Dream of reading in a foreign language. Dream interpretation of speaking a foreign language. Pocket dream book of Tatyana Lagutina

Floors 24.12.2023

In the dream book, language is included as a symbol of connections and communications. Man is a social being and achieves much in life through communication.

Feelings and thoughts are expressed through words. Through language we can provide support or express sarcasm.

So why do you dream about language? Just as the use of speech is varied, the interpretation of sleep can also be different. The dream focuses on the fact that you hear a foreign speech - the meaning is one, if you see the language as a cooked dish - a completely different meaning.

When you dream of a language, the semantic context of the dream becomes very important. Interpreting one dream episode separately from another is ineffective. Speech is a means of interaction, communication, community and conflict. Therefore, each episode of a dream is similar to a word, but we will understand the meaning of what was said only when a sentence is made from the words.

You need to remember the maximum number of events and episodes of the dream, then the reading will be able to give you wise and valuable advice.

Part of the body

1. Why do you dream about your tongue if you are being teased? A dream can be interpreted differently if the dream contexts are different.

  • If in a dream you see formally dressed characters, then the dream means disappointment in work matters.
  • If a woman teases you, then the dream suggests that you will soon plunge into a love adventure.

2. Why do you dream about your tongue if it hurts in your sleep? A dream may warn you in such a way that you will suffer from your own talkativeness. This may concern your boasting or a thoughtlessly thrown rude word.

3. If you dreamed that your tongue fell off. You can interpret such a plot in different ways, but in general the meaning is this: one or more commutative connections are broken.

  • For example, you hoped for the protection of a strong person, but for some reason help was refused.
  • Or they will block your access to something important or significant for you. For example, at work a promising project will be denied.

4. If the tongue is longer than usual. If you see your tongue like this in a dream, then the dream may indicate your excessive talkativeness.

Remember, maybe you were entrusted with a secret, but you were unable to keep it? In any case, you need to know that talkativeness can let you down. When you see a long snake sting on another person, the plot can be interpreted to mean that you should beware of slander.

5. Why do you dream about the language in which the industries. The interpreter foretells that you will have to earn money by talking - the more hair, the greater the expected fee. Lectures, seminars, trainings or consultations - think about how you can use the chance to earn extra money.

Foreign speech

The dream also advises you to become more attentive to those around you - who in your close circle is stronger and more successful than they show to others. It is possible that you will be able to “pick up the key” to this person.

4. Hear an unfamiliar conversation and understand it as your own. The interpretation foretells that someone else's secret will be revealed to you. The secret will most likely be of a commercial nature.

Seeing a dish in a dream

1. See cooked beef tongue. The interpretation foretells that someone’s speech will bring you a lot of income. It is possible that someone will say a good word about you to your superiors, which will become an impetus for accelerated promotion.

It will be good if you don't miss the chance and last through the trial period. Then the word about you as a promising employee will spread beyond the boundaries of the enterprise.

2. Seeing a mountain of cooked tongues on a platter. Such a dream can be interpreted to mean that in the near future you will acquire many business connections. There will be so many friends and partners that for some period you will find yourself at the center of rotation of various affairs and acquaintances.

3. in a dream, a poorly prepared dish. If in a dream you eat meat that is too tough or burnt, then the plot is interpreted as a warning against an argument, discussion or bet. The subconscious senses the risk of such actions and advises you to beware, act wisely and not seek the truth in a dispute, even if a dispute is imposed on you.

Dreams that involve conversation in one form or another are remembered by an avalanche of plot events. It's like a good movie that keeps the viewer in suspense from the first minute to the last. Therefore, for a correct interpretation, it is so important to be able to remember the nuances and use them when interpreting a dream. Author: Igor Vaskin

Dream Talk- why do you dream about talking? Miller's Dream Book - Talk dream interpretation speak online. Dream Interpretation talking on the phone- if you dream of talking on a cell phone and hearing a voice, this is a bad sign; you will be misled. Talking on the phone with a loved one (boyfriend or girlfriend, girlfriend, friend) - dreams of an unexpected meeting and you will find out what’s new for yourself. Talking on the phone with a deceased person (previously deceased) - pay attention to the words of the deceased and follow his instructions. Dream Interpretation of talking to your ex-husband— you will solve old problems that were put aside by someone else. Dream interpretation of talking to an ex-boyfriend- there is a threat to your current relationship. Dream interpretation of talking to the president- talking to the president of the company, the president of the country, dreams of bad decisions. Speak a foreign language- if you dream of speaking a foreign language in a dream, the dream predicts an uncomfortable, awkward situation for the dreamer in reality. Speaking English in a dream means not fully understanding the complexity of some undertaking in life.


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Foreign speech in a dream often promises the need to find an approach to someone or resolve some uncertainty. The dream book also states: it foreshadows new opportunities, but sometimes warns of deception or a difficult situation. Once you understand what a certain plot is about in your dreams, you will understand how to proceed.

Such a vision in a dream is a harbinger of contact with a person from another country. There may be some issues that need to be discussed.

Seeing someone speak a foreign language means: the dreamer has uncertainties that need to be resolved.

Be careful: they are going to deceive you

A dream of a foreign speech that the sleeper does not understand warns of the desire of someone from his environment to fool him.

Why do you dream that you understood everything, but when you wake up, you cannot grasp the meaning of the conversation? The dream book explains: someone is very cleverly confusing you, putting forward seemingly understandable explanations. However, in reality it may turn out that this is either a lie or not the whole truth. It is advisable to double-check the information received.

New opportunities, achieving success

Seeing yourself speak in a dream in a language that is unfamiliar to you in reality is an excellent omen. In reality, in a difficult situation, you will be able to find an approach to different people. This will allow them to coordinate to solve the problem.

Such a plot also promises the emergence of new opportunities. They will open up when meeting a certain strong personality.

Did you dream of not just a foreign speech in your own performance, but also your performance in several languages? The dream book promises: you will achieve respect, as well as great influence in society.

You will find yourself in an awkward position

Why dream of talking to someone in English or German and having difficulty understanding the meaning of what was said? You will communicate with a person from a different circle.

Seeing yourself talking to a foreigner in a dream in his dialect, but at the same time feeling: there is no understanding? The dream book indicates: you will soon find yourself in an awkward situation. The dream also foreshadows a long wait for some important changes or changes in circumstances.

Did you dream of being in a foreign country and not understanding anything from the conversations of the people you met? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: the sleeper will find himself in a difficult situation and become confused.

Dream details

Pay attention to the language you hear:

  • English - make connections in another country;
  • French - romantic interest;
  • Italian - have a pleasant time on vacation;
  • German - new job;
  • Chinese - business venture will be successful.

Miller's Dream Book warns of deception

Hearing foreign speech in a dream means: you need to be on your guard, because they want to deceive you. Be careful: do not trust intrusive acquaintances.

Subtleties of relationships

Why dream of hearing foreign speech from someone you know? Soon a very tense relationship or complete rejection of each other’s views will develop between the dreamer and this person.

Did you dream of hearing an incomprehensible foreign speech from your friend and inviting an interpreter to explain what was said? The dream book indicates: in reality you will have to involve a third party in order to make peace after a disagreement with a loved one.

One of the famous ancient rulers offered to bring his slave something that was not more beautiful in the world. He brought him the tongue on a golden platter. To his master’s surprised question, he replied that everything beautiful in this world is accomplished with the help of language and with its help is destroyed.

If this image appears in your dream, remember one folk wisdom: “The tongue waters, feeds, and spanks your back.” Or: “The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.”

Perhaps an unexpected message awaits you or you receive a warning through your dream that someone will try to slander you.

You should also not forget that your excessive talkativeness can cause you a lot of trouble and suffering.

If you saw some ulcers on your tongue in a dream, this means that your excessive talkativeness will have the most unpleasant consequences for you.

Seeing a cut off tongue in a dream is evidence that in reality you will be unpleasantly surprised by the insincerity of your acquaintances or friends.

A dream in which you feel that you have lost your tongue means that a long streak of failures has begun in your life.

Seeing in a dream how someone teases you and sticks out their tongue at you is a sign that they will try to provoke you into an unworthy act.

If in a dream you prepare a tasty and original dish from your tongue, then in reality you will be able to overcome all life’s obstacles.

To see in a dream how someone grabs you by the tongue means that in reality your lie will be exposed.

A dream in which you saw a long tongue symbolizes unexpected news or rumors.

Biting your tongue in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you should trust rumors and other people’s conjectures as little as possible.

Seeing a long, snake-like tongue in a dream means slander and slander, the consequences of which can turn into a serious problem for you.

If in a dream you lick ice cream with your tongue, expect good news in reality.

Feeling a sour or bitter taste on your tongue is a disappointment.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: “dream book of speaking a foreign language” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Foreign speech in a dream often promises the need to find an approach to someone or resolve some uncertainty. The dream book also states: it foreshadows new opportunities, but sometimes warns of deception or a difficult situation. Once you understand what a certain plot is about in your dreams, you will understand how to proceed.

The need to clarify some issue

Such a vision in a dream is a harbinger of contact with a person from another country. There may be some issues that need to be discussed.

Seeing someone speak a foreign language means: the dreamer has uncertainties that need to be resolved.

Be careful: they are going to deceive you

A dream of a foreign speech that the sleeper does not understand warns of the desire of someone from his environment to fool him.

Why do you dream that you understood everything, but when you wake up, you cannot grasp the meaning of the conversation? The dream book explains: someone is very cleverly confusing you, putting forward seemingly understandable explanations. However, in reality it may turn out that this is either a lie or not the whole truth. It is advisable to double-check the information received.

New opportunities, achieving success

Seeing yourself speak in a dream in a language that is unfamiliar to you in reality is an excellent omen. In reality, in a difficult situation, you will be able to find an approach to different people. This will allow them to coordinate to solve the problem.

Such a plot also promises the emergence of new opportunities. They will open up when meeting a certain strong personality.

Did you dream of not just a foreign speech in your own performance, but also your performance in several languages? The dream book promises: you will achieve respect, as well as great influence in society.

You will find yourself in an awkward position

Why dream of talking to someone in English or German and having difficulty understanding the meaning of what was said? You will communicate with a person from a different circle.

Seeing yourself talking to a foreigner in a dream in his dialect, but at the same time feeling: there is no understanding? The dream book indicates: you will soon find yourself in an awkward situation. The dream also foreshadows a long wait for some important changes or changes in circumstances.

Did you dream of being in a foreign country and not understanding anything from the conversations of the people you met? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: the sleeper will find himself in a difficult situation and become confused.

Dream details

Pay attention to the language you hear:

  • English - make connections in another country;
  • French - romantic interest;
  • Italian - have a pleasant time on vacation;
  • German - new job;
  • Chinese - business venture will be successful.

Miller's Dream Book warns of deception

Hearing foreign speech in a dream means: you need to be on your guard, because they want to deceive you. Be careful: do not trust intrusive acquaintances.

Subtleties of relationships

Why dream of hearing foreign speech from someone you know? Soon a very tense relationship or complete rejection of each other’s views will develop between the dreamer and this person.

Did you dream of hearing an incomprehensible foreign speech from your friend and inviting an interpreter to explain what was said? The dream book indicates: in reality you will have to involve a third party in order to make peace after a disagreement with a loved one.

“Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about speaking a foreign language, what does it mean in a dream about speaking a foreign language”

Dream Interpretation Speak a foreign language

Why do you dream about speaking a foreign language in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed about foreign speech, you will find yourself in a situation that will puzzle you.

Speaking a foreign language is an unusual situation in which you do not know how to behave. You will not be at ease.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream about speaking a foreign language, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream about speaking a foreign language in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

In my mother’s apartment, I look out the window and see that people in black are running along the roof of the house opposite, and on the ground people are walking and giving injections to passers-by and they become as if under hypnosis. I am frightened by what I see and go to check if the door is closed. Behind the door there is a man in in a white sweater and says that he is the neighbor’s child’s dance teacher (I know he’s lying) then I go galloping, then a man in the barn puts on a life jacket, we go out and I see that the house opposite is being destroyed by a man in a military uniform, I hear from somewhere that he is a foreigner and I tell him in English, my name is Olya, you will destroy my house and the bandage on his face is visible only his eyes filled with tears and he shook his head no, I said thank you and left

I was walking with my friends in the center, the weather was very warm, sunny and we spoke foreign languages, either English or German

In my dream I spoke English (in life I speak it very well). There was a guy nearby from another country (Kalmyk, we just communicate on a social network, we haven’t seen him in real life, he lives in Kalmykia), he seemed to be my favorite man (I like him, but in real life I have a husband and a child), I said I took the exam and answered questions in English in English. That's all

My boyfriend and I agreed to meet. I walk, as usual, towards him along our street, when suddenly my bed appears right next to me, and there is a bunch of my things on it. A flock of homeless people and simply rude men begin to take away my things, I see my tall and strong young man confidently walking behind them, so without fear I begin to sort things out with them, but in the midst of a quarrel I understand that I made a mistake or he turned away (exactly I didn’t understand), then I grabbed everything I could and someone else’s bag (a woman’s bag, obviously not mine, I thought there would be something valuable in it in case I got into trouble), and ran. I ran for a very long time, ended up in some poor area, where people have all their belongings lying in the yard, through which anyone can pass. I run into such a yard, dump the contents of someone else’s bag onto the table, and there is only an iPhone, which is about to run out of charge, and several tens of paper in my wallet. I need to get rid of my phone or give it away, but I have no idea what to do next. So I just go randomly and meet my friend, tell her everything, she listens and rolls her eyes, but immediately leaves. Then I find myself in some kind of building, where instead of floors there are pipes and to get anywhere you need to ride along a blue pipe. On one of the turns I was thrown into a castle filled with water, I could swim without oxygen for a very long time, and then I swam out into the light, and there was some kind of village, someone’s yard, they had a farm. It turned out that this is America, everyone speaks English and only one woman understands me. She has two teenage daughters who became very friendly to me, the woman was a teacher and we talked a lot about literature and the Russian language, since she taught them. This is such a mess...

let's start with the fact that in my dream I was speaking English and let's say it was quite strange, but pleasant. The action took place at school (I live in some of the remote corners of Yakutia). Leonardo DiCaprio came to us and we began to applaud him; I remember how I even gave a standing ovation, to which my friends looked at me with questioning eyes. And so, everyone began to take selfies with this star, when one of the teachers forbade doing so, saying: “Don’t take selfies, there’s a professional photographer standing there,” and pointed to him. I looked behind me and saw a local photographer. There were three lenses next to him and he looked at us defiantly. The entire audience formed a circle and everyone began to line up. He looked at me and called me first for a photo shoot and I thought “not really because I was clapping for him while standing.” When he chose me I was delighted. We walked to the photo shoot point. Leonardo asked me: “Did you watch my new film “Speed”?” To which I replied: “Oh, no i had seen only your film which name is “Revenant.” After that, he asks me several questions and for some reason I answer him with the same type of yes, yes.

Note: I am currently preparing for the Unified State Exam in English.

In my dream, my boyfriend and I went to a store in another country and bought a can of coffee from the saleswoman. We communicated with her in a foreign language.

I took a test in English about any animal, I chose a cow! I remember that I was in a good mood, everything worked out for me, but those taking the test themselves did not know the translation of some words! I was surprised that they didn’t know basic translation! I called my daughter and she translated easily!

I dreamed that I spoke English, knowing it, well, at least I haven’t studied it in my life, but its words are remembered to me at once, so in the dream they asked me words in Russian and how they are translated in English, I answered them, they asked how he would smile, I told them “smiles” or something like that, then I woke up, translated it into Google and I told them everything was correct, although I didn’t know these words

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


    • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
    • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
    • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
    • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
    • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
    • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
    • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
    • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
    • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
    • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
    • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
    • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

    If you dreamed of a foreign language according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    Studying English or another language in a dream means a lucrative business offer, the opportunity to get a new interesting job.

    Hearing a conversation in a foreign language and not understanding a word is a sign that you will not find a common language with those around you. It is especially unfavorable to have such a dream before employment in a new team.

    Speaking a foreign language yourself with people around you is a good dream, indicating that you will find an approach to people in a difficult, non-standard situation.

    Speaking English (or another language that you know to a certain extent) poorly, having difficulty finding words is a warning that you are taking on more than you can do due to insufficient competence and poor preparation.

    Overhearing someone else's conversation in a foreign language in a dream means a timely warning about something, you will receive confidential information, and you will be mentally prepared for an unexpected turn of events, but only if you perfectly understood English or another language you heard in a dream.

    Why do you dream about foreign languages ​​- a modern dream book

    Speaking a foreign language in a dream means that you will find yourself among people who are not your own circle.

    If the dreamer, who is not yet married, happens to speak in English or another language, the dream may mean that the future marriage will be unequal sociologically, and this will negatively affect his future fate.

    Learning English or another foreign language in a dream means the need to improve your professional level. You may need to take advanced training courses.

    Speaking English with loved ones leads to mutual misunderstanding.

    If you dreamed that someone from your close circle spoke in a dream a language that you not only did not understand, but also could not determine his nationality - a harbinger that extremely tense relations would develop between you.

    If in such a situation you resorted in a dream to the services of a translator who was able to identify the language and translate what was said for you, then in real life you will need the intervention of a third party in order to improve relations with a loved one or make peace with him after a major disagreement in which each of you strongly disagreed with the other person's opinion.

    Studying your native language as a foreign language in a dream, re-learning its grammar and vocabulary means complete uncertainty in later life, especially if this science was difficult for you.

    Dream interpretation of speaking a foreign language


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    I dreamed about the Language, what is it for, what does the Language mean in a dream

    I dreamed about Tongue in a dream, what is it for:

    Language is rumors. Twins. 3rd house of the horoscope.

    I dreamed about Language in a dream, interpretation:

    Language is the expression of one's own feelings. They show their tongue to you - gossip; feeling that life is teasing you; a wound on the tongue - it’s hard for you to express what you feel.

    I dreamed about Language at night, interpretation of the dream:

    You dreamed of Language - Speaking a foreign language A dream you had on Monday night says that you will try to hide something from your friends; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that empty talk and idleness will begin to irritate you; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night promises that you will finally understand what some of your friends are trying to achieve from you.

    I dreamed about Language, interpretation:

    What does Tongue mean in a dream - to denunciation. Teasing with your tongue is a prank on people who will decide to take revenge for it. Many languages ​​mean cruel jokes.

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    I dreamed about Language - what does the dream mean?

    You dreamed of a Tongue - If you dreamed that you bit your tongue, it was swollen and painful, in reality you may suffer from your own talkativeness. Imagine that you rinse your tongue with an infusion of medicinal herbs, and the pain quickly goes away, the swelling subsides, and you can speak again.

    I dreamed about Language - what does it mean?

    Tongue - Necessary for tasting food and speaking clearly, the tongue is an organ of expression: it can be stuck out to show disrespect, held back in the presence of someone who is overwhelming or alarming, or bitten when joking or teasing. What does the dream mean: Are you telling someone off or getting a beating? Or is someone in your life speaking with a forked tongue, spreading rumors and false gossip about you? Or do you do it yourself?

    You dreamed of Language - an important tool of communication. In dreams we often understand other languages, even invented ones, although we do not speak them in real life. Why do you have a dream: Did you recognize the language, remember a few words, or did you understand nothing at all? In real life, do you have communication problems or does someone speak to you in bird language so you don't understand anything, but you are still expected to follow orders? See also COUNTRIES AND PARTS OF THE WORLD

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    I dreamed about Language, why:

    Language - It’s as if you are examining your tongue in front of a mirror - your friends will disown you. Someone sticks out his tongue at you - a scandal will break out around you. It’s as if you injured your tongue - the dream speaks of your excessive talkativeness. It’s as if you were biting your tongue - the dream calls you to silence.

    I dreamed about Language, what is it for?

    What does Language of Communication mean in a dream 1. A foreign or unfamiliar language heard in a dream illustrates communication, perhaps even with the Collective Unconscious. The language has not yet been studied by us so much that we understand it. 2. As soon as we become more open to various kinds of possibilities, various facets of our personality can themselves begin to communicate with us. In dreams, this is usually experienced as a strange language and is often associated with talking in one's sleep. 3. In a spiritual sense, hearing a language means communication between incorporeal creatures.

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