Alexey Osipov Orthodoxy. Osipov Alexey Ilyich: biography, personal life and family, education, teaching career. Teaching and social activities

Bathroom 07.12.2023

Born on March 31, 1938 in the city of Belev, Tula Region, into a Russian family of employees. Until 1952, he lived first in the city of Kozelsk, Kaluga region, then in the village of Optino, Kozelsk region. Since 1952 he lived in the city of Gzhatsk (now Gagarin) in the Smolensk region.

After graduating from high school in 1955, refusing offers from the school management to enter any institute, for three years at home he studied the principles of theology under the guidance of Abbot Nikon (Vorobyova, +1963). In 1958, having received a written recommendation from him (with the blessing of Archbishop Mikhail (Chub) of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh), he was accepted into the fourth (graduation) class of the Moscow Theological Seminary, having passed exams for the three previous classes.

The following year he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1963 with a candidate of theology degree, having defended a dissertation in the department of ancient Greek on the topic: “Translation of the rites of Matins and Vespers according to the 1951 edition of the service book of the Greek Church in comparison with the Russian service book of the Synodal edition.” After graduating from the academy, he received a certificate of assignment to the Smolensk diocese.

But in the fall of the same year, I received an invitation to the newly opened graduate school at the Moscow Theological Academy. Upon completion, he remained there as a teacher in the then completely new discipline “Ecumenism”. In 1965 he was invited to lecture on Basic Theology at the academy, and then the following year - the same subject at the seminary.

In subsequent years, in graduate school, he lectured on the History of Russian religious and philosophical thought, Protestantism, and Contemporary theological problems; at the academy, in addition to Basic Theology - on Western Confessions.

In 1969 he received the title of associate professor, in 1975 - professor, in 1985 - the degree of Doctor of Theology, in 2004 - the title of emeritus professor.

In addition to teaching at Moscow theological schools, he had many other responsibilities.

In 1964, he was appointed secretary of the commission of the Russian Orthodox Church for the preparation of materials for the Religious and Ethical Encyclopedia, published in Athens.

1967 - 1987 and from September 1995 to 2005. - Member of the editorial board of the collection "Theological Works".

From 1973 to 1986 - Member of the Educational Committee at the Holy Synod from the Moscow Theological Academy.

From 1976 to 2004 - Member of the Holy Synod Commission on Christian Unity, transformed in 1994 into the Synodal Theological Commission.

From 1981 to 2004 - head of the postgraduate branch of the Moscow Theological Academy at the DECR.

In 1990-93 editor-in-chief of the renewed journal of the Moscow Theological Academy "Theological Bulletin".

In 1991-99 - co-chairman of the annual International Conference "Science. Philosophy. Religion" in Dubna (Moscow region).

In 1994-95 - member of the Joint Coordination Committee for interaction between the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1994 he was appointed to the Publishing Council of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In 1995 - 1997, at the II - IV World Russian Councils, he was a member of its Permanent Presidium.

In 1995, the definition of the Holy Synod included:

to a working group based on the Educational Committee to develop a detailed concept of a new system of theological education of the Russian Orthodox Church;

to the working group to study the topic: “On the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church to inter-Christian cooperation in the search for unity”;

to the Synodal working group for the development of the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 2005, by definition of the Holy Synod, he was included in the working group “to draw up a conceptual document outlining the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the field of interreligious relations.”

Since 1979, he was a member of the Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Theological Commission for the preparation of Orthodox-Lutheran dialogue, and from 1982 to 2007 - of the Mixed Orthodox-Lutheran Theological Commission for dialogue; from 1991 to 1998, member of the “Faith and Church Order” commission of the World Council of Churches.

He took part in bilateral dialogues conducted by the Russian Orthodox Church with: Pre-Chalcedonian churches, the Vatican, the Catholic organization Pax Christi Internationalis, Lutheran churches of Germany, the GDR, Finland, the National Council of Churches of the USA, the World Union of Reformed Churches, the Anglican Church, the Episcopal Church in the USA and etc.

He was a participant in a number of Assemblies of the World Council of Churches, the Conference of European Churches, and the Christian Peace Conference; many world, international, regional and other church and public conferences and assemblies both within the country and abroad.

He gave reports and lectures in Russia and abroad to various audiences, both church and secular: in academies, universities, institutes, schools, in public, military and business organizations, on radio and television.

Awarded orders of the Russian Orthodox Church and other Churches.

Published in the "Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate" (JMP), in "Theological Works", "Stimme der Ortodoxie" (publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchate), in secular magazines and newspapers, as well as abroad: in Germany, Finland, Greece, the USA, Italy and other countries.

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    ✪ WHY DOES MAN NEED GOD? Alexey Osipov


After graduating from the MDS in 1959, he continued his studies at the Moscow Theological Academy (MDA), graduating in 1963 with a candidate’s degree in theology for the essay “Translation of the rites of Matins and Vespers according to the 1951 edition of the service book of the Greek Church in comparison with the Russian service book of the synodal edition.” In 1964, he attended a postgraduate course at the MDA.

In the same year, he was appointed to the MDA as a teacher in the then completely new discipline “Ecumenism”. In 1965, he was invited to lecture on basic theology at the Academy, and then the following year - the same subject at the seminary. In subsequent years, in graduate school, he lectured on the history of Russian religious and philosophical thought, Protestantism, and modern theological problems; in the academy, in addition to basic theology, - according to Western confessions.

Since 1965 - teacher of basic theology at the Moscow Theological Academy. Since 1969 - Associate Professor.

In 1985, in connection with the 300th anniversary of the MDA, he was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity honoris causa. In 2004 he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy.

Gives lectures on basic theology in the fifth year of the seminary and the first year of the academy. Interests: basic theology (apologetics), Western confessions. He speaks a lot in various audiences and on Radio Radonezh with lectures and conversations, much of which has been distributed on compact cassettes, CDs and on the Internet.

Teaching and social activities

In addition to teaching at Moscow theological schools, Alexey Osipov had many other responsibilities.

In 1964, he was appointed secretary of the commission of the Russian Orthodox Church for the preparation of materials for the religious and ethical encyclopedia, published in Athens.

From 1967 to 1987 and from September 1995 to 2005 - member of the editorial board of the collection “Theological Works”.

From 1990 to 1993 - editor-in-chief of the renewed journal of the Moscow Theological Academy “Theological Bulletin”.

From 1991 to 1999 - co-chairman of the annual international conference “Science. Philosophy. Religion" (city of Dubna, Moscow region).

From 1994 to 1995 - member of the joint coordinating committee for interaction between the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1994 he was appointed to the publishing council of the Moscow Patriarchate.

From 1995 to 1997 - member of the permanent Presidium of the II-IV World Russian Councils.

In 1995, the definition of the Holy Synod included:

  • to a working group on the basis of the educational committee to develop a detailed concept of a new system of theological education of the Russian Orthodox Church;
  • to the working group to study the topic “On the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church to inter-Christian cooperation in the search for unity”;
  • to the Synodal working group to develop the foundations of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 2005, by definition of the Holy Synod, he was included in the working group “to draw up a conceptual document outlining the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the field of interreligious relations.”

In 2017, he was approved as a member of the Inter-Council Presence for 2014-2018 in the Commission on Church Education and Diacony

Since 1979, he was a member of the Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Theological Commission for the preparation of the Orthodox-Lutheran dialogue, and from 1982 to 2007 - of the mixed Orthodox-Lutheran theological commission for dialogue; from 1991 to 1998 - member of the “Faith and Church Order” commission of the World Council of Churches.

He took part in bilateral dialogues conducted by the Russian Orthodox Church with the Pre-Chalcedonian Churches, the Vatican, the Catholic organization Pax Christi Internationalis, the Lutheran Churches of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Finland, the National Council of Churches of the USA, the World Union of Reformed Churches, the Anglican Church, the Episcopal Church in the USA and etc.

He was a participant in a number of assemblies of the World Council of Churches, the Conference of European Churches, the Christian Peace Conference, and many world, international, regional and other church and public conferences and assemblies both in Russia and abroad.

He gave reports and lectures in Russia and abroad to various audiences, both church and secular: in academies, universities, institutes, schools, in public, military and business organizations, on radio and television.

Published works in the “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate”, in “Theological Works”, “Stimme der Orthodoxie” (publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchate), in secular magazines and newspapers, as well as abroad (Germany, Finland, Greece, USA, Italy and other countries) .

In 2014, information appeared in the media about his dismissal from the Moscow Theological Academy due to reaching the age of 75, but on the MDAiS website he is listed as part of the department of theology.


On the pages of “Literature of Russia” he states that among people who consider themselves Orthodox, indifference “to dogmatic and moral teaching” is widespread. Notes the trends in the transformation of the Church into a religious association of people who have different opinions and are indifferent to the truth of Christ. He connects this with the fact that “the Orthodox people do not know their faith well, are easily susceptible to superstition and lack of faith, and are infected with paganism.”




Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission

In 2016, the “Conclusion of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission based on the results of consideration of the appeal of believers regarding the controversial theological views of Professor A. I. Osipov” received publicity. The "Conclusion" is a response to the request of believers to clarify whether the provisions of Osipov's teachings are an accurate presentation of the Orthodox faith. In the “Conclusion”, the SBBK noted that Professor Osipov’s statements about the finality of hellish torment and the theological views associated with it do not find basis in the Holy Scriptures, that Osipov does not reveal the Orthodox doctrine of the Atonement, that Osipov’s theory about the sacrament of the Eucharist is a theological innovation, notes the discrepancy between , what Osipov writes, with the Orthodox teaching on infant baptism; The statement also says that according to the “very definitely” expressed teaching of the Church, Christ did not perceive original sin,” counting them, since in this publication, in their opinion, there are fragments that do not correspond to the Orthodox teaching of Alexander Markov), the lecturer made 15 mistakes. Thus, according to the authors of the critical note, Osipov is hardly competent in the issues raised in this answer.


From the main works

  • Translation of the rites of Matins and Vespers according to the 1951 edition of the service book of the Greek Church in comparison with the Russian service book of the Synodal edition (Manuscript. MDA Library. 1963).
  • Basic theology. Course of lectures at the Moscow Theological Seminary. - M., 1994.
  • Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev). Letters on spiritual life. - M.: Sretensky Monastery, 2005.
  • The path of reason in search of truth. - M.: Sretensky Monastery, 2010 (The Search for Truth on the Path of Reason. - Pokrov Press, 2009 (English); Droga rosumu w poszukiwaniu prawdy. - 2011 (Polish))
  • The afterlife of the soul. - M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 2007.
  • Love, marriage, family. - M.: Publishing house Mosk. Patriarchate, 2009.
  • Become a saint. - M.: Publishing house Mosk. Patriarchate, 2010.
  • From time to eternity: the afterlife of the soul. - M.: Sretensky Monastery, 2011. (Kuolemanjalkeinen elama. - New Valaam Monastery, 2010 (Fin.) ; Aus dem Zeitlichen in die Ewigkeit das Leben der Seele nach dem Tod. - Vienna, 2011 (German) ; translation into Chinese - Hong Kong, 2012)
  • God. - M.: Sretensky Monastery, 2011 (translation into Thai - Thailand, 2011; translation into Mongolian - Burkhan. Ulaanbaatar, 2011).
  • Bearers of the Spirit. - M.: Sretensky Monastery, 2011.


  • Justice and violence. // Theological tr. - No. 11. - 1973.
  • Violence and justice. // Journal. Moscow patriarchy (ZhMP). - 1973. - No. 5.
  • Salvation is liberation for peace and justice in Christ. The meaning of the Church. // ZhMP. - 1976. - No. 3.
  • On some principles of the Orthodox understanding of ecumenism. // Theological tr. - No. 18. - 1978.
  • Thirtieth anniversary of the World Council of Churches. // ZhMP. - 1978. - No. 12; 1979. - No. 1.

Osipov Alexey Ilyich is a famous Orthodox apologist and catechist. Doctor of Theology, professor. A brilliant lecturer and publicist. A man of modest, ascetic life. We'll talk about it today.

Biography of Alexey Ilyich Osipov. Personal life, wife

Alexey Ilyich was born on March 31, 1938 in the ancient Russian town of Belevo, which is located in the Tula region. But he spent his childhood and youth in the city of Kozelsk and the village of Optino, next to the famous Optina Monastery, an Orthodox monastery, which was inactive at that time.

The biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov and his personal life were determined by his acquaintance with Abbot Nikon. This meeting took place in early childhood and influenced the boy’s entire future life and fate. He grew in a clear understanding of his path and tried in everything to be like his teacher and confessor Father Nikon.

Pious life, asceticism and prayer practice filled the life and biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov. Wife and family were excluded in such an almost monastic environment. Alexey Ilyich is not married, leads a modest life and works for the good of the Church of Christ.

Alexey's mentor - Abbot Nikon

Hegumen Nikon (Nikolai Vorobyov) is a priest and spiritual writer. A well-known ascetic in Orthodox circles, he leads an exceptionally pure, ascetic life, filled with prayer and love for the people around him. The future elder Nikon went through the crucible of revolution, civil strife and war. He also experienced a loss of faith and a passion for science and philosophy.

After spending years, he realized that the sciences do not study the human soul, do not deal with issues of death and sin, but, on the contrary, have only superficial knowledge about the most important, from his point of view, issues. Then he delved into the study of Orthodoxy and reached the depths of understanding the evidence of the Epiphany and the importance of the spiritual path. He followed this path of faith all his life. At the age of 36, Nicholas became a monk. In those years, the monasteries were closed, and therefore he had to lead the difficult life of a monk in the world. So he labored until his death in 1963. In his life there were camps, and exile, and many other sorrows and misfortunes, but he did not become embittered, but remained a bright man, devoted to God and the Faith of Christ.

After himself, Abbot Nikon left many religious and apologetic articles, as well as a large number of letters in which his opponents were ordinary people who sought advice and prayers from the elder.

Growing in Faith

Having met Abbot Nikon in early childhood, Alexey Ilyich was imbued with the spirit of Orthodox piety, became accustomed to a contemplative life, and grew up under the sensitive guidance of his mentor. The elder immediately drew attention to the inquisitive and diligent boy and taught him a lot. He gave Alyosha Russian classics, Greek philosophers and, of course, the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church to read - John Climacus and the collection “Philokalia”.

The elder also monitored the boy’s studies, his grades and his leisure time. He taught him, for example, how to play chess, but then, when Alexey Ilyich had already grown up, he forbade him from playing chess, saying that it was a pointless waste of time. To the young man’s perplexed questions, the elder answered that in adolescence, chess is a lesser evil compared to other nonsense that can swarm in a teenager’s head.


Classes with Father Nikon and his serious recommendations helped Alexei Ilyich immediately enter the fourth year of theological seminary, having passed exams for the first three. The elder looked after Alexei Ilyich until the very end of his life and was his main support in his spiritual maturation. In the last year of his life, Father Nikon was seriously ill, but, maintaining a clear mind and a pure heart, he never ceased to be a bright beacon in the biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov.

Teaching work

After graduating from the seminary, Alexey Ilyich entered which in 1963 he brilliantly graduated with a candidate of theology degree. The following year, Alexey Ilyich entered graduate school and began his teaching career, which continues to this day. In addition to teaching, Professor Osipov conducts extensive church activities.

Over the years, he was a member of the educational committee at the Synod and a member of the theological commission, took part in Local Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church and various inter-church dialogues. But teaching work, conducting seminars and giving lectures are the most important obedience and stand out in the biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov. The professor’s personal contribution to the cause of catechesis and apology for Orthodoxy is enormous.

Lecture activities

In his lectures, Alexey Ilyich talks about Orthodoxy, spiritual life, and the legacy of the holy fathers. The professor’s erudition not only in theological issues, but also in matters of philosophy, psychology and culture attracts the attention of more and more listeners. Alexey Ilyich always finds the right words, speaks in simple language about complex issues of Existence, motivates for further knowledge and growth in faith, and pays great attention to raising children.

The biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov is itself an example of correct church life, an example of piety and humility. Through the life of this amazing and modest man, Orthodoxy appears before us in all its historical significance, in its spiritual greatness, in its beauty and splendor. The truth of Orthodoxy, as Professor Osipov says in his lectures, is easily proven; you just need to approach this issue with an open mind and an open heart.

Alexey Ilyich also does not hide important negative issues - the problems of the church, his own mistakes, the ugly actions of clergy and church clergy. He tells his listeners about all this and openly shares his thoughts about church life.

Spiritual life

Spiritual life in the biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov is a fundamental concept. It, as the holy fathers of the Church taught, is the only correct life. The only true and most difficult path. Father Nikon told young Alexei Ilyich that spiritual life is the greatest rarity among people in our time. People are accustomed to confusing a highly moral life and a spiritual life. Many people are deceived in this and follow the wrong path. Spiritual life, or the path of the ascetic, is constant remembrance of death, clear awareness, purity of every second moral choice and majestic calm.

Modern people are immersed in an anti-spiritual atmosphere of vanity. Vanity takes over all the free time of such people and does not give them the slightest chance to stop and comprehend what is happening to them. First of all, to understand ourselves, our lives and the meaning of these lives. And if a person does not think about the meaning of life, gives it up to vanity, then his existence becomes meaningless, says Alexey Ilyich Osipov. This is repeatedly confirmed in the biographies of many church devotees. Whatever a person is in life, if he has a need to understand his existence, then his life is gradually transformed, structured, and he gradually begins to move along the religious path.

Alexey Ilyich talks a lot about the patristic heritage, the apostolic ministry and the holy martyrs of the twentieth century. His balanced attitude, deep faith and brilliant wit create an atmosphere of intelligence and trust during his lectures. But the professor pays attention not only to the holy fathers; he cites many examples of piety from the lives of ordinary people, ordinary husbands and wives. In the biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov, there are also such people - pure, generous Christians, whose acquaintance transforms and beautifies the world.

Another problem of our time, according to Alexei Ilyich, is entertainment. Endless temptations and pleasures, like vanity, distract people from the main issues of existence. All these are attributes of a completely anti-Christian world, in which there is no place for repentance and prayer. A person has no time to stop, think, raise his head and peer into the sky. Comprehend Eternity.


In 2018, Alexey Ilyich celebrated his eightieth birthday and, despite such a venerable age, he is still wise, witty and generous.

Throughout his long biography, Alexey Ilyich Osipov teaches piety, works for the good of the church and wages invisible warfare.

Alexey Ilyich Osipov was born on March 31, 1938 in the city of Belyaev, Tula Region, into a family of ordinary employees. He spent his childhood in his hometown, and later moved with his parents to live first in Kozelsk, and then in the village of Optino (Kozelsky district). He moved to Gzhatsk in 1952. The biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov contains information about his youth, career, but there is nothing about his personal life, wife, children, or even family photos.

Early life and studies

During his school years, he, like all students, was offered to join the Komsomol. But Alexey was one of the few who flatly refused the offer. He did not talk about the reasons for this decision, but perhaps it is related to faith.

After 3 years, namely in 1955, Osipov graduated from high school, but refused to enroll in a university, despite the persuasion of his parents. The reason for the refusal was again faith. Instead of higher education, he deepened theology for several years under the guidance of the clergyman Abbot Nikon. In 1958, he received a letter of recommendation from his mentor, thanks to which he was able to enter the fourth grade of the Moscow Theological Seminary the first time.

Osipov Alexey Ilyich

Just 1 year later he was already studying at the Moscow Theological Academy. He defended his dissertation in the Department of Ancient Greek. He graduated from the educational institution, receiving a candidate of theology degree. Upon graduation, he was issued a certificate directing him to work in the Smolensk diocese.


Despite the opportunities, he accepted an invitation to graduate school at the Moscow Theological Academy. After graduating, he stayed there to teach in the new discipline of “Ecumenism” for that time. Two years later he was offered to teach classes in Basic Theology, and then the same subject at the seminary.

Ecumenism (universe, inhabited world) is the ideology of pan-Christian unity, the desire for the unity of religious communities throughout the Universe.

As a graduate student, Ilyich gave lectures on modern theological problems, the history of Russian religious and philosophical thought, and Protestantism. At the academy, in addition to his main subject, he also taught Western Confessions.

As a graduate student, Alexey Ilyich lectured on Contemporary Theological Problems

He climbed the career ladder slowly but surely. In 1969, he became an associate professor at the same academy, 6 years later a professor, and 9 years later a doctor of theology.

Many people are interested in why Alexey Ivanovich, having gone through a rather long path of education and eventually receiving a candidate of theology degree upon graduation, did not become a priest, because in theory everything was going exactly towards this. In fact, at some point he simply realized that his true direction was not priesthood, but pedagogy.

In his opinion, to be ordained at the academy is a very strange act. A priest must have a flock. In the academy, its head is the rector, and the priest’s job is only to serve. They can conduct teaching activities, but only in the rank.

Life outside the academy

Outside of academic life, Alexey Osipov also achieved a lot. For example, in 1964 he was appointed secretary of the commission of the Russian Orthodox Church for the preparation of materials for the religious and ethnic encyclopedia of Athens. From 1967 to 1987, and later 1995-2005. - as part of the board of the almanac “Bogoslav’s Works”. Around the same period (1973-1986) he was a member of the educational committee at the Holy Synod. Also for a long time (1976-2004) he served on the commission of the Holy Synod.

For about 22 years, Osipov worked as the head of the postgraduate branch of the Moscow Theological Academy under the department of external church relations. He was editor-in-chief of the journal “Theological Bulletin” and co-chairman of the annual international conference “Science. Philosophy. Religion".

Since 2009, he has been a member of the presidium of the Inter-Council Presence and its church commission.

For a year he worked simultaneously on the publishing council of the Moscow Patriarchate, the joint coordinating committee for interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Later he was a member of the permanent Presidium of the I-IV World Russian Councils.

Since 2009, he has been a member of the presidium of the Inter-Council Presence and its church commission.

Participated in bilateral dialogues held by the Russian Orthodox Church with the Vatican, Pre-Chalcedonian churches, Lutheran churches of the GDR, the National Council of Churches of the USA, etc.

Participated in various assemblies, for example, in the World Council of Churches, the Christian Peace Conference, many international, regional and other events both at home and abroad.

He has performed on radio broadcasts, television programs, in high schools, institutes, universities, cultural centers, parish churches and conferences (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Poland, India, etc.).

Excerpts from his books were published in “Theological Works”, “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate”, newspapers, and also abroad.

In 2014, information appeared in many newspapers, magazines, and on the Internet that Alexey Ilyich Osipov left the Moscow Theological Academy due to reaching the age of 75. But on the official website of the academy he is still listed as an employee.

Alexey Ilyich Osipov received many awards

For his active work, Osipov was awarded many awards, for example: the Order of St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', III degree, the Order of the Holy Blessed Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, III degree, etc.

Alexey Ilyich is sure that among people who consider themselves Orthodox, indifference to “moral and dogmatic teaching” is widespread. He believes that now the Churches unite those who are completely indifferent to the faith and truth of Christ. In his opinion, this is due to the fact that the Orthodox people know their faith very poorly and are easily exposed to superstitions.
Osipov, despite his fame even outside of Russia, is a very private person. So much so that, probably, even all those who have been communicating with him for many years know almost nothing about him. On the official website of Alexey Ilyich Osipov there are many photos with colleagues from the academy and not only, but there are no family photos with his wife and children anywhere. The biography says nothing about him.

Friday, 18 May 2012

And all his works will burn...? Russian monks and their assistants are burning copies of the book “From Time to Eternity. The afterlife of the soul” by professor of the Moscow Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church MP A.I. Osipova.

For those who don’t understand why Orthodox monks burn Osipov’s books, read:

Theological commentary on the book by MDAiS professor A.I. Osipov “Afterlife”:

Websites criticizing the theology of Prof. Osipova:

I don’t yet have exact data about the video (who burned it and where), but judging by the message from glebin, an Orthodox anti-abortion activist, it’s possible that books were burned in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.

“I was just in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. I wasn’t there for long, literally a few hours, but what I saw and heard was very encouraging.

For example, one of the monks of the brethren literally said the following: once a whole box of Osipov’s books came to the monastery: “with the stamp of the Publishing Council, the circulation of the publication is 30 thousand copies, on glossy paper.” Well, at first they began to distribute these books. And then, when they saw that in this book literally on every page there was either Origenism, or Marcionism, or some other heresy condemned by the Councils, they destroyed everything that was sent, trying to take away what had already been distributed.

By the way, Fr. Oleg Stenyaev said that Archimandrite. John Krestyankin very warmly and joyfully hosted Father Daniil Sysoev, an irreconcilable denouncer of Osipov’s false teaching. However, it is not only the Pskov-Pechora Monastery that rejects this false teaching: it is known, for example, that Osipov is not given an entry visa by the Athos monasteries.”

A.I. Osipov - From time to eternity. Afterlife of the soul

Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Alexey Ilyich Osipov, the author of many catechetical and theological works, offers his own, sometimes different from the generally accepted, vision of the afterlife of man.

The book is equipped with many color illustrations and is intended for a wide range of readers.

How to understand Eternity? What are ordeals? Can God the Love give life to someone who He knows will go to eternal torment? Do our passions operate in the afterlife? Are there any real means of helping the deceased? What is the effect of prayer on the posthumous state of the soul? These deep questions, this mystery of human life in two dimensions - time and Eternity, cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The brochure by Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Alexei Ilyich Osipov, compiled on the basis of his public lectures and answers to questions from listeners, will help the reader in many ways to rethink what was previously known, to look at that world through the prism of patristic teaching.

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