Fundamentals of pedagogical design. Pedagogical design is the activity of a teacher aimed at solving a pedagogical problem in a way. Instructional Design Presentations on Instructional Design

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Pedagogical design Author: teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Gashun secondary school No. 4 Nechaeva L.V. Municipal educational institution Gashunskaya secondary school No. 4, Baikov settlement, 2010

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Activation of independent cognitive activity of students in problem-based learning Theme of the project

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A problem is always an obstacle. Overcoming obstacles is movement, a constant companion of development; By solving problems, a person overcomes difficulties. Problem lessons are relevant. Actual means important, essential for the present time. Actual is both completely new and not losing touch with the past. And also - effective, modern, directly related to the interests of a living person today, vital, existing, manifesting itself in reality. If the lesson is relevant, then it is sure to lay the foundation for the future.

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Analysis and Literature Research in the field of problem-based learning began in the 1960s and is ongoing. The most active researchers in the field of problem-based learning are: S.L. Rubinshtein D.N. Bogoyavlensky N.A. Menchinskaya, A.M. Matyushkin, M.A. Danilov, M.N. Skatkin. T.V. Kudryavtsev, D.V. Vilkeev, Yu.K. Babansky, M.I. Makhmutov I.Ya. Lerner.

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traditional problem teaching Pedagogical contradictions teaching 1. The material is given in ready-made, the teacher pays attention first of all to the program. 1. Students receive new information in the course of solving theoretical and practical problems 2 . In oral submission or through a textbook, problems, barriers and difficulties arise due to the temporary exclusion of the student from the didactic process. In the course of solving the problem, the student overcomes all difficulties, his activity and independence reach a high level here ... 3. The pace of information transfer is focused on stronger students . 3. The pace of communication depends on the student or group of average or weak students 4. The control of school achievements is only partially related to the learning process; it is not an organic part of it 4. The increased activity of students contributes to the development of positive motives and reduces the need for formal verification of the results. 5. There is no way to provide all students with 100% results; The greatest difficulty is the application of informatization in practice. 5. Teaching outcomes are relatively high and sustainable. Students can more easily apply what they have learned to new situations and at the same time develop their skills and creativity.

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There is no student-centered education without a problematic component of a lesson. “The bulk of knowledge and skills are transferred to students in a non-problematic way. But the student must learn to apply the acquired knowledge and skills creatively, and therefore their application is inevitably problematic” I.Ya. lerner

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Formation of cognitive interest among students in the course of problem-based learning Problem

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Problematic barriers to be overcome: lack of criticality; self-confidence; irritability; incompatibility with a neighbor on the desk; shyness; poor health; uncertainty; coarseness; laziness.

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Purpose: the formation of an active creative personality a student who can see, pose and solve educational and life problems.

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Objectives To study and analyze the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research topic. Identify the contradictions between traditional and problem-based learning. Consider different approaches in modern pedagogy to problem-based learning. To reveal the essence of problem-based learning. Designate the conditions for the success of problem-based learning. Determine the methods and forms of conducting problem-based lessons. Develop lessons with elements of problem-based learning and compile a selection of problematic tasks that contribute to the intellectual development of schoolchildren. Organize research work.

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Conditions for success - creation of conditions for successful educational activities (experience of success and confidence in one's abilities); creation of cognitive difficulties corresponding to the intellectual abilities of students; providing trainees with a body of knowledge; formation of problem solving skills;

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Forms and methods of work Group (groups of permanent and variable composition); microgroup; work in pairs; individual; collective. * problematic presentation of knowledge; * presentation of knowledge with a problematic beginning; *partial search; *research

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The main types of problem lesson Lesson-discussion Lesson-problem lecture Lesson-seminar Lesson-research Version lesson Heuristic conversation

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Teaching methods in the problematic lesson "communicative attack"; reference schemes; brainstorm; brain attack; "fan attack"; "openwork saw" and others.

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Form your own opinion, express it, be able to argue; Learn to hear and listen to another person, respect the opinion of the interlocutor; Enrich your social experience by including and experiencing certain situations; To productively assimilate educational material, to work actively and creatively, to show their individuality; Analyze facts and information; Be creative with learning material.

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Expected results Students will acquire the ability to: * independently organize their learning activities (acquire and apply knowledge independently); Evaluate the results of their activities; Determine the causes of the difficulties encountered and ways to eliminate them; Be aware of your areas of interest and correlate them with your academic achievements, your personality traits. Students develop: *General culture and erudition; *Willingness to live and act in changing life situations; *Efficiency, responsibility.

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Problem-based learning-learning that provides full and high-quality assimilation of knowledge Modern studies show that in classes where problem lessons are held, the quality of knowledge is 15-18% higher than in traditional learning.

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Project participants teacher student Dynamics of the level of development: did not know how - learned; did not know - found out; did not have - acquired; gave his word - did. Inclusion in a new activity; Self improvement; Satisfaction in creating an educative and developing environment * The teacher does not educate, does not give ready-made knowledge, but updates; * extracts knowledge from the consciousness of the student; *encourages research activity; * creates conditions for the improvement of the student

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Terms and stages of implementation 1. Initial stage - November 2008 development of the project task: (defining the problem, formulating a hypothesis about the results and ways of achieving it, determining the goal of the project and phased tasks) - 2. Stage of developing a work plan December 2008 determining the timing of the project, choosing funds and methods of implementation, selection of the form of work) 3. Project implementation January 2009-December 2010 collection, analysis and synthesis of information from various sources, research, preparation of graphic material, video material, design of materials for presentations, control and correction of intermediate results. Completion of the project January 2011 (presentation, examination of the project, reflection: discussion of the process and results of the work)

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If a student at school has not learned to create anything himself, then in life he will always only imitate, copy, since there are few who, having learned to copy, would be able to create an independent application of this information. L.N. Tolstoy

Objects of pedagogical design: - development of the author's program of the subject; - development of an innovative system of educational work (a new model for organizing self-government in the classroom, the development of cultural programs, etc.); - introduction innovative forms, methods and technologies of training and education; - introduction of new ways of assessing the educational achievements of students

Technology of pedagogical design Stage 1 - preparatory Tasks Procedures Results 1. Definition of the problem Diagnosis of the state of the educational process ( test papers, tests, questioning, observation) Identification of the discrepancy between the necessary and the real state of the educational process.

3. Search for options for solving the problem (formulation of a hypothesis) 1. Identification and analysis of options for solving the problem. 2. Choosing the best option or creating your own way to solve the problem. 3. Formulation and justification of the hypothesis The presence of the optimal solution to the problem (hypothesis)

4. Preparation for the implementation of the project 1. Text design of the project 2. Planning for the upcoming work. 3. Determination and preparation of the necessary resources (organizational, scientific and methodological, material, etc.) necessary conditions project activities

Stage 2 - performing 1. Organization of educational activities of students in new conditions Creation of the necessary conditions for educational activities of students in accordance with the project idea Implementation of the project idea in practice (experimental verification of the hypothesis)

Educational design Cultural form of innovative processes in education

Historical and cultural sources of pedagogical design early stages In the development of society, design is woven into the life of people: each action is performed on the basis of a project (prototype) that precedes it. Engineering and technical design - preliminary study of ideas, options for a new object, design and modeling of its parts and connections, preceding their direct manufacture. Social design - the creation of new forms of social life (T. More, T. Campanella, R. Owen)

Development of project ideas in pedagogy Dalton-plan - drawing up a personal curriculum and individual organization educational material for each student (E. Parkhurst) The project method is a pedagogical idea, technology and form of educational work, focused on the development of the child's ability to solve "here and now" their pressing life problems. J. Dewey - training should be based on personal experience students and is focused on their interests and needs, the main way of learning is the study of the surrounding life in the project form V.Kh. Kilpatrick - learning through the organization of "target acts" that allowed students to navigate in specific situations S.T. Shatsky - an approach to learning, according to which the student in his work must proceed from the fact and his perception, observation and experiment are an obligatory part of the learning process. 20th century the design component is drawn up in the structure pedagogical activity. Design object in this case become ideal means: the content, methods and forms of pedagogical activity

Design Concept Implementation Reflection Reflection Conceptualization Programming Planning Plan Program Concept Problematization Cooperation Organization Jointness Community Team

Correlation between the concepts of "design", "forecasting", "construction", "modeling" Forecasting is a special study of the prospects of a phenomenon. How "judgment about prospects" allows for the uncertainty of the outcome. Design is carried out to obtain a result directly used in practice. Design is the development of the structure of an object or system. Together with the design, it makes up successive stages of approaching the idea to its substantive implementation. In the process of designing, elements of the object being designed are developed, while designing, a system of interconnections of these elements is created Modeling - a method of studying objects different nature on their counterparts (material or ideal models). It is part of the design, since the range of design procedures includes the creation of models of future objects, processes and phenomena

PROJECT CULTURE The project-target approach ensures the organization of design in accordance with a given goal (organization of resources for a goal). The design-modular approach is aimed at designing with the variable use of specially created functional modules that act as structural components. complete system to carry out certain activities. The project-program approach is focused on the implementation of a complex of projects within the framework of a single program.

Pedagogical essence of design Public character of project activity is cooperation, pooling of resources and efforts in the course of design. Design is a special type of scientific and predictive vision of reality, which is aimed at changing it in accordance with the requirements of the development of practice. Autodidactism of project activity as its ability, in parallel with the immediate result (project creation), to ensure the assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of new ideas, the emergence of new meanings, the dynamics of values. The mosaic nature of design, which means the folding of project activities from actions that are elements of other types of activities (diagnostic, predictive, evaluation, etc.)

Types of pedagogical design Project A.S. Makarenko Project "School socio-cultural center of the village" Project "School of social partnership"

Types of pedagogical design Elective course program Project method

Types of pedagogical design Modernization concept Russian education Draft State Program "Development of education of children in Russian Federation until 2010"

Types of design in education Socio-pedagogical design Psychological and pedagogical design Changing social conditions by pedagogical means Transforming the goals of training and education Creation and modification of methods of training and education Solution social problems pedagogical means Creation of forms of organization of pedagogical activity Transformation of the system of pedagogical communication Educational design Formation of the content of education at all levels Designing the quality of education Creation of educational institutions

Design levels Conceptual Content Technological Procedural Concept, model, image of the final result Regulations (on the structure, competition, organization, etc.), programs (educational, research, development) Organizational charts, curricula, methods Didactic tools, guidelines, lesson development, scenarios of events, schedules of the educational process Types of project products

The principles of project activity The principle of predictability The principle of step-by-step The principle of rationing The principle of feedback The principle of productivity The principle of cultural analogy The principle of self-development

Requirements for the organization of project activities Requirement of contextuality - correlation of the subject of design with a specific context Accounting for the diversity of needs of all parties interested in education: individuals, society, state Requirement for the activity of design participants Requirement for realism - ensuring guarantees for the achievability of project goals. The controllability requirement is the need for temporary regulation of actions, the content and technological certainty of the procedures performed.

Features of the design subject The cumulative design subject is a community of people united by a common goal and a common system of values ​​to carry out collective activities based on the manifestation of each participant's own initiative, which means the need for his personal contribution to the development of the conceptual idea of ​​the project; in the development of criteria for the effectiveness of the project; in the allocation of project resources; in receiving feedback; in the presentation of the results of project activities.

Levels and types of relationships in the design group Information level - meaningful exchange of all types of information obtained in the course of project activities Practical level - joint subject activity Emotional level - individual and joint impressions, experiences acquired during the work on the project Ethical level - rules and conventional norms Interactions Subordinate cooperation - the project manager proposes topics and acts as the main expert Equal cooperation - constant cooperation and partnership between the direct executors of the project Network relations - are built on the principle of horizontal connections, at the intersection of which (at the nodes of the network) there are project coordinators and leaders

Design object This is the environment or process in the context of which changes occur. educational systems of different scales and their individual components pedagogical processes of all types and their individual components the content of education at all levels of formation educational and information and communication space socio-pedagogical environment all types of pedagogical activities the system of pedagogical relations pedagogical situations the quality of pedagogical processes

The subject of the design The intended product, the creation of which the project activity is devoted Educational system: Educational programs Educational standards Types of educational institutions Methodological centers Pedagogical process: Goals Content Technology Education content: Concept Curriculum Curriculum Didactic materials

The logic of organizing project activities Starting stage: diagnostics of the social and educational situation, problematization, conceptualization, goal setting, value-semantic self-determination, programming and planning of the project progress Stage of project implementation: step-by-step implementation of planned project activities, correction of the project progress and actions of its participants, presentation of the final results work Reflective stage: external examination of the project, reflection on the design of the project, its results and results Post-project stage: approbation, dissemination of the results and products of project activities, selection of options for continuing the project

Starting stage Diagnosis of the situation Problematization Goal-setting Conceptualization Formatting the project Preliminary socialization of the project expert review preconditions for its success

Diagnosis of the situation (pre-project research) What exactly does not suit you in the surrounding world (natural, social environment, in people, in yourself)? What resources and capabilities are available to make the desired changes? What could be the consequences of intervening in the status quo? Quantitative and quantitative assessment Identification of “pain” points and points of growth Confirmation of the social necessity of the project Defining the logical framework of the project Building a system of arguments to attract project partners

Problematization Valuable self-determination in the problematic field of the project Includes actions to identify problems, formulate them, systematize and hierarchize The correct formulation of the problem means a clear designation of the gap between the desired and the actual as unknown, yet hidden, requiring a joint search.

Conceptualization Forecasting possible risks, i.e. those external influences and counteractions that may inevitably arise during the implementation of the project Categorical analysis - the development of a common language of communication, the harmonization of values, the definition of the boundaries and content of the categorical field that is relevant (accessible) to the project participants the nature of achieving goals: an ascending strategy - from seeing a holistic image to working out its structural details, and a descending one - connecting, linking together disparate components

Project concept Motivational, value-semantic, target and strategic platform for all subsequent actions Description and value-semantic assessment of the problematic field of the project Axiological foundations of project activities design

Programming Project programming is the creation of a program, which is a set of necessary activities and actions to achieve the plan. The program is a special type of project that performs a constructive function, when the priority is to build specific actions aimed at achieving the intended appearance of the design object Educational program Educational program Program of activities (teacher, team, institutions, etc.) Team development program, (institutions, etc.) Programs of activities in areas (research program, OER program, etc.)

Planning Planning is associated with the development of a plan to achieve the set goals and is of a strategic nature, consisting in highlighting the stages of achieving the goal through the definition of intermediate products on the way to the final result. Plan is a document that gives meaningful guidelines for activities that determines its order, volume, time boundaries. Structural and content plan - a short list of content, reflecting its scope, thematic blocks and the order of implementation of the content Strategic plan - the formulation of long-term priorities related to design and contributing to purposeful changes in reality the order and timing of the work. He answers the questions: what is he doing?, who is doing it?, with whom in relationship?, when?, where?, in what order?

Stage of project implementation Each project step is determined by the logic of creating or transforming the design object and is always correlated with a specific task for which one of the participants is responsible according to the previously outlined program (plan). A feedback system needs to be established and maintained throughout the project. An objective intermediate assessment of the results obtained and the availability of approximate criteria and indicators of the success of each project step should be organized in order to correct the project progress on this basis. At the final step of the project implementation stage, a generalization of local results obtained by different subjects within the project should be organized, bringing them together.

Reflective stage Reflection - analysis of one's own consciousness and activity, understanding the meaning of interpersonal communication in the course of working on a project. Reflection at the exit from the project is the appeal of the participants to themselves and each other in a new capacity, from the height of the acquired experience of joint activities. The course of the project and the system of relations that have developed in it are subject to reflection. make a decision on the local application of project materials or their replication for the purpose of active implementation in practice

Post-project stage Transition to a new project Integration with other projects Start of work of a new organization that emerged as a result of the project. Change of the status of the subject of project activity. Change of the address of the project (transferring the experience gained to other categories of students or professionals). Distribution of the project to other levels (federal, international).

Criteria for evaluating the results of project activities Completeness of the project intent implementation Compliance with the design context Compliance with the cultural analogue Degree of novelty Formation of social partnership Social and practical significance Humanitarian Aesthetics Satisfaction with participation in the project Degree of development of design procedures Synergy effect

Possible risks of project activity Violation of the integrity of the structure of project activity Choosing an unsuitable object for the application of project efforts that does not need to be transformed or is not internally ready for changes to occur with it Inconsistency between the nature of design as a specific form of joint activity of children and adults with the stated pedagogical goals. The desire to plan work for the existing resource, and not the search (creation) of additional or new resources for the required program. Poor knowledge of the cultural analogues of the projected subject Lack of understanding of the true context of the upcoming changes, the utopian nature of the project. The possibility of a negative impact of the consequences of pedagogical design on the object of transformation, the environment. Psychological unpreparedness of project activity subjects for any cardinal changes

The structure of the pedagogical project Analysis of the initial situation Problem to be solved by the project Purpose of the project Design object Conceptual idea of ​​the project 6. Stages of project implementation Program activities 7. Expected results 8. Evaluation criteria 9. Possible risks and ways to overcome them 10. Resource base of the project 11. Necessary support (partners) of the project

Design stages: Design stages: 3. Core of the project (model, conceptual apparatus, resources: analytical, intellectual, information and communication, advertising, personnel, scientific and methodological, material and technical, financial and economic, etc.); 4. Accompanying tools (participants; assistants, timing, phasing, management, evaluation criteria);

Expected results: ways of presenting results (specific product, acquired qualities, exhibition, video film, etc.), p 5. Implementation process: choice of methods (theoretical analysis of sources, study and generalization of pedagogical experience, observation, conversation, questioning, testing, comparative historical method, theoretical modeling method, brainstorming, synectics, pedagogical experiment, etc.), means, content, project implementation plan); 6. Expected results: ways of presenting results (specific product, acquired qualities, exhibition, video film, etc.), reflection, project evaluation criteria; Design stages:

1. Research work provides for a hypothesis and its proof in the work. Project work can only put forward a hypothesis, but the proof will be in another reporting work. 2. Experimental or pilot work provides a description of the experiment and a scientific report on its implementation: 3. An abstract is an expression of one's own assessment, position in relation to any source (work) studied. The difference between a project and a research, pilot, experimental, abstract, etc. forms of pedagogical work:

Priority direction - pedagogy of facilitation (cooperation, human effectiveness in interaction): Priority direction - pedagogy of facilitation (collaboration, human effectiveness in interaction): 1. The main emphasis is on the organization of active activities; 2. The teacher does not just pass educational information, but acts as a teacher-manager and director of training, ready to offer the minimum necessary set of teaching aids; 3. Priority attention is paid to the organization of students' independence; 4. The learner acts as a subject of activity 5. Assertive behavior - taking responsibility for one's own behavior, demonstrates self-respect and respect for others

Project structure Introductory part or explanatory note 1. Introduction or explanatory note (relevance, short description problems, the need for innovation, analysis of the funds and resources available for the implementation of the project, background, legal framework, etc.); Main part: basic concepts, 2. Main part: basic concepts, goals, objectives, activities, description of the innovation model (through functions, content, and other components), project implementation mechanisms, resource support for the creation and implementation of the project, implementation plan, timing and stages; Final part: 3. Final part: expected results, forms and methods for tracking results, literature used, attached documents and provisions to illustrate any project materials, (reviews)

Approximate project topics: 1. Protection and promotion of the health of students and teachers in .... 2. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of personal qualities of students (class, group, etc.). 3. Individual educational route student Computerization of pedagogical monitoring Development of students' independence through the Development of students' universal abilities within the framework of ....

Approximate project topics: 7. Formation of a comfortable educational (educational) environment in the classroom, children's association (at a lesson, lesson) Development of students' creative abilities in the process of teaching a subject, course Distance learning Integrative lessons (classes): mechanisms, features, problems Working with gifted children in the classroom (within the subject, course) ... support for children with special educational needs

Approximate project topics: 12. Implementation of technology (developmental education, competence-based education, project and research skills, health-saving educational environment, "cluster", case method, specialized education, multicultural education, etc.) in educational process.... subject .... age of students for ... 13. Creation of a system: - pre-school (pre-school) education; - civil-patriotic education; - environmental education, etc. 14. The use of a cumulative assessment system (achievements) of students (portfolio)

Educational design
1. Functions, types, levels, principles, objects
pedagogical design. Design stages.
2. Competence approach in design
educational programs
Designing the results of the development of EP.
Universal and professional competencies.
EUR AGE requirements for professional and personal
competencies of graduates of engineering universities.
Interdisciplinary - integrated requirements for
the results of mastering the OP.
3. Designing programs of academic disciplines

1. I.A. Kolesnikova, M.P. GorchakovaSibirskaya Pedagogical
design: textbook. Benefit for
higher education establishments
2. B.S. Gershunsky. Educational -
pedagogical forecasting. Theory,
methodology, practice: educational
3. Gura V.V., Vasilovsky V.V., Role
pedagogical design at
creation of a university system of open

Central design ideas:

The idea of ​​advance, perspective,
The idea of ​​potential difference between
current state of the item
design and perspective,
The idea of ​​step by step, step by step achievement
planned results,
The idea of ​​compatibility, cooperation,
pooling resources and efforts during
The idea of ​​"branching activity"
participants as the plan progresses
performing joint actions.

Autodidactism of project activity is manifested in the ability to provide:

Assimilation of new knowledge,
formation of new
Mastering new types of activity;
Development of design
abilities and personal
human structures;
Incentive for improvement.

Project types
Technical (engineering)

Lecturer - participant of project activities

educational project
Performer of educational
Educational project expert
Evaluate the specifics of your own
project experience

Pedagogical design.

Educational design
predetermines the creation of new and
transformation of existing conditions
training and education.
Project activity is constructive,
focused on creating social
significant product.

Pedagogical design. Functions


Pedagogical design. Kinds
Social - pedagogical
Psychological - pedagogical
Educational design

Levels of pedagogical

Principles of project activity
The principle of predictability
Stepwise principle
The principle of rationing
Feedback principle
Productivity principle
Principle of cultural analogy
The principle of self-development

Objects of pedagogical design
Educational systems and their
Pedagogical processes
Content of education
Information and educational environment
All types of pedagogical activity
Pedagogical situations

Object - Educational systems

Educational programs
Educational standards
Educational institutions
Education authorities
Methodological centers

Object - Pedagogical processes
Subjects of project activity
Learning objectives
Content of training
Learning Technologies

Object - the content of education
Subjects of project activity
Educational plans
Course programs
Didactic materials

Organization of the project
1. The requirement of context.
2. Accounting for the diversity of needs
interested parties.
3. Activity requirement
design participants.
4. The requirement of realism.
5. The requirement of manageability.

Design stages
Pre-project stage (starting)
Main design stage
Reflective stage
Post-project stage

1. Pre-project (starting) stage
includes procedures
Research, diagnostics
goal setting
project conceptualization,
Project formation,
Presentation and evaluation
prerequisites for project success.

Main design stage
1. Clarification of the goal
2. Step by step
project activities
3. Correction of results
4. Presentation of results
5. External expertise

The reflective stage involves
project compliance
original intention,
prospects for use and
project development.

Post-project stage
Dissemination of results
Choice of development options

Principles of the Bologna Declaration

1. Introduction of two-stage
higher education (bachelor,
2. Use of the European
credit transfer systems
3. Comparable quality

Project “Setting up educational
structures” (TUNING), which was attended by
universities of all EU countries,
to achieve a pan-European
consensus in defining degrees with
point of view that the graduate
should be able to do on completion
to define general and special
competencies of graduates of the first and
second levels of education (bachelors
and masters).

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