Stepan in different languages. The meaning of the name Stepan, origin, character and fate of the name Stepan. Marriage and family

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When choosing a name for a child, some people think about traditional Slavic names. But in fact, some names have Western roots; they have simply existed in our culture for a long time and are perceived as our own. For example, the name Stepan actually came to us from Greece, and what is its interpretation and meaning for a child (after all, at first glance it is so simple and originally Russian) - we will consider further.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name for men Stepan (or Stefan) came to us from the Greek language, in which the word “stephanos” means a wreath or crown. The ancient Greek goddess Hera, who was the guardian of marriage and the protector of women in labor, wore this on her head.

That is, to put it briefly, the meaning of the name Stepan for a boy is crowned, royal, and from the point of view of Christianity - obedient to God, godly, who accepted the crown of a martyr.

The first mention of this word dates back to the 12th century and since then it has become very common among residents of villages and cities. The October Revolution of 1917 moved it to the list of undesirables, belonging to the relics of the past.

This means that the male name Stepan has recently become more and more common.

It is also interesting that, despite all the pretentiousness of the sound in translation, people perceive this personal name for a person as simple, a kind of shirt-guy. This is probably due to his cheerful and good-natured disposition, inability to hold a grudge for long, crazy energy, and willingness to always come to the aid of friends.

If you compose a portfolio for a boy in verses that reflect the beautiful meaning of the name Stepan, then the following lines would be perfect for its title:

For Stepan, the path is clear: be a king in life.

It is so bequeathed by fate that God will always be with you!

Forms of first name and patronymic

The full name Stepan (with Stepan, at Stepan, about Stepan, to Stepan) is abbreviated as Styopa (with Stepan, at Stepan, about Stepan, to Stepan).

Diminutive forms: Stesha, Stepashka, Stepashenka, Stenya, Stepochka, Stepchik, Stepanchik, Styopka, Stepusha, Stepunya, Stepukha.

At baptism, a boy can be given the name either Stepan or Stefan, there is no difference, it’s just that the modern form was previously used as Stefan.
The following surnames are very common: Stepanov, Stepankov, Stepashin, Stepashko, Steshin.

Did you know? In Russia, the surname Stepanov is in 40th place in terms of prevalence.

His children's patronymic names will be: the girl - Stepanovna, the boy - Stepanovich, and in the colloquial version - Stepanych.

In the female version, the name sounds like Stepanida or Stefania.

Name Angel Day

Stepan celebrates his name day (sometimes called Angel Day) several times a year. This name was very common among priests, even bishops, archbishops and popes often chose it for themselves.

The most famous Orthodox saint of this kind, Stephen the First Martyr, whom Jesus Christ chose among the other 70 as a disciple (besides the famous 12 apostles), was stoned for his faith in Christ.

In addition, Bishop Stefan of Perm and Saint Stefan of Piper are known. Therefore, according to the Orthodox calendar, Stepan celebrates name days several times a year:

  1. January 4 is the day of remembrance of the First Martyr Stephen.
  2. January 17 - Council of the 70 Apostles.
  3. May 9 is the day of remembrance of Stephen of Great Perm.
  4. August 15 - transfer of the relics of the First Martyr Stephen.
  5. September 15 - discovery of the relics of the First Martyr Stephen.
  6. December 11 is the day of remembrance of the Venerable Martyr Stephen the New.
  7. December 15 is the day of remembrance of Saint and Archbishop Stephen of Sourozh.
There are many other, less significant dates.
According to the Catholic church calendar, Stepan’s name day falls on:
Day of Remembrance Revered
January 3 Blessed Stephen de Quinzani
February 2 Blessed Stefano Bellesini
February 22 Blessed Stephen Vikenty Frelikhovsky
April 1 Martyr Stephen of Egypt
25th of April Bishop Stephen of Antioch
May 7 transfer of the relics of Stephen the First Martyr
August 3rd discovery of the relics of Stephen the First Martyr
August 16 (September 2) Hungarian King Stephen
November 21 Martyr Stephen of Spain
December 3 Martyr Stephen the African
December 26 Stephen the First Martyr

There are other lesser known days.

Name in different languages

In different languages ​​of the world, the spelling and sound will be different:

  1. In Hungarian - István (Istvan).
  2. In Spanish - Esteban (Esteban).
  3. In German - Stefan (Stefan).
  4. In Serbian and Bulgarian - Stefan.
  5. In Italian - Stefano (Stefano).
  6. In English - Steven (Stephen), Steve (Steve), Stephen (Stephen).
  7. In French - Stéphane (Stephan), also translated as Étienne (Etienne).
  8. In Polish - Szczepan (Szczepan).
  9. In Portuguese - Estéfano (Estevan).
  10. In Chinese - 斯捷潘 (Sijiepan).
  11. In Japanese - ステパン (Sutepan).
The entry in the foreign passport will look like STEPAN. Since the name Stepan translates as “crown,” its Hebrew counterparts (with the same translation) are Atir and Keter.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

The most famous characters in history are:

  1. - leader of the peasant war in 1670-1671. incredibly energetic, does not recognize authority, seemingly arrogant, but in fact easy to communicate with.
  2. Stepan Polubes (Ivanov)- decorated the walls of the Orthodox churches of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, Gregory of Neocaesarea in the Moscow diocese, as well as the walls of the Solotchinsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Ryazan region. A master of his craft, his works are still preserved in good condition, he was very fond of bright fairy-tale images, and had a well-developed imagination.
  3. - French scientist, studied optics, made a number of important discoveries, for which his name, along with other 72 famous personalities, was engraved on the Eiffel Tower. A brilliant scientist, not very sociable, dissatisfied with himself in the sense of perfectionism, constantly strived for perfection.
  4. - the king of Serbia, who best contributed to its development. A good organizer, a successful military leader, he knew how not only to fight, but also to negotiate. He was a very pious man, and built one church every year while he was in power.
  5. - the ruler of Moldavia, under whom the principality had the greatest influence. A talented strategist, skillfully used the gift of persuasion (signed peace with Poland, successfully found allies), loved art very much, paid great attention to the Orthodox Church, for his services to which he was elevated to the ranks of saints.
  6. - Hollywood film actor. He led a dissolute life and was even a drug addict, but after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in the United States, he reconsidered his life, converted to Christianity and actively preaches.
  7. - physicist from the USA, awarded the Nobel Prize. Born into a poor Jewish family, but thanks to perseverance and the desire for knowledge, he reached the top in scientific activity, while rejecting religion.
  8. - founders of the Apple corporation. The latter led the development of the iPhone, iPad, Apple Store and other well-known projects of the company, saving it from bankruptcy. Having become interested in electronics during his school years, despite the fact that his parents did not have enough money for college, he independently developed his knowledge and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences at 10 universities. Steve Jobs was a very conflicted person, but a brilliant leader and manager, thanks to his perfectionism and ability to sense a successful project. At the same time, he had a very conservative character.
  9. - Hollywood film director, his 20 best films brought in $8.4 billion in revenue. Easy to communicate with, although he was a little reserved as a child, he is a good family man and prefers a healthy lifestyle.
  10. - writer from the USA in the field of science fiction, thrillers, horror, has many literary awards. Born into a poor family, but thanks to perseverance, he received an education and began to develop his writing talent. An excellent family man, he got married while still unknown to anyone. I went through a difficult period of addiction to alcohol and drugs, but with the help of my family I pulled myself together.
This list can take several pages. This name was borne by 10 popes, 13 kings of Serbia, 4 kings of Bosnia, 10 Moldavian rulers, 48 ​​Orthodox and Catholic archbishops, bishops, bishops and many other famous historical figures, athletes, scientists, and artists. The literary character policeman Uncle Styopa Ivanov from Mikhalkov’s poem is widely known.

The main character traits of people with this name

If we describe the brief content of the name Stepan for, then we can say that this is a tomboy, which means mobility, cheerful character, restlessness. He is sociable, has creative talent, leadership qualities, loves attention, is unforgiving, and knows how to achieve his goals.

Important! Parents will have to put a lot of effort into raising such a child, since they will not achieve obedience using forceful methods.

As a young man, he loves female company, enjoys success with girls, and is capable of having several novels at the same time. He is interested in sports and computers.

A man becomes strong-willed, a good friend and a business executive. Temperamental in relationships, does not like available women.

In the family he often makes compromises; he loves children. However, problems are possible due to his tendency to flirt and his wife's jealousy.
In a marriage it goes well with Varvara,

Important! The boy Stepan is in good health, but in the absence of physical activity, he can develop heart disease with age.

Name Astrology

  • Planet: Sun, Mercury.
  • Sign: Aries, Aquarius.
  • Color: red, brown, emerald, yellow.
  • Stone: onyx, ruby, green tourmaline, aventurine, cat's eye, carnelian, aquamarine, marble, black opal, jasper, cobalt, green sapphire.
  • Tree: rowan, apple tree.
  • Plant: sweet pea.
  • Animal: tarpan (ancient horse).
  • Character: smart, pragmatic, leader.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

The number of letters in the word (6) indicates that they like to stand out with their appearance - fashionable clothes, hair care, expensive perfume. Characteristics and meaning of each of the letters in the name Stepan:

  1. WITH- the need for material wealth for a sense of well-being, pragmatism, a responsible attitude to work, demandingness towards his wife.
  2. T- individuality, love of truth, love of truth, creative talent.
  3. E- having your own opinion on various issues.
  4. P- penetration, the need to assert oneself, to make an impression, to feel excitement, but not a wasteful person.
  5. A- organizational skills.
  6. N- scrupulousness, zeal for service.
Naturally, one article cannot fully and comprehensively describe a person named Stepan, but the main thing is that he is a sociable and friendly person, capable of captivating others with him. Such a person will be able to achieve a lot in life, especially with proper parental education and the presence of an intelligent and understanding woman nearby.

Career, business and money

Many owners of the name strive to realize themselves in creative professions. You can often find Stepan succeeding in the acting profession. Fashion designer, architect, journalist or artist - all these professions are suitable for a man with a steely character and irrepressible creative potential. Styopa is a jack of all trades, so if luck does not smile on him in his bohemian profession, he can easily find himself in another job, becoming an excellent mechanic, furniture assembler, etc.

This man copes excellently not only with the role of a leader, but also a subordinate. Thanks to his charm and good sense of humor, Stepan achieves success in business and easily establishes relationships with the right partners.

Marriage and family

As life partners, Stepan chooses beautiful, sexy women who have a rich inner world and are capable of giving love and affection. Styopa's chosen one must be a sincere, friendly person, a good housewife and mother. Often the first marriage of these men is unsuccessful. A happy family boat is broken by the jealousy of the husband and mistrust of his beautiful, self-confident wife.

But Stepan cannot choose a “gray mouse” as a wife who does not arouse admiration among others - this contradicts his life principles. A man does not strive for leadership in family relationships, but the role of a weak-willed roommate does not suit him either.

Sex and love

In love, Stepan is a witty, helpful and gallant gentleman. These features make him attractive in the eyes of many women. He feels comfortable in the company of representatives of the fair sex, loves to be in the company of several young ladies, and prefers not to have rivals. Stepan likes to woo unapproachable women.

Ladies who do not hide mysteries within themselves, who are ready to throw themselves on his neck, do not stay long in a man’s life. If Styopa meets the girl of his dreams, he will be ready to woo her for years. The man named by this name is temperamental and passionate. He is characterized by high sexual activity. During intimacy with a woman, he tries to give her maximum pleasure and only after that thinks about himself.


As a child, Stepan does not cause his parents any problems related to his health. At an older age, he may develop heart problems, and the risk of injury increases. Often men with this name are plagued by frequent infectious diseases. Stepan belongs to the category of hardy people who endure pain or illness until the last moment and only when there is no more strength left, they go to the doctor.

Stepan has a strong and extraordinary character. He has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. The man is absolutely confident in his outstanding abilities. At the same time, he is a very kind person. He is not vindictive, does not seek to completely control his loved ones, and knows how to pay with loyalty for their patience. Stepan's psyche is quite stable. It is very difficult to both piss him off and shake him into any decisive action. Stepan is reluctant to accept new things and does not accept breaking established habits.

Interests and hobbies

Among Stepan’s hobbies, traveling, which involves visiting unusual places, takes a leading place. Boring and monotonous excursions do not attract him. An unexpected hobby for strong men named by this name is painting. Some of them enthusiastically create wonderful paintings in their free time. Stepa likes to work on the land, he enjoys setting up his dacha and running a household plot. Stepan likes carpentry and plumbing work.

Forms of the name Stepan

Short form of the name Stepan. Styopa, Stepasha, Stesha, Stepunya, Stepanka, Stepanya, Stepakha, Stepura, Stepukha, Stepusha, Stenya, Stenyusha, Shchepek, Shchepan, Fane, Steph. Synonyms for the name Stepan. Stefanos, Stefan, Etienne, Esteban, Istvan, Stephen, Steffen, Tapani.

Short and diminutive options: Stepanka; Stepanya; Stepakha; Stepasha; Styopa; Stepunya; Stepura; Stepukha; Stepusha; Stesha; Stenya; Stenush.

Patronymic: Stepanovich, Stepanovna.

Name Stepan in different languages

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Steven, Stephen, Stephan, Steve, Arabic. Istafan, Armenian Stepan, Belarusian Staffan, Stefan, Sitsyapan, Bulgarian Stefan, Stefo, Hungarian Istvan, Spanish Esteban, Estevan, Italian Stefano, lat. Stephanus, German Stefan, Stephan, Polish Szczepan, Stefan, Romanian Stefan, Ukrainian Stepan, Stefan, Finnish Tapani, French Etienne, Stephane, Stephan, Steve, Esteve, Czech Stepan, Stefan, Dutch. Stefan, Portuguese Estefano, Estevao, Serbian Stefan, Slovak Stefan, Slovenian. Stefan, Croatian Stipan, Stipe, Stjepan, Swedish Stefan

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport – Stepan

Origin of the name Stepan

The origin of the name Stepan lies in the Russian form of the Greek name Stefan, meaning "Crown, diadem." Therefore, the meaning of the name Stepan is the crown of something.

Patron saints of the name: Stephen the First Martyr (name day January 9), Stephen the Novosilator (name day December 22)

In the 21st century, the name Stepan is no longer fashionable, one might say it is outdated. It is quite likely that in childhood the boy Stepan will experience inconvenience about this

Stepan's character

Stepan is distinguished by his observation skills. He is a good organizer and looks at things very realistically. The man conquers everyone with his strong-willed character, original thinking and thoughtfulness. Communication with him inspires you to take action.

As a child, Styopa is playful and restless. He is ready to play all games, is very sociable, non-conflict and cheerful. It is difficult to get the boy to study, but he has a tenacious mind that allows him to instantly memorize the material. Styopa has a restless character, he is very observant and easily notices the mistakes of other people.

Stepan's parents can only rejoice at what a good and obedient boy they are growing up. But over the years, some of Styopa’s slowness can develop into unsociability and closedness.

Stepan has a strong and extraordinary character. He has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. The man is absolutely confident in his outstanding abilities. At the same time, he is a very kind person. He is not vindictive, does not seek to completely control his loved ones, and knows how to pay with loyalty for their patience.

Astrological features of the name

Planet- Sun

Color of the name Stepan- carmine

Auspicious tree- Rowan

Treasured plant- sweet pea

Patron of the name Stepan- tarpan

Talisman stone- aventurine

Numerology of the name Stepan

Those with the name number 6 are calm and sane. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more important than short-term benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, beans, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Stepan as a phrase

With Word
T Firm
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
P Peace
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Stepan

C - common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
P - wealth of ideas, established strong opinions, concern for one’s appearance. This letter directs a person’s mind to generalizations and comprehension of reality in its integrity.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

Sexuality of the name Stepan

Stepan has a strong, extraordinary character, he is full of self-esteem and confidence in his masculine abilities. He has high sexual excitability, he even tries to restrain his indomitable attraction, to curb his temperament with his mind. Therefore, from a young age he was accustomed to dealing with experienced women - both in the sexual and in the everyday sense. At the same time, he is drawn to women who are somewhat infantile and fragile, in relation to whom he could play the role of a teacher, a patron.

Stepan has very high emotional arousal at the highest point of intimacy, he does not hold back the delight of love, and does not hesitate to pour it out in passionate words. A stormy temperament does not exclude Stepan's sensitivity - an inadvertently thrown offensive word or an unpleasant episode that comes to mind during coitus can prevent him from receiving complete satisfaction. Stepan is not attracted to accessibility; he needs to win a woman. He attaches great importance to erotic play - he is a master of this; Stepan tries to introduce an element of novelty, initiative, and fantasy into intimate relationships. However, he tends to get too carried away with the technical side of sex, ignoring the fact that technology can be learned, but no art can replace the tenderness, careful and attentive attitude of a man towards his woman. Stepan's sexual behavior is largely shaped by the influence of erotic literature and films, and he is not averse to talking about this topic with his friends. “Winter” Stepan is jealous, hot-tempered, with increased sexual desires. He only needs to marry a “summer” woman if he wants to achieve sexual harmony with her.

Positive traits of the name

Optimism, a subtle sense of humor, smiling, agile, quick-witted, easy to communicate. Stepan quickly forgets the insult, does not harbor any grudges, and does not plot revenge.

Negative traits of the name

Self-esteem, desire to join the society of the “powers that be,” helpfulness, talkativeness, inability to keep secrets, important information. In his studies, Stepan differs little from his classmates. He is “good” in all areas of life. Parents are obliged to interest Stepan in his studies and teach him to think independently.

Choosing a profession by name

Stepan is not inclined to boring and painstaking activities. He is restless, prone to changing places, but at the same time he can show serious interest in new directions in science and art, and can be a serious researcher and scientist. He can prove himself in literature, the tourism business, and occupy a leadership position.

The impact of a name on business

Stepan's life is full of events, but quite favorable, it will bring him fame, wherever he lives and whatever career he chooses for himself. He is quite lucky in financial matters.

The influence of a name on health

Stepan's stable psyche determines his good health, but a chaotic lifestyle and poor nutrition can lead to indigestion and colitis.

Psychology of the name

You should not resort to violence when raising Stepan. This will not make him diligent. Only keen interest can awaken in him the desire to get to the bottom of the issue. Do not interrupt his chatter, endless stories bordering on fiction, offer to put it in writing. Maybe Stepan will turn out to be a talented writer.

Stepan and pets

Stepan should get a dog only with the consent of all family members, provided that someone will take care of it. Stepan himself can only play with her when he has an extra five minutes; he has absolutely no opportunity to devote enough time to her.

It is better to choose a dog’s name in accordance with the names of the children, because Stepan himself will not be able to take care of the dog.

Famous people named Stepan

Stepan Drzewiecki ((1843 - 1938) Polish-Russian scientist, engineer, designer and inventor, author of a number of submarine designs.)
Stepan Krasheninnikov ((1711 - 1755) Russian botanist, ethnographer, geographer, traveler, explorer of Siberia and Kamchatka, author of the famous book “Description of the Land of Kamchatka” (1756). Adjunct of natural history and botany of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1745). The first Russian professor of natural history history and botany of the Academy of Sciences (1750). Rector of the University of the Academy of Sciences and inspector of the Academic Gymnasium (1750). One of the founders of ethnography.)
Stepan Lianozov ((1873 - 1949) birth name - Stepan Lianosyan; Russian industrialist, philanthropist and political figure. The largest oil tycoon in Russia of the 20th century.)
Stepan Makarov ((1848/1849 - 1904) Russian naval leader, oceanographer, polar explorer, shipbuilder, vice admiral (1896). In 1895 he developed the Russian semaphore alphabet.)
Stepan Razin, also known as Stenka Razin ((c.1630 - 1671) Don Cossack, leader of the uprising of 1670-1671, the largest in the history of pre-Petrine Russia.)
Stepan Apraksin ((1702 - 1758) Russian field marshal general during the Seven Years' War, who commanded the Russian army at Gross-Jägersdorf. Built the preserved Apraksin Palace in Moscow.)
Uncle Styopa, Stepan Stepanov (the hero of the poem by S. Mikhalkov)
Stepan Kuznetsov ((1879 - 1932) Russian and Soviet theater actor, artist of the Solovtsov Theater in Kyiv, the Moscow Art Theater and the Maly Theater, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1929))
Stepan Shaumyan ((1878 - 1918) revolutionary and political figure. One of the leaders of the revolutionary movement in the Caucasus, journalist, literary critic. Head of the Caucasian Bolsheviks (1917), executed among 26 Baku commissars.)
Esteban José Echeverría Espinosa ((1805 - 1851) Argentine thinker, public figure, poet, writer and sociologist. One of the largest representatives of romanticism in the literature of Latin America of the 19th century.)
Esteban de Jesus ((1951 - 1989) Puerto Rican professional boxer who competed in the 2nd featherweight, lightweight and 1st welterweight categories. World champion in the lightweight (WBC version, 1976-1978) weight category.)
Esteban Matias Cambiasso Delo ((born 1980) Argentine footballer)
Etienne Louis Malus ((1775 - 1812) French engineer, physicist and mathematician. His works relate almost exclusively to optics. In 1808, Malus discovered the phenomenon of polarization of light by reflection. Simultaneously with J.-B. Biot, he discovered the polarization of light by refraction. In 1810 year created the theory of birefringence of light in crystals. Discovered Malus's law on the intensity of light passing through a polarizer. Invented a way to determine the direction of the optical axis of a crystal. Until the end of his life, Malus was an ardent supporter of the theory of emission (Newtonian theory of light). He explained the phenomenon of polarization by the fact that that particles of light have "poles" like magnets. In ordinary light, the poles of different particles are directed randomly. With polarization, only particles of light with certain pole directions are sorted. From the word "pole" Malus came up with the name of the phenomenon: "Polarization of Light." Malus's memoir about the phenomena polarization in reflection and birefringence was awarded by the Paris Academy and awarded the Rumford Medal by the Royal Society in London. In 1810, Malus was elected to the French Academy of Sciences. Malus's name is engraved on the list of 72 names on the Eiffel Tower.)
Stepan Begichev ((1785 - 1859) Russian memoirist; brother of D.N. Begichev)
Karabala ((1900s - 1970s) at birth - Stepan Harutyunyan; famous Yerevan eccentric of the 1930s)
Stepan Davydov ((1777 - 1825) Russian composer)
Stepan Russov ((1770 - 1842) historian, poet, philologist, member of the Russian Academy (1835), academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences)
Stepanos (Stephanos) Orbelian ((d.1304) historian, politician and representative of the church ministry of Armenia)
His Beatitude Cardinal and Patriarch Stephanos I Sidarousse ((1904 - 1987) Egyptian Cardinal. Lazarist. Titular Bishop of Sasa and Auxiliary Bishop of the Coptic Catholic Patriarchate of Alexandria (1947 - 1958). Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church (1958 - 1986). Cardinal-Patriarch since 1965 .)
Stefanos Christopoulos ((1876 - ?) Greek wrestler, bronze medalist at the 1896 Summer Olympics)
Stefanos Kapino ((born 1994) Greek football player of Albanian origin, goalkeeper, player of the Greek national team)
Stefanos Sarafis ((1890 - 1957) military and political figure in Greece, one of the leaders of the Greek Resistance Movement)
Stefanos Tamvakis ((born 1952) Egyptian entrepreneur, current president of the Council of Greeks Abroad)
His Beatitude Cardinal and Patriarch Stephanos II Ghattas ((1920 - 2009) Egyptian Cardinal. Lazarist. Bishop of Luxor from 1967 to 1986. Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church (1986 - 2006). Cardinal-Patriarch since 2001.)
Stefanos Korkolis (Greek singer and composer, currently working with Russian singer Linda)
Stefan Nerezov ((1867 - 1925) Bulgarian military leader, general of infantry (1920))
Stefan Sabinin ((1789 - 1863) archaeologist and theologian. In total, in the journal “Christian Reading” from 1829 to 1839, he published over seventeen extensive exegetical monographs on the history and archeology of the Old Testament. Many of his works remain to this day in manuscripts in the library of St. Petersburg Theological Academy. In Copenhagen, he became friends with the scientists there and in 1843 was elected a member of the “Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries” and the “Committee for the Study of Ancient Russian History.” He was constantly present in the meetings of both the society and the committee, which resulted in a number of valuable scientific articles in the "Readings" of the Moscow Society of History and Antiquity. Sabinin was in correspondence with the famous Slavists of that time - Kolar, Ganka, Safarik, who usually turned to him to resolve their perplexities about Slavic antiquities and in terms of philology. Under the leadership of Sabinin, he The family translated many of the best works of the then German (as well as French) sermon into Russian.)
Stefan Rubenid ((before 1110 – 1162/1165) Armenian prince from the Rubenid dynasty)
His Eminence Cardinal Stephen Kim Soo-hwan ((1922 - 2009) Korean Catholic cardinal. He was the oldest ordained cardinal priest of the Roman Catholic Church at the time of his death.)
Stefan Uros II Milutin Nemanjic ((c.1253 - 1321) one of the most powerful kings of Serbia (1282-1321) from the Nemanjic dynasty)
Stefan Paweł Rowecki ((1895 – 1944) pseudonyms - Grot, Rakon, Grabica; Chief Commandant of the Home Army from 1942 to 1943, resistance movement leader, division general of the Polish Army, publicist)
Stéphane Renaud ((born 1968) French badminton player, participant of the 1992 Olympic Games in singles)
Stepan Kucera ((born 1984) Czech football player, defender)
Stefan Amende, also known under the nickname “Steffan” (professional Dutch e-sportsman, sim racer. In 2006 and 2008 he took third place in the finals of the World Cyber ​​Games championship. In 2009 he won the ESWC tournament.)
Stefan Babaka ((1919 - 2007) first Archbishop of Erbil of the Chaldean Catholic Church from 1969 to 1994)
Stéphane Grappelli ((1908 - 1997) French jazz violinist who, together with guitarist Django Reinhardt, founded the Quintette du Hot Club de France - one of the first purely string jazz groups)
Cardinal Stephen Langton ((d.1228) English theologian and politician. He wrote many theological works, among which the “Commentaries” on the Holy Scriptures are especially valued. He is credited with dividing the books of the Bible into chapters.)
Stefan III the Great, also Stefan the Great and Saint, Stefan cel Mare shi Sfynt ((1429 - 1504) ruler, one of the most prominent rulers of the Moldavian principality. He ruled the country for 47 years. Throughout this period he fought for the independence of the Moldavian principality, for which pursued a policy of strengthening the central government, suppressed the boyar opposition. Successfully resisted stronger rivals - the Ottoman Empire, Poland, Hungary. Thanks to the talents of Stephen the Great as a commander, diplomat and politician, the Principality of Moldova was able not only to maintain independence, but also became a significant political force in Eastern Europe.)
Stefan Reed ((born 1987) former Canadian ski jumper, participant in two Olympic Games. At the end of the 2009 - 2010 season, Stefan Reid ended his professional career.)
Stephane Lambiel ((born 1985) Swiss figure skater, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Turin in men's single skating, two-time world champion (2005, 2006))
Stefan Karpov ((1903 - 1943) corporal of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944))
Stephen Girard ((1750 - 1831) a banker of French origin, later a naturalized American. He was a philanthropist. A person who directly contributed to saving the US government's economy from financial collapse during the War of 1812. He was one of the richest people in America. According to experts , Stephen was the fourth richest man in the history of America (USA). The basis for estimating his wealth was the coefficient of the country's current GDP. Since Stephen had no heir (because he had no children), he donated most of his wealth to charity, especially on the education of orphans, in order to improve the welfare of society.)
Stephen Baldwin ((born 1966) American actor. The youngest of the four Baldwin brother-actors (the other three are Alec, William and Daniel).)
Steven Weinberg ((b.1933) American physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979 (jointly with Sheldon Lee Glashow and Abdus Salam) "for contributions to the unified theory of weak and electromagnetic interactions between elementary particles, including the prediction of weak neutral currents ")
Stephen Gary "Woz" Wozniak ((born 1950) American computer developer and businessman, co-founder of Apple)
Steven Paul Jobs, known as Steve Jobs ((1955 - 2011) American entrepreneur, designer and inventor, widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computing revolution. Co-founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Apple Corporation. Co-founder and CEO of the film studio Pixar. By 1997, Jobs had regained control of Apple, leading the corporation. Under his leadership, the company was saved from bankruptcy and became profitable within a year. Over the next decade, Jobs led the development of the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and the iPad, as well as the development of the Apple Store, iTunes Store and App Store. The success of these products and services, providing several years of stable financial profits, allowed Apple to become the most valuable publicly traded company in the world in 2011. Many commentators call the resurgence of Apple one of the greatest achievements in business history.At the same time, Jobs was criticized for his authoritarian management style, aggressive actions towards competitors, and the desire for total control of products even after they were sold to the buyer. Jobs has received public recognition and a number of awards for his impact on the technology and music industries. He is often called a "visionary" and even the "father of the digital revolution." Jobs was a brilliant speaker and took innovative product presentations to the next level, turning them into exciting shows. His easily recognizable figure in a black turtleneck, faded jeans and sneakers is surrounded by a kind of cult.)
Steven George Gerrard MBE ((b.1980) English footballer, captain of Liverpool and the England national team. Member of the Order of the British Empire (2007).)
Stephen William Hawking ((born 1942) one of the most influential theoretical physicists and cosmologists of our time known to the general public)
Steven Allan Spielberg ((born 1946) screenwriter, producer and one of the most successful American film directors. His 20 highest-grossing films (with gross receipts of more than $200 million) grossed $8.4 billion)
Stephen Anthony Ballmer ((born 1956) CEO of Microsoft Corporation since 2008)
Stephen Edwin King ((born 1947) is an American writer working in a variety of genres, including horror, thriller, science fiction, fantasy, mysticism, drama. Translated from English, his surname King means “king.” The writer owes his surname to his father, who changed his Polish surname "Spenski" to the more sonorous English "King". More than 350 million copies of his books have been sold, which have been adapted into a number of feature films, television productions, and comic books. King published 50 novels, including 7 under a pseudonym Richard Bachman and 5 non-fiction books. He wrote about two hundred short stories, most of which were collected in nine collections of fiction. King received the Bram Stoker Award, the World Fantasy Award, the British Fantasy Society award, his story "The Way Station" was a candidate for The Nebula Award, his short story "The Man in the Black Suit" won an O. Henry Award, and in 2003 the National Book Foundation awarded him a medal for outstanding contributions to American literature. He has also received awards for his contributions to literature throughout his career, such as the World Fantasy Award (2004), the Canadian Booksellers Association (2007), and the Grand Master of the Mystery Writers of America (2007).
Etienne of Vakhka or Stefan Vakhkatsi (Armenian scientist and miniaturist of the 13th century, who worked in the Armenian kingdom of Cilicia. He lived and worked in the Vakhka fortress, which was the ancestral castle of the royal dynasty - the Rubenids. The works of the miniaturist that have come down to us are stored in various museums around the world. Among the famous works worth noting is the miniature in the “Royal Breviary" of 1270, where King Levon II with Vasak (King Hethum’s half-brother) holding the crown behind him appears before the face of the infant Christ. The image of Christ in this work is unique - this is not found anywhere else in Armenian art art. Apparently, the work was created under the influence of Western models. Another notable work is the "Collection", compiled near Bardzraberd around 1266. One of the pages of the collection depicts the king's brother, Hovhannes, kneeling at the feet of John the Evangelist. This manuscript emphasizes its originality with the characteristic beauty of the letter and the special arrangement of the text. If the Evangelist is depicted in a static manner, then the customer of the work sits at his feet quite realistically. The inscription under the miniature specifies that the customer is Bishop Hovhannes, the king’s brother.)
Etienne Bonnot de Condillac ((1715 - 1780) abbot, French philosopher. Brother of Mably and cousin of d'Alembert. He moved for some time in the circle of encyclopedists, in 1768 he became a member of the French Academy, before that he was the tutor of the grandson of Louis XV, Infante Ferdinand Parma.)
Etienne Mattler ((1905 - 1986) French football player, central defender, participant in three pre-war world championships: 1930, 1934 and 1938)
Etienne Bezu ((1730 - 1783) French mathematician, member of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1758). He taught mathematics at the School of Midshipmen (1763) and the Royal Artillery Corps (1768). His main works relate to algebra (the study of systems of algebraic equations of higher degrees, exception unknown in such systems, etc.) Author of the six-volume “Course of Mathematics” (1764-1769), reprinted several times.)
Etienne Aidu, Istvan Hajdu ((1907 - 1996) French sculptor, graphic artist, book artist of Hungarian origin. Belonged to the new Paris school.)
Etienne Pasquier, also Paquier ((1529 - 1615) French lawyer, political scientist, historian, humanist and poet)
Etienne Taboureau ((1547 - 1590) French poet, known under the name seigneur des Accords, an excellent “rhyme-weaver”, famous for games with versification (acrostics, anagrams, etc.), to a greater extent than for real poetry. Particularly famous for this in relation to his poems “La coupe” (“The Bowl”) and “La marmite” (“The Pan”), where the outlines of the poem represent the object that is described in it. He also had more serious works.)
Etienne Jora ((1699 - 1789) French painter, student of the Flemish artist Vleugels, who traveled with him to Rome. From 1765 he was rector of the Academy of Arts in Paris and, finally, from 1781 - chancellor. In addition, he was the caretaker of the Versailles painting galleries. He painted historical, and more generally, genre paintings, from which the best masters of his time engraved. Of Jora’s numerous works, the most successful can be considered: “The Sacrament of the Holy Trinity" (engraved by Gaspard Duchange), “Saint Philippe Neri" (engraved by Jean Joseph Baleshou) , “Diogenes breaking the shell that served him for drinking” (located in the Louvre, in Paris) and “The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple” (engraved by Claude Duflo). The Hermitage has a small painting by this artist: “The Mother in Childbirth.”)
Etienne Bacrot ((born 1983) French chess player, grandmaster (1997). He became a grandmaster at the age of 14 years and two months. The youngest grandmaster in the world and multiple champion of France.)
Etienne Barbara ((born 1982) Maltese footballer forward)
István Szabó ((born 1938) Hungarian film director, screenwriter and writer)
Istvan Peli (b. 1974) is a 3D artist and game designer. He developed three computer games independently. Credits: Lead artist for Oblivion, author of Symbiocom and Zero Critical (science fiction). But ultimately decided to focus on only on 3D art. His interests are industrial engineering and mechanical engineering, his latest project (MOVKUP) is about the exploration of fantasy projects. Istvan Peli served as lead artist on "Fallout 3".)
Count Istvan Széchenyi ((1791 - 1860) Hungarian reformist politician and writer who made a significant contribution to the rise of national feeling in Hungary before the surge of radicalism in the 1840s)
Istvan Fekete ((1900 - 1970) Hungarian children's writer. Russian readers are known as the author of the story “The Thorn Fortress” (1957, József Attila Prize in 1960, Russian translation by N.M. Podzemskoy published in 1973) and stories about adventures fox cub Vuk, based on which the full-length cartoon "Vuk" (1981) was filmed. Author of the children's story "Burdock" (Russian translation 1975). Author of the story "The Story of an Owl."
Istvan Csom ((born 1940) Hungarian chess player; grandmaster (1973). Coach. Winner of the XXIII World Chess Olympiad (1978) as part of the Hungarian team. Champion of Hungary (1972.) Best results in other Hungarian championships: 1974 - 1-3- e, 1976 - 2nd place. As part of the national team, participant in the 9th World Chess Olympiads (1968-1988), European Championships, World Team Championship (1985).)
Stephen I the Saint, Stephen the Great, in the Latinized version - Stephen I ((c.970/975 - 1038) Nitra prince (995-997), Hungarian nagyfeyedele (from 997) and the first king of the Kingdom of Hungary (from 1000/1001) from the dynasty Arpadov)
Tapani Länsiö ((born 1953) Finnish composer and choral conductor. Author of the opera “Feather” (2001, based on the play of the same name by Paavo Haavikko), numerous choral works, chamber music.)
Esteban Tuero ((born 1978) Argentine racing driver, participant in the Formula 1 world racing championship)
Esteban Oscar “Peachy” Fuertes ((born 1972) former Argentine football player. Colon club record holder for the number of goals scored (118) and matches played (286).)
Steffen Iversen ((born 1976) Norwegian football player, player of the Norwegian national team)

There are names whose popularity does not fade away year after year, and there are those that you rarely see these days - for example, Stepan. We will now look at the meaning of the name and its origin in more detail.

The reasons why interest in certain names fades are varied. Thus, the name Stepan was very widespread in Russia in the pre-Soviet period. But as the hero of one famous film said, “The power has changed - throw off your hat!” With the arrival of the Bolsheviks, along with everything royal, some popular names began to be eradicated.

Today children are called by this name very rarely. It is not very popular, and calling the boy Stepan means singling him out from the rest of the kids in the yard. Very often, parents deliberately call their child a rare name so that he does not become the “third Dima” in the class, but do not forget: a rare name always sets the child apart from his peers.

Now let's take a closer look at what the name Stepan means and what his character is. We will also find out what qualities fate has endowed this male name with and whether it is necessary to change it at baptism. The origin of this name is ancient Greek, it originally sounds like Stephen. And the meaning of the name Stepan - “crown (wreath)” - was associated with the ancient Greeks with the headdress of the goddess Hera.

The name appeared on Russian territory with the advent of Christianity. In those days it was used in its original form, and as the name Stepan it became widespread much later. Nowadays, you can see the use of both versions of the name, and the form of the name Stefan (feminine version -) is used not only at the baptism of a boy, but also in everyday use.

Despite its Greek origin, Stepan is perceived as an ordinary Russian name. It can be found in a variety of forms throughout the world. Here are perhaps the most unusual of them:

  • England and USA: Steven, Steve.
  • Arabic: Istafan.
  • Belarus: Stefan, Sitsyapan.
  • Hungary: Istvan (Istvan).
  • France: Etienne (Etienne).
  • Spain: Esteban (Esteban).
  • Portugal: Estevao (Estevo).
  • Finland: Tapani (Tapani).

In Russia, Stepan is briefly or affectionately called Stepa, Stepashka, Stenka, Stesha, Stepanya, etc.

Childhood and youth

You can’t keep a boy named Stepan in place! This is a very restless and curious child, he loves outdoor games and enjoys playing “trick and seek” with his friends. It is very easy to find a common language with him, easy to make friends and negotiate. This baby is not deprived of health - he is strong and cheerful, he is always a joy for his parents.

Stepasha is confident and sociable, his sociable character makes Stepan the soul of any company. He can easily defuse the situation if he notices that mom and dad are upset about something. It is very important to develop in this child the habit of managing his time, as well as perseverance and a love of work. This will make Stepan's character more balanced and balanced.

As a child, Styopa is honest and does not hide anything from his parents, but sometimes he is too straightforward in his words. But here, again, it all depends on upbringing. Parents should instill in their fidgety and fidgety a sense of tact, especially when it comes to communicating with adults.

At school, Stenka will study well, despite her character. The analytical mind allows you to grasp all the material on the fly, quickly digest and assimilate the necessary information - it’s boring for him to wait for others to do it.

Styopa’s youthful period goes by the motto “Serious, independent and collected!” He will not wait for fate to present everything on a silver platter, but will begin to act himself. However, despite the meaning of the name, Stepan does not strive for universal love and respect, but at the same time he does not shy away from people.

Friends love and appreciate this young man for his responsiveness and honesty. They know: Stepan will not betray trust, he will never betray his friend. He strives for successful people, learns from them, complementing his character with perseverance, determination and diligence.

He enjoys spending his free time at home, in a comfortable environment or in a small company. Those around him like the sparkle of Stepan’s jokes, as well as his ability to laugh not only at others, but also at himself.

Work, love and marriage

Adult Stepan knows his own worth very well. This man is purposeful and moderately ambitious; he will not give up the business he has started and will not turn away from the intended path. However, for the sake of results, he will never sacrifice his moral principles and honor.

A man bearing this name will not offend people, much less cause them any moral inconvenience. He is not vindictive, easily forgives offenders, and it is not typical for him to harbor revenge in his soul.

Stepan's character is practical; he prefers to work with his hands. At the same time, he is a very competent person with a sharp mind.. Complex questions that fate throws his way always get their solutions.

Stepan will find his place in such professions as carpenter, furniture maker, mechanic - everything suits him where he can put his “golden hands” to work. He will also cope excellently with the work of an architect, journalist or director of his own company.

Stepan, born in winter, usually devotes himself to work. Marries late, and it is unlikely to be done thoughtlessly. Winter Stepans are thorough, which is why they seem a little slow to others. They prefer women who are calm and serious. The marriage will be successful if the chosen one is homely and economical.

Spring is filled with romance. He is ardent and passionate in all his manifestations. This man likes the company of extraordinary, cheerful and pretty girls. He will only marry if the circumstances are right.

Stepan, born in the summer, is a sympathetic and kind person. Family life, as a rule, will be successful and calm. He takes a flexible and balanced girl as his wife. He does not need constant scandals; even talking with members of the household in a raised voice is unacceptable for this person.

The most ambitious and practical Stepan is the autumn one. He tries not to allow himself mistakes and annoying mistakes. But if a problem arises, Stepan will definitely find a way out of the situation. He tries to avoid accidents in his life. She starts a family late, and all candidates for the post of wife are carefully selected.

Stepan perceives love as an adventure, adventure, intrigue. His character in this regard is temperamental and passionate. This young man is extremely amorous and loving. Calm and quiet mouse girls are not for him! He needs to see a sensual, tender and fragile girl next to him; next to her he will always feel like a strong and courageous protector.

In his youth, Stepan can fall in love very often, but accessibility cannot win him over. He must win the girl with a fight, otherwise nothing will work out between them. However, all his love adventures end when his family appears, and perhaps his second one.

As he ages, the comfort and spiritual support of his wife come to the fore in his family life, while the storm of passions remains behind him.. Stepan understands: love is not the main thing in life, and emotions should be guided by reason. He is ready to spend time with his wife and children, help with housework, but he will not do this often. His character cannot stand routine and monotony, but this is now expressed not in changing one passion for another, but in the desire to go fishing with friends, for example.

Stepan’s wife should come to terms with this behavior, he needs to be given relief, otherwise this man will become withdrawn and intolerant of others. Home for him is, first of all, a place of rest from “righteous labors.” In the family, he is the main breadwinner, but the wife does all the bookkeeping for the family budget.

Particularly favorable will be Stepan’s life together with, Daria, Lyubov, Zinaida, Claudia, Tatyana and. It will be quite difficult to build relationships with Alevtina, Bella, Elena, Capitalina, and Inna.

Days of an angel. Name day

According to the church calendar, there are name days for the name Stepan in every month, even several days a month. At baptism he is named Stephen, and this name appears in both Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Name days according to the Orthodox calendar:

  • January: 9, 17, 24, 27.
  • February: 12, 21.
  • March: 12.
  • April: 6, 8, 10.
  • May: 9, 10, 20, 30.
  • June: 6, 20, 25.
  • July: 13, 18, 26, 27, 31.
  • August: 1, 13, 15, 25.
  • September: 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 26, 28.
  • October: 7, 15, 17.
  • November: 9, 12, 13, 17, 24, 25.
  • December: 11, 15, 22, 23, 28.

Catholic name days for the name Stepan are celebrated on February 8, April 17, August 16, September 2, December 11. Author: Anastasia Alyokhina

Some names take root so well in any country that they don’t even care where it came from or what it means. One should not be so careless about a name that is given only once in a lifetime, because for hundreds of thousands of years it has had a secret meaning that can change or even prevent dangerous events or incidents. Stepan, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys - details that can be indispensable for adults who want the best for their offspring.

The meaning of the name Stepan for a boy is brief

Only the firstborn who has recently appeared in the house brings everyone around not only joy, but also many problems that inexperienced parents did not even suspect. One of them is choosing a name. Experienced adults know very well that the first thing to do is to turn to specialized sources, with the help of which you can not only make a simple and easy choice, but also learn a lot of interesting things.

It's no secret that the name chosen by relatives plays a significant role in life and even in fate. Many hundreds of years ago, it contained a meaning that the family needs to know, because often with the help of this knowledge it is possible to find out what features the baby will be different from. Stepan, the meaning of the name, character and fate - you can get a lot of knowledge about these features, and they can only be used for the benefit of the child. It is often even possible to prevent dangers or change negative character traits in advance.

The meaning of the name Stepan for a boy is briefly “wreath”. The country that gave this name to the whole world is Greece, and the first mentions of it have very deep roots, stretching back to ancient times. Thanks to such a harmless meaning and melodic sound, this name was loved by many and quickly spread throughout the world.

What does the name Stepan mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Every person who has ever heard that fate and name are closely intertwined knows very well that there are several most reliable sources. Christian literature provides a church calendar that contains useful and even necessary information for adult family members. With the help of information contained in Orthodox books, you can find out what secret meaning was hidden in the chosen name, who was its first owner.

Christian sources also usually indicate which saints bore this name, why they were elevated to the highest rank, and what deeds they distinguished. Parents are most interested in the special information contained in the church calendar - when the baby will be able to celebrate his name day.

What does the name Stepan mean for a boy according to the church calendar? You should not expect that the interpretation differs from the ancient Greek meaning - the information is almost the same. In Christian literature, there is also only one meaning - “wreath”. It is often believed that it does not foretell anything bad and will certainly bring good luck to its owner; his path in life will certainly be filled with flowers.

The secret of the name Stepan, name day, popular signs

What secrets distinguish the mystery of the name Stepan? Most often, adults are interested in whether their beloved child will have patron saints. You shouldn’t worry about a guardian angel for a boy - there will be two of them at once. The baby will celebrate his name day in January (9th) and April (6th). It is not necessary to give gifts on this day - the main thing is that parents should remember that it is more important to honor the patron saints, pray with the child, and ask for mercy from the guardian angels. Sincere requests will certainly be heard, and the holy guardians will try to protect the baby from life’s adversities, bad people, and help solve serious problems.

The January holiday is considered especially revered by the people. It is on this day that people try to determine what the millet harvest will be like. The saint is believed to give secret signs of what to expect during the harvest season. You don’t have to be particularly observant - if the day is clear, without clouds, then the millet will certainly please you, it will last for the whole winter.

Origin of the name Stepan and its meaning for children

Will the origin of the name Stepan and its meaning for children be able to somehow influence the life of the baby? To find out the most reliable answer, you definitely need to turn to ancient sources that can tell you what you need to pay attention to first. As the church calendar, ancient books and even many years of research testify, the country that gave the whole world a beautiful name will not be able to influence fate. That is why it is recommended to find out about the origin of the name for just one purpose - to tell an interesting story to a child who will grow up and will certainly ask why his relatives gave him this name.

Stepan, the meaning of the name, character and fate - most often it is these details that cause special interest to the little one’s relatives. Parents should know that too many events can depend on the meaning, so there is no need to be careless about these features. Often, with the help of this information, you can respond to unfavorable incidents in a timely manner, try to get rid of the child’s negative character traits, and even contribute to the choice of a profession.

The character of a boy named Stepan

Will the character of a boy named Stepan show more positive or negative traits? Parents will certainly be pleased with its advantages, including:

  1. independence;
  2. reliability;
  3. decency;
  4. politeness;
  5. intelligence;
  6. observation;
  7. practicality;
  8. generosity.

Despite such a variety of advantages, Stepan also has one drawback, which can subsequently cause a lot of trouble - hot temper. He can get angry for any reason, and it is very difficult to calm him down; he rarely responds to persuasion. Stepan becomes especially aggressive as an adult. Drinking can push him to do anything, so alcohol is strictly prohibited for him. Not everything here is so bad - a loving wife will certainly help to cope with this shortcoming, which is so dangerous for others. For the sake of his beloved wife, he will certainly cope with his temper and addiction to alcohol.

The fate of a boy named Stepan

Will the fate of a boy named Stepan be favorable? As many years of experience show, it will not be replete with unexpected troubles. Stepan will choose a profession in accordance with his abilities.

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