Tatyana Markova (singer) - biography, information, personal life. The Russian singer's son died of cancer  Alexander Markov, son of Tatyana Markova

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Biography, life story of Tatyana Mikhailovna Markova

Markova Tatyana Mikhailovna is a Soviet and Russian singer and songwriter.

early years

Tatyana Markova was born in Stalingrad (Volgograd) on June 8, 1953. Since childhood, Tanya was fond of music - she sang and played musical instruments. Already at the age of fifteen, the girl performed at concert venues in her hometown. Markova received the appropriate education - she graduated from the vocal department of the Volgograd College of Arts.


At the age of 18, Tatyana Markova was already a professional singer. In 1974, she was offered a position as a soloist in the Astrakhan Philharmonic. Tatyana worked there for some time, and then she began performing with the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Veter”.

In the 1980s, Markova went to Moscow and became a soloist of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Six Young People”. At first, it was not easy for a provincial girl in the capital. Moscow show business turned out to be completely different from what she imagined it to be. Tanya was sure that it was easy for a talented person to make his way to the heights of fame, however, as it turned out, the more gifted a person, the more difficult it was for him to overcome obstacles in the form of rivals and enemies. Fortunately, hardworking Tatiana was able to continue to work hard despite all the difficulties.

In 1987, Markova finally moved to Moscow, got a job at Rosconcert, and also began performing with the rock group “”. While working at "" Tatyana began writing her songs. One of the compositions she wrote, “Hello, Night Girl,” won a prize at the international music festival in Sopot. A little later, Tatyana’s song “Hello” was performed at the “Song of the Year” competition.

In 1991, Tatyana Mikhailovna released her first solo album, “It’s So Simple.” One of the songs in the collection, “Remember,” became Tanya Markova’s calling card. The singer gained her first admirers of her talent. Cold and harsh show business has finally opened its arms to her. The artist often appeared on television - she participated in the programs “Morning Mail”, “Morning Star”, the same “Song of the Year”, in “Muzoboz”... Tatyana Markova also performed on the radio. At the same time, the artist actively toured. She gave her concerts in the CIS countries and abroad, including in the United States of America.


In 1997, Tatyana Markova released the album “Completely Different.” The singer’s next collection was released in 2000. Its title is “Love Story.” After its release, Tatyana began to gradually disappear from public view. In her own words, they simply began to block her access to the big stage. Markova continued to work as best she could, performed as a private artist, and eventually left the stage altogether. She left Moscow and started a business completely unrelated to music and art.

In 2014, after many years of creative oblivion, Tatyana Mikhailovna returned to the stage. She gave a solo concert in her native Volgograd. Two years later, Markova settled in Moscow again. In 2017, the artist began touring with musical programs to the delight of her fans who missed her.


In 1980, Tatyana married Viktor Aleksandrovich Markov, a musician, producer of the group “”, and subsequently her own producer. In 1981, the couple had a son, Alexander. In 1985 - daughter Valeria. The couple got Lera not out of a desire to become parents for the second time, but as prescribed by doctors. Doctors found that Markova had some ailment, which she could cure only if she carried and gave birth to a child. Tatyana and Alexander decided to take this step. And they were right - Tatyana’s health really improved, and their daughter turned out to be simply wonderful.

In 2005, Tatyana and Victor divorced. The producer got another woman. For a long time, Tatyana could not forgive her once close person for betrayal. She made a lot of efforts to establish relations with her ex-husband and become friends.

In 2012, grief happened in the Markov family - Alexander died of lymph node cancer. Her daughter helped Tatyana cope with misfortune. And in 2017, Valeria made her mother happy by making her the grandmother of her lovely granddaughter.

“Hometown” decided to find out what our once famous countrywoman has been doing all these years, as well as about her plans for the future, and visited the singer during her stay in the hero city.

The image of the “crazy woman” is a thing of the past

As soon as we entered the apartment that Tatyana Markova was renting, she immediately apologized that she had nothing to treat us with.

This has never happened before! Usually my table is full of dishes when guests come to me,” Markova began to make excuses. - I can only offer apples, because now I eat exclusively these fruits.

It turned out that apples are the secret to the star’s beautiful appearance. At 60 years old, Tatyana Markova looks great. She plans to lose 10 kg by the concert, which is why she is now on an apple diet.

Another nuance caught our eye when we saw the star of the early 90s - her hairstyle. The fact is that most viewers and fans remember her with luxuriant hair. Now Tatyana has a completely different hairstyle.

I used to have the image of some kind of crazy woman with disheveled hair and curvaceous figures. But this image was more stage than everyday. Since I have rarely been on stage lately, I feel more comfortable with this hairstyle, although just a couple of years ago I was going to delight my fans with my creativity again. “Fate has made its own adjustments,” Tatyana Mikhailovna said with sadness in her eyes.

Great loss

The reason why Markova did not return to show business is tragic. In 2012, her 31-year-old son Alexander died from lymph node cancer.

Life both lifts us up on the crest of a wave and drops us to the very bottom. But some will choke, while others will be able to continue floating with the flow. We learned that Sasha was sick and had a few days to live when we were going with my husband to the registry office for our daughter’s wedding,” recalls Tatyana. - We had no right to overshadow such a holiday for Lera. It was very difficult for me. I couldn't even think about it. I withdrew into myself, closed myself off and didn’t want anything. And even more so, I didn’t think about returning to the stage, although Sasha really wanted it.

When grief came to Tatyana’s family, she and her husband Victor separated after 25 years of marriage.

Markov and I could not hold on, maintain our relationship. Somehow everything came together... It was hard. Maybe after 25 years we got tired of each other. At one time we didn’t get along very well. But after the death of their son they still rallied. Now Victor and I are the closest friends,” says our fellow countrywoman.

Her daughter Valeria also helped Tatyana survive her grief.

My Lera is extraordinary and talented. She is my salvation. It’s a pity that I haven’t given you grandchildren yet. But I’m really looking forward to them,” the singer says with a smile.

Two years after the tragedy, Tatyana Markova, as she says, has more or less come to her senses and can generally talk about this topic. Now, she says, her son is helping her from heaven.

When I already announced the concert in Volgograd, I dreamed about it. It’s as if I want to go somewhere, and he says: “Go, don’t be afraid!” Now I’m sure that everything will be fine,” says Tatyana.

I feel somehow warmer here

During the conversation, it turned out that Tatyana was not the initiator of the return to the stage.

The person who announced the concert on May 15 is my vocal teacher, Honored Artist of Russia Gennady Fedorovich Sipotenkov, director of the Cossack ensemble “Azure Flower”. I sang with him from the age of 17 until I came to the Volgograd Philharmonic. On March 7, I performed at a concert of the ensemble. It was then that he told the audience that my concert would take place on May 15, without even asking me,” Tatyana recalls. - When I saw on the calendar that May 15 is Thursday, I was surprised. But Gennady Fedorovich explained that everyone would go to their dachas on Friday, so the concert should take place on Thursday!

About another reason why Volgograd was chosen as the city where the first concert will take place as part of the singer’s return, Tatyana said this:

You know, I feel somehow warmer here. It is easier to heal wounds at home. Arriving here, I thawed out a little. It was here that I realized that I had to move on with my life.

During the time that the singer was not on stage, she accumulated many new songs. And she continues to write constantly. Fans will be able to see the triumphant return of Tatyana Markova on May 15.

Pop singer and composer, author of many songs for Vadim Kazachenko, the Alfa group and others. She began as a soloist of philharmonic societies (Volgograd, Astrakhan), then sang in the VIA “Six Young People”. But the 80s had not yet brought Markova fame and hits. But her tastes, style preferences and stage manner shaped her: Tatyana fell in love with jazz, pop and dashing songs.

In many ways, her first fame was facilitated by an unexpected episode: the Alpha group, where in recent years (after Sergei Sarychev retired) her husband, Viktor Markov, was the producer, faced a shortage of new songs. And when Victor and the leading soloist of “Alpha” in recent years, Eduard Prediger, admitted this to each other, Tatyana unexpectedly tried to come to their aid: “Come on, I’ll write something for you?!” At first, the men did not take this idea seriously, but Tatyana soon released her first two hits, “If you love - you don’t love” and “Hello,” which became the basis for the album of the revived “Alpha.”

In 1992, Tatyana released her first solo magnetic album. Thanks to this, an opinion is formed about her as a singer who performs passionate songs, sometimes more tavern, sometimes more pop.

The first hit “Remember” is followed by others. Subsequent albums do not bring anything new to the image and stage manner of the singer. Meanwhile, for others she writes songs that are more sensitive, soft, and lyrical. For example, “Cinderella” performed by Vadim Kazachenko is becoming well known. In 1996, Markova again composed for the once again revived (again under the production of Viktor Markov) “Alpha”. In 1997, her next album was released. However, then Tatyana disappears from the scene for a long time - in 1997-1998 she was busy building and furnishing her country house. Markova returned only in 1999, preparing to present her new songs. This is again a riotous pop show - without pretensions, with a lot of familiar words about love and lyrical and melodramatic melodies traditional for the genre. However, Markova’s characteristically rough and colorfully expressive vocals make it impossible to confuse them with anyone else. Where is it now? Tatiana Markova you ask? No, nothing happened to her or did not happen, we are just all living people and we have both light and dark streaks in life. Now, as before, she is beautiful and certainly talented, full of vital energy and more than ever capable of a new ascent to the Olympus of show business. All of you have probably already seen her new, as always wonderful video “Runway”, everyone has probably heard about her appearance on the Sound Track in the “Comeback of the Year” nomination, read the editorial article in MK, well, she’s with you again. Now she even has her own website on the Internet (www. tatianamarkova. ru) - we can’t beg for progress. SOUND TRACK Drops of patience by Tatiana Markova

Late at night from Tuesday to Wednesday, a pop diva and sex bomb of the 90s unexpectedly entered the homes of many late-night TV viewers along the “Runway” of her new video. Tatiana Markova. All in black, mysterious and proud, of course, not young, but mature and sexy. It’s as if she never left! She entered not with anyone, but together with the sex symbol of the current moment, the movie hero Alexander Dedyushko. The Internet is already buzzing. Some because of Dedushko, some because of Markova, and some because of both at once. For their Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Rus' found their own Mr. and Mrs. Smith, two, you know, opposite-sex super agents with a complex romantic background in their fate... Why did Madame Markova suddenly alarm the public with her unannounced return? Unlike Carlson, who “flew away but promised to return,” the scandalous pop diva of the 90s Tatiana Markova one fine day about five years ago it simply disappeared. Without any ceremonial shuffling. No long wires. No extra tears. Fuck, and no! And she didn’t promise to return. When people came to their senses and started searching, the main addressee, then known to everyone - the singer’s husband and her producer Viktor Markov - answered the phone briefly and clearly: “The project is closed”... The project? What project?.. Oh, closed? Where is it closed? How is it closed? But instead of explanations, short beeps were heard in response. The earth, as usual, was full of rumors. Some people gossiped that she had become completely bad. Like, the beauty is not young, so she fell apart. Others clarified: they said she had lost her mind - either from stardom, or because of the divorce. For a long time no one knew anything about the divorce, but then it was confirmed. The sweet couple divorced after 24 stormy years of marriage. The former husband and producer, Mr. Markov, was carefully encrypted and made the news public only when he got a new wife. And what about Tatyana?.. * * * And here she sits before the clear eyes of “ZD”, with an unclouded and equally clear gaze, fresh and cheerful, paradoxically combining, as before, a slender figure and splendor of form, cheerful, laughing and a little imposing. Why not lounge around in your cozy little mansion near the Rublevsky tract? The purchaser is terribly happy, because a new life also requires a new home. She moved away from her old life with her previous husband a long time ago, as well as from her old life. Let’s immediately dot the “i’s” a few times. Yes, I got divorced. With this theme - “Love has passed by” - the new album begins, after which “the theme is closed and will not open again.” Because the ocean has already flown under the bridge, and new love with another person has long refreshed life with the charm of mutual feelings. - All these years I have not been hungry at all, and my, so to speak, “return” is not at all connected with mercantile interests. In my “past life” I was a very well-paid singer and managed to manage my earnings wisely. I have my own profitable business, which has nothing to do with music, and in this sense I feel absolutely confident and protected. This time. Secondly, my silence is not at all connected with divorce and other troubles in my personal life. Nobody closed any “projects”. I have never been a “project”. I am a living person and, I dare to hope, talented... You can see how Tanya suffers so as not to sing a couple of enthusiastic praises to herself, her beloved. In order not to make the lady look like an immodest braggart in the eyes of others, I scrape off all the past memories in my memory and begin to list them myself: singer, composer, poetess... And after a slight pause with a little doubt - writer. And what? I remember she once showed fragments of her diaries. Read up! - I almost abandoned the diaries when I gave up on the big stage. But sometimes I re-read... Tatyana rummages through some piles for a long time - she was not prepared, you know, for the meeting: “I haven’t given an interview for 150 years.” He pulls out one of the notebooks, leafs through it, and squints. Here, yeah! “May 9, 2000. I was cut off the air again...” * * * It seems we are getting to the point. - That's why I left. I've had enough. And that incident became one of the last straws in the cup of patience. I had a song “In Memory of Sons,” which was born after a severe shock. I saw a program about Chechnya, how mothers move coffins in Rostov. Not only were their sons killed, but they also had to look through several coffins to see if her son was lying there. Understand? Kirichenko was like that on Channel Six. He filmed it, for which he was later persecuted. And I wrote the song “In Memory of Sons.” There was a concert in the Rossiya hall for veterans. For Victory Day. I came out with this song. She sang about hope, which is so important for any mother whose son is at war. It was very topical back then. Listen: “The mother has grown quite old, her eyes have dimmed, there is a photograph of her son in maternal tears, she sets the table, as always, for three, and a glass of vodka, covered with bread, stands... And the mother stands, not knowing in which region to look for her dear child , her little blood... She doesn’t believe the news that her son died...” And further - the most important thing for which I wrote this song is the hope that every mother lives by: “And one morning, when the whole city was asleep, it seemed to her that someone knocked on the door, she opened the door with a chilling hand. Hello, dear mother, I’m back alive.” The whole hall was crying, behind the scenes they were crying, the presenters were crying, I was crying. The ending was amazing due to the emotional intensity. And now I’m watching the broadcast on May 9. I was cut out. Again... An interesting thing, by the way, is that the television footage of this song was simply destroyed. I tried to find them and couldn’t... Tatyana launches into detailed and long memories of how “they called her everywhere, invited her, insisted on her,” but then from everywhere, except, perhaps, the television versions of “Sound Track,” she was mercilessly cut out with censor’s scissors. They were invited by ministers, police officers, intelligence officers, border guards, oil workers, land reclamation workers, deputies... But the TV bosses and editors cut them out “in collusion,” as Tatyana is absolutely sure, with her eminent and more thieves colleagues on the stage, for whom her popularity and independence “have always been a bone” in the throat". In general, the pop diva and star found herself in a global vicious circle paradox. Out of despair, I even scribbled down a poem: “When the children of their most famous mothers take the place of real artists”... * * * Conspiracy theory never appealed to “Sound Track.” And to spite Tanya, I shook the 1992 “ZD” hit parade in front of her neat little nose, in which her debut song “Remember” was named “Worst Song of the Year” by MK readers. And then - and a newspaper in 1995, where, according to a ZD poll, Ms. Markova was recognized as “The most vulgar star on our stage” after her song “What have I done in my life.” For us, her unbridled rollickingness and colorful stoles, before which the colors of the Sorochinsky fairs faded, were always a thrill. That is why “ZD” gladly welcomed Markova at its gala performances - to the delight of itself and the people. But perhaps, after all, the refined aestheticism of culture-cartoon television editors sincerely did not allow them to overstep their own ideas about beauty? Tatyana Mikhailovna, hearing this assumption, stared at me as if I were looking at a new gate. - When a teddy bear, a symbol of childhood for every person, jerks off, or, to put it mildly, masturbates on all channels, I have a question: is this a culture that can be shown? And Markova, then, is not culture and is not formatted? Then let them explain to me the criteria of this format, the concept of “culture” and the reasons why, for example, they called me vulgar... You laid out these articles for me, where I am the most vulgar, and where I am with my bare tits, and where “AIDS we have from Markova,” and all these years I have been collecting spectators’ notes... And already in front of my nose T.M. waved a fan of pieces of paper. I read: “Dear, charming Tanya! The young team of teachers is delighted with your outfits and asks for patterns for the proms of the 96-97 school year, so as not to lose face in front of the students...” - No, I didn’t kill them with “vulgarity.” I killed them with my creativity. Although Tatyana was a welcome guest at absolutely all professional holidays, from some lumberjack’s day to, say, a driller’s day, “where the president was, I was never allowed to perform.” “We were afraid that when he heard me, he would start taking back everyone’s orders and titles.” Others sang songs, and they were given medals. And they definitely won’t give me the “Silver Galosh” for plagiarism or anything else. You can think, cry, and laugh over my songs. That's why I'm not here. And if I were like many others, the same passer-by, no one would touch me. * * * Here, of course, it’s worth refreshing your memory that artists of the widest spectrum did not shy away from singing Markov’s songs - from Vadim Kazachenko to Joseph Kobzon and Alexander Abdulov. At one time, Sofia Rotaru lavished praise on her “amazing voice and gift as a composer” and asked him to write “a couple of songs” for her. Tanya wrote, but “those who were with Sonya were different composers, then they simply hid her from me…”. I remember that even Kirkorov, who was greedy for picturesque women of the “diva” category, always spoke extremely flatteringly about Markova. - Yes, it was like that. Moreover, we even wrote a song for a duet. “You and I, you and I, like seagulls at the stern, we, like swans, together we will preserve our fidelity...” Hmmm... It was not long before their wedding. Where the hell can we save “loyalty”...* * * In general, Markova, offended and tired of the “persecution,” plunged into “oblivion,” which she whiled away “between Spain and rubles.” But the outback did not forget the artist. And from time to time, at the request of old friends, she appeared either in gas fields or in oil wells. - I rhymed everything that didn’t rhyme - “Tyumentransgaz”, “Gazprom” and so on. Most often out of friendship, but sometimes also for fees. In my story there is a song that I wrote at the request of one person and received 50 thousand dollars for it. And she once went to the Ugra Valley for an amateur art competition - to sit on the jury, where Svyatoslav Belza himself was the chairman. I sat. I was stunned by the Siberian talents: “What voices this amateur performance has! I wish they were here - on the stage. And from here everyone goes, to hell, to the North, to the pipe...” While I was sitting on the jury, they asked me to sing. Sang. - A man stood up in the hall: “Tanya, who did you leave us with? Now we have nothing to listen to, no one.” And everyone claps and encores: “Sing again.” Are you crazy, I say, try twitching here in high heels for two hours. And they: “Take it off.” Hairpins, they say. I took it off. I jumped barefoot for a few more songs, tore my tights... And somehow I began to feel like a hero. Because they haven’t forgotten me, because everyone has the same question: “Well, where? Well, how? When?” I thought and thought, and it dawned on me. It turns out that I disappeared, to the delight of only my competitors and colleagues. And the people are crying. And I thought to myself: “Don’t all of you go to hell!” And if I was once blacklisted and was very worried about this, now I’m sure that it’s enough for me to simply say: “People, I’m with you!” - and I don’t give a damn, don’t let them show you. I don’t need, like some girl from the “Star Factory,” to bomb from scratch. I just need to remind you. That I exist and that I didn’t just go out for a walk, but, as the late Leonid Petrovich Derbenev said (back in “Sharks of the Pen”), “Markova walked and walked and found her niche, which belongs only to her.” He was such a visionary guy... * * * Markova has now created her own website on the Internet, written an entire album and is now thinking about what to do with it. “Runway” with Alexander Dedyushko in the video is, of course, a knight move with lethal force, but just a seed. Five years of leisurely writing “for myself” in the silence of oblivion gave birth to such powerful and rollicking compositions, like “Wounded Bird”, that after listening to them, “ZD”, to tell the truth, is now very worried about the tranquility of a whole galaxy of active pop singers who until they even suspect what a bomb might explode under their noses... - And even if I find myself on the black list again or they call me “unformatted,” no one will forbid me to release an album. “And then we’ll see,” Tatyana threatens. - I will not slap everyone on the cheeks and faces with envy or revenge, but only with creativity


Tatyana Markova's star lit up at the dawn of the 1990s. His bright appearance, evocative outfits for those years and the unique timbre of his voice could not leave listeners indifferent. “The White Dress”, “Remember”, “What have I done in my life”, “Someone else’s wife” and many other hits were heard at every disco in our country. Years passed, and suddenly Tatyana disappeared from the sight of fans. For a long time nothing was heard about her, but relatively recently, unexpectedly for many, Markova resumed her concert activities. We contacted the artist and found out what made her leave the stage and then return, and how her life developed all this time.

The generation of the nineties remembers all the hits of Tatyana Markova - this is “I Hate, Loving”, and “Remember” and, of course, “The White Dress”. Whatever the song, it is a story from life, painfully familiar to many women. Tatyana put her own feelings and emotions into her texts, and this could not fail to resonate with her listeners.

25 years ago, Markova’s concerts were sold out to full houses, and the audience gave her a standing ovation for a long time.

The singer always repeated that she sincerely loves her job. The more incomprehensible for many was her sudden disappearance from all radars. Markova not only stopped performing, but also stopped contacting the press and her fans. Later it turned out that something terrible had happened in her life: her son Alexander died of cancer. It took years to cope with the loss, find the strength to live, and then return to the stage.

website: Tatyana, in the 1990s you were a popular singer. Was it difficult for you to take your first steps on the stage?
In reality, everything happened very banally - I came to Moscow to join the Six Young People VIA and at that time had no idea what show business was.

Life is structured in such a way that you don’t always have the strength to overcome these difficulties. It was the same with me - not all peaks were climbed at once. But my music, songs - everything that lives in me helped me to survive and continue to do what I love.

website: There have been events in your life that would have broken many. So, there was a period associated with a serious illness. What helped you get back on your feet and continue making music?

T.M.: At that time I was already married to Viktor Markov (part-time producer of Tatiana, - website note).

“In 1985, doctors gave me a diagnosis that I could only survive by giving birth to a child. Thanks to my husband and, probably, God, everything worked out for us - I’m alive and I have a beautiful daughter Lera.”

As one of my lyrics says: “But my best song has not yet been sung.” Probably, then I still didn’t finish singing or writing something.

website: Your husband Viktor Markov was your support and support. What is your relationship like today?(Tatiana and Victor are divorced - website note)?

T.M.: Nowadays it is impossible to hide from people or impose your lies on someone. Nowadays it is very difficult to hide something - everyone knows everything thanks to the Internet, not to mention newspapers and magazines. I’ll say right away that Markov was noticed at the first concert of my new tour. Someone posted his photo on the Internet and wrote: “Victor is on a string again, he and Tatyana are together again!”

T.M.: Yes, Victor was there, he sat with the sound engineer and, as usual, suggested and helped. Markov and I have been together since 1980; there have been different periods in our lives - we separated and divorced. But today we have an excellent relationship - I still cook Markov’s favorite borscht and make various delicacies. He constantly comes to me with his containers and declares: “I want soup!” And I openly tell everyone: “As long as I can cook soup with cutlets for Victor, I will do that!” He doesn’t recognize others.” In addition, this year we had a granddaughter.

T.M.: We had some tough moments. But now there is something valuable and dear that we created together - our family, children and grandchildren. Victor, as a producer, put so much effort and time into the project called “Tatyana Markova”... To cross out all this would be deadly for both of us.

“Is it possible to erase the most precious thing you have from your life? Once again, today Victor and I have an excellent relationship. And I’ll tell you a secret that I constantly tell him: “Vityenka, my dear, if you still have eyes for young girls, please! I’ll still cook you borscht!”

I have never hidden the fact that I love doing housework. I am a Soviet woman who, when returning from a tour, relaxes in the kitchen. A common picture in my home is that I haven’t had time to unpack my suitcase, but I’m already telling my housekeeper: “I’m off!” And she already knows and asks in response: “Relax by the stove?” I really love to cook, and all my loved ones know about it. That's why Victor comes to me with his saucepans - in all the years he hasn't found a better cook.

website: Today do you have a more conscious and mature relationship with Viktor Markov?

T.M.: Yes, Victor is a dear person to me. I know for sure that if I need any help, he will rush right away. For example, I’m going on tour soon, but I have a small Chihuahua dog, Chloe, who needs to be looked after. Who do you think will take it from me? Of course, Markov! I prepare containers with turkey, rice, zucchini for Chloe, tell Vita how to feed her, and I don’t have to worry.

website: But still, what caused the separation? Is it really the death of a son?

T.M.: I don’t think that it was the death of my son that influenced our separation. This event probably left its mark, or at least shook everything that had been built for so long.

“Because of the loss of my son, I left the stage. This is the most painful topic for me, which I would not like to delve into. Sasha would have been 36 years old this year..."

Fortunately, today I have a beautiful daughter and granddaughter. I've always been called a crazy mother. I was a mother hen for my children. I think that now I am no less a crazy grandmother - I buy all the most beautiful things that I see for my granddaughter.

website: Relatively recently you resumed concert activities. And the first city where your concert took place was your native Volgograd. Why him?

T.M.: I was very offended by Moscow - it gave me a lot, but I had to pay dearly for it. I was leaving for my beloved Volgograd and thought that I would live on the banks of the Volga, take care of my garden, grow beautiful and tasty tomatoes and not think about anything.

Then I started going on social networks and seeing what was going on in communities dedicated to my work. I even called one of the administrators of such a group. And he told me: “Tatyana Mikhailovna, I have loved you for 20 years!” I tell him: “How old are you, son?” It turned out there were only 27! (Laughs.)

And most importantly, I was haunted by the written works, of which there are still many... That’s how it all began. In 2014, the concert in Volgograd was a great success. But from that moment everything somehow calmed down, and in 2016 I returned to Moscow.

T.M.: I realized that I need to do everything in Moscow, and not in Volgograd. It is very inconvenient to constantly travel between the capital, the recording studio and the dacha. Moreover, all my musicians are in Moscow. Not long ago I played nine concerts and will soon be going on tour again.

website: Are you satisfied with what is happening in your life now?

T.M.: I’m glad that I can offer people my creativity, and what lives in me is born in songs. I am happy when I see happiness and joy in people's eyes. Seeing that they like my performances and ask me to come again is the most important thing for me.

“I don’t impose myself on anyone, and this is very important for an artist.”

website: Don't you miss the old days?

T.M.: If I weren’t bored, I would be sitting at home. It seems to me that an artist is a child who wants to bask in the glory and see a response to his work, and the response should, of course, be positive.

If we talk about the 1990s, then it was much easier for artists. Especially in financial terms - they sent you a bag of money from somewhere in the north for 10-20 concerts at once, and you went on tour. This is 100% prepayment! (Laughs.) Today, I still have to remind people about myself - many years have been lost. But the happiness is that the fans ask not to leave them anymore, and I promised that I would be there.

Tatyana Markova (singer)

Tatyana Mikhailovna Markova. Born on June 8, 1953 in Stalingrad (now Volgograd). Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, poetess.

From an early age she studied music and vocals. Her childhood idol was Ella Fitzgerald.

From the age of 15 she sang on stage, starting on dance floors in her hometown.

Graduated from the Volgograd College of Arts in vocal class.

At the age of 18 she began performing on the professional stage. Since 1974 - soloist of the Astrakhan Philharmonic. Later she performed with the Volgograd VIA “Veter”.

In the 1980s, she was invited to Moscow as a soloist of the VIA “Six Young People”.

As Tatyana admitted, her first steps on the big stage in the capital were not easy for her: “In reality, everything happened very banally - I came to Moscow to join the Six Young People VIA and at that time had no idea what show business was. "It seemed that if you were a vocal and talented person, then the road to the stage was already open. But this is not so - the more the artist is, the more obstacles he needs to overcome."

However, thanks to her talent and hard work, as well as the support of her husband, who was her producer, Tatyana Markova managed to break into the major league of domestic show business.

Since 1987, she lived in Moscow, worked at Rosconcert, and performed with the rock group Alfa. While working in this group, she began to write her own songs: “If you love, you don’t,” “Hello, girl-night,” “Wine of Love” and others.

In 1990, the singer and the group “Alfa” with the song “Hello, Night Girl” became laureates of the International Festival in Sopot, Poland. Then they took part in the final television competition “Song of the Year”, where they performed the song “Hello” (T. Markova - A. Lukyanov).

In 1991, she released her own magnetic album “It’s So Simple.” Later, the Melodiya recording company recorded this album of the singer on a giant disc, which sold more than 1.5 million copies. The song “Remember” from this album became the calling card of the young singer at that time.

The singer often appeared on television in the programs “Morning Mail”, “Morning Star”, “Song of the Year”, “Muzoboz”. In addition, she was a participant in many radio programs.

Her tours were successful in the CIS countries and abroad, in particular in the USA.

His bright appearance, evocative outfits for those years and the unique timbre of his voice could not leave listeners indifferent. Her songs “White Dress”, “Remember”, “What have I done in my life”, “Someone else’s wife” and many others became hits and were heard on all dance floors of the country, and were rotated on TV and radio.

The singer, however, was often reproached for vulgarity for her looseness on stage and revealing outfits. She herself later explained: “I used to have the image of a kind of crazy woman with disheveled hair and curvaceous figures. But this image was more of a stage image than an everyday one.”

Tatyana Markova - Someone else's wife

Video clips “Remember”, “I Hate Loving”, “I’m Crying”, “Cold Eyes” were shot for Tatiana Markova’s songs.

In 1997, she presented the album “Completely Different”. Then, after a three-year break, her disc “Love Story” was released.

Since 2000, she has practically disappeared from the screens. Although she continued to work. She said: “I rhymed everything that didn’t rhyme - “Tyumentransgaz”, “Gazprom” and so on. More often out of friendship, but sometimes also for fees. In my story there is a song that I wrote at the request of one person and received 50 thousand dollars for it."

As Tatyana Markova explained, from the beginning of the 2000s they began to block her access to the airwaves.

During the period of oblivion, she was engaged in business: “In a “past life” I was a very well-paid singer and managed to manage my earnings wisely. I have my own profitable business, which has nothing to do with music, and in this sense I feel absolutely confident and protected.”

In 2014, after a long break, she gave a concert in her native Volgograd, which was a great success.

Since 2016, the singer has settled in Moscow again. In November 2017, it became known that he was resuming touring activities.

Tatiana Markova

Tatiana Markova's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Tatyana Markova:

Since 1980, she has been married to Viktor Aleksandrovich Markov, a professional musician, producer of the Alpha group, and then Tatyana Markova.

In 1981, the couple had a son, Alexander, and in 1985, a daughter, Valeria. According to the singer, she gave birth to her second child according to doctors’ orders: “In 1985, doctors gave me a diagnosis in which I could only survive by giving birth to a child. Thanks to my husband and, probably, God, everything worked out for us - I’m alive, and I have a beautiful daughter Lera."

My husband and I divorced in 2005, when Victor had another woman. True, they later managed to restore the relationship and remained friends; they still communicate.

Daughter Valeria gave the singer a granddaughter in 2017.

Son Alexander died of lymph node cancer in 2012 at the age of 31. For the singer it was a terrible blow and she could not come to her senses for a long time.

She recalled: “We found out that Sasha was sick and had a few days to live when we were going with my husband to the registry office for our daughter’s wedding. We had no right to overshadow Lera’s such a holiday. It was very hard for me. I couldn’t even think about it "I withdrew into myself, closed myself off and didn’t want anything. And I certainly didn’t think about returning to the stage, although Sasha really wanted it."

Her daughter Valeria helped Tatyana survive her grief; she said about her: “Lera is extraordinary and talented. She is my salvation.”

Discography of Tatyana Markova:

1991 - It’s so simple (magnetic album)
1994 - What have I done in my life
1994 - I hate loving
1994 - Best Songs
1996 - Mistress
1996 - Got sick with you
1997 - I'm crying
1997 - Completely different
2000 - Love Story

Video clips of Tatyana Markova:

1992 - “Remember”
1993 - “I Hate, I Love”
1996 - “I’m crying”
1997 - “Cold Eyes”
2000 - “White Rose”
2001 - “Birthday”

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