Personnel reserve. How to properly form a company’s personnel reserve Work on forming a personnel reserve

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What does personnel reserve mean?

The personnel reserve (CR) is divided into two types - external and internal. Usually this is a group of people who have been pre-selected for any position in the organization, most often at middle or senior management positions. Specialists are assessed especially carefully and the personal, professional and business qualities needed to perform their job duties are identified.

External personnel reserve consists of resumes of candidates who meet the requirements and can therefore be invited at any time to fill a vacant vacancy. The main disadvantage of the database is that it becomes outdated, because people grow, develop, find work and no longer need your proposals.

Reference: sometimes the external personnel reserve consists of specialists who from time to time participate in projects and perform certain tasks.

Internal personnel reserve- already employed employees who have high potential for career growth and have management skills. As a rule, these are long-time specialists who have managed to establish themselves and show their reliability.

Table. Comparative characteristics of internal and external sources of personnel selection

Internal reserve includes:

  • highly professional employees with unique knowledge, capable of leadership, as well as professional growth in a horizontal direction (reserve of key specialists);
  • subordinates who can demonstrate vertical growth (administrative staff);
  • trained managers who can immediately begin their duties (operational staff);
  • potential managers (strategic talent pool).

The process of forming an internal personnel reserve takes at least 2 years, so it must be started from the day the organization is founded. Carefully observe all employees, make notes for yourself so that if necessary, move a specialist.

In small companies, a personnel reserve system is rarely created. Typically, employees are moved from position to position, or relatives, friends or acquaintances are accepted into the company, while avoiding formalities - evaluation, testing, etc. It should be noted that sometimes this can lead to serious problems, including the closure of the company.


Since the company was founded« Omega» its owner Stanislav also acted as HR director. First of all, he accepted all his relatives into the staff, they invited friends and acquaintances. So it happened that they did not accept outsiders, but looked for candidates for the position among« their» . As a result, leadership positions were occupied by those who did not fully understand the intricacies of the work and responsibilities. This had a negative impact on profitability, competitiveness and many business processes. When the company approached collapse, Stanislav analyzed the situation and assessed the employees. He decided to fire some workers and hire professionals in their place. A scandal broke out. Most of the subordinates left, but other applicants quickly arrived to replace them. Gradually, the situation returned to normal, and the company moved from unprofitable to profitable.

Goals and objectives of reserve formation

The main task of the Kyrgyz Republic is to improve and stabilize the financial position of the organization. By having “spare” employees, the company is protected from unforeseen situations due to the absence of key specialists. Business processes go on as usual, clients are satisfied with the cooperation, and business profitability does not decrease.

The formation of an organization's personnel reserve is also required to achieve other goals that management faces. Usually, using the “spare” database, they try to:

  • reduce the number of errors in the selection and placement of personnel;
  • evaluate staff adequately and slowly;
  • predict the need for employees;
  • provide the company with a reserve of effective specialists who know how to develop the business in accordance with the approved strategy;
  • retain and motivate talented managers;
  • reduce costs for recruitment and adaptation of personnel;
  • maintain a positive reputation.

Goals, objectives, desired results, mechanisms for the development of reservists, etc. include in the Regulations on the creation of a personnel reserve. Record the sequence of each stage to reduce and facilitate the work of managers who will be involved in the formation of a personnel reserve.

Example of a Regulation

The formation of a personnel reserve (HRR) of an organization occurs with the participation of senior management. We recommend adhering to the principle of openness and transparency. That is, do not hide from other employees that they have begun selecting specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is possible that some will prove themselves in order to achieve a promotion.

If you don’t have enough resources to form a CG, hire third-party specialists from recruitment agencies who will take on some of the tasks themselves or do the work on a turnkey basis. Adhere to the given algorithm, make sure that not a single promising employee is overlooked.

Stage No. 1. Determine your reserve needs

The first stage is the most important, so you need to approach it as responsibly as possible. If you do not pay attention to the nuances, the FCR process will be longer and more expensive.

Before starting work on creating a reserve, identify:

  • strategic and tactical personnel requests;
  • the actual state of the Kyrgyz Republic, the degree of preparedness of employees;
  • percentage decrease in the number of “reserve” employees over the past few years;
  • the number of released administrative units that can realize themselves in other departments;
  • positions from which specialists can be transferred;
  • persons responsible for working with the Kyrgyz Republic, personnel placement.

Determine how much money can be spent on creating a personnel reserve and agree on it with the financial director. If the budget is limited, it is rational to engage in the development of already employed employees, and not to select external specialists for the Kyrgyz Republic.

Stage No. 2. Select employees for the reserve

Recruiting employees takes a lot of time, since at this stage complex work is carried out, consisting of complementary procedures. If several managers are working on the CI, delineate responsibilities and define selection criteria.

In general, when selecting a pool of “spare” you need to:

  • get acquainted with information from employees’ personal files, resumes, autobiographies;
  • conduct a conversation with reservists;
  • simulate situations close to real working conditions, observe a person;
  • evaluate the results of work over a certain period of time;
  • analyze whether the employee’s qualities meet the requirements for the position.

The main goal that needs to be achieved is to collect the largest possible amount of information about each employee, his personal, professional and business qualities and skills. Make a card with requirements and criteria so that you don’t miss important details when working with candidates for the Kyrgyz Republic.

Requirements for candidates for inclusion in the Kyrgyz Republic:

Download sample

When selecting a talent pool, determine the motives of potential employees, their goals and values. Do not immerse yourself in the study of unnecessary facts and personal life, because this information does not carry much meaning, but it takes up your time to analyze it.

Stage No. 3. Create a personnel reserve list

After assessing the candidates and comparing them with each other, make a preliminary list of “reserves”. Divide it into 2 parts. The first includes workers who are assigned to the operational unit, i.e. to fill key positions right now or in the near future. The second group includes those who will make up the strategic reserve. Typically these are young employees with leadership abilities who will gradually gain experience.

When compiling a list of reservists, adhere to the following rules:

  • determine positions to be replaced according to the nomenclature of positions and staffing table, taking into account the hierarchy;
  • indicate personal information about each staff unit;
  • record the time of enrollment in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • note the results of the quality assessment, write down suggestions and recommendations for self-improvement and employee development.

Create a personnel reserve for several years in advance. Submit the list to a senior manager for consideration - he has the right to cross out some people if, in his opinion, they do not meet the necessary criteria. As the list becomes outdated, it needs to be updated. Remove dropouts and add new arrivals.

Important! When enrolling qualified reservists, prepare a petition for nomination to a position if it becomes vacant. Submit the document to the director for approval.

Candidate application form for the personnel reserve

Download the form

Training and retraining of applicants

After weeding out clearly unsuitable employees and adding promising specialists to the talent pool, begin working with those who are generally suitable for the position, but need additional training. Choose the best program for them, taking into account their budget.

The following methods are usually used:

The training program depends on the current experience and knowledge of the reservist. When choosing it, think about what the employee needs to develop, whether the program will help achieve the desired result. If you are creating a personnel reserve to fill management positions, and there is no possibility of providing study leave, pay attention to distance programs. You can view the approximate content of some courses and find out the features of this form of training.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Who should be appointed responsible for working with the personnel reserve?

Typically, managing an organization's personnel reserve is the responsibility of the head or ordinary specialist of the service. Large organizations create a special department. To achieve results in working with the Kyrgyz Republic, involve immediate managers and reservists in this issue.

There should be about 2-3 people for each position. Make a list, count the number of potential jobs.

3. How to inform staff about the development and implementation of the program?

Inform employees of plans to create a CI in writing or in person. Explain the goals and objectives of the program, convey its importance to employees and the organization as a whole. Please note that insufficient information to staff about the innovation may give rise to negative rumors and fears.

4. What are the different ways to nominate candidates for the personnel reserve?

There are three main methods of nomination: by the immediate supervisor, by a superior manager, and by self-nomination of the employee.

5. What are the possible problems when working with a personnel reserve?

The following errors are identified when working with CD:

  • work proceeds without proper management support under pressure from the personnel service and the training department;
  • financial restrictions do not allow the use of a number of areas of training for reservists;
  • the reserve for filling management positions is made formally;
  • vague selection criteria;
  • there are no clear criteria for evaluating reservists.

6. Is it possible to prepare a reserve for tops?

Yes, many companies train reservists specifically to fill top positions in the organization. The procedure for working with them differs in that higher demands are placed on specialists.

7. How to plan further work with the personnel reserve?

After a positive assessment of the reservists' readiness, decide what to do next, for example:

  • if there are open target vacancies, consider candidates for replacement from among the successful reservists;
  • plan and organize adaptation measures ;
  • If there are no open vacancies at the end of the reservist training program, plan measures to retain promising employees.

As a result of the previously completed work on creating and developing a reserve, realize the goals for which the CD was created, develop additional measures to retain valuable employees. Do not forget that personnel reserve management is not just a formal procedure, but real work that needs to be systematically devoted to time.

In modern domestic business activity, in relation to the provision of personnel, a trend has developed that resembles a vicious circle. On the one hand, the demand of applicants is clearly greater than the number of acceptable vacancies. On the other hand, middle management is experiencing a real “staff shortage”; there are not enough truly qualified specialists.

The problem is that by “outgrowing” your personnel ceiling and not having the opportunity to grow, a useful employee will most likely quit because he does not receive proper self-realization. And money is no longer the only incentive to stay in an otherwise unprofitable job.

An option to break out of this circle may be the formation of a personnel reserve. Let's consider what this can give a business owner, where to start and how to organize this process in the enterprise.

Personnel reserve - a personnel management tool

Personnel reserve It is customary to name a certain number of ordinary employees who will potentially be able, if necessary, to occupy leadership positions due to pre-selection and special qualified training.

IMPORTANT! All employees making up the management reserve must meet the qualification requirements provided for management positions.

Who can serve as sources of personnel:

  • leading specialists;
  • promising young employees;
  • employees who have successfully completed a special internship;
  • persons holding positions of heads of smaller structural divisions;
  • employees and management of subsidiaries.

NOTE! Depending on the industry of the business, the necessary personnel can be trained from almost any category of workers. For example, it is not uncommon for a simple worker to gradually rise to the rank of shift supervisor or senior foreman.

Functions of personnel reserve

Forming a “gold reserve” of employees will help solve the following management tasks:

  • reduce staff turnover;
  • ensure continuity in the transfer of the reins of government;
  • increasing the motivation of employees of all categories;
  • strengthening corporate culture;
  • financial and time savings in the search, selection, adaptation and training of personnel for key positions;
  • increasing the sense of responsibility and loyalty of employees;
  • general stabilization of the personnel situation.

Principles of creating a personnel reserve

When starting to organize a personnel reserve at an enterprise, you should be guided by the following principles that determine the effectiveness of this process:

  1. Need. The need to create a personnel reserve should really be relevant for a given organization.
  2. Qualification compliance. A candidate for a “reservist” for a certain position must be suitable for this according to the main characteristics of this qualification.
  3. Meeting expectations. An employee selected for the reserve must be promising according to the main determining indicators:
    • age;
    • received education;
    • current qualifications;
    • length of service;
    • moving up the career ladder;
    • orientation towards improvement and growth, etc.
  4. Transparency. The creation of a reserve must be transparent. Information about staffing needs and candidates should be open.
  5. Competitive fight. In order to choose the best and stimulate reasonable competition, and hence the desire for improvement, not one, but 2-3 “reservists” should be provided for each vacant position.
  6. Initiative. All participants in the process must be active, especially those responsible for selecting candidates for the reserve.

What needs to be clarified before starting to form a reserve

Before you start the process of creating or updating a stock of employees for key positions, you need to clearly define its future logic. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary analysis of the personnel situation at the enterprise. Close attention will need to be paid to the following factors:

  • analysis of the overall business strategy: for example, the development of new types of products or new sales markets require different personnel training than increasing production volumes in a stable assortment;
  • in case of strong “turnover”, it is important to establish its true cause, identify the most “acute” positions, determine the approximate characteristics of employees who are not retained in them and outline a “portrait” of those who are optimally suitable;
  • solving the main personnel problems before starting to fill the “gaps” with the help of the reserve.

Algorithm for preparing a personnel reserve at an enterprise

The complex process of forming a personnel reserve takes place in several stages.

Step 1 “Who do we need?” Preparation for the start of work on the formation of a personnel reserve:

  • analysis of the real need for personnel reserve;
  • forecast of personnel dynamics of the management apparatus;
  • determination of staffing levels for key positions;
  • compiling a list of positions that need replenishment or creation of a reserve.

Step 2 “Who is right for us?” Compiling a list of supposed “reservists”:

  • selection of suitable candidates according to established criteria (age, experience, prospects, etc.);
  • drawing up a list in the form of potential candidates for certain leadership positions that require a reserve;
  • checking of candidates included in the list: psychodiagnostics, conversations, interviews, business games, etc.;
  • clarification of the list, deleting those who did not pass the selection;
  • natural screening: exemption from candidates who for some reason do not want to be included in the reserve;
  • the final formulation of the list according to the scheme: a position in need of a personnel reserve - two or three candidates for its future replacement;
  • specification of the list: which of the candidates will need specialized training, how best to organize it, how to monitor the result, etc.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! In large organizations, this list must be approved by senior management, that is, endorsed by the general director.

Step 3 “Growing up”. Preparation and training of “reservists” in accordance with the requirements of the projected position, selection of the optimal methodology and its practical application:

  • individual training supervised by an actual supervisor;
  • internship in a prospective future position in your own or another organization;
  • obtaining special education at retraining courses or at a specialized educational institution;
  • Internship.

Professional training of personnel reservists

Having decided on a list of personnel needs and candidates, it is necessary to begin working on their specialized training. This requires a special plan.

The candidate training program can have different levels of coverage:

  • general– provides basic training in leadership skills, replenishment and updating of theoretical foundations;
  • special– created separately for each area of ​​activity into which candidates are divided;
  • individual– the most labor-intensive, but the most effective, since it is designed for each specific specialist, taking into account his personal characteristics, the existing knowledge base and skills, as well as the expected future position.

IMPORTANT! The training program is accepted and approved by the enterprise administration.

As part of individualized training, the following forms of work can be organized for the candidate:

  • refresher courses;
  • obtaining additional education, including higher education if necessary;
  • lectures, conversations, seminars, other educational events;
  • participation in trainings;
  • professional internship.

Time frame for preparing a personnel reserve

The timing of reservist training may be provided for by the program approved by the enterprise, but may vary depending on the individual situation. So, for example, a situation may arise that after completing the training of a reservist, the proposed position is not vacant; in this case, you can create a vacancy for a deputy and place a trained employee in it. If, after completing training, a position appears, but the candidate is not ready, you can extend the training or take another candidate from the reserve. Feasibility is determined in each specific case.

The problem of qualified personnel is solved in several ways. The most correct and profitable way for the company is to form a personnel reserve from its employees through test selection. How to correctly select suitable applicants who meet the requirements with their personal qualities and competence, how to set selection parameters is determined by the strategic goals of the company.

The labor market is saturated with specialists of various profiles. But truly qualified workers are quite difficult to find. The issue of personnel arises before the management and owners of the company when there is an expansion of production and services provided, in the long term a replacement is needed in one of the ranks of the management team or a need for personnel arises.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 2017 No. 96 “On approval of the Regulations on the personnel reserve of the Federal State Body” regulates the procedure for the formation and existence of the reserve in state institutions. Commercial structures can leave this issue at their own discretion.

The formation of the personnel reserve takes place on a competitive basis. The personnel reserve is a group of employees with pronounced competencies necessary for the company to increase competitiveness, and with a high potential for management abilities required for a certain position.

Advertisements for the selection of senior management employees, which are replete with the Internet, raise doubts precisely because the management team of a serious company is formed from personnel trained over the years.

Employees of the organization who have gone through a career path and reached the top in one company and meet the necessary requirements make up the bulk of the competitors.

How the personnel reserve is formed at the enterprise and candidates are selected - see here:

How is the personnel reserve formed?

The personnel reserve is formed to fill or a new position that will be created in connection with the expansion of the company. The decision to form a personnel reserve in an organization is made based on the need for highly qualified personnel. The fact of the need to prepare additionally trained professional reserve personnel is established on the basis of conclusions after analyzing the enterprise development strategy.

The management team determines the volume of production expansion, a new line, services, and the necessary means to achieve goals, including labor ones.

The company is developing its list of competencies necessary for an employee to successfully work in an opening or replacement position.

There are two types of reserve:

  • replacement – ​​training of personnel to replace a manager at a higher management level;
  • development – ​​training of personnel for new positions, the creation of which is planned in accordance with the organization’s development strategy.

Methods for selecting candidates

The selection of candidates for the reserve occurs in several ways:

  • the candidate is proposed by a superior;
  • the candidate is promoted by the manager to two or more ranks higher;
  • introduces himself to colleagues at the same level;
  • self-nomination method.

All candidates pass the competition. The main selection parameters are relevance, compliance with the type of position, loyalty and prospects of candidates.

The sources of the reserve formation are the main leading specialists with higher education, successful university graduates, and promising employees. Applicants for senior management positions must have one or two higher education degrees (in addition to the main one, also economics).

In the absence of the necessary education, reservists with high scores in basic parameters are sent to additional training and seminars.

What is the personnel reserve of an enterprise?

Main selection parameters

It is important for a company to spend time and money on candidates whose competencies best meet the requirements of the future position. Each employee, due to his personal and professional qualities, has his own strengths and weaknesses. Some of your weaknesses can be developed and new skills can be imparted. Other qualities remain unchanged and can never develop.

To ensure that the formation of the reserve is fruitful, each applicant undergoes testing and competitive selection at each stage.

Often a company turns to companies specializing in personnel testing for help. But, based on basic knowledge of the basics of management, you can formulate the main required tests yourself.

  1. Performer (specialist) – knows how, knows and follows instructions. Completes assigned tasks.
  2. Line manager (leading specialist, foreman) – clarifies the circumstances of obtaining the result. Provides favorable conditions for achieving the goal. What is the job description of the head of the HR department and what powers does this person have - read.
  3. Middle manager (head of department, group).
  4. Executive Director. Find out how it is compiled in the article at the link.
  5. General director, owner. You can read the basic rules and procedure for creating a job description for the general director of an LLC.

Algorithm for the purposes of forming a personnel reserve:

  1. Requirement for personnel.
  2. Human resources assessment.
  3. Competitive selection.
  4. Competency assessment - test.
  5. Training, development, career growth of reservists.
  6. Selecting the most suitable candidate. You can find out how it is filled out and formatted in the article at the link.

The best employees who have reached 25–30 years of age are selected for the reserve. This age is considered the most favorable for career growth - basic skills have already been formed, energy and desire to develop and benefit the company at a high level, life potential has reached its maximum.

2-4 applicants are trained for each position. For a large company (for example, a holding company) – 3-5 applicants. For a smaller company – 2-3. This allows you to create an atmosphere of competition and protect the company from unforeseen situations (unexpected dismissal of an applicant, low learning ability, etc.).

The main stages of the formation and use of the reserve.

Personnel reserve assessment, selection and development analysis

The list of competencies is determined by the organization itself. Based on the selected abilities and skills, a matrix is ​​compiled for each applicant and each competency. Assessment of qualifications and competence is determined on a 5-point scale.

Next, a new matrix, table or graph of competencies is created for each item. For example, test results can be presented in tables. Test questions are prepared by a company psychologist or a specially invited specialized company that develops professional test surveys.

Such companies create a testing system individually for each enterprise based on the data provided.

Management, based on the results obtained, selects reservists. The table shows an analysis of one competency on a five-point scale for three applicants. The table shows that group leadership is the strength of only one candidate - K.N. Saburov.

No./full name reservistCompetenciesPoints
Vasechkin A.A.Shestak I.V.Saburov K.N.
1 Planning and control3 2 4
2 Influence2 4 5
3 Creativity1 2 1
4 Social orientation2 2 3
5 Flexibility in management2 3 4
6 Stress resistance3 3 3
7 Strategic Thinking3 4 4
8 Speed ​​of decision making4 2 5
9 Group leadership3 1 4
10 Leadership3 2 4
11 Result oriented5 5 3
12 Subsequence4 4 4
13 Mandatory4 4 4

In the above example, based on the data in the summary table, it is clear that Saburov and Shestak will go to the reserve. Since Saburov basically has the traits necessary for a leader, but Shestak can show good results with appropriate training.

Based on the testing results, applicants are selected whose main strengths are suitable for the proposed position and are loyal (correspond to adherence to the norms of the organization). There are 4 types of loyalty, which is adherence to the norms and rules of the organization:

  • clan;
  • innovative;
  • administrative;
  • market

The company’s task is to see in reservists exactly those qualities that meet the company’s standards and requirements. Some personality traits may not matter. But business qualities, knowledge and development aptitudes must be identified.

Development of a reserve is the process of comparing existing personnel with the needs of the organization. Selecting methods of influence to bring reservists into compliance with the requirements.

Data analysis will allow you to create a training plan aimed directly at developing the necessary knowledge. A year later, re-testing is carried out and applicants are screened out.

The main mistake of company management is an incorrect vision of the concept of “personnel reserve”. Many people underestimate the importance of such a personnel training system.

In fact, all large, thriving companies that are interested in expanding operations, competitiveness, innovative methods and extending the “rising star” and “cash cow” phase of their niche pay special attention to long-term development strategy.


Training personnel capable of immediately occupying the necessary positions at the appointed time is an important point in strategic management. It is the employees of their own company who are able (most often) to promote the company to a new, higher level.

Despite the fact that the process of training reservists can take years, when the company uses modern methods of market analysis and long-term planning, such training of its own personnel pays off in the future.

However, there are situations when a “fresh stream” of creativity, a new vision of a problem, extraordinary thinking, and innovation are needed. In such cases, the company announces a competition for a vacant position and appoints an “outside person.”

In Russia, commercial structures rarely practice creating personnel reserves. In budgetary organizations, traditional conservatism provides for reservists by default. In large foreign companies, this method of providing themselves with personnel is characterized by fierce competition between employees.

The main tasks of the personnel reserve are discussed in this video:

Today, a dual situation has developed in the provision of economic entities with qualified specialists. On the one hand, the interest of job seekers in work is much greater than the volume of vacant positions that various Russian companies can offer. On the other hand, it is quite difficult for HR specialists to find employees who meet all the criteria, since there are fewer truly qualified personnel than inexperienced and unprofessional personnel. If they succeed, there is a high probability that, after a while, such an employee will quit, having outlived his usefulness in this workplace. Forming a personnel reserve for the organization will help solve these, as well as other problems. What does it give the manager, what goals does it pursue, where does it begin and how is it implemented in practice? These and other issues are discussed below.

Content of the concept of “personnel reserve”, relevance and goals of its formation

In modern market realities, the formation of a personnel reserve (hereinafter referred to as the FCR) is an effective tool for a timely solution to the issue of high-quality filling of vacant positions. However, many managers are still not familiar not only with this process, but also with the term “personnel reserve” itself.

The personnel reserve is a group of senior and middle managers selected during a special assessment who have the skills and knowledge required for the implementation of management activities and are purposefully trained to competently perform the functions assigned to them if necessary. Most often, it is formed in large commercial organizations. However, many non-profit and socio-political institutions also use this tool in resolving personnel issues.

It is used in the following cases:

  • The business entity is successfully operating and developing, new structural divisions and jobs are being created. Having a pre-selected team of competent managers will allow you to begin operational work to conquer new market niches and achieve good results in this without spending additional time and financial resources on candidates suitable for this work.
  • In an economic entity whose activities are quite specific, there is a turnover of personnel, as a result of which many positions remain vacant for a long time. Our own team of specialists will allow us to quickly fill gaps in the staffing table and ensure uninterrupted operation.
  • The company needs to attract young and ambitious workers. Finding these can be quite difficult. The way out will be their selection among team members and special training.
  • The market niche in which the organization operates is quite volatile and requires a quick response. This can be provided by our own team of competent specialists.

The target orientation of the FKR is as follows:

  • Creating and maintaining a positive image of the company;
  • Prevention of a crisis situation resulting from the dismissal of a managerial staff member;
  • Promptly providing a business entity with highly professional and productive employees who are ready to work to implement a specific internal strategy;
  • Motivating potential professional managers, increasing their responsibility and loyalty to the company;
  • Minimizing the cost of assessing and irradiating a new employee.

Principles of forming a personnel reserve, its classification

Like any other important decision regarding staffing, the FKR is carried out in compliance with the following principles:

The personnel reserve is classified as follows:

  1. Taking into account the approach to its formation - external and internal.

The internal reserve is recruited from members of the business entity’s team. In turn, it is divided into:

  • a supply of key specialists (highly professional workers with unique knowledge and skills capable of leadership and professional growth in a horizontal vector);
  • administrative reserve - subordinates who can demonstrate growth in the vertical direction;
  • operational - trained managers who are able to immediately begin their duties;
  • strategic – potential leaders.

The external reserve is formed by promising trainees who graduated from specialized educational institutions, suitable applicants who, for various reasons, did not get an interview, and employees of third-party companies who showed excellent results during monitoring of their achievements and career growth.

Advantages of the first type:

  • better awareness of the selected staff unit about the activities of the company, its organizational and legal form, culture;
  • established social and working connections between team members and subordinates placed in the reserve;
  • loyalty of the reservist to the employing company.

The disadvantage is the variability in the selection of subordinates to the reserve, limited by the staff of the business entity.

Wide boundaries of choice are characteristic of the second type of reserve, that is, external. This is its undeniable advantage. A negative feature is the long-term adaptation of the subject to the conditions of the company, significant costs for its selection and assessment.

  1. Depending on the type of activity, there is a reserve for development and functioning.

Employees included in the development reserve undergo training due to the presence of promising changes in the activities of an economic entity (production diversification, launch of new products, introduction of innovative technologies).

The functional reserve consists of employees who are charged with ensuring the effective functioning of the business entity in the future.

  1. Depending on the time of involvement in work - groups A (main) and B (strategic, the participants of which will be involved in performing duties in the next 12-36 months).

Algorithm for forming a personnel reserve

Effective and effective FKR has a certain sequence, implying the following stages.

  1. Determining staffing needs.

The preparatory stage, which reveals:

  1. Selection of employees who make up the reserve

This stage involves the implementation of the following complementary procedures:

  • familiarization with information from documentary sources (personal files of subordinates, their autobiographies, characteristics and resumes, certification certificates, etc.);
  • personal conversation with a potential reservist to clarify any questions that have arisen;
  • modeling various situations and observing the behavior of a staff member in them;
  • assessment of work results (work efficiency and quality, performance indicators of the subordinate unit entrusted) for a certain period (in practice, the previous and current years are selected as this);
  • comparison of the compliance of employee qualities with job requirements.

Thus, the selection of employees for the reserve begins with an interview, most often conducted by a personnel service employee together with the employee’s immediate superior. During this process the following is determined:

  • the subordinate’s desire to work in a managerial position;
  • his availability of appropriate skills (planning, prompt problem solving, detection and use of reserves), his preparedness and education.

It is advisable to inform the employee in advance about the interview and all the requirements that will be placed on him.

If necessary, other team members with whom the respondent, during his work in the company, had established working and social connections may be involved in the conversation.

When determining his prospects, one should take into account the time remaining until retirement, length of service and state of health, and hidden potential.

Among the important criteria that are taken into account when forming the system of qualities of a subordinate, it is necessary to highlight the main ones:

  • his motivation, interest in solving work issues and eliminating conflicts within the team, the ability to think creatively and take risks within reason;
  • competence, management abilities (education, practical skills, experience, flexibility, independence);
  • individual human qualities and available capabilities (responsiveness, emotional stability, attentiveness, communication skills, tact).

In practice, the stage is completed by various types of assessment of reserve employees. The range of assessment methods and tools is extensive and is used depending on the assigned tasks, as well as the available budget. The most popular are:

  • psychological;
  • assessment center.

Testing is carried out remotely, which provides the following advantages:

  • employees take part in it at a time convenient for them;
  • a large number of subordinates can be tested at the same time;
  • A very effective and accessible technique.

In practice, it is used after personnel have passed all stages of assessment. During it, various work situations are simulated, which allows for an in-depth assessment of the actions of candidates for the employee reserve and to demonstrate their level of competency development. It has been around since 1954. AT&T Corporation first included it in its research program. Over time, assessment centers have become an integral part of employee management practices.

The assessment is regulated by standards. They have been developed in many countries, such as Great Britain, Germany, South Africa. There is also a national standard in Russia. He was accepted in 2013.

An assessment center is a fairly popular method of personnel assessment, which allows you to select optimal candidates for certain positions, think through programs to improve their qualifications, provide them with career growth, and create an effective system of motivators.

  1. Formation of a personnel reserve list

After evaluating each selected employee and comparing them, a preliminary reserve list is formed. To optimize HR work, it should include two parts:

  1. List of employees included in the operational reserve. They have been selected to fill key positions and are ready to start work either immediately or shortly (in the next month or quarter).
  2. The circle of persons constituting the strategic reserve. Basically, these are young professionals, endowed with the makings of leaders who will be able to occupy leadership positions in a few years.

The same person can be included in both lists at once.

In order to avoid a formal approach to compiling a list, the process should adhere to the following requirements:

  • positions to be filled are determined according to the internal nomenclature of positions and staffing and are distributed taking into account the hierarchy of management levels;
  • personal information of the staff member must be indicated (starting with its full name and ending with the presence of an academic title);
  • The exact time spent in the reserve (the date of enrollment in it) must be indicated;
  • it is advisable to note the results of assessing the professional, business and personal qualities of the subordinate, as well as his potential; in practice, the document also records recommendations and proposals for its self-improvement;

The list is compiled by HR employees for several years (ideally 24 months) in interaction with the management of structural divisions, after which it is approved by the appropriate order of the company manager.

The head of an economic entity has the right, at his own discretion, to remove an undesirable candidate from the list if he considers that he does not meet any criteria.

As necessary, and also after the expiration of the period specified in the list, the composition of the personnel reserve is reviewed and adjusted taking into account the above algorithm of actions.

  1. Special training of selected personnel

The formation of the WRC list does not end there. In practice, further training and even training of selected employees is often required. For this purpose, optimal methods are selected, among which are:

  • personal training under the supervision of the current boss;
  • internship in a position in the employing company or a third-party business entity;
  • completing retraining courses or at a specialized educational institution;
  • Internship.

Depending on the level of coverage, the following preparatory programs are distinguished:

  • general – training in management skills, updating the theoretical base;
  • special – training created separately for each area of ​​activity in which employees operate;
  • personal – training designed for a specific employee. taking into account its features and the existing theoretical basis.

As part of personal training, the employee is offered the following forms of work:

  • taking courses;
  • receiving additional education;
  • attending lectures, seminars, webinars, trainings, and other educational events;
  • professional internship.

Regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve

Ideally, the main areas of work with the car reserve should be regulated by special internal Regulations.

Traditionally it includes the following sections:

  1. General, which provides a list of issues regulated by the document, and also lists the main tasks of working with the reserve, indicating what a reserve is, the essence of working with it, issues resolved through its formation, sources of personnel selection for the reserve.
  2. The procedure for creating a reserve – establishes the methodology for creating a reserve of employees in a business entity.
  3. Methodological organization of work to create a reserve.

It should reflect the following questions:

  • Reserve calculation.
  • Selection and evaluation of applicants.
  • Analysis of the assessment results. If they are negative, exclusion from the reserve or referral to additional training should follow; if positive, a petition for nomination to the position if it is vacant.
  • Development and testing of training programs for reserve personnel.

In addition, the Regulations may contain various applications (a list of the rights and responsibilities of the trainee, documents required for the formation of the subordinate’s personal file, etc.).

Benefits from forming a personnel reserve

There are several advantages of working with a personnel reserve.

Firstly, there is a financial benefit due to minimizing the costs of recruiting, assessing and adapting new employees.

Secondly, significant time savings, since vacant positions are filled quite quickly.

Thirdly, the guaranteed availability of qualified personnel, selected and trained according to a program that takes into account the specifics of a particular business entity.

Fourthly, providing assistance in the career growth of subordinates, thereby achieving their loyalty to the employer and reducing staff turnover - workers do not want to leave a company that promises such prospects.

Fifthly, a guarantee of the competitiveness and stability of a business entity. increasing the productivity and effectiveness of its activities.

Examples of personnel reserve

Youth personnel reserve

Consists of proactive and promising university students who apply acquired knowledge and skills in practice in order to improve the economic situation at the micro and macro levels. They are given the opportunity to attend various events (trainings, conferences, master classes, etc.) in order to accumulate intellectual skills, as well as undergo internships in government agencies, banking institutions, and other government and non-government structures. This allows us to obtain efficient and highly qualified specialists in a short time.

State reserve

It also includes gifted young Russians, but they are under the full patronage of the Administration and directly the President of the Russian Federation. It is no less promising and allows you to form a professional team of professionals. The list of qualities and skills depends on the vacancy and legislation.

Personnel reserve of civil servants

Its formation is regulated by the relevant Federal Law No. 79 of July 27, 2004. During it, special attention is paid to compliance with the democratic principles of appointing a subject to a position (depending on his qualities, and not personal sympathy), timely personnel rotation, stimulating the career growth of management personnel, impartial evaluation of his work.

Government reserve

It is made up of creative, motivated professionals who have a clear civic position and other positive characteristics, capable of working in regional government agencies or in the Government.

In general terms, a personnel reserve can be characterized as a group of specialists who meet certain requirements, have been selected and qualified, and are potentially ready to become managers. Sources of personnel reserve for management positions can be heads of small branches and divisions, chief and leading specialists, young specialists who have successfully completed an internship, etc.

However, it is worth clarifying that depending on the specifics and needs of the organization, the personnel reserve can be formed from employees of all categories. Large industrial enterprises often have difficulty selecting highly qualified workers and prepare candidates for the vacancies of foreman, senior foreman, shift or site manager, etc.

What are reservists needed for?

The personnel reserve at the enterprise works primarily to reduce staff turnover. In addition, it saves the company’s resources that it would spend on recruiting, adapting and training new employees. Emerging vacancies are filled by already trained specialists who are motivated to develop, and this also affects the overall level of personnel qualifications. Among the goals of forming an organization’s personnel reserve, it is worth noting continuity in management and increasing employee loyalty.

The personnel reserve helps strengthen the corporate culture, which increases the personal responsibility of each employee for their area of ​​work and for the overall result.

“In a large manufacturing corporation where I worked for several years, the talent pool was part of Talent Management, whose main task was to ensure that the required number of talent with the right level of training was available to achieve the business goals of the enterprise. The personnel reserve itself was formed in order to quickly and effectively fill leadership positions. Three groups were distinguished: mobile reserve (employees who are ready to move to another city), local general reserve and local narrowly focused reserve (for unique positions),” says Olga Kutsko, a certified member of the CIPD Institute, a graduate of Nottingham Trent University 2014, experience More than 9 years of experience in HR.

Where to begin?

The company makes the decision to create a personnel reserve based on a thorough analysis of the enterprise’s business strategy. If you plan to develop new markets or launch new projects, then a list of reservists is the best option for training personnel; it ensures the prompt filling of vacancies with internal candidates. If the course is taken to maintain stability and retain existing clients, then the logic of working with the personnel reserve should be different.

The study of the reasons for staff turnover also plays an important role: the most problematic positions, the profile of those leaving and the reasons for dismissals are identified. The results of data analysis help determine which employees are needed for such a position and identify criteria for selecting applicants.

In large companies, there are two areas of work: internal and external personnel reserve. The internal one is formed from existing employees who are either ready to move to a new position or have the potential to develop the necessary competencies. A list of positions that can become a source of candidates for target vacancies is developed after analyzing problematic positions and/or development prospects of the enterprise.

The external reserve includes candidates who successfully passed an interview with HR managers, but for a number of reasons did not start working in the organization. Among the potentially interesting candidates, you can also take into account specialists whose data was obtained after analyzing the labor market in the industry of interest.

At the planning stage, it is also important to clarify how many candidates will be reserved for a particular vacancy. Excessive reserves are fraught with certain risks, which we will discuss below.

How to evaluate candidates?

The company determines the criteria for selecting candidates individually for each of the vacant positions. In this case, compliance with the maximum number of requirements can be regarded as a separately assessed indicator.

The selection criteria for the personnel reserve may be as follows:

  • Age. For candidates for senior management positions, an age of up to 45 years is acceptable, and for future middle managers, the best age is considered to be 30-35 years. For working vacancies, the maximum age will be 35 years.
  • Education. Most often, enterprises set higher education as a mandatory requirement for managerial positions, and specialized education for workers.
  • Results of professional activity. A reservist must not only consistently perform his duties in full, but also be ready to show improved results.
  • A candidate’s readiness for development is one of the most important selection criteria. The desire to learn, develop new competencies, the ability to master new knowledge and technologies.
  • Experience working in a company in a basic position. This criterion is not mandatory for companies that actively use the external labor market in their search for candidates, that is, they form an external personnel reserve. However, for many organizations it is important how much a person accepts corporate principles and internal policies.

The list of requirements can be supplemented taking into account the industry characteristics of the enterprise, the specifics of the position or corporate principles. For blue-collar professions, this may be a minimum qualification level or the development of related specializations. For managers - mobility, the ability to change place of residence, resistance to stress, etc.

“In one of the large companies for the repair of oil, gas and energy facilities, we are currently implementing a project to create a personnel reserve. The key categories are foreman, senior foreman and workshop manager. For these purposes, we are testing a methodology for identifying HiPo (high potential) in two areas - potential workers and foremen. Identification of promising employees based on three components: KPI analysis, feedback from the shop manager and an annual interview with the employee, which included an interview on competencies. After analyzing the results, a list of promising employees will be approved. In the future, we plan to organize an Assessment Center on the basis of SHL, conduct training, and involve reservists in solving additional problems of production and the company as a whole,” Olga Kutsko shares her experience.

Candidates have been selected, what next?

In modern companies that form a personnel reserve not for immediate vacancies, but conduct phased training of promising personnel, the plan for working with reservists is divided into several areas:

  • individual professional growth plan for each candidate - depending on the starting level of training, experience, education;
  • necessary training and advanced training of selected employees - these can be internal educational programs, internships or advanced training courses, for example, at a leading industry university;
  • tracking and analysis of the development dynamics of each of the reservists.

“Our company has different employee training programs. It all depends on the vector in which the specialist plans to develop. There are three options: leader, expert, manager. And for each direction, its own “filling” is selected: general developmental courses, professional programs and trainings. Thus, for line managers, in addition to specialized training, training on developing management skills is recommended. And the higher the level of the future leader, the deeper they are worked on. To train talented employees, we use internal educational resources and attract external experts,” said Natalya Sidorova, training manager at SKB Kontur.

Helping an employee in the process of entering a new position plays an important role. In order for the adaptation process to be painless, even at the preparation stage it is necessary to include candidates in the enterprise management system at a new level. The recommendation is also valid for reservists in working specialties: mastering new functions and powers will facilitate the transition of an employee from one level to another.

Feedback from the candidate himself, from his colleagues and subordinates at all stages of preparation will help the HR specialist draw conclusions about the correctness of the choice and adjust the training program.

Where can you go wrong?

During planning, pay attention first of all to the business strategy of the enterprise, calculate which of the key needs will be relevant in 3-4 years. Perhaps the position for which you are preparing candidates will be seriously modified as the company grows. To make forecasts, you can use information about competitors who have already passed this stage of business development and industry analytics.

Risks when forming a personnel reserve are also associated with the situation when a person is listed in the personnel reserve for a certain position for too long, for example, if the company’s growth dynamics are incorrectly calculated or the reserve was excessive. The employee does not see immediate prospects for career growth and loses interest in further improvement and training. The second option is that the applicant “outgrows” the offered position. In both cases, there is a risk that a trained, qualified specialist will accept a competitor’s offer.

What about the documents?

All work with the personnel reserve, starting from the planning stage, is regulated by local regulations. This may be a provision on personnel reserve. In it, be sure to specify the goals and objectives of this area of ​​activity, the procedure for forming a personnel reserve, selection criteria and organization of work with reservists.

To this document, as appendices, samples of internal documents are compiled, for example, a questionnaire for the candidate, a feedback form from his manager, etc.

Document the appointment or transfer of an employee from the personnel reserve in the usual manner, through orders from the manager, changes to work books and personal cards.

We will tell you how to automate work with the personnel reserve with the Kontur-Personnel program in the next material.

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