Category Archives: Beauty. Beauty and health Popular articles about beauty and health

Ventilation 24.11.2020

Today, September 9, the whole world celebrates International Beauty Day! On this occasion, today we will talk about the most interesting facts related to the beauty industry and everything beautiful. What women used a few hundred years ago, who is Max Factor and why did girls bite their lips - read our article.


It's no secret that we all want to always be beautiful. Now it’s easy to emphasize your natural beauty - the cosmetic market is littered with a million tubes of lipstick and. We offer you to see how women reclaimed beauty several tens and hundreds of years ago.

Fact number 1. In Central Asia, a woman with fused eyebrows was considered the standard of beauty

Everyone probably knows about this fact thanks to the numerous photographs of Frida Kahlo, the famous Mexican artist. Eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose were considered the standard of beauty, therefore, from an early age, all girls were smeared with eyebrows and the space between the eyebrows with usma juice - a plant that stimulated hair growth. This standard of beauty is still preserved among Tajiks (particularly in rural areas).

Fact #2: Ancient Egyptians used eye shadow to prevent conjunctivitis

The heat, combined with the frequent floods of the Nile, created a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive. Therefore, absolutely everyone - both women and men - circled their eyes with black eyeliner to protect their eyes from various diseases and so that the bright sun does not blind the eyes.

Fact #3. Until the 19th century, women were forbidden to wear lipstick

In the Middle Ages, it was forbidden to use (it was believed that a girl who paints her lips is a witch). Therefore, until the 19th century, all women bit their lips in order to give them color. But, unlike the weaker sex, men were allowed to use this feminine attribute: many young men at the courts of kings willingly used lipstick in order to highlight their lips against the background of a beard and other facial hair.

Fact number 4. There is a mental disorder associated with excessive beauty

This disease is called Stendhal's syndrome. The syndrome was named after Stendhal, a French writer of the 19th century, who described his feelings during a visit to Florence in 1817 in the book Naples and Florence: A Journey from Milan to Reggio. This is a mental disorder characterized by rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and hallucinations. Symptoms appear when a person is overly admired for the beauty of fine art, nature, people, etc.

Fact #5. The first World Beauty Contest was held in Belgium in 1888

On September 19, 1888, the final of the First World Beauty Contest took place in the Belgian resort town of Spa. Then this event was held behind closed doors, and only men were present among the jury members. After an interview with 21 candidates, the winner was 18-year-old Berta Sucare from Guadeloupe, who received the main prize - 5,000 francs. Back then, beauty queens weren't given crowns yet.

Fact number 6. Cleopatra is considered the founder of manicure

Yes, yes, that's right, the procedure for manicure and nail care was invented by Cleopatra (we talked about earlier). In those days, bright manicure (red, black, green) was worn only by noble individuals of Egypt, and well-groomed nails were considered a sign of wealth. By the way, in ancient egypt manicure devices were made exclusively of gold. Slaves could paint their nails, but only in neutral, soft colors.

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Essential oil is a true gift of nature, an extremely popular and multifunctional fragrant volatile substance isolated from flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, fruits, wood or plant resin, and having unique notes that, like music, have their own tonality. Essential oils actively used in cosmetology to improve the quality of the skin, in medicinal purposes and for the prevention of various diseases. In addition, they are actively used in the aromatization of rooms, baths, for aromatherapy and to improve psychophysical health and emotional state (to invigorate, calm, relax, increase potency, etc.).

The gut microflora in a broad sense is a collection of different microorganisms, a complex community with very subtle interactions between participants. Modification of the quantitative ratio and species composition of the normal microflora of an organ, mainly the intestine, accompanied by the development of microbes atypical for it, is called dysbacteriosis - this is a condition caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora associated with a change in the species composition of bacteria. Most often this happens due to malnutrition. But a violation of the microflora can occur not only due to malnutrition, but also due to the intake of various antibiotics.

Since ancient times, people have used cold to harden the whole body, to prolong beauty and active longevity, because in reasonable doses, cold has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The healing possibilities of cold are mentioned in the writings of Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna and other doctors of antiquity. The end of the twentieth century was marked by a qualitative change in the approach to using the rejuvenating effect of cold on the human body, to replace regular ice and cold water, came procedures based on the application of extreme low temperatures- cryotherapy (cryolysis).

Most modern cosmetic products cause immunity disorders precisely because the body does not know how to deal with all the chemicals that make up these products. Having studied the nature of the impact of the main components of cosmetics, it is easy to understand that it is almost impossible to continue using them, and you should not choose products with a beautiful label.

the main role hygienic massage is not a treatment for existing problems, but the prevention of their occurrence and a means of caring for your body, a pleasant and useful procedure. Hygienic massage is used to improve health, care for the body, increase blood circulation, prevent diseases, overwork, etc. The procedure is effective for nervous breakdowns that negatively affect the condition muscular system. Massage allows you to quickly recover after a long illness, nervous breakdown or physical stress.

The skin is the largest organ, covering almost 2 square meters of the body. It protects us from microbes, participates in the regulation of body temperature, allows us to feel touch, heat and cold. But she herself needs to be protected from chronic damage. Sunlight has importance for the overall health of our body, but it can also harm.

Immunity (lat. immunitas) is the main defense system of our entire body, the system of resistance to infections that accompanies us all our lives. If your immune system is in order, then even if infectious agents enter the body, they are immediately neutralized. The immune system should not be too active, because with the increased work of the immune system, it can begin to react to its own cells - this is how allergies and autoimmune processes develop when the system fails and begins to attack even healthy cells.

Dreadlocks, braids and other types of afro hairstyles have long been firmly established in our lives. Now few people can be surprised with crazy colored dreadlocks or chic long braids. These hairstyles attract the eye, create a shocking image, and most importantly, they are very unpretentious: daily styling is not needed, a lot of special tools are needed to give the hairstyle volume and the desired shape. Afro hairstyles can now be seen not only among those who consider themselves to be any alternative movements, clans, parties. They are worn by students, actors, singers. Foreword

Such a topic as female beauty always remains relevant. Time is merciless in relation to the beautiful half of humanity. Despite this, women use various methods to maintain a good appearance.

Definition of beauty

All girls and women want to attract the views of others. Recipes for achieving attractiveness are passed on from the previous generation to the new one every year. They are carefully collected and set aside. Today it is very easy to become attractive!

For women, the perfect look is a concept that has no boundaries. Each has its own subjective opinion on the account of attractiveness. All are united by a common desire - the attention of men. It's nice to catch the admiring glances of the strong half of humanity.

From the point of view of men, women should be healthy, feminine and sexy. They pay attention to everything: how a lady walks, dresses, stands or sits. Health gives shine to the eyes, skin - more energy.

Proper nutrition and body care help to achieve sexuality. Men are more supportive of those who try to look feminine and do not get hung up on rigid stereotypes that are constantly changing.

Self care rules

There are numerous methods on how to become beautiful and attractive. Start with the skin and body. They are important for the female image. Every woman dreams of a slim, beautiful and sexy figure.

Skin and hair care does not require a lot of time. It is enough to allocate 20 minutes daily to get the attention of others. You need to get used to it in a month, then it will be easier to follow the advice of professional masters.

If we are talking about a face, it will not be possible to put it in order in a day. But a weekly course of useful masks will help transform and become even more attractive. The industry of excellence offers recipes for the face, hair masks, body, even considering the time of year.

Observing the useful precepts of beauty, it is easy to remain attractive. Need:

  1. Regularly perform procedures to maintain a perfect look.
  2. Give yourself enough time.
  3. Use only your personal belongings.
  4. Refuse to use expired cosmetics.
  5. Observe proper nutrition. Refuse products that interfere with achieving attractiveness.
  6. Consume vitamins.
  7. Follow the composition of cosmetics.
  8. Take proper care of your skin at certain times.

It is important to listen to your desires, take care of yourself. Beauty takes a lot of effort. You can continue to look at yourself in the mirror and see rashes on your face, attributing everything to bad heredity. Or choose the right skin care, she will definitely respond with gratitude.

Beauty is self-confidence. A girl becomes beloved and desired for a man, knowing his needs and desires. Inner beauty helps to increase attractiveness.

Heading materials

yellow spots on the nails not only spoil the appearance of the plate, but may also indicate health problems. When such a shade appears, it is worth contacting a dermatologist or therapist for advice. Doing it yourself without knowing the cause of the problem is dangerous.

There are many ideas for creating a beautiful and original manicure. But putting them into practice turns out to be problematic. A special tape for nails can simplify the task. The main thing is to figure out how to use this simple accessory and choose the most suitable option.

Castor oil is good not only for hair, but also for nails. The oily, thick liquid from castor bean seeds contains several acids in its composition that can strengthen and restore the horny plate. For nails, it is used as independent remedy or as part of masks, creams, compresses.

When the nails change color, shape, structure, this indicates a deterioration in their health, improper care. Cracks appear on the nails of the hands with a lack of vitamins, trace elements, adverse climatic conditions. Difficult working conditions, the use of household chemicals without gloves can also affect the quality of the nail plate.

A nail mask will help restore a healthy look to the nails. You can do it with different components that are in every home. Regular use of firming, oil warming masks for rapid growth nail plate gives good results. These homemade tools are no less useful than purchased ones.

Restoring nails after gel polish is not an easy task. Many women, after wearing a manicure and pedicure for a long time, are faced with the fact that the nail plate has deteriorated. This happens when the effect of the coating is continuous: the old manicure is removed and a new one is applied.

Beautiful and smooth skin of the feet is a sign that a person takes care of his body and pays attention to his condition regularly. Heel care is necessary: ​​corns form on them, the skin darkens over time, coarsens, and cracks. How to return a neat appearance to the feet? It is easy to do this at home with the help of inexpensive means.

The situation when your favorite varnish thickens and becomes unusable is familiar to every girl. There are ways to help avoid this problem. If it does occur, you can dilute the nail polish and thus bring it back to life. The main thing is to know what means are allowed to be used.

Antiseptics are actively used in cosmetology. Baths for nails with iodine are effective if done correctly. There are many recipes using a yellow-brown solution. For yourself, you can choose any method of treating, strengthening and nourishing nails using this tool.

A manicure with the use of gel polish, made according to all the rules, is worn for a long time (at least 2 weeks), looks neat and tidy. So that the varnish does not chip off, does not exfoliate 2-3 days after the procedure, you need to properly and carefully seal the end of the nail. This nuance must be taken into account by the manicurist in order to extend the period of gel polish wear.

You can clean and soften rough skin on the foot with a simple substance that is in every kitchen. It's soda. For heels, this is an indispensable tool that can clean and tidy up dry, cracked skin of the feet.

Water stickers can give your nails a sophisticated look. They are easy to use. They are not expensive at all. The main thing is to study the instructions for their use in advance. After that, you can safely apply decoration on your nails. The result will exceed all expectations, and the manicure will look fresh and original.

An ingrown toenail is not only an aesthetic problem. When it occurs, discomfort appears, severe pain is noted. The danger of the condition lies in the risk of complications. Treatment must be started without delay. As a therapy, laser removal of an ingrown nail is often prescribed. It is worth understanding how this procedure is carried out and how high the risk of relapse is.

Burdock face oil is actively used in cosmetology. It is used to improve hair, skin of the body and face. There are a large number of effective anti-aging masks based on this tool. The result of the application is visible after several procedures.

Proper nail care helps prevent peeling and brittleness of the plate. Cosmetologists recommend using nail baths with sea ​​salt, because it is rich in iodine, maintains the condition of the skin of the hands, strengthens the nails and prepares them for manicure.

Rhinestones help to give the nails a bright, sophisticated look. Thanks to their use, it is possible to create an incredibly beautiful manicure. Their application does not cause difficulties. The main thing is to learn how to glue rhinestones on nails. If you strictly follow the instructions, then at home you will be able to achieve excellent results.

One of the common problems, especially in the warm season, is rough heels. They spoil the appearance of the legs and cause discomfort. To correct the situation, you need to identify the causes of such changes and learn what is best done to mitigate skin and removal of the stratum corneum.

Applying gel polish solves one big problem: it corrects the ugly appearance of nails or their shape. After the cosmetic procedure, the hands look more attractive, but in addition to the pros, there are also disadvantages: for many women, after removing the varnish, the nails become thinner and brittle.

Gel polish is a durable coating. The procedure for performing such a manicure is quite complicated. You need to know all the subtleties of technology, so as not to be disappointed. Degreasing deserves special attention. It is worth figuring out how to degrease nails before gel polish.

The problem when the toenail turns yellow is not only aesthetic. Such changes can signal serious changes in the body. To restore the nail plate, it is necessary to identify the cause of its yellowing. Only then can treatment begin.

Castor oil for wrinkles has been used as a remedy for a long time. It is suitable for hair, skin, nails. It contains a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, minerals that improve metabolism, regeneration of damaged tissues.

Folk remedies do not require expensive components and help get rid of corns at home. Dry calluses cause discomfort and inconvenience while walking. They appear due to poor circulation, flat feet, excess weight.

Iodine is an antiseptic Brown color to disinfect wounds. The drug is also used to strengthen the nail plate, treat plants. When working, the product gets on things and the body. If the spots disappear from the skin on their own within a day, then it is difficult to wash the iodine from the nails.

Every woman wants to be slim, graceful, charming. And there are many ways to get rid of extra pounds: strict diets, debilitating sets of exercises, massage and many other procedures. But often there is not enough time or money for this.

When the nails on the hands are bent, this is not only ugly, but also causes great discomfort. There can be many reasons for this state of affairs. It is important to find provoking factors in a timely manner and try to eliminate the problem. A healthy nail plate should be smooth and even, without ridges, chips, white spots, cracks.

Hands are the calling card of every person, and the condition of the nail plate indicates the general condition of everything. human body. In the presence of any pathological condition, the nails begin to exfoliate, become thinner and break. To prevent this from happening, constant care is required not only for the surface of the stratum corneum, but also from the inside. To accomplish this task, pharmaceutical companies offer many inexpensive and effective nail vitamins.

Mourning stripes under the nails do not paint anyone. The subungual space needs regular cleaning for a healthy and well-groomed appearance of the hands and protection against infections. How to remove dirt from under the nails? There are many ways to do this, the choice of which depends on the degree of contamination, the length of the plate and the purpose of cleaning.

Manicure at home is always simple, painless, safe. Using a minimal set of tools, varnishes that match in color, you can put your hands in order no worse than in a salon. There are many nuances that can spoil the result.

When a wet callus bursts on the heel, severe discomfort occurs. Sometimes this phenomenon is fraught with pathogenic microorganisms entering the open wound.

Enlarged pores on the face look unaesthetic, which makes many women complex about their appearance. In addition, makeup does not fit well on uneven areas, such skin is prone to inflammatory processes, which is fraught with the appearance of acne and comedones.

When a person does not monitor the condition of the feet, does not get rid of calluses in time, complications arise, the most unpleasant of which are corns with a stem. The growths quickly increase in size, cause discomfort and threaten with numerous problems.

Performing a manicure is a responsible and painstaking business. In some cases, it becomes necessary to quickly dry the nail polish. You can quickly cope with this task at home. There is far from one life hack that allows you to speed up the drying process of the coating.

Smooth and healthy heels require constant care. Often women remember this only with the approach of summer, ignoring the constant cosmetic procedures. The solution to the problem is a remedy with glycerin and ammonia. It helps to cope with numerous foot problems.

Various procedures help to bring the skin into proper condition. Of the cosmetic options for eliminating extra pounds and giving the skin firmness, firmness, and elasticity, algal wrapping has become very popular. It is carried out in all beauty salons.

It is not uncommon for parents to see their son or daughter begin to bite their nails. But many do not attach importance to this because they do not know about the dire consequences. This bad habit in medicine is called onychophagia. Pathology can occur as a result of many factors, most often it is associated with psychological problems.

The spectrum of application of such a cheap and effective remedy as hydrogen peroxide for the face is quite diverse. This well-known antiseptic, widely used in medical practice for the treatment of wounds, is no less effective in cosmetology.

Manicure coated with gel polish is durable, looks neat without correction for more than 2 weeks. It rarely happens when, after going to the master, gel polish peels off the nail literally the next day. This can happen due to the fact that the application technology was not followed, poor quality products were used by a master without qualification, or for other reasons. In each individual situation, it is necessary to understand so that the manicure does not bring disappointment, and the money is not wasted.

Feet are often injured due to impact, uncomfortable shoes, poor care. But when brown spots on the nails appear for no apparent reason, it is worth looking for a problem in the body. It is difficult to determine the cause on your own, therefore, at the first signs of darkening of the plate, you should consult a doctor.

Changes in the appearance, color scheme, structure of the nail plate indicate health problems. Nail onychodystrophy is a systemic disease in which the stratum corneum becomes thinner, brittle, and dull. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this pathology.

AT Everyday life people face various domestic traumas. Insignificant at first glance, they can cause irreparable harm to health. Common injuries include bruises, squeezing of the limbs. As soon as a person has pinched a nail with a door, a heavy object, it is urgent to save the horn plate, otherwise it may fall off.

Most girls and women know that in different seasons, the skin requires a different approach. After all, in summer it is more susceptible to the hot sun, and in winter to cold, especially in severe frosts. 24NSP made a selection for you proper care for the skin in the fall, just by the way.

There are many rumors that lipstick is harmful. There is no single answer to this question, because there are various factors that influence the answer. And the main factor in this matter is the manufacturer. Today's article will reveal this issue a little, this is especially important for those who take care of their health and do not want to poison it with various harmful substances.

Every summer provides a great opportunity to show off your lovely legs. And with the help of modern open shoes, you can emphasize your beauty even more: leather sandals with ribbons and rhinestones, with fabric inserts, bright and neutral colors, with chains, straps, etc. I want to wear each of them at once! However, you should know that your heels should always be smooth and well-groomed, and your pedicure beautiful and neat.

Complete and healthy sleep is the best way get a great view all day long. During sleep, the muscles of our face relax, blood microcirculation accelerates, and during this period, the division of epidermal cells is most active. It is for this reason that the skin of a well-rested and well-rested person looks healthy and glowing.

Dandruff may not ruin your career or personal life, but it can provide a bad mood. After all, it is very unpleasant when there are white crumbs with a grayish tint on the hair, moreover, this leads to self-doubt. There are thoughts that the interlocutor is looking not at you, but at your head and dandruff. For many people, this problem is very relevant. Most people have been trying to get rid of dandruff for years without success. Let's first understand the reasons for its appearance, and then consider ways to get rid of it.

Beauty and health depend only on ourselves, and this is an indisputable fact! In order for our health and beauty to please us, we need to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, monitor our diet, and most importantly, smile more often and enjoy life. More positive and positive mood and you will be surprised how your beauty and health will begin to return to normal!

March 22, 2016

“Hey, pretty…” Every woman blossoms when she hears such words addressed to her. A compliment for a representative of the gentle sex is like a magic medicine - it cures all ailments and bad mood. A woman loves with her ears, it really is. But natural data alone is not enough. To make them sparkle with bright colors, a lot of painstaking work is required. Which? Read below.

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March 15, 2016

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are always attractive and add confidence to a woman. But, unfortunately, due to household chores, bad weather and the poor condition of the body as a whole, the nails become brittle and not beautiful. It is quite possible to restore them at home, if you use all kinds of baths and ointments.

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March 11, 2016

How is this cold always at the wrong time! At work, there is an emergency, the weekend is on the nose, when you want to take a walk in the fresh air, and then ... it flows from your nose, your throat is ticklish and in general you are in a broken state. But! If you connect heavy artillery in the form folk remedies You can get rid of a cold in just a couple of days.

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September 8, 2015

I shared with you some of the secrets of self-care. If you systematically make masks every week and take care of your skin, as well as monitor nutrition and lead an active lifestyle, then you will remain in great shape by the age of 80!

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April 22, 2015

Nothing spoils the mood like a jumping pimple. Especially on the eve of an important event, which most often happens. Yes, many readers of our portal will confirm this! In order not to depend on the vagaries of the skin, you need to take care of it regularly, especially with a tendency to form acne. You can deal with the problem with the help of face masks for acne.

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January 26, 2015

How often in pursuit of beautiful figure we ourselves, without knowing it, make mistakes and stand still in achieving the goal. It turns out that under the power of myths, we are doing something wrong. For example, we starve ourselves, train until we drop on the simulators, and then look forward to the morning to eat. But in order to have beautiful body need to eat! The main thing is to know “what” and “when”.

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June 21, 2014

To restore the former beauty and health of the skin around the eyes, you need to follow some rules. The rules, in fact, are simple and it is possible to fulfill them in a jiffy. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to treat your appearance negligently. Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes is much more difficult than preventing them. It is better to start postponing aging indefinitely from an early age.

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June 21, 2014

The beauty of a woman is in her hands. Undoubtedly, ecology, heredity matter, but if a girl does not take care of herself, neglects the rules of a healthy lifestyle, often experiences stress, then no genes will save her. And a beautiful flower threatens to quickly turn into a weed. Now it is not difficult to be beautiful. What kind of creams and procedures are not offered to women! Enjoy the achievements of the beauty industry, including those that she has to deal with body hair.

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June 21, 2014

Spring is a wonderful time, a time of renewal, new emotions, fresh impressions. It heals spiritual wounds and gives peace and happiness. Every woman strives to look especially attractive in spring. This is not surprising, because Nature herself is awakening, shining with bright colors. Therefore, in the spring, the fair sex is in a hurry to update their wardrobes and change their hairstyle. Do you want to meet the new season even more fully equipped? Then take care of your skin.

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June 21, 2014

Home cosmetics is now experiencing a real boom. She is in great demand. Even stores have departments selling products made from natural products: honey, oatmeal, fresh fruit. Of course, such cosmetics are more useful for personal care, because they do not contain preservatives, dyes and other similar ingredients. Therefore, actively use the gifts of the folk pantry of beauty, for example, prepare body scrubs with your own hands.

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June 21, 2014

Autumn and winter are the time of colds, therefore, throughout the entire cold period, you need to actively engage in strengthening health and increasing immunity. Of course, first of all, you need walks in the fresh air, morning exercises and hardening. But also, our nutrition is very important, with the help of which you can activate the reserve forces of the body in the shortest possible time, allowing you to fight any cold.

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June 21, 2014

In winter, everything slows down, we seem to fall into hibernation. We walk less, we get tired more, more often we don’t want to do something. And we devote much less time to caring for ourselves in winter. But in order to meet spring fully armed, you need to take care of your skin, hair, nails today. Winter has passed almost a month. Therefore, there is still time. Make yourself a beauty program for this winter and arrange spa evenings every weekend. You will not only cheer yourself up, but also preserve and increase your beauty!

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June 21, 2014

The beauty and health of the skin depends
only on the degree of proper care for her. If you wish to save the gift
nature beauty for a long time, then you should select cosmetics and
procedures based on age. In this article, we will share the main
secrets and subtleties of facial skin care after 30. Applying them regularly on
practice, you will always not only look charming, but also stay in a beautiful

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June 21, 2014

Well, which of us does not want to have beautiful and healthy, smooth skin as long as possible? Radiate health for many years, regardless of age. If you are ready to give yourself some time and not be lazy, then you need to start using anti-aging cosmetics on time. There is no need to be afraid of such cosmetics, it is important to warn in advance signs of aging that have not yet begun. How to choose the right products for yourself, and how to properly care for yourself after 30, read in this article.

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June 21, 2014

How to become beautiful if the skin on the face does not look healthy? To be beautiful, you need healthy skin. And for beautiful skin on the face, you need to follow at least two parts of the equation. The first one is healthy eating. The second is face masks. And it’s better to make face masks at home, then at the same time you can relax, relax in a homely atmosphere, and after cosmetic procedures you don’t need to go or go anywhere. In general, our home is our strength, beauty and health!

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