Individual route of work with preschooler OBS. Building an individual educational trajectory of a child with ABS. Individual educational route

Concrete 27.07.2020

Publication date: 05/19/17

Report of the instructor on physical culture N.V. Vereshchagino

"Exemplary individual educational route for the development of a child with APV in OO" Physical Development ""

Dear colleagues, I would like to present you an approximate individual educational route (s) of the development of a child with ABS in OO "Physical Development".

Considering the fact that the basic general educational program of the preschool organization (OOP BD) is focused on the middle pupil, it is possible that weaker may not well assimilate it well, and the most capable of losing motivation for training, the Federal State Standard of Pre-school Education (GEF BE) determines the planning of an individual educational The route (s) of the preschooler as a new approach to pre-school education.

And it is being developed:

- For children who have not learned the main educational program of pre-school education

- for children with disabilities

- for children with high levels of physical development

Drawing up and implies effective application All pedagogical resources to achieve the maximum result in the upbringing and development of the preschooler.

purposedevelopment and implementation in the training program of the educational route is the formation of factors in kindergarten, which will be aimed at positive socialization and socio-personal development of children with ABS.

Procedure for developing an individual route of OO "Physical Development"

After monitoring the quality of the development of the OOP to the results are discussed at the Pedagogical Council. Pedagogical Council recommends children who showed a low (high) result of the assimilation of the OOP to educational region "Physical Development" recommends considering the psychological - medical pedagogical commission, which forms a list of children who need an individual educational trajectory.

In terms of physical development, the instructor in conjunction with medical workers, educators, other DO specialists, parents (legal representatives), is developing (meaningful component), then a developed method for its implementation (organization of organization is recorded in the calendar plan educational process).

Structure IOM

The structure of the educational route should include such components as:

- the target, which implies the formulation of specific goals complying with the new standards;

- technological, determining the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques;

- diagnostic, determining the complex of diagnostic tools;

- organizational - pedagogical, defining conditions and ways to achieve their goals;

- Extensive, containing finite results of the child's development at the time of the transition to school training.

- Introduction, where the reason for the preparation of an individual educational route of the child, general information about the child at the time of development by I, the goal, the task, the number of classes, and the form of it is also.

- Diagnostic data on a child. Diagnosis of the child's development is the basis of building it. Along with the diagnosis in the implementation process, monitoring is carried out in working with preschoolers - this is control with periodic tracking of the child's development level with mandatory feedback. Monitoring makes it not easy to register the state of the development of the child in this momentbut also gives materials for comparison, analysis and correction of disorders and deviations in development. The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is a generalization and analysis of information on the state of general development for the implementation of the assessment, planning a correctional - developing process (development of IOM) and forecasting the final result.

- Health route The child includes individual motor regime, hardening procedures, physical exertion and medical and preventive measures for a child.

- Child employment gridwhich indicates the sequence of the child's introduction into the overall activity with all children;

- A dynamic observation sheet is underway where all changes are made.. The purpose of such an observation is the correction of the components of the educational process, the choice of optimal forms of its organization. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe desired result in the form of specific effectiveness criteria, depending on the results of the interim survey, it is possible to make changes in the same time in a timely manner, for better implementation of the educational process and its effectiveness for a child with limited health opportunities.

- Ways to assess the success of the pupil - It is recommended to assess the success of the route development every three months or after the end of the educational unit or stage.

Effective implementation will provide positive dynamics in the personal development of the child. Undoubtedly, such work will require a teacher of professional competence and interest in the process and result of its work.

Form for registration of a preschooler OO "Physical Development"

Individual educational route

Full name __________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth_____________________________________________________________________________________________

The date started ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Reason for registration: _________________________________________________________________________________


Age at the beginning of correctional development work: ___________________________________________________________

Objective: Opening of new prospects in the assimilation of OPP DOU in the educational field "Physical Development"

Tasks: to identify the special educational needs of the child; carry out individual pedagogical assistance to a child; assist in adaptation to the team of children; contribute to the assimilation of the educational program of pre-school education; develop in the child awareness of their capabilities; provide positive shifts in the physical development of the child, to stimulate the disclosure of individual capabilities; to provide methodological assistance to parents of children who have / limited health / talented children in the field of "physical development" /; Involving parents in the educational process _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of classes per week: _________________________________________________________________________________

Form of carrying out: organized educational activities, individual classes, game activities, joint activities of DoO teachers, parents, children; Independent motor activities, conversations, presentations, health portfolio


Expected Result:________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Form of working with parents: consultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience ._________________________________


Diagnosis of child development

The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is a generalization and analysis of information on the state of general and physical development for the assessment, planning of the correctional and developing process (development of IOM) and forecasting the final result.

Physical development

Evaluation of psycho-physical qualities: speed of movements, strength, endurance, dexterity, flexibility


Somatic development

Speech development


Features of the development of cognitive processes








Appendix 2.

Calendar Planning Individual Route

Topic of classes, number of hours

Instructor activity (technologies used, form and methods)

Actress of the teacher

Ability to work with other experts

Directions of working with parents

Approximate Individual Route Development of the Child with ABS Educational Region "Physical Development"

Child name _________________________

Date of Birth ________________________

The date started _____________________

Age at the beginning of ________________

Disease: Astigmatism, MacroSomatik

Astigmatism - impact of view associated with impaired form of lens, cornea or eyes, as a result of which a person loses the ability to clearly vision

MacroSomatik (somatic type related to large build) is such a type of body constitution, which is characterized by a broad bone structure and large reserves of subcutaneous fat.

Development Level: Does not correspond to age

Problem: Low motor activity, reluctantly takes part in n / and - no dynamics.

Development of physical qualities

Mastering OWD

Individual work instructor, educators

Work with family

A noticeable backlog in the OPC indicators is agility, speed, stamina. It does not know how to change the directions of movement on the signal, not hardy, quickly tired, not agreed by the movements of the hands and legs during walking and running

The slowdation of the process of mastering and execution of the ATS (lags behind the total rate of exercise, a separate display of exercises, movements), a violation of common motor skills, equilibrium function is necessary. Put the dynamics traced In lengths in length (push, landing), catches the ball, without pressing the chest. Makes errors in the main elements of the physical superpower. - Lazain on GIm. wall (afraid) jumping with Promotion

Fastening the ability to walk and run, coordinating the movements of the hands and legs, jump, moving forward backwards with two legs at the same time, landing gently on semi-bent legs. Develop dexterity change the direction by signal, climb on GIm. Stairs in a convenient way). The development of the chamorette - the ability to throw a bag in the horiz. target. Create motivation To engage in a moving game, game exercises.

Do not miss classes. Stimulating the motor activity of a child with joint rolling games, long walks in the park or forest; Purchase of a child of sports equipment (ball, rope). Attract to joint classes, entertainment.

Municipal budget special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) secondary schoolVIII. kind

Individual educational route pupil

    F. I. O. Child …………………..

    Date of Birth……………….. . Class 6 program VIII. View

    The organization of correctional and developing work carried out earlier: it is trained in this school from the second half of grade 5 (second year).

    Features of physical development it has the status of a "child-disabled" until July 2020, consists of "D" accounting at the oculist (CX. Agreement), has a preparatory group of health in physical education.

    Features mental Development

    Cognitive sphere: does not absorb software material in mathematics and labor learning. Geometric material does not absorb. He experiences difficulties when learning new exercises, poorly oriented in space. The objects of the humanitarian cycle girl leales better: reads correctly, consciously, whole words. He comes well by heart poems. Self-adjusting low. Workability and fatigue average.

    The emotional-volitional sphere: not conflict, listens to the opinion of the teacher, not Plaxiv, can laugh at the minimum occasion and without reason. Could not configure yourself to the lesson. The instructions and instructions for action from the teacher performs.

    Behavioral sphere: very low social orientation. The girl forgets where and that it is located from things.It cannot independently follow your appearance, put the hairstyle, to observe personal hygiene of the girl. The girl obsessed the habit of "from the nose - in the mouth," and the girl is not shy. Actively participates in contests.

    Initiator of an individual educational route:

Administration of the educational institution (rationale - IPR).

    Objective, tasks: social adaptation of a child with APV in society.

* Formation of ZUN on subjects, taking into account the capabilities of the child;

* PVF correction: Development of visual-figurative thinking and speech, formation of visual and auditory perception, training of memory processes.

* Adjustment of the Program in PTO - Psychological Correction of Motivation for Labor.

    Timing 2014 -2015 academic year.

    Forms of interaction with parents:

    Individual conversations and advice:On the need for training on an individual program in mathematics and PTO; On the need for the formation of social domestic skills in the family and on the peculiarities of the education of a disabled person.

    Open classes;

    Joint classes of parents and child:Doing homework. Fastening the knowledge gained in the lessons in the home atmosphere.

    Laboratory work with parents;

    Thematic parent meetings:"Parents about the punishment of children"


    Other ___________________________________________________

    Parent work forms with a child

p / P.



Orientation in the courtyard at home

2014-2015 academic year

Formation of hygienic skills and skills

2014-2015 academic year

Development of the ability to take yourself in the absence of adults

at home

2014-2015 academic year

Skill shopping in the store

2014-2015 academic year

    Circle of specialists



Terms / Result

Pedagogue - psychologist

Teacher speech therapist

Correction Correction Correction

letters and reading by:

Development of phonderatic processes;

Development of language analysis and synthesis skills;

Clarifications and expansion of the lexical dictionary;

Development of the grammatical system of speech;

Development of connected speech, communicative communication skills;

Development of motor functions.

2014-2015 academic year

From September 2014. years in May



classes 2 times

in Week:

wednesday Friday.








Individually - Correction Classes

development of PVF.

Correction of cognitive activity.

2014-2015 academic year

The individual form of work gave positive results. Replenishing gaps in Zun - in mathematics has a positive result. He learned how to solve the movement challenges, mastered table multiplication and division.

PTO teacher ("Sewing case")

Development of indicative and planning activities;

Development of shallow motility, coordination of movements;

The formation of emotional-volitional qualities and positive motivation to work.

Ability to transfer work techniques to new working conditions.

2014-2015 academic year

He coped with the program material for grade 5, liquidation is eliminated for the 5th grade to evaluate "satisfactory". Independent I. practical work Performed on "3". Equal positive dynamics in all indicators and criteria for correctional and developing activities.

Indicative and planning activities at the average level;

Small motor skills and coordination of movements at the middle level;

Ability to transfer work techniques to new working conditions low

Mathematic teacher

Development of training skills; - the formation of elementary mathematical representations, reading skills, taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of the studying; - clarification and enrichmentsubmissions about themselves and the surrounding world; - development of spatio-temporal representations; - raising the level of general and speech development;- formation of moral qualities; - Life guardianship.

Positive dynamics. FROM control work For grade 5 coped to "4" and "3". With control papers for grade 6 coped to "3".

Pedagogue optional


Elementary skills to work on the PC.


Knowledge of the necessary traffic rules

"Road ABC"

Development of shallow motility hands ("Creativity")

2014-2015 academic year

Positive Dynamics when using PC

Test results on traffic rules: "Middle Level".

Positive dynamics

Social teacher

Formation of culture of behavior in society

Positive dynamics

    Rating results: "Sewing case": minor positive dynamics.

    For parents: tolerant attitude towards the child and the creation of a positive psychological microclimate in the family.

    For teachers ______________________________________________________

    For narrow specialists: Teacher-speech therapist - continue the work on the correction of letters and reading violations.

Deputy. Director. URS:

PTO teacher:

Mathematic teacher:

Teacher - Defectologist:

Teacher speech therapist:

Julia Znamenchikov
Individual educational route of a child with OVD

General about kid

Elizabeth V.

Elizabeth visits a boarding school with violation of vision since 2015. At the conclusion of an ophthalmologist's doctor in a girl, the long-halleeness of a weak degree of both eyes, paresis of the disgusting muscles of both eyes, clouding a lens; visual acuity in glasses OD - 0.7; OS - 0.7; Under the conclusion of the doctor of the otolaryngologist, Liza adenoids of the II degree, hypertrophy of small almonds, the girl is glowing, often sicks with colds, badly hears; When walking Lisa, it is bubbling and screams with his feet, the girl is broken by posture. CPR. Health Group III.

Lisa is brought up in an incomplete family.

Lisa does not perceive and evaluate the moving items, it is difficult to perceive the form, the size of the subject and space. In this regard, it is experiencing difficulties with orientation in space; A dynamic perception is difficult for the child, visually - spatial synthesis is also difficult, she has no clear vision of objects. Lisa often complains about headaches and on unpleasant feelings in the eyes. The girl has a poorly developed phondematic hearing, it breathes his mouth, while running and jumping Lisa is difficult to breathe. Not enough developed memory: Hearing and visual.

Elizabeth independently, diligent, friendly, sociable, but children are not very willing to play with her. Lisa is more sociable with adults, with them it easily comes to contact, loves to share his thoughts and experiences. Lisa likes physical education, however, it is hardly given exercises for throwing, flexibility, equilibrium, which confirm the monitoring data. Indicators of physical development are low. Girl with pleasure plays the moving games, willingly and diligently practicing individually. Lisa Amphaw and executive, can play for a long time independently without interfering with others. It tries to hear and fulfill the instructions of adults, but it does not always be done to do it well and gently. Lisa is difficult to show creativity, bring something to own, acting, most often sample.

Lisa has a well-established self-service skills, it quickly dresses and undresses, neatly eats. It is much experienced failures, crying, but it does not require increased attention. Baby is kind, helpful, polite. Lisa hears badly, so the instructions and requests must be repeated repeated. The school program is given to her with difficulty.

With Liza regularly in individual Specialists are engaged in shape schools: Psychologist, teacher - speech therapist, physical culture instructor, nurse.

Based on the above, it should be noted that it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the correction of secondary violations, taking into account the primary disorders and individual features of this child.

Individual educational route of a child with OVD Elizabeth to

For the period from September 2016. by May 2017

Date of completion:. 2016 ___

1. General data

FULL NAME. child Elizabeth B..

Date of receipt in the institution 2016

Family Information: from an incomplete family, mother and father divorced. Family low-income

Mother (FULL NAME, education Mum….

Father (FULL NAME, education, place of work, add. intelligence) Dad…

House. address:


Educators (FULL NAME):


Teacher speech therapist:


Psychologist teacher:

Music leader:

Physical instructor. Education:

Senior medical sister:

Health Group III

Group of physical training - LFK

The mode of stay of the child in the Dow full day is a five-day week.

The PMPC conclusion needs to create conditions for obtaining education, correction of violations, development and social adaptation based on special pedagogical approaches.

Educational program: Adapted basic education Program for children with violation of pre-school age. Development individual educational route.

Conclusion honey. Commission:

Ophthalmologist doctor:


Surgeon orthopedic:

Neuropathologist: -Dalnosis of the weak degree of both eyes, paresis of the abandoned muscles of both eyes, clouding lens; visual acuity in glasses OD - 0.7; OS - 0.7;

Adenoids of the II degree, hypertrophy of small almonds, girl gnusavit, often sick with colds, badly hears

Compliance with the mode of visual loads

Performing measures for the removal of general and visual fatigue

- landing in classes: I series 1 party in the center (closer to the material demonstrated)

Carry out propaedeutics of the main types of movements

Use exercises from horizontal position

Contraindications: - Invalid work indoor with low illumination

Cannot work on too close

Invalid work pose, requiring a long stay in a bent position with a head slope down

Contraindicated sharp turns / head tilting, body

Lifting weights, concussion

Running at speed, competitive run, acceleration

Long jumps, height, with landing on the entire foot

Back - Mostik

Long raising legs in the lying position

Loading forward / back - Rack on the blades "Birch"

Current period (academic year) Turning on child-Invidad in a functioning group of peers, to prepare successful school training

purpose: Different development of children, taking into account their age and individual features of educational areas: Socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development and physical development.


Socio-communicative development

The assimilation of moral and moral norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society;

Development of communication and interaction child with adults and peers;

The establishment of independence, focus and self-regulation of their own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness;

Formation of a valid attitude and feelings of belonging to their family and to the community of children and adults in kindergarten;

Formation of positive plants for various types of labor and creativity;

Formation of subjectual practical actions;

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

Cognitive development

Development of the interests of children, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

The formation of methods of sensual knowledge through vision and preserved analyzers;

Development imagination and creative activity;

The formation of primary ideas about themselves, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of the objects of the surrounding world, about the small homeland and the fatherland, about the sociocultural values \u200b\u200bof our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as common House people, about the peculiarities of her nature, diversity countries and peoples of the world.

Speech development

Mastering the speech as a means of communication and culture;

Enrichment of the active dictionary;

The development of a connected, grammatically correct dialogic and monoological speech;

Development of speech creativity;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonderatic hearing;

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, an understanding of the hearing of various genres of children's literature;

Formation of sound analytical synthetic activity as a literacy training background.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The development of prerequisites for the intellectual perception and understanding of the works of art and the world of nature;

The formation of real images objects of the surrounding world and mastering sensory standards;

The formation of aesthetic attitude towards the world around;

Formation of elementary ideas about art types;

Perception of music, fiction, folklore;

Stimulation of empathy of artistic works characteristics;

Implementation of independent creative activities of children.

Physical development

Acquisition of material experience, including related to the performance of exercises aimed at the development of coordination, flexibility, equilibrium, large and small motility of both hands, contributing to the correct formation of the organism musculoskeletal system;

Formation of initial ideas about some sports;

The formation of the need for motor activity and physical improvement, as well as overcoming the shortcomings arising against the background of visual pathology (stiffness, fear of space);

Mastering rolling games with rules;

The formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere;

The formation of values \u200b\u200bis healthy lifestyle, Mastering it with elementary norms and rules.


Visuality, taking into account ophthalmologic requirements for the design of didactic material




Work forms:

Morning gymnastics;

Individual and subgroup work;

Sports holidays, entertainment.

Independent activities child.

These goals and tasks are implemented in diverse Types of childhood activities: game, communicative, labor, educational, research, productive, musical, motor and reading.

Exemplary individually-oriented educational route, developed by DOW specialists for a child with ONR (III level of speech development, senior group, 1 year of study). Reflects the specifics and content of the complex work of specialists to Dow.



Individual educational route of a child with OVD

for 2017-2018 academic year

F.I. Child: __________________________

Date of Birth: ___________

Age at the time of the program:_________

Group : GBOU School ____, Corpus "_____", Group _______

Basins: cONCLUSION OF TSPPK Moscow № ________ from ________

An individual educational route in accordance with the GEF of the pre-school education, in accordance with paragraph 6 of the article 6 of the Federal Law No. 273 - FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013. No. 19, Art. 2326, No. 30, Art. 4036, subparagraph 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013. No. 446 (collections of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, № 23, ST 2923; No. 33, Article 4386; No. 37, Article 4702), paragraph 7 of the rules of development, approval of federal state educational standards and the introduction of changes approved in the Government Decree of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art.4377)

In and take into account:

  1. the individual needs of the child associated with its life situation and the state of health defining special educational needs;
  2. Collaboration of the organization with family;

The goal is:

  1. Ensuring a system of means and conditions for eliminating speech deficiencies in children with TNR (with severe violations of speech) and the implementation of timely and full-fledged personal development, ensuring emotional well-being through the integration of the content and organization of the interaction of the subjects of the educational process. Prevention of possible difficulties in the assimilation of the Mass School program, due to the underdevelopment of the speech system of senior preschoolers.
  2. Ensuring the psychological - pedagogical support of the family and improving the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development, education, education, protection and strengthening of the child's health

The main tasks of corrective learning

1. Establishment of sound-proof defects (upbringing articulation skills, sound-proof, syllated structure) and the development of phonderatic hearing (the ability to carry out operations of distinction and recognition by phonemes that make up the sound shell of the word).

2. Development of sound analysis skills (special mental actions on differentiation of the background and establishing the sound structure of the word)

3. Even in the expansion and enrichment of the lexical stock of senior preschoolers with TNR.

4. Formation of the grammatical system of speech.

5. Development of the connected speech of senior preschoolers.

6. Development of communicativeness, success in communication.

The term of implementing IOM - 1 year.

Schedule visiting kindergarten Child:The child visits the general educational senior group No. 11. Monday - Friday - 7.00 - 19.00 with the organization of food.

The program sets targets and the main content of the preschool level of education, providing a versatile and holistic formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child. It presents the basic principles of organizing the life and activities of children in a preschool organization, the content of the educational process, development indicators and the basic characteristics of the child's identity, the necessary conditions for the implementation of the program.

Distribution of teachers and specialists

During the implementation of the individual educational route of the child


Educators Group

Implement Approximate general array, basis of the child development of a preschooler"ORTOKI". - T.I.Aliyev, T.V.Antonov, E.P.Aarnautov in the following educational areas:

Socio-communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Artistic design

Designing from paper

Fiction and folklore


Plans to work with children with disabilities:

  • Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and common motility.
  • Fixing the pronunciation of the spent sounds.
  • Enrichment, clarification and activation of spent vocabulary in accordance with the lexical topics of the program.
  • Exercise in the correct use of formed grammatical categories.
  • Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games and exercises on a dark-free speech material.
  • Formation of connected speech.
  • Fixing the emerging sound-sound analysis and synthesis skills (fixing reading and writing skills).

Teacher speech therapist

Diagnostic work includes:

Timely detection of children with OVD;

A comprehensive collection of information about the child on the basis of diagnostic information from specialists of various profiles;

Determining the level of the current and zone of the nearest development of the pupil with ONR, identifying its reserve capabilities;

Study of the development of the emotionally volitional sphere and personal characteristics of pupils;

Study of the social situation of development and conditions of family education of children with ABS;

Study of adaptive opportunities and the level of socialization of the child with OVD;

Systemic versatile control of specialists in the level and dynamics of the child's development;

Analysis of the success of correctional work.

Correctional work includes:

- choosing optimal for the development of a child with Correction programs / techniques and learning techniques in accordance with its special needs;

The organization and conduct of individual and group correctional and educational activities necessary to overcome development violations and learning difficulties;

Correction and development of higher mental functions;

The development of the emotional - volitional sphere and personal spheres of the child and the psychocorrection of his behavior;

Social protection of a child in cases of unfavorable living conditions in psychotrauming circumstances.

Advisory work includes:

- developing jointly based recommendations on the main directions of working with children with ONR; uniform for all participants in the educational process;

Consulting specialists in teachers to choose individual-oriented methods and techniques to work with pupils with ONR;

Consultative assistance in the family in the selection of a strategy of education and the techniques of corrective training of a child with ONR.

Information - educational work provides:

- various forms of educational activities (lectures, individual conversations, counseling, surveying, individual workshops, information stands, printed materials, media, presentations, open events). Aimed at clarifying the participants of the educational process - children with ONR, their parents (legal representatives), pedagogical workers, - issues related to the peculiarities of the educational process and maintenance.

Direction of work:

Development of an understanding of reversed speech and the formation of communicative language functions

Formation of productive interaction with adults.

Stimulating speech activity.

Formation of verbal and non-verbal ways to communicate.

correction of speech disorders in combination with stimulationdevelopment of all of its parties (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics), sensory and mental functions;

normalization of a promotional speech system;

formation of articulation Praxis at the stage of setting, automation and differentiation of speech sounds;

development of phonderatic perception and sound analysis;

the development of the functionality of the brushes and fingers of the hands;

normalization of lexico-grammatical skills;

Satisfying the need for communicating with others;

Development of cognitive activity.

Psychologist teacher

  • organizes the interaction of teachers;
  • provides methodological assistance to educators in the development of correctional programs for individual development of the child;
  • conducts psychoprophylactic and psychodiagnostic work with children;
  • organizes special correctional work with children belonging to the risk group;
  • increases the level of psychological competence of the pedagogues of the kindergarten;
  • consistent with parents.

Areas of work

Diagnostic work:

Diagnosis of the level of psychophysical development and individual characteristics of the child (examination of the affective-emotional and socio-personal sphere, the formation of communicative and gaming skills, the level of cognitive activity and motor development);

Repeated child surveys during the year (January, May);

Correction of an individual work program with a child according to the results of diagnostic surveys.

Correctional work:

Conducting correctional and educational gaming activities (subgroups, group and individual);

Solving the problems of interaction in the Diade parent-child, parent training with effective interaction techniques with the child.

Advisory work:

Conducting individual consultations with parents on the development and education of the child; optimization of interaction with the child in the family, a child with other children and adults; Educational Environment Organization for a child at home;

Consulting at the request of parents, incl. on personal psychological difficulties of parents;

Ensuring the participation of the parent in group consultations, workshops, training seminars.

Psycho philactic work:

Assisting a child and family during the adaptation period to the conditions of stay in kindergarten;

Study of medical records for the child;

Creating an adequate presentation of parents about the diagnosis, child's capabilities and possible ways to correct disorders;

Music leader

In the classes, traditional tasks are implemented mainly. The child learns to listen to music, perform musical and rhythmic movements, sing, learns musical and didactic games and playing musical instruments.

The educational content is adapted on the basis of diagnostic data and is enriched with correctional and developing tasks aimed at the development of hearing perception, orientation in space, feelings of rhythm, motor quality (smooth movements, their coordination, etc.)

Forms of organization of correctional - developing activities:

  • diagnostics of the actual level of child development;
  • education and development of the child under preschool education programs:
  • Conducting educational activities on individual classes;
  • Conducting educational activities in small subgroups;
  • consulting parents;

Swimming instructor

The formation and development of a full physical, including motor, development, as well as targeted wellness and formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Plans to work with children with disabilities. Makes children's improvement plans, monitoring plans to strengthen and protect the health of children.

Organizes the improvement and hardening of children, trains swimming.

Develops musculina, cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Forms and maintains the correct posture.

Develops physical qualities

Relieve a sense of confidence.

Advises teachers and families of pupils on working with children with disabilities

Tutor in physical education

I. Working with children

II. Interaction with Dow Teachers

III. Interaction with parents

IV. Interaction with society

V. Creating an object and development environment

Within each of the directions, a variety of work forms are used.

The main task of the educational region in physical culture is to stimulate positive shifts in the body, forming the necessary motor skills and skills, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body.

In the process of physical education, along with educational and wellness tasks, special correction is solved:
- development of speech by movement;
- formation in the process of physical education of spatial and temporary representations;
- study in the process of objective activities of various properties of materials, as well as appointments of objects;
- formation in the process of motor activity of various types of cognitive activities;
- Management of the emotional sphere of the child, the development of moral and volitional qualities of the personality, forming in the process of special motor games-classes, games, relay.
- Improving the functions of the emerging organism, the development of motor skills, fine manual motility, visual-spatial coordination.

Psychological - pedagogical characteristics of a child

Emotional-volitional sphere:

Varia Familika has a larger face, well understands humor, it distinguishes the emotional states of others (sad, cheerful, etc.). Indeed manifests empathy to others. The overall emotional background is even, positive. Adequately reacts to the ban. Varya mainly follows the generally accepted rules of behavior. It does not always follow the speech instructions of the teacher in performing tasks, refinement and / or repeated repetition are required. Workability is average, the interest is unstable, the game motive prevails. There is no criticality to the results of its work.

Socio-communicative sphere:

Cookary is a bit tense in communicating with adults, supports several cycles of communication. Independently observes the order and simple rules in joint games, to fulfill more complex rules, the guide assistance of the teacher is necessary. In general games with other children moving, manifests the initiative. In communication with peers cooking little conflict, it is not always sharing toys, there are persistent friendly attachments. The level of development of gaming activity in the girl within the age norm. The variability of the game is small, the plots are short enough, there is a tendency to reproduce familiar game "routes". Understands and takes a simple role in the game, more complex social roles do not understand and does not hold until the end of the game. The teacher's tip acts in the imaginary situation of the game, it uses substituent items in the game, uses game attributes. Able to agree on the distribution of roles in the game.

Cognitive development:

The level of general awareness, orientation in the phenomena of the surrounding world in the premises below the age norm. Little supports communication on personal topics, on topics that are not presented in the direct situation, discusses various events; Answers are negotiated, confused, not always on the topic, is fuzzy. Confused in answers to some questions about yourself and your family, etc. The girl has enough formed shaped and spatial-temporal views. Reduced the level of development of perception, the volume of arbitrary memorization. Also does not correspond to the age-related level of development of visual-shaped thinking. Varia is not enough formed the ability to establish causal relationships. Within the age norm, the level of development of arbitrary attention.

Speech development:

Vocabulary is significantly lower than the age norm. Value-only skills and skills in the formation stage (adult explanation, show, sample). Formation skills and skills in the formation stage (adult explanation, show, sample).

Syntactic skills and skills in the formation stage (adult explanation, show, sample). The formation rate of phonetic and phonological competence: in the formation stage. Phondematic hearing is significantly reduced.

Skills of sound analysis and synthesis in the formation stage. The syllable structure of the words is broken (skipping and rearrangement of syllables);

Soundlessness: L, P, PL.

Connected Speech: the phrase is simple, adgrammatical. The listened text understands partially, remembers fragmentary, retells briefly, monosyllant. It is hampered by the story on the story of a series of plot paintings. Encloses the pictures with an adult, the verbal-logical thinking is not enough, vividly-shaped prevails. The mobility of the muscles of the articulation apparatus is normal. The volume of movement of the lips and the language is all movements available, the pace and switching are somewhat slow. The voice is normal, the volume of speech breathing is insufficient.

The passive dictionary of the child is developed more than active. Leading hand is right. Varia has ONR IIII.

Estimated forms and working conditions with a child(route list)

Direction of work (specialist)

Number of hours a week

Time spending

Used programs and technologies

Form of holding



Psychological assistance (teacher - psychologist)

Node -

50 minutes

Sopir. -

25 minutes


25 min -

subgroups. occupation

25 minutes - support node physical education


25 minutes - subgroups. Treat

  1. Working program of the teacher-psychologist Pshchenko O.V. For 2017-2018 academic year.
  2. Approximate general education program for pre-school education "origins." T.I.Aliyeva, T.V.ANTONOVA, E.P.Aarnautov, and others. Center "Preschool Childhood" named after I.V. Forellier - M.: TC Sphere, 2013.
  3. The program of intellectual, emotional and volitional development of children "Flower-seven-degree". / N.Yu. Kurazheva, N.V.Varyaeva and DR.-SPb.: Speech; M.: Sphere, 2012.

Subgroup classes

Maintenance of occupation

Pshenko Oksana Vladimirovna

Speech therapy assistance (teacher - speech therapist)

2 h. 5 min


subgroup lesson


subgroup lesson


subgroup lesson


Individual occupation


Subgroup lesson

Approximate program of development of the child-preschooler "origins. - T.I.Aliyeva, T.V.ANtonova, E.P. Arnautov, etc. Center "Preschool Childhood" I.A.A. Zaporozhets - M.: Karapuz, 1997

"A variable approximate adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech disorders (common underdevelopment of speech) from 3 to 7 years." The third, recycled and supplemented publication in accordance with GEF to. Author teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category, excellent student of the national education N. V. Nishchev

Approximate adapted basic educational program for preschoolers with severe speech violations edited by Professor L. V. Lopatina with violations of speech. " Phileeva T.B., Chirkin G.V.

Individual classes

Subgroup classes

Khalapova Anna Konstantinovna

General training in the group


3 hours 20 minutes

Watch Group Schedule

"ORTOKI" The basic program for the development of a child preschooler. Specifies the standard of pre-school level of education, providing a complete and holistic development of the child's personality. T.I.Aliyeva, T.V. Antonova, E. P. Arnautov, etc. Center "Preschool Childhood". A.V. Forecorption, M.: Karapuz, 1997.

Frontal, subgroup classes

Group teachers


swimming (physical education instructor)

Watch Group Schedule

Osokina "Teaching children swimming in kindergarten".

Protchenko, Semenov "Simultaneous method of teaching swimming"

Subgroup lesson




English games

Work program ped. Extra formation Volokhoy T.N. english language Based on the program Meshcheryakova V.N. "I love englih." The program is designed for children from 5-7 years.

Subgroup classes

Glazowa Julia Sergeevna

From Studio

The "Color Carousel" program The program is developed by the teacher add. Education Nikolaova N.Yu.



Nikolaev Natalia Yurevna

p.12.15. The volume of medical and recreational work and corrective assistance to children (classes with a speech therapist, with a psychologist and others) are regulated individually in accordance with medical and pedagogical recommendations.One integrated occupation is held once a week. Activated activity over the day alternates with free activities or recreation of children.

Direct educational activities

in senior group №11.

Days of the week

Education area

Type of children's activity

View Node





Nature and child.


Physical development

Motor activity

Physical Education


Artistic and aesthetic development

Fine activity





Physical development

Motor activity




Artistic and aesthetic





Cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activities





Cognitive research

Mathematics in d / s


Cognitive artistic and aesthetic development

Cognitive - Research Fine Art

Acquaintance with the surrounding / drawing

(integrated. occupation)


Physical development

Motor activity

Physical Education



Artistic and aesthetic

Musical and artistic activity



Speech development

Communicative activity

Speech / NCH. c.


Physical development

Motor activity

Wellness swimming in subgroups



Cognitive development

Communicative, game, activity.

English games

(according to subgroups)



Physical development

Motor activity

Physical Education

On the street

Artistic and aesthetic

Fine activity

Implock / Applique


The organization of directly educational activities is regulated by paragraphs. 11.10 - 11.13; 12.5; 12.7 Sanpin

One integrated occupation is held weekly.

Activated activity over the day alternates with free activities or recreation of children.

A certain part of educational activities is carried out in the process of regime moments, such as observations of objects and phenomena of the world around the walk, the development of elementary labor skills, etc. Daily digest time in day mode for reading fiction.

Correctional and developing classes of the speech therapist, the teacher of the psychologist (individual correctional work in the morning and evening hours) are not included in the curriculum, because A small correctional group is formed on the basis of monitoring, recommendations and conclusions of the CPMPC, PMPC and at the requests of educators. The number of classes and the composition of the groups is determined by the need. Classes are carried out with small subgroups or individually and are out of the curriculum. Correctional work in a preschool educational institution is built as a holistic system that provides a comprehensive, differentiated, adjustable process of managing the progress of psychophysical development of preschoolers. Correction classes conducted by teachers speakers are variatives in relation to communications in the general education process (for children-logos). Such variability ensures that exceeding the maximum permissible load rate on the child.

Correctional and educational work carried out by a teacher-psychologist

Areas of work

Expected results

Socio-communicative sphere

Gaming skills

Development of the plot game:

Develop the ability to associate several actions in the game in their logical sequence, to conduct plot role-playing games by prior plan;

Learn the preliminary planning of the upcoming game, allocating certain rules of the game;

Learn to enter the role and keep it until the end of the game in accordance with the content of the role and the plot of the game;

Learn to accompany your play actions by speech (fix the proceeds, plan the upcoming action).

Conducts a few actions in the game in their logical sequence, to conduct plot-role games by prior plan.

Able to plan the upcoming game.

Able to enter the role and keep it until the end of the game in accordance with the content of the role and the plot of the game.

Able to allocate the rules of the joint game.

Accompanies the game by a speech that is regulating and planning.


Activate the communicative speech of the child. Develop the ability to take into account the emotional state and listen to another person when communicating. Develop the ability to choose a role in a group game.

Confidently expresses his basic needs and desires, turning to an adult.

Able to take into account the emotional state and listen to another person when communicating.

Able to choose a role in a group game.

Emotional personal and volitional sphere

Emotional development

To learn to distinguish the mood of a person on the facial expressions (sad, cheerful, calm, angry, frightened), pass the mood with the help of expressive means. Development of mimic expressiveness. Help the child in the awareness of their experiences. Work on improving the child's self-assessment by means of playback and sand therapy.

Distinguishes several people's moods in facial, in pictures / photographs, is able to give an elementary analysis life situation on the picture.

Recognizes the emotional state of the heroes of fairy tales.

With the help of expressive movements, it transmits the emotional state of the characters.

Expresses its emotional state in various ways.

Development of arbitrary regulation of behavior

Learning to follow the rules in games: in mobile and sedent games with multiple rules, when performing written tasks, as well as when performing tasks with rules acting consistently. Training work on the auditory and visual instructions. Training receivers self-regulation. Development of ability to manage your breathing.

Complies with the rules in movable and sedent games with 2-3-term rules.

Compliance with the rules when performing written tasks with 1-2 rules, as well as when performing tasks with 3 rules operating sequentially (holds the implementation algorithm).

Cognitive and intellectual sphere

Stimulation of researcher activity

Stimulating the research activity of the child. Creating problem situations in specially organized educational games. Develop the ability to use auxiliary tools to solve practical tasks. Formation of search methods orientation when performing gaming tasks.

The development of spatial representations

Contribute to the enrichment of sensual experience on the allocation and distinguishing of spatial representations and relations between objects:

Consolidation of distinction and calling of spatial relationships; orientation in the body scheme;

Formation of active spatial orientation in the process of performing targeted actions with objects;

Conduct games that contribute to the development of visual and auditory attention, the speed of the reaction, the accuracy of the movement.

It distinguishes and calls spatial relationships: in, on, under, nearby, about, between, here, there, in the middle, in front, back, left, right, words, on the right, at the top, below.

Correctly oriented in the body scheme.

Performs movements with objects at specified directions

The interaction of the teacher-psychologist with parents of a child:

Obtaining anaman data about the child;

Providing parents to parents on the content and efficiency of the conducted correctional work with the child;

Conducting individual consultations with parents on the following issues: the development and education of the child; optimization of interaction with the child in the family, a child with other children and adults; Educational Environment Organization for a child at home;

Conducting individual advice on request of parents, incl. on personal psychological difficulties of parents;

Providing parent participation in group consultations, workshops, training;

Creating an adequate presentation of parents about the possibilities of the child and possible ways to correct the existing disorders;

Selection of literature on the development and education of the child upon request of the parent and is needed.

Correctional and development work carried out by a logoped teacher

Speech therapy classes are divided into:



Claims (subarror) are held:

  • on the accumulation of formation of lexico-grammatical categories -1 occupation per week;
  • on the development of connected speech - 1 occupation per week
  • on the formation of phonetic and international categories - 2 classes per week;
  • the lesson lasts 25 minutes.

Direction of work


Understanding of speech

To develop an understanding of speech, using visual situations of regime and game moments, using the words "show", "Put", "Bring", "Take".

Expand the phrases of the appeal: "Show where the red pencil", "come, if you have tied a scarf".

Learn to distinguish:

Words similar to sound (carries - lucky);

Actions close to the situation (knitting - sews);

Actions and signs opposite to the value (open - close);

Actions expressed by personal and return verbs (bathe - bathe).

Distinguish with paired pictures:

Actions expressed by verbs (units and MN. Numbers - Swim swims)

M. and g Rod Sost. BP. units. numbers (Valya Pela sang);

Case forms (where baby puts on a fur coat - where the kid put on a fur coat)

The space relationships expressed by pretexts in, on, under.

Drug development

  • To clarify and expand the supply of ideas based on observation and understanding of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, create a sufficient supply of vocabulary images.
  • Ensure the transition from accumulated representations and passive speech reserves to the active use of speech funds.
  • Expand the amount of correctly pronounced nouns - names of objects, objects, their parts for all lexic topics.
  • Learning to group items on the signs of their correlation and on this basis to develop an understanding of a summary meaning of words, to form affordable generic and species generalizing concepts.
  • Expand the verb dictionary based on work on the assimilation of an understanding of actions expressed by submarine verbs; Work on the assimilation of an understanding of actions expressed by personal and return verbs.
  • Learn to compare items and phenomena and on this basis to provide understanding and use in speech-synonyms and words-antonyms.
  • Expand understanding the values \u200b\u200bof simple predictions and intensify their use in speech.
  • To ensure the assimilation of attractive pronouns, definable pronouns, indicative devices, quantitative and ordinal numerical and their use in expressive speech. Secure conceptword and the ability to operate them.

Formation and improvement

Grammatical system of speech


The names of loved ones, friends, dolls consisting of 2 syllables, with an emphasis on the first syllable (Valya, Vova);

Sneakers type words: soup, juice;

Double words with an emphasis on the first syllable (paw, sleigh);

Three-sided words with an emphasis on the first syllable (cubes, berries).

Stripping to parts of the word is the same syllable (frog, katush).

The assimilation of the initial word formation skills (first for hearing):

Words with a diminishing value (house, nose).

Learn to pick up the names:

  • Subjects to the names of actions (coming (who?) - .......),
  • Actions to the names of the subjects (the car (what does?) - .......)
  • Signs for the name of the subject (the ball (what?) - ......)

Learning to master the skills of transferring word links using productive endings:

  • Coordinate ch. and sowing. Among the face,
  • Compare various forms of the word (fell - fell),
  • Formulate the case of land. units. and mn. Numbers (table tables)
  • Make up simple sentences on the model: who? What is he doing?

Development of a phonetic and phonemetic language system

And linguistic analysis skills

Development of the selection side of speech

  • Forming the right speech breathing and long-term oral exhalation.
  • Secure soft voice skills.
  • Rise a moderate tempo of speech to imitate the teacher and in exercises to coordinate speech moving.
  • Develop the rhythm of speech, its intonational expressiveness, voting modulation.

Correction of the speech

  • Secure the correct pronunciation of the available sounds in gaming and free speech activities.
  • Activate the movement of the speech apparatus, prepare it to form the sounds of all groups.
  • To form the right hips, affrier, yoted and sonorous sounds, automate the sounds in free speech and gaming activities.

Work on the syllated structure and sound-perplexability of words

  • Improve the ability to distinguish between long and short words. Learn to memorize and reproduce the chains of syllables with shifts of emphasis and intonation, chains of syllables with different consonants and the same vowels; Chains syllables with consonants.
  • Provide further assimilation and use in speech of the words of a different sound structure.

Improvement of phonderatic perception, sound and syllable skills and synthesis

  • Improve the ability to distinguish vowel sounds.
  • Secure the ideas about vowels and consonant sounds, their distinctive features.
  • Exercise in distinguishing on the hearing of vowels and consonants, in the selection of words to the given vowels and consonant sounds.
  • To form the ability to distinguish with consonant sounds, close to articulating signs in a number of sounds, syllables, words, offers, free game and speech activities.
  • Fasten the skill of the selection of the given sounds from a number of sounds, vowels from the beginning of the word, consonation from the end and began words.
  • To form the skill of distinction of consonant sounds on the grounds: deaf-ringing, solid-soft.


  • General : Creating conditions for improving the switchability of movements and self-control when performing motor exercises.
  • Small : Creating conditions for improving static and dynamic coordination of movements.
  • Articulative: produce full-fledged movements and certain provisions of the articulation apparatus (motion accuracy, smoothness and lightness (without twitching, trembling), the stability of the final result, smooth switching from one movement to another
  • Respiratory Development: To form a strong, smooth oral exhalation.


Learning the correct pronunciation of the sounds of early and medium ontogenesis: calling missing sounds, their automation and differentiation.

1.Articulate gymnastics.

Objective: Formation and development of articulation motility to minimal sufficiency for sound formulation.

for whistle : "Smile", "Floor", "Shovel", "Groove", "Brush", "Football", "Focus";

for hissing: "Pickup", " Delicious jam"," Cup "," fungus "," melting hands ";

for p, r` "Boltushka", "painting", "turkey", "horse", "fungus", "drummer", "harmonica", "machine gun;

for l: "Smile", "Shovel", "Pass the language".

2. Silent gymnastics.

Purpose: Normalization of the tone of respiratory muscles, fixing the skill of proper breathing.

Exercises: "Focus", "Football", "Wake up a candle", "sniffy flower", "Storm in a glass", etc.

3. Fallen gymnastics.

Purpose: Activation of the speech zone by impact on the fingers of the child by the methods of finger gymnastics and massage Su-Jock.

4. Developing auditory attention, phonderatic perception.

Objective: Development of the ability to distinguish between the pronunciation of sounds similar to articulation or sound.

It is carried out in parallel with the correction of sound suspension on the material spent in pronunciation.

5. Sound.

Purpose: Tailing no sound or correcting distorted sound.

Staging sounds In such a sequence:

Sh, h;

L; R, Rye

Work on the formulation of sounds is carried out only individually.

In working with children having a speech therapy conclusion of dysarthria, erased form of dysarthria, the sequence of sound formulation is not respected.

Method of setting mixed.

6. Automatic sound.

Purpose: consolidation of the correct sound in self-speech of children.

  • in syllables
  • in words
  • in suggestions

7. Differentiation of sounds.

Objective: Development of the ability to distinguish sounds similar to articulation and sound.

Development of connected speech and formation

Communicative skills

  • Educating active arbitrary attention to speech, improve the ability to listen to the converted speech, understand its content, hear mistakes in someone else's and speech.
  • Improve the ability to answer questions briefly and fully, ask questions, keep dialogue, listen to each other to the end.
  • Learn to make up descriptions, and then riddles-descriptions about objects and objects according to the sample proposed plan; To connect to talk about the content of a series of plot pictures and a plot painting along the proposed teacher or a collectively composed plan.
  • Improve the skill of the recovery of well-known fairy tales and short texts.
  • Improve the ability to "waste" the game situation and on this basis to develop the communicative function of speech.

Sensory development

  • Improve the ability to examine objects in different ways.
  • Develop the eye meter in special exercises and games.
  • Learn to perceive objects, their properties; compare items; Select a group of items on a specified sign.
  • Develop color perception and colors, the ability to distinguish colors on saturation; Teach to call shades of colors. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe arrangement of colors in the rainbow.
  • Continue to acquaint with geometric shapes and figures; Learn to use as standard when comparing plane and volumetric figures.

Development of mental functions

  • Develop auditory attention and memory when perceiving non-Sound sounds. Learning to distinguish between several toys or children's musical instruments, substituent items; Loud and quiet, high and low sounds.
  • Develop visual attention and memory in working with cutting pictures (4-8 parts, all types of cuts) and puzzles in all studied lexical topics.
  • Continue to develop thinking in grouping exercises and classification of objects per one or more features (color, shape, size, material). Develop imagination and on this basis to form creative abilities.

Estimated result

The child's passive dictionary corresponds to the age norm.

The child understands various forms of wordinity and does not allow errors when performing test tasks; Understands the proposed-case-based designs with simple pretexts, diminishing substantive suffixes, differentiates the shapes of a single and multiple number of verbs, verbs with consoles.

The child understands the meaning of the hotel offers, well understands a coherent speech.

A child without errors differentiates both opposition sounds that are not mixed in pronunciation and mixed in pronunciation.

The level of development of an expressive dictionary corresponds to age.

The child unmistakably calls the offered objects, parts of the body and objects offered; Summarizes objects and objects shown in the picture. The child does not allow mistakes when calling actions depicted in the pictures. The child calls the main and scene colors, calls the form of these items.

The level of development of the grammatical system of speech corresponds to the age norm.

The child uses the names of the nouns in the nominal case of a single and multiple number, nouns names in indirect cases; names of nouns plural numbers in the parental case; agrees adjectives with nouns single number; Without errors, it consumes the proposed-cased designs; Coordinates numeral 2 and 5 with nouns. A child forms nouns with dimensional suffixes and young animal names.

The level of development of a coherent speech corresponds to the age norm.

A child without an adult retells a small text with a support in the pictures.

The child does not break the sound binding and the syllable structure of words.

The state of sound suspension corresponds to the age norm.

Socio-communicative developmentchildren are carried out in educationalactivities during regime moments, in joint and independently gaming activities, in the family.

Calendar - thematic planning in the senior group with children TNR (ONR)


A week

Lexical theme

Phonetic and phonumatic side of speech

Grammatical system of speech


Survey of children of senior groups №6, 9, 11


Fall. Labor adults.


Animated and inanimate nouns



Education is essential. With diminutive suffixes -chik, -Ex, item.


Sounds ah

Multicipable case of multiple nouns

Garden Garden

Sound I.

3 face of the only and multiple number of verbs of the present

Garden Garden

Sound N.

Nouns with a diminishing value


Forest, mushrooms, berries, trees

Sound P.

Holding my pronouns, my



Sound T.

The verbs of the last time of the only number


Sound K.

The accusative case of the only number of nouns.

Shoes, hats

Sound K-T

The genital case of the only number of nouns without a pretext and with the pretext of



Sounds Pl

Potted glages

Winter. Winter fun

Sounds of Plk

Preposition on

Furniture. Parts of furniture

Sound H.

Prepositions on, with

New Year's celebration

A family.

K-x sounds

Drawing up the story "Winter" by supporting words and pictures


Winter birds

Sound O.

Prepositions over, under

Animals in winter.

Sound x

Rod. Paduzh MN. numbers.


post office

Sound b

Retelling the Fairy Tales "Three Bear" with a support for a series of pictures with elements of dramatization


Sound T.

Retelling Open from the fairy tale "Tale of the Golden Fish" with a support for the series. Pictures


Sound kj

The genus of nouns

Our defenders. Maslenitsa.

Sound S.

The concept of "sign"


Spring. Birthday spring

Sounds and

Retelling of the Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden" by the series of plot pictures


Sound of

Attractive adjectives with suffix -in-



Drawing up a narrative story "Buncher"

Our Food

Sound B.

Drawing up a descriptive story "Spring is coming" by simple storylock.


Where did the bread come from?

Sound F.

Relative adjectives



Relative adjectives

My house

Sound and letter with
















Sound x






Psychologist teacher


Swimming instructor






























Individual educational route of a child with OVD


















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  1. {!LANG-2453ddd539f90bbfe4f164a00c9d43b7!}







  1. {!LANG-4f59e21a96922865d2e5d38cd3bc1c4d!}
  2. {!LANG-9ed10faa7d7fe49e238502ecca07a3b6!}









  1. {!LANG-5db72ef68a23933b30d383b404521f4d!}


























Group teachers










Group teachers












Group teachers













Group teachers













Group teachers







Group teachers







































Group teachers→

