Fortune telling without cards. Army Hexagram 7 interpretation

Improvement 27.12.2023

Persistence. A mature man is happy. There will be no blasphemy.


1. Initial six.

Withdraw the army, guided by the law. And if not so, then even if it was good, there will be misfortune.

2. Nine second.

Being in the army is happiness. There will be no blasphemy. The Emperor will grant the decree three times.

3. Six third.

There may be a cartload of corpses in the army. Misfortune.

4. Six fourth.

The army set up camp on the left slope of the mountain. There will be no blasphemy.

5. Six fifth.

There are birds and animals in the fields. It's good to give a speech. There will be no trouble. The eldest son will lead the army, the youngest son will lead the cart of corpses. Fortune telling is unfortunate.

6. Top six.

The great ruler issued a decree establishing the state and strengthening the family. Mean people should not be used.


1. Initial six.

Now you have to take responsibility and lead people. At the same time, your management style does not correspond to the current moment; there is no rigor. There are good specialists next to you, but the result will not meet your expectations.

2. Nine second.

It is useful for you to be in the team itself, to be a direct participant in the process; your superiors will notice you repeatedly.

3. Six third.

Great losses lie ahead. Be careful!

4. Six fourth.

A retreat, a change of position will be useful, no one will condemn such a decision.

5. Six fifth.

You are sufficiently secure financially, you can express yourself with smart and bright speech. If there is no open confession, then there will be no objections. Before distributing responsibilities among subordinates, follow the rule of choosing based on intelligence and experience. An inexperienced person can, through his actions, ensure a “cart of corpses.” The big risk is not justified, the Book gives a negative prediction.

6. Top six.

Everything will be decided by an order from above. These are concerns about the general welfare and happiness in each individual family. You can engage in both social activities and work inside the house, in the family, like an emperor. No matter how difficult it may be, do not attract poorly educated people who do not inspire confidence. Whatever promotion awaits you, be careful with flatterers.


The trials have passed, and, as we see, the court's decision may not always be positive for our client. Why, in this case, should the hexagram “Army” be used? Obviously, you need to be able to protect your interests in other ways, more active. At the same time, we are not talking about a war of one, but about an army, that is, about the need to have comrades-in-arms with whom to oppose injustice. In this case, an experienced, “mature” person will be lucky; he may be put in the role of leader.

Everything that can be discussed must be organized and put in its place. Discipline and order should be paramount; possessing the most incredible talents does not mean anything. Scatteredness and laziness will destroy any talent. Only hard work and diligence add up to public recognition.

If it is difficult for you to lead, it is difficult for you to give orders, you feel awkward in front of people, do not take on high positions, your subordinates will not accept you.

When it comes to military vocation, military rank, here the hexagram barks direct instructions on how to become a real commander, make a military career: before commanding others, learn to lead yourself.

“The Army” predicts victory, strengthening of achieved lines and further development, but with significant persistence, the ability to retreat at the right time, find the right people for the right posts and move away from empty contacts and non-specialists.

Ultimately, everything received should be sent to the family budget, and in your actions you should not forget about your patriotic duty and the country in which you live.

You need to fight for your personal happiness. All of the above requirements apply here both to your own generation and in relationships with your loved one. The hexagram promises a good marriage and the wife’s help in business.

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world.
A huge plain stretches wide under a blue sky. An eventful life flows freely and widely.
Directly below it, a dangerous underground sea is tightly sealed in the bowels of the earth. On the surface everything is calm, but the unmanifested contradictions are enormous, and the internal potential danger is great.
The water in the sea is rising. The pressure underground is rising. The contradictions hidden in the depths are gaining strength. The danger is increasing.
Powerful streams of water will explode to the surface, sweeping away everything in its path. Very sharply, explosively, accumulated internal contradictions will manifest themselves in the world of events, destroying everything that previously restrained confrontation.
Where there was a plain, tomorrow there will be dangerous sea waves. The battle will flare up, everything will plunge into a very dangerous situation.

In the subtle world the vibration is similar, which doubles the force of what is happening.
A free field stretches wide under the blue sky.
A calm, even life is going on.
Tiny seeds sprouted deep in the depths of the earth. Changes arise in the depths of the subconscious.
Feeding on the earth that crushes them, the trees quickly, like thunder, sprout to the surface. Changes from the depths of the subconscious will manifest themselves explosively in the world of events.
And soon the field will disappear from view under the crowns of mighty trees. There will be no trace left of the calm, familiar life. Thunder, mobility, excitement will reign in the subconscious.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 7

In the manifested world, a well-provided life does not allow accumulated dangerous contradictions to manifest themselves. Contradictions are accumulating, an explosion is brewing. BATTLE.

In the subconscious, trees are sealed with large earth. Growing trees symbolize a new course of life, large land - strong, rooted foundations. The stronger the existing picture of the world, the greater the force of pressure the trees will create to overcome the thickness of the earth, the stronger the explosion will be on the subconscious.

Both in the manifested world and in the subconscious, enormous energy for change has been accumulated. First, the situation will explode on the internal subconscious plane, this explosion initiates an explosion in the manifested world. The calm, safe picture of the world will be destroyed by the battle. It is impossible to remain passive here. The most decisive, possibly forceful, actions are required to resolve the situation. It is here that you can become a hero, or always remember your experience with bitterness and shame.

Is victory possible at all levels, since there are always losses in battle? We are accustomed to consider the winner to be the one who prevails only at the manifest level; such a position is narrow. If victory occurred in manifested reality, but the winner in the heat of battle lost himself, lost his soul, then this, by and large, is a serious defeat. The battle will always be lost on the internal plane if there are curses against the enemy.



UNION - close rapprochement, cooperation in the name of common interests or goals. UNION is the key to success in any business. The UNION deeply hides contradictions for the sake of unity. UNION is an accumulation, locking of contradictions inside. BATTLE is the explosive extraction of accumulated contradictions. A close ALLIANCE often leads to BATTLE. BATTLE burns away contradictions and prepares favorable soil for a strong UNION.


Which thread of fate will light up now largely depends on you, on your position.

Positions for awareness:

1. The greatest events in history are military battles. The most glorious names in history are generals. The entire previous life is just a preparation for such a glorious moment.

2. In reality, you are always fighting only with yourself.

3. This is why we came to planet Earth, to test ourselves in the most extreme conditions. How boring is a smooth, insipid life without battles!

4. A spiritual person will enter into battle only when absolutely necessary.

5. According to the laws of balance, battle will always strengthen what you are fighting.

6. Any war and military actions are absolutely senseless and immoral. There is no worse solution to problems than war. Violence will always beget violence and never good.

7. War is terrible from a human point of view. But very often it is in fierce battles that the bright divine light of love awakens in people. “My dear, if there were no war!”

8. The real winner will be the one who fought with the vibration of love. “Love your enemy,” Jesus Christ.

9. “Why are we often our own worst enemies? I have an enemy as long as there is “me.” If there is no more “me,” there will be no more enemy,” Lao Tzu, “Tao Te Ching.”

10. “So that evil ceases to be harmful, the Master avoids violence. If evil has no opponent, virtue will return by itself,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

11. “When equal forces meet in battle, the one who entered the battle with the greatest regret wins,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

12. “I’m not just a pacifist, I’m a militant pacifist. I am ready to fight for peace. Nothing will stop the war unless people themselves refuse to go to war,” A. Einstein.

13. “The principle of “an eye for an eye” will make the whole world blind,” Mahatma Gandhi.

14. “The Tathagata teaches that any war in which a man seeks to kill his brother is insignificant; but he does not teach that he who goes to war for a just cause, having exhausted all means to preserve peace, deserves censure. The one who caused the war should be blamed." - Buddha.

15. “He whose mind is free from the illusion of selfhood will stand and not fall in the battle of life,” Buddha.

16. “You know, one of the most serious losses in battle is losing your head,” Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”

17. “He who makes war with others has not made peace with himself,” - William Hazlitt.

18. “Darkness cannot disperse darkness, only light can do this. Hate cannot destroy hate, only love can.” - Martin Luther King.

19. We do not fight to win. We fight to stop the war." - Gintama.

20. “I will fight. “Not with weapons, but with words,” - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

21. “What is compressed expands. What is weakened is strengthened. What is destroyed flourishes. Whoever wants to take something from another will certainly lose his own,” Lao Tzu.

22. “I am convinced that murder under the pretext of war does not cease to be murder,” A. Einstein.

23. “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war,” A. Einstein.

24. “When people are afraid, they either run away or fight,” - Mysteries of Haven.

25. “If you understand that the enemy has an advantage, do not be ashamed to leave the battlefield to him, for it is not the outcome of a single battle that is important, but the final outcome of the war,” - Paulo Coelho. Book of the Warrior of Light.

26. “Peaceful life is just an illusion. "Battles are the history of mankind." - Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.

27. “Victory in battle is the most insignificant victory. Victory without fighting is the highest skill." - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

28. “No matter whose side is right, those who decide to fight are equally wrong!” From now on, Mao, the Demon King! (Kyo Kara Maoh!).

29. “Love is an absolute weapon” (Semenova L.: “Kryon “Number Codes”). This weapon is absolute, because you can defeat any enemy with it with maximum benefit for everyone.

30. “An arrow should not be shot into a smiling face” (Japanese folk wisdom).

31. “I don’t care what you say, there must be peace, period!” - John Lennon.

32. “Do you want to know your main enemy?! Look in the mirror, deal with him - the rest will run away!” — Mikhail Efimovich Litvak.

33. “Victory in battle is the most insignificant victory. Victory without fighting is the highest skill." - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

34. “War benefits the mediocre. The world is always more profitable for the talented,” Mikhail Zadornov.

35. “Only those who fight for the sake of others have the inner strength to overcome all the hardships of this world” - Isuna Hasekura. Spice and Wolf.

36. “The harder you fight, the more you will become like that yourself,” - Klaus Joel (Messenger).

37. “Lack of love causes great damage, and a person in need of love is capable of harming others - and often does so. People who start wars are the most striking example. Filled with love, you will not send others to kill." - Klaus Joel (Messenger).

38. “A wise man avoids an unnecessary battle even if his victory is inevitable,” - unknown author.

39. “It’s not so much people who are at odds with people, but rather their ideas about each other,” - Richie Dostyan “Anxiety.”

40. “When the water rises, the fish eat the ants; when the water goes down, the ants eat the fish. Let no one rely on his present superiority.” - Augustine Aurelius.

41. “When there is no enemy within, external enemies cannot hurt you,” Eastern proverb.

42. “The war is in each of us, and the battlefield is the hearts of people,” - F.M. Dostoevsky.

43. “A man who cannot create wants to destroy,” Erich Fromm.

Persistence. For a mature person - happiness. There will be no blasphemy.

Withdraw the army, guided by the law. - (And if) it’s not so, (then at least it was) good - there will be misfortune.
Staying in the army. - Happiness. There will be no blasphemy. The king will grant orders three times.
There may be a cartload of corpses in the army. - Misfortune.
The army retreats to permanent quarters. - There will be no blasphemy.
There is game in the field. It is favorable to keep your word; there will be no blasphemy. The eldest son will lead the troops. The youngest - a cartload of corpses. Resilience is unfortunate.
The great sovereign controls the destinies, begins a dynasty and inherits (his) house. - An insignificant person should not act.


Shi (Army): army, army; leader, general, great warrior, skilled craftsman; organize, make functional, mobilize, discipline; take as a model, imitate. The hieroglyph depicts people moving around the center.

Figurative series

This is the time to streamline things and organize them functionally for effective action. Get your affairs in order. Develop your leadership abilities. Consult with experienced (mature) people. Strengthen your fighting spirit. Remember, the ideal of an army is not to wage aggressive war, but to serve, order, and protect people who cannot protect themselves. The army establishes cities and defends them. You are surrounded by a mass of unorganized phenomena. Try to correct this situation by allocating a place for everyone. Support and protect people. It's hard work. Take risks and overcome obstacles in your desire to serve. People will appreciate your actions and will be drawn to you. This is exactly what you need. Could this be a mistake?

Outer and Inner worlds

Earth and Water

Inner risk-taking and outer purpose of service combine to form an army.

The organization of the army contains the hidden possibility of returning to the source of energy.


Where there is litigation, crowds rise. Awareness of this shapes the army.


Army means grief.


A river flows in the center of the earth. Army.

A noble man condescends to his subjects in order to gather people.

Hexagram lines

Six first

The troops must march according to the law.
Without conscientiousness there is misfortune.

An army needs discipline to move forward, but excessive severity can only hinder it. Success depends not only on your determination, but also on your discretion. Otherwise the path will be closed.

Nine second

Staying in the center of the army. Happiness.
There will be no blasphemy.
The king will grant orders three times.

The military leader must be in the center of his army. Excessive and insufficient are equally alien to him, so the path is open to him. The king will grant the order three times. This is a great honor. Following the instructions you receive can change your life.

Six third

There may be a cartload of corpses in the army.

Corpses can be either dead bodies or ghosts of old memories, useless ideas and false images. This leads to unhappiness - that is, conflict between knowledge and the outside world. What you carry within you blocks the way.

Six fourth

The army retreats to permanent quarters.
There will be no blasphemy.

You take stock of the path you have traveled, preparing for new conquests. Retreat is not flight, but preparation for which one cannot be judged.

Six fifth

There is game in the arable land.
It's good to stick to your word. There will be no blasphemy.
The eldest son is to lead the army.
The youngest son gets a cartload of corpses.
Resilience is unfortunate.

The field is teeming with enemies. Keep your word and don't listen to other people's advice. A noble man is like the eldest son in his desire to understand the essence of things, and a superficial man is like the younger son in his limitations: even perseverance will not bring him success. Get rid of old ideas and false images. Acting in the interests of others and sharing responsibilities are unfavorable now.

There's a six at the top

The great sovereign controls destinies.
He starts a dynasty and collects lands.
An insignificant person should not act.

A great military leader achieves his goal in the end because he does not seek victory in the beginning. Now he gets the opportunity to fulfill his lofty aspirations. Act without hesitation and do not pay attention to minor circumstances.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

This hexagram differs from the previous one in that instead of Creativity, located outside, it contains Execution. If the first is tension, Light, then the second is compliance, Darkness. She cannot bring clarity, so to speak, pronounce a judgment, and therefore in the situation expressed in this hexagram, the conflict cannot be resolved by the court. Something else is at work here. He who can judge himself does not bring the case to court. Anyone who comes to the point of having to go to court will not necessarily be satisfied with the court's decision. In this case, he, despite this decision, will rebel against him. But in such a situation, it is pointless to act by legal means alone, since it is with their help that the condemnation was pronounced. The Book of Changes system would be violated if the trial were shown on one positive side. An unfair trial is also possible, against which it is necessary to rebel. But since it is legally impossible to rebel, we have to resort to an armed uprising, to the army. However, the latter should not be taken lightly. Therefore, this hexagram is devoted to a multilateral study of the “army”, its actions and application. Danger is the main quality of the action and use of troops. This is expressed in the very structure of the hexagram: inside (below) is Danger, and outside is Fulfillment: a trigram consisting only of the features of Darkness. Gloomy danger, that's what the symbol itself speaks of. With the greatest vigilance, with the full life experience of the husband, the dispute should be resolved with the help of the army. Here, both youthful enthusiasm and senile inertia can be equally harmful. Only by taking this into account can there be success, i.e. what was previously damaged can be corrected. An underdeveloped youth will either develop correctly, and then he just needs to bide his time; or he will make a mistake in development that must be condemned. If even the court cannot correct the mistake, then decisive measures are necessary: ​​military action is necessary. This is the second meaning of this hexagram. But what they both have in common is the requirement of perseverance: a stable stay on the right path and an unblemished conscience. The text contains only a hint of these guiding thoughts, which are revealed only in commentary literature, mainly from hermeneutic research. Here is the text: Army. Persistence. For a mature person - happiness. There will be no blasphemy.

In every military action, both gain and loss coexist. The superiority of the first over the second determines the success of the army. But success is achievable only when it is not the passionately desired result. Here, ardor can only lead to the worst consequences. On the contrary, success is possible only when the use of troops stems not from the desire for victory alone (which is equally desired by both belligerents), but from iron necessity, from the highest laws of strategy. - Likewise, correcting errors made in knowledge is unattainable through actions based on simple intention and desire. It is achievable only from the awareness of its inevitability, which must be the most thorough and conscientious. The text puts these thoughts into the following words: At the beginning there is a weak line. The troops must march according to the law. Without conscientiousness there is misfortune.

The difference between the elements of polarity is possible only due to their unity. The distinction between light and darkness is possible only due to their unity. In the theory of the Book, the mutual attraction of light and darkness is often pointed out. On the other hand, in each hexagram darkness is predominantly effective if there is a noticeable minority of shadow, weak features in it, and vice versa. On the third hand, each hexagram expresses the unfolding of this process in time, occurring in two waves, in which the two highest points are the features of the second (in the internal) fifth (in the external). They, occupying a middle position between the beginning of the wave and its end, are especially favorable. This is further emphasized by the fact that the middle, concentration, determination, balance - all these are concepts contained in the technical term zhong. The position in question is expressed here by a feature symbolizing all these qualities, i.e. it occupies the most favorable position, in addition, it is the only light feature in the hexagram to which all other features gravitate and to which they are subordinate. But, in addition, it is at the very center of the “danger” trigram. All this should express the position of the commander in the center of his army. Even if the army and its actions are under the sign of danger, even if it is surrounded by darkness, but this commander is in the center of the army, that is, he is equally alien to both excessive and insufficient. Therefore, his actions will be completely and forever successful and he will receive the highest praise, because between his trait (strong) and the trait of the sovereign (weak heel) there is a correspondence both in the analogy of their central positions and in the antithesis of polarity. This is how a successful commander is depicted in this imagery and symbolism. - This is the mind operating at the very center of the new act of cognition. Thanks to its central position, all the terms that make up the cognitive act are equally accessible to it. And it is precisely this reason, embedded in the focus of a new act of cognition, and inspired by the bearers of already achieved knowledge. In the text this is expressed in the following words: The strong trait is in second place. Staying in the center of the army. Happiness. There will be no blasphemy. The king will grant the order three times.

The crisis position is decentralized. In addition, here it is occupied by a weak feature, and this is made even worse by the fact that in the symbolism of the Book, the norm is considered to be the presence of strong features in odd positions and weak ones in even positions. Actually, this norm requires strength to overcome the crisis, but in this case it’s just the opposite. Therefore, it is impossible to expect any success here, which is expressed in the corresponding image of the text. - Likewise, there cannot be success in knowledge, i.e. new knowledge, when the act of new knowledge is devoid of inner strength and correctness. He is unable to overcome the inertia of already accumulated experience, which, in new conditions, may be completely inapplicable and lifeless. Then there is a replacement of new living knowledge with the corpses of thoughts that once arose, alien to the current moment of cognitive life. In other words, the death of knowledge occurs, i.e. misfortune, a split between knowledge and the world. The text expresses this succinctly and intensely: The weak point is in third place. There may be a cartload of corpses in the army. Misfortune.

The normality of the relationship between a weak line and an even position makes it possible to talk about the next stage of development of this stage, at which previous experience is taken into account and refusal of active action turns out to be preferable: the retreat of the army to permanent quarters for wait-and-see preparation for further action. - Likewise in cognition, this is the moment when the accumulated experience is summed up expectantly before the secondary conquest of new knowledge. It is impossible to talk about success or failure here, but we can only point out that such a “retreat of the army” is not flight, but preparation, for which one cannot blaspheme. The text here is as follows: Weakness in fourth place. The troops should retreat to the rear. There will be no blasphemy.

Although the fifth position generally represents a rise in strength, in this case it is occupied by a weak line, symbolizing the impossibility of independent action. However, it is still necessary to act here, because the final result of the action has not yet been achieved, and completely alien elements are still mixed into it. It’s as if game has appeared on a cultivated field, spoiling the seedlings. However, if it is impossible to act here yourself, then for the success of the orders from, one should not cancel. You have to keep your word. In this case, of course, it is important that the person to whom the order is given is chosen correctly and who is thereby invested with the appropriate powers. In such conditions, his unity of command is necessary, and any of his subordinates, acting at their own risk and fear, is doomed to failure, even if he acted with complete integrity and steadfastness. - In the epistemological gloss, the symbolism of this quote is understood in such a way that we are talking about that moment of knowledge when new knowledge is conquered, but it has not yet been fully conquered. In this situation, elements of random associations are mixed into genuine knowledge, which do not arise due to ignorance or too superficial familiarity with the subject of knowledge. Here, being well-read in literature can help a lot, and one must hold on tightly to these words, but one must remember that the meaning of the words is important, and not the words themselves, that this meaning must be thoroughly assimilated, as if adopted long ago. This is the “eldest son”, which is contrasted with the “younger son”, who represents only a superficial acquaintance with literature. For the latter, persistence is tantamount to inertia, which can destroy the success of knowledge. Here are the images in the text: The weak point is in fifth place. There is game in the arable land. It's good to stick to your word. There will be no blasphemy. The eldest son is to lead the army. The youngest son gets a cartload of corpses. Resilience is unfortunate.

The pursuit of victory only turns a blind eye to the urgent need for struggle. Therefore, at the previous stages, warnings were given from correspondingly different sides against the mistakes of the current moment. Here is the end of the process called the Army. Here we should already be talking about the result of his actions. The only warning that is relevant here is a warning against the actions of "nobodies" who fight only to win. Therefore, one of the commentators of this passage says as succinctly as it is paradoxical: “When a perfectly wise man acts as an army, then at the beginning of this action he does not achieve victory at any cost. Therefore, at the end of this action, he can (achieve) true success.” - As a metaphor, this idea is also applicable to the activity of knowledge at the stage of conquest of new knowledge, where this latter has already been conquered and should form unity, as if the newly founded state should be combined with the houses of former feudal lords - if we put this in the imagery of a feudal monument - the “Book of Changes” , where we read: There is a weak line at the top. The great sovereign controls destinies. He establishes a kingdom adjacent to the houses (of the feudal lords). Insignificant people do not act.

Comment by A.V. Shvetsa

External - Execution, Danger - internal. This combination means something that should be dangerous by definition - war. But when withdrawing the army, one should follow the natural course of events, guided by the law. War is inevitably associated with such concepts as transporting corpses and placing them in apartments. But everyone has their own war - the great sovereign controls destinies, starts a dynasty and inherits his house. The war of an insignificant person is senseless and cruel - it is better for him not to act.

Hayslip's interpretation

The symbol of this hexagram is conscious solitude. Now you seem to be a commander who is considering the upcoming offensive. Luck favors you, but be careful and careful in choosing your allies. Let them be people who have good intentions. Perhaps an unexpected guest will visit you, or you will receive unexpected news. Although you have a disagreement with a loved one, you are still in a romantic state of mind. But you need to plan all future affairs more carefully and wisely.

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, a vast plain stretches wide under a blue sky. An eventful life flows freely and widely.

Directly below it, a dangerous underground sea is tightly sealed in the bowels of the earth. On the surface everything is calm, but the unmanifested contradictions are enormous, and the internal potential danger is great.

The water in the sea is rising. The pressure underground is rising. The contradictions hidden in the depths are gaining strength. The danger is increasing.

Powerful streams of water will explode to the surface, sweeping away everything in its path. Very sharply, explosively, accumulated internal contradictions will manifest themselves in the world of events, destroying everything that previously restrained confrontation.

Where there was a plain, tomorrow there will be dangerous sea waves. The battle will flare up, everything will plunge into a very dangerous situation.

in the subtle world the vibration is similar, which doubles the force of what is happening.

A free field stretches wide under the blue sky. A calm, even life is going on.

Tiny seeds sprouted deep in the depths of the earth. Changes arise in the depths of the subconscious.

Feeding on the earth that crushes them, the trees quickly, like thunder, sprout to the surface. Changes from the depths of the subconscious will manifest themselves explosively in the world of events.

And soon the field will disappear from view under the crowns of mighty trees.

There will be no trace left of the calm, familiar life. Thunder, mobility, excitement will reign in the subconscious.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 7

In the manifested world, a well-provided life does not allow accumulated dangerous contradictions to manifest themselves. Contradictions are accumulating, an explosion is brewing. BATTLE.

In the subconscious, trees are sealed with large earth. Growing trees symbolize a new course of life, large land - strong, rooted foundations. The stronger the existing picture of the world, the greater the force of pressure the trees will create to overcome the thickness of the earth, the stronger the explosion will be on the subconscious.

Both in the manifested world and in the subconscious, enormous energy for change has been accumulated. First, the situation will explode on the internal subconscious plane, this explosion initiates an explosion in the manifested world. The calm, safe picture of the world will be destroyed by the battle. It is impossible to remain passive here. The most decisive, possibly forceful, actions are required to resolve the situation. It is here that you can become a hero, or always remember your experience with bitterness and shame.

Is victory possible at all levels, since there are always losses in battle? We are accustomed to consider the winner to be the one who prevails only at the manifest level; such a position is narrow. If victory occurred in manifested reality, but the winner in the heat of battle lost himself, lost his soul, then this, by and large, is a serious defeat. The battle will always be lost on the internal plane if there are curses against the enemy.



UNION - close rapprochement, cooperation in the name of common interests or goals. UNION is the key to success in any business. The UNION deeply hides contradictions for the sake of unity. UNION is an accumulation, locking of contradictions inside. BATTLE is the explosive extraction of accumulated contradictions. A close ALLIANCE often leads to BATTLE. BATTLE burns away contradictions and prepares favorable soil for a strong UNION.





BATTLE is a very dangerous situation. The situation is uncompromising and tense to the limit. There is no way to avoid the battle. What's on your mind?

Which thread of fate will light up now largely depends on you, on your position.

Positions for awareness:

1. The greatest events in history are military battles. The most glorious names in history are generals. The entire previous life is just a preparation for such a glorious moment.

2. In reality, you are always fighting only with yourself.

3. This is why we came to planet Earth, to test ourselves in the most extreme conditions. How boring is a smooth, insipid life without battles!

4. A spiritual person will enter into battle only when absolutely necessary.

5. According to the laws of balance, battle will always strengthen what you are fighting.

6. Any war and military actions are absolutely senseless and immoral. There is no worse solution to problems than war. Violence will always beget violence and never good.

7. War is terrible from a human point of view. But very often it is in fierce battles that the bright divine light of love awakens in people. “My dear, if there were no war!”

8. The real winner will be the one who fought with the vibration of love. “Love your enemy,” - Jesus Christ.

9. “Why are we often our own worst enemies? I have an enemy as long as there is “me.” If there is no more “me,” there will be no more enemy,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

10. “So that evil ceases to be harmful, the Master avoids violence. If evil has no opponent, virtue will return by itself,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

11. “When equal forces meet in battle, the one who entered the battle with the greatest regret wins,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

12. “I’m not just a pacifist, I’m a militant pacifist. I am ready to fight for peace. Nothing will stop the war unless people themselves refuse to go to war,” A. Einstein.

13. “The principle of “an eye for an eye” will make the whole world blind” - Mahatma Gandhi.

14. “The Tathagata teaches that any war in which a man seeks to kill his brother is insignificant; but he does not teach that he who goes to war for a just cause, having exhausted all means to preserve peace, deserves censure. The one who caused the war should be blamed." - Buddha.

15. “He whose mind is free from the illusion of selfhood will stand and not fall in the battle of life,” Buddha.

16. “You know, one of the most serious losses in battle is losing your head,” Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”

17. “He who makes war with others has not made peace with himself,” - William Hazlitt.

18. “Darkness cannot disperse darkness, only light can do this. Hate cannot destroy hate, only love can.” - Martin Luther King.

19. “Love is an absolute weapon” (Semenova L.: “Kryon “Number Codes”). This weapon is absolutely because you can defeat any enemy with it with maximum benefit for everyone.

20. “An arrow should not be shot into a smiling face” (Japanese folk wisdom).

21. “What is compressed expands. What is weakened is strengthened. What is destroyed flourishes. Whoever wants to take something from another will certainly lose his own,” Lao Tzu.

We find in human nature three reasons for the cause of war: firstly, rivalry, secondly, distrust, thirdly, the thirst for glory.
Thomas Hobbes




Mobilization. Military duty. Battlefield. Generals. Soldiers, confrontation of forces.

Structure explanation

Preserving peace is the main thing. Happiness is in the absence of troops. But there is danger, there is an army, an army, people are ready to fight. Gatherings are a great force, including the anarchic one. Water is danger. She's downstairs. The lower classes guard the land obediently, with loyalty to the oath.

Structure of both gua



Discipline, order, troops on guard. Lack of discipline - anarchy, chaos, misfortune.


Initial hardness. The ruler will reward an honest warrior. Heaven's favor. Honest warrior. Knight of the Sword.


In wars, defeats are possible. Chariots with corpses. Death.



Rests. Rest, reasonable command. Feats in the name of the fatherland.


Deaths on the battlefield, parents bury their youngest sons. The middle ones are fighting. The mother sees off her sons. Long wars bring troubles and death. Wars are the misfortunes of a nation.


The rulers decide, the little people are the victims. Death. Because of wars - unrest.

The main thing in gua

Where there are wars, there is persecution of the Celestial Empire, but for unknown reasons the people put up with wars and discord; the marching music of regiments is associated with Chinese musical notation.

Main thesis

Reasonable conduct of wars, rewards and honors for great people. The younger sons carry corpses in the chariots of war. The troops camp on the left. Take care of your heart. Army headquarters.

Divinatory aspect

The client will enter the battle soon.
It is necessary to show character and will according to the situations. Wars and battles can be anything, including with yourself.
In political struggle - intrigue, in social life - cataclysms, in personal affairs - struggle, confrontation.
Even if the chances of winning are high, losses cannot be avoided.
Drive your CHARIOT wisely. Don’t be seduced by victories, the main victory is over yourself.
Give your enemies credit, respect a smart opponent. Consider what is given, what is given from above.
Don't forget that we are all at the mercy of karma and fate. The insignificant will be defeated.

Correspondence with Tarot

The main Arcana corresponding to this sign is, of course, the Chariot, Arcana VII, in both positions. And also Arcanum XI, Strength, in both positions. Wars are never bloodless, so Arcanum XIII, Death, also works here.

The main correspondence is Arcanum VII, the Chariot. In the divine world, the Arcanum corresponds to the septenaire, meaning the dominance of the spirit over matter, nature, in the intellectual world - the priesthood and empire, in the physical world - the subordination of matter to the mind of the monad. Let us define a “monad” as human consciousness, man, microcosm. Arcanum VII warns us against the fourth temptation, the temptation of the triumphant by his own victory. Only renunciation of victories can help to achieve true victory - to achieve the triumph of the spirit. After all, the Winner is also a Winner, possessed by delusions of grandeur; he personifies all four virtues (according to Aristotle) ​​- prudence, glory or strength, moderation, justice. These are projections of the Tetragrammaton, the name of God, onto human nature. The Arcan character won victory over four temptations, remaining faithful to three vows - poverty, obedience and chastity - and therefore he can be considered truly “doomed” to liberation, including from astrological influences. But the hierarchical construction goes further, for in the mass of chariots, in the crowd, there will always be something by which comparison is made, namely through APPROACH. The next gua will tell us about this.

Summary. Interpretation for fortune telling

1. Social status, politics.

Success in all areas of life only after a fierce struggle, and it is necessary and sufficient to demonstrate will, desire, knowledge of the situation, and the implementation of the right strategy and tactics. An excellent defense attorney in court cases.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

In business, everything depends on the position of management. The struggle will turn into victory, but over time. It is necessary to change positions and replace some people.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

In personal matters - quarrels, squabbles, misunderstanding of each other. The position of "cat - dog" in relation to each other.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

In interpersonal relationships, tension, cataclysms, manipulation of facts, intrigue, hatred.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Diseases of the movement organs. Surgery. Operations are planned, sudden (removal of the appendix). Diseases are surmountable and correctable.

6. Trend.

Fierce confrontation. Perseverance. Courage. Duty.


Keyword: militant change. Arcanum VII and Arcanum XIII, the Chariot and Death, for in the execution of the plans conceived, these changes are inevitable. Arcanum VII - Arcanum of primacy in the meaning of equal temptation and achievement.

Spiritual megalomania is as old as time. Its source is beyond the earthly. The Chariot warns us of the dangers of megalomania and teaches us true triumph. Practical doctrine: "The triumphant is the one who recovers, that is, the one who has gained the upper hand over any illness, any imbalance. The adept of this Arcana is a true adept of Hermeticism and the Divine human nature."

Vera Sklyarova. Card canon "I-Ching"

Discipline is like water underground—a vital resource, available but hidden, requiring effort to reach. This potential can be used if necessary. Once it is available, great things can be achieved through organized discipline.

The most successful leader is not the one who triumphs on the battlefield, but the one who, through the power of discipline and inner authority, can achieve reconciliation without shedding blood. Likewise, in any large organization, the key virtues are discipline and integrity. If you aspire to leadership, remember that a true leader captures the hearts of people and creates a clear vision that binds them together.

In politics, good relations between the army and the state are crucial. Only when the state is economically prosperous can the army be strong. Only when the army is disciplined can the state be protected from destructive external forces. For this balance to be maintained, the government must be friendly to its people. Solidarity is essential for success.

Interpretation of lines:

Line 1 (bottom line)

At the beginning of any major undertaking, it is important to establish order. Nothing good can be achieved without organizing your assets and coordinating your troops.

Fortune comes when a general fights in the midst of his troops. And when honors are given, the entire army is proud to see their leader being honored on their behalf.

You may fail if you overestimate your capabilities or underestimate your weaknesses. Be confident that you and those around you are playing the role they are meant to play and you will overcome challenges.

A strategic retreat is required. This is not a final defeat, but an opportunity to gain strength by disappearing for a while from the field of conflict. Retreat is a disciplined withdrawal from all answers, neutrality and acceptance of the situation as such.

Don't let others violate your boundaries, otherwise the situation will get worse. Strengthen your position by bringing your relationships with others into harmony.

Line 6 (top line)

In victory, generosity is the purest reward for those who helped you succeed. Don't make promises of rewards in exchange for good performance, and never give rewards based solely on feelings. Rewards have as much to do with the future as the past.

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