adult daughter being a small baby. I wear it and am very worried about it, because... she is very weak. One day I dreamed that it became smaller and smaller and fit in the palm of my hand...


I dreamed of a little girl about 4-5 years old with long blond hair and blue eyes. Very sweet. She and I walked through the autumn park (or forest, it’s difficult to answer). The girl was wearing a pink jacket and jeans. I know for sure that it was my daughter. She herself has no children. My husband too.


The daughter was naked, she stood on the back of the sofa and tried to fix the curtains. I was very scared that she would fall, I jumped up and helped her get down




I've been dreaming a lot lately about my daughter as a baby. Today she cried in her sleep, I kissed her very hard and cried myself. You know, it’s nice to see her little, you miss little children


an adult daughter dreamed of a 3-year-old daughter on the bed, and she peed herself, but did not cry


Mom dreamed that my fiancé and I were holding a baby in our arms, he was lisping with it and examining it. Mom says it looks like the boy was a child. Why such dreams?


I dreamed about my one-year-old daughter (she’s 14), I was combing her hair, washing her, putting her to bed.


I dreamed of a 5-year-old daughter, naked in the bathroom in dirty boots. And with boots she dirty her pussy (vagina). I (mom) wash her and scold her a little: “What are you doing?” I washed everything clean and carried it into the room in my arms. Is this something bad?


Naked 5-year-old daughter in the bathroom wearing dirty boots. And with this dirt she stains her pussy (vagina) and I (mom) wash it and scold it a little: “What are you doing?” I seem to have washed it clean and carried it in my arms, it seems... but that’s not for sure.


Hello Tatiana! Today I saw my youngest daughter in a dream, she is already an adult, but I saw her as a little girl, about 4-5 years old, we chose one dress for her, we tried on one - small and the other large, and both were beautiful in light colors, but we didn’t buy it,


My little daughter and I moved into a hostel where there were no windows or doors. And I say how we will live here with our daughter, to which we were told to curtain all the openings with blankets. I insisted on another dormitory and they gave us a room in another dormitory, it was clean and there was one single bed, but for my daughter they said they would bring a folding bed and I was wondering where to put it, either next to the bed, or against the other wall. (At the moment, my daughter is an adult, but in a dream I saw her as a little girl, 2 years old)

[email protected]:

I was looking for my daughter, just a child, I was catching up, I asked everyone and I saw her in the distance, but I couldn’t catch up and I woke up in fright. the dream was colorful. in fact, my daughter is already an adult.


I went out with my little daughter for a walk and just at one moment she wasn’t around, I was scared, I looked for it but didn’t find it, I don’t remember, I think I dreamed about my husband, I was also looking for him, I remember seeing him but he wasn’t nearby, I also dreamed about a church


Hello. My adult daughter was a 5-year-old girl who ran outside for a walk and then stood with her friend on the edge of the roof of the house. I was worried that she might fall.


I dreamed about a 23-year-old daughter, she dreamed that she left as a little girl and returned home joyful, her mother kissed her little daughter


good afternoon, I dreamed that it was as if I was walking hand in hand with a girl of about 5 years old towards my daughter and I asked her what we called her when we baptized her, he replies that he doesn’t remember then I asked her what is your name and I ask the question Alexandra? she says no, I asked her again, she said that Nastenka


A combat plane is falling outside the window. An explosion is about to happen, I shout for everyone to lie down and cover my daughter with myself... Then it’s calming her down. In general, everyone is alive.
Essentially: my daughter is already an adult, I’m divorced. We met recently. Studying foreign. Maybe just anxiety? Thank you!


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a little daughter, about 4-5 years old, she asked to go for a walk with a small pink toy stroller and I let her go and her son was also small next to her and now her daughters are 23 and her son is 19, I would like to know what the dream is for, thank you


I dreamed that there was an explosion and the house burned down, and my daughter ran to the house and got caught in this explosion, but she remained alive, but was a little burned. I cried a lot. And my deceased husband and daughter’s father were also present here.


My adult daughter dreams that she is sitting in a trough, small, and I am bathing her.


I saw in a dream how my 2-year-old daughter drowned in a river and after a while someone pulled her out and she came to life


I dreamed of a great-niece and her daughter drowning, the niece’s mother, having learned about this, began from their 4th floor to throw away everything, mostly dishes, and it all shattered. My adult daughter seems to be little, about 5-6 years old, and she’s trying to tell her niece’s mother how her daughter and granddaughter drowned, and I cry and don’t let her tell me how they drowned, and then I stand and smoke with such pleasure (even though I’m a non-smoker )


In a dream I saw my daughter, I came to the kindergarten and we hugged her and she cried


The second night I had a dream that I was looking for a house and moving somewhere. Typically this is a dorm room. Today I wanted to give my daughter a bath. She carried it in her arms. About a year old. Dressed, cheerful. I was all busy, but happy


hello, we were walking with a girl about 8 or 10 years old and then she turned out to be my daughter, she was playing, riding on the carousel, laughing, and in a dream I met an interesting man and the three of us talked, then we met women acquaintances of this man and they work together and he is with them boss and they looked at me with some kind of envy and I saw that he really liked me and in the dream he was a very interesting and impressive man and younger than me, he invited us to visit and went to him then I woke up this dream was in the morning on Saturday March 12 to Sunday March 13, I also saw myself in a dream in felt boots and I was standing in some kind of dirty puddle, then suddenly it was summer, but somehow gloomy but warm, we were all undressed and walked together, the three of us, me, my little daughter and the man who was with us met.


In a dream I see two daughters, the eldest, who is no longer alive, and the youngest, who is already an adult. We are discussing their trip to America, without me, and I’m worried whether the eldest, who is 20-21 at that time, will be able to look after the youngest, who is at that time 10-11 years old. But in a dream. The eldest assures me that she can and really wants me to let them go together, but I doubt it. Supposedly I have to buy them tickets. But I don’t do this in a dream. Then I look at my youngest daughter in surprise, take her by the face, kiss her on the cheeks and say: why are you so small? She looks at me and smiles. That’s it.


Hello. My daughters are 30 and 29 years old. But I dreamed about them when I was little, 4x5 years old. They ran and played, and I watched them with pleasure and took part somewhere.


Hello, I was at my parents’ house and the green circle there was a very pleasant atmosphere. somehow she climbed up the mountain. Then again I’m at my parents’ house. And I hold my daughter in my arms and caress her. but my daughter was a baby (she was 3 years old at the time) and she was in a very good mood, I had my favorite people around me


Hello, my name is Alena and I am 16 years old. On the 26th to 27th night I had a dream in which I had a daughter and I was with her all the time, I was happy with her, she was so small, did he have this dream?


The dream was very long. At the beginning I was pregnant, then my daughter appeared, my husband and I raised her, played, everything as it should be. But the child was special, the girl was a very small baby, but at the same time, as if talking to us in a child’s language, we understood what she was telling us, and she understood us.


I dreamed of an adult daughter as a little girl... why is this?


the girl who gave birth to this girl disappeared, the guy died. The girl is very small and I wanted to adopt her.


I was indoors. And there were some around me. I vaguely remember the children.
We were all lying on the floor sleeping. I was constantly pestered by someone, I don’t understand, whether it was an adult or a small child. And someone came out of the same doors. And somehow I come out of these doors and look at a girl standing there, I recognized my daughter as she has already grown a little, about 9 years old (she is 8 at the present time) in a raincoat with long hair. She is not tall. And someone approaches her. An adult man approaches. I said Santanka how did you end up here and woke up at the end


left his little daughter in the care of classmates, and when he returned, it turned out that she was missing. I started looking for her, calling my classmates and it seemed like she should be found somewhere.


I dreamed that my adult daughter was small, about 5-6 years old, as if I was holding her in my arms, she peed herself, and then I washed her in the shower. She and I also ran away from our second husband to our relatives, but he didn’t catch up with us.


I had a dream that I was pushing my daughter in a stroller, I came home and changed her clothes


I had a dream that I married a friend of mine, and then ran away from him to a village where I have a daughter of about 6 years old with long blond hair! If anything, I’m married and I don’t have children!


I dreamed of my adult daughter as a little girl bleeding. What could this mean?


I dreamed of my adult daughter in the form of a little girl. At first she felt bad, and then blood began to pour out of her in huge quantities. I started screaming and woke up. What could this dream mean?


From time to time I see my daughter (she is 24 years old) as a little girl aged from 3 to 5 years. The dreams are very colorful, thank God nothing happens to her in her sleep, I kiss her all the time, we walk, but she is so small and defenseless that I wake up all the time with a feeling of anxiety. Since I dream about this quite often, it began to stress me out.


from Sunday to Monday at 6 o'clock. I heard a loud cry from my 5-year-old daughter, she shouted twice, dad, dad, and I woke up and jumped up, but my daughter was not there, she lives with her mother, we divorced. Why is this dream?


my 2.5 year old daughter is swimming in the sea on a circle. I just turned away - she was gone. I was overcome with horror. I'm in grief.

Very often relatives come to us in dreams: living and deceased. Such dreams contain hidden meaning, and sometimes very important information for us, which, if interpreted correctly, will allow us to avoid many troubles and dangers.
Dream interpretation: mother - daughters that she dreams about - the dream most often means that her children are under severe emotional stress and cannot find a way out of the current situation.
What happened to your daughter in the dream?

  • Why dream that your daughter is giving birth means that soon serious changes will begin to occur in your daughter’s fate. What they will be depends entirely on her actions, her determination and courage to make independent decisions. (cm. )
  • Why dream that your daughter has died - such an unpleasant dream is a very good sign. It means that your daughter will have a full life full of events and opportunities. She will be happy and prosperous. She will overcome any obstacles and difficulties easily and correctly.
  • Why do you dream about your deceased daughter being alive - you will move away from your usual stereotypes, reconsider your life values ​​and your principles. You need to improve your self-esteem to make positive changes happen.
  • Why do you dream about your daughter’s wedding - good changes are ahead. The troubles and concerns that you have been burdened with recently will fall aside. But such a dream can have a completely opposite meaning and warn you of danger. For a correct interpretation, remember the atmosphere of the dream, your mood, feelings when you watched your daughter get married.
  • Why dream of giving birth to a daughter - good news is coming to you, new meetings, romantic dates, happiness in a relationship with a partner are ahead.
  • Why do you dream of a daughter in a wedding dress - the onset of a new period in your life, which will be painted with bright colors and pleasant events. Success awaits you at work. Such a dream may turn out to be prophetic and indicate your daughter’s wedding in reality.
  • The dream “they killed your daughter” means that you will have unplanned, large expenses. To avoid unexpected expenses, control yourself while shopping, realistically assess the cost and relevance of the things you purchase.
  • Why do you dream about “your daughter drowned” - large financial losses await you. But most likely they will not be associated with the machinations of scammers, but with the fact that you do not know how to spend available funds economically and wisely.
  • Dream: your daughter disappeared - an internal reflection of your relationship with your children in reality. Conflicts and your rejection of their point of view can lead to a serious cooling of feelings between you.

What age did you dream about your daughter?

  • Why do you dream of a little daughter - problems await you. You will be able to solve them and you will feel great when you are able to get rid of them.
  • If you dream about your future daughter, it means you will be overcome by troubles and worries. Don't do them in a hurry. It’s better to show maximum accuracy and patience so that later you don’t have to redo everything again.
  • Why do you dream about a newborn daughter? A pleasant surprise or a fateful acquaintance awaits you.

What state was your daughter in in the dream?

  • Why do you dream of a crying daughter - your daughter in reality has serious problems that she is not going to share with others, and especially with members of her family. But you yourself already intuitively feel that something is wrong.
  • Why do you dream of a drunk daughter - you are ashamed of your child’s actions. But don’t stress yourself out in vain, nothing extra drastic will happen.
  • Why do you dream of a naked daughter - your secrets are under great threat of becoming public knowledge. You yourself are to blame for this, because you do not protect them well enough.

What did you do with your daughter in your dream?

  • Why dream of losing your daughter - there is a high risk that your life values ​​and priorities will disappear, because you yourself will miss your chance. But you have the opportunity to change this turn of events. All you need to do is be attentive to what is happening around you.
  • Why dream of looking for your daughter - in reality your relationship with your daughter is quite harmonious, but soon you will have to look for ways to improve your relationship with her, because she will move away from you.
  • Why dream of beating your daughter - a serious conflict is brewing in your relationship with your daughter. It will not end, but will provoke further quarrels and reproaches between you, resulting in secrets.
  • Hugging your daughter in a dream means your relationship with your children is strained to the limit. One careless word and a quarrel or major conflict will break out.
  • Why dream of scolding your daughter - misunderstandings in your relationship with your children only get worse over time. You should start doing something immediately. And it is you who must take these actions. Perhaps it will be enough to just recognize your child’s right to privacy and integrity in some matters, try not to put pressure on him, but act more tactfully and respectfully, regardless of his age.

Miller's Dream Book

Solomon's Dream Book
Why do you dream about your daughter in a dream - if you felt a disdainful attitude on her part, then in reality get ready for major troubles.
Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Ancient Russian dream book
“Your daughter dies in a dream” - why do you have such a dream: there are legal proceedings ahead of you. If you have any unpaid bills or debts for a long time, they will be forced to pay through the court.
Dream Interpretation: own daughter - troubles lie ahead, but you shouldn’t be scared or upset by them. They will definitely end and you will experience a huge sense of relief and joy. In addition, minor troubles will bring you a lot of pleasant surprises.
Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Why does a child dream: a daughter - for parents this is the image of an angel, a kind of signpost, hope, a symbol of new deeds and achievements.
  • Why do you dream about your daughter’s father? This is wisdom that you lack in reality, just as you lack the advice or help of a person with extensive life experience.
  • Why do you dream about your daughter’s deceased father? It’s a bad dream, meaning that there are serious problems ahead. They may affect work (for example, dismissal, demotion, salary reduction or loss of bonus), relationships (for example, long separation or separation from a loved one), conflicts with close relatives.
  • Why does a deceased father dream of a living daughter? Most often this means longing for a person who has passed into oblivion, longing for a happy time.
  • Why dream that your daughter is pregnant - in general, this is a good symbol, meaning good news; For a father to see his pregnant daughter in a dream means that soon his daughter will have her most cherished wish come true, she will be happy; To dream that your daughter is pregnant means for a mother that her daughter will soon meet a good, decent and noble man.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Why dream about your daughter’s pregnancy means that great happiness awaits your child. If now he is overcome by troubles and problems, they will soon disappear.
  • Why is my husband’s daughter dreaming – the dream reflects the existing reality. In your relationship with her there are some sharp edges, tension, rejection of each other.
  • She dreams that a daughter was born - for an unmarried young girl this can be a warning that her reputation may suffer greatly due to her behavior.
  • Why do you dream about a born daughter? For a single woman who has already been married, perhaps more than once, the dream promises new prospects, and her readiness and desire for new acquaintances and relationships.
  • Why do you dream of a murdered daughter - you worry too much about your lost youth, you are practically fixated on the fact that you lack youth and femininity.
  • Your daughter's friend is dreaming - you should be more tolerant and restrained in your relationship with your daughter, otherwise you will have a big quarrel.
  • Why do you dream of a daughter in a coffin - important news.
  • Why do you dream of a daughter in your arms - your daughter needs your support, but is in no hurry to turn to you for help. Don't put pressure on her, offer her your help tactfully and unobtrusively.
  • Why do you dream about your daughter’s grave? It’s time to let go of old grievances and admit that your daughter also has the right to her opinion. If you don't do this, your relationship with her will deteriorate completely.

Erotic dream book
Dream Interpretation: daughter - you lack emotional intimacy or care in sexual relationships from your partner.
Dream Interpretation: your daughter is leaving - you feel that a crisis is coming in your relationship with your partner, you feel cold, you feel how you are moving away from each other. Such a dream reflects your inner experiences, premonitions of separation or a final break.
Women's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see your daughter - very soon a series of minor troubles will darken your life. They won't be too serious, but they will be able to completely ruin your mood.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter is getting married - you have troubles and worries ahead.
  • Dream Interpretation: a daughter was born - a very big surprise awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of your daughter - a large financial loss awaits you ahead. This is not necessarily theft or fraud; most likely, your thoughtless spending and buying useless things will lead to loss of money.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

  • Giving birth to a daughter in a dream means that only good things await you.
  • Why do you dream of a dead daughter alive? Such a dream is always a warning or an indication of something important, something that you should definitely take into account.
  • Seeing your deceased daughter alive in a dream, with whom you had a difficult, hostile relationship during your lifetime, means that in reality you should beware of the actions of other people towards you.
  • Why does a deceased father dream of a living daughter? If during life the father and daughter had a wonderful, trusting relationship, the dream may just be nostalgia for the old days. But it can also be interpreted as a warning about the danger that threatens your daughter.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your daughter alive in a coffin - if you had a very good and trusting relationship during your life, such a dream is a direct warning about the danger that threatens you, which you can avoid if you are attentive, careful and consistent - everything is in your hands.
  • Why dream of giving birth to a daughter in a dream - if you are married and have long dreamed of becoming a mother, then your wish will soon come true; in a dream, a daughter gave birth to a child, but in reality she is not married - this means that she will meet a very good and reliable man ahead; I saw my daughter in a dream giving birth to a girl at home - your life will soon improve, all everyday issues, problems, empty, exhausting worries will gradually disappear, you will not have to do anything for this.
  • What do you need your daughter for? On her part you will find insincerity and deception. But maybe it's your fault. Don't put pressure on your daughter. If she wants, she herself will share her secrets and secrets with you, be tactful.

Witchcraft dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a daughter in the water means obstacles in business, disruption of plans, calm, or, on the contrary, empty troubles. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a daughter is crying - troubles in a relationship with her daughter or troubles and failures in her affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving birth to a daughter in a dream means you are a happy person, a new period is beginning in your life. If you are experiencing difficulties now, then the period of testing is over. Thanks to your endurance, patience and good deeds, you have risen to a new level.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man with a daughter - insight will come to you, a brilliant idea connected with your feelings will visit you.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter’s wedding - you should prepare to receive important news. They can be both good and bad.
  • Dream Interpretation: breastfeeding your daughter - if in the dream your child is an adult - this means a high risk of major losses, the risk of scandals and quarrels, if the child is small - household chores and affairs await you.
  • “My sister had a daughter” the dream book gives the following interpretation: this is a subconscious reflection of your true relationship with your sister. You have a good, trusting relationship with her, which is quite rare between sisters.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gypsy woman with her daughter predicts something - the intervention in your life of some magical force from the outside (white or black magic).
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter for pregnant women - childbirth will be quick and easy.
  • Dream Interpretation: hitting your daughter - you are trying too hard to protect your daughter from troubles and adversity. Try to restrain your impulses and almost rush to protect your child. Let her be more independent, restrain your emotions, otherwise you will ruin your relationship with your daughter.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see your daughter overgrown with hair - trouble awaits her, the fault of which is her frivolous behavior.
  • Having your daughter give birth in a dream is a rare dream, meaning that you have a fateful meeting ahead of you with your soulmate. You should not expect passionate and vibrant love at first sight. True love does not happen like this; it arises gradually.
  • Why does a mother's pregnant daughter dream about it - great happiness awaits your daughter, you have no reason to worry about her fate.
  • Dream “small daughter” - if in reality your daughter is also small, then expect only positive events.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Family dream book

  • Seeing your daughter in a dream means that you will soon receive some news from her.
  • Seeing a drunk daughter in a dream means feeling ashamed of her behavior and actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant daughter in a dream, which the father sees, means that on a subconscious level he is not at all against becoming a father again.
  • Mom dreams that her daughter is pregnant - you devote little time to your daughter. There is no need to overprotect her, this is not the attention she needs. First of all, she expects you to participate in her destiny. So start changing the situation as quickly as possible.
  • A daughter was born in a dream - your excessive spending will lead to disappointment and a major loss of money. Shopping will not bring you satisfaction and joy.
  • “Your daughter dies in a dream” means that you will soon have to pay off all your debts and the basis for this will be a court decision.
  • What does a newborn daughter dream about - an unexpected event or meeting.
  • Why does a daughter’s drunken father dream about it – not a very good omen. Most often, a dream is a harbinger of betrayal, betrayal (this could be friends or a loved one), deterioration in health or loss of strength.
  • Why do you dream about cutting your daughter’s hair - you have huge opportunities ahead for realizing yourself and your ideas. But for this you will have to show courage, perseverance, endurance and ingenuity.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter has died - a large financial loss awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your daughter in a wedding dress means changes for the better, pleasant chores.

Dream Interpretation of the World

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga's dream book: a daughter who cries indicates your daughter's problems in reality. Moreover, she is not going to seek advice or help from loved ones. Don’t put pressure on your daughter, show tact and talk frankly in private.
  • Why do you dream about the deceased father of a pregnant daughter - you are too worried about the upcoming birth. You need the support and care of a loved one.
  • Seeing your daughter in a dream means your daughter is going through a difficult moment in her life. She may be experiencing severe emotional discomfort and really needs your support and advice.
  • Why dream of giving birth to a daughter in a dream is always a good, kind sign that everything will work out for you and everything will be fine. Even if there comes a period of intractable issues in your life, you will be able to find a way out.
  • Why does a mother dream about a pregnant daughter? You are too concerned about your daughter’s affairs. She must make mistakes and learn to correct them on her own. Give her the right to be more mature.
  • Why does a mother’s daughter dream about pregnancy? It’s a good omen; your plans and dreams will come true, nothing will stop you. Circumstances are developing in the most favorable way for you.
  • Why do you dream about your daughter’s cut hair? She will need your help.
  • Vanga’s dream book also interprets “Dream about a Daughter” as a mother’s too strong experiences.
  • Why do you dream about your mother’s dead daughter? The dream promises a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: preparing for your daughter’s wedding – chores and worries around the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter in a coffin - your daughter will have to face various problems when achieving her goals. She will be able to overcome them. (cm. )

Freud's Dream Book

Universal dream book

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a little daughter in a dream means achieving what you want through difficulties.
  • The dream “lost daughter” - you missed the chance to prove yourself and move closer to your goal. Don't get upset and give up. Fate will give you a chance again, and you must show all your courage so as not to miss it again.
  • A dream about the birth of a daughter promises pleasant troubles.
  • Seeing your daughter's death in a dream means financial problems. This could be either a scam by scammers or your senseless spending on buying a completely unnecessary, but very expensive item.
  • Dream Interpretation: scolding your daughter - your relationship with your daughter is getting worse, you are moving away from each other, the reason for this is your uncompromisingness.
  • Seeing your daughter in a coffin means trouble will begin in her life. Try to stay out of the way with your advice until you are asked for help.
  • If you dreamed that your daughter gave birth to a girl, your family will experience complete harmony, peace, and prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: a father beats his daughter - a period of scandals and big quarrels will begin in the daughter’s relationship with others.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why does a pregnant daughter dream - changes are ahead. What they will be depends on how you are able to use the current circumstances to your advantage.
  • Cutting your daughter's hair in a dream - if you shortened her long hair, your family will face financial problems.
  • The dream “my daughter cut her hair” means an event will soon happen in your daughter’s life that will completely change her life.
  • Seeing your daughter in a dream with short hair is a warning about the danger that threatens her.
  • Why do you dream of a dead daughter - troubles, problems, quarrels and conflicts. This applies to family, work, relationships with friends. All you can do is be patient and strong, your emotions will only harm you and provoke new quarrels.
  • Why do you dream about “your daughter has died” - you will lose a large amount of money due to your carelessness and inability to save money.
  • Why do you dream of a daughter in a wedding dress - your whole family will experience good luck, joy and a completely new period in life. Here we are talking about the implementation of plans, excellent opportunities to realize oneself and achieve a lot.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Why dream about giving birth to a daughter - a very good dream. Ahead is the full realization of your plans, dreams and hopes.
  • Why do you dream about your daughter’s pregnancy? If your daughter is not yet married, this means betrayal on the part of her significant other, deception.
  • In a dream, cutting your daughter’s hair means your daughter is having difficulties. She does not have enough strength (physical and mental) to deal with the problems that have arisen.
  • The dream “daughter screams” - your daughter needs more of your attention.
  • Why do you dream about the death of your daughter - be attentive to your financial situation. The dream warns of large financial losses. Try not to enter into new contracts or make large purchases during this period.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter is getting married - most likely your daughter met a very good young man.

Dream Interpretation Veles

  • Dream Interpretation: girl, daughter - troubles that will upset you will lead to complete harmony and satisfaction.
  • Why dream about “a daughter was born” - for a young family such a dream can be prophetic and mean that soon there will be a new addition to their family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a daughter gave birth to a girl - to good news, some unexpected but joyful surprises.
  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of a daughter is a good sign that promises changes for the better in your personal life.
  • The dream of “quarrel with your daughter” means family conflicts.
  • A pregnant daughter dreams of her deceased mother - you miss her too much and regret that she will not see her grandson. On the other hand, a dream is often interpreted as a blessing from your mother, a sign that everything will be fine and a guardian angel is with you.
  • The dream “daughter in a wedding dress” means good times are coming for your family. Each of you can achieve a lot now.
  • Dream “daughter’s wedding” - it’s time to take a break from worries and start living for yourself.
  • The dream “beaten daughter” means betrayal, deception, lies on the part of fake friends.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a daughter means a favorable outcome.
  • The dream “daughter is pregnant” is a great benefit for you. Your life takes a sharp turn. There is an expression “as if born again.” This is exactly what you will feel in the very near future. There are a lot of new opportunities and prospects ahead.
  • Why do you dream about a man having a daughter - everything in your life will turn upside down and you cannot say what will be the reason for this. In any case, the changes will be global and unexpected, they will be for the better. It is quite possible that you will suddenly become the owner of a good inheritance, a new position, or get rid of an illness that has tormented you for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: gave birth to a daughter in a dream - grandiose changes in personal relationships: either a fateful meeting, or an unexpected but pleasant surprise.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter’s hair - all matters and problems in her and your life will be resolved by themselves.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter was beaten - your daughter will be betrayed by close friends or a loved one.
  • The dream “dead daughter” is a warning. The events that happen next will not necessarily be bad. These will be important and turning points on which the future fate of the dreamer depends.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter’s boyfriend - you worry too much about her relationships with the opposite sex, learn to trust her.
  • Dream “birth of a daughter” - get ready, you are beginning a new, better life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • I dream about my daughter, the dream book gives the following explanation - a not very good period will end extremely well.
  • Dream Interpretation: newborn daughter - a completely new, wonderful stage has begun in your life. These are new opportunities, relationships, prospects.
  • Dream Interpretation: wedding of an unmarried daughter - a period of new acquaintances and meetings is beginning in your daughter’s life. She is ready for a new relationship, for new feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: the wedding of a married daughter - there is a discord in your daughter’s family, the reason for this is misunderstanding of the spouses, quarrels and conflicts.
  • Why dream of giving birth to a daughter in a dream - if in general the dream was positive, the birth was easy and quick, then all the troubles, conflict situations with colleagues or with family members will be resolved by themselves.
  • Dream “pregnant daughter” - you enjoy good authority among others. You are considered a responsible, reliable and wise person.
  • Seeing your daughter in a wedding dress in a dream means that the period of problems and trials for your family is behind you, only happiness lies ahead.
  • Seeing your daughter’s wedding in a dream means one of your relatives will cause you a lot of problems and troubles. They will be in vain, the problem will not be solved.
  • Dream Interpretation: hitting your daughter in a dream - family problems will undermine your health, spoil your mood and bring a lot of trouble.

Loff's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

  • Dream Interpretation: child, girl, daughter - you have a difficult period ahead, but all the obstacles and obstacles will help you get what you want.
  • Why dream that your daughter is pregnant - if in reality you do not have a daughter, be careful. Rumors and gossip are spread about you to ruin your reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation: marrying off your daughter means joy, new and pleasant events. There are also troubles and worries ahead of you. But they will be pleasant, you will feel that they remember you, they need your help and are very grateful to you for everything.
  • Seeing the birth of a daughter in a dream means good changes. These will be significant changes that will affect every aspect of your life.
  • Seeing your daughter's boyfriend in a dream means that you are too controlling of her personal life. Recognize her right to make mistakes and solve her problems on her own.
  • Seeing a crying daughter in a dream means problems, empty troubles.
  • Seeing your daughter's father in a dream means your daughter will marry successfully.
  • Dream “newborn daughter” - a new wonderful period begins in your life. It is possible to meet a person who will provide you with invaluable help and become a very close friend.
  • The dream “my daughter died” means financial losses, and large ones at that. Try to avoid pointless spending. Put off buying valuable items until later.
  • A dream about a daughter whom you cannot find in a dream means that you will not be able to realize yourself. Circumstances will interfere with you. If you don't give up, fate will definitely give you another chance.
  • Seeing your daughter as a little girl in a dream means that you will have to show maximum care for your loved ones.

English dream book

  • Seeing a pregnant daughter in a dream means that you still have a very interesting life ahead, full of bright colors and adventures; you “gave up on yourself too early.”
  • Dream “daughter died” - you will lose money.
  • I had a dream “I gave birth to a daughter” - a white streak is coming, a new period of wonderful opportunities and prospects.
  • Why dream of beating your daughter in a dream - you will have an intractable problem, but you will cope with it.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter in a white dress - everything will turn out well for your daughter.
  • If your daughter was stolen in a dream, disagreements with your daughter await you. You may not communicate with her for a while.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter in a black dress - your daughter will have problems, but they will quickly end.
  • Dream “drunk daughter” - you will experience a huge feeling of shame.
  • Seeing your little daughter in a dream is a good sign, meaning a series of joyful events.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • In a dream, a daughter dreams of a favorable sign, a happy life.
  • Why do you dream of a girl, a daughter who asks for something - someone from your environment is using you for their own selfish purposes.
  • Why do you dream of a child, a daughter who is crying - troubles, but they will only be associated with her.
  • Why do you dream about your daughter’s boyfriend? Your daughter has become less frank with you, but learn to trust her.
  • Why does a little girl dream about a daughter, who in reality is already an adult - this foretells pleasant and joyful events for her.
  • Why dream of seeing your daughter sad - you will not have peace of mind in the near future.
  • Why do you dream of a child, a girl, a daughter who does not exist in real life - your plans will not come true.
  • “I dreamed about our daughter today” - a dream foreshadows good events and news.
  • Why does a woman dream about the birth of a daughter? There are two options: either she will soon become a mother again, or she will be able to fulfill all her dreams in a short time.

Mythological dream book

French dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a child, a daughter - these are always good changes, improving relationships, something bright and good.
  • The dream “a daughter was born” - you should reconsider your entire life and completely change it. In a dream, you received a sign that fate is now on your side, it will help you erase the old and start all over again.
  • In a dream, seeing “your daughter gave birth to a stillborn child” is unlucky. Danger or trouble threatens not only you, but also your family members.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant daughter in a dream - your daughter will soon meet her true destiny and will be very happy.
  • Marrying your daughter in a dream means your daughter will soon meet a wonderful person who may propose to her.

Indian dream book

Small dream book

  • To dream that you have given birth to a daughter means that you are close to realizing what you have planned. If the birth in the dream was easy, then your path will be easy and unencumbered, but a difficult birth promises all sorts of obstacles and obstacles to achieving your goals.
  • I had a dream that my daughter became pregnant - a very important period is coming in your daughter’s life. If she doesn't take things too lightly, she'll be fine.
  • The dream “your daughter was raped” - your daughter will be betrayed by a loved one or a close friend.
  • Why dream about “your daughter was stolen” - stop constantly controlling your daughter, otherwise you will lose her trust.
  • Your daughter drowned in a dream - success awaits you at work, possibly a promotion.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream “daughter” - the quality of your life will change for the better.
  • The dream “daughter in a black dress” means losses, disappointments, empty chores. But they won't last long.
  • Mom had a dream that her daughter was pregnant - this is fortunate for you and your daughter.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing an adult daughter as a small child means you yourself feel how you are losing touch with your daughter. More and more often, your thoughts return to the time when you were truly close. Now is not the time to regret the past, now is the time to act, otherwise you will miss the opportunity. There is no need to find out anything or pester your daughter with questions. Just sit with her in the evening and have a heart-to-heart talk, remember the past, dream about the future, etc.
  • In a dream, seeing a deceased daughter means that financial troubles await you.
  • In a dream, hitting your daughter in the face means you rejected someone and he harbored a grudge against you.
  • A daughter's dream in a wedding dress means a favorable period is coming for your family.

Persian dream book

  • The dream “my daughter is getting married” means a series of joyful days ahead.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a pregnant daughter in a dream means that it is time for you to prepare a dowry. If your daughter is still a child in reality, then the dream promises her a happy fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your daughter as a little girl means joy ahead, very good news.
  • Seeing your daughter in white in a dream means you are worrying about your daughter in vain. She will have a good destiny and a happy life.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter in a black cassock - your daughter’s behavior and actions are far from ideal. She forgot about her spiritual development and took the wrong path.

Love dream book

Old Russian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your daughter in a dream means that through difficulties and problems you will still achieve your goals.
  • Dream Interpretation: an adult daughter is small - your daughter needs your help.
  • The dream “a daughter gave birth to a girl” is a sign of prosperity, great luck or a new addition to the family.
  • Giving birth to a daughter in a dream, which means - in general, such signs always come in dreams for the better. It could be some pleasant events, good news, something very good.
  • A daughter is pregnant in a dream - profit, prosperity, improvement of your position in society.
  • Giving your daughter away in marriage in a dream means separation from your daughter or from other members of your family.
  • In a dream, seeing your daughter raped means problems will not pass you by. It is quite possible that a major quarrel or conflict with your daughter will deprive you of your previous communication with her for a long time.
  • Why dream of a daughter with lice - a rich and happy life, prosperity and a caring husband awaits your daughter.
  • Why does the deceased mother of her daughter dream about a warning about danger?

Assyrian dream book

  • Seeing a pregnant daughter in a dream means that a period of dramatic changes is coming for your entire family. The changes will be good.
  • Seeing an adult daughter as a small child in a dream means that in reality you still believe that your daughter is still too young to make decisions on her own. This is not true, you risk ruining your relationship with her.
  • If you dream of “seeing your daughter on a man’s lap” - you and your daughter will have a wonderful relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation: adult daughter - there are problems ahead that will seem insignificant to you, but you can easily cope with them.

Muslim dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: gave birth to a daughter in a dream - you should forget about your despair and problems. A new bright period is coming in your life.
  • The dream “a daughter gave birth to a boy” means serious changes will soon occur in the fate of your daughter. They will affect your financial situation and wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter drowned - your daughter may fall into bad company.
  • Why does a woman dream about the birth of a daughter? If the woman is married, then the dream can be taken literally: expect a new baby.
  • Why dream about the birth of a daughter - her life is reaching a new level.
  • Dream Interpretation: killing your daughter means trouble, but it will pass quickly. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: someone else's daughter - interference in the life of your daughter by some person from the outside.

Slavic dream book

  • Seeing a newborn daughter in a dream is the beginning of a new period in life.
  • Seeing your daughter in a white dress in a dream means that all troubles and problems will disappear from your daughter’s life.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter is pregnant - a dream could come true very soon. This applies not only to your daughter, but also to you. (cm. )
  • Why dream about your daughter’s eyes - you will receive interesting news about her or a gift from her.
  • Seeing a daughter who gave birth in a dream means that it’s time for you to stop moping and prepare yourself to receive good news. There comes a time when some events will help you improve your quality of life.
  • To dream that your daughter has died means beware of people you trust. Because of them, you will incur large financial expenses.
  • “My daughter is getting married” I had a dream - a new young man with serious intentions will soon appear in your daughter’s life.
  • But dreams for a daughter’s marriage have slightly different symbols: silver or gold jewelry. They must be new, without defects or flaws. For marriage, I dream of a white dress, a veil, and lace weaving.
  • The dream “preparing for your daughter’s wedding” means a lot of small household chores and worries. Ask family members for help.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: looking for a daughter - after a while you will have to look for a solution on how to improve your relationship with your daughter, even if now everything seems fine.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnant daughter - profit or promotion awaits you.
  • If you had a dream “your daughter gave birth” - a significant and one of the most crucial periods is coming in your life. Global changes are ahead, do not resist them.
  • Dream Interpretation: naked daughter - the secrets and mysteries of your daughter will become known to others.
  • “My wife gave birth to a daughter” dream - most likely there will soon be a new addition to your family, but it will not necessarily be a girl.
  • In a dream, seeing an adult daughter as a child means that you are too protective and are imposing your opinion on your daughter. This distances you from each other.
  • Beating your daughter in a dream, what does this mean - a crisis is coming in your relationship with your daughter.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter in a red dress - thanks to her perseverance, your daughter will achieve her plans.

Vedic dream book

  • Dream “daughter naked” - your daughter will suffer from the betrayal of a close friend who will tell all her secrets to others.
  • Why dream of giving birth to a daughter in a dream - a very favorable period is coming in your life when you can, as they say, “move mountains.” Take action, luck is near you.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a pregnant daughter means that not everything in your life is as rosy as you would like. But the upcoming difficulties will help you begin to appreciate familiar things in a new way. Everything will end well.
  • Dream Interpretation: For a father, a daughter’s pregnancy means that honor and respect await him ahead.
  • The dream “an adult daughter dreams of a little one” - your daughter has problems, you should help her. Just control yourself, there is no need for moralizing and parental superiority. You are required to have a constructive approach, clarity of thoughts and maternal warmth.
  • Seeing “your daughter getting married” in a dream means your life will become boring and monotonous. Don’t be upset, this is a short period, then it will sparkle with bright colors again.
  • Dream “daughter in a white dress” - your daughter is going through a wonderful period: new meetings, acquaintances, adventure, travel.

Dream interpretation of bitches

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a pregnant daughter - everything will work out for you. Recognition of your merits by others is ahead.
  • Seeing an adult daughter as a little girl in a dream means problems ahead, but you can easily solve them. This will strengthen faith in your strengths and abilities.
  • A daughter tries on a wedding dress in a dream - an unexpected meeting and an extraordinary acquaintance awaits her. Whether this person will be her destiny, time will tell.
  • In a dream, beating your daughter means family troubles.
  • “The birth of a daughter in a dream” means that a completely different life awaits you. All difficulties and problems will be insignificant, chores will be pleasant, and family relationships will be strong.

Dream Interpretation Magini

  • Why does a man dream of a pregnant daughter who does not exist in reality - in reality you will decide to help someone with money. You will eventually lose them.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a pregnant daughter in a dream means a wonderful future awaits your daughter: a rich life, a loving spouse.
  • The dream “an adult daughter dreams of a little one” - happiness awaits you and your loved ones too, although you will have to deal with problems. But in the end you will be able to overcome them.
  • Seeing your daughter naked in a dream means that you will not be able to keep secrets and family secrets.
  • The dream “little girl, daughter” means joyful events, pleasant meetings.

Gypsy dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a daughter - your daughter needs your help and support. She is confused in circumstances and now, more than ever, she needs your motherly care.
  • In a dream, the voice of your daughter that you hear means a call for help.
  • Why does an adult daughter dream of a little girl - if in a dream she laughs - fortunately; if he cries, it means losses.
  • Seeing a small adult daughter in a dream means your daughter needs your care and protection, advice and guardianship.
  • with your daughter - it just reflects your emotional attachment to the person and spiritual closeness.
  • Seeing your naked daughter in a dream means that ill-wishers will ruin your daughter’s reputation with rumors and gossip.
  • I had a dream that my daughter died - loss of money, deception, fraud.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

  • Dream Interpretation: a daughter in a dream means barriers and obstacles that will lead you to success.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter is small - you will have problems communicating with your daughter.
  • An adult daughter dreams of a child - you should take a simpler approach to some things. For example, it’s high time for you to recognize your daughter’s right to an independent life and personal opinion.
  • Seeing your daughter in a dress in a dream means new perspectives, new opportunities.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving birth to a daughter means great changes lie ahead.
  • “Mom cuts off her daughter’s ear” dream - such an extraordinary dream just tells that you, by virtue of your character, believe that you simply must be aware of your daughter’s personal life, she is always at the center of events that are connected with her. But you don't take your child's opinion into account. Soon you will no longer be able to take part in her life.
  • Dream “man and daughter” - a fateful meeting awaits you. This is either friendship or new love.
  • Swearing in a dream with your daughter means quarrels and conflicts in reality.
  • The dream “a friend gave a gift to his daughter” is a pleasant surprise.
  • The dream “we sleep with our sleeping daughter” is a bad dream, meaning serious health problems.
  • The death of a daughter in a dream promises her longevity in reality.
  • I lost my daughter in a dream - for the dreamer this is a complete collapse of her plans.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

  • Seeing your deceased daughter in a dream means that you have some important things ahead and how you behave will affect your future destiny. Consider such a dream as a warning from above.
  • Seeing a little daughter in a dream means you are losing touch with your daughter, your communication is gradually fading away. If you value your close relationship with your daughter, correct the situation before it’s too late.
  • Dream Interpretation: non-existent daughter - you have difficulties ahead that you will have to overcome gradually. You will find the strength for this. They do not pose any significant danger. They can rather be classified as minor matters and troubles.
  • Marrying your daughter in a dream means that a boring, dull and monotonous life awaits you ahead.
  • Seeing your daughter getting sick in a dream means problems with your own health. (cm. )
  • Why dream of losing your daughter in a dream - the collapse of hopes and plans.
  • The dream “your daughter had an abortion” is a fatal mistake, a serious offense by your daughter.
  • Seeing your daughter’s birthday in a dream means your daughter is starting a new life, everything will be fine with her.
  • Seeing your daughter smoking in a dream means your daughter is highly dependent on some person or on some circumstances.
  • If a mother dreamed about her daughter being nervous, it means that in reality your daughter feels a need for wise advice and severe discomfort.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Seeing a daughter with tanned skin in a dream means illness, burdensome chores.
  • Why dream about a dress on your daughter - a new period is beginning in your daughter’s life. What it will be like depends on the color of the clothes.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead man is holding my daughter’s hand - there is danger ahead: an accident, an accident, a possible fatal outcome.
  • In a dream, beating your daughter with a spatula or some other thing in her hands means that the crisis in your relationship with her was provoked by her imaginary friends who want to quarrel between you.
  • Dream Interpretation: dead daughter - problems in the family, scandals, quarrels, a sharp deterioration in relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

  • Why “give a gold ring to your deceased daughter in a dream” - you will get rid of a serious illness.
  • The dream “a mother treats her daughter with evil” - misunderstanding in the relationship with your daughter will lead to the fact that you will not communicate for some time.
  • Seeing the living daughter of a deceased person in a dream means your daughter will be able to cope with difficult circumstances herself, and a long and prosperous life awaits her.
  • The dream “a dead mother gives a dress to her living daughter” means that the latter will need someone’s help and assistance, but she will have to ask for it with humiliation of her own dignity.
  • Why do you dream about “your daughter leaving” - your relationship with your daughter has become cooler. You feel and are very worried about this. Everything will get better, just give it time.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased is dissatisfied with the appearance of his daughter - a bad sign, meaning a serious danger that threatens your daughter.
  • The dream “daughter in a wedding dress” means that a wonderful holiday awaits you ahead, thanks to which you will be full of strength and energy.
  • Beating your daughter in a dream means your strong feelings about her fate.
  • Seeing a dead daughter in a dream, who is not there in reality, means get ready for trouble. They are a consequence of your missed opportunities and doubts in your abilities.

Idiomatic dream book
“Deceased daughter” dream means that you have difficult days ahead. You will be able to withstand them and survive with minimal losses, just remember the details of the dream.
Your daughter leaves in a dream - your child is moving away from you.
Intelligent dream book

  • You dream of a living daughter lying in a coffin - you should prepare for the upcoming worries and troubles. Your daughter will need your help very soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: breastfeeding your daughter means only joy and happiness ahead.
  • The dream “deceased daughter” is most often an expression of psychological dependence, rejection of the death of a loved one and longing for him.
  • Dream Interpretation: hitting your daughter in the face means you worry about her too much. These are unnecessary worries.
  • Dream Interpretation: son-in-law leaves his daughter - your daughter has started having problems in the family, but you should not interfere with them, otherwise you will aggravate the situation.
  • If you dream of a daughter in a white dress, your daughter is beginning a new wonderful life, not burdened by problems and troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Pelagia

  • Dream “my daughter died” - beware of scammers.
  • The dream “daughter is getting married” means there will be peace and tranquility in family relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a severely beaten daughter - to family troubles, major quarrels.
  • Dream “daughter’s boyfriend” - you are trying to keep your daughter’s life under control. Give her more freedom, otherwise your relationship will change for the worse.

Zedkiel's Dream Book

  • This dream book interpretation of dreams “daughter” has the following: global changes for the better are ahead. Even if there are any troubles, they will not be able to ruin your mood.
  • Why do you dream about a friend’s daughter? Your friend will soon need your help.
  • Dream Interpretation: hitting your daughter - an important event will happen in your daughter’s life that will affect you too.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter has died - a rather unfavorable period awaits you ahead.
  • Why does a father dream about the death of his daughter? The dream is a reflection of the guilt of the father, who feels that he is paying little attention and time to her. But it's never too late to correct the situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: daughter died in a dream - theft, deception. Be careful with your money.
  • Why dream of beating your daughter - troubles await you that will be created by imaginary friends.
  • The dream “daughter in a coffin” is a transition to a new stage of life.

Jung's Dream Book

Roman dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: daughter’s wedding – troubles ahead, family celebration.
  • Why dream about a dead daughter you are holding in your arms - a good dream, meaning that your daughter will live a long and happy life in reality.
  • Breastfeeding your daughter in a dream means your life will gradually improve.
  • Dream “newborn daughter” - amazing changes in life await you.

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter gets married - you will lose your joy in life.
  • Why does a daughter’s late father dream about a dream – a harbinger of important life, turning points. You must be careful and attentive to everything that happens around you. Use your circumstances wisely.
  • Dream Interpretation: a daughter in a wedding dress means that it’s time for you to think about yourself.
  • Why dream of beating your daughter in a dream - troubles await you in the family. There may be a major quarrel or scandal that you yourself provoke.
  • Dream “dead daughter” - you will have a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter was stolen in a dream - this is a direct indication that you take yourself and what surrounds you too seriously. Loosen your grip a little and learn to enjoy life.
  • Dream Interpretation: your daughter was stolen, and you participated in the abduction - means that a happy family life and a successful marriage awaits you.
  • “Breastfeeding your daughter” dream - if in reality your daughter is already an adult, the dream means that you will finally forget all the grievances, be able to survive disappointments and enjoy life again.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • The dream “girl, daughter” means problems and troubles, but they will be completely insignificant and even somewhat pleasant for you.
  • The dream “little girl – daughter” - good news, good events.
  • Dream interpretation “little daughter who doesn’t exist” - there are many problems ahead. Solve them gradually. Don't try to tackle everything at once.
  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of a daughter - not everything will work out for you the first time, but never give up and you will succeed.
  • “My daughter is giving birth,” the dream book gives the following explanation - significant changes will soon begin to occur in your daughter’s fate.
  • “I know that I am expecting a child - a daughter” - the dream book gives the following interpretation: on a subconscious level, you celebrate that big changes will soon begin in your life and you are ready for them.
  • Dream Interpretation: a married woman dreams of giving birth to a daughter twice - a prophetic dream, expect a new addition to the family.
  • Seeing a daughter with a child in her arms - the dream book explains such a dream as the fact that your daughter has a good destiny, next to her is a guardian angel who protects her from serious danger.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing your daughter - you should not control your daughter’s life, you worry too much about her and are doing it in vain.
  • Dream Interpretation: adopted daughter - a person will soon appear in your life whom you will have to take care of.
  • Dream Interpretation: saving a daughter means returning old feelings and relationships with loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a daughter in a dream means that she will have a long life and excellent health.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sick daughter means the collapse of your plans and hopes.
  • Dream Interpretation: son-in-law, daughter - your daughter will be very happy in marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: drunk daughter - you will be very ashamed of your child’s behavior.
  • If your daughter fell out of a window in a dream - big troubles await your daughter in the near future. They can completely deprive her of physical and moral strength and the desire to move forward.
  • How to solve the dream “someone else’s mother called me daughter” - this means that some person from the outside is trying to influence your relationship with someone.
  • The dream “my husband’s ex-wife gives birth to his daughter” - the past will make itself felt again, problems lie ahead.
  • The dream of “seeing off your daughter” means losing contact with her.

Modern dream book

Autumn dream book

Spring dream book

  • Bathing your daughter in a dream means envious people are spreading bad rumors about your daughter, but they will not be able to harm her reputation by doing so.
  • Seeing a newborn daughter in a dream means great joy and the fulfillment of desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing a daughter in a dream means missing out on opportunities.
  • The dream “lover's daughter” - attempts to influence you from the outside.
  • Seeing your little daughter in a dream means you are losing touch with your daughter.
  • The dream “my daughter got sick” means troubles and scandals in the family.
  • The dream of “sex with your daughter” means that you are very close to her spiritually and you have a good trusting relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a daughter in a dream means that she will live happily ever after.
  • Seeing your daughter’s groom in a dream means your daughter has made the right choice. She will be very happy with this man.
  • The dream of “month-old daughter” is a threat to her health. Advise her to get tested.
  • Dream “daughter drowning” - carefully plan your expenses, otherwise you will lose a large amount of money.
  • Seeing your daughter having her hair cut in a dream means your daughter will lose good chances to move forward towards her dream.
  • Talking to your daughter in a dream means improving the relationship between you.
  • Seeing your wife and daughter in a dream means family happiness.

Summer dream book

The dreams in which our loved ones come to us are always wonderful. A bad dream plot does not always mean major troubles. The daughter you dreamed about most often talks about your mistakes in your relationship with her, after analyzing which you can easily regain your former connection with her.

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