Birthday in kindergarten. Happy birthday to children in kindergarten. Children recite poetry

For earthwork 02.10.2020
For earthworks

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

naberezhnye Chelny

Scenario of the holiday "Birthday of the kindergarten"

Middle group

Made up:

Naberezhnye Chelny

Summary of entertainment for older preschool children "Birthday of the kindergarten"

1. To foster love for your kindergarten, employees - pride in the kindergarten, respect for the values \u200b\u200bof the kindergarten.
2. To draw the attention of children to the history of the kindergarten, to develop their cognitive activity.
3. Develop civic feelings, educate morality and patriotism.

Equipment: balls of thread and thick pencils; balloons; chairs; set puppet theater "Teremok"; house; artificial trees and trees; loaf; CDs with songs - "If you have fun", "Dance of the ducklings", "Little country".
Sounds song "Little Country" (Words and music by I. Nikolaev) performed by N. Koroleva.
Children enter the festively decorated music hall with balloons and line up in a semicircle facing the audience.
1 Leading: Hello dear guests!
We hurried to the hall with fun
We would like to congratulate the kindergarten.
He meets his birthday
For 20 years in a row!
1 child:Listen! Listen! Listen!
Everything from the first to the last row.
Children of our garden greet you
2 child:Let it be fervent.
In a wide expanse
Sounds high to all of you in our hall
Our fiery child ...
3 child:Let's sing and have fun
Play noisy games
In the meantime, we offer everyone
Start the holiday with a song!

Children perform the song "Kindergarten - a magical land" and sit on the chairs.

"Kindergarten - a magical land" (Words and music by O. Shaporenko)
We grew up in warmth and affection,
Like flowers in spring
Every day we met fairy tales
In an amazing country.
Good thing in the world
State "Kindergarten".
Children always play there -
Lots of little guys!
Chorus: Kindergarten is a magical land,
Full of miracles, secrets.
Kindergarten is a country of mysteries
She will not be forgotten.
Here the stump has a dream,
Here Kikimora lives
The locomotive knows how to be friends
The cat is talking.
Even the evil Granny-Hedgehog
Here you can become a princess
And the hut on chicken legs
Loves to dance "Russian".
2 Leading:You have your home not only where you live, but also where your friends are. Today we have a special holiday - the birthday of our kindergarten. At birth, each of you received a name that your mothers and fathers chose for you. Do you know what our kindergarten is called? His name is "Spring". What does it mean? The spring is a water source flowing from the depths of the earth. A river begins from the spring.
Our "Rodnichok" brings goodness, care, warmth, comfort, attention to all the children of our garden. "Rodnichok" is friends with all the guys. This is a garden in which everyone feels good, fun, comfortable.

Performance by the vocal group of educators "Spring"
Birthday(Words and music: Elena Plotnikova)

This holiday is always
Greets us with a smile -
Lights up the lights
And magic candles!
Let, like balls, into the distance
Sorrows fly away
In a bright world of kindness
And dreams are endless!
Birthday is a holiday of sunny days!
Birthday is a meeting of the best friends!
The long-awaited evening of golden stars
In the sky of a fabulous and bright dream!

On this holiday
Everyone congratulates you!
There will be a lot of fun
Smiles and laughter!
And to you from the heart
Everybody wants today
One hundred percent luck
One hundred percent success!

“May this day
all your most magical dreams will come true!
And may all your family and friends be by your side
on your birthday! "
Chorus 2x.

1 Leading:Our house, guys, would not be funny, or fabulous, or joyful if there were no employees in it. This is their holiday. After all, they create this fabulous country for you! I ask them to enter this hall now!
Music sounds. Employees go to the center of the hall.

4child:There is a garden somewhere in the world
I'm glad to go to this garden.
Here in summer and winter
All my friends are with me.
5 child:It is not cherries that grow here -
Anechki and Mashenka,
And the twigs are not rustling -
Ira, Dasha, Lenochka.
6 child:Help us in the morning
Nurses and cooks
Our health is guarded
7 child:Lives well here!
And in our garden they grow
Not cherries and not pears -
Sasha, Lyuba and Katyusha.
8 child:Our beloved farm manager
Calls everyone by name
Our teacher
She dances and sings with us.
9 child:Work is in full swing every day
The manager has care -
To manage this house, not to miss anything.
10 child:And for all their worries
We say thank you.
Here's a wonderful garden here
For people like us guys.

1 Leading:Our children present this song to all kindergarten staff.

Song: "Wizards live in the world"
Wizards live in the world
They bring joy to us.
Children are waiting for them with delight
And they know everyone by name.
And somewhere near there are fairy tales
When their voices are heard
The wizards come
They come and they go
But miracles remain.

Earth wizards live,
Warmth, giving your hearts,
They have mischievous smiles
But miracles remain.

Wizards live - and they believe
That childhood is a holiday without end.
That the doors are all open to the truth
And all hearts are open.

2 Leading:The kindergarten in which there are friendly children can be called good and funny. Are you friendly guys? Do you know the dance of friends?

Dance game "If you have fun, do it"

A game for the rallying of the children's team. The adult begins to sing the song, performing a specific action after each line of the song, and the children repeat after him.

If you have fun, do so (Two claps).
If life is fun, we will smile at each other,
If you have fun, do it (Two claps).

In the following verses, instead of claps: two clicks of fingers, two claps on the knees, two taps with feet, two jumps, we shout the word "good!" And after each line, you need to repeat all the movements from each verse in turn.

1 Leading:What a holiday without fun and fun? It's time to play.

Game: "Ball"

Children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a ball of thread and a thick pencil. At the signal from the presenter, the children begin to rewind the ball onto the pencil. One of the children is holding a ball, the other is winding the thread around a pencil. The couple that completes the job the fastest wins. The second prize can be awarded for the tidiest ball .

2 Leading:Typyr-typyr typyrdatyp
Bergә basayek әle.
Uynap, kullep, qyrlap-bep
Kel achaek әle.
Uen - uryndyk belәn. Chairs are placed in the center, 1 less than the number of participants. Children walk or run around chairs to music. Suddenly the music stops, you have to have time to take a chair. Whoever did not have enough - leaves the game. We remove one chair and everything continues. Bibez dә, җyrlybyz yes,
Gөrlәp kel achabyz.
Tatar halyk kenө
Tagyn bep alabyz.

1 Leading:Guys, your parents help us in everything. And today they have prepared a surprise for all of us. Tale: "Teremok"(Children are watching a fairy tale).
There is a teremok on the left. On the right are several trees. The forest is in the background.

A mouse with a bundle comes out into the clearing from behind the trees and heads to the tower.

Everyone has to live somewhere
Both in winter and summer.
How can the Mouse not grieve,
If you are not at home?
Everyone has to sleep somewhere
And dine somewhere.
How can I not grieve
If you are not at home?
The mouse stops in front of the tower.
What a glorious little house -
Not big, not small.
It is not locked,
The shutters are not closed.
The weather vane is on the roof
Lilacs bloom under the window.
You tell the gray mouse
Who lives here in the mansion?
I am a master cook,
I can sew and embroider.
I want to live here
To live and live!
The mouse looks around. Nobody answers her. She enters the house and looks out of the window.
Stop wandering around the world
I will be warm in winter.
If no one is here
So this house is mine!
The mouse disappears in the window. A Frog with a bundle comes out into the clearing from behind the trees and goes to the tower.
What a glorious teremok!
Oh, what a miracle!
He is not low, not high
Nearby there is a dam!
Smoke comes from the chimney.
Open the door for me!
Who lives here in the mansion,
Well, speak!
Mouse looks out of the window.
The little mouse lives here!
Who will you be, answer!
I'm a jumping frog
Let's drink tea with you!
I can swim with a breast stroke
Carry water from the river.
I came with my mattress
And please let me in!
There is a place for you
It's more fun to live together.
Now we will knead the dough,
And then we'll have some tea!
The frog enters the house. The mouse disappears in the window. A Bunny with a bundle comes out into the clearing from behind the trees and goes to the tower.
What a glorious teremok
Grew up in the woods?
The hare-prince could live here
With the rabbit princess!
I will plant a vegetable garden
Nearby on the lawn.
Who lives here in the mansion,
Tell Bunny!
The mouse looks out of the window.
The little mouse lives here.
The frog looks out of the window.
Who disturbs our peace?
I'm a Jump Frog.
Tell me who you are!
Open up, it's me -
Runaway bunny!
You let me live
I'm a good Bunny!
I can wash floors
And wave your ears.
Mouse (To Frog)
Maybe let the Hare live?
Frog (Bunny)
Stay with us!
The bunny enters the house. The Mouse and the Frog are hiding. A Fox with a bundle comes out into the clearing from behind the trees and goes to the tower.
That's how the terem-teremok,
Okay, yes smart!
I smell apple pie ...
Where is the front entrance here?
Hey you, dear honest people,
Open the doors!
Who lives here in the mansion,
People or animals?
The mouse looks out of the window.
The little mouse lives here.
The bunny looks out of the window.
And the eared Bunny!
The frog looks out of the window.
And the Jumping Frog.
Who are you, answer me!
About the beautiful Fox
The rumor has been going on for a long time.
Everyone in the forest knows me!
There is a place for her!
Come in, godfather, bolder
Now dinner is ready.
It will be more fun together!
The fox enters the house.
There is no better home in the world!
All the inhabitants of the building are hiding in it. A Wolf with a bundle comes out into the clearing from behind the trees and goes to the tower.
Here are the mansions, so the mansions -
There is enough space for everyone!
Why are you silent? Is there anyone at home?
Do not be afraid, you will not eat!
From the tower, its inhabitants look timidly one by one.
The little mouse lives here.
The bunny looks out of the window.
And the eared Bunny!
The frog looks out of the window.
And the Jumping Frog.
And the Fox, the mistress!
I do not understand something,
Who are you?
Let me into the house!
I'm not a dire wolf at all!
See for yourself!
Okay Gray, come in
Just don't bite!
Let's kick it out right away, mind you,
If you offend the Hare!
The wolf enters the house. All the inhabitants of the building look out the windows.
All residents of the teremok (in chorus)
We are one family now
And all guests are welcome!
A Bear comes out from behind the trees with a bundle and goes to the tower.
I want to live with you too! But only it is small for me, suddenly I break it. Come on, we better dance with you.
All residents of the house shout "Hurray!" and invite children to dance.

Dance of little ducks.

2 Leading:Happy is he who has many friends - a good friendship must be cherished.
1 Leading:Our greatest friend is our kindergarten, because we love it, we love everyone who works here, lives and grows.
11 child:We love our toys,
We love our little animals.
We love our kindergarten.
We love adults and children.
12 child:This is what a good kindergarten we have.
We all love kindergarten dearly.
In the morning I run rather to kindergarten.
In the evening I will say: "See you, kindergarten."
Kindergarten, kindergarten,
We all love kindergarten very much!
2 Leading:So, we stamp our feet, clap our hands! And let's shout loudly "Hurray!"
How many kind faces are around
Hey guys! Wider circle
Play music louder
We will bake a loaf!

Loaf (Russian folk song).
Children stand in a circle, hold hands and drive a loaf: they sing and perform simple movements, during the song (until claps), each other's hands do not let go.
Like a birthday garden
We baked a loaf:
That's so high (hands up)
Here is such a bottom, (sit down, touch the floor / ground with your hands)
This is the width, (diverge to the sides)
These are the dinners! .. (converge to the center)
Loaf, loaf, (clap their hands)
Whom you love - choose!

1 Leading:Treats on the table
All sit down.
There are sweets and cookies, chocolates and marshmallows.
There will be a holiday for the whole world!
List of used literature
1. And we have a holiday today, - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2005.
2. Holidays in kindergarten, - Moscow: Aquarium, 2006.

Tatiana Danilova
Scenario of a child's birthday in kindergarten (senior and preparatory groups)

(Children enter the hall to cheerful music.)

Veda: Guys, we gathered today in this wonderful hall for a reason, because ... Today! For little ones and adults,

Obedient and disobedient

Merry and sad

Our coolest

The most beautiful

Presentation under the title ... Day birth!

Veda: And they invited us all today for their Day The birth of Ksyusha and Gleb... And today they are 6 and 7 years old! Let's welcome them! (Ved. Invites birthday children to the center of the hall, draws attention to how smart they are, etc.). Did you guys know that the other day births all sorts of chants, congratulations, noisemakers and playlers are put ... And today, Ksyusha and Gleb, we will congratulate you, because today you have the most wonderful holiday YOUR Day BIRTH.Veda: And our congratulations will not be ordinary. Now I will read the wishes of Ksyusha and Gleb, and you guys will help me. Answer yes-yes-yes, to those wishes that you like, and no-no-no, which, well, the guys will not want to wish at all. You just need to answer loudly. And at the end you need to say HAPPY DAY BIRTH! Did you agree? Ready? "CONGRATULATIONS" and "DESIRE" With day birthday congratulations!

And, of course, we wish!

1. Children grow up more! Yes Yes Yes!

2. Be sure to get fatter! No no no!

3. Be beautiful, kind, sweet! Yes Yes Yes!

4. And loud, and pugnacious! No no no!

5. For mommy to love! Yes Yes Yes!

6. With a strap to hit more often! No no no!

7. Okay, okay. So that lollipops feed! Yes Yes Yes! 8. Bad mood everyone! No no no!

9. Be, Ksyusha and Gleb, kind and sweet! Yes Yes Yes!

10. Naughty, pugnacious! No no no!

11. For mommy to love! Yes Yes Yes!

12. And I fed ice cream! Yes Yes Yes!

13. Be healthy and smart! Yes Yes Yes!

14. How green crocodiles! No no no!

15. May success await you everywhere! Yes Yes Yes!

16. You guys are the best! Yes Yes Yes!

Veda: And all together HAPPY BIRTH! (all this time the birthday people stand in the center of the hall).

Ved. : (praises the children) Guys, what a Day Birth no birthday cake, right? Here we will bake it now, and all your friends will help you, because they came to congratulate you on the day birth, and therefore help.


(All children join hands and line up in one long chain, in front of all the birthday ones. At the command, the children begin to “bake the cake”: the birthday people turn around themselves, winding the whole chain, spinning until a large “Cake” is obtained. (Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the birthday, you should stop.)

Ved. : That's how the cake turned out! (asks children) And what do we have a cake with today? (With pineapple, with jam, with cream, with berries and bananas) Ved. :: What's missing on the birthday cake? Candles, of course. Raised all hands up. That's how many candles! Now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake. (Children scatter in different directions.)

Veda:This is what our cake turned out to be: delicious, sweet, with pineapple, ice cream, jam and candles! Now, guys, get up in the circle rather. Let's play the game "Catch the banana!"


(Children stand in a circle. Ksyusha lets the banana go in a circle, Gleb tries to catch up with the banana. You can cheat, throw, throw the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana is in Gleb's hands.)

Veda: It's not a real banana, but we also have real bananas. It's time for us to eat. And at the same time, we will check if the friendly guys are here.


(Lead divides children into 2 teams. Teams line up in 2 ranks. Each team gets a banana. On command, you need to bite off a banana and pass it to the next. Whose team eats a banana faster than anyone else, she won. (Condition: a banana should be enough for everyone. Ved. praises the children.)Veda: I also know a game about babies. Let's play? Guys, you probably remember what kind of babies you were before and mothers swaddled you all the time. And you so wanted to play pranks and all the time you struggled out of diapers. Remember? Now we are going to play the game ... GAME "BAKE THE BABY" (The leader calls three teams of 2 people each. One player from the team is given a roll of toilet paper. At the signal, the players begin to wrap their teammate. The task of the other baby stand still... The winner is the one who swaddled a friend faster.)

Veda: Well, how is it comfortable for you in diapers? Oh no? Then, at my command, quickly undress.

On command, the babies tear the "diapers" free from them. The one who got out of the diaper faster won.

Veda: And now who will pick up the garbage faster!

(As a rule, children are happy to clean up the scraps of paper after themselves, quickly clearing the area for the next play.)

(After collecting the trash, seat the children.)

Now I will ask riddles, and you will quickly guess them.

On the lakes, in the swamp

Of course you will find them,

Merry, laughing,

Goggle-eyed ... Frogs!

Floats easily in the sky

Swift-wing ... Airplane. I come with gifts

i shine with bright lights.

Smart, funny,

i'm in charge on the New Year. (tree)... If it weren't for him, I wouldn't say anything (language).Veda: Look, the guys' tongues are loose! So it's time to sing. And what are they singing at the bottom birth? ("Let run clumsily!")

(Build the children in a circle, in the center of the birthday people, dance with them. At the playoff, the children dance randomly.) SONG "LET RUN CLUMSILY".

Small disco.

Ved. : Well, guys, have a rest? Let's have a little more fun and play together


Veda: How are you?

--- :Like this! (show thumb)

Veda: How do you go to kindergarten?

--- : Like this! (walking in place)

Veda: How do you run home from kindergarten?

--- : Like this! (running in place)

Veda: How do you make noise without a teacher?

--- : Like this! (stamp their feet)

Veda: And how do you sleep in a quiet hour?

--- : Like this (folded palms to cheek, close eyes)

Veda: How do you laugh at jokes?

--- : Like this! (clutching at the stomach, laughing)

Veda: How do you cry when mom has a chocolate bar?

--- : Like this! (rubbing his eyes with his fists, imitating crying)

Veda: How are you naughty?

--- : Like this (puffing out their cheeks, slapping them)

Veda: Well done, and now let's see who we have the most - the sweetest tooth.


1. What medicine does Carlson like to be treated with? (jam)

2. What sweetness has a small toy inside? (Kinder Surprise)

3. What does Winnie the Pooh like? (honey)

4. What is the name of the round lollipop? (Chupa Chups)


(For the game you will need a beautiful bag containing sweets or medium-sized fruits. Take 3 - 4 people for the game, birthday people are the first. Children putting their hand into the bag do not peepingfind and guess sweetness. Who guessed it, takes it as a prize).


(Two pairs are called to play. The task: attach candy to clothes with clothespins)

Veda: Oh, what beautiful outfits we got! But unfortunately we cannot walk like that, so now I will m another game:


(For the game, other players are called to disassemble the outfit)

Veda: Guys, which of you is the biggest greedy man, raise your hand?

Probably none of you like to be greedy, do you guys? But today we have a merry holiday - DAY BIRTH, and at the bottom birth is allowed... So let's play a little foolishness with you now? Do you agree? Then I announce a competition for the best greedy man. And our guests will help me with this.


(For the game, prepare more inflated balloons in another room. Two participants are selected. As a team, you need to collect and hold as many balloons as possible in a certain time. Whoever has more balloons wins. You can play several times.

Balloon Salute

(On command, children throw balls up and shout: "Hooray!")

Veda: Guys, it seems to me that you are already tired, and you need to recharge. And what are they charged with, our sweets? Of course what day birth without cake and treats!

(Parents bring birthday cake, make a wish and blow out the candles)


The first years of a little man's life are very important. Childhood memories remain forever in memory, so parents want them to be joyful for their son or daughter.

Birthday is an unusual holiday. Most of the children attend preschool institutions and spend a lot of time there. Spending a child's birthday in kindergarten with friends is important for the baby. In addition, not all parents have the time and opportunity to organize a holiday at home.

How to discuss with the provider

Children’s birthday decoration in kindergarten is discussed with the teacher. Every preschool has rules. You should not persistently dictate your terms, you should think over everything in a friendly atmosphere. If the birthday fell on Sunday, then it is advisable to postpone it to another day, for example, Monday.

Preparation begins about two weeks before the celebration. The teacher will tell you what is allowed and what is prohibited. The time of the holiday should be discussed. Usually such events in kindergarten are organized after a quiet hour. The kids will have time to have fun, after which they will be taken home.

The script is also discussed in advance with the teacher. A professional knows the physical and psychological characteristics of childhood better and will give valuable advice. It is imperative to discuss what treats you can bring for the children on this day and how to arrange them.

Important! When preparing for the holiday in kindergarten and holding it, one should not forget about the safety of children. It is strictly forbidden to bring homemade cakes, as well as any purchased products that do not have individual packaging.

Party organization options

Mom is the host and organizer

An important day in a child's life in kindergarten can be spent by a teacher, and if the management does not mind, then the mother herself. Birthday at a preschool educational institution for children is prepared taking into account age characteristics.

Little children cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time, so games should be short and varied. If some game does not interest them, then you should make adjustments to it on the go or organize another. It is important not to endure the scenario prepared for the birthday, but to create a good mood and a holiday atmosphere in the kindergarten.

It is better to alternate between calm and active games. You do not need to prepare too many tasks of an intellectual nature; it is better to choose riddles, tongue twisters, contests that are suitable for age. Preschoolers can compose funny harmless rhymes with the name of the hero of the occasion, but they need to be tuned for this.

The kids really like the traditional game "Loaf". They are happy to come up with compliments. Children stand in a circle and play the ball to the music. The birthday boy is in the center. When the music stops, the child with the ball in his hands tells him a wish. Children are happy to play on their birthday in funny animals, a train, etc.

Attention! All children should be involved in the activity. Each child in a kindergarten group should feel successful and important.

Children's animators

Animators can hold birthdays for children of the preschool educational institution, if the kindergarten administration gives permission for this. The square allows you to fully celebrate an important day. In this case, the mother herself can participate as a guest on the birthday of her son or daughter.

Currently, many agencies offer their services. Before contacting them, it is worth seeking feedback from acquaintances, friends, colleagues about the professionalism of the animators. They have scenarios for the birthday of children in kindergarten, which it is better to familiarize yourself with in advance. It will not be superfluous to clarify the details just before the holiday.

When ordering a program for a birthday, you need to take into account the age of the kids, as many of them are afraid of clowns, too noisy fun. For the younger group, puppet shows are more suitable.

In some kindergartens, birthday days are held, that is, they organize a celebration for several kids once a month. It is better to call other parents in advance and discuss options for the holiday.

The scenario for the birthday of a preschool educational institution for children can be very diverse. The main thing is that the birthday boy will remember him and bring joy to other children.

How to set up a child

The hero of the occasion is best set up for the holiday. It will be good if he will be directly involved in preparing for the birthday: making jewelry with his parents, choosing clothes and dishes. You can ask what games he would like to play. Most likely, the crumbs have favorite songs, cartoons, fairy-tale characters.

In children's memory, bright, vivid impressions that the child receives in the process of preparing for an important day for him remain for a long time. However, you cannot prepare for too long, it will get bored.

In the morning on a solemn day, the birthday person needs to create a good mood. The kid is congratulated and told what a significant day for him is today; a pleasant surprise awaits him in kindergarten. Having a positive attitude will help you have a fun holiday.

Gifts for baby

Each kindergarten has its own traditions and characteristics related to birthday gifts. The parent committee can prepare them for children. A list of "Children's birthdays in kindergarten" is compiled. They collect money from parents and buy the same gifts for everyone, which are given on their birthday.

You need to try to choose gifts that will appeal to children of a particular age. Toys are usually interesting for all kids. For older children, the following are suitable:

  • mosaics;
  • stained glass paints;
  • puzzles;
  • board games, etc.

In some kindergartens, the parents themselves buy them, and the teacher gives them to the birthday boy from the whole group. It is very good if the children, together with the teacher, prepare crafts for each other's birthday with their own hands, draw, make applications.

The birthday boy will surely enjoy a collective surprise. Children can make a collage with their photos, draw a picture, make an applique. This is of great educational value for children.

What to bring to kindergarten

On the festive table for the birthday, they usually bring piece sweets in individual packages to make them easier to distribute. For example, these products:

  • candy;
  • marmalade;
  • cookies;
  • waffles;
  • cupcakes.

It is convenient to use disposable multi-colored dishes. You can blow out candles on a holiday not on a cake, but on cupcakes or shortbread cakes.

In some kindergartens, treats are laid out in lockers, and the parents decide for themselves what their child can do.

Dress code for a children's party

A birthday person on a solemn day should be dressed beautifully, festively and comfortably. Many parents want to make their child stand out and buy expensive dresses and costumes for their birthday. Clothing should not hinder movement. Overly expensive outfits can embarrass other kids and parents.

A bright T-shirt and pants are suitable for a boy, and an elegant dress for a girl. The opinion of the baby himself is also important. You can choose a new thing together.

It is advisable to wear a beautiful suit at the most solemn moment of the day, and then change it. More comfortable clothing is suitable for play and entertainment. It is good to bring a spare shift in case the child gets dirty or sweaty.

Shoes are also of great importance. Children should feel comfortable and safe during outdoor games.

Group decoration

To create a happy birthday atmosphere, you need to think about decorating the room. Kids love colorful balloons. They can be hung during quiet hours, children will be very happy with such a surprise. The group looks festive with colorful posters, streamers, flowers. Colorful garlands can be made by hand.

Many institutions have a birthday corner for children in kindergarten. The teacher may need help with registration for the solemn day. He will be happy with interesting ideas. Active parents make their proposals, unite for joint creativity. A newspaper for all children can have the following scheme:

Our birthday people
Winter Summer Spring Fall
F.I. children

Be sure to supplement it with color pictures, photographs, postcards. The birthday person on his birthday can be singled out especially. The imagination of the educator and parents will help to create an original design and delight the kids.

There are different options for making a homemade birthday newspaper. For example, place a portrait of the hero of the occasion in the circle of heroes from your beloved. You can make a collage from photos of crumbs.

To design a group, many use offers on the Internet. The Kindergarten Birthday Party template will be a good addition to the overall decoration.

At the end of the event, you should stay and help the kindergarten workers put the group in order, as well as thank them for their help in organizing and holding a birthday for the baby.



Holiday script

"Kindergarten Birthday"

(Fanfare sounds, 2 children come out).

Part I.

1 child The sun's ray knocks on the window
There will be adults and children:
"Wake up, get up,
Get ready for kindergarten! "

2 child Anniversary birthday
Celebrates kindergarten
And about this without a doubt
Everyone is talking today.

1 child If today is a birthday
So there will be a presentation.

2 child What presentation?

1 child Funny, mysterious, fabulous, fabulous
About a big anniversary in a small country of children.

(Dance "Little Country" is performed).

Part II. (Leaders come out).

1 presenter Hello dear guests!

2 presenter Good afternoon!

1 ved We have been waiting for you for a long time
The kindergarten was turned into a fairy tale
Cleanliness, comfort around:
The kindergarten is our second home.

2 leads Lives well here.
And in our garden they grow
Not cherries or pears,
And Seryozha and Katyusha.

1 lead Cherries are not blooming here
And Dasha and Mashenka.
And the twigs are not rustling,
And Sasha and Svetochka.

(Children of the middle group come out)

1 reb Happy birthday, congratulations!
Our favorite kindergarten!
Let it be for many years in a row
The voices of the children are ringing.

2 children How the adults tried
To make the garden beloved
So that we all smile
And nobody was bored here.

3 children To be bright, clean, light
Was here every day and hour
So that insults are imperceptible
Leave us.

4 reb ... There are many different toys here
We love to play with them.
Dolls, balls, animals ... -
Do not even count!

5 reb ... But we are not the only ones who play
They teach us to read poetry
We sculpt, build and break,
We love to sing and dance.

6 children And how we play
Together, we live merrily
We will read poems to you,
And we will dance and sing.

7 children What is our kindergarten called
Where do we live to our best now?
We all call "Firefly"
Now we will sing about it to you.

(The song "Kindergarten" is performed).

1 lead According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of our preschool institution in a solemn, festive atmosphere - the 40th anniversary of the founding of the kindergarten!

2 leads Anniversary - what a word!
This is a holiday, this is a celebration!
This is the day when there are so many friends
And here is joy and warmth!
We all wish you health and strength;
So that youth, happiness, luck, success
Fate has always given you without hindrances!

1 lead The staff of our institution has always been distinguished by its stability in personnel matters; it has always been and remains a single, cohesive organism, friendly and efficient.

2 leads For many years, people who are on a well-deserved rest have worked in the kindergarten. How much mental strength and patience have been invested in the development of the kindergarten!
So as not to grow a weed
The raft must be made like this
Don't miss anything
Do not forget about anything.

1 lead Cozy, kind, green kindergarten,
How much effort and effort you need to put in
In order for it to actually become like this.

2 leads We are talking about kindergarten leaders who worked at different times and supported the life of a small island of childhood with dignity.

This is ... (name of educators)

(The team sings a song to the tune "I am standing at a half-station")

Friends and relatives are sitting
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way behind.
Greeting words sound.
Where are you cherished years?
What has been passed cannot be returned. - 2 times.

As a sign of our attention
Please accept the wishes,
Live for the joy of everyone for many years
Let the years, like a blizzard,
All are spreading gray,
And light warms youth! - 2 times.

You indispensable happiness
Success unchanged
We wish you great success many times!
I wish you excellent health, hopes and personal happiness,
Let youth not leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And let there never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful! - 2 times.

1ved. We all come from childhood ...
Childhood barefoot ...
Sometimes naughty ...
Sometimes bad ...

2ved. How many children have left the walls of the kindergarten!
Many of them have become respected people.
Educators and nannies played an important role in this.

We sincerely congratulate you and wholeheartedly want to thank you for your attention and affection.

I would like to mention those educators and nannies who worked at that time(educators, junior educators, kindergarten staff)

1 ved ... We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And we wish the main thing in life.
Health, happiness, joy
And up to a hundred years without old age!

A song for you. (to the tune "Gena's song the crocodile")

We didn't come in vain
This is clear to everyone
And sat down at this table.
Happy anniversary
And leave as a keepsake
This song that we sing!

Chorus: Don't let the years age you,
Be visible in life.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

We all congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay as it is:
Kind, sweet,
Patient, beautiful ...
All your merits are countless.

Chorus: Let your life flow
And without sorrows, and without troubles!
May health be strong
For fifty years!

Life to pass is not a field to cross, says popular wisdom. Years successively replace each other, go away irrevocably, but we are left with worldly wisdom, sadness on our face, forced to look back.

Let's remember and remember for a minute those who are not with us☹)

2 leads There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to share the common joy of our institution, to congratulate on the anniversary. And the first one we give the floor to the head of the Kindergarten No. 4,
Our dear ……………………………………….

1 lead What is in kindergarten
Let me ask you
Useful and necessary
Can they teach?

2 leads Oh, the children in it do not know boredom.
There a musician plays sounds
Everyone is taught to recognize letters
Solve tasks quickly
Use crayons and paints
Children live in it as if in a fairy tale.

1 ved ... Despite all the hardships and troubles,
standing on the path of life,
employees come to work with a smile.

2 leads Everyone is in a hurry to kindergarten
There is a paradise for adults and children.
Everyone plays merrily in the garden
They sing, dance - don't get bored.

1 ved ... And the music director helped the children with this
Sushchev Ivan Gavrilovich.

2 leads He was a great joker and humorist. He loved to joke very much, always had time everywhere. In memory of this wonderful man (he is not with us)

Scene "The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood".

1 lead Educator-gardener
He cares for his garden, protects
After all, they grow in his garden
Someone's daughters and sons.

2 leads Jokes, music, funny laughter. These are the happy days of kindergarten. Many employees, although not working in the kindergarten at the moment, have left a part of their heart and soul here.

I wish you health, warmth and inexhaustible energy.

And as a gift for you a Russian song.

1 lead Chefs and kitchen workers have a lot of worries:
Prepare a delicious lunch
Feed your charges.
These are our favorite:….
Washing, ironing thousands of bed linen
Children's costumes, curtains
And it will do

For you this number:

1. Let me amuse you
And sing ditties to you.
Let me start
Put on a felt boot.

2. I have roosters and roosters on my sundress,
When you grow up big - beware of suitors.

3. Mom to tea, mother to tea from a large teapot,
When I grow up big, I will love the boss.

4. I was sitting on the river, I was lonely
I lost a lot of weight while waiting for a sweetheart.

5. There is a glass on the table, and dough in the glass
Goodbye mom and dad, I'm already a bride.

6. On the store counter
Sausage appeared
We came and looked
The hair stood on end.

7. Oh, friend, trouble!
The guys ate the midges.
Only those left
That dust was sprinkled.

Part III.

2 leads We were all babies
And didn't think about
That we will come with mom
To this warm, light house.
The teacher does not meet
Everyone is happy about this meeting.
All questions will be answered
And a useful one will give advice,
He has for everyone
And a smile and hello.

1 lead Thank you for your work! For instilling in our children a sense of beauty.

Nomination "Educator of the Year -

We will thank the teachers more than once
After all, they ……… teach us everything in the world.
Kitsko Nina Dmitrievna
Lelekova Lyubov Nikolaevna
Saprykina Valentina Dmitrievna
Pavlova Anna Ivanovna
Starodubtseva Galina Mikhailovna
Romel Lyubov Mikhailovna
Altukhova Nadezhda Gavrilovna
(Teachers sing songs).

1 lead A trained cow Lyalya came to our Spark with congratulations, on the eve of the New Year, the Year of the Yellow Bull. Please welcome! She wants to talk about the pressing problems of the kindergarten.
1. What caregivers do when children play in the area.
2. And what do the workers of the d / s when the children sleep.
3. How they go to work and how they go home.
4. Show me Lyalya, can you dance?

The cow Lyalya is dancing "Tsyganochka".

2 ved ... The next nomination is “Fast, Brave, Agile”. A beautiful woman is invited, without whom our children would not have strong arms or fast legs.

Marina Viktorovna Lelekova with her children.
(dance "Childhood").

1 lead Nominations "Golden Voice!" It is a musical virtuoso who discovers talented singers and musicians.
Alferenko Viktor Leonidovich
The song "... .." is being performed.

2 leads Nomination "Magician of Pedagogy". I wonder who it could be? A woman is invited to our stage, without whom the children would not have interesting activities, no games, no walks.
Senior educator Evdakova Svetlana Nikolaevna.

1 lead A person whom everyone knows is invited: both adults and children, whose kind eyes instill confidence and calmness! A person whose charming smile gives warmth and joy.
This is our head Mishchenko Tatyana Nikolaevna.

One more nomination "Giving Hope". They are smart, beautiful teachers who promise to achieve the best heights:
Marina Lelekova,
Kovalenko Nina Anatolyevna,
Ikryanova Zinaida Petrovna,
Shuvaeva Nadezhda Anatolyevna.

1 lead The nomination "Master of Cleanliness" - people who wash, clean, clean, feed children all day. These are our first assistants to educators, nannies:
Zolotareva Lyudmila Nikolaevna
Pustovalova Tatiana Ivanovna
Maltseva Nadezhda Mikhailovna
Petrova Ludmila Trofimovna
Matyunkina Irina Nikolaevna
Pereverzeva Elena Alexandrovna

2 ved ... Nominations "Inspiration" - strict, intelligent in the world, always ready to help both children and employees: our senior nurses are
Ushakova Lyubov Dmitrievna
Petrova Tatiana Dmitrievna

1 lead Nomination "Golden Hands" - to repair a chair, prepare a delicious dinner, keep order in the kitchen and in the building, take care of the timely delivery of products - all this falls on the shoulders of the employees:
Litvinova Lyubov Ivanovna
Buzova Lyubov Filippovna
Balabanova Karina Yurievna
Zhukova Elena Vasilievna
Bakhshieva Natalia Alekseevna
Ushakov Nikolay Mikhailovich

2 leads Nomination "Miss Smile and Charm" - a reliable person who loves his job and children - a watchman
Sumbaeva Natalia Mikhailovna
He understands children as well as possible, a master of warmth and kindness.

1 lead We all appreciate your work! A musical number for you, this song.
(The teacher ... will perform the song "Anniversary" to the tune of the song "Snowfall")

Verse 1:

You haven't had time to drink your autumn yet
And already your anniversary has crept up and is waiting.
He threw up a little gray hair and wrinkles,
It will bring you many more surprises ”!


Anniversary, anniversary, this is not old age,
This is a blessed dawn of ripe beauty!
So let's pour glasses and drink for joy.
And hours of fun will fly by like a moment!

Verse 2:

Let wishes flow like a river today.
Be a beloved wife and beloved by children,
Prepare a feast for friends and acquaintances.
Everyone will come to the holiday, do not forget to invite!

Chorus: the same.

Verse 3:

And we also wish you, dear,
Long years and good luck, great, great.
So that your house has joy and happiness,
And trouble would have bypassed him!

Chorus: the same.

2 leads We, educators, teachers, employees, have tried and are trying to make kindergarten a second home for our pupils.

1 lead We hope that they will only do good deeds, help their neighbors, and benefit their homeland.
40 years is a lot and a little:
A lot for those who are tired of life,
Not enough for those who have little time,
But in his life he always did well.
I can't find such a word
To fully wish
Good health to you all
And never lose heart.
We wish you happiness and good
Less grief and sadness
So that there are more bright days
And the gloomy ones did not visit.
But on a wonderful anniversary day
All wishes are good.
May all the remaining years
They bring you joy from the heart.

2 ved ... Now it's time for parting
Years flew by like a week
The hour of farewell has come
We didn't even have time to blink….

Antoshkina Tatiana Yurievna,

music director

MDOU No. 100


Scenario of the holiday "Happy Birthday Kindergarten"


Continue to teach children to observe the traditions of the kindergarten (celebrate holidays, entertainment on various dates, births of children, anniversaries, public holidays.

Develop a cognitive interest in the history of our kindergarten, foster respect, pride in our successes and small achievements, respect for the work of the preschool staff.

To develop the musical and creative abilities of our students.

Holiday progress:


Hello guys! Hello dear guests! Today is our holiday! Birthday of our kindergarten!

Happy birthday, congratulations!

Our favorite kindergarten!

Let it be in it for many years in a row.

Kindergarten is your second home,

How warm and cozy it is!

You love him children,

The kindest house in the world!

Kindergarten is our home!

Our house is cheerful, joyful, fabulous, thanks to our wonderful manager ...

Fanfare sounds! Congratulations to the manager.

Cheerful music sounds, two clowns run out.

- Birthday girl:

Hello kids!


-Girls and boys!

-I'm a clown Pozdravlyalkin, do you recognize me?

-Birthday girl:

-And I am a Birthday girl, did you recognize me too?

Birthday girl:Now let's get to know you!

Repeat after me:

Here are gnomes, gnomes walking along the path,

Elephants, elephants stamp their feet loudly.

Pozdravlyalkin: One palm, two palms, fingers, fingers.

Come on together, come on together: girls, boys!

As I say one, two, three, say your name!(children scream their names)

Birthday girl:Nothing is clear, but shout your names louder! (children scream their names)

Pozdravlyalkin: Now it's clear, all the boys today are called BU-BU-BU, and all the girls are SYU-SU-SU

A chant game is held.

Birthday girl: Have you gathered for your birthday?


Pozdravlyalkin:Be quiet and sad?


Birthday girl: Play and fool around?


Pozdravlyalkin: Let's sing songs together?


Birthday girl:Maybe we'll all start crying?


Pozdravlyalkin: Will we eat the cake?


Birthday girl: Maybe we'll give it to the pussy?


Pozdravlyalkin:Let's congratulate the kindergarten?


Birthday girl : Who will start?


Pozdravlyalkin: {!LANG-6b5b7c91f3b6314fcfe728e344955e19!}

{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!}: Yes!


Birthday girl:{!LANG-29dbc44f136474fc6c9e8e79adf129b5!}


























Birthday girl: {!LANG-0e7a5930ed8772d222faa149730a9c35!}


Birthday girl: {!LANG-0306ce2f5c84c41c86e433212028b64f!}

Children perform {!LANG-4891c43f3adc75bbf76e478a1435427d!}


{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-beab6b69ca47231dff7251acd71cf237!}

{!LANG-07fe110ce99fc1e549ced40ce80c21bd!}: {!LANG-9172688651d8a237ec51791b300e81c3!}



{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-4aa3fc64c60895aaf28831defb4768e1!}

{!LANG-993ff8524de16ac7ecd214982fcd6a35!} {!LANG-e89bd8f415e29c723e5818da117cda93!}

{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-bb04d1d11135ee447dcad4825ac6ab89!}

{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!}: {!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}


{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-bd9c920b2b7b6993a1bc560a4ccf225e!}

{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!}: {!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}{!LANG-4f4e21fd5933720805736df4e516b56f!}

{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-074843f6ddc5ef8ad54d4f024f448fc7!}

{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!}: {!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}{!LANG-3a15826ef412a59ea0dd0b8975ae0222!}

{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-dda86b0be179c69270fc91188d2ac443!}

{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!}: {!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}{!LANG-d43a4edf786e73155d1f026100db81d9!}


{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!} :{!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}{!LANG-259218a5e6c65e992275cb20aecd666e!}

{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-377b1d679c4a03f4febaf2cb76290d67!}

{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!}: {!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}{!LANG-ccf0a9f03caf1035c8e157ddc57fa2fc!}

{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-fc91544c148892516a3b4277f1957ae2!}

{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!}: {!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}{!LANG-8fd395b17eb94b6e0dc215bbee7bb455!}


{!LANG-78183251ae270fb2d1ed3f96f3648b01!}: {!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}{!LANG-f5d9c25e07f227138cfb2d10bed699ab!}

{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-7fa46d757e0564ba7af30e6f23f52a44!}

{!LANG-cd2621efcd6f750c80e5ee223523552b!}: {!LANG-b813b2b9ce7686afa052df9f8787e08e!}{!LANG-937e624cc71421c8b4940e02bd25c441!}



{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!}: {!LANG-ad74cfe68b0da0772a8cce482edb3127!}{!LANG-f778754dd3796c60384ae3b362175ba0!}



{!LANG-22613c1f5493c1a94e0a8a6bce21e4a5!}{!LANG-3bc2773f020a20a26993a0eb75c247d1!} {!LANG-05c0db1350ccf80ae67ea054e42e508e!}

{!LANG-1dbbb3ef4fa7fc419fe2f3e37a6e4a39!}: {!LANG-30a1345fce220d3a10fbca5dd6fee381!}.

Pozdravlyalkin: {!LANG-87aef920c10141ef3872e30002b0c2e1!}


{!LANG-6533b937215da5afe1529b8f27e83b75!} :{!LANG-522fd8c75dfca790667595ad8c1c0c01!}


{!LANG-1dbbb3ef4fa7fc419fe2f3e37a6e4a39!}: {!LANG-9b02f64ac640dc904c4def8d85894bcb!}

{!LANG-9f1c5826e6724777e56eec4443ce20d1!}{!LANG-fadbb299b1279ccfdb38091d81f040b2!} {!LANG-bc7ed13e23bab6a3aa9245e3bb07e886!}















{!LANG-c1d2b189140148d69d7c9912510fc77d!} :{!LANG-c903c8bf37342b4261f0f981324025ea!}

{!LANG-1dbbb3ef4fa7fc419fe2f3e37a6e4a39!}.: {!LANG-2fed09f8e97d16d4f0f607d04c017204!}








{!LANG-c1d2b189140148d69d7c9912510fc77d!}: {!LANG-256306a0f8897915184d2e35fd71dfdf!}

Leading: {!LANG-fb02fdfdd753cded443be7a0b734612b!}


