Production infrastructure and its characteristics. Abstract: Production infrastructure What does production infrastructure include?

For welding 23.12.2023
For welding

Infrastructure– this is a set of parts of an object that are subordinate, auxiliary in nature and provide conditions for the normal operation of the object as a whole. The infrastructure of an enterprise is a complex of workshops, facilities and services of the enterprise that provide the necessary conditions for the functioning of the enterprise. At the same time, a distinction is made between production and social infrastructure, as well as capital construction.

Production infrastructure- this is a set of divisions that are not directly involved in the production of the main products manufactured by the enterprise, but through their activities contribute to the sustainable operation of the main workshops, creating the necessary production and technical conditions for this. The production infrastructure of the enterprise consists of:

    auxiliary and service departments of the enterprise (repair, instrumental, energy, transport, warehousing, communications, etc.);

    auxiliary areas and services located in the main workshops;

    trunk facilities, communication lines for power transmission, water supply, compressed air, gas, sewerage, environmental structures, etc.

The composition and size of the enterprise's production infrastructure depends on the industry, type and scale of production, design features and technology of manufactured products, and the level of specialization of the enterprise.

An enterprise is not only a technical and technological integrity. Modern management science views an enterprise primarily as a team of people united to achieve a common goal. A person in an enterprise is both a factor of production and a source of its development. Therefore, a modern enterprise bears both economic and social responsibility to society. The social activities of the enterprise are reflected in the composition of the social infrastructure.

Social infrastructure is a set of divisions of an enterprise that ensures the satisfaction of the social, everyday and cultural needs of the enterprise’s employees. Social infrastructure, as a rule, consists of public catering, health care, children's institutions, educational institutions, housing and communal services, recreation, physical education and sports, and culture.

The organization, economics and management of infrastructure units significantly influence the economics of the enterprise. In modern conditions, production infrastructure units employ from 40 to 50% of the total production staff. A study of the economic activities of enterprises indicates a significant gap in the technical, organizational and economic levels of development between the divisions of the main and auxiliary production. In these divisions the level of mechanization and automation is lower, the proportion of manual labor is significantly higher, and the level of management is low. All this turned the production infrastructure into a “bottleneck” of most domestic industrial enterprises, which negatively affected and is affecting the economy of many enterprises, the quality of products, production profitability and labor productivity.

Progress in the development of technology, technology and the organization of basic production will require adequate changes in the units of the production infrastructure. Increasing the level of mechanization and automation of basic production processes increases the volume and complexity of repair work, preventive inspections, equipment adjustment, and provides for a significant expansion of the range of tools used, equipment, fixtures, measuring instruments and automation. The transition to new technologies and an increase in the parameters of technological processes increases quality requirements and increases the need for various types of energy and to speed up transport work.

In modern conditions, restructuring and achieving high technical and economic performance indicators of an enterprise is impossible without the balanced development of both the main production and its production and social infrastructure.

At the same time, simple and expanded reproduction of the fixed capital of any enterprise in order to ensure the competitiveness of its products on the market and obtain the necessary profit requires capital construction, which is carried out either by forming special construction, installation and repair and construction divisions in its structure or by attracting specialized contractors organizations. In most cases, repair and construction departments are part of the enterprise infrastructure and carry out current and major repairs of buildings and structures. Planning and management of capital construction and repair and construction work is carried out by the capital construction department of the enterprise.

Rice. 12.1. Enterprise infrastructure elements


In a modern market economy, enterprises can exist and develop stably not only due to the availability of financial resources, but also due to the optimization of their distribution in all areas of the enterprise’s activities. The structure of production should be distinguished by a well-thought-out management apparatus. Today, only a few large enterprises can confidently say that they cope with this task at least 80%.

This course work will examine all the main stages of organizing production infrastructure using the example of OJSC Saturn, which has been on the market for more than 60 years.

The relevance of the course work is confirmed by the fact that the work of any enterprise directly depends on the rational organization of the production infrastructure, and the better the management policy in this type of activity is developed, the higher the efficiency of the production process will be with minimal expenditure of productive forces.

The main goal of the work is to study the process of organizing the infrastructure of a manufacturing enterprise from the point of view of its efficiency.

The objectives of the course work include:

1) in-depth study of the enterprise infrastructure, both in theoretical and practical aspects;

2) familiarization with the work of the defense enterprise;

3) study of the main directions for improving the organization of production using the example of an enterprise in the city of Omsk;

4) obtaining and consolidating skills in calculating basic economic indicators and performance indicators.

The course work contains an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the production infrastructure of an enterprise

1.1. The concept and role of production infrastructure

The organizational structure of an enterprise is a complex dynamic system consisting of interconnected and functionally separate subsystems that are in constant development and improvement in accordance with their tasks and goals. The central subsystem of such a system is the main production, the structure and composition of which depend on the nature and technological features of the products being manufactured and production volumes.

To organize the production process, it is necessary to timely provide the main production with means of labor, material resources, workers of relevant specialties, profession and qualifications. The park of technological equipment and machines, depending on the composition of technological operations, requires a variety of technological equipment and provision of all types of energy resources. During operation, labor tools wear out and lose their performance, therefore, to ensure constant technical preparation of the fleet of machinery and equipment, continuous monitoring of their technical condition, maintenance and repair are necessary.

In the production process, raw materials, materials, and semi-finished products must be repeatedly moved from operation to operation and between production departments, their quality must be controlled, and the safety of inventories, work in progress and finished products must be ensured. To ensure the efficiency of an enterprise, appropriate systems of planning, accounting, control and information support of production resources are required.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the functions that an enterprise must perform to organize the production of products: providing, supporting, restorative, control, accounting, training. These functions are performed by the structural divisions of the enterprise, united into a single subsystem called enterprise infrastructure.

The infrastructure of an enterprise is a set of workshops, sections, farms and services of an enterprise that have a subordinate auxiliary nature and provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the enterprise as a whole.

The production infrastructure of an enterprise is a set of departments that are not directly related to product production.

Their main purpose is to maintain the main production processes. These include auxiliary and service workshops and farms involved in the movement of objects of labor, supplying production with raw materials, fuel, all types of energy, maintenance and repair of equipment and other means of labor, storage of material assets, sales of finished products, their transportation and other processes intended for creating normal conditions for production.

Rice. 1. Composition of the enterprise’s production infrastructure

Maintenance work for the main production is carried out by auxiliary departments and service departments: instrumental, repair, transport, energy, logistics and technical control services.

1.2. Auxiliary units

1) The tool department at the enterprise is created to carry out work to provide production with tools and technological equipment, organize their storage, operation and repair.

The tool economy at the enterprise includes production units (sites, workshops) for the production of tools, storage and component departments (central tool warehouse, workshop tool-distributing storerooms); instrument restoration and repair units; departments for instrumentation of workplaces.

Rice. 2. Composition and relationship of tool departments

The Technical Supervision and Metrology Department carries out technical supervision over the operation of equipment and monitors its condition. The tool shop is designed for the production of new special technological equipment. The equipment repair and restoration workshop carries out work to restore worn-out technological equipment or repair it. The central tool warehouse accepts new and restored technological equipment; organizes storage, accounting of the stock and movement of technological equipment, issuance of it to the workshop tool and dispensing storerooms (IRC); organizes the reception of worn-out equipment from the workshop IRCs and its transfer to the restoration and repair shop.

2) Repair facilities. The main task of the enterprise's repair facilities is to ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment. The repair service in the enterprise management system is subordinate to the chief engineer. It includes: the repair and restoration base of the enterprise, warehouses, workshops and general plant repair departments (technological, equipment, dispatch).

Depending on the scale of production, the repair and restoration base of the enterprise may contain a mechanical repair shop that carries out repairs of technological equipment; a repair and construction shop that carries out repairs of buildings, structures, production, warehouse and office premises; an electrical repair shop, subordinate to the chief power engineer and performing repairs of power equipment, as well as warehouses for equipment and spare parts. In addition, in workshops it is advisable to create repair bases subordinate to the shop mechanic, whose main task is to maintain process equipment in working condition, carry out preventive inspections, and various repair work.

General plant repair departments are subordinate to the chief mechanic, along with the mechanical repair and repair and construction shops. Together with these divisions, a preventive maintenance bureau and a planning and production bureau can be organized in his service.

One of the conditions for the effective organization of work of any enterprise is the presence of a well-functioning mechanism for performing repair work. The lower the share of costs for repairs, maintenance and maintenance of equipment in the cost of production, the higher the efficiency of production and the repair facility itself. To prevent irrational losses in production and reduce repair costs, a system of scheduled preventive maintenance is used.

A preventative maintenance system is a set of various types of equipment maintenance and repair work carried out according to a pre-drawn plan in order to ensure the most efficient operation of the equipment.

Thus, work on the care, supervision, maintenance and repair of equipment in order to prevent increasing wear, prevent emergency situations and, as a result, maintain the equipment in constant readiness for work is the essence of the preventive maintenance system. It is based on equipment maintenance and scheduled repairs - current, medium and major.

Maintenance includes work on equipment inspection, accuracy testing, washing, lubrication, etc. These types of work are carried out according to a predetermined schedule and are periodic in nature with a clearly defined repeatability.

Planned repairs based on the content of the work performed, labor intensity and frequency are divided into current, medium and major.

Current repairs are carried out during the operation of the equipment by replacing individual parts, parts, followed by checking for accuracy, alignment, etc.

Medium repairs are broader and more in-depth, as they involve the replacement of main parts, assemblies, and rubbing surfaces.

Overhaul is the most labor-intensive, time-consuming and expensive process associated with the complete replacement of main parts, assemblies, disassembly of engines and transformers.

The preventive maintenance system has a preventive nature. However, in the practice of operating equipment, emergency situations arise due to equipment failure and malfunctions. Costs associated with eliminating the consequences of accidents are considered unplanned expenses and have a negative impact on the performance of the enterprise.

The preventive maintenance system is based on the use of the following standards:

Repair cycles and their structure;

Duration of periods between repairs and frequency of maintenance;

Labor intensity standards;

Stock standards for parts and circulating units.

The repair cycle should be understood as the time between two major overhauls, and the first repair cycle begins with the commissioning of equipment until the first major overhaul. This period of time includes the implementation of all maintenance activities and all types of repairs.

When drawing up a repair cycle, it is necessary to take into account various factors: type of production, type and properties of processed materials, operating conditions, personnel qualifications, equipment load level.

The time between repairs, the frequency of repair work, as well as their labor and material intensity depend on the design features of the equipment. Based on this, all equipment at the enterprise is grouped into categories of repair complexity. Each group corresponds to a certain number of units of repair complexity, which are established according to the directory, and ultimately a category of repair complexity is formed. Moreover, the category of complexity of repairing electrical and mechanical parts of equipment is assessed separately, and their result gives the desired value - the category of complexity of repairing specific equipment.

Based on the above standards, a ready-made preventive maintenance schedule is constructed, covering all equipment in use, the labor and material intensity of repair work is calculated, as well as the number of repair personnel.

1.3. Service farms

1) Transport sector. The main task of the organization and functioning of the transport sector at the enterprise is the timely and uninterrupted servicing of production by vehicles for the movement of goods during the production process.

According to their purpose, vehicles can be divided into internal, inter-shop and external transport.

External transport provides communication between the enterprise, its material and technical warehouses, finished product warehouses and supplier enterprises, contractors, railway, water and air transport stations.

Intershop transport serves as a link between the workshops of an enterprise, its warehouses, services and other production facilities.

Intra-shop transport moves cargo in the workshop during the production process, carrying out the movement of raw materials, materials and components and components not only from the warehouse to workplaces, but also between workplaces, as well as control posts.

Enterprises use various types of vehicles, from railway, automobile, hoisting and transport to conveyors of various types, types and purposes.

Continuous vehicles include conveyors, which are widely used in enterprises involved in mass and large-scale production. The transport department is subordinate to the chief engineer, and in addition to the above-mentioned workshops, it includes a dispatch bureau and an accounting group.

Organizationally, the work of the transport sector is based on the use of concepts such as cargo turnover and cargo flow.

Freight turnover represents the total amount of goods moved within the territory of a plant, workshop, or warehouse per unit of time during the accounting period. Freight turnover consists of individual freight flows.

Freight flow is the amount of goods transported per unit of time between two adjacent points.

The magnitude of cargo flows depends on the organizational and production type of production and can be calculated under conditions of constant nomenclature and production volumes using an analytical method based on material consumption rates and the size of the production program. In conditions of rapidly and frequently changing nomenclature and production volume, it is possible to apply the method of special survey and accumulation of statistical information on cargo flows with their subsequent processing or by selecting a typical representative of the goods being moved and calculating the cargo flow indicator based on it. Ultimately, no matter which of the above methods is applied, data on cargo flow and turnover should serve to determine the required number of vehicles and achieve their constant load. The rationality of the functioning of the transport sector can be judged on the basis of uniform cargo turnover. The chess table of cargo turnover and the diagram of cargo flows serve the same purpose.

A chess table of cargo turnover is constructed in the context of individual workshops and warehouses, and then a summary table is made for the enterprise as a whole based on data on the mass of cargo received and exported, taking into account waste, losses, damage, etc. In turn, the chess table, taking into account the spatial layout of the enterprise, is the source material for drawing up a diagram of cargo flows.

Analysis of freight flows and cargo turnover for the accounting period provides the basis for improving the organization of transport facilities, eliminating excessively long-distance transportation, counter, return, empty and not fully loaded vehicles.

2) Energy management. Enterprises are the main consumers of all types of energy resources: fuel, electricity, steam, heat, compressed air, water, etc. Interruptions in energy supply lead to large production losses in any type of production. The special responsibility of energy supply is due to the fact that the process of production of energy resources coincides with their consumption, i.e. energy resources cannot be accumulated. The second feature is related to the fact that the constantly increasing energy needs of enterprises cannot be fully satisfied by the limited capacity of the country’s fuel and energy complex, therefore the problem of strict savings and limiting the consumption of energy resources arises.

The typical structure of an enterprise's energy economy consists of an energy system and an energy repair shop. The energy system includes: electricity supply, heat supply, gas supply, pneumatic systems, vacuum systems, ventilation system, air conditioning, communications, water supply, sewerage, storm drainage. The electromechanical workshop repairs electrical equipment and electrical equipment.

3) Material and technical supply of the enterprise. The main task of the logistics service is the timely and uninterrupted provision of the enterprise with raw materials, components and related products, and various means of production using an effective and rational scheme for their purchase.

The logistics service (department) is an organizational and structural unit of the enterprise, whose responsibilities include supplying the enterprise with basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products, tools and technological equipment, equipment, machines, apparatus and units.

The parts of the logistics system include the logistics department and the supply warehouses subordinate to it.

Typical activities of logistics services are: classification and indexing of materials, rationing of costs and inventories of materials, determination of the enterprise's needs for materials, organization of warehousing and systems for providing workshops with means of production.

4) The technical control department (QCD) is an independent structural unit of the enterprise and reports directly to the technical director.

The tasks of the quality control department include: preventing the production of products by the enterprise that do not meet the requirements of standards and technical specifications, approved samples (standards), design and technological documentation, delivery conditions and contracts, or incomplete products, as well as strengthening production discipline and increasing the responsibility of all levels production for the quality of products.

Thus, an important condition for the normal uninterrupted course of production is maintaining equipment in working condition, powering units with energy, timely provision of workplaces with objects of labor, tools and devices, i.e. clear organization of production infrastructure (auxiliary and service processes).

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn

2.1. Brief description and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

Open Joint Stock Company "Saturn", successor to the Omsk Electrotechnical Plant named after. K. Marx, is a modern, dynamically developing enterprise. The main activity of OJSC Saturn from its creation in 1949 to the present is the production of special-purpose radio-electronic equipment. Over the past years, more than 30 types of radio-electronic equipment, as well as heat exchange equipment for air defense systems, have been mastered and put into serial production.

Rice. 3 Organizational management structure of OJSC Saturn

Currently, OJSC Saturn is one of the leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex, producing products of strategic importance, and is part of the vertically integrated structure of the open joint-stock company Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey. Among the participants in the cooperation of OJSC Saturn with leading manufacturers and developers of special equipment for air defense systems, it is involved in the implementation of state defense orders and government contracts.

Table 1

Address and reference data of OJSC Saturn

Industry affiliation

49001 - a business company formed from a state enterprise; 32.20.1 - production of radio and television transmitting equipment

Name of the integral structure that includes the enterprise (organization)

OJSC "Concern Air Defense "Almaz-Antey"

Full name of the enterprise

Open Joint Stock Company "Saturn"

Abbreviated name of the enterprise

JSC "Saturn"

Legal, postal address:

Republic, region, regions

Omsk region

District, city


Street, house number

K. Marx Avenue, 41

E-mail address

[email protected]

When and on what basis (date and document number) was the enterprise created

November 28, 1994, state registration certificate No. 36892086, issued by the Real Estate Department of the City Registration Chamber of the Omsk Administration

Organizational and legal form of ownership (in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

public corporation

Amount of authorized capital

RUB 54,001,400 increase in authorized capital through conversion of shares, registration date 10/24/2002.

For joint stock companies - characteristics of the structure of share capital

ordinary shares - 20,250,500 pieces, par value 2 rubles, total issue volume 40,501,000 rubles; preferred shares (type A) - 6,750,200 pieces, par value 2 rubles, total issue volume 13,500,400 rubles.

JSC Saturn concentrates the intellectual potential of highly qualified specialists, which allows them to solve complex problems in creating and improving the quality of special-purpose products, as well as introducing the latest types of products. The company is developing innovative activities, including the company's direct participation in R&D, thereby creating a foundation for ensuring the production of special equipment (government orders and contract deliveries) for subsequent years.

JSC Saturn has high technical potential. The enterprise has mastered, developed and technically equipped all types of production, ensuring a closed cycle for the manufacture of radio-electronic equipment products, starting with procurement operations, assembly, adjustment and ending with the necessary tests: assembly and installation production; metalworking production; Foundry; production of rubber and plastic products; production of printed circuit boards and electroplating; modern testing facility, etc.

The production of special equipment is the basis for maintaining high technologies, which makes it possible to develop areas for the production of civilian products, thus ensuring the stable economic development of the enterprise.

The demand for products and goods produced by the enterprise is characterized by the widest geography of its partnership. The plant workers have established close contacts not only with many cities in Russia, but also with Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other CIS countries.

The general position of the enterprise can be assessed based on its technical and economic characteristics (Table 2).

The general task for the enterprise, according to the general director of Saturn OJSC, is the development and production of weapons and military equipment of a new generation in the interests of ensuring a reliable aerospace shield for the country.

table 2

Technical and economic indicators of OJSC Saturn in dynamics for 2007-2008.


Absolute deviation, +/-

Growth rate, %

% issue plan

% issue plan

Revenue from sales of goods, products, works, services in total, thousand rubles:

On civil topics, total, thousand rubles.

For special topics, total, thousand rubles.

*incl. state defense order, thousand rubles

Other work, services, thousand rubles.

Volume of products sold, thousand rubles.

Volume of products produced, thousand rubles.

Payroll employees

Key production personnel, incl.

*main production workers

*scientific and technical workers

Auxiliary workers

Administrative and management personnel

Annual wage fund, thousand rubles.

Average monthly salary, thousand rubles.

Cost of products sold, thousand rubles:

Product release

*special products

*civilian products

*other products

Net profit, thousand rubles.

Based on the table data, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) in 2008, the company focused on the sale of goods on civil and special topics - revenue increased by 17,306 thousand rubles. and 163883 thousand rubles. accordingly, therefore, revenue from other works and services decreased by 24,162 thousand rubles;

2) due to the emergence of new government orders, the volume of products sold increased by 32,835 thousand rubles;

3) the volume of manufactured products increased by only 25,487 thousand rubles, since in previous years some of the goods remained unclaimed due to the bankruptcy of one of the customers;

4) due to the increase in production volumes and the new personnel policy implemented at the enterprise, some of the personnel were fired and replaced, but in general the total number increased by 288 people (26.5% of the total number), and 228 of them are the main production personnel, while the number of administrative and management personnel increased by 9 people;

5) the annual wage fund increased by 19243.5 thousand rubles. (31.6%) due to a slight increase in the average monthly salary by 2.23 thousand rubles;

6) the enterprise is optimizing production activities, therefore the cost of production in all areas has decreased (from 4260.4 to 29025 thousand rubles) except for the cost of production of civilian products (increase by 5251 thousand rubles);

7) at this stage, the enterprise, implementing a new personnel policy and optimizing costs, received a profit of 4485 thousand rubles. (17.2%) more than in the previous period.

Currently, the company's activities are carried out in many directions. This is confirmed by the complex production structure of the enterprise (Appendix 1).

Let's take a closer look at the production structure of the OJSC Saturn enterprise.

1. Main production workshops:

Assembly shop No. 7;

Workshop No. 26 for serial production of aircraft instruments (assembly shop);

Workshop No. 40 for the production of products for the S-75, S-125 complexes;

Workshop No. 42 for the production of explosive and high-pressure heat exchangers, special-purpose tuning equipment and service equipment for the aviation industry;

Workshop No. 6 for the production of antenna-feeder devices for all orders;

Assembly and installation shop No. 80 (combined workshops No. 80 and No. 82);

Workshop No. 4 for the production of transformers and chokes, including coils and magnetrons, production of all winding products for consumer goods;

Merged workshops No. 10 and No. 34 for the production of tape recorders;

Automatic turret workshop No. 1 for the production of fasteners and small parts;

Frame and stamping shop No. 60 for the production of parts from titanium, brass and other rare alloys;

Stamping shop No. 30 for the production of consumer goods;

Main machining workshop No. 22 (formerly workshop No. 12);

Workshop No. 3 for the manufacture of plastic and rubber products;

Workshop No. 11 for the production of castings and ceramics;

Workshop No. 5 for galvanic and paint coating of parts;

Printed circuit board workshop No. 16;

Testing workshop No. 21;

2. Technical service:

Chief Designer Department;

Workshop No. 25 for the development and production of control and measuring equipment for setting up acceptance tests of manufactured units, blocks, and products;

Chief Technologist Department;

Tool production. Bureau of technological equipment;

Tool shop No. 18;

3. Mechanization and automation service:

Workshop No. 44. Mechanical section for the production of automation equipment;

Tool shop No. 2, shop No. 18;

Chief mechanic service:

Repair shop No. 8;

Capital Construction Department;

Construction shop No. 15;

Department of the Chief Metrologist;

Technical control department;

Department of the Chief Power Engineer;

Electrical shop No. 14;

Thermal engineering workshop No. 9;

Workshop No. 45. Printing house;

4. Financial and economic service:

Budget Planning Department;

Automated accounting department;

Purchasing and Sales Department;

Rental Bureau;

Legal office;

5. Production and technical service:

Assembly and installation shop No. 7;

Mechanical processing shop No. 22;

Galvanic shop No. 5;

Testing department;

6. Central factory laboratory:

Section No. 5 (printing house);

Department of the Chief Power Engineer;

Thermal engineering workshop No. 9;

Electrical shop No. 14;

Chief Mechanic Department;

Department of the Chief Metrologist;

Repair and construction department;

Occupational Safety and Health Department;

7. Personnel department;

8. Quality control service:

Technical warranty service department;

9. HR service;

10. Security service.

2.2. Features of the technological process for manufacturing platinum

Plates, plates, sockets, bridges and other similar parts are load-bearing elements that form the frame of a device or mechanism, are intended for the specific placement of kinematic units, gears and other elements of the device on them, ensuring the accuracy of the relative position of parts and assembly units of the device.

Often such plates and plates are used in pairs, forming two lateral supporting surfaces, between which kinematic chains are placed. The required specific arrangement of such device links is ensured by the basic seating surfaces available on plates and similar parts, usually holes into which axles or bearings of axles, rollers, tubes and other parts are inserted, support planes for fastening individual elements of devices.

Design varieties of platinums are usually considered depending on the manufacturing method. They are divided into the following types: stamped, turned, cast, milled, etc. Design drawings for platinums have their own characteristics. These include sizing platinum elements using the coordinate method. The coordinate method of sizing is simple and convenient, since production is appropriately equipped with technological and control equipment.

The main technological requirements for the manufacture of platinum are: a) ensuring the required accuracy of the mounting holes; b) dimensional coordinate location of the intersection points of the geometric axes of the parts with the planes of the plates; c) compatibility of conjugate pairs of points of two platinums or a platinum and another part (for example, a platinum and a bridge); d) ensuring vertical dimensions - perpendicular to the plane of the plates; d) anti-corrosion.

The technological process for manufacturing platinum must ensure the fulfillment of these basic requirements.

Platinums and similar parts are made mainly from metals. In this case, leaded brass LS59 is most often used, which has good technological properties, anti-corrosion and anti-magnetic properties. For mechanisms operating under significant loads, plates are made of steel 45 or alloy chromium-nickel steel. For light mechanisms with intermediate bearings, the plates are made from aluminum alloy AMts1.5.

The technological process for manufacturing platinum consists of procurement operations and machining. Let's take a closer look at them.

Blanks for platinum are produced by stamping and casting.

Stamping of platinum blanks. Blanks for turned and milled platins of time instruments are produced by cutting and grinding in dies on presses from strip (stopwatches, wristwatches, escapement regulators) or tape (pendulum and weight clocks, etc.) material.

If the parts are small in thickness, simultaneously with cutting out the workpiece along the contour, you can punch holes, windows and grooves in it. If high demands are not placed on the planes of the platinums, then after cutting them out in a stamp it is enough to remove the burrs and clean the planes with emery cloth glued to a rotating metal circle.

Table 3

Technological process for manufacturing platinum

the name of the operation

Duration of operations, min.

Equipment model and main characteristics

Cost, rub.

Procurement operations

Stamping of platinum blanks

Press made of strip or tape material; sandpaper glued to a metal circle; stamping either on dies of sequential or combined action, or hot stamping

Casting platinum blanks

By injection molding or investment casting

Editing platinum blanks

Clamps with bolts, oven (240-250 o C), or in dies on friction presses

Mechanical restoration

Treatment of external surfaces of platinums

Semi-automatic spindle lathe S-18A with a collet or jaw chuck; semi-automatic S-188 with a five-cut head mounted on a spindle; special machine gun F-288

Platinum hole machining

Drilling 10-spindle semi-automatic S-44

Boring and milling of shoulders and pockets

Milling machine or semi-automatic machine S-50; double-spindle shaping and milling machine S-187; desktop thread-cutting machines R-53; multi-spindle thread-cutting machines A-283; highly specialized manually controlled machines S-62; semi-automatic and automatic A-286

Total (for the production of one platinum)

288 (4.8 hours)

Workpieces of significant thickness after cutting (or simultaneously with cutting) are cleaned along the contour to remove tears and chips, reduce blockage and bevel of the side edges, as well as to improve the accuracy of the contour, which is essential when performing subsequent operations.

In most cases, blanks for flat plates are produced by stamping on dies of sequential or combined action, where the main two or three holes are simultaneously made, which are then used in the technological process as the basic ones. If the parts have a complex shape, then their blanks are obtained by hot stamping (if the material is steel). Plastic panels are usually pressed in molds.

Casting of platinum blanks. For some devices, platinum from aluminum alloys or brass is made by casting: under pressure or using lost wax models. In this case, it is advantageous to obtain the casting together with columns or bosses (protrusions) intended for connecting the platins to each other.

After stamping or casting, platinum is subjected to heat treatment to relieve internal stress.

Editing platinum blanks. Upon receipt of the workpieces and their heat treatment, the flat parts (plates) warp and become deformed (bend) during the cutting process. To obtain the required flatness of platinum blanks, a straightening operation is introduced: thermal and mechanical.

Thermal straightening is carried out as follows: platinum blanks in packs of 50...100 pieces or more are placed in clamps and tightened with bolts, after which they are placed in an oven, where they are heated to a temperature of 240...250 o C. After heating to the required temperature and holding for 2 hours The clamps with platinum are removed from the furnace, the nuts of the bolts are tightened and the clamps are left to cool in air. As a result of heating in a stressed state (in clamps), bending deformation is eliminated.

Mechanical straightening of platinum blanks is divided into smooth and point and is carried out in dies on friction presses. Smooth straightening is performed in dies in which the working parts of the upper and lower plates have polished and straight surfaces, otherwise the straightening will be of poor quality.

Spot straightening gets its name from the fact that after straightening, stamp marks in the form of dots remain on the surface of the part after straightening. The working surfaces of the top and bottom plates of the point straightening stamp have a large number of protrusions in the form of tetrahedral pyramids located in the same plane. The platinum blanks are placed on the bottom plate of the die, after which the press is turned on and straightening occurs in one double stroke. Spot straightening, compared to smooth straightening, provides a better plane of the workpiece, but traces of dots, depressions and bulges remain on the surface of the workpiece, which contribute to its contamination, and additional difficulties arise in ensuring the height dimensions of both the platinum itself and the parts mating to it. It is necessary to identify areas on the surface of the part where spot editing is unacceptable.

Treatment of external surfaces of platinums. The technological process of processing parts of a group of platins usually begins with obtaining reference planes during milling or grinding operations. If the parts have a complex external or internal contour, it is milled, where the holes obtained at the time of production of the workpieces are taken as the base.

Depending on the type of production, design and rigidity of the platinum, available equipment, requirements for the accuracy and quality of manufacturing of the platinum, various methods of processing their outer surfaces are used.

For mass production of small-sized parts, the following route for processing external surfaces is used.

In the mass production of small-sized parts, the following route for processing the outer surfaces of plates is used: turning, broaching, one-sided planing, two-sided milling, grinding, vibration cleaning.

Turning with clamping of a part in a collet is used in small-scale production. For better direction of the collet, a glass is fixed in the spindle. The part is clamped with replaceable contour plates, which allows one collet to be used for processing various parts. A brass ring is soldered into the collet and then cut, machined on site. In this case, a pin is inserted into the hole of the collet, which fixes the position of the contour plates corresponding to the moment of clamping the part. When processing on a spindle semi-automatic lathe type S-81A, a collet or jaw chuck is used. A common feature of these chucks is the rigid connection of the support base plate to the machine spindle.

To broach the part, a slide is placed in the nests, which is pulled by a lead screw along the guides of the machine under a flat broach, fixedly fixed, with the teeth down. The parts are not clamped along the contour, so this method can be used to process thin parts with a complex, shaped contour. This method is not suitable for finishing parts weakened by recesses, windows and holes.

Single-sided planing is carried out on a special semi-automatic machine type S-188 with a five-cutting head mounted on the spindle of the semi-automatic machine. The width of the cutter must be greater than the width of the part. The parts are placed in a clamping device on the base plate and clamped with jaws along the contour. One part is processed per spindle revolution; Most of the allowance is removed by the first three cutters, and the fourth and fifth are finishing.

Double-sided milling is performed on a special automatic machine type F-288. The workpiece, clamped along the contour in a thin (less than the thickness of the part) collet plate, moves between two end mills mounted on two horizontal milling heads. The parts are fed into the loading device using a vibrating hopper.

Grinding of the outer planes of the plates is carried out with a grinding wheel mounted on the vertical spindle of the machine. The dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of the part depend on the qualifications of the performer and timely and careful straightening of wheels that quickly become greasy. This finishing method is used when the workpieces are insufficiently rigid.

The vibration cleaner on the PR-314 installation is used to remove burrs. During the cleaning process, the part moves under the action of directed vibration between two disks - cast iron with a notch and a clamping one.

The listed methods for processing the outer surfaces of platinums relate to the mass production of small-sized parts. Face machining of large-sized plates, especially when manufactured in small batches, is carried out using conventional methods.

Machining of platinum holes. The most critical operations in the technological process of manufacturing platinum are those associated with obtaining holes precisely located relative to each other, coaxial and perpendicular to the plane. In addition, the holes must have precise dimensions and geometric shape, as well as a certain surface roughness.

Platinums usually have a significant number of holes - basic ones for processing; holes for the journals of bearing axles, for connecting columns of pins, threaded holes for screws, as well as inspection holes and windows that allow viewing parts and assemblies of mechanisms.

Depending on the dimensions of the plates, the diameter and purpose of the holes, the requirements for dimensional accuracy and the relative position of the holes, various processing methods are used.

The required exact location of holes in the plates can be achieved using the following methods: drilling according to manual markings; drilling holes in the conductor; punching holes in dies; drilling with preliminary punching of parts on dies; drilling followed by calibration in dies; processing using installation templates.

Boring and milling of ledges and nests. Cylindrical sockets in plates and bridges are bored on two-spindle semi-automatic lathes using the plunge method; if necessary, with transverse feed of the cutter (depending on the profile of the socket and the rigidity of the part). The part is installed along the base holes, sometimes along the contour.

2.3. Production infrastructure of the enterprise OJSC Saturn

Currently, the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn is represented by auxiliary and service industries. Auxiliary includes: tool production (equipment bureau), repair and construction department. Service production is represented by divisions providing transportation, thermal and electrical engineering services for the enterprise, logistics and quality control services.

Functional services ensure the implementation of the full cycle of enterprise activities, from product design to sales.

Let's take a closer look at each division.

1. Tool production. Bureau of technological equipment. Head – Deputy Chief Technologist Gennady Nikolaevich Tsarenko. The head of tool shop No. 18 is Andrey Vladimirovich Morgunov. Technical preparation of production is carried out by the tool and repair shop No. 18 and the technical training bureau. Their areas of activity and tasks: timely provision of the enterprise with equipment (molds, injection molds, dies, fixtures, conductors, etc.), tools - both self-made and purchased, non-standard equipment (structural design and manufacturing).

Production sections of the service: equipment section - it produces equipment and tools; manufacturing area for non-standard equipment and metal structures; equipment repair area; technical training bureau - it provides Saturn with purchased tools, designs non-standard equipment, its components and mechanisms.

Tool workers are the most highly qualified workers; their training requires at least five years. Anyone who has completed the school of tool repair production is able to work successfully in any production or auxiliary workshop and solve problems of any complexity. The main tasks of tool shop No. 18 are to manufacture and carry out repairs of technological equipment and tools; production of non-standard equipment; repair of enterprise equipment.

In the process of concentration of production, the workshop included workshops No. 44 and 8. Today, the workshop has two production areas: equipment manufacturing and a non-standard equipment area.

The tooling department produces and repairs molds, dies, fixtures, and jigs. The most complex ones are injection molds made of aluminum alloys. The dies of workshop No. 18 remain operational even after a million blows.

The non-standard equipment section is engaged in the manufacture of metal structures for all workshops and services of the plant, from decorative to complex equipment for galvanic production.

In connection with the development and increase in production volumes, workshop No. 18 produces an increasing amount of equipment of various levels of complexity. For the prompt and high-quality development of technological processes and other necessary technical documentation, the latest software and computer equipment are used.

2. Repair and construction department. Head of the department Nikolai Vitalievich Primak. Just like 60 years ago, the repair and construction department has a wide range of tasks. The repair and construction department of OJSC Saturn carries out work that contributes to the development of the main production of the enterprise. At its production site (carpentry shop No. 15), containers for the plant’s products, as well as doors and windows, are manufactured. Everything is done with good quality.

Today, the RSO team consists of six engineers and more than thirty joiners, carpenters, painters, cardboard makers, roofers, batchers, tilers, masons, and finishers.

3. Department of the Chief Power Engineer. The head of the department is the chief power engineer Alexander Nikolaevich Chursin. Energy is a fundamental component of any enterprise. The energy service of JSC Saturn has always been and remains the “circulatory system” of the enterprise. Since the establishment of the plant, for 60 years, it has been working for the benefit of the team and solving the most important problems.

The OGE is in charge of all electrical facilities of the enterprise, including substations, electric furnaces, electric welding equipment, boiler plants, refrigeration and compressor stations, power equipment, electrical and heat networks, steam pipelines, water supply and much more.

Among the priority tasks of the department are providing production with electricity, steam, heat and water, proper operation and timely repair of energy equipment and the energy system; control over the rational use of energy resources; ensuring stable quality of repair work on JSC Saturn power systems.

The department of the chief power engineer subordinates the heating and plumbing shop and the electrical shop. Recently, at the enterprise, with the participation of OGE, a large amount of work has been carried out to modernize and overhaul the energy sector: a steam boiler was put into operation, new feed pumps were installed in the boiler room, heating units were repaired in buildings, and the heating system was replaced in many workshops. Transformers are being overhauled, water pipes are being replaced in a number of buildings, and heating systems are being repaired. And there are even more large-scale tasks ahead to replace technological equipment and utilities, modernize the cable networks of the enterprise’s substations, and transfer the boiler house to gas supply.

4. Thermal engineering workshop No. 9. The head of the workshop is Vladislav Nikolaevich Vorobyov. The heat engineering workshop includes: a boiler room that generates heat and steam; fuel oil pumping station; second lift station - it supplies water to the enterprise and fills drinking water supply tanks; a neutralization station that receives and neutralizes industrial wastewater; sewage pumping station, providing wastewater reception and disposal; compressor station (production and supply of compressed air to equipment); refrigeration section - it serves refrigeration units; installation area – carries out installation of all types of pipelines and installation of sanitary ware; ventilation section - responsible for the installation and repair of ventilation units; operational section (current repairs of pipelines).

The workshop has replaced outdated power equipment. Old process pipelines were also replaced. In the near future, it is planned to purchase and install a KVGM water heating boiler and further replace outdated process pipelines and pumping equipment at the neutralization station.

5. Electrical shop No. 14. The head of the workshop is Alexander Ivanovich Emelyanov. The main task of the electrical shop is to provide an uninterrupted and trouble-free supply of electricity to the enterprise, perform electrical installation and repair work on electrical equipment, maintain it in good condition, and provide telephone communications to the plant’s departments. In addition to factory consumers, many social, household and industrial enterprises in the Central District of Omsk are also powered from the networks of Saturn OJSC.

The workshop includes a number of divisions. The high-voltage section, which is headed by the deputy shop manager A.G. Kazantsev, ensures the operation of the main step-down substation GPP-18, three distribution points and fifteen transformer substations. Electrical Engineering Laboratory, headed by B.K. Anderzhanov, tests protective equipment, electrical equipment, searches for damaged cable lines, and repairs high-voltage technological equipment.

Among the tasks of the installation and operational section are the installation of power and lighting networks, the operation of technological equipment and networks, and the restoration of failed electric motors and transformers. The communications section ensures reliable operation of automatic telephone exchanges and networks, installation of internal communication lines.

6. Quality control service. The head of the service is Vyacheslav Vasilievich Kislitsyn. The service carries out technical control necessary to guarantee the release of high-quality products. Its tasks include carrying out preventive measures, as well as helping to eliminate identified problems, and analyzing the results of the enterprise’s activities in matters of quality.

Service employees provide acceptance tests of finished products, monitor their labeling, container quality, preservation and packaging, and conduct incoming inspection of raw materials, supplies, and purchased products entering the plant.

In addition, operational and acceptance control of the quality and completeness of finished products (presentation tests), and other control operations that are provided for by the approved technological process are carried out. All this is done in order to prevent the release of products that do not meet the requirements of standards, design and technological documentation.

In February 2007, OJSC Saturn successfully passed the recertification procedure for compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of national standards GOST ISO 90001 2001 and GOST RV 15.002-2003. As a result, a QMS Compliance Certificate was issued until March 14, 2010.

The quality control service includes: a quality management bureau, a technical control bureau in production shops, and an incoming control laboratory.

As in previous years, today the laboratory carries out incoming quality control of purchased products: materials, components, etc., and also carries out complaint work with suppliers.

Chapter 3. Ways to improve the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn

3.1. Measures to improve the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn

The rational organization of the work of all auxiliary production is the most important reserve for stabilizing the main production, increasing production volumes, further increasing labor productivity and increasing the efficiency of the enterprise.

The enterprise has been building and developing its production infrastructure for more than half a century. Knowing that the company had to cope with the crisis twice, we can say that there is not a lot of free cash at the company. In the event of bankruptcy, one can imagine what an area of ​​27 hectares in the very center of the city with access roads and railways will turn into.

The enterprise needs to constantly monitor and optimize all processes, production methods, costs, etc. Management faces many alternative ways to solve this problem. As part of the work, we will consider some of them regarding the organization of the production infrastructure of Saturn OJSC.

1. Since the mid-1980s, tool production equipment at the enterprise has practically not been replaced. At the moment, 243 out of 304 pieces of equipment with an average standard service life of 20 years have been in use for about 25 years (Appendix 2). With timely repairs, the equipment may still work for some time, but the situation must be controlled. First of all, you need to analyze all the equipment in order to find out the approximate period of further use. Equipment that, according to these estimates, will not last more than 1-2 years must be replaced, since the purchase or manufacture of components for repair is more expensive than the purchase of new equipment. To replace all equipment, you will need only 20,382,660 rubles. The event will pay for itself in 8 months.

2. The need to modernize the structure of cable networks has long become obvious to the management of the enterprise, due to an increase in capacity, wear and tear of wiring, and rising costs due to damaged areas. According to the company’s calculations, costs due to cable damage exceed 2 million 490 thousand rubles per year. Carrying out the event will require costs in the amount of 4 million 747 thousand 75 rubles, 1003 hours of work or 125 working days of 8 hours per shift. Such high one-time costs are justified by the fact that over two years the company spends the same amount on setting up the network and correcting defects.

3, The tool shop's cargo flow is constantly increasing, but with the existing capacity of loaders per year, it reaches a maximum of 18,000,000 kg per year. It is proposed to replace electric forklifts with a nominal load capacity of 1000 kg and a travel speed of 12 km/h with more powerful forklifts with characteristics of 3000 kg and 18 km/h, respectively. We believe that by increasing the loading volume of one forklift, the costs of its purchase and maintenance will cover the costs of operating the existing three electric forklifts.

3.2. Changes in the need for resource support for production

The maximum cargo flow at the enterprise in tool shop No. 18 is 18,000,000 kg per year. The electric forklifts of the EP-103KIO series used in the workshop are now obsolete. At the moment, JSC ZiK in Yekaterinburg offers a modern alternative, namely the AP-3010 series forklift. Here are some indicators to compare these loaders.

Table 4

Indicators for comparison of loaders of the EP-103KIO and AP-3010 series

Let's calculate the economic efficiency of the measure to replace EP-103KIO electric forklifts with domestically produced AP-3010 forklifts, which increase the cargo flow in the workshop.

Currently, the company uses 3 electric forklifts, each of which is controlled by a driver. We will calculate the hourly, daily and annual capacity of each and all three loaders before introducing new ones. The one-way route is 115 m (1.15 km), and 2.3 km in both directions. The time taken for one round trip is:


Time for loading and unloading – 9.4 minutes (0.14 hours), i.e. the time of one flight is:


Operating hours of the enterprise: 250 days in one shift of 8 hours.


Table 5

Hourly, daily and annual capacity of EP-103KIO electric forklifts at Saturn OJSC in 2008.

The cost of one new loader according to the price list of OJSC ZiK, including VAT, transportation costs and installation costs, is 347,863.2 rubles.

, (1)

where is the number of transport units; - effective working time fund of the vehicle; - volume of transport loading per flight; - planned volume of transportation (cargo flow); - length of movement, including return of empty transport; - average speed of transport.

We find the required number of AP-3010 forklifts using formula (1):


Consequently, three electric forklifts can be replaced with one forklift costing 347,863.2 rubles.

In addition, electric forklifts are still quite usable, so selling them at the current market value to any entrepreneur or supplier will not be difficult. Currently, EP-103KIO electric forklifts are priced at approximately 109,000 rubles per unit. It is also obvious that two employees will be released, who can either be dismissed from the company or they can be given other jobs depending on their qualifications.

It became obvious that the new loader would not only replace the old 3, but also increase the cargo flow at the enterprise. Let's calculate the time it will take to complete one flight:


Table 6

Hourly, daily and annual capacity of AP-3010 forklifts at OJSC Saturn in 2008.

Thus, if we carry out an event to replace three electric forklifts in workshop No. 18 with one forklift, then we can:

1) increase the hourly transportation of cargo per forklift by 7875 kg; daily transportation – 63000kg; annual transportation - 3,750,000 kg.

2) reduce the time of one flight by 0.06 hours.

3) release two workers.

Now it is necessary to calculate how the event will affect the net profit of the enterprise. Expenses for intra-factory movement of goods are classified as general production expenses, the share of which is 0.0066% of all expenses for items of product cost calculation.

Savings from holding an event are inherently an increase in the profit of the enterprise.

Let's look at the changes that will occur during the event:

1) the release of two workers (in case of their dismissal) will reduce wage costs, which in 2008 amounted to approximately 58,417 thousand rubles. per month and 701,004 per year per worker. This also applies to the unified social tax on this amount (the basic UST rate from 01/01/05 is 26%, plus insurance against injuries and accidents, which is 0.5% in mechanical engineering). Thus, the company's expenses will be reduced by rubles.

2) The cost of one acid battery (battery) for an electric forklift is 7,650 rubles. For three electric forklifts, their cost will be rub. The battery lasts for 8 hours and then needs to be charged. Charging the battery requires 34.28 kWh of energy. within 7 hours. The cost of 1 kW for an enterprise is 12.53 rubles/kWh. Thus, charging three batteries costs RUB. in year. The cost of one liter of diesel fuel for a forklift is 23.5 rubles. The forklift consumes 13 liters per 100 km. The loader travels km per year. and consumes liters of fuel for this. Fuel costs will be RUR/year. By subtracting the new costs from the post-event savings, the business will save RUB. in year.

3) The amount of savings must include the sale of three electric forklifts for 109,000 rubles each. for a unit. Then the savings will be RUB. To the expense item you need to add the amount for the purchase of a forklift in the amount of 347,863.2 rubles.

Let's calculate the savings (profit) from the event:

Rub. in 2008

3.3. Changes in organizational and economic indicators of the enterprise

The annual economic impact is the difference between the annual total revenues from the event and the annual total costs. Let's calculate the annual economic effect of the event using the reduced cost method, in which capital costs are adjusted by a coefficient inverse to the payback period.

Along with the annual economic effect, the payback period is also calculated based on the same indicators.

The payback period is the ratio of all one-time expenses for the event to the annual profit from the event (), which is defined as the difference between resource savings and the current costs of implementing the event.

The payback period is approximately calculated through the ratio of capital costs and annual profit.

The result is obtained in years. The normal payback period for industry can range from 4 to 10 years. In this case, the payback period is very short, because the event is not related to the main production, and the costs of its implementation are very insignificant compared to the income of the enterprise, which amounted to 30,535,000 rubles. in 2008

The proposed event will not have a significant effect on the profit of the enterprise, therefore, as part of this course work, we will construct a break-even chart in order to determine which method of transporting goods is less expensive.

To do this, you need to compare on the graph which of the total cost lines lies below the other before reaching the break-even point. Total cost lines are the result of summing fixed costs and variable costs per unit volume. We will calculate the volume in natural units - in kilograms.




Rice. 4. Break-even schedule by methods of cargo transportation before and after the introduction of a new loader at Saturn OJSC

The graph shows that the lines of total costs before and after the event will not intersect. Thus, it is more profitable to carry out the event, since the costs of a new forklift are much lower than with three electric forklifts, and the costs do not increase too sharply with the increase in the volume of cargo transported.


The quality of the products produced at the enterprise depends on how rational the activity of the production infrastructure is, despite the fact that it is not directly related to the manufacture of goods.

The course work examined the organization of the enterprise's production infrastructure from a theoretical point of view, as well as using the example of OJSC Saturn in the city of Omsk, a brief description of whose activities is also presented.

The organizational and production structure of OJSC Saturn testifies to the large-scale activities of the enterprise, its capabilities, and the large volume of products produced and sold both for government orders and for public consumption.

During the study of this topic, it was concluded that the enterprise needs to optimize the activities of the production infrastructure. Measures to improve it were proposed, one of which was discussed in detail.

Currently, the enterprise is implementing a policy of optimizing all operations and work, so it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of measures at the development and planning stage.

Through calculations and analysis using the method of constructing a break-even chart, it became obvious that costs would decrease after the event.


1. Vyvarets, A.D. Enterprise economics: textbook / A.D. Vyvarets. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2007. – 543 p.

2. Gracheva, K.A. Organization and planning of mechanical engineering production (production management): Textbook / K.A. Gracheva, M.K. Zakharov, ed. Yu.V. Skvortsova, L.A. Nekrasova. – M.: “Higher School”, 2003. – 470 p.

3. Gruzinov, V.P. Enterprise economics (entrepreneurial): a textbook for universities / V.P. Gruzinov. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. – 795 p.

4. Egorova, T.A. Organization of production at mechanical engineering enterprises / T.A. Egorova. – M.: Peter, 2004. – 304 p.

5. Ivanov, I.N. Organization of production at industrial enterprises: Textbook / I.N. Ivanov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2008. – 352 p.

6. Kozhekin, G.Ya. Organization of production: Textbook / G.Ya. Kozhekin, L.M. Tit. – Mn.: Ecoperspective, 1998. – 402 p.

7. Novitsky, N.I. Organization, planning and production management / N.I. Novitsky. – M.: KNORUS, 2008 – 320 p.

8. Pereverzev, M.P. Organization of production at industrial enterprises / M.P. Pereverzev, S.I. Logvinov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. – 336 p.

9. Ostafiev, V.A. Technological processes for manufacturing instrument parts / Ed. V.A. Ostafieva. – K.: Vishcha school. Head publishing house, 1983. – 208 p.

10. Orbits of Saturn. Open Joint Stock Company "Saturn" - 60 years. – Novosibirsk: Priobskie Vedomosti Publishing House, 2009. – 136 p.

11. Savitskaya, G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise: Textbook / G.V. Savitskaya. – 5th ed. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009. – 345 p.

12. Safronov, N.A. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / N.A. Safronov. – M.: “Yurist”, 1998. – 584 p.

13. Sergeev, I.V. Economics of organizations (enterprises): textbook. / Ed. I.V. Sergeeva. – 3rd ed., revised. and floor. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2006. – 560 p.

14. Turovets, O.G. Organization of production and enterprise management: Textbook / O.G. Turovets, M.I. Bukhalkov and others; edited by O.G.Turovets. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003.-528 p.

15. Fatkhutdinov, R.A. Organization of production: Textbook / R.A. Fatkhutdinov. – M.: INFRA – M., 2000. – 543 p.

16. Yarkina, T.V. Fundamentals of enterprise economics: textbook / T.V. Yarkina. – M.: “INFRA-M”, 2005. – 79 p.

Composition of tool production equipment of OJSC Saturn in 2008

Name of technical process

Production capacity, pcs/year, norm/hour/year

Size of manufactured equipment, mm

Equipment used by group

Number of equipment by age, units

Average standard service life, years

Cost of equipment per unit, rub.

Number of units


Standard measuring instruments

Metal cutter.



Metal cutter.


Metal cutter.


Devices, conductors

Metal cutter.


Cutting tools

Metal cutter.



Metal cutter.


Foundry molds

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the production infrastructure of an enterprise
1.1. The concept and role of production infrastructure
1.2. Auxiliary units
1.3. Service farms
Chapter 2. Characteristics of the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn
2.1. Brief description and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise
2.2. Features of the technological process for manufacturing platinum
2.3. Production infrastructure of the enterprise OJSC Saturn
Chapter 3. Ways to improve the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn
3.1. Measures to improve the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn
3.2. Changes in the need for resource support for production
3.3. Changes in organizational and economic indicators of the enterprise


In a modern market economy, enterprises can exist and develop stably not only due to the availability of financial resources, but also due to the optimization of their distribution in all areas of the enterprise’s activities. The structure of production should be distinguished by a well-thought-out management apparatus. Today, only a few large enterprises can confidently say that they cope with this task at least 80%.

This course work will examine all the main stages of organizing production infrastructure using the example of OJSC Saturn, which has been on the market for more than 60 years.

The relevance of the course work is confirmed by the fact that the work of any enterprise directly depends on the rational organization of the production infrastructure, and the better the management policy in this type of activity is developed, the higher the efficiency of the production process will be with minimal expenditure of productive forces.

The main goal of the work is to study the process of organizing the infrastructure of a manufacturing enterprise from the point of view of its efficiency.

The objectives of the course work include:

1) in-depth study of the enterprise infrastructure, both in theoretical and practical aspects;

2) familiarization with the work of the defense enterprise;

3) study of the main directions for improving the organization of production using the example of an enterprise in the city of Omsk;

4) obtaining and consolidating skills in calculating basic economic indicators and performance indicators.

The course work contains an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the production infrastructure of an enterprise

1.1. The concept and role of production infrastructure

The organizational structure of an enterprise is a complex dynamic system consisting of interconnected and functionally separate subsystems that are in constant development and improvement in accordance with their tasks and goals. The central subsystem of such a system is the main production, the structure and composition of which depend on the nature and technological features of the products being manufactured and production volumes.

To organize the production process, it is necessary to timely provide the main production with means of labor, material resources, workers of relevant specialties, profession and qualifications. The park of technological equipment and machines, depending on the composition of technological operations, requires a variety of technological equipment and provision of all types of energy resources. During operation, labor tools wear out and lose their performance, therefore, to ensure constant technical preparation of the fleet of machinery and equipment, continuous monitoring of their technical condition, maintenance and repair are necessary.

In the production process, raw materials, materials, and semi-finished products must be repeatedly moved from operation to operation and between production departments, their quality must be controlled, and the safety of inventories, work in progress and finished products must be ensured. To ensure the efficiency of an enterprise, appropriate systems of planning, accounting, control and information support of production resources are required.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the functions that an enterprise must perform to organize the production of products: providing, supporting, restorative, control, accounting, training. These functions are performed by the structural divisions of the enterprise, united into a single subsystem called enterprise infrastructure.

The infrastructure of an enterprise is a set of workshops, sections, farms and services of an enterprise that have a subordinate auxiliary nature and provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the enterprise as a whole.

The production infrastructure of an enterprise is a set of departments that are not directly related to product production.

Their main purpose is to maintain the main production processes. These include auxiliary and service workshops and farms involved in the movement of objects of labor, supplying production with raw materials, fuel, all types of energy, maintenance and repair of equipment and other means of labor, storage of material assets, sales of finished products, their transportation and other processes intended for creating normal conditions for production.

Rice. 1. Composition of the enterprise’s production infrastructure

Maintenance work for the main production is carried out by auxiliary departments and service departments: instrumental, repair, transport, energy, logistics and technical control services.

1.2. Auxiliary units

1) The tool department at the enterprise is created to carry out work to provide production with tools and technological equipment, organize their storage, operation and repair.

The tool economy at the enterprise includes production units (sites, workshops) for the production of tools, storage and component departments (central tool warehouse, workshop tool-distributing storerooms); instrument restoration and repair units; departments for instrumentation of workplaces.

Rice. 2. Composition and relationship of tool departments

The Technical Supervision and Metrology Department carries out technical supervision over the operation of equipment and monitors its condition. The tool shop is designed for the production of new special technological equipment. The equipment repair and restoration workshop carries out work to restore worn-out technological equipment or repair it. The central tool warehouse accepts new and restored technological equipment; organizes storage, accounting of the stock and movement of technological equipment, issuance of it to the workshop tool and dispensing storerooms (IRC); organizes the reception of worn-out equipment from the workshop IRCs and its transfer to the restoration and repair shop.

2) Repair facilities. The main task of the enterprise's repair facilities is to ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment. The repair service in the enterprise management system is subordinate to the chief engineer. It includes: the repair and restoration base of the enterprise, warehouses, workshops and general plant repair departments (technological, equipment, dispatch).

Depending on the scale of production, the repair and restoration base of the enterprise may contain a mechanical repair shop that carries out repairs of technological equipment; a repair and construction shop that carries out repairs of buildings, structures, production, warehouse and office premises; an electrical repair shop, subordinate to the chief power engineer and performing repairs of power equipment, as well as warehouses for equipment and spare parts. In addition, in workshops it is advisable to create repair bases subordinate to the shop mechanic, whose main task is to maintain process equipment in working condition, carry out preventive inspections, and various repair work.

General plant repair departments are subordinate to the chief mechanic, along with the mechanical repair and repair and construction shops. Together with these divisions, a preventive maintenance bureau and a planning and production bureau can be organized in his service.

One of the conditions for the effective organization of work of any enterprise is the presence of a well-functioning mechanism for performing repair work. The lower the share of costs for repairs, maintenance and maintenance of equipment in the cost of production, the higher the efficiency of production and the repair facility itself. To prevent irrational losses in production and reduce repair costs, a system of scheduled preventive maintenance is used.


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the production infrastructure of an enterprise

1.1. The concept and role of production infrastructure

1.3. Service farms

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn

2.1. Brief description and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

2.2. Features of the technological process for manufacturing platinum

2.3. Production infrastructure of the enterprise OJSC Saturn

Chapter 3. Ways to improve the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn

3.1. Measures to improve the production infrastructure of OJSC Saturn

3.2. Changes in the need for resource support for production

3.3. Changes in organizational and economic indicators of the enterprise





In a modern market economy, enterprises can exist and develop stably not only due to the availability of financial resources, but also due to the optimization of their distribution in all areas of the enterprise’s activities. The structure of production should be distinguished by a well-thought-out management apparatus. Today, only a few large enterprises can confidently say that they cope with this task at least 80%.

This course work will examine all the main stages of organizing production infrastructure using the example of OJSC Saturn, which has been on the market for more than 60 years.

The relevance of the course work is confirmed by the fact that the work of any enterprise directly depends on the rational organization of the production infrastructure, and the better the management policy in this type of activity is developed, the higher the efficiency of the production process will be with minimal expenditure of productive forces.

The main goal of the work is to study the process of organizing the infrastructure of a manufacturing enterprise from the point of view of its efficiency.

The objectives of the course work include:

1) in-depth study of the enterprise infrastructure, both in theoretical and practical aspects;

2) familiarization with the work of the defense enterprise;

3) study of the main directions for improving the organization of production using the example of an enterprise in the city of Omsk;

4) obtaining and consolidating skills in calculating basic economic indicators and performance indicators.

The course work contains an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the production infrastructure of an enterprise

      The concept and role of production infrastructure

The organizational structure of an enterprise is a complex dynamic system consisting of interconnected and functionally separate subsystems that are in constant development and improvement in accordance with their tasks and goals. The central subsystem of such a system is the main production, the structure and composition of which depend on the nature and technological features of the products being manufactured and production volumes.

To organize the production process, it is necessary to timely provide the main production with means of labor, material resources, workers of relevant specialties, profession and qualifications. The park of technological equipment and machines, depending on the composition of technological operations, requires a variety of technological equipment and provision of all types of energy resources. During operation, labor tools wear out and lose their performance, therefore, to ensure constant technical preparation of the fleet of machinery and equipment, continuous monitoring of their technical condition, maintenance and repair are necessary.

In the production process, raw materials, materials, and semi-finished products must be repeatedly moved from operation to operation and between production departments, their quality must be controlled, and the safety of inventories, work in progress and finished products must be ensured. To ensure the efficiency of an enterprise, appropriate systems of planning, accounting, control and information support of production resources are required.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the functions that an enterprise must perform to organize the production of products: providing, supporting, restorative, control, accounting, training. These functions are performed by the structural divisions of the enterprise, united into a single subsystem called enterprise infrastructure.

The infrastructure of an enterprise is a set of workshops, sections, farms and services of an enterprise that have a subordinate auxiliary nature and provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the enterprise as a whole.

The production infrastructure of an enterprise is a set of departments that are not directly related to product production.

Their main purpose is to maintain the main production processes. These include auxiliary and service workshops and farms involved in the movement of objects of labor, supplying production with raw materials, fuel, all types of energy, maintenance and repair of equipment and other means of labor, storage of material assets, sales of finished products, their transportation and other processes intended for creating normal conditions for production.

Rice. 1. Composition of the enterprise’s production infrastructure

Maintenance work for the main production is carried out by auxiliary departments and service departments: instrumental, repair, transport, energy, logistics and technical control services.

1.2. Auxiliary units

1) The tool department at the enterprise is created to carry out work to provide production with tools and technological equipment, organize their storage, operation and repair.

The tool economy at the enterprise includes production units (sites, workshops) for the production of tools, storage and component departments (central tool warehouse, workshop tool-distributing storerooms); instrument restoration and repair units; departments for instrumentation of workplaces.

Rice. 2. Composition and relationship of tool departments

The Technical Supervision and Metrology Department carries out technical supervision over the operation of equipment and monitors its condition. The tool shop is designed for the production of new special technological equipment. The equipment repair and restoration workshop carries out work to restore worn-out technological equipment or repair it. The central tool warehouse accepts new and restored technological equipment; organizes storage, accounting of the stock and movement of technological equipment, issuance of it to the workshop tool and dispensing storerooms (IRC); organizes the reception of worn-out equipment from the workshop IRCs and its transfer to the restoration and repair shop.

2) Repair facilities. The main task of the enterprise's repair facilities is to ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment. The repair service in the enterprise management system is subordinate to the chief engineer. It includes: the repair and restoration base of the enterprise, warehouses, workshops and general plant repair departments (technological, equipment, dispatch).

Depending on the scale of production, the repair and restoration base of the enterprise may contain a mechanical repair shop that carries out repairs of technological equipment; a repair and construction shop that carries out repairs of buildings, structures, production, warehouse and office premises; an electrical repair shop, subordinate to the chief power engineer and performing repairs of power equipment, as well as warehouses for equipment and spare parts. In addition, in workshops it is advisable to create repair bases subordinate to the shop mechanic, whose main task is to maintain process equipment in working condition, carry out preventive inspections, and various repair work.

General plant repair departments are subordinate to the chief mechanic, along with the mechanical repair and repair and construction shops. Together with these divisions, a preventive maintenance bureau and a planning and production bureau can be organized in his service.

One of the conditions for the effective organization of work of any enterprise is the presence of a well-functioning mechanism for performing repair work. The lower the share of costs for repairs, maintenance and maintenance of equipment in the cost of production, the higher the efficiency of production and the repair facility itself. To prevent irrational losses in production and reduce repair costs, a system of scheduled preventive maintenance is used.

System scheduled maintenance is a set of various types of work on technical maintenance and repair of equipment, carried out according to a pre-drawn plan in order to ensure the most efficient operation of the equipment.

Thus, work on the care, supervision, maintenance and repair of equipment in order to prevent increasing wear, prevent emergency situations and, as a result, maintain the equipment in constant readiness for work is the essence of the preventive maintenance system. It is based on equipment maintenance and scheduled repairs - current, medium and major.

Maintenance includes work on equipment inspection, accuracy testing, washing, lubrication, etc. These types of work are carried out according to a predetermined schedule and are periodic in nature with a clearly defined repeatability.

Planned repairs Based on the content of the work performed, labor intensity and frequency, they are divided into current, medium and capital.

Maintenance carried out during the operation of the equipment by replacing individual parts, parts, followed by checking for accuracy, alignment, etc.

Medium renovation is of a broader and more in-depth nature, since it is associated with the replacement of main parts, assemblies, and rubbing surfaces.

Major renovation is the most labor-intensive, time-consuming and expensive process associated with the complete replacement of main parts, assemblies, disassembly of engines and transformers.

The preventive maintenance system has a preventive nature. However, in the practice of operating equipment, emergency situations arise due to equipment failure and malfunctions. Costs associated with eliminating the consequences of accidents relate to unplanned expenses and have a negative impact on the performance of the enterprise.

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  • 2.9.1. General requirements

    The need to establish clear interaction in the work between production departments and services of the enterprise’s production infrastructure was noted above. The underestimation of this, consisting in the lack

    developed infrastructure adequate to the main production of the enterprise generally leads to serious economic losses. Under the conditions of centralized planning and the administrative-command system of managing the national economy, this took place. As a result, the backward repair, energy, tool or transport and warehousing industries constantly hampered the pace of development of the country's economy as a whole, not to mention the large economic losses of individual enterprises. By the way, in our opinion, the introduction of the concept of “auxiliary workers” was erroneous, which ultimately led to an underestimation or neglect of this important service activity both at enterprises and on a regional and national scale. If the production and workers are auxiliary, then, accordingly, the level of labor mechanization and qualifications are low, and the payment for such labor is much lower than in the main production.

    Therefore, the authors, while maintaining the term “auxiliary” that is well-established in domestic literature and textbooks (for example, auxiliary processes, etc.), at the same time believe that the concepts of “service”, “technical service sector” (instead of auxiliary production or auxiliary facilities), “production infrastructure of the enterprise”.

    It should be noted that a number of the country's leading economists at one time raised the question of a more correct interpretation of the above concepts. An example is the work of V.A. Letenko and O.G. Turovets “Organization of mechanical engineering production: theory and practice” (Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1982), where chapter VI is titled “Organization of production infrastructure,” although the first section of this chapter is also “Organization of auxiliary facilities of enterprises and the main tasks of its improvement.” In the textbook A.N. Antonov and L.S. Morozova “Fundamentals of modern organization of production” section 8.1, as before in the literature, is called “Organization of auxiliary facilities of enterprises”.

    In further presentation, the authors of this manual adhere to the more modern term “organization of the production infrastructure of an enterprise” (acceptable: “organization of maintenance or technical service at an enterprise”).

    The production infrastructure of an enterprise is understood as a complex of links that serve (provide) production with materials, raw materials, energy, components and semi-finished products, technological equipment and tools, as well as maintaining technological equipment (primarily technological equipment) in working condition.

    The complex of the above works constitutes the content of the technical service (maintenance) of production, the composition of the divisions of which includes instrumental, repair, energy, transport and supply and storage facilities at the enterprise. Sometimes this composition is expanded at the expense of other elements of the production organization, but the backbone of its infrastructure is made up of precisely these structural units of the enterprise. The composition of the infrastructure is determined by the needs of the enterprise's main production.

    It should be emphasized that the work of the divisions of the enterprise's production infrastructure is largely determined by the characteristics of the main production (primarily its type and forms), as well as the interaction between the enterprise and the external environment.

    The system for organizing the production infrastructure must be adequate to the organization of the main production at the enterprise. This system essentially includes functions to ensure the technical readiness of technological equipment (STO) and the movement of objects of labor in the production process. It is the most important subsystem of the enterprise's EPS, which is not directly involved in the creation of the main products, but actively contributes to the normal operation of the main production shops.

    Underestimation of the role of the organizational and economic system of production infrastructure (OES PI) of enterprises, as

    It is known that in our country it led to a significant slowdown in the growth of labor productivity and production efficiency at enterprises, a low level of mechanization of labor in this area, an unreasonable increase in the number of workers in it, and a low level of their qualifications and remuneration.

    We repeat that this was facilitated by the low status of production established under socialism, then called “auxiliary” and, accordingly, “auxiliary workers” in the national economy of the country. In order not to step on the same rake twice, one should count (as is customary in developed countries of the world) all employees of the enterprise according to the functions they perform, without specifically dividing them into main (“privileged”) and auxiliary (“minor”) categories . This raises the status, role and importance of workers in any field of activity, including the field of technical services at enterprises.

    We emphasize that such an attitude in terms of changing the role and content of technical service functions at an enterprise transfers them from the category of secondary ones, which receive little attention, to the category of determining ones, which requires new approaches to the forms and methods of work in the production infrastructure of the enterprise.

    This implies the need to train a new type of worker, not of a narrow, but of a broad, universal profile for OES PI, quickly adapting to the conditions of a market economy, ready for the constant combination of professions (especially in small enterprises), able to perform a large range of technical service work (i.e. functions of a toolmaker, electrician, service technician, repair worker, etc.).

    Even under the socialist way of life in the country, brigade forms of labor organization, integrated organization and production technology (including, as they called at that time, “auxiliary technological processes” in addition to the structure of the main ones) proved their effectiveness.

    Thus, all operations of the production process must be subject to organizational and technological

    work and technical standardization. The enterprise must create a single comprehensive technological process. This is achieved on the basis of clear regulation of all work at the enterprise, including the performance of technical service (maintenance) functions of production.

    In the process of such regulation, the necessary regulatory, organizational, methodological and technological documentation is developed, on the basis of which the service functions are linked to the work schedules of the main production divisions of the enterprise. In general, EPS PI should be aimed at increasing production efficiency, maximizing the reduction of production cycle duration and minimizing costs for EPS PI with high quality of production maintenance.

    Modern trends in the development of industrial infrastructure of enterprises come down to solving three main problems:

    • - increasing the organizational and technological level of the EPS PI;
    • - improving the production infrastructure of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of the main production;
    • - improving the organization and management of production based on the principles of logistics with consideration of basic and servicing processes, material flows, supply processes and sales of finished products in the form of a single integrated technological process.
    • 2.9.2. Organization of instrumental facilities

    The instrumental economy of the enterprise occupies a leading place in the organizational and economic system of production infrastructure (OES PI). The design and manufacture of a set of technological equipment is up to 80% in terms of labor intensity, and 90% in terms of duration of the total costs for technological preparation for the production of new products.

    The costs of equipping new products amount to 8-15% of the cost, and working capital invested in the manufacture and acquisition of technological equipment ranges from 15 to 40% of the total amount of working capital of the enterprise. At some enterprises, the number of tool workers is 20-25% of the number of workers employed in the main production.

    The data presented give an idea of ​​the important role that tools play in an enterprise. Taking into account the important role of providing production with technological equipment and the specifics of tooling, tooling services are organized at enterprises.

    The whole variety of tool management structures can be reduced to the following:

    • 1. At medium and large enterprises, a tool department or production is created.
    • 2. At small enterprises, a tool management bureau (BIH) or a tool group is organized.

    The most important condition for creating an effective system for organizing and managing the tool economy at an enterprise is compliance with the principles of specialization of tool departments and centralization. The latter means the need to create a centralized body at the enterprise that bears full responsibility for the provision of production tools.

    Taking into account the close organic connection between the instrumental management and technological preparation of production, usually in medium and large enterprises, the centralized instrument management body is subordinate to the chief engineer of the enterprise or his deputy, and in small enterprises - to the chief technologist.

    Instrumental divisions of production shops (for example, instrument-distributing storerooms - IRC) can be directly subordinate to the instrumental department, IIR (with centralized management)

    or in their functional subordination (with decentralization of instrumentation).

    Organizing the operation of technological equipment and tools, in addition to their production in the tool shop, is the main task of the enterprise’s tool economy and includes the following functions: organizing the work of the central tool warehouse (CIS) and the I&C of production shops; providing workplaces with equipment and tools; organization of sharpening, repair and restoration of tools; technical supervision. At large enterprises, all work on the operation of technological equipment and tools is centrally carried out through a special operation workshop.

    CIS, as a comprehensive mechanized unit, accepts, checks, stores, issues and records the movement of tools in the enterprise. The issuance of tools for operation is carried out through the IRC of the workshops. Accounting in the CIS is carried out using cards that indicate the name, index, and established norms for issuing instruments according to the “minimum-maximum reserves” system (Fig. 2.9).

    The essence of this system is to calculate, using a certain methodology, three tool stock standards: minimum - maximum - order point and organize continuous tooling, based on monitoring and shop signals. An order for the manufacture or purchase of a tool is issued when its inventory reaches the order point.

    The minimum stock Z min is defined as the product of the average daily requirement (I d) by the period of urgent production or acquisition (T s):

    The maximum tool stock Z max is calculated as the product of the average daily requirement by the period of receipt of the order batch (T p) plus the minimum stock according to the formula

    Rice. 2.9.

    The stock of tools at the order point (Z T3) is determined taking into account the production period of the next batch (T pairs)

    Thus, the stock of one or another type of instrument in the digital information system is maintained within the minimum and maximum levels through an “order point”. The minimum stock is an insurance stock and is used in the event of a delay in the receipt of the next batch of the order at the CIS.

    Based on calculations of the need for tools of a specific type and taking into account the production programs of workshops, the tool department (ID) sets annual,

    quarterly and monthly limits for their receipt and consumption for each production department of the enterprise.

    In single and small-scale production, the total need for tools I is determined as the sum of the products of the consumption rates of each of the types of tools used in the workshops of the enterprise during an hour of equipment operation by the planned number of operating hours of a specific standard size of equipment T pl:

    where m is the number of standard sizes of equipment;

    a in - tool consumption rates per hour of equipment operation.

    In mass and large-scale production, the total need for cutting tools is determined as the sum of tool consumption rates for the production of 1000 pieces. each part, multiplied by the number of names of manufactured parts according to the production program.

    The annual need for tools is determined by adjusting the expenditure fund by the amount of shortage (or excess) for each standard size of tool at the CIS and in the workshops' I&C.

    Restoration, as an important source of tool replenishment, can cover up to 1/3 of the tool demand in an enterprise. In this case, a new tool is issued to the workshop IRC only to replace the worn one. After sorting, worn-out tools are sent to certain areas of the tool shop for restoration.

    In conditions of frequently changing mass production, a system is used to issue widely used tools from the warehouse to production shops according to a limit card developed by the technical supervision service of the tool department without completing the relevant requirements and other documents. At the same time, the time for issuing and receiving instruments is reduced; simplifies the order

    instrumentation; the possibility of mechanizing work using computer systems is achieved.

    At serial production sites, it is recommended to use a planned preventative system for servicing workplaces with tools. In these workshops, production preparation groups are created, headed by a dispatcher, and instrumentation and picking cards are drawn up for all detail operations.

    At production sites of single and small-scale type, an on-duty system of instrumental maintenance is used, in which the issuance of the necessary equipment is carried out upon request from the workplace (with the execution of the relevant documents). The preparation of instruments in the IRC is carried out in advance by the decision of the dispatcher or foreman, according to shift-daily assignments. In conditions of low-repetitive production, it is advisable to create the minimum required stock of equipment at workplaces.

    We emphasize that when choosing the optimal option for a tool supply system for production departments, one should proceed from the principle of achieving timely and high-quality delivery of tools with minimal costs for service processes, taking into account the losses caused by the organization of these processes.

    2.9.3. Organization of repair and energy facilities

    At an enterprise, during operation, technological equipment is subject to physical and moral wear and tear, requiring constant repair, as a result of which the original condition of the equipment is restored, and with appropriate modernization, its technical characteristics can be improved.

    Practice shows that the costs of repair and maintenance of equipment at enterprises are constantly increasing due to wear and tear, and the number of repairs

    These workers often reach 12-15% of the total number of workers.

    The main task of the repair facility at the enterprise is to ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment with minimal repair costs. This problem is solved through the effective organization of routine maintenance of equipment during its operation, timely scheduled maintenance, modernization of outdated equipment, and increasing the organizational and technological level of the repair facilities at the enterprise.

    Typically, at enterprises, the repair department is headed by a chief mechanic, whose service includes the chief mechanic’s department, a mechanical repair shop (RMS), and a warehouse for equipment and spare parts. This department carries out design, technological, production and economic planning work for the entire repair facility.

    The structure of the RMC includes such areas (departments) as dismantling, procurement, mechanical, assembly, restoration of parts and assemblies, painting, etc. Mechanics of production shops are usually subordinated to their managers administratively, and functionally to the chief mechanic of the enterprise.

    Repair and maintenance of equipment at enterprises is carried out by RMC and repair services of production shops. Depending on the share of work, three forms of organization are distinguished: centralized, decentralized and mixed.

    In a centralized form, all types of repairs, as well as technical maintenance (MOT), are carried out by the enterprise's RMC. This form of organization is used in small enterprises of single and small-scale production.

    In a decentralized form, all types of repairs and maintenance are carried out by workshop repair bases (CRBs) under the guidance of workshop mechanics. In some cases, by special decision of the chief mechanic, the RMC carries out major repairs of equipment. Specified odds

    MA organization is used in large enterprises of mass and large-scale production.

    With a mixed form of organization of repair work, the most complex and labor-intensive repair work is carried out by the RMC, and maintenance, current, unscheduled repairs are carried out by the Central District Hospital. This form of organization is used in most enterprises in modern production and economic conditions.

    Rational organization of repair work at the enterprise ensures a reduction in equipment downtime for repairs and an increase in the degree of its use. This is achieved by reducing the labor intensity of repair work through the introduction of advanced technology and organization of repairs, comprehensive mechanization and automation of processes; specialization of repair production and maintenance; introduction of the nodal repair method, when units subject to repair are replaced with repaired or new ones, etc.

    Developed in our country back in the 1930s. The system of planned preventive maintenance (PPR) then became widespread both at domestic enterprises and abroad. This system has been widely covered in the literature, including recent publications.

    Unfortunately, in the last 15 years, due to significant changes in industry and the implementation of market reforms at domestic enterprises, the well-proven PPR system has been little used. Scientific research and searches for new modern maintenance and repair (MRO) systems applicable to various operating conditions of business facilities are necessary.

    So, for example, M.V. Vinogradov and Z.I. Panin in the training manual “Organization and planning of activities of service enterprises” in this area of ​​​​work note the following: “Since service enterprises are mostly small, branded service is increasingly used here for equipment repair

    living, which is undertaken by specialized divisions of the manufacturer. They monitor the operating conditions and operating mode of the equipment, and carry out all types of repairs. Branded service improves the quality of repairs, ensures increased reliability and trouble-free operation; reduces equipment downtime for repairs; simplifies the planning, production and distribution of spare parts, reducing their inventories.”

    The maintenance and repair system should be understood as a set of interrelated norms, regulations and measures that determine the organization and implementation of equipment maintenance and repair work at the enterprise.

    The essence of the maintenance and repair system, as well as the Unified PPR system, boils down to the fact that after a certain period of equipment operation, the enterprise carries out specific sets of work according to a pre-developed schedule. But unlike PPR, in the maintenance and repair system the main emphasis is on technical maintenance (MOT), based on technical diagnostics, in order to prevent failures in the operation of equipment, subject to ensuring its maximum possible operating time.

    Maintenance is a full range of operations to maintain the functionality or serviceability of equipment. It includes separate complexes:

    E - all work performed by production workers every shift (instructions for operation and care of equipment);

    TO-1 - a set of works performed once a week;

    TO-2 - a set of works performed once a month;

    TO-3 - a set of works performed once every three months;

    TO-4 and TO-5 - respectively, after six months and one

    Moreover, each complex provides for more complex and labor-intensive work and at the same time includes work before

    marching complexes. Except for E, all other complexes are carried out by repairmen of the integrated team. Maintenance work is compiled for each piece of technological equipment by the manufacturer and recorded in a regulated maintenance card, which contains a list of operations indicating the technical requirements and technological equipment for each set of works.

    Work on TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, TO-4 and TO-5 is carried out by repairmen of complex teams assigned to certain areas of production workshops or specific types of technological equipment. Repair work can be carried out using post-inspection, periodic or forced repair methods.

    The technical condition of process equipment is classified into three types: proper operation, faulty operation and downtime due to failure. A faulty state of equipment is considered to be in which it does not meet at least one of the requirements established by the normative and technical documentation. Moreover, the serviceable and some of the faulty equipment are operational. Failure is an event consisting in the complete loss of equipment functionality. To prevent failure in its operation, it is necessary to plan and perform repair and adjustment work based on the results of technical diagnostics. This can be represented schematically in Fig. 2.10.

    Increasing the efficiency of the repair facilities at the enterprise is achieved by using progressive forms and methods of maintenance and repair, of which the following are recommended:

    • specialization and centralization of repair and adjustment work and various complexes (TO-1...TO-5);
    • application of advanced repair methods (for example, aggregate, unit, “counter-flow”, etc.);
    • industrialization of repair work;
    • application of group technology and organization of repairs;

    Rice. 2.10.

    t - diagnostic parameter; t 0 - initial value of the diagnostic parameter; m and - the value of the diagnostic parameter corresponding to the proper operation of the equipment; t fault - the value of the diagnostic parameter corresponding to the equipment failure; s - technical condition of equipment

    • comprehensive mechanization and automation in the repair industry;
    • improving the organization and standardization of labor for repair personnel, increasing work shifts;
    • comprehensive preparation of maintenance and repair work;
    • measures for timely provision of high-quality components, spare parts, etc.

    The equipment repair schedule is characterized by the time period from the beginning of the first to the end of the last repair operation. It is built in rectangular coordinates: the repair time is plotted along the abscissa axis on a certain scale.

    equipment, and along the y-axis from top to bottom a sequential list of repair operations is written down.

    All operations can be carried out using sequential, parallel or parallel-serial methods. Sequential means that the subsequent repair operation begins after the completion of the previous one (they are dependent on each other). This results in the longest equipment repair period (Trmax).

    With the parallel method, repair operations are performed simultaneously, i.e. they are completely independent of each other. In this case, the duration of equipment repair (Tr) is equal to the time of performing the most labor-intensive operation (Tr = t).

    In real conditions, most often they resort to a mixed (parallel-sequential) repair method, when elements of the sequence of repair work are combined with their parallel implementation. In this case, the total duration of the repair (Tr p _ p) is equal to the sum of the duration of all dependent operations (Tp n _ n

    Thus, when developing an equipment repair schedule, it is necessary to strive to ensure that repair work (operations) are carried out, if possible, using economical methods (parallel or parallel-sequential).

    An indicator characterizing the reduction in repair duration can be the repair efficiency coefficient (Ke.r):

    where Tr.e is the duration of equipment repair using an economical (parallel or parallel-series) method.

    The development of organizational and technological documentation for equipment repair ends with a feasibility study of restoration methods. The entire organization of repair production is based on technological processes for the manufacture and restoration of equipment parts. This production can be organized both on the basis of the enterprise's RMC and at specialized repair companies performing work under outsourcing agreements.

    When determining the need for complex (for example, major) repairs of operating equipment, an economic calculation should be made confirming that the costs of repairs are significantly less than the cost of replacing it with new equipment.

    Under the scientific guidance of the authors of the manual, methodological foundations have been developed for creating a rational system for the technical operation of machinery and equipment (STEMO) in relation to household appliances (CHE) operated at enterprises in the Moscow region in modern conditions of a market economy.

    Based on the methods of system analysis, STEMO combines three subsystems into a single complex: preparatory solutions (PPR), the main functional subsystem (FPS) and the technological support subsystem (PSS). Each of the subsystems includes a sub-target set (block) of interconnected functions. Three subsystems of STEMO are separated into independent ones based on the blocks of functions they perform to achieve certain subgoals: PPR - for conducting scientifically based preparation of maintenance and repair work; The physical function ensures the implementation of the main functions in the system; VET solves organizational and technological problems.

    The property of hierarchy, i.e. the possibility of dividing the system into separate functional subsystems, does not violate its integrity, since the subgoals of PPR, GPP and PTO are subordinated to the general goal of STEMO. Analyzing the functioning mechanism of STEMO, two main groups of factors influencing its improvement have been identified: variability (adaptability to changes, entropy, probabilistic nature of disturbances and system parameters, innovative and market impact factors); sustainability (organizational and technological continuity, a unified approach to technology, equipment and forecasting, the creation of a regulatory and training base, the efficiency and sustainability of human resources). The mechanism for improving STEMO is based on a combination of areas of variability and stability of the system, which are dialectically interconnected in the inextricable unity of the process of continuous development of the system, ensuring its “survival” and viability in market economic conditions.

    Using the scientific method of the meta-principle of analogies to study the system, STEMO can be considered as a stochastic self-organizing system. Based on the principles of this method, self-organization of the system is ensured based on the following mechanism.

    • 1. The system must be open and far from the point of dynamic equilibrium, otherwise it will not be capable of optimal organization due to entropy (organizational disorder).
    • 2. The fundamental principle of self-organization is the emergence and strengthening of order through the influence of random external factors (fluctuations), which intensify with increasing deviation from equilibrium, gradually shaking the existing form of organization and ensuring a transition to a new one.
    • 3. Self-organization is based on positive feedback, in which changes in the system accumulate and a new organizational order emerges. The acquisition of a new quality by an open system with minor changes in its parameters is a critical point of self-organization. At critical points, the system becomes unstable, facing the choice of one of the alternative ways of its further improvement.

    STEMO, being under the influence of stochastic factors, thanks to self-organization and internal structural stability, maintains survival in a probabilistic external market environment. Fluctuation of the system is inevitable, but it should not destroy it, but, on the contrary, increase its adaptive capabilities, constantly rationalizing and improving the system. A possible increase in the entropy of the external market environment must be mitigated by enterprises by reducing it through the introduction of self-organizing systems such as STEMO.

    Irregularity and stochasticity of influences from the external environment lead to uncertainty in the conditions of system behavior. STEM is characterized by a probabilistic information resource, and therefore the transformation of information is one of the difficult tasks of effectively organizing this system.

    If a discrete random variable of information X in the system takes n values ​​with different probabilities p g -, then according to information theory, entropy H(x) can be defined as the sum of the products of the probabilities of various states of the system by the logarithms of these probabilities, taken with the opposite sign:

    If the random variable X takes n values ​​and each of them is equally probable, then entropy as a measure of uncertainty (after minor transformations of the previous formula) will have a maximum value:

    Thus, the entropy of a system with equally possible states is equal to the logarithm of the number of states.

    Obviously, the entropy of some discrete process, such as equipment maintenance and repair, at each moment of time depends on the number of possible states and their probabilities. If one of the probabilities is reliable = 1), then all others will be equal to zero. Analysis

    option, when the system has a diagnostic measuring device in the presence of an interference signal, showed that the average amount of information at the output will decrease with increasing measurement error dispersion.

    According to the nature of the work, the technical operation system of the studied machines and equipment of public utility enterprises (CHP) should include the following strategies: maintenance and repair.

    If we accept the structure of the repair cycle from the start of operation of technical equipment as a maintenance and repair system, then it will have the form

    This system at enterprises should be used flexibly, depending on the actual level of technical condition of machines and equipment (the amount of maintenance between repairs is a variable value).

    In the proposed system, the main attention is paid to the planned types of maintenance with a preliminary assessment of the technical condition (diagnostics), and repair is considered as a set of operations to restore the serviceability of the equipment as a whole or its components, when the volume and content of preventive work go beyond the scope of maintenance activities .

    According to the average statistical data of KBN enterprises, as a rule, the pre-repair period is approximately 25% longer than the post-repair period, i.e.

    Where t Mp and t dop- duration of the interrepair and pre-repair periods.

    This ratio is proposed as one of the particular criteria for a properly organized maintenance and repair system.

    The frequency of maintenance is established based on the technical condition of the equipment at a given time, its age structure, operating conditions, the level of qualifications of the operating personnel and other factors. For planned repairs, the scope of work cannot be strictly defined. Assessment of the actual technical condition of equipment during maintenance with preliminary diagnostics ensures adjustment of the timing of the start of its repair.

    Research has established that as the main criterion for evaluating the developed system for the technical operation of machinery and equipment, it is advisable to take the cost of maintenance and repair work, which should be minimized:

    where Ф is the target function corresponding to the system efficiency criterion;

    L and M - the number of pieces of equipment in the state of waiting for maintenance and the number of service channels;

    Z L and Z M are, respectively, the average costs per hour per unit of equipment waiting for maintenance and for the maintenance of one service channel.

    Hence the annual economic effect E g from the introduction of a new rational system (the second main criterion) at a specific enterprise will be

    E g = (F f -F r) R zf,

    Where Ff and Ф r - respectively, the value of the objective function in the actual system of technical operation of the equipment and in the rational system;

    R e0b - effective (useful) annual working time fund of a piece of equipment in hours.

    Based on the use of the recovery theory of Ya. Cox and W. Smith, the Poisson distribution law is applied to the area of ​​sudden failures. The algorithm for predicting maintenance and repair of machines and equipment of the CBN boils down to determining: 1) the type of functions that characterize the intensity of replenishment of the fleet of machines and equipment; 2) a fleet of technical equipment operated at a certain time; 3) type of durability functions; 4) intensity of recovery g(f); 5) number of recoveries N(t v t 2), which is determined by the formula

    The patterns of changes in the technical condition of machines and equipment have been studied. In general, this change is determined by a combination of gradual and sudden failures. The cumulative impact of failures can be described by the probability function of failure-free operation according to the formula

    Where F^t) And F2(t)- distribution functions of failure-free operation in case of gradual and sudden failures.

    The analysis showed that at KBN enterprises the distribution of the probability of failure-free operation of machines and equipment is subject to the gamma law, and in case of sudden failures it is exponential. Accordingly, the density functions have the form

    where r is the number of damages causing failure over time t;

    co - failure flow parameter;

    X- failure rate.

    The function of changing the technical condition of the machine (probability of failure-free operation) is obtained in the form of the expression

    Index F(t) defined as the main criterion for assessing the performance of equipment and machines (a particular criterion for assessing the maintenance and repair system).

    Along with the operational factors that cause failures of machines and equipment, they are influenced by the technical operation system, which restores their technical condition. The amount of recovery from the actual level of technical condition of the machine before the next service A Fgi due to the influence of the system is determined by the formula

    Where F i- technical condition before the next maintenance;

    P(F())- the likelihood of detecting and eliminating a malfunction during maintenance. Technical condition of machines and equipment before the next maintenance F ( defined as the following expression:

    Where F"- technical condition at the beginning of the period; the expression in curly brackets is a function of changes in technical condition during the overhaul period.

    By introducing a rational system at enterprises, the time of actual operation of this type of equipment before the first repair is recorded, and the change in technical condition is assessed using the determinant F(t) and the time for subsequent repairs is specified based on the definition of the criterion t. Such a systematic assessment is carried out throughout the entire life cycle of the equipment (technological module), using a particular criterion for determining the duration of its operation according to the formula:

    Where T e and t HC- time of actual operation of technical equipment and their standard service life.

    The energy sector includes energy equipment, means of energy transmission, instruments for measuring operating parameters and energy consumption in the enterprise.

    Typically, the management of the energy sector at an enterprise is carried out by the service or department of the chief power engineer (OGE), subordinate to the chief power engineer (chief engineer). This facility may include an energy shop and its subdivisions; heating shop and service, including boiler rooms, heating networks, water supply and purification systems; gas shop, consisting of a gas generator network, oxygen and acetylene stations; instrumentation and automation service; electrical and thermal engineering laboratories; compressor and ventilation stations, fire and security alarms, etc.

    To carry out the work, the OGE must be provided with the necessary regulatory and technical documentation, basic installation, executive diagrams and drawings, lists of spare parts, components and purchased products, energy consumption standards and standards in the field of energy management at the enterprise.

    For each type of power equipment, a file cabinet with a technical passport is created, which records changes in equipment parameters, dates of performance of power repair work, responsible persons, etc.

    The main tasks of the energy sector at the enterprise are:

    • - efficient use of energy resources (with the maximum possible reduction in energy losses);
    • - uninterrupted and reliable supply of the enterprise and its divisions with all types of energy;
    • - maximum use of the capacity of power plants where energy of any kind is produced, transmitted, converted, distributed and consumed;
    • - increasing operational efficiency, improving the regulation of energy consumption, reducing operating costs in the energy sector;
    • - systematic monitoring of technical operation, compliance with operating rules in departments of the enterprise, checking protective devices and organizing repair maintenance of power equipment.

    There are three types of energy supply at enterprises: centralized (energy comes from the general energy system); decentralized (energy supply is provided from the enterprise’s own installations) and mixed (intermediate type, when some consumers are connected to external, and others to internal energy supply sources).

    The recent trend is to move away from excessive centralization in energy supply and to use efficient individual sources of energy supply (for example, autonomous power systems, mobile and local heating systems, mini-boiler houses, etc.).

    Enterprises must maintain optimal energy consumption while eliminating all kinds of energy losses. For this purpose, constant innovative activity in this direction is advisable, as well as the introduction of progressive energy-saving technologies and equipment, improving its characteristics, organizing optimal loading, applying business reengineering processes, organizing proper accounting of energy costs at each site of work and throughout the enterprise.

    2.9.4. Organization of transport and storage facilities

    The transport subsystem in an enterprise can be compared to the circulatory system in the human body. The enterprise is regularly supplied with raw materials and materials, semi-finished products, purchased and component products, spare parts, parts, products and other material assets necessary for the production of products, goods and services. All this must be unloaded in a certain way and placed in warehouses, from where it is supplied to production workshops and areas, and then to consumers.

    Reliability and quality of transport and loading services is achieved through the effective organization of transport facilities, designed to ensure the movement of certain volumes of raw materials and materials, semi-finished products, fuel, finished products, production waste, various types of cargo, to promote its rational organization, optimization of cargo turnover and product flows, acceleration turnover of working capital and, finally, increasing production efficiency and making a profit.

    Freight turnover is the total amount of goods moved per unit of time (day, month, quarter, year) along a certain transport direction (route). Freight flows represent volumes of cargo moved in a specific direction between loading and delivery points, which are understood as warehouses, workshops, areas, and individual workplaces.

    Logistics methods for organizing transport and warehousing are set out in the relevant literature. A warehouse in logistics is used only when it allows improving the overall performance of the logistics process, i.e. The role of the warehouse is to create conditions for optimizing material flows. Thus, in the production logistics system, the warehouse represents a component of the logistics chain (an element of the logistics system).

    We emphasize that the logistics approach is a special case of the system-wide approach. Logistics management solves the problems of managing material flows and inventories, managing transport and warehouse processes and costs. In the process of interaction between logistics and production management, the problems of designing an intra-company logistics system are solved in terms of its technological component (warehouse facilities, intra-production transport, handling equipment, etc.). Today, logistics management is a complex, hierarchically structured system of production and economic relations, implemented in the process of developing and making organizational and management decisions.

    Intra-production transport at an enterprise is divided into inter-shop, intra-shop and inter-operational. Depending on the nature of the work performed, vehicles can be periodic (rail, trackless, suspended, lifting, etc.) and continuous (elevators, conveyors, conveyors).

    An effective method of organizing intra-industrial transport is to establish transportation routes using ring, pendulum and radial systems. Vehicles must comply with the organizational and technological requirements of the industries being served. To connect individual links of the enterprise’s transport network and its technological equipment, transport and technological schemes are developed.

    Indicators of the enterprise's transport economy characterize the quantitative use of vehicles, provide a qualitative assessment of their operation time, productivity (laden and empty runs), transportation costs and the amount of required investment.

    As for the transport facilities of the enterprise, warehouses based on service facilities are divided into general production and workshop. The former, in turn, are divided into supply, sales, production and economic. The location of warehouses at the enterprise should provide the shortest (“direct-through”) routes for the delivery of goods without transshipment and with minimal transportation costs. According to the arrangement of premises, warehouses are divided into open, semi-open and closed. The latter can be universal and special.

    The total warehouse area F o6i4 is determined by the formula

    where F n - useful (cargo) area;

    F np - area under the passages;

    F on - operational area occupied by reception, sorting and other areas;

    F k6 - area for office and household premises;

    ? under- area occupied by lifts, vestibules, stairs.

    The useful, or cargo, warehouse area Fn is determined by the following formula:

    where Q is the annual demand for materials taking into account established stock standards;

    T - number of days of storage;

    q - load intensity of 1 m 2 floor;

    D - the number of working days in the planned period (usually a year).

    The number, composition, capacity and specialization of warehouses form the structure of the enterprise's warehousing facilities. It not only performs the functions of storing and preparing materials for release into production, but also significantly influences their consumption, quickly regulates consumption by creating reserves and monitoring changes in their value. The most important trends in the modern development of the enterprise's warehouse management are the use of logistics methods, comprehensive mechanization and automation, and the widespread use of computers and information technologies.

    According to the storage period of goods, seven main groups of warehouses can be classified:

    • 1) direct reloading (storage period t = 0);
    • 2) temporary storage of goods (03) short-term storage (54) with average storage periods (205) long-term storage (406) long-term storage (907) long-term storage of goods t xp > 1 year).

    According to the level of mechanization and automation, warehouses should be classified into non-mechanized, mechanized, highly mechanized, automated and automatic. The characteristic parameters of these five types of warehouses can be determined as follows:

    • 1) in non-mechanized ones - the presence of manual work throughout the entire warehouse complex;
    • 2) mechanized - the use of manually controlled mechanization equipment to service the cargo storage area;
    • 3) highly mechanized - the use of manually controlled mechanization equipment in the operations of warehousing, moving, loading and unloading and the absence of manual work on the specified complex;
    • 4) automated - the use of semi-automatic mechanisms with input of commands via keyboard or floppy disks during operations of moving (warehousing) cargo;
    • 5) automatic - the use of automatic mechanisms with the input of computer commands through communication channels.

    In recent years, trends in warehousing of mechanical engineering production have been developing in the direction from the first to the fifth type; widespread use of stacker cranes, elevator racks, transport conveyor systems; using not so much space as height and achieving the optimal volume of warehouse space in enterprises.

    The systematic approach that underlies logistics as the science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other operations of bringing finished products to the consumer, allows you to evaluate the complex costs of an enterprise and see ways to optimize them, taking into account its relationships with consumers, suppliers and competitors.

    The logistics system of a machine-building enterprise is a complex organizational and economic structure, consisting of functional units of the enterprise interconnected in a single process of managing material flows and having stable connections with the external environment. The functional units of the external level include suppliers, consumers, intermediaries, and the internal ones include divisions of the enterprise. In the logistics system of an enterprise, the movement of material flow is characterized by the concept of “logistics operation” (a set of actions aimed at transforming this and the accompanying information and financial flows).

    The most common logistics operations at a machine-building enterprise are warehousing, transportation, packaging, internal movements, loading and unloading operations. Logistics operations may include the collection, storage and processing of information flow data accompanying the movement of material flow. The goal of the logistics organizational and economic system of a machine-building enterprise is to minimize the timing of operations and the costs of their operation.

    The functions of the enterprise's logistics system are implemented throughout a single production and commercial cycle, including the processes of: procurement of raw materials, components and other material resources for the production of engineering products, their warehousing and storage; in-production functions of distribution, warehousing and inventory management of finished products; delivery, unloading and storage of products from consumers.

    These processes, together with the information and financial flows of a machine-building enterprise, form a functional logistics environment with the following components:

    • 1) procurement logistics related to the supply of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials to the enterprise;
    • 2) production logistics, ensuring the movement of material resources during a single production and technological process;
    • 3) sales logistics, solving the problems of selling finished products;
    • 4) transport logistics, dealing with the movement and transportation of material resources;
    • 5) warehouse logistics, which ensures the processes of warehousing and storing the material resources of the enterprise.

    The economic efficiency of the logistics system depends on the scale of its use in engineering production. Currently, about 2/3 of Western firms in developed market countries have introduced various logistics systems or combinations of their elements into their activities.

    At Russian machine-building enterprises this process is proceeding at a low pace. Investments in the mechanization of warehousing in mechanical engineering production (to a large extent during the construction of mechanized, automated and automatic warehouses at mechanical engineering enterprises) are being implemented and pay off especially slowly. This is an important direction for increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of logistics systems at machine-building enterprises, which should be ensured by their logistics strategy, by solving the problems of innovative development of training systems and infrastructure of domestic machine-building production.

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