Draw the fehu rune on your hand. Runes to attract money and good luck, runic formulas. Becoming "Cash Flow"

Equipment and tools 30.11.2023
Equipment and tools

How do runes work to attract money and luck and how to activate them? has enough power to fulfill your financial desires. Let's talk about how to use the energy of ancient symbols to get what you want.

  • Attracts opportunities to increase income
  • Helps to increase existing capital
  • Activates cash flows, thanks to which you find yourself in a real financial whirlwind - the Universe itself sends many chances to get rich and achieve success every day
  • Protects the current financial situation and makes it stable
  • Fills you with energy that can be directed towards achieving financial goals

For the Fehu rune to start working, it is used as a talisman or applied to the body as a tattoo.

But Fehu is not the only rune of wealth and good luck. There are others, no less powerful and effective:

  • Yer is a symbol of the fact that one must pay for actions committed in the past. But this is also the collection of fruits whose seeds were planted by you in the past. That is, the rune helps to finally recoup the work and efforts that in the past did not bring results. Choose this symbol if you are ready to work and act to achieve financial goals, luck will accompany you
  • Otal is a symbol of material wealth, the personification of all things that can be purchased with money. It helps to attract the help of powerful patrons and influential people into your life, who will provide opportunities for enrichment and support in difficult times.
  • - a symbol of prosperity, development, well-being in all areas of life. Brings to life many opportunities necessary to achieve goals and defeat competitors

Runograms to attract money and good luck

You can use runes and solo. But combinations of symbols are much more powerful, because the properties of runes complement each other and increase the effectiveness of runic magic.

Here are the combinations that include the most powerful runes for money and luck:

  • Fehu-Fehu-Fehu. This combination triples the power of the rune, turning into a kind of money magnet. The runogram also helps to free oneself from everything that prevents one from achieving well-being, takes a person to a new level of development, and attracts new opportunities.
  • Otal Fehu Yer. The combination helps to increase the already accumulated capital. Protects your money from thoughtless spending, thieves, ill-wishers and enemies. Develops the right attitude towards money - you learn to spend and invest it wisely and effectively

How each rune works in the last combination:

  • Otal is a symbol of existing capital, acquired property, this is all that you own
  • Fehu is a symbol of fertility. Helps you make a profit several times greater than what you expected
  • Yer - sends into your life opportunities to achieve even unrealistic, at first glance, financial goals. If you know what you want, the symbol in the combination will ensure that you are lucky. Also, Yer is an activator of the work of the entire runogram as a whole.

The combination of these three runes works in the long term. That is, you will not receive a one-time profit, but will gradually increase your entire average income as a whole. The image of runes can be applied to a wallet, bank card, bag or even passport.

And finally, we’ll share another combination consisting of four runes:

  1. - symbol of profit, money, material wealth
  2. Otal - assistant in purchasing property, real estate
  3. - protects accumulated capital and property from enemies, helps realize financial goals
  4. - sets you up for victory in all endeavors

Important: runes for work for almost everyone. But don’t expect money to fall from the sky. It will require at least minimal effort on your part.

Something like the joke in which a man, sitting on the couch, asked God for money. I asked for a day, two, a week, a month, a year, but there was no money. In response to the claims, God replied that it would be nice to at least buy a lottery ticket.

Watch the video about wealth runes:

To ensure that rune magic works, follow these recommendations:

  1. Some authors believe that in order for the runes to work, it is necessary to make a sacrifice to them. You don’t have to do anything terrible - just set aside a place at home where you will place a container of water, a glass of wine, and place and refresh dishes with fruits and fish
  2. You can also turn to the ancient gods with requests to send you financial success. Patrons of the material side of life - the gods Odin, Njord or Frey
  3. Runic formulas do not have to be depicted on banknotes. You can draw the appropriate combinations on a piece of paper, but carry it with you at all times. do it with a red or green pencil, and refrain from black and dark shades
  4. The more positive energy you have and the less negativity you let into your life, the faster the runes will begin to work, the sooner money will come into life. Therefore, try to abstract yourself from negative thoughts and not do bad things.

And don't forget to practice gratitude. For every money that appears in your life, thank the Universe, even if it is a very small amount.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The word “rune” first appears in the Old Norse language, translated from which it means mystery or secret. Runes were used in ancient times for writing by the Slavs
and the peoples of Northern Europe. Each of them represented a magical symbol that could awaken the energy of nature and space. Over time, this type of writing was replaced by a more modern one.

Currently, runes are very widely used in various metaphysical practices. Some use runes to attract money and good luck, others practice fortune telling with runes. With their help, they create talismans and amulets that are intended to quickly get rich or attract clients in business.

The most powerful are amulets and talismans made with one's own hands, since the energy of the person for whom it is intended was invested. This is usually how runes of wealth are created.

Materials required for manufacturing

It is necessary to make money runes only from natural materials. Leather, wood, stone, gold, clay, paper, bone, silver, etc. are equally good for this. After the material has been selected, it is necessary to apply a combination of runic symbols or selected formulas to it.

They can be applied in a variety of ways: cut, draw, engrave. Runes to attract money and wealth can be written on banknotes, bank and credit cards, and clothing. You can even apply them to your own body.

The most powerful rune

The most important rune of wealth and prosperity is the Fehu rune. It is suitable for use both on its own and as a component of one of the runic formulas. Its main meaning is to attract good luck and wealth, which are based on a person’s individual abilities and energy.

In metaphysics, Fehu is a symbol of the transition from Non-existence to Being. She is the creative force that shapes the entire world from cosmic matter. If you apply this to a specific person, then she embodies all his plans, intentions and desires. The greatest influence of these runes will be noticed by people who prefer to actively act in order to make all their desires come true.

This rune of money is “sharpened” on money and wealth, attracted and concentrated from energy flows. It is also effectively used to protect and preserve quick money that gets into your wallet.

Other money runes

In addition to the strongest rune for money, there are other, weaker, but in combination with Fehu very effective symbols:

  1. Yer. It is a symbol of the harvest and receiving quick money or other rewards for your efforts. With its help, everything for which efforts are made will be realized in the best possible way.
  2. Dagaz. Symbolizes luck, wealth, abundance and prosperity. Sometimes it can be a symbol of limitless possibilities and prospects. This is a positive and bright symbol that will lead from darkness to light and contribute to a favorable outcome of any important matter.
  3. Otal. It is a symbol of well-being with regard to material property and what can be purchased with money. Can help with acquiring patronage and support from influential people.

Rune combinations

All of the above runes can be used separately. But the greatest effect can be achieved by combining them into formulas. This helps enhance the effect of all the symbols used. The use of these magical runograms will attract success, happiness, and luck. They can help you get a job.

The most powerful effect is achieved by runic formulas that were compiled individually for a specific person.

In this case, the maximum number of different factors is taken into account, including the life situation in which he finds himself. If you lack experience in the field of rune magic, you can use universal combinations that should attract quick money.

In any runogram, the first symbol is that indicates the goal to which a person strives. The last character indicates the result to be achieved. Between them there is one or more symbols indicating resources, the use of which will give the desired result.

The most universal, and therefore widespread, today are the following combinations:

  • Fehu-Fehu-Fehu. It is the most universal formula, three times strengthened by the same symbol;
  • Otal Fehu Yer. Used to generate profit and increase it;
  • Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soulo. Used to ensure a stable flow of funds and improve your financial condition;
  • Berkana-Otal-Fehu. Used to attract customers.

In addition to writing these symbols, you also need to know how to activate them. There is a great method for this. They are activated by folding your palms into a tube and pointing them towards the runes. After this, you need to take a breath, focusing on your goal. Then exhale through the tube from your palms towards the runes. That's it, activation has taken place.

Tricks of runic magic

To fully charge the runes with power, you must undergo one of the following rituals:

  • imagine the runes in water, which you then need to drink;
  • depict one or more runes on a banknote and carry it with you all the time, but under no circumstances spend it. After some time, it will begin to attract money to its owner. It is quite possible to use a bank card for this;
  • Using money essential oils, apply runes to your own body. For these purposes, you can use orange, patchouli or cinnamon oil.

Other ways to increase your wealth

There are also symbols such as staves. This is approximately the same as formulas, but they are written in the form of drawings. This means that several runic symbols are combined into one design, which should have the desired effect. A striking example of a monetary stake is a mill. It is based on the runes Dagaz, Fehu and Sovilo.

When used correctly, the mill provides a stable increase in financial well-being. To do this, it is enough to draw it on some natural material (paper, birch bark, etc.) and carry it with you or place it in your home, depending on your goals. After this, the effect of the mill can be felt for 4-6 months. After this, it can be recharged and continue to be used further.

There are also so-called angelic runes. There are 26 of them in total, and they are universal pictograms that can be selected individually. These are symbols that are used mainly for fortune telling and other magical rituals.

Tell fortunes with their help, and the meaning of other people's actions, the near future or the fate of a loved one will be revealed to you. They can also be used to receive money and attract good luck in important matters. The main thing in the process of fortune telling is that the fortuneteller correctly formulate the question to which he wants to receive an answer.

Those who want to attract quick money can take another, less bright path. For this purpose, stealers are used. This is the influence of black magic, which, in essence, steals wealth, health, and luck from its victim.

In fact, thieves can steal anything, the main thing is that it belongs to the person against whom they are directed. After all, it is impossible to steal from a person what he does not have. Thus, a rich person, when exposed to a thief, will lose his fortune, a successful person will lose his luck, a person distinguished by his health will lose it, and a handsome person will become ugly.

But it is worth remembering that black magic has never brought happiness to anyone. The negative energy of which it consists will, sooner or later, return to the one who released it.

This usually happens in multiples. And the one who used it will lose not only what he received as a result of using the stealer, but even what is dear to him. This is the price to pay for the help of dark forces.

Runes for attracting money and success have magical properties, thanks to which you can improve your material well-being and attract positive energy. In order for the symbols to start working, they must be activated and then applied to banknotes, bank cards, or stored in a wallet.


What to make runes from and how to work with them correctly?

Drawing energy from nature, Slavic or Scandinavian runes are associated with its forces. Therefore, it is recommended to make them from natural materials.

These include:

  • wood;
  • clay;
  • leather;
  • paper;
  • stones of natural origin;
  • bone;
  • precious metals.

Having found the required material, they sequentially apply staves - individual runic symbols or a selected combination of runes. The image is created in any convenient way. The most accessible and simplest is to draw them with ink or paint.

They use runes to tell fortunes or create various amulets from them:

  • to increase finances and wealth;
  • talisman-shield for protection from negativity;
  • to attract vitality and maintain health;
  • amulets to help in love.

Activation of runes

Activation of runes has a number of features:

  1. All electrical appliances should be turned off. They form extra fields that interfere with interaction with runes.
  2. They light candles and incense, placing them around them. You can work at a table or on the floor.
  3. Having concentrated, they draw (or cut out) the selected symbols on a piece of one material or another.
  4. To depict magic symbols, it is recommended to use red or green colors. They allow you to concentrate energy and activate the money channel.
  5. They look at the runes for several minutes, mentally imagining their desires.
  6. Having felt the emitted energy of the sign, they absorb it into themselves.
  7. To tune in to one wave, focus on the forces that are being launched. This must be done not just once, but at least seven days in a row.

It is believed that the rune should be connected to oneself by blood. You can drip a little blood from your finger onto the symbol. This simple ritual allows you to exchange energies with runes.

The best runes to attract prosperity

The best Scandinavian runes for attracting prosperity:

  • Fehu;
  • Vunyo;
  • Ansuz;
  • Yer (Yera);
  • Otal;
  • Soulu;
  • Dagaz.

Russian runes that attract luck in financial matters:

  1. Bereginya. A rune that allows you to earn and increase capital. Symbolizes wealth, luxury, profitable investments in new and promising projects.
  2. Lelya. Helps you gain inspiration and reveal your intuition. Contributes to the successful implementation of commercial plans. Patronizes businessmen and people who want to achieve financial heights in any field of activity.
  3. Wind. Denotes a creative impulse, the opportunity to successfully invest money in a large enterprise.

Bereginya Lelya Veter

Rune of wealth and prosperity

Dagaz is considered the rune of wealth and prosperity. It is used to attract prosperity and positive events.

Dagaz symbolizes:

  • human willpower;
  • personal development;
  • inevitable success;
  • positive energy.

With its help, you can overcome any financial difficulties and make sure that fortune always follows you.

Dagaz helps you easily achieve:

  • lasting material well-being;
  • success in earthly affairs;
  • realization of desires;
  • opening new prospects in business.

Rune Fehu

Fehu is the main rune of the ancient alphabet, meaning success and growth. Depicted as a tree branch and corresponds to the English letter “F”.

Its potential:

  • attracts opportunities to increase income;
  • helps to increase existing capital;
  • activates cash flows that generate profit;
  • protects the current financial situation and makes it stable;
  • restores existing potential;
  • improves work mood;
  • fills you with energy that can be directed towards achieving financial goals.

For the Fehu rune to start working, it is used as a talisman or applied to the body as a tattoo.

Other money runes

Other runes that attract wealth and financial resources into a person’s life:

  1. Yera is the rune of the harvest. It represents the fruits of your efforts. If we talk about work, this symbol will be responsible for material and spiritual rewards.
  2. Otal is a rune associated with inheritance and family. Everything that comes into ownership from relatives and ancestors, including real estate and family business, is under its influence.
  3. Vunyo is a sign of joy and prosperity. This is a symbol of a good mood, a willingness to overcome difficulties, solve complex issues and find mutual understanding with partners.
  4. Runa Soul gives a businessman optimism and incredible luck. Additionally, it keeps the human body healthy and stimulates business activity.

Photo gallery

The pictures show a graphic representation of various monetary runes:

Combination Berkana - Otal - Fehu

Combination for luck in business

Magic formulas that attract good luck have a beneficial effect on successful business management:

  1. Ansuz - Uruz - Yera - Ansuz. This is a combination that allows you to find new opportunities in order to save time and effort. will allow a person to take control of circumstances, and Uruz will create a favorable environment for the development of business.
  2. Soul - Dagaz - Vunyo. Serves as support in resolving difficult situations and helps to get out of them without losses.
  3. Dagaz - Fehu - Dagaz - Otal. It is a guideline for conquering new heights in the work sphere.

Rune combination for stable money growth

To ensure a stable increase in money and attract it into life, a combination of the Fehu - Otal - Berkana - Soul runes is used.

In this composition of the formula, the signs carry a certain meaning:

  1. Fehu is a symbol of luxury, including financial wealth and material possessions.
  2. Otal, coming into contact with the main rune, provides the owner with profit and additional income from outside.
  3. Berkana helps the plan come true. This rune also plays the role of a protector during the action of the runic formula.
  4. Soul embodies in its meaning the desire for the best and sets one up for success.

This combination is drawn on a bank card or placed in a secret section of a wallet with the intention of receiving a stable increase in the funds in it.

Combination of runes Fehu - Otal - Berkana - Soul

Rune combination to attract customers

The runic inscription Berkana - Otal - Fehu will be useful for attracting new customers and for business prosperity.

The action of the formula is:

  • in business development;
  • in increasing the client flow;
  • in the growth of material profits.

The “Path to Yourself” channel on video talks in detail about universal runic combinations.

Rules for applying rune combinations

The rules for applying rune combinations look like this:

  • having become they begin to depict from the central rune, which is considered the main one;
  • Additional signs are built around the main rune, completing the runescript and adding energy to the combination;
  • all runes must partially touch each other;
  • if the combination is broken, then each sign will begin to act separately, conflicting with other symbols.

It is better to make a runic combination on a new moon.

Where are runograms applied?

In order for runograms to work properly, they must be depicted in certain places, following the established instructions:

  1. Body drawing. You can apply runic symbols on your wrists or inner palms using various essential oils.
  2. On the surface of the water. Runes are depicted on liquids for drinking or in a bathtub. The outlines of the symbols must be created with wooden sticks.
  3. On candles that need to be lit periodically.
  4. On a blank sheet of paper.
  5. On the inside of clothing. Runic combinations can be embroidered with thread or drawn.
  6. On important and valuable documents.
  7. On a debit card or high denomination bills.

Consecration and activation of rune combinations

For the talisman to fully work, in addition to its production, it is necessary to carry out consistent ceremonies of consecration and activation.

Consecration of the rune combination

It is performed immediately before activation using the ancient energy of the four natural elements:

  1. Earth. For this step you will need regular table salt without additives. A few grains of it need to be poured onto the talisman and wait a short period of time.
  2. Fire. Consecration is carried out using the flame of a green or red candle, over which it is necessary to hold the amulet for several minutes so that it does not touch the surface.
  3. Water. Ordinary clean water is first left in your room for several hours, after which the prepared talisman is sprinkled on.
  4. Air. Consecration by the air element is carried out using fumigation with special herbs.

Activation of runes

Activation of runic formulas is necessary in order to start the process of working magic symbols.

This procedure is carried out like this:

  1. Fold your palms into a tube.
  2. Point it towards the runic symbols shown.
  3. Fill your lungs with air by taking a deep breath.
  4. Focus on achieving your goals.
  5. Exhale through your fingers curled into a tube towards the amulet so that the air flow touches its surface.

To enhance its effect, you need to formulate your desires in words addressed to the manufactured talisman.

In this case, you should make a request:

  • in present time;
  • without using the negative particle “not”;
  • without asking to harm someone.

How to make an amulet with your own hands?

You can make your own runic talisman at home, which will improve your financial condition.

It is easy to do by following certain instructions:

  1. It is necessary to select the correct runogram and test its effect for a short period of time. To do this, the selected formula is drawn on the body and the effect is observed.
  2. The next step is to select the material on which the design will be applied.
  3. At the end, based on the talisman, the desired combination is depicted in any convenient way.

Signs can be:

  • draw;
  • cut out;
  • engrave;
  • write in oils;
  • scratch;
  • burn out.

When using talismans with runic symbols applied, it is worth remembering that they are charged for two months. After which they must be thanked and then destroyed. If you like the effect of the formula, then a similar talisman is made again.

The photo shows options for making amulets.

Amulet bracelet made of leather Runic paper talisman Amulet in the form of a stone pendant Wooden medallion

Video “How to make a runic talisman to attract money”

In the video filmed by the channel “Magic of Fate. Horoscopes and Tarot cards" shows how to make a simple talisman, taking into account all the subtleties of magic.

Hello, dear readers!

Money is an important component of every person's life. Commercialism and greed have nothing to do with it. It’s just impossible to plan a good vacation, dress beautifully, eat right and enjoy every day without money.

People are concerned about the lack of finances and are trying with all their might to reach a new standard of living, working tirelessly from morning to night. But what to do if the desired stability does not occur? It's time to move on to non-standard methods, including the use runes of wealth and prosperity.

The topic of attracting finance with the help of wealth mudra will also be interesting. Read and apply Surely, at least once in your life you have thought about why money passes you by. In this case, you can use the wisdom of wealth. The mudra itself is a special arrangement of the fingers and is capable of attracting wealth. It directly affects the human energy field.

The writing elements used by the ancient Germanic tribes are simply called runes. The images on the runes are ambiguous and are often interpreted differently.

In the modern world, this system is used in various magical rituals, fortune telling, attracting money, luck, health and everything that a person needs. Anyone who turns to runes for help must firmly believe in their effectiveness, otherwise the work done will be in vain.

Among the variety of symbols, 3 runes stand out, responsible for material well-being, good luck in business and endless luck.

The first and main one is called “fehu”, it symbolizes material wealth and means property. Widely used to attract apartments, cars, and other things. This rune loves specifics; it fulfills a clearly formulated desire.

It can be used on its own or in combination with other runic formulas. Such a rune of wealth turns chaos into order, opens your eyes to what previously seemed inaccessible.

The second is called “otal”. The rune means spiritual and material inheritance, help from other people. If you want to get financial help, work with this symbol.

The third symbol is called “hagalaz”. It is important to have pure thoughts and act with the best intentions, otherwise the rune will have the opposite effect and cause harm.

The talismans described above will help improve your financial situation. Do not ignore the impact of other runes. For example, “dagaz” is responsible for well-being and prosperity. This is a positive rune, you need to use it in the appropriate mood.

“Yer” symbolizes the harvest and contributes to the implementation of the plan if maximum effort is made. An optimistic attitude towards life and determination will help improve your financial condition.

A suitable symbol is applied to banknotes, wooden pendants, and various surfaces. When using symbols on money, choose a high denomination bill. The ritual will be effective if you use essential oil that has a magical effect in writing the rune. Buy patchouli, orange or cinnamon oils to promote abundance and stability.

If you use runes on wooden objects, you can use black paint or burn them with fire. To charge the amulet, you need to wrap it in a banknote and leave it for one night, placing it on the windowsill. In the morning, you can hang the amulet around your neck and put the money in your wallet. You should not talk about the effect of such a talisman; it is advisable to always carry it with you.

With the help of ancient Germanic runes, you can become a richer, more successful person, the main thing is to use the acquired knowledge correctly. Runes not only attract money, but also help preserve acquired property.

Magic symbols help when a person works tirelessly to achieve what he wants. If you sit and wait for manna from heaven, then magical symbols will not help, and you also need to learn to visualize your desires and clearly imagine the end result.

If you don’t know where to start, runograms will help simplify the task. Please note that the use of runes can have negative consequences if the symbols are opposite to each other.

You can make runic talismans yourself; you will need natural materials. Excellent amulets are made from wood, clay, leather and even paper. You can also make a talisman from stone, gold, silver, copper or bone.

Choose a well-being formula or one runic sign. The symbol is applied in different ways. The inscription can be drawn, cut, engraved, or applied with essential oil. There are simple ways to attract money, you just need to put a magic symbol on a bill, a bank card, a candle, clothes, some draw symbols on the body.

The color with which the rune is depicted plays an important role in the effectiveness of the amulet. For example, brown has protective properties, black destroys negativity, and red represents love and vitality. Yellow symbolizes attractiveness, orange – good luck, blue – peace, green – prosperity.

Do not underestimate the magical properties of runes; with their help you can program your life the way you want. It is important to learn to concentrate on your own desire, visualization will help with this.

Charge the water by imagining the runes in it. Various affirmations will enhance the effect of rituals. Do not be skeptical about the work done; such an attitude will be of little use. Do not perform the ritual if you feel apathetic or depressed.

Draw a money rune on a bill, but don't spend it, just carry it in your wallet. This is a powerful ritual that will attract even more money. You shouldn’t place high hopes on a ritual performed once; this thing loves regularity. Repeat rituals to attract money from time to time and believe in success.

All methods are good for attracting money, but you need to remember that you still need to save and increase it. And then, you definitely won’t have problems with money. And for this, to help you save and increase money, we recommend

Runic amulets can be purchased from people with superpowers, but it is better to make a talisman yourself, filling it with your emotions and desires. We hope that this article will be useful to you and your friends who can read it on social networks.

Never doubt your own abilities, and luck will definitely smile on you!
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Do you want to improve your material well-being? Then in this article you will learn popular runic formulas for attracting money and their detailed interpretation. Enjoy reading.

Money runes

Before composing runic formulas to attract money, wealth, and luck, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the meanings of some “money” Scandinavian symbols. You can find out more detailed information from the specialists of the Russian Tarot School while taking free courses.

Exclusive bonus! If you are interested in Runes, you will definitely like our  free mini course  "Secrets Hidden in the Runes" ← Learn in 4 lessons the features of safe work with runic energy, how to use the Runes of Health and Wealth, as well as...


One of the main symbols that allows you to improve your material well-being. Symbolizes success, money, wealth, vitality. It can be used as an independent unit or as a component of a runic formula to attract a large sum of money. The correct use of the sign depends on the individual abilities of a particular person.

Considering the Fehu rune from a metaphysical point of view, a transition from Being to Non-Existence can be traced. It is a creative creative force aimed at shaping the visible world through the use of subtle matter. In other words, it personifies the personal intentions, desires of a certain person, which he is able to achieve on his own.


A symbol of harvest, fertility, reward for work done. In order for your plans to come true, you need to put a lot of effort into it. Include an optimistic attitude, faith in the best, determination - this will help you achieve your goals, getting the most profitable result.

Odal (Otala)

This rune represents the receipt of material property acquired for certain investments. Correct handling of the sign will allow you to receive patronage and support from authoritative people.


Rune Dagaz is a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Can be used as a component of a runic formula to attract money to a green candle. The symbol is filled with light and positivity, confidently leading the operator through obstacles to achieve his goal.

What should I apply the runic formula to to attract wealth?

Runic formulas (ligatures, staves) for money can be depicted on large denomination bills. Try to always carry it with you without changing it - but keep it separate from other banknotes. After a short time, the banknote will begin to attract additional finance.

What is the best way to activate money runic formulas?

  • Odal (Othala): Symbol of tradition, inheritance. Represents family, homeland, home
  • Fehu: Material wealth, property, rune of finance
  • Yera: Harvest. In other words, obtaining the desired results, fertility, material security

Becoming "Flow of Abundance"

Allows you to receive profit and material abundance from all spheres of a particular person’s life. When drawing up a clause, imagine that money is constantly coming from all kinds of sources. The result is joy, prosperity, good mood, optimism.

  • Laguz, Fehu: Continuous flow of abundance
  • Raido: Direction of cash flow to the operator from all possible sources
  • Nautiz: Forces the flow to move in the specified direction
  • Ak: Maintains strength, invulnerability of chosen paths
  • Secondary Turisaz: Protection, destruction of possible obstacles, bringing good luck and joy to the operator
  • Soulu: Saturating the stave with the necessary energy

Stav activation - visualization of the final result with the words “So be it!”

How long will it take for the cash bet to work?

The answer to the question “when will the cash rate work” depends on the following factors:

  • The strength of the operator, his expression of will, the level of personal power
  • The correctness of drawing up the runic formula is fundamental to quickly obtaining the desired result.

There are also programs that make it possible to open a financial channel necessary to attract finance in the required amount.

Advice. Never combine several unfamiliar formulas, otherwise you will not achieve success or get the opposite result. Before starting work, carefully study all the runes included in the combination, reflecting on the rationality of using the chosen combination

You can get this knowledge at free mini-course “Secrets hidden in the Runes”.

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