Saffron milk caps straight salted recipe. Fragrant and crispy salted saffron milk caps. Salted saffron milk caps: dry method

Drywall 14.01.2024

Salted mushrooms are one of the most delicious dishes that can be placed on any table. As a rule, they are salted and pickled. Many people choose the first method, since with this processing of mushrooms they retain more flavor. Pickled mushrooms are stored in a cool and dark place, as they will quickly spoil in a warm place.

How to pickle saffron milk caps - a quick method

You don’t have to wait long to try pickled saffron milk caps. You can try pickling saffron milk caps using a quick method. This way they will turn out no less tasty. They can be eaten throughout the week after pickling. Mushrooms should be stored in a cool place.

What you need to prepare saffron milk caps using the quick method:

  • Fresh saffron milk caps 5 kg.
  • Salt 200 gr.
  • Dill stems.
  • Bay leaf 10 gr.
  • Peppercorns 30 gr.
  • Vegetable oil to taste.


  • First of all, you need to prepare the mushrooms. To do this, we clean them and rinse them with cold water, then we clean the mushrooms from dirt. It is best to take mushrooms of the same size, so they will be better salted and will turn out more tasty.
  • Take a suitable container and place the saffron milk caps there, caps down. Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt and spices.
  • Leave the mushrooms in the pickling container for a few minutes. During this time, the mushrooms will give juice. Immediately after the mushrooms are covered with the resulting brine, you can leave them for 2 hours and only then serve.
  • Ready saffron milk caps should be washed with cool water and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Cold pickling of saffron milk caps

The cold method of pickling saffron milk caps is suitable for freshly picked mushrooms. This way they will turn out more tasty and retain maximum vitamins. Medium-sized mushrooms are perfect for this method of pickling.

What you need to cold pickle saffron milk caps:

  • Saffron milk caps 1 kg.
  • Coarse salt 50-60 gr.
  • Currant leaves 5-7 pcs.
  • Bay leaf 10 pcs.
  • Allspice 10 pcs.


  • Place currant leaves, bay leaves and a little black peppercorns on the bottom of the pickling container. Then sprinkle everything with salt and put some of the saffron milk caps on top.
  • Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt and spices, then add the saffron milk caps. Place currant leaves on top of all layers.
  • Cover the last layer with gauze and place a weight on top on which you need to place the weight. It can be either an ordinary jar of water or a stone.
  • Leave the mushrooms in a dark and cool place for a month. After this, the saffron milk caps can be served.

Hot salting of saffron milk caps

Hot-cooked saffron milk caps last much longer than mushrooms prepared by other methods. The reason lies in the way they are processed and salted. Mushrooms of various sizes are suitable for pickling.

What you need to cook saffron milk caps using the hot method:

  • Saffron milk caps 1 kg.
  • Coarse salt 50-70 gr.
  • Horseradish root.
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves.
  • Currant leaves.
  • Bay leaf.


  • Preparing the saffron milk caps. To do this, you need to clean them and remove all dirt. Then we rinse the mushrooms with water and let them dry.
  • Fill the mushrooms with water and put them on the fire. Bring the water to a boil and cook for about 3 minutes. Then we tip them into a colander and let them cool.
  • Prepare the horseradish root. To do this, cut it into narrow and small strips.
  • Place some of the mushrooms on the bottom of the prepared container for pickling, caps up. The layer of mushrooms should be sprinkled with salt and spices. After this, you can lay out a layer of mushrooms and sprinkle salt and spices on top.
  • Place a clean napkin on the top layer and apply pressure.
  • Place the container with mushrooms in a cool place.
  • After a month, you can transfer the mushrooms to clean, sterilized jars for storage.

Pickling saffron milk caps is one of the most famous ways to process these mushrooms. With fairly simple processing, they will turn out tasty and aromatic. The considered recipes will allow you to preserve all the taste and maximum vitamins of these mushrooms.

Salted saffron milk caps are a delicacy, but quite affordable and easy to prepare. Enough fresh saffron mushrooms, salt and patience for several days. Although, some people eat pickled saffron milk caps almost the next day, I still recommend letting them pickle for a couple of weeks in a cool place.

Prepare freshly picked mushrooms and salt.

Clean the saffron milk caps from forest debris, rinse if necessary, because Sometimes the earth gets stuck between the plates. Place the saffron milk caps with the cap down, i.e. plates up. Sprinkle each layer with salt so that the salt gets evenly onto each mushroom.

Press down on top with a flat dish with a small weight.

After about a day, a small amount of slightly slimy juice will be released and the saffron milk caps will change color.

You can leave everything as is for half a month in a cool place, covered with gauze or cotton cloth, or put it directly into jars.

In jars, mushrooms also need to be pressed a little so that they are completely under the salty juice; usually they are pressed down with plastic or wooden boards and secured with lids.

Cold-cooked salted saffron milk caps are ready. They are delicious on their own, as well as with the addition of chopped onions and sour cream, to mashed potatoes, in salads, etc.

Bon appetit!

Mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of which can be yellow-pink or orange-red, and in cuts or breaks secrete milky juice, colored in various shades of red and immediately turning blue in the air, are called saffron milk caps. Some people confuse them with volnushki, but they can be easily distinguished: sections of volnushki do not turn blue. There are several types of saffron milk caps, the names of which consist of the word “saffron milk cap” and added words or phrases: real, spruce, red, red pine, Japanese or fir, salmon or alpine.

Camelina has always been considered a valuable mushroom. In the old days, these mushrooms were salted in tubs, and taken to the royal table or for export salted in bottles (the diameter of the mushroom cap was smaller than the neck of the bottle: no more than 2 cm). It has always been believed that saffron milk caps should be salted without spices, as they can spoil the taste and aroma of the mushroom. The easiest way is to eat it as a snack, just peel the saffron milk cap and lightly add salt.

Although these mushrooms, like milk mushrooms, belong to the same family of Russula and the genus Laticaria (they secrete milky juice), the method of pickling them is different. Milk mushrooms are soaked for several days or boiled before salting to remove the bitterness, but mushrooms should not be soaked or boiled. You can salt them as soon as you bring them from the forest. You can’t even wash them, just clean them of adhering foreign particles.

Recipe 1

Pickling saffron milk caps is not a difficult task. The main thing is to follow a few simple rules: do not use spices and (it is better to take stone). You can salt in a jar, tub or enamel pan. Salted saffron milk caps cannot be stored in the cold.


1 kg of peeled saffron milk caps;

1 tablespoon (slightly topped) of salt.

Mushrooms are placed in dense layers (caps down, plates up) in prepared (washed and dried) containers. Sprinkle each layer with salt, distributing it evenly throughout the entire volume of mushrooms. You need to press down the mushrooms carefully so as not to damage them. They will soon give out juice that will completely cover them. Gauze and a small weight are placed on the top layer. When salting in a jar, instead of a load, two wooden sticks are used, resting against its walls and forming a cross. Salting saffron milk caps does not last long. The mushrooms are kept at room temperature for one day, then transferred to the refrigerator.

Recipe 2

If milk mushrooms are salted cold or hot, then pickling saffron milk caps is only a cold method. Not only is no preliminary preparation in the form of boiling or soaking required, but this cannot even be done, since the saffron milk caps will simply be spoiled (their specific taste and aroma will disappear). You need to salt saffron milk caps separately from other mushrooms due to differences in preparation methods and duration of salting. It is better to use spruce for pickling and to make pies or fry. Ingredients required:

Peeled saffron milk caps;

Salt at the rate of 3 to 4% by weight of mushrooms.

The saffron milk caps are placed in a prepared container (as described in recipe 1) and sprinkled evenly with salt. Cover with gauze. Construct a load sufficient for the appearance of juice, but such as not to crush the mushrooms. It doesn't take much time to pickle saffron milk caps. As soon as they give juice, they can be consumed, but it is better to wait 2-4 days. Mushrooms can be stored throughout the winter without freezing. They are only the most delicious in the first month, since during this time they absorb the optimal amount of salt.

Recipe 3

If in our country the traditional salting of saffron milk caps excludes the use of a hot method or the use of any spices or ingredients, then, for example, in Great Britain saffron milk caps are salted hot with the addition of wine, butter, mustard and sugar. The saffron milk caps salted in this way are cooled in the refrigerator before serving as a snack. They are not stored for long - no more than 2 weeks. Ingredients:

1 small onion, cut into rings;

80 ml olive oil;

1 tablespoon light brown sugar;

1 teaspoon salt;

500 g saffron milk caps (only caps are used).

Bring lightly salted water to a boil in a saucepan. Prepared (peeled) mushrooms are blanched for 2 minutes. The water is drained, the mushrooms are cut into thin strips. Add onion rings, parsley, mustard, sugar and salt to a saucepan with wine and olive oil. Bring the mixture to a boil, then add the mushrooms. Reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool, transfer to a storage container and place in the refrigerator. Leave for 2 hours and serve as an appetizer.

Saffron milk caps are among the best candidates for pickling. There are boron mushrooms, which are distinguished by a rounded cap with edges curved towards the stem, and spruce mushrooms, with a funnel-shaped upper part and light circles on it. Knowing how to pickle saffron milk caps at home, you can get an excellent snack for any holiday. It is recommended to store the finished product in a well-ventilated area. Permissible temperature is from +5 to +6°C.

When starting to prepare saffron milk caps for the first time, people ask how long it takes to salt saffron milk caps. The answer depends on which method was chosen. There are two methods of preparation:

  1. dry or cold;
  2. hot.

Each option has its own characteristics, pros and cons.

Method one

Dry salting of saffron milk caps is a quick method of preparation. It is recommended to use only fresh, self-collected saffron milk caps, since the collection period for purchased specimens cannot be determined.

It’s easy to quickly salt saffron milk caps. There are two options:

  • Mushrooms are thoroughly washed, cleaned of damaged areas and stems. After this, they are laid with the plate facing up, covered with salt and left for 1.5 hours. After the time has passed, drain off the resulting reddish juice, rinse the finished product and serve.
  • There is also dry salting of saffron milk caps. Unlike the previous option, the mushrooms are not washed, but simply thoroughly cleaned. For 1 kg of prepared material you will need 40 g of salt. No spices needed. The steps are the same as those indicated in the first recipe.

It does not stand out as a separate group, since it is actually no different from dry. Some housewives add onions and allspice. The amount of salt used is 50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Sometimes, for complete salting, oppression is used, which is left for at least forty days.

It should be remembered that thanks to the quick method, mushrooms can be eaten after pickling. However, for long-term storage, other options should be chosen.

Through numerous experiments, housewives came up with this interesting option for extending the shelf life of the product: dry-prepared saffron milk caps are placed in jars, filled with brine (prepared separately), after which they are sterilized for half an hour and rolled up. It turns out delicious.

Method two

The hot salting method takes quite a lot of time compared to the previous option. Its advantage is that the time of mushroom picking does not matter. Although it would be correct to throw away the saffron milk caps collected after two days rather than pickle them. This way you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Let's look at some proven recipes for preparing salted saffron milk caps for the winter. The amount of ingredients is indicated per 1 kg of starting material.

Option one is boiling. For this you need:

  1. salt – 50 gr.;
  2. sweet peas – 1 pc.;
  3. coriander (optional);
  4. Bay leaf.

The mushrooms are sorted and cleared of debris. This recipe does not require pre-rinsing. Large specimens are cut into two to four pieces. The prepared mushrooms are placed in a pan, filled with water, then brought to a boil and left for five minutes. Be sure to skim off the foam to prevent the salted saffron milk caps from fermenting.

Boiled mushrooms are placed in a container for subsequent pickling. This should be done in layers, sprinkling each new layer with salt and spices. Then they need to be covered with a clean cotton cloth, a wooden circle should be placed on top and the whole thing should be pressed down with pressure. It is recommended to leave the container for one and a half months, the room temperature should not exceed +8°C.

Previously, not only saffron milk caps were salted, but also other mushrooms in deep cellars. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the brine - it should not turn black, and also periodically squeeze it out or, better yet, change the fabric.

Option two - without boiling. You need to prepare:

  1. salt – 50 gr.;
  2. allspice – 1 pc.;
  3. Bay leaf;
  4. black pepper – 5 gr.;
  5. black currant leaves – 20 gr.

This method will teach you how to salt saffron milk caps without boiling them. Dry-cleaned mushrooms are blanched with boiling water, then washed with running cold water and dried. The bottom of the container is covered with half the leaves, as well as spices. You need to put the saffron milk caps on top, always with the plates facing down. Sprinkle with pepper, salt, and cover with the remaining currants. The container is covered with a cloth, then with a circle and pressure.

Pickling saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms

It is generally accepted that saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms should not be salted together. The opinion regarding the incompatibility of different mushrooms is valid only in relation to the mixing of different families, that is, tubular and lamellar. Another mandatory condition is strict adherence to the cooking technology.

Here are some tips on how to pickle milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps.

For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need about 50 g of salt. It is not recommended to add any spices or seasonings to preserve the taste and aroma of milk mushrooms and saffron milk mushrooms. Salt and mushroom caps are placed in layers with the plates facing down in a container (it can be jars or wooden barrels). Cover the pressure circle and weight with a clean cloth or towel. After three days, the contents will become denser, and the free space is filled with fresh mushrooms. This continues until compaction is complete. The resulting brine should completely cover the workpiece. If there is a deficiency, prepare a saline solution separately (20 g per 1 liter of water).

It should be remembered that milk mushrooms must be soaked before salting - this way you can get rid of the bitterness due to the milky juice they secrete. This is done in water with the addition of salt and citric acid. Based on 1 liter of water, 10 and 2 g of these ingredients will be required, respectively. Soaking time is at least two days. Another option is blanching in boiling water with the addition of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of liquid for 5-6 minutes. After this, the mushrooms are allowed to drain and dry.

There is another recipe for joint salting. To do this, boil the milk mushrooms prepared in the above manner, as well as peeled saffron milk caps, in brine (at the rate of 30 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for at least 30 minutes. Be sure to remove any foam that forms. Then drain in a colander and rinse with cold running water.

Place the prepared mushrooms in a container, layering with salt and spices. Cover with a clean towel, circle and press. Keep for two days at room temperature, then take out into a room with a temperature no higher than +8°C. After how many days can you eat salted mushrooms and mushrooms? The recommended period is 30 days.

Pickling saffron milk caps and red mushrooms

Despite the widespread belief that it is better not to pickle these mushrooms together because of the bitterness that the latter give, there are a large number of recipes for salting saffron milk caps and volnushki. Let's consider a proven and most delicious method.

Volnushki should be soaked in slightly salted water (it is recommended to change the liquid every 3-4 hours). When asked how much to soak, mushroom pickers give different answers. But on average this process takes at least three days. Afterwards, rinse the mushrooms under running water. The saffron milk caps are easy enough to clean. The prepared ingredients are laid out in layers, sprinkled with salt (30-40 g per 1 kg of product). You can add spices - pepper, bay leaf, horseradish, black currant leaves, dry dill. Although this will be unnecessary for saffron milk caps, so it is better to do without additives.

Cover the container with a towel, press down with a circle and pressure. The mushrooms will settle naturally. The vacated space is filled with freshly prepared components. As soon as the settling is over, the container is taken to a cool place and left for at least 1.5 months.

To get a tasty dish and not have to throw away spoiled mushrooms, you need to know some cooking secrets.

Saffron milk caps and soaking

Inexperienced housewives often wonder whether it is necessary to soak saffron milk caps before salting. No need. It is known that these mushrooms are suitable for consumption even in their raw form, of course, if they were not collected near the road.

Also, saffron milk caps are one of the few that do not produce bitterness, so soaking them is not advisable. This is the answer to the question of inexperienced mushroom pickers - how to pickle saffron milk caps so that they do not darken. Moreover, prolonged contact with water negatively affects the shape of the cap, which is why it is recommended not to wash the mushrooms, but to clean them with a dry cloth or toothbrush.

Proper storage

How to store salted saffron milk caps is another question that is often asked by people who are preparing these mushrooms for the first time. The answer to this depends on which salting method was chosen.

If you decide to use the cold method, the saffron milk caps should not be left at room temperature. The optimal mode is no higher than 10°C. Time – two weeks. Ready saffron milk caps can be stored in jars after pickling for another 1.5 months. This time is enough for the product to acquire its ideal taste. A fully finished product retains its quality for two years if stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

The recipe for pickling saffron milk caps at home, based on the hot method, does not affect the time for complete salting - all this also takes a month and a half. But it is the one that is chosen most often, since the risk of mold covering the workpiece is almost zero.

How to avoid darkening

Ryzhiki are very tasty mushrooms, but they require delicate handling. Therefore, you should know how to salt saffron milk caps so that they do not darken. To do this, you need to avoid contact of mushrooms with water. If a large amount of raw material is to be processed at once, the already processed specimens are immersed in water with salt and citric acid. They should stay there no longer than five minutes.

The saffron milk caps have soured and fermented - what to do?

Inexperienced mushroom pickers often encounter a situation where the brine takes on an unpleasant taste. What to do if salted saffron milk caps have turned sour? First of all, the mushrooms are taken out of the container, washed thoroughly and boiled in fresh water for no longer than 5 minutes. Then you should throw them in a colander and let the liquid drain.

Pickling saffron milk caps for the winter in glass jars is quite possible. Dried mushrooms are placed in sterilized containers and filled with freshly prepared brine. Salts for it are taken at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 2 liters of liquid. Roll up the lids and place in a cool place.

If the mushrooms have fermented or mold has appeared on the surface, you should thoroughly rinse the cloth with which they were covered in warm, slightly salted water. After removing the moldy mushrooms, sprinkle the healthy layer with dry mustard. Next - a clean and dry cloth, a circle and fairly heavy pressure.

Our compatriots have been salting saffron mushrooms for a long time. They were not only supplied to the royal table, but also exported to Europe. Today, housewives use glass jars to pickle saffron milk caps. What were saffron milk caps salted in in Rus'? For this purpose, wooden tubs or barrels were used - the most convenient and safest way.



Pickling saffron mushrooms at home it can be done hot or cold. In the first case, before salting, the mushrooms are thoroughly washed and cooked on the stove. It takes about two weeks to prepare salted saffron milk caps using the hot method. This method is convenient to use when mushrooms are pickled specifically for the winter.

In this recipe with step-by-step photos, we suggest pickling saffron milk caps in a cold way. This method does not require pre-boiling the mushrooms, but also allows you to prepare mushrooms for the winter. You can pickle raw saffron milk caps in jars, barrels and other containers, but they should only be preserved in glass. It takes no more than two days to cold-salt saffron milk caps. Just imagine: two days - and delicious salted saffron milk caps will be ready to eat. This method of pickling mushrooms is especially convenient when salted mushrooms are needed urgently, because you can pickle the ingredients right two days before the holidays.

To pickle saffron milk caps, as well as any other mushrooms, you need to use coarse salt. Usually it is put fifty grams per kilogram of mushrooms. Despite the fact that the only spices used in this recipe with photo are bay leaves and mustard seeds, you have the right to supplement the appetizer with other spices. So, it can be garlic, allspice peas and even clove stars.

So, let's start cooking!



    To start salting saffron milk caps, of course, you need to stock up on mushrooms. We strongly recommend collecting these ingredients in the forest and not buying them at the market, because who knows in what places the mushrooms were collected. As soon as you have the saffron milk caps at home, start processing them. Mushrooms need to be thoroughly washed, peeled, cut into pieces and soaked in cold salted water for thirty minutes..

    After half an hour, drain the mushrooms in a colander and rinse thoroughly with water again to be sure. Leave the saffron milk caps in a colander for a while, and then dry them with paper towels. Next, place some of the saffron milk caps on the bottom of the container, sprinkle them with salt and mustard seeds, and also place a laurel leaf on top of the mushrooms.

    On top of the spices, form another layer of saffron milk caps, which also sprinkle with all the spices. Fill the container with the preparation until you run out of mushrooms.

    When all the mushrooms are in the pan, press them down firmly with a flat glass plate.

    Place a heavy weight on top of the plate. A five-liter bottle filled with water is perfect for this purpose. In this form, take the workpiece to a cool room for two days.

    After the specified time, pour the juice formed in the mushrooms into a separate container. A brine will subsequently be prepared from it. Lightly squeeze the mushrooms and pack them into sterile jars.

    Place the mushroom infusion on the fire and bring to a boil.

    And if you are preserving mushrooms for the winter, then seal them hermetically without cooling them first. It is recommended to store the preserves in a cool place. Pickling saffron mushrooms at home is over.

    Bon appetit!

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