The behavioral features of a person in places of imprisonment. The order of leaving convicts to imprisonment in a detention facility to fulfill work on business services

Sealants 09.11.2020

1. Do the convicted material assistance receive after liberation.

1.1. We are not unfortunately the convicts do not get anything after going to freedom in the Russian Federation.

2. Is there any cash aid convicted of liberation and what amount?

2.1. Hello! The convicts, liberated from forced work, arrest or imprisonment for a certain period, is provided by free travel to the place of residence, they are provided by food or money for travel time in the manner established by the authorized federal executive authority.
In the absence of clothing or funds necessary for its acquisition for its acquisition, the convicts exempted from the seats of imprisonment are provided with clothing at the expense of the federal budget. They may be issued a one-time monetary allowance in the amount established by the Government Russian Federation.
Ensuring food products, clothing, issuing a one-time cash benefit, as well as payment for the fare of the convicts exempted by the administration of an institution that acts.

3. If honey. Part refuses the convicted IR in honey help, where to appeal.

3.1. Hello, if illegally refuse to treat, you need to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office so that we figured out the situation on the spot

I wish you good luck and all the best!

3.2. Good day! In this case, there is a violation of current legislation, so you should apply to the prosecution authorities, on the basis of Art. 10 FZ about the prosecutor's office, let them understand this issue.

4. Who to write an application for honey. Assistance to convicted in IR.

4.1. Good evening
Dear Oksana, in this case it is necessary to write a statement to the head of IR. If you do not react, write the complaint to the district prosecutor's office.

4.2. Good day to you. Write to the head of the correctional institution. If there is no reaction, write the prosecutor to oversee the observance of laws in places of detention. Good luck and all the best.

4.3. Dear Oksana, send an application for medical assistance to the convict needed to the head of the institution of IR.

5. You can form an application to the prosecutor's office about not honey help convicted in IR.

5.1. Hello, there are no blanks, write in free form with the presentation of all the circumstances of the case and your requirements.
Good luck and all the best

5.2. Good day! There are no samples for writing a statement to the prosecutor's office. Write in arbitrary form with the presentation of the circumstances of what happened. You need to write to the Investigative Committee.

5.3. Good day! The prosecutor's office is not a court and the application can be written in free form, the main thing is to correctly write a header of the statement. In which the props of prosecutors, details and social status of the applicant should be indicated.
Wish you luck.

6. Where can I contact the convict for the provision of honey. help?

6.1. Good day to you. A convict to provide medical care should be applied to the prison hospital. Good luck and all the best.

6.2. Oksana, to provide medical assistance to the suspect, the accused and convicted in the institution a medical unit is organized, which is a structural unit of the institution: the investigative insulator (hereinafter - SIZO), a correctional institution (hereinafter - IC), including a correctional colony (hereinafter - IR), Therapeutic correctional institution (hereinafter referred to as Liu), the educational colony (hereinafter - VC), prisons) or a branch of the medical and prophylactic institution. The institution in which the medical unit is its structural unit, performs the functions of a medical and prophylactic institution regarding the most suspects accused and convicted, by types of medical care (work and services) under the license obtained for medical activities.

6.3. Good day! In this case, you need to contact the medical unit, you can through the chief of the detachment, it is to do, they must provide the necessary assistance.

7. Where to apply if the convicted person does not provide medical care?

7.1. Good day! Submit a complaint to the prosecutor's office. The complaint is written in arbitrary form (in their own words), it is supplied by mail or personally.

7.2. Hello. If it is accurately needed, then in the prosecutor's office and as quickly as possible. And if the local doctor does not accept due to the lack of real need, the prosecutor's office will not help.

8. Can a sentence be provided to be provided with free legal assistance if he has no money? Or is he obliged to make money on this help?

8.1. Good day. It can be provided - according to federal and regional laws on free legal aid. For example: disabled person, war veteran, a minor, pensioner (on pension disputes).

9. Can I work at ambulance with redeemed convictions was convicted under article 145 hours 2 of the RSFSR and would drive me from work after providing such a reference?

9.1. You have no criminal record, although you were tried.
Condemunicability This legal consequence of the commission of a crime and it lasts a limited amount of time depending on the severity of the perfect act.
Given that you were tried in the RSFSR, any conviction has already been repaid, and for a very long time.

10. How to get a copy of the sentence in Moscow and forward it to the region? The convict did several requests. No answer. Time runs. Does the help of a lawyer need and how to arrange everything.

10.1. If for some reason they do not send a convicted person, although they should do this, the only way out to appeal to a lawyer who will receive a copy of the sentence in court.

10.2. I do not understand your question condemned gets a sentence on the day of his exposure as you write and I understood he did not receive it could not.

11. For what article can be condemned by law enforcement officers if the guy requested help, shattered, and they stood inaction, waited when a young man would die. Then they said that this is suicide?

11.1. Good morning, Alina! Write a statement to the police and in management own security, in the prosecutor's office. This is their responsibility to investigate, attract responsibility, qualify acts. The sentence makes the court.

12. I need a sample statement about the fall from the wife of the convicted person, as she sick and she needs help, with the conditions that he will work, thanks!

12.1. The preparation of legal documents is a compensatory service.

13. At 18 years, it was conditionally convicted for half a year conditionally 159 article. (I was overpaying a pension for 4 thousand). I do not consider this conviction fair. Is it possible to erase this stain with a biography, because I can not find a decent job. Now I am 33. Thank you huge for any help!

13.1. Unfortunately, no, your conviction will forever remain in the database.

14. I had previously consulted from you. I had a question. Where can I contact the former conditionally convicted person for help in employment? Son 7 years ago was conditionally convicted, on half the deadline fell under the amnesty. For several years nowhere can not get a job ((everywhere the FSB works (((the guy's hands just dropped already (where can I contact support? Thanks.

14.1. Try to contact the Center for Employment of the Population with a statement about registration as an unemployed, and the FSB is not worthwhile, any employer has its own security service that checks applicants for one or another position, there is nothing illegal.

15. I heard that with the exemption of the convicts turns out to be financial assistance where and in what size can help?

15.1. Yes, indeed, small financial assistance is due to the federal budget of the administration of the colony in accordance with Article 181 of the PEC
PEC RF Article 181. Assisting the convicts liberated from serving the sentence

1. A convicts exempted from forced work, arrest or imprisonment for a certain period, is provided by free travel to the place of residence, they are provided by food or money during the passage of travel in the manner established by the authorized federal executive authority.
2. In the absence of clothing or funds necessary for its acquisition for its acquisition, the convicts exempted from the places of imprisonment are provided with clothing at the expense of the federal budget. They may be issued a one-time monetary allowance in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

16. Greetings.
There was such a situation. Condemned, after liberation, the police gave him his criminal case in full with the words "for memory".
Tell me, is it legal and where to seek help. Thank you.

16.1. The case should be kept in the archive of the Court, and after the stature of limitations, depending on the severity of the crime, is destroyed.

16.2. Nothing illegal in this case is observed. If convicted thinks that it violates his rights, may apply to the complaint.

16.3. Dear site visitor! And who are you in a criminal case that so sincerely worried about the current situation?

17. I have such a situation condemned me 105 hours 1 Although on the fact 111 h. 4. In Krahov, the victim rushed at me with the press, I spoke I broke the edges of the imprisonment of the forearm died during the day from the penetration of the ribs in the lungs. They qualified this Diyania on 105 because of the phone that I was supposedly I was taken by I took it so as not to call help.

17.1. You had a lawyer in court and he probably knows all this situation - it is not clear what your question is on the site ... The lawyer needs you in place to submit a complaint to a higher court, or write a complaint (appeal ...)

18. I was convicted of compulsory treatment in a medical organization providing psychiatric assistance in stationary conditions of a general type, if it turns out that psychiatric examination was wrong and I was healthy. What are the chances that it will be revised and will be convicted of imprisonment (Article 228.1 Part 4).
What is this in practice such cases are revised or if they will remove the treatment, will leave alone?

18.1. This can only be done if new circumstances will open at the time of making a decision on recognition of you insane.

19. Please my boyfriend was convicted in 2014 in accordance with Article 30 part 3-228.1 h 2 PB gave 5 years conditionally. In 2017, it was judged by article 111 part 2 b, s. In the aggregate Dali 6.6 years. Could he at the opening of half the deadline to count on parole. Thank you in advance for your help.

19.1. Not. This is possible when serving at least three quarters of the sentence sentence, prescribed for a crime against sexual inviolability of minors, as well as serious and especially grave crimes associated with illicit drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

19.2. 111 h. 2 - it heavy the crime. It is also necessary to know if he was released earlier at par. Udo is applied if left: at least one third of the sentence sentenced for a crime of small or moderate; at least half of the sentence sentenced for a serious crime; At least two thirds of the sentence sentence, appointed for a particularly serious crime, as well as two thirds of the sentence, appointed to the face, previously externally exempted; At least three quarters of the sentence sentence sentencing against sexual integrity of minors.

20. I ask for help! My friend condemned under Article 1660, made a fine, can it be dismissed now from work and on what basis? Thanks in advance! "According to the materials of the legal social network.

20.1. As provided for in Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
"The employment contract may be terminated by the employer in cases:
7) committing guilty actions by an employee who directly serving monetary or commodity values \u200b\u200bif these actions give grounds for loss of confidence from the employer's entity. "
At the same time, in paragraph 45 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2004, N 2 "On the applications of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" explained the following:
"45. Courts need to keep in mind that the termination of an employment contract with an employee under paragraph 7 of the first part of Article 81 of the Code in connection with the loss of confidence is possible only with respect to workers who directly serving monetary or commodity values \u200b\u200b(reception, storage, transportation, distribution, and t . p.), and provided that they are committed by such guilty actions that have given the employer the grounds for losing confidence in them.
When establishing the procedure for the embezzlement, bribery and other mercenary offenses provided by the law, these employees may be dismissed on the basis of loss of confidence in them and in the case when the specified actions are not related to their work. "
If your friend directly serves cash or commodity values, then labor contract With him can be terminated by the employer on this basis.

Yours faithfully,
Dmitry Zavalny.

21. Please tell me the article 161 part 2.166 h 2.162 hours 4, and according to Article 105 Part 2, there are Cokiya's changes to changes and what can be written to reduce the sentence from 21 years, I ask for help, condemned not fair, jury court.

21.1. Hello! If the sentence entered into force, then it can be appealed in an oversight order. Let the convict or his defender turn to the supervisory complaint.

22. Brother is illegally convicted under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by 7 years of the colony of the general regime. Sits for the fifth year. Submit the cassation appeal to cancel the sentence on the basis of a violation of the secrecy of the meeting of judges. Can you ask for help?

22.1. Good day! Dmitry, what do you need help? Your brother has already filed a cassation appeal. Do you think from participating in the cassation of a lawyer something will change? Unlikely. Need to the cassation appeal correctly compile first.

23. I disabled 1 group (wheelchair) I need extraneous assistance, lived with the son, which was condemned under Article 111 for a period of 8 years, if I could submit a petition for softening the sentence not related to imprisonment, because Stay without care? Son also has 2 group of disability.

23.1. In case of disagreement with the verdict, the convicted entitled to appeal to the appeal of the appellate instance, incl. Indicates in a complaint about the circumstances that you set out.

24. Very help. The man lived in the apartment of the mother, social. Was convicted. While in MLS made a request to the police, he was answered that the apartment was busy, everyone does not fight. In 2013, a man was forced to be free to the center of rehabilitation z / k. Now he wants to defend his right to housing. First, through a request to the local mayor, about the provision of housing, if they refuse, to court. Answer whether the officials of the mayor's office will be sore for the statute of limitations? Thank you.

24.1. There are few materials in the question. Officials will come together and for the statute of limitations, and anything.
His rights to citizen need to defend. Missed time to restore.
If possible, use the help of a lawyer.

24.2. Hello,
If a man was in places of imprisonment, then the time to appeal to court can be restored. More detailed information and judicial perspectives can be discussed with a lawyer

Detailed and deployed legal advice with the discussion of all nuances and details on your situation are paid. Contact any lawyer on the site for full-time consultation in private messages.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

25. Help, giving me a tip, according to the current standards of accounting and the provision of municipal housing in RSO-Alanya, namely, the regulatory documents, I will have a regular housing commission, which a new head of administration promised me a specific assistance in correcting the situation. He was angry condemned the lawlessness of his predecessor.

25.1. DLLA recognition of a citizen in need of improving housing conditions should be at the same time two conditions:

1) a citizen recognition by the poor
2) the presence of a citizen and members of his family residential plastry less accounting standards.

This is indicated in Art. 51 LCD RF.

The accounting rate is established by each municipal education independently.

25.2. Greetings to you Svetlana! Contact me by phone, which is listed on my page. You can call at any time.

26. Hello, you need help already convicted 2 OE accomplices 210 hours 1/2 228.1 H 5 Need assistance in mitigating sentence and generally permanent assistance and support in the camp from the repression of operatives.

26.1. Hello, Mikhail! Practical questions in the branches of interest to you are not related to my professional specialization. I recommend contacting another specialist. I hope for your understanding...

26.2. Good day! In case of disagreement with the verdict of the court, you are entitled to appeal it on your own initiative with the participation of the part of the protection. The appeal requires the foundations that can be taken into account when prescribing punishment and softening. At the same time, you can point out that those or other circumstances were not taken into account by the court of first instance. You can appeal the sentence within 10 days from the date of receipt of its copy.

27. There was a criminal record 18.01.2008 convicted of C.1 article 116 Penalty 10000. Then 25.11.2008 convicted Part 1 of Art. 111, Part 1 of Art. 158. 08/31/2011 released to serving the sentence. I work in the state organization of the ambulance station by the driver. Asked the certificate of conviction. Gave her am.

27.1. Good day!
So what is the question? You are not a medical worker and direct prohibition in the law for the implementation of the named labor activity.

28. Such a question is the case of the case I do not remember, but I want to prove that it was not legal condemned for this I need to find a copy of the sentence that the FSIN was not lost in IR what to do.

28.1. Good day.
Dear coalcast, in this case, please contact the court that condemned you. You must issue a copy of the sentence. So far, you can go to the court site and find your sentence on the site.

29. How to find out what article was a sense of knowing his name and the date of birth? Who can help do it.

29.1. Good day.
A legitimate way is to view open data banks containing information about the sentences made by the courts.

30. Son sentenced to 228 hours 2. Before that, there was a suspended period that was not repayed. Dali 4 years old, located in Orenburg IR 1, I on the group, with all the redirect the condition deteriorated, I can not work for this. There is only a pension of 7500, tell me what can be done to reduce the sentence of the Son. Is it possible to count on 80 tts, or to the settlement to your region in Tyumen. I will be sincerely grateful for the help, I am lost, life has become dim.

30.1. Hello. 4 years of imprisonment for a serious crime, taking into account the fact that the punishment is scheduled for the aggregate of sentences, is not very bad. Replacing an indispensable part of the punishment of a softer species or conditionally early release is possible only after the actual departure of at least half of the sentence period, i.e. two years. At the same time, the Court takes into account the behavior of the convict for the entire period of serving the sentence.

Life can work out that someone from your relatives may become convicted. Of course, this is a very difficult test not only for the most convicted, but also for his relatives.

If in your life it happened, it is necessary to remember and know about your rights.

To begin with, we will understand who such relatives. According to Russian legislation, relatives are those who are related links with the convict: spouse, spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted, native brothers and siblings, grandfather, grandmother, grandchildren.

For any person, committing a close relative of the crime and his condemnation is perceived as trouble, misfortune. And the natural response to what happened is the desire to help a close person, which was in a similar situation away from home and family, in unusual conditions of imprisonment. But most of the issues immediately arise from the mass of questions, for example: "How to find out the address where the relative is serving? Is it possible to write a letter or come on a date? Can I send money or package? What things and products can be sent? " These and many other questions immediately after what happened is difficult to find answers.

One of the main rights of this category of persons is that they can be representatives of the convict. This representation is possible when a suspect or accused is minors. In this case, legal representatives of the minor are: parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees of minor, representatives of institutions or organizations, on whose care is minor, guardianship and guardianship authorities.

The second case of a possible representation of the relatives of the convicted person - by definition or a court decree as a defender can be made along with a lawyer, one of the close relatives of the accused or other person, the admission of the accused. In the production of the magistrate, the specified person is allowed instead of a lawyer. Since the law establishes the right of the court (and not a duty) to admit a close relative as a defender, then in such a tolerance can be denied. At the same time, the court must motivate his refusal.

When the convicted person was sentenced to a sentence associated with imprisonment, he was sent to a correctional institution. The administration of the investigative isolator is obliged to inform one of the relatives on choosing a convicted person on where it is sent to serving the sentence. To fulfill this duty, the administration of the investigative insulator sends the notice to the considered condemned relative, which reports the time of disposal of the convicted facility from the detention facility, the address and name of the correctional institution, which is directed convicted. The notice indicates the date of departure of the convicted of the SIZO, the name and address of the correctional institution in which he will arrive. In case of non-fulfillment by the administration of the investigative insulator of this duty, the relatives of the convicted person are entitled to contact the superior bodies of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, to the prosecutor carrying out supervision of the observance of legality in the execution of sentences, as well as to the court that made the sentence.

Not later than 10 days after receiving the administration of the Investigative Isolator of the notice of the court sentence to legal force, convicts are sent to serving the sentence. During this period, condemned has the right to a short-term date with relatives or other persons.

In the presence of the right to short-term and long-term dating, the form of the first determines the convicted one. Subsequent dates are provided after a period of a period equal to a private division of twelve months on the number of dates of this species, relying from the convicted year per year.

The number of dates is established depending on the type of correctional institution, the mode of mode and the type of sentence of the sentence.

Close relatives of a citizen convicted to mandatory work, correctional work, restriction of freedom, arrest or deprivation of freedom can declare a petition for the deferment of the execution of the sentence. In the performance of all others (including additional) punishments, the use of a delay is not allowed.

The sentence detection can be performed in the presence of one of the following reasons:
1) a convict disease that prevents serving a sentence is before his recovery. Such diseases, in particular, include: tuberculosis, neoplasms, diseases of the endocrine system, mental disorders, illness nervous system and sense organs, diseases of blood circulation organs, etc.
2) pregnancy convicted or having young children, the presence of a convicted person who is the only parent, young children to achieve the youngest child of the age of fourteen years, except for the convicts for the restriction of freedom, deprivable freedom for crimes against sexual inviolability of minors under the age of fourteen years, or imprisonment for more than five years for grave and especially grave crimes against the personality.
3) The grave consequences or the threat of their occurrence for convicted or its close relatives caused by a fire or other natural disaster, a severe illness or death of the only able-bodied family member, other exceptional circumstances, - for the period established by the court, but not more than 6 months.
4) The voluntary desire for the convict for the deprivation of freedom for the commission of for the first time, recognized by the drug addicts, to undergo a course of treatment from drug addiction, as well as medical and social rehabilitation - until the end of the course of treatment from drug addiction and medical and social rehabilitation, but not more than five years.

The payment of the fine may be delayed or elevated for up to five years, if the immediate payment is impossible for the convicted person.

The question of the deferment of the execution of the sentence is solved by the court at the request of the convicted person, his legal representative, close relatives, the defender either by the presentation of the prosecutor.

A close relative of the convict, the punishment of which is not connected with the isolation from society, has the right to contact the administration of a criminalist inspection with a written request to change the place of permanent residence (stay) of the convicted person, about changing the place of work and (or) of the convicted person, about the departure of the convict Permanent residence (stay) at a certain time of the day, about visiting the convicts of certain places located within the territory of the relevant municipality, or on the exit of the convicted person beyond the territory of the respective municipality.

The petition must contain information about the need:
- changes in the place of permanent residence (stay) of the convict
- changes in the place of work and (or) learning convicts,
- Care of convicts from the place of permanent residence (stay) at a certain time of the day,
- visits to convicted of certain places located within the territory of the relevant municipality, or the exit of the convict outside the territory of the respective municipality.

The relatives of the convicted person to imprisonment are eligible for dating him. Duration of duration can be reduced by the administration at the insistence of persons on a date. Combining dates or separation of one date is not allowed.

Convicted at their request is allowed to replace a long date by a short-term, short-term or long-term date with a telephone conversation, and in educational colonies a long date with accommodation outside the correctional establishment by a short-term date with exit beyond the educational colony.

Long-term dates are provided with the right of living together with his spouse (wife), parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted, siblings, grandparents, grandmothers, grandchildren, with the permission of the Chief of EI - with other persons.

Convicted to imprisonment may be provided to telephone conversations, but not more than 15 minutes each. The right to telephone conversations of convicts contributes to the preservation and maintenance of socially useful ties with close, therefore their number is not limited.

Telephone conversations are paid by convicts at the expense of their own funds or at the expense of their relatives or other persons. A condemned, who wants to call, applies a written statement, which indicates the address and phone number by which he wants to call, as well as the duration of the conversation.

Upon arrival in a correctional institution, as well as in the presence of exceptional personal circumstances, the administration of a correctional institution provides the convicted person with the possibility of a telephone conversation at his request.

As a rule, the implementation of the right to telephone conversations is carried out by operating time, in specially equipped negotiation points or allocated for these purposes the premises of institutions equipped with subscriber devices with the technical ability to ensure control of the negotiations.

Convicted to imprisonment is allowed to obtain parcels, gears and parcels from close relatives. Women-convicts and persons contained in educational colonies, such a right is provided without limiting the quantity. Men - depending on the type of correctional institution. Parcels, transmission and parcels convicts can receive immediately upon arrival in a correctional institution. When they arrive against persons who do not have any rights, as well as liberated or dead, returned to senders (including close relatives) cash on delivery indicating the reasons for the return. Parcels and parcels addressed by the convict translated into other correctional institutions are sent at the place of their new content due to a correctional institution.

The maximum weight of one parcel or parcel is determined by the postal rules. The weight of one transmission should not exceed the mounted weight of one parcel.

Patients convicted people, convicted, who are disabled in the first or second group, can receive additional parcels and transmissions in the amount and assortment defined in accordance with the medical conclusion.

Parcels, transfer and parcels with drugs and medical facilities received by convicts in accordance with medical conclusions are not included in the number of parcels, gears and parcels. They are sent to the medical part of the correctional institution for the treatment of relevant convicts.

Parcels, transmission and parcels are subjected to mandatory inspection. Detected forbidden things are withdrawn. The prohibited things contained in the transmissions are returned to the transmitter to their person indicating the reasons for the return.

Parcels of convicts contained in penalty insulators are awarded after departing a collection measure. The administration of the correctional institution ensures the preservation of the attachments of the parcels, gears and parcels, however, with the natural spurrel of these investments, the long-term storage is not responsible. In these cases, the issuance of food products from long-stored parcels, gears and books are performed under the control of the health worker.

Between the previous and subsequent parcels, transmissions and parcels, a period equal to the private seal from dividing twelve months for the total number of parcels (transmissions and parcels), relying on the convicted year per year (without taking into account the reward-received). When transferring a convicted one of the same conditions of content to other frequency of obtaining the following parcels, transmissions, parcels is calculated from the date of receipt of the latter on previous conditions.

Convicted to imprisonment is allowed to receive written accessories from their relatives in the parcels, transmissions and parcels. However, the internal regulations found that such written accessories, like color pencils, markers, markers, ink, mascara, ball and helium rods (with the exception of blue and black colors), paints and copy paper are prohibited subjects, and, accordingly, Sending in the parcels is prohibited.

Relatives of the convicted person, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, have the right to receive remittances from the convicts. The implementation of remittances by convicts occurs from their personal personal accounts.

Relatives of convicted women should know that the criminal executive right of the Russian Federation permits the condemned short-term and long-term departures beyond the limits of correctional institutions. Short-term convicts are permitted due to exceptional personal circumstances. Such circumstances can be: death or severe disease of a close relative, threatening the life of the patient; Natural disaster caused significant material damage to the convicted person or his family. In this case, the exit is carried out for a period of up to seven days, not counting the time required for the passage there and back.

If a woman has a big sentence, the child can be transferred to relatives. With the consent of the relatives of the convicted woman and her child itself can be transferred first to achieve three years. In any of these cases, a convicted woman can be allowed a short-term departure for a child's device for a period of up to 15 days, not counting the time required for travel there and back.

Categories of convicts are named after the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which can be resolved, but subject to their relatives or other persons. In this case, we are talking about convicted people who suffer from mental disorders that do not exclude the permeability, convicted people who are disabled in the first or second group and needing for health in unauthorized care. These persons may need help, and they are allowed to leave only if relatives come for them, who will accompany them and take them back.

Relatives need to be remembered that the order of permission of the convicted departures outside the place of imprisonment is determined by the rules of the internal regulations of correctional institutions and it is done in advance.

Convicted, as well as their relatives, it must be remembered that, despite the fact that they are in correctional institutions, they still have the right to marry. Of course, without the help of your relatives, as well as the future spouse or spouse can not do.

The federal law "On acts of civil status" explains that for marriage with a convicted person, a person who wants to enter into marriage, fills the application for marriage in the established pattern. Most often, this application is filled in the registry office located in the same place where the correctional institution. Then a statement about the conclusion of marriage with a convicted person is transferred to a correctional institution, the leadership of which transmits it to the convicted person to fill it in the part that refers directly to it. Following this, the management of the correctional institution verifies the correctness of the specified convicted information and its signature, and then sends this joint statement to the registry office.

If the marriage wants to conclude himself condemned, then the actions described above are done in reverse order.

The registry office, adopting a joint statement of marriage, appoints the date and time of his registration and warns about this convicted person and the person who wants to enter into marriage.

For those who previously held a registered marriage, for the conclusion of a new marriage, it is necessary, among other things, to present a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage (a certificate of divorce, the death certificate of the spouse or the court decision on the recognition of marriage invalid).

According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, marriage registration must be performed in monthly time After the day following the day of submission of the application, and expires on the relevant day of the next month.

Marriage registration with convicts is made exclusively in the premises determined for this by the guidance of a correctional institution in coordination with the management of the registry office.

Marriage registration with convicts serving disciplinary recovery can only be implemented after the departure of this collection.

Art. 142 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right to create parental committees in educational colonies.

Parent Committees that are members of the educational council of the educational colony are designed to help the last in educational work.

Parental committees are assisted by the administration in organizing the educational process, in improving the material and domestic conditions of the convicts, to assist the orphans, in the labor and domestic device of the liberated persons. The activities of the parent committees are governed by the Regulations approved by the head of the educational colony.

With representatives of the Parent Committee of the Colony to assist convicted in issues of issues social protection, Labor and household Devices cooperates the staff of the Social Protection Group of Convicts.

As a rule, parental committees are created from parents, persons who are replacing them, and other close relatives of convicts. The Chairman of the Parent Committee is part of the Educational Council of the Colony. Members of the Parent Committee may take part in the work of the Council of Educators of the detachment.

The activities of the parent committees are governed by the Regulations approved by the head of the educational colony. The Chairman, who is a member of the educational council, and a representative to the Council of Educaters of the detachment are elected from the parent committee.

Parent Committee has the right to:
- get acquainted in the prescribed manner with housing and living conditions for the maintenance of minors in the educational colony;
- contact public associations to assist orphans and persons deprived of parental care, as well as minors from disadvantaged families;
- provide the transfers and parcels of orphans and persons left without parental care, as well as convicted, whose parents do not support them with them in the period of serving the sentence;
- to assist the administration in providing orphans and those who remain without parental care, freed from the educational colony, a civilian clothing;
- together with the administration to contact state bodies, public associations on the provision of assistance of the educational colony in conducting educational work with convicts.

The relatives of the convict, who expressed a desire appeal to the President of the Russian Federation on his own behalf, should send (forward) their petition to the convict for admission to his petition for pardon. It is important that all the documents entered the commission on pardon issues at the same time. The appeal of only relatives convicted without his personal petition will not be considered in appropriate.

In the petition about the pardon, the relatives of the convict may indicate the reasons why they believe that the convict deserves pardon. Such reasons include: the serious financial situation of the sentence of a convicted person, worsened after the condemnation of a relative; The state of the health of the relative of the convicted person in need of care (with the application of documents on health status), etc.

Psychology considers human behavior as a complex of psycho-somatic reactions to endo-and exogenous factors. It is worth noting that the behavior as a terminological unit is dynamic, that is, it is capable of changing depending on certain conditions. The behavior, as such, is devoted to many works of famous psychologists, in the given article will be affected by the overall problem of the human behavior of the long-term time in a small isolated group.


Insulation may vary, in the specific case a group of convicted citizens contained in a strict regime contained in the correctional colony will be considered.

The behavior of a person who committed an unlawful effect, qualified by the Criminal Code, begins to change already at the time of the realization of possible consequences. By the time of the decision on the detaining of the face and placing it in an insulator of temporary content, the perspective of communication with "zeks" has already been identified in the consciousness of a person, the image of which is colorfully drawn by the media.

The behavior of a person who has fallen into the conditions of isolation determines exclusively the environment surrounding it and personal experience stay in such conditions. In the event that a person has not previously been brought to criminal responsibility, a socially neutral lifestyle led and is not familiar with prison culture, his first reaction will be fear and the desire to burn out the surrounding people. Accordingly, the person who happened in such places will search for points of contact with the models, and try to establish contact, resorting to the traditional methods in these conditions.


The psyche of a man being under investigation and transported to the SIZO (investigative insulator) is already starting to adapt to environmentMany things become understandable, and the behavior becomes more familiar. Devolred by ordinary for a free man of goods, the treaty becomes more ingenious, for example, finds ways to boil the water in the absence of an electric kettle. Communicative abilities are rising, because communication is the only outlet that helps not get out and do not close in herself during their stay in the insulator.

It is also worth distinguishing the behavior of "trips" from the behavior of recidivists, the first try to create the usual atmosphere around themselves, diluting prison life free jokes, remembering their adventures and playing romantics and concepts. On the second one we can say that they fall into their familiar medium and do not try to entertain themselves and distract, but show character, arranging all points over "I" immediately announcing their status. The status is determined at the next stage, after the sentence is announced, and the person will be delivered to the correctional colony.


The correctional colony of strictly regime is an isolated medium where a group of people whose number can vary, but rarely exceeds 2000 people, is under constant control, lives according to the regime and is forced to unconditionally obey the rules.

The behavior of a person in places of imprisonment is determined by its status, which may be as follows:

  • Decent (Blank, authority, man). Behaves defiantly, be proud of its status, negligently refers to the convicted of other status groups;
  • Red (goat, activist, bitch). Trying not to contact with convicts relating to the previous group, more interacts with the administration and makes every effort to reduce the period of stay in IR. Often participates in conspiracies, informants, but at the same time it is an intermediate link between "zeks" and the administration;
  • Offended (cock). The lowest prison caste, whose representatives are involved in washing sanitary devices, and in some institutions are used to meet the sexual needs of convicts.


The behavior of "Zeka" corresponds to its position in "society", but it is only a mask, internal experiences and stress make everyone, regardless of the status, incredulous, false and selfish. Permanent internal conflicts, lack of discharge and strict regime forced a person to become closed, worm and hypocritical.

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