How to justify a salary increase for a director. Justification for increasing the accountant's salary. · Formation of statements of postings, postings and their export to GBK

Corrugated sheet 17.01.2024
Corrugated sheet

So, if there was a general increase in salaries, it is appropriate to enter only the percentage or coefficient by which payments need to be indexed. The date of payments according to the new rules will be the date of drawing up the order to increase the salary. If, after the date of issuance of the order, the employer pays employees their remuneration at the old tariffs, justifying this by the fact that the order was issued in the middle of the month and will only take effect from the next month - this is an illegal action and the employee can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate. Also, all documents drawn up during the salary increase process must be signed by both parties (employer and subordinates). This will be the evidence base for resolving possible labor conflicts.

Salary increase - how to justify it, how to formalize it

Common mistakes in statements

  • Destination. The most common mistake when drawing up a memo for a salary increase is incorrect identification of the addressee. Even if the employee believes that the amount in the payroll is not comparable with the efforts he expended and the results achieved, then he needs to correctly plan the route for considering his request.
  • Not within the manager's competence. It would not be entirely correct to demand additional payment from your immediate superior if resolving these issues is not within his competence.
    But at the same time, you shouldn’t “jump over your head” and write a complaint to the general director. The surest way is to draw the attention of the head of your department to the financial discrepancy and invite him to petition higher management for its review.
  • Argumentation.

How to write a memo for a salary increase?

You will need

  • - notification;
  • - order form T-5;
  • - additional agreement;
  • - notification to the accounting department.

Instruction 1 According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the justification for increasing wages can be inflation and increased prices for retail goods. In this case, it is enough to indicate that wages have been increased in accordance with Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 2 If an employee graduated from a higher educational institution, took retraining or retraining courses, and gained extensive experience working in his specialty, then this can be written in the justification. 3 If wages are increased in accordance with Article 134 for all employees of your enterprise, then you are obliged to issue an order, issuing it for each employee separately.

Justification for increasing wages example


Increasing employee earnings is painstaking work for the HR department. Each such procedure significantly increases the organization’s document flow. The reasons for the salary increase are recorded in Art. 129 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on this article, you can increase wages in the following ways:
  • increase in tariff rate;
  • an increase in the base salary (as specified in the employment contract).

In addition, rates and interest on compensation payments, additional payments, allowances and other additional funds may also increase. A complete list of additional material resources is presented in Art. 129 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Also in Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer can independently increase the amount of payments to subordinates (including allowances and additional payments) on his own initiative.

How to justify a salary increase

Operating companies, guided only by their own benefit, without worthy competition, set speculative prices. Despite the various measures taken by the Russian government to control them, and the death of agricultural crops in a number of areas due to the abnormal drought of 2010, citizens were forced to feel rising prices. 4. It is easy to explain the increase in prices by the activities of ordinary speculators.

Having formed trading networks, they dictate prices and are not going to lower them, as required by typical economic laws. Unscrupulous businessmen are expecting further inflation shocks and are planning inflated revenues. An agricultural producer in such a situation is faced with obvious infringement of his interests from trade. Unreasonable and unmotivated trade markups lead to an unfair division of revenue between the manufacturer, processor and seller.

How to talk to your boss about a salary increase

Sign the agreement and give it to the employee to sign. 4. Issue an order to change the staffing table. Here, indicate the reason that led to these actions: indicate what exactly is subject to change; indicate the effective date of the order. Based on the order, change the staffing table. 5.


Make changes to the employee’s personal card and add information to the personal file. If an employee’s job responsibilities have changed due to a change in salary (say, they have become larger), draw up a job description and submit it for signature. A job that a person likes, but is poorly paid, deprives him of a number of advantages compared to the one where the wages are considered high.

On the contrary, the high salary that a worker receives at a job he doesn’t like gives him physical autonomy, but makes him miserable.

Online magazine for accountants

For example, ask for a one-time incentive if you can demonstrate that you have saved a certain amount of money for the company over the past year, or ask for a salary increase if you are currently working on a program aimed at saving a certain amount of money for the company in the past year. future. Getting a one-time incentive certainly won't hurt, but a salary increase is usually more attractive from a long-term perspective, as it means an increase in base compensation. Preparation Take the time to prepare to advertise your achievements. Build up arguments in favor of your own financial incentives.
Preparation involves the following.

  • Making a list of your responsibilities. Management may not know about your participation in some important activities.

We do not increase salaries for all employees

The rise in prices for products and services in the current conditions is partly explained by the monopolization of markets in certain industries and dependence on imports. Operating companies, guided only by their own benefit, without decent competition, set speculative prices. Despite various measures taken by the Russian government to control them, and the loss of agricultural crops in a number of areas due to the abnormal drought of 2010, citizens felt rising prices. 4


It is easy to explain the increase in prices by the activities of ordinary speculators. Having formed trading networks, they dictate prices and are not going to lower them, as required by normal economic laws. Unscrupulous businessmen expect further inflation shocks and plan inflated profits. An agricultural producer in such a situation faces a clear infringement of his interests from trade.

On the other hand, if you exceeded expectations, be sure to highlight this fact.

  • Provide a brief written rationale for the salary increase or one-time incentive. The document must be no more than one page in length. Focus on your positive contributions to the business, not on the number of hours you work or the list of your job responsibilities.

    Pay special attention to correct spelling and style. Lack of literacy can cause people to not take you seriously.

Presentation When presenting your request, be clear about the amount of raise or incentive requested and how management expects you to value your value. Show your confidence and be concise. You can send a written justification to your manager in advance to allow time for consideration.
The applicant himself needs to justify his ability to perform advanced functions (attach a document on advanced training, receipt of an academic degree or specialized education at a university, a patent for an invention or a certificate of training in the specified field) Long and conscientious work in the company Obviously not a very strong argument, since valuable employees, as a rule, receive promotions and salary increases from their superiors on a regular basis. If a long-term employee does not receive the attention of management, then perhaps the lack of penalties is evidence of normal discipline, and not the value of personal achievements.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The mercantile issue of increasing wages is always considered inconvenient and “touchy” in our society. However, a person who knows his own worth well will be able to find ways to resolve this issue and will have a direct conversation with his superiors. Today we will look at advice from experienced people on how to adequately ask for a salary increase.

When to ask for a salary increase? Choosing the right moment

As you know, the management of any company will not be in too much of a hurry to increase wages for its employees until it is interested in their more energetic activity, while simultaneously increasing their efficiency. A salary increase is often a lever of influence on employees, a means of stimulation their involvement in affairs, bonuses for good work with the prospect of an “even better” job. Thus, a person who has decided to ask the company management for a salary increase must “gather all his emotions into an iron fist”, and very thoroughly think through the argument .

How to prepare for a conversation about a salary increase? Deciding on the arguments

  1. Before you start talking about a salary increase, you should accurately identify all your positive qualities, as well as your significant role in work the entire team. Remember and first list for yourself all your merits, production achievements and victories. If you had any special rewards - certificates, gratitude, it is worth remembering them and then mentioning them in a conversation.
  2. In order to ask for a salary increase, you must firmly know the amount you are applying for , it needs to be thought out in advance. It often happens that an employee’s salary is raised by no more than 10% of his previous salary. But there is a little trick here - ask for an amount that is a little more than your salary, so that the boss, after haggling a little and lowering your bar, still settles on the 10% that you initially counted on.
  3. In advance you must abandon the pleading tone , any “pressure for pity” in the hope that the boss’s heart will tremble. Get ready for a serious conversation, because this, in essence, is business negotiations necessary in normal work. Like any business negotiations, this process requires an accurate formulation of a business plan - it must be drawn up before going to the authorities.
  4. Before an important conversation, you need determine for yourself the range of questions that may be asked to you and also think through accurate and maximally reasoned answers on them. People who are unsure of themselves can rehearse this conversation with any other understanding person, or even go to a psychologist for a consultation .

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Tyumen Industrial University"

Institute of Management and Business

Department of “Management in the fuel and energy complex”

Course work

in the discipline: “Personnel remuneration”

on the topic of: « Justification for the chargeAworkers' pay»

for 6th semester

student of group UPbzu-14-1

Completed by: Alikhanova M.V.

Checked by: Kovalzhina L.S.

Tyumen, TIU, 2017

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Analysis of the efficiency of remuneration of workers of Sberbank OJSC
  • 1.1 Features of managing the performance of an enterprise and forming the need for workers
  • 1.2 Assessing the efficiency of using workers’ labor
  • 1.3 Analysis of the composition of employees of the North Caucasus Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, structure and average wages of workers
  • Chapter 2. Methodological provisions for justifying workers' wages
  • 2.1 Information base for justifying workers’ wages
  • 2.2 Methodology for calculating wages
  • Chapter 3. Planning workers' wages
  • 3.1 Determining areas for increasing workers’ labor efficiency
  • 3.2 Calculation of the fund and average wages of workers for the planning period
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


In a market economy, wages express the direct interest of employees, employers and the state, and have an economic and social purpose. The economic purpose of wages is to stimulate the development of production and increase its efficiency. Its social purpose is to ensure the well-being of people in close connection with the growth of production efficiency and its expansion.

The current labor legislation considers the term “wages” not just as the amount of wages established for the employee, but also as the entire system of relations that are associated with ensuring that the employer establishes and makes payments to employees for their work in accordance with laws, other regulatory legal acts, collective contracts, agreements, local regulations and employment contracts. Wages are one of the main means of employee interest in the results of their work, its productivity, increasing the volume of products produced, and improving their quality.

Wages are a set of remunerations in cash or in kind that an employee receives for work actually performed, as well as for those periods that are included in working hours. Wages, on the one hand, are the main source of income and increasing the living standards of workers, and on the other hand, they are a means of materially stimulating the growth of production efficiency. Since wages are the main source of income for workers, it is necessary to constantly improve the wage system so that it fully ensures the reproduction of the labor force, taking into account the conditions and results of work, stimulates the improvement of skills, productivity, product quality, rational use and savings of all types of resources .

The labor income of each employee is determined by his personal contribution, taking into account the final results of the enterprise, is regulated by taxes and is not limited to maximum amounts. The minimum wage for workers of all organizational and legal forms is established by law.

The company administration independently selects and applies various employee remuneration systems. In this area of ​​activity, the administration relies on its HR specialists or HR managers, whose professional capabilities are often limited and do not meet modern requirements.

The forms of wage organization that are often used are ineffective; they poorly stimulate employees to work to the fullest extent of their capabilities, which can have a negative impact on the competitiveness of the organization.

This topic is relevant, because wages are one of the main factors in the socio-economic life of the country, the workforce and the individual.

This topic is reflected in the works of the following authors: K. S. Azizyan, N. A. Veshchunova, L. A. Fomina, Yu. A. Babaev and others. The object of the study is the OKO company, which specializes in the production and installation of plastic windows.

The purpose of this work is a comprehensive analysis of the problems of remuneration in the company and the proposal of effective directions for improving remuneration in the organization. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are solved:

- determination of the essence of remuneration and the procedure for its formation;

- study of elements of the organization of remuneration using the example of a company;

- consideration of the possibility of using other, modern remuneration systems:

- consideration of the effectiveness of the use of new forms and elements of remuneration.

Chapter 1. Analysis of the efficiency of remuneration of workers of Sberbank OJSC

1.1 Features of managing the performance of an enterprise and forming the need for workers

Features of enterprise performance management.

· Strategic planning.

· Setting goals.

· Interim review of progress/adjustment of goals.

· Evaluating the effectiveness of activities.

· Performance management planning.

1.Strategic planning.

The system must provide:

· Creation and cascading (delegation) of Bank goals for selected divisions.

· Creation and cascading (delegation) of department (group) goals for selected employees by the manager in MSS.

2. Setting goals.

The system must provide:

· Setting goals by the employee (with automatic notification of the manager about changes in the status of the plan).

· Setting goals by the manager in MSS (with automatic notification of the employee about changes in the plan status).

· Setting goals by the project manager (with automatic notification of the employee and manager about changes in the status of the plan).

· Clarification and confirmation of goals.

3. Interim review of implementation/adjustment of goals.

The system should provide verification of compliance with deadlines and percentage of goals.

4. Assessing the effectiveness of activities.

The system should provide automatic calculation of goals based on indicators, self-assessment of the employee’s fulfillment of goals, and assessment of the manager’s fulfillment of goals in the MSS. After commissioning the Payroll functionality on SAP HCM, the system should ensure automatic transfer of data on the resulting estimates by purpose for calculating bonuses. At this stage, integration with the reward system is not provided.

5.Planning performance management.

The system must ensure the maintenance of models of performance assessment processes and the maintenance of assessment forms.

Formation of the need for workers at SBERBANK PJSC.

This block includes the following business processes:

· Planning of personnel requirements.

· Determination of current staffing needs.

· Preparing a recruitment campaign.

· Registration and informing of participants in the process.

· Regular checking and cleaning of the candidate database.

· Selection of candidates.

· Closing a vacancy (hiring campaign).

· Adaptation of newly hired employees.

· Assessing the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process.

· Environment preparation/central data management.

- Planning of personnel requirements: the system must provide analysis and long-term, medium-term and short-term forecasting of personnel requirements;

- Determination of the current hiring need: the system should ensure the formation of a search request by a line manager and confirmation of the need for a search;

- Registration and information of participants in the process: the system must ensure registration of external candidates indicating the identifier (external);

- Regular checking and cleaning of the candidate database: the system must ensure that the candidate database is checked for the presence of duplicate resumes, according to the timing of submitted resumes, the candidate’s compliance with the Bank’s needs and carry out adjustments (cleaning) of the database;

- Selection of candidates: the system must provide processes for preliminary and final selection of candidates;

- Closing a vacancy (hiring campaign): the system must ensure the completion of closing activities, transfer of candidate data for registration, assessment of the effectiveness of the application;

-Adaptation of newly hired employees: the system must provide processes for including a newly hired employee into the community, planning and conducting adaptation activities;

- Preparing a centralized data management environment: the system should support the maintenance of templates for the selection and hiring processes, including the maintenance of talent groups and the management of candidate transactions for various positions.

The implementation of business processes for recruiting and recruiting personnel at this stage should be limited to the following functionality:

· Formation of applications for the selection of candidates from managers;

· posting information about vacancies on the official website of Sberbank of Russia;

· development of templates for filling out resumes,

· collection of candidates' resumes using Exchange, hh, SJob, etc. in the form of files;

· sorting of vacancies in accordance with the code for the expected positions;

· work with finalists before hiring an employee.

1.2 Assessing the efficiency of using workers’ labor

This block includes the following sections:

· Maintaining a catalog of assessments.

· Carrying out and recording the results of assessments and certifications.

1. Maintaining a catalog of assessments.

The system must provide:

· Setting up rating scales;

· Setting up assessment forms, incl. for a specific period of time, with the ability to specify various algorithms for calculating intermediate and final results, with the ability to select types of responses;

· Assigning assessment forms to processes and categories of employees;

· Assigning assessment forms individually to employees with automatic sending of reminders to all assessment participants about the necessary assessment actions.

2. Conducting and recording the results of assessments and certifications.

The system must ensure that the results of several types of assessments are carried out and taken into account: a planned 360 assessment, a planned competency-based assessment, an assessment based on project results, an assessment of reservist readiness, an assessment of the implementation of an individual development plan, a planned assessment of professional knowledge, a planned assessment of professional skills, a planned assessment of work results, final assessment.

Sberbank President German Gref said that Sberbank has implemented a system for assessing the competence of its employees, developed by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The system involves assessing employees according to the level of so-called corporate competencies. Among them are customer focus, result orientation, desire for improvement, teamwork, managerial qualities, control over the implementation of assigned tasks.

Depending on the scores received, employees were divided into three groups. The group of high-potential employees considered as a priority for key management positions included 15% of proven specialists. The same number of managers were included in the red group. “These are potential candidates for replacement,” explains Akhmed Bedredinov, director of the HR policy department at Sberbank. “At the same time, people with good expert experience are considered for non-managerial positions, for which the most important thing is knowledge of the bank’s technological processes.”

The remaining 70% of Sberbank executives were in the yellow group. “For such employees, unified training programs are drawn up that allow them to develop their greatest strengths,” explained Sberbank. “The practical effect of the introduction of this program for the bank is the opportunity to create a map of the bank’s human resources potential and rotate personnel,” concluded Mr. Bedredinov, noting that the audit did not affect the level of managers’ salaries.

Sberbank is one of the largest employers in the Russian market. The total number of its employees is about 240 thousand people, which is 0.3% of the total economically active population of Russia. As part of the competency assessment program, all key categories of Sberbank management specialists in the central office and territorial banks, including members of the board, and candidates for management positions at any level were tested. In total, the competence of 13 thousand people was assessed, which is about 5% of all Sberbank employees.

In Sberbank itself, assessing the number of senior employees who fell into the “red” zone, they indicate that this result is partly due to the peculiarities of appointments to certain positions inherited from Soviet times, when exclusively technological skills were decisive. “We expect that as a result of personnel rotation, the share of the red group will decrease,” says Akhmed Bedredinov. “In general, the statistics on the distribution of grades in large organizations, as a rule, corresponds to the principle of normal distribution,” says Olga Altunina, HR Director of Nordea Bank. “15% of high-potential employees, 70% appropriate for the position and 15% not quite appropriate fit within the norm.” . The results obtained are comparable to the competence indicators of employees of commercial banks from the top thirty, points out TopContact Executive Search partner Artur Shamilov.

Personnel competency assessment systems are a widespread practice among both Russian and foreign banks. “On a quarterly basis, all employees of our bank undergo performance assessments,” the VTB press service told Kommersant. “A special place in this system is occupied by a competency model, which sets standards of employee behavior leading to the achievement of corporate goals, and also defines criteria for selection and personnel assessment." “Our assessment system is a unified database in which goals are set and monitored, the potential and competencies of managers are assessed, on the basis of which decisions are made on further career development,” notes Svetlana Filippovich, director of the HR department at Unicreditbank.

1.3 Analysis of the composition of employees of the North Caucasus Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, structure and average wages of workers

The staff of the North Caucasus Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Stavropol branch 5230 d/o 142 - 20 people, of which 2 people. - various levels of management personnel, Sberbank Premier managers - 2, sales managers - 4, cash and settlement services - 9, consultants on banking products - 3. Data characterizing the change in the number of personnel of the North Caucasus Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Stavropol branch 5230 d/o 142, see table 8.

Table 8 - Analysis of changes in the number of personnel of the North Caucasus Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Stavropol branch 5230 d/o 142 2014-2016.

Indicator name

Number of people

Growth rate, %

Growth rate, %

Average number of employees, including:

management personnel

managers of Sberbank - Premier

sales managers

cash management services

banking product consultants

Thus, the number of personnel of the North Caucasus Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Stavropol branch, is 5230 d/o 142 in 2011-2013. increased from 16 to 20 people. The change in the number of employees occurred due to a reduction in the number of cash management services by 2 people. and in 2016 amounted to 9 people. Meanwhile, the number of Sberbank managers and sales managers increased by 2 people, respectively. in every position. And amounted to 2 and 4 respectively. Banking product consultants also increased in number by 2 people. Sales managers were hired annually. In 2016, the organization needs cash management services. Their number is noticeably reduced from 11 to 9 people. Analysis of the composition and structure of personnel is necessary to determine and subsequently develop human resources.

Chapter 2. Methodological provisions for justifying workers' wages

2.1 Information base for justifying workers’ wages

This block includes the following business processes:

· Control of wage funds.

· Characteristics and indicators for personnel cost planning reports.

1. Control of wage funds.

The system must implement a mechanism for monitoring the expenditure of the wage fund (payroll fund) by departments, tracking changes in the actual payroll, savings in payroll and payroll reserve.

The system must implement a mechanism for simulating the assignment of a new salary to an employee (including a change in position) and checking the salary value for compliance with the category level.

The system must ensure the generation of printed forms of orders and related documents, maintaining a classifier of approved payroll funds for departments.

2. Features and indicators for personnel cost planning reports.

The system must ensure the maintenance of characteristics and indicators for generating reports, in particular social payments, payments to non-working pensioners, positions and categories of positions, etc.

2.2 Methodology for calculating wages

Payroll preparation.

To calculate payroll, the system must ensure the maintenance of customizable directories, including:

· Types of accruals/deductions linked to several parameters;

· Restrictions when calculating accruals/deductions (based on temporary disability certificates, monthly child care benefits);

· Operational days (assigned a statement number, provide for the possibility of opening and closing an Operational day, and it is impossible to make changes on a closed operational day);

· Age parameters for calculating insurance premiums;

· Type of payment (time-based, hourly payment);

· Certificates of disability;

· Linking of accounts (transactions for certain departments or specific employees are reflected in accounting by non-standard transactions);

· Periods of salary increases for the Bank as a whole;

· Notifications confirming the right to property deduction;

· Clock fund and calendar.

The system must provide:

· Blocking changes to data accepted for calculation by the accountant.

· Electronic document management (hard copy orders are not transferred from the HR to the accounting department);

· Calculation of the timesheet based on the entered documents (orders of admission, dismissal, vacation, certificates of temporary incapacity for work) and signature with an electronic signature (electronic digital signature). It is allowed to generate updated timesheets while preserving all previously signed timesheets;

· Assigning analytical accounting account numbers in accordance with the requirements of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 302-P dated March 26, 2007 “On the rules of accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

The system should provide calculation of the following payments/deductions:

· Salary (time-based, hourly);

· Calculation of wages in conditions deviating from normal (Weekends, overtime, holidays (based on the average hourly tariff rate);

· Surcharges (for expansion of the service area, northern, regional coefficients);

· Severance pay;

· Salary for the period of employment;

· Compensation for unused vacation;

· Annual leave;

· Study leave;

· Benefits for temporary disability;

· Monthly child care benefits;

· Monthly and quarterly bonuses (depending on actual hours worked);

· Remuneration based on the results of work for the year (depending on the actual time worked);

· Remuneration for length of service (depending on the actual time worked);

· Bonus (excluding actual time worked);

· Advance (calculated in the amount of 30% of the official salary in proportion to the forecasted time worked. The forecasted time worked is determined taking into account the documents entered into the database on the date of calculation of the advance),


· Manual entry of charges;

· Import of files with accrual amounts or amounts to be included in the employee’s total income;

· Calculation of discounts (for financial assistance, for gifts);

· Consolidation of personal accounts for the correct calculation of taxes, insurance premiums and the generation of a single certificate of form 2-NDFL;

· Calculation of insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds (take into account the possibility of receiving income and calculating insurance premiums at the previous place of work in a separate division of the Bank and combining several personal accounts in one division of the Bank);

· Changing personal account parameters;

· Recalculation of vacations (by department for any period);

· Recalculation of temporary disability benefits (by department for any period);

· Calculation of deductions;

· Formation of statements of postings, postings and their export to GBK;

· Formation of payment orders for the transfer of funds for wages, alimony for crediting to the deposit, taxes, contributions;

· Generating files for payment orders for crediting funds to the accounts of individuals.

The system must provide the following output forms:

· Personal account (f. 54-a) with the ability to export statements of personal accounts to an electronic archive;

· Statement of open/closed personal accounts;

· Statement of discrepancies between analytical and synthetic accounting;

· Tax statement;

· Statement of personal income tax debt;

· Statement of advance debt;

· Pay slips;

· Number of days of compensation for vacation as of date (IFRS form 19.6);

· Payroll with details;

· Payroll f. T-51;

· Payment statement;

· Consolidated payroll;

· Payroll for alimony;

· Generating custom reports;

· Tax accounting registers;

· Report on wages (Form P-4);

· Payroll in the Social Insurance Fund (Form - 4 Social Insurance Fund);

· Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums (Form RSV-1 Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) and uploading to an XML file for transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

· Information for employees;

· Table for filling out the reverse side of temporary sick leave sheets automatically using TM950 printers;

· Certificate from the tax agent about the paid tax amounts of additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension;

· Register of information on the income of individuals and a file in XML format with certificates f. 2NDFL for transfer to the MI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;

· Reporting forms for personalized accounting;

· SZV-6-1;

· SZV-6-2;

· ADV-6-2;

· ADV-6-3;

· DSV-3;

· Uploading into an XML file for transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 3. Planning workers' wages

3.1 Determining areas for increasing workers’ labor efficiency

Increasing the efficiency of employees ensures the sustainable development and existence of the company. The personnel of the enterprise is recognized as an important resource at the disposal of management. To increase the efficiency of Sberbank personnel, we propose to use the following methods in combination. Measures to improve the efficiency of Sberbank personnel One of the most important problems that needs to be solved is the problem of customer-oriented staff.

The main tool for resolving this issue at this stage of transformation will be a system of “quality training” for various categories of employees. “As a result, the quality of service in the bank’s offices, according to clients’ estimates, reached 91% in 2013 (an increase of 9%), while the evaluation criteria were significantly tightened compared to 2012,” says Polina Trizonova from the press service Sberbank.

We plan to make it even higher. We propose that Sberbank introduce new service formats, in particular, video calls and online chat on the bank’s website; online demonstrations in the contact center of various cards, payment schedules, etc., video call to the contact center from the Bank’s offices through specialized terminals. The result of this implementation is a reduction in employee time spent on standard operations and a reduction in Sberbank’s costs. But no automation will bring the desired effect if the employees themselves are not motivated. We also propose to solve the problem of the material component. You should not have any illusions about the readiness of key employees to work on sheer enthusiasm or non-material motivation.

Work efficiency should directly influence the level of remuneration. It is worth assessing overall satisfaction with the speed and quality of the service provided (including from the internal consumer), and there should also be clear quantitative criteria for assessing performance. The personnel motivation system is one of the basic components of the organization's management system. The goals and methods of motivation directly depend on the mission and strategy of the organization, the relationship between owners and hired personnel, and the management style used. The different nature of the ideological foundations of the organization, the relationship between ideology and management practice determine the ratio of the material and non-material incentives used, the use of rewards and punishments, etc. Numerous factors, both internal and external, influence the motivation of employees of any organization.

Every manager would like his subordinates to strive for good work with full dedication, so that they are involved in the affairs of the organization, share its goals and are highly active in solving problems that interfere with the stable operation of the organization. Money is the most obvious and most frequently used incentive, although it is not the only means of motivating employees. It is worth holding monthly competitions for the best sales and quality of service. The winner will be paid a reward and then this will lead to effective work.

For employees of Sberbank's retail sales channels, it is necessary to launch a monthly system of additional bonuses for the best employees; this approach will help achieve the fastest motivational effect “result is money.” To achieve the goals of the remuneration system, it is advisable to use an integrated approach:

Motivation = remuneration + incentive methods (economic, targeted, communication, labor enrichment).

Moral stimulation should be carried out in two directions: encouragement (signs, symbols of distinction, rewards, gratitude in oral and written form) and censure.

The effectiveness of censure depends on the individual psychological characteristics of the employee. It would also be important to introduce such an incentive method as a “social package”. Large firms maintain their own medical centers or pay for additional health insurance for employees and family members. Often large corporations have their own recreation center. Small and medium-sized firms resort to partial payment of expenses for treatment and recreation, as well as tuition fees for family members.

Sberbank employees are offered so-called medical insurance, but the payment for this medical insurance is deducted from the premium. Many companies have already realized the importance of increasing staff efficiency. There are many existing tools to achieve this goal. Thus, it has been proven more than once by the experience of many enterprises around the world that training contributes to increasing the productivity of employees.

Target management training, as a type of training, has very great opportunities. The result of solving this problem will be the desire of employees to achieve high results, thereby receiving rewards in the form of material compensation. Another very important problem is the problem of incompetence of employees of Sberbank OJSC in some matters. To achieve this, we have developed a number of staff training methods.

Incompetent employees or an unfavorable psychological climate in the team may interfere with increasing the efficiency of Sberbank employees. To eliminate this problem, specialists in developing personnel performance concepts must conduct certification and assessment of staff. In addition, it would not hurt to consult a professional psychologist. To solve these problems, it is necessary to conduct various types of training. Training is the most important link in the personnel performance management system and should be inextricably linked with the processes of organizational development, with work to achieve the strategic goals of the bank, and ensure maximum readiness of employees to solve the problems facing them.

Conventionally, we propose to divide the training system being implemented at Sberbank into the following stages:

1) introductory training (in the process of adaptation);

2) advanced training (professional and personal growth): personnel development programs; preparation of personnel reserve.

Methods of training Sberbank personnel Type of training Training methods 1, 2 On-the-job training Method of increasingly complex tasks targeted acquisition of experience production briefing Secondment (training trips) mentoring, coaching project work method of delegating responsibility, etc. Off-the-job training Lectures Trainings Business games Casestudy (study cases) Analysis of specific situations Conferences, seminars Experience exchange groups, quality circles, etc. As basic needs are satisfied, needs of a different kind arise: awareness of belonging to a team, recognition, self-realization, etc. This requires a corporate culture. An important function is to support each member of the team, revealing his individuality, talents, and ability for self-realization.

Corporate culture influences such important elements of motivation as the moral and psychological climate in the team, the model of relationships between people, the way power is exercised, informal standards of behavior, attitude towards newcomers, etc.

As for increasing labor productivity unrelated to the activities of the enterprise’s employees, it is achieved by the following methods:

1) Material and technical method (replacement of labor with capital). This method is carried out through the technical re-equipment of production, the introduction of new efficient equipment and technologies, increasing the technical level of production as a result of scientific and technological progress, improving the structural properties of products, improving the quality of raw materials and the use of new structural materials;

2) Organizational-economic method (labor intensification, increasing the efficiency of labor organization). This method is implemented by applying a number of administrative measures at the enterprise, which are aimed at speeding up the performance of work by employees. It involves identifying and eliminating all factors that lead to production losses, determining the most rational ways to increase work efficiency, as well as developing optimal methods for organizing production processes at the enterprise.

Improving the organization of production and labor occurs through:

-increasing labor standards and expanding service areas;

-reducing the number of workers who do not comply with standards;

-simplification of the management structure;

-mechanization of accounting and computing work.

The result of this method of increasing efficiency is an increase in the number of qualified employees by 50%, an increase in the level of education and the ability to competently solve problems of a different nature.

The next way to solve the problem of team cohesion is to optimize corporate culture. We propose to create a corporate website for employees, where in their free time they can discuss their leisure time, gather for a picnic, or go bowling. On this resource it is supposed to upload photos of a joint vacation.

Team building will lead to a common initiative to work as a team to achieve certain results. Employees will begin to love their work, as it brings them not only income, but also positive emotions. This method will help unite the team, increase mutual assistance among employees, and accordingly, the implementation of the sales plan for banking products will increase by at least 20%.

3.2 Calculation of the fund and average wages of workers for the planning period

Methodology for calculating average wages at an enterprise

I. For full-time employees (1 rate):

Average salary per month. = Payroll fund for 1 month. : Number of employees at the enterprise.

example 1:

The company employs 3 workers with a salary of 6,000 rubles per month.

Payroll fund for 1 month. = 6000 * 3 = 18,000 rubles

Average salary per month. =18,000: 3 = 6,000 rubles

example 2:

The company employs 5 workers: 2 people. with a salary of 4,500 rubles, and 3 people. with a salary of 5,350 each.

Payroll fund for 1 month. =4,500* 2+5,350* 3 = 25,050 rubles

Average salary per month. =25050/5 = 5,100 rubles.

II. For employees employed full-time (1 rate) and part-time (0.5 rate):

One employee works 4 hours per day, 22 working days per month, 12 months a year. The salary per month is 3,500 rubles (with a salary of 7,000 rubles per month).

To determine the number of hours worked per year you must:

4 hours * 22 working days per month * 12 months per year * 1 employee = 1056 hours

Next, the number of slaves is determined. hours per month according to the formula:

(Number of days in a year* Duration of the working week, hour): (Number of days in a week* Number of months in a year) =(365 days*40 hours): (7 days * 12 months) = 173.81 hour/month

Next, the number of actually worked months in a year is determined by the formula:

Number of hours actually worked: Number of workers. hours per month* Number of employees =1056: 173.81*1 = 6.08 months.

The average salary level is calculated using the formula:

Annual wage fund average salary per month: Quantity actual. months worked* Number of employees.

Annual wage fund = Wages for 1 month* 12 months = 3,500* 12 = 42,000 rubles.

Average salary per month. = 42000:6.08*1 = 6,907 rubles.

Total: the average salary of 1 employee employed at 0.5 rate with a salary of 7,000 rubles is 6,907 rubles

example 3:

The company employs 3 employees:

- manager for 1 position with a salary of 7,300 rubles.

- cashier at 0.5 rate with a salary of 5,500 rubles - wages per month 2,750 rubles.

- operator at 0.5 rate with a salary of 5,500 rubles - wages per month 2,750 rubles.

Calculation of the average salary for a full-time employee:

Payroll fund for 1 month. = 7300 * 1 = 7,300 rubles.

Average salary per month. =7300:1 = 7,300 rubles.

Calculation of average wages for part-time employees:

One employee works 4 hours per day, 22 working days per month, 12 months a year.

Number of hours worked per year = 4 hours * 22 working days per month * 12 months per year * 2 employees = 2,112 hours.

Number of workers hours per month =365 days*40 hours: 7 days * 12 months = 173.81 hours/month.

Number of months actually worked in a year = 2112: 173.81 * 2 = 6.08 months.

Annual wage fund = (2,750 + 2,750) * 12 months. = 66,000 rubles .

Average salary per month. = 66000:6.08*2 = 5,427 rubles 64 kopecks.

Calculation of average wages at an enterprise:

Wed. wages = (average wages of workers employed full-time + average wages of workers employed part-time) /2 (number of categories of workers at the enterprise) = (7,300+5,427.64 )/2 = 6,363 rubles 82 kopecks

Total: the average salary at the enterprise is 6,363 rubles 82 kopecks.


In the context of the transition to a market economy, organizations are looking for new models of remuneration that give scope for the development of personal material interest.

In the process of working on my course work and studying the literature on this issue, it turned out that wages are directly related to the labor market. Wages are the most important element of an employee’s income, a form of economic realization of the right of ownership to the resources of labor activity that belong to him.

The state has an indirect impact on the amount of wages, both for an individual employee and on the size of the organization’s wage fund through the tax system and the establishment of a minimum wage.

The nature of social labor is diverse and its results cannot be taken into account on the basis of any single criterion for determining the amount of remuneration to an employee. Therefore, various methods are used to establish the dependence of the amount of remuneration on its results. The remuneration system is a method of measuring the amount of remuneration for work with its results or costs.

The remuneration system in the example of the company under consideration is not ideal, and the infringement of the rights of employees does not provide the effect of motivation and satisfaction of the need for remuneration for one’s own work.

The remuneration system should stimulate increased productivity and have a sufficient motivational effect. The growth of wages should not outpace the growth rate of productivity.

The main direction for improving the entire system of organizing wages is to ensure a direct and strict dependence of wages on the final results of the economic activities of the team. In solving this problem, the correct choice and rational application of wage forms and systems plays an important role.

Accounting for labor and its payment should be ensured by:

- monitoring labor productivity; quantity and quality of labor; use of working time; wage fund;

- implementation of modern and correct calculations for wages;

- obtaining data on labor and its payment for planning and operational regulation;

- timely preparation of accounting and statistical reporting on labor and its payment.

The solution to the problem can only be the choice of a more suitable, modern remuneration system that takes into account the situation within the company.

In addition to wages, the organization provides its employees with various additional benefits. Today, benefits such as paid vacations, sick pay, health and life insurance, and retirement benefits are part of any full-time job. The perceived value of fringe benefits depends on factors such as age, marital status, family size, etc. For example, people with large families tend to be very concerned about health care and life insurance benefits, and older people about severance benefits. for retirement, young workers - immediate receipt of cash.

Research shows that rewards influence people's decisions to join a job, their absenteeism decisions, their decisions about how much they should produce, and when and whether to leave an organization.

Many studies have found that the number of absenteeism and employee turnover is directly related to satisfaction with the remuneration received.

To encourage employees in the company to achieve even greater achievements, it is necessary to develop an effective system of additional rewards, for example:

1) payment of bonuses for performing particularly important work;

2) allocation of bonuses for achievements in work;

3) increase in bonuses for performance results;

4) increase in wages for length of service;

5) giving thanks to the best employees;

6) holding informal events and team meetings to ensure a psychological atmosphere in the team;

7) establishing an increase in the percentage of earnings when the employee reaches a certain amount of money in the total profit of the organization;

8) holding competitions among employees.

These measures are aimed at increasing the level of productivity, improving the quality of work and reducing their cost, completing production tasks on time, adhering to work schedules, improving labor organization, and stimulating workers to work.


1. Aleksandrova A. B. Salaries at a modern enterprise. - M.: Book World, 2009. - 424 p.

2. Androsova L. A. Labor Economics: Textbook. - Penza: Penz. state Univ., 2009. - 160 p.

3. Babaev B. D., Karyakin A. M., Terekhova N. R. Remuneration at the enterprise: questions of theory and practice. - Ivanovo: Ivan. state energy univ., 2011. - 266 p.

4. Bogatko A. N. Fundamentals of economic analysis of an economic entity. -M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009.

5. Volgin N. A. Remuneration: production, social. sphere, government service. (Analysis, problems, solutions) / N. A. Volgin. - M.: Exam, 2011. - 222 p.

6. Vorobyova E. V. Salary taking into account the requirements of tax authorities: Practical recommendations for an accountant. - M.: “AKDI Economics and Life”, 2011. - 592 p.

7. Vyazgin V. A., Luchinkina L. Ya. Labor regulation: a process approach // Researched in Russia. - 2008. - 23 p.

8. Genkin B. M. Economics and sociology of labor: a textbook for universities. - 5th ed., add. - M.: NORM, 2009. - 416 p. - ISBN 5-89123-779-2

9. Gubanov S. System of organization and encouragement of labor (experience of methodological development). //Economist. 2008. - No. 3.

10. Kibanov A. Ya., Ivanovskaya L. V., Batkaeva I. A. Economics and sociology of labor Grif MO RF M.: Infra-M, 2010. - 592 p.

11. Minin E.B., Shcherbakov V.I. “Wages Questions and Answers”, Reference and methodological manual - Moscow: Profizd, 2009- 160 p.;

12. Organization, rationing and remuneration at enterprises in the industry: Educational and methodological materials / Author-comp. S. A. Kordyukova. - M.: MIEMP, 2007. - 84 p.

13. Organization and remuneration of labor at the enterprise: Reference manual/A. I. Rofe, A. M. Shunikov, N. V. Yasakova. - M.: Profizdat, 2010. - 144 p.

14. Organization of wages. Experience, problems, recommendations / L. F. Alekseenko, AN. Zaikin, V. G. Loktev and others; Ed. V. I. Matusevich - Mn.: Research Institute of Labor, 2009. - 400 p.

15. Panfilova N. Yu., Medvedeva Yu. N., Markov M. V. Album of visual aids for the discipline “Organization, rationing and remuneration.” -Ekaterinburg: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education USTU-UPI, 2005. - 75 p.

16. Pashuto V.P. Organization, rationing and remuneration of labor at an enterprise: educational and practical guide. - M.: KNORUS, 2005. - 320 p. - ISBN 5-85971119-0.

17. Income and wage policy: Textbook / Ed. P. V. Savchenko and Yu. P. Kokina. M.: Lawyer, 2011

18. Posherstnik N.V., Meiksin M.S. Salaries in modern conditions (12th ed.). - St. Petersburg: “Gerda Publishing House”, 2010. - 768 p. - ISBN 5-94125-049-5.

19. Salikova, N. M. Remuneration in the Russian Federation. Legal research: Monograph. - Ekaterinburg: Publishing house UrGUA, 208. - 364 p.

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21. Trenenkov E. M. “Organization of remuneration of workers and employees,” A manual for trade union activists - M.: Profizd, 2008 -176 p.;

22. Shchadilova S. M. “Payroll calculation at enterprises of all forms of ownership” practical guide. Novosibirsk - M.: 2008

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24. Shepelenko ST. “Organization, standardization and remuneration at enterprise-M: ICC “Mart”, Rostov n/d, 2010 -160 p.;

25. Yakovlev R. Reforming wages is a long process. // Man and Labor, No. 10, 2009. - pp. 18-26

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Such a list can be useful if you are asking for a salary increase or promotion.

  • Collecting information about achievements. A list of responsibilities may be of interest only in certain cases. Reflect on your achievements, their positive consequences and significance. It is not easy to remember all the events of the past year, so it is useful to keep a journal of achievements and update it regularly. The ability to demonstrate a measurable contribution to the company will make your argument more convincing.
  • Balance your responsibilities and achievements with the company's goals. If it turns out that you have not met any of management's expectations, try to correct the situation to remove possible blocking factors.

How to write a memo for a salary increase?

The analysis should also evaluate the quality of maintaining payroll records for bonuses and financial assistance, payment of one-time remunerations, as well as other documentation related to remuneration. The results of the analysis of such indicators allow us to draw a conclusion about the validity of the employer’s labor costs, the quality of working life of the staff and the efficiency of its use, the rationality of constructing remuneration systems, the optimal distribution of newly created value between labor and capital, the wage intensity of manufactured products, and the efficiency of the mechanism wage regulation. Constant analysis of labor costs maintains high competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise, creates conditions for personnel development, and therefore, of course, should be carried out by the relevant services of the enterprise or organization.


The Advantages of a Highly Paying Job People are often faced with a choice between a job that pays well but is unsatisfying and a job that they enjoy but is poorly paid. Undoubtedly, the physical comfort that high wages provide has many advantages. A person who receives a high salary feels more free and independent from life circumstances.


He is more likely to improve the data that surrounds him. For example, it is easier for people with high incomes to solve the acute housing problem than for those whose wages allow them to spend only a subsistence minimum. In pursuit of physical security, people tend to fall into workaholism.

It turns out that a person becomes dependent on a job that promises financial autonomy.

How to justify a salary increase

In general, the process takes place in several stages:

  1. Showing initiative. The employee himself may hint about a desire to qualitatively improve his financial situation, or the head of his department will decide to improve the situation.
  2. Actually drawing up a memo and sending it to a higher-ranking manager or functionary who has the right to make such decisions.
  3. Registration of an internal message in the journals of incoming correspondence or sending it by mail.
  4. Reviewing the proposal and preparing a response.
  5. Consent is usually expressed in the form of an order to increase wages and change the staffing table.

Online magazine for accountants

It is desirable that the author’s position be supported by actual results or references to legislative and local acts. Here are just the most popular: Reason for the salary increase Justification for the salary increase in the memo Inflation or other unfavorable financial processes nationwide An attempt to simply write “look at the prices” in an appeal is evidence of incompetence and a superficial approach to document preparation. It is better to refer to official data from RosStat or conduct a mini-research and provide your list of products whose prices have risen sharply recently.
Indirectly, this right is confirmed by Art. 135 TK.

We do not increase salaries for all employees

Ensure that those making key incentive decisions are aware of you and your activities. Send progress reports to management, provide positive feedback on your work, organize presentations and generally do not go into the shadows.

  • Take advantage of every opportunity. Taking initiative and demonstrating your need to the company can not only help you earn rewards, but also improve your career prospects.

    Remember that managers make incentive decisions primarily based on assessing an employee's long-term potential.

  • Set measurable goals to have an objective basis for receiving a raise or bonus. If you don't have measurable goals, start setting them now.

Online magazine for an accountant Online magazine for an accountant Sample memo about a salary increase What should a memo about a salary increase look like and under what conditions is it drawn up and given effect? About this - in our review + a sample of this document. Our civil investigation Our civil investigation We are in Bulgaria! Civil investigation of crimes, scams and deceptions in public life and the economy, materials on trials. Ask for a salary increase! Correct arguments Ask for a salary increase! Correct arguments MaxNina » March 30, 2011, 1:53 pm All managers without exception do not like to talk about this topic.

Justification for increasing wages example


If the justification for an increase in wages needs to be issued under Article No. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with rising prices, the order is issued for the entire employee separately. The document indicates the reason that wages have been increased due to inflation and the indexation percentage. For this reason, an increase in the monetary table of contents may not be formalized by notifying the employee, but may be carried out unilaterally and everyone should be made aware of this fact.


In all cases, an order of the unified form T-5 is issued. The order specifies from what day of the month and year the salary will increase, the employee’s full name, position, and the number of the structural unit. If, at the same time as the monetary table of contents increases, the position or job responsibilities change, this is also indicated in the order.

Justification for increasing wages example

It is quite easy to justify rising prices in an era of global financial collapse and serious changes in the economies of many countries. Instructions 1. Please note that any weak or progressing economy is subject to both external and internal influences. Even without experiencing serious pressure from global economic collapses, it is not able to fully provide a decent life for its citizens. It is worth noting that Russia’s economic growth is disproportionately dependent on the volume of exports of energy resources and raw materials, which is a disadvantage of the Russian economy. But a country is not only an economy, but also politics, a real legislative framework and executive power. 2.

Justification for salary increase sample


The Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Mechanical Engineers Trade Union of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 approved the Recommendations on the procedure for developing, negotiating and concluding collective agreements in the primary trade union organizations of Rosprofmash “Collective negotiations”, which, in particular, contains an approximate list of information requested from the employer when conducting collective negotiations When carrying out the analysis, the appropriate information base is used. This includes forms of statistical and accounting reporting, approved standards for the formation of funds for wages, including cost elements, market wage rates for key positions, and other planning and reporting documents.

The analysis involves the use of staffing schedules, provisions on wages, bonuses and social benefits, one-time remuneration, etc.
OFFICIAL NOTE During the period of work as a mechanic from 03/12/2013 to the present, I. A. Ivanov has proven himself to be a responsible and efficient worker, possessing all the skills necessary to work in this position. Last year, Ivanov I.A. completed advanced training courses and improved his professional level, mastered working with additional equipment. He is currently the only employee with the skills and qualifications required to operate the newly upgraded WPC production line. In the team, Ivanov I.A. is respected by colleagues and management. In communication he is characterized as a reserved, tactful person, always ready to help. He has no complaints about his work; based on the results of the inspection carried out in July of this year, no violations were identified.


A memo is a document through the creation of which a connection is established between the employee and the employer.

The first one can reflect a request for .

In addition to the request, it may contain a comment or suggestion.

There are certain rules that must be followed during the documentation process.

Examples of justifications for writing

Every employee has the right to write a memo. The need to increase the salary may be associated with the onset of certain factors.

Examples of justifications for promotion salary amount:

  • achieving distinctive results in the performance of official duties;
  • increasing the volume of work;
  • inflation, rising prices for consumer goods and services;
  • recalculating the salaries of all employees ();
  • employee certification. Including hiring a citizen based on the results of successful completion of the probationary period;
  • expansion of official powers, increase in responsibilities;
  • the employee undergoes accreditation, during which his professional classification was increased.

A memo should be drawn up in cases where the employer independently decided to increase the employee’s salary.

Basically, this desire appears among managers after an employee achieves certain successes in the process of carrying out his work activities at a particular enterprise.

Important - the arguments given in the note must be adequate and justified. You shouldn’t try to over-praise yourself - your bosses won’t appreciate such an act.

Before drawing up the memo, you need to think again whether success in your work has really been achieved or not. ?

The service note can be replaced or, which are drawn up according to the same rules.

How to write a memo for a salary increase?

The technology of drawing up a memo is largely depends on the reason, due to which there was a need to increase the employee’s salary.

When writing a service letter, it is important to be guided by this factor.

The circumstance that prompted the employee to draw up the paper must be set out in detail in it.

Below are the features of writing for various reasons.

When making a positive decision regarding a salary increase an order is issued By .

Sample due to an increase in the volume of work of an employee

Drawing up a memo regarding an increase in wages due to an increase in the volume of work performed does not have clear rules and a unified form to fill out.

In most cases, the technology and rules for drawing up such papers are fixed by an internal local act.

A memo can be compiled in several ways - by handwriting and printing.

When writing, you must use a blank sheet of A4 paper.

In the process of document preparation, generally accepted standards should be followed.

They mean it reflects the following type of information:

  • information about the organization - exact name;
  • Full name and position of the addressee;
  • Full name and position of the employee who compiled the document;
  • name of paper;
  • main part. It reflects the direct request of the employee. The reason why the need to increase the salary arose is described in as much detail as possible, and the justification for the request for an increase is given;
  • date of writing;
  • signature of the person who compiled the document, its transcript.

In addition, the memo can indicate the salary amount in effect at the time of drawing up the memo.

If desired, indicate desired salary.

If a document is drawn up in connection with an increase in the volume of work, it is important to prove the existence of this circumstance.

Subject to supporting documentation it must be issued in the form of attachments.

They, in turn, should be numbered and described in a note.

For example, such a document may be an agreement to service an additional enterprise.

It is important to prove that the employee not only successfully copes with his or her job, but also takes on additional work.

Should be reasoned indicate that a specialist’s work has become more expensive.

Due to inflation and rising prices

One of the reasons for the need to increase wages is the rise in prices for services and goods of general consumption, as well as inflation.

When drawing up a note, the design of which is due to the specified reasons, it is necessary to refer to official sources.

The inflation rate is set at the state level.

Price increases may not be observed throughout the country, but in individual regions.

If the memo is drawn up for this reason, you should try to prove that the salary increase will ensure the employee’s proper standard of living.

After the probationary period

In many enterprises, in order to approve a specialist for a position, the latter is assigned a probationary period.

The salary paid to an employee in a given period of time is in most cases less than what he will receive after the internship.

An increase in salary in this case is a financial incentive for the employee.

If the company’s internal documentation defines the procedure for carrying out this action, at the end of the probationary period the employee must provide the manager with a memo requesting an increase in his salary.

Useful video

How to write a memo correctly, depending on the situation, is described in detail in this video:


Any employee can fill out a service letter that will reflect a request for a salary increase. To receive a positive answer, it is important to support the document with reasoned reasons, the occurrence of which provoked the need to perform this action.

You can apply for a salary increase after successfully completing an internship, achieving professional merit, advanced training, etc.

If there are documents confirming the occurrence of the listed circumstances, they should be drawn up as an appendix to the note.

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