Why does a nulliparous girl dream of giving birth to a child? An unwanted or sick child. Why do you dream of having a boy?

Floors 13.01.2024

Childbirth is one of the most important events in the life of any woman, which must be taken very seriously. However, what to do if this does not happen in reality? How to understand why you dream of giving birth in a dream, because different dream books interpret this dream in their own way. And in order to find out what has been prepared for you personally, you need to remember the details of the dream as accurately as possible, for example, it is of great importance whether it was your own birth or someone else’s, whether a boy or a girl was born, whether a heavy or light feeling remained after waking up, etc. P.

Why dream of giving birth in a dream?

It is worth noting that our ancestors considered the birth of a child to be the greatest sacrament, and many superstitions were associated with the process itself. Many of the signs have been preserved to this day, and women preparing to give birth to a baby very often follow them, despite the fact that they now give birth not in bathhouses or in the field, but in specialized hospitals under the supervision of doctors. It is not surprising that dreams associated with childbirth always cause a lot of anxiety. After all, they always carry a very powerful emotional charge, making one think that such a vision was sent for a reason.

Indeed, the interpretation of dreams about childbirth can be found in all major dream books. For example, the oldest Slavic dream book, Velesov, explains that an easy birth is a harbinger of joy and wealth; heavy – failures, losses. But the book by the sorceress Medea interprets the dream a little differently: childbirth in a dream marks the emergence of a new idea, the opening of a new business, some news. And it is especially fortunate if a man sees such a dream.

Those who are concerned about why they dream of giving birth can also turn to Freud’s psychological dream book. It says that the birth of a child in a dream means new acquaintances in reality, which will greatly influence your life, perhaps it will be a fateful meeting with a lover or an old friend with whom you have long lost touch. The dream book of the White magician Yu. Long reports that if you give birth in a dream, this is a symbol of successfully overcoming difficulties. According to Vanga’s dream book, seeing the death of someone close during childbirth in a dream means that the relationship between you will soon deteriorate. Easy childbirth in a dream - you will be helped in your endeavors.

Why dream of giving birth to a girl?

An important factor is also the gender of the child who is born in a dream. Those who need to know why they dream of giving birth to a child need to try to remember whether it was a girl or a boy. If the first option is suitable, then the dream should be regarded as definitely positive. He says that the one who dreamed about him will soon have a favorable period in his life, he will be able to achieve success in his hobby and provide himself with additional income. For married women, it portends the receipt of good news, as well as the beginning of a new round of romantic relationships with their husbands.

Why do you dream that you are giving birth to a boy?

If in a dream you happen to see the birth of a boy, then you should expect a promotion, the start of new interesting projects, business trips, etc. He can also testify about starting renovations, moving or building your home. If a mother who already has a son had such a dream, then she needs to be prepared for the fact that a new period will begin in his life, for example, he will recover from a serious illness, enter a university or find a good job.

Why dream of giving birth to twins?

The dream about the birth of twins is also very successful. He talks about making a profit, an inheritance, a win - that is, about some kind of major acquisition. For unmarried ladies, it portends an imminent marriage or, at least, a dizzying romance.

The process of having children is associated with femininity and health, the implementation of some project. The birth of a boy in a dream is a good sign and foretells health, prosperity and in love. The dream is especially favorable for women - it promises the dreamer happy love and wealth. Next, let’s take a closer look at why you dream about having a boy.


    Miller's Dream Book

    The birth of a baby indicates that the dreamer’s life will change for the better. The birth of a boy portends successful passing of an exam or project, and an improvement in social status.

    If a woman dreams of birth - this predicts an improvement in current affairs, a surge of vitality and energy. For unmarried ladies, the dream indicates a marriage proposal, which they have been waiting for so long.

    Young girls such a dream warns that they should behave more carefully and reservedly, otherwise she will not be able to maintain her dignity and will discredit her honor. The vision also indicates the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy outside of marriage. The favorable meaning of the dream is that you will soon receive an inheritance.

    The birth of an unwanted child indicates vanity and empty chores, that a person attaches too much importance to minor problems and minor troubles. A sick boy in a dream speaks of minor obstacles on the way and family disagreements.

    For a man to see how he gives birth to a son indicates the dreamer’s reluctance to take responsibility and be responsible for his actions.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Baby born in a dream represents liberation from problems, overcoming obstacles, a fundamental change in destiny. If the birth was easy and quick, then in reality he can count on the support of others.

    The birth of a boy portends financial well-being and receiving pleasant, useful news. If the baby’s mother is a relative or close friend of the dreamer, this indicates a significant replenishment of the family budget, and a happy, prosperous future for the mother herself.

    Married woman to see such a dream promises peace and harmony in the family, care and respect of the spouse. Seeing the birth of twin boys indicates an addition to the family not only of the dreamer himself, but also of his friends or relatives.

    To an innocent girl the dream foretells happy mutual love, a comfortable and joyful life.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Give birth to a boy in a dream portends a meeting with a soulmate, although at first the dreamer will not like this person too much. But the future ones will be filled with passion and romance.

    To a young girl seeing her own childbirth portends her imminent pregnancy. If a woman dreams that her beloved man is delivering the baby, then this indicates her complete trust in him.

    If a man dreams of his son being born, this foreshadows the discovery of his extramarital affair with a woman of dubious reputation. Such information can destroy not only a man’s family, but also his career and reputation.

    Loff's Dream Book

    If a woman dreams of giving birth to a boy, this indicates her reluctance to become a mother, as well as the desire to terminate an existing pregnancy. he dreams of something like this if he wants to break off a romantic relationship with someone special.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Dream about the birth of a son predicts a girl a bright, promising future in which she can realize herself from different sides. For men, having a dream where he is present during childbirth speaks of events that worry him, worries and doubts.

    The birth of an unwanted boy means that in reality, a person wastes time on trifles and misses the most important. Seeing a child literally jump out of diapers means overcoming all obstacles.

    Jewish dream book

    Seeing the birth of a boy in a dream indicates that peace, order and mutual understanding reign in the dreamer’s family. The dream also indicates the internal harmony of the sleeper, life in harmony with oneself and the world around us.

    Big dream book

    I dreamed that I gave birth in a dream - it means in reality, a person will be led both in business and in love. The dreamer will be accompanied by luck everywhere and whatever he undertakes will turn out great for him. The dream is especially favorable for entrepreneurs - it foretells the possibility of expansion, prospects and material enrichment.

    Give birth to a son right in your own home promises prosperity and wealth in the family, perhaps the purchase of some useful equipment or furniture in the home. Being present at childbirth means solving long-standing problems, meeting useful or interesting people, and making connections.

    Universal dream book

    For an unmarried girl, giving birth to a boy in a dream predicts financial independence, success in business and career growth, as well as meeting interesting men. For a married woman, the dream promises the well-being of her family, receiving a lot of positive emotions, a period of life without quarrels and disagreements, complete understanding with her husband.

    Give birth to a boy who soon began to talk - this means that a period begins in the life of the sleeping person without worries and worries, deprivation and worries. A person will lead a measured, stable life, without fear for his future and the future of his loved ones.

    Seeing a friend of the dreamer give birth to a boy portends her success in her career with the help or support of the dreamer. Seeing your own daughter give birth in a dream promises her a strong, happy marriage.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    If a young woman gives birth to a boy, then she won't get married soon, so she can enjoy her freedom to the fullest and not have to worry about anything. For a pregnant woman, a dream promises an easy, safe birth.

    Producing an illegitimate, spoiled son speaks of the dreamer’s dubious reputation, of his notoriety.

If a man sees a dream

The birth of an heir in a dream foreshadows a man’s profit and success, as well as gaining complete independence in material and moral terms. The man will rise significantly in the eyes of the people around him and make many useful acquaintances. If a child walks or speaks soon after birth, this indicates a large profit.

To give birth to your wife yourself means mutual understanding between spouses in reality, happy love and family well-being. In addition, if a man provides all possible assistance during childbirth, then this foreshadows the appearance of a faithful, reliable friend. Seeing your childbirth means that in reality the dreamer will take risks to achieve his goal.

Seeing a wife give birth in someone else's house, speaks of the need to show initiative and activity, otherwise you may miss the chance to change your life for the better. Similar also means receiving good news.

Finding out in a dream about the birth of a son from someone else’s lips means the insincerity of some friends, acquaintances, betrayal of important strategic partners, even friends.

If a boy in a dream was born weak and sickly, this means that any actions of the dreamer will cause indignation among the people around him and condemnation.

A friend, mother or sister gave birth to a son in a dream

If a mother gave birth to a son in a dream, this foretells the dreamer good luck and success, bringing his plans to life. The dream book indicates that a period has come in the dreamer’s life when fate is especially favorable to him.

For the sleeper, such a dream indicates stagnation in his life, the need to urgently take active action so that life around him begins to boil again.

If in a dream your sister gave birth to an heir, then this promises a new addition to your sister’s family, good luck and material well-being.

What do you dream about in reality before the birth of a child?

Nowadays, to determine the sex of a child, it is not necessary to wait for his birth; it is enough to simply do an ultrasound analysis. But the gender of the child can also be determined by the dreams of the expectant mother - certain recurring stories will tell about who will soon be born. What do you dream about when you are pregnant with a boy?

Often expectant mothers have a prophetic dream where her child is playing or sleeping peacefully in a crib. Pregnant women have a heightened intuition, so on a subconscious level, each of them already knows who will be born to her, without any diagnosis.

When carrying a boy women often see the following stories in dreams:

  • Fish or fishing, hand-held fishing in a pond.
  • Dreamed dolphin.
  • feeding, showing care for a lost animal definitely dark in color.
  • Knives, swords and other types of weapons.
  • Picking cucumbers, zucchini and other oblong-shaped vegetables in the garden.
  • Plunge into the font, into a small hole on a frozen lake.
  • See how big the spider weaves its web.
  • Plant, water and otherwise care for the tree or a small bush.
  • Storm, hurricane, typhoon and other natural disasters.

Also, for the birth of a son, dreams are seen in which shades of blue, violet and cyan predominate.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does childbirth mean in a dream?

Childbirth - If a woman dreams of childbirth, it means that family happiness awaits her, she will be proud of her children. She dreamed that several babies were born - complete success and happiness awaited her in all her endeavors. Seeing a difficult birth in a dream means failure. Taking a baby from a woman in labor in a dream means a pleasant surprise, a wedding.

A dream about a miscarriage or premature birth symbolizes a new business or activity.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Childbirth in a dream?

Childbirth - Giving birth in a dream is a sign that in reality circumstances will turn out well, the pregnancy will go smoothly, and the child will be born beautiful.

If an unmarried woman sees this dream, then she should take care of her reputation.

If a married woman gives birth in a dream, great joy and a good inheritance await her.

If an unmarried woman gives birth, then she will experience a loss of dignity and a break in relations with her loved one.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about the process of Childbirth?

Do you dream about giving birth to a cat? Childbirth can symbolize different things. Any birth in a dream means important changes are just around the corner. Soon something will change in your life, and for now you can influence the course of events.

  • I dreamed of taking delivery of a friend - to a pleasant acquaintance or to pregnancy.
  • Giving birth to several babies is a sign of success in a recently started business.
  • Dreaming of a sister having a difficult birth means failure at work.
  • Why do mothers dream of giving birth ahead of time - a change of place of work.
  • To die during the birth of a boy, according to the dream book, means the irrevocable disintegration of friendship.
  • Giving birth to one child at home means wealth and joy.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Why did you dream about the day of birth?

Childbirth - Why do you dream about giving birth to animals? Dreamed births appear in dreams for a reason. Our subconscious understands that you are trying to implement some kind of plan that brings you a lot of inconvenience. Try to overcome all difficulties, then you can breathe a sigh of relief having achieved a significant goal.

You also dream of childbirth when you are not mentally prepared for any changes taking place in your life. It is difficult for you to come to terms with the fact that you will no longer live in the old way, but at the same time you understand that nothing can be returned back.

Romantic dream book

Childbirth in a dream

  • For single people, childbirth is a favorable sign. Soon you will meet a person who can make you happy. Moreover, initially you will be sure that he is not your destiny, but later you will change your mind and give a chance to your potential life partner.
  • Why does a young girl dream about giving birth? The dream suggests that she will have a successful and happy marriage, but only if she takes care of preserving her reputation.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about Childbirth?

  • A pregnant woman dreams of giving birth - your own birth in reality will be easy and painless. After childbirth, you will be able to recover quickly.
  • Does a pregnant woman dream of premature birth? Pregnant women often worry too much about the upcoming event. Yes – this is one of the most important events, but are you worrying too much? In this case, a dream about childbirth can only reflect your worries in real life.
  • Why do you dream about giving birth to a son - good luck, making a profit, fulfillment of desires, but only if you are active and interested. You will be able to improve your financial situation. The birth of a son, in any case, is a positive symbol, which means that the dreamer will experience only good events.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about Childbirth

  • The process of childbirth, seen, has the following meanings: if you see yourself being born, this marks the emergence of new knowledge, you will appear before others in a new quality. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • If someone else is born, someone new will appear in your life. Depending on what feelings you experience, this person will be pleasant or unpleasant to you.
  • The process of childbirth in a woman, dreamed of by a man, means profit, property acquisitions, monetary savings, prosperity, everything good, and success will be easy, literally falling on your head from the sky.
  • If a man sees himself giving birth, in a dream, you will have to make a lot of effort in order to achieve the desired success. You have to work hard and hope for a successful outcome.
  • Why does a woman dream of a quick birth? According to the dream book, the dream means either monetary gain or is a sign of an impending disease of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system. The latter interpretation should be paid attention primarily to older women.
  • For a girl, a dream about childbirth means good prospects for marriage, prosperity in future family life and prosperity in the home. By the way, over the past two decades, underwater births have been actively promoted. Scientists say that immersing a newborn in water guarantees good physical and mental health in the future. However, the interpretation of a dream about childbirth does not at all depend on the situation in which a new life was born in a dream.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which Childbirth was dreamed

  • Why do you dream of giving birth if you are having one - this predicts meeting a person who will make an ideal couple for you. You won't take him seriously because you imagine your other half differently. However, he will be persistent enough to make you believe in yourself and in your possible relationship.
  • If you gave birth in a dream, this predicts pregnancy for you (if the dream was about a woman).
  • If a man suddenly dreamed that he was being delivered, this warns him of the future consequences of his extramarital affair with his partner, as the dream book predictor reports.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Childbirth?

  • Dreaming about your painful childbirth means difficulties in solving matters, but everything will end well.
  • Having a baby in a dream portends participation in an event that you consider insignificant.
  • If you dream about someone close to you dying during childbirth, attempts to improve relationships with relatives are unlikely to be successful.
  • Easy and quick childbirth in a dream - you will be able to shift matters onto someone else’s shoulders.
  • If you dream about your own childbirth - fate gives you a chance to start life anew.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Childbirth?

  • Childbirth, birth - This symbol is associated with important changes in life, solving matters that are significant to you, and liberation from any difficulties.
  • You saw your own birth - this dream predicts that fate is giving you a chance to start your life anew.
  • You should reconsider your life values ​​and try to understand your purpose.
  • If you dream that a child is born to you, a significant improvement in your life circumstances awaits you. It is possible that soon you will actually give birth to a beautiful child.
  • The dream warns the girl about the need to be more careful about her reputation and maintain her dignity in all situations.
  • The dream can also foreshadow good news, the receipt of an inheritance, etc.
  • If you dreamed of an easy and quick birth, causing you a feeling of great relief, you can calmly and without remorse shift your affairs onto the shoulders of others.
  • A painful birth with a happy ending foreshadows temporary difficulties in solving your affairs.
  • You are giving birth, predicts participation in an event that at first seems insignificant to you. The consequences of this event will nevertheless be fateful for you.
  • Why dream of childbirth in which one of your loved ones dies means unsuccessful attempts to improve relationships with relatives.

Numerological dream book

The meaning of a dream about Childbirth

  • If you dream of a woman giving birth, then in reality you will be able to do what you have been dreaming about for a long time.
  • If a woman dreams of an easy birth, then you too will be able to quickly and painlessly cope with everything that stands in your way.
  • If a woman suffers during childbirth, then your enemies will create obstacles for you and put spokes in your wheels, but you will still overcome them and emerge victorious from the battle.
  • Why do you dream of other people’s births? This is a warning to you: you have not done everything to achieve your goal. There is not much left, do your best.
  • For an unmarried woman to see herself in the process of giving birth - soon they will make an immodest proposal to her, and if she accepts it, then in nine months she will be faced with sheer troubles and disappointments.
  • For a man to see himself pregnant - to become a universal laughing stock; this dream is especially unpleasant for politicians, artists and lecturers, that is, for those who speak in front of an audience. The dream recommends refusing to perform on the 9th, 18th and 27th of the current month.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Childbirth mean, taking into account the date of birth?

  • In the spring, why do you dream about childbirth? It means death.
  • In the summer, why did you dream about childbirth - news that will make you very happy.
  • In the fall, why did you dream about childbirth - new beginnings.
  • In winter, why do you dream about difficult childbirth - torment and worries.

Many people, wondering why they dream about childbirth, tend to associate it with the possibility of getting pregnant in real life. But you should know that such a dream cannot always be interpreted in this way. After all, for example, not only a woman, but also a man can dream of childbirth in a dream.

To understand why you dream about giving birth in a dream, you need to analyze all the nuances of the dream. But at the same time, most dream books consider such stories to be positive and very favorable.

I dreamed about my own childbirth

The main distinctive features of dreams are that you can dream about your own or someone else’s birth. And these facts are decisive for the correct interpretation of dreams.

If you dreamed that you gave birth painfully and for a long time, but in the end everything ended well, then this means that in real life problems will arise that over time you will be able to safely resolve.

Childbirth for a married woman

If a married woman saw childbirth in a dream, then this does not bode well and, most likely, is indeed a sign of an imminent addition to the family. It is much worse if an unmarried young girl had such a dream. This may emphasize that your frivolous behavior in real life can lead to serious problems.

Dream Interpretation - giving birth to a boy

If the birth of a boy or girl takes place in a dream in the presence of a man, then this means that a faithful and reliable friend walks next to you in life, who is always ready to support in a difficult situation.

Birth of multiple babies

It’s interesting to know why you dream of giving birth to several babies at the same time? They are evidence of success in any area of ​​life. Also a good omen is a feeling of happiness in a dream after childbirth. This means that in the near future problems and troubles will bypass you, and good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors.

Seeing a stillbirth

If you dreamed about the birth of a stillborn child, then this has a negative meaning. This is evidence that you yourself are the cause of all the troubles in your life. You urgently need to reconsider your attitude towards life and analyze your actions. If you don't do this, then real trouble can happen to you.

Give birth in a dream

If you dream that you are giving birth to another woman, then this portends your participation in an important matter that will bring you profit. When you are an outside observer, you should be prepared for the fact that disappointment awaits you in reality. They can arise both due to financial losses and problems in family life.

Why do you dream about death during childbirth?

If you dreamed that a death occurred during childbirth, then you should realize the fact that your relationship with your closest relatives leaves much to be desired. Moreover, one must come to terms with the fact that they will not be able to be improved in the near future. In addition, after such a dream, real disasters may befall your family. And if you can guess their causes, you should take emergency measures to eliminate them.

Having a baby - interpretation of sleep

Giving birth to a child in a dream means taking on an important matter in reality. But you should be aware that for its success you will need to work hard, as well as show responsibility and seriousness.

If in a dream you realized that the birth was successful, then you will complete the assigned task successfully and within a clearly defined time frame. But it is possible that during the work process certain obstacles will periodically arise, the elimination of which will require a lot of effort. But in any case, the outcome will be very favorable for you.

Give birth to a boy for a man

Giving birth to a boy in a man’s dream means receiving a job offer in real life. This will open up ways for you to make good profits. After such a dream, a man should take a break for a while and do nothing; fate itself must turn life in the right direction. But after receiving a lucrative offer, you need to immediately get involved in the work, since the initial period will be the most fruitful.

If a woman dreamed that a son was born, then this foreshadows pleasant troubles in reality associated with organizing some kind of festive event. The birth of a daughter in a dream indicates that you will soon have a relationship that will bring long-awaited happiness.

For an elderly woman

When an elderly woman sees the birth of a child, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing discord in the family. And in this case, problems arise with children. In this case, the dream can also remind you that mistakes were made in the past that affect your present life.

According to Miller's dream book

According to Miller’s dream book, the plot of a dream involving childbirth is interpreted positively, but entirely depends on the psychological state of the person. In a stable state of mind, the dream indicates that a period is coming in life when you can safely take on the implementation of any plans related to work and career.

Vanga's Dream Book

The great seer Vanga emphasized that after seeing childbirth in a dream, one should be prepared for serious life changes. Moreover, a successful birth in a dream predicts complete renewal. You should understand that during this period fate favors you and you are given the opportunity to start life from scratch.

According to Freud

According to Freud's dream book, a dream in which you gave birth portends you a pleasant romantic adventure or a long-awaited date with an old love, which, however, can end in a serious relationship and even marriage.

Why do you dream about giving birth to a kitten?

In dreams, scenes with childbirth are sometimes very unusual and incomprehensible. A fairly common question is what it means to give birth to a kitten for a woman. This small animal is associated with insecurity and fear. Therefore, it is quite understandable if a pregnant woman has such a dream. This means that she urgently needs the support of loved ones and feels insecure in life. But in all other cases, a dream associated with the birth of a kitten warns of failures and minor troubles in real life. Psychologists believe that such a dream often occurs in women with a soft character, who, on a subconscious level, allow close people to offend them, pushing their interests to the last place. By understanding what the process of childbirth in a dream may be associated with, you can easily minimize their negative consequences on real life. When interpreting a dream, do not forget to listen to your inner voice.

This dream has several different meanings. Giving birth to a child in a dream, even if you are not yet planning to become a mother, means that soon you will have difficulty implementing some difficult decision.

Sometimes giving birth in a dream means that something will be very difficult for you to bring into reality. For many women, giving birth in a dream and not seeing the result at all is a sign of female diseases.

To understand what a woman in labor means in a dream, pay attention to where exactly this happened in the dream, whether the process itself was difficult or not, and who the result was. This is what dreams of giving birth to a child mean, most often in various life situations.

Dreams of a young girl

Typically, teenagers begin to think about many things, including the possibility of motherhood. More precisely, what happens during childbirth, whether it hurts or not, and what will happen if she becomes a mother very early.

Naturally, various fantasies on such a topic give rise to communication with girlfriends, reasoning and conversations, which is reflected in dreams. Giving birth to a child in a dream, while the girl does not have a sexual partner or husband, is a sign of internal readiness for motherhood.

Sometimes during a dream the age of a girl who can become a mother changes. For example, she begins to give birth in a dream at the age of 24, although in reality she is only 15. The dream book does not interpret such dreams in any way, since they are simply a figment of the imagination and thoughts on a relevant topic.

Although in some cases a young girl dreams that she gave birth to a newborn in a dream, before female diseases or painful menstruation, sometimes even the first.

Subconsciously, this process begins to evoke negative thoughts in many people (and giving birth is even more painful), and during the torment the girl dreams of childbirth, which is quite difficult.

At the same time, as the dream book writes, she fails to give birth or she wakes up before such a process is completed.

In some situations, a girl begins to see herself as pregnant in a dream, and then finds out that she has a child. In this case, children mean that you will achieve some result with virtually no extra effort.

The birth of a baby means a prize, a reward for some service, as well as the birth of a new feeling or business. Pay attention to the gender of the child and how he was born.

If this is a boy, healthy and strong, then such a dream may represent troubles, a successful start or completion of some business.

What does it mean to dream of giving birth to a very thin, weak and non-viable male child in a dream?

The dream book writes that you may get an unreliable result, which in reality will not bring you anything good except trouble.

But, if the born son survives, this means that the matter that you gave up on will unexpectedly bring good results.

Books also write about why you dream of giving birth to a beautiful child - you will charm those around you and be able to make a good impression. It doesn't matter whether the baby being born was a boy or a girl. By the way, for a girl a baby in a dream means both her own rebirth and the fact that she will soon fall in love.

Why do you dream that you give birth to a beautiful and healthy girl? This dream predicts falling in love and love, as well as strong relationships. Giving birth to a weak and thin girl in a dream - the feeling will be fragile, as will the love of the one you like.

If you dreamed that I suddenly gave birth to a sick, non-viable or dead baby, or one who died after some time, then the dream book writes that soon you will have a great experience, because of which you may even get sick.

The thing or feeling will turn out to be completely unreal. The dream book writes that giving birth to a child who is not alive means failure and loss. But, if the born baby came to life and nothing else bad happened to him, then this means that after troubles things will turn out as they should. Sometimes girls dream that a friend begins to give birth to a child, or even a man does this.

A young man or middle-aged guy who has given birth means in your dream various troubles, as well as the fact that the man is doing something completely different from his own business. Sometimes such a dream predicts ridicule and bullying from others.

Why does a girl dream of giving birth, seeing a lot of blood, doctors, feeling pain, but not seeing what is happening? That is, the child is not born, but you feel bad and in pain? This dream predicts diseases of the intestines or reproductive organs.

Very often married women see similar dreams before the onset of menstruation, even if they have never given birth to anyone in their lives. If a girl dreamed that she gave birth not to a child, but to an animal, then the result of your long efforts will be completely different from what you thought.

A pregnant woman should pay attention to the animal in her dream, whether it is alive or not, whether it is adapted to life.

Because giving birth to a fish for someone who is expecting a real baby, especially a dead one, dreams of the child’s illnesses and the fact that the pregnancy may be terminated.

Can a dream about childbirth be prophetic?

Yes, sure. But in such a situation, even an unmarried girl may dream, as the dream book writes, that it was not she who gave birth to a child, but a sister or friend about her age. But often such a dream means surprise or that you will soon learn some news about this person.

Real childbirth or pregnancy is rarely dreamed of explicitly. Most often, they are indicated by some indirect signs, for example, a woman begins to knead dough in a dream, sees a watermelon, and much more. Or seeing another person's pregnancy and childbirth.

Therefore, giving birth to a young girl of childbearing age in a dream means painful and difficult growing up or the implementation of some plans.

A married woman who is ready to become a mother or a girl who has a boyfriend may dream of childbirth before pregnancy. At the same time, she almost always gives birth to a child in a dream, and it’s not easy to suffer on the couch. There are also other symbols in the dream that indicate pregnancy and new additions to the family.

But it is always bad for an elderly woman to give birth, especially for one who, due to her age, cannot become a mother. This dream can predict illness and even death for her.

But most often, the prognosis, if there was no pain and blood, is favorable and may mean news from children or grandchildren. Including about someone else’s pregnancy or the birth of a baby, if your granddaughter or daughter is expecting a child.

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