Carbon monoxide applies. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide). Chemical formula of carbon monoxide

Wallpaper 16.01.2024

Carbon monoxide(II) ), or carbon monoxide, CO was discovered by the English chemist Joseph Priestley in 1799. It is a colorless gas, tasteless and odorless, it is slightly soluble in water (3.5 ml in 100 ml of water at 0 ° C), has low melting temperature (-205 °C) and boiling point (-192 °C).

Carbon monoxide enters the Earth's atmosphere during incomplete combustion of organic substances, during volcanic eruptions, and also as a result of the vital activity of some lower plants (algae). The natural level of CO in the air is 0.01-0.9 mg/m3. Carbon monoxide is very poisonous. In the human body and higher animals, it actively reacts with

The flame of burning carbon monoxide is a beautiful blue-violet color. It's easy to observe for yourself. To do this you need to light a match. The lower part of the flame is luminous - this color is given to it by hot carbon particles (a product of incomplete combustion of wood). The flame is surrounded by a blue-violet border on top. This burns carbon monoxide generated during the oxidation of wood.

complex iron compound - blood heme (bound to the protein globin), disrupting the functions of oxygen transfer and consumption by tissues. In addition, it enters into an irreversible interaction with some enzymes involved in the energy metabolism of the cell. At a carbon monoxide concentration in the room of 880 mg/m3, death occurs within a few hours, and at 10 g/m3 - almost instantly. The maximum permissible content of carbon monoxide in the air is 20 mg/m3. The first signs of CO poisoning (at a concentration of 6-30 mg/m3) are a decrease in the sensitivity of vision and hearing, headache, and a change in heart rate. If a person has been poisoned by carbon monoxide, he must be taken out into fresh air, given artificial respiration, and in mild cases of poisoning, given strong tea or coffee.

Large amounts of carbon monoxide ( II ) enter the atmosphere as a result of human activity. Thus, on average, a car emits about 530 kg of CO into the air per year. When 1 liter of gasoline is burned in an internal combustion engine, carbon monoxide emissions range from 150 to 800 g. On Russian highways, the average concentration of CO is 6-57 mg/m3, i.e. exceeds the poisoning threshold . Carbon monoxide accumulates in poorly ventilated courtyards in front of houses located near highways, in basements and garages. In recent years, special points have been established on highways to monitor the content of carbon monoxide and other products of incomplete combustion of fuel (CO-CH control).

At room temperature, carbon monoxide is quite inert. It does not interact with water and alkali solutions, i.e. it is a non-salt-forming oxide, but when heated it reacts with solid alkalis: CO + KOH = HCOOC (potassium formate, formic acid salt); CO + Ca (OH) 2 = CaCO 3 + H 2. These reactions are used to separate hydrogen from synthesis gas (CO + 3H 2), formed by the interaction of methane with superheated water vapor.

An interesting property of carbon monoxide is its ability to form compounds with transition metals - carbonyls, for example: Ni +4СО ® 70° C Ni (CO ) 4 .

Carbon monoxide(II) ) is an excellent reducing agent. When heated, it is oxidized by air oxygen: 2CO + O 2 = 2CO 2. This reaction can also be carried out at room temperature using a catalyst - platinum or palladium. Such catalysts are installed on cars to reduce CO emissions into the atmosphere.

When CO reacts with chlorine, a very poisonous gas, phosgene, is formed (t kip =7.6 °C): CO+ Cl 2 = COCl 2 . Previously, it was used as a chemical warfare agent, but now it is used in the production of synthetic polyurethane polymers.

Carbon monoxide is used in the smelting of iron and steel to reduce iron from oxides; it is also widely used in organic synthesis. When a mixture of carbon oxide ( II ) with hydrogen, depending on the conditions (temperature, pressure), various products are formed - alcohols, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids. The reaction of methanol synthesis is especially important: CO + 2H 2 = CH3OH , which is one of the main products of organic synthesis. Carbon monoxide is used for the synthesis of phos gene, formic acid, as a high-calorie fuel.


Signs that carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide (II), carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide) has formed in the air in a dangerous concentration are difficult to determine - invisible, may not smell, accumulates in the room gradually, imperceptibly. It is extremely dangerous for human life: it is highly toxic; excessive levels in the lungs lead to severe poisoning and death. A high mortality rate from gas poisoning is recorded annually. The threat of poisoning can be reduced by following simple rules and using special carbon dioxide detectors.

What is carbon monoxide

Natural gas is formed during the combustion of any biomass; in industry, it is a product of the combustion of any carbon-based compounds. In both cases, a prerequisite for the release of gas is a lack of oxygen. Large volumes of it enter the atmosphere as a result of forest fires, in the form of exhaust gases generated during the combustion of fuel in car engines. For industrial purposes it is used in the production of organic alcohol, sugar, processing of animal meat and fish. A small amount of monoxide is also produced by human cells.


From a chemical point of view, monoxide is an inorganic compound with a single oxygen atom in the molecule, the chemical formula is CO. This is a chemical substance that has no characteristic color, taste or smell, it is lighter than air, but heavier than hydrogen, and is inactive at room temperatures. A person who smells only feels the presence of organic impurities in the air. It belongs to the category of toxic products; death at a concentration in the air of 0.1% occurs within one hour. The maximum permissible concentration characteristic is 20 mg/cub.m.

Effect of carbon monoxide on the human body

Carbon monoxide is deadly to humans. Its toxic effect is explained by the formation of carboxyhemoglobin in blood cells, a product of the addition of carbon monoxide (II) to blood hemoglobin. A high level of carboxyhemoglobin causes oxygen starvation, insufficient oxygen supply to the brain and other tissues of the body. With mild intoxication, its content in the blood is low; natural destruction is possible within 4-6 hours. At high concentrations, only medications are effective.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide is one of the most dangerous substances. In case of poisoning, intoxication of the body occurs, accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the person. It is very important to recognize the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning early. The result of treatment depends on the level of the substance in the body and how quickly help arrives. In this case, minutes count - the victim can either be completely cured, or remain sick forever (it all depends on the speed of response of the rescuers).


Depending on the degree of poisoning, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, rapid heartbeat, nausea, shortness of breath, flickering in the eyes, and general weakness may occur. Drowsiness is often observed, which is especially dangerous when a person is in a gas-filled room. When a large amount of toxic substances enters the respiratory system, convulsions, loss of consciousness, and in especially severe cases, coma are observed.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

The victim should be provided with first aid on the spot in case of carbon monoxide poisoning. You must immediately move him to fresh air and call a doctor. You should also remember about your safety: when entering a room with a source of this substance, you should only take a deep breath, and do not breathe inside. Until the doctor arrives, it is necessary to facilitate the access of oxygen to the lungs: unbutton buttons, remove or loosen clothes. If the victim loses consciousness and stops breathing, artificial ventilation is necessary.

Antidote for poisoning

A special antidote (antidote) for carbon monoxide poisoning is a medication that actively prevents the formation of carboxyhemoglobin. The action of the antidote leads to a decrease in the body's need for oxygen, supporting organs sensitive to lack of oxygen: the brain, liver, etc. It is administered intramuscularly in a dosage of 1 ml immediately after removing the patient from an area with a high concentration of toxic substances. The antidote can be re-administered no earlier than an hour after the first administration. Its use for prevention is allowed.


In case of mild exposure to carbon monoxide, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis; in severe cases, the patient is hospitalized. Already in the ambulance he is given an oxygen bag or mask. In severe cases, in order to give the body a large dose of oxygen, the patient is placed in a pressure chamber. An antidote is administered intramuscularly. Blood gas levels are constantly monitored. Further rehabilitation is medicinal, the actions of doctors are aimed at restoring the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system, and lungs.


Exposure to carbon monoxide on the body can cause serious illnesses: brain performance, behavior, and consciousness of a person change, and unexplained headaches appear. Memory, the part of the brain that is responsible for the transition of short-term memory to long-term memory, is especially susceptible to the influence of harmful substances. The patient may feel the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning only after several weeks. Most victims recover fully after a period of rehabilitation, but some suffer the consequences for the rest of their lives.

How to determine carbon monoxide indoors

Carbon monoxide poisoning is easy at home, and it doesn't just happen during a fire. The concentration of carbon dioxide is formed due to careless handling of the stove damper, during the operation of a faulty gas water heater or ventilation. The source of carbon monoxide may be a gas stove. If there is smoke in the room, this is already a reason to sound the alarm. There are special sensors for constant monitoring of gas levels. They monitor the level of gas concentration and report if the norm is exceeded. The presence of such a device reduces the risk of poisoning.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Physical properties.

Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that is slightly soluble in water.

t pl. 205 °C,

t kip. 191 °C

critical temperature =140°C

critical pressure = 35 atm.

The solubility of CO in water is about 1:40 by volume.

Chemical properties.

Under normal conditions, CO is inert; when heated - a reducing agent; non-salt-forming oxide.

1) with oxygen

2C +2 O + O 2 = 2C +4 O 2

2) with metal oxides

C +2 O + CuO = Cu + C +4 O 2

3) with chlorine (in the light)

CO + Cl 2 --hn-> COCl 2 (phosgene)

4) reacts with alkali melts (under pressure)

CO + NaOH = HCOONa (sodium formic acid (sodium formate))

5) forms carbonyls with transition metals

Ni + 4CO =t°= Ni(CO) 4

Fe + 5CO =t°= Fe(CO) 5

Carbon monoxide does not react chemically with water. CO also does not react with alkalis and acids. It is extremely poisonous.

From the chemical side, carbon monoxide is characterized mainly by its tendency to undergo addition reactions and its reducing properties. However, both of these trends usually appear only at elevated temperatures. Under these conditions, CO combines with oxygen, chlorine, sulfur, some metals, etc. At the same time, carbon monoxide, when heated, reduces many oxides to metals, which is very important for metallurgy. Along with heating, an increase in the chemical activity of CO is often caused by its dissolution. Thus, in solution it is capable of reducing salts of Au, Pt and some other elements to free metals already at ordinary temperatures.

At elevated temperatures and high pressures, CO interacts with water and caustic alkalis: in the first case, HCOOH is formed, and in the second, sodium formic acid. The latter reaction occurs at 120 °C, a pressure of 5 atm and is used technically.

The reduction of palladium chloride in solution is easy according to the general scheme:

PdCl 2 + H 2 O + CO = CO 2 + 2 HCl + Pd

serves as the most commonly used reaction for the discovery of carbon monoxide in a mixture of gases. Even very small amounts of CO are easily detected by the slight coloring of the solution due to the release of finely crushed palladium metal. Quantitative determination of CO is based on the reaction:

5 CO + I 2 O 5 = 5 CO 2 + I 2.

The oxidation of CO in solution often occurs at a noticeable rate only in the presence of a catalyst. When selecting the latter, the main role is played by the nature of the oxidizing agent. Thus, KMnO 4 oxidizes CO most quickly in the presence of finely crushed silver, K 2 Cr 2 O 7 - in the presence of mercury salts, KClO 3 - in the presence of OsO 4. In general, in its reducing properties, CO is similar to molecular hydrogen, and its activity under normal conditions is higher than that of the latter. Interestingly, there are bacteria that, through the oxidation of CO, obtain the energy they need for life.

The comparative activity of CO and H2 as reducing agents can be assessed by studying the reversible reaction:

H 2 O + CO = CO 2 + H 2 + 42 kJ,

the equilibrium state of which at high temperatures is established quite quickly (especially in the presence of Fe 2 O 3). At 830 °C, the equilibrium mixture contains equal amounts of CO and H 2, i.e., the affinity of both gases for oxygen is the same. Below 830 °C, the stronger reducing agent is CO, above - H2.

The binding of one of the products of the reaction discussed above, in accordance with the law of mass action, shifts its equilibrium. Therefore, by passing a mixture of carbon monoxide and water vapor over calcium oxide, hydrogen can be obtained according to the scheme:

H 2 O + CO + CaO = CaCO 3 + H 2 + 217 kJ.

This reaction occurs already at 500 °C.

In air, CO ignites at about 700 °C and burns with a blue flame to CO 2:

2 CO + O 2 = 2 CO 2 + 564 kJ.

The significant release of heat that accompanies this reaction makes carbon monoxide a valuable gaseous fuel. However, it is most widely used as a starting product for the synthesis of various organic substances.

The combustion of thick layers of coal in furnaces occurs in three stages:

1) C + O 2 = CO 2; 2) CO 2 + C = 2 CO; 3) 2 CO + O 2 = 2 CO 2.

If the pipe is closed prematurely, a lack of oxygen is created in the furnace, which can cause CO to spread throughout the heated room and lead to poisoning (fumes). It should be noted that the smell of “carbon monoxide” is not caused by CO, but by impurities of some organic substances.

The CO flame can have a temperature of up to 2100 °C. The CO combustion reaction is interesting in that when heated to 700-1000 °C, it proceeds at a noticeable speed only in the presence of traces of water vapor or other hydrogen-containing gases (NH 3, H 2 S, etc.). This is due to the chain nature of the reaction under consideration, which occurs through the intermediate formation of OH radicals according to the following schemes:

H + O 2 = HO + O, then O + CO = CO 2, HO + CO = CO 2 + H, etc.

At very high temperatures, the CO combustion reaction becomes noticeably reversible. The CO 2 content in an equilibrium mixture (under a pressure of 1 atm) above 4000 °C can only be negligibly small. The CO molecule itself is so thermally stable that it does not decompose even at 6000 °C. CO molecules have been discovered in the interstellar medium. When CO acts on metal K at 80 °C, a colorless crystalline, highly explosive compound of the composition K 6 C 6 O 6 is formed. With the elimination of potassium, this substance easily turns into carbon monoxide C 6 O 6 (“triquinone”), which can be considered as a product of CO polymerization. Its structure corresponds to a six-membered ring formed by carbon atoms, each of which is connected by a double bond to oxygen atoms.

Interaction of CO with sulfur according to the reaction:

CO + S = COS + 29 kJ

It goes fast only at high temperatures. The resulting carbon thioxide (O=C=S) is a colorless and odorless gas (mp -139, bp -50 °C). Carbon (II) monoxide is capable of combining directly with certain metals. As a result, metal carbonyls are formed, which should be considered as complex compounds.

Carbon(II) monoxide also forms complex compounds with some salts. Some of them (OsCl 2 ·3CO, PtCl 2 ·CO, etc.) are stable only in solution. The formation of the latter substance is associated with the absorption of carbon monoxide (II) by a solution of CuCl in strong HCl. Similar compounds are apparently formed in an ammonia solution of CuCl, which is often used to absorb CO in the analysis of gases.


Carbon monoxide is formed when carbon burns in the absence of oxygen. Most often it is obtained as a result of the interaction of carbon dioxide with hot coal:

CO 2 + C + 171 kJ = 2 CO.

This reaction is reversible, and its equilibrium below 400 °C is almost completely shifted to the left, and above 1000 °C - to the right (Fig. 7). However, it is established with noticeable speed only at high temperatures. Therefore, under normal conditions, CO is quite stable.

Rice. 7. Equilibrium CO 2 + C = 2 CO.

The formation of CO from elements follows the equation:

2 C + O 2 = 2 CO + 222 kJ.

It is convenient to obtain small amounts of CO by the decomposition of formic acid: HCOOH = H 2 O + CO

This reaction occurs easily when HCOOH reacts with hot, strong sulfuric acid. In practice, this preparation is carried out either by the action of conc. sulfuric acid into liquid HCOOH (when heated), or by passing the vapors of the latter over phosphorus hemipentaoxide. The interaction of HCOOH with chlorosulfonic acid according to the scheme:

HCOOH + CISO 3 H = H 2 SO 4 + HCI + CO

It already works at normal temperatures.

A convenient method for laboratory production of CO can be heating with conc. sulfuric acid, oxalic acid or potassium iron sulfide. In the first case, the reaction proceeds according to the following scheme: H 2 C 2 O 4 = CO + CO 2 + H 2 O.

Along with CO, carbon dioxide is also released, which can be retained by passing the gas mixture through a solution of barium hydroxide. In the second case, the only gaseous product is carbon monoxide:

K 4 + 6 H 2 SO 4 + 6 H 2 O = 2 K 2 SO 4 + FeSO 4 + 3 (NH 4) 2 SO 4 + 6 CO.

Large quantities of CO can be obtained by incomplete combustion of coal in special furnaces - gas generators. Conventional (“air”) generator gas contains on average (volume %): CO-25, N2-70, CO 2 -4 and small impurities of other gases. When burned, it produces 3300-4200 kJ per m3. Replacing ordinary air with oxygen leads to a significant increase in CO content (and an increase in the calorific value of the gas).

Even more CO is contained in water gas, which consists (in an ideal case) of a mixture of equal volumes of CO and H 2 and produces 11,700 kJ/m 3 upon combustion. This gas is obtained by blowing water vapor through a layer of hot coal, and at about 1000 °C the interaction takes place according to the equation:

H 2 O + C + 130 kJ = CO + H 2.

The reaction of the formation of water gas occurs with the absorption of heat, the coal gradually cools and to maintain it in a hot state, it is necessary to alternate the passage of water vapor with the passage of air (or oxygen) into the gas generator. In this regard, water gas contains approximately CO-44, H 2 -45, CO 2 -5 and N 2 -6%. It is widely used for the synthesis of various organic compounds.

Mixed gas is often obtained. The process of obtaining it boils down to simultaneously blowing air and water vapor through a layer of hot coal, i.e. a combination of both methods described above - Therefore, the composition of the mixed gas is intermediate between generator and water. On average it contains: CO-30, H 2 -15, CO 2 -5 and N 2 -50%. A cubic meter of it produces about 5400 kJ when burned.


Empirical formula. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO

Molecular weight, kg/kmol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..28.01

State of aggregation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gaseous

Appearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .colorless gas

Smell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . without smell.

Application: as one of the starting compounds underlying the modern organic synthesis industry. Used for the reduction of metals from oxides, for the production of metal carbonyls, phosgene, carbon sulfide, aluminum chloride, methyl alcohol, formamide, aromatic aldehydes, formic acid, etc.


Density at 0 °C and pressure 101.3 kPa, kg/m3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,250

Density at 20 °C and pressure 101.3 kPa, kg/m3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.165

Boiling point, °C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . minus 192

Melting point at pressure 101.3 kPa, °C. . . . . . . . . . . .minus 205

Critical temperature, °C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . minus 138.7

Critical pressure, MPa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5

Heat of combustion, kJ/mol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . minus 283

Specific heat of combustion, kJ/mol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10107

Heat of formation, kJ/mol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . minus 110.5

Heat capacity of gas at 0°C and constant pressure, kJ/(kg? deg). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0416

Heat capacity of gas at 0°C and constant volume, kJ/(kg? deg). . . .0.7434

Dynamic viscosity, N?s/m2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166.04?107

Kinematic viscosity, m2/s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.55?106

Thermal conductivity coefficient of gas at 0°C and pressure 101.3 kPa, W/(m? K). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0233


*t - solid substance.

Solubility in water: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soluble

Reactivity: relatively well soluble, especially under pressure, in solutions of dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ammonium hydroxide, and hydrochloric acid. At low temperatures, carbon monoxide is quite inert; at high levels, it easily enters into various reactions, especially addition reactions. Has restorative properties.

Oxidizes into CO2 at room temperature.


CAS registration number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-08-0

MPCm.r. in the air of the working area, mg/m3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20*

Air pollutant code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0337

Hazard class in atmospheric air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

MPCm.r./s.s. in atmospheric air, mg/m3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/3

* - When working in an atmosphere containing carbon monoxide for no more than 1 hour, the maximum permissible concentration of carbon monoxide can be increased to 50 mg/m3, when working for no more than 30 minutes. – up to 100 mg/m3, with a duration of work of no more than 15 minutes. – 200 mg/m3. Repeated work under conditions of high carbon monoxide content in the air of the working area can be carried out with a break of at least 2 hours.

Impact on people: toxic substance, refers to substances with a highly targeted mechanism of action, requiring automatic control of its content in the air. Toxic effect on the central nervous system.

First aid measures for victims of exposure to the substance: fresh air, remove clothing that restricts breathing, rest, warming. Severe and moderate poisoning is treated in a hospital.

Precautionary measures: local exhaust devices and general ventilation of the premises are required. Sealing of equipment and communications. Constant monitoring of the concentration in the air of the work area, the use of automatic instruments and alarm devices.

Means of protection: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . filter gas mask.


Flammability group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flammable gas (GG)

Self-ignition temperature, °C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605

Concentration limits of flame propagation, % (vol.). . 12.5-74

Minimum explosive oxygen content, % (vol.) when diluted:

Nitrogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6

Carbon dioxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9

Maximum explosion pressure, kPa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730

Safe experimental maximum clearance, mm. . . . . . . . . . 0.84

Explosive mixture group according to GOST R 51330.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T1

Fire-fighting equipment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inert gases.

Carbon monoxide, also known as carbon monoxide, has a very strong molecular composition, is chemically inert, and is poorly soluble in water. This compound is also incredibly toxic; when it enters the respiratory system, it combines with hemoglobin in the blood, and it stops carrying oxygen to tissues and organs.

Chemical names and formula

Carbon monoxide is also known by other names, including carbon monoxide II. In everyday life it is usually called carbon monoxide. This carbon monoxide is a poisonous, colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas. Its chemical formula is CO, and the mass of one molecule is 28.01 g/mol.

Impact on the body

Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, which has no oxygen carrying capacity. Inhalation of its vapors causes damage to the central nervous system (CNS) and asphyxiation. The resulting lack of oxygen causes headaches, dizziness, decreased heart rate and respiratory rate, leading to fainting and subsequent death of the body.

Toxic gas

Carbon monoxide is produced by the partial combustion of substances containing carbon, for example in internal combustion engines. The compound contains 1 carbon atom covalently bonded to 1 oxygen atom. Carbon monoxide is highly poisonous and is one of the most common causes of fatal poisoning worldwide. Exposure may cause damage to the heart and other organs.

What are the benefits of carbon monoxide?

Despite its serious toxicity, carbon monoxide is extremely useful - thanks to modern technology, a number of vital products are created from it. Carbon monoxide, although today considered a pollutant, has always been present in nature, but not in such quantities as, for example, carbon dioxide.

Those who believe that the compound carbon monoxide does not exist in nature are mistaken. CO dissolves in molten volcanic rock at high pressures in the Earth's mantle. The carbon oxide content of volcanic gases varies from less than 0.01% to 2%, depending on the volcano. Since natural gas compounds are not a constant value, it is not possible to accurately measure natural gas emissions.

Chemical properties

Carbon monoxide (formula CO) is a non-salt-forming or indifferent oxide. However, at a temperature of +200 o C it reacts with sodium hydroxide. During this chemical process, sodium formate is formed:

NaOH + CO = HCOONa (formic acid salt).

The properties of carbon monoxide are based on its reducing ability. Carbon monoxide:

Molecule structure

The two atoms that actually make up the carbon monoxide (CO) molecule are connected by a triple bond. Two of them are formed by the fusion of p-electrons of carbon atoms with oxygen, and the third is due to a special mechanism due to the free 2p orbital of carbon and the 2p electron pair of oxygen. This structure provides the molecule with high strength.

A little history

Even Aristotle from ancient Greece described the toxic fumes produced. The mechanism of death itself was not known. However, one of the ancient methods of execution was to lock the offender in a steam room where there were smoldering coals. The Greek physician Galen suggested that certain changes occur in the composition of air that cause harm when inhaled.

During World War II, the carbon monoxide-laced gas mixture was used as a vehicle fuel in parts of the world where gasoline and diesel fuel were limited. External (with some exceptions) charcoal or wood gas generators were installed, and a mixture of atmospheric nitrogen, carbon monoxide and small amounts of other gases was fed into a gas mixer. It was the so-called wood gas.

Oxidation of carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide is formed by the partial oxidation of carbon-containing compounds. CO is formed when there is not enough oxygen to produce carbon dioxide (CO2), such as when a furnace or internal combustion engine is running in a confined space. If oxygen is present, as well as certain other atmospheric concentrations, carbon monoxide burns, emitting blue light, forming carbon dioxide, known as carbon dioxide.

Coal gas, widely used until the 1960s of the last century for indoor lighting, cooking and heating, contained CO as the predominant fuel component. Some processes in modern technology, such as iron smelting, still produce carbon monoxide as a byproduct. The CO compound itself is oxidized to CO 2 at room temperature.

Does CO exist in nature?

Does carbon monoxide exist in nature? One of its natural sources is photochemical reactions occurring in the troposphere. These processes are expected to be capable of generating about 5 x 10 12 kg of matter annually. Other sources, as mentioned above, include volcanoes, forest fires and others.

Molecular properties

Carbon monoxide has a molar mass of 28.0, making it slightly less dense than air. The bond length between two atoms is 112.8 micrometers. This is close enough that it provides one of the strongest chemical bonds. Both elements in the CO compound together have about 10 electrons in the same valence shell.

As a rule, a double bond occurs in organic carbonyl compounds. The characteristic of CO is that a strong triple bond is formed between the atoms with 6 shared electrons in 3 bonded molecular orbitals. Since 4 of the shared electrons come from the oxygen atom and only 2 from the carbon, one bonded orbital is occupied by two electrons from O 2, forming a dative or dipole bond. This causes a C←O polarization of the molecule, with a small "-" charge on the carbon and a small "+" charge on the oxygen.

The remaining two bonded orbitals occupy one charged particle from carbon and one from oxygen. The molecule is asymmetric: oxygen has a higher electron density than carbon and is also slightly positively charged compared to negative carbon.


In industry, carbon monoxide CO is produced by heating carbon dioxide or water vapor with coal without access to air:

CO 2 + C = 2CO;

H 2 O + C = CO + H 2.

The final resulting mixture is also called water or synthesis gas. In laboratory conditions, carbon monoxide II by exposing organic acids to concentrated sulfuric acid, which acts as a water-removing agent:

HCOOH = CO + H 2 O;

H 2 C 2 O 4 = CO 2 + H 2 O.

Main symptoms and help for CO poisoning

Does carbon monoxide cause poisoning? Yes, and very strong. is the most common occurrence worldwide. Most common symptoms:

  • feeling of weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • poor appetite;
  • headache;
  • disorientation;
  • visual impairment;
  • vomit;
  • fainting;
  • convulsions.

Exposure to this toxic gas can cause significant damage, which can often lead to long-term chronic conditions. Carbon monoxide can cause serious harm to a pregnant woman's fetus. Victims, for example after a fire, should be given immediate assistance. It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, give access to fresh air, remove clothing that restricts breathing, calm down, and warm up. Severe poisoning, as a rule, can only be treated under the supervision of doctors in a hospital.


Carbon monoxide, as already mentioned, is poisonous and dangerous, but it is one of the basic compounds that are used in modern industry for organic synthesis. CO is used to produce pure metals, carbonyls, phosgene, carbon sulphide, methyl alcohol, formamide, and aromatic acids. This substance is also used as a fuel. Despite its toxicity and toxicity, it is often used as a raw material for the production of various substances in the chemical industry.

Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide: what's the difference?

Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide (CO and CO 2) are often mistaken for each other. Both gases are odorless and colorless, and both have negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Both gases can enter the body through inhalation, skin and eyes. These compounds, when exposed to a living organism, have a number of common symptoms - headaches, dizziness, convulsions and hallucinations. Most people have a hard time telling the difference and don't realize that car exhaust emits both CO and CO 2 . Indoors, increased concentrations of these gases can be hazardous to the health and safety of those exposed to them. What's the difference?

At high concentrations, both can be fatal. The difference is that CO2 is a common natural gas needed by all plant and animal life. CO is not common. It is a by-product of oxygen-free combustion of fuel. The critical chemical difference is that CO 2 contains one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms, while CO has just one each. Carbon dioxide is non-flammable, while monoxide is more likely to ignite.

Carbon dioxide occurs naturally in the atmosphere: humans and animals breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, meaning living things can tolerate small amounts of it. This gas is also necessary for plants to carry out photosynthesis. However, carbon monoxide does not occur naturally in the atmosphere and can cause health problems even in low concentrations. The density of both gases is also different. Carbon dioxide is heavier and denser than air, while carbon monoxide is slightly lighter. This feature should be taken into account when installing appropriate sensors in homes.

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