Methodological nuances of writing a calendar-thematic plan for the preparatory group. A comprehensive theme is planned from birth to school by the group. comprehensive thematic planning for the program from birth to school Approximate comprehensive thematic

Country house 18.12.2023
Country house

Oksana Petrova
Approximate comprehensive thematic planning for the Federal State Educational Standard in the preparatory group for October

October 1,2 week

3.10.16 -7.10.16

Subject: “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden. Gifts of Autumn"

Target: expand children’s knowledge about autumn, children’s ideas about autumn gifts of fruits, vegetables and berries; continue to introduce agricultural professions; consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature; about the seasons, the sequence of months in the year, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. expand ideas about the display of autumn in works of art (poetic, visual, musical); expand ideas about creative professions.

Final event: Exhibition of children's and parents' crafts of fruits, vegetables and natural materials

"Autumn Fantasies"

Getting to know your surroundings peace:

OD#1 "Gifts of Autumn" k.z., p. 41

OD#2 “In the garden or in the vegetable garden” Abstract is attached.


OD No. 1. "Quantity and Counting" k.z., p. 72.

"Quantity and Counting" k.z., p. 77.


"What is air?"

Target: bring children to the understanding that air surrounds the earth, people, animals, and plants breathe air.

Targeted walk to the garden. Introduce children to the growth of vegetables and fruits.


"Fence for the garden" construct a fence from building material; develop a desire to design;

instill respect for materials.

"Useful machines" Target: learn to assemble various equipment from Lego.


Watching a cartoon "Merry vegetable garden" Conversations: "Gifts of Autumn"

Target: exercise children in distinguishing vegetables and fruits by color, shape and smell.

"Miracle Fruit" Target: to form children’s idea that fruits grow on trees, that people take care of plants in order to get a good harvest; remember a noble feeling for nature, for the work of people

“Vegetables are all needed, vitamins in them are all important”

Target: consolidate knowledge about vitamins A, B, C, K, E.

Individual conversations: "Tasty stories" Target: consolidate knowledge about dishes made from vegetables and fruits.

Reminder "Why do we need to wash

fresh vegetables" (explain to children that they cannot

Eating unwashed vegetables can make you sick)

Play activity:

Story-based role-playing games:

"Vegetable shop" Target

"Field breeders" Target: consolidate knowledge about technology (tractor, combine) .

"Family. Cooking dinner from vegetables"

Target: consolidate the name of the fruit, cultivate a culture of speech.

"Family. Cooking berry compote» Target: enrich the plot of the game with events from personal experience.

Dramatization game:

"Tops - roots"

Target: exercise the ability to dramatize a fairy tale by role, promote the development of acting skills.

Didactic games:

DI "Guess by the description" Target: exercise the ability to describe vegetables and fruits.

DI “What first - what then?” Target: consolidate the stages of plant growth and development.

Di "Wonderful bag".

"Vegetables and fruits" Goal: practice the ability to name familiar vegetables and fruits, highlighting external features.

Di "Find the odd one out".Target: consolidate the ability to recognize and distinguish between vegetables and fruits.

DI "What's first, what's next" Target: fix parts of the day.

DI “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden” Target: consolidate the classification of vegetables and fruits.

"Smart Book Shelf".

Target: introducing children to books of encyclopedic content.

Di "Funny puzzles" Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Di “Guess what vegetable or fruit tastes like”

Target: exercise the ability to distinguish, name and classify vegetables and fruits, using various analyzers for recognition, improve cognitive abilities.

Di “What is eaten raw and what is cooked?”

Target: - develop phrasal speech, voluntary attention; develop the ability to listen to your comrades, patiently wait for your turn.

Di “Who can name more dishes?”

Target: - develop speed of reaction to questions, attention; cultivate endurance and patience.

D/i Plays with the ball "The Cheerful Chef".

Target: - consolidate the ability to form adjectives; ability to think logically; strengthen the skill of conducting dialogue.

Board and printed game "Vegetables fruits" (lotto)

Cognitive research Observation of the changing color of leaves, how did they change, why? Target: develop observation skills, the ability to draw conclusions during observations.

Watching the autumn rain.

Observing the work of adults in the garden. Target: intensify cognitive activity, consolidate knowledge about autumn work.

Bird watching

Goals: continue bird watching in the area;

learn to distinguish the main parts of the body.

"Spiders and Webs in the Air"

Target: expand children's understanding of animal life in autumn. Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.

Observation of a birch tree. Target: continue to get acquainted with the birch, highlighting the characteristic features and changes associated with the time of year, cultivate a caring attitude towards the tree as a living object of nature.


Looking at illustrations “What is this autumn rich in?”- repeat the names of vegetables and fruits, their beneficial qualities.

Looking at illustrations on the topic "Harvesting"

Looking at story pictures "Seasons"

Target: Introducing children to accessible natural phenomena.

Labor activity:

Class duty. Target: learn to prepare workplaces.

Work on the site - collecting sand in the sandbox. Target: learn to finish what you start.

Labor on site (picking vegetables in the garden)

Target: involve all possible assistance in harvesting; cultivate a desire to help

Education of KGN:

Teaching children how to neatly put things in a locker.

Rules for safe behavior in group and at the preschool site.

Continue to introduce table manners, teach how to eat carefully, and how to hold a spoon correctly.

Show children how to properly place clothes on a high chair, how to properly remove tights and socks.

Exercise "Shoe shelf"

Target: teach children to correctly, consistently and accurately perform self-care activities after a walk. Drawing:

OD No. 1. “We draw vegetables and fruits” Abstract attached

OD#2. "Gold autumn" k.z., p. 43 (3)


OD "Vegetables and fruits"

k.z., p. 72 (3)


OD "Raft made of natural material" k.z., p. 70 (4)


OD No. 1 along the lane the plans of the muses. leader.

OD No. 2 on the lane. the plans of the muses. leader.

Listening to songs:

Learning a song "Leaves Are Falling"(music by M. Krasev, lyrics by M. Ivansen)

Russian folk song “The cat went to market…”

Introduce children to the content of a folk song; learn to hear and answer the teacher’s questions

Music game:

Games with musical toys, singing familiar songs, musical games

Target:develop the ability to play along with musical instruments

Physical education

OD No. 1 along the lane IFC plan

OD No. 2 on the lane. IFC plan

OD#3 (on air) along the lane IFC plan

Game exercises:

"Get in the circle".Goals: improve the ability to act.

"Fishing rod"

Target: train children to hop on two legs.

"Throwing bags".

Target: strengthen the ability to perform throws at a horizontal target with a stuffed bag. Develop dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements.

"Throwing Rings".

Target: develop coordination of movements, gross motor skills, accuracy, dexterity, eye.

Outdoor games:

P/I "Paints"


P/I "Obstacle Course" Target: develop movements.

P/n "Sparrows and the cat".

Goals: - practice the ability to jump softly; run without touching each other, teach to be careful when taking up space, and not push a friend.

P/n "Sparrows and the car".

Target: teach children to run quickly on a signal, but not bump into each other, start moving and change it at a signal from the teacher, find their place.

P/i “Run to me!”, "Get in the circle",

"Hang a wreath".

Cucumber... cucumber..."

Target: develop the ability to jump on two legs in a straight direction; run without bumping into each other; perform game actions in accordance with the text

P/n "Bubble"

Target: promote the development of the speech apparatus of children, develop the power of exhalation; create a joyful mood.

Russian folk game "Tsar Potato" Target: practice catching the ball, develop dexterity.

Round dance game "Harvest Festival".

Target: to consolidate children’s knowledge about people who grow bread. Cultivate respect for them and respect for bread. Teach children to move in pairs in a circle in a round dance.

Dynamic pauses (physical education minutes):

"We are surprised by nature", “Let’s go to the garden”, "We will cook compote»


Finger gymnastics:

“Lariska has two radishes”, « Compote» , "Cucumbers"

Target: exercise the ability to simultaneously show and pronounce words.

Speech development:

OD "Tale based on the picture" "Summer in the Park" k.z., p. 74

Speech development and preg to literacy training Lesson No. 5. About. gr. page 77.

Familiarization with art. lit.:

Reading fiction literature:

"Tops - roots" Target: recall the text, retell the fairy tale.

N. Nosov "Cucumbers", K. Ushinsky "Four Wishes".

Y. Tuvim "Vegetables"

Target: instill a love of listening to poetry.

Memorizing verse. A. Tolstoy "Autumn. Sprinkles our entire white garden"

Target: teach children to correlate what is described in the poem.

Vegetable counting “In Yegorka’s garden”

Target: development of attention, memory, speed of movements

Introducing children to encyclopedic books. Target: learn to work with books.

Articulation gymnastics:

“Tube - oval - fence”.

Target: train the articulatory apparatus of children, help strengthen the orbicularis oris muscle, develop the ability to quickly change the position of the lips.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

Complex No. 5

Individual work with children. DI “What is this color?” consolidate knowledge of colors

DI "Potato" fix the stages of plant development.

FEMP to consolidate the ability to compare collections of different objects, break them down into subgroups, compare with each other

Practice counting cells in a notebook, drawing segments 5 cells long, and develop hand-eye coordination.

Practice walking and running between objects, learn game exercises with jumping, develop dexterity and eye in exercises with the ball and coordination and dexterity

Ind. an exercise in cutting out silhouettes of vegetables and fruits according to a template.

Strengthen quantitative forward and backward counting to 10.

Practice the ability to tap the ball on the ground with both hands.

“I draw vegetables” drawing with a stick in the sand.

Exercise in walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, in climbing a gymnastic ladder and moving to another flight.

"An apple with a leaf and a worm" teach children to create in drawing compositions from 2-3 elements of various shapes and colors; exercise in the technique of painting with gouache paints; development of a sense of color and shape.

Di "Whose bow" exercise the ability to correlate objects by color, convey the results of comparison in speech.

"Funny coloring pages" develop interest, accuracy, perseverance, independence.

"Find and Decompose"(vegetables fruits)

Creating conditions for independent activity. Add diagrams and models "Vegetables", "Fruits" for independently composing descriptive riddles.

Replenish the play corner with dummies for playing "Shop", attributes for staging a fairy tale, scissors, paper, stencils.

Entering a board game "Parts-whole"

Balls, hoops, hats for familiar games, breathing machines, gurneys, etc.

Independent activities for children - noisemakers, musical instruments, sounding toys.

Introducing the printed board game “Collect the picture.

Contribute: coloring pages and stencils of vegetables and fruits.

Illustrations Gifts of Autumn, Russian folk tales. Pictures with images of trees, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries. Scene pictures with people's labor activities in the autumn period. Entering attributes for a role-playing game "I am a gardener"

Enrich the center of the book with works about autumn, autumn signs, labor actions of people in autumn: "The most beautiful

outfit in the world", trans. shapon. V. Markova, P. Soloviev "Day and night",", L Stanchev "Autumn colors",

Working with parents. Individual conversation "The need to vaccinate against influenza and ARVI"

Memo “What you need to know about vaccinations”

Exhibition of children's and parents' crafts of fruits, vegetables and natural materials "Autumn Fantasies"


10.10.16 -09/14/16

Subject: "Bread is the head of everything"

Target: consolidate knowledge about bread as one of the greatest riches on earth; introduce proverbs and sayings about bread;

introduce the process of growing bread; give an idea of ​​how bread came to our table; expand children’s knowledge about the professions involved in growing and making bread; cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, respect for the work of people who grow bread

Final event: Exhibition of creative works "Loaf"

Cognitive Social - communicative Artistic - aesthetic Physical Speech

Getting to know your surroundings peace:

OD No. 1. "Bread is the head of everything" Abstract is attached.

OD#2. "Nature and us" k.z., p. 103.


OD No. 1. "Quantity and Counting" k.z., p. 82.

"Quantity and Counting" k.z., p. 87.

Cognitive research:

Organization of experience "Growing Rye Seeds".

Conducting the experiment "Tops - roots" Target: show the product obtained after grinding grains through a mill.

ICT virtual tour

"Where did the bread come from" Target: to form ideas about the path that bread takes before appearing on the table, to show the variety of bakery products, to develop memory, attention, speech activity, perception, to cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, respect for the work of people who grow bread.

Design activity "Bread Factory"

Target: develop imagination, constructive skills. Conversations:

“Why does a person need bread?”, “How to behave at the table, how to handle bread”, “Loaves and rolls do not grow in the garden”

Target: Together with children, develop rules for handling bread.

“Like how mom and grandma bake buns at home”, “What people say about bread” Target: introduce people signs, proverbs, sayings about bread.

“Bread is a treasure, don’t waste it, take enough bread for dinner!”

Individual conversations:

“Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him”, “If you want bread, don’t lie on the stove” Target: reinforce the idea of ​​hard work and laziness.

"How the dough is made" Target: consolidate the dough kneading technique (salty)

Play activity:

Story-based role-playing games:

"Bakery" Target: cultivate a caring attitude towards each other.

"Grain growers"

Target: learn apply in the game previously acquired knowledge about growing bread.

Dramatization game:

Fairy tale "Spikelet"

Target: learn to tell stories by role, practice expressive reading.

Didactic games:

DI "Find out and name" Target: expand your understanding of bakery products

DI "Pick up a word" Target: Dictionary enrichment.

DI "Riddles about bread" Target: cultivate respect for the answers of comrades.

DI "Cut pictures" Target: learn to collect images of various types of bread products.

DI "Pick up a word" Target: practice selecting adjectives for nouns.

DI "Who's doing what?" Target: teach children to form verbs.

Word game "Continue the proverb"

Target: consolidate knowledge of proverbs.

DI "Pick a Pair"

Target: learn to select pictures depicting bread products and cereals from which they are made.

DI “Guess whose leaf it is” Target: fix the names of the trees.

DI “What’s extra?”

Target: learn to identify the odd one out of a series of pictures, name its distinctive feature.

DI "Guess by taste" Target: consolidate knowledge about bakery products.

Board-print game "Botanical Lotto" Target: secure plant growth areas.

Cognitive research Observation of machines bringing bread to the village. Target: secure the stages of bread from the field to our table.

Watching the rain. Target: give an idea of ​​the benefits of rain in autumn for winter crops.

Observing the state of nature Target: teach to see beauty, distinguish characteristic signs of autumn, recognize them in literary texts.

Observation of trees and shrubs.

Target: determine which trees and shrubs are the first to shed their leaves, fix the names of the plants.

Looking at paintings, illustrations in books and magazines:

Looking at the ears of corn in a vase. Target: develop the ability to examine and compare ears of different cereal crops.

Consideration of a series of plot pictures on the topic "Growing Bread" Target: to cultivate respect for people’s work.

Looking at illustrations by I. Shishkin "Rye", I Mashkova “Moscow food. Of bread" Target: learn to write a descriptive story based on a picture.

Labor activity:

Duty in a corner of nature - caring for plants. Target: learn to regulate watering of plants.

Work on the site - sweep the veranda Target: to cultivate the ability to complete a task started.

Labor on the site - collecting fallen leaves. Target: teach to get joy from the work done.

Canteen duty: game situation “What did the napkin say?”

Target: Discuss with children the purpose of napkins. Learn to place napkins neatly in napkin holders so that they are easy to take out.

Canteen duty Target: consolidate the ability to set the table for breakfast.

Education of KGN:

Rules for using a comb.

Target: invite children to remember the relevant rules (everyone should have their own comb, it should lie in a certain place, use it in a timely manner, monitor their appearance). Drawing:

OD No. 1. "Spikelet" Abstract attached

OD#2. "Harvest"

Abstract attached


OD "We baked a loaf" Abstract is attached.


OD "Machine made of birch bark" k.z., p. 134 (3)


OD No. 1 along the lane the plans of the muses. leader.

OD No. 2 on the lane. the plans of the muses. leader.

Listening to songs: Ivannikov "Golden Autumn"

“Oh, there’s a viburnum in the forest.”, Ukrainian adv. P

Ivannikov "Path"

Music game:

"Loaf" processed by T. Popatenko.

Target: to develop in children a sense of rhythm in dance improvisation, to introduce them to the culture of the Russian people.

"Guess what it sounds like".

Target: Teach children to distinguish objects by ear by the sounds they make, give them names (bell, rattle, etc.).

Physical education

OD No. 1 along the lane IFC plan

OD No. 2 on the lane. IFC plan

OD#3 (on air) along the lane IFC plan

Game exercises:

Exercise boys in passing the ball to each other with their feet (elements of the game "football")

"Balance beam".

Target: train children to walk with side steps to the right and left according to the pattern on the path, develop leg muscles, attention,

Outdoor games:

P/I "Pass the ball", "Who is the most accurate", "Don't drop it"

Target: exercise children in throwing a small ball at a vertical target, dribbling the ball with their right and left hands, practice passing the ball to each other over their heads, standing in ranks.

P/n "Traps with Ribbons".

Target: exercise children in performing basic movements when running, teach them to coordinate the movements of their arms and legs.

P/n "Who left?"

Target: develop children's attention and speed of reaction, maintain interest in outdoor games.

P/n "Homeless Hare".

Target: train children to navigate the play space, move around the playground without touching their playing partners, and perform movements when given a signal.

Dynamic pauses (physical education minutes):

“We stood up together to warm up”, “Away with fatigue, laziness and boredom”, "Days of the week".

Target: promote the health of children.

Finger gymnastics:

"Ladybug" "Bread", "Baker" Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands. Development speeches:

Speech development and preg to literacy training Lesson No. 6. About. gr. page 78.

Familiarization with art. lit.:

Story by G. Paustovsky "Warm bread" k.z., p. 66

Reading fiction literature:

Reading a Belarusian folk tale "Spikelet"

Reading a poem by V. Voronko “The summer has flown by”, “It’s spring day, it’s time to plow” Target: expand the understanding of the work of tractor drivers.

Reading Sukhomlinsky "My mom smells like bread"

V. Kuprin "Father's Field"

Datskevich "From grain to harvest". Target: fix the path of bread from field to table.

P. Kaganova “Bread is our wealth” Target: cultivate love and respect for bread, develop attention, memory, speech.

G. Yurmina "Combine operator", L. Voronova "In the Outfield"

Articulation gymnastics:

"Let's brush our teeth".

Target: train children’s articulatory apparatus, teach to hold the tip of the tongue behind the teeth, develop the ability to control the tongue.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

Complex No. 6

promote children's health and relieve visual strain

Individual work with children. Practice the ability to form adjectives from nouns (bread - bread, rye - rye, etc.)

Exercise in the ability to jump up from a deep squat, consolidate the skill of walking and running between objects, practice landing on bent legs when jumping from a bench.

Constructive activity "Machines for working in the fields"

Practice laying out numbers 1-5 from wheat grains. develop fine motor skills of the hands.

To form the concept that the number of objects can be found out not only by counting them, but also by looking at the numbers, learn to correlate the number and the number of objects, draw a number in the air, introduce the number 0.

"Ear of Bread" cultivate accuracy when working with plasticine, develop the ability to pinch small pieces from a whole piece of plasticine, roll them out, forming balls and "sausages", learn how to make an image of an ear of corn on cardboard using the method "bas-relief"

Exercises with counting sticks "Mill", "Ear" develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Practice drawing trees using a sequential drawing scheme.

Exercise children in coloring coloring books. learn to color in one direction, without going beyond the contours of the picture

Di "It was - it will be". clarify children's ideas about the past, present, and future tense.

D/I “What behind what” drawing up an algorithm

Creating conditions for independent activity. Introduce models of baked goods.

Making attributes for staging a fairy tale "Spikelet"

A selection of illustrations about bread, a series of sequential pictures about bread.

A selection of presentations and interactive games on the topic.

Working with parents. Business game "What do I know about my child?"

Photo vernissage "Our everyday life"

Working with children in a preschool educational institution (DOU) requires a thorough organization of each element of the educational process. To structure it, the kindergarten methodological team draws up different types of planning. One of the most informative from the point of view of preparing and carrying out specific types of work is a calendar-thematic plan. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of its creation for the preparatory group of a kindergarten (children aged 6–7 years).

Content of the concept of planning the educational process in kindergarten

To understand what a calendar-thematic plan is, it is necessary to make a short theoretical excursion into the essence of the concept of planning. So, it is intended to create a pedagogical model of interaction with children in different types of activities. Planning can be of several types, differing in the degree of detail of the educational process, but based on the educational program according to which the kindergarten operates.

The listed types of plan are something like a nesting doll, in which the long-term plan is the largest, more general toy, and the daily plan is the smallest, most specific. At the same time, this very particular plan, that is, a pedagogical guide to action for every day, is drawn up on the basis of a calendar-thematic one, which gives an idea of ​​both the topics of the educational process and its structure.

This is interesting. The calendar-thematic plan is a mandatory document of the teacher, for the preparation and implementation of which he is responsible. Control over the preparation of planning is carried out by the management of the kindergarten at the beginning of the year, monitoring the implementation of the plan on a monthly basis remains with the senior teacher.

The success of the educational process is determined, among other things, by the teacher’s ability to competently plan educational activities.

Goals and objectives of drawing up a calendar-thematic plan in the preparatory group

The goals of calendar and thematic planning are general in nature for all age groups and include:

  • ensuring the implementation of the educational program in all areas of the educational process to increase the level of development of preschool children that meets program requirements;
  • consistent and systematic educational impact on children, as well as the level of pedagogical skill of the teacher, capable of designing options for interaction with children;
  • practical implementation of various forms and methods of working with children;
  • selection of technical teaching aids that are suitable for the purposes of a specific type of activity.

The tasks of calendar and thematic planning in the preparatory group are:

  • searching for an optimal option for integrating educational areas within the framework of studying a specific topic (despite the fact that for older preschoolers play activity still predominates, the emphasis is on the social-communicative and cognitive areas, since they are in many ways the determining factors of a child’s readiness for school);
  • selection of methodological techniques taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils (for example, if the group is dominated by children with a high level of independence, then in the group of verbal techniques the leading method of interaction will be conversation, since it allows children to take the initiative);
  • creating conditions to ensure different types of interaction among all participants in the educational process (children, teachers and parents);
  • the ability to evaluate the results of the educational process not only within a specific academic year, but also throughout the entire period of passing a given stage of education (the teacher has the opportunity to monitor the level of sophistication of the material and techniques in work on topics that have a cross-cutting nature, that is, studied in different aspects in each age group, for example, “Domestic and wild animals”, “Seasons”, etc.).

Objects of the calendar-thematic plan

In the preparatory group, a calendar-thematic plan is drawn up in the following areas of work:

What techniques are included in calendar-thematic planning

In the calendar-thematic plan, the teacher indicates the types of methodological techniques that he plans to use to achieve his goals when considering a particular topic. In the preparatory group, when the children are already familiar with all the ways of interaction, it is very important to bring students as close as possible to working according to the traditional set of techniques that are accepted in elementary school. As a rule, this is a complex of four groups:

  • verbal;
  • visual;
  • practical;
  • gaming.

Let's consider their options within each group.

Verbal techniques

In the preparatory group, children actively master the skills of composing logical, expressive dialogical and monological statements. In this regard, it is very important for the teacher to use speech as fully as possible when interacting with children in different types of activities.


Of course, this methodological technique in working with children 6–7 years old does not carry such a meaningful meaning as it did in previous years: children “grab” the material faster, they do not need to explain for a long time. But from the point of view of the method of conveying information, the explanation is very valuable for preparators, because with its help the children expand their vocabulary, master speech clichés, practice the grammar of constructing sentences - that is, all those aspects of the language that are so important for creating their own speech image.

Long-term (approximate comprehensive thematic) planning of work in a preparatory group for school is compiled on the basis of an educational program edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva "From birth to school." In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, such planning allows the teacher to make maximum use of various types of children's activities and ensure their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

According to modern trends in the education system, a teacher has the opportunity to creatively organize the process of education and training. In this regard, the long-term plan in the preparatory school group contains a list of tasks corresponding to a certain thematic period, as well as program content implemented in the course of educational activities.

Building the educational process around one topic for 2-3 weeks allows you to maximize the potential of children and achieve the best results, as well as ensure the development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

Volume of educational load

According to the “From Birth to School” program, the amount of educational load per day does not exceed 90 minutes; the teacher has the opportunity to organize educational activities at a time convenient for him and the children, focusing on the program content and topic of the period. Long-term planning in the preparatory group reflects the objectives of educational activities:

  • physical training 2 times a week indoors, 1 time outdoors,
  • acquaintance with the outside world 2 times a month,
  • acquaintance with nature 2 times a month,
  • formation of elementary mathematical concepts 2 times a week,
  • speech development 2 times a week,
  • drawing 2 times a week,
  • modeling once every two weeks,
  • application once every two weeks,
  • music 2 times a week.

When planning work in a preparatory group for school, it is necessary to take into account that the block of interaction between an adult and children in various types of activities contains constructive-model, play, cognitive-research activities and reading fiction.

Activities aimed at consolidating the material proposed during educational activities are reflected in the calendar plan for the preparatory group and correspond to five educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. The week themes of the calendar plan correspond to the week themes and thematic periods presented in the long-term planning for .

The long-term plan is approximate and can be changed in accordance with the characteristics of the region, preschool institution and the specifics of the educational program.

When drawing up the plan, the following literature was used:

  • Approximate comprehensive thematic planning for the program “From birth to school”, preparatory group, for classes with children 6-7 years old. Complies with Federal State Educational Standard, ed. 2015
  • An exemplary general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, ed. year 2014.

Check out a fragment of the long-term plan

Topic of the weekObjectives of the periodProgram content implemented during educational activitiesWorking with parents
September, 1 weekDevelop cognitive interest, interest
to school, to books. Strengthen children's knowledge
about school, why you need to study, who
and what he teaches at school, about school
accessories, etc.
Form ideas about the profession
teacher and student’s “profession”, positive
attitude towards these types of activities.
Form friendly, benevolent
relationships between children. Continue acquaintance
with kindergarten as the closest social
environment, expand ideas about professions
kindergarten employees (teacher,
assistant teacher, music director,
doctor, janitor).

Expand and generalize children’s ideas about the social significance of the kindergarten, about its employees, about the rights and responsibilities of children attending kindergarten. To foster a friendly attitude among preschoolers towards each other and others.
FEMP 1, 2
To clarify children's knowledge in the field of mathematics through didactic games.
Speech development 1
Talk with the children about what their group is called now and why, and whether they want to become students. Help children construct sentences correctly.
Speech development 2
Help children compose stories from personal experience, select nouns for adjectives.
Drawing 1
Learn to reflect your impressions of summer (convey the content of the song) in a drawing, placing the images on a wide strip: higher, lower on the sheet (closer, further). Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints, the ability to compose the desired shades of color on the palette, using white and watercolor for mixing. Learn to talk about what you drew.
Drawing 2
Strengthen the ability to draw a train, conveying the shape and proportions of the cars. Continue to strengthen your drawing skills. Develop spatial concepts, the ability to think through the placement of an image on a sheet of paper. Develop imagination.
Learn to convey the shape and characteristic features of fruit when sculpting from life, use familiar sculpting techniques: pulling, smoothing, etc. Refine your knowledge of shapes (ball, cylinder). Learn to compare an image with nature and evaluate it in accordance with how nature is conveyed in sculpting.
To introduce the concept of “knowledge”, to give an idea that in music classes children also gain knowledge about music, composers, learn to sing, dance, and play children’s musical instruments. Cultivate an interest in acquiring knowledge. Develop the ability to participate in conversation.
Indoor physical education
Exercise children in running in a column one at a time, in the transition from running to walking; in maintaining balance and correct posture when walking on elevated support. Develop precision movements when throwing the ball.
Outdoor physical education
Practice running evenly and running with acceleration, rolling hoops, and jumping on two legs while moving forward.
Design of a parent's corner on the topic
"Day of Knowledge". Informing parents about progress
educational process: open days,
individual and group consultations,
parent meetings, registration of information
stands. Involving parents in drawing up
cooperation agreements, programs and plans
interaction between family and kindergarten in education
children. Recommendations for parents on home benefits
activities with children. Recommendations for home reading.
Recommendations for parents on choosing music
works for listening with children. Attraction
parents to jointly celebrate the Day of Knowledge holiday.
September, 2 weekExpand children's knowledge about autumn.
Continue acquaintance with agricultural
professions, expand knowledge about the stages
growth of different plants, methods of care
for pets. Consolidate knowledge about
rules of safe behavior in nature.
Form primary ideas about ecosystems,
natural areas. Expand your understanding of inanimate nature.
Getting to know the world around you
Introduce children to a new profession - farmer. Give an idea of ​​the labor actions and results of a farmer’s labor. To bring to an understanding of the holistic appearance of a human worker on a farm: hard work, love for all living things, caring for people. Foster a sense of appreciation and respect for agricultural workers.
Practice dividing a set into parts and combining its parts. Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10, the ability to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”, “In which place?”. To consolidate ideas about the relative position of objects in space (in a row): left, right, before, after, between, before, behind, next to; ability to consistently name the days of the week.
Practice dividing a set into parts and combining parts into a whole group; improve the ability to establish a relationship between a set and its part.
Decorating a parent's corner based on the theme "Autumn".
Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.
Involving parents in joint observations of seasonal changes in nature with their children.
Introducing parents to the forms of work of a preschool institution on the issue of safety of preschool children.


01/09/17 - 01/13/17

Topic: “Winter miracles.The pranks of Mother Winter»

Target:expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the characteristics of winter nature (cold, frost, snowfall, strong winds), the characteristics of people’s activities in the city and countryside; about safe behavior in winter; continue to introduce the nature of the Arctic and Antarctic; give an idea of ​​the characteristics of winter in different latitudes and hemispheres of the Earth.

Final event: Collective work “Winter Wonders”

OD No. 1."The Mischief of Mother Winter" Abstract is attached.

OD#2."Inanimate nature in winter"

Abstract is attached.


OD No. 1. "Check" k.z., p. 210.

OD#2."Ordinal counting" k.z., p. 215.

Conducting experiments “What is snow for?” what is good and bad about it (TRIZ). Purpose: to show the relationship between living and inanimate nature.

“Come to visit”, “Snow Queen”,


“Winter is coming, it’s screaming.”

Goal: with the help of the works of Russian poets, to awaken in children interest and love for their native nature and Russian winter.

"Winter Signs" - to reinforce in children the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature associated with the winter period.

"If the road is slippery" - establish safety rules on ice.

"Polar Explorers" - fix the names of the professions of people working in the Arctic Circle.

Individual conversations:

“The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do” Goal: to develop in children the ability to find something to do in a group, to unite in small interest groups.

Game activity:

Plot-role-playing games:

"Getting ready for a winter walk" - develop and enrich the plot of the game, properly dress the doll for a winter walk, assign the names of the details of winter clothing.

Dramatization game:

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Morozko" - be able to expressively, using different intonations, facial expressions, gestures, portray characters, act out scenes, interactь with partners.

Didactic games:

“Guess how many steps it is to the tree?” Goal: to develop the eye, coherent speech.

Di "New words" - formation of new words;

"I, we, they" - changing words denoting actions;

Di « Safety regulations" - consolidate safety rules in winter; be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures; describe it and the rules that must be followed so as not to get injured or die.

Di "Dangerous - Safe" - exercise children in classifying objects based on their danger(security).

Observing trees under the weight of snow . The branches are tilted down, some are broken. Suggest thinking about how we can help the trees.

Observation: winter sunset.

Observation: "Snow Carpet".

Goal: to draw children’s attention to the beauty of snow shimmering in the light of lanterns, to teach them to select definitions for the word “snow”, and to write a short story about what they saw. Develop imaginative thinking, enrich your vocabulary.

Pay attention to clean, frosty air. Let the children walk in the snow and listen to how it feels under their feet. Please note that this only happens in very cold weather.

Weather observation.

Goal: invite children to talk about what characteristic winter phenomena can be observed today, what are the features of winter weather.

Observation “Properties of a snowflake.”

Goal: invite children to catch a snowflake on a sheet of black paper, examine it, and try to sketch its shape.

Examination of a reproduction of a painting by A.A. Plastov "First Snow".

Goal: to teach children to look at a picture, evoke an emotional response, cultivate aesthetic feelings, and develop children’s coherent speech.

Review and comparison “Winter”I. Shishkina and"Tales of Frost"I. Grabar

Labor activity:

Labor in nature: construction of snow buildings.

Goal: to teach children to use their knowledge about the properties of snow when constructing, to choose equipment and work methods depending on the properties of snow.

Labor assignments: clearing the path to the tree with the feeder.

Goal: invite children to use their work skills to solve this practical problem.

Labor in nature: building a snow slide for dolls.

Goal: to teach children to fill buckets with snow to a certain level, to finish the job they started.

Education of KGN:


Goal: to train children to monitor the condition of the handkerchief and use it correctly. monitor the condition of the handkerchief and use it correctly.


OD#1"Winter patterns on the windows" k.z., p., 160(3) .

OD#2."Winter" k.z., p.251(3) .


OD"The girl is dancing" k.z., p., 180(3) .



OD"Snowflake - ballerina" Abstract attached




Listening to songs:

D. Shostakovich “Lullaby”.

Goal:teach children to distinguish the genre of lullaby from instrumental andvocal music, highlighting its characteristic means of expression.

Listening to a musical work by D. Kabalevsky "Waltz" - learn to identify the characteristic features of a waltz

Music game:

Physical education

OD#1 along the lane IFC plan

OD#2along the lane IFC plan

OD#3(on air)along the lane IFC plan

Game exercises:

Exercise children jumping from a snow bank and landing on two feet.

Outdoor games:

P/i “Traps with snowballs”.

Goal: to teach children to follow the rules of the game, to play the roles of players and traps. Develop accuracy and dexterity.

P/i "Frost-red nose".

Goal: to develop children’s ability to perform actions on a signal, practice running and jumping.

P/n "Frost is red" nose" - develop attention, agility, and the ability to run quickly;

"Snow - blizzard - blizzard" - be able to perform movements in accordance with the command.

"Snow Woman" - for attention.

"Snipers" practice throwing.

"Snow Carousel" - practice running fast in a circle holding hands without falling.

"On the edge of the forest" - develop creative activity, enrich motor experience.

“We made a snowball” ; "Snowball", "Snowman" ; “We are walking through snowdrifts” .

Finger gymnastics:

“We Drew”, “Winter Walk”, « Winter has a hut in the forest"

Speech development:

Lesson No. 18 page 86

Familiarization with art literature:

ODFairy tale based on folk stories “The Snow Maiden” k.z., p. 183.

Learning the song “You, frost, frost, frost”, arranged by I. Karnaukhova.

Goal: to continue to introduce children to small folklore forms, to help memorize the song, to develop the ability to recite, using means of expression appropriate to the content.

"Sister fox and gray wolf."

Goal: to teach to recognize the character traits of the same character in different fairy tales.

S. Ivanova “What kind of snow is there?” ;

A. Pushkin “The sorceress is coming - winter" ; "Under Blue Skies" ;

K. Balmont "Snowflake" ;

V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar" ;

G. Skrebitsky "In a forest clearing" ;

R. Kudasheva "Winter Song"

M. Prishvin "Birds in the Snow" ;

» ;

I. Sokolov – Mikitov "Capercaillie" ;

G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina "Tits have appeared" ;

N. Sladkov "In the Ice" , "Polar Night" , "In the Tundra" , "Under the Snow" ;

A. Chlenov “How Alyosha lived in the North” ;

A. Lyapidevsky "Chelyuskinites" ;

G. Snegirev "Trail of the Deer" .

Articulation gymnastics:

"Delicious jam"

Complex No. 18

contributechildren's health

Drawing. “The sorceress winter is coming...” - generalize and clarify knowledge about the various properties of paints, cultivate the ability to use knowledge of the properties of visual media to achieve goals in work, develop aesthetic perception, love of nature, improve mastery of various drawing techniques.

“White birch under my window...” - learn to highlight the features of the image of trees of various species, admire the winter landscape. Strengthen the ability to draw with paints.

D/I “Solving examples” - consolidate the ability to use the signs + and -, find the meaning of examples, consolidate the count within 10.

“Name it quickly” - strengthen children’s ability to consistently name the days of the week

D/i “Trace the outline and complete the drawing” - be able to accurately trace the outline of the workpiece, fill in the missing details, paint the drawing in a color that matches reality.

Work in the book corner: examination of E. Charushin’s illustrations for children’s books - to develop aesthetic taste and interest in painting.

Games with snow: making a snowman - teaching children to bring snow for construction, use the appropriate equipment; learn to choose places to collect snow, perform work taking into account knowledge about its properties.

Provide the necessary equipment for storage systems: drawing with paints, pencils, wax crayons;

Encourage children to play d/games: “Make a tree (Christmas tree) from parts”, “Seasons”, “Dress the doll for a winter walk”, “Fold the picture”, “Math lotto”, puzzles, “Transparent square”

To promote the cognitive and speech development of children through placement in the group of photo albums “Where have we been?”; winter illustrations;

Working with parents.

Master class “Making garlic beads, pendants for the prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases.”

Memo for parents« Health rules»


01/16/17 - 01/27/17

Subject:« Winter fun. We are athletes"

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the winter season and winter sports. Form primary research and educational interest through experimentation with snow, water and ice.

Final event: Entertainment “We are future Olympians”, Exhibition of creative works “Winter Sports”, “Ski Races”

Getting to know the world around you:

OD No. 1."Winter games, fun" Abstract attached

OD#2."Winter Olympic Sports" Abstract attached

OD No. 1."Sport is health" Abstract attached

OD#2."Sports Ust-Labinsk" Abstract attached


OD No. 1."Funny puzzles" k.z., p. 220.

OD#2."Check" k.z., p. 225.

OD No. 1."Comparison" k.z., p. 228.

OD#2."Check" k.z., p. 234.

Cognitive research:

Experience: melting snow indoors “Where has the snowball gone? »

Experience: water and ice.

Construction of the “Snow Fortress” Goal: to cultivate interest in winter games, develop design skills and imagination, and evoke an emotional response from the game.

Creative workshop "Multimania"

“The Fox and the Wolf”, “Living Toy”, “Three from Yogurt”


"Winter Games and Fun" - give the idea that winter walks are good for health.

“If you want to be healthy, toughen up”

Goal: to create a desire for a healthy lifestyle.

“Our heart is as big as a fist!”

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the purpose and work of the heart, with basic rules that allow them to strengthen and protect the heart.

Individual conversations:

"Protection of Nature" - continue to teach children to answer questions with complete answers.

"My favorite view sports" -continue to teach children to answer questions completelywith our answers.

“What do you need to be healthy?” - develop logical thinking.

“Is it possible to ski (sled) on the roadway?” Goal: to educate children about the rules of behavior on the road.

Game activity:

Plot-role-playing games:

"Kodak Photo Salon"

Purpose: to teach children the results of observationreflect in the drawing.

Dramatization game:

"The reporter" - writing a report about what you saw on a walk"

Goal: develop the ability to compose a plot story, come up with a continuation of the plot.

Didactic games:

Di "Hunters" - exercise children in classifying birds and animals of the North.

Di “When does this happen?”

D/i “Guess the sport”, “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did” -develop logical thinking

D/i “Children about time”, “Teaching the clock”, “Fun daily routine” - consolidate temporary relationships.

D/i “Who needs what?”

Target:expand children's knowledge about sports equipment.

Cognitive researchObservation of trees under the weight of snow. The branches are tilted down, some are broken. Offer to think about how we can helptrees.

Examine the patterns on the windows with the children. They are whimsical, brightly colored by the January sun. The frost is getting stronger, it is very cold. January is the root of winter.

Bird watching.

Goal: Encourage children to want to care for birds. Tell us what you need to know about birds in order to be able to take care of them in winter.

Observation “Change in bottom duration.”

Observation and personal experience of children (they come to kindergarten and go home in the dark) allow them to conclude that the winter day is short and the night is long.

Watching tits.

Goal: propose to compose a descriptive story based on the results of bird observation.

Looking at paintings, illustrations in books and magazines:

Examination of illustrations, visual material, encyclopedias and magazines “Health”, “Healthy Lifestyle”,

Examination of the paintings “Sports and People” - cont. learn to make simple conclusions and conclusions.

Observation: spruce and pine in winter.

Goal: to teach children to distinguish between birch and chestnut, to offer to make a comparisona personal story on behalf of each tree. Develop verbal imagination and coherent speech.

Labor activity:

Building figures from snow on the site. Goal: consolidate the properties of snow, develop the ability to work together.

Labor on site – clear the paths of snow, develop the ability to finish what you start.

Labor assignments: feeding birds in a group area.

Goal: to teach children to choose food according to the type of birds
fly to the feeder.

Labor in nature: building a fairy-tale hut from snow.

Goal: to teach children to build complex structures out of snow using appropriate equipment. Develop creativity, encourage initiative.

Help the janitor in sprinkling sand on paths.

Shaking off the snow from the branches of young trees.

Education of KGN:

"Shoe shelf"

Goal: to deepen children’s understanding of the rules of shoe care.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Goal: to instill in children the need to always be neat, to keep their clothes and shoes clean.


OD No. 1."Bouquet in cold colors" . k.z., pp. 219(3).

OD#2."Winter sports" Abstract attached

OD No. 1."Our winter fun" Abstract attached

OD#2."Snowman" Drawing from life.k.z., pp. 210(3).


OD"Skiers" k.z., pp. 221(3).


OD“Healthy Products” Collage. Abstract attached


OD"Snowman" k.z., p. 167 (3).

OD"Winter Fun"

(as planned) Abstract is attached.


OD#1 along the lane music plan leader.

OD#2along the lane music plan leader.

Listening to songs:

“If you want to be healthy”, “Hymn to sports”

Don’t be afraid, mom,” lyrics by Shklovsky.

music by Protasova

“Pipe and Shepherd” (Russian folk song)

“Vesnyanka” (Russian Nar.

song) arr. Tilicheeva


P. I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz (“Children's Album”).

"Thunder and Rain"


“In the cave of the mountain king” music by Grieg


music by Zolotorev

"Traffic light" music. Partskhaladze

Music game:

“We shovel the snow with our hands”

Goal: to develop children’s ability to coordinate movements with words and music.

Physical education

OD#1 along the lane IFC plan

OD#2along the lane IFC plan

OD#3(on air) along the lane IFC plan

Game exercises:

« Biathletes" Goal: strengthen the ability to ski, practice throwing snowballs at a target.

Exercise children in handling the puck with a stick, introduce the elements of the sports game “Hockey”

“Who is higher, who is further?”

Goal: to teach children to correctly perform jumps on two legs throughobjects, develop flexibility of the knee joints, increase functionalitynew capabilities of the body.

Sports exercises: sledding.

Goal: to train children in the ability to carry a sled on which a child sitsentira, learn to count your strength.

Outdoor games:

P/I "Sleigh Train"

P/i "Rucheek".

Goal: to train children to act in accordance with the rules of the game, to act as its organizers.

Relay game “Pass the wand”.

Goal: to train children in running, to teach them to act in accordance with the rules of the relay race. Foster a sense of camaraderie and responsibility for the overall result.

"Sled relay"

Goal: to train children to sled each other and drive through the gates placed on the site. Develop strength, eye, coordination of movements.

P/n "Birds, fish, animals" - to develop attention;

P/n "Hunters and Beasts" - swing and throw the ball at the target.

P/n "Hockey with a ball" - learn to hold the stick correctly, move around the court, change the pace.

Dynamic pauses (physical training minutes):

"Journey into the Forest" , “Real men play hockey...” "Bear Cubs"

Goal: to train children in the ability to coordinate movements with words.

Finger gymnastics:

"Penguin", "Winter walk", We're going outside for a walk."

Goal: develop fine motor skills, relieve tension in the muscles of the hands and fingers.

Speech development:

OD"Winter Fun" k.z., p. 212.

Speech development and preparation for literacy

Lesson No. 19 page 87

Lesson No. 20 page 88

Familiarization with art literature:

OD“The fairy tale of Charles Perrault “Puss in Boots” k.z., p. 225 (3).

Reading fiction:

S. Cherny “I rush like the wind on skates...” ;

I. Surikov "Childhood" ;

A. Blok "Snow and snow" ;

A. Shibaeva "Sled" ;

A. Prokofiev “Like on a hill, on a mountain” ;

L. Kvitko "Sled" ;

A. Blok « Winter» ; A. Vvedensky "By ski" .

Reading the poem by E. Odintsova “Health is value and wealth...”

Fairy tale “Fear has big eyes”

P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”.

Goal: To introduce children to P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”.

Articulation gymnastics:

“Chewing a pancake”, “Horse”

Goal: to train children’s articulatory apparatus, increase tongue mobility, strengthen the muscles of the tongue, teach them to lift its wide front part.

Complex No. 1

contribute children's health, relieving eye strain

Individual work with children.

Exercise children in the ability to trace templates and stencils on the theme “Winter Sports” and complete the plot.

Games with snow: building a snowman - creating play motivation, awakening interest in teamwork.

"Penguin" (from paper) practice gluing strips with a loop, cutting along the markings, cutting off the corners of the workpiece, smoothly rounding them.

Games with paints: “Color the snowman” - bring joy to children.

Coloring coloring pages on the theme: “Winter sports, games and fun.”

“Build what you want” - develop creative design skills;
I/u “Colored ice floes” - reinforce the idea of ​​the properties of snow;
I/u “Tell a friend” - consolidate the ability to retell stories coherently and consistently;
D\i “leave the pattern” - consolidate the ability to place a pattern on a round shape, draw with the end of a thin brush;
Strengthen sculpting techniques, perform work on a flat base;
I/u “Catch it, don’t drop it” - reinforce the ability to catch the ball;
I/u “Sharply on target” - throwing snowballs at the target;
Conversation: “Who spends the winter and how?” - develop ideas about the life of forest animals in winter.

"I - athlete » - workshop for the production of children's creativity products

Modeling “Skier competitions”, “Figure skating” - workshop for the production of children's creativity products

Creating conditions for independent activity.

- Provide the necessary equipment for storage systems: drawing with paints, pencils, wax crayons; plasticine.

- Create conditions and help organize a role-playing game;

- Create simple designs and drawings familiar to children, for independent reproduction according to construction schemes;

- Encourage children to play games

- Promote the cognitive and speech development of children through placement in the group of photo albums “Where have we been?”; winter illustrations; "Winter sports"

Subject pictures on the topic of the week.

Coloring pages “Types of sports”, “Winter fun”

Working with parents.

Survey “Growing Healthy”

RParents' meeting “Healthy lifestyle. Necessary advice."Round table “Healthy nutrition in the family circle”








Edited by N. E. Veraksa T. S. Komarova M. A. Vasilyeva

Publishing house MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS Moscow, 2015

BBK 74.100.58 UDC 373.29

Educational and methodological set for the program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”
edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

Editor-compiler V. VilyunovaAuthors' team:

V. V. Gerbova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences;N. F. Gubanova O. V. Dybina M. B. Zatsepina , Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;T. S. Komarova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;L. V. Kutsakova ; L. I. Penzulaeva , candidate of pedagogical sciences;V. A. Pozina ; I. A. Pomoraeva ; O. A. Solomennikova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Approximate comprehensive thematic planning for the OT programBIRTHBefore school". Preparatory group for school/ V. V. Gerbova, N. F. Gubanova, O. V. Dybina, etc. - M.: MOZAiKA-SintEz, 2015. - 176 p.

This methodological manual contains an annual approximate comprehensive thematic planning of work with children 6-7 years old according to the approximate basic educational program of preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The manual was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO). The manual, along with planning direct educational activities, examines issues of interaction between adults and children in various types of activities, and presents work with parents.

The manual is addressed to a wide range of employees of preschool educational organizations.

© “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2015


Approximate comprehensive thematic planning is a manual for teachers of a kindergarten preparatory group working on an exemplary educational program for preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” edited by N. E. Veraksa, S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Comprehensive thematic planning is based on the following provisions and principles of the “FromBIRTH BEFORE SCHOOL."

In accordance with modern scientific concepts of preschool education about the recognition of the intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood, the program brings to the fore the developmental function of education, ensuring the development of the child’s personality and revealing his individual characteristics.

To achieve the goals of the program, the following are of paramount importance:

  • caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

  • creating in groups an atmosphere of humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which will allow them to be raised sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

  • maximum use of a variety of children's activities; their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

  • creative organization (creativity) of the process of education and training;

  • variability in the use of educational material, allowing for the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

  • respectful attitude towards the results of children's creativity;

  • unity of approaches to raising children in a preschool educational institution and family;

  • maintaining continuity in the work of kindergarten groups, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of education of a preschool child, avoiding the pressure of subject teaching.
Comprehensive thematic planning will allow the teacher to integrate diverse content and different forms of work.

The presented planning reveals the program content and topic of the lesson or recommended event. Of course, this will be preceded by meaningful work (observation, didactic, outdoor games, dramatization games, reading books, etc.), carried out in everyday life, at various scheduled moments and in other classes. The teacher plans this work based on his experience, the individual characteristics of the children, and the natural and social environment.

The educational process should be built taking into account the population of students, their individual and age characteristics, and the social order of parents.

When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives, while the set goals and objectives should be solved, avoiding overloading children, using the necessary and sufficient material, getting as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”. Building the educational process on a comprehensive thematic principle, taking into account the integration of educational areas, makes it possible to achieve this goal.

Building the entire educational process around one central theme provides great opportunities for the development of children. themes help organize information in an optimal way. Preschoolers have numerous opportunities for practice, experimentation, development of basic skills, and conceptual thinking.

the thematic principle of constructing the educational process makes it easy to introduce regional and cultural components and take into account the specifics of a preschool institution.

The introduction of similar topics in different age groups ensures the achievement of unity of educational goals and continuity in child development throughout preschool age, the organic development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

the thematic approach allows you to optimally organize the educational process for children with special needs.

You should devote at least one week to one topic. The optimal period is 2-3 weeks.

The theme should be reflected in the selection of materials located in the group and in the development corners.

Comprehensive thematic planning should be considered as approximate. To introduce regional and cultural components, to take into account the characteristics of its preschool institution, a preschool educational institution has the right, at its discretion, to partially or completely change topics or names of topics, content of work, and time period.

However, the tasks that children solve in one type of activity or another should not be radically changed, as this may violate the principle of systematic and consistent learning of the material and development of children.

Planning educational work

According to SanPiN, the number of classes with children in a preschool institution is not regulated; Only the duration of the educational load is regulated:

“11.10. The duration of continuous direct educational activities for children from 6 to 7 years old is no more than 30 minutes.”

The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the preparatory group does not exceed 1.5 hours. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity are at least 10 minutes.

Table 2 provides an example of planning educational activities, which can serve as the basis for planning the work of a preschool educational institution.

The daily routine presented in Table 1 is based on a child’s 12-hour stay in kindergarten. The regime can be adjusted taking into account the work of a specific preschool institution (children, climate in the region, availability of a swimming pool, time of year, length of daylight hours, etc.). When implementing routine moments, it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child (duration of sleep, taste preferences, character, etc.).

The daily routine indicates the total duration of organized educational activities, including breaks between its various types. The teacher independently doses the volume of educational load, without exceeding the maximum load allowed by sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations.

The following types of independent activities for children are distinguished:

  • physical development : independent outdoor games, outdoor games, sports games and activities (sledding, skiing, cycling, etc.);

  • social and communicative development : individual games, joint games, all types of independent activities that involve communication with peers;

  • cognitive development : independent coloring of “smart coloring books”, educational printed board games, games for a walk, autodidactic games (educational puzzles, insert frames, paired pictures);

  • speech development: children’s independent reading of short poems learned earlier, independent games based on works of art, independent work in the book corner, in the theater corner, role-playing games, looking at books and pictures;

  • artistic and aesthetic development : independent drawing, modeling, design (mainly in the afternoon), looking at reproductions of paintings, illustrations, playing music (singing, dancing), playing children's musical instruments (tambourine, drum, bell, etc.), listening to music;

  • reading and looking at books: independent examination of subject and plot pictures, illustrations to familiar works, educational and artistic books, children's illustrated encyclopedias.
Table 3 provides an example of a schedule of organized educational activities by day of the week, which will help the teacher create an appropriate schedule taking into account the specifics of the work of a preschool institution.

Table 4 shows a brief comprehensive thematic planning, which can be considered as an example. The teacher can change it taking into account the peculiarities of the work of a particular preschool institution. The main part of the manual provides detailed comprehensive thematic planning by month.

Approximate daily routine

Table 1

At home

Getting up, morning toilet


In preschool

Arrival of children in kindergarten, free play, independent activity


Preparation for breakfast, breakfast


games, independent activities


Organized children's activities, classes with specialists 1


Second breakfast (recommended) 2




Preparing for lunch, lunch


Getting ready for bed, naps


Gradual rise, independent activity


Afternoon snack 3


games, independent and organized children's activities


Preparing for a walk, walk


Returning from a walk, independent activity


Preparing for dinner, dinner


Independent activities, children going home


At home



Returning from a walk, quiet games, hygiene procedures


Laying down, night sleep

20.40-6.30 (7.30)

Planning educational activities when working a five-day week

table 2

  1. The total duration is indicated, including breaks.

  2. The second breakfast is not a mandatory element of the regime and is carried out at the request of the administration and if there is an appropriate decision. In accordance with SanPiN, second breakfast includes a drink or juice and (or) fresh fruit.

  3. For a 12-hour stay, it is possible to organize both a separate afternoon snack and a compacted afternoon snack with the inclusion of dinner dishes (see SanPiN

Organized educational activities

Basic activity


Physical education on a walk

1 time per week

Getting to know the world around you

1 time per week

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts

2 times per week

Speech development

2 times per week


2 times per week


1 time every two weeks


1 time every two weeks


2 times per week

Interaction between adults and children in various activities

Reading fiction


Constructive modeling activities


Communication during routine moments


play activity


Duty roster




Independent activities of children

Standalone game


Cognitive and research activities


Independent activities of children in development centers (corners)


Health work

Morning exercises


Complexes of hardening procedures


Hygiene procedures


Table 3

An example of a schedule of organized educational activities by day of the week

Days of the week

First week

Second week

Third week

Fourth week


  1. Physical Culture.

  1. Getting to know nature.

  2. Physical Culture.

  1. Familiarization with the surrounding world.

  2. Physical Culture.

  1. Getting to know nature.

  2. Physical Culture.

Days of the week

First week

Second week

Third week

Fourth week


1. Formation

1. Formation

1. Formation

1. Formation













2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

3. Music.

3. Music.

3. Music.

3. Music.


1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

2. Physical

2. Physical

2. Physical

2. Physical






1. Formation

1. Formation

1. Formation

1. Formation













2. Modeling.

2. Application.

2. Modeling.

2. Application.

3. Music.

3. Music.

3. Music.

3. Music.


1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

3. Physical

3. Physical

3. Physical

3. Physical





We recommend reading
