Interpretation of the dream of climbing out of the window in dream books. Why do you dream about a window - interpretation of a dream In a dream, a familiar guy climbed into the window

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Publication date: 10/12/16

Very often people dream about a window. This symbol can have many meanings depending on how exactly, under what circumstances you see it, and what nuances accompany the dream itself. It is worth considering the most common plots of such dreams.

Why do you dream about a window?

Why dream of a broken window - complications in interpersonal relationships and failures in business. At this stage, it is better to refrain from undertakings, because if you take any serious step, you will definitely fail and be disappointed. This applies to both business and love spheres. Also, a broken window in a dream can directly indicate problems in the intimate sphere that are present in your life at the moment.

If you dreamed of a broken window frame, this is a sign that you will change your point of view on some things and throw off the shackles of stereotypes imposed by society.

Breaking a window yourself in a dream - such a dream warns that if you, while married, allowed yourself to have an affair on the side, it will definitely become public knowledge and can ruin your life.

Dreaming of washing windows means getting rid of your internal complexes, fears and radically changing your attitude towards something important. Perhaps this is exactly what will help in getting some good offer.

If you dreamed that you were washing windows at a time when you were in a strong quarrel with a loved one, it means that very soon you will make peace and your soul will be calmed.

Why do you dream of a bird in the window?

To see birds flying from a window in a dream means that very soon you will meet your loved one. If a bird flies into the room, you will receive news from someone, and depending on what kind of bird it is, it will become clear what plan this news will have. For example, a crow or poultry means receiving sad news, possibly related to a serious illness or death of someone close.

A dove, swallow or titmouse symbolizes receiving good news about some joyful event and great happiness in the family. The dove is also a symbol of true friendship, which means that you can count on the help of close friends in the most difficult situation. If a girl who is not yet married has such a dream, it is likely that very soon she will meet someone with whom she is destined to live a long and happy life.

If a bird knocks on the window, this is a harbinger that you will soon receive information from which you can extract the most useful information for yourself.

Why do you dream about windows in a house? If you see clean windows, it means that to some extent you lead a righteous lifestyle, are spiritually pure, and avoid betrayal and lies.
Dirty and cloudy windows - you are captured by incorrect information, which does you a very bad service. It may be worth looking at other sources.

Why dream of looking out the window - you are surrounded by reliable and loving people, and your home is a full bowl where harmony always reigns. If you observe someone else's life, looking into someone's window from the street, what awaits you in life is exactly what you see there - be it good or bad. If at this moment there is some lively action taking place in the room, changes await you in the business sphere.

If you dreamed of the outline of a human figure in a dream, you will soon make a new acquaintance with a very influential and useful person who will be able to provide assistance. Sometimes the same dream can symbolize some kind of notification from distant relatives.

If someone breaks into your window in a dream, someone really wants to be in your life and be aware of all important events. This person most brazenly invades your personal space in order to get to know you more deeply in all respects. The intentions of such a person can be both good and bad. If you yourself climb into someone else’s window, it means that you are a person who is eager to break into someone’s life.

If you dream that someone is climbing out of your window, someone is leaving you, that is, some spiritual connection with this person is being severed. Perhaps this is just a temporary distance from each other, or maybe you will never be able to establish such close contact. The same can be said if you climb out of someone else’s window - you are quickly leaving someone’s life.

Seeing an open window in a dream means you are ready to enter a new period of life or start a new relationship. You can safely implement your plans in reality, everything will work out as well as possible.
Why dream of knocking on a window - you will face difficult trials on which important areas of life will depend, first of all - family. If you hear someone knocking on the window in a dream, it means that very serious changes are coming and many useful acquaintances await you. If the knock is so loud that it even awakens you from sleep, it means that the changes will be simply global and incredible.

Dream interpretation window:

Miller's Dream Book

Miller attributes such dreams to the collapse of all hopes and dreams, as well as failures in attempts to implement their plans.

Broken window - tormented by jealousy.

Looking out the window and seeing a strange picture in the house means losing the respect of dear people and failing.
A closed window in a dream speaks of a feeling of abandonment.
Entering and exiting through a window means getting into trouble or experiencing unpleasant worries due to your desire to move forward by leaps and bounds, using any means.

Sitting on the window means making mistakes due to your thoughtlessness.

Vanga's Dream Book

Standing in front of a window in a dream, which is open according to Vanga’s dream book, means getting long-awaited success in any endeavor. Good prospects open up before you; whatever you undertake, you are guaranteed to succeed. If these are good deeds, you will be rewarded; if you have started a dubious enterprise, you may experience deep remorse for what you have done.

Dreaming of a tightly closed window is a bad sign. You are warned that everything you plan will be perceived with hostility by those around you, you will not be understood and even, in a sense, condemned. You will feel like you are marking time in one place and will try to correct the situation to no avail.

Going out through a window in a dream according to Vanga - do something out of the ordinary, something that will plunge your close circle into a real shock.

Entering through a window means you will definitely want to unravel someone’s secret, but you won’t succeed. You don’t need to meddle in someone else’s life so as not to regret that your own didn’t work out the way you wanted.

Broken glass in the window portends that where you are going soon, you are not welcome at all, so to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, notify the owners of the house about your visit in advance.
Hearing a bird hitting the glass in a dream means receiving unexpected news. It can be both good and bad, for example, you may learn about someone's death, and this news will greatly sadden you.

Opening the window a little means that you need to be more careful and not tell just anyone about your secrets. You tend to naively believe that they are sincerely happy for you, but this is not the case, and the person who pretends to be a well-wisher can pass off your successes as their own.

Vanga’s dream book of wiping windows means receiving guests who will see you as the soul of the company and a hospitable host. This dream may also indicate that you are trying to restore the former glory of your family home.

Conducting a conversation with someone while looking out of the window means feeling your loneliness very acutely. Think about your life, maybe you are too distrustful and treat others with great caution. Open your heart and don't close yourself off from people.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud said that a window seen in a dream is a symbol of disappointment and the collapse of all hopes. You will see for yourself how quickly your castles in the air are collapsing, and this can lead you to a state of extreme despair. All the things you plan to start in the near future will not be successful.

A closed window symbolizes loneliness. If at the same time the window is broken, you will completely groundlessly torment yourself with jealousy towards your partner.

Sitting on the windowsill means you will get into trouble due to your short-sightedness and carelessness.

Entering the house not through the door, but through the window - you will be caught red-handed at the moment when you use prohibited methods for your own selfish purposes.

Escape through the window - get into terrible trouble.

Looking out the window in a dream - you close yourself off from problems that arise in interpersonal relationships, withdraw into yourself in cases where something does not go your way. This is how you try to maintain harmony in your relationship. However, in fact, because of this line of behavior, your relationship can suffer greatly. There is no need to remain silent about grievances and carry a heavy burden on your heart; you need to talk about painful issues with your partner and demand feedback from him.

If you look out of someone else's window and see some unusual objects there, due to failure in business you will lose the reputation that you have been building for so long.

Breaking a window means experiencing the influence of problems due to the intimate sphere, and in order to solve these problems, you will need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book interprets a dream in which there is a window in a very unique and interesting way.

If it is located in a room with many windows, it means that your soul is limitless.

If the windows are blocked from the inside by something, you will need to unravel some spiritual secrets.

Open wide - You should long ago break away from worldly worries and think about the eternal and beautiful.

What you see from your window is what is happening in your life at the moment.

Looking out the window from the street means looking deep into your subconscious and being able to understand something very important for yourself.

Seeing windows of an unusual shape means a clairvoyance channel may open inside you, so you should listen to yourself more carefully.

Climbing into a house through a window - you are quite persistent in your desire to know some truth.

Breaking the glass of a window - You want to escape from the material world and free your soul.

Loff's Dream Book

A window can show the world as it could be for you, but for some reason you cannot see it that way. A window can be misleading, mean defenselessness, collapse of hopes or illusions. If you have a dream about captivity in which you see a window, this means that you are trying to be in some place or near an important person, but for some reason this cannot be achieved.

If life outside the window is hostile to you, and you find yourself there to see this with your own eyes, you can in real life uncover someone’s vile deception or learn about a bad attitude towards yourself.

The window is also a symbol of transition to other worlds. Especially often such dreams are seen by people who are involved in occult sciences, esotericism, or simply want to isolate themselves from the everyday bustle and look into other spaces. Such a dream promises the discovery of another reality.

Dream Interpretation Longo - window

If in a dream you watch life from your window, it means that you are too unconfident, and because of this you live a boring, uninteresting life and miss out on many opportunities. You urgently need to increase your self-esteem and learn to appreciate your qualities, otherwise those around you, noticing this trait in you, will begin to use you for their own purposes and take credit for your merits.

Jumping out of a window means that you do not listen to others and only your opinion is important to you. Sometimes this attitude towards life is very useful, but sometimes it can play a cruel joke on you, because one day you can fall from heaven and get hurt. You should think about this very seriously, otherwise you will make many stupid mistakes due to your reluctance to look around. Another person's opinion is not always wrong, and sometimes it is worth listening to someone else's advice.

If in a dream you are trying to open a window to let fresh air into the room, it means that someone is having a very negative influence on you, which you need to get rid of as soon as possible. Maybe you have noticed that lately nothing has been going well and all plans are falling apart? This suggests that someone's evil force is influencing you.

Also here there is damage or someone's evil eye. In this case, it would be useful to visit an experienced specialist and go to church.

Noble dream book

A window with bars means languishing in separation.

Putting a grid means being afraid of something and therefore depriving yourself of some joys, giving up your own interests in favor of life circumstances.

Inserting glass means being overly careful.

Looking through a broken or cracked window means you need to continue to fight for your truth no matter what.

To see a window without glass is to become the subject of universal ridicule and ridicule.

Burning curtains on the window - events will change dramatically.

When sealing a window before winter or covering it with thick curtains, you need to act carefully.

A very large window in the room means experiencing great fear.

A small window - to end up in captivity, to get sick.

Standing at an open window and being afraid that someone will break into it is a fear of the future, which is currently too foggy.

A dirty window with cobwebs or large cracks means experiencing dissatisfaction due to a secluded lifestyle.

Being in a room where there are no windows or doors means being alone and in need of company.

Seeing a huge window behind which there is a green garden and the sun is spiritual harmony.

The desert outside the window - being hostile to the world, people, inability to find compromises, an attempt to adjust life circumstances to suit oneself.

A destroyed building outside the window means ruining relationships with loved ones, loneliness.

There is a raging sea outside the window - you need to control yourself. If it is calm - joy and happiness.

The river outside the window - living away from the turbulent life and yearning for it.

Darkness outside the window - the unknown, a frightening future, a penchant for magic and the occult.

A blank wall opposite means someone is exerting a bad influence on you and is trying to subjugate you.

Garden, lush greenery outside the window - live in memories, yearn for the past, obey other people's opinions and take them on faith.

Seeing a dazzling light in a window means something new will come into life.

To see another window outside the window with a room in which there is nothing - to miss someone unbearably.

If this room is full of people, the person does not remember you and does not need your feelings.

Another room outside the window is immersion in your love, which can replace everything.

A staircase going up is the hope that everything will work out and return to its previous rhythm.

Why else do you dream about a window?

Few people think that natural phenomena, which, as a rule, serve only as the background of a dream, can have much greater significance and provide some very important signs that are worth paying attention to. So, let's look at the most common plots.

Why do you dream of rain outside your eye?

Rain in the window can be interpreted in completely different ways; the meaning of such a dream will depend on many details. If you see a strong raging downpour, and at the same time you are in a warm, bright room and you feel pleasant, then you can avoid many problems and unnecessary worries. Also, rain can indicate anxiety for your children, which is completely unfounded.

If you look at the rain outside your window, get ready for big changes that will begin in the very near future. All these changes will decorate your life with bright colors, and perhaps you will try yourself in a new role that is completely unexpected for yourself, which, however, you will like.

Rain is a symbol of joy, love, great luck and good news.

Seeing a little rain means that you will soon receive a good profit from where it should not come from in principle.

Why do you dream about snow outside your window in summer?

To see from the window that fluffy and soft snow has begun to fall on a fine summer day means that you will be pleasantly surprised by something, fate is preparing a real gift for you, life can unfold completely differently. You may not even suspect what prospects may open up for you in the very near future.

Seeing pawed snow in a dream and experiencing a feeling of melancholy foretells a very big quarrel with a loved one, and in order to reconcile, you will need to make great efforts. It is possible that omissions will have something to do with money.

If you cannot understand what you see outside the window - snow or rain, you strive to turn life in the right direction and subjugate circumstances and the people around you, although somewhere deep down in your soul you realize that you are not omnipotent, and not everything can always depend on You.

Why dream of looking out the window onto the street?

If in a dream you look out of your window, then you need to pay attention to what picture opens up in front of you. If you see everything in gray and gloomy tones, it means that for now everything in life will remain unchanged and you should not expect any bright events. In a word, you are mired in routine headlong.

If the view that opens before you evokes pleasant emotions or even delight, then serious changes are coming that will be exclusively positive. This could be moving, the birth of a child, new love, career advancement. In any case, be prepared for the fact that the dark streak is ending, and new horizons are opening up before you and finally all the sorrows and hardships are receding.

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Our experts will help you find out why you dream of climbing through a Window in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    In the dream, I was sitting in the corner on the edge of the window sill, it was very high. I sat and painted my toenails with white polish, everything around was also white. Then I was afraid that I might fall and in a panic I climbed into the window into the room

    A dream that my husband came home, and I was angry with him because he cheated on me and I was crying loudly. Then somewhere in a strange city, in a strange house, I escape through a window. Then, some young, unfamiliar man calls me to climb the stairs to the roof to him, but I didn’t want to, I was afraid.

    I'm in some house. I see a huge black dog climbing through the window. He jumps up and closes the small window. I'm surprised, but not very scared, because... the dog didn't climb into the window. Then, immediately, I see the same dog in another window. She jumps up and bites the edge of the window with her teeth. The window is large. I understand that she can now jump into the room and I wake up with fear. I very rarely have dreams in which I get scared, wake up, and then something happens (death of loved ones, fracture, illness). Thank you.

    I dreamed that I was walking home at night, the light was on in the kitchen, and the room was dark. I understand that there shouldn’t be anyone at home, so I decided to climb home through the window. When I climbed into the room through the window, the light in the kitchen went out. Which made me feel a bit uneasy. I was scared to be at home. It doesn't feel like a very pleasant dream.

    I talked to my mother, then she went to bed, and I went to the kitchen. on the threshold I saw a man climbing through the window, he was dressed all in black. I tried to scream but couldn’t... and the man himself still stood and didn’t move, then I was able to scream, but no one responded and I woke up

    A young man I knew was climbing up the stairs to my window (4th floor). Suddenly a huge white dog suddenly appeared and began barking at him, and he grabbed the dog and gave him something to eat, after which he calmly entered my house, but went to some - a secret room where he supposedly always visits and even lives, but which I can’t get into. Why does he always live there secretly in this third room (I have a 2-room apartment) and I don’t understand how to get him out of there.

    hello Tatyana, I dreamed that my boyfriend cheated on me, I found out about it, I wanted to figure it out when I approached him, he stood with this girl and he just drove me away, saying go away, now I don’t need you, I ran away but didn’t cry, as if I knew this was going to happen when I was walking along the road I met two guys, they were unfamiliar to me, the guys invited me with them, I agreed without hesitation, we went into an old house, it was very cold and scary, I didn’t want to stay with them and tried to leave, but the door was already closed, I ran on the second floor and licked out the window and climbed up to the third floor, but why did she try to get in through the window when I looked into it, my grandfather was walking there and the wallpaper was made of newspapers, that’s when I woke up,

    I had a dream as if a large purebred dog ran up to me, then ran away, then I go into the house, I can’t open the door, and a dog climbs into the window, I push it and I can’t push it out, what does this mean?

    I dreamed that he climbed through the window, it was pouring heavily, he was soaked to the skin, he had a bag in his hands and he told me what’s up, give me a bowl and I put it on the table and he was hanging from the bag, 3 large catfish, they were alive, and he climbed out through the window and left

    I dreamed that several black and, in my opinion, 1 white cat were climbing out the window, I kicked them out through the door, then I dreamed of my late grandfather, he hugged me, and I woke up from the fact that my chest became very hot

    Before going to bed, I heard the rustling of leaves outside the window, as if someone was walking along them. I fell asleep and at that moment I dreamed of my father, who died 15 years ago, he began to climb out the window, I woke up and was very scared, I suddenly stood up and closed the window.

    many black horses kick their first love with their hooves, I run away from the horses, scaring them with a scream, I save my child, I run into the house, it’s not the horses that are climbing through the window, but the children, grinning terribly, I’m trying not to be scared in my head, one thought can harm my child, I start screaming at them and woke up screaming

    hello) I dreamed today that a woman I knew was climbing through the window and wanted to kiss my boyfriend. he gets angry and yells at her. I started kicking out. It turned out that she was with her friends and they still climbed in. I beat one of them. it was not a house, but a store) where I was looking for a new dress. I found it, but didn’t try it on) thanks.

    I walked along an uneven path. At the edge of the slide I was faced with the choice of either going down the mountain or climbing into the house through the window. She opened the window and climbed into the house. I turned to look at the window; it was old, but renovated, as if prepared for the winter. Then a child, a boy, appeared from somewhere. I picked him up, went into the room, put him on the bed, he cried, I came to his mother, took the porridge and fed the baby. He was pleased.

    I dreamed that I was climbing into my home (where I lived before), first through one window, but it was narrow for some reason, then through another window, I was not alone, someone was with me, like a partner, he also climbed and climbed into that window where it was wider and seemed to meet me there, already inside, the windows on the second floor were


    I saw my husband with my mother-in-law, she was wearing a green wig... I saw myself in one torn shoe, I didn’t see my other leg at all, I told my husband that he lived well, but I lived badly... he jumped out the window, and at that time I was secretly kissing the man, but in a dream, for some reason, this is also some secret husband of mine

    I dreamed that unknown men were climbing into my window, and I couldn’t push them out, I tried to close the window, but I couldn’t either, and the window was in my apartment, but for some reason it was old, like in. They climbed in and left without harming me

    What could such a dream mean:
    I dreamed that behind a high black metal fence there was a house. The house is stone. It appears to be white.
    I know that there is a person significant to me in this house.
    I climb to the top of the fence, then enter the house through a barely open window. I see this man there. Then I realize that I need to catch a plane, and I haven’t packed my suitcase yet. I begin to fold my things, I find a robe among them, I understand that the things will be inspected, but the robe has some stains, red, either jam, or blood, but I fold it as is, because there is no time...

    I dreamed that I was in my house (which is currently being demolished as already 8 months ago) ... in the room I was talking with my teacher and the curtains were moving and the window was opening (but I just can’t understand it was closed ... and she could open only from the inside) but I don’t know how they opened it from the outside, it was night outside. (Very very dark) And from there two of my classmates climbed through the window into this house. This is very strange. Why bother. But now the house is almost worthy .

    My ex-friend and I climb out of the window and run somewhere, as if hiding from someone. Then I find myself in bed with my friend’s wife, then he appears. He’s so joyful, and his wife looks like an ancient old woman

    Today I had a dream, as if an older man was trying to climb into my window, I live on the first floor. I sent him away. And he walked around the house on the other side and climbed through the window with a grated window that looked out on the opposite side of the house. I tried to close the window, but nothing happened. This man started harassing me, and I told him that I called the police. Although this was not true. Then the whole dream this man was in my apartment, and I didn’t know how to kick him out without offending him.

    I climbed out of the window into the street barefoot and asked for shoes. The woman brought me two pairs of sandals. I took mine and collected them. I saw the cat from the neighbor’s basement, but he didn’t react to me.

    Three men were climbing on balconies, they were fooling around. One fell down, two climbed to my balcony on the 5th floor, I was worried about them that they would fall and helped me climb onto my balcony in order to save them, these were not familiar people, but one of them I knew for sure that he was not indifferent to me and looked at me in surprise, I didn’t expect that I lived here. In the apartment they behaved modestly, I scolded them that what they were doing was dangerous. Then I saw a coin with a red mark, and in the corner I found a dead white mouse, she was wearing glasses, I realized that a woman I knew had done damage to me, but I tried not to touch it with my hands, I rolled it up in paper and threw it out with some change at an intersection, with the words bought off.

    An attractive man was watching me, I was at the table, and he was at the next table, in a dream it was as if he was supervising or spying on me, then I found myself in a room near some white door with two mortise locks, and he was behind me, I quickly began to close it from his locks, he tried to open them, but couldn’t, I thought that he would break the lock and was about to come in, but he didn’t break the locks, but carefully placed the glass bars on the window, and entered through the window, began to watch what I was doing , looked at some personal things, climbed into my computer, he was so serious all the time, then he began to touch my hair, even tried to stroke it, in the dream I already realized from his behavior that he was not someone’s spy, but in love with me

    I look out the window, it is clean and transparent, outside the window I see as if spaceships or asteroids are flying. The dream is very colorful! Then someone looks out the window. I’m scared, I hide under the table in the hope that he won’t notice and leave, but he sees me in the reflection of the mirror and tries to fly through the window! The alarm clock rings and I wake up. A colorful dream.

    Hello! Yesterday I had an interesting dream: I walk around in a castle, it belongs to my husband (not as in reality, but another person), I recently lived with him in this castle, so I was looking around the property. And the further I go, the darker and more destroyed the buildings become. In a very gloomy and neglected and destroyed place, I find a paper on which, as I understand, is depicted some kind of spell, and a dark one at that. I remember some symbols, some unfamiliar, they look like alpha, lambda...
    And I know that my husband is a sorcerer. I tell him, I found your piece of paper. And he says quite casually, like, ahh, okay, put it there...
    Then I immediately dream that I am climbing home through the window, and below, on the ground, I see a cat lying on its back and its mouth is bleeding, I know that it hit itself and was amazed. And also that this is my daughter (although she actually has 2 boys). I’m standing in front of an open window, about to climb in (I understand that I always walk in and out of the house like this) and reprimand someone over my shoulder that they didn’t keep an eye on the child.
    And I also dreamed there (and in general I often dream) that I was in my house, like in childhood (we lived in a family dorm) and running to the toilet. And in all my dreams, one of the two booths is always broken, and you need to get to the second one in time))) And there are always a lot of people there)
    Please explain my dream to me)
    And write down the prices for your services - since the time of prophetic dreams is just approaching (winter-spring), I will contact you. For example, last season I was able to predict almost half a year. But there are also some that I cannot decipher.
    Thank you!

    Good afternoon Help me interpret the dream (from December 17 to 18, 2018).
    I dreamed that I approached an apartment window from the street, it was a kitchen, I saw a man through the glass (I know him in real life), I knew that he was waiting for me, looking at me. The upper part of the window is covered with plywood, he and I, each on our side, pull out the nails on which it is held, and I climb into this window. Kisses, hugs, we whisper about something with him, we go into the room on the bed, suddenly a little girl runs through the door, in a dream I know that this is his daughter (in life he has two sons, already adults). He sends his daughter out into the yard for a walk, and then his parents come in next (in real life they are no longer alive, and I didn’t know them). I'm already undressed, so I throw the blanket over myself. My parents say “it’s okay, it happens to everyone” and advise me to get dressed and leave, because... here comes his wife (and in real life, the one in question is his wife). I clearly see myself naked, without hesitation, I get up, throw back the covers, and begin to get dressed in front of them. Then I want to go out the door, but this man himself stops me, says that she is already coming, I need to leave through the window. I refuse and leave through the door.
    And I woke up.
    Please explain what I can expect in reality after such a dream?

    The house is beautiful, crimson pink, I open the window and the crawl space, with one purpose, to sleep, and so on 5 times, until the owners appear in the house, at that moment I took off the bed sheets to wash, and they noticed me, I explained why The reason I’m here is that I just want to get some sleep, because I have a small child and a household, and I’m very tired, and the owners allowed me to come and even showed me the whole house, and the room with the toilet.

    Today I dreamed that my husband and I were driving past a church, we stopped in to see what it was like inside, we went in, my phone rang, I went out, and back I tried to climb into the window of the church naked and couldn’t get in.

    I had a dream and it was very clear. I'm married but there is a person who is not indifferent to me! so I had a dream that I snuck into his apartment through the window, the apartment was well furnished, but then I saw 3 guys 13-16 years old, and then him. and he took me into the bedroom where he said that I brought him various things (coffee, cookies, turned off the power supply) and I understand that I did all this but I tell him no. then he said “leave your husband and come” and gave me an inert large book with big words. I climbed back through the window and walked along the road far away somewhere reading this book. then I found myself back with him and saw him coming out of the bathtub and he asked back, “Have I left my husband?” the sol was very real. please, can you explain it to me? thank you in advance!

    I dreamed that an elderly man with a bottle of alcohol climbed through the window on the 9th floor. After a while, a sand-colored dachshund puppy appeared in this window, I took him and fed him.
    Then looters came into the apartment from whom I fought off, but in the end we made peace with them and they left and helped get rid of the annoying neighbor who shouted that we were making noise :)

    I dreamed that I was in an old house where I once lived. I'm trying to go out onto the terrace through the window. I climb for a very long time, but in the end I get out into someone else’s garden, which at first seemed to me to be covered in thickets of greenery, but when I descended onto it, everything was covered in short yellow grass. My terrace was on the right and there was absolutely no greenery there. I don’t remember the motive why I went there. But before that I definitely swam in the sea.

Do you often meet old acquaintances? Most often, such meetings are very pleasant, but sometimes they cause very negative emotions. In dreams, people see various people, including their friends. Why do you dream about a guy you know from various dream books? To understand this, you need to remember the man’s actions, his appearance, what emotions he evoked, etc.

Before looking for information on the meaning of a dream, you should remember the entire dream down to the smallest detail, and only then turn to dream books for help. It is possible that the dreamer’s subconscious simply projected this person in a dream. This may be caused by the person thinking about this guy often.

A man is upset about something

According to the dream book, a familiar guy who is upset or upset about something serves as a symbol of unfavorable news. Perhaps your loved one needs help.

Happy guy

Seeing a guy you know in a dream in this situation means mutual sympathy.

A guy I know - interpretation of sleep for girls

  • If a man appeared naked in front of a girl in a dream, then this man is the object of sexual fantasies on a subconscious level. For a married woman, such a dream marks the appearance of a lover in her life. This relationship will be short-lived, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions;
  • The man is drunk - the girl is subconsciously very afraid of losing her reputation. Married women who see such a dream will soon find themselves in a very unpleasant situation.

Drunk man

This image foreshadows an unpleasant meeting or news. If your friend appeared drunk in a dream, then he needs your help and support.

Also, such a dream signifies attending a boring event, but it will be impossible to refuse.

The guy climbs into the dreamer's window

Such a dream is a sign that a person will soon appear who may negatively affect future relationships with your partner.

Interact with a man in a dream

  • A pleasant conversation in a dream marks an easy solution to any issues in reality;
  • A quarrel with this person in a dream suggests that in order to achieve your goals you need to think through your plans more carefully;
  • If a guy confesses his love, in reality you will meet an unpleasant person who can bring a lot of troubles to life;
  • The guy hugs you - to mutual sympathy. For loving couples, this dream marks the strengthening of relationships;
  • Dancing with a man - in reality you do not feel satisfied sexually;
  • When a guy you know gives flowers to a married woman in a dream, first of all, you need to look at the condition of the bouquet. If the flowers are dried out and limp, this is a symbol that the husband is insincere with his wife. When the bouquet is large and beautiful, the person who came in the dream feels secret sympathy for this woman;
  • If a guy hugs you, but you feel hostility, then you should expect work-related problems. But when in this scene the dreamer is overwhelmed with joy, this is a good sign that means good news at work and in personal matters.

A guy passes by

Soon you will encounter difficulties that cannot be solved without the help of loved ones.

A guy I know - interpretation from various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

  • An attractive and handsome man means success. Good luck will follow you in your career and personal affairs;
  • In a dream, to see a guy you know beaten up, you should expect a quarrel with loved ones. The reason for this will be the financial situation;
  • A dream where a guy you know meets a girl you know marks an acquaintance with useful people.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If a guy you know invites you to start a romantic relationship, then expect good news from your relatives;
  • A guy kisses a girl - an unexpected journey;
  • When a man gives you a bouquet of flowers in a dream, then you should not quarrel with your loved ones. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards all people. But at the same time, you should not lose your vigilance and be a less trusting person.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Seeing a guy you know beaten or in torn clothes in a dream means improving your financial situation;
  • A man in a tailcoat - expect a good job offer. Perhaps it will be a business trip or important assignments that will help you climb the career ladder;
  • A dream where a guy gives you a gift marks the betrayal of friends or the betrayal of a loved one;
  • In a dream, a man you know is holding scissors in his hands - in reality, an accident may happen to you or a loved one. For some time it is worth being extremely attentive and careful.
  • I dreamed of a guy who is no longer alive in real life - this means serious changes in life. These changes can bring both positive and negative changes in a person’s life.

Freud's Dream Book

  • If a girl in a dream finds her acquaintance naked in bed, in reality the fairer sex cannot experience sexual satisfaction and realize her fantasies;
  • A naked man in a dream of a married woman can be interpreted as dissatisfaction with her spouse;
  • An acquaintance in a dream is trying to meet a girl - the dreamer is ready to do anything for his partner.

Loff's Dream Book

  • A kiss with a familiar man in a dream, according to Loff’s dream book, is a sign of sexual attraction to this person. This may be hidden deep in the dreamer's subconscious;
  • Communicating with a man you know in a dream means trouble at work.

Such a dream can be interpreted based on what you saw in the window.

  1. Looking into it from your home means experiencing peace in your family, being surrounded by loving people.
  2. Looking into other people's windows from the street means doubts and some discomfort.
  3. If at the same time you see negative phenomena: quarrels, fights, death - such a dream warns you of potential danger and troubles.
  4. If what you saw pleased you, instilled peace and confidence in your soul - be calm and good luck.

Almost any action seen from the window most often reflects professional affairs, and it is reasonable to attribute them to your work: make appropriate adjustments, improve relationships with colleagues.

The gray and dull sight opening from the window is the same routine that will not be avoided in the near future. A colorful and cheerful picture from the window - promotion, excellent relationships in the team, professional growth and increased income.

When considering such a dream from the libido perspective, one can note a certain “going beyond boundaries”, sexual emancipation and new horizons that you can open with your partner. Why do you dream of a broken window?

A broken frame or cracked glass in this aspect is considered as a destroyed stereotype embedded in us by upbringing or environment. If you are currently experiencing a fleeting romance, such a dream tells you about the indelible impression that adultery will leave behind. This can destroy the usual way of life, and you should treat such phenomena less frivolously.

  1. Broken glass in most ethnic cultures is a symbol of quarrels and squabbles.
  2. His appearance in a dream is significant, and always foreshadows discord in the circle of loved ones, the collapse of plans and the fiasco of hopes.
  3. A difficult period of failure is coming, and you need to group all your strength and best qualities to overcome it without significant losses.
  4. Try to give up serious undertakings for the near future, put off solving important issues and try to remain in a state of relative inactivity.
  5. This applies to all spheres of social life: professional, creative and personal.

Cleaning a window is like cleaning glasses. But the views from the window are more spectral and larger-scale, so such a dream can be interpreted as a change in worldview, a paradigm shift, a reversal of ingrained values ​​and a revision of priorities. You erase from your window all the remnants of past grievances, complexes and incorrect judgments, which will help with:

  • family discord;
  • professional falls;
  • failures in relationships.

So, washing a window in a dream means starting a new stage of your life with a clean slate, opening up new opportunities and having bright prospects.

· sometimes – despondency and depression;

· indicates an event, the significance and importance of which you would do well to downplay;

· you should be more restrained in your feelings or even close your eyes to something. Otherwise, excessive emotions can complicate your life;

· signals to a woman about her mental discomfort;

· For a man, such a dream means the possibility of promotion.

But if you are relaxing under the lampshade, know that, despite today's sorrows, good fortune awaits you in the future.

· you will find yourself in a difficult situation. Don’t try to solve all the problems yourself, wait for help;

An extinguished lamp under a lampshade is an unfavorable symbol, meaning that fate has turned its back on you.

A beautiful and durable lampshade means a pleasant event, which nevertheless can throw you off balance, which is why you risk losing control over your feelings.

If the lampshade is made of fragile material, has cracks and defects, then perhaps you are tormented by jealousy of other people's success or deep down you are afraid of bad news.

A paper lampshade dreams of serious trials. Please be patient!

A glass, plastic or silk lampshade is a sign that someone very intrusive may appear in your environment.

Buying a lampshade means changes await you.

A lampshade of an unusual beautiful shape is a sign of deception.

Enjoying the comfort of your home while sitting under a lampshade means that you are expecting changes in your personal life. An early marriage cannot be ruled out.

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