Five-day fees. Five days for training Military training is...

Engineering systems 12.01.2024
Engineering systems

10th grade... Military training is just around the corner. Many schoolchildren are in amazing anticipation of what awaits them at real military training camps! For boys, this is the first experience of a real man, a defender of his homeland; for girls, it is an interesting pastime that allows you to feel the strength of character. Although in many schools girls are not involved in such activities at all, which is a pity.

Military training is...

Before disassembling this topic “piece by piece”, it is important to define the terms and concepts. So, military training is a daily practical exercise that is related to combat, civil, and physical training.

In fact, the term "military" was appropriated by teachers and parents. You will not find any mention of military training for schoolchildren in any regulatory act. In this situation, the definition of “training fees” is used.

Military training for 10th grade students is usually held at the bases of military units. And where there are none, military institutions, patriotic and youth organizations with a defense and sports focus are involved. In practical lessons, schoolchildren must consolidate not only theoretical knowledge, but also gain skills related to military service.

About girls

The 10th grade has arrived... Military training requires the presence of all students of this age. As practice shows, both girls and boys are involved in training sessions, but the former are not required to take part in them.

It is worth noting that schools used to have an elective called it, but with the advent of the 90s it was cancelled. The item that replaced it does not need to be deciphered).

Organization of training camps

Military training after 10th grade is organized by a life safety teacher. Yes, the NVP was cancelled, but the section devoted to this type of preparation is still present in all textbooks from grades 9 to 11.

In 1998, the Ministry of Education included a section on “Fundamentals of Military Service” in the curriculum. On this topic, issues related to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military traditions, military symbols, and so on are studied.

Purpose of the classes

Military training camps (grade 10) pursue clearly defined goals, namely:

  • Obtaining solid theoretical knowledge in the field of defense.
  • Obtaining skills in behavior during civil defense in the following cases: when declaring a state of emergency and martial law, contamination of nature, penetration of toxic substances, providing first aid.
  • Preparation for military service.

The above-mentioned goals are pursued by military training (grade 10). The program for their implementation is reflected in the Government Decree, which is mandatory for all schools.

About classes

Military training at school (grade 10) is carried out on the basis of Government Decree No. 1441 of December 31, 1999, as well as the Instructions attached to it. The above regulations fully regulate all issues related to the conduct of student training camps. Moreover, the NLA affirms the need to conduct practical training with females. The law talks about separate training, as well as in-depth study of the basics of medical care.

Fees are one of the most important things that you have never encountered with this type of activity. That is why many people have a completely natural question: “What do they do at military training camps?” 10th grade never remains indifferent to this issue, so it is almost always discussed in class.

On the first day, the guys are told about the life and accommodation of employees, shown the main rooms, sleeping arrangements, the process of serving, the work of the squads and much more. During their stay, students become directly acquainted with the organization of the guard, the protection of the military banner, the work of internal services, departments, and so on.

Direct practical training begins with studying the elements of drill training. Moreover, during the lesson it is important to pay attention not only to a clearly defined step, but also to knowledge of concepts, definitions, as well as learning commands.

During the exercise, all the guys become familiar with the elements of fire training. Nobody says that tenth graders can be trusted with weapons - dear parents, don’t worry! However, learning safety precautions, types of ammunition, prohibitions and commands is as necessary for boys as the ability to cook is for girls.

3. Assembling AK and PM - 25 and 10 seconds, respectively.

4. Putting on a gas mask - 7 sec.

5. Putting on protective ammunition - 4 min. 4 sec.

Teachers of disciplines

There are special positions during training camps. Thus, the head of training camps is the first person. It is mandatory to approve a list of his deputies, namely for educational work, logistics support, the chief of staff and a medical worker. It is important to take into account that military personnel are appointed to the above positions, and subject teachers are elected to help. For example, life safety and physical education teachers are always at their workplaces.

Additional persons

In addition to the personnel of the military unit, as well as school teachers, the law allows the involvement of employees not related to the service. Thus, the most frequent guest at training camps is a medical worker. Moreover, he is involved not only in providing medical care in case of injury, but also in conducting theoretical classes.

Still, you cannot get carried away and transfer most of the powers to invited persons. The leading role belongs to military personnel, who are responsible for the proper training of variable personnel.

10th grade has arrived... Military training is now not as scary as it seems! Judging by the feedback from students, five days fly by quickly, many want to continue working with officers!

On the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, undergoing training in the basics of military service

The government of Moscow


On the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, undergoing training in the basics of military service

In accordance with the requirements of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2010 N 96/134 “On approval of the Instructions on the organization of training citizens of the Russian Federation in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service in educational institutions secondary (complete) general education, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education and training centers"

I order:

1. Approve the Regulations on the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, undergoing training in the basics of military service (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) (Appendix).

2. The heads of state educational organizations, professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education, subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, organize and annually conduct 5-day training camps with students in accordance with the Regulations.

3. The order of the Moscow Department of Education dated September 23, 2013 N 600 “On the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, undergoing training in the basics of military service” shall be declared invalid.

4. Entrust control over the implementation of the order to the deputy head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow I.S. Pavlov.

Head of department
education of the city of Moscow
I.I. Kalina

Application. Regulations on the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, undergoing training in the basics of military...

to the order of the Department
education of the city of Moscow
dated July 22, 2015 N 1283

Regulations on the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, undergoing training in the basics of military service

1. General Provisions

1.1. The regulation on the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, undergoing training in the basics of military service, was developed in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2010 N 96/134 "On approval of the Instruction on the organization of training of citizens of the Russian Federation in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education and training points"

1.2. 5-day training camps (hereinafter referred to as training camps) are held with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education who are undergoing training in the basics of military service (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations).

1.3. The main objectives of the training camps:

1.3.1. Formation of moral, psychological and physical qualities of a citizen necessary for military service;

1.3.2. Fostering patriotism, respect for the historical and cultural past of Russia and its armed forces;

1.3.3. Studying the basics of the safety of military service, the accommodation and life of military personnel, the organization of guard and internal services, the structure and rules of handling small arms, the basics of tactical and drill training, health maintenance and military medical training, issues of radiation, chemical and biological protection of troops and the population;

1.3.4. Conducting military professional orientation for mastering military specialties and choosing the profession of an officer.

1.4. The operator of the 5-day training camps is the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education in Moscow "Center for Military-Patriotic and Civil Education", which has the status of a regional center for training citizens of the Russian Federation for military service and military-patriotic education in the city of Moscow (hereinafter - the Operator).

2. Management of the organization and conduct of training camps

2.1. Every year, before September 15, to organize and conduct training camps, by order of the Moscow Department of Education, a head of training camps, a deputy head of training camps, and a chief of staff of training camps are appointed from among the employees of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Center for Military-Patriotic and Civil Education" and deputy chiefs of staff of training camps (one for 1-2 administrative districts of Moscow).

3. The procedure for organizing and conducting training camps

3.1. The preparation and conduct of training camps is the responsibility of educational organizations.

3.2. Training camps are held throughout the academic year.

3.3. Heads of educational organizations:

3.3.1. Organize and conduct training sessions with students of subordinate educational organizations.

3.3.2. They determine the procedure and forms for conducting training camps and send their decisions annually before September 20 to the head of training camps, indicating the number of students, persons responsible for organizing and conducting training camps, dates and location.

3.3.3. Together with the departments (joint) of the Military Commissariat of the city of Moscow in the districts of the city of Moscow, they agree with the commanders of military units and heads of training and other centers that have the appropriate material base and trained specialists, on the basis of which it is planned to conduct training camps, the timing of training camps, the procedure for conducting classes , living conditions for students in the places where training camps are held, routes for safe movement to places of training, safety measures in the classroom, provision of meals for students and teachers involved in training camps.

3.3.4. They agree with the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow "Directorate for Coordination of the Activities of Medical Organizations of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow" on the procedure for organizing medical support for training camps, with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow (in the administrative districts of the city of Moscow) - escort by patrol crews of convoys of vehicles with participants in training camps.

3.3.5. Organize transportation of students to and from training camps. Persons responsible for compliance with safety measures during training camps are appointed, as well as for the period of travel to the place of their conduct and back to their permanent locations, holding them responsible for the life and health of students.

3.3.6. Organize the provision of students with meals at the sites of training camps, living conditions for students in accordance with established sanitary standards.

3.3.7. On the day of departure, the head of the training camp is informed about the number of students who left for the training camp, the location of the training camp and the contact information of the head of the training camp from the educational organization.

3.4. Operator of 5-day training camps:

3.4.1. Promotes, together with the Military Commissariat of the city of Moscow, the establishment, strengthening and expansion of connections between formations and military units, training and other centers with educational organizations in order to conduct training camps with students undergoing training in the basics of military service, and events for military-patriotic education of citizens.

3.4.2. Collects information from educational organizations about the number of students involved in training camps, the dates and locations of training camps in the current academic year.

3.4.3. Conducts instructional and methodological classes with persons responsible for organizing and conducting training camps, and representatives of the Military Commissariat of Moscow annually until September 25.

3.4.4. Provides practical and methodological assistance to educational organizations in organizing and conducting training sessions.

3.4.5. Summarizes and analyzes the results of training sessions, develops proposals for their improvement.

3.4.6. Studies, summarizes and disseminates the best practices of educational organizations in organizing and conducting training camps.

4. Participants of training camps

4.1. All citizens studying in educational organizations undergoing training in the basics of military service are invited to participate in training camps, with the exception of those who are exempt from classes for health reasons.

4.2. In case of refusal of individual citizens for religious reasons to participate in shooting and studying combat hand-held small arms, the decision on exemption from taking this topic of classes is made by the head of the educational organization on the basis of a substantiated application from parents (legal representatives), which must be submitted to the head of the educational organization before the start training fees.

For citizens who have not completed training camps for good reasons, a theoretical study of training camp materials and passing tests at an educational organization are organized.

Citizens who fail to complete training camps without good reason are given an unsatisfactory grade for the training camps.

Female citizens, during training camps for young men, engage in in-depth study of the basics of medical knowledge.

5. Financing of training camps

5.1. Financing of training camps during the academic year is carried out at the expense and within the limits of funds provided to educational organizations for the implementation of state assignments.

6. Summing up the results of training camps

6.1. Heads of educational organizations annually, before June 10, submit reports on the results of training camps in the academic year to the head of training camps.

6.2. Interim reports on the progress of training camps are submitted at the request of the chief of staff of training camps.

6.3. The head of the training camp, together with the Military Commissariat of the city of Moscow, analyzes the results of the training camp and, by July 15, submits summarized information to the head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Department
education in Moscow (scanner copy)
as of 11/28/2016

On the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, undergoing training in the basics of military service

Document's name:
Document Number: 1283
Document type: Order of the Moscow Department of Education
Receiving authority: Moscow Department of Education
Status: Active
Published: The document was not published
Acceptance date: July 22, 2015
Start date: July 22, 2015
Moscow Department of Education

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education in Moscow


named after P.M. Vostrukhin


Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow

KAiR No. 27 named after P.M. Vostrukhina

"____" ____________2012.

Sample program

conducting 5-day training camps on the basics of military service for primary professions

professional and secondary specialties

vocational education


year 2012



    Content ………………………………………………………………2

    Explanatory note…………………………………………………………………… 3

classes on the basics of military service during 5-day

training fees…………………………………………………………… 5

    Organization of classes on the basics of military service……….. 9

    Approximate calculation of hours for study subjects……………………… 10

    Preparation for subjects of study...................................................... .................... 11

6.1 Tactical training ……………………………..………….. 11

6.2 Fire training …………………………………………………..11

6.3 Radiation, chemical and biological protection………………. 12

6.4 Drill training…………………………………………………………………… 12

6.5 Physical training…………………………………………… 13

6.6 General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation……………….……. 14

6.7 Military medical training…………………………………… 15

6.8 Fundamentals of security in military service…………………………….. 15

7. Requirements for learning outcomes……………………………………… 16

8. Sources and literature……………………………………………. 22


An approximate program for conducting 5-day training camps on the basics of military service for professions of primary vocational education and specialties of secondary vocational education is developed in accordance with:

    Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 1999 No. 1441 “On approval of the Regulations on the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service” and is carried out in accordance with the Instructions, which provide for the conduct of annual 5-day training camps according to a 35-hour training program”;

    Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2010 No. 134-“Concept of the federal system of training citizens of the Russian Federation for military service for the period until 2020.”

    Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2010 No. 96/134 “On approval of the Instructions on the organization of training citizens of the Russian Federation in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education , educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education and training centers,” Consultant Plus.

    Order of the Moscow Government of June 13, 2006 No. 1027-RP “On the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in state educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system, undergoing training in the basics of military service.”

    Recommendations for the implementation of the educational program of secondary (complete) general education in educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education in accordance with the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs”

Purpose of training teaching citizens basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service - acquiring and improving knowledge and skills that allow future military personnel to perform their duties efficiently and competently in accordance with their official purpose in any environment.

The main tasks of training citizens are:

    acquisition (restoration), improvement of knowledge and development of skills in combined arms combat;

    mastering the standard military specialty of a motorized rifle squad - shooter;

    mastering and skillful use of standard weapons in combat;

    physical training, instilling faith in oneself and one’s weapons;

    preparation to perform duties during combat missions independently and as part of a squad-platoon.

The basis of the exemplary program is content consistent with the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level and mainly aimed at obtaining practical and methodological knowledge, skills and techniques.

3. Recommendations on safety requirements when conducting classes on the basics of military service

during 5-day training camps

Safety during classes on the basics of military service is ensured by a clear organization of classes, strict adherence to governing documents (the Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the course of shooting from small arms, combat vehicles and tanks of the RF Armed Forces, 2003, Manuals on physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Federation (NFP-2009), Combat Regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 3, platoon, squad, tank) and other established rules and safety requirements, high discipline of all trainees.

Responsibilities of officials for the organization and

implementation of measures to meet safety requirements

The administration and teaching staff of the educational institution bear full responsibility for the strict observance of safety measures by students during classes on the basics of military service during 5-day training camps.

The director of the educational institution is responsible for the general organization and implementation of events in accordance with safety requirements andmust :

    personally instruct the head of training camps (deputy director for security) of the educational institution on all issues of training camps, including security measures;

    personally instruct life safety teachers-organizers on ensuring compliance with safety measures at all stages of organizing and conducting training camps.

Deputy Director for Security (Head of Collections) is responsible for preparation and conduct of training camps, compliance with safety requirements.He is obliged:

    establish safety requirements and monitor their implementation when moving to and from the training camp;

    organize the development of instructions for ensuring safety during the organization and during the conduct of classes on the basics of military service;

    develop measures to prevent injuries and other accidents;

    organize medical support for training camps.

Teacher - life safety organizer (accompanying at training camps) is responsible for organizing, conducting instruction and monitoring its requirements in the daily activities of trainees.

He is obliged:

    personally provide instructions to all students before classes;

    check knowledge of rules and safety requirements and compliance with them by trainees;

    require trainees to comply with safety requirements when conducting classes with weapons and equipment;

    investigate cases of violation of safety requirements, analyze the causes of their occurrence, and report to the head of the training camp.

    Before conducting classes (trainings) that pose an increased danger to trainees, conduct instructions with the acceptance of tests and a personal signature of each trainee on the assimilation of safety requirements in the briefing log at the workplace.

The learner answers for compliance with safety requirements during classes.He is obliged:

    know and comply with safety rules and requirements;

    provide first aid to the victim.

Platoon commanders, deputy platoon and squad commanders given by order of the commander of a military unit, to assist in the organization and conduct of classes, are responsible for compliance with the safety requirements of the trainees entrusted to them.They are obliged:

    study safety requirements with all students and monitor their strict compliance during the lesson;

    Before the start of each lesson, make sure that safe conditions have been created and ensured, that the trainees have mastered the safety requirements communicated to them and have sufficient practical skills in their implementation.

Safety requirements during classes

on the basics of military service


Students who do not have medical contraindications are allowed to participate in physical training classes. All physical training classes, including mass sports events, are conducted only under the guidance of the class leader.

Class leaders are required to take all measures to prevent injuries during physical training.

Injury prevention is ensured by:

    clear organization and adherence to training methods;

    high discipline of trainees, good knowledge of belay and self-insurance techniques, rules for preventing injuries;

    timely preparation of training places and equipment;

    systematic monitoring of compliance with established rules and safety requirements by lesson leaders.

To prevent injury, the following requirements must be met:

For gymnastics:

    check the serviceability of gymnastic equipment, the presence of mats and holes for nipples;

    before performing exercises on the crossbar, wipe it with sandpaper and then with a rag;

    provide assistance and insurance when performing exercises on apparatus.

To overcome the obstacle course:

    check the serviceability of the obstacle course elements;

    when conducting classes in winter, clear the obstacle course of snow and ice, sprinkle sand on the take-off and landing areas;

    when throwing grenades from a standstill, separate the trainees at intervals of two to three steps;

    Landing areas when jumping from high obstacles should be dug up and covered with sawdust.

For hand-to-hand combat:

    when performing combat techniques with a machine gun in motion, strictly observe the sequence of exercises, intervals and distance between trainees;

    when performing grabs and throws, insure your partner, supporting him by the hand, and prevent him from falling on him;

    when studying disarmament techniques, use bayonets, knives with sheaths on them, or mock-up machine guns with soft tips;

    at the partner’s signal, immediately stop performing the technique. Practice strikes with a knife, fist and foot on stuffed animals and targets.


Safety during shooting is ensured by clear organization, strict adherence to safety measures and high discipline of all shooting participants.

In a shooting range (a place equipped for shooting) it is prohibited:

    fire from a faulty weapon and with a white flag raised;

    take or touch a weapon at the firing line or approach it without the command (permission) of the shooting director;

    load pneumatic weapons before the shooting director’s command or before the “Fire” signal;

    aim and point the weapon to the sides and rear, as well as at people, no matter what condition the weapon is in;

    aim at targets even with unloaded weapons if there are people in their direction;

    remove loaded weapons from the firing line;

    to be at the firing line by strangers other than the firing shift;

    leave a loaded weapon anywhere or transfer it to others without the command of the shooting director;

    shoot not parallel to the direction (direction) of the shooting range (place equipped for shooting);

    allow persons who do not have solid practical skills in shooting to shoot;

    shoot at the shooting range simultaneously from different types of weapons;

    to be on the firing line for anyone before the “Fire” signal (command) and after the “Hangover” signal (command) of the senior firing leader.

The issuance of live ammunition to citizens is carried out by specially appointed military personnel of the military unit. The preparation of each student for shooting with live ammunition is checked by an officer of the military unit in the presence of a teaching staff member.

Small-caliber cartridges are issued only by teaching staff exclusively at the firing line. If the hit display is done after each shot, only one round is issued.

The weapon is loaded at the firing line and only upon the command “Load” from the firing director.



    Classes on the basics of military service are organized and conducted on the basis of Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, orders of the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of general military, combat regulations, manuals, instructions, courses and this exemplary program.

    The approximate program is developed for 5 school days. The duration of the school day is 7 hours, the school hour is 45 minutes. To consolidate the material covered, study the recommended literature, as well as to train in performing individual exercises and techniques, independent training is carried out under the guidance of sergeants during the time allotted by the daily routine.

    Training in the basics of military service includes organizing and conducting classes on the study of weapons, tactical, fire, combat, physical, military medical training, chemical warfare protection, General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the basics of security of military service and other issues.

    Training should be based on the principle of constantly increasing physical, moral and psychological stress and be carried out sequentially from simple to complex, first achieving the correct execution of the technique, and then the speed of its implementation. Each lesson should have a clear purpose and learning questions. At the beginning of each lesson, the leader checks the level of mastery of previously covered material, after which he proceeds to training.

5. The procedure for working out a training question: showing a new technique in general and in elements with a brief explanation, learning it, and then training first at a slow pace, then gradually speeding it up to the time established by the standard.

6. In fire training, students in classroom classes, using training weapons, mock-ups and posters, study the combat properties, general structure, procedure for disassembling and assembling weapons.

7. In drill and physical training classes, the main teaching method is training with multiple repetitions of techniques and actions, with gradually increasing complexity of conditions in order to develop stable skills in performing drill techniques without weapons, as well as gymnastics and accelerated movement exercises.

8. In order to better assimilate the subjects of study, educational films may be shown during independent preparation for classes.



Subjects of study

Number of hours

Tactical training

Fire training


Physical training

General military regulations


Approximate thematic calculation of hours by subject of study


Lesson topic

Number of hours


number of hours

1 day

Day 2

Day 3

4 day

5 day





Radiation, chemical and biological protection





General military regulations

Military medical training







6.1 Tactical training


Topic name

Number of hours

Action of a soldier in battle

Armament and military equipment of the unit


Topic 1 . “The action of a soldier in battle.”

Lesson 1. Practical – 2 hours. Control signals in combat, methods for them

transmissions and actions on them. Marching, pre-battle and combat formation of a platoon. Training in deployment from marching to pre-combat and combat formations and back. Overcoming cost centers. Choosing a shooting location.

Lesson 2. Practical – 2 hours. Methods of movement on the battlefield.

Development of standard No. 1.7 for tactical training. Reception

tests according to standards.

Topic 2 . “Armament and military equipment of the unit.”

Lesson 1. Practical – 1 hour. Display of weapons and military equipment of the unit.

6.2 Fire training


Topic name

Number of hours

Small arms and hand grenades

Shooting Basics and Rules


Topic 1: Small arms and hand grenades.”

Lesson 1. Practical – 1 hour. Purpose, combat properties and general

AK-74 device. Purpose of parts and mechanisms of the AK-74.

Procedure for cleaning and lubricating weapons. Safety requirements for

conducting shooting and handling small arms.

Lesson 2. Practical – 2 hours. Incomplete disassembly and assembly of the machine.

Development of standards for fire training No. 7,8,10.

Lesson 3. Practical – 1 hour. Purpose, performance characteristics and device

defensive and offensive grenades. Requirement

safety when handling grenades. Practicing actions

on throwing a grenade.

Topic 2 : “Fundamentals and rules of shooting.”

Lesson 1. Practical – 2 hours. Training in preparation for battle. Training

standards No. 1,2,7,8,10.

Topic 3: “ Techniques and methods of firing from a machine gun at stationary and emerging targets ”.

Lesson 1. Group – 1 hour. Studying 2 ONS, TB measures during shooting.

Lesson 2. Group – 1 hour. Acceptance of tests on knowledge of performance characteristics of AK-74, 2 UUS,

TB measures when shooting.

Lesson 3. Practical – 1 hour. Execution of the 2nd UNS from AK-74M.

6.3 Radiation, chemical and biological protection


Topic name

Number of hours

Personal protective equipment and their use

Test classes


Topic 1 . “Personal protective equipment and their use.”

Lesson 1. Practical – 2 hours. Methods of action of personnel in conditions

in terms of radiation, chemical and biologicalinfection.

Training in compliance with the standards for the Russian Chemical Biological Protection No. 1,4,6.

Lesson 2. Practical – 1 hour. Acceptance of tests for meeting standards

1, 4, 6.

6. 4 Drill


Topic name

Number of hours

Drill techniques and movements without weapons


Topic 1: “Drill techniques and movements without weapons.”

Lesson 1. Practical – 1 hour. Execution of commands - “Stand”,

Be equal”, “At attention”, “At ease”, “Fuel up”, “Disperse”,

Squad, stand in one (two) lines, disperse.”

Learning the drill position by elements.

Lesson 2. Practical – 1 hour. Repeating a previously learned technique

Turns on the spot.” Learning and training in execution

drill technique “Turns on the spot” by divisions and in

in general.

Lesson 3. Practical – 1 hour. Combat step. Movement of hands on two

accounts. Step designation in place. Movement in marching steps along

divisions into four and two counts. Workout on the move

marching at a pace of 50-60 steps per minute. Movement

marching at a pace of 110-120 steps per minute.

Lesson 4.

technique “Movement in marching steps”. Learning turns

to the left, to the right and around in movement across divisions and in general.

Lesson 5. Practical – 1 hour. Repetition of previously learned drill

reception “Turns in motion”. Learning a drill technique

Performing a military salute on the spot and on the move” according to

divisions and in general.

Lesson 6. Practical – 1 hour. Repetition of previously learned drill

reception “Failure and return to service.” Unlearning

drill technique “Approaching the boss and leaving him” according to

divisions and in general.

Lesson 7. Practical – 1 hour. Control lesson.

6.5 Physical training


Topic name

Number of hours


Accelerated movement

Test classes


Topic 1: "Gymnastics".

Lesson 1 . Practical – 1 hour. Safety requirements for carrying out

physical training classes. Learning the complex

floor exercise No. 1.

Lesson 2 . Practical – 1 hour. Learning the floor routine

exercises No. 2. Complex training

floor exercise complexes No. 1,2.

Lesson 3 . Practical – 1 hour. Learning and practicing positions

jumping and dismounting fromcoutfit Learning and training

exercises No. 4, 5.

Topic 2: “Accelerated movement.”

Lesson 1 . Practical – 1 hour. Organization of classes on accelerated transfer

movement. Learning and training running exercises

100m and 1 km, exercises No. 41, (42) and No. 45.

Topic 3: “Control classes.”

Lesson 1. Practical – 1 hour. Taking credits for completing the exercise

4, 41(42), 45.

6.6 General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


Topic name

Number of hours

Time distribution and internal order in the daily activities of military personnel

Relationships between military personnel


Topic 1: “ Time distribution and internal order in everyday life

activities of military personnel ”.

Lesson 1 . Group – 2 hours. General requirements for the deployment of military personnel, time management and daily procedures. The order, organization and conduct of getting up of personnel, morning physical exercises, washing, making beds and morning inspection.

Topic 2: Relationships between military personnel.”

Lesson 1 . Group – 1 hour. Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates. Seniors and juniors. An order (command), the order of its issuance and execution.

Lesson 2 . Group – 1 hour. Performing a military salute by military personnel and units while in formation, indoors, in public places, smoking areas. The procedure for the action of personnel when a senior commander visits a platoon, company, is in class, in a location, in the field, doing chores, etc. The procedure for responding to the commander’s greeting and farewell, responding to congratulations and gratitude. About military politeness and behavior of military personnel. Rules of conduct for military personnel in the barracks, canteen, club and other public places.

6 .7 Military medical training


Topic name

Number of hours


First aid for wounds and fractures




Topic 1: “First medical aid for wounds and fractures.”

Lesson 1. Practical – 1 hour. Providing first aid.

Emergency resuscitation measures. Performance

standards No. 1, 3.5, 9.

6.8 Fundamentals of military security


Topic name

Number of hours


Basic measures to ensure the safety of military service




Topic 1: “ Main measures to ensure military security


Lesson 1. Comprehensive practical training on air defense systems – 1 hour.


As a result of gaining knowledge and practical skills in the subjects of training of the exemplary program, conducting 5-day training camps on the basics of military service for professions of primary vocational education and specialties of secondary vocational education, the student must:

Tactical training


    command signals for units in battle;

    what is the marching, pre-battle and combat order of a platoon;

    Standards No. 1,7,8,10 for tactical training of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces.

be able to

    choose a place for shooting;

    act on the battlefield as part of a squad-platoon;

    overcome cost centers;

    comply with standards No. 1.7.

Fire training


    purpose, combat properties, general structure, purpose of parts and mechanisms of the AK-74;

    procedure for cleaning and lubricating weapons;

    safety requirements for shooting and handling small arms;

    purpose, performance characteristics and design of defensive and offensive grenades;

    safety requirements when handling grenades;

    techniques and methods of firing from a machine gun at stationary and emerging targets;

    know the basics and rules of shooting, conditions for fulfilling 2 ONS;

    standards No. 1,2, 7,8,10 for fire training of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces.

be able to

    carry out incomplete disassembly and assembly of the machine;

    square up;

    comply with standards No. 1,2 7,8,10;

    perform 2nd UNS from AK-74M.

Radiation, chemical and biological protection


    purpose, arrangement of personal protective equipment;

    methods of action in conditions of radiation, chemical and biological infection;

    standards No. 1,4,6,8 for the Russian Chemical Bases of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces.

be able to

    act on warning signals;

    practically comply with standards № 1, 4, 6.



    general provisions of the drill regulations of the RF Armed Forces;

    duties of a serviceman before formation and in the ranks;

    methods of movement on the battlefield;

be able to

    carry out the commands: “Stand up”, “Become equal”, “At attention”, “At ease”, “Get up”, “Disperse”, Section, stand in one (two) ranks, Disperse”;

    perform drill techniques and movements without weapons: “Drill stance”, “Turns in place”, “Movement at a marching pace”, “Turns in motion”, “Performing a military salute on the spot and in motion”, “Exiting the formation and returning to formation ", "Approaching the boss and leaving him."

Physical training


    safety requirements when conducting physical training classes;

    floor exercise complexes No. 1,2;

    conditions for performing exercises No. 4, 5, 41, (42) and No. 45 according to NFP -2009.

be able to

    approach and retreat to sports equipment;

    perform leaps and dismounts from sports equipment;

    perform exercises No. 4, 5, 41, (42) and No. 45.

General military regulations of the RF Armed Forces


    general requirements for the deployment of military personnel, time management and daily procedures;

    military ranks, who are the commanders and chiefs, senior and junior;

    what is an order (command), the procedure for its implementation;

    procedure for a visit by a senior manager;

    the procedure for responding to the commander’s greeting and farewell, responding to congratulations and gratitude;

    what is military politeness;

    rules of behavior in the barracks, canteen, club and other public places.

be able to

    carry out daily routine activities;

    contact commanders;

    Perform a military salute in and out of formation.

Military medical training


    rules of personal hygiene and prevention;

    rules of first aid on the battlefield;

    be able to

    follow the rules of personal hygiene;

    provide first aid on the battlefield;

    use an individual first aid kit, an individual dressing package;

    carry out emergency resuscitation measures.

    fulfill standards No. 1, 3.5, 9.

Basics of military service safety


    responsibilities of a serviceman to comply with the safety requirements of military service and to prevent diseases, injuries and defeats;

    safety requirements when practicing exercises and standards for training subjects;

be able to

    comply with safety requirements when practicing exercises and standards for training subjects.


The following are subject to assessment:

- students in the subject of study;

- students in subjects of study;

- divisions.

Assessment of students in the subject of study

Grade on NBC protection, tactical, military medical and engineering training.

Traineesare checked for compliance with three or four standards, and are assessed:

5” - if at least 50% of the standards are met with a rating of “5”, and

the rest with a rating of at least “4”;

4” - if at least 50% of the standards are met for a grade not lower than “4”, and

the rest with a rating of at least “3”;

3” - if 70% of the standards are met with a rating of not lower than “3”, and when checking against three standards, two are positively assessed, and one of them is not lower than “4”.

The assessment of the training of a squad, platoon (training corps), company (college) in the subject of training is composed of the assessments received by the trainees and is determined:

Physical training

According to Art. 252. Instructions for physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the physical fitness of conscripted military personnel who arrived at a military unit for its replenishment is checked by physical exercises: pull-ups on the crossbar, 100 m run (shuttle run 10x10 m), 1 km run.

An individual assessment for a student is given based on the sum of points awarded for completing 3 exercises No. 4, 41, 45 according to Table 1 of scoring points for performing physical training exercises and Table 2 of assessing the physical fitness of military personnel.

Traineesare checked on the completion of three exercises and assessed:

5” - if 50% of the exercises are completed at “5”, the rest are not lower than “4”;

4” - if 50% of the exercises are performed at least “4”, and the rest are “3”;

3” - two are positively rated, one of them not lower than “4”;

2” - the conditions for rating “3” are not met.

The assessment of the physical fitness of a department, platoon (educational building), company (college) is composed of the assessments received by the trainees and is determined:

“5” – at least 90% of positive ratings, with more than 50% “5”;

“4” – at least 80% of positive ratings, with more than 50% “4”;

“3” – if at least 70% positive results are obtained.

Fire training

Fire training is checked and assessed by completing 2 initial firing exercises in accordance with the requirements of the Firing Course, manuals and standards for combat training. Trainees who have passed a test in knowledge of the material parts of weapons, the fundamentals and rules of shooting, the conditions for performing the exercise and safety measures are allowed to perform the shooting exercise.

The student’s individual assessment is determined by:

“excellent” - 25 points scored;

“good” - 20 points scored;

“satisfactory” - 15 points scored.

The assessment of fire training of a squad, platoon (training building), company (college) is composed of the assessments received by the trainees and is determined:

“5” – at least 90% of positive ratings, with more than 50% “5”;

“4” – at least 80% of positive ratings, with more than 50% “4”;

“3” – if at least 70% positive results are obtained.


In drill training, the student’s single drill skills are checked and assessed, which includesperforming drill techniques in accordance with the requirements of training programs.

An individual assessment of a student’s drill proficiency is determined by:

5 ”- if 50% of drill techniques are performed at “5”, the rest - at


4 ”- if at least 50% of drill techniques are performed at “5” and “4”, and

the rest - at “3”;

3 ” - if at least 80% of drill techniques are performed at least “3”.

Assessment of single combat training of a squad, platoon, educational building, college:

5 ” - if at least 90% received positive ratings, and

half of those tested were rated “5”;

4 ” - if at least 80% received positive ratings, and

half of those tested were rated “4”;

3 ” - if at least 70% received positive ratings;

2 ” - if the requirements for a “satisfactory” rating are not met.

General military regulations

Trainees are tested in the scope of the completed program on the day of testing based on answers to at least three questions (asked from each manual, except for the drill one) and are assessed:

5” - at least 50% of answers are rated “5”, the rest - “4”;

4” - at least 50% of the answers are rated not lower than “4”, and the rest not lower than “3”;

3” - 70% of answers are rated at least “3”, and when checked on three questions

two are positively rated, one of which is not less than good;

2” - if the requirements for a “3” rating are not met.

The assessment according to the regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of a department, platoon (educational building), company (college) is composed of the assessments received by the trainees and is determined:

“5” – at least 90% of positive ratings, with more than 50% “5”;

“4” – at least 80% of positive ratings, with more than 50% “4”;

“3” – if at least 70% positive results are obtained.

Student assessment in subjects of study

The student is assessed in terms of the requirements for knowledge and skills in the subjects of study:

Unit evaluation

Squad, platoon, (educational building), company (college):

"5" - at least 50% of items are rated "5", the rest "4"

"4" - at least 50% of subjects of study "5.4", the rest "3"

"3" - received at least 70% positive ratings

"2" - requirements for rating "3" are not met

The overall grade for training fees cannot be higher than the grade for tactical and fire training with exemplary or satisfactory behavior.


    Constitution of the Russian Federation,adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, Consultant Plus.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 1999 No. 1441 “On approval of the Regulations on the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service” and is carried out in accordance with the Instructions, which provide for the conduct of annual 5-day training camps according to a 35-hour training program,” Consultant plus.

    The concept of the federal system of training citizens of the Russian Federation for military service for the period until 2020. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2010 No. 134-r. - M.: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Federal issue No. 5109 of February 12, 2010.

    Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, Consultant Plus.

    Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2010 No. 96/134 “On approval of the Instruction on the organization of training of citizens of the Russian Federation in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education , educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education and training centers,” Consultant Plus.

    Order of the Moscow Government of June 13, 2006 No. 1027-RP “On the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with citizens studying in public educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system, undergoing training in the basics of military service,” Consultant Plus.

    Manual on physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (NFP-2009). Put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200 dated April 21, 2009.

    Combat Regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 3, platoon, squad, tank, Moscow, Voenizdat, 2005. assessment of drill training of the RF Armed Forces.

    . ApokidzeDrill.

During the academic year, on the basis of the Preobrazhensky OSC, 5-day training camps are held for students of general education institutions and colleges, as well as training camps and competitions in military-applied sports with military-patriotic clubs.

The training program as a whole reflects the state educational policy in matters of education and formation in students of a conscious attitude to existing problems of personal and public safety, and ensures that students acquire special skills, knowledge, and skills that allow them to increase the level of readiness of conscripts for military service.

Five-day training camps are held with the aim of promoting the military-patriotic education of young people, the formation of their spiritual and physical maturity. The activities provided for by the program also help to increase the prestige of military service and prepare young men for military service.

The educational and material base of the Preobrazhensky Defense and Sports Center allows you to accommodate up to 250 people in one shift year-round and conduct classes in the main subjects of training (military topography, fire, airborne, medical, weapons of mass destruction, physical, etc.) with passing tests, standards, with practicing the elements of a jump at an airborne town and performing a parachute jump at the base of a flying club.

The educational and material base of the Preobrazhensky Defense and Sports Center of the Airborne Forces Special Forces Foundation allows for high-quality 5-day military training camps in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation N 96 and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation N 134 of February 24, 2010 and the preparation of youth for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and contract service.

Decree of the Moscow Government No. 289-PP dated April 24, 2007. The military-patriotic program of the Center was given the status of a “pilot project” in order to further legitimize the creation of such centers and the possibility of making them part of compulsory secondary and special education for students of schools, colleges, and special educational institutions. The same Resolution recommended the creation of similar centers in each district.

The Preobrazhensky Defense Sports Center has an experienced staff of officers and warrant officers who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Additionally, to conduct practical classes in military disciplines, instructors are allocated from among the officers and sergeants of the 45th Guards Regiment and other units of the Airborne Forces, and also provide the necessary basis for conducting practical classes and competitions in military applied sports.

At the training camp, classes will be held in the main subjects of training (fire, airborne, medical, weapons of mass destruction, physical, etc.) with passing tests, standards, with practicing the elements of jumping at an airborne town, jumping from a parachute tower.

When all issues are resolved, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will receive a trained conscript who has undergone training in a general education institution, a military-patriotic club, and at the final stage has directly completed training at the center with the appropriate characteristics, and has passed the standards for the subjects of training.

The further fate of the conscript is monitored while serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which excludes deviations from service in the RF Armed Forces and hazing. Military service should be covered in the media of the city and district, which will be a clear example for future conscripts.

In the period from 2003 to the present, 5-day military training camps have been held with students of general education institutions and colleges, training camps and competitions in military applied sports with military patriotic clubs, as well as recreational recreation with children and teenagers, in an amount of more than 5000 people (including risk groups).


Regulatory documents defining
procedure for organizing and conducting 5-day training camps

1. Annual orders of the head of the garrison of the city of Moscow on the assignment of military units and institutions to educational institutions of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow for conducting training camps.
2. Annual orders of the Moscow Department of Education “On the organization and conduct of 5-day training camps with young men studying in state educational institutions implementing general educational programs of the Moscow Department of Education system, undergoing training in the basics of military service”

The other day, the directors of most metropolitan schools received order No. 162 from the Moscow Department of Education “On organizing and conducting 5-day training sessions with young men studying in educational institutions undergoing training in the basics of military service.” By June 20, all 10th-graders will be required to complete a 40-hour military training course. Now lists are being prepared for district military registration and enlistment offices with the names of the guys who will voluntarily and compulsorily study the design of the machine gun and drill training. Even a special headquarters was created, which included representatives of the education department, military commissariat and prefectures.

“In addition to instilling patriotic feelings, the gatherings pursue several other goals,” one of the organizers of the gatherings, who wished, however, to remain anonymous, told NI. – We must acquaint the children with the life of military personnel. They will visit the barracks and eat soldiers' food. Then we will arrange an acquaintance with military equipment. Schoolchildren will even be able to climb tanks and other combat vehicles. We will also conduct several classes on tactics and drill training. The guys will run a kilometer cross-country race. Let me make a reservation right away that they will be running in tracksuits and without gas masks. They will pass the pull-up standard. And most importantly, shooting from a Kalashnikov assault rifle will be organized. Of course, it would be good if the guys spent all five days of training in the barracks, but the law does not allow this. But funding does not allow setting up a tent camp near a military unit. So, most likely, the children will spend four days of these training camps in schools.”

Classes will be conducted by teachers who teach life safety (basics of life safety). But for one day the guys will definitely go to a military unit for shooting. Each district is assigned a military unit. For example, schoolchildren from the Western District will go to the Taman and Kantemirov divisions.

“This year, 35 thousand tenth-graders will go to the training camp,” Viktor Syunkov, deputy director of the center for military-patriotic and civic education of the Moscow Department of Education, told NI. – The problem of financing is very acute. Therefore, we will not be able to take children to military units every day. I cannot say exactly how much money will be allocated. But based on last year’s experience, we can assume that about 8 million rubles will be spent.”

The duty officer of the Tver military registration and enlistment office told NI that “100% of tenth graders will go to the training camp.” However, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” directly states that “military training in civilian educational institutions can be carried out only on an optional basis with the consent of students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) at the expense of funds and by the efforts of the interested department.” “We don’t force anyone, let them not go,” said Viktor Syunkov. “But the guys need to be prepared for their future life.” How will they exist without military training? Our training prepares them for the harsh reality.”

The officials are lying. In practice, the principle of “voluntariness” looks completely different. If a student refuses to participate in the training camp, he will not be certified in life safety. And then problems will inevitably arise with transfer to 11th grade. In addition, as a rule, teachers, when mentally preparing children for training camps, are generally silent about their right to refuse.

Fortunately, schoolchildren have two relatively simple ways to screw up. The first is to take a certificate of illness, and only from the district clinic. True, in this case they will face a re-examination in August. The second option is to urgently transfer to a private school. After all, universal school conscription miraculously bypassed the students of such institutions.

“Why should our children waste time on such things? They have more important things to do: preparation for entering a university, for example,” Irina Pinchuk, director of the Erudite private school, told NI. “So far we have not received any orders from the Department of Education regarding military training, and if they do, we will still try to make do with fewer losses - to organize military training on our own.”

So the entire burden of responsibility will fall on teachers of state educational institutions. They, according to the order of the Department of Education, will be responsible for the safety of children during training camps.

“To be honest, I don’t see much practicality in these gatherings,” Tatyana Barinova, director of Moscow school No. 37, shared her opinion with NI. – But the fees are just a small thing. They pass relatively calmly. We now have an even bigger problem looming - the initial military training course. So they will lose at least 5 days, and the NVP is a soldier’s drill for the whole year. By the way, the boys gain positive emotions at the training camp. My son also went to them two years ago and, when he returned from the military unit, he excitedly talked about military life with great enthusiasm.” True, as the director herself admitted, her son ultimately did not join the army, enrolling in Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

By the way, as Viktor Bolotov, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, told reporters yesterday, military training for tenth grade students will be held in most regions of Russia this year.

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