Practical work number 3 in physics. The work of students with devices in physics lessons

Equipment and tools 06.08.2020
Equipment and tools

The purpose of the physical experiment is receiving the information. To achieve this goal, the experiment must be prepared: name all the physical quantities that are supposed to be measured, and make assumptions about their values ​​and about the dependence of these quantities on each other.

Physical quantities are those that can be quantitatively and objectively measured by comparing with a standard. The experiment is based on measurement, and the experimenter is interested in the quantitative characteristics of physical quantities. The dependence of some physical quantities on others can be written as a formula.

When performing practical work in physics integrated with ICT, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Check the availability of the necessary data to solve problems.
  • Solve each problem in a general form (i.e., in alphabetical notation), so that the desired value is expressed through setpoints. Values ​​of different dimensions can be multiplied or divided by each other, but in no case should you add and find the difference.

The answer received in a general form allows us to judge the correctness of the solution.

  • Enter all the data in the table, not forgetting to indicate the name and dimension.
  • Before a formula in Excel Necessarily must be an equals sign (=).
  • When starting calculations, remember that the numerical values ​​of physical quantities are approximate. When calculating, follow the rules of operations with approximate numbers.
  • One of the columns must contain a formula to calculate the missing parameter.


Practical work on the integrated course: "ICT and physics in the 10th grade" is a teaching aid, which is compiled in accordance with the current author's program of the course in physics ( profile level) in GOU secondary school No. 328.

In practical work, various forms of tasks and questions were used to control the degree of assimilation of the material by students. The main goal of the course is to develop practical skills and abilities for students, creative thinking (decision making in unexpected situations).

Several types of practical work are presented.

  • The first type is work in which it is necessary to apply knowledge of specific laws of physics, to implement a chain to derive a formula for an unknown quantity.
  • The second type is work in which, when answering a question, it is necessary to use knowledge in related disciplines, including mathematics, computer science and ICT.
  • The third type is work on intelligence with good knowledge of the material.

Practical work on the integrated ICT + physics course makes it possible to use them to control the assimilation of material at different stages of education, increase the level of competence of school graduates, promote the development and formation of active creative professionals, thus forming a community in which education and culture are values.

Practical work No. 1 in physics using ICT on the topic: "Artificial satellites of the Earth"

Theoretical material

first cosmic speed- the speed required by the body in order to neglect the resistance of the atmosphere and the rotation of the planet, enter a circular orbit and become an artificial satellite of the Earth. In other words, the first cosmic speed is the minimum speed at which a body moving horizontally above the planet's surface will not fall on it, but will move in a circular orbit.

artificial earth satellite(ISZ)- an unmanned spacecraft revolving around the Earth in a geocentric orbit.

geocentric orbit- the trajectory of the movement of a celestial body along an elliptical trajectory around the Earth.

Calculation of the first space velocity:

According to Newton's II Law: F=ma, a=F/m,

Fgravity=mg, a c.s.=V²/R, at heights much less than the radius of the Earth R=R of the Earth

mg \u003d mV 1 ² / R Z,

m g \u003d m V 1 ² / R,

V 1 \u003d √gR З - where V 1 is the first space, g is the acceleration of free fall, R З is the radius of the Earth.

The first cosmic speed on Earth - 7.9 km / s

Second space velocity- the speed required by the body in order to move along a parabola and become a satellite of the sun.

Heliocentric orbit- the trajectory of the movement of a celestial body along an elliptical trajectory around the Sun.

There is a simple relationship between the first and second cosmic velocities:

To obtain the formula for the second space velocity, you need to find out what speed a body will receive on the surface of the planet if it falls on it from infinity. Obviously, this is exactly the speed that must be imparted to a body on the surface of the planet in order to take it beyond the limits of its gravitational influence.

We write the law of conservation of energy:

where on the left are the kinetic and potential energies on the surface of the planet (potential energy is negative, since the reference point is taken at infinity), on the right is the same, but at infinity (a body at rest on the border of gravitational influence - the energy is zero). Here m- weight of the test body, M is the mass of the planet, R is the radius of the planet, G is the gravitational constant, v 2 - the second cosmic speed.

Resolving relatively v 2 , we get:

The second cosmic velocity on Earth is 11.2 km / s

third space velocity- the minimum required speed of the body without an engine, which allows to overcome the attraction of the Sun and, as a result, go beyond solar system into interstellar space.

Taking off from the surface of the Earth and making the best use of the orbital motion of the planet, the spacecraft can reach the third space velocity already at 16.6 km / s relative to the Earth, and when starting from the Earth in the most unfavorable direction, it must be accelerated to 72.8 km / s.

Spaceship speed calculation:

GM m/(RЗ +h)=m V²/ (RЗ +h)

Analysis of the first and second space velocity according to Isaac Newton. Projectiles A and B fall to the ground. Projectile C goes into a circular orbit, D - into an elliptical one. Projectile E flies into outer space.

Practical work.

Solve problems using the spreadsheet editor EXCEL.

Perform calculations and fill in empty cells of the table

1. Find the first escape velocity for Mercury if its radius is 2439.7 km and its mass is 3.3×1023 kg. Take the gravitational constant equal to

6.67*10^-11 N*m²/kg².

From the formula above it follows that:

2. Find the second space velocity for Jupiter, if its radius is 71.4 thousand km, mass is 1.8986 × 10 27 kg. Take the gravitational constant equal to

6.67*10^-11 N*m²/kg².

From the formula above it follows that:

3. Calculate the speed of the satellite at a height of 8000 km above the Earth's surface, the mass of the Earth - 6 * 10^24 kg, take the radius of the Earth equal to 6.371 * 10^6 m, take the gravitational constant equal to

6.67*10^-11 N*m²/kg².

It follows from the formula above that.



Pr / r No. 1. Action on vectors

Pr / r No. 2. Speed ​​Graphs

Pr / r No. 3. Motion charts

Pr/r No. 4. Collision of bodies

Pr / r No. 5. Air and steam pressure

Pr / r No. 6. Measuring steam pressure with pressure gauges

Pr / r No. 7. Beakers

Pr/r No. 8. Hydraulic Press


The proposed manual is a set of didactic cards for performing practical tasks in physics for 1st year students of specialties: 08.02.01 "Construction and operation of buildings and structures"; 13.02.11 “Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry); 22.02.02 "Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals"; 02/23/03 "Technical operation and repair of motor vehicles".

The basis for their construction is the work program of the academic discipline "Physics", developed on the basis of the exemplary program of the FGA U "FIRO" dated July 23, 2015. The maximum teaching load is 181 hours, the mandatory classroom is 121 hours. Half the hours of study time (60 hours) goes to practical and laboratory work.

When compiling the proposed didactic cards, the following considerations were taken:

1. students extract the necessary initial data for exercises from the drawing on the card;

2. drawing on the card contributes to the development and development of reading skills on the scales of measuring instruments or on graphic representations of dependencies between quantities;

3. in order to systematically repeat the material covered on the basis of the new one, each card covers several topics of the program;

4. questions for each set of cards are the same for all students; a total of 12 options have been developed;

5. Cards ensure the independence of the work of each student and are differentiated by their complexity (1-2 are simpler, 9-10 are somewhat more difficult than the others, "a" and "b" - for additional tasks);

6. The cards do not replace the independent work of students with devices in laboratory classes.

Practical work №1.

Actions on vectors.


Cards No. 1-4 show: three examples of adding two vectors emerging from a common point at acute, right and obtuse angles (Fig. 1,2,3); two examples of finding component vectors from a known resulting vector and given directions of the components (Fig. 4.5). On cards No. 5-8, schematic drawings of the bracket and cable with suspended loads are given (Fig. 6.7); the inclined plane on which the body lies (Fig. 8); lying on a horizontal surface of the body, on which the traction force acts at an angle to the horizon (Fig. 9).

When completing assignments, the corresponding drawings must be drawn in a notebook and at the same time take into account that the side of the cell is 5 mm, and 1 mm is five units of measurement.

When completing assignments for Figures 6,7,8,9, it is necessary to depict all the actually acting forces, as well as select and draw coordinate axes.

The modules of the resulting vectors can be measured using a millimeter ruler or calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

To determine the values ​​of the elastic forces in the rods of the bracket and cables holding the load suspended from them: a) draw the resultant of the elastic forces that balance the force of gravity (it will be directed in the direction opposite to the force of gravity and equal to it in absolute value); b) knowing the module and direction of the resulting vector and the direction of the components, determine the modules of the component forces, making up the proportions from the ratio of the sides of similar triangles (the value of the angles required for this can be determined from the figure, counting the number of cells on the legs of right-angled triangles, using the definition of the tangent of the angles).

Answer the questions:

    Find the sum of the vectors shown in Figures 1,2,3.

    Find the difference of these same vectors.

    Determine the components of this resulting vector (Figure 4.5).

    Determine the elastic forces in the rod of the bracket that balance the load (Figure 6).

    Determine the elastic forces in the cables holding the load suspended from them (Figure 7).

    With what force should the load be pulled in Figure 8 so that it moves uniformly: a) up the inclined plane; b) down if the coefficient of friction is 0.2.

    At what minimum coefficient of friction will the load in Figure 8 be held on an inclined plane?

    What mechanical work is done when the body moves 20 m along the horizontal plane in Figure 9?

    With what acceleration will the body move horizontally in Figure 9 if the friction coefficient is 0.2 and the body mass is 30 kg?

Practical work №2.

Speed ​​chart.

Methodical instructions:

The card shows a speed graph showing how the body's speed changes over time.

Uniformly accelerated motion of the body takes only part of the time. The rest of the time the body moves uniformly and rectilinearly. Body weight and resistance force (friction and resistance of the medium) are indicated on the card.

Answer the questions:

    1. Determine the scale of speed and time.

      Determine the time of uniformly accelerated movement and the initial speed.

      What is the speed of the body?

      What is the acceleration?

      Calculate the path traveled: a) during acceleration, b) during uniform motion.

      Write the equation of motion for the case given in the card.

      Calculate the traction force during acceleration, assuming the resistance force is unchanged.

      What is the momentum of the body in uniform motion?

      Calculate the work done for the entire movement.

  1. Calculate the power for uniform motion.

    What is the kinetic energy of a body in uniform motion?

Practical work №3.

Movement schedule.

Methodical instructions:

The cards show graphs of the dependence of the path on time for a rectilinear uniform movement to a stop in one direction, after - in the opposite direction.

It is advisable to start working with cards by repeating a uniform rectilinear movement: path and displacement, speed and average speed, as well as the work of the traction force (its module is indicated on the card itself, this force is directed along the displacement) and power.

Answer the questions:

    Determine the scale of the path and time.

    Draw a graph of coordinates versus time on this path graph, assuming the movement is rectilinear until it stops in one direction, and then in the opposite direction.

    How long does the body: a) move in one direction, b) stand still, c) move back?

    What is the total distance traveled by the body during the observation time?

    Compute the scalar average speed over the OS patch.

    Calculate the speed of movement: a) before stopping, b) after stopping.

    What is the total displacement of the body?

    Draw a straight line from the end of the 5th cell on the coordinate axis to the end of the 10th cell on the time axis (counting from 0) on the motion graph you drew in your notebook. This straight line will be the graph of motion of the second body moving along the same straight line as the first body.

    Determine the speed of movement of this body, the place and time of its meeting with the first body.

    Calculate the work of the traction force and the developed power in the section OA.

Practical work No. 4.

Collision of bodies.

Methodical instructions:

The cards show, on a horizontal plane, bodies of different masses. One body m 1 at rest starts moving from point B with acceleration a. After passing point A, it continues to move uniformly and at point C collides with another body m 2 , which was at rest before. At the end of this direct, central collision, the carts are braked, causing acceleration, the module of which is a ´=1 m/s 2 . After passing some distance, the bodies stop.

The masses of bodies are indicated in the cards. The module of acceleration during acceleration of the first body is also given there. The distance that it traveled with this acceleration can be judged by the mark and the scale indicated on the cards. On cards No. 9 and 10, the module and direction of the speed of the second body are given at the moment it passes point C.

When making calculations, one should neglect the movement of the point of contact of the bodies during the interaction (due to the short duration of the impact) and friction before braking.

In an absolutely inelastic collision, immediately after the compressive deformation, the bodies are coupled and they move on as a whole with a common speed u.

On the back of the cards are graphs of the speeds of the same carts, but with a perfectly elastic collision.

The distance between the carts after they stop is equal to the difference between the movements of each cart during the braking time.

Questions 1-4 deal with a perfectly inelastic collision, questions 5-7 with a perfectly elastic collision.

Before performing this work, it is advisable to repeat the law of conservation of momentum in a completely inelastic collision of bodies.

Answer the questions:

    1. Knowing the scale, from the figure, calculate how far the cart m 1 will travel, moving with acceleration a¯ from point B to point A.

      What speed relative to the ground at point A will the trolley m 1 have if it was at rest at point B, and moved uniformly in section AC?

      What is the total speed of the carts after coupling (inelastic collision), moving for some time before braking evenly?

    1. After how much time and at what distance from the start of braking will the carts stop if the braking force causes an acceleration directed against the movement (a´ = 1 m / s 2)?

      What speed υ 1 ´ will the trolley m 1 have after an elastic collision with the trolley m 2 ?

      What speed υ 2 ´ will cart m 2 have after an absolutely elastic collision with cart m 1 ?

      At what distance l from each other will the carts stop after the simultaneous activation of braking, causing acceleration a ´=1 m/s 2 ? (Braking begins immediately after the end of the interaction of the carts.)

Practical work No. 5.

Air and steam pressure


The right picture of the card shows an aneroid barometer showing the true atmospheric pressure, the left picture shows a barometric tube with mercury, into which, after obtaining a vacuum, a certain amount of water was put. Some of this water formed saturating water vapor above the mercury. The presence of these vapors can be judged by the presence of some water above the surface of the mercury and the corresponding decrease in mercury levels due to water vapor pressure.

To determine the pressure force of atmospheric air on the site, use the formula that determines the physical meaning of pressure.

The pressure of saturating water vapor over mercury is determined by the difference between atmospheric pressure and the difference in hydrostatic pressures of mercury columns in a barometric tube.

The pressure of water vapor in the air, taking into account the relative humidity of 50%, is determined by the formula

P water vapor = P saturated vapor * 50%

Determine the pressure of dry air from the difference in atmospheric pressure of water vapor.

Study the topic “Absolute and Relative Humidity. Dew point." according to the textbook by V.F. Dmitrieva, M.2004 §3.5

Answer the questions:

    Determine the scale division of the aneroid barometer.

    What pressure does this barometer indicate?

    Calculate the force of atmospheric air pressure on the area, the size of which is indicated on the card.

    What is the difference between the hydrostatic pressures of mercury columns in a barometric tube in mmHg Art.?

    Calculate the pressure of saturating water vapor over mercury in a barometric tube.

    Determine the temperature of the saturating vapors and ambient air from tables or graphs.

    Calculate the water vapor pressure in the air if the relative humidity in the atmosphere is 50%.

    What is the pressure of dry atmospheric air?

    Determine the dew point.

graphs depicting the dependence of saturated water vapor pressure on temperature.

Practical work No. 6.

Measuring gas pressure with manometers.

Methodical instructions:

The card shows two vessels connected to each other at the bottom by a tube with a tap. A liquid mercury manometer indicates the gas pressure in the left vessel, and a metal manometer indicates the pressure in the right vessel.

Liquid manometers are divided into open and closed. Open ones show the difference between the pressure of the gas in the vessel and the pressure of the surrounding atmospheric air.

Closed manometers immediately give the pressure in the vessel, regardless of the external atmospheric pressure.

Metal pressure gauges are also divided into two types: "ati" and "ata". The inscription above the pressure gauge “ati” conventionally means “overpressure”, i.e. the amount by which the air pressure in the vessel exceeds atmospheric pressure. The inscription "ata" indicates the true value of the gas pressure without taking into account the external atmospheric pressure.

Typically, the pressure on metal gauges is measured in technical atmospheres:

1at \u003d 100,000 N / m 2 \u003d 10 5 Pa

Liquid manometers in millimeters of mercury:

1 mmHg \u003d 133 N / m 2 \u003d 133 Pa

The temperature at which both gases are in the vessels is considered equal to 27 0 C.

The difference in mercury levels in a liquid manometer is determined by adding the value from 0 to the maximum value and from 0 to the minimum value.

To calculate the absolute gas pressure that will be established in the vessel, use the isothermal process equation:

P 1 V 1 + P 2 V 2 \u003d P (V 1 + V 2)

When completing task 7, write down the equation of the isochoric process. Calculate the mass of gas through the Mendeleev-Clapeyron pressure.

Answer the questions:

    Determine the value of the scale division for each type of pressure gauge.

    What is the difference in mercury levels in a liquid manometer?

    Calculate the absolute pressure of the gas in the vessel V 1, expressing it in atmospheres. Take 1 at \u003d 10 5 N / m 2 and 1 mm Hg. \u003d 133 N / m 2.

    Determine the absolute pressure in the vessel with volume V 2 on the pressure gauge scale.

    Calculate what absolute pressure will be established in the vessels if the taps are opened in the pipe connecting these vessels. Assume that the process is isothermal.

    At what levels will mercury be established and at what division of the scale of a metal pressure gauge will the arrow be located when the tap is open?

    What pressure will the gas have in the vessel V 2 when it is cooled to -73 0 С? The initial temperature and volume are indicated on the card.

    There is air in vessel V2. Determine its mass, taking the molecular weight of air equal to µ=30 g/mol, and the universal constant R= 8.31 10 3 J/(deg kmol).

Practical work No. 7.


Methodical instructions:

On the left side of the card are measuring cylinders (beakers), which contain a certain amount of kerosene.

On the right is an image of the same beaker with a body immersed in kerosene.

The body before immersion had a temperature of 100 0 C. The cards indicate the mass of the glass beaker and the type of substance from which the body is made.

To complete task 6, write down the heat balance equation, taking into account energy dissipation, which is 10%, the mass of the beaker.

90% Q \u003d Q 1 + Q 2

Q is the amount of heat given off by the body;

Q 1 - the amount of heat goes to heat the body;

Q 2 - the amount of heat goes to heat the beaker.

Calculate the amount of heat that can be released during the complete combustion of kerosene, taking into account the specific heat of combustion of the fuel (kerosene 46 mJ / kg)

Q=q m

To complete task 8, write the heat balance equation, taking into account the plant efficiency of 40%, and water saturation of 5%.

40% Q \u003d Q 1 + 5% Q 2

Q - the amount of heat emitted by kerosene;

Q 1 - water heating from 20 0 to 100 0 С;

Q 2 - evaporation of water at a temperature of 100 0 C.

When performing task 9, draw up a heat balance equation, taking into account the heater efficiency of 40%. Heating of tin taken at a temperature of 20 0 C, its melting, and heating to 270 0 C. See the table "Thermal properties of substances" for specific heat capacity. 1 calorie (1 call = 4.2 J).

When calculating the power of work e. engine efficiency must be taken into account:

N η = A /t A =Q

A - the work of the electric motor;

Q - the amount of heat released during the combustion of fuel.

When holding the body inside the kerosene at rest, it is necessary to consider the forces acting on the body, draw a drawing.

Answer the questions:

    The scale division value of the beaker.

    Determine the volume of kerosene in the beaker.

    What is the volume of the body immersed in kerosene?

    Calculate the mass of kerosene in the beaker.

    Calculate the mass of the body (the type of substance is indicated on the card).

    What temperature will both substances have after the body is immersed in the liquid, if the kerosene had 20 0 C, and the body 100 0 C? (Take into account the mass of the beaker and the dissipation of energy, which is 10% of the amount of heat that is transferred by the solid).

    How much heat can be released during the complete combustion of kerosene?

    How much water from 20 to 100 0 C can be heated by this kerosene in a 40% efficiency plant, if 5% of the water evaporates during this heating?

    What amount of tin, taken at 20 0 C, can be melted and heated to 270 0 C by burning this amount of kerosene at a heater efficiency of 40%? (Assume the specific heat capacity in the solid and liquid state is the same.)

    How long will the kerosene given in a beaker last for the continuous operation of a diesel engine with a power of 20 kW, if its efficiency is 25%?

    What will the dynamometer show, holding this body in the middle of kerosene? (Take g = 10m/sec 2 .)

    Calculate the dynamometer readings when the entire system moves upwards with a constant acceleration of 4 m/s 2 .

    Calculate the dynamometer readings when the entire system moves down with a constant acceleration of 4 m / s 2.

    What will the dynamometer show in a state of weightlessness:

    a) at rest or uniform motion of the entire system relative to the body of the spacecraft;

    b) when moving with an acceleration of 4 m / s 2 along the line the body - the dynamometer?

    What are the forces of gravity and the weight of a body lowered into kerosene on a spacecraft moving in orbit around the Earth at a distance of 300 km?

Matter density

solid bodies, 10 3 kg/m 3



































liquids, 10 3 kg/m 3













Solid properties of substances



Specific heat, kJ/(kg*K)

Melting temperature, 0 WITH

Specific heat of fusion, kJ/kg






































Liquids (under normal pressure)














Practical work No. 8.

Hydraulic Press

Methodical instructions:

The card shows a schematic diagram of a hydraulic press. A manometer measures oil pressure. This pressure is caused by the action of a force F on the end of the handle of the lever that moves the small piston down. The same pressure is transferred to a large piston, which compresses a 10 cm high bar. The sectional area of ​​this bar and the material from which the bar is made are indicated on the card.



21 10 4

10 10 4

11 10 4

7 10 4

12 10 -6

17 10 -6

19 10 -6

26 10 -6

Answer the questions:

    Determine the division value of the manometer scale.

    What is the oil pressure?

    Calculate the forces acting: a) on the small piston; b) on a large piston; c) on the lever handle.

    Calculate the compressive stress in the bar.

    What is the amount of relative compression caused by this stress?

    By how many millimeters was the length of the bar shortened ( l 0 =10 cm) under this voltage?

    What change in temperature will give the same shortening?

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Completed by: Mikheeva Olga

Scientific adviser: Karaseva E.M.

Kostanay - 2010

  • Introduction
  • 1. The work of students with devices in a physics lesson
  • 2. Types of laboratory work
    • 2.1 Frontal laboratory work

2.2 Physical workshop (PhP

2.3 Development of research L.R. in physics lessons

  • 3. Methodology for laboratory work
    • 3.1 Organization and methodology of laboratory work
    • 3.2 Safety instructions when working with installations and simulators
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature


The most important task of the school, including the teaching of physics, is the formation of a personality capable of navigating the flow of information in the conditions of continuous education. Awareness of universal human values ​​is possible only with the appropriate cognitive, moral, ethical and aesthetic education of the individual. In this regard, the first chain can be concretized by more specific goals: instilling in schoolchildren in the course of their activity a positive attitude towards science in general and towards physics in particular; development of interest in physical knowledge, scientific - popular articles, life problems.

Physics is the basis of natural science and modern scientific and technological progress, which determines the following specific learning objectives: students' awareness of the role of physics in science and production, education of environmental culture, understanding of the moral and ethical problems associated with physics.

IN modern conditions the system of secondary education must be given a new quality and social status, which implies understanding it as a special area, the primary task of which is the advanced training of highly qualified specialists.

The educational process at school is a complex system of organizing, managing and developing the cognitive activity of the teacher, in order to increase students' interest in learning, it is necessary to develop innovative learning technology.

The emphasis in the study of academic disciplines is transferred to the process of cognition itself, the effectiveness of which depends not only on the cognitive activity of the student himself, but also on the forms of conducting training session. The lesson design technology plays an important role and is a set of procedures for the teacher's preparatory activities.

When designing a lesson, the teacher’s subjective style of activity is manifested, the structural components of which are: motivational (including a complex of motives), operational (preferred procedures, logic and design strategy) and reflexive (inclusion of cognition and analysis of one’s own thinking and activity).

The result of pedagogical design educational process is his project (for example, the development of a lesson). The lesson is the main form of organization of learning, so the project of the lesson is necessary for every teacher, regardless of his pedagogical skills, experience and erudition.

The peculiarity of conducting a laboratory lesson with the use of instruments in comparison with the lesson is that the teacher is given the opportunity to individual work with each student and each student can master the skills of working with devices. And this opportunity must be used as fully as possible.

Object of study

The activities of the teacher in the design of laboratory work with instruments in physics.

Subject of study

Designing laboratory work with devices in physics. In this regard, the purpose of our study is to design a training session in the form of laboratory work with devices in a physics lesson.

Purpose of the study

Designing a lesson in the form of laboratory work with devices in a physics lesson.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, the following can be distinguished tasks:

1. Consider such a form of organization of training as laboratory work using various devices;

2. Consider the methodology for conducting laboratory classes with instruments in a physics lesson;

3. To study and analyze the interest of students in laboratory work with instruments in a physics lesson

4. Develop a laboratory lesson using instruments in a physics lesson

In writing my term paper, I used the following methods:

· theoretical methods, including analysis of scientific literature, as well as generalization, comparison, concretization of data;

· empirical methods, including the study of practical experience and observation.

laboratory lesson instrument physics

1. The work of students with devices in a physics lesson

A laboratory lesson is the conduct by students, on the instructions of a teacher, of experiments using instruments, tools and other technical devices, that is, this is the study of any phenomena with the help of special equipment.

Laboratory classes are carried out in the form of frontal experiments, laboratory work, workshops and other equipment of various types.

Laboratory sessions are often exploratory in nature.

Labs can be part of a lesson or take up an entire lesson or more.

Laboratory classes are designed for practical assimilation of the material. In the traditional educational system, laboratory classes require special equipment, models, simulators, simulators, etc. In the future, these possibilities can significantly simplify the task of conducting a laboratory workshop through the use of multimedia technologies, simulation modeling, etc. Virtual reality will allow students to demonstrate phenomena that are very difficult or even impossible to show under normal conditions.


Mastering the system of means and methods of experimental - practical research;

Expanding the possibilities of using theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

Table 1. The structure of the laboratory lesson.

Lesson stages

Time, min

Teacher activity

Student activities

Organizing time

Greeting students ("Hello!"). Checking absentees and readiness for classes (“Who is absent today? Sign the safety instructions”).

Greet the teacher (get up). Responsible calls absent ( "Absent Today" Signed in the safety journal.

Target setting of the lesson

Informs the topic of the lesson, forms goals, explains the practical significance of the material being studied.

Students perceive information, realize the significance of the upcoming lesson, remember the basic concepts covered in the previous lesson.

The stage of applying new knowledge and methods of action.

The teacher organizes the attention of students, instructs them, gives the task

(“So, in order to solve the problems you will need the following formulas.”) - writes formulas on the board

Focuses on important points in the course of laboratory work.

Listen to instructions and complete tasks.

They write down for the teacher the formulas necessary to complete the task, and begin to complete the tasks.

Stage of consolidation of new knowledge.

Organizes the activities of students to reproduce the progress of the laboratory work ("Indicate the main stages of the laboratory work"), suggests answering a number of questions.

Students reproduce the algorithm of actions.

Answer the questions posed by the teacher.

The stage of control and self-control of knowledge and methods of action.

Checks the assimilation of knowledge and methods of action of students, comments on the work of students, identifies inaccuracies in the course of laboratory work (“You made a mistake when calculating the formula ...”) - points to her, asks to correct the inaccuracy.

Reviewing your work, self-control. Eliminate shortcomings, hand over laboratory work to the teacher.

Summarizing stage.

Summarizes the lesson.

Displays the results in the form of evaluation.

Summing up their own work.

The final stage

The teacher announces the topic of the next lesson.

Saying goodbye to students. (Thank you bye!")

Students say goodbye to the teacher ("Goodbye!").

The structural main elements of laboratory work are:

Discussion by the teacher of the task with the group, answers to the questions of its members;

Independent collective execution of the task through reading, practical activities, distribution of private tasks among the members of the working group;

Teacher consultations in the learning process;

Discussion and evaluation of the results obtained by the members of the working group;

Written or oral report of students on the assignment;

Control survey of the teacher with the presentation of the working groups; [see table 1]

As a rule, all laboratory classes in a particular academic discipline are combined into a single system and are called "laboratory workshop", which allows us to talk about the existence of a significant similarity between laboratory and practical forms of conducting classes.

Laboratory work is the most valuable teaching method, characterized by the fact that the teacher, in order to acquire knowledge by students, organizes their activities in the laboratory. The use of laboratory work is useful in teaching many academic disciplines when:

New knowledge seems to be difficult for verbal explanation, but it is well absorbed by students' independent observations of the processes being studied;

Students need to acquire practical knowledge.

The method of laboratory work consists in the fact that students independently reproduce phenomena, observe their course from all sides, and deduce laws, phenomena, or determine something from their observations. The significance of laboratory work lies in the fact that, by independently displaying the phenomenon, students become face to face with the nature of this phenomenon and get the opportunity to directly observe the phenomenon under study. This method is very useful both in mastering knowledge and in introducing students to cognitive activity.

Laboratory work is carried out with varying degrees of independence of students. With a frontal organization, students perform the same types and stages of work as directed by the teacher or according to special instruction cards. During the research or heuristic setting of laboratory work, students receive a question, topic, assignments, and then they are given considerable independence in carrying out subject to certain instructions. In both cases, the success of laboratory work depends on how much it relies on the studied knowledge on the subject and how closely it is connected with the presentation of new material by the teacher. Laboratory work is successful when the teacher in one way or another led the students to the question, the answer to which they should receive from independently performed laboratory work. Laboratory work is set when all new material presented by the teacher and requires experimental reinforcement of the conclusions formulated by him.

The main condition for the successful completion of laboratory work is a specific task that is clear to students, i.e. knowing what question students should answer. This question is formulated by the teacher or given in writing.

Laboratory classes are a special construction of the link of formation and skills. It is built from the following steps:

Organizational - setting goals and updating knowledge;

Instruction, laboratory work;

Registration of results of supervision;

Definition of homework.

Laboratory studies have the goal of involving students in various actions to form skills and abilities based on previously acquired knowledge.

Students, relying on the knowledge gained in the lessons and other classes, independently perform laboratory work, take measurements, solve problems, and perform exercises.

With this form of learning, the actions of students are subject to less regulation. Students, conducting laboratory work, turn to textbooks, reference books, form general skills in certain sections of the curriculum, skills in working with devices, and work out an algorithm of actions. It is very important that students, receiving a task, learn to plan their activities for a certain period, to exercise self-control.

Laboratory work is carried out not only in subjects in which laboratory work is planned, but also in those subjects in which the development of skills and abilities is envisaged.

The laboratory classes are dominated by practical teaching methods. If we rely on the classification of methods according to the nature of cognitive activity, then it should be noted that in these classes mainly partially search, reproductive methods are used.

A laboratory lesson as a form of training for developing the skills of students is more productive than a lesson in the formation of skills. At this lesson, there is no strict regulation of the educational activities of students, a lot of room is given for the manifestation of their initiative and ingenuity. Thanks to this, students perform a large amount of tasks, a large number of training actions.

A laboratory lesson is more effective than a lesson, it contributes to the formation of independence as a personality trait: students themselves plan their work, more consciously strive for a goal, more effectively engage in self-control. However, it should be noted that laboratory classes are held only after lessons and other forms of organization of training.

In vocational training, laboratory work occupies an intermediate position between theoretical and industrial training and serves as one of the most important means of implementing theory and practice. At the same time, on the one hand, the consolidation and improvement of students' knowledge is achieved, on the other hand, they form certain professional skills, which are then applied in the process of industrial training.

Table 2. The content of laboratory classes.

Front work

Workshop work

Share in total study time, %

High-quality work on the observation of physical phenomena

Work on the study of measuring instruments and the measurement of physical quantities

Establishment of quantitative relationships between physical quantities (verification of physical laws)

Definition of a physical constant

The study of physical and technical devices and installations

The number of laboratory works in grades 8-10, the share of study time allotted for them, as well as the distribution of works according to their content are shown in the table.

As can be seen from the table [cf. Table 2] for one-hour sessions, 46 papers should be selected from the 58 workshop papers recommended in the program.

Over the past 30 years, there has been a constant trend in schools to increase the time devoted to laboratory classes. And now the program states that "it is desirable to expand the number of frontal laboratory work."

In universities, 35-40% of the study time is allocated for laboratory classes in general physics, i.e. twice as much as in grades 9-10 of secondary school. Therefore, we can tentatively assume that the allocation of about a third of the study time to laboratory work in physics should be considered the upper limit.

Table 3. Share of study time in schools

It also follows from the tables that, in general, the proportion of study time for laboratory classes in the senior grades (8-11) slightly increases compared to the junior (7) grades. [cm. Table 3] The nature of laboratory work is also changing. In grades 7-8, these are frontal laboratory work and numerous, but short-term frontal experiments, and in grades 9-11, the increase in time for laboratory classes occurs mainly due to more complex and lengthy physical practicums. This specificity should be taken into account by the teacher, especially in terms of developing students' skills for independent work, preparing them for further studies in special educational institutions and for work.

2. Types of laboratory work

Laboratory work is a practical lesson that is carried out both individually and with a group of students; target its implementation of the following basic principles:

Laboratory work integrates theoretical and methodological knowledge and practical skills of students in a single process of educational and research activities. Experiment in its modern form is playing an increasingly important role in the training of specialists, who must have the skills of research work from the first steps of their professional activity.

In laboratory work, the integration of theoretical and methodological knowledge with the practical skills and abilities of students is carried out in conditions of varying degrees of proximity to real professional activities. Group work plays a special role here. The maximum degree of approximation to future professional activity is achieved during the internship at specific work posts.

Taking as a basis the content of laboratory work, the following are distinguished:kinds :

Observation and analysis of various phenomena, processes;

Observation and analysis of the device operation of the equipment;

Study of qualitative and quantitative dependencies between phenomena;

The study of the device and methods of using the control and measuring instrument.

For didactic purposes, laboratory work is divided into illustrative and research; according to the methods of organization - into frontal and non-frontal.

The teacher manages the laboratory work in the form of instruction (introductory and current), the main task of which is to create an indicative basis for students to perform the tasks most effectively. In the classroom, instruction cards are used. To this end, it is recommended that students independent development plans for conducting experiments, offer them to select the sequence of work.

So, laboratory work, as a form of organizing learning, most fully implements the developmental tasks of learning. It contributes to the formation of skills and abilities, develops the abilities of students, teaches them to plan their activities and exercise self-control, effectively forms cognitive interests. armed with a variety of activities.

In such a lesson, the activity of the teacher is specific. Plan the work of students in advance, he exercises operational control, provides assistance, support and makes adjustments to their activities. Summing up the work, the teacher contributes to the formation of adequate self-esteem in students and an appropriate attitude towards the teacher.

2.1 Frontal laboratory work

Laboratory experiment is one of the main methods of teaching physics in educational institutions. In the educational process, it performs three main functions:

It is a source of new knowledge, the fundamental basis of theories;

A means of visualization, "live contemplation", an illustration of the studied phenomena;

The criterion of the truth of the acquired knowledge, the means of revealing their practical applications.

In addition, the laboratory experiment is effective tool education and development of students; their development physical thinking, cognitive independence, creative abilities, intellectual and practical skills.

Laboratory works correspond to the main didactic principles of teaching: the principles of consciousness, creative activity, student independence, developmental learning, a differentiated approach to students, compliance of the content with the age characteristics of students, the strength of mastering knowledge and skills.

Laboratory work can be classified according to different criteria:

forms of organization

type of guides

time and place of execution,

didactic goals and objectives,

type of activity of students and teachers, etc.

Scheme 1. Classification of laboratory work by features:

Most used for basic level teaching physics (for secondary schools, gymnasiums)

observation of physical phenomena and processes, measurement of physical quantities, study of relationships between physical quantities, etc.

According to the forms of organization: under the guidance of a teacher, the class performs the same work, using the same and simple equipment.

By type of guidance: with the oral guidance of the teacher and with written instructions.

According to didactic goals and objectives: learning new educational material(acquisition of new knowledge); repetition, generalization, systematization of previously studied educational material; formation of experimental knowledge and skills of students and their application.

By the nature of the cognitive activity of students: reproductive, illustrative, partially exploratory, research.

Laboratory work involves the following:

1. Formulation of the purpose of the work performed.

2. Selection and indication in the report of the equipment required for operation.

3. Recording the measurement results in a table.

4. Processing of measurement results in the form of calculations, graphs.

5. Calculation of measurement errors.

6. Conclusions based on the results of the work performed.

Before conducting laboratory work, students must be introduced to the safety precautions when performing this work.

For each lab necessary condition is the preparation of the report. It has importance for the formation of students' generalized skills in describing a physical experiment, checking the performance of work and assessing the knowledge and skills of students.

1) the name of the laboratory work;

2) the purpose of the work;

3) a list of the main equipment (measuring and other instruments);

4) short description measurement method and measuring installation, accompanied by a schematic drawing, drawing, electrical or optical circuit and calculation formulas;

5) recording the results of measurements, calculations and conclusion.

2.2 Fphysics workshop (OFP)

The physical workshop occupies one of the central places in the process of training highly qualified physicists. Work on its creation was started by A.G. Stoletov in the second half of the 19th century.

In 1872 Stoletov, with the help of the then head of the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University, Professor N.A. Lyubimov, managed to create an educational and scientific laboratory, laying the foundations for the first physical workshop for experimental teaching of students. This workshop has been continuously improved and expanded. This work was headed by a student of A.G. Stoletova A.P. Sokolov (1854-1928), he is rightfully considered the creator of the first physical workshop at the university.

In 1909 was issued a guide to practical classes in physics for university students - "Physical Practice", the author of which was prof. A.P. Sokolov. This year can be considered the year when the physics workshop was fully formed at Moscow University as one of the structures in the system of teaching physics.

In 1926 the 2nd edition of the "Physical Practice" was published, supplemented and revised by professors A.P. Sokolov and K.P. Yakovlev (it contained a description of 63 problems in the main sections of physics), and in 1937 - the 3rd edition, significantly supplemented and revised by V.G. Koritsky, E.S. Chetverikova and E.S. Shepeteva. In connection with the increased requirements for the teaching of physics at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow University, the number of problems in this edition was significantly increased (up to 75), the book was changed both in content and in the nature of presentation. "Physical Practice" (3rd ed.), together with the 4th edition, published in 1938 and little changed, were the main manuals for experimental classes in general physics at the Physics Department of Moscow State University for 25 years, from 1937 to 1962. , when (already in the new building of the faculty on the Lenin Hills) a new "Physical Practice" was published under the editorship of prof. IN AND. Iveronova.

Immediately after the move of Moscow State University to the Lenin Hills, the OFP expanded greatly. Instead of 50 tasks in 1951. it already had 150 titles with about 400 installations in 1968. A methodological commission for the development of general physical education was created under the leadership of prof. I.A. Yakovlev. IN different years OFP was headed by V.G. Zubov, L.P. Strelkova, V.S. Nikolsky, D.F. Kiselev, A.M. Saletsky and now I.V. Mitin. The workshop was divided into 4 departments, which were headed by the heads: the department of mechanics - A.G. Belyankin, A.I. Slepkov, A.S. Nifanov; molecular physics and thermal phenomena - A.G. Belyankin, P.S. Bulkin; electricity and magnetism - V.S. Nikolsky, V.N. Slutsky, V.I. Kozlov; optics - I.A. Yakovlev, S.A. Ivanov, I.V. Mitin.

For the training of service personnel, an evening technical school for laboratory assistants was created at the university; at the faculty level, it was headed by Assoc. V.D. Gusev. As a result, in a short time it was possible to create a whole corps of qualified workers. In each of the departments of general physical education, seniors were appointed from among the most experienced technicians, engineers, laboratory assistants: in the department of mechanics - O.I. Starostin, in the Department of Molecular Physics - S.V. Zubrykina, T.I. Malova, in the department of electricity and magnetism - N.N. Gorovaya, in the department of optics - Z.N. Kozlova, A.S. Polyakov. In the OFP, the supervision of each laboratory (room) was organized by the teachers of the department. In addition, a mechanical workshop was set up to service the installations and ensure the possibility of continuous training in the laboratories of the OFP.

Immediately after the physics department moved to a new building, workshops were created at the department of general physics - metalwork, turning, assembly, glass blowing, as well as a drawing and engineering graphics office (headed by associate professor N.N. Zhuravlev), where 1st year students studied in the half of the first semester. After the abolition of these units (at the end of the 70s), a workshop "Introduction to Experimental Technique" (VTEK) was organized, where first-year students get acquainted with various measuring instruments, the basics of electrical and radio measurements (the heads of this unit were D.A. Sobolev , and then S.A. Kirov).

Significant transformations of general physical education required the development of a new textbook for physics practicum. Such a manual was published in 1962 - the one-volume "Physical Practice" edited by V.I. Iveronova, at that time the head of the department of general physics. The compilers of this book were A.G. Belyankin, G.P. Motulevich, E.S. Chetverikov and I.A. Yakovlev. 37 teachers participated in the setting of 139 tasks included in this edition, almost half of all tasks were set by I.A. Yakovlev (31 tasks), A.G. Belyankin (23 tasks) and E.S. Chetverikova (11 tasks). In 1967-68. the 2nd edition of the "Physical Workshop" was published, edited by V.I. Iveronova, in two volumes, revised and supplemented (there were 166 problems in this edition).

The creation of new tasks, the introduction of computers and the continuous modernization of existing installations required constant efforts to create new descriptions of the current tasks of the workshop. In this great work, in addition to the heads of sections, many teachers of the department participated. By the beginning of the 90s, edited by A.N. Matveev and D.F. Kiselev published three volumes of the "General Physical Practice" (mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism), various collections of new problems and a large number of descriptions of individual problems. The total volume of published printed matter amounted to about 100 printed sheets.

In each section of the workshop there are works that are performed on automated installations. Work on the automation of the workshop began with the appearance of such developments in the scientific laboratories of the department. The pioneers of automation were the employees of the group Assoc. L.P. Avakyants, in which the main part of the work was carried out by A.V. Chervyakov and I.A. Whales. As a result, it was developed and created automated system management of a physical experiment with software and educational and methodological support. The basis of this system is a universal microprocessor unit for interfacing a computer with experimental setups.

This block allows you to automate the most time-consuming tasks of the workshop, in which the study of physical phenomena is associated with the acquisition, systematization and subsequent processing of a large amount of experimental data. At the moment, in all sections of the workshop, more than ten automated tasks are presented, which can be simultaneously performed by more than 30 students of the 1st and 2nd courses.

Currently, OFP has about 25 laboratories, which host 140 tasks (about 300 installations).

2.3 Development of researchlaboratoryin physics classAnd

The modern school basically forms skills and abilities, gives knowledge to students and does not develop (or very weakly) at the same time the personality, i.e. there is no process of effective qualitative and quantitative changes in the human body.

The contradiction that arises in this case is the discrepancy between the order modern society in a developed personality and what the school can give by working with the old methods.

The importance of my work lies also in the fact that, speaking about the search for ways to improve the learning process, one should keep in mind the improvement of not only the methods of imparting new knowledge, but also the improvement of the methods of forming students' skills and abilities.

And in modern schools, more attention is paid to improving the methods of obtaining knowledge, rather than developing skills and abilities. This is the second contradiction.

Having studied the “pyramid of knowledge” according to J. Martin, I came to the conclusion that students learn and memorize 70% of the volume of educational material through practical actions, therefore the development of general educational skills through laboratory work is also relevant.

And here a third contradiction emerges between the old forms of laboratory work and the ability of students to perform these works.

This problem is relevant for me personally. In connection with the transition to concentric education in grades 10-11 under the program of Kasyanov V.A., it is possible to perform laboratory work on the notebooks included in the textbook kit. Students have different levels of development of general educational skills and abilities, and are forced to perform laboratory work on ready-made developments, without creativity in designing the course of work.

After analyzing all these contradictions, I set myself the problem: "For the development of general educational skills and abilities, a phased introduction to reproductive forms of laboratory work and research tasks is necessary." I put forward a hypothesis to solve this problem: "Such techniques in the methodology of laboratory work are available to all students and there is an opportunity to develop high-level learning skills."

For the implementation of pedagogical research, I set myself the following tasks:

1. To study the periodic aspects of the influence of research laboratory work on the development of the student's personality.

2. Develop research techniques in the laboratory work of the school course.

3. Carry out diagnostics of learning to identify the experimental class.

4.Holding various kinds questionnaires to create the most favorable and effective methods of pedagogical research.

5. Determination of the initial level (NU), the achieved level (DU) of students on the issues under study.

6. Implementation of an assessment of the increase in the development of general educational skills and analysis of the result.

In connection with the reform of society, the main goal of education is currently relevant - the development of the individual. Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the human body. The result of development is the formation of man as a biological species, as a social being. If a person reaches a level of development that allows us to consider him a carrier of consciousness and self-awareness, capable of independent transformative activity, then such a person is called a personality. A person is not born as a person, but becomes one in the process of development. I agree with the statement of IP Podlasy about the possibility of becoming a person only in activity, in practice showing, revealing one's inner properties, laid down by nature and shaped in one's life and upbringing.

And since the “driving force” of development is the struggle of contradictions, in my opinion, at present, one of the contradictions is the contradiction between the creation of a competitive personality and the experience that a person accumulates in life.

A special part of universal human experience is the process itself, the mode of activity. It can partly be described using language. It can be reproduced only in the activity itself, therefore, possession of it is characterized by a special quality of the individual - skills and abilities.

Skill - the ability of a person to effectively perform certain activities on the basis of acquired knowledge in new conditions.

Skills are characterized, first of all, by the ability to comprehend the available information with the help of knowledge, draw up a plan for achieving goals, regulate and control the process of activity.

In progress frequent execution simple skills can be automated, i.e. move into skills - the ability to perform some action without phased control.

The development of learning skills for the knowledge of the world around the personality is currently very important, because. they are common to any kind of activity, i.e. can be used at any stage of a person's life.

Selevko G.K. singled out the followinggeneral educationskills and abilities:

1. Teachings to the skills of planning educational activities;

2. Skills and abilities to organize their work;

3. Skills and skills of perception of information (work with various sources);

4. Skills and skills of mental activity;

5. Skills and abilities to assess and comprehend the results of their actions.

The process of development of general educational skills and abilities is preceded by the process of their formation. One of the methods for the formation of general educational skills and abilities is the method proposed by Usova A.V. - the formation of skills and abilities according to generalized plans that can be used at any stage of personality development at school, in any subject. Widely using generalized plans in the course of my work, I try not to forget that the successful formation of skills and abilities depends on:

1) from students' awareness of the importance of mastering the skills to perform a given action;

2) from the presence of a specific goal of the action;

3) then understanding the scientific foundations of action;

4) from the definition of the main structural components of the action (such structural components play the role of strong points of the action);

5) from determining the most rational sequence of operations, i.e., from building a model (algorithm) of action (through collective or independent searches);

6) from organizing a small number of eliminations, in which the actions are subject to control by the teacher;

7) from the presence of various forms of teaching students by the method of self-control;

8) the existence of an organization of exercises that require students to independently perform this action if conditions change;

9) on the effectiveness of using a certain skill when performing an action to master new, more complex skills in more complex activities.

One of the possibilities for the formation and further development of educational skills and abilities in a physics lesson is the use of a laboratory teaching method.

Moreover, this method is the most effective for the development of skills and abilities. I came to this conclusion by studying the table "Comparative effectiveness of teaching methods." So, the laboratory method better than other methods contributes to the development of practical labor skills; the ability to acquire, systematize and apply knowledge; skills to strengthen knowledge and skills. In addition, the laboratory method is equally suitable for the development of such personality traits as thinking, cognitive interest, activity, memory, will, the ability to express one's thoughts, as well as emotions.

Convinced in my practice of the validity of these statements, I use the laboratory teaching method to develop general educational skills and abilities in physics lessons. And as a special case - through research laboratory work.

The essence of the research method of teaching lies in the fact that it provides for creativity in the activities of students. Elements of research in conducting laboratory work develop learning skills, taking into account the individual abilities of students to achieve various stages of creativity.

Research laboratory work, carried out both individually and in groups, cant follow the next plan:

1. The teacher reports the problem, for the solution of which laboratory work is being carried out.

2. Knowledge is not communicated to students. Students independently receive them in the process of research. Students choose the means to achieve results themselves, i.e. become active explorers.

3. The teacher manages the research process.

The laboratory research method of conducting physics classes helps students develop the followinggeneral educationskills and abilities:

1) Cognitive skills and abilities:

* analysis and synthesis;

* descriptions of observed phenomena;

* formulation of goals and objectives;

* putting forward a hypothesis and predicting the result;

* use of mathematical symbols;

* establishment of causal relationships.

2) Organizational skills and abilities:

* experiment planning;

* rational use time;

* the correct organization of the workplace when performing laboratory work.

3) Technical skills and abilities:

* the use of measuring instruments and the measurement of physical quantities;

* mathematical processing of the result;

* selection of material for laboratory work;

* Assembly of the installation, scheme of the experiment;

* use of educational and technical literature;

* taking into account the rules of TB;

* calculation of calculation error;

* registration of results (diagrams, tables, graphs).

4) Skills and skills of cooperation:

* discussion of the task and distribution of responsibilities;

* mutual assistance and mutual control (self-control);

* discussion of the results and formulation of the conclusion.

Having done the work of selecting material for the topic of my research, I came to the conclusion: “There are no main and non-essential teaching methods, but, depending on the goals, objectives and educational requirements of the society, one should use those that are most relevant in this moment, on a given topic, in a given class, for a given individual.

At present, the development of educational skills and abilities of the individual is the most urgent task of education, i.e. in changing life situations only a person who can transfer ZUN to a new situation can be competitive.

3. Methodology for conducting laboratoryworks

To conduct laboratory work at school, a certain number of devices are needed so that students can see the readings of the devices and see what this or that device is like. In the school physics laboratory there are such devices as: thermometer, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, caliper, etc.

All devices in the school comply with the regulatory and technical parameters (NTP), which allows the student to perform laboratory work without the intervention of a teacher.

1.Purpose: temperature measurement.

1) the thermometer is stored in a case;

2) protect the device, especially its tank with alcohol or mercury, from shock;

remember: mercury vapor is poisonous!

Handling rules for measurements:

1) make sure that the contact of the thermometer with the medium whose temperature is being measured is not disturbed, do not touch the walls and bottom of the vessel with the device;

2) after immersing the thermometer in the medium, wait for some time until the level of alcohol or mercury stops moving; only after that do the counting;

3) when taking readings, place your eye on the line perpendicular to the scale of the device and drawn through the reference point [see Figure 1]

Figure 1. thermometer

2. Purpose: current measurement.

Storage and safety precautions:

1. protect from shock and shaking;

2. in the case of "off-scale" - the pointer goes beyond the scale - immediately open the circuit!

Inclusion rules:

1) the "+" terminal of the device is connected respectively to the "+" terminal of the current source, in a circuit consisting only of a current source, the ammeter cannot be turned on, the connection is possible only through a load (resistance);

2) the device is connected in series with the circuit element in which the current is to be measured;

3) the working position of the school laboratory ammeter is horizontal [see figure 2]

Figure 2. Ammeter

3. Purpose: to measure DC voltage (on the scale the sign "DC")

Storage and safety precautions:

1) protect from shock and shaking;

2) do not include in the circuit with a voltage greater than the maximum allowable;

3) in case of "overshoot", open the circuit immediately!

Inclusion rules:

1. Connect in parallel with the load or current source.

2. Observe the polarity: connect the terminal marked with the "+" sign to the "+" of the source.

3. The working position of the school voltmeter is horizontal (the sign ® on the scale) [see figure 3]

Figure 3. Voltmeter

4. Purpose: regulation of the current strength in the circuit.

Storage and safety rules.

1. Protect the device from shock.

2. Avoid excessively strong current and heating of the rheostat winding.

3. Monitor the condition of the insulating parts of the device.

4. Do not touch live parts.

At the end of the laboratory work, the teacher asks control questions that must be answered when defending the laboratory work [see Figure 4]

Figure 4. Rheostat

3.1 Organization and methodology of laboratory work

1. Laboratory work is a type of training session that contributes to the formation of practical skills in students in this subject. It must be carried out in specially equipped laboratories.

Before conducting laboratory work, the teacher conducts a detailed safety briefing, and each student signs in a special journal about his receipt.

The teacher conducting laboratory work is responsible for ensuring that students comply with safety regulations.

2. The teacher must carefully organize the conduct of laboratory work and take all measures to develop students' independence, initiative and creativity in its implementation.

3. To perform laboratory work, students are given no later than 2-3 days before the start of its implementation. writing assignment indicating the purpose, content and sequence of the work, visual aids, literature, allotted time, control questions and the content of the report, rules for handling laboratory equipment and technical and fire safety measures.

The admission of students to conduct laboratory work is made after checking the assimilation of the sequence of laboratory work and control questions specified in the assignment, including safety rules. A student who missed laboratory work is obliged to complete it at his own time, within the time period set by the teacher.

4. To conduct laboratory work, the head of the laboratory or laboratory assistant is appointed to help the teacher, who is obliged to:

Prepare the necessary equipment, material part and tools;

Monitor the performance of the work of students, providing them with assistance if necessary, but without limiting their independence;

Monitor the correct use of equipment, instruments, tools, the exact implementation of safety rules by students and the productivity of the use of study time.

As a rule, the performance of laboratory work should be individual. No more than 2-3 students are located at the workplace, and each of them independently performs work and submits a report. Group performance of laboratory work by the method of their demonstration is not allowed.

5. For each laboratory work, the student, after submitting the report and the corresponding verification of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, is given an assessment.

Students who do not have a grade in at least one laboratory work will not be given a final grade.

3.2 Instructions forTBwhen working with installations and simulators

When performing laboratory work, precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of the work of the maintenance personnel and exclude the possibility of a fire, damage to installations, simulators and their systems and equipment, electrical circuits, high voltage shock (220 V) and spontaneous switching on of the equipment.

1. Before turning on the power to stands and installations from 220 V sockets, make sure through the plug connector:

That all gas stations and switches of consumers and sources of electricity are set to the "Off" position.

Set the switches with the neutral position to the "Neutral" position.

2. When the power is turned on, if there is a smell of smoke, gas station operation, instruments going off scale, power supply to the installation, turn off the stand, inform the teacher, head. laboratory.

3. Eliminating defects, opening panels and performing other work on the installations and the simulator by cadets without a teacher are PROHIBITED.

4. It is forbidden for several cadets to turn on, turn off and work with installations and simulators at the same time.

Only one cadet performs a demonstration of the systems, the rest observe or work in turn.

5. After completing the work, turn off the installations and simulators, turn off the gas stations, power sources, put all the toggle switches in their original position, disconnect the SHRs and the plug from the 220 V socket.


In the course of the study, the tasks were solved: the concept of "laboratory lesson", the methodology for its implementation, training program and developed a laboratory lesson for a physics lesson.

Thus, the goal of the study - designing a training session in the form of a laboratory session - was achieved.

In conclusion, the following can be said on this issue. Lab is essential integral part educational process and is mainly aimed at:

Formation of a bright, holistic image of the studied definitions and concepts; for independent reconstruction of the studied material, formulation of conclusions and assessments;

Development and improvement of the skills to analyze, analyze the material covered, formulate one's own judgments and argue them.

Currently, in secondary specialized educational institutions, the role of a laboratory lesson is far from being given the last place, since behind the above social, ideological and behavioral skills there are, of course, more “mundane” learning skills, without which students will not be able to cope with the tasks of a laboratory lesson. On the other hand, it is on it, and not in a regular lesson, in independent work, which is the main content of the lesson, the formation of the experience of social communication and civic behavior of students takes place.


1. A.A. Pokrovsky. Frontal laboratory classes in physics in high school. Ed. M.: Enlightenment, 1977, 178

2. Internet resource, www.temp -

3. A.V. Usova, Methods of teaching physics in grades 7-8 of secondary school. Teacher's Manual - ed. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1990, 190

4. V.P. Orekhov, A. V. Usova. Methods of teaching physics in grades 8-10 of secondary school. M.: Enlightenment. 1980, 190

5. Bugaev A.M. Methods of teaching physics in high school. Theoretical basis. M.: Enlightenment, 1981,180

6. Khoroshavin S.A. Physical experiments in high school: 6th - 7th grades. M.: Enlightenment, 1988, 125

7. A.A. Pokrovsky. Demonstration experiment in physics in high school. Part 1. M.: Enlightenment, 1978, 159

8. Burov V.A. Workshop on physics in the 8th grade. M., Enlightenment, 1972,465

9. Demkovich V.P. Measurements in the course of physics at a secondary school M., Prosveshchenie, 1970, 474

10. A.A. Pokrovsky. Demonstration course in physics. M., Enlightenment, 1972, 1978, part 1,2, 423

11. Znamensky P.A. Laboratory classes in physics in high school. M., Uchpedgiz, 1955, part 1 and 2, 463

12. Pokrovsky S.F. Watch and explore for yourself. M., Education, 1966.143

13. Reznikov L.P., Shaman S.Ya., Evenchik E.E. Methods of conducting physics in high school. M., Education, 1974, 406

14. Kruglikov, G.I. Methods of vocational training with practical work. M.: Ed. center "Academy", 2005,122

15. Rykova E.A. "New Pedagogical Research" Vocational Education No. 4 2003,118

16. Internet resource,

18. Internet resource,

Hosted on


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State budget professional educational institution

"Kurgan Industrial College"

E. V. Utkina

Practical work in physics

for 1st year students mastering PPSSZ

(profile level)



Utkina E.V. Practical work in physics for 1st year students mastering PPSSZ/ State budgetary professional educational institution "Kurgan Industrial College". - Kurgan: 2015. - 22 p.


MO _________________________

Chairman of the Moscow Region _____________



Protocol No. ___ dated "__" ____ 2015

REC Chairman _____________

Utkina E. V., teacher of physics


Kuzmina O.I., teacher of physics

Ivanova N.N., teacher of physics

© Utkina E. V., 2015

© GBPOU "Kurgansky

industrial college"


Foreword …………………………………………………………………………….4


Practical work No. 1………………………………………………………………7

Practical work No. 2………………………………………………………………8

Practical work No. 3…………………………………………………………………9

Practical work No. 4…………………………………………………………..10

Practical work No. 5…………………………………………………………..12


Practical work No. 6…………………………………………………………..14

Practical work No. 7…………………………………………………………..17


Practical work No. 8…………………………………………………………..18

Topic 4. OPTICS

Practical work No. 9…………………………………………………………..20

Practical work No. 10……………………………………………………………21



The proposed teaching aid provides practical work for independent extracurricular work on the sections of the physics course for 1st year students mastering the PPSSZ. The papers draw attention to the role of physics in explaining the phenomena of the surrounding world. It is important that in the process of teaching physics to students it is possible to more fully demonstrate the relationship between the theoretical and practical parts of the subject. After all, when students feel this relationship, they will be able to give a correct theoretical explanation to many of the processes taking place around them in everyday life, in nature. This may be an indicator of a fairly complete mastery of the material.

The systematic implementation of experimental practical work by students contributes to a more conscious and concrete perception of the material studied in the lesson, increases interest in physics, develops curiosity, and instills valuable practical skills. These tasks are an effective means of increasing the independence and initiative of students, which has a positive effect on all their educational activities.

The role of practical work cannot be overestimated. They allow students to get acquainted with experimental methods of cognition in physics, with the role of experiment in physical research (as a result, a scientific worldview is formed). They also contribute to the formation of such experimental skills as: observing phenomena, putting forward a hypothesis, planning an experiment, analyzing results, the ability to establish relationships between quantities, draw conclusions, etc. Practice-oriented work serves both to repeat the studied material and to get acquainted with new phenomena.

When performing practical work, you must adhere to the followingrules :

1. Formulate the title of the practical work yourself.

2. The purpose of the work is to formulate independently. The purpose of the work should be specific, clearly formulated in order to clearly highlight the question to which we want to get an answer.

3. List of instruments and materials used.

4. Progress, which displays student observations. You can arrange the progress of work in the form of a table:




In some works, the results are presented in the form of a graph, and the plotted points are connected not by a broken curve, but by a smooth line, which should pass within the boundaries of the errors of individual elements.

5. Calculation results, if any.

6. Conclusion. For example, you can start like this: “Based on the data obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn: (and we list what conclusions you have come to as a result of the work done).”

The conclusion can be drawn in a creative form, for example, in poetry (cinquain, haiku, diamond, etc.).

Rules for writing poetic conclusions are given below.


There are many different poetic forms that can be successfully used at the stage of reflection. Haiku (or haiku) is a Japanese three-line verse form.

In classical haiku, the first and third lines have five syllables each. The second has seven syllables. Haiku usually expresses the writer's first impression of the surrounding world or some event.

Students can be asked to write a haiku in the following way:

Line 1: "I was" someone or something or

"I saw" someone or something


Line 2: Place and action (where and what did you do)


Line 3: Definition (how?)



This is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in brief terms. The word cinquain comes from French, which means "five". Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines.

Rules for writing syncwine:

    In the first line, the topic is called by one word (usually a noun).

    The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).

    The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words (verbs).

    The fourth line is a four-word phrase showing the attitude to the topic (feelings in one phrase).

    The last line is a one-word synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

Law of gravitation

    Ntonovsky, worldwide.

    Holds, attracts, contributes to the fall.

    Helps to understand the structure of the universe.



Practical work No. 1

Devices and materials: two glasses of hot and cold water, a medical pipette, a piece of plasticine, a wire loop, a wire ring with a diameter of 3–4 cm, a soap solution, talcum powder, a bar of soap, a little sugar, salt.

rice. 1


1. With plasticine ball.

a) Roll a ball with a diameter of 2-3 mm from a piece of plasticine. Carefully place it on the surface of the water with a wire loop. Consider and draw the shape of the water around the ball. What forces act on the ball on the surface of the water? Why does the ball float on the surface of the water?

b) Immerse the balloon in water. What happens to the ball? Why does the ball sink?

c) Place the ball on the surface of the water with a wire loop. Drop a drop of soapy water with a pipette. Describe your observations. Why does the ball sink?

2. With wire ring.

a) Immerse the wire ring in a glass of soapy water, and then carefully remove it from the water. A film has formed in the ring.

b) Pierce the film in one half of the ring separated by the thread. Write down what you observe. Explain this phenomenon. Why did the thread bend towards the remaining film?

3. With a pipette.

a) Fill a pipette with water. Holding the pipette over the glass, lightly press on the rubber can, while droplets are formed.

b) Observe how drops are formed. Describe and draw step by step this process. Why do drops take time to break away and fall?

4. Elucidation of the dependence of the surface tension force of a liquid on temperature and the presence of impurities in the liquid.

1. Roll a ball with a diameter of 2-3 mm from a piece of plasticine. Lay it with a wire loop first on the surface of cold water, and then hot.

Compare the results of experiments and explain them.

Control questions:

    Does the surface tension of water depend on temperature?

    On what basis can this be judged?

2. Sprinkle talcum powder on the surface of cold water in a glass. To do this, close the hole in the test tube with a piece of gauze and sift the talc over water.

3. Touch the surface of the water with a bar of soap, and then sprinkle sugar first, then salt. What is observed?

Answer the questions:

    How did the surface tension of water change when soap was dissolved?

    How does the surface tension of water change when sugar is dissolved?

    How did the surface tension of water change when the salt was dissolved?

Draw conclusions and give examples in which the phenomenon of surface tension is observed.

Practical work No. 2

Devices and materials: a glass of water, a strip of blotting paper, a strip of cloth, a ruler, a table "Coefficient of surface tension of a liquid."


1. Make a mark on blotting paper and fabric at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm from one of the ends. At the same time, dip the blotting paper and cloth into the water up to the mark. Watch the water rise in both strips.

2. Once the rising water stops, remove both strips. Which band has the largest capillary diameter?

3. Take the necessary measurements and calculate the average diameter of the capillaries in both strips.

The diameter of the capillaries is calculated by the formula: d =

σ – coefficient of surface tension, N/m,

ρ – water density, kg/m2,

g – free fall acceleration, m/s2,

h – liquid rise height, m

4. Record the results of measurements and calculations in the table:


The height of the liquid column above the mark

Capillary diameter (in mm)

Blotting paper


Control questions.

1. Why does melted fat float on the surface of the water in the form of circles?

2. Why can't I write on oily paper with ink?

3. Why does a wet dress become tight?

4. On what physical phenomenon is the use of towels based?

5. To what height will alcohol rise in a tube with a radius of 0.5 mm?

The surface tension coefficient of some substances at a temperature of 20 0 WITH


Surface tension 10-3 N/m

Nitric acid 70%














Sulfuric acid 85%




Acetic acid


Ethyl ether


Soap solution in water

Draw your own conclusions.

Practical work No. 3

Devices and materials: not a big balloon, thread, container with hot water(500-600), a glass of cold water.



1. Inflate the balloon, tie it with a thread.

2. Hold a balloon over hot water for a while.

3. Pour over the top

ball of cold water. Describe your observations.

Control questions:

1. How does the gas pressure in the balloon change during its inflation? Why?

2. Why did the shape of the ball change after contact with cold water?

3. Give examples of phenomena associated with different pressures and explain the reasons for these differences.

Draw your own conclusions.

Practical work No. 4

Devices and materials: 1) laboratory thermometer; 2) a piece of gauze or cotton wool; 3) a low glass with water at room temperature; 4) psychrometric table.



1. Measure the temperature in the classroom. Result

write down the measurements in a notebook.

2. Moisten a piece of gauze or cotton wool with water and wrap it around the thermometer reservoir. Hold the wet bulb bulb in the air for a while. As soon as the temperature drop stops, write down its readings.

3. Find the temperature difference between dry and wet thermometers and use the psychrometric table to determine the relative humidity in the classroom.

4. Record the results of measurements and calculations in a notebook.

Control questions:

1. Why is the temperature of a wet bulb lower than a dry bulb?

2. What determines the temperature difference between both thermometers?

3. In what case will the temperature of the "wet" thermometer be equal to the temperature of the "dry" one?

4. How does the temperature difference of both thermometers depend on the water vapor pressure in the air? Why?

5. In what ways can saturated steam be obtained from unsaturated steam?

6. Why does the pressure of saturated vapor increase faster with increasing temperature than the pressure of an ideal gas?

7. Why is heat much more difficult to endure at high humidity?

8. Draw a picture, explain the structure and principle of operation of a hair and condensation hygrometer and a psychrometer.

Draw your own conclusions.

Practical work No. 5


Devices and materials: two test tubes, a glass of hot water (CAUTION!), sand, sawdust, thermometer, stopwatch.



1. Pour sand into one test tube, and sawdust in a loose state into another.

2. Dip both test tubes into a beaker of hot water.

3. Using a stopwatch and a thermometer, compare the thermal conductivity of sand and sawdust.

4. Compare the thermal conductivity of sand and sawdust in a compacted state.


Devices and materials: ice, paper, foil, cotton wool, spoons,mug with hot water, stopwatch.

rice. 5 fig. 6


1 experience. Prepare three identical pieces of ice. Wrap one piece in foil, the second in paper, the third in cotton wool. Determine the time for complete melting. Explain the difference.

2 experience. Choose spoons from different materials(aluminum, cupronickel, steel, wood, etc.). Dip them halfway into a vessel of hot water. After 1-2 minutes, check if their handles are equally heated. Analyze and explain the result.

Record your results.

Control questions:

1. What is the thermal conductivity of a substance?

2. Why is the thermal conductivity of one substance greater (less) than the thermal conductivity of another substance?

3. How does the thermal conductivity of sawdust in a loose state depend on the thermal conductivity of sawdust in a compacted state?

Make a conclusion.


Devices and materials: a thick nail, two strips of paper, a spirit lamp or a candle.

rice. 7


1. Wrap a thick nail tightly with a strip of paper and bring it into the flame of an alcohol lamp.

2. Roll up a similar paper tube and

also bring it into the flame. (Be careful! As soon as the straw catches fire, put it in a jar of water on your table)

Control questions:

1. Why doesn't the paper wrapped around the nail burn?

2. Why does a simple paper tube catch fire easily?

Make a conclusion.


Devices and materials: eraser (a piece of wood, a piece of cork), a needle, a square of light paper (tracing paper or tissue paper).

rice. 8 fig. 9


1. Insert the needle into the gum (wood, cork) with the sharp end up, at a right angle (perpendicular) to the plane of the gum.

2. Fold the paper square diagonally (corner to corner). Expand, and fold along the other diagonal.

3. Unfold the paper again.

4. Where the fold lines intersect is the center of the sheet. The sheet of paper should look like a low, flattened pyramid (umbrella).

5. Put the resulting umbrella on

the point of a needle stuck in a cork. You will get a square umbrella, sitting steadily on the tip of a needle, propping it up in the center of gravity.

6. Rub your palms 5-10 times, then fold them around the pyramid at a distance of about 2.5 cm from the edges of the paper. Write down what you observe. Explain what is happening.

Make a conclusion.


Practical work No. 6

Devices and materials: two plastic rulers, styrofoam measuring approximately 0.5 x 0.5 cm on a thread, a holder, a needle, a piece of foam rubber, a tennis ball, foil, a sheet of paper.

rice. 10


1. Make three types of electric field indicators.

    The first is from a piece of foam plastic suspended on a thread.

    The second indicator can be made by cutting a small arrow out of foil and carefully placing it on the blunt end of a needle inserted vertically into the foam rubber. For stability, the ends of the arrow should be slightly lowered, and in the center, at the tip of the needle, make a small indentation with your fingers. Make sure that the arrow rotates easily on its axis. The action of this indicator is based on the polarization of the metal near the charged body. The arrow acquires a charge opposite to the charge of the body of the sign, and is attracted to the body.

    The third indicator can be made of dry light paper in the same way as the second, since dielectrics can also be polarized under the action of an external field.

2. Make a charged metal ball. To do this, wrap the ping pong ball in foil. You can also cover it with graphite (soft pencil lead). Lay it on a piece of foam rubber or other insulator so that it cannot move around. Charge it by rubbing the plastic body of the pen against wool and transferring the charge from the pen to the "metallized" ball.

3. Carrying the first indicator around the charged ball at an equal distance from its "equator", sketch the direction of the needle acting in fig. eleven

a positive test charge, which was on a foam indicator suspended on a thread.

rice. 12

4. Move the indicator around the ball at a greater distance from its center, remaining in the "equator" plane. Draw force vectors showing their relationship during the first and second rounds. Draw several electric field lines.

5. Use the second and third indicators to verify that

they rotate as they move around the ball along the direction of the electric field lines.

6. Turning the ball on the foam rubber, use the indicator to make sure that the picture of the location of the vectors field strength remains symmetrical in the "equatorial" plane.

7. Remove the foil from the plastic ball, charge only one "point" of the ball in the "equatorial" plane. Examine the picture of the electric field in this case. Sketch it in your notebook.

8. Wrap the foil around the ruler, place it on the insulator as shown in the figure and charge, then examine the field pattern along the ruler. Sketch the electric field lines.

9. Use the second or third indicator to see how the arrow reacts when a charged plastic pen is passed past it. Record your observations. How does the behavior of the arrow change if a piece of paper, a piece of celluloid, a flat sheet of foil, a mirror is placed between the indicator and the charged pen? Describe your observations.

10. Have someone hold a charged pen behind an opaque screen of paper or fabric and use an indicator to find at what point in space on the other side of the screen the electric field is at its strongest.

Draw your own conclusions.

Practical work number 7

Devices and materials: two strip magnets, a sieve with iron filings, paper, iron paper clips, various metal objects (for example, keys).


1. Put different iron keys, pencil, gum, paper and other items. Bringing a magnet to them in turn, determine which of them are magnetic materials.

2. Holding the magnet horizontally, bring a paperclip to one of the poles, bring the next one to the end of the paperclip and repeat the steps until a “chain” of maximum length is formed.

3. Hang one paper clip from the pole of a horizontal magnet and fig. 13

bring the opposite pole of the second magnet to it until it touches. Explain the observed effect.

4. Make sure that the magnetic effect of the magnet is strongest at the poles.

5. Place a strip magnet on the table and paper over the magnet. Sprinkle sawdust on the paper. View and draw the resulting image of the magnetic field.

6. Obtain an image of the magnetic field of two poles of the same name. Sketch the resulting image of the magnetic field.

7. Obtain an image of the magnetic field of two opposite poles. Sketch the resulting image of the magnetic field.

Control questions

1. How to explain that the magnetic needle is installed in a given place on the Earth in a certain direction?

2. Why do two nails attracted to a magnet diverge with opposite free ends?

3. What pole will appear at the pointed end of an iron nail if the south pole of a steel magnet is brought closer to its head?

4. Why is the compass case made of copper, aluminum, plastic and other materials, but not iron?

Draw your own conclusions.


Practical work No. 8

Devices and materials: combs, a sheet of cardboard, a mechanical alarm clock, a piece of cotton wool, a piece of cloth, a saucer, 4 glass bottles of different sizes, a nylon fishing line (2 m), a metal spoon, two matches, a woolen thread (2 m), two paper cups, a plastic bottle (2 l), balloon withd=dbottles , candle.

rice. 14

1. Singing combs

Pass a piece of cardboard or thick paper over the teeth of the comb, first quickly and then slowly. Do the same with different combs. When is the sound higher? What determines the pitch of a sound? Why is there sound at all?

Make a conclusion.

2. Chimes

Put the alarm clock on the table. Can you hear its ticking if you are at a distance of 1 m? Place your ear on the table at about the same distance from the alarm clock. Compare the audibility in this case. Repeat the experiment by placing the alarm clock on paper, cotton wool, a piece of cloth, a saucer. Write down your observations and draw a conclusion about the transmission of sound by various bodies.

Make a conclusion.

3. Bottle Orchestra

Take several empty glass bottles of different sizes. Hit them with a pencil. What bottles are issuedhigher sound? Lower? How can you explain it.

Take several identical bottles and fill with water to different levels. Tap them with a pencil. When is the sound higher?

What conclusion can be drawn from the experiments? Try to play something.

Make a conclusion.

4. Bell ringing from ... a spoon!

Take two meters of nylon fishing line. Tie the fishing line firmly in the middle to a tablespoon (not aluminum) spoon, and press its ends with your fingers to your closed ears. Bend over a little so that the spoon can swing freely, and hit it against the table leg.

Why do we hear sound? Why is he getting so loud? How is sound transmitted in this experience?

Make a conclusion.

rice. 15

5. The easiest phone

A cheap telephone, although not electric, but transmitting sounds at a distance and, therefore, deserving of the name telephone, can be made by yourself. Glue two small glasses from a thin folder (Paper cups will do). Make holes in their bottoms so that you can thread the cord, as shown in the picture. At the bottom of the glass, fasten the cord with a wooden stick. The length of the cord can be 20 or even more meters. Each of the two participants in the conversation receives a glass, and they disperse as far as the cord allows. If one of the participants speaks into a glass, and the other puts his glass to his ear, then even softly spoken words will be heard at a distance. Why is the sound good?

Make a conclusion.

6. Sound shock wave

Sound rings. Under certain conditions, short bursts of sound form specific vibrations in the air known as "sound rings". These rings carry considerable power. Some can shoot down relatively large objects at a distance of several meters (or even more, like, for example, a sound wave from an explosion)!

You can create smaller versions of them that will extinguish the candle. Make a sound generator from a plastic bottle and a balloon. Cut off the base of the empty bottle as smoothly as possible. Smooth the edges (for example, run a lit match or lighter around the perimeter of the cut until the edges are smooth). Cut so much from the balloon that you have enough rubber to completely close the "bottom" of the bottle, and two centimeters are left in reserve. Stretch and firmly fix the rubber circle obtained from the ball to the bottle with adhesive tape. It should look like a drum. Now grab with your fingers (kind of pinch) in the center of the stretched "bottom". Pull (tighten) the rubber and release. This will give a pretty strong little explosion. Try to blow out the candle by pointing the manufactured device at it. Pull back the membrane and release. You can see the sound rings by smoking the bottle. Explain the observed effect.

Make a conclusion.


Practical work No. 9

Devices and materials: light source, comb with rare teeth, mirror.


1. Place a sheet of thick white paper at a distance of two meters from the table lamp, at the same level with it.

rice. 16

2. Install a comb with rare

big teeth. Long parallel shadows will fall from its teeth.

3. Take a small square mirror and place it on a piece of paper in the path of the light rays.

4. Stripes of reflected rays will appear on the paper. No matter how you turn the mirror, always the angle between the rays incident on the mirror perpendicular, lowered on the mirror, will be equal to the angle between this perpendicular and the reflected rays.

Control questions:

1. What law confirms the experiment?

2. Give examples of the application of this law.

3. Where among the phenomena around you can you observe this law.

Draw your own conclusions.

Practical work No. 10

Devices and materials: white cardboard, scissors, pencil, compasses, brush, paints or colored pencils (felt-tip pens).


1. Draw a circle on the cardboard with a compass.

2. Divide the circle into seven equal sectors.

3. Color the sectors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue,

purple color.

rice. 17

4. Use scissors to cut out the circle.

5. Pierce the center of the circle with a pencil to make a top.

6. Spin the top.

7. Describe your observations.

8. Explain the observed phenomenon.

Control questions:

1. Why, if you mix seven colors of watercolors, you won't get white?

2. Who discovered the laws of optical color mixing?

Make a conclusion.


1. Andrus J., Knighton K. 100 entertaining experiments / per. from English. S.E. Shafranovsky. - M.: CJSC "Rosmen-Press", 2008. - 88 p.;

2. Volkov, V.A. Lesson developments in physics. Grade 10. /V.A. Volkov - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 400 p.;

3. Volkov, V.A. Pourochnye development in physics. Grade 11. /V.A. Volkov - M.: VAKO, 2009. - 464 p.;

4. Rabiza, F. Experiments with a comb // Science and Life, 1965, No. 3. - P. 152-154;

5. Skripko, Z.A. Laboratory work on the course "Natural Science" for students in the humanities classes. /BEHIND. Skripko - Tomsk: Publishing house of TSPU, 2006. - 96 p.;

6. Tulchinsky, M. E. Qualitative tasks in physics in high school. /M.E. Tulchinsky - M .: "Enlightenment", 1972. - 240 p.


1. - Experiments without instruments.

2. Laboratory works.

4 .

It is known that the greatest interest when studying physics, students show when performing independent practical actions both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Therefore, it is logical to use a physical experiment when students perform practical homework. The proposed practical homework increases students' interest in the study of physics, lays a solid base of theoretical knowledge acquired by them in the process independent activity. Considering that the study of physics in grades 7-9 is given 2 hours a week, practical homework does not lead to overload. Work in most cases is given on weekends so that students have time to complete the experiment and comprehend the results. Students receive a hands-on homework presentation that lists necessary equipment and the exact algorithm for performing the experiment at home. All presentation material is animated.

It is no secret that in the conditions some schools in remote parts of Russia, including foreign schools, it is not always possible to conduct a demonstration experiment or laboratory work in physics due to the lack of some equipment. The material posted on the site allows you to get out of this situation.

Website author developed animated practical physics homework for grade 7. On the Internet only examples of practical homework are givenin text version.

7th grade
Determining the thickness of a coin.
Determination of the average speed of a person.
Calculation of the mass of water in the aquarium.
Determination of the density of soap.
Determination of the mass and weight of air in a living room by density and volume.
Calculation of the mass of water in the aquarium
Calculation k of paper stiffness.
Determining the pressure of a solid body on a support
Calculation of liquid pressure on the bottom and walls of the vessel
Studying the principle of operation of a piston liquid pump
Calculation of the force with which the atmosphere presses on the surface of the table.
Does the body float or sink?
Calculation of the work done when lifting from the first to the second floor of a house or school.

An example of practical homework in pdf format “Determining the Thickness of a Coin”

When doing practical homework, students deepen their knowledge, repeat the material studied in the lessons, develop memory and thinking, learn to analyze the purpose and results of experiments, draw conclusions on their own. The works evoke in students a feeling of surprise, delight and pleasure from a self-made home experiment, and the resulting positive emotions permanently fix the necessary information in memory. Thus, the use of practical homework in the practice of teaching physics actively influences the development of practice-oriented skills of students and increases their interest in the subject, allows to some extent to overcome the costs of the "chalky" way of teaching physics in a modern school.

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