The concept of educational psychology arose thanks to the work. Pedagogical psychology. the action is performed in terms of speaking aloud

landscaping 22.09.2020

Subject, tasks and sections of educational psychology

Pedagogical psychology is an interdisciplinary and typically applied branch of psychological science that has arisen in connection with real requests pedagogical theory and expanding educational practice. The presence of systematic and mass education is one of the significant achievements of civilization and at the same time a condition for the very existence and development of mankind.

In the pedagogical, educational process, there is no special, reserved for him, special psyche, different from the one described in the previous chapters of the textbook. It’s just that in the psyche and personality, only some of its aspects, the accents of functioning and development, due to the specifics of the personality itself, stand out in relief. educational process. But since this process occupies one of the leading, decisive places in the life of a modern person, the need for the presence and practical application of educational psychology does not require special argumentation. Education needs a separate and systematic psychological support.

Educational psychology studies human psyche as a subjective reflection of objective reality, carried out in a special educational activity in order to implement other activities, for the whole life of a person.

The subject of educational psychology phenomena, laws and mechanisms of the psyche act subjects educational process: student(pupil, student) and teachers(teacher, lecturer). This involves a purposeful study of the structure and dynamics, formation, functioning of the mental image during and as a result of the processes learning and education.

Since the specifics of the content and numerous tasks facing educational psychology are objectively determined by the characteristics of the educational, or pedagogical, process, we first consider the original concept education as a process and result.

Education in the narrow sense of the word, this is the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person, carried out in the process of learning, therefore, an educated person in everyday life is called a literate, knowledgeable, well-read person.

In a broader and proper psychological interpretation process and result of education take on a special meaning. creation person, his "education"as a whole as individuals, and not just an increment, an arithmetic increase in knowledge and skills.

This is a fundamental, qualitative change, a basic re-registration, a rearmament of the psyche and personality. Education is socially organized assistance the current and subsequent development of the personality, its self-realization and self-change, the whole being of a person. That is why the level of education of a person is not reduced to the sum of the years allotted for its education. Legalized questionnaire gradations of education: primary, secondary, specialized secondary, higher - are very conditional, changeable, relative. Education as a holistic result, it implies something different and much more than graduation certificates, certificates and diplomas, than a list of compulsory disciplines listened to by a person and passed during the period of study.

The amount of knowledge in itself does not change the consciousness of a person, his attitude to the world in which he exists. Real, truly human education is inseparable from the process of education. Form of a person - this means not only teaching him, but also helping to build image self, samples and models of social and professional behavior, being in general. Therefore, a competently, humanely organized educational process is indispensable educational, those. complex in essence, inseparable into separate and, as it were, successive components.

Despite the apparent obviousness of this provision, even in modern history Russian education quite recently, for example, new ideological slogans and direct orders were proclaimed to remove the process of education from school and university practice. Fortunately, it is almost impossible to realize even the most order-abiding official from the education system. Thinking and consciousness are inseparable, like the psyche and personality. In a particular person, training and education are impossible one without the other, although they are implemented by different psychological mechanisms. To ensure the effectiveness of each of these processes, special conditions are required, targeted social and pedagogical efforts, the state educational system and special professional training and skills of teachers are necessary.

Diverse and numerous tasks of educational psychology, can be reduced to five main ones, which in reality are interdependent, intersecting, interdisciplinary, i.e. not only psychological.

The first task is comprehensive study of the student's psyche(educated) involved in a single educational process. Such an organized, purposeful study is necessary to optimize and individualize education, to promote the formation of the necessary psychological and personal characteristics, to provide competent systematic psychological support and support for the processes of education and upbringing. Here there are many private and general psychological and socio-psychological problems, the solution of which gives an answer to interdisciplinary and practical problems. important question about the main subject of the process: "who is learning(formed, brought up)?".

People are not the same from birth, with the possible exception of monozygotic twins. But the number and scope of individual differences (behavioral and psychological) increases with age. The younger the child, the more similar he is to his peers, although from a psychological point of view, there are not even two identical personalities on the planet.

To identify and take into account the psychological characteristics of the personality of each student, it may turn out beneficial use all seven parameters identified in the psychological structure of the personality: needs, self-awareness, abilities, temperament, character, features of mental processes and states, mental experience of the individual (see Chapter 4), each of which can be decisive in the educational process.

The second task is psychological justification and selection educational material to be assimilated. The problems being solved here are designed to answer the never-ending and always debatable question: "what exactly what should be taught (educate, educate)?" These are complex issues of selecting the content and volume of educational material, the choice of compulsory (and elective, selective) academic disciplines.

Suppose it is necessary to study logic and Latin in a modern school (as earlier in gymnasiums)? How much study time should be devoted to geography and what sections of it should be taught? How to conceptually and logically build a course of Russian (or another) language from the first to the 11th grade? There are no unambiguous, universal and convincing answers to such questions. It all depends on the level of civilization, cultural traditions, from the state educational ideology and policy. A professional driver, for example, pragmatically does not need knowledge about the device nervous systems s lancelet. But why does someone "at the top" have the right to decide what is needed and what is not needed to know the same driver as a person, individual, citizen?

The school is designed to prepare people not only for work, but for all life. In addition, each person has the right not only to choose, but also to make a conscious, sometimes necessary change of profession. To do this, he must be sufficiently widely and comprehensively educated. Otherwise, mass education can become socially unfair, veiled caste, and therefore inhumane. It is impossible (and not necessary) to "teach everyone and everything", but it is absolutely necessary to contribute as much as possible in teaching the process of personal development.

  • The third psychological and pedagogical task is to answer the most probably most popular question: "how to teach and educate?" in the development and psychological testing, verification of pedagogical methods, techniques and holistic technologies of education and upbringing. It can be said that the majority of pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical research is directed precisely at such methodological problems and questions of the processes of education, training and upbringing. The following chapters of the textbook are devoted to their consideration (see ch. 39–41).
  • The fourth task of educational psychology is study of the psyche, professional activity and personality of the teacher. This is the answer to the topical, fundamentally important subjective question of the entire sphere of human education: "who teaches (educates, educates)?". The problems raised here are equally social and psychological (see Chapter 42). Can anyone who wants to become a teacher? What are the individual psychological characteristics and professionally significant (necessary) qualities of a teacher, his social -psychological and material status What are the objective and subjective opportunities for improving skills and self-realization (professional and personal)?
  • The fifth, but theoretically central, initial task of educational psychology is participation in the development of theoretical and practical issues related to the conscious formulation and formulation of goals public education, training and education. It is here that the social and the individual clearly appear in their inseparable and, perhaps, contradictory (dialectical) unity. Society determines for what educate people; personality transforms this question into its own, subjective: " why me an education?"

Without a detailed, clearly formulated goal-setting, there can be no controlled educational process, prediction and verification, and evaluation of the result are impossible. Psychologically reasoned answers are needed to the main vital, semantic and even moral question: "why to educate (teach, educate)?". Why and for whom does this system of education exist? What can or should acquired knowledge, learned forms of behavior become for a person? How have they changed the person himself, his attitudes and views on the world, on himself? What kind of person (and not just a socially necessary professional, narrowly oriented artisan) does society expect to create at the “output” of the educational process?For more on this, see § 41.3.

It is clear that such educational issues go far beyond the scope of the subject of psychology, but even without its "participatory", and often leading participation, they cannot be competently resolved. At the very least, maximum consideration of the so-called human factor is necessary, practical implementation in the formation of the well-known ideology of "human relations" is necessary.

The listed and many other tasks are solved within the framework of three textbooks. sections of educational psychology:

  • psychology of learning;
  • psychology of education;
  • psychology of work and the personality of the teacher (teacher).

The first two sections are related mainly to the psyche of the trained and educated subject. These sections of educational psychology are characterized by varying degrees of development and implementation into real educational practice. Currently more developed than others psychology of learning. It coexists with many different scientific schools and concepts that have their successors and critics (see Chapter 39). However, in any psychological and pedagogical construction, methodological understanding, theoretical interpretation of fundamental categories and concepts, such as "personality", "psyche", "education" are especially important. All other concepts, terminological constructions and specific pedagogical "techniques" are derivatives, although this is not always recognized and clearly formulated by the authors of numerous modern psychological and pedagogical "innovations". Unfortunately, behind the indicated pedagogical schemes, a living person, his real psyche, is most often "lost".

Like any applied branch of science, educational psychology has a pronounced interdisciplinary character. Any practical, vital task is multi-subject, complex. This fully applies to the educational process, which is studied in its own way not only by pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, but also by philosophy, medicine, sociology, cultural studies, physiology, economics, jurisprudence, and management. All these aspects of education one way or another go to subject, necessarily close on a person - a real creator, performer and user of the public education system.

True, not all specialists and leaders of education, and by no means always, are interested in or satisfied with certain positions of domestic scientific psychology (see § 39.4; 39.5). For example, some directions and methods of the current reform of Russian education (early profiling of school education, simplification and reduction curricula, an indispensable two-stage higher education, the fetishization of ubiquitous tests, the obligatory nature of a "competence-based" approach, the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of a number of pedagogical "innovations", etc.) cannot be considered scientifically indisputable and psychologically substantiated. But this, presumably, is a traditionally temporary, transient stage in the existence of modern Russian education and its constantly ongoing modernization. Mass education, according to the notions of Russian psychology, should not be pragmatically minimal, but reasonable, verified redundant, in some way ahead of both today's society and today's student. Education should work for the future, and therefore be developing and educating. However, this requires hard efforts not only of the pedagogical, educational and scientific community, but also of the entire society, of the entire Russian state.

To illustrate the deeply interdisciplinary nature of educational psychology, let us designate its connections with some other sections of scientific psychology, since in reality it is associated with almost all modern psychological science. Educational psychology is either part of some other applied branch of psychology, such as legal, sports, engineering, or organically includes large parts and blocks of many types of modern psychology.

General psychology acts here as a kind of base that sets the necessary methodological, categorical and conceptual structure of pedagogical psychology. It is impossible to list all general psychological concepts and terms, without which pedagogical psychology simply cannot exist. Mind, personality, consciousness, activity, thinking, motivation, abilities - all these categories "work" here in their own way, in a special context of education.

The relationship between pedagogy and child (age) psychology, especially in relation to school education. A child is not just a small adult, but a qualitatively different person (J. Piaget), therefore, it is necessary to educate and educate, for example, a junior schoolchild differently than a teenager, and a teenager differently than a young man. Without taking into account the basic age characteristics of students, effective education is impossible.

The processes of learning and development are not parallel and not synonymous. They are in a complex interaction, the study, organization and optimization of which is one of the urgent problems of modern education. Education and development are now taking place in qualitatively different social (and personal, subjective) conditions than it is presented in classical psychology previous years and generations. The current subjects of the educational process - children, schoolchildren, teachers, parents, students - have become in some way significantly different than just a decade ago (see Chapter 20). All this urgently requires systematic psychological and interdisciplinary research and direct access to mass educational practice at school and university.

A significant place in educational psychology should be occupied by socio-psychological issues(see ch. 25). Education exists in society, it solves certain public, state, and not only personal tasks of the subjects of this process. Such tasks may not only not coincide, but also be in serious contradictions. Suppose society does not need as many lawyers, economists, bank employees as there are people who want it. But on the other hand, objectively, there are not enough specialists in engineering and working professions. Coordination of such "demand" and "supply" is a state, economic, political task, and not only an educational one, and even more so a narrowly psychological one. However, in its optimal, humane solution, one cannot do without psychology: social, general, political, differential, pedagogical.

In addition, every teacher really works not only with the student's individuality, but with a social group, class, parents, a team of colleagues in the profession, therefore, in the educational process, an extensive socio-psychological phenomenology of small and large groups, their interactions, group dynamics. All these inevitable and significant influences of society on the process and result of education must be properly planned, taken into account, measured, and, if possible, coordinated.

Practically the most important, relevant and directly significant for educational psychology are its connections and interactions, relationships with pedagogy. It would seem that there are no and should not be any problems in the cooperation and commonwealth of these two sciences. In many ways, they have common goals and methods, the same scientific objects, uniting the scientific community in the face of the Russian Academy of Education, the presence of common historical roots, creators and great predecessors. In Russia, these are such extraordinary personalities and scientists of an organic psychological and pedagogical profile as K. D. Ushinsky, P. P. Blonsky, L. S. Vygotsky, P. F. Kapterev, A. S. Makarenko and many others, including including modern ones. There are many examples of a real, systematic, and not eclectic, combination of educational psychology and "psychological pedagogy", there are models for the construction of modern psychodidactics. There are fully developed scientific and practically implemented psychological and pedagogical directions, concepts, educational technologies. But, on the other hand, interdisciplinary relations between psychology and pedagogy cannot be called idyllic, well-established, problem-free.

For a future teacher, an introduction to general and pedagogical psychology begins with the learning process at a pedagogical university. Here there is a decades-old psychological and pedagogical triad: psychologyPedagogy is a private method of teaching. Such a bundle of academic subjects is an absolutely necessary part, achievement and main feature of professional and pedagogical education in our country. This triad contributes a lot to ensuring the mandatory psychological and pedagogical literacy and culture, the student's readiness of the same name for future pedagogical activity.

The subject of professional work of a chemistry teacher, unlike, say, a chemist, is not only chemicals and properties, but also the students themselves. A scientist and a teacher are close, definitely related, but still not the same professions. Many people (including teachers) may not understand this, subjectively not accept it, but this is an essential, empirically established fact. The true professionalism of a teacher lies not only in the knowledge of the subject being taught, not only in the assimilation of pedagogical theories and techniques, but in an adequate understanding of the structure and functioning of the human psyche in the process of training or education. The true psychological and pedagogical education of a teacher can only be complex, holistic, and not narrowly focused - musical, mathematical, historical, etc. Real educational practice does not need either "pure" teachers as "transmitters" of knowledge, or "emasculated" psychologists as "omniscient" and critical theorists. Everyday, laborious and always creative "pedagogization" of psychology and "psychologization" of pedagogy are required.

However, it should be recognized that both in the content and in the execution of the educational psychological and pedagogical triad itself, there are unresolved issues, theoretical and methodological inconsistencies, shortcomings, and inconsistencies. In the mass teaching of these three disciplines, there is often no proper methodological, conceptual and operational continuity. There may be meaningful repetitions and obvious inconsistencies in the interpretations of the same educational, especially psychological phenomena. The psychological and pedagogical triad is by no means always realized as a necessary integral, single cycle of related, but substantive and operationally different disciplines. Between modern psychology and pedagogy there are ambiguous, complex, sometimes opposing relations, which is quite acceptable for academic theory as a means of promoting its development. In relation to real educational practice, this situation cannot be considered normal.

A school teacher or university teacher, of course, cannot and should not be professional psychologists. But the requirements for their psychological preparedness, education and culture should not be simplified, downplayed and reduced, for example, to the skills of pedagogical communication. It's only component, although important, the general professional and psychological culture of the teacher (see Ch. 42). In turn, a school psychologist is not obliged and cannot be a teacher without having the appropriate education. However, to ensure efficiency, i.e. practical usefulness of his concrete and actually psychological work, he must professionally know and adequately perceive the existing pedagogical theories, problems and everyday realities.

Psychologists have long recognized the fact that a person, as an active being, is capable of making conscious changes in his own personality, which means that he can engage in self-education. However, self-education cannot be realized outside the environment, because occurs due to the active interaction of a person with the environment. In the same way, natural data are the most important factor in the mental development of a person. For example, anatomical and physical features are natural conditions ability development in general. The formation of abilities is influenced by the conditions of life and activity, the conditions of education and training. However, this does not mean at all that the presence of the same conditions entails the same development of intellectual abilities. For example, one cannot ignore the fact that mental development is interconnected with biological age especially when it comes to brain development. And this fact must be taken into account in educational activities.

The domestic psychologist L. S. Vygotsky was the first to put forward the idea that education and upbringing play a controlling role in mental development. According to this idea, education is ahead of development and directs it. If a person does not learn, he cannot be fully developed. But education does not exclude from attention the internal laws of the development process. It must always be remembered that although education has enormous possibilities, these possibilities are far from endless.

With the development of the psyche, the stability, unity and integrity of the personality develops, as a result of which it begins to possess certain qualities. If the teacher in his educational activities takes into account the personal characteristics of the student, this gives him the opportunity to use pedagogical tools and methods in his work that correspond to the age criteria and abilities of the student. And here it is simply necessary to take into account individual characteristics, the degree of mental development of students, as well as the characteristics of psychological work.

The degree of mental development is indicated by what is happening in the mind of a person. Psychologists gave a characteristic of mental development and indicated its criteria:

  • The rate at which the student learns the material
  • The pace at which the student perceives the material
  • The number of reflections as an indicator of the conciseness of thinking
  • Degree of analytical-synthetic activity
  • Techniques by which mental activity is transferred
  • Ability to self-systematize and generalize the acquired knowledge

The learning process must be built in such a way that there is maximum benefit for the mental development of the student. Research in the psychological field allows us to conclude that, together with a system of knowledge, it is necessary to give a complex of methods of mental activity. The teacher, organizing the presentation of educational material, must also form mental operations in students, such as synthesis, generalization, abstraction, comparison, analysis, etc. The formation of the skill of systematization and generalization of knowledge in students is of the greatest importance. independent work with sources of information, comparing facts on each specific topic.

If we talk about children of the primary school age group, then their development has its own characteristics. For example, it is during this period that priority should be placed on the development of scientific and creative abilities, because training should be not only a source of knowledge, but also a guarantor of mental growth. And if we talk about students, then the main focus of their scientific and creative abilities requires that the teacher has sufficient teaching experience and scientific and creative potential. This is due to the fact that in order to increase the mental activity of students, it is necessary to build classes with a focus on training highly qualified specialists with high intellectual potential, as well as being the backbone of society and its successors.

One of the factors that can improve the quality of the pedagogical process is the correspondence of educational methods and specific pedagogical conditions - this is the only way to achieve the proper assimilation of new knowledge and cooperation in the educational process between the teacher and the student.

Developing the creative potential of students, it is important to pay special attention to the organization of classes. And here the talent and skill of the teacher consists in the use of innovative educational technologies and creative approach to the material being studied during the lessons. This will help increase mental activity and expand the boundaries of thinking.

Educational institutions face the most important of the tasks - to implement the education of the younger generation, which will meet the requirements of modernity and scientific and technological progress, as well as to equip students with independent basic knowledge and the foundations of relevant disciplines, to awaken skills, abilities and knowledge and to prepare for a conscious choice of profession and active social and labor activity. In order for this goal to be achieved, it is necessary to achieve a conscious assimilation of the motives of education and to form in students a positive attitude and interest in the subject being studied.

From a psychological point of view, motives here are the reasons why students perform certain actions. Motives are formed by demands, instincts, interests, ideas, decisions, emotions, and dispositions. The motives for learning can be different, for example: to meet the requirements of parents and meet their expectations, the desire to develop together with peers, get a certificate or gold medal, go to university, etc. However, the highest motives are the desire to acquire knowledge in order to be useful to society, and the desire to know a lot.

The task of the teacher is to form in students precisely high, one might say, spiritual motives - educating faith in the need to acquire knowledge in order to bring social benefits, and cultivating an attitude towards knowledge as a value. If it is possible to form such a motive in students and instill in them an interest in acquiring knowledge, then all training will be much more effective. Such outstanding teachers as Y. Comenius, B. Diesterweg, K. Ushinsky, G. Schukina, A. Kovalev, V. Ivanov, S. Rubinshtein, L. Bazhovich, V. Ananiev and others spoke and wrote on the topic of interest in knowledge. . Interest in knowledge contributes to intellectual activity, increased perception, liveliness of thought, etc. In addition, he brings up the strong-willed and spiritual component of the personality.

If the teacher manages to arouse interest in his discipline, then the student receives additional motivation, wants to acquire knowledge and overcome obstacles in the process of obtaining it. He will be happy to work independently, devoting free time to the subject. If there is no interest in the subject, then the material does not leave any trace in the mind of the student, does not cause positive emotions and quickly forgotten. The student himself in this case remains indifferent and indifferent to the process.

As it is easy to see, the main bias in pedagogical and educational activities is done precisely on the formation of a student's personality, which includes both interest and craving for knowledge, and the desire to develop and learn new things, master new skills, etc. Motivation should be encouraged and supported in every possible way by the teacher, and in many respects this is what determines the success and effectiveness of both pedagogical work (teaching) and the work of students (study).

And with the development of motivation, the conditions of the educational process are important, which should include not only a suitable form of presenting information, but also various forms of activity: hypotheses, mental modeling, observations, etc. Among other things, the personality of the teacher is also of great importance: a teacher who respects and loves the discipline he teaches always commands respect and attracts the attention of students, and his personal qualities and behavior during classes will directly affect how students will relate to classes .

In addition to this, you can use not only traditional teaching methods that are familiar to all of us, but also more modern ones that have not yet had time to “set the teeth on edge” and have either been introduced into educational activities not very long ago, or are just beginning to be introduced. But we will talk about teaching methods in our course, but for now we will conclude that any teacher who sets himself the goal of improving the quality of his work and making it more effective must certainly be guided by basic psychological knowledge.

In fact, you can talk about this topic for a very, very long time, but we only tried to make sure that you have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow pedagogy is related to psychology, and why you should know about it. You can find a huge amount of information on the topic of educational psychology on your own on the Internet, and on the topic of psychology in general, we suggest that you take our specialized training (it is located). Now it would be more logical to continue the conversation on the topic of achieving the effectiveness of education, namely: we will talk about what principles should be followed so that the training and development of a person - your child, student or student - gives maximum results. The information will be useful to those involved.

10 principles for effective learning and development

Any principles of teaching depend on the goals that the teacher sets for himself. He can, for example, develop his student, expand his stock of general knowledge, contribute to the knowledge of the phenomena of the surrounding world, create the most suitable conditions for his development, etc. But it is very important to remember that there is no universal “recipe”, according to which any person can become developed and smart, but there are several principles that will help the teacher become a really good teacher and maximize the effectiveness of his work.

The first principle is to make sure that learning and development are necessary

First of all, it is necessary to conduct an accurate analysis of the skills and abilities of students and determine that there really is a need for training (this applies mainly to university graduates, people who want to improve their qualifications, undergo retraining, etc.). You also need to make sure that this need or problem is a training issue. For example, if a student does not fulfill the requirements of the educational process, it is necessary to find out whether he is provided with the conditions for this, whether he himself realizes what is required of him. In addition to this, an analysis of abilities, skills, knowledge, and other personality traits should be carried out. This will help to better understand in which direction the educational process should be directed. In a school setting, this can help determine the student's inclinations and predisposition to certain subjects.

The second principle is to create conditions conducive to learning and development

It is required to provide students with information about what it is necessary to acquire new knowledge, acquire new skills and develop, and why it is necessary. After that, you need to make sure that students understand the relationship between receiving education and its subsequent practical application in life. The effectiveness of learning is greatly increased if students are aware of the relationship between their learning and the opportunity to be useful to society as a whole and for themselves personally. Successful completion of learning tasks can be stimulated through the recognition of progress, good grades and positive feedback. Thus, students will be even more motivated.

The third principle is to provide exactly the kind of training and development that will be useful in practice.

It is necessary to introduce into the pedagogical process such subjects and disciplines (knowledge, skills) that will not be of ephemeral usefulness in the minds of students, but will have a specific practical value. What students learn, they must apply in their lives. Without the relationship between theory and practice, learning loses not only its effectiveness, but also ceases to motivate, which means that the functions necessary for students to perform will be performed only formally, and the results will be mediocre, which completely contradicts the goals of education.

Principle four - include measurable objectives and specific results in training and development

The results of learning and development should be reflected in the activities of students, which is why the pedagogical process is necessary. It is important to make sure that the content of the training will lead students to comprehend the knowledge and acquire those skills that correspond to the learning objectives. Students should be informed about this, which means they will know what to expect from learning in general. In addition, they will know how to apply what they learn. The educational process should be divided into stages, each stage should pursue its own independent goal. Checking the assimilation of knowledge and skills should be carried out at each stage - these can be tests, test papers, exams, etc.

The fifth principle is to explain to students what the learning process will consist of.

Students should know before they start learning what will be included in the educational process, as well as what is expected of themselves, both during and after training. Thus, they can concentrate on learning, studying the material and completing assignments without experiencing any discomfort or.

Principle six - convey to students that they are responsible for their own learning

Any teacher should be able to convey to the consciousness of students the information that, first of all, it is they who are responsible for their education. If they understand and accept this, then their attitude to learning will be serious and responsible. Preliminary conversations and preparation of tasks, active participation of students in discussions and practical exercises, the use of new and non-standard solutions in the pedagogical process are welcome, and students here also have the right to vote - they themselves can offer and choose the most convenient way of learning, lesson plan, etc. .d.

The seventh principle is to use all pedagogical tools

Each teacher should be able to operate the basic pedagogical tools. Among them are those related to the actions of the teacher, and those related to the interaction between the teacher and students. We are talking about the use by the teacher of diversity - as a way to constantly maintain attention and interest, clarity - as a way to competently present confusing and incomprehensible information, involvement - as a way to attract students to active activities, support - as a way to give students faith in their strengths and the ability to learn new things. , and respectful attitude - as a way to form in students.

Principle eight - use more visual material

It is known for certain that 80% of information enters the brain from visual objects, and the teacher must take this into account in his work. For this reason, it is necessary to use as much as possible of what students can see with their own eyes, and not only read. Posters, diagrams, maps, tables, photographs, videos can be sources of visual information. For the same reason, in all classes and audiences there are always boards for writing with chalk or a marker - even the simplest data is always recorded. And the most effective method visual learning are experiences and practical laboratory works.

Principle nine - first convey the essence, and then the details

We have already mentioned this principle several times when we talked about the didactic work of Jan Comenius, but it will only be useful to mention it again. Learning is associated with the study of huge amounts of data, so you can’t convey everything to students at once. Large topics should be broken down into subtopics, and subtopics, if necessary, into smaller subtopics. First, you should explain the essence of any subject or problem, and only then move on to discussing the details and features. In addition, the human brain initially captures the meaning of what it perceives, and only then begins to distinguish details. The pedagogical process must correspond to this natural feature.

Tenth principle - do not overload with information and give time for rest

In part, this principle is related to the previous one, but to a greater extent it is based on the fact that the human body must always have time to “recharge”. Even the most hardworking people realize the value of rest and good sleep. Learning is a complex process, and is associated with high nervous and mental stress, increased attention and concentration, and maximum use of the potential of the brain. Overwork is unacceptable in training, otherwise the student may be overwhelmed by stress, he will become irritable, and his attention is distracted - there will be no sense in such apprenticeship. According to this principle, students should receive as much information as their age characteristics allow, and always have time for rest. As for sleep, it’s 8 hours a day, so it’s better not to allow night vigils for textbooks.

On this we will sum up the third lesson, and we will only say that students should learn to learn, and teachers should learn to teach, and understanding the psychological characteristics of the educational process can significantly increase the chances of success for both teachers themselves and their students.

Surely you want to quickly find out what educational methods exist, because there is already plenty of theory, and incomparably less practice. But do not despair, the next lesson is devoted to traditional teaching methods - exactly those practical methods that have already been tested by many educators and hardened over the years, those methods that you can put into practice.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

"Man, if he is to become a man, needs to be educated" (Jan Comenius).

Pedagogical psychology studies the conditions and patterns of formation of mental neoplasms under the influence of education and training. Pedagogical psychology has occupied a certain place between psychology and pedagogy, has become a sphere for the joint study of the relationship between the upbringing, training and development of the younger generations (B. G. Ananiev).

Pedagogical psychology studies the mechanisms, patterns of mastering knowledge, abilities, skills, explores individual differences in these processes, patterns of formation of creative active thinking, determines the conditions under which effective mental development is achieved in the learning process, considers the relationship between the teacher and students, the relationship between students (V. A. Krutetsky). In the structure of pedagogical psychology, the following directions can be distinguished: the psychology of educational activity (as a unity of educational and pedagogical activity); psychology of educational activity and its subject (pupil, student); psychology of pedagogical activity and its subject (teacher, lecturer); psychology of educational and pedagogical cooperation and communication.

Thus, the subject of pedagogical psychology is the facts, mechanisms and patterns of the development of sociocultural experience by a person, the patterns of the intellectual and personal development of the child as a subject of educational activity organized and managed by the teacher in different conditions of the educational process (I. A. Zimnyaya).

The subject of pedagogy is the study of the essence of the formation and development of the human personality and the development on this basis of the theory and methodology of education as a specially organized pedagogical process.

Pedagogy explores the following issues:

  • study of the essence and patterns of development and formation of personality and their influence on education;
  • determination of the goals of education;
  • development of the content of education;
  • research and development of methods of education.

The object of knowledge in pedagogy- a person who develops as a result of educational relationships. The subject of pedagogy is educational relations that ensure the development of a person.

The subject of pedagogical science in its strictly scientific and precise understanding is education as a special function of human society. Based on this understanding of the subject of pedagogy, we will consider the main pedagogical categories.

The categories include the most capacious and general concepts reflecting the essence of science, its established and typical properties. In any science, categories play a leading role, they permeate all scientific knowledge and, as it were, link it into an integral system.

Upbringing- social, purposeful creation of conditions (material, spiritual, organizational) for the assimilation of socio-historical experience by the new generation in order to prepare it for social life and productive work. The category "education" is one of the main ones in pedagogy. Characterizing the scope of the concept, they single out education in the broad social sense, including the impact on the personality of society as a whole, and education in the narrow sense - as a purposeful activity designed to form a system of personality traits, attitudes and beliefs. Education is often interpreted in an even more local sense - as a solution to a specific educational task (for example, the education of certain character traits, cognitive activity, etc.). In this way, upbringing is the purposeful formation of a personality on the basis of the formation
1) certain relations to objects, phenomena of the surrounding world;
2) worldview;
3) behavior (as a manifestation of attitude and worldview).

We can distinguish types of education (mental, moral, physical, labor, aesthetic, etc.).

Pedagogy explores the essence of education, its patterns, trends and development prospects, develops theories and technologies of education, determines its principles, content, forms and methods.

Upbringing- a concrete historical phenomenon, closely related to the socio-economic, political and cultural level of society and the state.

Development humanity provides for each person through education, passing on the experience of his own and previous generations.

Development is an objective process of internal consistent quantitative and qualitative changes in the physical and spiritual forces of a person.

We can single out physical development (changes in height, weight, strength, proportions of the human body), physiological development (changes in body functions in the cardiovascular, nervous systems, digestion, childbirth, etc.), mental development (complication of the processes of reflection by a person of reality: sensation , perception, memory, thinking, feelings, imagination, as well as more complex mental formations: needs, motives of activities, abilities, interests, value orientations). The social development of a person consists in his gradual entry into society, into social, ideological, economic, industrial, legal and other relations. Having mastered these relations and his functions in them, a person becomes a member of society. The crown is the spiritual development of man. It means understanding his high purpose in life, the emergence of responsibility to present and future generations, understanding the complex nature of the universe and striving for constant moral improvement. A measure of spiritual development can be the degree of responsibility of a person for his physical, mental, social development, for his life and the lives of other people. Spiritual development is increasingly recognized as the core of the formation of personality in man.

It may seem that education is secondary to development. In fact, their relationship is more complicated. In the process of educating a person, his development takes place, the level of which then affects the upbringing, changes it. A more perfect upbringing accelerates the pace of development. Throughout a person's life, upbringing and development mutually provide each other.

Education is a specially organized system of external conditions created in society for human development. A specially organized educational system is educational institutions, institutions for advanced training and retraining of personnel. It transfers and receives the experience of generations according to the goals, programs, structures with the help of specially trained teachers. All educational institutions in the state are united in a single system of education, through which the management of human development takes place.

Education in the literal sense means the creation of an image, a certain completeness of education in accordance with a certain age level. Therefore, education is interpreted as a process and a result of a person's assimilation of the experience of generations in the form of a system of knowledge, skills, attitudes.

Distinguish between general and special education. General education provides each person with such knowledge, abilities, skills that are necessary for him for comprehensive development and are basic for obtaining further special, vocational education. In terms of the level and volume of content, both general and special education can be primary, secondary and higher. Now, when the need for continuing education arises, the term "adult education", post-graduate education, has appeared. Three components of education follow from here: training, education, development.

Education- a specific type of pedagogical process, during which, under the guidance of a specially trained person (teacher, lecturer), socially determined tasks of educating a person are implemented in close connection with its upbringing and development.

Learning is the process of direct transmission and reception of the experience of generations in the interaction of the teacher and students. As a learning process, it includes two parts: teaching, during which the transfer (transformation) of a system of knowledge, skills, experience of activity is carried out, and teaching (student activity) as the assimilation of experience through its perception, comprehension, transformation and use.

But training, upbringing, education denote forces external to the person himself: someone educates him, someone educates him, someone teaches him. These factors seem to be transpersonal. But after all, a person himself is active from birth, he is born with the ability to develop. He is not a vessel into which the experience of mankind "merges", he himself is capable of acquiring this experience and creating something new. Therefore, the main mental factors of human development are self-education, self-education, self-training, self-improvement.

self-education- this is the process of assimilation by a person of the experience of previous generations through internal mental factors that ensure development. Education, if it is not violence, is impossible without self-education. They should be seen as two sides of the same process. Through self-education, a person can self-educate.

Self-education is a system of internal self-organization for mastering the experience of generations, aimed at one's own development. Self-learning is the process of direct acquisition by a person of the experience of generations through his own aspirations and his own chosen means.

In terms of "self-education", "self-education", "self-education", pedagogy describes the inner spiritual world of a person, his ability to develop independently. External factors - upbringing, education, training - are only conditions, means of awakening them, putting them into action. That is why philosophers, educators, psychologists argue that it is in the human soul that the driving forces of its development are laid.

Carrying out upbringing, education, training, people in society enter into certain relations with each other - these are educational relations. Educational relations are a kind of relations between people, aimed at the development of a person through upbringing, education, and training. Educational relationships are a microcell, where external factors (upbringing, education, training) converge with internal human ones (self-education, self-education, self-training). As a result of such interaction, the development of a person is obtained, a personality is formed.

OBJECT of knowledge - a person developing as a result of educational relationships. The subject of pedagogy is educational relations that ensure the development of a person.

Pedagogy is the science of educational relations that arise in the process of the relationship of upbringing, education and training with self-education, self-education and self-training and aimed at human development (V. S. Bezrukova). Pedagogy can be defined as the science of translating the experience of one generation into the experience of another.

Lecture 1. Subject, tasks and methods of educational psychology 5

Plan................................................. ................................................. ............................... 5

1. Subject and tasks of pedagogical psychology. Psychology and Pedagogy.... 5

2. History of the development of educational psychology in Russia and abroad......... 6

3. The structure of educational psychology. The connection of educational psychology with other sciences .............................................. ................................................. ................................................. 17

4. The main problems of educational psychology and their brief description 19

5. General characteristics of the methods of educational psychology .................................. 21

Lecture 2. Psychology of pedagogical activity and the personality of the teacher 24

Plan................................................. ................................................. .............................. 24

1. The concept of pedagogical activity. Concepts of the pedagogical process and their psychological justification ......................................... 24

2. The structure of pedagogical activity ............................................... .............. 25

3. The functions of the teacher in the organization of the educational process ........... 27

4.Psychological requirements for the personality of the teacher .............................................. .28

5. Problems of pedagogical communication ............................................... ................... 31

6. The concept of an individual style of pedagogical activity 33

7. Psychological characteristics of the teaching staff .............................. 34

Lecture 3. Psychological service at school and its role in optimizing the educational process in school ...................... 36

Plan................................................. ................................................. .............................. 36

1. Fundamentals of the activities of the psychological service at school .............................. 36

2. Logic and organization of the psychological study of the personality of the student and the team of the school class ................................................. ................................... 38

3. The program for studying the personality of a student .............................................. .............. 38

4. The program of studying the collective of the school class .............................................. 42

5. Psychocorrective and educational activities of the psychological service 45

6. Psychological foundations of lesson analysis .............................................. ................ 46

Lecture 4

Plan................................................. ................................................. ............................... 48

1. The concept of the purpose of education .............................................. ......................................... 48

2. Means and methods of education ............................................... ................................. 49

3. Basic social institutions upbringing ................................................ 52

4. Psychological theories of education. The problem of personality stability.. 54

Lecture 5 ................................................. ................................... 56

Plan................................................. ................................................. .............................. 56

1.Psychological conditions for the formation of personality traits .............................. 56

Activity, personality orientation and its formation ........................... 57

Development of the moral sphere of personality 60

2. Socio-psychological aspects of education .............................................. 61

Communication as a factor in education .............................................................................. 61

The role of the team in the education of students ............................................................... 63

Family as a socio-psychological factor in education .............................. 64

Education and formation of social attitudes of the individual ........................ 66

3. The problem of managing the upbringing of the individual .............................................. ...... 67

4. Indicators and criteria for the upbringing of schoolchildren .............................................. 71

Lecture 1. Subject, tasks and methods of educational psychology

1. Subject and tasks of pedagogical psychology. Psychology and pedagogy

2. History of the development of educational psychology in Russia and abroad

3. Structure of educational psychology. Relationship of educational psychology with other sciences

4. The main problems of educational psychology and their brief description

5. General characteristics of the methods of educational psychology

The subject of educational psychology is the study of the psychological patterns of education and upbringing, both from the side of the student, the educator, and from the side of the one who organizes this training and education (i.e., from the side of the teacher, educator).

Education and training represents different, but interrelated aspects of a single pedagogical activity. In reality, they are always implemented together, so it is almost impossible to define learning from education (as processes and results). Raising a child, we always teach him something, while teaching, we educate him at the same time. But these processes in pedagogical psychology are considered separately, because they are different in their goals, content, methods, leading types of activity that realizes them. Education is carried out mainly through interpersonal communication of people and pursues the goal of developing the worldview, morality, motivation and character of the individual, the formation of personality traits and human actions. Education (realized through different kinds subject theoretical and practical activities) focuses on the intellectual and cognitive development of the child. Various methods of training and education. Teaching methods are based on a person's perception and understanding of the objective world, material culture, and upbringing methods are based on the perception and understanding of a person by a person, human morality and spiritual culture.

For a child, there is nothing more natural than to develop, form, become what he is in the process of education and training (S.L. Rubinshtein). Education and training are included in the content of pedagogical activity. Upbringing is a process of organized purposeful influence on the personality and behavior of the child.

In both cases, training and education act as specific activities of a particular subject (student, teacher). But they are considered as a joint activity of a teacher and a student, in the first case we are talking about educational activities or teaching (student). In the second, the teacher's pedagogical activity and on the performance of the functions of organization, stimulation and management of the student's educational activities, in the third - on the process of education and training in general.

Educational psychology is an interdisciplinary independent branch of knowledge based on knowledge of general, age, social psychology, personality psychology, theoretical and practical pedagogy. It has its own history of formation and development, the analysis of which allows us to understand the essence and specifics of the subject of its study.

General psychological context of the formation of pedagogical psychology. Pedagogical psychology develops in the general context of scientific ideas about a person, which were fixed in the main psychological currents (theories) that have had and continue to have a great influence on pedagogical thought in each specific historical period. This is due to the fact that the learning process has always acted as a natural research "testing ground" for psychological theories. Let us consider in more detail the psychological currents and theories that could influence the understanding of the pedagogical process.

Associative psychology(starting from the middle of the 18th century - D. Hartley and until the end of the 19th century - W. Wundt), in the depths of which the types, mechanisms of associations were determined as connections of mental processes and associations as the basis of the psyche. On the material of the study of associations, the features of memory and learning were studied. Here we note that the foundations of the associative interpretation of the psyche were laid by Aristotle (384-322 BC), who is credited with introducing the concept of "association", its types, distinguishing two types of mind (nousa) into theoretical and practical, definitions feelings of satisfaction as a learning factor.

Empirical data from the experiments of G. Ebbinghaus (1885) on the study of the process of forgetting and the curve of forgetting obtained by him, the nature of which is taken into account by all subsequent researchers of memory, the development of skills, the organization of exercises.

Pragmatic functional psychology W. James (late XIX - early XX century) and J. Dewey (practically the entire first half of our century), with an emphasis on adaptive reactions, adaptation to the environment, body activity, and the development of skills.

The theory of trial and error by E. Thorndike (late 19th - early 20th century), who formulated the basic laws of learning - the laws of exercise, effect and readiness; who described the learning curve and the achievement tests based on these data (1904).

Behaviorism J. Watson (1912-1920) and neo-behaviourism of E. Tolman, K. Hull, A. Gasri and B. Skinner (the first half of our century). B. Skinner already in the middle of our century developed the concept of operant behavior and the practice of programmed learning. The merit of the works of E. Thorndike preceding behaviorism, the orthodox behaviorism of J. Watson and the entire neo-behaviorist direction is the development of a holistic concept of learning (learning), including its laws, facts, mechanisms.

The subject of educational psychology

Pedagogical psychology- ϶ᴛᴏ a branch of psychology that considers psychological mechanisms, patterns, factors in the development of the psyche in terms of training and education.

Pedagogical psychology- ϶ᴛᴏ the science of the formation and development of the psyche in the educational space.

The beginning of the formation of this science dates back to the last third of the 19th century. The term "pedagogical psychology" itself appeared in 1877, it was introduced by the Russian psychologist and teacher P.F.Kapetev. He wrote the book "Pedagogical psychology for folk teachers, educators and educators." After the publication of this book, educational psychology was recognized as an independent scientific direction. The epigraph of this book was taken by Pestalozzi's statement "I want to reduce all education to psychological grounds." Today this problem is extremely relevant, very popular among researchers, but still ambiguous, having a number of contradictions that need to be resolved.

The subject of educational psychology is the psychological basis of personality formation in the process of training and education.

Tasks of educational psychology:

Ø revealing the patterns of development of the psyche in the process of education and upbringing;

Ø establishing the conditions for the success of the development of the psyche in the educational space;

Ø determination of the basic mechanisms of the functioning of the psyche in the process of training and education;

Ø the establishment of factors influencing the psychological sphere of the individual in the course of training and education;

Ø creation and development of methods and techniques for studying the features of the functioning of the psyche in the process of education and upbringing;

Ø popularization of scientific knowledge in society.

Sections of educational psychology:

Ø psychology of learning; This direction is engaged in the study of the psychological patterns of cognitive activity of students. One of the most important problems in this area is the issue of mental development of students. An important issue is the individualization and differentiation of the learning process. Today, a student-centered approach in the process of teaching and educating schoolchildren is very in demand and applied. This approach contributes to the solution to a certain extent of the problem of the development of human creative abilities. For educators, the issue of diagnosing mental development and the issue of developing methods aimed at improving the productivity of students' cognitive activity are extremely relevant.

Ø psychology of education; This section studies the main psychological mechanisms and patterns of formation of personal parameters of students in the framework of the educational process. This section is aimed at identifying factors that affect the system of relations:

Ø student-student;

Ø teacher-student;

Ø parents - student;

Ø teacher - administration;

Ø parents - school;

Ø student - administration;

Ø adults - children. This section examines the psychological conditions for the formation and development of morality, worldview, personality orientation. A very important aspect is the psychology of self-development and self-education of a person.

Ø teacher psychology. This direction studies the features of the functioning and development of the teacher's psyche in the course of his professional activity. Of particular importance are the studies of the pedagogical abilities of individual typological qualities of a person that affect professional activity, the issue of the formation of pedagogical skills, as well as the psychological aspects of professional interaction. All three areas of educational psychology are developing very actively, having a significant impact on the holistic educational process.

The main patterns of the formation of the child's personality

It is well known and indisputable that a person is formed throughout life, and personal formations can appear at any age. The basis of personality formation, according to Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev, is socialization- appropriation by a person of social experience in ontogeny. It should be noted that socialization is an objective process. (I invite everyone to answer for themselves why).

Any society prefers that its citizens acquire the desired social experience that does not contradict social norms and moral principles. Although gaining such experience is an individual process subject to certain laws:

Ø recognition of education as the basis for the formation of personality; Upbringing- ϶ᴛᴏ targeted impact on a person in order to form her desired personal parameters. Those changes that occur in the personality and will be the result of education. Without the process of upbringing, spiritual change, observance of traditions, development of norms of behavior and communication is impossible, that is, that qualitative change in personality is impossible, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ will provide her with a comfortable stay in society.

Ø recognition of the child as the subject of the educational and training process; The independent activity of the child is one of the characteristics of the subjective attitude to the world. This means that only a personal desire, a personal desire for a particular action leads to a positive result. Without individual activity, the process of personality formation is extremely inefficient. For this reason, the attitude to the developing personality of a person as an object of development does not bring the desired results. The educator must remember that he is obliged to organize the child's activities in such a way that he is convinced that he himself wants it. The role of the teacher, according to Vygodsky, is only to organize the conditions, the environment and to control the results. independent activity child.

Ø the inclusion of the motivational-need sphere of the child; In the life of any creature, needs play a huge role. In addition to natural needs, a person also has socially significant ones. Οʜᴎ arise against the background of specific socio-economic relations, formed interests and internal incentives. Given the dependence of motives, personality traits are formed. The basis for the practical implementation of motives is activity. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the following scheme is implemented: Activity à Need à Motive à Activity à Need à home… home à For a teacher, parent, adult who influences a developing personality, the basis is the formation of needs and motives.

Ø taking into account the "tomorrow of the developing child"; These are the potential, objectively existing, reasonable possibilities of the child, on which the parent, teacher, and educator should be guided. In this case, the process of personality development becomes purposeful, individual, manageable and productive. Moreover, knowledge of this regularity makes it possible to design the development of the personality and painless, without great mental stress of its development.

Ø taking into account the principle of psychology: the development of the psyche occurs only in activity. A teacher, parent, educator should remember that not any activity develops a personality, contributes to the emergence of new formations of the psyche, but only the leading activity of its age period of development.

Psychology of learning

Ø The subject of the psychology of learning, characteristics of learning;

Ø Psychological theories of learning, development and organization of learning activities;

Ø Psychological components of knowledge acquisition;

Ø Psychological reasons for the failure of children.


Ø L.V. Fridman, K.I. Volkov "Psychological science for the teacher";

Ø K.N. Volkov "Psychologists about pedagogical problems";

Ø ZI Kalmykova "The problem of poor progress through the eyes of a psychologist".

Subject of Learning Psychology

The learning process itself is the prerogative of didactics. At the same time, pedagogical research concerns the content, methods, organization of the learning process, which, in relation to the child, act as external attributes of activity. The inner world of students (for example, abilities) = the subject of psychology research. For this reason, subject of learning psychology- questions of the development of cognitive processes of the student.

For the effective construction of the educational process, the teacher is obliged to study the internal mechanisms of the assimilation of knowledge, the level of development of thinking, memory, attention, and creative abilities of children. As a scientific branch of educational psychology, The psychology of learning operates with the following concepts:

Ø teaching;

Ø learning;

Ø training;

Ø teaching;

Ø assimilation;

Ø appropriation of knowledge;

The broadest of these is learning. Everything that a person acquires during his life, all the changes that occur in his activities and behavior - everything is connected with the concept of learning. Learning takes place in a person from the moment of his birth. Learning(according to Itelson) - ϶ᴛᴏ sustainable expedient change in physical and mental activity or behavior that arise due to previous activities, but are not caused by innate physiological reactions of the body.

Types of learning:

Ø sensory learning; Sensory learning develops:

Ø Mental processes: perception, observation, recognition, reminiscence, etc.

Ø The ability to reflect the subject as a whole;

Ø The ability to characterize individual qualities of phenomena, etc.

Ø motor learning; The child learns to walk, coordinate his body, speak.

Ø Sensory-motor learning; The child is learning to read.

Ø Intellectual learning. This is the mastery of thinking, most often, in the process of learning. The most difficult type of learning, but some children are given without much effort.

Ways of learning:

Ø Elemental; The easiest way. It is in this way that a person receives a lot of information - he receives it easily, naturally, without doing it on purpose. It happens through communication with adults, the media, the social environment, being in nature.

Ø Passing; Unintentional, non-basic learning, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ Jean-Jacques Rousseau called "the path of free education."

Ø Purposeful // specially organized. It differs from teaching in that an indisputable goal is not set for the child (and sometimes no goal is set), people just want to see it in a person, to teach it. Purposeful learning eventually turns into learning.

Education- ϶ᴛᴏ the process of active interaction between the teacher and the student, as a result of which the student forms completely certain given skills, knowledge, skills. Learning Components:

Ø teaching- the activities of the teacher;

Ø Doctrine- student activity.

Doctrine- ϶ᴛᴏ type of activity carried out by a person independently for the assimilation and appropriation of knowledge, skills, abilities.

The joint activity of the teacher and the student is called scientific activity. Learning activities- ϶ᴛᴏ a form of individual activity of the student, aimed at mastering and appropriating knowledge, skills, skills according to a certain developed algorithm. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the next stage is carried out - assimilation.

Psychological theories of education and organization of educational activities

Ø One of the first theories that touched upon the problem of the correlation and priority of development processes, on the one hand, and training and education, on the other, was Thorndike's theory. Thorndike's theory was to recognize the identity of the processes of development and learning. His followers still believe that every step in learning is a step in development, every step in development is a result of training and education. Moreover, representatives of this direction still believe that there is no difference in the learning (and development) of humans and animals. Over time, this movement developed into behaviorism. Representatives (for example, Skinner, Maslow and their followers) believe that the basis of human development is the formation of behavioral skills. They are the basis of human socialization, adaptation and intellectualization. These scientists believe that even intellectual skills can be instilled, which will gradually develop into skills. Thus, it is possible to instill, for example, the skill of being attentive, the skill of thinking, etc.

Ø Theory of Jean Jacques Piaget. Piaget theoretically substantiated and practically tried to prove that development is absolutely independent of training and education. These processes, in his opinion, are like rails - absolutely parallel, nowhere and never intersect. Moreover, Piaget believed that development goes ahead of learning and pulls it along.

Ø Theory of two factors. Proposed and substantiated by Soviet scientists. The theory is based on the teachings of Vygotsky as his cultural and historical concept. The essence of the theory is that development and learning are equivalent processes that are closely intertwined and constantly influence each other. In the formation of a personality, a biological factor is important, that is, a certain natural predisposition to any activity. No less important is the social factor, that is, the possibility of mastering the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities required by society. "If a person has a natural hearing loss, then, no matter how much we want, he will never become a composer, however, if a person never sees a musical instrument, he will also not be able to be a composer" © Khrebkova.

Ø Theory of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky " Cultural-historical concept"At a certain stage of a person's life, development is the predominant factor determining the formation of the psyche and personality. Starting from the complication of the self-concept of a person (from 6 years old), education and upbringing gradually begin to lead development. From that time, Lev writes Semenovich, learning is simply obliged to go ahead of development and lead it.This theory of Vygotsky turned the content of the organization of the educational process, but in order for it to work effectively, it is extremely important to remember that our psyche constantly characterized by two levels:

Ø Zone of actual development; This is cash available on this moment the level of development is characterized by the ability of a person to independently, without any help, perform certain external and internal actions.

Ø Zone of proximal development. The dominant one is, of course, the second level, but without relying on the first, it does not make any sense.

Ø Pedology. The theory appeared in Russia in the 19th century and was very popular among progressive educators and psychologists.

Psychological components of assimilation

As a result of properly organized activity, the student acquires knowledge, skills and abilities, due to which the mental development of the student takes place. The main thing in this process is the assimilation and, in the future, the appropriation of previous experience.

Assimilation - ϶ᴛᴏ organized cognitive activity of the student, activating a number of mental processes.

Nikolai Dmitrievich Levitov singled out the main components of assimilation, which form the basis of personal mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities (assignment). Assimilation - ϶ᴛᴏ the main way for an individual to acquire socio-historical experience.

Components of assimilation:

Ø Positive attitude of the student to the learning process; From the point of view of mental reflection, the effectiveness of any mental process will be quite high if the sthenic emotional background prevails. The speed and strength of assimilation will be based on non-negation of what a person is doing, that is, the psyche will not erect barriers, sometimes even in addition to the desire of the individual. In recent years, there has been a sharp decline in the positive attitude of children towards learning. Why?

Ø Unfavorable socio-economic relations;

Ø Increasing the amount of extremely important information;

Ø Very frequent predominance of a negative emotional background. For example, school fear is a state that ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ depresses mental processes, which puts a barrier in terms of assimilation and appropriation of knowledge. Children, driven by fear, practically do not think, remember very poorly, and their attention is extremely scattered.

A positive attitude is formed:

Ø Interest in knowledge and information;

Ø Accepting information as extremely important;

Ø Developing the ability to overcome difficulties.

A huge role in cognition is played by the feeling of satisfaction from obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the presence of positive motivation, that is, an internal absolute conviction of the extreme importance of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities. In this process, one cannot beg anyone's role: neither the student, nor close adults, nor the teacher.

Ø Activation of the processes of direct sensory familiarization with the material; Consider only sensations and perceptions as the most effective for mastering the material. The task of the teacher is to ensure that the student in the lesson not only looks, but also sees, not only listens, but also hears everything that happens in the lesson. This helps the child to most fully and comprehensively create an image of the subject being studied in the brain. The object of perception in the learning process is everything that surrounds the child. It is in connection with this that every teacher should begin with the fact that the educational space does not include unnecessary objects that do not matter at a given moment in time. If the teacher's speech suffers from any errors (such as speech defects, fast pace, high tone, unusual phonemic consonance), then the perception of meaning is significantly impaired. The appearance of the teacher (especially at the first meeting) is of great importance. Very often, sympathy or antipathy arises in the first minutes of communication. With long-term communication with the teacher, his appearance completely loses its meaning. Everything that the teacher uses as visual material must meet the requirements:

Ø Tables should be clear;

Ø Contrast must be observed (for example, diagrams);

Ø The best option boards - dark brown background and white chalk;

Ø The main material should always be located in the center;

Ø Familiar material should always be in the same place;

Ø Educational films should last no more than 10 minutes;

Ø During the entire educational process, it is imperative to use almost all types of perception: hearing, vision, touch, .. For most children, perception is best in a complex of sensations.

Ø Theorized learning process is always less effective than a process with elements of practice.

Ø The process of thinking as a process of active processing of the received information; Thinking plays an important role in the process of learning. A special place is occupied by:

Ø Forms of thinking and the ability to master them;

Ø Thinking operations should be developed in accordance with age;

Ø Types of thinking should also be at a level of development sufficient for a given age;

Ø Development of the qualities of the mind.

Ø The process of memorizing and preserving material; As a rule, students with memory deficiencies study worse than those with a well-developed memory. The following memory parameters are subject to development:

Ø types of memory (especially figurative = sensory memory);

Ø memory processes (especially memorization, assimilation, reproduction).

The types of memory, as a rule, do not change (there are four types: quickly remembered - quickly forgotten, quickly remembered - slowly forgotten, etc.). The teacher just needs to take into account what type of memory the child has and treat it with understanding.

Ø Attention as an extremely important condition for the success of all the previous components. Attention - ϶ᴛᴏ mental state, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ ensures the success of all mental forms of reflection. For this reason, it is extremely important to pay special attention to the formation and development of attention. In the educational process, it is important to develop types of attention, especially secondary voluntary. To do this, it is extremely important to involve the processes of awareness, motivation and the volitional sphere.

Reasons for the low level of assimilation:

Pedagogical reasons;

Ø Weak teacher;

Ø Overcrowding of classes (the norm for the beginning class is 15 people, for the older ones - 17-22);

Ø Imperfection of programs;

Ø Very low level of textbooks and teaching aids;

Ø Inefficient construction of the school day;

Ø Ineffective forms of conducting classes.

psychological reasons.

Ø Failure to take into account the current level of personality development;

Ø Developmental delay in accordance with the age norm - ZPR;

Ø Insufficient development of mental forms of reflection (especially thinking, perception, memory);

Ø Lack of reliance on individual typological personality traits;

Ø Poor genetic heredity;

Ø Underdevelopment of the child's ability to self-regulation.

Psychology of education

Psychology of educational influences

Education and educational tasks in educational institutions are decided largely on the basis of how the teacher knows how to influence students. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky once said: "Without the personal direct influence of the educator on the pupil, true education is impossible." All educational influences affect the inner world of a person. It is in connection with this that they must be built in accordance with the laws of the functioning of the psyche.

Types of educational influences:

Ø Impact "request"; This is one of the softest effects. The request does not imply any pressure on the child. Main characteristic The request is based on the child's ability to fulfill it. When making a request, it is important to remember:

Ø The request should not exceed the child's capacity;

Ø The child should not be an intermediary between the teacher and the performer;

Ø Refusal to comply should not adversely affect the child;

Ø Any request should be based on future gratitude for fulfillment.

Ø Impact "requirement"; This is a tougher impact, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ implies its mandatory implementation. The requirement must be subject to some administrative regulation. The requirement must be reasonable. The unreasonableness of the demand will cause opposition and non-compliance. When making demands, one should not use a requesting tone, one should not allow lack of control and lack of evaluation. Failure to comply with the requirements should carry any reprimand or punishment.

Ø Impact "order"; This is the most severe of the imposed impacts. It is in this connection that the order is always based on legally accepted provisions. These provisions are adopted at the level of institutions or government bodies. The execution of the order is not discussed. It is mandatory for all participants in the process.

Ø Impact "score":

Ø Evaluation-praise; The only difference between evaluation and praise: praise is a verbal encouragement, and true encouragement has a material basis. From the point of view of psychological perception, encouragement causes a positive emotional background.

Ø Evaluation-encouragement; When applying incentives, it is extremely important to remember:

§ The business is encouraged, not the person;

§ Encouragement must be adequate to what has been done;

§ It is not necessary to encourage several times for the same thing;

§ Encouragement must necessarily cause the approval of others;

§ It is better to encourage and praise in public, and not tete-a-tete;

§ It is often necessary to encourage melancholic and phlegmatic people, and not choleric people;

§ It is necessary to encourage even for the desire to do something;

§ Don't reward too often.

Ø Evaluation-punishment. Punishment is the opposite of reward. Requirements for punishment:

§ It is better to punish one than with all;

§ Cannot be punished for what has not been proven;

§ Don't just punish bad behavior;

§ Punishment should correspond to the degree of misconduct;

§ It is impossible to punish for the same thing several times;

§ You can not punish rashly;

§ Cannot be punished by labor;

§ Punishment must be just.

It is easy for a teacher to make a mistake when applying rewards or punishments. Undeserved constant encouragement leads to arrogance, hostility from others. Improper punishment can cause humiliation of the individual, a feeling of anger and hatred towards the teacher. All this leads to a deformation of the child's personal growth.

Ø Impact "shortcut"; The teacher has no right to hang labels or invent nicknames for students. This has a very negative effect on children and others. Most often, such an action causes a similar reaction.

Ø Influence "suggestion". Suggestion is a very complex type of influence, which is built on a significant reduction in a person's critical attitude to incoming information. Among all the people suggested - 70%. For this reason, the teacher must be very careful in using suggestion as a measure of influence. Suggestion is always deliberate, most often carried out verbally. Suggestibility is affected:

Ø Age; The most suggestible are children and the elderly.

Ø State of the body; Tired, weakened, sick people are more suggestible.

Ø A large crowd of people acting in sync;

Ø Level of intellectual development The lower the level, the easier it is to inspire.

Ø Character traits; Credulity-suspicion, kindness, simplicity...

Same way The effectiveness of suggestion depends on:

Ø From the environment where the person inspires;

Ø From character social relations; In a bullying society, suggestibility is stronger. Those who are in need are more suggestible.

The teacher must remember suggestion rules:

Ø you need to look into the eyes of the suggested;

Ø you need to stay absolutely calm, uninhibited and relaxed;

Ø speech should be clear, intelligible, slightly slowed down;

Ø In no case should you show any nervousness.

The subject of educational psychology is the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Subject of pedagogical psychology" 2017, 2018.

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