Achieving a goal - How to always achieve goals: a step-by-step algorithm

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FINAL ESSAY 2017/2018. THEMATIC DIRECTION “Goals and means.” If you are heading towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

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The concepts of this direction are interrelated and allow us to think about a person’s life aspirations, the importance of meaningful goal setting, the ability to correctly correlate the goal and the means of achieving it, as well as the ethical assessment of human actions. Many literary works feature characters who deliberately or mistakenly choose unsuitable means to realize their plans. And it often turns out that a good goal only serves as a cover for true (base) plans. Such characters are contrasted with heroes for whom the means of achieving a high goal are inseparable from the requirements of morality.

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Definitions: A goal is what we strive for, what we achieve, what we want to get, what we want to succeed in. Means: 1. Real conditions, opportunities. 2. transfer outdated Spiritual or physical qualities of a person necessary for something; capabilities. 3. Money, capital. Synonyms for target: Meta, target; views, intention, end, dream, ideal, aspiration. Synonyms for the word means: Method, method, course of action, tactics, basis, trick.

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A goal is what we want. It can be of any scale. We call a goal a desire that we want to realize in the near future. Means are the methods by which we will achieve the goal. For example, if our goal is to write a good final essay, then we need to choose one of the means - either copy the work from the Internet, or read several good books and convey our thoughts on paper. The first option is more attractive because it does not require much effort. In life everything happens exactly the same. To achieve any goal, we have good (humane, noble) means and bad (immoral, vile) means.

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What is a goal? A goal is the result that a person strives for in his activities, the expected result. This is a conscious image of an anticipated result that arose in a person’s mind and was presented by him. The goal in life, from a philosophical point of view, is the general guidelines that a person determines for himself, including the meaning of life, his purpose in it. To put it more highly, this is the mission that everyone sees in their birth on earth. This is the answer to the question: why do I live? A goal from a moral point of view is the moral principles that a person is trying to follow, this is his personal program for enriching the inner, spiritual world, the image that he strives for in his movement towards self-improvement, the answer to the question: what kind of person do I want to be. The goal from a social point of view is a person’s determination of his place in society, his social role, position in literally every sphere. These are answers to the questions: what is my place in the political life of the country, what I want my financial situation to be, what professional activity I will engage in, what I want my family to be, etc.

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Goals can be global, determining the direction of a person’s entire life, and specific, as the result of a particular activity. A person can set such goals for himself almost every day, drawing up a program of action for some time. Goals are determined by the level of development, education, upbringing of a person, and the characteristics of his personal qualities. Therefore, they say that goals can be high, moral, contributing to the further formation of the best in a person, aimed at achieving the good of loved ones, people, and country. But there are also low, selfish goals, which are based on the desire to satisfy only one’s needs without taking into account whether the activity brings benefit to others or not. By goals one can judge a person, what he is like, how morally developed he is, how formed as a person.

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What are means? Means are those methods, techniques, paths that a person uses to achieve his goals. The specific goal determines the means that a person uses. Therefore, the means can be a person’s actions (for example, studying the material, self-preparation for successfully passing an exam), words, supporting someone in difficult times (for example, the desire to calm a person experiencing strong emotional anxiety), and finally, the means can be objects used in specific activity (for example, boards in a carpentry workshop) From a legal point of view, there are legal and illegal means. The former do not violate the order of society and do not harm others. The latter threaten peace and even people’s lives and are dangerous. From a moral point of view, there are means that do not violate the laws of morality, built on the principles of goodness, justice, humanity, and there are immoral means that violate the honor and dignity of people, carry evil within themselves, and go beyond all boundaries of what is permitted. Means, like goals, depend on what kind of person he is, how decent he is, how morally and socially formed he is. It is necessary to clearly think through the means of achieving the goal, so as not to harm others, not to humiliate oneself with immoral actions. End justifies the means. Is this statement always true? Of course not. Any seemingly noble goal achieved through low, dirty, lawless means ceases to be such, since it is achieved through the pain and suffering of other people.

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Sample list of topics Is it possible to say that in war all means are fair? Does the end justify the means? How do you understand the saying: “The game is not worth the candle”? Why is it important to have a purpose in life? What is the purpose for? Do you agree with the statement: “A person who certainly wants something forces fate to give up”? How do you understand the saying: “When the goal is achieved, the path is forgotten”? Achieving what goal brings satisfaction? Confirm or refute the statement of A. Einstein: “If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to the goal, and not to people or things”? Is it possible to achieve a goal if the obstacles seem insurmountable? What qualities should a person have to achieve great goals? Is it true that Confucius said: “When it seems to you that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your plan of action”? What does "great goal" mean? Who or what helps a person achieve his goal in life? How do you understand O. de Balzac’s statement: “To reach the goal, you must first of all go”? Can a person live without a goal?

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How do you understand the statement of E.A. According to “No transport will be favorable if you don’t know where to go”? Is it possible to achieve a goal if everything is against you? What does a lack of purpose in life lead to? What's the difference between a true and a false target? How is a dream different from a goal? Why is aimless existence dangerous? How do you understand M. Gandhi’s saying: “Find a goal, resources will be found.” How to achieve the goal? Do you agree with the statement: “He walks faster who walks alone”? Can a person be judged by his goals? Is it possible to justify great goals achieved through dishonest means? How does society influence the formation of goals? Do you agree with A. Einstein’s statement: “No goal is so high that it justifies unworthy means to achieve it”? Are there unattainable goals? How do you understand the words of J. Orwell: “I understand how; I do not understand why"? Can a good goal serve as a cover for base plans?

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Do you agree with A. Rand’s statement: “Only those in whom aspirations are extinguished are lost forever”? In what life situations does achieving a goal not bring happiness? What can a person who has lost his goal in life be capable of? Does achieving a goal always make a person happy? What is the purpose of human existence? Should you set “unattainable” goals for yourself? How do you understand the phrase “go over your head”? What is the difference between a “momentary desire” and a “goal”? How are a person's moral qualities related to the means he chooses to achieve his goals? How do you understand L. da Vinci’s statement: “He who strives for the stars does not turn around”?

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Let no one stray one step from the honest path under the plausible pretext that it is justified by a noble goal. Any wonderful goal can be achieved by honest means. And if it is impossible, then this goal is bad (C. Dickens Through the implementation of great goals, a person discovers in himself a great character, making him a beacon for others (G.F. Hegel) An ideal is a guiding star. Without it there is no firm direction, but there is no direction - no life (L.N. Tolstoy) No goal is so high that it justifies unworthy means to achieve it (A. Einstein) The light has long been called a stormy ocean, but happy is he who sails with a compass (N.M. Karamzin) Only If only people knew that the goal of humanity is not material progress, that this progress is inevitable growth, and there is only one goal - the good of all people... (L.N. Tolstoy) If a person makes his goal something vain, that is, unimportant, insignificant, then what lies here is not interest in the matter, but interest in oneself (G. F. Hegel)

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First, don't do anything without a reason or purpose. Secondly, do not do anything that does not benefit society (M. Aurelius) A person who certainly wants something forces fate to give up. (M.Yu. Lermontov) A person must learn to obey himself and obey his decisions. (Cicero) When the goal is achieved, the path is forgotten. (Osho) The meaning of life is those goals that make you value it. (W. James) Perfect means with unclear goals are a characteristic feature of our time. (A. Einstein) High goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved. (I. Goethe) If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to the goal, and not to people or things. (A. Einstein) You cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can always raise the sails to achieve your goal. (O. Wilde)

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Find a goal, resources will be found. (M. Gandhi) If you are heading towards a goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​barking at you, then you will never reach the goal. (F.M. Dostoevsky) Weaker and simpler people are best judged by their characters, while smarter and more secretive people are best judged by their goals. (F. Bacon) It's never too late to leave the crowd. Follow your dream, move towards your goal. (B. Shaw) When it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your plan of action. (Confucius) You must set yourself tasks higher than your strengths: firstly, because you never know them anyway, and secondly, because strength appears as you complete an unattainable task. (B.L. Pasternak) Ask yourself, do you crave this with all the strength of your soul? Will you survive until the evening if you don’t receive this thing? And if you are sure that you will not live, grab it and run. (R. Bradbury) To reach the goal, you must first go. (O. de Balzac) A person must have a goal, he cannot do without a goal, that’s why he was given reason. If he doesn’t have a goal, he invents one... (A. and B. Strugatsky) If you want to achieve the goal of your aspiration, ask more politely about the road you have lost your way. (W. Shakespeare)

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I understand HOW; I do not understand why. (J. Orwell) If you want to achieve a goal, don't try to be delicate or smart. Use rough methods. Hit the target immediately. Go back and hit again. Then hit again, with a strong shoulder blow. (W. Churchill) No transport will be favorable if you don’t know where to go. (E.A. Poe) The one who strives for the stars does not turn around. (L. da Vinci) Life is suffocating without a goal. (F. M. Dostoevsky) There are few unattainable things in the world: if we had more persistence, we could find a way to almost any goal. (F. de La Rochefoucauld) Some Jesuits argue that every means is good as long as it achieves the goal. Not true! Not true! It is unworthy to enter a clean temple with feet defiled by the mud of the road. (I.S. Turgenev) He walks faster who walks alone. (J. London) Life reaches its peak in those moments when all its forces are directed towards achieving the goals set for it. (J. London) High goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved. (Goethe) At some second along the way, the target begins to fly towards us. The only thought: don't dodge. (M.I. Tsvetaeva) A warrior’s intention is stronger than any obstacles. (K. Castaneda)

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Only those whose aspirations have faded are lost forever. (A. Rand) It is much better to do great things, to celebrate great victories, even if mistakes happen along the way, than to join the ranks of ordinary people who know neither great joy nor great misfortune, living a gray life where there are neither victories nor defeats . (T. Roosevelt) Without some goal and striving for it, not a single person lives. Having lost his goal and hope, a person often turns into a monster out of sadness... (F.M. Dostoevsky) A person grows as his goals grow. (I. Schiller) If there is no goal, you don’t do anything, and you don’t do anything great if the goal is insignificant. (D. Diderot) Look for what is higher than what you can find. (D.I. Kharms) Nothing calms the spirit more than finding a solid goal - a point to which our inner gaze is directed. (M. Shelley) Happiness lies in the joy of achieving a goal and the thrill of creative effort. (F. Roosevelt)

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Many literary works feature characters who deliberately or mistakenly choose unsuitable means to realize their plans. And it often turns out that a good goal only serves as a cover for true (base) plans. Such characters are contrasted with heroes for whom the means of achieving a high goal are inseparable from the requirements of morality. .

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List of references for preparing for the final essay. "Goals and Means". Jack London "Martin Eden" William Thackeray "Vanity Fair" M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", "Heart of a Dog" I. Ilf, E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" V. A. Kaverin " Two Captains" F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers Karamazov", "The Idiot" B. L. Vasiliev "And the Dawns Here Are Quiet" A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", "Mozart and Salieri" O. Wilde “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” I. Goncharov “Oblomov” I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” M. A. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” D. S. Likhachev “Letters about Good and beautiful" A.P. Chekhov "Man in a Case" O. de Balzac "Shagreen Skin" I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco" N.V. Gogol "The Overcoat", "Dead Souls" M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” V. G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician” E. I. Zamyatin “We” V. P. Astafiev “The King Fish” B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man” A. De Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”

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According to one version, it was the founder of the Jesuit order, Ignatius de Loyola, who argued: “If the goal is the salvation of the soul, then the end justifies the means.” This saying was the motto of the order and, accordingly, the basis of morality, according to which the Jesuits “corrected the depravity of means with purity of purpose.” The conviction that any means are justified in achieving great goals was defended by many politicians (for example, Machiavelli) and philosophers. Thus, the English materialist philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued: “Since everyone has the right to self-preservation, then everyone has the right to use all means and perform every act without which he is not able to preserve himself.” But I.S. Turgenev expressed the exact opposite opinion: “Some Jesuits argue that every means is good, as long as one achieves the goal. Not true! Not true! It is unworthy to enter a clean temple with feet defiled by the mud of the road.”

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Let's consider the concepts of “goal” and “means” from different sides. 1. Purpose as a fundamental part of human life. About the role and importance of having a goal in a person’s life, about its absence, about a person’s desire to reach the top, about achievements and about goals as the engine of progress, about self-realization, great discoveries possible only thanks to goals, about obstacles on the way to a set goal, about goals as a continuous process, as well as about what and who helps a person on the way to his goals. 2. Goals are different (true, false, great, base, unattainable, selfish) You can talk about the differences between goals and dreams, as well as how a person’s goals are connected to his personality. What does the pursuit of certain goals lead to? 3. Does the end justify the means? Here one can speculate about whether great goals achieved through dishonest means can be justified, about the importance of human life, about ways to achieve the goal, and about the ethical assessment of methods and means of achieving the goal.

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A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” Why does a person live, what does he strive to devote his life to, what paths does he take to achieve his goal? A.S. Griboyedov tries to illuminate these philosophical questions in the play “Woe from Wit.” The goals of the “Famus society” are to achieve material well-being, a high position, and career advancement. In principle, the goals are not bad. Every person who strives to live an interesting, rich life wants to take a worthy place among people. However, the means chosen by the “Famus society” are low. A striking example of this is A. Molchalin, a man who is ready to do anything for the sake of career advancement, money, and well-being. He tries to please everyone, to please, to flatter, to be a hypocrite. The hero learned well the lessons of his father, who taught his son to please everyone: “First, to please all people without exception: the Master, where I happen to live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, his Servant, who cleans dresses; To the doorman, to the janitor to avoid harm, to the janitor’s dog, so that he is affectionate.” If in order to achieve his goal he needs to play the role of a man in love, he uses this means too, cleverly deceiving Sophia in the sincerity of his feelings, dreaming of marrying her and becoming related to the influential Famusov. Well, most likely, some means will still lead him to his desired goal. Chatsky is sure of this, speaking about the hero: “However, he will reach the well-known levels, because nowadays they love the dumb...” Chatsky’s goal is to live his life with dignity. He wants to serve the Fatherland honestly, without flattery and servility (“...I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served...”), dreams of sincere love, strives to be honest, to have his own position, principles and not change them, no matter how they contradict society. Yes, his goal and means are noble, but what anger they cause in society! “Woe from Wit” is experienced by Chatsky, who is misunderstood by those around him and recognized by them as crazy. But this is exactly how, according to the author, one should live - honestly, with dignity. And the hero is not alone, there are others like him who do not obey false values. They are not among the characters in the play, but the heroes of the work mention them. This is Skalozub’s cousin (“...he firmly picked up some new rules. The rank followed him: he suddenly left the service and began reading books in the village”), and the nephew of Princess Tugoukhovskaya, who “doesn’t want to know the ranks!” He is a chemist, he is a botanist, Prince Fyodor...”, and all the progressive youth representing the “present century”, because it is on their behalf that Chatsky speaks (“Where, show us, are the fatherlands...”) So not everyone is like Molchalin and like him. Choosing a worthy goal in life, using the appropriate means to achieve it, not making mistakes, not following the path of imaginary values ​​- this is so important in order to become an individual, to be honest with yourself and people. This is precisely the conclusion that readers of A.S. Griboedov’s play come to.

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N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls” “The end justifies the means.” These words are so suitable for the hero of N.V. Gogol’s poem Chichikov! The goal is clearly set by the hero (it was already indicated by his father in childhood: “most of all, take care and save a penny: this thing is more reliable than anything in the world...”) - wealth, nobility, position in society. Step by step the hero goes towards his goal. Already in his school years, he uses certain means to achieve it, is engaged in hoarding: he sells treats to his comrades, a bullfinch, which he made from wax, and carefully sews them into bags of 5 kopecks. And later, any fraud, if it led to money or promotion, was good for the hero. Let us remember how cleverly he deceived his boss by promising to marry his daughter. But after receiving the next rank, he forgot about it (“...cheated, cheated, damn son!”) ​​It seemed that there could be nothing worse than selling “dead souls,” and Chichikov sells them, not disdaining anything, because this can bring him significant income. Even secular society, corrupted by the pursuit of money, does not understand the hero, and this method of profit is alien to him. Chichikov can find an approach to anyone and literally charm the entire society. By gaining the trust of the landowners, he commits illegal transactions. And everything would be fine if it weren’t for Korobochka, who decided in the city to find out if she had gone cheap when selling dead souls, if not for Nozdryov with his directness, who publicly inquired how things were going with the purchase of these souls. This time the scam failed. But the hero still has so many opportunities ahead, and who knows, maybe he will succeed in yet another dubious undertaking. Of course, the author hoped that a person could change. It is no coincidence that he wrote the 2nd volume, in which he showed good heroes. But N. Gogol himself realized that the heroes turned out to be too unrealistic, that it was very difficult to get rid of their vices in people, so he burned this volume. The desire to be rich is always common to people. This goal is well understood. But does a person always use decent means? Doesn't he sink to baseness, lawlessness, injustice? Everyone should think about this when determining the means to achieve their goals in order to be a respected and worthy person in society.

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F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” A person constantly sets goals in his life - from small, daily ones to life ones, which form the essence of everything he does. It’s good if these goals bring joy, success, good luck not only to the person, but also to those around him. If they are selfish, then everyone suffers, and first of all the person himself. So the hero of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” Rodion Raskolnikov also sets a goal - to test himself, who he is - “whether a trembling creature” or “has the right.” What “right” does the hero talk about in his theory? About the right of an individual to commit a crime for the sake of great goals, for the sake of saving humanity. Reflecting on “extraordinary people,” he believes that they can “... allow their conscience to step over... other obstacles, and only if the fulfillment of an idea (sometimes saving, perhaps for all of humanity) requires it.” And here all means are good - right up to murder, which he commits by killing Alena Ivanovna, the old money-lender. However, the crime is so terrible that it entails something else - the death of the pawnbroker’s sister, Lizaveta, for whose sake, it seemed, the hero committed murder, trying to save her and others from this disgusting woman. But Raskolnikov’s idea, theory, arises in his mind only under the weight of the hopelessness of his personal situation and the position of Dunya, his sister, who wants, for the sake of her brother, to marry the unloved Luzhin. That is, the idea of ​​​​saving humanity turns out to be, in essence, the idea of ​​​​saving oneself. Having committed a crime, the hero realized that he had isolated himself from people and found himself “on the other side of good and evil.” It will take a long time for Raskolnikov to fully realize the enormity of his theory, when Sonya’s love revives him to life. Reading the novel, everyone draws conclusions about what is important in this life, what to strive for, what goals to set and how to achieve this, how to get out of difficult life situations. Only life according to the laws of goodness and justice can help a person overcome everything. Evil, cruelty, murder - this will always lead to the abyss and make a person unhappy.

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L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” A person’s character is formed throughout his life. Sometimes some goals and values ​​are replaced by others. Much depends on the environment, on changes both in the life of the person himself and the entire country and people. The hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky is constantly in search of his place in life. The author shows how his goals changed and the means he used to achieve them. At the beginning of the novel, the hero dreams of glory, goes to war with Napoleon in order to find his “Toulon,” that is, the starting point that will mark the beginning of his fame (“I want fame, I want to be known to people, I want to be loved by them”). However, the war showed the insignificance of his dreams. Seeing the huge sky and the clouds floating across it, he realized that he had to live according to the laws of nature, that all his goals were so base and worthless. Meeting with Natasha in Otradnoye, overhearing her words about the beauty of the night, in which there is so much desire to live to the fullest - all this influenced Andrei. He wanted to be useful to people, to bring benefit to them (“... it is necessary for everyone to know me, so that my life does not go on for me alone... so that it is reflected on everyone and so that they all live with me”). He is also thinking through the means for this, being a member of the legislative commission of A. Speransky. At the end of the novel, this is a completely different person, who has realized that a person is happy, living a single life with the people, the Fatherland, making his contribution to great things. And he also realized that he must be able to forgive, because it was precisely the fact that he was not able to once understand and forgive Natasha that deprived him of the love of such a woman! Before his death, Andrei realized this, “...that patient love for people that his sister taught him was revealed to him!” The author makes his readers think about a lot, and above all about how to live on this earth, what kind of person to be. L. Tolstoy’s favorite heroes seem to suggest answers to these questions. L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” A person’s character is formed throughout his life. Sometimes some goals and values ​​are replaced by others. Much depends on the environment, on changes both in the life of the person himself and the entire country and people. The hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky is constantly in search of his place in life. The author shows how his goals changed and the means he used to achieve them. At the beginning of the novel, the hero dreams of glory, goes to war with Napoleon in order to find his “Toulon,” that is, the starting point that will mark the beginning of his fame (“I want fame, I want to be known to people, I want to be loved by them”). However, the war showed the insignificance of his dreams. Seeing the huge sky and the clouds floating across it, he realized that he had to live according to the laws of nature, that all his goals were so base and worthless. Meeting with Natasha in Otradnoye, overhearing her words about the beauty of the night, in which there is so much desire to live to the fullest - all this influenced Andrei. He wanted to be useful to people, to bring benefit to them (“... it is necessary for everyone to know me, so that my life does not go on for me alone... so that it is reflected on everyone and so that they all live with me”). He is also thinking through the means for this, being a member of the legislative commission of A. Speransky. At the end of the novel, this is a completely different person, who has realized that a person is happy, living a single life with the people, the Fatherland, making his contribution to great things. And he also realized that he must be able to forgive, because it was precisely the fact that he was not able to once understand and forgive Natasha that deprived him of the love of such a woman! Before his death, Andrei realized this, “...that patient love for people that his sister taught him was revealed to him!” The author makes his readers think about a lot, and above all about how to live on this earth, what kind of person to be. L. Tolstoy’s favorite heroes seem to suggest answers to these questions.

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M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” Captured by the Nazis, Andrei Sokolov, the hero of the story, saves a platoon commander who is unfamiliar to him. Kryzhnev wants to hand over the commander to the Germans, the same as Sokolov himself, an ordinary soldier, for whom his former “comrades remained behind the front line, and his shirt is closer to his body,” and Andrei is forced to strangle the traitor, after which he “terribly wanted to wash his hands, as if a man, and strangled some creeping reptile... For the first time in my life I killed, and then my own...". So the murder of one person became a means of salvation for another. Andrei Sokolov considered that the end in this case justifies the means, but this decision was not at all easy for him. This means that again it seems impossible to give a clear answer in a dispute about ends and means.

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A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, “Dubrovsky” The heroines of A.S.’s works behave differently. Pushkin. Tatyana Larina, even after getting married, did not forget her love for Onegin. But, in her opinion, it is impossible to achieve personal happiness with the help of treason, betrayal, or the suffering of a loved one: I love you (why lie?), But I am given to someone else; I will be faithful to him forever. This is the belief of the heroines of another novel: Masha, in love with Dubrovsky and forcibly married to another, refuses personal happiness, because it is possible only through the refusal of her word, the oath of allegiance: “It’s too late - I’m married, I’m the wife of Prince Vereisky... I agreed , I took an oath...” For both heroines, who sincerely and deeply love, the impossibility of using such a means as betrayal, even to reunite with their loved one, is obvious.

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Thus, in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov, the author shows how Molchalin persistently and persistently achieves his goal, using unpleasant means for this. The hero, striving to achieve a goal, begins to take actions. But which ones?! To do this, he cleverly uses Famusov’s daughter Sophia, pretending to be in love with her. In order to ensure that Famusov, who invited Molchalin from Tver to his service, does not fire him from his office, so that Molchalin stays in Moscow, the hero deceives Sophia in every possible way. He acts out scenes of love, and at the same time he sympathizes with the maid Lisa. In one of the actions, Molchalin falls from his horse to provoke a certain reaction from Sophia. The scene of the fall from the horse is direct evidence of Molchalin’s moral decline. A fall is outright baseness. This does not correspond to moral standards in any way. But this is how the hero achieves his goal!

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Also, the eternal question of the relationship between ends and means is touched upon in the dystopian novel “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley. The story is told in the distant future, and a “happy” society appears before the reader’s eyes. All areas of life are mechanized, a person no longer experiences suffering or pain, all problems can be resolved by taking a drug called “soma”. People's whole lives are aimed at obtaining pleasure, they are no longer tormented by the torment of choice, their life is predetermined. The concepts of father and mother do not exist, since children are raised in special laboratories, eliminating the danger of abnormal development. Thanks to technology, old age is defeated, people die young and beautiful. They even greet death cheerfully, watching TV shows, having fun and taking soma. All the people in the state are happy. However, further we see the other side of such a life. This happiness turns out to be primitive, since in such a society strong feelings are prohibited and connections between people are destroyed. Standardization is the motto of life. Art, religion, true science are repressed and forgotten. The inconsistency of the theory of universal happiness is proven by heroes such as Bernard Marx, Hulmholtz Watson, John, who could not find a place in society because they realized their individuality. This novel confirms the following idea: even such an important goal as universal happiness cannot be justified by such terrible methods as standardization, depriving a person of love and family. Therefore, we can say for sure that the path that will lead to happiness is also very important.

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A dream, a cherished desire, a life goal - at first glance, these are similar concepts. In fact, these words mean completely different things. A dream may be unrealistic, and a desire may be impossible to fulfill. In order for what you dream to come true, you need to move from wishes to goal setting. However, the goal can also remain unachieved if you formulate it incorrectly. Setting goals correctly and achieving them. This logical chain is the path to success.

How to set goals correctly

Goal setting is the process of setting a goal. Many popular science books are devoted to this concept. According to psychologists, a correctly formulated task is a 50% guarantee of its achievement. Many people don’t know how to set goals correctly. Therefore, it is not surprising that trainings where professional psychologists teach the basic principles of goal setting have become popular. Unlike desires and dreams, a goal is a definite, clear concept, since it has a specific result behind it. This result must be seen. You must believe in achieving your goal. Only then can it really be achieved.

Formulations: “I want to expand my business”, “I want to increase my income” are examples of desires. To translate them into the category of goals, you need to specifically define what it means for you to expand your business. Open new branches? Expand the range of services? Attract more clients? Increase production volume? How much to increase or expand: by 20% or 2 times? The result you strive for must be measurable.

The result you strive for must be measurable.

It is best to write down a specific goal in your diary. To formulate it, use active verbs such as “do”, “earn”, “achieve”. Do not use the words “must”, “necessary”, “needed”, “should”, as they carry a semantic connotation of coercion and overcoming internal barriers. This is your goal. You want to achieve it, no one is forcing you to do it.

Achieving goals that are too simple is not fun. The task must be complex so that you have to overcome difficulties on the way to it; this is the only way to develop. But the goal must be real. Therefore, before formulating it, it is necessary to analyze the current state of affairs and evaluate the available resources and capabilities. It is unlikely to be possible to open 5 new branches at once or increase income 10 times. Achieve smaller goals first. Over time, you will come to what you didn’t even dare to dream about at the beginning of your journey.

Correct goal setting necessarily contains an indication of the time for its achievement. For example, goals to expand the customer base or increase production volume need to be specified in percentage terms (by 30%) and a period (1 year).

If you learn to correctly and specifically formulate goals for yourself, you will be able to clearly and clearly set them for others. The head of the organization must know the basic principles of goal setting. Then he will require his managers to correctly formulate the goals of their work. And this is a guarantee that they will actually complete their tasks.

How to achieve your goals

The methods for achieving goals are:

  1. The goal leads to the result. If it is very important to you, then it will be easier to achieve it. Imagine all the benefits of achieving the final result. Anticipate in advance the feelings of joy and success that you will experience at that moment. Then no fears or doubts will interfere with your path to your goal. Psychologists call this technique the visualization method. It helps to actualize all external and internal resources to achieve the goal, attracts the necessary ideas, people, and means. For example, think about the benefits you'll get from increasing your income by 50%. You will be able to afford more expensive real estate, a car, vacation, gifts for loved ones. Increase your social status. Which of these benefits do you most desire? Imagine that you have already achieved it. And let this picture motivate you. When you set goals for your employees, help them see the positives in their overall achievements. Salary increases, bonuses, career growth, receiving additional funds in the company budget for corporate events.
  2. To go a long way towards achieving a big and important goal, you need to divide it into stages. To do this, the global goal is divided into smaller goals. These, in turn, can also be broken down into smaller tasks. If all this is schematically depicted on paper, you will get a real system of goals and subgoals. Try to formulate each of them clearly, indicating the time frame for achievement, and then this diagram can be easily turned into a step-by-step plan for moving towards the main global goal. Such planning will become the basis for drawing up clear instructions for action for your subordinates. For example, the goal of expanding the range of services can be divided into subgoals: study the specifics of new services, purchase the equipment necessary to provide them, select specialists or train your employees, find additional space.
  3. Close people can help you achieve your personal goals. And when it comes to business-related tasks, you cannot do without the help of employees and partners. Having broken down the global goal into specific subgoals, think about which of your subordinates can cope with each of them most successfully. But remember, you set the initial goal for yourself, it is important to you, therefore the responsibility for achieving it also lies, first of all, with you. If you do not achieve your goal because one of your employees did not complete the task assigned to him, then the blame for this will lie with you. This means that you overestimated the resources of this employee. Perhaps he needs more time to solve his problem or needs to improve his skills. Or maybe a completely different specialist is needed to achieve this subgoal.
  4. Try to assess in advance the obstacles that will arise on the way to achieving your goal. Think about how you can overcome or eliminate them. Not all at once, but gradually, one at a time. Of course, it is not possible to predict all problems. But you will have a plan to eliminate at least some of them.
  5. Look for additional resources. New information, new knowledge and skills will help overcome obstacles that at first may seem the greatest. You may have to hire new specialists (marketers, analysts, content managers, business trainers) or your previous employees will need to take training courses, workshops, and seminars.
  6. Make a general plan of action for the period of time that you have given yourself to achieve your goal. It will reflect who will solve intermediate tasks and in what time frame, what resources and additional investments will be attracted to overcome obstacles. Based on the overall plan, create more detailed plans for each quarter, month, and even week. Of course, you will have to adjust a lot in your plan during execution. After all, on the way to your goal you will gain new knowledge, experience, and circumstances may change. Most likely, during the implementation of the plan, you will see mistakes made during the preparation. So along the way you will need to work on mistakes. You may even have to adjust your goals if you realize that your resources are not yet enough to achieve the initial ones. But it's not scary. Anyway, you will already go part of the way, gain new knowledge and experience that will help you adjust your goals and move on.
  7. Periodically analyze your goals, methods of achieving them and resources. This is useful for further rational planning of your path.
  8. Weigh the price you will have to pay to achieve your goal. Financial investments will be required to train employees and purchase equipment. To monitor the work of a new branch, additional time is needed. You may have to reduce your personal leisure time or spend less time with your family. To complete the training you need to expend strength and energy. And bringing a partner into the business will force you to give up the habit of deciding everything on your own. Assess your willingness to sacrifice it all and step out of your comfort zone.

A goal always leads to action, because if you do nothing, you won’t achieve your goal. And vice versa, in order to start acting, you need to set yourself a goal. There is no better motivation for action.

We constantly set certain goals for ourselves and dream about what will happen when we achieve them. But the path from dream to result can be difficult. Sometimes laziness gets in the way, sometimes fear. It often happens that enthusiasm wears off and we enter a state of peace, allowing the dream to remain a dream. About,how to achieve your goal without stopping at anything, read in this article.

Clearly define the goal

To begin with, it is important to clearly understand what you want to achieve and in what time frame. Plans, of course, can be adjusted, but they must be specific and not vague, then it is much easier to pave the right path to their implementation. This is the first thing you need to know when figuring out how to achieve your goal. So what do you want? Say it now.


The main thing that will become the “fuel” for your movement forward is motivation. You must really want something very badly, feel inspired by the dream and remember to regularly evoke this feeling in yourself so that the desire does not disappear. Here you need to understand that the stronger you want, the faster you will learn how to achieve your goals and the faster you will achieve it. Therefore, think about what you will get as a result? Do you want this? Make it so that there is a trembling in anticipation of what you want.

Break the goal into several small tasks

Sometimes your “wants” can make your head spin – how to achieve everything? This is so much work! Such thoughts can cause one to give up and lose enthusiasm. Therefore, in order not to lose interest in achieving your goal, break it down into several stages, smaller tasks that need to be solved. Achieving each individual stage is much easier and this brings you closer to the main goal. And you will see your progress, which will significantly increase your income. For example, if you want an ideal figure, then your task for today is to choose the gym where you will go to work out. Buy a subscription tomorrow. Simple tasks, but each of them is a step towards your dream.

The main thing is to take the first step

This is simply a phenomenal technique in its effectiveness. If you want to know how to achieve your goal, just take the first step. When you think about all the work you need to do today, you immediately want to hit your head against the wall, laziness kicks in and there are hundreds of reasons to do nothing or put things off until tomorrow. But if you focus on the fact that you only need to do a small thing, “just 5 minutes of work,” then pushing yourself is quite possible. Then get involved and the work will go by itself. So focus on getting started, appetite comes with food.

Be confident in yourself - this is a real magnet! He will always attract people to you! Donald Trump.

Write down your goals every day

It is very useful to write down tasks for the next day in a notepad. Let there be several points, but they are clearly formulated and you have set a goal for yourself. You begin to think about it, concentrate on the solution, and your conscience and sense of dignity will push you forward. No one wants to look in their own eyes as a weakling who is unable to do those things that he himself recognized as important. This effect is achieved precisely thanks to a clearly formulated and written down task.

Don't wait for 100 percent readiness

Many are waiting for the right moment to take action. But the truth is that there are no ideal conditions; you will always be either tired or not have the right tool at hand. Therefore, do not wait for the right moment, it has already arrived. Every moment is a chance to take a step forward.

Always think

You should always keep in mind a way to achieve your goal. If you constantly think in the right direction and analyze the necessary information, then you tune in to your wavelength and will soon begin to notice that thoughts come into your head that you had never even suspected before. It will be a way to solve problems that may have seemed impossible to solve. Therefore, connect your head more often.


This is perhaps the main factor that will help you solve any problems. We often find excuses for why we need to rest today, or do a little less, but you just have to force yourself. It is not your intelligence or skills that will be decisive, but your willpower. If you can break the task down into certain stages and do everything necessary every day with discipline, even “I can’t do it,” and hit one point, then you will definitely succeed.

You will succeed if you don't stop halfway .Konosuke Matsushita

Don't slow down

If you want to know how to achieve your goal, don’t slow down! Chances to achieve the desired result always appear and it is important to take advantage of them, and not wait for the right moment. If the right bus approaches you, jump on it; the next one is unknown when it will appear or whether it will appear at all. So don’t slow down!

Ignore criticism

If you can handle constructive criticism calmly, that’s good, but if criticism can upset you and throw you off your rhythm, then protect yourself from it. In any case, another person’s assessment will not be absolutely correct in relation to your situation; it is always subjective. You yourself can evaluate your work and your plans better than anyone else. Therefore, don’t listen to anyone, build your dream.

Learn from other people's experiences

If you want to find an effective way to achieve your goals, then look around, because no one has canceled the importance of studying other people’s experiences. This will allow you to be inspired by the successes of other people. After all, they are not smarter than you, but they were able to achieve the desired result. In addition, you will be able to avoid the mistakes they made along the way. Listen to sound advice, but always think about how suitable it is for you personally.

Do what you really enjoy

This is the key to success. Often, to achieve a goal you have to work hard and study absolutely everything related to your business. It’s not easy to withstand such a load, but what gives you strength is the pleasure you get when you do what you love. Therefore, sincere interest is very important for achieving the goal.

So we figured it out,how to achieve your goals. And most importantly, never give up. Every mistake or difficulty along the way is an experience from which you will create your success. Therefore, just go ahead and you will succeed!

What actions do you think provide an absolute guarantee of failure that befalls people in life?

The tragedy is that most people really think they are heading towards success, but in reality they are heading towards failure. Almost everyone is convinced that he will indeed succeed, but in reality he has little chance if he does not. The answer to the above question lies in setting goals. If you don't put them in, you're going nowhere.
Have you ever played Darts? This is a round board with points placed on it: the closer to the center you throw the dart, the more points you earn. The essence of the game is to score the most points. Where did you usually aim? Probably 100, but sometimes you hit 80, sometimes 50, sometimes 25. You chose 100 as your target and threw it. Now imagine that someone takes away this board and tells you to throw the dart further. What's happening? The game loses its meaning, the goal disappears, you don't know where you're supposed to hit it, and mind you, you don't even throw a dart. It’s the same in life, if you don’t have a goal, life loses its meaning.

Now imagine a ship leaving port without a captain at the helm, without a crew, without any clear destination. Where will such a ship go? Usually people answer this question with a laugh: “Well, it won’t come anywhere. At best, it will run aground somewhere.” But when a person goes through life without a goal, this is perceived as normal. I'm talking about big goals. Of course, all people have goals, but their goals barely reach 25 in the figure. These people's goal is to go to work. For what? To survive somehow. In the evening, watch TV and drink beer. They need a lot of rest with a 40-hour weekly schedule. Their mind gets tired very quickly because it does not know what to do. Yes, if you were aiming at 25, you would not have hit the target at all. They would constantly miss. Set goals in life for 100. Of course, you will miss, but at least 80, 50, you will definitely hit it. Read about the easiest way to achieve your goals here.

Note that no one ever goes on vacation without a specific plan. For some reason, they choose resorts, book plane tickets, and pack their bags. That is, they do everything as it should. Everything is planned. And as soon as the vacation ends, they go through life without a goal. Why is this happening? Are those people who are not successful really planning ahead to fail in life? Don't think. The problem is that they don't plan anything at all. There are several main reasons for this.

Firstly, no one explained to them that goals are vital.
In schools they teach that your boss will set your goals for you. If the parents also worked for someone else, then they were taught the same thing. But understand, the boss sets goals that are beneficial to himself. No one will take care of you except yourself. And only you can set goals for yourself. Unfortunately, the truth is that if you don’t do this, someone else will set goals for you, but then you will not achieve your goals, but those of others, for example, the boss, the state and others. That is, everyone except yours. Is your boss's family more valuable to you than your own? Probably not.

Secondly, they don’t know how to do it.
Setting goals is a leadership quality. But leadership can only be learned on your own. Nobody is interested in teaching you this for free. Why should anyone other than your parents teach you how to set goals?

Thirdly, they are afraid that they will not achieve their goals.
Yes, there is some risk in setting goals, but the risk is infinitely greater when you don't set any goals. If you're afraid you won't achieve your goals, don't tell anyone you've set goals. In fact, you should never share your goals with anyone unless you are convinced that they not only believe you can achieve them, but also want you to achieve them. But know for yourself that if you haven’t set a goal, you have completed it 0%. And if you set it and didn’t fulfill it, it will still be more than 0%.

Fourthly, people have such low self-esteem that they consider themselves unworthy of getting what they would like to achieve.
Because their faith is against them, that is what they get. If you are one of these people, understand that you are created in the image and likeness of God. How can you not be worthy? Everything that is on Earth was created for you. Go and get it. Through the methods of suggestion known today, you can change the way you see yourself. Mentally imagining yourself as the kind of person you would like to be, this image will gradually begin to be absorbed into the subconscious and will influence your behavior.

Of course, there is a category of lazy people who simply don’t want to. They got so used to what they had that they ended up loving it. How can they change anything now? Yes, if you offer such people some kind of opportunity, they will still ridicule you. Perhaps if you just brought them a suitcase of money, they would take it. But I hope you are not one of those people.
It is a very difficult task to reach a destination that does not exist. If you do not have very specific, precise, clearly stated goals, then you will not be able to fully realize the potential that lies within you. You need to be meaningfully specific.
Life is valuable in itself, but it lasts only as long as it has something valuable as its object and as its goal. Life goals are important, and virtually everyone knows this. However, either by choice or out of indifference, the average person continues to wander through the nooks and crannies of life, moving along the lines of least resistance, finding himself a traveler who wanders in the dark and refuses to be meaningfully specific.
A person is functionally similar to a bicycle. If he does not move forward and upward towards the target, he is likely to lose his balance and fall. If you passionately want something, you must make it your specific and well-defined goal. And if in the future we begin to act as if we cannot fail under any circumstances, then many different things will happen that will help us in fact not to fail. The only way to get to the top is to set the top as your goal. Have you noticed that there are days when we wake up without any plans in our heads, without any clear or vague picture of where we are going today and what we should do. On days like these we don’t have time to do anything. The day passes aimlessly, and we are even glad when it finally ends. But when we have a plan for the day, we manage to do what we wanted. To do something, you must first plan it. Set goals if you want results. If you strive for success, set goals: deadlines, specific dates and volumes. You will achieve results only when you have a plan.

If a person has no goals, he has nothing to live for, and he quickly fades away. When the brain is not engaged in constructive action, it is engaged in destructive action. This explains why people with goals live longer and age slower. Goals and only goals can keep a person in this life where doctors are powerless. A fiery desire is so powerful that it can delay inevitable death for years. Let your goals help you live longer. Not a single medicine in the world can bring a person back to life the way a fiery dream and a strong dream can do.

The author of the saying “The end justifies the means” is considered to be Nicolo Machiavelli, an Italian politician of the 16th century. This man believed that the government, for the benefit of the state, can use any harsh and even cruel means.

To agree or refute the meaning of this phrase, you first need to turn to the concept of what a goal is. And so, a goal is what a person strives for, the result he wants to get. Each person, throughout his life, constantly sets goals for himself. They change all the time, become more complex, achieved and sometimes forgotten.

When a goal is set, a person, striving to achieve it, begins to perform certain actions. And here one could assume that good goals lead to noble deeds. However, there are countless examples in history that many rulers, generals and politicians, acting in the interests of the state, sacrificed thousands of lives of ordinary people. Famous historical figures have gained fame as winners, founders of empires, and innovators. Those who fell victims on the way to achieving these goals remained unknown.

If a good goal requires neglecting people's lives or morality, then no matter how beautiful words it is described, it can no longer be considered good. Nothing can justify cruel indifference to the fate of another person.

Someone may argue that each person understands good and evil differently. What seems good to one, another considers bad. But such a position can lead to chaos in society and a lack of morality among its members. Over the long millennia of its existence, humanity has developed generally accepted moral and humane norms that regulate relations between people. For example, stopping a criminal who can cause suffering to other people is a noble act, as well as the goal that is achieved through it. Although it is often necessary to use force. Keeping a fraudster's secret without revealing it and thereby participating in his machinations is a disgusting act, although the person committing it seems to be doing nothing.

Participating in a war to protect one’s homeland from enemies is not the same as fighting to expand the borders of one’s state at the expense of others. Therefore, before setting a goal and outlining ways to achieve it, it is necessary to remember the moral principles accepted in the civilized world and adhere to them.

What makes a person happy

Everyone has their own concept of happiness and it changes throughout life. At first you need a little to be happy, but after that it’s not enough. Today, material wealth is more associated with this concept. Perhaps this is due to the lack of life wisdom, or maybe simply for a limited person such a feeling as happiness can be bought. In fact, achieving material comfort is more realistic than becoming spiritually happy.

What makes a person happy is his family. First it’s dad and mom, all relatives. It’s great when all the holidays are united and then the atmosphere of happiness is really in the air. You don’t even have to invite your close people; a truly close person comes himself and congratulates you from the bottom of his heart. Happiness is when people close to you understand you, and not just in ordinary situations, but in difficult life moments and even complete stupidities.

Understanding and harmony are true happiness. Often people do not appreciate what they have, but in vain. Happiness is being able to appreciate every day you live, enjoying the little things. Of course, it is necessary to set life goals and achieve them, but most importantly, you need to be able to be happy, regardless of the circumstances.

Of course, happiness is close friends. Throughout life, some people appear, and communication with others ceases. But there are definitely a few close friends, proven by situations and reliable. Sometimes it seems that they are not friends at all, but close relatives.

Happiness is the health of loved ones and family. There is nothing more difficult than the test of illness. If everyone is healthy, then the person will already be happy. In general, living in harmony is a great happiness. This task is not easy, but to be happy you need to work on yourself. You need to be able to receive this feeling and give it back. But, under no circumstances, do not put your needs above. Happy is the one who knows how to give and make another person happy.

The most important happiness not only for a person, but for all humanity, is procreation. The birth of a child gives rise to a cosmic feeling of absolute happiness. You can build a career, earn a lot of money, but not experience the happiness of becoming parents. Children determine the meaning of life and make it fulfilling and absolutely happy.

Attention, TODAY only!

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